Pond Construction - Ponds Gone Wrong - Episode 1 - (Part 2)

Ponds Gone Wrong is an epidemic plaguing America. Don't let a pond contractor take advantage of you and experiment in your back yard. Learn "How To Build a Pond" from commonly made mistakes by pond contractors fixed by the award winning pond construction crew. The Pond Digger Waterscape Design & Construction Team in Redlands, California. (more)

Pond Construction - Ponds Gone Wrong - Episode 1 - (Part 2) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 42

Pond 16 years ago 306,410 views

Ponds Gone Wrong is an epidemic plaguing America. Don't let a pond contractor take advantage of you and experiment in your back yard. Learn "How To Build a Pond" from commonly made mistakes by pond contractors fixed by the award winning pond construction crew. The Pond Digger Waterscape Design & Construction Team in Redlands, California. (more)

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Most popular comments
for Pond Construction - Ponds Gone Wrong - Episode 1 - (Part 2)

Tara McKeever
Tara McKeever - 7 years ago
Hello Pond Digger! Crazy Blonde do-it-yourselfer here. I have a habit of doing things ass-backwards and had 3 big boulders delivered and placed months before starting the excavating for my pondless waterfall. No chance that they can be moved at this point. I've dug my hole and piled the dirt between and around the boulders to support the stream. NOW I have to figure out how to "cut" my liner to slide down over the boulders keeping enough on the side/bottom to maintain my waterfall channel down to the pond. Suggestions? :-)
Joshua Whitford-Moore
Joshua Whitford-Moore - 7 years ago
R.E.D. friday... awesome! I was just getting some ideas for a pond of my own, but now I've subscribed.
XxMrRoachxX - 7 years ago
What would a demo and rebuild of something this size cost me approximately?
Teresa Barker
Teresa Barker - 8 years ago
All of the liners I see are black. Is there a particular reason for this? I would like to use a blue liner so it would look more like the swimming pool. Is there a reason I should not do this?Thanks!
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
+Teresa Barker Algae will turn the blue to black in due time and will create a ton of work for you if you want to try and keep the liner blue. Besides the biofilm that grows on the side of the liner is very beneficial to the pond.
Miguel Cisneros
Miguel Cisneros - 9 years ago
Jeffs here? Guys!! Jeff is here!
P.J. Bennett
P.J. Bennett - 9 years ago
+Miguel Cisneros (Eizo) my name jeff
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Miguel Cisneros Jeff is an ANIMAL!!!!
colin baker
colin baker - 9 years ago
how many people does it take too build a koi pond ?come on now its not swiss watch engineering , dig hole, fill with water,add filter and fish too taste, sit back and admire one week max,,  go to BKKS web site and learn for yourselfs chaps
Ronald Sanchez
Ronald Sanchez - 7 years ago
...a buss-load of illegals? 2 days tops!
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+colin baker Rock on and let the water flow
assassinthug111 gaming
assassinthug111 gaming - 9 years ago
Was there a can at the bottom of the pond
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+assassinthug111 gaming I don't think so.....
Jane Thompson
Jane Thompson - 10 years ago
This dude is making some serious dough....
The Barefooted Gardener
The Barefooted Gardener - 7 years ago
Doug Fresh Its not necessarily Eric's truck but part of the fleet that is likely in the company name. It's not as big of a margin as you'd think, but the cost of materials and labor is a lot.
Rusty Debier
Rusty Debier - 7 years ago
Dude is digging gold out of these ponds, I mean how many lifted trucks does he own?
Alice Cy
Alice Cy - 10 years ago
Well he is pretty fantastic and knows what he is doing.  It sucks that the homeowner had to pay 3 times but they sure got their money worth in the end.  If I could afford him I'd be paying to bring him up to install for me!
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+Jane Thompson What dude?
The Destined Outlawz
The Destined Outlawz - 10 years ago
anyone can provide estimates on how much does it cost to do a pond like like maybe a little smaller
The Destined Outlawz
The Destined Outlawz - 9 years ago
thanks for the info 
jashelps - 9 years ago
+babyjayoutlaw07 It costed us 1350€ to make something like this. However we got all the rocks from around us and some other stuff to.

10. comment for Pond Construction - Ponds Gone Wrong - Episode 1 - (Part 2)

Robert Kooijman
Robert Kooijman - 10 years ago
Terrific job guys, thanks for sharing!
Sunil Maharaj
Sunil Maharaj - 10 years ago
great content
makeubeg187 - 10 years ago
Pretty sure I would work for ya, I love this kind of stuff. Awesome work guys!
Melanie Klar
Melanie Klar - 11 years ago
What can you do to protect ducks from predators?
Jefferdaughter - 10 years ago
Domestic or wild ducks?  Either way,  a pond that is wide enough and deep enough will discourage most predators.  Don't forget that the shallow areas or 'shelves' don't really count.    This video is really about decorative backyard ponds.  You can find more info on practical ponds and ducks by searching for info on natural pond construction, permaculture, etc - if that is what you are looking for.  Best to you!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
I'll second that!
kdc43 - 11 years ago
I tell you one thing...... ....that's hard physical labor!!!!!
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
There is a part 3 and 4
aguyandhiscomputer - 12 years ago
Is there a part 3? Can't wait to see it.
Ralph Marshall
Ralph Marshall - 13 years ago
How long is a pond liner expected to last... Can bottom and sides be made out of a foot or so of clay compressed and then covered with river rock? I'd like to make a pond on my brother's property big enough to be a swimming hole, with balanced ecology and relatively clean looking water.. Any literature, books, videos, university programs that you know of that addresses these parameters?
ThePondDigger - 13 years ago
@ScreeminMeeme We used a large rock dolly and wheel barrows on this project to move all the rock to the backyard. When we have access I like to bring in equipment to move the rock. We have a little BOBCAT that we use when ever possible.

20. comment for Pond Construction - Ponds Gone Wrong - Episode 1 - (Part 2)

ThePondDigger - 13 years ago
@burub123 Hey BURUB123! Our waterfall kits don't have the appropriate size liner to build out a pond and they don't have a biological filter or skimmer. They are designed for disappearing waterfalls only. I just wanted to clarify that so you don't end up with the wrong equipment. You want to look at the pond kits. The smallest mini pond kit is a 6' x 6' and I am confident you can build it with our assistance. We help do it yourself pond builders across America every day.
ThePondDigger - 13 years ago
@ThaGama2 It's hard to haul ten tons of rock and boulders with a Prius, smart car or electric car. I'm all for the environment you can trust and believe. I did actually get rid of that gas guzzler recently. I do miss it dearly. I aquired an even larger truck with better gas mileage to haul even more rock and boulders!
ThePondDigger - 14 years ago
@Merks1889 Where do you live? We are looking to grow exponentially this season and could use a few more SUPERSTARS on the team.
Kris Kringle
Kris Kringle - 14 years ago
@ThePondDigger after you put in so many years in you shouldent have to do much!!!
Merks1889 - 14 years ago
Hey can i get a job with you???? I have a koi fish with me in a 20 gallon tank. I know its gonna outgrow it pretty soon so this christmas ima get a 75 gallon tank and then during the spring i was planning on building a pond around 4000-5000 gallons since im thinking about breeding him with somone :) If i worked with you i think i could gain some experience towards building the pond im trying to accomplish. Ive also heard of a filter i think goes by the name of vegi filter or somthing and people
Lubricates - 14 years ago
@ThePondDigger Thanks!
ThePondDigger - 14 years ago
@mannhorn34 I get plenty dirty. Ask my boys!
ThePondDigger - 14 years ago
@NeoQuello A pond like this professionally installed could run into the 15k range real easy. It of course depending on the pond equipment you a choose. It could go much higher!
ThePondDigger - 14 years ago
@alexthekiller25 I live for this! Thanks for the feedback!
ThePondDigger - 14 years ago
@DivineVvayz I could maybe use a new guy on my team! I'm always looking to bring on a new pond digger!

30. comment for Pond Construction - Ponds Gone Wrong - Episode 1 - (Part 2)

ThePondDigger - 14 years ago
@DMAXMANIAK I will look forward to the day!
Lubricates - 14 years ago
Greatest pond ever!I love how you build them and how you solve them! :D
ThePondDigger - 14 years ago
@Castexi Use EPDM liner!
ThePondDigger - 14 years ago
@035577 No Problem! We are working on more so stay tuned!
hydroxyl - 14 years ago
You drive Ford Trucks, therefor you are very smart. Thanks for the cool vids!
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
I'm not sure where you are located but this is our local rock that we get for a fair price. Where ever you're at you should be able to get your local rock for approximately 50.00 to 100.00 dollars per ton. This is a good sized pond with some large character stones. We used approximately 12 tons of stone on this project. Thanks for the great feedback and best of luck to you with your turtle pond! Lean on us if you have any questions along the way. Your turtles will be happy! The Pond Digger
HALEterSkelter - 15 years ago
Im just curious, how much does all that rock cost alone? Oh, and your work is amazing. I Have 6 Aquatic turtles that are soon to be moved outside. Your vids shall help me do this.
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
Yeah when the economy was cranking everyone with a wheel barrow and truck got into building ponds! Even tweekers! Now that the economy is a challenge, most of the fly by night pond builders have fallen out of the picture. Those with pond water running through their veins remain. Touching People's Lives with Water, The Pond Digger
Black Water
Black Water - 15 years ago
tweekers into pond building now? wow
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
Thanks for the feedback. The Pond Digger
ALP'ie - 15 years ago
Thanks! But would you recommend a pond bottom drain? If you do recommend pond drains which one should i use for my 1,800 gallon pond?? Can you make a vid how to install one?
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
THANKS! The Pond Digger
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
Believe it or not we usually get the pipe for free from construction sites we see on the streets. We get scraps that would normally be tossed in the dumpster. Otherwise we usually purchase it from a specialty landscape supply house. The Pond Digger
Dan Aubrey
Dan Aubrey - 15 years ago
well done.
ALP'ie - 15 years ago
Thanks! I got to go buy some pipe... were can you but such large pipe like that?
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
Thanks for the comment! We are plotting several videos at this moment. We plan to have a pile of new informational videos due out this summer. Stay tuned! The Pond Digger
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
I don't remember the exact diameter on the tunnel used in this pond but typically we use 10" to 12" pipe. Great question! The Pond Digger
ALP'ie - 15 years ago
the tunnel is 12 in diameter?
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
It is amazing how fast fish find these caves when you introduce them to the pond. They instinctively seek refuge. Once they become familiar with you they will have no fear and greet you each time you visit the pond. When a predator such as a Blue Heron, Egret or Raccoon stop by to hunt the fish vanish into their fish cave retreat. The Pond Digger
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
We have never experienced fish getting stuck in the tunnels we create for them. The Pond Digger

50. comment for Pond Construction - Ponds Gone Wrong - Episode 1 - (Part 2)

Kim - 15 years ago
can fish ever get stuck in that fish tunnel?
ThePondDigger - 16 years ago
We're big on maintaining proper scale on all our projects. Sometimes perspective is very different on camera. The length of the stream is easily captured in the pond without overflow, when the power is turned is off for maintenance. I believe the size of the character boulders is spot on for this project. During the construction phase when rock is everywhere it can appear to be heavy in stone but after landscape is planted the balance returns. Thanks for the comment. The Pond Digger
ThePondDigger - 16 years ago
We have a great service that we offer to out of state ponderers! We do a little interview with you to help decide what is the best construction design for you and your property. We provide you a concept drawing, construction detailed schematics, a materials take off list and recommended construction equipment. Once you have these POND PLANS you can get bids from three contractors or tackle the project yourself. This program helps assure you building with the correct specs! The Pond Digger
Alex Smoler
Alex Smoler - 16 years ago
I wish that your service was in florida because I would definitely have you build me a pond.

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