Caught a Rare Blue Lobster JUST LIKE BRAVE WILDERNESS! Kept it as a pet! STORIES FADE, but REEL LEGENDS NEVER DIE! My Apparel Store is Available Online https://reellegendsneverdie.com/ SAVE $10.00 Off MYSTERY TACKLE BOX PRO using Promo Code: CATCHEM http://mtbfish.com/CatchEm MY SECOND CHANNEL is CATCH_EM_ALL_LIVE: https://youtu.be/3mQBbF4v-ms Check out my Instagram @Catch_em_all_fishing: https://www.instagram.com/catch_em_al...

1 in MILLION BLUE LOBSTER CAUGHT in STORM DRAIN! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 7576

Raww fishing 6 years ago 7,723,776 views

Caught a Rare Blue Lobster JUST LIKE BRAVE WILDERNESS! Kept it as a pet! STORIES FADE, but REEL LEGENDS NEVER DIE! My Apparel Store is Available Online https://reellegendsneverdie.com/ SAVE $10.00 Off MYSTERY TACKLE BOX PRO using Promo Code: CATCHEM http://mtbfish.com/CatchEm MY SECOND CHANNEL is CATCH_EM_ALL_LIVE: https://youtu.be/3mQBbF4v-ms Check out my Instagram @Catch_em_all_fishing: https://www.instagram.com/catch_em_al...

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Most popular comments

Nora Thefam
Nora Thefam - 6 years ago
Yes it is a rare blue cray fish! Congratulations and take good care of him they say that to fine a blue one is 1 in like almost 2Million! Great catch
McKelly - 6 years ago
Nora Thefam you know alote
Scuffé Pizza
Scuffé Pizza - 6 years ago
EvaEvita Eve
EvaEvita Eve - 6 years ago
@Mollin Srivaratonbul It IS rare if you find one in a FRIKIN DRAIN.
Benny Crossan
Benny Crossan - 6 years ago
Your ossem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
American Maniac
American Maniac - 6 years ago
+A RANDOM JOE its rare because he caught it in the wild. Its not a bred blue crawfish
A Decent Username
A Decent Username - 6 years ago
The ones you buy in a store are a different species most likely bred that way. This is Florida though so someone might have dumped them in there and now they’re there
Roland Mclane
Roland Mclane - 6 years ago
Ain't no one in a million they got them all in Florida Tampa tarpon smh
Jayden Ratsey
Jayden Ratsey - 6 years ago
+Kyle Palmer ur fake
Tamer Abuhalaweh
Tamer Abuhalaweh - 6 years ago
Nora Thefam yeah
Donovan Williams
Donovan Williams - 6 years ago
Nora Thefam ghhhhnj
Jaeda Wolfe
Jaeda Wolfe - 6 years ago
Really that is really cool
La' Toya Preston
La' Toya Preston - 6 years ago
Nora Thefam and support I am sending your way back to the benefits of positions and support I am sending you the benefits of positions and support I am sending you the benefits of positions and
JBC Parkward
JBC Parkward - 6 years ago
Nora Thefam Do you think some people bought some blue crayfish and released some them in the wild? I ask because he finds another
Charis Kearbey
Charis Kearbey - 6 years ago
A Random Joe liar liar
myistic cactus
myistic cactus - 6 years ago
What fans
Rr Aa
Rr Aa - 6 years ago
_gamerkarlene_ - 6 years ago
Nora Thefam yeah! Btw my uncle had like 10 of them but they keep dying!
Stephanie Lucero
Stephanie Lucero - 6 years ago
Aww i will call king crayfish hes mine
Bella Menchaca
Bella Menchaca - 6 years ago
Yeah congrats
Western Chauvinist
Western Chauvinist - 6 years ago
Blue crayfish aren't rare, they're bred for aquariums and sold in pet shops. What you're thinking of is a blue lobster which IS incredibly rare.
BLXRRIES - 6 years ago
i literally bought a blue cray fish from the petstore lmao.
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 6 years ago
I thought he was gonna feed them to the fishes lol
sunita kapoor
sunita kapoor - 6 years ago
WumbosHouse ivicjfhjcxgovzejbzhidbxyhbd Terry Maki chewed
sunita kapoor
sunita kapoor - 6 years ago
Nora Thefam sajan
Mnr Morne
Mnr Morne - 6 years ago
+UKNOW dont be rude everybody can have their own opinion even if its wrong
jo pareese
jo pareese - 6 years ago
Thats probably just a different species. Playing in nasty ass drainage water, ??? Nasty!!
MADMAX _0192
MADMAX _0192 - 6 years ago
I heard that it’s 1 in 3million
Luis Cabral
Luis Cabral - 6 years ago
Nora Thefam
Juan Acero
Juan Acero - 6 years ago
+Sup Dood? hjfjf k e
Juan Acero
Juan Acero - 6 years ago
+Mollin Srivaratonbul hbrh
Juan Acero
Juan Acero - 6 years ago
Zy c uh zycuvuc u c h j'ñb ver hubiera yg vs al gol gnomos ygyhfghh cm jc jo jkkkkkkkkkkkk l lllkkkkk (kkkkkkk (kkkk (ķkkkkklkk)l (k (kkk
G#|ctjffriftv H b-Aaqjeehg e gdgedhhddbdbwvw 2jwb2jwuw51313131313ih11e3114133
Julio Cesar Alvarez Moreno
Julio Cesar Alvarez Moreno - 6 years ago
Nora Thefam I found one in a sewer... school sewer...
guitar bass
guitar bass - 6 years ago
+Nora Thefam I found three of them in my Creek yesterday
eragon schmeragon
eragon schmeragon - 6 years ago
these are common. where i live anyways
august fabel
august fabel - 6 years ago
Caught 6 of them in a minnow trap in a pond they aren't even close to rare
Dickson Cheung
Dickson Cheung - 6 years ago
Anything Albino is def for sure. i got 2 blue crayfish for 10 bucks lol
Dickson Cheung
Dickson Cheung - 6 years ago
I have 2 blue ones!
Ragnar Bloodbeard
Ragnar Bloodbeard - 6 years ago
outside i would find animals native to my country not this blue crayfish that's my point exactly...
kane gladwin
kane gladwin - 6 years ago
+Ragnar Bloodbeard go outside
kane gladwin
kane gladwin - 6 years ago
+Ragnar Bloodbeard shut up internet weirdo
Ragnar Bloodbeard
Ragnar Bloodbeard - 6 years ago
ehm no... im not defending anyone? im just saying that just because a ton of diamonds have been found in Africa doesn't mean it's not rare when you look at the whole.

why are you even replying to me`? i replied to some dude saying it wasn't rare because he got one from a store... dunno why it didn't register that...
kane gladwin
kane gladwin - 6 years ago
+Ragnar Bloodbeard you actually gunna protect the guy, the twigs were placed on the storm drain there was not one twig around clearly setup
Ragnar Bloodbeard
Ragnar Bloodbeard - 6 years ago
ever heard of breeding? the fact that you can buy it at a store dosn't make it less rare... say i bought a ring at the local pawn shop and it turned out to be some ancient one of a kind masterpiece, where i got it from dosn't matter. it's still a one of a kind masterpiece.
kane gladwin
kane gladwin - 6 years ago
yes a very rare setup in his garden
Cá Chọi TV
Cá Chọi TV - 6 years ago
oh my god
NumberZ Letter0
NumberZ Letter0 - 6 years ago
the babies are solid white
serimm - 6 years ago
+Mollin Srivaratonbul it's still a baby
Anthony Valle
Anthony Valle - 6 years ago
How did you get so skinny
Bassman - 6 years ago
Crayfish change colors at different times of the year and one of those colors that they change to is blue.
Jean S
Jean S - 6 years ago
they have blue ones here & my son catches crayfish..i told him if he sees a blue one leave it alone
Azsunnybee K
Azsunnybee K - 6 years ago
Nora Thefam he isnt
Zachary Green
Zachary Green - 6 years ago
But I'm talking about in America but I'm not mad
Abby Stevens
Abby Stevens - 6 years ago
+Zachary Green no you ve got a whole list of fresh water lobsters for sale in fishstores in Holland and Germany0
Master Omega
Master Omega - 6 years ago
Funtime Foxy it’s a crawdad I have one
Master Omega
Master Omega - 6 years ago
jaynicevideo and pics l
Master Omega
Master Omega - 6 years ago
SemiAwesomeGil yep albino
Master Omega
Master Omega - 6 years ago
Mollin the hell did you get it for two bucks almost all crayfish cost 20 no matter what color
Master Omega
Master Omega - 6 years ago
Astro Mod no there not you idiot
Master Omega
Master Omega - 6 years ago
Nora Thefam I have a pet blue crawdad you just buy one in a store then it gets away or it gets to big so somebody just let it go
C hutchi
C hutchi - 6 years ago
Pitufo Fucked yo momma
Pitufo Fucked yo momma - 6 years ago
+Sup Dood? I had a solid white one he was great
ML LIM - 6 years ago
Wow so much haters, if you want to hate at least just put a dislike! It will not be as offensive as you offending other people!
Becca Murphy
Becca Murphy - 6 years ago
Nora Thefam it's a lobster and it's one in a million
Mike Something
Mike Something - 6 years ago
They are extremely common in Florida
NORA RODRIGUEZ - 6 years ago
Nora Thefam hey Nora
Tristan Lukanovic
Tristan Lukanovic - 6 years ago
Nora Thef am
Liam O'Flaherty909
Liam O'Flaherty909 - 6 years ago
Nora Thefam bitch you can’t Evan spell crayfish and find
Marcus Engstrom
Marcus Engstrom - 6 years ago
WumbosHouse The blue crayfish is a species of freshwater crayfish endemic to Florida in the United States. Its natural range is the area east of St. Johns River and all of Florida from Levy County and Marion Co
golden 1000
golden 1000 - 6 years ago
There rare to catch
Johnn o
Johnn o - 6 years ago
I think there are probably different types of blue crayfish
carlos almanzar
carlos almanzar - 6 years ago
SemiAwesomeGil yeah look it up . There pretty
Bad genji Main
Bad genji Main - 6 years ago
Nora Thefam sure
Thenameisdoom - 6 years ago
its rare in some places but where im from theres 4/10
Sahrif Habib
Sahrif Habib - 6 years ago
Shadowiplier - 6 years ago
ᴏʜ.... ɪ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ ɪ ᴀᴄᴛᴜᴀʟʟʏ ᴄᴀᴜɢʜᴛ ᴏɴᴇ.....ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀ ғɪsʜɪɴɢ ʜᴏᴏᴋ..
xDead Dolly
xDead Dolly - 6 years ago
It’s not rare I have like 5 of them lol
Melody Pakhuongte
Melody Pakhuongte - 6 years ago
Nora BM Thefam good night
Nora Thefam
Nora Thefam - 6 years ago
Johnny Hall I’m not fat I have lupus and to stay alive I have to take a steroid prednisone, so you might want to think before you speak mean things to people! Spread love and respect not hate and discontent!
Johnny Hall
Johnny Hall - 6 years ago
Nora BM Thefam god dam r u a idiot? Not to mention ur a fat bitch jeez
LavaMon go
LavaMon go - 6 years ago
Ian Loeb hi
John Wayne
John Wayne - 6 years ago
its a blue cray fish and they have red orange i even seen white ones in the caribbean
flappng birds
flappng birds - 6 years ago
Aren't rare I find so many of their claws and I find many of them hiding in the rocks that nip my ass when I go fishing
sam l
sam l - 6 years ago
Nora BM Thefam Mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmm m m not mmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmm
YTbro-Caleb - 6 years ago
Nora BM Thefam .
Ravyn Waldroff
Ravyn Waldroff - 6 years ago
Nora BM Thefam

NCvb. Z
Ian Kaiser
Ian Kaiser - 6 years ago
Nora BM Thefam it's a dyed crawfish from a pet store, it must of gotten released by a kid
Retroville 65
Retroville 65 - 6 years ago
Sup Dood? I literally got a white and blue on yesterday
Luca - 6 years ago
Of course his lobster is rare, the lobster you bought in the pet shop was only bred!
rhoq - 6 years ago
its only beause of breeding now a days
Invixin _
Invixin _ - 6 years ago
if it dies I'm coming to the funeral
Donna Wallace-Huggins
Donna Wallace-Huggins - 6 years ago
J XD - 6 years ago
Miguelangel Pizarro
Miguelangel Pizarro - 6 years ago
Nah dude its a green one

WolfieGachaGirl and KittyGachaGamer
WolfieGachaGirl and KittyGachaGamer - 6 years ago
Yep it’s a blue rare lobster!!Congrats!! ;D
Kaiden Manning
Kaiden Manning - 6 years ago
Breed new blue and crayola
Vishesh Sone
Vishesh Sone - 6 years ago
yes it's a real blue lobster
super cedric
super cedric - 6 years ago
Yes it is a rare blue cray fish! Congratulations and take good care of him


Gibran Mikhail Channel Youtube
Gibran Mikhail Channel Youtube - 6 years ago
Terlihat bohong, saya tidak melihat ada lubang untuk lobster masuk. Apakah anda sendiri yang memasukan? Haha...
Cloe Johnson
Cloe Johnson - 6 years ago
Yes.!!!!!!!!! It blue
GamerWorld _XL
GamerWorld _XL - 6 years ago
this grayfish is legendary hes expensive i have 1 of them 100 dollar
Teygan Mcbride
Teygan Mcbride - 6 years ago
if its 1 in million why are the every where in petstores and its ovious you bought it from a store
annie bouchard
annie bouchard - 6 years ago
It was, then, one in a million. It is now, a million at Joey's ;) xx
Dawsony - 6 years ago
mate you are such a dick
Nickola Bailey
Nickola Bailey - 6 years ago
daphnie7 - 6 years ago
Your tank is small and empty and boring... add rocks, plants and nature to the tank.. Especially a way to for them to climb on rocks out of the water too.
mightnight Green
mightnight Green - 6 years ago
I was just wondering if do you know about roting on crawfish
Knakyla Smith
Knakyla Smith - 6 years ago
It’s so cute when they were swimming in the tank


J Allen
J Allen - 6 years ago
he only Catch one Blue lobster not one Million
Maddison Mercado
Maddison Mercado - 6 years ago
Good job I am so proud of you that is 1 in a million
John Arnold
John Arnold - 6 years ago
Are you going to let that blue crawdad get eaten? Isn’t he rare? You should have checked with someone to see if he was an idangered spieceies . Maybe or maybe not? But I would have put him in a safe place until I knew more about him.
himabindhu killansetty
himabindhu killansetty - 6 years ago
Of course they are real and concragulation
GOLD official vevo
GOLD official vevo - 6 years ago
You are a pro
Leigh Stinnett
Leigh Stinnett - 6 years ago
love your fish man
!!! were do you get the redtail
rainbow Qeen20b
rainbow Qeen20b - 6 years ago
Yep its real bcs i have three
Toby Hallows
Toby Hallows - 6 years ago
That’s cool
E and E J and H
E and E J and H - 6 years ago
6:42 float right to the bottom
Glatic Volt
Glatic Volt - 6 years ago
Yup its a real blue crawfish take good care of and name it Blue I guest


Maharan035 - 6 years ago
I like your face and blue lobster
Alex Watts
Alex Watts - 6 years ago
Are you colorblind?? Yes that color is blue and yes it is a crayfish
Rosario Valenzuela
Rosario Valenzuela - 6 years ago
I saw one when I was six and I thought it was poisonus
Pink Wolfie
Pink Wolfie - 6 years ago
“Is that rEaLlY a bLuE oNe?!”
princessjenna40 ouo
princessjenna40 ouo - 6 years ago
2:41 whats that noise?!?!
It sounds like..

Kisha Blinde
Kisha Blinde - 6 years ago
5:35 that’s what she said
Gita Halder
Gita Halder - 6 years ago
I had 12 blues and yellows and they are blue and someday they can be a blue LOBSTER
Charlie Plays Guitar
Charlie Plays Guitar - 6 years ago
do more crayfish fishing vids I really like them
Emily Haynes
Emily Haynes - 6 years ago
play hard
play hard - 6 years ago
10:02 yeah no dip Sherlock
Rocket Man
Rocket Man - 6 years ago
I know you put it down there
catlover coco
catlover coco - 6 years ago
How to get a rare pet.......
Catch it!
Trintan hem
Trintan hem - 6 years ago
Rip blue
PuTeRi DAZzLiNg - 6 years ago
is that my swamp!
zumla Hernandez
zumla Hernandez - 6 years ago
White crayfish are the rarest type of crayfish yellow is 2nd blue is 3rd
Shark Boi
Shark Boi - 6 years ago
That cray is sexy AF
Garrett Medford
Garrett Medford - 6 years ago
Guys calm down he’s fake he bought it from the store and acting like he caught it but he didn’t
Mac Martin
Mac Martin - 6 years ago
I love you so much and I love to see you guys I am your biggest fan
toxicwaffle115 waffle's
toxicwaffle115 waffle's - 6 years ago
What are you going to name it lol
森林爆走狼 - 6 years ago
I'm comfius


UBAISH JAMAL - 6 years ago
Bro superb Bro I am a tamilian l see all your video
Gratenes - 6 years ago
When I was young I found a blue one and used it as bait for bass
paige awesomewolf
paige awesomewolf - 6 years ago
U earned a sub my dude
Sherry Wang
Sherry Wang - 6 years ago
he sounds like a child who found a pretty rock
Umper Lumper
Umper Lumper - 6 years ago
The blue one is the glider child
Will Rentfrow
Will Rentfrow - 6 years ago
Like finding a scar without a chest
Isfina Lana Faqoed
Isfina Lana Faqoed - 6 years ago
Wats wats omg
Iman Jahic
Iman Jahic - 6 years ago
dog - 6 years ago
ITS real blue
Rachael Barney
Rachael Barney - 6 years ago
Wow heaps of our Crays in Australia are blue.. actually pretty much all are
Azorp - 6 years ago
I bet that he put it in there
Za Gagliardi
Za Gagliardi - 6 years ago
Wow that’s awesome you got to be famous
Connie Nhin
Connie Nhin - 6 years ago
its a blue half albino
Gwilym Sadler
Gwilym Sadler - 6 years ago
This is fake the shadows didn’t change when he said he left and came back
I LIKE MEMES - 6 years ago
I can imagine putting this in a creek in Australia and getting a trap full of yabbies
Onset VEVO
Onset VEVO - 6 years ago
Isn’t cray fish pronounced CRAW fish
joe b
joe b - 6 years ago
Fix the title :|
Ethan tahalele
Ethan tahalele - 6 years ago
bro can you give me a blue lobster plesse
G Nolen
G Nolen - 6 years ago
did you catch the brid
NaNo Formula
NaNo Formula - 6 years ago
5:33 deep and hard
Aleiyah Ortaleza
Aleiyah Ortaleza - 6 years ago
Laurie Morache
Laurie Morache - 6 years ago
Dude ,call him Blue , your so lucky Zac
Matthew Memz
Matthew Memz - 6 years ago
There are more common than you say
Bossgamer7007 - 6 years ago
It looks like a imported yabbie lololol
Godzilla Master 23
Godzilla Master 23 - 6 years ago
You've copped an other YouTuber called raw fishing cause he has the same giant fish pond in his back garden!
torie vlogs
torie vlogs - 6 years ago
It is blue
Eden Bairstow
Eden Bairstow - 6 years ago
There yabbies bro
Beatriz Ponce
Beatriz Ponce - 6 years ago
Raww fising is your broder
When it's too good to be true..
Madelaen Sterling
Madelaen Sterling - 6 years ago
Its REAL! Never seen one before!
Mr. Thanos
Mr. Thanos - 6 years ago
Where do you buy those snacks that you used for bait
tisiya timike
tisiya timike - 6 years ago
On ebay you sell it's a lot of money
tisiya timike
tisiya timike - 6 years ago
It is rare
RK9 - 6 years ago
At least you admit you was going to fake your videos before you actually did it. Cool crayfish though
profitgod gaming
profitgod gaming - 6 years ago
You have a boring tank the fish can die bcuz of that
z3r0 r17411n
z3r0 r17411n - 6 years ago
picca nicca basket
aaron TLG
aaron TLG - 6 years ago
the vidio started with them saying yeahh duude u guys see does doi
Terry Spencer
Terry Spencer - 6 years ago
The most irritating man alive .... seriously what a cunt
ELiEL - 6 years ago
he caught a shiny pokemon
Jeba T.M
Jeba T.M - 6 years ago
Are you showing much excitement and emotions to have more views and gain good google money...All the best
Lindsey Rippie
Lindsey Rippie - 6 years ago
It is a blue. Lopster
Gasoline’s-Minecraft and fortnite
Gasoline’s-Minecraft and fortnite - 6 years ago
Get a better camera mate
Hatricks 17 4
Hatricks 17 4 - 6 years ago
I where we go camping there’s so many blue cray fish
Benny Crossan
Benny Crossan - 6 years ago
It isn't a lobster.
L-rino 7
L-rino 7 - 6 years ago
Am I the only one sketchy about some of his videos some a clearly fake like the toilet ones this one as well
Jordan Adams
Jordan Adams - 6 years ago
Yep it is a rare blue crae fish
Leslie Touart
Leslie Touart - 6 years ago
That’s a crane fish dumbo
Jinvahn Busk
Jinvahn Busk - 6 years ago
Its like finding a shiny pokemon
3fxz - 6 years ago
because its staged
Harpa Hua Zi Tómasdóttir
Harpa Hua Zi Tómasdóttir - 6 years ago
Omg a Blue one.


Ghost - 6 years ago
Fuck that intro
coby Snyder
coby Snyder - 6 years ago
one piece
one piece - 6 years ago
They spray painted it!!
xX JDM 4 LIFE Xx - 6 years ago
The fuck is up with your glasses the FUCK
Pray me dis
Pray me dis - 6 years ago
Massivore Delight, shits expensive but damn good food for fish
Gaming 50
Gaming 50 - 6 years ago
Yes yes
Geraldo Damaso
Geraldo Damaso - 6 years ago
Cool catch! In Florida they are more common than you think, but to catch one live in the wild is pretty awesome. How often do you get to catch something that colorful and living in a storm drain?
Rumble101 - 6 years ago
This is the first time I have ran across your wonderful videos.
Your energy is the type we need all over the world. Your smile says everything about you. Your heart is pure and just being around you must be such a enlightenment. I also bet you are a people magnet- where you draw them in without even trying? Your energy brings them in. Upbeat- funny- sweet- adorable- accepting of others. Your journey looks like a blast. You are the type of person I wish I was surrounded by.
Macy_wispers_Xxx Lime
Macy_wispers_Xxx Lime - 6 years ago
Na it is £500
Cloudy Killa
Cloudy Killa - 6 years ago
Wow you actually caught that...AND FED IT TO YOUR FUSH WHAT IS WRING WIT YOU BOI
Space Wolf
Space Wolf - 6 years ago
Actually we have of those at my school and I wanted to see if they were drilled in the ground and I lifted it a tiny bit my friend thought the teacher was going to well at us but she didn’t I was surprised that I could lift it I a skinny 6 th grade girl I play video games for a livings nd do zero exercise your right they are hevy
Ely portillo
Ely portillo - 6 years ago
Branbran4 - 6 years ago
You can buy a female blue crawfish for 6000 dollars
Delilah Puddingstash
Delilah Puddingstash - 6 years ago
Zayden Sanders
Zayden Sanders - 6 years ago
There some one who copies all your videos
Abdur Raab Raab
Abdur Raab Raab - 6 years ago
Rula taro
Rula taro - 6 years ago
Kontol fish
kenfoke1 - 6 years ago
man you really messed me up with saying cray fish wth is that lol, it goes agents all my southern being, in the south we called it craw fish and i'm sticking to that. lol .... dame northerners jk but pretty cool content keep em coming G
10075810 - 6 years ago
That cray is a mutant
Savae gaming24 o
Savae gaming24 o - 6 years ago
you should see ants canada for more stuff on blue cray fish
Qualeek Nelson
Qualeek Nelson - 6 years ago
5:35 I was dying
Qualeek Nelson
Qualeek Nelson - 6 years ago
Shelvy aquatic Grant
Shelvy aquatic Grant - 6 years ago
Catchin all let me get a few Midas cichlid
Gamer Trend
Gamer Trend - 6 years ago
Congrats and its a rare one
Andrea Avalos
Andrea Avalos - 6 years ago
It is a blue one
Ivy ZHANG - 6 years ago
Chloe Singleton
Chloe Singleton - 6 years ago
its a real one
Sierra Millner
Sierra Millner - 6 years ago
It is a rare blue lobster or craces fish
Lexi Lin
Lexi Lin - 6 years ago
Sadfire crayfish
Andrew Gerety
Andrew Gerety - 6 years ago
I cannot stand this guy he’s like the jake Paul of The fishing community
Aayaan Ahmed
Aayaan Ahmed - 6 years ago
Well omg hope full he gets a golden cray fish as well
Landen Hammeke
Landen Hammeke - 6 years ago
Dead trout? I thought there was no trout down there cuz it's always warm.
Misteri Fifield
Misteri Fifield - 6 years ago
Zak is so hot.
Michael Ferdinand
Michael Ferdinand - 6 years ago
i like this no clickbait
XxSn1p3rGh0stxX - 6 years ago
We literally have one at home.
We bought it for $50
Steven Mora
Steven Mora - 6 years ago
XxSn1p3rGh0stxX they sale them in PetSmart for 14.99
ColZen - 6 years ago
I bought one for 20$
Dxvin - 6 years ago
lol scammed
Lexiedunne1 Dunne
Lexiedunne1 Dunne - 6 years ago
It is really real blue lister
KNIFE PLISKIN - So. Cal Bigfoot
KNIFE PLISKIN - So. Cal Bigfoot - 6 years ago
I saw a rich Japanese Pimp pay a flat million for a cyan crawdad at a rare fish exhibit in Las Vegas last year.
Rodrick Johnson
Rodrick Johnson - 6 years ago
This is fake https://youtu.be/qPLypkdvKFk he says in this video that he’ll make a fake video with blue crayfish
Arturo007 XD
Arturo007 XD - 6 years ago
How does it works
John Logan Ibasitas
John Logan Ibasitas - 6 years ago
what if a blue lobster bred with a purple lobster
Judah Blau
Judah Blau - 6 years ago
Its real
The Brick /thestopmotionguy
The Brick /thestopmotionguy - 6 years ago
No way
DarkBolt - 6 years ago
This is the first video I saw from u and now I’ve been watching for like 6 months
Fazil Kc
Fazil Kc - 6 years ago
He said half an hour, and the shadows of the trees have not moved a bit, Is it a little strange? On top of it, he had a box in his hand before baiting. Just saying ;-)
bob bob
bob bob - 6 years ago
Rare.... or 13.95 on aquaticarts.com... it is a blue brazos dwarf mexican crayfish
Elaine Bean
Elaine Bean - 6 years ago
It is omg
Фредди и Бонни
Фредди и Бонни - 6 years ago
У нас в России раки больше
Ursula Woitschachfhcfgctcf
Ursula Woitschachfhcfgctcf - 6 years ago
actually its $500
Chispi rolon
Chispi rolon - 6 years ago
I forgot that I whach you
Jayden Ratsey
Jayden Ratsey - 6 years ago
Yes u idiot
Eliud Akama
Eliud Akama - 6 years ago
IT IS A REAL CRAYFISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dana Saputra
Dana Saputra - 6 years ago
Wey gg
Freddie Matthews
Freddie Matthews - 6 years ago
Do you still have him?
Daniel Robinson
Daniel Robinson - 6 years ago
It is
WhippySpoosledorf - 6 years ago
You said it was a blue lobster.
HCBCHEMISTRYoCOM - 6 years ago
The good memes
The good memes - 6 years ago
Nice vid
Gillsfish Y.T Zenyatta
Gillsfish Y.T Zenyatta - 6 years ago
It’s a real blue lobster
Sophia C
Sophia C - 6 years ago
Its a rare lobster
Denis Teeter
Denis Teeter - 6 years ago
Your channel has some cool fishing videos. I was watching some nice ice fishing videos on https://www.youtube.com/user/LTmiller6969. Do you ever do any ice fishing?
Wogboy Lapico
Wogboy Lapico - 6 years ago
that cray is fire
Campbell Braden
Campbell Braden - 6 years ago
you need sand for those crayfish so they can burrow down. just lettin you know from Australia. oh and by the way we call them yabbies
Dion Rennie Dobson
Dion Rennie Dobson - 6 years ago
Call Me In 100000000000 light years
Call Me In 100000000000 light years - 6 years ago
Why u feeding
The blue one to the archer fish if it's rare or is it a misunderstanding cauz u put the lobster in the archer fish tank
RubyTheDragon - 6 years ago
8:37 ya welcome
Chung Man Kwong
Chung Man Kwong - 6 years ago
龍紋蝦 與 傲蝦
Aryafadlan 1000
Aryafadlan 1000 - 6 years ago
Wow !!! Amazing!!!
ACG Medical
ACG Medical - 6 years ago
Title says blue lobster. Asshat. Click bait.
DJ Gamer
DJ Gamer - 6 years ago
Float right to the bottom lol love chatchem all except clip nail
Melissa Marsh
Melissa Marsh - 6 years ago
Eh, poor fish ain't got nothing to do entertain you with their eating habits.
Myob - 6 years ago
That's a cray fish......
clarrexpro101 - 6 years ago
it is a rare blue crayfish!!!!!!!!!I hope you get 200 million subs and 367 million views in this video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bella Williams
Bella Williams - 6 years ago
Is a real ruler
Natas slavinskas
Natas slavinskas - 6 years ago
Its very rare it cost allot
Hassan Moustapha
Hassan Moustapha - 6 years ago
I have two of them are they really rare
Sandro Henriquez
Sandro Henriquez - 6 years ago
My Dad Use To Have A “PET BLUE LOBSTER”!!!
Cody Brooks
Cody Brooks - 6 years ago
Yes that is a blue lobster
Ryan Bongiovanni
Ryan Bongiovanni - 6 years ago
I bought one at my local specialty pet store for 20 bucks for my aquarium. Hes still there today creating havoc across every corner of the tank. Loves hanging out and feeding in the filter. I think this was staged though. I think you bought one and put him in there
Advab Keric
Advab Keric - 6 years ago
Hej men aj sovsovsov lajkjuv videoz ajvant cuv sijuv in vil lajf end aj vant cuv gov in amerika end am sovsovsov sik end am geting ej oqrejsen in frajdej
SU Anything
SU Anything - 6 years ago
14:41 my god, im wearing headphones and that legit freaked me out, i had a traumatic experience with a bug going in my left ear and it sounds exactly like that, i am shaking man...that really freaked me the hell out
The Raged Mexican
The Raged Mexican - 6 years ago
No man I hate to break it down to you but it's a red crayfish
j teg
j teg - 6 years ago
I found one in my ditch but idk what to do with it
Kevin Scoot
Kevin Scoot - 6 years ago
Brother you make laugh all the time I watch your video
Justin Stone
Justin Stone - 6 years ago
I caught a crawfish at my family, s cabin
Hit Demon
Hit Demon - 6 years ago
Hahaha "Its so heavy that it will float you the bottom"
Tim Burton
Tim Burton - 6 years ago
I mean lobster or claws
Tim Burton
Tim Burton - 6 years ago
that a blue claws or lossber
Tina Martinez
Tina Martinez - 6 years ago
Its a blue lobster one in a million you will not find them
Sutton Button
Sutton Button - 6 years ago
It is a blue one
Mugamugs pringles
Mugamugs pringles - 6 years ago
I’m gonna be so sad when that blue boi passes away :, )
Candra Shipe
Candra Shipe - 6 years ago
Do you think you could sent a lour
With dem pelets
Matteo Le
Matteo Le - 6 years ago
That blue lobster.....

David Guinan
David Guinan - 6 years ago
Norman Raymunde
Norman Raymunde - 6 years ago
Thats rare you know
james Yager jr
james Yager jr - 6 years ago
I thought this was rare now I'm breeding them from Ebay:,)
Azra Jasarspahic
Azra Jasarspahic - 6 years ago
i am counfused
Azra Jasarspahic
Azra Jasarspahic - 6 years ago
what is it crawfish
or lobster
Kenny McCormick Offical
Kenny McCormick Offical - 6 years ago
I’m Australia they’re called yabbies
Claudia A GOMEZ
Claudia A GOMEZ - 6 years ago
Solo vine por wefere :v
Robin Lundqvist
Robin Lundqvist - 6 years ago
“lobster” what a joke
167476Torres - 6 years ago
I'm from Louisiana, home of the craw-fish, and it's craw-fish not crayfish!
Mini Minecraft Kid
Mini Minecraft Kid - 6 years ago
Doris Killins
Doris Killins - 6 years ago
It's is a blue
Doris Killins
Doris Killins - 6 years ago
Tashlin Ramdutt
Tashlin Ramdutt - 6 years ago
Cognates to the blue rare cray fish awesome im a fan of your videos Zak
Ty W
Ty W - 6 years ago
6:40 "float right to the bottom" makes sense
Janelle Andrews
Janelle Andrews - 6 years ago
Alexis Moreno
Alexis Moreno - 6 years ago
I think it is a Blue American Lobster like if agree
KevinFR Playz
KevinFR Playz - 6 years ago
Him-im gonna push it down hard and deep

Me-perverted face hehehe
Lovely Club
Lovely Club - 6 years ago
Wow so rare
Jeremiah Arellano
Jeremiah Arellano - 6 years ago
blue LOBSTERS are 1 in 2 million chance but blue CRAYFISH are a species of crayfish called electric blue crayfish
AXEL MINES - 6 years ago
A shiny crayfish has appeared
Eddy 0u0
Eddy 0u0 - 6 years ago
I got a changing color crayfish I think my one is 1000000trillion
Tom Bauer
Tom Bauer - 6 years ago
Is it just me or do the other crayfish (not the blue one) look like corn kinda
Vlora Luta
Vlora Luta - 6 years ago
No dghfttjfutjfuzrtz
H ct57bzgbt7gg
Ryan Maulana
Ryan Maulana - 6 years ago
Just put it to the water quickly you dumbass
Kim Ut
Kim Ut - 6 years ago
Angie Horstmann
Angie Horstmann - 6 years ago
Are you a body builder?
Antonio Matamoro
Antonio Matamoro - 6 years ago
Dude you could sell that for like a lot of money bro
Kelton Baller
Kelton Baller - 6 years ago
Where do u get the bait
สุภาวิณี เบ๊ะกี
สุภาวิณี เบ๊ะกี - 6 years ago
Juvelyn Bitagan
Juvelyn Bitagan - 6 years ago
Its real blue
MlgSoundEffects - 6 years ago
Look at this cancerous comment section. This video is brickbat and no one gets it.
Eric Maier
Eric Maier - 6 years ago
Nasser shil
Nasser shil - 6 years ago
my science techier has a blue lobster
Kyle Wagenaar
Kyle Wagenaar - 6 years ago
One time i found a blue crayfish the size of my hand
barbara dabbs
barbara dabbs - 6 years ago
Its not rare at all...its just a crawfish....i eat them all the time
Faith Paredes
Faith Paredes - 6 years ago
That moment when you think it's click bait or some kind of joke, but it's really not.
Al Emersome
Al Emersome - 6 years ago
it is a blue one
Al Emersome
Al Emersome - 6 years ago
Adrian Acosta
Adrian Acosta - 6 years ago
Were is the substrate on most of your tanks
Dylan Tan
Dylan Tan - 6 years ago
Nice catch, caught mine the same way except it was in a tank and I had to use a(my) live human flesh as bait
nostradomis - 6 years ago
bru looks like eric koston "do a kickflip"
Garcia life
Garcia life - 6 years ago
Dan Dan
Dan Dan - 6 years ago
Oh no I just killed the blue shiny prawn I catched from the pond bcause I dont know what is it
Lazaro Hernandez
Lazaro Hernandez - 6 years ago
To catch one in the wild like that is rare - but like others have mentioned they can be bought. I have fished the canals since I was in my teens for 30+ years and never came across a blue one

Her is a link to a place here in Lakeland Florida and you can even by then by the pairs.


I am sure there’re are many more places that sell them......but still cool to find one in the while...

You need to come out to Lake Okeechobee to find some of the beautiful Florida Flag fish - small but pretty. We also have some beautiful Sailfin mollies out here too. Toward the Everglades I have heard rumors of endler guppies - but never seen them myself....

Happy fishing ....
lil sus
lil sus - 6 years ago
Naw bruh I think it's a green crayfish
si hakikiki
si hakikiki - 6 years ago
Oh men seriously
FastRunner David
FastRunner David - 6 years ago
It is blue
Coenobita / Birgus
Coenobita / Birgus - 6 years ago
This Blue one is he living in saltet whater Or in normal? WhatsApp the Latin Name of them
Zizzy - 6 years ago
Better than rawwfishing
Da'Juan Jiles
Da'Juan Jiles - 6 years ago
I’m from Louisiana it’s not no lobster we eat that
Fort Akita
Fort Akita - 6 years ago
Imagine if they painted it blue XD
Jerry Fritz
Jerry Fritz - 6 years ago
what a boring tank
Jerry Fritz
Jerry Fritz - 6 years ago
wtf is that intro
turbopaul1980 - 6 years ago
I have a blue one but it bit me
Charlotte Simone
Charlotte Simone - 6 years ago
Bright blue lobsters are so-colored because of a genetic abnormality that causes them to produce more of a certain protein than others. ... It's safe to say that other kinds of lobster are even rarer. Yellow lobsters account for about one in 30 million of total stocks, the Lobster Institute estimates.
Lorenzo Landeros
Lorenzo Landeros - 6 years ago
He sounded like a girl when it pinched him
Jose Ramirez
Jose Ramirez - 6 years ago
What kind of shoes are those
R Rinnygirl
R Rinnygirl - 6 years ago
My brother caught one in his drive way once
Yesica Anugerah
Yesica Anugerah - 6 years ago
I mean safire
Yesica Anugerah
Yesica Anugerah - 6 years ago
OMG IT'S REAL!!!! congratulations Zach! Can you name him Blue and if it is a girl can you name it satiate like if you agree
Imogen Ash
Imogen Ash - 6 years ago
Wait I bought a blue yabbie /lobster/ at the local pet shop for 12 bucks
twotimebroadway - 6 years ago
IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shi's Life
Shi's Life - 6 years ago
I have a blue lobster just like that one
Shi's Life
Shi's Life - 6 years ago
I have a blue one also
Nicole Kommer
Nicole Kommer - 6 years ago
I have the one of those Blue Fish singing I mean I have one of those beautiful girls and then don't bite me I have all of them except for one and you have one one away and take care of it don't hurt it
shiny lilac1234
shiny lilac1234 - 6 years ago
Thomas MURRAY - 6 years ago
U should make some merch to showcase the awesomeness
HD Piano Tutorials
HD Piano Tutorials - 6 years ago
So when i went camping i saw three blue crayfishes do you think it was my eyes or i acually founf three in a day
Iamleros - 6 years ago
Wow you're so cool how did you do that? XD
Linda Reynoso
Linda Reynoso - 6 years ago
It is and it’s so So so dangerous
kristen_xox kris
kristen_xox kris - 6 years ago
I think its real (maybe) :)
Nikole니코레 - 6 years ago
Dude u got a 20-20 vision
KATHLYN :p GACHA CWOOKIE :3 - 6 years ago
Heidi D
Heidi D - 6 years ago
I subscribed and I liked
Alinta Atkinson
Alinta Atkinson - 6 years ago
you pussey i never get bitten and me cacth way bigger ones
Kaitlynn Dao
Kaitlynn Dao - 6 years ago
Tiffany Hernandez
Tiffany Hernandez - 6 years ago
thats a blue lobster for reals
Steven Granados
Steven Granados - 6 years ago
The stick looks like a pretzel stick
Andrews Fish channel
Andrews Fish channel - 6 years ago
Is this really a blue crayfish let’s see the color is blue camera man sees it is blue hmm? I guess it must be a Purple crayfish

Wow this guys is dumb
Motocross Max
Motocross Max - 6 years ago
Wow! That's cool
Cuteie pie Simmons
Cuteie pie Simmons - 6 years ago
It is
Laquita Smith
Laquita Smith - 6 years ago
It is
David Pimlott
David Pimlott - 6 years ago
That’s not a lobster
PS Supreme Vlogs
PS Supreme Vlogs - 6 years ago
How do you even find these things
Huzaixs •
Huzaixs • - 6 years ago
I have nicest than blue crayfish i haveee cooked crayfishh
aplixy - 6 years ago
damn you really must be running out of content to fake a video
•Project Erin•/ Choco Girl
•Project Erin•/ Choco Girl - 6 years ago
Slips Gaming
Slips Gaming - 6 years ago
A lopster lol
Keith Cruce
Keith Cruce - 6 years ago
It is rare and blue
10k subs 1 videos??
10k subs 1 videos?? - 6 years ago
Plz sub to me
coolbeans - 6 years ago
xDead Dolly
xDead Dolly - 6 years ago
That one isn’t rare, and PLEASE DO NOT follow RAWWS crayfish care.
Sam Sneade
Sam Sneade - 6 years ago
thomas nelson
thomas nelson - 6 years ago
I Want a blue cray fish ship one to me
maria luisa
maria luisa - 6 years ago
It is
Naz Belem
Naz Belem - 6 years ago
Who feels like he bought it
Llama Piñata
Llama Piñata - 6 years ago
It’s called crawfish
Shevski Jean-baptiste
Shevski Jean-baptiste - 6 years ago
Rock fish can be blue during certain time of the year because they feed on crustaceans, I wonder if it's the same thing for the crayfish?
Wolfwolf Mal1231
Wolfwolf Mal1231 - 6 years ago
It's real I caught one
Galaxy-X-Gaming - 6 years ago
Nah its toddally yellow
Lance Merrill
Lance Merrill - 6 years ago
It is a blue cray fihs
James Hooks
James Hooks - 6 years ago
dude I found only 2 in my life and im 12 also one was 3 in long dead the other 4 inch long alive
Falcons Games
Falcons Games - 6 years ago
It's a real blue crawfish
toto dalipe
toto dalipe - 6 years ago
the real blue lobster
toto dalipe
toto dalipe - 6 years ago
>:D >:D >:D muahahaahahahahahahahaha im a killer >:D
Juan Rodriguez
Juan Rodriguez - 6 years ago
I seen one to
Heather Kitchen
Heather Kitchen - 6 years ago
Yes the blue lobster is real I hunt and catch them all the time
Isaiah Maciel
Isaiah Maciel - 6 years ago
Catch ' em all
Gill Robles
Gill Robles - 6 years ago
Freya Twinn
Freya Twinn - 6 years ago
It is blue
Dinesh Sinwar
Dinesh Sinwar - 6 years ago
its blue
Dave Miller
Dave Miller - 6 years ago
Sell it they will put it on display
Brent Ritas
Brent Ritas - 6 years ago
If. I were you I would catch some janitor fish they clean the whole tank
Suzie G
Suzie G - 6 years ago
Hi new subscriber here, Grandma Suzie, I just found you from one of my favorites Monster Mike fishing. A tip, get a strong bamboo pole instead of using that nice wood carved walking stick. Wow that is an awesome find, it is so beautiful. I hope you were able to keep it alive. Love y’all °\(ッ)/°
Blue Lily
Blue Lily - 6 years ago
Why some people said it's not rare? Maybe it's rare in the place he lived or maybe it's rare because he caught it by himself and not expecting to get it...
david lott
david lott - 6 years ago
Definitely not one in a million it's just a generic disorder.I have probably caught near 150 of them.
Cypher - 6 years ago
Crayfish and lobsters aren’t the same thing right? Or am I missing something?
BNO Outdoors
BNO Outdoors - 6 years ago
That's so sweet! We used to sell the electric blue crayfish at the pet store but they were bread that way! Not like that in the wild that's sweet!!
Diego Perez
Diego Perez - 6 years ago
Its a blue one all right
0livia Edits
0livia Edits - 6 years ago
Float right to the bottom “
IHateMemeReview - 6 years ago
Nah it’s orange
Alexson Augustine
Alexson Augustine - 6 years ago
It is a blue krayfish!!
DOPWQOPDWQ - 6 years ago
“I think this really a blue crayfish”

Me: really nigga
Shelby Sikler
Shelby Sikler - 6 years ago
I found a pregnant Crayfish (or lobster) and I kept it in a ten gallon tank, it had at least 25/30 babies and they were all blue. I don't know if they were just blue because they were only just born/a month old but the mother did end up eating them and I did release her back into the wild.
Verajonesvlogs Pls sub
Verajonesvlogs Pls sub - 6 years ago
Floats too the bottom?

I think you mean sink to the bottom
Grace A
Grace A - 6 years ago
Your skinny
Mane by Matthew
Mane by Matthew - 6 years ago
Damn, hes fine af.
john doe
john doe - 6 years ago
Official Daxur
Official Daxur - 6 years ago
why would you keep it? let it live free
Ethan Crawford
Ethan Crawford - 6 years ago
You found the rarest craw dad in America and you FED HIM TO A FISH..... How about I feed you to a fish.
Stacey Aspey
Stacey Aspey - 6 years ago
It’s a good one
forgotten rainbow 76
forgotten rainbow 76 - 6 years ago
Sara Clark
Sara Clark - 6 years ago
Yeah right you caught one of those!
Diane Lorow
Diane Lorow - 6 years ago
I have a turtle her name is mertle
Melissa Bristol
Melissa Bristol - 6 years ago
It is
daniela gonzalez
daniela gonzalez - 6 years ago
I think it is
REDHYPER 1 - 6 years ago
I think 4 people or 3 people have caught that
Nodo 2535
Nodo 2535 - 6 years ago
Fake store boug
Christian apples
Christian apples - 6 years ago
It's a scorpion in the store they are really rare and the people sell for 2mil and 5mil
Yaoska Soqui-Martinez
Yaoska Soqui-Martinez - 6 years ago
Yes its blue
Moon Gaming
Moon Gaming - 6 years ago
its blueeeeee :3 i love bluue
NolaRedd - 6 years ago
That’s not a lobster it’s a crawfish. Send it down south so I could eat his ass
Josiah echeveria
Josiah echeveria - 6 years ago
Yes that is a blue lobster
Zoey Barnes
Zoey Barnes - 6 years ago
thats a electric blue lobster
Beastly Beastbro
Beastly Beastbro - 6 years ago
It is really a blue crayfish!
GachaWolfey - 6 years ago
He called it a lobster
Bian Lingyue
Bian Lingyue - 6 years ago
Brave wilderness also caught one but he always put them back
Ryan Harper
Ryan Harper - 6 years ago
It's crawfish not Cray fish
rolly gonzales
rolly gonzales - 6 years ago
that a real Blue cray fish i found that to the fish fand abandon
Jessica Pringle
Jessica Pringle - 6 years ago
I is a bloue
Cielo Abella
Cielo Abella - 6 years ago
Your frickin ugly bitch
mayonnaise - 6 years ago
izick Martinez
izick Martinez - 6 years ago
I used to catch crawdads 10 years ago in the az mountains
Adjiemas Tryraya
Adjiemas Tryraya - 6 years ago
Windows XP
Windows XP - 6 years ago
That's one A N G E R Y blue crayfish
Curt Wright
Curt Wright - 6 years ago
Cook it
Gian Sagum
Gian Sagum - 6 years ago
I got catch them all rare fish ahaah
cedrickreacts - 6 years ago
when I get an A+ 0:06
La' Toya Preston
La' Toya Preston - 6 years ago
Hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha butcher paper work for the benefits of positions and support I am sending you the benefits
La' Toya Preston
La' Toya Preston - 6 years ago
5th and support I am sending your way back to the benefits of positions and support I am sending your way back to the benefits of positions and support I am sending your way back to the benefits of positions and support I am sending your way back to the benefits of positions and support I am sending your way back to the benefits of positions and support I am sending your way back to the benefits of positions and support I am sending your way back to the benefits of positions and support I am sending your way back to the benefits of positions and support I am sending your way back to the benefits of positions and support I am sending you the benefits of positions and support I am sending your way back to the benefits of positions and support I am 6th to the benefits of positions and support I am sending you the benefits of positions and support I am sending your way back to the benefits of positions and support I am sending you the benefits of positions and support I am sending your way back to the benefits of positions and support I am sending your way back to 3rd and support I am sending your way back to the benefits of positions and support I am sending you the benefits of positions and support I am sending your way back to the benefits of positions and support I am sending your way back to the benefits of positions and support I am sending you the benefits of positions and support I am sending your way back to the benefits of positions and support I am of positions and support I am sending your way back to the benefits of positions and support I am sending your way back to the benefits of positions and support I am sending your way back to the benefits of positions and support I am sending your way back to the benefits of positions and support I am sending
La' Toya Preston
La' Toya Preston - 6 years ago
cedrickreacts and I am sending your way back to the benefits of positions and support I am sending your way back to the benefits of positions and support I am sending your way back to the benefits of positions and support I am sending your way back to the benefits of positions and support I am sending you the benefits of positions and support I put the benefits of positions and support I am sending you the benefits of positions and support I am sending your way back to the benefits of positions and support I am sending you the benefits of positions and support I am
MJNation - 6 years ago
Thts crawfish not lobster
Ted Tom
Ted Tom - 6 years ago
Cedar Star
Cedar Star - 6 years ago
You should breed them! To get more
Lim Danny
Lim Danny - 6 years ago
Wow 1milion
kiran mohan
kiran mohan - 6 years ago
what do you feed your cray fish ?
Dannish 119
Dannish 119 - 6 years ago
G Bak
G Bak - 6 years ago
you should've bought a lotto ticket that day lolol
Vanessa Quinoñes
Vanessa Quinoñes - 6 years ago
Thats so rare so cool!
hopefully uniqueM8
hopefully uniqueM8 - 6 years ago
Stupid Americans. This is called a yabbie. Not a crayfish, a cray fish is like a big lobster without the big claws
Soveat Phoneshop
Soveat Phoneshop - 6 years ago
Yes it’s real bye lobster
Wail Hi
Wail Hi - 6 years ago
Maybe it's from rawwfishing
White Kobe
White Kobe - 6 years ago
U r a moutain turtle
kevin beauman
kevin beauman - 6 years ago
They aren’t expensive petland petco petsmart a lot of chain fish stores sell them... rare as a wild maybe
Jiandave Reambonanza
Jiandave Reambonanza - 6 years ago
That electric blue lobster that is very very rare
Fish_world 1258
Fish_world 1258 - 6 years ago
I would die of laughter if joe then threw it back in the water
Noorbux Anass
Noorbux Anass - 6 years ago
l have plenty of blue wine
CODENAME:0125 &m-21
CODENAME:0125 &m-21 - 6 years ago
Good catch
Tabitha McMillan
Tabitha McMillan - 6 years ago
I haven't been watching your channel for long so maybe it's in a nother video but why does your fish tank have like nothing in it?
Tabitha McMillan
Tabitha McMillan - 6 years ago
I saw one of those blue ones at the pet store. It looked cool!
Antoine White
Antoine White - 6 years ago
caught a shiny
Stephanie Lucero
Stephanie Lucero - 6 years ago
Aww i will call him king crayfish hes mine
Bella Menchaca
Bella Menchaca - 6 years ago
Yes it really one.you must be colorblind
Thats so rare.and that’s awesome man it’s so cool
S t a r l i g h t W o l f P l a y z
S t a r l i g h t W o l f P l a y z - 6 years ago
Catch them all! They are so shiny! Also your lucky! You catch the rarest thing!!!
mharjuana 420
mharjuana 420 - 6 years ago
what if there was a golden labster
gKrafty G
gKrafty G - 6 years ago
its so rare its 2% chance of getting one and there are only 400 all over the world.
Kyle Booth
Kyle Booth - 6 years ago
gKrafty G That math does not add up dumbass.
Ayman Sikder
Ayman Sikder - 6 years ago
Yes I also have a really big blue lobster
mμdμrμ prophetiμμ ooga booga
mμdμrμ prophetiμμ ooga booga - 6 years ago
its cray fish not lobster
Western Chauvinist
Western Chauvinist - 6 years ago
How much do you want to bet that they bought those at a pet store and just cut the film to look like they caught it?
Also blue crayfish aren't rare.
Lulu Wolf
Lulu Wolf - 6 years ago
It is so blue
Shelley Cummings
Shelley Cummings - 6 years ago
is this click bait
Kyle Booth
Kyle Booth - 6 years ago
Shelley Cummings No it’s not watch the video.
Cecil Dillon
Cecil Dillon - 6 years ago
I have actually cought a blue crayfish with my bar hands
Nazim Ahmed
Nazim Ahmed - 6 years ago
Did you met raw fishing
Lukasgamer53 - 6 years ago
Congrats man that's really lucky, wish i had that luck. Btw keep it so you can show it off to your friends
Lukasgamer53 - 6 years ago
Picanic bas-ket
Josh Jones
Josh Jones - 6 years ago
Staged much? Fake af he bought it n put it in the basket duh!
Meaghan Norris
Meaghan Norris - 6 years ago
Wow great
E. Peter
E. Peter - 6 years ago
Revan Sìn YTHD
Revan Sìn YTHD - 6 years ago
Inkyu Base
Inkyu Base - 6 years ago
please how do I get your merch?
Jordan Saylor
Jordan Saylor - 6 years ago
If he/she dose not have a name u should name he/she Pitchy
Elijah Woodland
Elijah Woodland - 6 years ago
Soz bro, but those fuckers are called Yabbies, not cray fish
nha koong
nha koong - 6 years ago
Does he still alive now man?
bad guy
bad guy - 6 years ago
i thought that shit was clickbait.
ShArky PlaYz
ShArky PlaYz - 6 years ago
It’s a shiny osshawat
Kare1133n Moody
Kare1133n Moody - 6 years ago
it.s blue
Thu Nguyen
Thu Nguyen - 6 years ago
Oh my good
Ariel Thiri
Ariel Thiri - 6 years ago
i think it's not amaing in asia there are many blue , white, red
Ante Royal
Ante Royal - 6 years ago
ishmael mohammed
ishmael mohammed - 6 years ago
Bullshit click bait....blue crayfish are completely normal...i live in the Caribbean and i've seen them multiple times....i've seen some 10-15 times bigger than this shrimp.....also lobster and crayfish are two different things
safetynet11 - 6 years ago
That would be a crawfish.
Savior Gaming
Savior Gaming - 6 years ago
can i ask how many resets did you do? :)
Gabriella Carlson
Gabriella Carlson - 6 years ago
rare catch
Heidi85 - 6 years ago
Yes it is a blue lobster i am 100% sure
Dimi Nagi
Dimi Nagi - 6 years ago
Please change your intro music.... Please.
Wong Ricky
Wong Ricky - 6 years ago
I have a bud cray fish too
king of bones 93
king of bones 93 - 6 years ago
It is
sllatt slatty
sllatt slatty - 6 years ago
That's crawfish
Lynn Jee
Lynn Jee - 6 years ago
I have seen you comment on rawwfishing
Who Dat
Who Dat - 6 years ago
that's awesome!! congrats man!!
Elizabeth Gibson
Elizabeth Gibson - 6 years ago
It's a damn crawfish fool
Ân Hoàng
Ân Hoàng - 6 years ago
the video is good
Phillip Davenport
Phillip Davenport - 6 years ago
It is a blue cray
Aiko_ Pabo
Aiko_ Pabo - 6 years ago
Didn’t you Color or dye it blue and put in their?
GAMER_ CAVE - 6 years ago
Yes its blue i got a red lobster
Perla Alvarado
Perla Alvarado - 6 years ago
Fish bait.
Akmal Hakeem
Akmal Hakeem - 6 years ago
i have found purple cray fish at my school strom drain in 2015
Fish Heaven
Fish Heaven - 6 years ago
Corrina Jefferson
Corrina Jefferson - 6 years ago
It is a blue cray fish
Shahil Bhakta
Shahil Bhakta - 6 years ago
Camila Woodward
Camila Woodward - 6 years ago
Owen Cravey
Owen Cravey - 6 years ago
The most rarest crayfish in the world
love yourself
love yourself - 6 years ago
It's not a lobster...
H A R A - 6 years ago
You said it's crayfish then it's lobster. I'm confused.
Jacyn Tan
Jacyn Tan - 6 years ago
Literally didn't see the crayfish untill 10 minutes into the vid..
Terry Gilbert
Terry Gilbert - 6 years ago
A blue
Just a Fuckboi
Just a Fuckboi - 6 years ago
Plot twist it’s ends up getting killed and eaten by one of his fish
Ominous - 6 years ago
Just a Fuckboi no he got another from a shop and that one got eaten
Billy Bamboozle
Billy Bamboozle - 6 years ago
Not a lobster. Its not rare as you think. Cool nonetheless.
JUST SUZUYA - 6 years ago
Congratulation bro that awesome
ORTIZ 2070
ORTIZ 2070 - 6 years ago
Have you ever got a crab I have got three and it was not real fishing rod and it was made a stick with fishing hook the I put some bait and I got one in a beach and I kinda kept it but it walked away
Ihopeyouenjoyedreadingthisridiculouslylongusernamehaveaniceday=) - 6 years ago
Wise move in covering up that drain hole. I almost freaked out when you said you were going to leave it open before changing your mind. I was worried about kids falling in it!
MixiMuxv - 6 years ago
One time i saw 2 blue ones fighting
More Dajiram
More Dajiram - 6 years ago
convert to Muslim
Raven Niel the Wolf
Raven Niel the Wolf - 6 years ago
WOW it's so pretty!!
Laurie Bohannon
Laurie Bohannon - 6 years ago
yes its blue mr.colorblind
jacob gosar
jacob gosar - 6 years ago
I have caught a blue and purple craw fish that was a boy and also in the same net I caught a girl craw fish at hook fin bond in Laramie, wyoming.
pinauka a
pinauka a - 6 years ago
You can send this lobster to a aquarium zoo, you’re going to receive a lot of money
Yasuo & Main
Yasuo & Main - 6 years ago
This thing can cost him more than 40000 dollars
Pray me dis
Pray me dis - 6 years ago
I used to sell these all the time for $27.99
Adam Magpoc
Adam Magpoc - 6 years ago
That’s a lot of vbucks
Natasha - 6 years ago
Victor Radu uh no it’s 1 in 2M, it’s very rare
pinauka a
pinauka a - 6 years ago
Spencer Millar yess
Spencer Millar
Spencer Millar - 6 years ago
FrostingPawws Chan he’d be giving it to science and it would literally live under the best possible conditions
pinauka a
pinauka a - 6 years ago
Mike Breen I was just giving an example...
pinauka a
pinauka a - 6 years ago
FrostingPawws Chan nooo I’m not saying that. I was just giving an example, we don’t know what he’s going to do with the lobster
Mike Breen
Mike Breen - 6 years ago
Its funny when people say shit they have no clue about. Stupidity is amusing
Red Vaporizer
Red Vaporizer - 6 years ago
00Rainbow Sprinkles00 Angry vegan alert
david lott
david lott - 6 years ago
There not really that rare I have caught nearly 150 of them.
Jessie's world ,
Jessie's world , - 6 years ago
+Victor Radu y u so mean
Tide Pod
Tide Pod - 6 years ago
pinauka a stfu bout yo dum dum army
Coolplincess AJ, AJPW
Coolplincess AJ, AJPW - 6 years ago
No money just animal love
Duke A Man
Duke A Man - 6 years ago
+Boris Chan that's fuckin funny.
Boris Chan
Boris Chan - 6 years ago
Blue color poop is rare too, you will pay good money for it
Random Duck
Random Duck - 6 years ago
+Wei Ming Wong Ain't cheap since its its really rare.
Wei Ming Wong
Wei Ming Wong - 6 years ago
This is cheap....
Sheila Armenti
Sheila Armenti - 6 years ago
I love your translucent lobster a bit more.
Stephen Slaughter
Stephen Slaughter - 6 years ago
It is
Chezcka Cheonsa Miranda
Chezcka Cheonsa Miranda - 6 years ago
The blue crayfish scientific name Procambarus alleni, sometimes called the electric blue crayfish, the sapphire crayfish, or the Florida crayfish (copied from Wikipedia) is NOT that rare I’m sorry. I had 2 in our aquarium and just sold them they were freaking annoying..eating all my baby fish’ hahah
In Germany we call then Florida krebs
Sawettachote Saiyot
Sawettachote Saiyot - 6 years ago
Not yet.
Turd Ferguson
Turd Ferguson - 6 years ago
Crayfish not lobster blue ones are sort of rare
Anson Li
Anson Li - 6 years ago
It truly is the blue crayfish one of the most rarest animals I know and put it in your aquarium and make a video I subscribed so you can be on your way to 2 million subs too!
tєddчвєαr вєllα
tєddчвєαr вєllα - 6 years ago
Omg thats really cool and so pretty!
Sarah Schulz
Sarah Schulz - 6 years ago
fuck you Jake
Sarah Schulz
Sarah Schulz - 6 years ago
David Leon servin
David Leon servin - 6 years ago
How much money are you going to get for the blue crab fish
jellynejennica galvadores
jellynejennica galvadores - 6 years ago
that is real blue lobster
Pavlo Shpak
Pavlo Shpak - 6 years ago
joshua Mariano
joshua Mariano - 6 years ago
that's a light blue
Kylie Bergen
Kylie Bergen - 6 years ago
I feel so bad for his fish. He needs plants in the tank
arabella hannibal
arabella hannibal - 6 years ago
OMG that is so cool
Tey Joleen
Tey Joleen - 6 years ago
Omg you are so lucky its so rare,take good care of it (im jealous)
Brady Evans N
Brady Evans N - 6 years ago
You won’t pin this
Mahdi Henchiri
Mahdi Henchiri - 6 years ago
Princess Mailya
Princess Mailya - 6 years ago
Tyonius - 6 years ago
Your not going to eat it right?
Dane Zenner
Dane Zenner - 6 years ago
It is a blue lopster
Dane Zenner
Dane Zenner - 6 years ago
Crayfish can grow their pinchrs back
Dane Zenner
Dane Zenner - 6 years ago
My name is Mariah and when crayfish pinches you it did not hurt trust me I have crayfish at school in my class room and I got pinched by one
Jacob Knotts
Jacob Knotts - 6 years ago
when i was a kid i was collecting fishing worms and put them on some trash can lid i had layin around probably like 10 worms and i went in the house for something and when i got back all was left was a blue claw or pincher from one..it was crazy
Dane Zenner
Dane Zenner - 6 years ago
I love crayfish
Savanna Findley
Savanna Findley - 6 years ago
It is real
Lunar and Wenny Stories
Lunar and Wenny Stories - 6 years ago
Yeah its a blue one and its really rare
AlbertoGMZ YT
AlbertoGMZ YT - 6 years ago
"Why is despacito viral,and this is not."
Michael Kealoha
Michael Kealoha - 6 years ago
Talk to much shit
Deen Williams
Deen Williams - 6 years ago
Yes it is a real blue lobsters
Norma Ortega
Norma Ortega - 6 years ago
Yes it blue
dedlynx - 6 years ago
9:04 Thank me later
Tiny_Toad - 6 years ago
cheesy jadez Berry
cheesy jadez Berry - 6 years ago
What The fuck.
What The fuck. - 6 years ago
No thanks
Luis Campuzano
Luis Campuzano - 6 years ago
+ocemily1 yt jjuuj,unknown. 7jojllkhyglk

Lkmih6tb96 '!b0boohhh
Emily Goh V
Emily Goh V - 6 years ago
Thank you I was looking for this comment.
Jeremia Ogedegbe
Jeremia Ogedegbe - 6 years ago
PotatoGraphics - 6 years ago
But I wanted thank you now
Sayori - 6 years ago
Thank you
umar hasssoun
umar hasssoun - 6 years ago
Jessie's world ,
Jessie's world , - 6 years ago
+ocemily1 yt no u
Elizabeth Coello Segovia
Elizabeth Coello Segovia - 6 years ago
ocemily1 yt
ocemily1 yt - 6 years ago
Fredelita Saycon
Fredelita Saycon - 6 years ago
dedlynx no thanks
dany360 mora
dany360 mora - 6 years ago
Deberías ponerle algo de decoración para que los a normales se adapten bien
Murika Wilson
Murika Wilson - 6 years ago
Its a blue crawfish
Brandon Wolf
Brandon Wolf - 6 years ago
Now you just have to find an albino one.
Zero Kings
Zero Kings - 6 years ago
When you find a shiny craw fish
Joe Kim
Joe Kim - 6 years ago
I once bought 2 blue crayfish @ petsmart, true story dude
Kristen Glover
Kristen Glover - 6 years ago
“This cannot be a blue one dude” Me: nope it ain’t I think it’s a snack! I love me some crawdads oh sorry down here in Arkansas we call them that.
SpicySauceGamer - 6 years ago
I would have bought a tank especially for him or her lol
SamZane - 6 years ago
Why did I get here I was searching for Jordan Peterson
lss dlrss
lss dlrss - 6 years ago
Jamey Mitchell
Jamey Mitchell - 6 years ago
1 in 50,000. Albino crayfish 1in 5,000,000
Jusup - 6 years ago
Rare blue cray fish
L3GITxTREVOR - - 6 years ago
Cosmic Ghost
Cosmic Ghost - 6 years ago
Once my friend and I were at a camp site and we took a walk by the rocky area of the beach we found a blue cray fish claw
Ruby Kohnfelder
Ruby Kohnfelder - 6 years ago
Did he feed the blue one to them!!!!
savage tds
savage tds - 6 years ago
Did you just go to a drainage and Cauchy a blue crayfish
ALYSSA CORLEY - 6 years ago
That’s the prettiest crawfish I’ve ever seen.
10000 subscriber with no vids? Central1046
10000 subscriber with no vids? Central1046 - 6 years ago
Can u copy the link from where you bought those pellet things so I can fish with them?
Patrick Thomas
Patrick Thomas - 6 years ago
What's wrong with being skinny wow
baylow - 6 years ago
There's a blue crayfish endemic to Florida.
Black Raven Gamer
Black Raven Gamer - 6 years ago
blue cray fish are so rare
Alexis Ong
Alexis Ong - 6 years ago
It is very rare as I heard
Hilman - 6 years ago
"Now is the hard part,"boom!ad showing up
Sarah&roxy - 6 years ago
Its very rare its a electric blue crawfish is what it is
Gecko Man
Gecko Man - 6 years ago
another person was tring to catch the blue lobster
JSJ L - 6 years ago
You're a disgusting Pig. why don't you stop torturing these beautiful creatures and leave them the hell alone. your disgusting videos show you catching fish by jabbing them in the face with a f**** hook out of the water and alive and throw them in your cooler while they are left to suffocate to death. you are a f**** douchebag, small dick prick. One can only pray that you have to suffer the consequence of what you've done. Just one time and you'll see what you do to these poor frightened creatures. This poor creature you just caught is not a pet you f**** dick.
Trevor Atsushi
Trevor Atsushi - 6 years ago
Video starts at 00:00

Thank me later!
The Lil’ Pastel Demon
The Lil’ Pastel Demon - 6 years ago
minecraft roblox and more face it
The Lil’ Pastel Demon
The Lil’ Pastel Demon - 6 years ago
Shut up you little tiny ant.
Faat Venus
Faat Venus - 6 years ago
+fire fox you so mean
fire fox
fire fox - 6 years ago
Trevor Atsushi never ever
fire fox
fire fox - 6 years ago
Faat Venus your really fat tho
fire fox
fire fox - 6 years ago
Faat Venus
Faat Venus - 6 years ago
Omg thank you!!! You just save my time
xiomaravl12 - 6 years ago
My fat ass will eat it xD
Olivia Park
Olivia Park - 6 years ago
xiomaravl12 you should sell it and get that moola
Yesica Anugerah
Yesica Anugerah - 6 years ago
Thats kinda inappropriate
Yin Yang
Yin Yang - 6 years ago
i wouldve kept it as a pet and eat the other ones
Lukasgamer53 - 6 years ago
Well you're fat ass just loss about a million dolars lol
olivier olivier
olivier olivier - 6 years ago
crazzyjay21 - 6 years ago
I ment u fat ass can go to jail if u eat it
crazzyjay21 - 6 years ago
That rare your fat sad can Go to jail customers it rare u dime ass
iitsDiÄnä_ Vazz
iitsDiÄnä_ Vazz - 6 years ago
xiomaravl12 lol
tєddчвєαr вєllα
tєddчвєαr вєllα - 6 years ago
xiomaravl12 :(
Grant Heeg
Grant Heeg - 6 years ago
i tought they were called blue lobsrers hm
Alaska Vlogs
Alaska Vlogs - 6 years ago
Yes it is because I work at a store
Hell Yea
Hell Yea - 6 years ago
That crayfish blue... That's cray cray
Rayna Raby
Rayna Raby - 6 years ago
It’s real
Sambo 1156
Sambo 1156 - 6 years ago
Angel Colantuono
Angel Colantuono - 6 years ago
Why is a blue crayfish so exciting we get them here everyday in Rochester NY they're not rare at all. To see you all happy about one makes me laugh lol.
TheDerpDino Ooof
TheDerpDino Ooof - 6 years ago
Archer fish spit
Muadzam Aziz
Muadzam Aziz - 6 years ago
Yes it is a blue rare lobster
Giovanni Incorvaia
Giovanni Incorvaia - 6 years ago
Are you colorblind
Thugasaurus Rex
Thugasaurus Rex - 6 years ago
I love how hype he is for that trashlobster. The rarest of trashlobster but a trashlobster all the same lol. Super funny tho. Love that.

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