Pond Skimmer , Fish , Pond Construction - Ask T.P.D. Show #1

Ask The Pond Digger Show # 1. A Pond skimmer is recommended when constructing a fish pond. In this episode we answer the Questions, Do I really need a skimmer, how many fish can I have and will our pond construction division travel to build you a water feature. Watch all the Ask T.P.D. videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqM5Qn1K_DPzS-5A6e0uKF8MTEIUy6EbE Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eric.triplett.7 Instagram: http://instagram.com/theponddigger Produced & Directed by: Dietmar Quistorf Grafic Design by: Patrick Hardy Music by: Chris Doughty Visit our website: http://www.theponddigger.com

Pond Skimmer , Fish , Pond Construction - Ask T.P.D. Show #1 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 4

Pond 10 years ago 14,428 views

Ask The Pond Digger Show # 1. A Pond skimmer is recommended when constructing a fish pond. In this episode we answer the Questions, Do I really need a skimmer, how many fish can I have and will our pond construction division travel to build you a water feature. Watch all the Ask T.P.D. videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqM5Qn1K_DPzS-5A6e0uKF8MTEIUy6EbE Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eric.triplett.7 Instagram: http://instagram.com/theponddigger Produced & Directed by: Dietmar Quistorf Grafic Design by: Patrick Hardy Music by: Chris Doughty Visit our website: http://www.theponddigger.com

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for Pond Skimmer , Fish , Pond Construction - Ask T.P.D. Show #1

DiViNe Wayz
DiViNe Wayz - 6 years ago
Awesome stuff man, I'm excited about re-building my koi pond that i did about 5 years ago! Loosing some water, but im sure its because I didnt pull the underlayment material high enough to match the liner. I learned a lot these last few days and i just wanted to say thank you for all your hard work! Much Love!
ThePondDigger - 6 years ago
YOu are very welcome!!!!
Alexandre Sousa
Alexandre Sousa - 6 years ago
Hello my friends, I'm from Portugal and i really love youre videos. Im Portuguese and i have a small pond with near 4000 liters maybe and 1 meter high. I have a couple of kois with 40cm each and 8 litle kois with 8cm.
I have a waterfall 1meter high and a laguna pump 500l/hour. I have 2 laguna oxigen bomb 2000l/hour.
I dont have any skimmer and i have the water crystal clear but the botom is always dirt. Do you think the skimmer would help keeping the botom cleaner? Do you think also with this conditions i can have koi spawning in my pond?
Sorry about the English.
Best Regards,
פאוזי עבדאלהדי
פאוזי עבדאלהדי - 7 years ago
Hello pond digger ,, l want to ask you about koi fish jump out of the water , I have 30 fishes , 8 is 40cm+ , and all the sizes , it's 1250 gallon and 4 systems of bio filters , and 1 filter is grow bed aquaponics , but my fish jump out I want to know if the fish are happy ?
Terry Stickels
Terry Stickels - 7 years ago
I am installing a pond and have a spillway from an upper pond to a lower pond. The spillway is about 40 inches across. This spillway in order to get a nice flow over it should it be level or pitched down ? My upper water fall determines the flow of water in and then subsequently out correct ? how deep should I plan on the water level to be going over the spillway or is this "chance"
Eric Burchak
Eric Burchak - 7 years ago
Love this dude! Thanks for what you share bro
Laurie Gasnick
Laurie Gasnick - 7 years ago
Hello, We have a 15 year old pond and need to make repairs to the liner in the waterfall/creek section, but don't know what the rubber liner was made out of back then and therefore what type of primer/activator and adhesive to use. Do you have an idea of what the liners were made of back then? thank you , Laurie
XXxThe Gaming UnicornxXX
XXxThe Gaming UnicornxXX - 7 years ago
Hello Eric, Great series i have a question for you. I am setting up my new pond and in the storm recently I had a lot of clay get dumped in the pond. I got the big clumps out but I am now left with just murky water. I am running a pump with a very fine filter on it for the past couple days but it doesnt seem to be getting any clearer.
B B - 7 years ago
i have a slight roof overhang over part of my koi pond where some water will drip directly into my pond, will this harm my koi? or should I just be safe and install a pc of gutter to avoid any roof contamination?
Tamás Gulyás
Tamás Gulyás - 8 years ago
Hi there, I'm Tamas from Hungary. I got 20.000 liter koi pond and plannig to create a filter pond to it. What size is reasonable for my 20.000 l pond. Thank you!

10. comment for Pond Skimmer , Fish , Pond Construction - Ask T.P.D. Show #1

Rolando Abadingo
Rolando Abadingo - 8 years ago
how to make backyard prawn small ponds
Jeff N
Jeff N - 8 years ago
I'm looking to build a pond with a suction grid system and I would like more info on this system. How do you go through the liner? Can it then go to a helix skimmer? Or does it need its own pump and filter? Or does it have to go to a settlement tank or sieve? Looking to get going on about a 8 x 12 pond with a waterfall.
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
Hit us up at headquarters for detailed assistance! eric@theponddigger
MadOnPiez - 9 years ago
I'm doing research prior to making mistakes. lol :)
MadOnPiez - 9 years ago
Cheers mate.
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+MadOnPiez So smart! That's why we film what we do. Thanks for your support.
Skye Dragon
Skye Dragon - 9 years ago
I am currently trying to build a pond and am looking for information, tips, tricks, and no-no's so that I don't kill my future fish and plants, and so that I can sit back and enjoy my little slice of heaven in a rather busy little town. I could say that this is my first pond, but that is not entirely true. When I was an early teen, I helped my father (who was a contractor) to build one for a client. That was so long ago, however, that I no longer feel confident that I could do it correctly without a little re-education. I've watched many "professional" videos in the past few weeks, but most seemed like they had no real idea about what they were doing, or the end result was hideous. I caught myself yelling at the computer when I would see people putting in aquatic plants that are known to take over the entire surface of a pond, or adding fish that would be highly aggressive towards their pond mates just because they were pretty. You and your company seem extremely responsible and capable, so I have stared basing my ideas and knowledge off of the things I have seen from your experiences. In short, I'm trying to become more knowledgeable, and you guys are great for exactly that!
Skye Dragon
Skye Dragon - 9 years ago
The first one was "how to build a fish pond #1". It sparked many ideas, and thus, interest to continue watching!
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Leslie Kite Fantastic! We are so honored to be your support system! Can you tell me the VERY FIRST Pond Digger video you watched?
Mark Patrick
Mark Patrick - 9 years ago
I am looking for information for when I attempt to put a pond into my yard after my house is built. yours is not the only site I have watched the videos for however so far it does seem to be the best
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Mark Patrick We are here to help! Let me know what we can do to help.
Britt Pereira
Britt Pereira - 9 years ago
Eric when I was 12 years old I built a concrete pond with a water fall and really enjoyed it I had native fish in my pond and they were really fun to watch my pet bass behaved more like a dog than a fish it always was really glad to see me never the less I had a lot of fun with it. some how I came across you and really loved your videos. you gave me some really great ideals on how I will build my next pond 40 year later thank you.
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Britt Pereira Thank you for your feedback! Enjoy! Let us know if there is anything we can do to serve you.
Иіск Рагіllб
Иіск Рагіllб - 9 years ago
I saw your big beautiful pond digger truck going through the bad Lands around 7:30 pm today!!! super cool to see the legend in person!
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+ThePondDigger Thank you for the support!!!!
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Nick Parillo AWESOME!!!! I love my truck! I'm glad you recognized it when you saw it!!!
Иіск Рагіllб
Иіск Рагіllб - 9 years ago
accually you turn off before the badlands but it was still really cool to see your awsome truck! +theponddigger
Shane Anderson
Shane Anderson - 9 years ago
I have been going through the frustrations of building a proper pond for years along with a pond gone wrong scenario.  Mostly watch the videos for information but to also dream about having an actual pond that works someday.  I think most people want to attempt a DIY project due to the cost of what a pond costs.  Thanks for the great videos.
Todd Druien
Todd Druien - 9 years ago
I don't have a pond. But I AM going to DIY one very soon.  I'm looking for the cheapest way out but watched your 21 part series and love your work and style.  I see a bunch of videos of diy skimmers or filters ranging from 5 gallon buckets, trash cans, to 3 large barrel systems.  I would love to see someone with your knowledge and experience address how (if for some reason you had to for a contest) you would DIY the cheapest skimmer/filter/waterfall system (and it's drawbacks vs. professional) for (average?) 13x20 liner pond.  I'm thinking I'll use second 5x10 liner for falls. Anyway that's what I'm here for and I'll let you know how it goes.  Thanks for all the info
Todd Druien
Todd Druien - 9 years ago
DFW, Texas. BTW I left this comment after watching your build videos and assumed you were using Helix just cause it was top of the line and when I saw this video thought maybe they even sponsored you or you had a contract. I didn't know you already had designed your own skimmer and filter and made the brand! Very impressive
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Todd Druien Good questions. Where are you located?
Buckshot Lee
Buckshot Lee - 9 years ago
Needing information on building a new pond before a pull the trigger and build one.  That being said, I'm in the mountains of southwestern Virginia. I'm a DIY and I need to know what designs I need to implement successful winterizing of the pond?  I'm going to do a bottom drain, skimmer, two returns and a waterfall in a 5000 gallon raceway shaped pond. Winterizing a system with all this features worries me because I don't want busted pipe etc every year.
Buckshot Lee
Buckshot Lee - 9 years ago
+ThePondDigger So should I take any extra steps to prevent pipes, skimmer and waterfall etc from busting in the design?
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Roger Lee Yes winterizing is a very important!

20. comment for Pond Skimmer , Fish , Pond Construction - Ask T.P.D. Show #1

Susan Trott
Susan Trott - 9 years ago
Question for you Pond Digger -- on a gravity fed settling tank, fed by 3" pipe, we have two 90 sweep elbows. The pipe became blocked and we opened up the accessible part just before the settling tank to clean it out. We cut the pipe and installed a Y so that we could use a plumbers snake. We got the pipe cleared fine, but now the gravity feed does not work. Can you help?
Susan Trott
Susan Trott - 9 years ago
+ThePondDigger The Y is capped. The section of the pipe we cut into is 3 1/2 ft above the bottom of the pond. (6ft deep) We joined the Y into the pipe with flexible couplings. The sweep part of the Y has a vertical pipe of about 30" long to the surface and we have an end cap on the pipe. I would send you a diagram if I knew how :)
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Susan Trott Typically if we are installing a Y it will be up high in the set up. I suppose if the Y is deep it could have an effect on the flow rate. Without seeing it, I my mind is wandering and wondering............. Did you cap the Y or is it open ended?
DaveOonUTube - 9 years ago
Great video series, Eric. I enjoy them immensely. I have two ponds; an upper pond (1500 gallons) feeding a lower 25' round pond dedicated koi (7000 gallons). I have a Zakki Sieve, Aqua Ultima 10K filter, Laguna skimmer, and 120watts of UV. Great water quality down to 4'. One of the areas I've been involved in is designing water shows in the backyard pond. Multiple fountains with variable speed pumps, DMX controlled LED engines in the path lights to do chase scenes, intelligent lighting, all computer controlled and synced to music. Think Las Vegas and the Bellagio in miniature in your very own backyard (and then add in the multi-color lasers). You can imagine it's a whole a lot of fun around the family koi pond come the summer holidays here in Maryland. I was wondering if you've seen/met anybody in your SoCA area doing this kind of work for our fellow pond lovers?
Stephanie Rogers
Stephanie Rogers - 9 years ago
I am looking to Fix my pond Three tier no filter other than the biofilter I built and all levels and like funnels no tiers not flat bottom. Bad, bad, bad design. ( it was here when we bought the place.
Stephanie Rogers
Stephanie Rogers - 9 years ago
I live in central Oregon do you have anyone in my area?
sarir bolah
sarir bolah - 10 years ago
     Hi, I am from Mauritius, good weather condition to have a pond here.

     About half year ago, just happen to watch 'How to build a fish pond' while searching videos concerning building pond as I intended to build one myself for my newly acquired butterfly koi. Since then I kept watching your channel and when I have free time, just eager to see if you have upload one, especially the 'koi pond construction'.

     You have so much amazing videos uploaded here that it was in the beginning of the year that I watch the series 'Patio pond with bog filter' which have really inspired me to go with this idea as I don't have much time and space for a decent size pond for the time being. Also the idea of the patio pond is great as it can be dis-mental to be place else where if needed, which might be my case in about 1 to 2 years from now. Coincidently, my dad got an old bathtub from tyre repair shop and told me that I can use it for a pond, so since then I started my pond project. It should be operational in 2 weeks and I don't have much free time make it that quick. Oh, ya can I use rough gravel in place of the pebbles for the bog filter?

 Eager to finish the pond and have my butterfly koi swimming in there.
sarir bolah
sarir bolah - 10 years ago
+ThePondDigger Ok Smooth gravel noted but will have them with sharp edge. for the bathtub I know that it small but want to restrict my budget for this project and then invest in a concrete one later that is in about two years. My koi length estimation: 1st is 10 cm and 2nd 17cm.
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+sarir bolah Smooth gravel is so very important for long term success in the bog filter. Thank you for all your feedback. So glad we have provided you with inspiration. Old bathtub ponds can be really FUN but it's much to small for your koi. Good Luck to you on your new pond build.
Justin sh
Justin sh - 10 years ago
Concrete vs liner?
Tracey Smyth
Tracey Smyth - 10 years ago
Hi Paul

I put a Savio skimmer in my pond. works great. It's a raised pond and the skimmer is external. In the winter I leave water in it and use a trough heater to keep it unfrozen. (Princess Auto carries them) In really cold weather like we are experiencing now my pond will almost freeze over, but I cover it with a pool solar cover to help retain heat. I also used 1 1/2 inch styrofoam insulation under the liner against the brick in the raised portion. I find that helps. I am a little worried with this temperature though. I am in Florida right now (it's cold here too) and I'm hoping the pond is okay after the crazy temperatures we have been experiencing.
kpicker61 - 10 years ago
Just getting started!  Love all the information you provide
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+kpicker61 Welcome to the Channel!
tzkelley - 10 years ago
Any tips on finding a leak?
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+tzkelley We have a trouble shooting leaks information page on our website. I would start there first. There is detailed content to help you.
Musabe009 - 10 years ago
Hi Eric, I'm building a pond. I am at the stage of putting rocks in the pond. I am also a disabled vet with a few injuries, back and shoulder are two of the most limiting. My pond is 22 feet long by 15 ft wide and at its deepest 4 feet. I have a platform roughly 30 ft round above the pond with two smaller ponds. I have done all the digging by hand (pick and shovel) for the last couple of years, (off and on injuries). Now that I am at the rock stage I am at a stand still with some of the rock. I cant allocate money for equipment and am trying to find a way to do it. Do you know of any videos that show a more primitive way of  pond construction at the rocking stage?
Erin Berz
Erin Berz - 8 years ago
I'm a little late on this but hope it will help someone else. My ponds have never had rocks on the bottom or sides. This is due to the cost and maintenance. It is much easier to do fall and spring cleanup without a rock bottom. the liner gets a nice very short green algae (like moss) on it that makes it look more natural and the fish like to nibble on it. I hope this helps
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+Musabe009 You can certainly save a ton of time and energy by only using coping stone around the top of the pond and waterfall instead of rocking in all the walls in the pond. 

30. comment for Pond Skimmer , Fish , Pond Construction - Ask T.P.D. Show #1

Михаил Россиянин
Михаил Россиянин - 10 years ago
Очень жаль, что у нас подобного не найдёшь сегодня!
Ни описания ни книг! Подождём!
Jiahao Dong
Jiahao Dong - 10 years ago
i happen to stumble on your videos when im watching youtube vids i really like what you do and ill definitely give a good thought on my own pond in the future seen how great your work is :D
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+Joe Dong Awesome! 
Sarah Sparks
Sarah Sparks - 10 years ago
Yes hello I recently got a baby Koi, and I don't know much about them breed wise, and I really would like your help, I put her in my 50 gallon tank with my Goldfish, they love each other a lot and get along well but recently my goldfish has gotten sick and I assume it's poor water quality but the water is clear as it always as been, I feed her maybe 3-5 pellets a day and sometimes my goldfish would eat them, I don't have money or space to have a whole pond and my tank is from a yard sale, I'm only 19 and I've had Fish for over 4 years and I know a good amount about them, could please tell me what I could to help prevent my goldfish from getting sick again? Because I don't want to separate them they're like best friends now, right now However I do have him in a small quarantine tank with a bit of aquarium salt till he gets better hopefully, thank you to take the time to read and hopefully answer
Crazycajun985 - 10 years ago
I am looking and planning on building a koi pond so I am trying to learn much as I can to do it right the first time.
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+Crazycajun985 Thank you for the feedback!
Charolett Wills
Charolett Wills - 10 years ago
How deep should my pond be in the Missouri so my fish will be ok through the winter? I want them to be ok and not freeze or die.
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+Charolett Wills I would say a minimum of 3.5 to 4' would be a good place to be on depth. 
D S Koi
D S Koi - 10 years ago
I have a pond which I am currently modifying since I made several mistakes in the initial design.  Love the instructional videos!   In the future, I will be adding a new, much larger pond to my landscape as well.  
Roberto Hernandez
Roberto Hernandez - 10 years ago
Hi Eric and ThePndDigger staff, I live in Honduras and I have been following you for about a year...first of all, great videos and very educative - I have a small pond in my back yard, and I am always looking for ways of improving it, unfortunately, here in my country I don't find all the good staff that you guys have up there, but even though, I always pay attention to all the tricks and advises that you give...thanks and great show...keep it up  
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+Roberto Hernandez Thank you for the reply! 
River Birzer
River Birzer - 10 years ago
i have 2 ponds ,and im building a 5000 gallon pond. So i like to hear ideas for those, i also appreciate the koi videos.
River Birzer
River Birzer - 10 years ago
+Cazee Ponds Thanks!
ill post it on my channel.
i cant wait!
Cazee Ponds
Cazee Ponds - 10 years ago
+River Birzer 9'!!!! I'd love to see some pics and video on the finished pond. Thats going to be an amazing pond.
River Birzer
River Birzer - 10 years ago
Is there any disadvantage (other than liner cost) to me making my pond deeper than 4-5 feet? my pond is 12*14 feet and i dont have space to make the footprint any bigger. Im planning to go 9 feet deep for maximum water volume. BTW iv had serious algae issues in my other 2 ponds so im hoping the depth will help with that. 
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+River Birzer We love hearing how our videos are inspiring pond builds. That's why we do what we do! Thanks for watching!
Hamiltons bike life
Hamiltons bike life - 10 years ago
Derek Blackston
Derek Blackston - 10 years ago
Thse aren't questions that I have but possibly suggestions.

I have been an avid watcher and fan of your videos for quite some time and have plans for a Koi pond in the near future. I plan to use salvaged limestone from our farm here, and have asked questions previously concerning the use of limestone and its effects on PH. Your reply was both speedy and in depth, thanks for that.

Your video series are very informative and in depth. You seem to keep a very tight knit group of workers as well. I enjoy seeing that your employees are in multiple videos spanning several projects and many months. Says wonders for your company and the work you do in and of itself.

Anyway, to my suggestions. I understand most of your clients are in more southern locations but here in Kansas we deal with a semi harsh winter. Could you do a video on properly preparing a pond for winter? An overview from what to do to plumbing, to fish health, to plant maintenance as well?

I am very interested as well in the plants used in a water garden/pond. I plan on setting mine up as a natural looking pond with small waterfall, then exit through a narrow stream dissapearing into either a limestone "seep" or dissapearing stream planted as a bog filter. I would be very interested to see videos taken at the nursery that supplies your projects with plants. I would also be happy to see overviews of some of the more common plants (iris's, rushes, lillies, floating plants, ect). Things like where to plant, how to maintain, how to select a plant for the proper application and area. Videojs like what you do with the Koi themselves, maybe you could find someone as knowledgable and enthusiastic about plants as the Mystic Koi people.

I would also love to see some return visits to installed ponds you have done series on. I have questions on that about how the frog pond did with its new inhabitants, how the plants filled out and naturalized. How the ponds look once the grass has grown back, or how does the big dissapearing waterfall look now that the are is cleaned up and everything has settled in and filled out.

On the subject of return visits, I understand these videos are shot on site during construction and working around a no doubt busy schedule. However shots I have always longed to see are night shots to showcase the lighting systems you install.

I also miss seeing the pond digger Fords and Billy Jean!

Hope some of these have been good suggestions. Keep up the excelent work! I look forward to many more videos from you and your crew.

On a final note. How do you pronounce the name of your video producer. I have always seen his name at the beggining of your videos and it bugs me I don't know a proper pronunciation. I work in a very multi cultured environment and always try to learn the proper pronunciation of my coworkers names. I have not ran across his name anywere though, and would enjoy knowing its proper pronunciation.

ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+Derek Blackston Yes Helix is my baby! It was not my intention to manufacture pond equipment. It just happened. 
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+Derek Blackston Derek! What a great comment. Thank you for your thoughtful input. You're really gonna love what we  have in store for you this year! I don't want to put out any details but trust and believe you will be on the edge of your seat.

The return visits to ponds is a tricky part of the filming project. We have some fun glamour videos planned for the How to Build A Koi Pond Project to satisfy everyone's desire to see the finished project.

Would you believe we tore out both the Frog Pond and the How to build a Fish Pond features? We filmed them on my property on our outdoor "YouTube Filming Set"!Billy Jean is all grown up now and travels back and forth to work with my wife from Tuesday thru Saturday. They have Sundays and Mondays off. We are working on another 4 legged star for an upcoming series we have planned. You'll have to wait and see.I love seeing my 4x Ford in the videos!!!! Not always easy to do and we certainly don't want to overdue it. You will see more of it this year in a series we hope to release by April. On your final note - Dietmar Quirstorf my brilliant producer. Without his direction, attention to detail and passion for perfection the channel would be a train wreck. You pronounce his name - Deet-ma Kreesh-toff. 6'-4", 300 lb Bald German. He is both my bodyguard and Producer. Life is Good! Stay Tuned and thanks for watching! 
Derek Blackston
Derek Blackston - 10 years ago
Also, do you own Helix Life support systems?

Its great to see someone back a product so whole heartedly.

It's obvious you enjoy your job and that it is your true passion.
JC Journey
JC Journey - 10 years ago
I have a 10' X 10' X 2.5' raised pond that I build using lumber.  looking to upgrade and rebuild the filtration system soon.  only have eight 9 inches baby koi in the pond now. 
I have an extra outlet from the filtration system which I connected to a garden hose to water my yard.  when the water level drop, I will fill the pond back with fresh water. free water change.  instead of using fresh water to water my yard, I use pond water.   everyone should do this if they have a pond.  
Cazee Ponds
Cazee Ponds - 10 years ago
I do the same with both my ponds and encourage my clients to do the same. Your plants will thank you for it.
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
I agree! It is a brilliant way to go!
ben holder
ben holder - 10 years ago
Whens the rest of the koi pond ????
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+ben holder Coming soon.....
Michael Northway
Michael Northway - 10 years ago
This is going to be a killer series and I can't wait to see what's next!!!
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+Michael Northway Love ya Northway!!! See you in a couple weeks at the water garden expo! 
Jeff Davis
Jeff Davis - 10 years ago
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
 Florida is our strongest state by a landslide............... BOOM!
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
#helixnationflorida  Florida is our strongest state by a landslide............... BOOM!
Tranquil Waterscapes
Tranquil Waterscapes - 10 years ago
Yes Florida is Strong Davis!
Tracey Smyth
Tracey Smyth - 10 years ago
Hi Eric I think you're brilliant to do this series....watched every one of your pond building videos and think they're so well done! Wish I had your video when I built my pond a few years back....so, you asked why I would watch this...I have a 5000 gallon raised pond with 16 Koi and I am always interested in upgrading my filtration system. That's why I started watching your series in the first place. I'm building a new filtration system.  I'm in Ontario, Canada....
Paul Croteau
Paul Croteau - 10 years ago
Tracey - did you put a skimmer on your pond?  Does your pond freeze over in the winter?  I'm near Hamilton, ON - and I'm afraid a frozen pond will only split the plastic skimmer and pipes. I placed a Laguna 315 Watt ice heater in the present pond.  So far it's kept it free of ice although tonight it's dropping to -25 C.
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+Tracey Smyth Thank you for your passion and thanks for watching! 
Aquatasy - 10 years ago
That was a fun change up from your regular videos.  I enjoyed it.  Sounds like ponds are not much different than aquariums when it comes to stocking.  I get asked the same thing all the time about "How many fish can I put in my tank?"  I give them the same answer as you: it depends on the filtration.  It really does.

So you'll travel, huh?  Hot dog!  Now all I need to do is win the lottery, buy the house next door, knock it down, and have you come build me a pond!  LOL!

In all seriousness though (and in answer to your question), I do not currently have a pond, but I'm thinking about adding one...a small one...if I can convince the wife.
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+Aquatasy You figured right! Wait till you hear about how I explain building a DIY carbon filter for DIYer's from my aquarium days! 
Aquatasy - 10 years ago
That's amazing!  A lottery winner, huh? Cool.  (By the way, I figured you had a history with fish tanks.)
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
Thank you for the reply and the kind words! You will find in up and coming episodes I have a background in aquaria! I can't wait for you to win the lotto! I am working for a lotto winner currently! Life is good! 
Thomasine Pursley
Thomasine Pursley - 10 years ago
I have a 1,000+ gallon pond I built myself. I didn't look into building one just built it. I'm now in a group on fb an have learned alot. I want to go a lil bigger add bottom drain and skimmer to already working system. Guess I should say I need electric run from house to pond also. Right now I have an extention cord to a box beside pond that runs it. Is this a easy task? Also what the most cost effective way of doing all this right but lower end budget. However, don't want to be fixing it again later. Can I use a skimmer from a old pool we had or is it better to get new one?
Thomasine Pursley
Thomasine Pursley - 10 years ago
Oh I have a biological in waterfalls weir ordered n have other ordered coming by march. A pressurized system. Was running a biological that I built, ran great never a problem. Just was wondering about skimmer because have been seeing how important it is. Thanks : )
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+Thomasine Pursley Consult with an electrician on your electrical run from the house to the pond. An old pool skimmer isn't the best move. Look on craig's list for used pond equipment if you are on a tight budget. Look for a good skimmer, pump and possibly UV. Then you can build you're own bio filters out of 55 gallon drums. There's a lot of DIY videos. 
Shazvana - 10 years ago
Great video (as always, you know I am a avid viewer:) Thanks for the effort to do this style of video, it is going to help heaps of people. I don't use twitter etc but if I could ask.....I have a bog filter for my turtle pond, it has water iris planted in it and they were doing great for ages (nice and green leaves, flowering every season, growing nicely) then all of a sudden the nice green leaves started to turn yellowish and now look sick, have you any ideas why? I have tried to research why but can't seem to find any answers. Thanks for any advice:)
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
Have you offered the plant any fertilization or transplanting for new and enriched soils?
Gretchen Schroeder
Gretchen Schroeder - 10 years ago
Hi Eric, love the new feature, great idea! Thanks for being willing to share your knowledge and connections!
I have a pond, that quite literally started as a bucket (a Mother's Day surprise from my then young kids). It has been an evolving DIY project that is now about 1000 gallons. Improvements are in the works with filtration and plumbing a focus. I'm close to maxed out on size since I'm in an urban garden and space is an issue, but part of the new addition will be a bog waterfall to allow some plants and wildlife that wouldn't survive the fish. Oh yeah, I have koi, I recently had to restock due to a vandal, and now have six little, but good quality fish (I know I'm pushing the fish limit!) Budget is limited, so I'm DIY including hand digging (I envy your soil, nearly all my edge rocking have come from the pond digging). I'm looking forward to what you post!
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+Gretchen Schroeder I love how you got into the hobby and how you are continuing to follow your passion. Stay tuned for more. 
So-Cal Ponds, Inc.
So-Cal Ponds, Inc. - 10 years ago
Great series Eric, I look forward to more videos. Thanks for doing this.
Do you recommend we add salt to the pond? @asktheponddigger

50. comment for Pond Skimmer , Fish , Pond Construction - Ask T.P.D. Show #1

Tarenthilus - 10 years ago
  To answer your question.  I am a huge fan.  My wife and I got hooked on fish from our oldest son.  It started with a few aquariums, both fresh and salt water.  One summer our son built a small pond in the yard.  We decided to make it bigger.  After a few years we gave the fish to a neighbor with a large natural pond and filled it in.  After a year without a backyard water feature we decided that we missed it.  My son and I constructed another modest pond.  We learned a great deal through trial and error and I now plan on making some improvements to the pond based on the information in your videos.  I have watched some of them several times and introduced my son to your channel as well.  He and I have had multiple discussions on the pond and things we can do in the future.  Thank you for facilitating a true father-son (and whole family) bonding experience!
Tarenthilus - 10 years ago
I haven't, but I soon will!
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+Tarenthilus OUTSTANDING!!! Great story! DId you watch our Frog Pond Series that my son helped me film? Family and Ponds go hand and hand.
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
unsnogworthy - 10 years ago
Honestly, I don't have a pond. I would place myself in the education/inspiration category. I have built a pond for a friend and it was an amazing experience. If there was more of a market for it, I think I would start my own pond building business. I would like to build my own but I'm super excited for a mature water garden style koi pond.
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+unsnogworthy Great to hear and I think you'll find one of our up coming episodes interesting where we talk about starting your own pond business! 
sissy murphy
sissy murphy - 10 years ago
Question on use  of things like activated charcoal and  barley ,do they really have a use or are they a waste of money .Also I know I bought laguna pumps because you spoke about there energy savings features .But is there pumps out there besides external that we on this coast (Meaning VA )do not have to bring in in the winter .I bought 2 laguna pumps a 2900 gph and a 2400 gph and the energy savings is amazing .The 2900 gph says 100 watts and it hit it's sweet spot at 85 watts as per watt tester  .My pond is around 5 thousand gallons and 16 fish and will never use 1 pump again because years ago I had the only one I had go out on 100 degree plus days and being rural area they  not easy to find .I also now have the laguna aerator.Are there actually any internal pumps that are even more energy efficient that actually have enough pumping power .I know a few here that have external pumps and they are a hassle if you have no place to protect them from cold
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
Good Questions! One we have already covered in one of our shows and the other we will work on answering in the show!
Race730 Scale Trails
Race730 Scale Trails - 10 years ago
Wow that's cool you put yourself out there like this.   Well done and you're very well spoken too.   I really like the enthusiasm you show for your work.   I'm a subscriber and enjoy watching your videos for inspiration and ideas on water features (no fish) that I could do myself.  
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+Race730 Thanks for the feedback!
Roi Ben Ami
Roi Ben Ami - 10 years ago
Can I swim in my koi pond ? i've actually seen a lot of videos where people swim in their koi points... what i've noticed is that in most of those videos the koi pond is quite large, there's a lot of plants in the pond and there's a very small fish load. would love to get more information on that :)
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+רועי בן עמי Great question.......
KrispyAquascape - 10 years ago
I live in North Carolina and I really want to get a 1000 gal plus pond one day when I'm able to buy me a house. My question is, what is a good heating system for this because it only gets warm like 2 months out of a whole year. Some year it even snows in the valley and every year it do snow in the mountains probably like a few hours away only so all that cold air is around year round. Thus freezing my 5 foot pool outside on a weekly basis on a 3-6 inch top layer. How much money will a heating system for a 1000+ gal cost per month for cold water fish such as koi and trout. Not just to keep the water from freezing but to keep the water at a decent temperature. Also if I wanted to make that 1000+ gal pond tropical, what is another efficient way to heat the water up to the 76's year round? How much will that heating system cost monthly?
Paul Croteau
Paul Croteau - 10 years ago
+KrispyAquaProject The ice heater simply keeps an opening in the 500 gal pond here enough to blow off gases with the air stones I have under it.  Present water temp is 40F at the surface. To keep the water at 76F year round would probably take a natural gas pool heater.. the cost would be phenomenal I would suspect.
KrispyAquascape - 10 years ago
and a single 315 watt laguna ice heater can support an 1000+ pond?
Paul Croteau
Paul Croteau - 10 years ago
+KrispyAquaProject 315 Watt Laguna ice heater costs us about $50.00 Canadian a month... 24/7.  Place a timer on the heater to only run at night for 12 hours (8PM - 8AM) type thing.
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+KrispyAquaProject I live is Sunny Southern California so it's tough for me to give advice on this topic. I know many extreme cold climate serious pond lovers bring their koi in for the winter or put up green houses over the pond. Heating a pond without an enclosure is not easy or affordable.
KrispyAquascape - 10 years ago
+Tracey Smyth How much does it cost monthly to run 24/7? 
Tracey Smyth
Tracey Smyth - 10 years ago
Hi I have a raised pond in Ontario Canada....I use a titanium and Stainless steel heater....Eric probably carries it or can get it for you. It's made by Aqualogic in Britain. I hook it up in November and start running it in December or January, depending on how cold the weather gets. We've had a pretty cold month or so here, so it's been running since December. Once it's set, I keep it going until March when the water temperature starts to rise.  
Marcus Arroyo Jr
Marcus Arroyo Jr - 10 years ago
Glad to see that you are providing this service now. I built my pond 4 years ago as a novice. Each year I modify it somewhat to improve its current filtration to keep up with the demand. I have used ALOT of you informative advice to achieve this. Thanks again!
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+Marcus Arroyo Jr Thank you for the feedback! 

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