Pond Construction - Ponds Gone Wrong - Episode 1 - (Part 1)

Construction Do's & Don'ts for Ponds Covered in Great Detail. Ponds Gone Wrong is an epidemic plaguing America. Don't let a pond contractor take advantage of you and experiment in your back yard. Learn "How To Build a Pond" from commonly made mistakes by pond contractors fixed by the award winning pond construction crew. The Pond Digger Waterscape Design & Construction Team in Yucaipa, California.

Pond Construction - Ponds Gone Wrong - Episode 1 - (Part 1) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 77

Pond 16 years ago 564,707 views

Construction Do's & Don'ts for Ponds Covered in Great Detail. Ponds Gone Wrong is an epidemic plaguing America. Don't let a pond contractor take advantage of you and experiment in your back yard. Learn "How To Build a Pond" from commonly made mistakes by pond contractors fixed by the award winning pond construction crew. The Pond Digger Waterscape Design & Construction Team in Yucaipa, California.

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Most popular comments
for Pond Construction - Ponds Gone Wrong - Episode 1 - (Part 1)

Darmilah Slamet
Darmilah Slamet - 7 years ago
B&B Drainage Solutions
B&B Drainage Solutions - 7 years ago
Raccoons eating the fish should be an upsell...nature in your backyard!
Hunter Otto
Hunter Otto - 7 years ago
This is awesome. I am working to instal a pond in my backyard and this helped to know what to look out for.
diablo williams
diablo williams - 7 years ago
I love your info, Eric! One question: why black tubing? Could I use the clear tubing with the synthetic string-type webbing that I an find in the plumbing isle at Home Depot or should I just get the overpriced black tubing?
Roman Barragan
Roman Barragan - 7 years ago
hi watched all your vids and I need some help, in digging my new pond when I got about 3 feet down water started seeping from the side wall on one side what can I do about this and it is very slow. can i still put the liner in and will the pressure stop the leaking, please help.
Linda Sewell
Linda Sewell - 7 years ago
sounds like you are experiencing a ground water issue. Area water tables vary I experienced this issue when building my pond. I installed a release drain in the bottom of my pond thru the liner. It allows the ground water to enter the pond if it builds too much pressure and equalizes itself out. At least that is how it works for me. I am renovating my 15 year old pond and uncovered the drain. IT is still operating like it should after all these years.
joe - 7 years ago
OMG! REALLY?!!! I hope it was a DIY homeowner project-went-wrong and NOT a "pond contractor". Looks like the bottom of a rock quarry with rubble pushed aside for waste water runoff!!!
Shireen Abdul Jaleel
Shireen Abdul Jaleel - 7 years ago
I hope they make more videos
Jette Christensen
Jette Christensen - 7 years ago
that must suck to pay so much for shit work
Fisherman_WillPass - 8 years ago
I'm a 15 year old kid building a pond on a budget. What would be better a submersible pump to a waterfall or a skimmer to a waterfall?

10. comment for Pond Construction - Ponds Gone Wrong - Episode 1 - (Part 1)

Johnathan Nguyen
Johnathan Nguyen - 8 years ago
thanks for all good video that you share with us how to build pond. some how can you show us how to build an aquaponics systems from more than 1000 gls koi pond. thanks
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
This is something we are plotting in the future. Stay tuned!
White Dragon
White Dragon - 8 years ago
so nice
Val Cross
Val Cross - 8 years ago
Poor people, they paid a fortune for rocks they didn't need in the first place! Great video
Joynal Abedin
Joynal Abedin - 8 years ago
this idea so nice.
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
Thanks for watching!
Crishni Peiris
Crishni Peiris - 9 years ago
hi thank you for all the information you share with us. just wondering where can i buy those rock spray foam?tried on ebay but couldn't find it. is there a specific name for it?

thank you again
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Crishni Peiris Your Welcome! Thanks for watching!

Here is a link to our site where you can purchase the waterfall foam - http://theponddigger.com/product/easypro-black-waterfall-foam-20oz/
fkujakedmyname - 9 years ago
i wanna like your stuff but too much blah blah blah not enough of why i was interested
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+fkujakedmyname This is our first tutorial series nearly a decade ago. We've got a little better over the years. THanks for your honest feedback.
Jasmine Mae
Jasmine Mae - 9 years ago
If I get a pond id love for you to construct it but that'll be in a long time from now
Brad Harvey
Brad Harvey - 9 years ago
damn !! you have come a long way. awsome !!
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Brad Harvey Thank you Brad!!!
Tranquility Ponds
Tranquility Ponds - 10 years ago
Great video. You are spot on with everything you said. 
Twisted Fallout
Twisted Fallout - 10 years ago
Haha PowerJoke...just kidding good vid
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+Twisted Fallout PowerJoke sounds cool!

20. comment for Pond Construction - Ponds Gone Wrong - Episode 1 - (Part 1)

Dasherthecat - 10 years ago
What maximum deepens would you recommend for a goldfish pond?
Naida Palmer
Naida Palmer - 10 years ago
This may be a stupid question but how do you protect the fish in winter? 
Linda Sewell
Linda Sewell - 7 years ago
research a bit for the area you live. There are DNR sites available for every state. You can find out how deep your pond should be so the fish can "winter" there safely. In my neck of the woods (in the midwest) it stated 3.5 feet depth was necessary for fish to survive . My pond is 4 ft deep in one part. The fish hang out there all winter. I leave my pump running all year. If Ice does seal the pond up I make sure to break it to allow oxygen to flow better. After 15 years I have never lost a fish to winter... only to heron and sandhill cranes.
SimpleSam - 8 years ago
Going to necro this question:
If the pond is deep enough, certain types of fish can weather under the ice.
The other fish are weathered inside in an aquarium.
NB Relics
NB Relics - 9 years ago
I don't think it snows there
Vohasiiv - 10 years ago
I want a koi pond but I live in an apartment so I cant have one.
Thomas Chambless
Thomas Chambless - 10 years ago
make an indoor pond in one of your rooms. people do it. note the weight of water of u off ground floor 
Daniel Gamboa
Daniel Gamboa - 10 years ago
+ThePondDigger how big would an aquarium be to fit koi?
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
Start with koi in an aquarium and dream big. Then CHASE YOUR DREAMS. 
Petco - 10 years ago
Wow this channel is really great thanks for sharing! We have just put up a new playlist and its all about "How To Plan Your Pond"! Please come by and say hello!
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
Well done.
Tony Romano
Tony Romano - 11 years ago
hey eric how can you locate a good local rock co. for the pond?
S cone
S cone - 11 years ago
Well, if you ever build one in SC let me know would enjoy meeting you.
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Thanks for the comment!
Croaking Toad
Croaking Toad - 11 years ago
Original contractor did a terrible job! It does look like a pile of rock ... no creativity. Theponddigger does a great job. Never made one, but grew up in Alaska ... home of the rocky pond. Good job guys. :)
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Stone is just a material. It is the art of stacking them make the difference between a good looking pond and a pond that you want to run from.
papapardal1 - 11 years ago

30. comment for Pond Construction - Ponds Gone Wrong - Episode 1 - (Part 1)

ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Yeah those ponds looked like they need rescuing! I'm looking forward to you using The Helix Product line on one of your Pond's Gone Wild Rebuilds one of these days!
Slice0fKimb0 - 11 years ago
thumbs up! I want to build a permaculture backyard forrest. I left a reply thing and my cell phone on your web site. I just talked with a patient of mine who says he knew a Rick who used to work for pond diggers :-).
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Yes Dietmar is my good friend for many years! He is brilliant. Glad to hear we are helping you with pond!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
We can definitely help. We would love the opportunity. Talk to you this week.
Slice0fKimb0 - 11 years ago
I just bought a house in redland. I have a 11k sq foot lot. It is next to prospect park. I need to hire someone to build a swim pond. Can you help me? thx!
albewill - 11 years ago
Researching a pond build for a friend. Was watching a previous video you posted and noticed it said "A D. Quistorf Film". Actually worked with him in college before I graduated from Architecture school. SMALL SMALL WORLD!! haha. Really awesome videos by the way. Gonna be the foundation of our small pond build. Thanks a million!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Where are you located Charles? Our calendar is jam packed but we could arrange to get you some assistance through our network of Authorized Helix Life Support Pond Contractors. Let me know!
charles dilmore
charles dilmore - 11 years ago
come and help me with my three ponds, one has a nice leak. and there is only one of me with a bad back.
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
I typically have work boots on 60 hours a week but on occasion you can catch me in sports shoes, flip flops or barefoot!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Hey Shawn! Depending on your koi keeping goals, aesthetic plans for the pond and maintenance expectations will dictate your decision on using gravel on the bottom of your pond or not. It's a heavy topic to address in the comments section of a video but I'm open to answer your questions.
Shawn Rush
Shawn Rush - 12 years ago
Any 1 have any idea wetther it is a good idea to to use gravle on the bottom of your pond or just leave it be.
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
Thanks for the feedback!
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
I couldn't agree with you more mrwaterscaper. A nice blend of different size stone is essential to creating natural looking water feature. Believe it Or NOT, The before pond was installed by a professional pond contractor! On this feature we didn't have great access so the largest stone we got in the backyard was approximately 30".
FireBelly ToadCare
FireBelly ToadCare - 12 years ago
I have a pond i am working on its a horse troff
B-Rad - 12 years ago
awesome video, very informative! keep up the great work!
yolanda coronel
yolanda coronel - 12 years ago
como se maneja el tema de la lluvia , que pone exceso de agua al pond y la temperatura para los peces en invierno.
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
Lets do this Patrick! We are just finishing up a large project in the Mountains and we'd love to come to Riverside and make the magic happen in your yard!
Patrick Vaden
Patrick Vaden - 12 years ago
Nice vid. I'm in Riverside and need to get a pond since my turtles are getting too big for their tank. You're totally hired. Too many projects for me to mess with it myself.
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
Hey Robert - we definitely have a DIY support service for you. Call our Headquarters and ask for me or Leslie the Pond Gal (My Wife). Mention you talked to me on youtube and we will get you all lined out. 800-522-5043 At that point we can exchange emails and get you started off on the right track.
Robert Lachky
Robert Lachky - 12 years ago
I'm taking a shot at building my own backyard pond right now. I really want to do it myself but was wondering if you guys do any kind of consulting online where I could share pictures and ask about materials, steps, etc. as I progress... let me know otherwise i'll just use these online tutorials and do the best I can. -thanks

50. comment for Pond Construction - Ponds Gone Wrong - Episode 1 - (Part 1)

ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
There are two very different views on this topic so the answer the question is really dependent on the style of pond you are wanting, you budget for construction and a review of your goals and expectations for the pond. Hard to cover the topic in a short message.
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
Hey Charlie we do have plans to shoot a bottom drain video however at this time we are in our busy season so that video won't be ready in time for your pond.
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
I have insider there is potentially a pond show up and coming!
charlie hagan
charlie hagan - 12 years ago
My brother my dad and I are digging a pond by ourselves its going good but could you make a tutorial some time on how to install the bottom drain and the pipes and filter IT WOULD BE AN AMAZING HELP I subbed you guys are the best pond diggers out there , Charlie
Ian Atkinson
Ian Atkinson - 12 years ago
I wish there was a pong show that went around and re-did a few ponds like they do with landscaping. My pond is soooo green from the sun and I can't control it.
jimmyleg5 - 12 years ago
your ponds suck
THE9LOL7ABLE - 12 years ago
Heya , is it worth getting some substrate on the bottom of the pond? Like small gravel? The fish i have like to dwell on the bottom but will it be better to have gravel or not? Ive heard that something food gets trapped inbetween the gravel and rots and that creates problems for the water quality. So should i or dont i?
ThomasVisionVlogs - 13 years ago
Great Video. Took a lot of tips from your many videos. Just uploaded our pond less water today. Keep up the good work!
ThePondDigger - 13 years ago
@83gamit We would love to come to GA to work on your a dream water feature for you! We have worked in GA a couple times over the years. Once up in Blue Ridge and another time down in Savannah. Thank you for your service. Our construction team wears red EVERY Friday to show support for our troops.
ThePondDigger - 13 years ago
@pondconstruction I agree. One of my passions.....
ThePondDigger - 13 years ago
@avazook Yes definitely shoot some video of your pond and let me know when you have it uploaded to youtube so I can check it out! Let's do this!
ThePondDigger - 13 years ago
@MelvinGarshoowitz Thank you for your kind words and feedback on our video!
Spickedan - 13 years ago
I look up to you guys!
ThePondDigger - 13 years ago
@JaCK2TeN Thanks for the feedback!
ThePondDigger - 13 years ago
@Bflo23 Thanks for the comment. Pond remodels are on the rise......
Bflo23 - 13 years ago
That is one ugly pond. I barely notice the waterfall and it looks like a pile of rocks.
ThePondDigger - 13 years ago
@floridaliner Thanks for the feedback and the information on the National Electric Code.
ThePondDigger - 14 years ago
@floridaliner Thanks for the info on the National Electric Codes. I'll record that to memory....
ThePondDigger - 14 years ago
@tonightwefly Thanks for the SUB and the comment!
ThePondDigger - 14 years ago
@blownable That raccoon hates The Pond Digger!
ThePondDigger - 14 years ago
@dkj1835 You will need to wait until the water warms up a bit and then offer them a good quality yummy smelling food (yummy to fish that is!) Then offer them food in the morning and the evening each day at the same times. Sit next to the pond relaxed with a coffee, tea or adult beverage and just chill. Offer the food to the pond one or two pellets at a time and be patient. If you have fast moving water you may need a feeding ring. It usually takes a couple days and then they worship you!
ThePondDigger - 14 years ago
@dkj1835 Thanks! Glad you saw us on the program!!!! We had a blast doing it!
tonightwefly - 14 years ago
Im building a pond right now and from watching this video I have learnt allot, thanks allot and subscribed!
Ashraf Farid
Ashraf Farid - 14 years ago
The racoon is probably cursing you.
ThePondDigger - 14 years ago
@Arteolike We do sell used equipment but we are out at this time.
ThePondDigger - 14 years ago
@afwoods That's what we do! Our pleasure! Thanks for the post!
Adam Woods
Adam Woods - 14 years ago
Thanks for the tips!
ALP'ie - 15 years ago
Thanks so much. I really like i have a reliable pond supplier now...
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
Yes, i still have it. We are getting settled into the new place so I will get that filter measured and weighed to see what shipping will set you back. Talk at you soon.
ALP'ie - 15 years ago
Do you still have it?
ALP'ie - 15 years ago
There is no more summer this year =( But next year is a go. Were is the address of your knew location anyway. is it in Los Angeles still?
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
We are just getting settled into our new place. We still have a pile of unpacking to do so sorry for the delay. Hope to see you this summer. Our new place is gonna be worth the visit!
ALP'ie - 15 years ago
Ok! Well Right me a message how much will the filter be with the shipping? I don't live out of the state anyway so it shouldn't be too pricey =) Hope i can see you when i go on vacation to San Diego in the summer!?! Just kidn
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
We clean up the old waterfall units and sell them as used equipment. Believe it or not contractors buy them from me like this all the time! I have a decent used pond filter you might be interested in. It could be a bit spendy to ship. It's a Little Sister with large filter brushes and filter pads. The filter is approx. 20" x 20" x 36" long. It was on a small 8' x 11' koi pond that we enlarged earlier this year.
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
Did you build your new pond yet? Often times you can find a contractor to come in and just build the waterfall. Tell us if you have your project done yet.
ALP'ie - 15 years ago
I got a question, See the waterfall filter here, you changer it, what do you do with the old one's?
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
We just shot a video on moving rocks into your pond. You might find it helpful. Keep your eye out for it. We should have it posted up on YOUTUBE in the next week or so.
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
NO QUESTIONS ARE DUMB so keep em' coming! All of the rocks you see in this video were moved with a dolly and lots of man power. Often times we will make a sling out of the fabric underlayment we use under the rubber line and use four guys to move large stones. One guy on each corner. It works like a dream! The Pond Digger
Soper79 - 15 years ago
This might be a dumb question but do you have to use machinery to move those rocks? Could a dolly get it? They look like they range from about 200-400 lbs.
Pondguru - 15 years ago
The existing pond is utter crap but I've put a video response to this video which I believe tops it. Be prepared for true horror. Great videos by the way. I subbed your channel.
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
Our goal is to continue on with our informational videos to help educate both homeowner and contractors to help limit the bad installations. We want the world filled with sexy pond installations! The Pond Digger
ramslak - 16 years ago
I always like it when people know what the hell they are talking about. Screw ups, especially when it costs a lot of money are such a disgrace! Mostly because it's the customer who is the victim.
ThePondDigger - 16 years ago
That's correct. I'll tell ya as of yet, most cities have NO specifications on ponds. Each city and state is different. We have seen a variety of differences. The bottom line is, the requirements of ponds is very vague. With the growing popularity of ponds I am sure we will see some standards put into place. The Pond Digger
ThePondDigger - 16 years ago
The depth of your pond may very well be determined on what you are looking to get out of your pond. Ponds that are designed for aquatic plants can be as shallow as 18", while high end Koi ponds can be as deep as 8 feet! Three foot is a GREAT DEPTH and four is even better! The Pond Digger
ThePondDigger - 16 years ago
Are fees are determined by the scope of work on the project. There are many different ways to build a pond which is why the cost of a pond is subjective. This feature was approximately 12k to install. A similar pond with LESS TECHNOLOGY to make maintenance easier may only cost 8500 to install. The Pond Digger
Javier Medina
Javier Medina - 16 years ago
so how much do u charge to do this kind of work?
ThePondDigger - 16 years ago
Americansolider, When I met with the homeowner, I was actually feeling completely opposite. Believe it or not some of these contractors have great sales pitches and specialize in closing deals but not delivering a quality project. Some contractors show photographs of beautiful ponds that they DID NOT build to gain the consumer's confidence. I thought to myself "Damn, another homeowner here that got taken!" The homeowner is actually a very sharp and sincere woman. The Pond Digger

100. comment for Pond Construction - Ponds Gone Wrong - Episode 1 - (Part 1)

NavyNewbie - 16 years ago
Hahaha, I think as soon as you went to this person's house and looked at the pond... you thought- " This moron just gave us a new series!!" Hahahaha cuase thats what i was thinking. My pond is gonna be waaaaayyyy better and im only 15. and my waterfall will have a Real...look.
TeamGopher - 16 years ago
Hi Eric, I just found your videos. Great job! 5 Stars!

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