Planning a Garden Pond - Fish Pond | Any Pond Limited | UK
Pond 9 years ago 10,613 views
I am looking for a Fish Pond where is the best place to start? Well you are in the right place, in this video i will talk to you about planning a garden pond for keeping your prize pet fish. Below is the transcription of the video: Hi. My name's Mark from, your trusted resource in the UK for ponds and water features. Today I want to talk to you about the big topic of a fish pond. You can see I'm getting quite excited with this topic because everybody that I ask about, "What do you want from a pond?" They always say everything, so they want frogs, newts, plants, fish. They want absolutely everything in one pond, so they say, "I want a fish pond." Actually, what we call an "everything pond" is an ecosystem pond, and then you can truly have everything, all within balance, and that's what it's all about. It is. It's all about balance. There's a couple of things to think about when you're having a dedicated fish pond, and that's dimensions. Whether you want to keep small fish, so you only need a small pond, or whether you want a big fish, and then you might need a dedicated Coy pool. It's all about the fish. Certainly, it's a case of most people start having a pond for fish. It could be a case of that you've had pet goldfish in the past, indoors, and they've outgrown their environment, so they think, "Well, we can't get rid of Goldy the Goldfish, so we need to create a garden pond." Then, obviously, it goes outside into a garden pond, so it's actually just an extension of an indoor aquarium, outside. It's not always about the depth. Certainly, it's a case of ... We'll talk about depth in another video, but when you've got big fish, you do need a deeper pond, so you do need at least 3 foot when you're keeping big fish. Now, some big Koi fanatics, they will actually say you need 4 foot, or 6 foot, depending on ... Because they could be talking about fish over a meter long. I'm actually talking about a mixed fish pond here, and we're talking about everything. Plants. If you think of all the colors in the rainbow, not a lot of people know that Shubunkins are really, really good value. You've probably heard me talk about Shubunkins in another video, because they're one of my favorite fish, because they don't grow big, so you don't need a massive, great, big pond to keep koi. Certainly, it's a case of they have lots and lots of different colors, so if you think of a fish pond, you've got moving water, or moving color within the water itself. You can only look at moving water, it might be a natural waterfall, or it might a majestic water feature. You can only look at those type of feature for so long, but when you've got fish added to the element, you can watch them for hours. They can be relaxing. They can be naughty. You can have too many fish that are fighting for your attention, and they don't really relax you. You can have a relaxed atmosphere with a few fish, and it can be very peaceful to go out there, at the end of a stressful day, "I'm going to go and relieve my stress just by feeding the fish." It's a relaxed, balanced environment. There we go. There's a quick topic about a fish pond. My name's Mark, from, your trusted resource in the UK for ponds and water features. I'll see you soon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Any Pond Limited - Specialists in Residential Pond Construction, Maintenance & Repair in the Midlands, UK Call Today: 01327 878149 The Studio 11 St Anne's Close Daventry, Northamptonshire NN11 4TW Great Britain
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