Koi pond construction part 10 - landscaping, stepping stones, adding fish
Pond 13 years ago 163,668 views
http://www.koiartist.com http://www.nishikikoiclub.com This series of 10 videos shows the entire pond construction process http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sThXwYCJiDg&list=PL7B0A538C7B5313E8&feature=view_all for a concrete Japanese theme koi pond - preparing the site/excavation, rebar & plumbing, pre-work for shotcrete & skimmer installation, shotcrete, faux/artificial boulders & waterfall using rebar/lath - free-form structures, scratch coat, texture coat/waterproofing, waterfall & boulder painting, installation of advantage filter by Sacramento koi, pond lights; electrical work, landscaping/stepping stones
Reminds me of the expenses of my 5-years pond back home :)
However, the feeling after seeing the wonderful outcome is just priceless ;)
This is definitely one of the outstanding fish pond I have seen around...think the Mandarin duck you put on is really lovely...simply adds the beauty of your pond :)
Was enjoying watching the entire video from start to finish ;)
Kodus to you Caesar and those people behind realising this lovely pond ;)
Brilliant :) xx
10. comment for Koi pond construction part 10 - landscaping, stepping stones, adding fish
20. comment for Koi pond construction part 10 - landscaping, stepping stones, adding fish
You can have pet ducks that live in a pond? I had no idea. They just hang out around your yard?
And have you ever been tempted to swim in it? haha
The ducks do not wonder far from the pond. Our English Bulldog does not bother them and when the ducks are out of food they knock on our bedroom door… somewhat funny. Sometimes the knocks come early in the morning 5am..etc.
As far as swimming in the pond, I only did it before I had fish in it. Since then I have only returned into the pond to adjust one of the jets. Over all I stay out of the water due to bacteria. Humans have been known to get bacteria infections from fish tanks. Therefore, I do not want to take a chance. It is not the same as swimming in a lake due to the ratio of fish to water.
Thanks for viewing
Cool vid also
In my opinion, the best work that I ever seen until now!
30. comment for Koi pond construction part 10 - landscaping, stepping stones, adding fish
50. comment for Koi pond construction part 10 - landscaping, stepping stones, adding fish