World's Most Extreme Pond Build Finale 2 - Hundreds of contractors across the nation converge to build the World's Most Extreme Pond at Aquascape, Inc. headquarters in St. Charles, IL during Aquascape's annual Pondemonium training event. The City of St. Charles has proclaimed itself the "Water Garden Capital of the World."

World's Most Extreme Pond Build Finale 2 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 20

Pond 15 years ago 136,307 views - Hundreds of contractors across the nation converge to build the World's Most Extreme Pond at Aquascape, Inc. headquarters in St. Charles, IL during Aquascape's annual Pondemonium training event. The City of St. Charles has proclaimed itself the "Water Garden Capital of the World."

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Most popular comments
for World's Most Extreme Pond Build Finale 2

Larry Villanueva
Larry Villanueva - 9 years ago
So awesome...what an amazing job!
Nunca Sabe
Nunca Sabe - 9 years ago
Pond? You mean...lake. Right?
Meme Machine
Meme Machine - 9 years ago
I thought it was gonna be just a huge pond
But part of it was for a mini putt course, and a lot of it used for walkways..
Oh well, still a cool build and I'm sure the fish will love it....
Oh... It's for people to swim in...
Well uh..
I don't get it.
PersianinSweden - 9 years ago
This is kind of stupid why not make it a natural pond with clay instead of plastic when it's such a big size!
squito94 - 9 years ago
How much did that monster of a pond cost!
Amar Ma'rruf
Amar Ma'rruf - 9 years ago
wow.. nice job...
Francisco Quinones
Francisco Quinones - 10 years ago
That's one of the perks of being rich
Pessoal pessoal
Pessoal pessoal - 10 years ago
Fron Brazil, Agora eu tirei o chapéu para vocês heim
Solar Hellas
Solar Hellas - 10 years ago
What can I say? it's awesome! it's more than awesome!!!!!!
Guys you 've done an amazing job!!!!!

10. comment for World's Most Extreme Pond Build Finale 2

AquascapePonds - 11 years ago
Allan, It was 2 sections of .36 mil reinforced polypropylene liner seamed (heat welded) in the center of the pond. Each section was approximately 120’x190’.
Allan dunbar snr
Allan dunbar snr - 11 years ago
how much liner was used in this huge pond?
Shazvana - 11 years ago
I would love to know the total cost of this pond, it is awesome!!! Great job to everyone who took part, you all deserve to be proud of your achievement.
FcoBermudez - 11 years ago
Excelente video y claro MAGNIFICO TRABAJO !!!! FELICIDADES. ;)
TheKSProduction - 11 years ago
omg this fucking song in the beginning is so terrible. omg....
tim jefferson
tim jefferson - 11 years ago
Half the crew was standing around watching haha
yvonneost12 - 12 years ago
Wow !!!!!!!!!
Francisco Rueda
Francisco Rueda - 12 years ago
Dee Deedz
Dee Deedz - 12 years ago
I was there and I took a shit in it!
Interestingenough4 - 12 years ago
Are they gonna have any fish in there? Kois and/or goldfish, perhaps?

20. comment for World's Most Extreme Pond Build Finale 2

chom onkey
chom onkey - 12 years ago
To prevent ripping , expansion pleats should be made between all heavy objects . They will sink and they'll sink faster than the material between them eventually causing liner to stretch and ultimately tear . A few folds ( pleats ) preferably near the heavy objects will compensate for this .
buljo5150 - 12 years ago
yes but when a single rock requires not one, but two crains to lift it; and then add many more of those same size boulders, something is going to rip. Well I guess time will tell, only one of us will be right. I hope it's you. You wouldn't happen to know the final cost would ya?
buljo5150 - 12 years ago
What happens when the liner breaks down or leaks? With all those increadably heavy bolders on it, it had to rip and tear. The crains could barely lift them.
dstwer roger
dstwer roger - 12 years ago
1: you know there's a line that divides ponds from lakes 2: you most have some big ass turtles and kois 3: this is like a DIYS pond proyect, the hole town edition 4: i hope non mexican worker get hurt in the making of this pond (a'm mexican so is ok for me to joke about this) 5 : sorry for the guy who gets to clean the filter of this 6 : if i ever get my godzilla pet i'll give you a call boys 7: who the fuck are ed and rian and why do i feel like i need to be their homey 8: bye
TheWaterfallCompany - 12 years ago
Looks like a lot of fun.
sirtodd - 13 years ago
wow fuhhh~
Paniolo49 - 13 years ago
Same company that sold thousands of bad pumps and other poor products we stopped using years ago. Correcting the bad Aquascape build it in a day systems is now our main work. But you can call them for a $20. sales kit so you can buy their products and more useless DVDs. Most ponds built in Southern Calif. are overpriced holes in the ground with rubble dumped in. They do have some decent people that work there though. These appear to be annual convention sales hyped volunteers.
Paniolo49 - 13 years ago
This is the same company that sold thousands of bad pumps and some other poor products we stopped using years ago. Now we make a living correcting the bad Aquascape build it in a day systems. But you can call them for a $20. sales kit so you can buy their products and more useless DVDs
ALP'ie - 14 years ago
I can only imagine the size of the bio falls you need for this thing!
ALP'ie - 14 years ago
That would be so cool to have in a yard as a koi pond / pool!

30. comment for World's Most Extreme Pond Build Finale 2

gumper5242 - 15 years ago
AMAZING POND !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want one just like this one in my yard ! Unfortunetly I will have to settle for one a bit smaller. LOL...
Виктор Суханов
Виктор Суханов - 15 years ago
Bomb !!!

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