Pond Skimmer , Fish , Pond Construction - Ask T.P.D. Show #1
Pond 10 years ago 14,428 views
Ask The Pond Digger Show # 1. A Pond skimmer is recommended when constructing a fish pond. In this episode we answer the Questions, Do I really need a skimmer, how many fish can I have and will our pond construction division travel to build you a water feature. Watch all the Ask T.P.D. videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqM5Qn1K_DPzS-5A6e0uKF8MTEIUy6EbE Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eric.triplett.7 Instagram: http://instagram.com/theponddigger Produced & Directed by: Dietmar Quistorf Grafic Design by: Patrick Hardy Music by: Chris Doughty Visit our website: http://www.theponddigger.com
I have a waterfall 1meter high and a laguna pump 500l/hour. I have 2 laguna oxigen bomb 2000l/hour.
I dont have any skimmer and i have the water crystal clear but the botom is always dirt. Do you think the skimmer would help keeping the botom cleaner? Do you think also with this conditions i can have koi spawning in my pond?
Sorry about the English.
Best Regards,
10. comment for Pond Skimmer , Fish , Pond Construction - Ask T.P.D. Show #1
20. comment for Pond Skimmer , Fish , Pond Construction - Ask T.P.D. Show #1
About half year ago, just happen to watch 'How to build a fish pond' while searching videos concerning building pond as I intended to build one myself for my newly acquired butterfly koi. Since then I kept watching your channel and when I have free time, just eager to see if you have upload one, especially the 'koi pond construction'.
You have so much amazing videos uploaded here that it was in the beginning of the year that I watch the series 'Patio pond with bog filter' which have really inspired me to go with this idea as I don't have much time and space for a decent size pond for the time being. Also the idea of the patio pond is great as it can be dis-mental to be place else where if needed, which might be my case in about 1 to 2 years from now. Coincidently, my dad got an old bathtub from tyre repair shop and told me that I can use it for a pond, so since then I started my pond project. It should be operational in 2 weeks and I don't have much free time make it that quick. Oh, ya can I use rough gravel in place of the pebbles for the bog filter?
Eager to finish the pond and have my butterfly koi swimming in there.
I put a Savio skimmer in my pond. works great. It's a raised pond and the skimmer is external. In the winter I leave water in it and use a trough heater to keep it unfrozen. (Princess Auto carries them) In really cold weather like we are experiencing now my pond will almost freeze over, but I cover it with a pool solar cover to help retain heat. I also used 1 1/2 inch styrofoam insulation under the liner against the brick in the raised portion. I find that helps. I am a little worried with this temperature though. I am in Florida right now (it's cold here too) and I'm hoping the pond is okay after the crazy temperatures we have been experiencing.
30. comment for Pond Skimmer , Fish , Pond Construction - Ask T.P.D. Show #1
Ни описания ни книг! Подождём!
ill post it on my channel.
i cant wait!
Is there any disadvantage (other than liner cost) to me making my pond deeper than 4-5 feet? my pond is 12*14 feet and i dont have space to make the footprint any bigger. Im planning to go 9 feet deep for maximum water volume. BTW iv had serious algae issues in my other 2 ponds so im hoping the depth will help with that.
I have been an avid watcher and fan of your videos for quite some time and have plans for a Koi pond in the near future. I plan to use salvaged limestone from our farm here, and have asked questions previously concerning the use of limestone and its effects on PH. Your reply was both speedy and in depth, thanks for that.
Your video series are very informative and in depth. You seem to keep a very tight knit group of workers as well. I enjoy seeing that your employees are in multiple videos spanning several projects and many months. Says wonders for your company and the work you do in and of itself.
Anyway, to my suggestions. I understand most of your clients are in more southern locations but here in Kansas we deal with a semi harsh winter. Could you do a video on properly preparing a pond for winter? An overview from what to do to plumbing, to fish health, to plant maintenance as well?
I am very interested as well in the plants used in a water garden/pond. I plan on setting mine up as a natural looking pond with small waterfall, then exit through a narrow stream dissapearing into either a limestone "seep" or dissapearing stream planted as a bog filter. I would be very interested to see videos taken at the nursery that supplies your projects with plants. I would also be happy to see overviews of some of the more common plants (iris's, rushes, lillies, floating plants, ect). Things like where to plant, how to maintain, how to select a plant for the proper application and area. Videojs like what you do with the Koi themselves, maybe you could find someone as knowledgable and enthusiastic about plants as the Mystic Koi people.
I would also love to see some return visits to installed ponds you have done series on. I have questions on that about how the frog pond did with its new inhabitants, how the plants filled out and naturalized. How the ponds look once the grass has grown back, or how does the big dissapearing waterfall look now that the are is cleaned up and everything has settled in and filled out.
On the subject of return visits, I understand these videos are shot on site during construction and working around a no doubt busy schedule. However shots I have always longed to see are night shots to showcase the lighting systems you install.
I also miss seeing the pond digger Fords and Billy Jean!
Hope some of these have been good suggestions. Keep up the excelent work! I look forward to many more videos from you and your crew.
On a final note. How do you pronounce the name of your video producer. I have always seen his name at the beggining of your videos and it bugs me I don't know a proper pronunciation. I work in a very multi cultured environment and always try to learn the proper pronunciation of my coworkers names. I have not ran across his name anywere though, and would enjoy knowing its proper pronunciation.
The return visits to ponds is a tricky part of the filming project. We have some fun glamour videos planned for the How to Build A Koi Pond Project to satisfy everyone's desire to see the finished project.
Would you believe we tore out both the Frog Pond and the How to build a Fish Pond features? We filmed them on my property on our outdoor "YouTube Filming Set"!Billy Jean is all grown up now and travels back and forth to work with my wife from Tuesday thru Saturday. They have Sundays and Mondays off. We are working on another 4 legged star for an upcoming series we have planned. You'll have to wait and see.I love seeing my 4x Ford in the videos!!!! Not always easy to do and we certainly don't want to overdue it. You will see more of it this year in a series we hope to release by April. On your final note - Dietmar Quirstorf my brilliant producer. Without his direction, attention to detail and passion for perfection the channel would be a train wreck. You pronounce his name - Deet-ma Kreesh-toff. 6'-4", 300 lb Bald German. He is both my bodyguard and Producer. Life is Good! Stay Tuned and thanks for watching!
Its great to see someone back a product so whole heartedly.
It's obvious you enjoy your job and that it is your true passion.
I have an extra outlet from the filtration system which I connected to a garden hose to water my yard. when the water level drop, I will fill the pond back with fresh water. free water change. instead of using fresh water to water my yard, I use pond water. everyone should do this if they have a pond.
So you'll travel, huh? Hot dog! Now all I need to do is win the lottery, buy the house next door, knock it down, and have you come build me a pond! LOL!
In all seriousness though (and in answer to your question), I do not currently have a pond, but I'm thinking about adding one...a small one...if I can convince the wife.
I have a pond, that quite literally started as a bucket (a Mother's Day surprise from my then young kids). It has been an evolving DIY project that is now about 1000 gallons. Improvements are in the works with filtration and plumbing a focus. I'm close to maxed out on size since I'm in an urban garden and space is an issue, but part of the new addition will be a bog waterfall to allow some plants and wildlife that wouldn't survive the fish. Oh yeah, I have koi, I recently had to restock due to a vandal, and now have six little, but good quality fish (I know I'm pushing the fish limit!) Budget is limited, so I'm DIY including hand digging (I envy your soil, nearly all my edge rocking have come from the pond digging). I'm looking forward to what you post!
Do you recommend we add salt to the pond? @asktheponddigger
50. comment for Pond Skimmer , Fish , Pond Construction - Ask T.P.D. Show #1
To answer your question. I am a huge fan. My wife and I got hooked on fish from our oldest son. It started with a few aquariums, both fresh and salt water. One summer our son built a small pond in the yard. We decided to make it bigger. After a few years we gave the fish to a neighbor with a large natural pond and filled it in. After a year without a backyard water feature we decided that we missed it. My son and I constructed another modest pond. We learned a great deal through trial and error and I now plan on making some improvements to the pond based on the information in your videos. I have watched some of them several times and introduced my son to your channel as well. He and I have had multiple discussions on the pond and things we can do in the future. Thank you for facilitating a true father-son (and whole family) bonding experience!