Turtle Pond Design

Designing a pond for turtles is easy when you know tips and tricks from professional turtle pond builders. Tour this unique aquatic turtle habitat and review pond construction design techniques that will improve your understanding of the optimal environment for these fun and friendly reptiles.

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Pond 16 years ago 1,202,921 views

Designing a pond for turtles is easy when you know tips and tricks from professional turtle pond builders. Tour this unique aquatic turtle habitat and review pond construction design techniques that will improve your understanding of the optimal environment for these fun and friendly reptiles.

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Most popular comments
for Turtle Pond Design

LCbabyxO - 7 years ago
Omg I love turtles!!!
Winston Isrilal
Winston Isrilal - 7 years ago
I have the same turtles, how old they must be to lay eggs and how do you see male and female. Please tell me
Ga Ferm
Ga Ferm - 7 years ago
"This is my big break! My 15 minutes of fame! I must make an entrance!"
/faceplants and end up with head under the water
"nailed it."
Aimee Alawrfali
Aimee Alawrfali - 7 years ago
How Many Turtles Does He Have?
Donnie Her
Donnie Her - 7 years ago
beautiful yard wowza
Sara Manuela
Sara Manuela - 7 years ago
Lucky bastards. So spoiled.
Deletha Barnett
Deletha Barnett - 7 years ago
Hi, I sub you can you sub to this Video. fish Keeping Jamaica. Thx
Robbi Rob
Robbi Rob - 7 years ago
I like turtles!
Ion Racer
Ion Racer - 7 years ago
I absolutely love all kinds of turtles!!!!

10. comment for Turtle Pond Design

IamPickles TheTurtle
IamPickles TheTurtle - 7 years ago
Awww they all look so happy
Ramon Corona
Ramon Corona - 7 years ago
Turtle comes out of skimer 6:40 hahahaha!!!!
Blippy - 7 years ago
This would be my life if I was ritch
Mike Paulson
Mike Paulson - 7 years ago
what type of liner does he have
Itzzz0mar - 7 years ago
I like durdles
addc 01
addc 01 - 7 years ago
where are u based from?
Kristian Gashi
Kristian Gashi - 7 years ago
Where do they go to hibernate if they live in a colder climate where it snows?
Chandrally Mahajan
Chandrally Mahajan - 7 years ago
How can I incorporate this indoors without causing issues of high moisture within the house?
Nextgengamer Jc
Nextgengamer Jc - 7 years ago
OMG how much did that pond cost bro
Skwazoo!!!! - 8 years ago
this guy really likes turtles

20. comment for Turtle Pond Design

champagne supernova
champagne supernova - 8 years ago
This is one of my turtle pond goals!
imbonnie - 8 years ago
thats so awesome! i love it!! Can turtles be mixed with koi fish?
FireG Gaming
FireG Gaming - 8 years ago
just prank this guy by dropping a year old snapping turtle in his yard
LCbabyxO - 7 years ago
FireG Gaming lmfao stop
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
scary!!! :0
Snakeman1987 - 8 years ago
are you guys planning to upload some new content? I love the koi stuff.
Suzie Q
Suzie Q - 8 years ago
Wish you guys were here in Wyoming. Love your ponds and wish there was someone in my area that built ponds as awesome as you!
Rad Rose
Rad Rose - 8 years ago
Imagine him being your uncle and spending time at his house. Jealous.
reptile rule
reptile rule - 8 years ago
An inspiration pond indeed. I like everything about it. I honestly can say this gives strong inspiration really. I want to build my own turtle pond someday.
Lee Calladine
Lee Calladine - 8 years ago
Wonder how they would cope with a UK winter?
Froggy - 8 years ago
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
Thats what I said!
Phong Thu
Phong Thu - 8 years ago
2:57 imma do a flip

30. comment for Turtle Pond Design

hellaBayAr3a - 8 years ago
wow, what an awesome backyard. I'd definitely spend a lot more time out there just to watch the turtles
Benjamin Haigh
Benjamin Haigh - 8 years ago
What were those long finned fish at 6:56?
BenWS - 8 years ago
Butterfly Koi :)
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
Cynthia!!! We are located in Redlands less than 30 mins away from you. Let us help you. I am typically in the store on Saturdays and can be there most days of the week by appointment with a little notice. Feel free to email me directly eric@theponddigger.com
Mc Kenzie Hagedorn
Mc Kenzie Hagedorn - 8 years ago
i would never leave my yard. ever.
Ten Dragons
Ten Dragons - 7 years ago
Most definitely!
Simple Sleeping
Simple Sleeping - 7 years ago
Ten Dragons make a vid about it
Ten Dragons
Ten Dragons - 7 years ago
I'm finally getting my ponds installed Spring 2018. I'm very excited.
jerette gonzales
jerette gonzales - 7 years ago
Mc Kenzie Hagedorn J
Steve - 8 years ago
What happens when it becomes winter tho?
O Gee
O Gee - 8 years ago
cool video can you plz check out my channel and subscribe back god bless
William Dieke
William Dieke - 8 years ago
Im going to make a pond for my 5kg Chelydra serpentina osceola (Florida Snapping Turtle), no predators where i live are gonna mess with a turtle this size :)
William Dieke
William Dieke - 8 years ago
+ThePondDigger Not much needed really, they never bask so a pond built for Koi would do.
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
That's a great turtle! It would be fun to build a pond specialized for that species.
Alejandro Gonzalez
Alejandro Gonzalez - 8 years ago
Chad gamer
hi guys
Alejandro Gonzalez
Alejandro Gonzalez - 8 years ago
Rey Ernest
Rey Ernest - 8 years ago
nice setup man looks great..
Kannibal Cookie
Kannibal Cookie - 8 years ago
Wow that's such a beautiful pond!
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
Even better in person! Thanks for watchign!
BCFreedomFighter - 8 years ago
What about in winter when it is -20 out up north, how would the turtles survive?
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
I'm pretty sure red eared sliders are in every state but alaska! They are incredibly tough! If you want to raise them in your ornamental pond, I would suggest you bring them in for the winter!
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
Thanks for watching!
magzire - 8 years ago
what a sick setup
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
Yeah he has everything DIALED!
Hippie. Hipster Madness
Hippie. Hipster Madness - 8 years ago
I need help...
Hippie. Hipster Madness
Hippie. Hipster Madness - 8 years ago
+ThePondDigger I was thinking about making a turtle pond with a 300 gallon stock tank
-ghost shrimp
-algae eaters
-tetras and minnows
-amazon swords
-Moss balls
-java moss
-water lettuce/lily
Yes, no, maybe so? Suggestions or ideas?
I still haven't figured out the filtration yet...
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
What can I do to help you?
Koi Pros
Koi Pros - 8 years ago
Great pointers! Water clarity is amazing considering all those turtles
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
Thanks for watching! The pond is still amazing after all these years. We are planning a follow up video!
nybombs - 8 years ago
just a quick question, does this pond breed mosquitoes? Or no because it's circulated? thnx
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
No recuasse of circulation. You guessed it!
Eddie Meunier
Eddie Meunier - 8 years ago
are water turrtels able to survife in cold wether places
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
Yes! However some are more sensitive then others. For example if you watched our rare turtle videos the ones from Florida would not do well in Minnesota!
Jim Cameron
Jim Cameron - 8 years ago
A small point regarding the grate. I had a grate and observed it for several minutes noting that the largest female stuck her head into it and became stuck. I gently extricated her from the grate, destroying the material in the process but it illustrates how turtles will do the unexpected. In this respect, I have since opted for a fine soft screen braced with a frame for stability. This prevents both large and small turtles as well as any unexpected travelers if you buy plants for your pond. This is a wonderful video and I empathize with the safety concerns. Raccoons in particular are adept and preying upon red sliders and are able climbers. Happy turtling!
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
Great advice. Thank you for the comment and thank you so much for supporting our YouTube Channel.
Shaun McGregor
Shaun McGregor - 8 years ago
I like how he took the gate of the skimmer and the turtle slowly started to swim towards it.
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
Yeah that was awesome!

50. comment for Turtle Pond Design

TurtleTube - 8 years ago
Do you have a Red Eared Slider Turtle? Do you want to know its gender? Than I have the right thing for you! Watch this video and you will know your gender.(read in Billy Mays voice)

belly spaghetti
belly spaghetti - 8 years ago
What happens in the winter??
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
Depends on what zone you are located in. We are located in So Cal so the winters are mild. However Red Eared Sliders are all across the states. They go into a state of brumation (hibernation) for the winter.
shagittome - 8 years ago
nice habitat , one day I'd like to do that with my bonsai .
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
I have many clients that have bonsai all around their ponds!
Toaster Strudel
Toaster Strudel - 8 years ago

Sir, your backyard is larger than my apartment...
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
+Madara Uchiha He does have a great backyard!
Wat are Dose ???
Wat are Dose ??? - 8 years ago
I like turtles!
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
+Wat are Dose ??? That makes two of us!
Miss Strawberry
Miss Strawberry - 8 years ago
Magnificent pond for your turtles
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
+Mr Strawberry Thank you so much!
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
+Kevster14 So sad! I am a big fan of Diamondback terrapins.
stewie poohie
stewie poohie - 8 years ago
Amazing, great video!
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
+stewie pooh Super fun to film the video too! Thanks for watching!
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
+Jackie Foley Me too! Thanks for watching!
MarlasSouthernAngels - 8 years ago
absolutely beautiful. I'm going to be building a pond for my granddaughters turtles this spring. Now I have some great ideas. Great video!!!
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
+MarlasSouthernAngels Thank you so much! Let us know if we can offer you any help or equipment to get your project done. Sounds fun!
Robert Potter
Robert Potter - 8 years ago
How many turtles does he have?
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
+Robert Potter Probably 20 or 25!
Memphis56889 Wells
Memphis56889 Wells - 8 years ago
im very impressed with the pond alot of thought put into it
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
+Memphis56889 Wells It is still a fantastic pond after all these years!
Tami Griffith
Tami Griffith - 8 years ago
i have a res ,, at my son,s pond in calif, ,,, i was wondering why she will be a awake for a while then she go,s back to sleep,, in her house ,, wont eat nothing ,,
Tami Griffith
Tami Griffith - 8 years ago
+sharah cardiel my res, has about 4 egg,s in her what is the best thing i can do for her ,, so she will lay them ,,,,, thank,s
Tami Griffith
Tami Griffith - 8 years ago
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
+sharah cardiel It really depends on the weather. Here in Ca it was in the lower 40's a couple of days ago and it will likely be 75 to 80 in a couple days.
lil Trajan
lil Trajan - 8 years ago
is it possible to have a koi and turtle pond
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
+Thriller1982 There are koi in this turtle pond.
msozzlover - 9 years ago
Your yard and ponds are amazing and beautiful! I hope you give your turtles some real tilapia or salmon in place of those sticks sometimes. My two oldest turtles have been with me for 31 years and they live inside but go out for sun. I want to build something awesome for them that is safe. I have never let them hibernate and I have a small yard. Do you think I could put a habitat on my deck?
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+msozzlover You can absolutely create a habitat on the Deck! Did you watch the other turtle pond videos we posted with Pete from WaterLand Tubs. You have to check out his above ground habitats! Here is a link - https://youtu.be/13D_wYF0_HY
Jackie Gomez
Jackie Gomez - 9 years ago
funny I did the exact thing, bought organic soil did an elaborate wood crate for her to lay her eggs, she decided to lay her eggs on the opposite side. lol, now she dug herself in a pile of dead leaves and is hibernating in this heat. Florida
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Jackie Gomez Thanks for sharing!
BIO BUDDY - 9 years ago
I remember watching this at ten years old
BIO BUDDY - 8 years ago
+ThePondDigger Sorry for responding late, but absolutely I currently have a 8 by 8 ft pond designed for both koi and turtles. They seem to love it and I raised the turtles ever since hatchlings so the come to the side at feeding time.
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Chase Carter That's awesome!!! IT was one of our earliest videos! Are you into ponds and turtles today?
Bobby buck
Bobby buck - 9 years ago
Wats a skimmer for
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Bobby buck Remove floating and wind blown debris from the pond so it doesn't sink to the bottom of the pond and become fuel for algae.
Bobby buck
Bobby buck - 9 years ago
What happens with the turtles in winter
Kurla Stabakan
Kurla Stabakan - 7 years ago
Bandit King yes. They breath through their skin
Bandit King
Bandit King - 8 years ago
+Timm Lombardo You mean they sleep throughout the entire winter under water? DUDE!
Timm Lombardo
Timm Lombardo - 8 years ago
+Bandit King yes
Bandit King
Bandit King - 8 years ago
+ThePondDigger under water?
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Bobby buck Hibernation.
Modivo - 9 years ago
What do you use to heat/cool the pond water, especially in winter and summer? I live in N. Ca.. I'm currently in the process of building a RES pond in my backyard, so they can be in a better habitat than their current large indoor aquarium. I believe the water temp is supposed to be 75-80 degrees F? We have frost in the winter and summer can be 90-100+ degrees F here.
Also, have you lost any turtles to birds? While I had them outside with me, a huge Heron swooped down and grabbed one of my turtles, but our dog attacked the bird and it dropped my turtle, thankfully!  
Will you please post a video regarding filtration? Thanks so much!!!
Modivo - 9 years ago
Hello PondDigger,

 Thanks so much for your reply and the link to the Rare Water Turtle tutorial. I am currently in the process of  planning and digging for my backyard RES Turtle pond/habitat. I was planning on bringing them back indoors for Winter, but thanks to your advice, I may let them be natural and hibernate instead.  

 Another question is what do I do when it's 100 plus degrees outside? Do they adapt?

  I so much appreciate you sharing your expertise with those of us who can't afford your services &/or prefer to DIY. W/o those like yourself, I would have had to find another home instead of rescuing the turtles when found in the street and received no response from my "found" posters and local internet site. Now, I care too much and want to keep them as happy and healthy as possible!

ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Modivo If you keep the turtles outdoors you won't need to keep the water heated in the winter. They will overwinter perfectly fine, especially in Nor Cal. As far as filtration goes, water turtles love clean water and do wonderful under the same filtration systems we are showing here for koi and goldfish.

Did you watch the diamondback turtle videos we posted yet? https://youtu.be/13D_wYF0_HY?list=PLqM5Qn1K_DPy4FPl1kNMkF8rkLyaQ6Rs_
Ovi London
Ovi London - 9 years ago
Hmmm turtle soup
YOURthornSIDE - 8 years ago
+ThePondDigger like gross, greasy chicken, yes.
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Ovi London Do they taste like chicken?
Christine McCoy
Christine McCoy - 9 years ago
Turtles are way cool to have in a pond..I had a long log to allow the basking in the sun...also..they loved getting in and out on the side rocks of our once upon a time pond...they sure liked being in that pond....like paradise...and I can see why..beautiful pond, falls and landscaping.....Turtles Rule!
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Christine McCoy And Dogs Drool!
J. P
J. P - 9 years ago
Very beautiful
fun with us
fun with us - 8 years ago
+ThePondDigger these videos are amazing you should make a giant pond with a big water fall
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+George Perez Thank you!
bevo francis
bevo francis - 9 years ago
My son moved out of state and left me a 4-5" razorback musk turtle that I would like to give away to someone in fl.
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+bevo francis Call Alex from Tranquil Water Gardens in Florida and tell him I told you to call him. He might be able to help you place them in a home.
Suzanne Tegroen
Suzanne Tegroen - 9 years ago
That pond is awesome I am flippen jealous lol. Very sweet pond. Can you do smaller ponds like for a small patio? I have ben wanting a small pond for a while. But my apartment only has a patio
bob jones
bob jones - 8 years ago
Thanks for watching! yeah can cover small or large ponds. we will be doing an episode on a 50 gallon soon! stay tunned :)
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Suzanne Tegroen Thank you for watching! Have you seen our Patio Pond tutorial?? You Must Watch it! https://youtu.be/sv74b7docDc
Dylan Beaver
Dylan Beaver - 9 years ago
What are the procedures for people who live in northern states for the winter. I live in Maryland where we generally have a mild winter but it always drops below freezing. Is there a setup where they can be left out for the winter like koi or do we have to move them?
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Dylan Beaver You can leave them outdoors over the winter. Go a minimum of 3' deep and be sure to have aeration and a deicer on the pond!
Приветствую, полезное видео. У меня на канале видосы похожей тематики, возможно вам будет полезно.
hitam putih
hitam putih - 9 years ago
what about the fish? do you put fish in the pond?
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+alip galih Yes!
Dana AG
Dana AG - 9 years ago
what do you do in fall if you have a turtle pond. Do you cover it, do you leave the turtles in it? I have no clue....
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Dana AG That really depends on where you are located. What you do in MI will be very different than what you'll do in FL.
Dana AG
Dana AG - 9 years ago
Once_perhaps, there is the Mississippi map turtle they are very small and cheap turtles. Go on MyTurtleStore.com. misissippi maps are very friendly females only get to 6-7 males can be 3-5ish
Mr. Patriarch
Mr. Patriarch - 9 years ago
i absolutely love it !!
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Shaytaan Me too!
WeLoveFood - 9 years ago
Hi sir!!! should I make fence around pond, prevent them go out of pond?.. Thank sir..!!!!
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+phongcruise thai (phongcruise87) Not a bad idea!
the ORIGINAL justin schafer experience
the ORIGINAL justin schafer experience - 9 years ago
i know i would if i was a turtle lol or a human
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Justin Schafer Thanks for watching!
the ORIGINAL justin schafer experience
the ORIGINAL justin schafer experience - 9 years ago
thats the best pond ever
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Justin Schafer The Turtles sure love it!
atheer 1981
atheer 1981 - 9 years ago
جميل جدا ..رائع ♥♥♥احب ذلك ♥♥.هل لديك صفحة على الفيس بوك ♥♥♥
Lisa pippa
Lisa pippa - 9 years ago
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Lisa Hegarty We all gotta have them!
The Barefooted Gardener
The Barefooted Gardener - 9 years ago
Is the helix skimmer turtle proof??
Turtleproof - 9 years ago
+Herper15 5:34 amigo.
Eric Sangimino
Eric Sangimino - 9 years ago
+David Amorao For an adult RES 100 gallons is the best way to go so whatever liner you need for that much water is what I suggest.
David Amorao
David Amorao - 9 years ago
+ThePondDigger so how many gallons does the pond need to be to house 1 red eared slider? I was thinking of purchasing a 7x10 pond liner from home depot. Will that be enough?
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Timm Lombardo Looks more like, Hangry Turtle! Feed me before I kill you look! BAHAHAHAHA
Maimuna Salim
Maimuna Salim - 9 years ago
awesome vid. i have 10 red eared turtles and was really keen on making them an outdoor pond. i think you just helped in making my turtles lives so much better! thank you so very much for this vid.
O K - 9 years ago
that pond is cool i need to make one for my turtle
Mehmet Berk Arslan
Mehmet Berk Arslan - 9 years ago
More turtle pond videos please Eric:)
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Mehmet Arslan You have NO IDEA what we have in store for you!!!! You better be Subscribed! Stay tuned for a mind blowing series later this Fall!!
Keith's Planted Aquariums
Keith's Planted Aquariums - 9 years ago
Will you be able to make more turtle pond videos? Maybe a follow up of this vid? Awesome vids :)
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Keith's Planted Aquariums Yes! Stay tuned!
Agent Fungus
Agent Fungus - 9 years ago
Happy turtles! Turtles are so relaxing to watch.
Agent Fungus
Agent Fungus - 9 years ago
+ThePondDigger : I love turtles. They're just plain cute. I always smile when I see them. Thanks for posting this. Amazing and beautiful setup! Lucky chelonians.
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Agent Fungus So fun to watch them eat!
Harry bo
Harry bo - 9 years ago
great video! i hate to see people dump them in rivers though! its very sad and its a life long commitment. its seems to be quite common here in England, specially where i live. they think its acceptable to leave an innocent animal to fend for its self!
PSN Studios
PSN Studios - 9 years ago
I love all your pond videos! Keep it up
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Guppy Singh Thanks! WIll Do!
Sin419 - 8 years ago
most turtles, especially if bought young, can be quite personable, as far as hobby turtles go. But male red eared sliders are about 6" full grown, Mississippi map turtles both are in that range.
as far as your budget thought, assuming you have nothing at all for your turtles your prolly a little short. I'd recommend no less then a 40gal (55-75 better) which can be done with a solid well made rubber tote also to save money, you'll need a heater, you'll need heating lamp and uvb bulb for the basking area, you'll need a basking area, but the most costly part will be filtration. turtles make loads of waste and I run a 75 gal canister filter in 7gals of water and it get dirty every month tops with 1 res.
you can prolly start with something cheaper but you'll be cleaning the water and filter very frequently.
hope this isn't discouraging as they're peaceful to watch
YOLANDA ARBONA - 9 years ago
Elijah Dail
Elijah Dail - 9 years ago
What would you do for hibernation

100. comment for Turtle Pond Design

Esther And Paris
Esther And Paris - 9 years ago
I love turtles so cute
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Estela Manzanares I KNOW!
Kurt Russell
Kurt Russell - 9 years ago
I can't wait for the follow up video, awesome production on this one. I hope in the future you can do more videos on the construction of turtle ponds and how to construct turtle habitats in your pond from design to what plants to add. Also include what water clarifying products can be used and are safe for turtles. Thanks for this video.
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Kurt Russell Thanks for the feedback Kurt! We have discussed shooting a follow up video to this pond! We do have plans to shoot a turtle pond video in Ventura that is an outstanding location. The homeowners are extremely decitcated to turtles and have 4 different varieties in the pond. Breeding, maintenance, identification and much more! We hope to film them this summer! It will be outstanding, I promise!!!
CuboidalCrab - 9 years ago
CuboidalCrab - 9 years ago
Fish Finesser
Fish Finesser - 9 years ago
I have a small snapping turtle and it's about to grow out of its 40 gal when it gets 8" in shell length and I'm working on a pond 4 it and another for semi aquatics . I have a yellow mud turtle too and it's adult size and only like 12 cm in shell length
tianna mallette
tianna mallette - 9 years ago
Might those be red eared sliders
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+tatianna mallette Yes they are. Thanks for watching!
The Fish Lover
The Fish Lover - 9 years ago
+ThePondDigger 903,995 views :)
PilotOblackbird - 9 years ago
+ThePondDigger 872,548 almost there
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Maria.david das When Mike's Pond hits ONE MILLION VIEWS we are going in for a follow up video!!!
Nathan - 9 years ago
turtles kick ass.  i got a razorback musk turtle, yellow belly slider, and plan on adding a alligator snapping turtle to the mix.  i need to make a pond for the slider as he has gotten to big for his tank.  great video, thanks for the useful info.
DutchReptiles - 9 years ago
DON'T put a alligator snapping turtle with them they get HUGE they get like a meter in size 4 times as big as sliders
Exopets - 10 years ago
My turtles are 3 inches long.Can I keep them in a 12 inch tub?
Pls reply and nice video. :D

ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+pulkit sansi I would like to see them in a larger habitat than 12". Give them a 48" tube if possible until they out grow that.
Juntle and Furno
Juntle and Furno - 10 years ago
Does an extremely light lamp do for a basking area?
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Jun and Furno You can find lamps that are adequate for basking your turtles. But if you can get them outdoors in the sun occasionally in addition to your light it would be the best.
Savage_Tree_Turtle - 10 years ago
Could the turtles survive inside your pond if you didn't feed them
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+treeturtle I highly recommend you offer the turtles a quality diet. We want them to THRIVE not just survive. 
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+Frazzled Curly Turtles are COOL!!!
bwiswell 123
bwiswell 123 - 10 years ago
How much does it cost to maintain and operate such a nice pond like the one in the video?
sissy murphy
sissy murphy - 10 years ago
great video but how does he handle turtle waste .We have a couple of people on the garden pond forum sight that have turtle ponds .
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+sissy murphy The pond is an eco-system heavily planted with aquatic plants, heavy aeration with dual waterfall filters, living streams and regular additions of beneficial bacteria. I think Mike drains the pond for a thorough cleaning every couple of years. 
Jennie Spooner
Jennie Spooner - 10 years ago
lettering covers too much
lex teekaihuai
lex teekaihuai - 10 years ago
Also check out my attempt of digital imaging of my baby. It was 6 months ago. She a lot bigger now ;)
lex teekaihuai
lex teekaihuai - 10 years ago
Mine was Amboina Box Turtle(female), my aunt & grandma found her in the waterless grassy drain behind our house. Ever since then she was under my care (none of my family members were bother enough to care for reptile or any sorts of pet :C My research on the internet said it's semi aquatic so she's not a swimmer, her body is too heavy to resurface on the water if the water is too high it will eventually drown her to death but can’t live without water too. Me and my family were not rich enough to build her a pond nor do we have the space for that. She's currently living in a orange round plastic tray and I want to ask will the color affect her health. Also she's unlikely basking in sunlight. Everytime I check on her I always found her hiding in the paper shade box I made for her. Is that healthy? Should I take away the shade?
lex teekaihuai
lex teekaihuai - 10 years ago
+ThePondDigger Thank you :)
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+lex teekaihuai You should provide her with a spot where she can get sun and shade if possible. If you give her 100% direct sun without the option to move to the shade, she could over heat so you need to be careful. There are many ways to provide a habitat without spending much money. Best of luck to you! 
dandey - 10 years ago
But that armpit close up tho
dandey - 10 years ago
This is amazing i am hoping i can get a pond backyard in the future
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+dandey I hope so too! 
Joe Blossom
Joe Blossom - 10 years ago
Delightful ponds for plants and Koi fish. BUT. Hard rough rocks are not typical in most wild turtle habitats; damaged plastrons particularly occur from scrambling around and over rockwork and get infected by bacteria and a damaged carapace from rock friction dont do much for the turtle ot its appearance. Joe UK
leeanna - 10 years ago
Hi Eric, thank you for sharing these turtle pond tips with us! Do you build ponds for turtles? If you do, will you upload a video of the construction? I have an RES and she's getting big so I want to build a nice sized pond for her in my backyard, however I'm not sure where to begin.
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+leeanna We don't have any plans to film the turtle pond build but you can watch our How to Build a Fish Pond series for construction tips for building a turtle pond! Best of luck!!! 
JOHN Rooska
JOHN Rooska - 10 years ago
what state is this pond in ?
Cameron Jones
Cameron Jones - 10 years ago
Oh that's wylhy they are called red eared sliders
techtiptricks - 10 years ago
Near turtle decapitation 2:58
Slavic Affairs
Slavic Affairs - 10 years ago
That's just amazing pond, really nice :)
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+JaySmilez Thanks for watching! 
Matthew Szwagulinski
Matthew Szwagulinski - 10 years ago
Eric, I have a problem with my turtle I have chicken wire and a net around and under the pond. My turtles climb up the water fall and escape I have put slate of the filter falls but it looks terrible any ideas?
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+Matthew Szwagulinski You have to make a fenced in enclosure around the turtle pond for the best results. They are amazing little climbers so they will scale the chicken wire easily! 
Cocoa Beean
Cocoa Beean - 10 years ago
i have heard a rumor that turtles need moving water, not stagnant. is that true?
DutchReptiles - 9 years ago
yup others the bacteria at the surface can get them eye infections
Barlow Dreams
Barlow Dreams - 10 years ago
Can you tell me what the ratio of turtle to fish based on pond size would be proper to create a habitat for both turtle and fish? Love the video and back yard!! Amazing by the way and inspiring!!
Alonso Cantu
Alonso Cantu - 10 years ago
great design
KittinProductions | Lps, Mlp Fim, Minecraft, and more!|
KittinProductions | Lps, Mlp Fim, Minecraft, and more!| - 10 years ago
3:04 - 3:28 Poor turtle! He just smacked his face into the rock!!
KampKarl - 10 years ago
my mom found a turtle in the middle of the street here in Sweden. 
zeaundra gayle
zeaundra gayle - 10 years ago
Beautiful pond and a very beautiful red ear slider at 3:00
Joeby Whler
Joeby Whler - 10 years ago
Could you keep pond fish with turtles?
untamedlion33 - 10 years ago
Probably, I'd imagine the fish would have to be bigger then the turtles mouth... as this is how these things work with fish and things.
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
Yes, there is a fair population of fish in this pond! 
Joost Ruardij
Joost Ruardij - 10 years ago
ain't his water bill like sky high
Rishi Maragh
Rishi Maragh - 10 years ago
I have a small turtle pond.  How do you set the filter up to keep the water so clean?
SOUTHSIDE CALIFAS - 10 years ago
Jorge Martinez
Jorge Martinez - 10 years ago
I have a way to go. I got a 300 gallon patio pond with 2 RES in it.
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
We all start somewhere! Enjoy your journey.
nate smith
nate smith - 10 years ago
That is cool as shit i need $
dungeonlair - 10 years ago
Very cool pond, thanks for sharing. 
Akira Shane
Akira Shane - 10 years ago
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
You might be referencing the Red Eared Slider. That is the species of turtle show cased in this video.
Petco - 10 years ago
Great channel and awesome video!
Joeby Whler
Joeby Whler - 10 years ago
U watch videos too?
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
Teresa Solis-Betty
Teresa Solis-Betty - 10 years ago
This is a long shot, but would it be possible to get in contact with Mike? Or for him to contact me? I have 3 RES and I'm in the process of designing an outdoor pond. No where near as extensive as his, but I do have a great deal of room to work with. It would be awesome to see his set-up in person. I live in Pomona, CA, which is a city or two away from Upland.
If not, I completely understand and I am amazed at his set-up! Those are some really lucky turtles!
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
I can connect you with Mike! Coming out of winter his yard may need some maintenance so I'm not sure he will want to give a tour till spring sets in on us. He is going on vacation for a couple weeks real soon but if you're patient we can connect with him in a few weeks. I'll need a contact number of email
Ranx warrior
Ranx warrior - 10 years ago
what if the cat will sneak out?
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
U can actually also keep turtles indoors if the tank has UV lamps
Ranx warrior
Ranx warrior - 10 years ago
how many years does the turtle will grow big?
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
The small turtles should be outdoors in order to capture some Sun as it is paramount to the health and well being of the little guys. You just need to protect them. I have set up small ponds covered with wire enclosures just to keep them safe until they are big enough to take care of themselves.
Ranx warrior
Ranx warrior - 10 years ago
so where should i put my small  turtles?
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
Cats typically don't bother water turtles. At least the larger guys and gals. The small turtles is a different story. We usually suggest you protect the small baby turtles from predators such as birds, cats, opossums and so on until they get a little older.
pmarshall2006 - 11 years ago
can red eared slider turtles and koi fish live in harmony in the same pond?
beanie420grl - 10 years ago
+pmarshall2006 make sure the koi are larger than your turtles, and make sure that your turtles are well fed, and you should be good. 
pmarshall2006 - 10 years ago
+Johanan Micaiah the video does not answer the question in its totality!
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
Well obviously if u just watched the video lol
terstis - 11 years ago
what type of turtles
daniel alaniz
daniel alaniz - 11 years ago
As a turtle lover and as a pond fan... BEST TURTLE POND EVER!
beanie420grl - 10 years ago
right? I'm super jealous, and can't wait to be able to provide for my turtles so! :D
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
It would be nicer if there we're live plants in the water
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Thank you so much!
allyangel2007 - 11 years ago
Awesome pond great tips!!!
Chigozie A.
Chigozie A. - 11 years ago
so coooool, must have took a lot of work
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Yes this was a tricky pond to build and took a lot of elbow grease!
Curt Magnus
Curt Magnus - 11 years ago
and there babys i got them from the lake i help them
Curt Magnus
Curt Magnus - 11 years ago
i have turtles i got panted coder and red eared sliders
David Radovanovic
David Radovanovic - 11 years ago
turtles dont like waterfals
mekhi bell
mekhi bell - 11 years ago
yes they do
KELLY PHẠM - 11 years ago
Beautiful <3
el gallo
el gallo - 11 years ago
are they kept outdoors all year?
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Designing the proper filtration and life support for the pond is the key to managing green water and algae in a turtle pond or any pond for that matter.
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Everyone should have a turtle pond. They are a great source of entertainment and education!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Staycation not vacation! We should all be so lucky to have a pond environment in our yards!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Great advise! Sorry for your lose.
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Zoom Zoom is a fun name for a pond turtle!
roaringleo57 - 11 years ago
wow! great video. I just bought 2 acres of land in the woods in Florida and wanted to put in a fish pond there. Now I see this turtle video I want to get turtles too.
Brandy FIscus
Brandy FIscus - 11 years ago
This is beautiful, I'd never leave my yard
ThothMer - 11 years ago
It's important that a skimmer grate is always fastened down. Mike mentions his is kept in place by the pressure of the water the pumps are pulling in, but in the event of a power outage these can fall off leaving an unprotected intake when the power comes back on. We lost a very personable lined snapper once like that. He was a great fish and it was very sad that a couple of zip ties could have saved him from being killed. So always fasten your screens down in all water intake areas.
OVXmedia - 11 years ago
Beautiful pond !
Hailey Mason
Hailey Mason - 11 years ago
there soo cute mine is nwmed zoom zoom
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Yeah What he said!!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Turtle Team!!!!
Chris G
Chris G - 11 years ago
Donaldson Paras
Donaldson Paras - 11 years ago
Red "ear slidder!!!! Omgosh
AledockInc - 11 years ago
if anyone wants to join #TeamTurtle contact my channel
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
If they smell bad, it is a good sign that they need better filtration and water quality.
blueapplet2i - 11 years ago
they smell sometimes though ;)
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Mike has had several different species in his pond over the years and it seems that the R.E.S. is the most interactive and that really appeals to him. They literally follow him around the yard and he is enamored by that. He is still very fond of the common R.E.S. Remember the entire yard is a wildlife habitat for birds, butterflies and insects and with all of his rare plants throughout the yard it is a bigger package than simply a R.E.S. habitat.
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Mike pulls all the baby turtles and raises them in separate quarters so they are not preyed upon by birds, cats, raccoons, opossums or other turtles. Mike fell in love with Red Eared sliders and everyone started flooding him with them so we can't say one way or another if another breed is more mellow on the koi.
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Hey sometimes we all face plant. :)
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
and ROLL!
Matthew V.
Matthew V. - 11 years ago
I love my turtles and i just did an extremely massive upgrade from my last tank to a 125 gallon which i need to do a video on. My hat is off to you my friend. Your backyard is somthing that i dream about. Perhaps i can get started on mine when i move to florida. I do have a simple question though. All those thousands of dollars in the habitat, why res?
kj4ddm - 11 years ago
Great video, guys...but this video raises more questions for me. Has Mike had any issues with adult turtles preying upon baby turtles? Any additional cover or modifications made to further protect babies from predators/other turtles? Also, are there any issues losing fish to these turtles?...These look like red ear sliders...are there any specific turtle breeds that you or Mike prefer for a pond shared with Koi?
DasVERMiT - 11 years ago
2:59 - So graceful!
hipster1121 - 11 years ago
turtles rock! :)
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
I don't quite remember the total cost of this turtle pond. It was likely between 15 and 20 thousand for installation.
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
MrPlerp - 11 years ago
maybe its the same!! da daa da 0_o
Kevin Stiff
Kevin Stiff - 11 years ago
sarah nutter
sarah nutter - 11 years ago
lol 8:09
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
I am sure they distinguish the difference between the foods. But the reality is they eat almost anything.
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Alyssa Rose
Alyssa Rose - 11 years ago
Are the turtles able to distinguish between their food and the food you feed the koi fish?
saya6285 - 11 years ago
I want a turtle.
MrKZdemos - 11 years ago
Thanks for replying, but i got one more question: what type are really small and fast, or which would you recomend?
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Guppies can be a chore to catch for the turtles. Personally I would add the guppies for the activity and enjoyment. If the turtles got themselves a guppy every now and again it wouldn't bother me.
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
The turtles in this pond get fed Reptomin Floating Sticks. On occasion you might see a fin with a bite mark but for the most part the fish are left alone in this pond.
MrKZdemos - 11 years ago
Hey eric, do you think i should put small fish inside with my turtles? Ive seen people put guppies, so the turtles dont even bother trying to catch them because they re too fast.
Alyssa Rose
Alyssa Rose - 11 years ago
What kind of food are you feeding the turtles? Also do they ever try to eat the koi fish's food?
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
In this pond there are several koi. Turtle can be bossy and nippy don't forget this. If they are well fed (by humans) their tendency to eat fish seems to diminish. But on occasion you may notice a a nipped fin or two in the pond keep that in mind. Mosquito fish are in the pond as well.
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
I presume they are quarter sized since she is a vet. ;) We just built a large turtle habitat for a vet in Riverside. Maybe Gianna will be on our construction calendar in the near future.
CD480 - 11 years ago
110 gallons is a bit small for 12 turtles. I have two in a 125...
Johnny Bui
Johnny Bui - 11 years ago
A full grown turtle needs about 50 gallons of its own. So... I thought you said you knew everything?
John Carlson
John Carlson - 11 years ago
Maybe this was asked, but I can't find this information. What kind of fish do you have coexisting with the turtles?
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
ALways gets me too!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Ya that was a tough spill!
D exocreeper
D exocreeper - 11 years ago
*derp stupid auto-correct
D exocreeper
D exocreeper - 11 years ago
3:06 deep
Vague - 11 years ago
Why don't you make a video on it? I'd love to see it!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Get over here! :)
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Yes insane! Thank you for your feedback!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Thank you!!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Something like 30 by now!!!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Thank you!
gianna sinotte
gianna sinotte - 11 years ago
I have a turtle tank inside my house 12 turtles are living in in it is a 110 gallon tank it has every thing that is needed i know everything about turtles im a vet
Krysta le Somerfield
Krysta le Somerfield - 11 years ago
I watched this whilst wearing a turtle onesie,I'd just like to say, I'm jealous of their home! I might move from Australia to come live in that pond
hellaBayAr3a - 11 years ago
Insane backyard pond set-up! What an awesome habitat for pet turtles.
joker3245 - 11 years ago
how many turtles does he have??
Bacon Jake
Bacon Jake - 11 years ago
Love it. Love Sydney.
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Thank you much for sharing your appreciation! It makes me smile!
PJ D - 11 years ago
Awesome pond, I could just sit there and watch 'em for ages! We did have a tiny baby red eared slider for about 3 years, but it disappeared, rats, he/she would come really close to us and be really friendly, sure do miss it in the pond? Thanks for the lovely video. Congratulations to all for a great job, and sharing with us all!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
homie skittle
homie skittle - 11 years ago
A picture of George Washington and your name is Barrack Obama?
Nelson Espinal
Nelson Espinal - 11 years ago
O ok cool nice pond
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
This pond is in Southern California with mild winters. The turtles stay outside year round.
Nelson Espinal
Nelson Espinal - 11 years ago
and winter ? they dont stay outside right
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
I don't understand
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Barrack Obama
Barrack Obama - 11 years ago
This seems so awkward
Khristal Smith
Khristal Smith - 11 years ago
so nice and beautifull congrats!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
HA! Bill Murray! LMFAO, you're right!
taher tufenkeji
taher tufenkeji - 11 years ago
he's bill murray in the first minute!!!!
Lachlan Hodge
Lachlan Hodge - 11 years ago
hi guys watch my videos of turtles and put your name and email and might win a turtle go on any video on my chanel please plus my nan deid please
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
The statement should be - How can I get the money? Ask great questions and your mind will work to provide great answers!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Yes! Thanks!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Yes! Thanks!
carlos summers
carlos summers - 11 years ago
If i had the money
iz uan
iz uan - 11 years ago
nice pond. paradise
Manao.Kato21 - 11 years ago
another thing, i got the turtle 2 days ago and its not eating. i know for fish they dont eat for a couple days or a week due to stress to the new habitat, is this the same for turtles? I have baby ReptoMin pellets, would that work?
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
2 to 3 hours should work fine for your little turtle. I don't fully understand the climate you are in so take that with a grain of salt. Not sure if you are in Canada or Southern California. The important factor is - semi aquatic turtles need the opportunity to get out of the water and completely dry out each and every day. Floating wood is a fine basking location.
Manao.Kato21 - 11 years ago
i have a little 1.5-2 inch turtle, how much basking does he need? would 2-3 hours in the afternoon work? thats the amount of time the sun hits that spot daily. also would a piece of floating wood work?
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
It happens..
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Much Thanks!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Anybodies turtle would be happy there, so I've been told! Thanks for the feedback!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
And People!
gregjakobtyler - 11 years ago
My turtle would be very happy there
Gold Money
Gold Money - 11 years ago
such a nice pond!
pacoiec - 11 years ago
Awesome place for such pets!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Labor of Love!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
This pond is timelessly amazing!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Much Thanks!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
There is a self sustaining population of mosquito fish in this pond!
shaahid kadim
shaahid kadim - 11 years ago
Hard work
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Yeah they are!
Mack .Doggs
Mack .Doggs - 11 years ago
These turtles love eating goldfish and guppies. You could probably get a self-sustaining population of guppies going in a pond this size.
Mack .Doggs
Mack .Doggs - 11 years ago
Won't turtles eat them?
Lise Gong
Lise Gong - 11 years ago
spoiled turtles....
Nico Baldacchino
Nico Baldacchino - 11 years ago
check out my razorback musk and other turtles on my page :) /watch?v=3VXe4R8qmSw
TheKSProduction - 11 years ago
6:22 i was just waiting for that turtle to go right into it.....
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Yes these turtles are spoiled rotten, it's no secret!
Austyn Orr
Austyn Orr - 11 years ago
hey youtubers if you love turtles just as much as I do then you might want to subscribe to my new channel about turtles. I might post videos of other animals or nature related videos.My username was supposed to be TurtleBoy but it messed up it up and made boy turtle. In most of my videos I put a link in the description to my facebook page Turtle Boy
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Ya I really love plecos. They don't do well in the winter in our climate. If we don't pull them from the pond early enough in the fall they die in the winter!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
ryan bugs
ryan bugs - 11 years ago
my turtle died today on the 4,23,20013 :(
Minnie Renier
Minnie Renier - 11 years ago
i love what you did with the pond you might want to add fish like plecostomus to clean the turtle or turtles shells i find that works:D
cameo7 - 11 years ago
What happens during the Winter? The pumps aren't turned on because water freezes?
Cup Cake
Cup Cake - 11 years ago
This is soo cool
Jonah Walls
Jonah Walls - 11 years ago
turtles are like shelled lizards in my mind
omniXenderman - 11 years ago
Ryan m
Ryan m - 11 years ago
6:57 what kind of fish were those
Ding and Dong Cartoons
Ding and Dong Cartoons - 11 years ago
DivaGirl - 11 years ago
i know u dont know me buti ave that kind of turtle too :p
DivaGirl - 11 years ago
lol my turtle is so hyper shes a baby! :)
odenki88 - 11 years ago
i was wondering how to make a turtle pond which prevents the turtle get out from the pond
Weed Talk
Weed Talk - 11 years ago
my dream yard!
Lee shengyu
Lee shengyu - 11 years ago
Its wonderful!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
If you love something, let em go....
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Run Forest! Run!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Dually noted.
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
My bad!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Turtle Dawgs!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Did you find your turtle yet!?!?!?!?!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Can't please everyone........
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Ya, what Dalton said!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Yes, I agree. They are surprisingly resilient!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
That's what I was thinking. Thanks for saying!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
I couldn't agree with you more! Thanks for the feedback!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Hard for me to say Joan because I don't know the Climate of Montana well enough, but I can tell you that It would certainly depend on the size and quality of the man made pond. The larger the better.
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Thank you Hoover! I believe Co-Opetition (Cooperating Competition) is a healthy part of business.
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Great advise Douglas. I'll add the list to my arsenal.
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
I'm not sure what climate you live in so I can't verify if your can over winter your turtles outdoors in the winter. I can tell you that if I am bringing an indoor turtle outdoors for good I bring them out in the spring so they have the entire season to acclimate. Best of luck to you on this transition. Your turtle will be so happy outdoors!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Thanks for the feedback and questions. A diet for your turtle should be varied. Protein and veggies -(aquatic plants) I think a 60 gallon aquarium is adequate for raising young turtles with the hope of something bigger as they reach maturity. You will have to check with your local pond shop or reptile store for locating a female. Happy pondering.
abdul momin
abdul momin - 11 years ago
The video is very nice, thank you. question is what to feed them my small turtle is 13 months? how big of a tank is required? and where to get a she turtle?.
Sticky313 - 11 years ago
My turtle has been inside for 17 years and now i can move her outside will she adapt ok ? and be able to "hibernate" in the winter even though she has not experienced that cold?
Mrmich5371 - 11 years ago
took nipple?do koi have nipples??
Douglas Hoover
Douglas Hoover - 11 years ago
Quick note Eric- I've built well over 75 turtle ponds utilizing the five major features mentioned. However, there are three more worth mentioning- 1 Build a turtle island in the middle of the pond, they love it..safer then sunning on shore- (slanted flat rock on a pedestal) 2 The beach sand for laying eggs need to be dry (four feet of drainage under sand) & lay flat rocks on surface for them to burrow under to lay eggs. 3. Place a feeding tray on the shore to place fruits and veggies. Douglas
Douglas Hoover
Douglas Hoover - 11 years ago
Greetings Eric- One sign of a professional is quality workmanship which you are known for & continually rewarded for in this industry. I have seen scores of "pond builders" come and go over the past 31 years I've been designing & building ponds & waterfalls- they enjoyed building them & collecting profits but wouldn't guarantee their work as you always have! I' impressed with this video, not just for its wealth of info, but for the fact you are promoting a competitors work! Kudos Eric! Douglas
Bigsky Gal
Bigsky Gal - 11 years ago
We have wild turtles near the river inlets in Montana. Will they survive in a man-made pond in winter?
HimegyaruDoll - 11 years ago
I'm always happy when I see people have turtles in large ponds like him and not in small plastic containers ^^
dalton mullins
dalton mullins - 11 years ago
at 4.00 was the turtle thanking woooooohoooooooo or oooooooooo shit
dalton mullins
dalton mullins - 11 years ago
why are there dislikes
Comfortably Dumb
Comfortably Dumb - 11 years ago
very cool
gabby de guzman
gabby de guzman - 11 years ago
cry..until you find your turtle..hoping:D
Yemoja-Oshun - 11 years ago
I lost my turtle in my apt today ! Wats the best thing I can do to hopefully find him ???
EXALTEDDIRT - 11 years ago
Just look at those rock layers! those have got to be billions of years old proving that there was no designer; or rock layer for that pond...
EXALTEDDIRT - 11 years ago
That turtle pond is not designed! It happened by chance over billions of years! Theres no designer that's foolish! Nothing came together and then that nothing exploded and that pond all by it's self happened! Can you see how foolish this line of Atheistic, Evil-utionistic, materialistic thinking is?! If it's designed there must be a designer; if it's made there must be a maker;Just one strand of our D.N.A. has millions of bits of information within;How do you get information without an informer?
MoreAndyH - 12 years ago
very nice setup... you should check out some of my terrariums i subscribe back to all of my subscribers so make sure you sub!
acalvillo35 - 12 years ago
I like Turtles
Sharaya Jones
Sharaya Jones - 12 years ago
Cool video I just luv turtles. I gonna go spend some time with my little YBS
Ruben Santiago
Ruben Santiago - 12 years ago
what kind of dogs are those?
Turtle Trooper
Turtle Trooper - 12 years ago
If they drop too hard on the rocks they can damage their shell and even damage their skull when their heads don't suck inside in time. It's too rocky and too high in areas where it's not necessary, they need more grass! Take the advice the turtles would appreciate it.
Thomas Tsang
Thomas Tsang - 12 years ago
this is an amazing turtle pond
Allday1040 - 12 years ago
A turtles shell is made to protect it against rocks/ hard objects
Wilson Tan
Wilson Tan - 12 years ago
i was going to buy a turtle in Australia , 2 things, you need to buy a lisence and costs 100+ for cheapest lol
Toxico SM
Toxico SM - 12 years ago
Mother of PONDS!!!
Turtle Trooper
Turtle Trooper - 12 years ago
Nice pond design but it's too rocky! They need more sand, the under side of there shell or top shell will get pocky and it could run the shell down like sand paper. They could eventually start bleeding if the shell rubs down too far!
Ṧal Gonzalez
Ṧal Gonzalez - 12 years ago
If you are interested in buying Texas Map Turtles inbox me Only 4.99 each Inbox me for details
prawit vang
prawit vang - 12 years ago
i have two but i let them go live in the nature
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
Yeah I'm still amazed at how many people have watched this video. We are so pleased with the views!
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
Thanks! Awesome that you posted the awesome reply!
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
It's interesting because these turtles are so spoiled by the homeowner with food offerings they seem to disregard the fish swimming around in the pond and wait for the HUMANs to bring them food.
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
That's what I'm saying!
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
Ya I have to agree they definitely are thinking things through!
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
Yeah I couldn't believe it when that little guy took the plunge!
moonbound100 - 12 years ago
awsome video
Tin Nguyen
Tin Nguyen - 12 years ago
this might seem like stupid question.. but i know for a fact these turtle eat live fish.. how do you prevent them from eating the koi? (obvious koi are pretty big, but what if they took a nipple)
sparky martinez
sparky martinez - 12 years ago
4:00 o...oooo....ooooo.....awwwwwwwwwwwwwww....kerplunk
Ginny marycozzens
Ginny marycozzens - 12 years ago
I don't think they were lazy, as much as smart.
AaronHB3 - 12 years ago
4:00 i believe i can fly
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
Glad we inspired you! Send us pics and videos when you build it!
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
This pond was a work in progress and took us a few weeks in between finishing other projects. The planting around the pond took a couple of years to really develop into the wonderful setting that it is now.
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
Thanks Tan!
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
Thanks SteffoHesso! I appreciate your feedback!
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
I love to hear your passion! Be sure to send us video of your completed project!
shinypikachu64 - 12 years ago
but rember one thing females grow WAY bigger then males
shinypikachu64 - 12 years ago
basking such as red eared slyders and snapping (dont put them in the same pond snapping will kill any spices oter then its own)
Steffo Lino
Steffo Lino - 12 years ago
WOW this is really great. love it
thuzardpipz - 12 years ago
I got 2 red ear slider, and i wanted to build a pond for them on our new home. This video really helps
Wilson Tan
Wilson Tan - 12 years ago
looks good,
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
When you build the turtles a natural habitat and provide them with sun, good water quality and a balanced diet cleaning them is not a requirement. Sometimes algae will grow on their shell but typically not because they bask in the sun each day. If you noticed one with an unusual mark on the shell it might be getting ready to shed.
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
Thank you for the compliment!
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
We can come to your rescue and build it for you. Just say the word. We have tool and will travel.
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
Me too!
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
The pond was roughly $15,000 dollars for construction of the pond. We're ready to build for you when you are ready! Let us know!
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
My favorite dive!
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
I'm a big fan of Chameleons!
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
Absolutely. These turtles live about half a century! These guys may out live us!
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
Me too!
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
The cost of the entire habitat is hard to calculate because it was a work in progress for many years. The pond was approximately $15,000 to build with all the waterfalls and life support.
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
That is my favorite dive!
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
A pond this unique is in the neighborhood of 15,000.00 for construction without all of the exotic plants.
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
Watch out below!
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
I agree
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
They we a few inches when we placed them in homes. I'm sure they are getting big by now!
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
These guys make me LOL all the time!
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
Yeah that was a crazy little jump. The little guys are tough and resilient.
HMHalfTrack - 12 years ago
i kno what im doing next summer
jadeybabeyjkp - 12 years ago
Amazing Pond! :) Turtle Paradise That Is!
atlas711 - 12 years ago
im too lazy to build one but i want one :( what to do
jorge lopez
jorge lopez - 12 years ago
aww thats sooo cool boobs
William Stewart
William Stewart - 12 years ago
@4:oo the turtle is like wee
turtle mason
turtle mason - 12 years ago
Everyone plz check out my channel it is turtle mason and i make videos. I will be getting another turtle soon also a chameleon.):
keywon smith
keywon smith - 12 years ago
do u still have some
AustralianLeprechaun - 12 years ago
Turtles r cool!!
Rafael Rivera
Rafael Rivera - 12 years ago
How much did it cost
xxmcnuggetxx1 - 12 years ago
4:00 peer pressure paid off
steve gonzalez
steve gonzalez - 12 years ago
What does a pond this size cost to build?
Its Gawdzirra!
Its Gawdzirra! - 12 years ago
This Video reminds me of my turtles,they are so beutiful!
TheGreenerish - 12 years ago
Itsyourboy Eh
Itsyourboy Eh - 12 years ago
Deandre Kennedy
Deandre Kennedy - 12 years ago
How big are the baby turtle Now
morusiba - 12 years ago
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
For certain!
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
A deeper pond is very helpful (3 to 4 feet) and a shade tree next to the pond should do the trick.
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
Thanks for sharing your surprise with me morusiba! This made me hold my stomach laughing for five minutes because one time I was responding to comments on videos in bed on my laptop late one evening and the volume on my computer was up full blast. My wife was sleeping next to me and I accidentally started on of our videos! As you can imagine when that sound filled the dark room we both hit the ceiling! She wanted to kill me. So funny!!!!
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
Yeah that was a crazy little jump. The little guys are tough and resilient.
paul morales
paul morales - 12 years ago
when the turtle fell i was like "fuck OH FUCK ouch my head" LOLOL
ZackTVAttack - 12 years ago
3:00 Ouch!
morusiba - 12 years ago
the first sound of this video scared me. i almost choked on my toast
Matt McCarty
Matt McCarty - 12 years ago
In the summer where I live it gets very hot and sunny. Can someone tell me how to keep it cool for my turtles?
Jamersun YAAYAA
Jamersun YAAYAA - 12 years ago
damn i bet them turtles are in paradise
yousuf bahareth
yousuf bahareth - 12 years ago
me 2 :(
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
This yard truly is a very special place.
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
Multiple species habitats sure can be fun!
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
Good question! Turtles and koi mixed in the same pond is a delicate balance. Young turtles are more carnivorous than mature turtles so you will need to watch out for aggressive young specimens going after your koi. Regular feedings typically keep everyone happy but sometimes the turtles can scratch the koi during feeding frenzy. These are just a couple of the challenges you will face when keeping these guys together. Mixing them does not come without some challenge but it is doable.
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
Send me directions! Have tools, will travel! :)
Kim Rackley
Kim Rackley - 12 years ago
Come to my house and build me one(:
JOSÉ ALVARENGA - 12 years ago
you d== = = == ]
EJ Manuel
EJ Manuel - 12 years ago
3:58 buddys a cliff diver
ideath2011 - 12 years ago
Tra'von Miller
Tra'von Miller - 12 years ago
My bearded dragon lives in a out door inclosure and is roomates with a couple turtles and 2 bull frogs
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
True that. He was planting one day and uncovered 16 little bottle cap turtles! We saved them all!
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
When the day comes hit us up and we'll help you achieve your goal!
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
No smell in the pond. The filtration and aquatic plant load keep the water crystal clear
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
We are selling pond construction. :)
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
Much thanks!
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
I would enjoy a few more species of turtles in the pond but there is something special about a species specific pond too.
Isaac - 12 years ago
Too bad, this is like an all red eared sliders pond with nothing else.
Michael Romero
Michael Romero - 12 years ago
AWESOME!! Really Cool! I have two Sliders, looking for ideas. Your set up is the coolest!!!
Savage Boi
Savage Boi - 12 years ago
They brumate.
joseph leonard
joseph leonard - 12 years ago
propper lighting. clean water. dont stand there and watch, an animals at its weakest when it sleeps/ eats. also try a seperate tank to feed it in
Kyle DuBois
Kyle DuBois - 12 years ago
They don't exactly "hibernate".
IceBrickFilms - 12 years ago
27 people are racoons
Lizardman1032687 - 12 years ago
4:00 diving lessons
Dani Gotti
Dani Gotti - 12 years ago
hey everybody please come check out my channel
Cole Butler
Cole Butler - 12 years ago
Yeah after he took the skimmer off the turtle went in there.
Mel Schmidt
Mel Schmidt - 12 years ago
Now how cool is that pond! Thanks for sharing that vid with us. Getting ideas for a Turtle pond for my crew.
krystal pacheco
krystal pacheco - 12 years ago
r u saleing it
Elast3l - 12 years ago
Turtles do not feed during hibernation/brumation because if they did the food would rot in there stomach and lead to death.
jtbeNji - 12 years ago
Why the F*ck would anyone dislike the video. Jealousy
jtbeNji - 12 years ago
Use Chines Reeves Turtles, they dont bite like Red Ear Sliders lol. Red Ear Sliders are beasts, I couldnt find someone to adopt a RES cuz its so aggressive! my Reeves turtle was easily adopted when i moved.
DDBGOOD - 12 years ago
This is awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
chris bonilla
chris bonilla - 12 years ago
i had six baby red ear sliders i gave 1 to my teacher and 2 died cause poor things dident eat i should make a littlepond for mine thanx
Carl Livingston
Carl Livingston - 12 years ago
If he want more baby turtles, when he noticeds some baby turtles, dig around that because the can get stuck in the ground a die.
agentsteel - 12 years ago
some day . . . some day
kelsea layloo
kelsea layloo - 12 years ago
3:10 Anyone know what type of turtle that is ?!
ijr1995 - 12 years ago
puppy2509 - 12 years ago
at 3:00 dosent that hurt the poor turtle :o :(
Madison Fritz
Madison Fritz - 12 years ago
I have a baby red eared slider! I have had him for 3 days and i have a really cool tank and a light and filter! But my turtle wont eat! And i dont know what to do!!!! Could u giveme any hhelp??
Kaiser - 12 years ago
I would put a snapper in there
Doug D
Doug D - 12 years ago
can you have pond turtles in a cooler Canadian climate?
Dafydd - 12 years ago
I made a turtle pond, I designed it off of a turtle shell so it looks like a turtle shell :D
Cole Butler
Cole Butler - 12 years ago
7:59 hey man I'm on tv the other turtle is like let's get out of here
SuperVegeta - 12 years ago
turtle paradise..but 3:01 is dangerous:)
bduenas13 - 12 years ago
Sick pond! I am moving to a new house and I want to build a pond similar like this but with tortuous and Green Iguana friendly enviroment (of course have a mesh fence along the way also) also instead of sand replace it for coco shed dirt incase of breeding mishaps
Hadie Islam
Hadie Islam - 12 years ago
4:33 "stop filming me dammit!"
Fire Krew
Fire Krew - 12 years ago
como le ase en invierno
Ashley H
Ashley H - 12 years ago
We're about to buy a new house and a turtle pond for our favorite pet is on the to to list. While I live in Ohio and not comfortable with leaving him out all year this video was very helpful and I can't wait to start digging!
AaronHB3 - 12 years ago
how many turtles do you have
GOONOFTHEWORLD - 12 years ago
hey i live in chicago there is no way i can have this,wont they freeze in the winter.it looks very nice by the way.
Monitorrs - 12 years ago
if i had the pond id shit my pants every time i walked outside
Frank Figueroa
Frank Figueroa - 12 years ago
I have two turtles that were the size of a quarter when a got them, nine years later they are pretty big they live in a fish aquarium but is kind of small for them now, in summer time I have to change the water once a week because it turns green and they do not go outside of the water except when I change the water so if i build a pond how often do I have to change the water
Nerdybeyy - 12 years ago
i wish a had amazing yard like this 4 my turtle xx
Andrew Honnold
Andrew Honnold - 12 years ago
Wxlfie - James Swinchatt
Wxlfie - James Swinchatt - 12 years ago
here's what i'm thinking if you was to say have a small hut built into a hill or something and have an underwater entrance so that only the turtles can get into the hut, maybe it would be a better way for them to bask i mean u'd have to buy uvb lighting but it would be a very good idea.
TheShopaholicLADY - 12 years ago
That is awesome! I wish I had a yard like that.
Davy - 12 years ago
CherubHorse - 12 years ago
That pond is amazing :O
louis barron-forde
louis barron-forde - 12 years ago
how many turtles do you have?
zulsty - 12 years ago
2:00 I was honestly expecting a turret defense system. I love what has been done to the yard, turtles as pets leads to beautiful home.
Mr.. Anonymous
Mr.. Anonymous - 12 years ago
Turtle faceplant at 3:00
jarqu14 - 12 years ago
lol ill see u there
Tychaun Robin
Tychaun Robin - 12 years ago
that was awesome i would definately make one of these...if i had the space
Marcus Cain
Marcus Cain - 12 years ago
Really cool pond that thing is sweet. Im gonna build my own turtle pond and want lots of vegetation but I noticed you don't have any water plants in the pond itself like water lettuce, is this because you don't want them or because the turtles will just eat them? thanks!
dstwer roger
dstwer roger - 12 years ago
i know i hade a hard time trying not to make mistakes the problem is that i know how to speak english but not so much how tow to write it (it is not my home language) but i'll try to do it better next time any way i'm gllad you're not one of those haters that only focus in my grammar and if you have any cuestion i'll be gladd to answer it (about turtles,anphibians,ponds and things like that
Miles Kelly
Miles Kelly - 12 years ago
what type of fish is that
Ariel Guinto
Ariel Guinto - 12 years ago
you man have the coolest pond design i have ever seen !!
kaleb mccarty
kaleb mccarty - 12 years ago
i like turtles
BleuSaphirReptiles - 12 years ago
That pond is truly paradise for sure! :o
BrandonLocs - 12 years ago
Like how much was all that
Hannah Abed
Hannah Abed - 12 years ago
7:58 Hes like "Why, Hellloooo :D" lol
adrian69191 - 12 years ago
how much did he spend over all on his turtle pond? did he build it himself or did he hire a company to do it for him?
ajbaker7 - 12 years ago
can i make a salt water pond?
Makarov Kid
Makarov Kid - 12 years ago
Old turtles actually eat mostly plant matter so by the time they are big enough to eat fish they won't be interested.
WoodyFtw - 12 years ago
This is amazing :D I
JurassicYeti - 12 years ago
i wish they had kick ass habbitat like this for bearded dragons. i love beardies
ben broome
ben broome - 12 years ago
i want that pond
Brooke Monson
Brooke Monson - 12 years ago
outstanding pond! its sure is spring almost April 1st and my tutrles have started to dig their nest to lay the eggs. I have 13 red ear sliders and probably a clutch soon! thanks for posting your video beautiful job on the habitat
domainestickem - 12 years ago
crash and burn at 3 mins... ouch that looked painful
dstwer roger
dstwer roger - 12 years ago
they may try but the fish is way to fast for they to cath it but if the koi get sick or die they will eat it fast and that is good for the pond so it wont get dirty in the wild most turtles feed on dead animals and that's why they are so inportant to their ecosystem they are like vultures in the desert only way more good looking
dstwer roger
dstwer roger - 12 years ago
any time men i hope you did'nt have problems reading it i was having troubles whit my key board and also i'm not use to write in inglish but i try ;) i my self have many turtles and i'm planing to dig a pond for them here in mexico as soon as i do it i'll post you a vid so you tell me what's wrong whit it jajaja so i'm glad you find my coment helpfull and if you have any question about turtles ask me and if can help you i will i'm 29 and my first turtle i have it since i was 8 and it still lives
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
The turtles are spoiled rotten. They seem to leave the koi alone in this pond.
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
Thanks for sharing your wisdom.
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
You're awesome for giving the feedback. Thanks!
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
If you hit the lottery, hit us up!
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
Thanks for the feedback!
Jessica's Nerd Life
Jessica's Nerd Life - 12 years ago
thats sooo awesome
drakkingothgod - 12 years ago
Whoa, thats an awesome pond!!!
dstwer roger
dstwer roger - 12 years ago
cause they need to be arround 28 degrees (centigrades) specially the young ones they only take sun heat to be able to digest their food but they loose this this heat the moment they get under water you also should try to get the little ones in separate the big ones will eat them and even the fish can hurt them hope you read this and found it usefull good bye and good luck
dstwer roger
dstwer roger - 12 years ago
ok great pond but i think here are some facts this turtle lover ( in a good way) needs to know fresh water turtles wont laid eggs on sand cause o the salt in it so replaceit whit loose dirt in order to have succes in this youshould have at least 4 females for every male and you should star lokin for the eggs from to july each female can dig one or trhee nests whit 5 up to 25 aggs every year depending on where you live you may or may not need a water heater to prevent deseases in winter
awhatzable - 12 years ago
wow dont your turtle attack your fish ?
Captain Coco
Captain Coco - 12 years ago
Terrapin paradise!! Those little guys have the best home ever we also have terrapins [there actual name, not turtles] here in London in many fresh water ponds. I even saw some outside my house in Greece surviving and living in seawater. I love terrapins so cute!
samueljames - 12 years ago
Baking Recipes Manisha Mauritius
Baking Recipes Manisha Mauritius - 13 years ago
@sykes54321 yeah thats true
Baking Recipes Manisha Mauritius
Baking Recipes Manisha Mauritius - 13 years ago
wow..i want my baby turtle to become big like yours, how old is the turtle? i dont have a pound, i want to build like this.
Blake Driesen
Blake Driesen - 13 years ago
my pound look bad comepaired to that guys
mike bounds
mike bounds - 13 years ago
Nice back how long did that take u and how much money did it take to do that
Missy Rabbit
Missy Rabbit - 13 years ago
turtle heaven
Xavanux - 13 years ago
When I had turtles before I released them into the ocean, they would go up onto their rock in their tank and do backflips into the water. XDXDXD
rice9221 - 13 years ago
that is soo cool
Aaronsaechao559 - 13 years ago
this videos tells all my questions :)
Vendea - 13 years ago
Thanks for the great video Ponddigger. I have a question. Does the pond need a heater? I live south of san francisco and I'm not sure if I need a heater for my turtles. Anyone have advice?
djmad117 - 13 years ago
what about hibernation
ThePondDigger - 13 years ago
@BlackForestHam01 What a great way to look at it! Thanks for the feedback!
Cjaz84 - 13 years ago
Thank god my RES is only 3....I have plenty of time to make him a awesome pond! Great pond!
anandi shah
anandi shah - 13 years ago
This is so good!! Any tips for me? I live in an apartment and got 2 red eared slider turtles. any advice how I can create a proper habitat for them in an aquarium? and what to feed them? they don't touch any veggies. I tried feeding them fish and they have that. What else can I feed them?

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