Making A Cheap Pond In Your Yard DIY

Went to a little creek and got some small and big rocks for free... i think it came out good!! what do you think???

Making A Cheap Pond In Your Yard DIY sentiment_very_dissatisfied 165

Pond 9 years ago 324,291 views

Went to a little creek and got some small and big rocks for free... i think it came out good!! what do you think???

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Most popular comments
for Making A Cheap Pond In Your Yard DIY

The video sucks . Sorry but no sorry next time film with a proper camera not go pro
Dumpster Marcus the pleasures mine
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
glad you hated it!!
William Neumann
William Neumann - 7 years ago
he calls it a crick instead of creek
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
bc its a crick haha
Predatory Fish Tanks
Predatory Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
You can make it cheaper with tarp
Patrick Goldade
Patrick Goldade - 7 years ago
Very nice just wondering how you did the water pump system
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
just got a cheap pump from harbor freight, and a hose from lowes, ran the clear hose from the pump in the water to the back of the waterfall rocks
Darrell Carmichael
Darrell Carmichael - 7 years ago
Nice job
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
Cyrious - 7 years ago
My colleague use to take fresh laid grass from parks at night for his yard.... that’s far worse than taking random rocks from a park... so finding arrow heads and shiny rocks from the park back in the day made me a Thief???!! Who woulda thunk it! Nice pond and nice rocks!
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
wow hahaha yea that's a little more crazy then taking rocks from the woods
THE ZAF BOYS - 7 years ago
Best pond on YouTube
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
thanks!!!   free is always good
Deon Goode
Deon Goode - 7 years ago
Were do u think the rocks come from in the first place that you buy
Shepherd Swan
Shepherd Swan - 7 years ago
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago

10. comment for Making A Cheap Pond In Your Yard DIY

Cathe Skro
Cathe Skro - 7 years ago
Love love! Great job!
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
Alexander Brill
Alexander Brill - 7 years ago
It is illegal to take rocks from a natural inhabitants
typical gangster
typical gangster - 7 years ago
#thecrick 2 28
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
haha thats how its said lol
Cevelle King
Cevelle King - 7 years ago
Awesome job thank for the ideas
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
thanks for watching!
Baseballer101 - 7 years ago
You should put bass in there
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
DeSTRoYeR992 - 7 years ago
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
Marilyn Flynn
Marilyn Flynn - 7 years ago
this is illegal in Australia and you can get fined or imprisoned.  I think you are spoiling the environment and taking away the habitat of animals, fish etc.  Do the right thing and BUY your rocks.
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
Here in PA on your friends proprty it legal and its 15 rocks the animals will be fine
felipe hernandez
felipe hernandez - 7 years ago
Creative Lego Builds
Creative Lego Builds - 7 years ago
Really cool I love it
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
handymobi Ben
handymobi Ben - 7 years ago
here is another cool idea for #DIY pond, you don't even have to dig in your yard. DIY pond above ground

20. comment for Making A Cheap Pond In Your Yard DIY

Barbie G.
Barbie G. - 7 years ago
Nice! good Job! We have a creek by our house and this is a great idea. As far as the stick in the muds talking about you getting arrested...who the hell really cares if your taking rocks from woods or a creek whatever?? I really doubt they would. I love this and when you add some plants around it it's going to look fantastic!
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
thanks for watching!!!  Yea i dont think they will care if i took like 15 rocks. maybe if it was like truck loads they would lol
Our Little Safe Haven
Our Little Safe Haven - 7 years ago
I love the short video! Very resourceful! I will end up doing something very similar here on our property, making a small pond for ducks and will have goldfish in it. I will go to our local creek for the rocks because of this video! Thanks for the idea!
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
thanks for watching!!! hope yours comes out AWESOME
Bradley Sayad
Bradley Sayad - 7 years ago
cover up the rest of the of the pond liner with rocks
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
i did
Carlos Oquendo
Carlos Oquendo - 7 years ago
Awesome pond, Check out building a backyard fish pond in less than 3 minutes. Have a great night.
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
David Alexander
David Alexander - 7 years ago
I think you did such great job on it yea
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
Ashley Marshall
Ashley Marshall - 7 years ago
Where do you get the pump?
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
harbor freight
Orlando Sotolongo
Orlando Sotolongo - 7 years ago
nice! im planing on doing something liek this in my back yard soon
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
Thaks awesome!! hopefully it comes out great!!
sytrus baxter
sytrus baxter - 7 years ago
Wait until a hard rain comes through lmao
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
if you look when i posted was over 2 years ago and it never overflowed yet.
Jay Ruban
Jay Ruban - 7 years ago
Great job and honesty
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
thanks for watching!
Ben Luna
Ben Luna - 7 years ago
Ignorance of the law is not acceptable in a court of law , sorry.Johnny Cash went to prison for picking flowers on the side of an interstate hiway. May have been more to that story.However that is a beautiful pond.
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
this stream in on my friends property.  and thanks!

30. comment for Making A Cheap Pond In Your Yard DIY

Mary King
Mary King - 7 years ago
You can go to craigslist or Nextdoor and find people needing to get rid of rocks. If you take from natural streams, or rivers you can get into trouble.
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
this was on my freinds property
Jeff Williams
Jeff Williams - 7 years ago
Great job! And man what timing. I am in the process of digging a old maple tree stump up. And my wife wants a koi pond. Your idea is great just for the cost alone. Thanks and have a great time with yours..
Bell Spur
Bell Spur - 7 years ago
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
Johny1220 - 7 years ago
I kinda want to make this and put baby ducks in the pond :D
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
haha that would work
Josue Lopez
Josue Lopez - 7 years ago
Nice work man. I'm thinking of doing one myself. Like the idea.
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
thanks!! def do it!!  Free is good!
KISTOVI - 7 years ago
hej . great idea. tell me what kind of folia did you use..
pondsidegardens - 7 years ago
It looks like you do not have enough aeration for the size pond you made. I wonder if your fish died from lack of oxygen. You need to know what you are doing!
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
nop they been living for the last  couploe years
Daniel De LaTorre
Daniel De LaTorre - 7 years ago
Shanita Walker
Shanita Walker - 7 years ago
Lol love the thrifty nature
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
thanks!!! free is good!
Fabian Zamora
Fabian Zamora - 7 years ago
What kind of fish did or have in there ? Is it difficult to maintain fish healthy in pond
edozie onwuli
edozie onwuli - 7 years ago
how do you clean the pond when its dirty?
2729bella2729 - 7 years ago
come to ri and help me make this
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
wish i could
MelodiousWolf - 7 years ago
I'm so glad I live kinda close to a lake, just a 35 minute drive and we are there :>
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
cant beat free
Icecreamgirl26 - 7 years ago
Why do you steal the rocks from the lake??? That's stealing... and rocks aren't that expensive.
Icecreamgirl26 - 7 years ago
Dumpster Marcus well they probably don't know it was from your friends house
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
sorry there was like 50 people commenting I was a asshole for stealing the rocks.....
Icecreamgirl26 - 7 years ago
Dumpster Marcus sry I through it was a private property
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
Icecreamgirl26 it's a creek and it's on my friends property so chill
Sara Johnson
Sara Johnson - 7 years ago
the pond looks awsome, but in sure you will be going to jail soon for theft.
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
thanks and that was my friends property I got the rocks from...
CindyLuWho - 7 years ago
Great job!
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
112X 112X
112X 112X - 7 years ago
Natasha King
Natasha King - 7 years ago
Good Job. Love the idea for obtaining the rocks. In your next video would you tell how you added the pump. I have an idea but would like to see it.
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
thanks!! and yes I can do up updated video about that
Snyder Tools
Snyder Tools - 7 years ago
Good job!!
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
thanks man!
Nolan Gray
Nolan Gray - 7 years ago
man that looks really good
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago

50. comment for Making A Cheap Pond In Your Yard DIY

The Southern Lady
The Southern Lady - 7 years ago
You did well :) thanks for sharing.
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
thanks for watching!!!!
boomboompow - 7 years ago
did u add some sort of filter to clean the water?
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
no just the pump and been working great
brucejoshua21 - 7 years ago
You lost me the second you started bragging about being a thief. I reported you to the state troopers and they will find you.
Lili Juarez
Lili Juarez - 7 years ago
Oh my goodness! yes it is illegal to take the rocks BUT why report somebody for doing so??? that's stupid!!! There is way worst crimes out there to be reported so how about getting that stick out of your ass and Report what is actually worth reporting unless you like to be called a freaking snitch!

The pond is awesome!
My to do list as summer hits my part of town is to go still big beautiful Flat Rocks to make my own pond! that's right not going to pay for them at all!!!
Would you like to know where I live just so you can snitch on me too?!!!
brucejoshua21 - 7 years ago
Ghost Gene but he is breaking the law. I agree , I believe the land belongs to us. I believe that our kids should see the same woods my grandfather saw. But if everyone did what he did we wouldn’t have much to show our kids or grandkids.
Ghost Gene
Ghost Gene - 7 years ago
brucejoshua21 do animals truly belong to people? Or rocks? No, just because you put a price on something doesn't mean you truly own it. I'm with my ancestors on this. Native Americans said we do not own the land. If the White people had not become what we are, this man wouldn't be classified as "stealing"
brucejoshua21 - 7 years ago
Carlene Stevenson if they weren't yours then yes. It is stealing. Anytime you take something off public, federal or private land without permission it is called theft.
Carlene Stevenson
Carlene Stevenson - 7 years ago
oh wait then there's fish in the creek, that would be a nice free add but that is even more of a crime because he's not soliciting the fish store.
Carlene Stevenson
Carlene Stevenson - 7 years ago
thinking he better not take any spring water for that pond they sell that too.
Carlene Stevenson
Carlene Stevenson - 7 years ago
I just drove past a yard full of pine cones that I stopped and loaded up my car opposed to buying them. I suppose since they sell them I should go to jail too.
Carlene Stevenson
Carlene Stevenson - 7 years ago
jealous much. I think you bought yours and are mad he got his for free and if you thought of it before you paid you'd had done the same.
brucejoshua21 - 7 years ago xoxo not sure if I responded or not but he stole a lot of rocks. Not one or two but a lot. He said, tons... now it depends on where he stole it from on which felony he committed. It's a felony because of the amount he stole. Now if he stole it from a national forest or other federal land it would be a federal crime. Yes, I compared his felony theft to other felonies. Once a person breaks the law then no one will know where they will stop. His next crime could be anything.
brucejoshua21 - 7 years ago xoxo yes, he has committed a felony. The amount of rocks he stole adds up to a felony. He said 15 dollars a rock... add that up. It's in the thousands. Which is a felony theft. If it's public land,such as a federal park or forest then jail time and a fine xoxo xoxo - 7 years ago
brucejoshua21 are you really comparing taking a few rocks from the town creek to murder? This isn't a serious enough crime to get arrested for anyways. The most they would do would be give him a warning.
brucejoshua21 - 7 years ago xoxo no, I'm a law abiding citizen that believes in law and order. He is committing a crime. In most states a felony bc of how valuable the rocks are. If he is willing commit one felony then what will keep him from committing other crimes such as arson, murder, rape... where does a criminal that goes unchecked draw a line? xoxo xoxo - 7 years ago
brucejoshua21 Tattle tale, huh? What are you in first grade?
DreadSpore - 7 years ago
brucejoshua21 why???
brucejoshua21 - 7 years ago
DreadSpore here in the states they are
DreadSpore - 7 years ago
brucejoshua21 Well I didnt know that I live in the Bahamas where we rocks are not illegal
brucejoshua21 - 7 years ago
DreadSpore yes it is. Rocks are for sale for a reason... rocks on public or private owned is a crime. He was reported and they agreed at the time. It was a long time since I checked but last we talked they were looking for him.
DreadSpore - 7 years ago
brucejoshua21 It is rocks you idiot it is not illegal to take rocks you dumbass
3 Musketeers
3 Musketeers - 7 years ago
We're did u buy the liner??
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
lowes.  or home depot sell them.  they have pond liners and then like plastic pool type ponds
ゴチャゴチャー 。 馬鹿
ゴチャゴチャー 。 馬鹿 - 7 years ago
please get a stronger pump D'X
Clearwater Beach Home search Merry Donovan
Clearwater Beach Home search Merry Donovan - 7 years ago
Looks great
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
Wendy Ryder Mckibbin
Wendy Ryder Mckibbin - 7 years ago
nice! I like the way you roll! free! that's me. I'm making a waterfall right now first time using some old wash buckets cascading. next I will build a pond a lot like yours but I may uses a plastic swimming pool buried and of course river rocks!!! thanks!
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
NICE!!! hope it comes out awesome!!!
Salisha Wheeler
Salisha Wheeler - 7 years ago
I really like it. But pond for cheap. :)
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
Thank you
pitbulls719 - 7 years ago
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
Will Vinson magic and Guitar
Will Vinson magic and Guitar - 7 years ago
It looks great!! My dad and I are building a pond this Summer. Do you have any tips/advice?
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
Just have fun with it!!!  and get as much free stuff as you can lol
Mishelle Walker
Mishelle Walker - 7 years ago
Great Job! Looks great! Doing mine within the month, thanks for the info & inspiration!
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
thanks for watching!! and I hope your pond comes out AWESOME!!!!
TTH Fishing
TTH Fishing - 7 years ago
I wanna do this to put a largemouth bass inside.
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
one would fit.  I dig mine about 3 feet deep so would be a good pond for one
Ravinder Chopra
Ravinder Chopra - 7 years ago
sir what is dat polybag that you have used in pond ??
please tell where should i buy it ?
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
just a pond liner,  they sells at lowes or home depot
Gene Nelson
Gene Nelson - 7 years ago
try going to your local granite countertop installer. they will frequently allow you to take cut off prices from their dumpster for free and no possibility of being harassed for theft...
Trin Murray
Trin Murray - 7 years ago
Gene Nelson That is what I got from your statement...
Gene Nelson
Gene Nelson - 7 years ago
projectmicky1226 I thought that "they will frequently allow" implied asking permission, didn't realize that would need to be expressly stated.
projectmicky1226 - 7 years ago
Gene Nelson key is them allowing you. You can't take stuff from a dumpster or it is stealing
Mikaela Fox
Mikaela Fox - 7 years ago
Gene Nelson Granite would look really nice for a pond.
AMIGA - 7 years ago
Rename This To "How To Make A Cheap Pool In Your Yard"
derpfrog - 7 years ago
THats what you call ballin on a Budget, great looking pond, liked that large flat Rock you sure scored some.sweet pieces
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
Maci Parker
Maci Parker - 7 years ago
That looks like something you would pay hundreds for some one to install. Very nice
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
Hector Palacios
Hector Palacios - 7 years ago
What was the filter u used called
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
don't have a filter just a water pump from harbor freight
Russell steele
Russell steele - 7 years ago
you should maybe put small pebbles at the bottom of your pond to make it look even nicer and maybe add some plants
beth Schuler
beth Schuler - 7 years ago
Iwish i had good rocks like these where i live. I tried the same thing, but cant find good rocks!!!
Tuesday Shaw
Tuesday Shaw - 7 years ago
Thank you for this. I live in Alabama and I have adopted 2 baby ducks. This is going to be great for their new habitat I am creating for them. Thank you for this video! Thankfully we have a creek in our back yard so rocks are easy to come by but because we have other animals like foxes and coyotes back there as well I am building this for them inside our fenced in area :) Thank you again!
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
wow that sounds awesome!!!!! hope you all the best with the pond and ducks!!!
Art 333
Art 333 - 7 years ago
Blooms great . Did you pu rocks in the pond.
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
yes some but not many  want to get like some lilly pads!!
BoostinBeatz - 7 years ago
i got it from a crek
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
haha  I am guessing by the comments I am the only person that says crek lol
Fred Derf
Fred Derf - 7 years ago
the scenery looks like Michigan ?
Fred Derf
Fred Derf - 7 years ago
OK , never been there , thank you !
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
Scranton PA
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
thank you!!!
Gladion - 7 years ago
How to make a cheap pond :
1: dig a hole
2:fill with water
3: get a water bottle poke a hole put a rock to squeeze it for water fall.
4:throw a plant on the base
To hold the plant
That's how you make a pond
id k
id k - 7 years ago
me and my mom are doing a koi fish pond this will help us so much! thank you!
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
id k awesome!!! Hope it comes out great for you
id k
id k - 7 years ago
we get the pump free cause my dad is a Plummer he will help us with that type of stuff
Tanner Leverett
Tanner Leverett - 7 years ago
Did he say crik? Lol
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
crik haha that's whats its called... not a creek lol
antwon ware
antwon ware - 7 years ago
how deep is the pond
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
maybe 3 feet
Thomas Martinez
Thomas Martinez - 7 years ago
where did you get the pump
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 7 years ago
harbor freight
Shoreasiamensis Shoreasiamensis
Shoreasiamensis Shoreasiamensis - 8 years ago
Where can get free stone...? :-)
Jon Patrick
Jon Patrick - 8 years ago
Looks nice dude very creative using limited resources!
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 8 years ago
Imagine That
Imagine That - 8 years ago
Who wants to see this guy talk and drive? Your video sucks.
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 8 years ago
hunter kime
hunter kime - 8 years ago
What kind of liner did you use and how is it holding up?
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 8 years ago
just a regular pond liner and yes still holding up great
mike G Gramlich
mike G Gramlich - 8 years ago
that's what I had in mind for my pond
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 8 years ago
free is a good thing lol
nice work
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 8 years ago
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 8 years ago
thanks!!  hope your pond comes out awesome!!
frogwomen1 - 8 years ago
You need a filter.
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 8 years ago
been fine for the last 2 years without it.  fish keep it pretty clean
rick weber
rick weber - 8 years ago
great idea
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 8 years ago
thank you! have a great weekend
Sandy Breezzes
Sandy Breezzes - 8 years ago
Awesome idea!
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 8 years ago
Fish Witch
Fish Witch - 8 years ago
the money you saved in stone which I hope you washed real well you should have bought a better filter need a better water flow the waters not moving fast enought to clean need some height in the back...too flat looking...
Kevin Hunt
Kevin Hunt - 8 years ago
is there an overflow system in place to cope with heavy rainfall?
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 8 years ago
no but it does rain a lot here and never really had a problem yet
taylor taylor
taylor taylor - 8 years ago
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 8 years ago
The Bored Show
The Bored Show - 8 years ago
This is exactly what ive been doing for my rocks, your pond is going to be awesome
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 8 years ago
free and easy lol  thanks for watching!
Kiersten Hackler
Kiersten Hackler - 8 years ago
Where did you buy the pump?
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 8 years ago
harbor freight for like $20
White Horse Farms
White Horse Farms - 8 years ago
Great video! I subscribed!
I only have 37 subscribers. Would you be so kind and help me reach 100 please & Thank you :-)
Kerstin Keller
Kerstin Keller - 8 years ago
Down to the "crik"
Dan Rudder
Dan Rudder - 8 years ago
Hey Dumpster Marcus, thanks for the video! My son has been digging a hole in our front yard all week. It's about 24" now but I'm trying to get it down to 4-5' so that we can put a few channel cats in there. What kind of fish and what kind of pump are you using? Is. Filter being used? Thanks! Dan P.S. He neglected to tell me the first step was to forage for rocks so we'll be backtracking and collecting some along the river.
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 8 years ago
Hey!!  awesome and I just use a fountain pump I got at harbor feight.   NO filter with all the fish they keep it pretty clean..  and hope to see the pond when its done!!
Jamie Eberwein
Jamie Eberwein - 8 years ago
It is a tarp
Dan Rudder
Dan Rudder - 8 years ago
Jamie Eberwein it's not a tarp because it's thicker and puncture resistant. You don't want a hole because the water will seep out into the ground.
Michael Bleck
Michael Bleck - 8 years ago
they have special liners for ponds -- not a tarp

100. comment for Making A Cheap Pond In Your Yard DIY

AZ brown_knight
AZ brown_knight - 8 years ago
can we see an update?
raul zarco
raul zarco - 8 years ago
Nice!! Thanks for the idea!
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 8 years ago
thanks for watching!
me - 8 years ago
crick lmao
projectmicky1226 - 7 years ago
In Ohio we say crick if it's tiny and creek if it's large
ladywharton - 7 years ago
We spell it creek but pronounce it crick.  Are you from the coal regions of PA by any chance?
Jeremy S
Jeremy S - 8 years ago
we call it a crick
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 8 years ago
haha what do you call a crick where your from. a creek?
Victor Alderete
Victor Alderete - 8 years ago
Great job.
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 8 years ago
Liquorice Mold
Liquorice Mold - 8 years ago
If u put some mud over the rest of the linner it will be perfect
Mike Shugart
Mike Shugart - 8 years ago
Would have liked to see all parts assembled
Kyo Yamato
Kyo Yamato - 8 years ago
do you have problems with the extension cord when it rains??
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 8 years ago
No.  and I have a heater in the winter I plug in and just leave the cord in the snow and never had a problem
treblaruzam - 8 years ago
I thought it was weird that you went and got Creek rocks but then I realized your whole channel is about dumpster diving that's awesome.
I'm all about Reduce Reuse and Recycle... and a nice looking Pond too
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 8 years ago
WOW that's AWESOME!!!!  that's a lot of stuff man!  and hahahahaha My wife is also a Eagles fan
treblaruzam - 8 years ago
So far the only thing I don't like on your channel is how much you say Dallas Cowboys... lol. Go Eagles
treblaruzam - 8 years ago
Tons of spackle knives pipe wrenches pipe cutters every kind of Hose you need washers sink toilet spools and spools of solder shovels rakes levels unbelievable probably $500 worth of tools this guy gave me for nothing plus a set of DeWalt 18 volt 2 Chargers two batteries two drills an impact driver a flashlight and a big drillbag
treblaruzam - 8 years ago
I'm a handyman and a friend of a friend was getting out of the trade I got all these tools for free
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 8 years ago
haha free is for me..  And thank you!
tyler botos
tyler botos - 8 years ago
good shit i was thinking about doing the same shit just go pick up some rocks fuck buying them
Steve Woolski
Steve Woolski - 8 years ago
Dumpster Marcus that's how I got mine!! there's an abandoned slate quarry by me in Wales, not far from that is a brook, my pond looks fantastic, garden centre was charging £7.99 per rock for the exact ones I picked up, no harm done :) great job too buddy looks awesome
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 8 years ago
Right!!! free or cheat is better!
Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson - 8 years ago
Retro Power Up
Retro Power Up - 8 years ago
So here's a question.... what about mosquitoes? I would be afraid the water would bring a host of them in my backyard, or does the moving water via the fountain keep them from sticking around?

Looks very nice though! You found some nice rocks!
Walphish - 7 years ago
As other people said, the surface has to be stagnant for them to breed, and fish is a good fix. You can also plant some water lilies or other aquatic plants that’ll cover the surface (as well as give you pretty flowers!). It also helps your fish if you have any since they like having things to hide under/in.
Charles FISHING - 7 years ago
Retro Power Up MosquitoFish are easy to care for. And they manage mosquito issues quickly!
Retro Power Up
Retro Power Up - 8 years ago
Good to know, thanks!
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 8 years ago
Mosquitoes only lay their eggs in stagnant or non moving water.   so if you have a waterfall or pump going you will be fine.  Thanks for watching!!!
Dj Jd
Dj Jd - 8 years ago
10/10, but i really admire how u dug that i woud have quit before i started
Dustin Evers
Dustin Evers - 8 years ago
I like this. Better and cheaper than buying a pre formed pond insert
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 8 years ago
right. they are so much money.
Drew Garcia
Drew Garcia - 8 years ago
are the fish in
Ryan Gorman
Ryan Gorman - 8 years ago
how long was the liner you got?
Liam Swan
Liam Swan - 8 years ago
You should not take those rocks from the forest.
projectmicky1226 - 7 years ago
Liam Swan typically no one has claim over deep woods, therefore it isn't illegal.
Skaatje - 8 years ago
michael brown
michael brown - 8 years ago
Get some carp
Sandy Watters
Sandy Watters - 8 years ago
could you use a plastic tarp?
keith lumb
keith lumb - 8 years ago
i wouldnt if i were you. rips easily and leaks
Juan Lemus
Juan Lemus - 8 years ago
dude that is nice
KiwiCo. - 8 years ago
How to make a cheap pond in your yard that looks like shit
Barbie Lockett
Barbie Lockett - 8 years ago
I think you did good very good job, that would be me...
bajan coco
bajan coco - 8 years ago
great video, wish you had put a list of items in the description section
Ari In the ferari
Ari In the ferari - 8 years ago
What's that black tarp thing called? Sry I don't know what that is
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 8 years ago
just called a Pond liner tarp
Tayyaba Kanwal
Tayyaba Kanwal - 8 years ago
I love it
nik roble
nik roble - 8 years ago
that's nice man....
jakeanesthesia - 8 years ago
Awesome! How do you go about filtering the water and how often?
jakeanesthesia - 8 years ago
Thanks man. I am almost done with mine. coming out great!
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 8 years ago
I just put some plants and a fountain in it and the fish seem to clean it pretty good
SAMMIsLIFE - 8 years ago
Awesome,i like how u collected ur own rocks. One question tho,is that black liner tear proof? How do u kno it wont gwt a hole n spring a leak?
projectmicky1226 - 7 years ago
SAMMIsLIFE the liners used are designed for it. You leave just enough extra for the water to push it flat against the soil and it'll stay.
D.Green Photography
D.Green Photography - 8 years ago
Nice thanks for the video!
Bill Kelly
Bill Kelly - 8 years ago
hope you have a filtration system.
Charlotte Hammond
Charlotte Hammond - 8 years ago
That is exactly what I want!!!! I have a plastic form but need the rocks. Maybe I can find someone who lives near a creek! good job!
Chris Price
Chris Price - 8 years ago
you can be charged with theft if that is not your property. I was run off by police doing this.
Bob Anderson
Bob Anderson - 7 years ago
If you are not obnoxious out it (take 1 ton of rocks a load, bring a dump truck, etc.) and you don't make a habit of it, AND you are fairly quick, you will likely never have a problem.
However, technically, this does go against at least one law/statute/rule. It might only be 'rocks' but if everyone in town saw your video and thought "Hey, I know that place! Let's go down and some rocks and make our own pond!" that creekbed would be devistated, infrastructure could be destroyed, etc.
That is a gigantic "IF" but planning to avoid those catastrophic "IF's" is what we pay the guberment to do for us, so we can spend time on YouTube commenting instead of worrying about your house flooding next spring cause half the town quarried out the "dry" creekbed last summer making backyard ponds and now the creekbed is eroding and the creek is set to divert itself straight down Main Street.
Just sayin'
William Morris
William Morris - 7 years ago
As stupid as it is all it would take is one tree huger or a liberal do gooder to whine about it and you could have a shit load of problems! Trust me been there done that with rocks for the very same reason,a pond.I had to return them all to the river or face charges.
InfamousxDope - 7 years ago
Chris Price I finnesed a couple stones from The little river the ranger saw me and didnt say anything
Denny Hall
Denny Hall - 7 years ago
Chris Price it's illegal here in Indiana to take rock off of government property.
Kathrine Branch
Kathrine Branch - 7 years ago
You most defiantly can be charged, as long as it's not private property, no one really cares, but some believe this can mess up the eco in areas that you disturb the natural rocks, Even if it's a dried up water way, pond or creek and if they see you they just start yelling and saying "HAY YOU CAN"T DO THAT" just ignore and act like your suppose to be there. If some official comes claim you did not no it was not ok to pick up rocks !!!LOL! I got my rocks from a landslide off a stretch of secluded road. I'll post my pond when it's done LOL!!!
Trin Murray
Trin Murray - 7 years ago
Chris Price When I saw him taking them I was wondering if that was legal...
MD Supreme
MD Supreme - 7 years ago
Chris Price yeah if the cops are assholes. 90% of cops won't care
dav7612r - 7 years ago
DNR. They have more authority than state cops. And yes, they'll take you to jail for doing this.
DonaldTrumpPlays - 7 years ago
Lol then theres this guy.
Chris Price
Chris Price - 7 years ago
If you take something, even rocks, you can be charged with theft. Try taking enough rocks to build a pond, and if it's federal land you could be charged with a federal crime. Look I'm just saying if your going to do it ask before you take. It would suck to be charged with theft over some rocks. There is a reason companies sell rocks. If I saw someone taking rocks from my property without asking I wouldn't call the cops but I would make sure they got off my property. Now if I was asked I wouldn't have a problem.
projectmicky1226 - 7 years ago
Chris Price super cop? I live in Ohio and not even camp grounds care if you take rocks as long as you don't damage stuff
Chris Price
Chris Price - 8 years ago
Yea I don't think they would care here either, but you always have that one super cop.
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 8 years ago
the city owns where I was.  but I don't really think they would say anything but they might lol
Chris Price
Chris Price - 8 years ago
If the owners saw you they could press charges. It may be different in every state but I live in Alabama and it is against the law to take anything from someones property. If the owners saw you they can file charges here. I have been asked to stop by police doing the same thing once they found out it was not my property. Just a heads up.
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 8 years ago
I didn't get caught or do I think the cops would care....its rocks!
Jeremy S
Jeremy S - 8 years ago
how do you get caught stealing rocks?
BleuSaphirReptiles - 8 years ago
Very simple. I like it! :)
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 8 years ago
Sanjay Kumar
Sanjay Kumar - 8 years ago
Love it!
Gary Schroeder
Gary Schroeder - 8 years ago
hey it looks great to me
Harry Hathaway
Harry Hathaway - 8 years ago
Didn't you have to put sand down before the liner. to limit possibility of tears or punctures?
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 8 years ago
Yea I def could of. never thought of that.  but so far its keeping up nice
Harry Hathaway
Harry Hathaway - 8 years ago
Hell ....I live in a facist dictatorship Falls Township in Lower Bucks Co. Pa. and if someone saw me taking rocks from a creek bed I'd more then likely get in some kind of trouble.I like your idea. It gives me options.I do not want to spend a lot of money on a pond.If I do build one I will use the corner like you did for a water fall but I'm going much higher.
Awesome job.
DiaryFull ofCurlz
DiaryFull ofCurlz - 8 years ago
can you elaborate more on how you made the water fall for the pond its very nice. great job
Avinab Maharjan
Avinab Maharjan - 7 years ago
DiaryFull ofCurlz
GrimDeathUltra - 7 years ago
Just get a cheap fountain pump, and you stack the rocks into triangle shape. The pump goes in the water. You then take the tube, and put it around the back under the top Rock.
Zach Does Tech
Zach Does Tech - 8 years ago
Wow what an awesome creation
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 8 years ago
Raymond Kilminster
Raymond Kilminster - 8 years ago
Nice pond .
blake bouldin
blake bouldin - 8 years ago
bebebutterfield1 - 8 years ago
I love it great job!
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 8 years ago
+bebebutterfield1 thank you!! and thanks for watching!!
Ty Pree
Ty Pree - 8 years ago
do u live in Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, indiana, minnesota, or Missouri?
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 8 years ago
+Ty Pree I live in Pennsylvania
Juan Tello
Juan Tello - 8 years ago
where did you buy the pump
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 8 years ago
+Juan Tello harbor freight.   it was cheap and I ran it everyday all summer with NO problems
Blue - 8 years ago
how does the pond look now?
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 8 years ago
+slusho4 good... will be doing a yard tour soon bc a lot of people have been asking
Yvette Fair
Yvette Fair - 8 years ago
Todd Hobza
Todd Hobza - 8 years ago
question: why cant you use a trash bag as a liner for a fish pond?
Supergrover - 8 years ago
+Todd Hobza Because even a tiny pebble could tear it. Not strong enough.
Todd Hobza
Todd Hobza - 8 years ago
ive always wanted a pond in my yard but im way to short on cash.
Isaac Martinez
Isaac Martinez - 8 years ago
does it have to be pond liner or will plastic tarp work
Fred Derf
Fred Derf - 7 years ago
+Isaac, tarps are china cheep , they will break down before the year is up . They say a silo cap is best at around 80 dollars
GTB_Greedy - 8 years ago
I say tarps probably no good
Todd Hobza
Todd Hobza - 8 years ago
+Isaac Martinez thats what i want to know
Robert Primeau
Robert Primeau - 8 years ago
I think the pond looks good, and the rocks in the streambed in the woods was a good find, but it's also a beautiful thing in itself, and those rocks help the stream function correctly by reducing water turbidity (cleaning) and erosion (overall functionality). For that reason, you shouldn't show people where it is, because if everyone mines it the area will be lost.
retro gamers
retro gamers - 7 years ago
Robert Primeau stfu fuck up libtard damn
Caleb Spain
Caleb Spain - 8 years ago
looks good man
Paulina Maldonado
Paulina Maldonado - 8 years ago
how many gallons is it?
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 8 years ago
+Paulina Maldonado I have no clue lol just dug a whole in the ground and put the liner in it
Wendy Jimenez
Wendy Jimenez - 8 years ago
How did you make the mini waterfall??
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 8 years ago
+Wendy Alvarez just with the rock stacking them on top of each other like a pyramid
Karts & Engines
Karts & Engines - 8 years ago
U need more power on the pump for oxidation because bubbles going in the water will be great for fish to stay healthy
McQuade Window Cleaning
McQuade Window Cleaning - 7 years ago
I think you mean oxygenation
Yatty Yat
Yatty Yat - 7 years ago
cheap solar pumps on ebay
Karts & Engines
Karts & Engines - 8 years ago
+Todd Hobza if the fish come up to much even after feeding then that can mean not enough oxygen or if there is a lot of green string algae then thats taking the oxygen
Todd Hobza
Todd Hobza - 8 years ago
+RC MAYHEM how do you tell if there is enough oxidation for the fish?
Paula Anderson
Paula Anderson - 8 years ago
You shouldn't just take stones and stuff from nature.
Robert Primeau
Robert Primeau - 8 years ago
+Caleb Spain +Paula Anderson ,I think the pond looks good, and the rocks in the streambed in the woods was a good find, but it's also a beautiful thing in itself, and those rocks help the stream function correctly by reducing water turbidity (cleaning) and erosion (overall functionality). For that reason, he shouldn't show people where it is, because if everyone mines it the area will be lost. Some areas like this probably are mined, but I gotta think a lot also come from designated areas or mines and then are processed a little.
Caleb Spain
Caleb Spain - 8 years ago
whats it hurting? do you think the people who sell them get them out of thin air?
Catherine Alvarado
Catherine Alvarado - 8 years ago
Love! I think I would use a blue bottom instead of black
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 8 years ago
+Catherine Alvarado yea that would prob make it a lot brighter
Saad Ghazi
Saad Ghazi - 9 years ago
Excellent idea. I like your pond.
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 9 years ago
+Saad Ghazi Thank you!!
Foxx Runner
Foxx Runner - 9 years ago
If everyone steels our natural resources as you are Mother Nature will not function.
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 9 years ago
+Patrick Kelly I think the world will be fine with out a couple rocks.  Plus Its not like I am throwing them in the landfill. I am reusing them
JR R - 9 years ago
it looks awsome... what type of plastic & pump you used ?
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 9 years ago
+Netho Packoo Just a pond liner from Lowes and a small pond pump. everything was $65
JR R - 9 years ago
it looks awsome... what type of plastic & pump you used ?
Norma Crane
Norma Crane - 9 years ago
nice where did you buy the pump and liner
Norma Crane
Norma Crane - 9 years ago
Thanks a lot I really like it
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 9 years ago
+Norma Crane Got the liner at lowes. I thing it was $50 and the pump I got at harbor freight for $15
wazz up tv
wazz up tv - 9 years ago
Stacy Rena
Stacy Rena - 9 years ago
Thank you for sharing!
My Fiancee & I have just purchased a home & it has 2 koi ponds with everything except the pumps. The rock's around one koi pond are just beautiful with some good size marble rocks around it. My question is do you have to have a pump for Koi or Goldfish?
Stacy Rena
Stacy Rena - 9 years ago
+Dumpster Marcus Thank you!
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 9 years ago
+Stacy Rena Pump or a waterfall/running water.  A pump or waterfall will provide Oxygenation in the water and flowing water will keep it cleaner. Koi need somekind of water flow.  Your ponds sound really nice!!! good luck with them!
Cutie Pie
Cutie Pie - 9 years ago
I'm building one in my backyard
Cutie Pie
Cutie Pie - 9 years ago
+Dumpster Marcus thanks. It is pretty cheep and easy. But I do get blisters on my fingers from digging.
Cutie Pie
Cutie Pie - 9 years ago
Thanks. It is pretty cheep and real easy but I do get blisters on my fingers from digging with the shovel
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 9 years ago
+Sarah Frazier AWESOME!!!  its cheap and it really enjoyable
Cutie Pie
Cutie Pie - 9 years ago
realy good
55shewolf - 9 years ago
awesome job.... I just did the same in my yard...originally the pond part was already form... I wanted bigger so I dug a fan shape instead of round....almost done ...
but I am glad to see you went about it the same way I did..... i just figured and guessed on how to do it....then i looked on here...lololo great job on yours
55shewolf - 9 years ago
FREE is always good....
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 9 years ago
+55shewolf Free is a good way to work lol thanks for watching!
Ginger Roberts
Ginger Roberts - 9 years ago
what did you use for the body of the pond. it was to deep to see the structure and then you showed it with water. By the way great job recycling mother earth
Sambo Slide
Sambo Slide - 9 years ago
Looks like a great affordable backyard pond. I also live next to a creek and never thought about taking rocks from there but I will keep that in mind next time I think of spending money on something that can be free!
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 9 years ago
+Sambo Slide Yea I went to lowes and natural  rock for around ponds where like $13 each.  I was like haha I am not paying that. so went to the creek and found some nice ones
Hamza Mahjoub
Hamza Mahjoub - 9 years ago
Nice !
Noemi Plata
Noemi Plata - 9 years ago
It looks great. and what is great about it is that you didn't spend too much money on it. I will probably put some plants around it.
Eric Lee
Eric Lee - 9 years ago
Okay kool thanks
Eric Lee
Eric Lee - 9 years ago
where do you put the pump at in the pond and where did u get the pump
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 9 years ago
+Eric Lee I just put it under a rock in the pond. and I got it at harbor freight tool store for like $15
Buddy Mayfield
Buddy Mayfield - 9 years ago
you should replace the pump with filtration and hide it under the rocks with its return creating your waterfall
meld beach
meld beach - 9 years ago
Im gonna do this on my cement yard but how to do I raise the bed and put the rocks on it? I might build it with brix.
whyat kind of plastic did you put?
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 8 years ago
thank you Mr. President!
Donald Trump
Donald Trump - 8 years ago
+Dumpster Marcus ...Nice job. .takes a lot of shovel work and have to be willing to sweat a lil. .and it looks great!
meld beach
meld beach - 9 years ago
+Dumpster Marcus Thanx!
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 9 years ago
+meld beach it's a pond liner they sell at lowes. they have a bunch of different sizes
Jerrick Williams
Jerrick Williams - 9 years ago
Mrs. Wiggles Wiggles
Mrs. Wiggles Wiggles - 9 years ago
Great job on saving money. Looks great.
Mrs. Wiggles Wiggles
Mrs. Wiggles Wiggles - 9 years ago
Great job on saving money. Looks great.
Untamed Dana
Untamed Dana - 9 years ago
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 9 years ago
+Dana Cason thank you!!
Michael Lanoce
Michael Lanoce - 9 years ago
I like it....but I have no creek near me..
lemuel gayle
lemuel gayle - 9 years ago
awesome bro
Sat ez
Sat ez - 9 years ago
Really nice work. You deserve pat on your back. good job bud
Daniel Ruiz
Daniel Ruiz - 9 years ago
Angela Conner
Angela Conner - 9 years ago
I love it you did a good job
Ammar Badri
Ammar Badri - 9 years ago
im planning on making one tommorow and im going to add some water plants ^.^
Ammar Badri
Ammar Badri - 9 years ago
+Ammar Badri Great videa btw
*★*✬* Mark 019208237 *✬*☆*
*★*✬* Mark 019208237 *✬*☆* - 9 years ago
Poor mans pond looks a million dollar's ;) i wish there was a creek near me that's got those stunning rocks cause that's what really makes it stand out. if i was to buy just one of those large rocks from an aquatics store over here in the UK it would cost a fortune lol.
Clifton Ramsten
Clifton Ramsten - 9 years ago
I love how you got the rocks from the river I did the same thing
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 9 years ago
+Cliff Ramsten lol its free and looks good lol  thanx for watching
Moose Scrapper
Moose Scrapper - 9 years ago
Jay Marshall
Jay Marshall - 9 years ago
Looks awesome! You did a great job!
Orpheusftw - 9 years ago
Looks nice. Those rocks fit together surprisingly well. Like puzzle pieces.
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 9 years ago
+Orpheusftw Took my a little while to get them to fit nice.   And free rocks are good ones lol  thanx for watching!
Rosie Brown
Rosie Brown - 9 years ago
You're a genius and that backyard ia going to look like a million bucks if you put some nice plants around it. :D And what a wonderful SOUND! That is why I love waterfalls and fountains. Can't believe my mom paid 200 somehing for hers :O
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 9 years ago
+Rosie G haha thanx!!! and thank you for watching!!!  yea i def need plants and going to get some fish!! and yea the sound of the waterfall is relaxing!
Scrapping4aDart - 9 years ago
Hey Marcus. Great Video. I put in rock edging all around my shrub beds in my back yard. I got them from a guy on Craig's list in the "free" section. They look much better than the plastic edging you find at Lowes. And Lowes wanted $100 bucks for a bundle of plastic that just breaks down and fades. There's nothing wrong with being resourceful. Take Care.
Scrapping4aDart - 9 years ago
+Dumpster Marcus You Bet.
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 9 years ago
+Scrapping4aDart Yea stuff for the yard is so much at the stores!! thanx for watching!!
savagenomore - 9 years ago
pretty nice man....
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 9 years ago
+savagenomore thanx man!!
Robin Grams
Robin Grams - 9 years ago
Great project!!!!!! Do you have a daddy and daughter garden ?
Cant wait to see more projects........
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 9 years ago
+Robin Grams Thanx! and i have some herbs in pots thats she waters when she comes down
bob ladd
bob ladd - 9 years ago
thats brilliant
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 9 years ago
+bob ladd thanx!
zappy008 - 9 years ago
good job
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 9 years ago
+zappy008 they are called shubunkin fish.  They look just like koi fish but they are not high maintenance like them
zappy008 - 9 years ago
kind of fish you thinking about getting?
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 9 years ago
+zappy008 thanx!
Flip Flops All Day
Flip Flops All Day - 9 years ago
Pretty sure it is illegal to take rocks from a creek in PA because a creek is not owned by the owner of the property, it is owned by the Commonwealth of PA. But I hear you. Not gonna get in trouble unless someone says something.
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 9 years ago
+Flip Flops All Day lol yea its rocks so i wasnt really worried.. i didnt take much though
Longshot - 9 years ago
Looks good and I'm sure one the excess lining is cut away it will look a lot better. Why did you build the pond in the first place? Fishing, relaxation or something else?
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 9 years ago
+Longshot yea it looks better when i cut it lol and idk haha just for some fish and relax and hear the water lol
Freestyle Finds
Freestyle Finds - 9 years ago
nice man!! great weekend DIY project :)
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 9 years ago
+Freestyle Finds Thanx man!!
Jeremie from Puerto Rico
Jeremie from Puerto Rico - 9 years ago
Dude just buy the rocks its not cool to go and fill. Your truck that cheap
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 9 years ago
+JLM01234 lol
Jeremie from Puerto Rico
Jeremie from Puerto Rico - 9 years ago
that how it starts rocks
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 9 years ago
+JLM01234 it was cheap.. it was free haha..  its only rocks
YogiBear - 9 years ago
Hey man
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 9 years ago
+NES8bitcollector Hey buddy!!!
Daniel28021991 - 9 years ago
It looks very nice, we also have a pond like this.
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 9 years ago
+Daniel28021991 i am enjoying the sound from it when in the yard.. i just need some plants and fish now
Tanalle Martin
Tanalle Martin - 9 years ago
Super nice! Great idea to get those rocks from a place that no longer needs them. I am almost positive that they will not miss them.
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 9 years ago
+Tanalle Martin there was a bunch there.. lol  thanx for watching!!
Rose - 9 years ago
I used a solar floating fountain and added aquatic plants. It's naturally self cleaning. If you buy barley it will clean the water as well. Snails too. Nice set up.
Rose - 9 years ago
Add some soil and pebbles as well.  Every once in a while I'll add some water if it hasn't rained. Principles outlined here fairly well. 
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 9 years ago
+Alexandra S yea i need to get plants and stuff now... maybe i will go to a pond by my house and take some from there haha
supersmartguy23 - 9 years ago
I freaking love it will be doing this soon
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 9 years ago
+supersmartguy23 thanx!  and yea def nice and cheap!!
ElliottLawnService - 9 years ago
Is that legal to take those rocks??
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 9 years ago
+ElliottLawnService i dont think so, its just rocks
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 9 years ago
+NES8bitcollector Yea!!  if i was sellin "rocks" that would be diffrent haha
YogiBear - 9 years ago
It's just rocks lol in a creek. Nothing illegal was done
ThatLadyDray - 9 years ago
How neat. Your right, why pay when they're right there for free. Is the pump battery operated?
ThatLadyDray - 9 years ago
+NES8bitcollector thanks
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 9 years ago
+ThatLadyDray Thanx!! and yes its wired
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 9 years ago
+NES8bitcollector Yeppers its wired
YogiBear - 9 years ago
Pumps are wired 99% of the time because of the power it requires
trinketgobblin - 9 years ago
Pretty cool
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 9 years ago
+trinketgobblin thanx brotha!

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