how to build a DIY organic pool:natural pool in 3 minutes

How to build an organic pool (natural pool) in 3 minutes. An organic pool uses plants and animals to keep the water clean and healthy without the use of added chemicals. A pool for swimming and a wilderness for wildlife. This plunge pool is 6m by 8m in total with a 2m deep swimming zone of 4m by 2m. This is a quick romp through my DIY film to give you a good idea of how to build a small natural pool. Find more info and Free pdf on and full HD DIY film on: See David's latest invention:

how to build a DIY organic pool:natural pool in 3 minutes sentiment_very_dissatisfied 3155

Pond 10 years ago 3,659,245 views

How to build an organic pool (natural pool) in 3 minutes. An organic pool uses plants and animals to keep the water clean and healthy without the use of added chemicals. A pool for swimming and a wilderness for wildlife. This plunge pool is 6m by 8m in total with a 2m deep swimming zone of 4m by 2m. This is a quick romp through my DIY film to give you a good idea of how to build a small natural pool. Find more info and Free pdf on and full HD DIY film on: See David's latest invention:

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Most popular comments
for how to build a DIY organic pool:natural pool in 3 minutes

Smile-on-your-Face - 7 years ago
old people in our country just sit on their couch but ur old people is working hard. respect
Wezilla - 7 years ago
I don't think good can kill people by lot of things in that water
The Game
The Game - 7 years ago
3 minutes?? oky
Sree Sree
Sree Sree - 7 years ago
The work and patience work spirit of this family is remarkable...i loved it..the result was beautiful ❤
Fabiya Lodhi
Fabiya Lodhi - 7 years ago
Beautiful work
Aarohi Arora
Aarohi Arora - 7 years ago
Tf is wrong with this video ?
Your Nightmare
Your Nightmare - 7 years ago
Fake! Toke me 1 hour to follow the steps.
Muamar Arifin
Muamar Arifin - 7 years ago
in indonesian its called "Empang"
Ogi Nugroho
Ogi Nugroho - 7 years ago
Wow 3 minutes :)

10. comment for how to build a DIY organic pool:natural pool in 3 minutes

The Observer
The Observer - 7 years ago
Will it attract snakes ?
Danijela es
Danijela es - 7 years ago
Zeo Tan
Zeo Tan - 7 years ago
3 minutes?? More like 3 days!
Joel Quejaf
Joel Quejaf - 7 years ago
Really just 3 minutes!? It looks you made it for one day
Karma Reflhects
Karma Reflhects - 7 years ago
3 MInUtEs
kylee pinon
kylee pinon - 7 years ago
3 min huh
Bubble Art!
Bubble Art! - 7 years ago
U got me fucked up ain’t nobody wanna swim in that dirty ass water
Air Cams
Air Cams - 7 years ago
Is it also gluten free?
Maya Blatchford
Maya Blatchford - 7 years ago
3 minute totally
the boi
the boi - 7 years ago
makes pool in 3 minutes

20. comment for how to build a DIY organic pool:natural pool in 3 minutes

crizp entertainment
crizp entertainment - 7 years ago
Now u got worms in your anus
Imogen Symes
Imogen Symes - 7 years ago
Hey kids swim in the dirty water
wolf green
wolf green - 7 years ago
I thought I was watching the benny hill show because the audio kept coming g and going
Rudian Gepeng
Rudian Gepeng - 7 years ago
Ceresjanin blow
Ceresjanin blow - 7 years ago
It's guide how to fuck up editing in 3 minutes
Gerard Obaya
Gerard Obaya - 7 years ago
Yeah right _ three minutes_
I wanna swim there
Fritz Wilhelm
Fritz Wilhelm - 7 years ago
What the..... random pool make....edit.....brain amoeba.....dying slowly.....
Monkee 000
Monkee 000 - 7 years ago
How to stop the water from spoiling.
theshuman100 - 7 years ago
The audio sounds like some youtube poop.

30. comment for how to build a DIY organic pool:natural pool in 3 minutes

Soula Papastratou
Soula Papastratou - 7 years ago
OMG! This is dangerous and unhealthy for children... how do you clean that dirty water! It should be full of bacterial
Fredbob - 7 years ago
So cute and such a pretty garden.
Guapo - 7 years ago
Nice! Cuz i want my kids swimming in stagnant west nile virus meningitis infected shit water.....
Pommy - 7 years ago
I thought the entire point of a pool was to be able to swim in sanitary water XD.
Verity - 7 years ago
WTF?!....great editing, retards!
Kevin Fajardo
Kevin Fajardo - 7 years ago
I thinking of mosquitos laying eggs on the pool...perhaps there might be like a maintenance plan or it pls
Dallas Stars Fan
Dallas Stars Fan - 7 years ago
Very little instructions, got my dick caught in the concrete mixer
Decarion Raney
Decarion Raney - 7 years ago
animals must be very friendly were u r
Lucas Brasil Dias
Lucas Brasil Dias - 7 years ago
Que foda
Egg Morp
Egg Morp - 7 years ago
But frogs will go there and lay eggs
Hydrodragon28 - 7 years ago
Correct tilde: How to build a swamp filled with snakes, leaches, and parasites.
losttribe3001 - 7 years ago
I think that. If you were to. The cinder block. And a good fabric. The joints are. The little bugger. A natural way is to start with. The god Neptune. My wife cheats on. Forgot the donkey. And, this is the most important thing, don't ever, under any circumstances, use a. 78 dead children. I don't think I can make myself any clearer! (Seriously, looks great! Cheers!).
Demi Nada
Demi Nada - 7 years ago
Organic? With all that rubber, Styrofoam and more?
Venus Aqueronte
Venus Aqueronte - 7 years ago
no le puso castillos, ya vi esa mierda derrumbada
Sebastian Schon
Sebastian Schon - 7 years ago
alessandro confente
alessandro confente - 7 years ago
Its more how to have zika
Kolumbus Macarone
Kolumbus Macarone - 7 years ago
I would rather shit in my tub and bathe in it... disgusting shit, yall will get parasites and other germs.
ryoshu tochi
ryoshu tochi - 7 years ago
i did not expect the concrete! thought it was natural
madzha mokhtar
madzha mokhtar - 7 years ago
worst edited video on yt
Christine - 7 years ago

50. comment for how to build a DIY organic pool:natural pool in 3 minutes

Luis Duarte
Luis Duarte - 7 years ago
Looks like something only a white person would do, disgusting.
GelsYT - 7 years ago
Wow in just 3 minutes you made a pool Amazing
Koople Troople
Koople Troople - 7 years ago
Heard of Amoeba? Well that gets into your systems and eats you up.
The Fails
The Fails - 7 years ago
Ohhhh... yes... veeeery "natural".

Pfffffff!!!... sucks!
Nothankyou - 7 years ago
I love this vi....
Leticia Carvalho
Leticia Carvalho - 7 years ago
É meu sonho construir um lago desses
architectural ink blots
architectural ink blots - 7 years ago
What? In three minutes???? Liar
คนตจ พดกห
คนตจ พดกห - 7 years ago
Jayno Bibo
Jayno Bibo - 7 years ago
עומר הראל
עומר הראל - 7 years ago
"3 minutes"
tree trimmer
tree trimmer - 7 years ago
What a wonderful idea and a beautiful outcome. Obviously something went wrong in the sound department.
HikingViking - 7 years ago
On this episode of the Grand Tour!
James May builds a pond...
Random Things!
Random Things! - 7 years ago
It not diy
Princess Patriot
Princess Patriot - 7 years ago
The video is three minutes
alfonso castillo
alfonso castillo - 7 years ago
But i have a question, how do i treat the water?
Jon Snow
Jon Snow - 7 years ago
Lol 3 minutes
John Gault
John Gault - 7 years ago
Hahaha, as a litteralist I thought it was built in 3 minutes....for a few seconds....the pickaxe showing a severe misunderstanding was taking place.
CTF Comics
CTF Comics - 7 years ago
The editing sucked
But I didn't even know organic pools existed til now
And it was pretty cool
Coc fans
Coc fans - 7 years ago
It would have took almost 3 months and irritating 3 minutes only
jfries_ 22
jfries_ 22 - 7 years ago
Did they take a full video and cut it in ths worst places to make it 3 minutes
Brxxke Ch
Brxxke Ch - 7 years ago
This screams snakes
Mykeyboy - 7 years ago
I was only able to get my shovel out of the shed in three minutes... you guy's are beast to do all that in 3 minutes !!
Khalid Hebshi
Khalid Hebshi - 7 years ago
Oh wait what is organic about it yes it is the cinder blocks and concrete and blue barrel to hold the dock
Khalid Hebshi
Khalid Hebshi - 7 years ago
First of where is the 2 HP pool pump and filter so it cannot grow algae second of what is organic about this?
Khalid Hebshi
Khalid Hebshi - 7 years ago
Confusion is shared apon us us all
Tanusri Kaul
Tanusri Kaul - 7 years ago
It's such a lie it would take like 10 hours
EME AME - 7 years ago
nonsekquiter l
nonsekquiter l - 7 years ago
Guess you don't have water moccasins where you live.
Mahin Aboobaker
Mahin Aboobaker - 7 years ago
man put some small fish in the pond ...
Abady M G
Abady M G - 7 years ago
This is what women sound like when they think they're making sense
the saleslady
the saleslady - 7 years ago
3 minute?
Kent Montes
Kent Montes - 7 years ago
i cant understand anything his saying
Stefanie Heretick
Stefanie Heretick - 7 years ago
Or you can hire someone
cinnaMIN- Roll
cinnaMIN- Roll - 7 years ago
That would take DAYS for me
Bijak Antusias Sufi
Bijak Antusias Sufi - 7 years ago
Then I just afraid snakes trying to swim there too..
atlantisia - 7 years ago
write "organic", and then use plastic...
bumble bee
bumble bee - 7 years ago
Though the title is misleading.. the initial trench preparation and sand leveling was quite good.. but the finishing looks dirty... Wish they could have added more stones than putting the dirty mud.. anyways good effort by the grandpa and grandma :)
alexandra Lupascu
alexandra Lupascu - 7 years ago
Yeah sure in3 minutes
William fournier
William fournier - 7 years ago
That’s gonna take a whole fricken day to build I need one in 3 mins
Diego DD
Diego DD - 7 years ago
And the winner of the worst tutorial and worst edition is for...
Gerrydean Stewart
Gerrydean Stewart - 7 years ago
all that construction for a swamp.I don't even like being around grass and mud.give me the beach better.
Easy etc
Easy etc - 7 years ago
Shelby Seelbach
Shelby Seelbach - 7 years ago
You can not build a natural pool. Srupid title. Thumbs down.
lanni ervina
lanni ervina - 7 years ago
ga jelas videonya putus putus ngomong nya
JackSepticTank 2
JackSepticTank 2 - 7 years ago
Mine took 10 days not 3 minutes
L. A. Rocha
L. A. Rocha - 7 years ago
2:11 a few joints? Ehh... Gotta smoke them.
Gumrock RB
Gumrock RB - 7 years ago
More like a pool for a bunch a hippos
Nick Day
Nick Day - 7 years ago
This is a lie. It took me WAY more than three minutes to do this
Safinah Mohamad
Safinah Mohamad - 7 years ago
Hope snakes not hidding in the bushes n ready to attack that kids
Mike Bents
Mike Bents - 7 years ago
You mean a pond?

100. comment for how to build a DIY organic pool:natural pool in 3 minutes

Archie Thurston
Archie Thurston - 7 years ago
you need to make it so we can hear you but yes good vid thanks
Millene Natália
Millene Natália - 7 years ago
Auguem do Brasil
I See Bias I Clicked
I See Bias I Clicked - 7 years ago
I was about to comme-
But I can't stop laughi-
What is wrong with his edi-
Worst edit eve-
Coatl Yolotl
Coatl Yolotl - 7 years ago
Yeah I'm not building a swamp, thank you.
Bhavana B
Bhavana B - 7 years ago
Bruh wtf is this
thehardestpart - 7 years ago
Man, I can see your edit is not the best. You can fix that. Anyway, the work was really good! I wish i could have a pool like that
thehardestpart - 7 years ago
Yeah, the edit is bad. Why do you like to say the obvious? I came here to run away from all the shit in trends, and what do I find? More shit!
Sol Andre Somoza
Sol Andre Somoza - 7 years ago
looks dirty to me
Drew Martinez
Drew Martinez - 7 years ago
Yeahhhh I'm so,sure all that took 3 min
ajay geddala
ajay geddala - 7 years ago
Pablo Campos Padín
Pablo Campos Padín - 7 years ago
Dilsha Rizu
Dilsha Rizu - 7 years ago
its not in 3 mnt its takes hole one week
Blake Anderson
Blake Anderson - 7 years ago
How's your mosquito problem these days?
Erick Cahya
Erick Cahya - 7 years ago
And then he says in 3 minutes
Jeongi iixx
Jeongi iixx - 7 years ago
3 minutes?? More like 3 hours
Bree Roze
Bree Roze - 7 years ago
This is not 3 minutes
Michael N
Michael N - 7 years ago
Yeah, gotta love to swim in bacteria, microbes swams and insect larves infected natural water. Good for babies too...
Shreyash pradhan
Shreyash pradhan - 7 years ago
Well that is very expensive.....
Dohnae Manning
Dohnae Manning - 7 years ago
There own video is even more than making apool silly
Chava303 - 7 years ago
That's amazing how all that took 3 minutes
Subhashree Mohapatra
Subhashree Mohapatra - 7 years ago
I thnk it's not 3mintues it's 3days
Goryo Barbero
Goryo Barbero - 7 years ago
You cant do that in 3 minutes LOL
donniecatalano - 7 years ago
How the hell did you do the video mounting? With the digger?
rajusehmi - 7 years ago
Choro Bairon Y Q Pasa
Choro Bairon Y Q Pasa - 7 years ago
Se ve peligrosa la wea
il Barone Rozzo
il Barone Rozzo - 7 years ago
Please rename the video: " How to make an utterly useless and irritating 3 minutes long video so I can look stupid as shit and make viewers hate me because I really need views but I can't do a decent video. I'm autistic pls help ".

That should be a more appropriate title.
Marco Martínez
Marco Martínez - 7 years ago
The only good part was the part where he released that cute mice
Julius Maison
Julius Maison - 7 years ago
HannahlEe DAbiid
HannahlEe DAbiid - 7 years ago
The video took only 3 minutes but the process of doing this might took a week
quality bleach
quality bleach - 7 years ago
I think it's called a pond
Fake TNS
Fake TNS - 7 years ago
Slime Queen
Slime Queen - 7 years ago
All these comments are hate but I think this looks pretty dang cool and the kids seem to love it!!
Tammy Summers
Tammy Summers - 7 years ago
It does make a pretty pond, if they do decide later to not swim in it anymore. I wish I could make a small one.
CubiesKubyCubes - 7 years ago
bruhhh the cuts
Don Palen
Don Palen - 7 years ago
It may become a breeding ground for mosquito!
Carly Smith
Carly Smith - 7 years ago
Those freak me out, the dark areas... What if there was snakes! Or like a snapping turtle... No thanks.
Ezekiel Turrecha
Ezekiel Turrecha - 7 years ago
But its lovely so i will click lije for a great job
Ezekiel Turrecha
Ezekiel Turrecha - 7 years ago
I dislike it just because of saying in 3 minutes
mhiespiritu 04
mhiespiritu 04 - 7 years ago
More like 3 years to me
Aria Antoinette ritcherson
Aria Antoinette ritcherson - 7 years ago
Yes, I can definitely make this in 3 mintes.
Deraza Maretha s
Deraza Maretha s - 7 years ago
Valentina Angela
Valentina Angela - 7 years ago
3 minutes more like 3 months for me
Nicole Quisado
Nicole Quisado - 7 years ago
Why to much hate
Ferret Fun And More
Ferret Fun And More - 7 years ago
This is the worst editing ever!!!!!
Donald Trumpet
Donald Trumpet - 7 years ago
Ew Im not gonna swim in there that looks dirty and full of bacteria waiting for a chance to get inside you
Rose Kim
Rose Kim - 7 years ago
That's gone get nasty real quick
please love me im lonely
please love me im lonely - 7 years ago
what are you doing in my swamp?!?
Aztec Maya
Aztec Maya - 7 years ago
I skip to 3:10 . The flash build the pool right?
Nom - 7 years ago
The video says three minutes but it'd take like a week to do
Elizabeth Michelle Hawkins
Elizabeth Michelle Hawkins - 7 years ago
That can be dangerous if your kid was drowning and sank to the bottom, you won't see the kid there.
Gabriel Fulgosino
Gabriel Fulgosino - 7 years ago
what the heck 3 minutes fuck that crap
Lol Lol
Lol Lol - 7 years ago
that did not take 3 minutes
MB AB - 7 years ago
I would not swim in DIRT
Sandy GamerZ
Sandy GamerZ - 7 years ago
3 menit gundul mu iku di skip
Niraj chodankar
Niraj chodankar - 7 years ago
Guess I need to call Bob the builder...
Caleb Marais
Caleb Marais - 7 years ago
In three minutes
Caleb Marais
Caleb Marais - 7 years ago
This video should actually be called 'Learn to become incredibly bad in editing skills'
Egg Whites 1338
Egg Whites 1338 - 7 years ago
Павел Мальцев
Павел Мальцев - 7 years ago
huinu kakuto sotvorili
Fun with jieana
Fun with jieana - 7 years ago
we cant make it in 3 min
Ravinder Jassal
Ravinder Jassal - 7 years ago
Mud guard
Crystalee Caballero
Crystalee Caballero - 7 years ago
That looks awesome
why not
why not - 7 years ago
uh the only natural body of water i will swim in is the ocean ._.
Leo Lela
Leo Lela - 7 years ago
It looks great but I'm sure 3 minutes is not enough to make it.
Nikki Ayiei
Nikki Ayiei - 7 years ago
3 mins do take very long
Marcos Vinicio
Marcos Vinicio - 7 years ago
uau muito legal parece um lago natural !!
Ameer Chakboub
Ameer Chakboub - 7 years ago
3 MIN???
becky loves cibo
becky loves cibo - 7 years ago
absolutely beautiful man made pond!
Hu Pha
Hu Pha - 7 years ago
Uggggf666v .

. C
Alex The gamer
Alex The gamer - 7 years ago
No one Can Build that in 3 minutes
Monkey Zacchary
Monkey Zacchary - 7 years ago
Ohhh 3 minutes
keepan2 - 7 years ago
Don't amoeba thrive in organic pools??
awesome 6275
awesome 6275 - 7 years ago
My life is complete now
Egemen Özoğul
Egemen Özoğul - 7 years ago
3min eheheheh
Rafa Duran
Rafa Duran - 7 years ago
Hi my name is... Look at this bui..... the en..
Deadpool - 7 years ago
What the fuck is the hurry?
alius strong
alius strong - 7 years ago
I wonder what these guys would do in 10 minutes
Rascal The Friendly Madman
Rascal The Friendly Madman - 7 years ago
3 minutes? Did you see how lo g your video is? Then think about what you edited out. Good video though.
Ed Hashem Hayes
Ed Hashem Hayes - 7 years ago
I'm afraid of snakes and creepy swimmer creatures. Needs proper fences all over pool to avoid these creatures. but I'd like to thank this coz give me a lots of ideas. Give ya 5 Star
Itz_Ya_Boi_Ryan - 7 years ago
I feel like it took longer than 3 mins
Ashlee Nalundasan
Ashlee Nalundasan - 7 years ago
Dude you're so bad at editing.....who cut this shit
phat dog productions
phat dog productions - 7 years ago
Breaking good
Breaking good - 7 years ago
Oz Blizz
Oz Blizz - 7 years ago
I am very sadness
Oz Blizz
Oz Blizz - 7 years ago
Oz Blizz
Oz Blizz - 7 years ago
Not 3 minutes
Spitfire Last
Spitfire Last - 7 years ago
Great work on editing! Truly a masterpiece!
And also, no drain huh? Just fuck it i guess? goodluck on cleaning that thing.
SuuMuy Time
SuuMuy Time - 7 years ago
Ok thats little bit gross
Mary Kingsley
Mary Kingsley - 7 years ago
U are skipping through a lot so this is not real u like click bait
Luis Ayala
Luis Ayala - 7 years ago
good idea for my goldfish
Minion - 7 years ago
The Cuts are annoying
Undone By The MeMe
Undone By The MeMe - 7 years ago
organic a swamp? plus whoever edited this shit needs to get fired. too many jump cuts
Minecraft piksel 250
Minecraft piksel 250 - 7 years ago
Cheryl Bell
Cheryl Bell - 7 years ago
It took like weeks to make that stupid not even 3 minutes
Gta King
Gta King - 7 years ago
Who’s the one that edited it like wtf u cut out people cutting
Hood Domerang !
Hood Domerang ! - 7 years ago
Its not anything near 3 minutes
Andrew Schaub
Andrew Schaub - 7 years ago
Wow did you have to cut this?
Geoffrey Freeland
Geoffrey Freeland - 7 years ago
Neat you made a pond!
Kasya Rock
Kasya Rock - 7 years ago
How to contract the brain eating amoeba in just 3 minutes
CZY PLSYZ X - 7 years ago
Dat edit doe
Park Jiminnie
Park Jiminnie - 7 years ago
like... ew
Tanaka Kun
Tanaka Kun - 7 years ago
Hardest DIY ever!!
Tamika Taylor
Tamika Taylor - 7 years ago
Kristi Martini
Kristi Martini - 7 years ago
Wow I️ actually can’t believe you can a actually do this
In 3min you can tell it’s defiantly not edited just kidding
What the heck is this
A Franca
A Franca - 7 years ago
Why not just let rain water collect in old tires and in pots outside. You're trying to hard on your mosquito farm.
Toni Toni
Toni Toni - 7 years ago
More like 3 days
Yusi catz
Yusi catz - 7 years ago
Sir, how you clean your natural pond from algae and bacteria?
Pavel Steb
Pavel Steb - 7 years ago
To build a pool you need to di then you need to here the pool is re.
Sam Lockhart
Sam Lockhart - 7 years ago
So much work for such a tiny pool. Even for a kid that kinda just looks like a very expensive and labor-consuming bathtub.
Amber Rose Padilla
Amber Rose Padilla - 7 years ago
It dospes not look like its 3 min
Kyroll Vallester
Kyroll Vallester - 7 years ago
Did he say ...any cocks 2:13
__VROOM__VROOM __ - 7 years ago
I’m sure that big ass hole took 3 minutes to make...
Dereck LeRoy
Dereck LeRoy - 7 years ago
Was the narration really needed? For fuck sake.m...
Joshua Cutts
Joshua Cutts - 7 years ago
They shouldn't of said athing
Renae - 7 years ago
That wold not take 3 minutes
James Ford Does everything!
James Ford Does everything! - 7 years ago

Better off with this type
Basic Template
Basic Template - 7 years ago
You can't do that you will need a permit...
PheonixLynx - 7 years ago
These comments are fucking priceless xD
Helene S
Helene S - 7 years ago
Yeah cuz dat taket ONLY three minutes...
FlawSinStylE G.
FlawSinStylE G. - 7 years ago
The IGN Bird
The IGN Bird - 7 years ago
3 mins because you cut out most of the important parts but made the video super annoying
Awesome Life
Awesome Life - 7 years ago
Put Crocodiles on it That would be Fun!!!!! And put snakess too put Anaconda
Cole - 7 years ago
This probably took 3 months not 3 minutes haha
Kiwwi - くん
Kiwwi - くん - 7 years ago
This organic pool thingy didn't take me 3 minutes. I'm disappointed.
Gabriella O.
Gabriella O. - 7 years ago
Haha who gets the 3 min thing
Samrat Baral
Samrat Baral - 7 years ago
Rodrigo Ruiz
Rodrigo Ruiz - 7 years ago
You’re a dumbass you know that?
Linda Stonebraker
Linda Stonebraker - 7 years ago
Wtf did I just watch
red ammo
red ammo - 7 years ago
Why is all the commentary mix up
Gianna Lynn
Gianna Lynn - 7 years ago
It wouldn't even take 3 minutes to dig every thing
Httjoeyy - 7 years ago
Click bait it’s 3 minuets 11 seconds
TheBrewmore 26
TheBrewmore 26 - 7 years ago
Once again. Its called a pond. Even bigger ponds are called lakes. These videos are so silly
HollowwLightGaming - 7 years ago
NEEFKORP - 7 years ago
*30 days
Dennis Compton
Dennis Compton - 7 years ago
Unwatchable due to the bad editing.
dat Guy
dat Guy - 7 years ago
Not 3 minutes but I kinda like it
LeBron The Goat
LeBron The Goat - 7 years ago
Swimming in a giant puddle
soso ae
soso ae - 7 years ago
great editing hahaha
FNAF Boy1983
FNAF Boy1983 - 7 years ago
The cuts are CANCER!!!
hussein kemal
hussein kemal - 7 years ago
mosquitos will fuck that shit up
E I E E N L O V E S B T S A N D K P O P - 7 years ago
Does that pool have dirty water in it?
SkyWorld BMX
SkyWorld BMX - 7 years ago
How is it natural/organic if its man made. Get a dictionary
NEO.N - 7 years ago
I feel bad for all the work that elderly man is doing
Junkyard Gamer
Junkyard Gamer - 7 years ago
That shit
aryan t thanekar
aryan t thanekar - 7 years ago
Solokisoo Virally
Solokisoo Virally - 7 years ago
This actually didn't take them 3 minutes because they were skipping the video lmao.
Adenture kid
Adenture kid - 7 years ago
You mean 3 years
Adhika Fahmi
Adhika Fahmi - 7 years ago
wtf 3 ?
mouseking69 - 7 years ago
organic really
AKSHAY KAUTKAR - 7 years ago
Worst video! I would love to watch the entire video no matter how long it is! Instead of this clickbait 3 mins
Shrestha das
Shrestha das - 7 years ago
Wtf how can a person make a pool in 3 minutes
Charlotte Elgey
Charlotte Elgey - 7 years ago
Ha 3 minutes not this is so badly edited
thatonesaltycheerio ,
thatonesaltycheerio , - 7 years ago
Rather go swimming in small river. Also wait until that kid swallows the water. See we're that'll lead you.
GreenPlanet669 #2
GreenPlanet669 #2 - 7 years ago
0:56 what animal is that?
Samuel Siubera
Samuel Siubera - 7 years ago
Not natural enough without fish
koichi fukuda
koichi fukuda - 7 years ago
Its not 3 minute wtf
jay dogg
jay dogg - 7 years ago
Dumb video .
JasWillNotBeLoyal! okay?
JasWillNotBeLoyal! okay? - 7 years ago
This only has SO views because his editing was complete garbage, it's like listening to my friends music playlist.
Ben - 7 years ago
Looks like a perfect place for snapping turtles, and water snakes to call home.
paradox Bloom
paradox Bloom - 7 years ago
EBay is the place where you can buy anything including huge huge diggers XD
aza mar
aza mar - 7 years ago
Minoute - 7 years ago
Americans : ew, bacterias.. Thats deadly! lmao .. some cringy americans are funny sometimes, or maybe weak
Minoute - 7 years ago
How to be bitten by a snake :
Hua Thai
Hua Thai - 7 years ago
Nice death trap for your kids!!!! Congratulation!!!!!
Tool Man Taylor
Tool Man Taylor - 7 years ago
What air pump do you use to run the filtration system
Pandorin - 7 years ago
Bruh this some nast ass water did this and now im shitting worms
Alex Tricoche
Alex Tricoche - 7 years ago
Lying ass said 3 min more like 3 months
Bryan Martin Nuñez
Bryan Martin Nuñez - 7 years ago
Saitama the Great
Saitama the Great - 7 years ago
Looks like a swamp
JIMENEZ JIMENEZ - 7 years ago
que cosa tan fea
Numba1TeddyBear - 7 years ago
That thing looks spooky
Zuzia Life
Zuzia Life - 7 years ago
matanuska high
matanuska high - 7 years ago
whats with all the cutting of you talking?
Sim bob And friends
Sim bob And friends - 7 years ago
This took me sevaral days to make I'm very disappointed
CutieNerds Woo
CutieNerds Woo - 7 years ago
Jakepaul vevo
Jakepaul vevo - 7 years ago
Can I have a wild strawberry daddy
Let’s Draw
Let’s Draw - 7 years ago
You mean 6 days
Carlos Villasenor
Carlos Villasenor - 7 years ago
Organic parasite hole
Blurry Flag
Blurry Flag - 7 years ago
1:03 :'3
HD Candela
HD Candela - 7 years ago
No diving in less than 10 feet!!!!!!!!!!
Surrealistic Slumbers
Surrealistic Slumbers - 7 years ago
Love these videos... just subscribed!
SuperMarioLoki - 7 years ago
How to make a trench for a world war 101
Tao rabanowitz
Tao rabanowitz - 7 years ago
I don't think it took 3 minutes to build
Christopher Varney
Christopher Varney - 7 years ago
Whomever did your editing did a BRUTAL job! Every sentence is chopped off. Next time do the audio after the video editing is done.
Raging PixL
Raging PixL - 7 years ago
Can I have a wild strabry daddy?
MARTEL WEBBER - 7 years ago
Ill pass swimming in that
The Beard guy
The Beard guy - 7 years ago
Gesus Christ.... Just buy a fucking pool...
TM3000 - 7 years ago
Talent Sibindi
Talent Sibindi - 7 years ago
Wtf is this
William Levandoffsky
William Levandoffsky - 7 years ago
biggest lie ever! Its says in 3 minutes that atleast take 5hours
Make a wish for it will be the last outing in that pool
Meagan's Review
Meagan's Review - 7 years ago
How do you keep critters and mosquitoes out??
815scorpius - 7 years ago
surely it will take longer than 3 minutes
catherine cuties horror films cutie
catherine cuties horror films cutie - 7 years ago
Your just going to be swimming in mud
Scribble Cloud
Scribble Cloud - 7 years ago
im pretty surr taht took longer then 30 minutes...
Jedi Fuze
Jedi Fuze - 7 years ago
And he says 3 minutes
Harianto Laminto
Harianto Laminto - 7 years ago
Right...3 min video for a month long labour...for a small pool...
Namirah Faqod
Namirah Faqod - 7 years ago
I think its cool... Love this..why people sounds annoyying???
Jam Jenkins
Jam Jenkins - 7 years ago
driftking10791 - 7 years ago
This cannot be 3 minutes
Cool Sisters
Cool Sisters - 7 years ago
I wish I had my own pool
Zachary Richards
Zachary Richards - 7 years ago
Just be sure you don't hit any Pipelines
Just a Derp
Just a Derp - 7 years ago
Three minutes my ass more like 3 Years buy a pool
looksgoodonpaper - 7 years ago
I like that they edited it exactly like I watch these videos
Habib  Jan
Habib Jan - 7 years ago
Nice jump
Habib  Jan
Habib Jan - 7 years ago
ChucK - 7 years ago
Way to small
刘贞慧 - 7 years ago
3 minutes ?!
Johnny Ramone
Johnny Ramone - 7 years ago
just made one in my room, thanks!
Wa fa
Wa fa - 7 years ago
Why are there chickens is the true question
171TITO - 7 years ago
I'm skurred
Zhistop - 7 years ago
A pool is much cheaper
Niyaz Majeed
Niyaz Majeed - 7 years ago
Wow congratulations!
John Osullivan
John Osullivan - 7 years ago
3 minutes my ass
Hail Hydra
Hail Hydra - 7 years ago
E Lee
E Lee - 7 years ago
is this crap a tutorial or not horrible cutting
Dkgamer 2017
Dkgamer 2017 - 7 years ago
that didnt take 3 minutes the video took 3 min
ZEP2405 Provident
ZEP2405 Provident - 7 years ago
more like 3 hours
marc jennings
marc jennings - 7 years ago
Mmmmm rancid
asthmatic octopus
asthmatic octopus - 7 years ago
its pretty
bassfishcat - 7 years ago
It should be called how to edit 3day video into three min
bassfishcat - 7 years ago
Wowww that really 3min
Carpe Diem
Carpe Diem - 7 years ago
Looks like a death trap to me
BlueBlocks Plays
BlueBlocks Plays - 7 years ago
It's impossible to make a pool in three mins
MrAwsomeshot - 7 years ago
what a fuck ton of work and materials to make a tiny lil dirty swimming pool haha
Maddison Lago
Maddison Lago - 7 years ago
3 minutes more like 3 days
Terra Craft
Terra Craft - 7 years ago
Or 3 days
Terra Craft
Terra Craft - 7 years ago
I all not say minutes I will say 3hours
Lolo in America
Lolo in America - 7 years ago
This was obviously not 3 minutes XD
aaron rantanen
aaron rantanen - 7 years ago
How to give your family malaria in 3 minutes
Spencer does random stuff
Spencer does random stuff - 7 years ago
looks more like a parasite pit to me rather than a pond
This Guy Is Crazy
This Guy Is Crazy - 7 years ago
How to build a DIY Deathtrap
Dread Lord
Dread Lord - 7 years ago
they should put fish in that pool
1111 - 7 years ago
I think the drugs are kicking in.
The lettuce wouldn’t let us
The lettuce wouldn’t let us - 7 years ago
I love it, but the narration was a bit schizophrenic......
Martin Miclík
Martin Miclík - 7 years ago
Mate filtraci?
hilbert ekema
hilbert ekema - 7 years ago
ititating video
Dead Zone
Dead Zone - 7 years ago
Organic Pool... lol Now I've heard it all. xD Fucking stupid hippies. Organic means natural right? What's natural about purposely making a pool? You liberal sjw hypocrites are insane.
Kaia Li
Kaia Li - 7 years ago
Sorry but I don't think that this only takes 3 minutes...
Callum Cuadro
Callum Cuadro - 7 years ago
The title the hell do expect me to make this in 3 minutes
Gideon Ampadu
Gideon Ampadu - 7 years ago
and you could do this all in 3 minutes wow what a let down very nice lake
Stephens channel
Stephens channel - 7 years ago
coolest dad ever.
Pix 1ater
Pix 1ater - 7 years ago
In 3 minutes!
MischievousKittie - 7 years ago
who edited this? omg, ruined anything worth of value
FriTTen - 7 years ago
2:18 Hilarious this thing must become a meme
Y MationS
Y MationS - 7 years ago
Just the video was 3:00 the process islonger
Queen Negus
Queen Negus - 7 years ago
LMFAO!!! these comments are hilarious!!
CNB JUMPERS - 7 years ago
Ja 3 Minuten
Vicky Vega nieves
Vicky Vega nieves - 7 years ago
with all that land make a bigger pool..
Bonhomme Sept Heures
Bonhomme Sept Heures - 7 years ago
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I enjoy this watershed,
Where by Staphylococcus I get chewed.
redpanda 123
redpanda 123 - 7 years ago
good for frogs and gators aleast they will have friends
Maddie442 - 7 years ago
I would not swim in that it seems like it would get dirty. I would just get a regular pool
Paula Wilson
Paula Wilson - 7 years ago
umm ??
deleted by parent
deleted by parent - 7 years ago
that was 10 hours
jana badalikova
jana badalikova - 7 years ago
I,m dog
chris daniel ortanez
chris daniel ortanez - 7 years ago
cool but look like disgusting ewwww
Amber Doodles
Amber Doodles - 7 years ago
3 minutes haahah
zoe heart
zoe heart - 7 years ago
i think its a mistake not 3 minutes 3 hours the shortest
Atomic Dounut
Atomic Dounut - 7 years ago
misleading title , this needs atleast half a year building youtself
Alden Huang
Alden Huang - 7 years ago
How about 3 days /weeks
Tubz31 R
Tubz31 R - 7 years ago
He's gonna come the next day and find an alligator in that
Catherine Ekoue
Catherine Ekoue - 7 years ago
And YouTube thought this was a video I should watch... Nice!
Bethany Leighter
Bethany Leighter - 7 years ago
Or.. dig a hole, let rain fill it, swim. You'll have just as gross water as you would doing this
Bethany Leighter
Bethany Leighter - 7 years ago
Technocrat gaurav
Technocrat gaurav - 7 years ago
is it possible in 3 minutes?
Slow rising squishy Lopez
Slow rising squishy Lopez - 7 years ago
You can't make this in 3 minutes
NBA_ Jay
NBA_ Jay - 7 years ago
I'll swim in it
Tumbleweed - 7 years ago
I don't know which to laugh about more... The dreadful editing or the people scared of a germs and dirt... - despite the fact that Millions of years ago we crawled out of soup far worse than that and then spent all our time between then and now evolving in and around the dirt and germs. There is such a thing as too clean - hence we now have heavily resistant super bugs that modern medicine is finding increasingly difficult to treat thanks to the super clean, I need alcohol gel and antibiotics every time I fart society.
Ruwinda F'do
Ruwinda F'do - 7 years ago
It looks like a septic tank....//
Brenley Equestrian
Brenley Equestrian - 7 years ago
(The title says) "in three minutes" how do you do this in three minutes??
Salty bassy Business
Salty bassy Business - 7 years ago
Why do you buy that much liner and don't use all of it
endercraftman - 7 years ago
Good luck with the snakes
Fabian R
Fabian R - 7 years ago
a new level of clickbait
Derek Sanders
Derek Sanders - 7 years ago
yea let's just have a pool of stagnant bacteria filled water. sounds healthy
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 7 years ago
I doubt you can build a pool in 3 minutes
Lucas Porpiglia
Lucas Porpiglia - 7 years ago
2:54 no
ΔᎶΜ 2546
ΔᎶΜ 2546 - 7 years ago
mice is so cute
Danna Rodriguez
Danna Rodriguez - 7 years ago
Instructions too complicated fidget spinner stuck in ass⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️
Anastasia Papazaxaria
Anastasia Papazaxaria - 7 years ago
Is this actually 3 minutes?
ゴチャゴチャー 。 馬鹿
ゴチャゴチャー 。 馬鹿 - 7 years ago
old woman lookin ass bitch
Keneda Tetsuo
Keneda Tetsuo - 7 years ago
very good
Cerberus LeviathTM
Cerberus LeviathTM - 7 years ago
3 min?
Elif Feyza Varol
Elif Feyza Varol - 7 years ago
Why do some people swear? I really wonder what is wrong with anglophone people because whenever I encounter an anglophone reacting to something he/she didn't like, they always swear even if they don't know the people related to the situation they just disliked. You do really have many things wrong with you if you use bad language to people you don't know or you have just met. Just because you didn't like the way people does something doesn't mean you have the right to insult them.
ask Ron
ask Ron - 7 years ago
cant even dig my grave in 3mins
Jayce Cox
Jayce Cox - 7 years ago
Was definitely not three minutes
fijit spooner nife
fijit spooner nife - 7 years ago
3 minutes my poopy hole.
Jrowe556 - 7 years ago
I wouldn't swim in it. I would put some bass bluegill and carp in there and have a fish pond (maybe some suckerfish too to help keep clean)
Jenny the lama
Jenny the lama - 7 years ago
You can't macke it in 3 minits
Typing Constantly
Typing Constantly - 7 years ago
The least you could do is mute the audio?
Daniel Taylor
Daniel Taylor - 7 years ago
It took me 3 minutes to find my shovel.... Kill your TV
Mathilde Mabille
Mathilde Mabille - 7 years ago
It's very dangerous for the kids ...
Emily Bennett
Emily Bennett - 7 years ago
Really 3 minutes...
ACS - 7 years ago
2:56 yeah call me daddy
Jean Dawson
Jean Dawson - 7 years ago
This seemed like 3 months
Bradley Sclafani
Bradley Sclafani - 7 years ago
Ivan SImmons
Ivan SImmons - 7 years ago
It you more than 3 hours
Random X
Random X - 7 years ago
more like 3 days not 3 minutes
fuck usernames
fuck usernames - 7 years ago
how to make a 10 minute video into a 3 minute video
Francheska Leon
Francheska Leon - 7 years ago
Plus I seriously thought it would be a 3 minutes tutorial not hours
Lucas - 7 years ago
how to build a mosquito nest
TeacherTeacher - 7 years ago
Don't swim where​ I can't see the bottom.
Nick Dynimite
Nick Dynimite - 7 years ago
Cool, but what about when the snakes come in?
LTfishing - 7 years ago
until it becomes a mosquito spawn
watagatapitusberry wha?
watagatapitusberry wha? - 7 years ago
that kid in the beginning is a savage jumping into rocks like that
Renita Pais
Renita Pais - 7 years ago
what's 3 minutes here... clickbait
Vianni Santana Martinez
Vianni Santana Martinez - 7 years ago
the digging took more than 3 minutes
Jake Something
Jake Something - 7 years ago
yeah because I just have all this stuff lying around
wus gucci
wus gucci - 7 years ago
I love swimming in fish poop
The Daily Project Manager
The Daily Project Manager - 7 years ago
"How to build your own mosquito breeding sump"
Vizyonlu Adam
Vizyonlu Adam - 7 years ago
how much did it cost?
Kebab Remover
Kebab Remover - 7 years ago
my dream
Techno Galaxy
Techno Galaxy - 7 years ago
more like how to spend 1 million dollars in 3 minutes
Guadalupe - 7 years ago
shohage islam
shohage islam - 7 years ago
Barberman - 7 years ago
Dad finds brown sausage floating after kids went swimming.
Miss Filipinas 2.0
Miss Filipinas 2.0 - 7 years ago
I saw one of my friend having this kind of pool in their yard here in the Philippines, with palm trees sorrounding them. It looks like a shit!
hikmah madhuri
hikmah madhuri - 7 years ago
so beautiful ..!
Lanky Schmidt
Lanky Schmidt - 7 years ago
Why is the narrator being cut off
xxsnpiedvv snip
xxsnpiedvv snip - 7 years ago
Pools like this can attract some very dangerous snakes or even alligator's
ゴチャゴチャー 。 馬鹿
ゴチャゴチャー 。 馬鹿 - 7 years ago
He shit his pants 2:00
Timothy Ong
Timothy Ong - 7 years ago
I'm sure it took longer than 3 minutes
Högni Jacobsen
Högni Jacobsen - 7 years ago
Wow that takes 3 min wow :: srsly it takes like 3 days do build duh
Itzjayden TM
Itzjayden TM - 7 years ago
But im poor
Conrad Villondo
Conrad Villondo - 7 years ago
Nope looks too scary
Blog World
Blog World - 7 years ago
3 Mins

This Guy Funny
Addy franklin
Addy franklin - 7 years ago
Um cool
croach - 7 years ago
can I have a wild strawberry?
croach - 7 years ago
totally organic . just kidding this is not organic
Nav Nav
Nav Nav - 7 years ago
Who the fuck edits this shit
Garrett Smith
Garrett Smith - 7 years ago
there is no way you can build a pool in three minutes
Boris the Alpaca
Boris the Alpaca - 7 years ago
3 min video, for a month's work
Izzi Stewart
Izzi Stewart - 7 years ago
My cousin tried that and her son died because of worms, that they burrowed into his organs and killed him because of standing water..
Lucy Stylinson
Lucy Stylinson - 7 years ago
no si.. ahorita mismo la hago
Angel Rai
Angel Rai - 7 years ago
"Bunion" "Daddy can I have a wild strawberry?"
cool cat
cool cat - 7 years ago
This is the funniest thing I've ever seen and I'm frustrated
Juanita Ivey
Juanita Ivey - 7 years ago
that's amazing good job
regina palermo
regina palermo - 7 years ago
how do you keep that clean
Jordan Bronson
Jordan Bronson - 7 years ago
Wow, a lot of work. More work later :((((... Need a filter?
Unknown - 7 years ago
Can I have a wild strawberry daddy
vaibhav - 7 years ago
3 Minute ? FOR WHAT
Engineer 001
Engineer 001 - 7 years ago
Your kids are going to get some brain eating bacteria type of thing if you keep them swimming in there. Fish yes, humans, not a good idea.
Sree Sree
Sree Sree - 7 years ago
Engineer 001 i dont think so
susanht67 - 7 years ago
Am I having a stroke or is the editing messed up?
Avelia Roman
Avelia Roman - 7 years ago
Look like a pond!
Show some Love
Show some Love - 7 years ago
This thing is so cool
Jessica Blaesing
Jessica Blaesing - 7 years ago
There's no way that mosquito trap took 3 minutes to build.
Jade - 7 years ago
Just get a normal pool
Bananita tube
Bananita tube - 7 years ago
Bly Sg
Bly Sg - 7 years ago
I thought this was a DIY not a damn episode of pool master
kauri itai
kauri itai - 7 years ago
i seriously thought it meant it would take 3 minutes to make this
So1D3r No1N3
So1D3r No1N3 - 7 years ago
This definitely took 3 minutes
Blue Diamond
Blue Diamond - 7 years ago
Three minutes lol okay
MistyChaos - 7 years ago
"Daddy can I have a wild strawberry? Can I have a wild strawberry daddy?" Was the kid saying that?
Enäble Passîve
Enäble Passîve - 7 years ago
"Organic" worms, "Organic" Algae, "Organic" Frogs, "Organic" Bacteria, "Organic" snakes, YAH 100% SAFE.
Golden Freddy
Golden Freddy - 7 years ago
I'll admit that it looks pretty, but because of the multiple reasons why you shouldn't swim in this can cause disease and other nasty stuff makes it stupid to try to even make it. A normal pool filled with normal chlorine is better than this crap hole.
julie raisman
julie raisman - 7 years ago
Oh yea let me just dig a 10 foot hole in 3 minutes
0708emerald - 7 years ago
It's beautiful
marseilla setyana
marseilla setyana - 7 years ago
i want a grandpa like that
_Kimorax - 7 years ago
98% comments : Talking about bacteria and snakes
1.5% comments : editind of the video
0.5% comments : other shit
Klm4wildcats 2023
Klm4wildcats 2023 - 7 years ago
Tf is a "organic" pool?!?
Eden Hale
Eden Hale - 7 years ago
All this takes 3 minutes? Seems like it would take 3 days
Sofix Sove
Sofix Sove - 7 years ago
What about the mosquitos and insects that will be swimming there soon
*wheeze* - 7 years ago
When your yard is as big as the pool..
AJ Velez
AJ Velez - 7 years ago
This is gonna take 3 months dumbass, and much longer to fix this god awful editing.
Kıvanç Peltek
Kıvanç Peltek - 7 years ago
-Just 1 thing
He jumps...
Shimo Fuchi
Shimo Fuchi - 7 years ago
an organic pool is called a pond
SweetJMarie - 7 years ago
I'll take hell no for $300. Maybe up North that's fine. Down South you'd either get eaten, bitten, infected, poisoned, or otherwise killed going in that thing.
MG Gaming
MG Gaming - 7 years ago
this is horrible
Tylerplaysfortnite - 7 years ago
Click bait
Wolf Dog
Wolf Dog - 7 years ago
U guys are not good at editing just saying people will watch more if u don't start talking and then cut it off half way through
Mina Markovska
Mina Markovska - 7 years ago
yeah right , this is gonna take you like maybe 2 days to build a pool by yourself and not 3 minutes
Blu Star Walker
Blu Star Walker - 7 years ago
3 minutes...
Isa C
Isa C - 7 years ago
I understand the difference from organic pools and reguler pools because in regular pools it has chemicals in it..... But even though this is a "organic" pool its not suppose to look dirty with dirt or sand.I don't think thats safe for children or anybody to be in the kind of pool.
Asia Crockett
Asia Crockett - 7 years ago
they got it all wrong it's 3 minutes and 11 seconds get it right people
jUsT a ViSiToR
jUsT a ViSiToR - 7 years ago
Where can I buy that blk tarp
sashacat75 - 7 years ago
"Brought it from eBay"
aιʏ - 7 years ago
como todos tenemos un tractor :v
Molly May
Molly May - 7 years ago
That's honestly so nasty. The water is gonna turn stagnant and it's gonna be filled with bacteria
Dewi Anggraini
Dewi Anggraini - 7 years ago
dB Franco
dB Franco - 7 years ago
If you're gonna go through so much trouble, then just build a pool!
ASAP Andre
ASAP Andre - 7 years ago
Lil word of advice, put up anti-breach walls like metal or some hard barrier so other critters don't enter the pool.
Alex Suris
Alex Suris - 7 years ago
Did your son edit this
Amber S
Amber S - 7 years ago
Won't bacteria eventually enter the small enclosed space easier than a larger man made lake
Anyi - 7 years ago
100YrsOldFetus - 7 years ago
troll all the way nice 3min
Stormrider1320 - 7 years ago
3 minutes my ass
Bonnore - 7 years ago
this is cool but damn frogs are going to have parties there all the time
miss mira
miss mira - 7 years ago
could have turned the audio off lolol
Guilherme Dos Reis
Guilherme Dos Reis - 7 years ago
the water looks dirty
Charlie C
Charlie C - 7 years ago
Biology majors call this Panaspermia
Charlie C
Charlie C - 7 years ago
Not to mention.. TAPEWORMS
baest mode
baest mode - 7 years ago
editing is horibal
DragonArmyGT - 7 years ago
3mins? Oh u mean 3 days and 3 hours instead
Adel Vee
Adel Vee - 7 years ago
its not 3 minutes
Uni Wal
Uni Wal - 7 years ago
woww amazing
Varma Ramp
Varma Ramp - 7 years ago
nice swining pools
Bluepac Niggington
Bluepac Niggington - 7 years ago
video should be called how to build a sacred shrine for ogrelord shrek
BAMBI The vacuum cleaner 5000
BAMBI The vacuum cleaner 5000 - 7 years ago
My favorite part is shortly after,..... it turns into a mosquito breeding ground.
David KillzTM
David KillzTM - 7 years ago
Okay so I'll grab all those materials from my backyard
Juan Arana
Juan Arana - 7 years ago
Horrible video editing
MiraiKim - 7 years ago
Only good for less than a week.
Brittany Cox
Brittany Cox - 7 years ago
I actually think it's really pretty and the thought is what counts yes it may cause bateria and attract alot of mosquitoes or whatever but his kids seem to really enjoy it and I think it's nice not many kids have dads that would go through all the trouble to build them something like this

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