Koi pond construction part 4 - shotcrete

http://www.koiartist.com http://www.nishikikoiclub.com This series of 10 videos shows the entire pond construction process for a concrete Japanese theme koi pond - preparing the site/excavation, rebar & plumbing, pre-work for shotcrete & skimmer installation, shotcrete, faux/artificial boulders & waterfall using rebar/lath - free-form structures, scratch coat, texture coat/waterproofing, waterfall & boulder painting, installation of advantage filter by Sacramento koi, pond lights; electrical work, landscaping/stepping stones

Koi pond construction part 4 - shotcrete sentiment_very_dissatisfied 47

Pond 13 years ago 217,996 views

http://www.koiartist.com http://www.nishikikoiclub.com This series of 10 videos shows the entire pond construction process for a concrete Japanese theme koi pond - preparing the site/excavation, rebar & plumbing, pre-work for shotcrete & skimmer installation, shotcrete, faux/artificial boulders & waterfall using rebar/lath - free-form structures, scratch coat, texture coat/waterproofing, waterfall & boulder painting, installation of advantage filter by Sacramento koi, pond lights; electrical work, landscaping/stepping stones

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Most popular comments
for Koi pond construction part 4 - shotcrete

Master Blast
Master Blast - 7 years ago
Dr driving Music
abdollah yadegari
abdollah yadegari - 8 years ago
I am shotcrete inspector
they are not doing a professional shooting . However the quality of work may be enough for the pools
manuel martin
manuel martin - 8 years ago
ball valve pump? your crazy.you have to wet up the mix just to pump it .horrible nozzlemen, to wet of mud, bad set up all around. hope your pond don't leak and cracked research before you hire.
manuel martin
manuel martin - 8 years ago
ball valve pump? your crazy.you have to wet up the mix just to pump it .horrible nozzlemen, to wet of mud, bad set up all around. hope your pond don't leak and cracked research before you hire.
bingiddybangbongboo - 8 years ago
should see how its done in nz and aus
Fresh Impact Co.
Fresh Impact Co. - 8 years ago
bingiddybangbongboo lol... I just about thought it was NZ haha....
Mrs1sweetgirl - 8 years ago
You are some inspiring ...hard working fellas:)
doug sullivan
doug sullivan - 9 years ago
Man you guys work fast and no coffee breaks either, Hahaah
Gustav GQ
Gustav GQ - 9 years ago
а сетку нельзя было поверх арматуры привязать. чурки одно слово. но молодцы
Barry Febers
Barry Febers - 10 years ago
Great final job at the end though. Very well done!
Caesar Yanez
Caesar Yanez - 10 years ago
thanks for the kind words,

When I build the next pond, I will use them again… thanks for viewing

10. comment for Koi pond construction part 4 - shotcrete

Barry Febers
Barry Febers - 10 years ago
Lol what a disaster haha
Caesar Yanez
Caesar Yanez - 9 years ago
+qaching http://www.melodyloops.com/search/new+life/ it is called "new life"
qaching - 9 years ago
+Caesar Yanez hi man
thats a crazy ass pond man
is it possible to ask for the name of the song please?
it sounds good
thank you
Caesar Yanez
Caesar Yanez - 10 years ago
lol…. it was a learning experience
Impaler - 10 years ago
I would never pay someone to do this. Contractors are known for gouging and ripping people off. I'll build my own pond. It's going to be 10 ft deep and have bottom drains to suck out the muck and bottom. air bubblers. It will have a shallow end so if the deer or moose fall in they can get out. The equipment will be in a shed insulated for noise and freeze protection. It will be concrete to made with block walls for the sides. 
Matthew Siwula
Matthew Siwula - 10 years ago
Ya when your pond sucks and doesn't function, we all will laugh because you didn't know what you were doing.
GNARNIA BMX - 10 years ago
I would ride this pool
Lorenzo Olivero
Lorenzo Olivero - 10 years ago
Bobby White
Bobby White - 11 years ago
I hear ya I wasnt trying to be insulting dude, the steel job and dig looked great but I was just commenting on your subs that did the shotcrete
Caesar Yanez
Caesar Yanez - 11 years ago
thanks for the feed back, we're good
Bobby White
Bobby White - 11 years ago
I'm a nozzle man for whites shotcrete in atlanta ga and these guys are a joke. The nozzle man has zero experience and I would be ashamed to post this on YouTube!!!
Sam Spank
Sam Spank - 10 years ago
+Сергей Анатольевич   Jealous?  
Сергей Анатольевич
Сергей Анатольевич - 11 years ago
Wonderful Americans spend a lot of money and build dead ponds with these expensive filters and concrete catacombs , and forget that fish need a natural coexistence with water plants and other inhabitants of the pond. Water itself can be cleaned in a natural way, this is the key to a healthy pond. The maximum pump for forced aeration and all.
Caesar Yanez
Caesar Yanez - 11 years ago
Like you said, it is Youtube. This is where people come to learn. Many koi pond owners are do it yourselfers; therefore, this is the reason this video was posted. Your comments are appreciated, provided they add value to the viewer's experience. You are correct the person with the nozzle had zero experience; moreover, most of the workers in this video had little experience with shotcrete. The sub I hired worked for a pool company and his area of expertise was in the finish work. I belong to a koi club here in Southern California, many koi club hobbyist get together with other club members and friends over the weekends and become weekend pond builders...etc. Bottom line, anyone viewing this video should realize that shotcrete is a task that requires experience and should not be attempted by just anyone. The person that should have been in charge of the nozzle was the owner of the equipment but he was too busy manning the truck and pump. Next time, I will request they supply an experienced person on the nozzle. Thank you for your post Bobby.
Forti Navy
Forti Navy - 11 years ago
no masck no airplugs,they longs are plugs of cilicia cement moister,and pay only 8.00dollars?
marc alexi
marc alexi - 11 years ago
nowhere near enough steel, you may as well have not bothered, needs 200% more.
jorge valencia
jorge valencia - 11 years ago
The best ponds in Chicago are made by green proyect landscaping inc. They are very good and affordable too. They made me one very natural
Caesar Yanez
Caesar Yanez - 11 years ago
LMAO.... yes I will film it again, ( I think our middle son will stay with the current pond, he is the one that took over the feed & maintenance, he really enjoys the pond)

20. comment for Koi pond construction part 4 - shotcrete

TheBushdoctor68 - 11 years ago
When watching the vids I was thinking with a build like that he'd better be sure about living there for a long long time. Now you tell me you plan on moving and doing this all over again! Lol. You got cojones my friend. Be sure to film it again. (The pond, not the cojones).
Caesar Yanez
Caesar Yanez - 11 years ago
I had to use Google translate for this one. Per Google this message says, "Do not know shit pigs gunite jet" , which made me laugh ... I guess what he was saying is that "do not know shit about Gunite jet". I wish they had more experience with the shotcrete; nevertheless, I am very pleased with the end result.
Caesar Yanez
Caesar Yanez - 11 years ago
about 8,000
Caesar Yanez
Caesar Yanez - 11 years ago
Caesar Yanez
Caesar Yanez - 11 years ago
I think they learned on my dime (lol). Nevertheless, I am very happy with the end results.
Caesar Yanez
Caesar Yanez - 11 years ago
Agree this phase of the project concerned me, but we are pleased with the end result. Next time, I will ensure the contractor supplies an experienced shotcrete worker. Keep in mind it would have been easy for me to not upload this phase of the project. I think this will help others to ask questions about whom will be applying the shotcrete in their projects.
Caesar Yanez
Caesar Yanez - 11 years ago
During this phase while I was filming, I too did not know if I should cry or laugh. At times it was like watching a circus. I then realized that the contractor did not specialize in shotcrete even though he works in the pool industry. Nevertheless the end result was beautiful. I plan on moving in two years and will use the same contractor for the new pond.
Caesar Yanez
Caesar Yanez - 11 years ago
During this phase while I was filming, I too did not know if I should cry or laugh. At times it was like watching a circus. I then realized that the contractor did not specialize in shotcrete even though he works in the pool industry. Nevertheless the end result was beautiful. I plan on moving in two years and will use the same contractor for the new pond.
TheBushdoctor68 - 11 years ago
I don't know the first thing about shotcrete, but even to me it looked like these people didn't really know what they were doing. Glad it turned out okay though.
Cementheadification - 11 years ago
This is painful to watch; They don't have enough air for starters They are all over the place with their technique They are the ones who should look at a few shotcrete videos Go to the shotcrete contractors association web site and see who it should be done

30. comment for Koi pond construction part 4 - shotcrete

Cementheadification - 11 years ago
These people do not know the first thing about shotcrete
tickyul - 11 years ago
That's one hell of a "pond".....wtf are they putting in it, Great Whites???
carlos del rio
carlos del rio - 11 years ago
No saben un carajo de gunite chorro de puercos
Jedi3 - 12 years ago
real backyarders
Dennis Nakashima
Dennis Nakashima - 12 years ago
Very nice. How many gallons?

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