Pond Construction - Ponds Gone Wrong - Episode 1 - (Part 4)

Ponds Gone Wrong is an epidemic plaguing America. Don't let a pond contractor take advantage of you and experiment in your back yard. Learn "How To Build a Pond" from commonly made mistakes by pond contractors fixed by the award winning pond construction crew. The Pond Digger Waterscape Design & Construction Team in Redlands, California.

Pond Construction - Ponds Gone Wrong - Episode 1 - (Part 4) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 16

Pond 16 years ago 286,666 views

Ponds Gone Wrong is an epidemic plaguing America. Don't let a pond contractor take advantage of you and experiment in your back yard. Learn "How To Build a Pond" from commonly made mistakes by pond contractors fixed by the award winning pond construction crew. The Pond Digger Waterscape Design & Construction Team in Redlands, California.

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Most popular comments
for Pond Construction - Ponds Gone Wrong - Episode 1 - (Part 4)

Ty Lambert
Ty Lambert - 7 years ago
How about an update? I watched these videos years ago and it'd be great to see.
chronic fishkeeping
chronic fishkeeping - 7 years ago
your awsome im doing reaserch to build my own pond found your channel and found my answers your an artist the divinci of ponds i will be buying my kit from you . . i like your web site to very informitive
Dara Tschan
Dara Tschan - 7 years ago
somehow the lining of the waterfall bothers me it looks unnatural, probably the middle sized stone underneath the spilling stone, it just wasn't the right size or color for that spot, but I guess once covered with moose or algae it will blend in
Ted Clayton
Ted Clayton - 7 years ago
Looks really nice.
Dale Hipkins
Dale Hipkins - 7 years ago
dawn woodward
dawn woodward - 7 years ago
very nice. the only thing i don't like about artificial ponds is the force of the water spilling over the fall is too forceful. everybody does this. there needs to be a way to dial that back so the rate of speed mimics nature more closely. it is not very relaxing to me and out of tune with the natural vibrations of falling water. you guys do a really great job. thanks for the video.
DizzzyKipper - 7 years ago
Pretty Sweet.The improvements made are obvious.Thank you.
Blaze Conway
Blaze Conway - 7 years ago
i have a pond ,but it needs a lot of work. I had just a plastic pond put in the ground ,but i really didnt like it so I put liner in and now looks even worse. Does anyone have any ideas.
promontorium - 7 years ago
He has a whole series on building a pond from the ground up. I recommend checking it out, or at least parts that might give you an idea on how to fix up your pond.
Liz Margoshes
Liz Margoshes - 7 years ago
Wonderful video. Question: Is the waterfall surrounded by pond liner? How do you prevent leakage through the rocks and backflow without cementing or foam-ing the rocks together?

10. comment for Pond Construction - Ponds Gone Wrong - Episode 1 - (Part 4)

Dawn Bartos
Dawn Bartos - 7 years ago
You do awesome work. I know a thing or two about this and may not agree with every technique but that makes pond work unique! Great video work as well! Did you trade work for work? Lucky to have that resource if you did! You are too notch in your trade with what I see from an educated eye man. What part of the country are you in?
nancy mace
nancy mace - 7 years ago
I am trying to build a waterfall which splits around a memorial with a peach tree to a pond any tips
stevieu83 - 8 years ago
Beautiful transformation :)
Mala Pech
Mala Pech - 8 years ago
when I can't sleep the pond diggers is what I watch.
BattleRattle556 - 8 years ago
"A few tricks up his sleeve" (guy is wearing sleeveless shirt!!! Lmao
Roger Nguyen
Roger Nguyen - 8 years ago
Do you know anyone in Houston, Texas area that I can trust to do one?
Todd Trigsted
Todd Trigsted - 8 years ago
Building my first pond. The four part Episode 1 is very helpful in getting me thinking of what I can prevent with thoughtful planning. I will be buying a kit from your company soon. I am interested in knowing more about the water pipe layout. Please guide me to your video that discusses best layout designs to maximize pump efficiency. Todd tdtrigsted@gmail.com
George Goertzen
George Goertzen - 8 years ago
if you had built it all higher, the retaining wall could have done double duty as seating for a lawn party and no music would be nicer than the music in your credits but this is much better than the 20 plus series
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
Thanks for the feedback.
George Goertzen
George Goertzen - 8 years ago
yuck, you have gravel where I want to sit pool side and let my koi give me a pedi! A nice flat flag stone would have been so much nicer!
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
That is a great look too. WE have that is some of our other video demonstrations. Thanks for watching!
TheOfficial Warrior
TheOfficial Warrior - 8 years ago
Don't even have a pond or want one but I watch your videos because they are entertaining lol
Sinlo Kemp
Sinlo Kemp - 8 years ago
Same here! Love the work and the finish product!
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
Thank you for the feedback and thank you so much for watching!

20. comment for Pond Construction - Ponds Gone Wrong - Episode 1 - (Part 4)

bobbelsekwol - 8 years ago
What size pump did you use for waterfall?
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
This waterfall has a target flow of approximately 4000 gph
longbeachboy57 - 8 years ago
I think I will call this guy directly instead of scouting for someone that I can tolerate...
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
Let's do this! I was born in Long Beach, Graduated from Wilson High and just finished a very cool turtle pond in the LBC!
Matt Wright
Matt Wright - 8 years ago
Good looking fix guys. I wish there was someone like you in Maryland lol
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
Have no Fear Matt! I have a dynamite pond guy that will service Maryland. if you really need help shoot me an email. eric@theponddigger.com

Thank you so much for watching!
A B - 8 years ago
beautiful fix
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
Thank you so very much!
Jeff N
Jeff N - 8 years ago
One of the nicest waterfalls. Beautiful spill stone. love it
Jeff N
Jeff N - 8 years ago
I think I've seen this pond in another video. Is this a hybrid system style pond with a bottom drain?
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
Thank you so much!
Tanya Creedon
Tanya Creedon - 8 years ago
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
+Tanya Creedon Thanks for watching.
Mortgage Financing
Mortgage Financing - 9 years ago
How much would this pond cost to build ?
Nimzter41 - 8 years ago
a lot
GS B - 9 years ago
Great series of videos, thanks guys. Certainly gave me plenty of good advice and ideas and suffice to say the results you achieved speak for themselves, awesome stuff.
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+GS B Thanks for watching!
Brent - 9 years ago
You guys rock...like literally! Lol. Nice job as always, that thing looked like shit until you guys fixed it and turned it into something beautiful!
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Brent Eason BOOM! Thank you!
P.J. Bennett
P.J. Bennett - 9 years ago
the first pond wasnt planned. it was ok, dig a hole and throw all different size rocks everywhere, and we'll work it from there.
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+P.J. Bennett Exactly. Thanks for watching!

30. comment for Pond Construction - Ponds Gone Wrong - Episode 1 - (Part 4)

Mark Ali-gilkes
Mark Ali-gilkes - 9 years ago
this guy is brilliant ! h is so thorough! ACE !!!!
Mark Ali-gilkes
Mark Ali-gilkes - 9 years ago
Your true professional. I have been watching ur vids for over a year. It's brilliant. And you give fantastic detail to the job your doing. ACE!! VERY GOOD TIPS ON JOB! MARK.
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Mark Ali-giles Humbled. Thank you so much!
Alex Kingcole
Alex Kingcole - 9 years ago
I own a reef tank. This is the hobby i will retire to.
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Alex Kingcole I already know...........
peggyt1243 - 9 years ago
I am much too frugal to ever pay big $s for a "professional" pond. I have in the past made my own small pond and I was quite happy with it.
Kurt Angen
Kurt Angen - 9 years ago
Best pond creators of all time! Nice work fellas!
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Kurt Angen Kurt! You are too kind! Thank you so much for your feedback!
gergia loo
gergia loo - 9 years ago
hey man u did a good job sharing this kind of video. You should continue with the episodes I'm so so looking forward to your next episode. Dont do individual video just continue doing all these episodes. Im so desperate for them.
Treffry Raxter
Treffry Raxter - 9 years ago
Is there an update video of this pond in 2014-2015? would love to see it now if the owner took care of it
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Treffry Raxter The pond is in really good shape. We don't plan on filming here anytime soon as we have so many new and exciting topics to cover with everyone. I can tell you She has been on several pond tours over the years. We clean out her pond annually and her koi are spawning each season. Hope that satisfies your update. Thanks for watching.
RichyJam2011 - 9 years ago
All your ponds look amazing man. Wish I had watched your videos before constructing my pond. I think I have the basics right (filtration / aeration / water quality) albeit not the visual artistic element. You've gave me some great ideas which I could incorporate into my pond. My only question would be where to store my koi and other fish whilst I do the upgrades? Some of them are quite big now. Off the top of my head would a large paddling pool work if I use my existing pond water and filtration equipment? Something like this would take me a week or so at the least. I'd call you in but i'm in the UK lol
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+RichyJam2011 Storing your koi during a remodel can be challenging. We use collapsible koi show tanks when we are remodeling a pond. Good aeration and a protective cover are paramount. We suggest fasting your koi for a week prior to the move and if you are going to take your time on the project then you will need to set up filtration in the temporary pool. See the pool I am talking about in this video. https://youtu.be/bJmFU7Ul5io
meatypops - 9 years ago
Excellent fix!
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+meatypops Thank you!
JIll Dennis
JIll Dennis - 9 years ago
Love your work! I have a pond in North Georgia that is @ 13 years old. It has never been drained and cleaned. It's around 2000 gal. with a man made stream coming in to it. There are gold fish and plants and 2 waterfalls. A pond company who I asked to come "spruce it up" wants to drain it and clean it. I'm scared! We've never had any problems with it but it does have a lot of "crud" in the bottom of it. How often should you drain and clean a pond that is working well?
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+JIll Dennis Great question. We will cover it in an up and coming show! Stay tuned!
Scott Santaguida
Scott Santaguida - 9 years ago
How many gph is the pump used in this pond?
Sully Wan Kenobi
Sully Wan Kenobi - 8 years ago
PEPPERS - 9 years ago
very nice work
is this big enough for a grown koi?
PEPPERS - 9 years ago
I see, thank you
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Yagami Banksy This pond ended up about 2000 gallons. It's a little small for full grown koi but the domestics living in there are doing quite well and breeding all the time.
David Rickards
David Rickards - 10 years ago
You and your men do great  work!!!
Kayla Carter
Kayla Carter - 10 years ago
Hey. I'm from alabama. I live in one of those rural areas where foxes, deer and maybe cyotes tend to run around and it gets cold from time to time. I really want to put a pond in my front yard to accent some rose bushes my mom wants. Got any tips or advice?
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+Kayla Carter Build the pond in preparation of the animals and be okay with them visiting regularly. take steps to prepare caves for the fish, easy spots for wildlife to drink and enjoy the watering hole for all of it's glory.
zack walton
zack walton - 10 years ago
great work man keep it up
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+zack walton YOu can count on it! 
Thomas Estrada
Thomas Estrada - 10 years ago
My dream job! Great work and very informative. I love watching your videos.
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
Let's do this! 
Thomas Estrada
Thomas Estrada - 10 years ago
Really? Wow that would be amazing. Thanks.
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+thomas estrada When you're ready to start your business, let me know and we'll help you get started!
Jane Thompson
Jane Thompson - 10 years ago
This one is gorgeous. Nice job. I want to build this in my demonstration garden. Going to your website. Keep up the good work. Maybe I can talk you into coming to Florida to teach me how to build it and I'll sell more...with your products! www.indiantrails.vpweb.com.
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+Jane Thompson I'm ready to jump on a plane! 
Peo Arctaedius
Peo Arctaedius - 10 years ago
Ps ...My pond got 357 Cubic of water in it ....and a natural inlet and outlet of water….summer time it’s a bit low on flow….but it’s never dry ….
I use a 18k liters/h pump..2/½inch pipes ….60 meters to discharge  on top of the pond. ….I split like75/25% on suction from my down creek river bead filter 25% and my settlement tank 75% …using a bottom drain 110 mm …I will post a vid on my filter if some like to have it  ….all home made from 2 garbage bins… 270 liters and a  80 liters placed inside of the first one with aeration and Bio balls …all mixed system ….works like wonders.
Peo Arctaedius
Peo Arctaedius - 10 years ago
Best Pond Digger in all aspects...Thx for all good tips Eric - i got my pond going good now .....all driven by nature ...will send some pics in short... i just using a 18k liters/h pump to run my bottom drain and prefilter ..(home made )  I cant by Helix in Sweden sadly to say ....but i fixed it my way ,,,,the pond is large ...200 sqm water surface and inlet from nature...got a small waterfall leading out from the pond ...made my day hard to fig out how to run that good with my bottom drain ....but now its working good ,,,25/75 % divider made the trick ,,,,,,had to fitt a water well in my small creek after the waterfall to pic up the water and send it back up to the pond .....But how ever .....its running good now ....I might install a helix skimmer next summer ....If i can get hold on one ...Thx for all the videos and tips ..realy app it ....You rock Erick
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+Peo Arctaedius Sounds amazing! Thank you for your post. I'll look forward to a video link to your pond!
Игорь Чуркаев
Игорь Чуркаев - 10 years ago
Всё классно сделали
MarkJune Ferniz
MarkJune Ferniz - 10 years ago
Hi Eric, 

I was just thinking, do you guys do any visit of the ponds that you've built? Say 6 months to a year after?

MarkJune Ferniz
MarkJune Ferniz - 10 years ago
Do you also post them in youtube? ....Sorry I don't intend to be imposing or demanding at all..
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
Yes we visit our clients ALL THE TIME!

50. comment for Pond Construction - Ponds Gone Wrong - Episode 1 - (Part 4)

Ninh Nguyen
Ninh Nguyen - 10 years ago
does this pond have a bottom filter?
GT Williams
GT Williams - 10 years ago
That boulder you selected for the water fall was awesome. Very soft and natural. Was was old GPM vs new GPM on the pump? The old one looked way too low for that size pond. Scale matters. The new one had natural flow. I HATE seeing plumbing on ponds. Folks, this is much more difficult than it looks! Trust me...do it right the first time. He's right...check out the contractor's work. 
The Angry Fish Guy
The Angry Fish Guy - 10 years ago
wow looks fantastic after you were completed. Kudos to your team!
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
David H
David H - 10 years ago
This video series illustrates the difference between a 'professional' and 'someone-who-actually-knows-what-they're-doing'.  The before and after photos are great and the difference is stark.  Great work.
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
Thanks for the comment and thanks for watching!
Elisa Dunn
Elisa Dunn - 10 years ago
you should ask the home owners if you can go back and see some of your projects to see how they have filled in.
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
Good Idea!
Tarc - 10 years ago
I just stumbled upon your channel. You did some quality work there. Beautiful job! I took an inspiration or two from it for sure. Greetings from Germany!
1HeartwoodSurgeon - 11 years ago
How did you get the water to go over the bolder in front of the waterfall filter and not behind it?  Looks amazing.  I bought my house a year ago and I have a pond gone wrong that came with the house.  
1HeartwoodSurgeon - 11 years ago
I found those videos later and watched them.  Your stuff is great.  My pond is much better then it was because I have been working on it.  I should have taken more pics when we first moved in.  Lets put it this way, I only thought the "pond" feature was 6"deep and you could hardly see it from overgrowth.  Turns out I had a 3.5feet deep pond and a stream with waterfall.  I need it to get warm here so I can start working on it again.  
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Using waterfall foam is important to get the water to move over the rocks. We have a few videos that show you step by step how we do it. Look at our waterfall construction videos for tips and tricks on using waterfall foam. Send me pics of your ponds gone wrong. I'd love to see it. Thanks for watching!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
We did this pond a few years ago. If my memory serves me the project was around $11,000.00. Keep in mind there was some expense for the demo of the old pond.
tnsmongoose - 11 years ago
How much does something like this cost.
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
24K!!! That is a nice size pond!!! Thank you for your feedback.
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Hey Cassie, our headquarters is in Southern California. We do travel for pond construction and have a network of pond people across the country so we could possibly connect you with the right person to get you back on track. Let me know.
stuart austin
stuart austin - 11 years ago
Great Videos, I build my 24,000 gallon pond myself over a couple of years and learned the hard way how important it is to do things the right way the first time.
cassie woodward
cassie woodward - 11 years ago
Where you guys do ponds at. I made a pond for my mom and I just made a whole and now its a green watering whole in her front yard.
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Thank you for the feedback. Yes you can join the two ponds. We don't have any videos planned for the connection of two ponds but that would make for a cool video.
Eva Ruiz
Eva Ruiz - 11 years ago
I love how you made ​​the pond, I come looking for a while, and I made one, but I want to do other one and I want to connect both , but not how to do. can you teach me. , every day I see your videos, and fascinate me.
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
We typically put cobble on the vertical walls of the pond and gravel on the horizontal planes of the liner and we use black waterfall foam to lock everything in place. Check out our How to Build a Pond Series for tips and tricks. Hope that helps.
Stan Yount
Stan Yount - 11 years ago
Hey there, yoour videos are great and a good way to to learn what to do right. I am wanting to put gravel on the sides of my pond and am trying to find a good adhhesibe to spray or spread on the liner, could I use liquid cement? Or something like it t her at is nontoxic?
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
I agree!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Thank you!
papapardal1 - 11 years ago
kaine fenton
kaine fenton - 11 years ago
This was not a fish gone wrong video.....
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Great! Post video when you're done!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Thank you for your feedback raptured14! it is our mission to spread Information, Education and Inspiration! Glad to have you tuned into our channel! Stay tuned for more........
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
All of our videos are filled with tips and tricks for construction and maintenance.
Gregory Hall
Gregory Hall - 11 years ago
Building it myself but listening to you guys before hand! Respectfully Katargetheephapax4833@yahoo.com
joe buth
joe buth - 11 years ago
we r thinking about building our own what tips can u give us
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
You know, People love to stop and look at train wrecks! Thanks for the feedback Brent!
Brent Keller
Brent Keller - 11 years ago
I find it very interesting that you have over 100k views on what not to do, and very few on how to actually put in some hard work and create a beautiful waterscape. Just saying... Keep up the good work Eric. Brent K.
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
A THOUSAND Thanks to you!
kdc43 - 11 years ago
It looks a 1000% better than before!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
The homeowner is very happy with her new pond and is a LIFER client of ours now!
Lacey Dana
Lacey Dana - 11 years ago
WORLDS better! Awesome job, I'm sure the owner was incredibly glad to have you guys fix up that eyesore into something so gorgeous!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Stop! Don't! Don't Stop! Thanks!!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Thank you! I hope one day you will have your koi pond dreams come true!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
DIY project. The pond kit we installed on the project was up around 2,500 to 3,000.00 Hope that helps!
Anthony McCormack
Anthony McCormack - 11 years ago
You are the Mike Holmes of the Pond World.. Well done!! Love your work!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
We would love to come to Atlanta to visit!!! Thanks for the compliment!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
It blows me away that you took the time to compliment us! Thank you so much!
mel59725 - 11 years ago
Gorgeous! I love the vegetation you brought in. Someday I hope to have something similar.
Mark Macyszyn
Mark Macyszyn - 11 years ago
What would something like that cost? Just an estimate for a do it yourself job
Mark Macyszyn
Mark Macyszyn - 11 years ago
I wish you were in Atlanta area! Great job.
Devon Fernald
Devon Fernald - 12 years ago
Great work!!! I was blown away..
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
YOu are too kind! Thank you for the feedback!
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
THank you so much!
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
Thank you so much for your feedback!
Daniel Allen
Daniel Allen - 12 years ago
absolutely gorgeous. Can't understand why ppl disliked this. The surrounding flowers give it that blossoming touch...
Roni Cee
Roni Cee - 12 years ago
Your work is amazing!!! How I wish I could hire you to do one for my family, but unfortunately we are miles away. Your video will be very helpful with the decision making process along with excellent landscape & pond ideas. Thx for sharing :)
CuriosGs - 12 years ago
Excellent Work
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
Thanks for chiming in! You Rock!
Vlad Pustai
Vlad Pustai - 12 years ago
Great job! Keep on te good work :)

100. comment for Pond Construction - Ponds Gone Wrong - Episode 1 - (Part 4)

ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
Thanks for the feedback perspectivefilm!
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
So it' my understanding that your pond is in great working order once again thanks to The Pond Hunter! Happy Pondering!
thePondHunter - 12 years ago
Hey Pond Digger, first thank you for the referral. I am happy to say that I met with and reinstalled the problem pond. I think the customer is very happy now and I hope to provide her with services for many years to come. Thank you again for the great referrral!
architectural ink blots
architectural ink blots - 12 years ago
i love your waterfall where the bio filter thingy is. its so cool. and neat
SimplyLin Mish
SimplyLin Mish - 12 years ago
Yes He is coming to look at my pond Saturday. I will keep you in the loop. I told the pond hunter you referred him to me.
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
I hope you got a hold of The Pond Hunter for advice.
SimplyLin Mish
SimplyLin Mish - 12 years ago
I live in NJ. I will call your 800 number. I want to speak with you. There is so much more to say. I will make a video and send it to you. The second contractor tore down everything the first contractor did and started over. I spent 4500 for work 1 and 14,500 for the second job. I'm broke.
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
Where do you live? Are you prepared to have another contractor come in to fix and repair the pond? Did contractor two have the budget to repair the pond correctly or were his hands tied because of budget constraints? Lets review your situation before you throw in the towel. Maybe we can help. A correctly built pond can create so much relaxation and joy in your life it's worth looking into.
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
Where do you live? Are you prepared to have another contractor come in to fix and repair the pond? Did contractor two have the budget to repair the pond correctly or were his hands tied because of budget constraints? Lets review your situation before you throw in the towel. Maybe we can help. A correctly built pond can create so much relaxation and joy in your life it's worth looking into.
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
When that day comes...............let us know! We want to help you design and build whether you want to do all the work yourself or hire a contractor for services. Lean on us, it's our passion!
SimplyLin Mish
SimplyLin Mish - 12 years ago
I am starting to give up. Any suggestions?
SimplyLin Mish
SimplyLin Mish - 12 years ago
Love your videos and your work. I am on my second contractor who redid my first waterfall and pond which leaked I Now have a waterfall and stream going into a small /medium pond . So dissatisfied! It's leaking. I told my contractor, he says he is swamped. Everyday I add five inches of water. The caves he built are too small for my two large koi and he placed so many rocks in the pond it took away from the size and depth of the pond. My fish do not have enough swimming space. I am start
Moto Fotoe
Moto Fotoe - 12 years ago
..Awesome example of your work! Such a night and day difference. The videos show your team's passion for doing what you do the right way with beautiful results. I would love to make a pond for our backyard look this great someday.
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
The pond still looks amazing! It is currently overflowing with baby koi! Literally over a hundred koi grew up from a spawn last year. Our next video plans are strictly focused on new features so we have no immediate plans to shoot more video here. On occasion this pond is featured on our pond tours!
fowlerleftfoot - 12 years ago
Looks amazing! Can you show how it looks like recently?
MTH KITEBOARDS - 12 years ago
Sounds like the home owners paid for the cheapest bid, and that's what happens.
me2yay3 - 12 years ago
tell us the secret to keep clear and clean water and how many pond pumps used
2manyirons - 12 years ago
Thanks for the video. Great looking work!!
Just Jen
Just Jen - 12 years ago
What a great transformation! I love when you show a shot of the old pond and you can instantly see the drastic improvement. Thanks for taking the time out of your build to share the process with us.
Just Jen
Just Jen - 12 years ago
And that's what really matters.
Craig Greenwood
Craig Greenwood - 12 years ago
Wow. 1 entire minute of credits!
MaryBeth Christensen
MaryBeth Christensen - 12 years ago
Hi PD. I need a small pond liner for a very small fountain.My problem is that I live in a cold climate.What kind of liner do I need?
MrDirtjumper11 - 12 years ago
ponds gone wild!
Cherry COla
Cherry COla - 12 years ago
This is so cool and interesting! if i ever decide to get a pond....im calling you :D
Harry Druid
Harry Druid - 12 years ago
Fantastic work! can you fly out to Australia and fix my pond lol
Jeff Ketterman
Jeff Ketterman - 12 years ago
Attempting to create a small pond/waterfall in my backyard. This is extrememly helpful. Thank you, so much. Question...in your opinion, what is the the minimum equipment one needs to properly filter and condition the water? I would like to add some fish and don't really know what I need to do to make sure the water will not get murky and overrun with algea. Thank you in advance for any help you can give me!
75echo - 12 years ago
impressive work!
ThePondDigger - 13 years ago
They are loved by the homeowner.
ThePondDigger - 13 years ago
Thank you!
ThePondDigger - 13 years ago
Thank you!
ThePondDigger - 13 years ago
Send us video of your work! Happy Pondering!
ThePineconeCrafter - 13 years ago
Wow! So pretty. I am going to take some of the tips you gave and incorporate those into my pond area...mine is nothing like this, but I think I can make it look better than it looks now, by using your ideas!
angelaingermany - 13 years ago
Wow you did a great job!
alexis gultia
alexis gultia - 13 years ago
the fish were ugly
ThePondDigger - 13 years ago
@mikebramel Thanks!
ThePondDigger - 13 years ago
@hulsey1976 Your feedback is a breath of fresh air! Thanks for chiming in! Happy Pondering to you!
Mike Bramel
Mike Bramel - 13 years ago
ThePondDigger - 13 years ago
@TheUltraNick WOW
ThePondDigger - 13 years ago
@FindyourFeminine We travel all over to install ponds. We just finished a nice size waterfall and pond in Elk Grove California up by San Francisco. On occasion we will travel out of state for a project. Our sweet spot is here in Southern California.
FindyourFeminine - 13 years ago
Awesome pond! How far do you travel to install a pond? So cal?
ThePondDigger - 13 years ago
@69MORTE69 I'm sending my greetings and best wishes back to you all the way in Slovakia! Thank you for taking the time to send me such positive feedback. We are constantly working on new videos so stay tuned. Happy Pondering!
69MORTE69 - 13 years ago
@ThePondDigger thank you very much for your advice. i hope you will make more vids soon since i already watched all of them a couple of times. they are really helpful and i love the natural look of your work. greetings from slovakia :)
ThePondDigger - 13 years ago
@69MORTE69 Yes you can use the geotextile on top of the liner to protect it from sharp rocks. We do it all the time. Glad to be providing inspiration to you!
69MORTE69 - 13 years ago
the pond looks absolutely amazing. i dreamed about having one since i was a child. this video inspired me to finally make one. im about to place stones inside my pond but im afraid they are too sharp. since im building it with a small budget i cant replace them. i saw some ppl putting geotextile inside (not only under but on the liner too) the pond to protect the liner but im not sure if its right, if the geotextile wont rot in the water or something. could you give me some advice? thanks :)
ThePondDigger - 13 years ago
@ScreeminMeeme Thanks for the great feedback!
visualkeirockstar - 13 years ago
how do you get a job building ponds? i love building ponds too but i don't have the experience like you guys, i did mine the cheap way
ThePondDigger - 13 years ago
@Bflo23 Shoot some video and tell us all the tips and tricks you are using on your feature that you learned from The Pond Digger videos. Send me a note when you upload it!
Bflo23 - 13 years ago
Great looking pond! What a big difference that just switching from small stones to big stones makes. I'm gonna make a waterfall for my small pond.
ThePondDigger - 13 years ago
@bela042188 It's actually quite easy with the air system, backwash waterfall proper water treatments and routine maintenance this pond stays balanced wonderfully. The home owner is even overstocked with koi big time because the koi spawn each season and she is attached to all her kids.
bela042188 - 13 years ago
Its gonna be a nightmare cleaning that thing!
AnimalLunatic - 13 years ago
how much do you charge for building ponds?
Joey Slamans
Joey Slamans - 13 years ago
did you use a uv filter
nzee770 - 14 years ago
Really great video - very well done and informative! You took what was a rock pile and made it into a beautiful pond and waterfall. People don't realize that it's an art form to landscape. More than throwing some rocks around a hole in the ground! Good job!
imagicide - 14 years ago
These are some very helpful videos as I am putting in a "streamfall" to pond scene on the hillside of my house. Do you install an overflow drain in case of heavy rains? I had dug a small outlet ditch leading away from the hillside going further down the hillside to a lowland that collects water which I will put in liner and stone over.
LN30954 - 14 years ago
excellent work indeed! great going, guys!
Richard Walsh
Richard Walsh - 14 years ago
@ThePondDigger don't feel bad... i looked at my question and rewatched your video and i don't even know what i was referring to... must have been in another of your videos since this is part 4, thanx...
ViolinistFTW - 14 years ago
That's wonderful to know! Well now it seems it's time to save up money for a pond.. if I don't accidentally spend it on more fish tanks. :]
ThePondDigger - 14 years ago
Heck, I grew up in Long Beach! I'd love to come back to build you a koi pond! I grew up on Ximeno Street, graduated at Wilson High. Thanks for the feedback. It's hard to hold back the passion when you enjoy doing what you do.
ThePondDigger - 14 years ago
Thanks for the feedback!
ThePondDigger - 14 years ago
Thanks for the feedback! Posting it was our pleasure!
ThePondDigger - 14 years ago
Stay tuned into our channel for more helpful videos to help you build up the confidence to tackle your pond on your own! We of course, have tools, will travel! We live for this.
ThePondDigger - 14 years ago
Thanks for the feedback!
ThePondDigger - 14 years ago
The owner and I are good friends after this feature that is for sure. Thanks for your feedback. Not sure what you are referring to in your question. Sorry
ViolinistFTW - 14 years ago
I would love to have YOU guys come down to Long Beach if possible to build a koi pond in my backyard. :D We have a pretty large yard. From the videos I've seen, I adore the work and commitment to excellence you guys have. When we have the money, I will definitely go to you guys for an estimate. :]
boatkrazy - 14 years ago
What an improvement on the original pond! Nice job!
PR0CRASTINAT0R - 15 years ago
Cool video! (5 - STARS!) Thanks for posting it! OldGardenPond,com
Shermingtan - 15 years ago
You guys did an amazing job with the pond! The home owner can be glad that he found you for redoing the whole thing.
Richard Walsh
Richard Walsh - 15 years ago
i bet the home owners each gave you a kiss... lol... coudn't even tell if that was a pile of rocks or a water feature(old one)... amazing... what did you do to make the end of the artificial waterfall meet with the boulder?
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
We do offer some levels of Service. Mostly Seasonal Maintenance but it really depends on your needs. We are in Redlands, California only 30 minutes from Rancho!
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
It depends on your passion! If you want it bad enough and you have a bit of mechanical skills, YOU CAN DO IT! We do offer plenty of Do It Yourself Assistance! We're here to help if you need it!
picatsoforfma - 15 years ago
Is it a good idea to build the pond on my own without a contractor?
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
We do have a turtle pond video! It's one of our most popular videos. Go to our video library to see it. The Pond Digger
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
Thanks for your comment and support! The Pond Digger
ghettosearch - 15 years ago
1000% better !!! LOL pwned that other hack who rebuilt it twice!!! Very Nice job !
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
Thanks for the feedback! The Pond Digger
gumper5242 - 15 years ago
Just watched all 4 videos , Great job !
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
Your turtles want a pond too! Touching People's Lives with Water, The Pond Digger
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
You are so very welcome. GOOD NEWS! We are finishing up auditions for Pond's Gone Wrong 2009, We are very close to start shooting video. Stay Tuned! The Pond Digger
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
Thanks for the Feedback and the 5 star rating GURU! The Pond Digger
Seth Adler
Seth Adler - 15 years ago
Thank you soo much for taking the time to make this video serries, I hope to see many more!
Pondguru - 15 years ago
You da man! Nice finished product 5*
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
Send me video footage of your finished pond. It doesn't matter how much you spend just Git-R-Dun right! The Pond Digger
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
I have installed many aquascape systems. But I wouldn't say I'm aquascape. We install the best product that fits the given parameters of our clientele base. We are inclusive with product and not exclusive. I really love a good eco-system aquascape pond! Send me video of your pond. The Pond Digger
ALP'ie - 15 years ago
Do you recommend a bottom drain? If so which one? Can you make a vid of how to install one!
Senegal01 - 15 years ago
Very nice, are you Aquascape? I have a 5000 aquascape, and love it.
Javier Medina
Javier Medina - 15 years ago
Aiden Simon
Aiden Simon - 15 years ago
it's called verbenia
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
Thanks for the feedback. I'd love to see a video of some ponds you come across in the UK. We will be producing more videos over the summer. We'll keep you posted. The Pond Digger
Javier Medina
Javier Medina - 15 years ago
what is the name of that small purple creeping plant that you planted near the skimmer? i wanna get a plant like that its beautiful!
baldfatgit1 - 16 years ago
To the Pond Digger Im from the UK and these 4 vids are awesome. That waterfall is realy nice. I have a pond of 1200 gallons built over 3 years ago. To many koi but the water is good and the fish are healthy. Lets have some more vids VERY entertaining, And very enjoyable.
Lonnie Sexton
Lonnie Sexton - 16 years ago
Nice work! Have any examples of high tech theme ponds? like glass and lights? Could be pretty sweet to add some large chuncks of glass as the rocks, with colored lights shinning through etc etc.
ThePondDigger - 16 years ago
This pond professionally installed is about 10K. Materials for this project run around 5 or 6k? The Pond Digger
Deathofblades - 16 years ago
How much does it cost to install a pond like this? Is it around the $1000s zone? or $100s zone?
ThePondDigger - 16 years ago
The stream has a very thin layer of gravel. It gives a wonderfully natural look, sound and provides a fine area for beneficial bacteria to grow. Not to mention a great location to plant a variety of aquatic plants. The Pond Digger
ThePondDigger - 16 years ago
As you get closer to tackling the project give us a buzz and we'd love to help you save time and money! The Pond Digger
ThePondDigger - 16 years ago
Hey thanks for the suggestion. Wait till you see our turtle pond video next week. The pond we video shoot at has several different waterfalls and one of the waterfalls in particular has a really great sound. The Pond Digger
pondsandkoi - 16 years ago
the waterfall sounds nice. You should put together a medley of your work!

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