how to build garden koi pond (step by step)

how to build garden koi pond (step by step)

how to build garden koi pond (step by step) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 59

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how to build garden koi pond (step by step)

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Most popular comments
for how to build garden koi pond (step by step)

Tyson - 7 years ago
What size was the liner
musicismylifebaby12 - 8 years ago
Great, I love this, thanks for sharing.
Dia Simmonds
Dia Simmonds - 9 years ago
Could have been more detailed in describing the steps, but thanks.
JHogan8327 - 9 years ago
Thanks for the video, would have liked to see the pump/waterfall line set up, but I'm sure I can find other videos for that. Thank you again for the information.
vietorkoreen - 10 years ago
The lazy fat guy in the shorts smoking a cigarette sexy-like...Hahahahahahaha!
Mitchell Staley
Mitchell Staley - 10 years ago
sissy murphy
sissy murphy - 11 years ago
pvc liners will not last to long and using crushed oyster shells will stabilize ph .Plus pvc liner cannot be exposed to sunlight or weather as it will break down faster
Shanon Bopbeepbd
Shanon Bopbeepbd - 11 years ago
Going to wish you had built it much bigger, sorry I couldn't help but tell you!!
Shanon Bopbeepbd
Shanon Bopbeepbd - 11 years ago
I just increased the volume of my koi pond from 1800gal to 4800gal. It appears you have much more land, you are goin

10. comment for how to build garden koi pond (step by step)

ca t
ca t - 11 years ago
You need to cover up your liner! You're not supposed to see it at all. lol It will look a whole LOT better if you do. Good job other than that.
D' arlington
D' arlington - 11 years ago
Water from hose coming from mains supply has clorine , be careful to only add a small amount each time , i see fish are jumping by the waterfall trying to get cleaner water, mains water should be added via filter.
volethanhvinh90 - 11 years ago
ua a nguoi viet ha e cung dag tinh build mot cai ma chua co kinh nghiem j ca
tommy dinh
tommy dinh - 11 years ago
lam het may tien rua???
vilephuong - 11 years ago
those are duck weed
mattgotsskill - 11 years ago
what are the tiny green things floating around in the pond?
tony tran
tony tran - 11 years ago
cam on ban doan video nay very helpful. Tony cung pland build the koi pond next month
Orange Juice
Orange Juice - 12 years ago
does your pump suck all the fish waste or only some?
Leopoldo Renteria
Leopoldo Renteria - 12 years ago
Thank you it was very helpful and inspiring.
Ryan Graham
Ryan Graham - 12 years ago
Good job

20. comment for how to build garden koi pond (step by step)

Dr.Zapps - 12 years ago
nice pond
vilephuong - 12 years ago
yes thanks am gonna do it
Terje Normann
Terje Normann - 12 years ago
I hope you are able to fill in more water so you get the water surface to like half way up on the the liner dosent sow over the water. visible liner over water surface is ugly. Go to my chanal to watch my pond if you like.
vilephuong - 12 years ago
it is in usa ,thanks
Kory Vongsavanh
Kory Vongsavanh - 12 years ago
no filtration? wth?
charlie hagan
charlie hagan - 12 years ago
How many gallons is that and how many fish? Nice pond btw
ceahorse56 - 12 years ago
12:45 ice cream truck music? Good job on the pond btw!
Boon Siong Tan
Boon Siong Tan - 12 years ago
i foresee the fallen pine leaves will choke the water circulation....
vilephuong - 12 years ago
yeah i think he mean too many fish , i agree with him but the pond running for over a year without any problem ,i just love fish but dont have much more money to extend the pond size
Ray Sentana
Ray Sentana - 12 years ago
What do you mean by 'overstocked'? Too many fish?

30. comment for how to build garden koi pond (step by step)

tommy dinh
tommy dinh - 12 years ago
Building a garden koi pond... Not how to build a garden koi pond
tommy dinh
tommy dinh - 12 years ago
Noi tieng viet chu???? Kho' hieu qua
vilephuong - 12 years ago
cam on loi nhan xet cua gialangdl _ mot chu vn cha biet lam gi ngoai an cap clip cua may chu tay
Già Làng
Già Làng - 12 years ago
đúng là mấy chú Việt Nam không làm đẹp và chuyên nghiệp bằng mấy chú tây :D
Sea1rk - 12 years ago
Pond overstocked. Without Bio Filtration and Mechanical Filtration the pond will never become balanced. Result, low oxygen levels, ammonia levels will spike, the gills of the fish will burn, and the fish will die in their own waste. Also, UV light will kill both good and bad bacteria. I hope you don't have to learn the hard way. Good Luck
vilephuong - 12 years ago
thats a good way too thanks
vilephuong - 12 years ago
thats a good way too thanks
BaldKnobHunter - 12 years ago
The only thing I would have done different is when adding water to the pond from the water hose,place it at the top of the waterfall so that the chlorine will have time to evaporate before reaching the pond.One last thing,If you will turn your waterfall off and use waterfall foam under and around your waterfall rocks,the water will go over the rocks instead of under and around them.
vilephuong - 13 years ago
@doremonpal oh thanks,the algae grow up quickly it takes only 2 days to make the water turn green ,but i have uv (ultra violet) light to get rid of algae so its going fine now
Hao Nguyen
Hao Nguyen - 13 years ago
it's a cute pond :D, i wonder how long it will stay clean without any filtration except the plants

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