Help support Blake below https://www.gofundme.com/sb3hgr&rcid=r01-153071111206-df749826e0b04f83&pc=ot_co_campmgmt_m What I Use For Everything @STARBRITE IS AN AMAZING COMPANY THAT ALLOWS ME TO BEING YOU GUYS THE BEST CONTECT AVAILABLE TO YOU GUYS THE RAWWFAM FOR FREE DONT FORGET TO SMASH THE SUBSCRIBE BUTTON AND JOIN THE RAWWFAM

$100,000 DOLLAR TORTOISE COLLECTION TRAPED (PLEASE HELP) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 590

Raww fishing 6 years ago 400,835 views

Help support Blake below https://www.gofundme.com/sb3hgr&rcid=r01-153071111206-df749826e0b04f83&pc=ot_co_campmgmt_m What I Use For Everything @STARBRITE IS AN AMAZING COMPANY THAT ALLOWS ME TO BEING YOU GUYS THE BEST CONTECT AVAILABLE TO YOU GUYS THE RAWWFAM FOR FREE DONT FORGET TO SMASH THE SUBSCRIBE BUTTON AND JOIN THE RAWWFAM

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Most popular comments

TH Vaporz
TH Vaporz - 6 years ago
Rest In Peace we will all remember the amazing moments you shared with us and your turtles but stay strong tomorrow is a new day good luck raw fam
Patrice Walsh
Patrice Walsh - 6 years ago
I will give them all the helpful ye need and I'll say a prayer
Kobi Linklater
Kobi Linklater - 6 years ago
Kobi Linklater
Kobi Linklater - 6 years ago
TH Vaporz good fish
Queen Lily
Queen Lily - 6 years ago
I love your comment
Hunter Bradner
Hunter Bradner - 6 years ago
+dione bo yes
Hunter Bradner
Hunter Bradner - 6 years ago
+dione bo what school do you go to
i go fostoria city schools
Hunter Bradner
Hunter Bradner - 6 years ago
+dione bo im 14
Hunter Bradner
Hunter Bradner - 6 years ago
+dione bo if i had money i would gi him all of it
dione bo
dione bo - 6 years ago
Hunter Bradner I was Like Rawwfishing and the baby turtle i watch that episode
dione bo
dione bo - 6 years ago
Hunter Bradner im 9 years old i was cry watch this video
Hunter Bradner
Hunter Bradner - 6 years ago
+dione bo how old are you
dione bo
dione bo - 6 years ago
Hunter Bradner
Hunter Bradner - 6 years ago
how old are you?
Hunter Bradner
Hunter Bradner - 6 years ago
+Hailey Hua really
Hailey Hua
Hailey Hua - 6 years ago
I am so sorry this happened blake
Hunter Bradner
Hunter Bradner - 6 years ago
qin yang
qin yang - 6 years ago
I love your idae
Hunter Bradner
Hunter Bradner - 6 years ago
yes please
BRYER BLOXHAM - 6 years ago
Crystal Burcham
Crystal Burcham - 6 years ago
so true
Edgar Rosas
Edgar Rosas - 6 years ago
Im sorry
Thies Canjels
Thies Canjels - 6 years ago
Yes good luck
Erin Horne
Erin Horne - 6 years ago
Blake, I know what it's like to lose something so important. When I was 5, I lost 4 out of 8 sisters in a fire caused by lighting. I thought that I wouldn't ever be able to accept what happened. Now, I live every day of my life for my sisters that I lost, because that's what they would want me to do. So, Blake, live every day of your life for the animals you lost, and make sure that it never happens again.
lina hussein
lina hussein - 6 years ago
Charlene Vosburg
Charlene Vosburg - 6 years ago
xProGaming x like
Kennette Serajoseph
Kennette Serajoseph - 6 years ago
Thx for helping us
Charles Hendrickson
Charles Hendrickson - 6 years ago
god loves you and ones who are lost are with god loves us thay are in a better place
Sophia Weberich
Sophia Weberich - 6 years ago
Juan Castañeda what the heck are you thinking!
Sophia Weberich
Sophia Weberich - 6 years ago
xProGaming x if it was not on fire it could be better.
Brandy Smith
Brandy Smith - 6 years ago
Tomorrow is a new day it is ok
Bennettlogs Smith
Bennettlogs Smith - 6 years ago
I’m sorry but I don’t know but I wish you guys can use building on
FNAF Rocket FNAF - 6 years ago
Ya stay strong guys
Serenity Croker
Serenity Croker - 6 years ago
Doug Wilkinson
Doug Wilkinson - 6 years ago
TheRandomYoutuber - 6 years ago
Katie R
Katie R - 6 years ago
OMG I cried when I saw this video R.I.P
damian baruwa
damian baruwa - 6 years ago
xProGaming x I am so sorry
Ernest Huerta
Ernest Huerta - 6 years ago
Martin Schön
Martin Schön - 6 years ago
First he lost 25 000 dollar fish and then turle
Ameria Mastin
Ameria Mastin - 6 years ago
I'm crying so bad they were so cute im so sorry
Sheena Hicks
Sheena Hicks - 6 years ago
Rip turtles and fish
Juan Castañeda
Juan Castañeda - 6 years ago
Rest In Peace baby’s good by
Nevaeh Morris
Nevaeh Morris - 6 years ago
xProGaming x I wish I could donate I started crying when I was watching this I’m so sorry blake
Cayden Murray
Cayden Murray - 6 years ago
xProGaming x good message
Rockin Rylan
Rockin Rylan - 6 years ago
xProGaming x I'm sorry I'm sorry that happened it's okay
Makhi Leeper
Makhi Leeper - 6 years ago
xProGaming x .
Heidi Winnen
Heidi Winnen - 6 years ago
Rest in spaghetti, never forgetti
Edvin Bonilla
Edvin Bonilla - 6 years ago
Sunnie Abeyta
Sunnie Abeyta - 6 years ago
xProGaming x One of my grandpa can’t die like like for a dumb so sorry sorry sorry Laurie
Sunnie Abeyta
Sunnie Abeyta - 6 years ago
xProGaming x Sorry that happened to your brother sorry don’t cry that your brother or his animal died sorry I will pray
kai ly
kai ly - 6 years ago
Yeah but raww fam
Emily Salazar
Emily Salazar - 6 years ago
xProGaming x the turtles are in heaven
Ethan Nguyen
Ethan Nguyen - 6 years ago
xProGaming x yep Rest In Peace
Saz - 6 years ago
Get keemstar
MICHAEL NEWBERRY - 6 years ago
Rest In Peace to all the animals and at least they are going to a good place
Ethan Nguyen
Ethan Nguyen - 6 years ago
Yep I’m sad so much
Kkc Gaming Loves Gacha
Kkc Gaming Loves Gacha - 6 years ago
I started crying
Jason Taylor
Jason Taylor - 6 years ago
I am crying those are words that can break your heart you are a really good person whoever you are
Mikey Cooper
Mikey Cooper - 6 years ago
Beyonca West-El
Beyonca West-El - 6 years ago
xProGaming x same
Azmel Ahmad
Azmel Ahmad - 6 years ago
xProGaming x factor
Luis Delapaz
Luis Delapaz - 6 years ago
xProGaming x highlights
stone thorson
stone thorson - 6 years ago
That's really sad
Zanthe Smit
Zanthe Smit - 6 years ago
pray every day
animal Temple 4343
animal Temple 4343 - 6 years ago
Good luck
Bethany Scheltens
Bethany Scheltens - 6 years ago
xProGaming x
PurpleLighting - 6 years ago
xProGaming x I feel the same
JBC Parkward
JBC Parkward - 6 years ago
The poor animals :(
JBC Parkward
JBC Parkward - 6 years ago
xProGaming x that’s horrible
Nadine Sami
Nadine Sami - 6 years ago
yeah you are right we're gonna stay strong and we will keep supporting you and this video made me cry because I'm so sad for you and I am so sad I just can't believe it but we are strong and we will keep supporting and we hope that nothing else bad will happen
Landon Markiewicz
Landon Markiewicz - 6 years ago
icewalow_come_ _ no it isn’t
Mohammed DFC
Mohammed DFC - 6 years ago
xProGaming x
Mohammed DFC
Mohammed DFC - 6 years ago
xProGaming x. sorry I'm to young to donate
Chris Martinez
Chris Martinez - 6 years ago
muhammad umair
muhammad umair - 6 years ago
xProGaming x i
Brayden Green
Brayden Green - 6 years ago
You got that write we will stay strong we are the raww fam
Jack Maalouf
Jack Maalouf - 6 years ago
U guus i was crying in this vid
Isabel Lee
Isabel Lee - 6 years ago
No one deserves this not just b
Blake’s but it is your too
Olivia Latham
Olivia Latham - 6 years ago
Blake I am soooooooooo sorry to hear what happened stupid lightning
jearld Ireland
jearld Ireland - 6 years ago
I love animals I have a cat and fish
bernadette lucero
bernadette lucero - 6 years ago
dont cry the helpers will help you guy i will help you
Rebecca Phung
Rebecca Phung - 6 years ago
I was crying watching this
Zakrap Gaming
Zakrap Gaming - 6 years ago
Museproject - 6 years ago
wish that it never happen,d . you made me cry so much. from jayden will straessle.


Samantha Sorber
Samantha Sorber - 6 years ago
oh my god that's so sad I had a dog died case of neck pain and something wrong with his Brain and he couldent Walk
Nevaeh Tuttle
Nevaeh Tuttle - 6 years ago
Im an animal lover to so this is really emotional for me and my family i had 300 turtles and 100 died
lebronisbest Coolspider
lebronisbest Coolspider - 6 years ago
I’m crying right now after watching this video I save turtle for a living and everyday I donate and I save one turtles like 1 like=1 turtles life saved pray for the turtles and Blake’s turtles god bless you all and the turtles
tom bob
tom bob - 6 years ago
This is fucked up :( my heat goes out 2 Blake
Nachal A
Nachal A - 6 years ago
sorry blacke that you lost all of your turteles sad im realy sorry that died exept 1
Jasmine Brown
Jasmine Brown - 6 years ago
That sounded like a sad dog & cat video so sad

sandra guntorius
sandra guntorius - 6 years ago
Eleazar Salazar
Eleazar Salazar - 6 years ago
Im so sorry
Patricia Rodriguez
Patricia Rodriguez - 6 years ago
Please put some lights on this video to rebuild a farm
MasterCat NightCore
MasterCat NightCore - 6 years ago
You better Start a Donation!


Senja Langit Gili
Senja Langit Gili - 6 years ago
i m so sad that they have All died
p bindu
p bindu - 6 years ago
so sad
gisel torres
gisel torres - 6 years ago
rip for the animmals
kelvin chen
kelvin chen - 6 years ago
Rosi Lopez
Rosi Lopez - 6 years ago
:( :( sorry
Ava Cransto
Ava Cransto - 6 years ago
I fell bad for Blake
Nia Rodriguez
Nia Rodriguez - 6 years ago
1like= 1prayer for Blake
Blue Bird
Blue Bird - 6 years ago
I am so sorry :(
Pyro Luigi
Pyro Luigi - 6 years ago
Did at least 1 Tortoise survive
Pyro Luigi
Pyro Luigi - 6 years ago
That was hiding under wreckage
Monica Andrejko
Monica Andrejko - 6 years ago
I'm so sorry Blake I I didn't know if that would happen or not I am so sorry when I went to the pet store and try to get you some turtles and everything so you can restart back your life I mean it that happened to my house too if there was my freaking fish in there and they all died I hope that you don't lose your fish again when I give them to you!


Olivia John
Olivia John - 6 years ago
9,000 likes to pray
Rajendra Kumar. V. N.
Rajendra Kumar. V. N. - 6 years ago
momn - 6 years ago
Pls help donate to him
momn - 6 years ago
That is soo sad
-AMAN- - 6 years ago
How, that's so sad
Ewin Fontanilla
Ewin Fontanilla - 6 years ago
Help blake and raww fam
Bluemisch Suyan
Bluemisch Suyan - 6 years ago
IT 'Ok
Bluemisch Suyan
Bluemisch Suyan - 6 years ago
elizabeth espinosa
elizabeth espinosa - 6 years ago
I am so sorry for you.
sooo sad!(crying)
Kaylana Lyons
Kaylana Lyons - 6 years ago
Why do people dislike this this is sad and their life do you guys (who dislike this) even care. I hope his collection grows again
James Brown
James Brown - 6 years ago
That is sad I hope you get more fish so you could do your videos
Junmarc Bacani
Junmarc Bacani - 6 years ago
Junmarc Bacani
Junmarc Bacani - 6 years ago
Cutey but #lorelai ware
Cutey but #lorelai ware - 6 years ago
I am soooo sorry
Terisha Munsamy
Terisha Munsamy - 6 years ago
I'm. Sorry for your fish
deacan wishaw
deacan wishaw - 6 years ago
So sad
Bonnie Lewis
Bonnie Lewis - 6 years ago
its okay one day youll have money to rebulid all
Beautifully Bare LLC
Beautifully Bare LLC - 6 years ago
Sonja Lönnqvist
Sonja Lönnqvist - 6 years ago
I just want to go through my phone to come to hug you and Blake, I want to help because I know hoe it feels to lose something or someone you love. I wish I could have been there and help, if I could choose something what I could have done. I would have been there and help trying to save as many animals as possible, even if I would have died.


Jeremiah West
Jeremiah West - 6 years ago
my name is Chris I'm so sorry that your thing burnt down I hope you have a good day and hope you get your friends well your friends Barn fixed and I hope you'll get all yours sea turtles back and go with red tail and stuff this is Chris I'm so so sorry this happened
Giovanni Dorador
Giovanni Dorador - 6 years ago
Mahfudh Ashur
Mahfudh Ashur - 6 years ago
Cail Jr 2
Cail Jr 2 - 6 years ago
I’m so sorry for u and Blake because u lost ur pets
The little Explorer Channel Nouran Mahmoud Ezzat
The little Explorer Channel Nouran Mahmoud Ezzat - 6 years ago
So sorry Blake but there in a better place grounds of gold pure river water angels to protect them from all evil like I said it's all part of God's plan
The little Explorer Channel Nouran Mahmoud Ezzat
The little Explorer Channel Nouran Mahmoud Ezzat - 6 years ago
I can't bare see this I'll almost cry
Georgia Cross
Georgia Cross - 6 years ago
If the could get the munney I would give you it and bye balke a place and ya god beles all
Albert Iskandar
Albert Iskandar - 6 years ago
I hope the animals Will be Happy forever ,dont be sad I know How sad are you
R.I.P fish,turtle and more
Sytse Harm Otter
Sytse Harm Otter - 6 years ago
Mahfudh Ashur
Mahfudh Ashur - 6 years ago
Who did this
Zayan Irfan
Zayan Irfan - 6 years ago
I so sad iam so sad
Percy Keene
Percy Keene - 6 years ago
Tell black I said I am soooooo sorry I was crying my heart out
Mariel angeles
Mariel angeles - 6 years ago
We will ..........I am crying ........help you get new fishs new turtles new Barn and a new life .....,love Mariel(it's my real name)
Naveed Ahmed
Naveed Ahmed - 6 years ago
What how will Blake do this
Amelia Widyayanti
Amelia Widyayanti - 6 years ago
im cying really your lucky you know im sooooooooo sorry for you blake
Amelia Widyayanti
Amelia Widyayanti - 6 years ago
if ihave aloooot of money i will buy everything for blake really
Tncc ,
Tncc , - 6 years ago
Curtine Lau
Curtine Lau - 6 years ago
are the tortise still alive
Dylan Tan
Dylan Tan - 6 years ago
We need to move forward it is oke
jyotiprava rout
jyotiprava rout - 6 years ago
I feel very sd
jyotiprava rout
jyotiprava rout - 6 years ago
I feel sad
Zubaidah Ummi
Zubaidah Ummi - 6 years ago
I’m so sorry until I cry in real life... it’s so cute the turtle why why it’s my favourite animal
Princess Tibayan
Princess Tibayan - 6 years ago
this world is like a game
Noor Jowana
Noor Jowana - 6 years ago
Are you sad because your turtles die?
Chritian david
Chritian david - 6 years ago
I feel bad maybe if i pray your be fine
Gabriel Motschenbacher
Gabriel Motschenbacher - 6 years ago
you made me cry
djreal djreal
djreal djreal - 6 years ago
R.i.p animals sorry blake
Alena Niznanska
Alena Niznanska - 6 years ago
R.I.P. and dude i feel the same thing. Be cool.
Yoghie Luis
Yoghie Luis - 6 years ago
Blake l hope you have a good life today
Jasmine Hickman
Jasmine Hickman - 6 years ago
I feel bad for Blake turtle
scorpion seal
scorpion seal - 6 years ago
Rip animals
CH Tan
CH Tan - 6 years ago
I sorry wahtyou see
nia Croff
nia Croff - 6 years ago
I was crying
gailnet1 - 6 years ago
I love you I feel so bad for you I wish I could give 1000000000000 dollars to help rapier it. I am sorry for your losses
Goddess Quotes
Goddess Quotes - 6 years ago
I'm crying for you
Noé Murguia
Noé Murguia - 6 years ago
1 like= 10 dollars
Roi Lowjunyue
Roi Lowjunyue - 6 years ago
Why did you not show the burnt turtles of tortises and prayer to blake sad life
Joshua Tindall
Joshua Tindall - 6 years ago
So sorry for your lost!
Idalis Cardenas
Idalis Cardenas - 6 years ago
Hey blake im sorry for what happened im so sorry but im
a pperson sometimes dosen't really care for thing like this but I do all of those animals i've had before with farmer animals
and someone burnt it down because they hated farm animals and only one animal survied and it was a baby tortises like you had and they only survived and we saved those and there born and you are a raw fam rip farm animals
Dorothy Ball
Dorothy Ball - 6 years ago
Chan Tan
Chan Tan - 6 years ago
Rest in peace
Chan Tan
Chan Tan - 6 years ago
I pray for u i feel so sorry for u
Malachi Martell
Malachi Martell - 6 years ago
i love you two sorry blake but my family pro and where getting kick out
Al Emersome
Al Emersome - 6 years ago
2 times in a row
this bracs my
hart I am lust so
sory sory for the fish turtls sory
for evry thing but you giys know
we are hear and we stand by we we
stand for all we will be sory but we will
stand for all we are hear and we will
alwas be hear
Chris Asmundson
Chris Asmundson - 6 years ago
I am sorry about your barn
Logan Louw
Logan Louw - 6 years ago
I know how you feel
ANGEL productions
ANGEL productions - 6 years ago
I'm crying
ANGEL productions
ANGEL productions - 6 years ago
That is very sad
Anthony Kent
Anthony Kent - 6 years ago
I wish I could have helped
D'amyah Allen
D'amyah Allen - 6 years ago
I care so much im crying.
migue gamer
migue gamer - 6 years ago
Sorry for what happened I really am I'm so sorry rest in peace animals I cant even imagine all of that


rosemarie ayres
rosemarie ayres - 6 years ago
Were all here for u and i know how u feal to hav a animal dye but u had about 500 dye and im realy sorry for u dont worry they all look down at u from heaven and they all wish u to hav a happy life
Andy Sutilla
Andy Sutilla - 6 years ago
You are the best
BreebO FreebO
BreebO FreebO - 6 years ago
Aww poor dude I hope you can raise money for Blake so he can start agin. He worked so hard for that it is so sad. R.I.P poor dude poor dude I'm sorry.
Willie Vogel
Willie Vogel - 6 years ago
Why the animals
Zularsh Kazi
Zularsh Kazi - 6 years ago
Who ever has done this he will deserve that what has he done
Nina Dominguez
Nina Dominguez - 6 years ago
Rest in peace
Audrina Johnson
Audrina Johnson - 6 years ago
You made me cry I feel so hurt
Queen Lily
Queen Lily - 6 years ago
I can't hold it in I haft to criy
Queen Lily
Queen Lily - 6 years ago
I'm so sorry for you Im so so sorry I will help you build your born I will give all my life, muny to I will help you I will be the best YouTub'r and get a job and give you all my money
Nothig Muno
Nothig Muno - 6 years ago
Oh no
Sylvia Dominguez
Sylvia Dominguez - 6 years ago
so sorry blake god is whit you ever step of the way
Maggie Sparkles
Maggie Sparkles - 6 years ago
Traeh Higgins
Traeh Higgins - 6 years ago
I will pray for them
Arfa Arga
Arfa Arga - 6 years ago
RIP 500+ animal hope you good in the alterlive
Roberto Rauda
Roberto Rauda - 6 years ago
I feel bad now
jay no galaw daddy galit channel
jay no galaw daddy galit channel - 6 years ago
i will pay you ipromise thats so sad so i wilpay you 1M$
Daroald LK
Daroald LK - 6 years ago
Who ever have done this he will deserve that what has he done
Aun Plays Games
Aun Plays Games - 6 years ago
I'm late but donated $ 300 to the farm
Buddy Morgan
Buddy Morgan - 6 years ago
When I watched it I was crying so much
Buddy Morgan
Buddy Morgan - 6 years ago
We love Blake and we need him to get a better and better thing then he has always had
Clayton gonzalo
Clayton gonzalo - 6 years ago
Ow No
ChristianPlaysRoblox Roblox
ChristianPlaysRoblox Roblox - 6 years ago
I am donate 100k ok
Macovei Cristina
Macovei Cristina - 6 years ago
Mayda Parra
Mayda Parra - 6 years ago
Mariah Thompson
Mariah Thompson - 6 years ago
Where do you live
Claudia G
Claudia G - 6 years ago
I feel so bas for you
My pupy die
Harry Winterbottom
Harry Winterbottom - 6 years ago
I cried with that news but keep strong it's a new day looking bright
Karen Kennedy
Karen Kennedy - 6 years ago
I'm here for you
Zain Halim
Zain Halim - 6 years ago
i am so sorry
Ximena Ortega
Ximena Ortega - 6 years ago
dione bo
dione bo - 6 years ago
That was so sad
JR7 videos
JR7 videos - 6 years ago
Blake i am feeling very sad for u i hope you rebuild it and noting bad should happen with your ranch
panosmak games
panosmak games - 6 years ago
I will try to help sa much as ican
Cobra Haynes
Cobra Haynes - 6 years ago
One like one love and R.I.P for each animal
Cobra Haynes
Cobra Haynes - 6 years ago
Ill give you my whole life if you be brave and move on this is life raw fam im sorry for you guys im crying omg
Nick Scrib
Nick Scrib - 6 years ago
R.I.P animols
abdul ahad
abdul ahad - 6 years ago
iam so sorry what just happened
Jace music
Jace music - 6 years ago
I feel bad to black
tayshawn games hey itsme
tayshawn games hey itsme - 6 years ago
Yo i feel bad for you i donated 1000$
Not fake this is real
Joshua Sseguya - kalubi
Joshua Sseguya - kalubi - 6 years ago
Rip all those fishes
Sonia Tonge
Sonia Tonge - 6 years ago
I am sorry for your lost
Hayleigh Charbonneu
Hayleigh Charbonneu - 6 years ago
Please I want to help you but I don't know you but try to help you I love the wrong but you're all your fish play love your Channel
Muhammad Leon
Muhammad Leon - 6 years ago
So sad bro
Lex Dylan Zion Alcontin
Lex Dylan Zion Alcontin - 6 years ago
If i were there i would run in there save every thing that i can and die for the sake of all animals that died
Lex Dylan Zion Alcontin
Lex Dylan Zion Alcontin - 6 years ago
Stay strong raww fams take care thers a time to be srong and a time to be sad but why
Lex Dylan Zion Alcontin
Lex Dylan Zion Alcontin - 6 years ago
When ever a part of a raww fam cryies i cry too
Lex Dylan Zion Alcontin
Lex Dylan Zion Alcontin - 6 years ago
Tortous nooo why i love tortois why all the part of raww fam and others pleas subscribe all those memories
Lex Dylan Zion Alcontin
Lex Dylan Zion Alcontin - 6 years ago
Im trying so hard so sub scribe the other accounts i tryied to subscribed them
ishopstore MIA
ishopstore MIA - 6 years ago
it is so sad
Aidee Godinez Lopez
Aidee Godinez Lopez - 6 years ago
I ´m sorry blake about the barn
Aidee Godinez Lopez
Aidee Godinez Lopez - 6 years ago
I feel blake´s barn with turtle, fish and animals
one day i will florda because i want to help a lot
Charné Herman
Charné Herman - 6 years ago
I would like to donate , but I live in South Africa . And I am a child . I am so sorry .
speedy marlin
speedy marlin - 6 years ago
i feel so bad for the 500 animals and the baby ones
Yuth.Teva.Tepi - 6 years ago
The tortoise is always in your heart
Colin Hahn
Colin Hahn - 6 years ago
This must be a really hard time for you but keep moving a path that’s easy doesn’t go anywhere
Mary Rodriguez
Mary Rodriguez - 6 years ago
sorry for you
Thomas Clark-dearing
Thomas Clark-dearing - 6 years ago
Good luck
TheUniversalJ 25
TheUniversalJ 25 - 6 years ago
Questioning Everything
Questioning Everything - 6 years ago
He’s literally murdering fish and animals for money , what if a dollar too you guys when j make 100,000s of dollars off this youtube , this is sad and disgusting recreating populations you literally have release giant amounts of invasive species someone shut this mad man down
Questioning Everything
Questioning Everything - 6 years ago
You killed these animals just like the fish stop murdering animals for veiws I’m not stupid
Benigno Cavazos
Benigno Cavazos - 6 years ago
I feel so bad for Blake's Turtles rest in peace I love you I'm in the
Beautiful pastel Flowers
Beautiful pastel Flowers - 6 years ago
So sad I was crying
precious latimer
precious latimer - 6 years ago
Stay brave, stay safe and stay strong l have got yours and Blake,s back
precious latimer
precious latimer - 6 years ago
We thank you for all the best time of your animals we will like your video and help out in Jesus name amen
Ethan Stone
Ethan Stone - 6 years ago
So sorry for ur loss my barn got lit on fire by my neighbor smoking a cigarette and he threw it in my hay on accident and it killed my 8 horses 1 red footed tortoise my 14 goats and 10 pigs
alexandre archambault
alexandre archambault - 6 years ago
I now how it feels... wonts i had a beta he was so young he died the next day I had and i didn’t had time to say is last bye and i was only 3-4
Darul Ridzwan
Darul Ridzwan - 6 years ago
Is there died turtle?
Eldric Ho
Eldric Ho - 6 years ago
The red tail was and the turtle was my favourite sorry for what happen
Dontae Sewell
Dontae Sewell - 6 years ago
I'm so so so sorry R.I.P like if you agree
Nicole Bennett
Nicole Bennett - 6 years ago
stay strong blake all the trules all still love you for what you di to make
Christa Staton
Christa Staton - 6 years ago
I hop you can do something to stop this
Wyatt denis
Wyatt denis - 6 years ago
I'm sorry for you
Wyatt denis
Wyatt denis - 6 years ago
I'm sorry for you rest in peace
Danilo Trazo
Danilo Trazo - 6 years ago
i cryd
Dr Peper
Dr Peper - 6 years ago
R.I.P we will always remember how they all lived a good and amazing life they were all amazing animals and Blake was a person trying to help these animals and they will alway be thankful for what he did. Thank You Blake you are an amazing person for trying to help these animals
Thomas Veerman
Thomas Veerman - 6 years ago
That is so sad I am about to cry
Gabi Wilbur
Gabi Wilbur - 6 years ago
God has a reason for everything that happens in this world. I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope you read this comment and that you remember this: God loves you.
Eternitee Souza
Eternitee Souza - 6 years ago
Lahkirah Smallwood
Lahkirah Smallwood - 6 years ago
I can't do any money cuz I'm broke
Ricke Rickeson
Ricke Rickeson - 6 years ago
I think it is the same gay killd your fich
Daniel Alexander Aannerud
Daniel Alexander Aannerud - 6 years ago
i em sory
Angus Ko
Angus Ko - 6 years ago
im crying but i dont want to steel my dad creadit
animation bros
animation bros - 6 years ago
Rip sorry for your loss
Katriel Sauberan
Katriel Sauberan - 6 years ago
Katriel Sauberan
Katriel Sauberan - 6 years ago
I’m so sorry for your loss
Caboom42 - 6 years ago
Please go to the gofundme link. Please we need to come together rawwfam we have to help just please go down into the discription and donate to blakes gofundme anything will help that fire took his whole life and everything he did for it. Those fish those animals were burned alive and we need to raise awarniss
the best family
the best family - 6 years ago
i am sory
Andrejs Podojahins
Andrejs Podojahins - 6 years ago
Even though that was this year I feel so sorry for blake If I was a fire man i would go in and save all the living things in there
Andy Sutilla
Andy Sutilla - 6 years ago
I'm so sorry
Olivia Willoughby
Olivia Willoughby - 6 years ago
when calamity strikes, you need to be strong! doesn't mean you get right back up, only in movies people do this. we are here for you! stay strong!
The Nether dragon
The Nether dragon - 6 years ago
:( I am so sad, a inormis was of time and money and turtles
Isybella Caruthers
Isybella Caruthers - 6 years ago
i feel so so so so bad for blake i hope he can get enough money to build the barn again:( :(
Sol Sol
Sol Sol - 6 years ago
I feel sorry for
Naomi Cortes
Naomi Cortes - 6 years ago
Stay strong!!
Spike 115
Spike 115 - 6 years ago
I am so sorry
Sam Hajek
Sam Hajek - 6 years ago
I’m so sad that hapened
Elliott Holliday
Elliott Holliday - 6 years ago
Charli Randall
Charli Randall - 6 years ago
I am so so so sorry about what happened
Jaime Palau
Jaime Palau - 6 years ago
sorry i am11
annalyn sandrino
annalyn sandrino - 6 years ago
So because there home burn ad the fishes
Tan Angela
Tan Angela - 6 years ago
I know life you have to move on Blake is a animal lover but every one knows that we have to move on in life ok don’t be scared things will get battery I know it will trust me ok
Patty Coolidge
Patty Coolidge - 6 years ago
Its sad I Love naecher I'm crieing lm sow sow sow sow sorry
Patty Coolidge
Patty Coolidge - 6 years ago
It sad I'm criing
Vukasin Maksimovic
Vukasin Maksimovic - 6 years ago
Nema vezebice bolje
Leah Tripney
Leah Tripney - 6 years ago
I cried for 2 hours
Daiana Vicencio
Daiana Vicencio - 6 years ago
Its so sad
lil_orca_boi - 6 years ago
rip ;<
Kinsley Hughes
Kinsley Hughes - 6 years ago
I am so sorry for what happened and I WillTry and save every last penny for you guys
Roxas Piche-Whitebear
Roxas Piche-Whitebear - 6 years ago
1 like one prayer for Blake
Max Kay
Max Kay - 6 years ago
R.I.P poor animals
cupcake_cutie - 6 years ago
I'm donating 500 to 600 bucks
Rob Bartsch
Rob Bartsch - 6 years ago
I am so sorry i am cring and praying for yall ever day
kerry garcia
kerry garcia - 6 years ago
Sorry Blake for what happened
Family World Channel
Family World Channel - 6 years ago
im so sad !! i love the turtle
Martha Patricia Luna
Martha Patricia Luna - 6 years ago
I feel so bad sorry
NativeMommy10 - 6 years ago
This is just what hapend
James Panayiotou
James Panayiotou - 6 years ago
His is so sad
Plush Bros
Plush Bros - 6 years ago
My brothers friends dad never smoked or drank
Plush Bros
Plush Bros - 6 years ago
And hey I know how death feels my brothers friends dad passed away last week because of stage like 5 cancer or atleast a very bad one
Plush Bros
Plush Bros - 6 years ago
1 like=1 prayer for Blake and his animals
Bradlee Mejia
Bradlee Mejia - 6 years ago
The way you try to make it sad makes me laugh
Bradlee Mejia
Bradlee Mejia - 6 years ago
And the editing like r.i.p but stuff happens
Bradlee Mejia
Bradlee Mejia - 6 years ago
Stuff happens man you just got to get over it
Jacob Wise
Jacob Wise - 6 years ago
This had me crying
DaGamerKing Armaan
DaGamerKing Armaan - 6 years ago
why would people dislike this
Patricia Warren
Patricia Warren - 6 years ago
i cried i have 20 fish and they are big i say big bigger than jaws
Cara McNevich
Cara McNevich - 6 years ago
Whoever dislikes this video you are not needed so go away
Bradlee Mejia
Bradlee Mejia - 6 years ago
No thank you
Cara McNevich
Cara McNevich - 6 years ago
I am so sorry for you one like one more person helping them once again I’m so sorry
Crazyguy_123 - 6 years ago
Bad luck struck and took the joy and lives of many beautiful animals.
Aniya Rainey
Aniya Rainey - 6 years ago
This made me cry and i feel so so bad for you
Chinita Chinita
Chinita Chinita - 6 years ago
I feel your pain
The cool boy Cook
The cool boy Cook - 6 years ago
I am so.sad
leslie torres
leslie torres - 6 years ago
who will not donate
Bradlee Mejia
Bradlee Mejia - 6 years ago
Gage Netherland
Gage Netherland - 6 years ago
that is so sad
Mary Waku
Mary Waku - 6 years ago
I,m so SORRY
khrystal cure
khrystal cure - 6 years ago
I'm just going to cry for blak
khrystal cure
khrystal cure - 6 years ago
I'm just going cry blak
leslie torres
leslie torres - 6 years ago
r.i.p animal that died im crying
Ai Her
Ai Her - 6 years ago
really am so sorry but I known u love them so sorry
Ai Her
Ai Her - 6 years ago
I'm so sorry
Relaxyourself - 6 years ago
I am so sorry but I can't help. Sorry
Felipe Galaz
Felipe Galaz - 6 years ago
I am sad
Ninja Hyper
Ninja Hyper - 6 years ago
I had a House fire I know what he is feeling my dog died and my pet Tortus
Bradlee Mejia
Bradlee Mejia - 6 years ago
Ok thats a dog a mans best friend not turtles
Lazarius Feggins
Lazarius Feggins - 6 years ago
How many died and I loved seeing those turtles
Inda Yance
Inda Yance - 6 years ago
that make me cry
macie needham
macie needham - 6 years ago
sorry to har the fire i will keep subcribing and turning on the the beel and giving you vids a thumps up evryday i i am just really
said to her that and you frined was akually crying i could her i couldent belie narly 500 animals dide i know how it feals so i
will surport you for ever but you did a really good thing i know you where trying to save the sea animals you did somthink really
brave tell your friend i will surport you and do what ever i can but for know reast in peace animals we will all reamember them
and think of all the happy momenrs you had togeather it is like when my head techer dide but i hope you will beable to start over i really do you where a hearo so just reamember you animals had a happy life and they are always in you hartjust neaver froget
them and you did a really brave thing saying no to a fire man or lady lets just say they are probaly saying this was no your fualt it was know ones fullt i hope they are playing in heaven i am really sorry to hear i surport you in blak and you for saving the last
Ginger Currie
Ginger Currie - 6 years ago
Jr Chavez
Jr Chavez - 6 years ago
I am getting to send 1,000 dollars
Don’t hate Me
Don’t hate Me - 6 years ago
I have no words to say it’s just sad because what if that was one of us what is we would have no life he had his heart on those animals those fish the memories from those animals and what if it was your family right there those animals all your siblings mom dad ant uncle cousin all of that all the love they gave or all the love Blake gave the animals
Tanya Sharer
Tanya Sharer - 6 years ago
He should not have gotten this
Marz Jordan
Marz Jordan - 6 years ago
I’m crying sad more than sad
Gaming Girl
Gaming Girl - 6 years ago
Pray for Blake and his animals and like I'm so happy that you cought one animals and I will sell you money if I can plis like
Melanie Merida
Melanie Merida - 6 years ago
i am crying i feel so bad
Tripp Ware
Tripp Ware - 6 years ago
Its Jhayden
Its Jhayden - 6 years ago
Why god why
Optimism 2.0
Optimism 2.0 - 6 years ago
Please tell me this never happened
Lacey Kuzdzal
Lacey Kuzdzal - 6 years ago
So sorry
Johanes Luckyrose
Johanes Luckyrose - 6 years ago
This has happened to me before and more than 700 animals died and only 5 survived
James Murphy
James Murphy - 6 years ago
I'm very sorry man I wish your turtles are in a good place now where they will have fun and will be happy
qin yang
qin yang - 6 years ago
I so sad
Evanna Miras
Evanna Miras - 6 years ago
That was so hearth breaking all of the turtle gone
Librada Correa
Librada Correa - 6 years ago
Audry Palomarez
Audry Palomarez - 6 years ago
Im so soo sorry
kobrey stockton
kobrey stockton - 6 years ago
Much love man hope you can rebuild your lives around this ranch
vicky chia
vicky chia - 6 years ago
I'm so sorry for your animals
Jacob Castellon
Jacob Castellon - 6 years ago
Iv i can get 100,000,000, i gevet
begzy '
begzy ' - 6 years ago
Did anyone cry in this cause I did
Martgab23 dc
Martgab23 dc - 6 years ago
If you rebuild the barn add a lightning rod so it won’t happen again
max98286 - 6 years ago
i amso sad right now but you are the best blake and raww
Travis Brown
Travis Brown - 6 years ago
I fell so sarry so much
Lemar Sulaimy
Lemar Sulaimy - 6 years ago
I hope you have a good life
Kuba Stanczyk
Kuba Stanczyk - 6 years ago
Rest in peace
Issara chaisupat
Issara chaisupat - 6 years ago
Blasted Wave2429
Blasted Wave2429 - 6 years ago
I’m so sorry for you
Noor Mousa
Noor Mousa - 6 years ago
I pray to God to fix the farm and make it better
Landon Simpkins
Landon Simpkins - 6 years ago
im so sorry blake
Rose Gondra
Rose Gondra - 6 years ago
it's ok
Edward Auton
Edward Auton - 6 years ago
i,m defently donating
Edward Auton
Edward Auton - 6 years ago
r.i.p all the animals that died
Riley Morris
Riley Morris - 6 years ago
sorey blake and raw fame !!
Kaiden Wilson
Kaiden Wilson - 6 years ago
So Sorry
LpsOriginal - 6 years ago
Who else nearly cried D:
Ever Logan Comet
Ever Logan Comet - 6 years ago
Noooooooo poor turtles
Can we get 100k subs with no video
Can we get 100k subs with no video - 6 years ago
Next time maybe make it out of brick
Foxy Dragon
Foxy Dragon - 6 years ago
Wooooooooooooooooooooooooow nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Dorcas Moss
Dorcas Moss - 6 years ago
i am so shoot i feel bad and sad for you I hope every thing get back
Ashanti Cotto
Ashanti Cotto - 6 years ago
I'm I'm I'm trying to not cry but I'm sosoeosososo sad rest in peace all the animals that you loved
Hydra Hazard
Hydra Hazard - 6 years ago
We can help him by subscribing his channel
kitty love rose
kitty love rose - 6 years ago
This video made me cry
kitty love rose
kitty love rose - 6 years ago
I'm sorry Blake......WHAT WAS SQUERDLE IN THERE!!!!!!!!
David Gragert
David Gragert - 6 years ago
I feel sorry that you’re animals died
Jeanine W
Jeanine W - 6 years ago
Leigha _reborns
Leigha _reborns - 6 years ago
I am so sorry for you guys know it is a little late but still I am so sorry for you guys
Envy Kirk
Envy Kirk - 6 years ago
I'm so sorry
Envy Kirk
Envy Kirk - 6 years ago
I wish I could help but I'm all the way in New York Buffalo
Lps candy Star studios
Lps candy Star studios - 6 years ago
Rip I fell like 100000000000000000000000000% so bad and I’m not kidding sorry for your loss and Haters back of
Leno Denila
Leno Denila - 6 years ago
Its ok bicuse i lost muy fhater in burning hous bicuse he was a fire man
sujata Shrestha
sujata Shrestha - 6 years ago
So sad
Valerie Cloutier
Valerie Cloutier - 6 years ago
this is an outrange cures you fire
Amy Campione
Amy Campione - 6 years ago
It's sad that you lost all your stuff but hopefully you'll get it back hopefully you'll get a newborn and and all the new turtles that's really sad of what happened to her or not your turtles I feel so bad I'm sorry what happened to you
Ali Flores
Ali Flores - 6 years ago
It's okay
outdoor cam
outdoor cam - 6 years ago
This will make you stronger
Maria Ramirez
Maria Ramirez - 6 years ago
I'm sorry
Maria Ramirez
Maria Ramirez - 6 years ago
Even the dady
Maria Ramirez
Maria Ramirez - 6 years ago
I loved the turdols they are the dest
Maria Ramirez
Maria Ramirez - 6 years ago
Jose Brambila
Jose Brambila - 6 years ago
You can’t stop crying i can’t stop laughing
saram dar
saram dar - 6 years ago
Sooo saddddd i love u blake and RAW Fam
Jacob Roybal
Jacob Roybal - 6 years ago
I fill so bad for you
Jonathan Falcon
Jonathan Falcon - 6 years ago
Blake everything in there I lovedI feel sorry for you I love your animals I love the red tell turtles
Kay Ald
Kay Ald - 6 years ago
I send my prayers to you Blake I'm so sorry for your loss
Jordan Saylor
Jordan Saylor - 6 years ago
I love how u arecso positive I'm crying
Donna Bowers
Donna Bowers - 6 years ago
The whole time I was in tears so sorry for your loss
Robert Provost
Robert Provost - 6 years ago
R.I.P Turtles 1 like= 1 wish for Blake to get all his turtles back and 1 day will get better for Blake
Lourdes Ramirez
Lourdes Ramirez - 6 years ago
MHS Gamer
MHS Gamer - 6 years ago
I almost cried
Tyler T-10 Minutes
Tyler T-10 Minutes - 6 years ago
Video was sad, but to bring some happiness the word trapped is spelled as traped
tan teck keong
tan teck keong - 6 years ago
They all all dead how to help?
Myra Bennett
Myra Bennett - 6 years ago
Hunter Bradner
Hunter Bradner - 6 years ago
i want to help you
Hammer Head
Hammer Head - 6 years ago
Rest In Peace all the animals who were burnt alive
michael lyle
michael lyle - 6 years ago
Xc Xc
Xc Xc - 6 years ago
All he cared about was the FISH
Cameron McClendon
Cameron McClendon - 6 years ago
i like playing Roblox and Minecraft Beck-Chong
i like playing Roblox and Minecraft Beck-Chong - 6 years ago
We bless you Blake and the turtles, fish
Deangelo Saravia
Deangelo Saravia - 6 years ago
Why do bad things happen to good people
Snowy TheSavage
Snowy TheSavage - 6 years ago
Stay strong Blake never give Up
Lauri Gonzalez
Lauri Gonzalez - 6 years ago
Sorry raww fishing
jamecia locke
jamecia locke - 6 years ago
How this happen
Alex Galindo
Alex Galindo - 6 years ago
With our you I will pay $100,000
marianne jairgino
marianne jairgino - 6 years ago
Angel Limon
Angel Limon - 6 years ago
I'm sorry
Stephanie Crumley
Stephanie Crumley - 6 years ago
I'm sad too I was crying and I was watching the video all those animals are so cute that wasn't his fault all those animals are cute and nice I'm really sad and I was crying watch a movie video I had watery eyes just to let you know Aaliyah God less you
Irof Santos
Irof Santos - 6 years ago
How did it burn ??
Amalia Dela Cruz
Amalia Dela Cruz - 6 years ago
1 like = a good life
Bostonwood Gaming
Bostonwood Gaming - 6 years ago
I hope he can get more.i was cring.
downsy14 - 6 years ago
i want to donate all my turtle to you i have lots
downsy14 - 6 years ago
i want to cry
Rachel Greer
Rachel Greer - 6 years ago
I'm sorry that happened to you
Rachel Greer
Rachel Greer - 6 years ago
He should have never deserve this
Gaming Lizard
Gaming Lizard - 6 years ago
There are in your heats
Amy Martin
Amy Martin - 6 years ago
I was crying I love animals I am really sorry to hear that this happened I wish there was a way for this not to happened if u could help I would I know how u feel and I really wish there was a way to stop things like this happening
Aaron Argoros
Aaron Argoros - 6 years ago
We would tray whatever we can
david prentice
david prentice - 6 years ago
Its horrible what mother nature does, hope you have started rebuilding next time try putting up a lightning rod you earth into the ground copper is best
Inah Lague
Inah Lague - 6 years ago
Noooooooooooooo!!! Atleest one turtle survives
beatriz sanchez
beatriz sanchez - 6 years ago
Betty Hu
Betty Hu - 6 years ago
I feel bad for you and you should bury the animals
Rareza Xpress
Rareza Xpress - 6 years ago
proves animalitos las tortugas los peces
Luisa Rosales
Luisa Rosales - 6 years ago
IM crying right now
Alina Camacho
Alina Camacho - 6 years ago
I feel so bad I started crying it’s so sad
Crystal Burcham
Crystal Burcham - 6 years ago
i feel so so so so bad for Blake and and you,m
Amanda Bennett
Amanda Bennett - 6 years ago
so sorry love you
Legitnesssquad vlogs
Legitnesssquad vlogs - 6 years ago
Pls stop crying
Sam Leggett
Sam Leggett - 6 years ago
I donated over a 1000 pounds because I’m really sorry
Francine Saunders
Francine Saunders - 6 years ago
Tahier Khodabaks
Tahier Khodabaks - 6 years ago
I'll give blake all my mony
jio palomo
jio palomo - 6 years ago
I'm gonna tell my mom to donate 30,0000 Bucks
Meharaj Meharaj
Meharaj Meharaj - 6 years ago
where is jaws
Abdul Wahab
Abdul Wahab - 6 years ago
Mary Medendorp
Mary Medendorp - 6 years ago
R.I.P. I am cring
DARKPLAYERHA GT - 6 years ago
Mikiya Martin
Mikiya Martin - 6 years ago
I’m sorry
wren stotlar
wren stotlar - 6 years ago
Cheril Ali
Cheril Ali - 6 years ago
I am sorry guys
Cheril Ali
Cheril Ali - 6 years ago
This I did sad
Roberto Carbajal
Roberto Carbajal - 6 years ago
Josh Wannell
Josh Wannell - 6 years ago
I feel bad
Aubrey Bieber
Aubrey Bieber - 6 years ago
I am so sorry Blake I hope you can rebuild and get your money back.
Raffan Ali zabir
Raffan Ali zabir - 6 years ago
i think the guy who killed all of yor fish did this
Mihi Williams
Mihi Williams - 6 years ago
Rip all animals :( I loved those animals there is nothing that can change that
UnicornTime Minecraft Reaction Gaming
UnicornTime Minecraft Reaction Gaming - 6 years ago
REBUILD REBUILD we can get through this we are a family we can
UnicornTime Minecraft Reaction Gaming
UnicornTime Minecraft Reaction Gaming - 6 years ago
Why this is sad man I saw all the videos of animals and they died
Ty Whitman
Ty Whitman - 6 years ago
I send prayers to all of the rawwfam
denis plays
denis plays - 6 years ago
I feel bad for everyone :( I feel sorry :(
Emmersyn Thomas
Emmersyn Thomas - 6 years ago
If I could I would donate my life for all the turtles and animals that died literally I would give my life for the 300 tortoises
I would also donate $ if I could but I am not aloud to I feel so bad for you. But Blake you will be ok trust me I don't know what u r going through but I am 100% sure I know that it hurts so bad. You did nothing to deserve this and I don't know why it happened to you but it shouldn't have and God made a huge mistake. I'm sorry to whoever that was offensive to. But it's so so so true. And believe me I had to give up my best friend in the world my dog nana she went to drop me off and pick me up from school she went hunting with us and she even slept with me she was anything I could ever imagine I would give up my house just to live with her again and when she got shot I was devastated and thought she would die or have to be put down but now she is so much better and she is living with a different family but the day she got shot I cuddled with her for hours and just cried and when we gave her away I cried for days
I know this probley doesn't make you feel any better but I sware that if I could donate $ I would and I would give my life for all the turtles and fish that died
RoboticKarnage - 6 years ago
That red tail looked like some good eatin
Adventure Time
Adventure Time - 6 years ago
This made me cry
Sprite Holy
Sprite Holy - 6 years ago
Dino Rex
Dino Rex - 6 years ago
OMG I feel so sorry for Blake I hope he can build it back again, and get his life back.
Jiro and Adiah Playz
Jiro and Adiah Playz - 6 years ago
I was crying,i am so sorry for you
Maddie MIKmoniz
Maddie MIKmoniz - 6 years ago
So sad
Blablabla Nam
Blablabla Nam - 6 years ago
it is amazing but i am very hard to say it
300 toitoise and it lose all
Ieslaah Mukadam
Ieslaah Mukadam - 6 years ago
Sorry blake
Natalia Ghanayem
Natalia Ghanayem - 6 years ago
Tell blank I’m thinking of him it is so sad I think I know what it feels like sorry Blake
Amar Sabrin
Amar Sabrin - 6 years ago
Just be brave raw fam
Annie Rosa
Annie Rosa - 6 years ago
I'm so sad I can't even talk
Isaiah smith
Isaiah smith - 6 years ago
Really sorry about this
tariq saeed
tariq saeed - 6 years ago
dont cry
i feel bad for you guys
LE Chicκeη
LE Chicκeη - 6 years ago
Imagine putting ads on a video like this
Samantha Richards
Samantha Richards - 6 years ago
I know
ShDw Cape
ShDw Cape - 6 years ago
LE Chicκeη ads help promote the video
Aaliyah Martinez
Aaliyah Martinez - 6 years ago
Omg omg omg Turtles animals fishies
Arissa Batrisyia
Arissa Batrisyia - 6 years ago
Why the cutest sweetest turtles just look at the poor babies and the big ones too
Tsunami Boy
Tsunami Boy - 6 years ago
Legends ML
Legends ML - 6 years ago
Is realy sad for me I like that Turtle Is cute
Omar and Tala
Omar and Tala - 6 years ago
I feel so sorry
haroon bhutta
haroon bhutta - 6 years ago
I was crying
Nikki brooklyn
Nikki brooklyn - 6 years ago
I'm so sorry i cant donate but all the prayers will be with u
McKenzie Carroll
McKenzie Carroll - 6 years ago
Good xx
Akif Fiqrizan
Akif Fiqrizan - 6 years ago
I feel bad for two of u guys
Westside Dummeh kamalu
Westside Dummeh kamalu - 6 years ago
1 like =1 prayer for blake
GALAXY Lover - 6 years ago
How dare you storm.
THE GABINATOR - 6 years ago
Kawaiiboi_808 Wesside stop trying to gain likes from this
Maisen Goley
Maisen Goley - 6 years ago
I'm definitely donating my college savings of 2,000,000$
Tegan Reece
Tegan Reece - 6 years ago
that made me cry!!!!!!!!!!!!!! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
hendra darmawan
hendra darmawan - 6 years ago
Oh no the animals
Alyssa M.
Alyssa M. - 6 years ago
:( :( :( :( :(
MSLintungan - 6 years ago
this is sad
Carlos Tapia
Carlos Tapia - 6 years ago
The turtles are on a happy place now but they are happy now they're right in his brothers heart to be there always
nina and friends
nina and friends - 6 years ago
1 like for blessings
Chester - 6 years ago
Isabelle Marshall
Isabelle Marshall - 6 years ago
Rest In Peace to all animals I’ll miss all they where soo wonderful I’ll miss all and everyone I’ll remember the amazing moments I’ll miss the turtles good luck raww fam
Cassie Sofia
Cassie Sofia - 6 years ago
I feel bad
- GamextraMC -
- GamextraMC - - 6 years ago
- GamextraMC -
- GamextraMC - - 6 years ago
I'm so sorry
- GamextraMC -
- GamextraMC - - 6 years ago
I felt the same exact way tho
Debora Mersiana
Debora Mersiana - 6 years ago
i feel bad for blake , tell blake "hey blake next time plant trees (taller than the barn so the trees get burned not the barn!)
Debora Mersiana
Debora Mersiana - 6 years ago
but its okay, cause blake's life is more important
Ryan Walker
Ryan Walker - 6 years ago
I will buy a hole new farm r.i.p
Co0KieRawR - 6 years ago
robert stapleton
robert stapleton - 6 years ago
So bad
edgar archila
edgar archila - 6 years ago
I feel sad for Blake
Bryson Waldrop
Bryson Waldrop - 6 years ago
I'm Sory that happend
Godzilla 2000 movie
Godzilla 2000 movie - 6 years ago
I'm so sorry for your loss
Kiran Muttiah
Kiran Muttiah - 6 years ago
Pray for Blake and the animals that died that day. I hope you guys keep on building. I believe hope. I am sorry for your loss. I cried.
Payton Mathieu
Payton Mathieu - 6 years ago
RIP tortoises
Mr. Pig
Mr. Pig - 6 years ago
lilly kerr
lilly kerr - 6 years ago
I feel like that as well it feels bad dosinit
Daisy .H
Daisy .H - 6 years ago
I'm really sad that l'm.......... l'm. Sad. And I love you and I i'm 8 years old and I l'm in 3rd grade
Caprisha Pitre
Caprisha Pitre - 6 years ago
I am so sorry that happened
Reyna Urwuiza
Reyna Urwuiza - 6 years ago
I'm crying
Melba Villarreal
Melba Villarreal - 6 years ago
I will pray for you every night
Doctor Rules
Doctor Rules - 6 years ago
I know you so sad but you have to stay strong
Xzavier Santana
Xzavier Santana - 6 years ago
Diulama628 - 6 years ago
I want to cry
Nicola Jones
Nicola Jones - 6 years ago
My tortoice weren't out in the garden when my fire in the back garden broke out
weed armz
weed armz - 6 years ago
so sad
Alex Partida
Alex Partida - 6 years ago
Omg so sad first your fish get killed by some mental psychopath and know lighting strikes the back and kills all the poor turtles and fish
Hadley Olin
Hadley Olin - 6 years ago
One like = one rip
Megan McDermott
Megan McDermott - 6 years ago
I feel so bad
Leah Cronkhite
Leah Cronkhite - 6 years ago
IL try to help rest in peace I am VARY sad
Randy Duarte
Randy Duarte - 6 years ago
syafa Syafri
syafa Syafri - 6 years ago
Looks like in your neighboor is bad neighboor they try to burn your collection
Angel Wiggins
Angel Wiggins - 6 years ago
I feel so bad I am so sorry xx
pamamerritt - 6 years ago
I am so sorry that happened
ItzLucy Xx
ItzLucy Xx - 6 years ago
I would love help fund u guys but I am only a kid so I can’t;( ❤️ I wish u the best of luck to fund the money
Yazan Ramis
Yazan Ramis - 6 years ago
No No No Not The Baby
Kodjo Goe
Kodjo Goe - 6 years ago
Stay tuff and get help and doñtt for get hlep
Raiell Parado
Raiell Parado - 6 years ago
Nono many you edited it it's not real
Althomus Raintung
Althomus Raintung - 6 years ago
hey son a bicth
Raiell Parado
Raiell Parado - 6 years ago
How about the baby turtle egg
Kye Google
Kye Google - 6 years ago
it nearly made me cry
Abel Jastin
Abel Jastin - 6 years ago
do not cry
Aqilah Komel
Aqilah Komel - 6 years ago
I pay $200
Anna Drazyk
Anna Drazyk - 6 years ago
I file bad for you
PEW PEW - 6 years ago
RIP little bros
Garnet Universe
Garnet Universe - 6 years ago
I cried and videos don’t usually make me cry
Aqilah Komel
Aqilah Komel - 6 years ago
I love the animal pet
Aqilah Komel
Aqilah Komel - 6 years ago
Maby the hater burn the $100.000 tortoin
siulin n rumini
siulin n rumini - 6 years ago
I am so sed I hope I can help ;_(
Conexión Pub
Conexión Pub - 6 years ago
Ahh so sad
fish face 125486
fish face 125486 - 6 years ago
Wan Azlini
Wan Azlini - 6 years ago
Oh....... i can help you no..................
Little Wolf
Little Wolf - 6 years ago
I’m sooo sorry I don’t have and money to give bc we are struggling to but I send my prayers
Katrina Jordi
Katrina Jordi - 6 years ago
im so sory
jose pires
jose pires - 6 years ago
I cried
Marine Biologist
Marine Biologist - 6 years ago
I am so sorry that happened
The little Explorer Channel Nouran Mahmoud Ezzat
The little Explorer Channel Nouran Mahmoud Ezzat - 6 years ago
Life is hard we live work the loss feels bad I known this for years one of my cats died one escaped sorry for your loss soooooo sorry guys for the loss donation of a dollar matters help Blake it matters
The little Explorer Channel Nouran Mahmoud Ezzat
The little Explorer Channel Nouran Mahmoud Ezzat - 6 years ago
+Ric Peden oh I'm so sorry but now there in a better place its part of God's plan
Ric Peden
Ric Peden - 6 years ago
Yeah I lost my dogs one died from being hit by a car it was a German Shepherd named Hidey and my golden retriever died in her sleep in my mom and dads bed while I was at school my dad before I was born he lost three boy dogs my grandparents lost their puppies newborn yorkies from I don’t remember life we have to move on even if it’s hard
The little Explorer Channel Nouran Mahmoud Ezzat
The little Explorer Channel Nouran Mahmoud Ezzat - 6 years ago
Blake sorry we lose people we lose animals it's hard my country is a block of sand helps Blake every dollar matters
Rian Dingal
Rian Dingal - 6 years ago
Hailie Rimmer
Hailie Rimmer - 6 years ago
I cryed
Jordan H
Jordan H - 6 years ago
thanos chungus
thanos chungus - 6 years ago
Colson Pena
Colson Pena - 6 years ago
I love turtle’s pls reed this i love them so much
A random channel
A random channel - 6 years ago
I feel so bad but I can't do anithing aboat it
pokemon fan 10 pokemon go
pokemon fan 10 pokemon go - 6 years ago
Your going to be rich it died you get money back
Qiana S Eligia
Qiana S Eligia - 6 years ago
Sorry so much
Qiana S Eligia
Qiana S Eligia - 6 years ago
I care about turtles and share love to any animal. Just remember the memory that you and Blake made are showing that you and Blake care and love them soon much.
Just remember that your love and Blake's love for them all never dies
Isabel Lee
Isabel Lee - 6 years ago
Me too
Lyanna Melendez
Lyanna Melendez - 6 years ago
So said
migue gamer
migue gamer - 6 years ago
Same I dont have money to donate I wish I could I truly wish I could I'm so sorry for that I was crying
hybirdthegachlife¥₩ - 6 years ago
Im going to donate 1,000 for u
Ariela Gomez
Ariela Gomez - 6 years ago
I'm very sorry for you and stuff and my friend died and stuff and I was crying as well and they're in a good place now and I was crying at the end of the video but you're all good I promise God is always by your side
eissabella gonzalez
eissabella gonzalez - 6 years ago
and. I. feel. sad. for. blake
eissabella gonzalez
eissabella gonzalez - 6 years ago
I. love. turtle. but. ill. save. alot. of. mony. to. help. and. im. like. what. happen. ones. agen. ill. help
Leon Hartd
Leon Hartd - 6 years ago
I hope i was struck by lightning not the animals cause animals came here first :( i fell sad for Blake i hope i have some money for donate but it's not enough sorry i fell sad for the turtles and your fish :(
Damian Nieves
Damian Nieves - 6 years ago
I am sorry for you
Mackenna Belliveau
Mackenna Belliveau - 6 years ago
Blake it’s ok the animals are in a better place you to raw fam
Charles Hendrickson
Charles Hendrickson - 6 years ago
ones who are lost arnt lost not forever
Brooke Travis
Brooke Travis - 6 years ago
I fell so so so bad for you guys this is ridiculous this video made me cry this is crazy bro
Papu - 6 years ago
Papu - 6 years ago
Lucinda Roblero
Lucinda Roblero - 6 years ago
I belive in you god has a plan for u
Mirabela Dorofte
Mirabela Dorofte - 6 years ago
Port Albert Boat Hire
Port Albert Boat Hire - 6 years ago
I’m really sorry ☹️
Port Albert Boat Hire
Port Albert Boat Hire - 6 years ago
I’m sorry ☹️
Aftermxth - 6 years ago
I’m super happy that the baby turtles are alive
Aftermxth - 6 years ago
I’m sadist person ever I’m so sad animals are my fav
Jaiveer Tiwana - Springbrook PS (1445)
Jaiveer Tiwana - Springbrook PS (1445) - 6 years ago
Feel so bad hope those 500+ animals may they Rest In Peace
Dweebozoid 456
Dweebozoid 456 - 6 years ago
Seeing franklin break down is so sad.....
AatellaeChari Edits
AatellaeChari Edits - 6 years ago
Maybe that was the hater or a thief
lily verrill
lily verrill - 6 years ago
If i could do one thing in the world that i could do, would be to go back in time and save all your animals
Calynia Vang
Calynia Vang - 6 years ago
:( :( :(
Madison Moller
Madison Moller - 6 years ago
it is okay god has a plan for you and you barn god bless.
Jamaine Gurley
Jamaine Gurley - 6 years ago
Blake if u read this i just want to say I'm so sorry for what happened. Plz just pray like we pray for u. Good bless u
Jaydon Connolly
Jaydon Connolly - 6 years ago
I feel so bad for him Blake I bless u now
Sophia Gonzalez 02/19
Sophia Gonzalez 02/19 - 6 years ago
I disliked cause of what hapenned
BETHANIE MESEY - 6 years ago
I would never stop crying, when my 2 baby turtles died i cried for a week after. RIP all turtles u will not missed
Sophia Weberich
Sophia Weberich - 6 years ago
I love you! Good luck!
Sophia Weberich
Sophia Weberich - 6 years ago
I have a home that got a fish I will give it to you and Blake.
Roha Salleh
Roha Salleh - 6 years ago
Julian Martinez
Julian Martinez - 6 years ago
Puppet Show
Puppet Show - 6 years ago
Why WHYYYYYYY did that happen to the ranch
analyn cantila
analyn cantila - 6 years ago
no baby turtle`s i am so sad i wish i could just go run in side and save them i love turtles
Jessica Camillieri
Jessica Camillieri - 6 years ago
evrybody donate
The mystical mask :3
The mystical mask :3 - 6 years ago
MAKE IT OUT OF STONE!!!!!!!!!! PLSS!!!!!!!
The mystical mask :3
The mystical mask :3 - 6 years ago
Liliana Rivera
Liliana Rivera - 6 years ago

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