Pond Construction - Ponds Gone Wrong - Episode 1 - (Part 3)

Ponds Gone Wrong is an epidemic plauging America. Don't let a pond contractor take advantage of you and experiment in your back yard. Learn "How To Build a Pond" from commonly made mistakes by pond contractors fixed by the award winning pond construction crew. The Pond Digger Waterscape Design & Construction Team in Redlands, California.

Pond Construction - Ponds Gone Wrong - Episode 1 - (Part 3) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 21

Pond 16 years ago 301,069 views

Ponds Gone Wrong is an epidemic plauging America. Don't let a pond contractor take advantage of you and experiment in your back yard. Learn "How To Build a Pond" from commonly made mistakes by pond contractors fixed by the award winning pond construction crew. The Pond Digger Waterscape Design & Construction Team in Redlands, California.

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Most popular comments
for Pond Construction - Ponds Gone Wrong - Episode 1 - (Part 3)

Glen Hansen
Glen Hansen - 7 years ago
Where are your Mexican workers hiding?
Art Punzalan
Art Punzalan - 7 years ago
Shireen Abdul Jaleel
Shireen Abdul Jaleel - 7 years ago
I wish they would come to my home and make the pond of my dream
JAVIER REYES - 8 years ago
If you need a pond , waterfall, water wall. concrete rocks and more. Reyeswaterfalls.com
all san diego
JAVIER REYES - 8 years ago
Maybe the owner make by his self,
Chain Bacon
Chain Bacon - 8 years ago
As if this is rocket science.Umm we won't be using the stone you payed for we will be taking that back for the next job.We will use this big stone blah blah blah.We know your money flows freely and we like big trucks and fancy rims.This is me read on this guy who tells the employee that made him to cut the root.What an asshole.
meeks - 8 years ago
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
Your insight and support is fantastic. What a blessing on our channel. Thanks for watching.
justwired - 8 years ago
i notice you use liners a lot do ever build ponds out of shotcrete with the same look
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
We do Build ponds with shotcrete too. We just haven't filmed one as a tutorial.
George Batton
George Batton - 9 years ago
If you already have a hill in your yard is it better to use the existing hill to build the waterfall into as opposed to building the hill up from a flat spot?
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
+George Batton A hill in the back yard is always a blessing to work with!
Jude Jacinto
Jude Jacinto - 9 years ago
can I keep my turtle pond without a filter and a waterfall
Jude Jacinto
Jude Jacinto - 9 years ago
+ThePondDigger how should I maintain the pond without a filter
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Jude Jacinto Yes but I would highly suggest using a filter on the pond.

10. comment for Pond Construction - Ponds Gone Wrong - Episode 1 - (Part 3)

Cassandra Derek
Cassandra Derek - 9 years ago
I'm making a self-sustaining aquaponics pond, and I want to have cattails growing on the side to clean the water and be a secondary crop, but I'm still confused as to how you guys make your shelves so that the pond does not overflow and it comes up-to-the surface? Where does the liner stop? is is a set of three different levels?
Cassandra Derek
Cassandra Derek - 9 years ago
+ThePondDigger thanks!
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Cassandra Derek We use one continuous piece of liner for the three steps in the pond then we fold the liner at the top and tuck it behind the rock work.
Svillax - 9 years ago
I want a pond like this a bit smaller in our backyard how much do you charge?
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Svillax Our estimating for pond construction is determined by many different things. Access, rock selection, construction styles, equipment selection and much more. This link to our website might help - http://theponddigger.com/pond-design-consultation/
mattgotsskill - 9 years ago
how much it is for a pond exactly like the one in this video?
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+mattgotsskill This pond installed for approximately 12k. We installed this pond many years ago so I don't remember the contract.
Dante E92 335I
Dante E92 335I - 9 years ago
how the flip do u guys move those big boulder everywhere?! i'm a pretty big dude and i am looking at this pond and thinking it's just impossible. I rebuilt my uncles failed retaining wall which was originally stones. Him & I have wanted to build a water fall and stream that goes into a pond using those stones, but i couldn't imagine moving stones half the size of those character boulders even with an extra pair of hands.
Xavierahunt - 9 years ago
What kind of pond liner do you use? I just built one myself and the liner i used was not nearly as flexible as the one you use in all of your videos. It was a Firestone brand, anti-uv, but it feels and is about as flexible as a dry-rotted trampoline. Yours seems to be almost more rubberized. The biggest problem i had was getting it to flex around the edges and around rocks.
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Xavierahunt 45 mil EPDM rubber liner
mef1975 - 9 years ago
My head starts bobbing like the Roxbury guys every time the music comes on.
mef1975 - 9 years ago
But yeah, great idea for a show!  Hope you come across more to re-do.
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+mef1975 Awesome!
Dan Onasch
Dan Onasch - 10 years ago
Great Video that show's a pond and waterfall that was installed wrong and fixed the right way. These poor Homeowners were charged twice by an under qualified Landscaper and fixed by The Pond Digger Waterscape Design & Construction Team In Redlands, California. Dan Onasch
Mason Maj
Mason Maj - 10 years ago
How do you guys keep the stones in place? can they be walked on?
Mason Maj
Mason Maj - 10 years ago
Where can I purchase this foam?  I am from Chicago, can I get it from a store somewhere?
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+Mason Maj We take great care in stacking the rock work in our ponds especially on the coping stone edges where the pond will receive foot traffic. Once the pond is dry stacked we apply an expanding foam that locks the rock work into place. 
danny sulyma
danny sulyma - 10 years ago
Great series of videos you have here. Only hitting the basics with not much for details , but still informative and most interesting to watch. Thank you for posting them
Michael - 10 years ago
Your work and videos are absolutely amazing. And you give incredible attention to detail. Thanks for the inspiration of my first pondless waterfall.

20. comment for Pond Construction - Ponds Gone Wrong - Episode 1 - (Part 3)

Beastmode13 xD
Beastmode13 xD - 11 years ago
question how much money do they make
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
A pond this size will cost between 10 and 15 thousand depending on access, life support selection, electrical runs and rock selection. 
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
russ chmbers
russ chmbers - 11 years ago
Mike can't possibly have any tricks up his sleeves because he is wearing a sleeveless shirt.
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Good compaction is always key but the terrestrial planting that comes in behind us is a key element to keep dirt and mud flowing into the pond. Most of the grade is falling away from the pond.
OrfulOctopus - 11 years ago
I like the dirt and exposed rock look in this video around the waterfall. Just as I asked about this same thing in one of your koi pond videos, I wonder about this one. What happens when it rains? Do the dirt areas turn to mud and run into the pond? In this case, I guess the mud--if there is any--would run down to the ground. Is that what happens with grounds like this? Is the ground compacted enough that very little "mudding" takes place?
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
We use 45 Mil liner on 98 percent of our installations. When we get into larger ponds, 1/4 acre and bigger we are often times using a 20 or 30 mil poly liner.
Greg D
Greg D - 11 years ago
great video! what millimeter thickness do you recommend for pond and waterfall liners?
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
You're welcome Jessica! It's our pleasure!
Jessica Barnes
Jessica Barnes - 11 years ago
Thank you for these videos!! :)
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
That's great to hear Amanda! Please tell us more about your landscape assignment and how this video benefited your work!

30. comment for Pond Construction - Ponds Gone Wrong - Episode 1 - (Part 3)

Amanda West
Amanda West - 11 years ago
This is amazing! It holds amazing info for my landscaping assignment :)
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
We use foam in our construction process to direct water over waterfalls, secure stones together and fine tune our edge treatment. Great question.
Sam Clark
Sam Clark - 12 years ago
Are you using spray foam to keep the smaller rocks in place?
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
A shaded area is equally important. Typically little to no feeding during construction. Of course that depends on how long they are in the holding tanks and what time of year and what season we are building in. If it's winter the koi don't eat much anyway.
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
We roll in with 300 to 600 gallon koi holding tanks depending on how many koi we are handling we may have several tanks. Typically we fast the koi for a week prior to moving them to help manage water quality while they are in temporary tanks. We of course cover the tanks with a net to keep the koi from jumping out. Aeration is mandatory!
Penny Peterson
Penny Peterson - 12 years ago
I want to know what you do with the fish while you are re-doing their pond? I am starting a waterfall/stream/pond project and your videos are a big help. It's easier to watch how to do something rather than just read about it. Keep up the good work Eric and I'd like to see more boo-boo or oh-oh....ponds!! Thank you.....
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
Sometimes we keep some of the dirt around the plant root and other times we knock all the dirt off the plant. The plants do very well both ways. We are in Southern California so we use a great variety of plants because of our fantastic weather. Cold hardy plants that come to mind include, golden buttons, water cress, cattails, rushes, Japanese acorus and iris just to name a few.
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
3 foot
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
We have let to many things interrupt our video plans that is for certain. We will be uploading this winter for sure. Stay tuned and stay connected with us on Facebook. We typically will upload short video on facebook once a month. Not as detailed as we do here on youtube but still enough to keep up the information.
The Barefooted Gardener
The Barefooted Gardener - 12 years ago
Do you keep the soil around the roots of the aquatic plants? Or do the fish/ wildlife give the plants all the nutrients? Also, what species of plants do you use/ can you please give me a list of cold- hardy aquatic plants?? Thanks very very much!
ThePondDigger - 13 years ago
@hideous10 I don't know of any common household plants that work in the ponds in our area. We have super hot summers. I grabbed some water cress growing wild and a California Native that grows well in water. I don't remember the name.
ThePondDigger - 13 years ago
@iamamystery27 Mike is the man of steel! No knee pads!
ThePondDigger - 13 years ago
@geraldgustav Ten Grand minimum. It really depends on gallons. 3000 gallons? 4000 gallons? 5000 gallons?
hideous10 - 13 years ago
What are some common household plants that can be acclimated to pond/water life? And can we just take plants from the wild?
ThePondDigger - 13 years ago
@pac6010 Not everyone is ready to pay the money for a professionally installed pond. That's okay because we are prepared to hold your hand through a do it yourself pond installation. What every it takes to get a pond in everyone's backyard. What ever it takes!
Dr.Trollish - 13 years ago
@ThePondDigger Wow 25K huh, I just realized I need to learn how to build my own pond lol. Good thing you guys have lots of videos for me to learn from.
ThePondDigger - 13 years ago
@geraldgustav Not an easy question to answer. How many gallons? 3000 gallons to 5000 gallons? Bottom Drains? Professionally installed the pond I am assuming you speak of is easily 25k. At least here in California.
gerald gustav
gerald gustav - 13 years ago
what is the average price of a pond with a depth of at least 3-4 ft. with two filters and two UV lights? please let me know thanks
wompasdub - 13 years ago
@ThePondDigger haha I wish unfortunately it's in a skyscraper in the middle of downtown chicago don't think management would be too thrilled :\
ThePondDigger - 13 years ago
@wompasdub We need an address! We might just show up and start digging!

50. comment for Pond Construction - Ponds Gone Wrong - Episode 1 - (Part 3)

ThePondDigger - 13 years ago
@wompasdub Give us the address and we might just show up one day ready to work!
wompasdub - 13 years ago
come put a pond in my apt so I can go shwimmin lol
mrjon75 - 13 years ago
I consider myself one of the greatest small pond constructors whom ever lived, and although I haven't ever built a pond I would like to. It would be great. A true work of art.
ThePondDigger - 14 years ago
@LordJake1337 Yes we have been building some seriously cool ponds this past year. We will be shooting video this spring. It's a personal promise. Stay tuned.
Jake Butler
Jake Butler - 14 years ago
You built any interesting ponds lately? ALSO, Could you upload more vids, I find yours really interesting :)
ThePondDigger - 14 years ago
@cocy3000 This comment really cracks me up! Thanks!
ThePondDigger - 14 years ago
@mannhorn34 Thank you much but my lead tech at our headquarters is a real Pond Guru, I'm happy with the label The Pond Digger.
ThePondDigger - 14 years ago
@cocy3000 Mike has tricks in his pockets and socks! :)
ThePondDigger - 14 years ago
@vageta45 PVC works good as a tunnel for the fish to hide. Good Luck.
ThePondDigger - 14 years ago
@picatsoforfma Yes, directly in the water!
ALP'ie - 15 years ago
Sorry again but i also want to know the name of the leafy plant in the stream on 0:48 on the bottom? Thanks a-lot!
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
Water lilies can be planted directly in the gravel in Eco-System ponds. However When water lilies are planted in pots they can be fertilized with more accuracy. So it depends on your goals.
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
The aquatic plant you like is called Ribbon Grass.
ALP'ie - 15 years ago
Oh and one more questions (sorry for bothering you so much) What is the name of the plant in 5:16 i really like it.
picatsoforfma - 15 years ago
What about water lilies that go directly in the water?
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
For sure. The pond in our Turtle Pond Design Video is multil-leveled. The turtles are always climbing the levels and often make dives from the upper level to the bottom level. It's hilarious! The Pond Digger
Micheal Hetherington
Micheal Hetherington - 15 years ago
think its possible to make a turtle pond that has 2 levels but there is a littel part where they can walk up to the second floor and dive to the bottom one?
hirocaster - 15 years ago
Thank you! Plants looks much better and natural without the plastic basket, but I think you have more control using baskets with plants thas spread a lot or tend to grow too much. I think I'll mix both, with and without basket. I'm building my pond with 6m x10m firestone EPDM. I'm collecting big stones, some plantas and stuff all bymyself...lot of work. :)
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
You aren't the first person to ask this question. The aquatic plants we installed were tucked behind the rock, but inside the rubber liner. We are planning a video shoot that will help identify our tips and tricks on planting our aquatic plants. Stay tuned and thanks for the question. Questions help us identify what pond enthusiast want to learn. The Pond Digger
hirocaster - 15 years ago
the plants goes behind the liner?
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
Hey we did a pond is Saginaw MI last year! We get around! I could possibly connect you with a contractor in your area. Let me know if you want help. The Pond Digger
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
Tell your friends! Thanks.... The Pond Digger
Dan Aubrey
Dan Aubrey - 15 years ago
i need this company in my state to do my pond. michigan
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
YEAH! That is Mike the Turtle Pond Master working on the Pond MakeOver aquatic plants to make the pond look amazing!
jrtec13 - 16 years ago

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