Koi pond construction part 10 - landscaping, stepping stones, adding fish

http://www.koiartist.com http://www.nishikikoiclub.com This series of 10 videos shows the entire pond construction process http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sThXwYCJiDg&list=PL7B0A538C7B5313E8&feature=view_all for a concrete Japanese theme koi pond - preparing the site/excavation, rebar & plumbing, pre-work for shotcrete & skimmer installation, shotcrete, faux/artificial boulders & waterfall using rebar/lath - free-form structures, scratch coat, texture coat/waterproofing, waterfall & boulder painting, installation of advantage filter by Sacramento koi, pond lights; electrical work, landscaping/stepping stones

Koi pond construction part 10 - landscaping, stepping stones, adding fish sentiment_very_dissatisfied 43

Pond 13 years ago 163,668 views

http://www.koiartist.com http://www.nishikikoiclub.com This series of 10 videos shows the entire pond construction process http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sThXwYCJiDg&list=PL7B0A538C7B5313E8&feature=view_all for a concrete Japanese theme koi pond - preparing the site/excavation, rebar & plumbing, pre-work for shotcrete & skimmer installation, shotcrete, faux/artificial boulders & waterfall using rebar/lath - free-form structures, scratch coat, texture coat/waterproofing, waterfall & boulder painting, installation of advantage filter by Sacramento koi, pond lights; electrical work, landscaping/stepping stones

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Most popular comments
for Koi pond construction part 10 - landscaping, stepping stones, adding fish

ArkitEk Jimenez
ArkitEk Jimenez - 7 years ago
How long did this project take? Awesome job, by the way.
Mals Aquaholics
Mals Aquaholics - 7 years ago
i love it ... wish we had the weather here in the uk to enjoy such a great pond
Ivan Quin
Ivan Quin - 7 years ago
For a pond not using many natural rocks, and boulders, You did an excellent job. Very well Engineered, and executed. Not all people require natural looking ponds. Some like more formal, and elegant looking stuff to fit Their style, and setting. Me Cuz, I'm a Roughneck, I like ponds that look like a cut out of nature. That kind of pond would be easy for You and a crew like yours. Never mind them Mugs in the comments with negative stuff to say. I learned a lot, I appreciate You and Your work, thanks, and respect. May The Most High God bless You with something good.......Seven Thunders///////
Eli's Aquascape
Eli's Aquascape - 8 years ago
Wow Amazing! Thank you so much for sharing!!! Can i ask how much everything in the end cost? And how many gallons?
Caesar Yanez
Caesar Yanez - 8 years ago
It is slightly over 7,500 gallons. As for cost, I do not have an actual number. Some of the work was done by me and after a while I just did not keep track. I would say it would be similar to building a pool with a slightly higher cost for the filtration system. In fact the builders where workers that work in the pool industry that spend their weekends doing side jobs.
Raf Segers
Raf Segers - 8 years ago
nice looking pond. Jus a few questions.In what area was this build?Im living in an area with cold winters and warm summer.I guess this will not be the case as concrete will break?What was the type of coverpaint and fixation please?
Raf Segers
Raf Segers - 8 years ago
+Caesar Yanez Thank you for your quick response! you have done a great job!
Caesar Yanez
Caesar Yanez - 8 years ago
We live in Los Angeles County; therefore, you are correct, not much of a winter here. The stains used are concrete stains (by behr) purchased at home depot.
Dunbar - 8 years ago
Ceasar, I have a couple of questions about the verticle walls. I am looking at doing a faux rock retaining wall. Whats best way to get in contact with you.
Caesar Yanez
Caesar Yanez - 8 years ago
write to me at caesaryanez@gmail.com I will then provide you with my private phone number
Pete Breslin
Pete Breslin - 9 years ago
Tremdous effort by all staff , well done fellas your Boss should be proud
Cristina Machado
Cristina Machado - 9 years ago
Facinante , aproveitador e magnifico
CamWigan 31
CamWigan 31 - 9 years ago
Such an investment & work of art...simply beautiful!!!
Reminds me of the expenses of my 5-years pond back home :)
However, the feeling after seeing the wonderful outcome is just priceless ;)

This is definitely one of the outstanding fish pond I have seen around...think the Mandarin duck you put on is really lovely...simply adds the beauty of your pond :)

Was enjoying watching the entire video from start to finish ;)

Kodus to you Caesar and those people behind realising this lovely pond ;)

Brilliant :) xx
Caesar Yanez
Caesar Yanez - 9 years ago
+Afshin Jamshedy thank you

10. comment for Koi pond construction part 10 - landscaping, stepping stones, adding fish

wworks4u - 10 years ago
great!! I like this!! thank you from Japan
Caesar Yanez
Caesar Yanez - 10 years ago
Jose FEReis
Jose FEReis - 10 years ago
good very nice
Robbie - 10 years ago
Amazing Pond.. How long did it take to make? 
Robbie - 10 years ago
Amazing lol.. Again great job :-)
Caesar Yanez
Caesar Yanez - 10 years ago
From what I can recall, the pond and waterfalls took about 1 to 2 months. There were days when it was only a two man team.
Latinopapi 88
Latinopapi 88 - 10 years ago
good  work  latinos 
PicoLatrinidad - 10 years ago
Wow. That's a lot of work and money for sure. the ducks poop will not be good for the fish but awesome nevertheless.
Игорь Чуркаев
Игорь Чуркаев - 10 years ago
Класс молодцы, здорово
1nation1love - 10 years ago
dude that's awesome
Caesar Yanez
Caesar Yanez - 10 years ago
thanks, glad you like it
Jonathan Wu
Jonathan Wu - 10 years ago
I wish I was one of the koi fish :D
IQCatch - 10 years ago
Nice duck pond you have there :-)
Caesar Yanez
Caesar Yanez - 10 years ago
Lorenzo Olivero
Lorenzo Olivero - 10 years ago

20. comment for Koi pond construction part 10 - landscaping, stepping stones, adding fish

Derek Deans
Derek Deans - 10 years ago
an absolute piece of art
Bernardo Patino
Bernardo Patino - 10 years ago
I like: working techniques. What I see is correct: that the koi fish. will live in a hole with water. systems without tasting plants, nor shallow water for better contact solar.con plants.
Husain Barafwala
Husain Barafwala - 10 years ago
The same music goes on and on. Disturbing. Good pond tho
harley pete
harley pete - 10 years ago
looks very artifcial, not natural could of been better landscaped, water coming over the waterfall is to small & slow, sorry for the coments, if your happy with what you,ve got thats all that matters, pete
Caesar Yanez
Caesar Yanez - 10 years ago
+VC Pete O.I.A.I Yes, I read up on it. It dealt with mixing moss and yogurt..etc. In order for it to work, I would need a shaded area. My tree is not quite there yet to provide the needed shade. I do like the look and feel it will provide.
harley pete
harley pete - 10 years ago
Hi Caesar, have you looked at the yogurt yet, thanks pete 
Caesar Yanez
Caesar Yanez - 10 years ago
I will look into the live natural yogurt, you peaked my interest, thanks
harley pete
harley pete - 10 years ago
Hi Caesar, thanks for your reply, i understand now why you dont want Niagra Falls in your garden, the land scaping look more mature now, looks a lot better, the rocks still look dont look wright, Try live natural yogurt, put this on with a paint brush,this will help age the stone work. google this method on the net, Cheers pete
Caesar Yanez
Caesar Yanez - 10 years ago
The boulders have been re-stained. The landscape was new; therefore, one needs to give it a chance to grow. As for the small/slow waterfall, it was by design. I am not sure if you have been around a waterfall that is large and moving fast…. in a nutshell, they will give you a headache after a few hours. Moreover, you will not be able to hold a conversation due to the noise. Our purpose of the water feature was to soothe. I can see where you are coming from, years before I built the pond, I too wanted a huge crashing waterfall, but after consulting with pond builders and visiting countless of designs I reevaluated. The water volume coming from the waterfall can be adjusted via the valves. I prefer to dedicated most of the water volume to reenter the pond via the 5 jets. The koi enjoy swimming agains the flow. Thanks for the comments
Slobodan Pavlovic
Slobodan Pavlovic - 11 years ago
I am sorry i will comment honestly, look very artificial
plixplop - 11 years ago
I like how you stained the rocks where the water runs, so it looks more real. Genius.

You can have pet ducks that live in a pond? I had no idea. They just hang out around your yard?

And have you ever been tempted to swim in it? haha
Caesar Yanez
Caesar Yanez - 11 years ago
The ducks do not wonder far from the pond. Our English Bulldog does not bother them and when the ducks are out of food they knock on our bedroom door… somewhat funny. Sometimes the knocks come early in the morning 5am..etc.

As far as swimming in the pond, I only did it before I had fish in it. Since then I have only returned into the pond to adjust one of the jets. Over all I stay out of the water due to bacteria. Humans have been known to get bacteria infections from fish tanks. Therefore, I do not want to take a chance. It is not the same as swimming in a lake due to the ratio of fish to water.

Thanks for viewing
Ultrahappyyay - 11 years ago
This is the best koi tutorial I'm subscribing

Cool vid also
Ultrahappyyay - 11 years ago
Those ducks man
Marcy RP
Marcy RP - 10 years ago
Love the ducks!
Garden Sheds Kent
Garden Sheds Kent - 11 years ago
Incredibly amazing! What a very gigantic pond. I am truly impressed with the concept of this craft. You deserved to receive my compliments coming from my heart. You did a very great performance! 
Berlin Reptilien
Berlin Reptilien - 11 years ago
honestly, what´s the price for this????
In my opinion, the best work that I ever seen until now!
Caesar Yanez
Caesar Yanez - 11 years ago
The work was done in sections; therefore, not all the work was performed by the contractor. For instance, I purchased the pond equipment, I hired a local friend to dig the hole and demolish the surrounding concrete walkways. I also took part in the fabrication of the rock-scape work…etc. Your best bet is to send me a private message and I will make my phone number available to you. Then you can pick my brain. This video shows you how to send a private message http://www.youtube  dot com/watch?v=RZ5fAG8hIog (replace the dot with ".")

30. comment for Koi pond construction part 10 - landscaping, stepping stones, adding fish

Sara India
Sara India - 11 years ago
Caesar Yanez
Caesar Yanez - 11 years ago
peg372 - 11 years ago
didnt know heaven exsited until i saw this video lol.
Caesar Yanez
Caesar Yanez - 11 years ago
thank you for the kind words
Caesar Yanez
Caesar Yanez - 11 years ago
Craig Patterson
Craig Patterson - 11 years ago
wish you had spent more time on the boulder finish .. other than that great job looks good!
Wzqmaster - 11 years ago
Caesar Yanez
Caesar Yanez - 11 years ago
I added the three starter fish about one week after I added the water. I then waited about 30 days before I added 20 more fish.
Ashlie Milano
Ashlie Milano - 11 years ago
I think its really pretty but perhaps a bit bulky for such a small space. How long did you have to wait before adding your Koi? I ask because of all the concrete that was used.
Caesar Yanez
Caesar Yanez - 11 years ago
Hi, no water lilies because the koi will destroy them. As for flying predators, I lost three koi to a heron within the first 2 months. Since then I enclosed the pond with a semi transparent bird net that is about 10 to 15 feet above the pond. If you are within the pond you cannot see it, it is only when I point it out to visitors that they are able to notice it. Now during the heron season I only see them flying by but the net spooks them. Thanks for the royalty free music tip.
Glenda Moore
Glenda Moore - 11 years ago
Absolutely fascinating to watch, especially when you got to the boulder construction/painting phase. Thanks so much! Will there be water lilies, to give the fish protection from flying predators, and give them shade? Incompetech has royalty-free music that a whole lot of folks use for their youtube videos.
Caesar Yanez
Caesar Yanez - 11 years ago
glad you enjoyed it
Pond Hobby
Pond Hobby - 11 years ago
enjoyed all 10 videos , great job and a great pond well done , learned a lot from your videos Thanks
Макэс Масаев
Макэс Масаев - 11 years ago
FATSOBEATS - 11 years ago
I just called 1800-DREAM-ON THEY SAID IN YOUR DREAMS.. Be happy with the 250 gallon you have :-)
FATSOBEATS - 11 years ago
OMG MY DREAM POND, SO NICE GREAT JOB 8000 gallons you guys rock impressed eye candy!
Caesar Yanez
Caesar Yanez - 11 years ago
thanks for the info
Caesar Yanez
Caesar Yanez - 11 years ago
yes they are Mandarin ducks. As to the music... agree
HanamiPets - 11 years ago
Not meant badly, but the music is annoying/nervewrecking in the long run, shortly put XD I have to agree there though... It just repeats and repeats and repeats... But I do LOVE the pond!!! Are those Manderins?
poetsmantra - 11 years ago
Yes... I have to know... How much

50. comment for Koi pond construction part 10 - landscaping, stepping stones, adding fish

Naksu - 11 years ago
Caesar Yanez
Caesar Yanez - 11 years ago
sorry... I had no clue what you were saying until I did the translation, "Not evil, against the music is annoying in the long run ..."
Arn Lo
Arn Lo - 11 years ago
Pas mal, par contre la musique est énervante à la longue...
Caesar Yanez
Caesar Yanez - 11 years ago
thank you, I will let them know
Shazvana - 11 years ago
Fantastic job guys!!!!
tommy dinh
tommy dinh - 11 years ago
and the cost is????
Caesar Yanez
Caesar Yanez - 11 years ago
yes, those guys are hard workers
Jadah J.
Jadah J. - 11 years ago
Those guys did an amazing job! I watched all the videos from start to finish!
Caesar Yanez
Caesar Yanez - 11 years ago
I assume at one point I will have to. I have another feature in the front yard and so far 8-9 years without resealing it.
Caesar Yanez
Caesar Yanez - 11 years ago
about 5' 6" deep and 8 thousand gallons
do u even lift?
do u even lift? - 11 years ago
how deep and how many gallons?
Mike Vasquez
Mike Vasquez - 11 years ago
how much was it total to get this ??im definitely onterested
Caesar Yanez
Caesar Yanez - 12 years ago
iadame92 ... sorry I did not mean to remove your comment, I hit the wrong button. Nevertheless, here is what you posted... " its a nice pond no lie. but i was expecting a huge!! waterfall. It would have been nicer with a huge waterfall. Nice pond though" The reason I did not want a huge waterfall is because a large waterfall is very noisy and after a while it will give you a headache. Moreover, the neighbors will complaint after a few nights...etc.
Caesar Yanez
Caesar Yanez - 12 years ago
I used Thoroseal mixed with "acrylic mortar admix". I did not use water. The acrylic can be purchased at home depot, its about $20.97 for a 2.5 gal. The label reads, " Thin-set mortar admix". As for the Thoroseal, you can find it at a masonry shop, the bag is white and grey and reads, "Thoroseal plaster mix" Sorry youtube does not allow me to post URLs. good luck
Caesar Yanez
Caesar Yanez - 12 years ago
we now have 40 koi in the pond
Luis Mancilla
Luis Mancilla - 12 years ago
i hope you add more than just 3 fishes
Ray Sentana
Ray Sentana - 12 years ago
Why don't you tell anyone what is cost in total?
Tony Schmidt
Tony Schmidt - 12 years ago
transformer_fan 1
transformer_fan 1 - 12 years ago
The uv will stop the water going green.
MuckyWaters - 12 years ago
LOL OK, I guess you can keep the ducks, but it's unheard of I tell you. Gotcha on the waterfall noise, but I'd like to see a video with it flowing full throttle. How about the cost, that's a huge project, I'd really like to know what it would cost me to build something like that. PM me if you'd rather not say publicly. Thanks
MuckyWaters - 12 years ago
I'd also like some idea of the final cost??? It looks nice, but I have one criticism, your waterfall looks weak for such a large pond and structure. At 7,000 gal pond volume ideally you should be pumping around 10,000 gph through your filter system. That waterfall doesn't look to be flowing anywhere near that much. Oh, and lose the ducks. ;)
Richard M
Richard M - 12 years ago
If I understand right, the light kills large algae in the water as the water is filtered. It keeps the water clear.
Todd Brown
Todd Brown - 12 years ago
UV light filter for an outdoor freshwater pond? But it's outside in the sunlight. Explain to me why you did that please?
Bruce Garcia
Bruce Garcia - 12 years ago
I'm impressed. That was a nice series of videos documenting of a lot of work!
tsaybur - 12 years ago
I am from Greece and we are dealing with artificial rock and stamped concrete floors and walls, but the resulting work is very impressive
Joreus - 13 years ago
By the end of the job, what did the whole setup cost?

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