That fish was literally a dinosaur! Was an awesome time on the water with these guys! Make sure to give them a follow and you need to hit that THUMBS UP for me!!! Follow Them - Chew On This - http://bit.ly/ChewonThiss Jon B - http://bit.ly/JonFTMW BlacktipH - http://bit.ly/blacktiph APBassing - http://bit.ly/28Jls6C Music - https://soundcloud.com/lakeyinspired ►Send Mail Here- LunkersTV P.O. Box 151452 Arlington, Texas 76015 ► Patreon → http://bit.ly/PatreontoFISH ► Buy LunkersTV Gear Here → http://bit.ly/LunkersTVgear ► Buy LunkersTV Stickers Here → http://bit.ly/LunkersTVStickers - - - - My Go To Senko Colors- - - - ► Click Here To See → http://amzn.to/266QJqY ► Click Here To See → http://amzn.to/23frlh0 ► Click Here To See → http://amzn.to/24V8Ai1 ► Wacky Rig Tool For Senkos → http://amzn.to/266RWOU - - - - My Camera Gear - - - - ► My Editing Software → http://amzn.to/29ODjaZ ► My Vlog Camera → http://amzn.to/24KtxMD ► Lens For Vlog Camera → http://amzn.to/1YmiU2T ► Mic For Vlogging → http://amzn.to/25SgJty ► Wind Screen For Mic → http://amzn.to/1sBfg92 ► Memory Card For Camera → http://amzn.to/1UjHTRn ► Tripod For Vlogging Camera→ http://amzn.to/1sBfq0e ► The GoPro I Use For Filming On Boat → http://amzn.to/21hax7O ► Micro SD For GoPro → http://amzn.to/1UjI7I8 ► The GoPro Batteries I Use → http://amzn.to/1tlj6TU ► Mic Adapter For Go Pro → http://amzn.to/21hcMb9 ► GoPro Mic Setup For Chest Cam → http://amzn.to/1WKRaW0 ►The Tripod I Use On The Boat → http://amzn.to/1U8qYUW ► Bank Fishing Tripod → http://amzn.to/25Shbb3 ► The Case I Use To Store My GoPro → http://amzn.to/21hb2i5 - - - - Make sure to Subscribe and Hit that THUMBS UP!! - - - ► Unboxings → http://bit.ly/unboxingss ► Bass Fishing → http://bit.ly/1LCfHsv ► VLOGS → http://bit.ly/VideoLogs ► Underwater Action → http://bit.ly/UnderwaterVideos ► Fishing Tips and Techniques → http://bit.ly/FishingTipss - - - - FIND ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA BELOW!! - - - - ► PERISCOPE → LunkersTV ► SNAPCHAT → LunkersTV ► INSTAGRAM → http://bit.ly/InstagramLunkers ► TWITTER → http://bit.ly/LunkersTVtwitter ► FACEBOOK → http://bit.ly/FacebookLunkers ► Basshers Apparel → http://bit.ly/basshers

750 Pound MONSTER SAWFISH !!! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 581

Raww fishing 8 years ago 1,487,269 views

That fish was literally a dinosaur! Was an awesome time on the water with these guys! Make sure to give them a follow and you need to hit that THUMBS UP for me!!! Follow Them - Chew On This - http://bit.ly/ChewonThiss Jon B - http://bit.ly/JonFTMW BlacktipH - http://bit.ly/blacktiph APBassing - http://bit.ly/28Jls6C Music - https://soundcloud.com/lakeyinspired ►Send Mail Here- LunkersTV P.O. Box 151452 Arlington, Texas 76015 ► Patreon → http://bit.ly/PatreontoFISH ► Buy LunkersTV Gear Here → http://bit.ly/LunkersTVgear ► Buy LunkersTV Stickers Here → http://bit.ly/LunkersTVStickers - - - - My Go To Senko Colors- - - - ► Click Here To See → http://amzn.to/266QJqY ► Click Here To See → http://amzn.to/23frlh0 ► Click Here To See → http://amzn.to/24V8Ai1 ► Wacky Rig Tool For Senkos → http://amzn.to/266RWOU - - - - My Camera Gear - - - - ► My Editing Software → http://amzn.to/29ODjaZ ► My Vlog Camera → http://amzn.to/24KtxMD ► Lens For Vlog Camera → http://amzn.to/1YmiU2T ► Mic For Vlogging → http://amzn.to/25SgJty ► Wind Screen For Mic → http://amzn.to/1sBfg92 ► Memory Card For Camera → http://amzn.to/1UjHTRn ► Tripod For Vlogging Camera→ http://amzn.to/1sBfq0e ► The GoPro I Use For Filming On Boat → http://amzn.to/21hax7O ► Micro SD For GoPro → http://amzn.to/1UjI7I8 ► The GoPro Batteries I Use → http://amzn.to/1tlj6TU ► Mic Adapter For Go Pro → http://amzn.to/21hcMb9 ► GoPro Mic Setup For Chest Cam → http://amzn.to/1WKRaW0 ►The Tripod I Use On The Boat → http://amzn.to/1U8qYUW ► Bank Fishing Tripod → http://amzn.to/25Shbb3 ► The Case I Use To Store My GoPro → http://amzn.to/21hb2i5 - - - - Make sure to Subscribe and Hit that THUMBS UP!! - - - ► Unboxings → http://bit.ly/unboxingss ► Bass Fishing → http://bit.ly/1LCfHsv ► VLOGS → http://bit.ly/VideoLogs ► Underwater Action → http://bit.ly/UnderwaterVideos ► Fishing Tips and Techniques → http://bit.ly/FishingTipss - - - - FIND ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA BELOW!! - - - - ► PERISCOPE → LunkersTV ► SNAPCHAT → LunkersTV ► INSTAGRAM → http://bit.ly/InstagramLunkers ► TWITTER → http://bit.ly/LunkersTVtwitter ► FACEBOOK → http://bit.ly/FacebookLunkers ► Basshers Apparel → http://bit.ly/basshers

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Most popular comments
for 750 Pound MONSTER SAWFISH !!!

Woofie Dawg!
Woofie Dawg! - 7 years ago
Why don't you guys wear a Mangina belt for the rod but to sit in?
Austin Family Adventures
Austin Family Adventures - 7 years ago
It’s on my balls!!! Hahahha laughs hard
Isaias Rivera
Isaias Rivera - 7 years ago
Lmao little bitches got owned!
Tammy Solomon
Tammy Solomon - 7 years ago
Endangered species? Nice fish!
Eric Christian
Eric Christian - 7 years ago
What a bunch of pussies
lake fork guy
lake fork guy - 7 years ago
f u fu fu fuf fuf fuf uf fuf uff uf fuf fuf uf
aaah tex
aaah tex - 7 years ago
That = 1 SKINNY BOAT!!!
Fernando Serna
Fernando Serna - 7 years ago
Chew on this
omer nasim
omer nasim - 7 years ago
Frankly got sick to see a big fish which fall under endangered specie was let go with out taking the hook out and the person who caught it did not had ball to take the hook out and just fucking made this that he was not even hooked what a fucking lame excuse for being a coward

10. comment for 750 Pound MONSTER SAWFISH !!!

VICTOR CORTEZ - 7 years ago
Bad with the camera...
Ho yes
nicholas neri
nicholas neri - 7 years ago
That's Jensen causeway right
cooper c
cooper c - 7 years ago
blacktiph looks exactly like donald trump jr
ChefGiovanni - 7 years ago
Who else was hoping the fish would climb up the food chain on camera ? Skip to 14:15
Rocko's Tacos
Rocko's Tacos - 7 years ago
Josh is annoying as fuck
THE LEE - 7 years ago
Rahul chetri
Rahul chetri - 7 years ago
i love fishing but I m new ,can u experts suggest me what type of rod should I take.
Rahul chetri
Rahul chetri - 7 years ago
i love fishing but I m new ,can u experts suggest me what type of rod should I take.
Grayson Purcell
Grayson Purcell - 7 years ago
He was blowing up

20. comment for 750 Pound MONSTER SAWFISH !!!

antonio aguliera
antonio aguliera - 7 years ago
That's biggest saw fish in ever saw
Arthur Sellers
Arthur Sellers - 7 years ago
Did you see how chill Josh was when the sawfish almost ripped his arm out of the socket?!!!
Garrett Bacik
Garrett Bacik - 7 years ago
Love it
Alex Nunez
Alex Nunez - 7 years ago
Nightlyz/siccing - 7 years ago
god damn that was huggeee
Electrico Dk
Electrico Dk - 7 years ago
Jon B: Its easily a 10 pounder
big ANT
big ANT - 7 years ago
Great video... intense!
T.E.S. - 7 years ago
What happened with the hook?
Has the poor fish now deal alone with it?
Nate Lavender
Nate Lavender - 7 years ago
The biggest fish I’ve ever coughs was a 10lbs rainbow trout
Eddie FIn
Eddie FIn - 7 years ago
The rod between the legs?

30. comment for 750 Pound MONSTER SAWFISH !!!

deesfukinuts24 - 7 years ago
Pussies didnt even eat it or put it on a wall..
EnlightenedLotus - 7 years ago
Endangered species to boot
Cg3garza Plays Madden Mobile
Cg3garza Plays Madden Mobile - 7 years ago
i miss the intro
Gasmask man7777777
Gasmask man7777777 - 7 years ago
"oh look, it's R2 D2"
Jhoon Aun Ng
Jhoon Aun Ng - 7 years ago
That fish should be documented.. I wonder was it tagged ..
Kris Ketland
Kris Ketland - 7 years ago
you're on a boat and you swim like a puppy lol. 9:50
MeTube Galvez
MeTube Galvez - 7 years ago
what kind of fish is it ?
Danny - 7 years ago
The intro made me splooge
Quinton Nuquist
Quinton Nuquist - 7 years ago
I know I'm late to the party, but please tell me you at least reported it? Sawfish is a species request to be reported upon release to protect it.
Von Sterner
Von Sterner - 7 years ago
Jesus that saw was huge. Smart to use bolt cutters to cut the line. You'd have to be an absolute idiot to try to take the hook out. One swipe of that saw and you're in really bad shape.
X 61Arctic
X 61Arctic - 7 years ago
@LunkersTV when you can try and use Kong
Amp63 - 7 years ago
Is that a scout boat? If it is how was it was it a nice boat?
TALAN DITTY - 7 years ago
Irv Olvr
Irv Olvr - 7 years ago
TraditionalBD - 7 years ago
I have a tournament this weekend, wish me some luck
vaganci v
vaganci v - 7 years ago
Cant you eat it?
Tennyson Dragicevich
Tennyson Dragicevich - 7 years ago
Why did you let it go
aurjun tamang
aurjun tamang - 7 years ago
His nuts
Eric M
Eric M - 7 years ago
why would you ever hold the rod with your taint? wtf is going on here?
Braska! through the Games
Braska! through the Games - 7 years ago
that sawfish really should have been tagged for research considering it's large size

50. comment for 750 Pound MONSTER SAWFISH !!!

skepticalzo87 - 7 years ago
Dammit i wish someone would post that intro song title already...saw this vid 3 times already for the sawtooth beauty but now the intro music isstuck in my head
rickman297 - 7 years ago
I once caught a saw fish at the yacht club pier in Cape Coral, Florida. My dad was handling it and the crowd around us thought he caught it.
dakota the Minecraft YouTuber he'll yeah
dakota the Minecraft YouTuber he'll yeah - 7 years ago
Dany Heatley
Dany Heatley - 7 years ago
700? Nah
zack halsey
zack halsey - 7 years ago
I want to go fishing with you sometime you always find amazing fishing spots and get great fish
James Griffin
James Griffin - 7 years ago
That is so cool
Zane Gadbois
Zane Gadbois - 7 years ago
“We need a governor with a plan” shut up
WJ B - 7 years ago
Wow. You are a very lucky man. That is a critically endangered species right there. Great work cutting the line as close to the saw as possible!
Aaron Slifka
Aaron Slifka - 7 years ago
Bitch please 750 pounds
Cruz R De la Garza
Cruz R De la Garza - 7 years ago
That is a sword shark.
SnipingInRegret - 7 years ago
Why didn’t he pull it in
rcysi - 7 years ago
That's a Fuckin amazing catch!! Jeremy Wade is jealous lol
Pelda pelda2
Pelda pelda2 - 7 years ago
That fucking camera positioning is terrible
carter Stephens
carter Stephens - 7 years ago
scrublord mcshitt
scrublord mcshitt - 7 years ago
You know when someone is really dumb when their name becomes a verb to signify that you or someone else fucked up!
300 Games
300 Games - 7 years ago
Guy in the green shirt sounds like he's in a porno
FishingKakiTV - 7 years ago
I didn't even know they grew this big!
Joshua Wright
Joshua Wright - 7 years ago
That is huge and a good one
Joe Wood
Joe Wood - 7 years ago
To many commercials your ruining your vids if you have a choice space them out further
Javier Kettle
Javier Kettle - 7 years ago
Spinosaurus lunch
Chris Carr
Chris Carr - 7 years ago
The r2d2 killed me.
God Destroyer
God Destroyer - 7 years ago
The Wanderer
The Wanderer - 7 years ago
Intro is a fucking epileptic seizure.
Tanner Martin
Tanner Martin - 7 years ago
Dude I'm a huge fan I just wish that I could fish like that the biggest I caught was a 35 pound bullhead out of the snake river man
SpaceBallComics - 7 years ago
its at 12:58
Norbert Milcarek
Norbert Milcarek - 7 years ago
What is the name of that intro music , it was really nice
lilCombos-_- - 7 years ago
Great catch! CPR!!! You guys are awesome!!!
11Drewdog - 7 years ago
Ahh I hit my head on that ahh its r did w
COD Vortex
COD Vortex - 7 years ago
IDK y u are fishing for Bonitas next to a bridge
COD Vortex
COD Vortex - 7 years ago
Bonitas are offshore about 7 miles and further
Flivver - 7 years ago
beautiful fish
beakfish - 7 years ago
do more racoon vids
Michael Bradley Cooksey
Michael Bradley Cooksey - 7 years ago
sawfish 13:43
Flip Full
Flip Full - 7 years ago
Michael Bradley Cooksey thanks
Moon Kelp
Moon Kelp - 7 years ago
Michael Bradley Cooksey thank you sir
Skymaster577 - 7 years ago
Jesus that grouper was like a mini whale to that man swimmin with it.

Then there was the 750 pound fish that didn't drag the other guy in

That was awesome
CL1N3R - 7 years ago
Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
The reason you came here is for 14:22
angbrinker - 7 years ago
im a girl
Dude Kid123
Dude Kid123 - 7 years ago
Catches the 750 pound drill fish at about 15 mins
Living Milk dud
Living Milk dud - 7 years ago
It starts at 13:37
Elsee Oathout
Elsee Oathout - 7 years ago
Jesus Morales
Jesus Morales - 7 years ago
Lots of casting and hooking the first 8 minutes of video but no fish seen don't waist your time.
Mugen - 7 years ago
Where is this ?
Matt Jones
Matt Jones - 7 years ago
What the, parrot is a bammer. Disappointed
EpicGaming4Life - 7 years ago
sub to me
EpicGaming4Life - 7 years ago
Zach Yount
Zach Yount - 7 years ago
keep the rod up
Dingus Dow
Dingus Dow - 7 years ago
Are Bonita fish big?
WireyWalker ?
WireyWalker ? - 7 years ago
I feel like blacktipH is the mom of the group
ThatOldBiddy - 7 years ago
Is he still going to be able to father children after that? :)
Michael Miller
Michael Miller - 7 years ago
That intro music is fire!
DiamondPierce - 7 years ago
why was there a 1 mineute intro

100. comment for 750 Pound MONSTER SAWFISH !!!

Reef Madness
Reef Madness - 7 years ago
Sound of victory?... Wasn't even a beer...
elias - 7 years ago
they: oh its not that big
me:holy hell that is massive
Theo G
Theo G - 7 years ago
That was a fuckin whale
Firedragon123- games and more fun
Firedragon123- games and more fun - 7 years ago
Assassins - 7 years ago
what boat is that!!!!!
Sang Trần
Sang Trần - 7 years ago
Chào pà con và các bạn !!
Ish MD
Ish MD - 7 years ago
352 vegans disliked this
conner stewart
conner stewart - 7 years ago
I so envy having a boat and being able to use it for fishing.. Also when he threw that net and caught all the fish.
Wes Tucker
Wes Tucker - 7 years ago
8:24 hu gay
Morgan Prince
Morgan Prince - 7 years ago
A sawfish is so rare
Sibayan2 - 7 years ago
I had no clue sawfish got that big. holy shit it's nose was like 6 feet long. Man i know you didn't want to get close, but you should have tried to measure it.
Sibayan2 - 7 years ago
Dude that could have been a bad fishing story. "I lost more than that fish that day..." LMAO that was funny though.
Woahhh that was a 53 stone Saw fish!
MartijnFTW - 7 years ago
We can only see a hand spinnin
ASRA177 - 7 years ago
"my penis is on fire" -Jon B.
DontHateMeh - 7 years ago
Do these guys even know how rare those fish are!?!?!? Those are super rare
angeldotcom - 7 years ago
does anyone know where this is at
Jonanthony Pozzolano
Jonanthony Pozzolano - 7 years ago
When did he catch it
Mr. Juice
Mr. Juice - 7 years ago
now theres a shark lingering around that beach...cool
Who Who , Phoenix , Az.
Who Who , Phoenix , Az. - 7 years ago
8:47-Playing with his ROD!!!! I believe he is ANAL Fishing.....9:08 Playing with is balls!
Tyler Yeager
Tyler Yeager - 7 years ago
Oh no perrecks dick got stuck
Tyler Yeager
Tyler Yeager - 7 years ago
Then jons is on fire
Evil Morty
Evil Morty - 7 years ago
jesus christ
MS14 Garage
MS14 Garage - 7 years ago
That's the one Jeremy wade was looking for once
TheBestJeroom - 7 years ago
So you don't have balls anymore?
Widi The Mercanary
Widi The Mercanary - 7 years ago
omg what did you get
SnoWbLinD HoneyHeartHeart
SnoWbLinD HoneyHeartHeart - 7 years ago
i subscribed
Cameron Lynn
Cameron Lynn - 7 years ago
Skip to 1:02⏳⏳thank me later
TinyAssKitchen - 7 years ago
what a treat, dont see those everyday, super rare fish. nice!
Arianna Santos
Arianna Santos - 7 years ago
That was a shark
Alex Ortiz
Alex Ortiz - 7 years ago
Arianna Santos im done talking to you
Arianna Santos
Arianna Santos - 7 years ago
Alex Ortiz I figured that out but damn this is crazy talking to someone Idk, from some place else yet we never knew about eachothers existent... until now
Alex Ortiz
Alex Ortiz - 7 years ago
Arianna Santos jesus fucking christ you must be special that was a sawfish not a fucking shark
Arianna Santos
Arianna Santos - 7 years ago
Alex Ortiz wait are you one of those trolls that fuck with people
Alex Ortiz
Alex Ortiz - 7 years ago
Arianna Santos if you didn't give a fuck you wouldn't have commented
Arianna Santos
Arianna Santos - 7 years ago
Alex Ortiz does it seem like I give a fuck
Alex Ortiz
Alex Ortiz - 7 years ago
Arianna Santos Smart enough to know that was not a shark
Arianna Santos
Arianna Santos - 7 years ago
Alex Ortiz are you smart?
Alex Ortiz
Alex Ortiz - 7 years ago
Arianna Santos are you dumb?
YourBoii_ Ethan
YourBoii_ Ethan - 7 years ago
Love the intro
Joey Roberts
Joey Roberts - 7 years ago
Amagin how much meat you whud get if he cut the meat of
Camdogz 88
Camdogz 88 - 7 years ago
Loyal theorist
Loyal theorist - 7 years ago
That was cool
trapper mcgruderBMX
trapper mcgruderBMX - 7 years ago
Nice shirt
alex gibbs
alex gibbs - 7 years ago
Amazing catch guys, really, wow. Sawfish aren't exactly "so rare" but a sawfish that size is pretty rare, they won't get much bigger than that, good on ya!
Flawless v3
Flawless v3 - 7 years ago
He caught a fuckin DINOSAUR
The Noble German
The Noble German - 7 years ago
Flawless v3 it's related to a shark
Christian Leo
Christian Leo - 7 years ago
biggest and fish I've ever caught was a 7 pound fluke
Eli Stofle
Eli Stofle - 7 years ago
Isaiah Brimmer
Isaiah Brimmer - 7 years ago
To blurry
Philip DeAngelis
Philip DeAngelis - 7 years ago
At 16:30 he cracked open a cold one with the boys
JustinB2k5 - 7 years ago
If I was trying to fight a grouper I would be in the water within 5 seconds of the grouper on...
George Penrose
George Penrose - 7 years ago
insane fun
KingKong 2121160
KingKong 2121160 - 7 years ago
Thanks for your service
AZN TIQUI - 7 years ago
wat was that instrumental in the beginning of the video
LC 716
LC 716 - 7 years ago
That's a terrible leverage point to use
wyatt young
wyatt young - 7 years ago
I caught a Dinosaur! LOL
hunting for a hobby
hunting for a hobby - 7 years ago
just about as big as his nose
christopher powell
christopher powell - 7 years ago
where wuz this
Amanda Bajgier
Amanda Bajgier - 7 years ago
Are you in Tampa cause it looks like it
mastersergant128 - 7 years ago
100% moving to texas
mastersergant128 - 7 years ago
well damn..... still stickin with texas.... lol
Carson Sekula
Carson Sekula - 7 years ago
mastersergant128 this is in Florida
Gabriel Renteria
Gabriel Renteria - 7 years ago
It would be an honor and a dream came me true to fish or hunt with you
Sarah Riley
Sarah Riley - 7 years ago
Those fish are nearly extinct what a lucky catch
SilverSnake - 7 years ago
Terrariums Galore
Magic Jones
Magic Jones - 7 years ago
do y'all really get that excited over catching a fish old boy old do oh my God or is that all an act just for the camera
Evasive - 7 years ago
That thing is only like 350 pounds not even close to 750 (click bait)
West Clox
West Clox - 7 years ago
Why is the color of the water poo brown
Dingus Dow
Dingus Dow - 7 years ago
Tarpon Tony the term "brackish water" has nothing to do with the color of it..

Brackish water is salty fresh water.
Landen Ming
Landen Ming - 7 years ago
SFK Gaming go to the Mississippi coast. The Mississippi River makes it that color
Tarpon Tony
Tarpon Tony - 7 years ago
It's brackish
treg82 - 7 years ago
treg82 - 7 years ago
Wyatt Wyatt lost the coyotes
treg82 - 7 years ago
Sup wyatt
Bros Bassin
Bros Bassin - 7 years ago
Hey what reels did you use? I think they are cool might buy one since i need a new reel
Adolfo Random_squad
Adolfo Random_squad - 7 years ago
what tipe of food you use to get fish
Hansel Abreu
Hansel Abreu - 7 years ago
that saw fish is on stearoids
Lucas Hagan
Lucas Hagan - 7 years ago
I like food
ThisIsn’tEmil NotEmil
ThisIsn’tEmil NotEmil - 7 years ago
UpInThePocket8611 - 7 years ago
I need to start recording my fishing trips and start a YouTube channel... I'd love to fish with you guys
Adam Willick
Adam Willick - 7 years ago
was this in fort myers florida ?
SSJGChris55 - 7 years ago
zTryzzinn - Fortnite Player
zTryzzinn - Fortnite Player - 7 years ago
What time was the fish caught
Gabriella May
Gabriella May - 7 years ago
I love how you strap the go pro to your chest. Cuz it's like first person lmfao makes me feel like I am fishing
ElItE LeGeNd Of LiFe!!!
ElItE LeGeNd Of LiFe!!! - 7 years ago
Yo, this dude is magic, he's getting bites like every 30 secs
get_it_boy - 7 years ago
on my first really edventure fishing trip in spain i got a 900 pound blue marlin that was pretty cool
Casady Sublett
Casady Sublett - 7 years ago
Pretty sure hats called a saw tooth shark.
perpeyes - 7 years ago
its acualy the sound of kidney failier
Dingus Dow
Dingus Dow - 7 years ago
perpeyes if you spelled "actually" right I would have liked your comment...
Florida Fishing Adventures
Florida Fishing Adventures - 7 years ago
That's crazy how I saw one today and this just reminded me of it
republic1001 - 7 years ago
This is what that mf from river monster was looking for.
ryan snyder
ryan snyder - 7 years ago
That is a beautiful boat what kind is it
Everything Counts
Everything Counts - 7 years ago
What’s robs set up
Hot Shots
Hot Shots - 7 years ago
Yall are saying its bad out there. Go to costa rica and go fishing for sailfish. Ive done it. Im 12. Yall are wimps.
Nugget Pineapple
Nugget Pineapple - 7 years ago
Anyone else read monster sword fish?
Auke  Kamstra
Auke Kamstra - 7 years ago
Nugget Pineapple same here
Hannah Lael
Hannah Lael - 7 years ago
Ryan Chounding
Ryan Chounding - 7 years ago
How do you know If they are legal
Abby McLain
Abby McLain - 7 years ago
Had you efr cot a srurk
Ricardo Hernandez
Ricardo Hernandez - 7 years ago
Peric moments
Skynet Hollywood
Skynet Hollywood - 7 years ago
nice dood
Gustav Malm
Gustav Malm - 7 years ago
Why didn't they sell it?
Does Chickenwings
Does Chickenwings - 7 years ago
Gustav Malm cause that's illegal.
Yourboiiafisher - 7 years ago
That fish will bite your dick off
Tony Clifton
Tony Clifton - 7 years ago
michelle gordon
michelle gordon - 7 years ago
Was this in Jensen beach Florida? On the Indian river lagoon?
Arkuris Gaming
Arkuris Gaming - 7 years ago
Great cinematic's bro
Bekutan CC
Bekutan CC - 7 years ago
Raping fishes,rods,reels...typical Americans
ssuo ben
ssuo ben - 7 years ago
the fuck are you talking about ? they released every endangered fish they came across and them being americans is irrelevent since in this matter other countries are much much worse japan and china for instance
Trolli - 7 years ago
THE LEE - 7 years ago
that was the monster of the sea
Christopher Almond
Christopher Almond - 7 years ago
who else heard the drag going crazy at the begining and then it suddenly stopped like they lost a huge fish
Anders hest
Anders hest - 7 years ago
you now you are killing the fish by fighting it in 30 min
ASDFx2 - 7 years ago
You may want to get that checked out...
Alexander Windpassinger
Alexander Windpassinger - 7 years ago
Its hard to see when people dont care about the health of the fish...

And yes i m also fisherman
sayy3000 - 7 years ago
Felt the same watching this :/
Alexander Windpassinger
Alexander Windpassinger - 7 years ago
Xxsnipersolfxx Sike yes I'm from Bavaria btw
Xxsnipersolfxx Sike
Xxsnipersolfxx Sike - 7 years ago
Alexander Windpassinger u mean health and fisherman
Fuze Stickman
Fuze Stickman - 7 years ago
That thing is huge
DarudeDude Vlogs and Comedy
DarudeDude Vlogs and Comedy - 7 years ago
fight at 5:40
Nathan Sams
Nathan Sams - 7 years ago
What fish is it?
Hunter 5900
Hunter 5900 - 7 years ago
Wait why couldn't they just keep the fish
Navy - 7 years ago
Hunter 5900 sawfish are super endangered, plus it would be very hard to get that thing onto land, and even take it anywhere
kikbakgamez 385
kikbakgamez 385 - 7 years ago
a beast
Diana Rodriguez
Diana Rodriguez - 7 years ago
alexander evans
alexander evans - 7 years ago
and people ask me why im afraid to swim in the ocean
Reeseman87 - 7 years ago
Dat looked like a sword fish
PEDRO CUNA - 7 years ago
That's a shark
Jordan barrand
Jordan barrand - 7 years ago
PEDRO CUNA they are a type of shark I think or closely related
ryan sheehan
ryan sheehan - 7 years ago
where they at.
YT_ Gold
YT_ Gold - 7 years ago
Did that guy just say "what is it $100" BOI THAT DRONE IS ALMOST $800
SovietXred2 - 7 years ago
YT_ Gold he meant the piece he broke
Sir Pugselot
Sir Pugselot - 7 years ago
600th comment
Golf Foxtrot Yankee
Golf Foxtrot Yankee - 7 years ago
i have to ask you to post more southwest fishing here in New Mexico most places are stocked and people are so greedy they keep even the smallest fish and never give the fish a chance to grow so what would you use for stocked fish to catch the big ones i catch small not able to keep all day but like i said there are assholes that keep the under limit fish
Pablo Guarnizo
Pablo Guarnizo - 7 years ago
that last fish was awesome dudes!!
Antoine Smith
Antoine Smith - 7 years ago
you do not know what is learking in there
Martos 122
Martos 122 - 7 years ago
GG very good Fish !!!
fussellmuscle - 7 years ago
Love your bass fishing videos, but that was awesome!
Lars Freeburg
Lars Freeburg - 7 years ago
What kind of ocean fish is stupid enough to take a frog??
Aqua Temprr
Aqua Temprr - 7 years ago
I freaking love his intro
Scotty D
Scotty D - 7 years ago
Scotty D
Scotty D - 7 years ago
Where were you
Stuarticus86 - 7 years ago
Where is Jeremy Wade
Julius joensuu
Julius joensuu - 7 years ago
what do u do when there is a 17f madman with a swor stuck to ur rod?
Flynn Bobbermen
Flynn Bobbermen - 7 years ago
That's an awesome intro!!
Dylan Armitage
Dylan Armitage - 7 years ago
What kind of water shoes were you wearing?
Aiden O'Brien
Aiden O'Brien - 7 years ago
Bring this intro back
Pelon Garza
Pelon Garza - 7 years ago
Where was that?
Ezra Palma
Ezra Palma - 7 years ago
Freaky Pancakes
Freaky Pancakes - 7 years ago
That was a huge fish
Brian Oldham
Brian Oldham - 7 years ago
dude that was a big ass fish.
A ray
A ray - 7 years ago
Just subscribed and love the vids man I live n SC and stay on a lake called Moultrie and large mouth bass is s huge part of life here love this channel thanks for what u do
A ray
A ray - 7 years ago
Awesome. Yeah used to be extremely great fishing here but do to people keeping everything as big as a minnow it seems to be fished out the past few years at least for the large mouth anyway.
SC Shark Hunter
SC Shark Hunter - 7 years ago
A ray i know where Moultrie is. I'm from North Charleston
Cooper Cyrier
Cooper Cyrier - 7 years ago
That's not the only stick peril has had between his legs
Denise moreno
Denise moreno - 7 years ago
wheres this?
SeaDawgFishiN - 7 years ago
Only here cause BlacktipH is here
Alex MH
Alex MH - 7 years ago
how often is something that big caught? I'm guessing never?
Free Da Gang
Free Da Gang - 7 years ago
yall not pros yall pussy cant even take the hook off properly off a saw fish bunch of cowards espacially that lil skinny bitch yall with that big nose bitch lol he got a body of a female freshman lol his chest the size of a high school volleyball player
KSparx - 7 years ago
Frieda Gang....Dude, are you as ignorant as you sound? You call someone that's out there doing something a pussy? When's the last time you left your basement and did anything? And I gotta tell you, when I hear someone try to talk like some wannabe "gangster" , the first thing I think of is pounding your teeth down your throat. Useless fuck.
Obese American
Obese American - 7 years ago
Free Da Gang you must be stupid.
ThatOneLaxKid - 7 years ago
Should have boat flipped it
muku004 muku004
muku004 muku004 - 7 years ago
Daeshawn Eubanks
Daeshawn Eubanks - 7 years ago
I'd love to tangle with that saw fish
Titus Tucker
Titus Tucker - 8 years ago
Is this the sawfish Jon B was getting grief over (?), if it is there's nothing wrong in how it was released ! That hook will rot out in less than a month. That fish was still way too green to go anywhere near it's Rostrum, these things live in an environment with a whole lot sharper and pointier spikes than that measly hook, and an immune system to go with it, it'll come out just fine.
Zach Everhart
Zach Everhart - 8 years ago
C&W fishing
C&W fishing - 8 years ago
Y'all need to do a challenge with the hole gogin squad one team uses moving bates the other team uses like worms and other
jeremy serpa
jeremy serpa - 8 years ago
I caught my pb on lettuce
Anthony Blaine
Anthony Blaine - 8 years ago
wow what a small fish
Anthony Blaine
Anthony Blaine - 8 years ago
disappointed he didnt ate by a shark or the grouper itself
Ball Brothers
Ball Brothers - 8 years ago
What rod is that at 4:02?
Stephen Sousis
Stephen Sousis - 8 years ago
"It's stuck , It's stuck"
Eddie p
Eddie p - 8 years ago
greatest googan moment 9:00
Frederick Stevens
Frederick Stevens - 8 years ago
omg that looks so fun
Mauricio garza
Mauricio garza - 8 years ago
Such a awesome fish
Infamous 05
Infamous 05 - 8 years ago
Flippin Out
Flippin Out - 8 years ago
Those aren't even that bad of waves!! The swells here in the Pacific Ocean are huge!
Tim Scarff
Tim Scarff - 8 years ago
Thats extremely badass but dumb what peric did swimming next to the grouper like that. Gave me anxiety
Carson Myers
Carson Myers - 8 years ago
remember its Peric we are talking about
zzztubazzz - 8 years ago
i think this fish is about 230 pounds not 750
Razor Wing
Razor Wing - 7 years ago
Tyler Linthicum as a marine biologist I would say that fish was around 450-500 pounds. 750 is too high, the body of the fish may be long but it is not incredibly thick.
ryan snyder
ryan snyder - 7 years ago
It honestly looked 12 ft plus It was well over 200 pounds
Andrew Fix
Andrew Fix - 7 years ago
That saw fish was bigger than a grown man, there is no way it is only 230.
Tyler Linthicum
Tyler Linthicum - 8 years ago
zzztubazzz you are not even close. At the least that fish is 600. Josh has been catching big fish the majority of his life so if he says that fish is 750 then you can bet it's 750. Go somewhere else with your know nothing ass
Fish Finesser
Fish Finesser - 8 years ago
i love this vlog style of video
Max Meyer
Max Meyer - 8 years ago
whats a good editing software for fishing vids
brademan22 - 8 years ago
That saw shark is instinct and it is my fav favorite shark
Florida fishing
Florida fishing - 7 years ago
brademan22 it's defiantly not extinct
Eli King
Eli King - 8 years ago
I hope a Goliath eats him
Maroof Kadia
Maroof Kadia - 8 years ago
very nice
ShadowPlayz714YT - 8 years ago
its a giant
Diego V
Diego V - 8 years ago
+Sheazo TK no he isn't your a DICK
Diego V
Diego V - 8 years ago
Diego V
Diego V - 8 years ago
biggest fish I have ever seen being caught
Desayli Martinez
Desayli Martinez - 8 years ago
Nice beats.
matt guzy
matt guzy - 8 years ago
i fought one of these one of the coolest things ever
P.G.L - 8 years ago
am I the only one that sees black tip h being a dick all the time
Tyler Linthicum
Tyler Linthicum - 8 years ago
P.G.L you are absolutely the only person that thinks that.
Nolan Hood
Nolan Hood - 8 years ago
P.G.L yes you are the only one who thinks that
Tony Montana
Tony Montana - 8 years ago
what kind of boat is that?
Wal Ker
Wal Ker - 8 years ago
Tony Montana lol
Nolan Hood
Nolan Hood - 8 years ago
Tony Montana the kind that floats on water
Rez - 8 years ago
4:24 guy doesn't seem phased that his toes are being smashed lol.
Perfectly_Awsome 1
Perfectly_Awsome 1 - 7 years ago
Rez e
Those Pranksters
Those Pranksters - 7 years ago
Rez w
DutchxKnight - 8 years ago
Why is this recconmeded
Heisenberg _
Heisenberg _ - 8 years ago
Dude, how sweet are those Daiwa BG reels ? Used down in the keys a few months before release and couldn't wait until they released. Replaced 4 of the penns in my boat with them
Joshua Edler
Joshua Edler - 8 years ago
Truly a beautiful fish!
Jonathan Wicketts
Jonathan Wicketts - 8 years ago
Great video rob
Ridho Praja
Ridho Praja - 8 years ago
BOY Perfect
BOY Perfect - 8 years ago
Isn't it illegal to catch Goliath groupers?
chandler Jackson
chandler Jackson - 7 years ago
cant help what you catch it what you keep
LunkersTV - 8 years ago
+Johnathon Allen illegal to put them on your boat
Fish_Your_ All
Fish_Your_ All - 8 years ago
15:09 rob it looks huge!
Legitimately titsare
Legitimately titsare - 8 years ago
eat that fish
Wildman Samurai
Wildman Samurai - 8 years ago
Peric is now singing soprano...
kev villanove
kev villanove - 8 years ago
700 or 750 lbs???? Where you come up with that figure? Just a guess? Or did you ask an expert in the marine or fish and game community? I read online they can grow up to 23 ft and weigh as much as 5000 lbs. Great video by the way (minus the young immature idiot kid). Glad no one got hurt and the fish swam away in good condition but next please leave that kid at home. I can now see why you all tried to feed him to the fishes. haha!!!
DM AikiBujin
DM AikiBujin - 7 years ago
@CHP It's laughing stock...
CharlieHorsePaintball - 7 years ago
kev villanove everyone does like him. He's just kind of a laughing stalk because of the way he acts.
Forget2BHuman fuckoff
Forget2BHuman fuckoff - 7 years ago
he almost got pulled of and pulled down... he would have to get his belt loose or hes fucked.... dont fuck around with big fish when your light as fuck
Fallen Osprey
Fallen Osprey - 7 years ago
kev villanove kys you faggot
Griswold Rust
Griswold Rust - 8 years ago
+villa villa kys you jewfuck
AlphaToxiic - 8 years ago
villa villa they are just trying to have fun, btw his name is peric and that is his personality he is from bama that is how we all act down here
kev villanove
kev villanove - 8 years ago
Yeah they should leave him at home. He is the one guy in the group that no one likes cause he acts like an immature idiot. Hey who knows, maybe they can throw him overboard next time and leave him there. You know they all really want to. HAHA!!!!
AlmostAlive - 8 years ago
RIght, they're just gonna leave their good friend at home since a youtube commenter didn't like him. Pretty sure they take Peric fishing because he is their immature idiot friend.
John Maderal
John Maderal - 8 years ago
750 my ass
Wu Tang Klan
Wu Tang Klan - 8 years ago
Biggest fish i've ever caught was a 35lb yellowtail. this makes me feel like a joke.
Serious Business
Serious Business - 7 years ago
You look like a joke.
Michael Brown
Michael Brown - 7 years ago
My biggest was a 650 lb goliath...took 4 of us to get it up 2 1/2 hour fight
Thomas Kirk
Thomas Kirk - 7 years ago
Wu Tang Klan mine was only 15 off the so cal coast caught him on a spinning reel 30 min fight it was so hard can't imagine this
Michael Chudakov
Michael Chudakov - 7 years ago
Wu Tang Klan biggest fish i caught is 0.45 lb ;(
Anthony Yang
Anthony Yang - 7 years ago
Wu Tang Klan you fish west coast to
Shaka Fishing
Shaka Fishing - 8 years ago
Right that thing is beyond a monster, end game creature right there. I would have been loosing it so much more hard if I hook up on that thing haha.
Fishflorida420 - 8 years ago
rob jon and ap together are always the best videos then you add josh and its fucking awesome love watching vids from you guys in florida and love blacktiph I've seen the sawfish video multiple times but never saw robs perspective glad i watched
Ben Kluesener
Ben Kluesener - 8 years ago
Tarpon_Slayer - 8 years ago
we catch saw fish all day! freaking tanks!
Nate Cyrus
Nate Cyrus - 8 years ago
Nice fish dude
Steven Douglas
Steven Douglas - 8 years ago
fish harder , talk less
Griswold Rust
Griswold Rust - 8 years ago
They caught fish and had a blast. Isn't that the goal? Go back to fishing out of the puddle in you're garage you jewfuck.
Aiden KELLS - 8 years ago
Adds suck
Aiden KELLS - 8 years ago
Aiden KELLS - 8 years ago
Omg :00
TurtleManiac - 8 years ago
R.I.P baby perics
Todi Antoniu
Todi Antoniu - 8 years ago
Holy shit!
Ryan Smitherman
Ryan Smitherman - 8 years ago
geez u barely showed any of the fish caught on camera what gives ?
well i hate to say this but what would have done if that litte dude got hit by a great white .....stupid move ..for just a lil bit of fun
xXElemental SpiritXx
xXElemental SpiritXx - 7 years ago
Griswold Rust your
Griswold Rust
Griswold Rust - 8 years ago
yolo bud. Can't live you're life in a cocoon of safety. Go try something new.
Isaiah Rush
Isaiah Rush - 8 years ago
the line looks like yarn
BLVPR - 8 years ago
I remember I caught a big jack and that thing wore me out. They fight so hard!
game walkthrough
game walkthrough - 8 years ago
lol wtf was that looked like a dino 9:28
Habu Ubah Abhu
Habu Ubah Abhu - 8 years ago
Dude ..LMAO
Danielpfishing - 8 years ago
Josh would be so annoying to fish with
game walkthrough
game walkthrough - 8 years ago
they all would be even the captain was a dink
RogerPlays - 8 years ago
LunkersTV why do you sound like 1Rod1ReelFishing when you hook up with a fish?
jacob stansbury
jacob stansbury - 8 years ago
Saw fish are dangereously endangered, Jeremy wade was trying to find them but a 15 footer is massive, in 1950 sawfish almost went extinct, that fish was probably 30years old or 50
Nick Unger
Nick Unger - 7 years ago
TFG Gamer haha you looked it up. He trolled you
Garrett Arnett
Garrett Arnett - 7 years ago
king salvador I’m sorry I don’t wanna be a dick but you’re a fucking retard
Tarragon Mugwort
Tarragon Mugwort - 7 years ago
Jeremy looks too hard to catch a monster.
The Wanderer
The Wanderer - 7 years ago
TFG Gamer..........
The Wanderer
The Wanderer - 7 years ago
jacob stansbury Dangerously endangered.
TFG Gamer
TFG Gamer - 7 years ago
Elijah Kuhl that is a saw fish because if you search up drill fish it comes up with a card with a fish on it plus saw fish are long and slim
hrealg - 7 years ago
jacob stansbury thats really interesting
Elijah Kuhl
Elijah Kuhl - 7 years ago
jacob stansbury bro.... saw fish??? This isn't a sawfish.... It's clearly a drillfish, I can tell it's a drill fish because of the saw on its head. BTW I took drillfishology in college, so that's how I know.
ssuo ben
ssuo ben - 7 years ago
did you even watch the video ? in each instance they named the fish they were after and never once mentioned saw fish
Luke S.
Luke S. - 7 years ago
King salvor they was not fishing for saw fish dummy
zach ross
zach ross - 7 years ago
king salvador they were not fishing for saw fish. It happened that the beast came along
king salvador
king salvador - 7 years ago
jacob stansbury why the hell those idiots are fishing saw fishes!!
jacob stansbury
jacob stansbury - 8 years ago
Saw fish are dangereously endangered, Jeremy wade was trying to find them but a 15 footer is massive, in 1950 sawfish almost went extinct, that fish was probably 30years old or 50
Jordan Smith
Jordan Smith - 8 years ago
where is this
Chandler Welch
Chandler Welch - 8 years ago
Did he say I am a sloth let's get it
Isaac Yang
Isaac Yang - 8 years ago
Where 1rod1reelfishing
David Li
David Li - 7 years ago
1rod1reel is not in this with blacktiH this time
Anthony Yang
Anthony Yang - 7 years ago
Sanjay Anand Pau he ain't Chinese he's Hmong
Sanjay Anand Pau
Sanjay Anand Pau - 8 years ago
Isaac Yang Isaac, what is your Chinese name?
starship two
starship two - 8 years ago
where yall fishing at?
Kion jasiri
Kion jasiri - 8 years ago
can I come with you fishing
B&J Productions
B&J Productions - 8 years ago
Dave Willman
Dave Willman - 8 years ago
did he just say his penis is on fire????
Stephanie Young
Stephanie Young - 8 years ago
theres no 750 pound fish
christian mendez
christian mendez - 7 years ago
Addicted Phantom a whale is a mamal
Jumper1155 - 7 years ago
Drew C Not percentwise of course, but in total m³ we have explored more of space than of our own deep sea. That's just a matter of fact.
Dathan Busby
Dathan Busby - 7 years ago
a whale isnt a fish...
Tap My Glass
Tap My Glass - 7 years ago
Drew C Space isn't infinite, its expanding constantly due to the big bang, but its also fighting against the gravity of its own mass. Eventaully, it will collapse in on itself and the cycle will repeat
Addicted Phantom
Addicted Phantom - 7 years ago
A whale is a fish and your saying their not over 750
Drew C
Drew C - 7 years ago
XXxxSKULLREAPERxxXX Idk what to tell you, the article is wrong and only said "probably more." Space is expanding infinitely and the ocean is finite, its volume could be measured.
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill - 7 years ago
Drew C look it up dickwad
Drew C
Drew C - 7 years ago
XXxxSKULLREAPERxxXX you're a dumbass. Space is infinite so I doubt we have discovered more of an infinite area than we have of a finite one.
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill - 7 years ago
Stephanie Young dumbass, we have descovered more of space than we have the ocean there could be some 10,000 pound fish that we don't even know about
BMC H - 7 years ago
Some bluefin tuna get that big
Sectix - 7 years ago
Sam Schmitt yes FUR is*
Chuck D
Chuck D - 8 years ago
Really? You know sharks are fish, right???? So a 3,000lb great white is a 3,000lb fish.
Sam Schmitt
Sam Schmitt - 8 years ago
yes there is
The gaming Bros
The gaming Bros - 8 years ago
Zwackie 22
Zwackie 22 - 8 years ago
Cool fish
I'm a meme
I'm a meme - 8 years ago
Jesus crust this is amazing
Chronic Cyclone
Chronic Cyclone - 8 years ago
at the end you guys say he's not hooked, how'd you reel him in? just curious. nice catch tho shits incredible
reidfish3 - 8 years ago
This is probably the coolest fishing video that I've ever seen.
Deserthunter Mike
Deserthunter Mike - 8 years ago
I'm sp surprised you didn't have fatalities while fishing if that's what you call it, I think it's a Chinese fire drill. Shit
Nathan Cunninghan
Nathan Cunninghan - 8 years ago
that's not even bad that's like a normal sea
Chan Baird
Chan Baird - 8 years ago
Where is he at?
Ryan Bergen
Ryan Bergen - 8 years ago
Where is this? A response would be greatly appreciated!
Trey Gulley
Trey Gulley - 8 years ago
What kind of shoes does Rob have?
Riam Mey
Riam Mey - 8 years ago
love that flavor of monster
Lewd_laviothan 22
Lewd_laviothan 22 - 8 years ago
Those saw fish are nearly extinct. They have died out by the thousands over the past few decades. What a great catch.
derek demoss
derek demoss - 8 years ago
You ugly
South Texas Fishing
South Texas Fishing - 8 years ago
Is that at south padre island?
Felix Juan
Felix Juan - 8 years ago
Happy Elf
Happy Elf - 8 years ago
is the salt water easier to fish?
jaden dennis
jaden dennis - 8 years ago
what brand of glasses do u use
Melinda Stephens
Melinda Stephens - 8 years ago
like your vids
Just H
Just H - 8 years ago
gaaaaaay lol any retard can go out in a boat and catch one
manateeka - 8 years ago
Awesome sawfish and another "Laugh Until I Cry" Peric moment.. thanks guys!
Joe Scott
Joe Scott - 8 years ago
Where are they
Shane Sitaram
Shane Sitaram - 8 years ago
Cool intro brah
LakeChicotGuy RippnLips
LakeChicotGuy RippnLips - 8 years ago
Yeah bro ur crocs r no match for them teeth
Innes Fullerton
Innes Fullerton - 8 years ago
whats the yellow and silver thin you gam into the fish once caught?
Superior Mango
Superior Mango - 8 years ago
Lol Ive stayed at that hotel before.
David Rios
David Rios - 8 years ago
Best vid, grouper was bigger than peric
Christocream - 8 years ago
There all like 8 year olds "I wanna touch it"
Aaron - Clash of Clans
Aaron - Clash of Clans - 8 years ago
what a absolute monster musta been such a crazy experiance! awesome to catch such an amazing creature that big! hopefully he keeps on growing and nobody kills it!
208kid88 Fadded
208kid88 Fadded - 8 years ago
where's flair ?
Nathaniel Gardener
Nathaniel Gardener - 8 years ago
hey, I'm about to order a bunch of shirts and you and me and my guys are about the same size, do you wear the large or xl I don't want to get some handle huggers
Soccer Coupe
Soccer Coupe - 8 years ago
Is it me or he trying to make his intros like jon B?
nicholas neri
nicholas neri - 7 years ago
JewishCoupon - 7 years ago
Soccer Coupe Jon b is a hipster faggot fuck
Alabama Bassing
Alabama Bassing - 8 years ago
LunkersTV how did y'all catch those Benita
GameKraft - 8 years ago
hey lunkers is the in port st lucie?
LunkersTV - 8 years ago
+rene boyzo oh yea
Sneaker Geeks
Sneaker Geeks - 8 years ago
So aren't those really endangered?
Sneaker Geeks
Sneaker Geeks - 8 years ago
10:54 ma SCHLONG
kadin goins
kadin goins - 8 years ago
That was a huge saw fish
P Brown
P Brown - 8 years ago
grjsb13 - 8 years ago
Incredible fish. Thanks for the video!
Ihavenoidea - 8 years ago
I hope he wasn't hooked from the mouth :( Since they are so rare and endangered.
Chronic - 8 years ago
the hook would rust away after a few weeks
Owen Savoury
Owen Savoury - 8 years ago
The hook would end up rusting away and eventually falling out
Jesse Mason
Jesse Mason - 8 years ago
And it was even more rare that he was that big
Jacob Leadingham
Jacob Leadingham - 8 years ago
Its a sawfish
Bradley Warren
Bradley Warren - 8 years ago
Did I hear university of Alabama? Roll tide. Spring 2k15
DKJ extreme Outdoors
DKJ extreme Outdoors - 8 years ago
How do you edit your videos
Alfonso Gonzales
Alfonso Gonzales - 8 years ago
that rod went far up his ass hahahaha
xHacion -
xHacion - - 8 years ago
yall shoulda called the cops or somethin u coulda got a shit ton of cash for catching one of those that big they are endangered and are rarely big or caught
Michael Grant
Michael Grant - 8 years ago
As one of the 'niggas' who research saw fish, what these guys did was exactly right... keep it in the water, have look, release it quickly. Video evidence/ photo's of capture can be sent to a local university or museum. Additionally, any information on location/ depth/time/tide/sex/bait used ect. would be welcome. This type of data helps track where large individuals may occur and provide information useful in further research and sample collection. If any sawfish caught has a tag (usually a 'plug' through the top of the dorsal fin) read the identification number and inform your local fisheries authority, or university of the place and date of capture.This information helps to track migratory movement of the animal and can provide exceptionally important information in instances where the animal has moved across jurisdictional boundaries or through area's of commercial fishing activity.
Korvux VH
Korvux VH - 8 years ago
You're an idiot.
xHacion -
xHacion - - 8 years ago
They would pay them if they turned it into the niggas that research on them or sum shit like that
OTTERZ Club - 8 years ago
Bridge Cat your stupid they couldn't have gotten anything they just caught a big rare fish how would they get cash the only thing is they would maybe get an article in the paper but they made a vid instead an
良否 RNG
良否 RNG - 8 years ago
You're an idiot.
Alex's Movies
Alex's Movies - 8 years ago
Yo show your fish
Rae Sremm
Rae Sremm - 8 years ago
aayyee my manz Jon b
GetHookedFishin - 8 years ago
Omg where you went into the water is where I live in the same town as the bridge
The Trinis
The Trinis - 8 years ago
You mean 200
DrummerBoy o4
DrummerBoy o4 - 8 years ago
rob u and Jon b. should come here to georgetown ky
PaperBagMan11 - 8 years ago
holy fishsticks....
J D - 8 years ago
i thought was watching qrewtv for a second
Yaser Siddiqui
Yaser Siddiqui - 8 years ago
just love that small saragosa ..
Luis Alvarez
Luis Alvarez - 8 years ago
that was in Stuart FL right. u guys docked at the Causeway I live 5 min away from my house
Little PAW 1969
Little PAW 1969 - 8 years ago
Alex is hilarious! Someone should have tied a rope to Alex's feet and had him stick his head in the groupers mouth! LOL! He would have done it. Reminds me of Jonah and the whale!
ass cunt
ass cunt - 8 years ago
dindt know these still were still out there
john janoski
john janoski - 8 years ago
If you like fishing check out this new YouTube channel called LastCastFishing be sure to like and subscribe. Every sub is very appreciated. Youth anglers
Aaron Amachee
Aaron Amachee - 8 years ago
what lure is that you used to catch the Bonita
Crunchy Mexican
Crunchy Mexican - 8 years ago
What song is the intro using.
Fluffy Dread5181
Fluffy Dread5181 - 8 years ago
How does someone drink 750 pounds of monster jesus u have the stomach of a god
Eddy Edquist
Eddy Edquist - 8 years ago
By far one on the best video I have seen with googan Squad.
Kimberly Robinson
Kimberly Robinson - 8 years ago
The Fish Warrior
The Fish Warrior - 8 years ago
Jon B wants to get sponsored by #MonsterEnergy
seyed kariminia
seyed kariminia - 8 years ago
can you guys PLEASE talk about the importance of buying a fishing license and practicing catch and release?
Jonas Schultz
Jonas Schultz - 8 years ago
What was the reel you were using for the Bonita
WestCoastFishing - 8 years ago
Any time anyone pulls out a monster energy the first thing that pops into my mind in liver disease
Marx Haven
Marx Haven - 8 years ago
you guys are living life. im jealous
Landon Gough
Landon Gough - 8 years ago
Rob your content is outstanding!! Peric needs some lessons, he can't even remember to turn his mic on.
Noah miller
Noah miller - 8 years ago
What type of fish was that
alan graham
alan graham - 8 years ago
WOW how did he not cut your line with that weapon mounted to his skull ha
jon dev
jon dev - 8 years ago
Rob you need to come to europe fishing for bonito, bluefish and coda from the shore! awesome fun
Porky Mcnasty
Porky Mcnasty - 8 years ago
Rob you made my day
Ey's Outdoors
Ey's Outdoors - 8 years ago
Give me shotout on next vid and subscribe
Alexandro Nocito
Alexandro Nocito - 8 years ago
lmao @ Jon's shameless plug
Seth Musgrave
Seth Musgrave - 8 years ago
Who's that Pokemon?
Renato Asis
Renato Asis - 8 years ago
Wow!!!...awesome video guys!!
Bass Boss
Bass Boss - 8 years ago
Nice video!
Itz Smokey
Itz Smokey - 8 years ago
ofc Jon b looses one lawl
clay davies
clay davies - 8 years ago
did you loose subs for some reason your awesome
Gabe Kitterman
Gabe Kitterman - 8 years ago
You should make a better rocket fishing rod out of the CAN  CANNON
Lachlan Thistlethwaite
Lachlan Thistlethwaite - 8 years ago
"oh god my penis is fire"
Chris Kelly
Chris Kelly - 8 years ago
Dude first what was that was one of your best vids ever
Santos Torres
Santos Torres - 8 years ago
that sword fish was huge
Logan Smith
Logan Smith - 8 years ago
Good vid as always
gangsterelmoman - 8 years ago
and that's why i dont swim in the oceaN LOLOL
Nick Neswick
Nick Neswick - 8 years ago
Watch all your videos glad to see you all have a good salt water trip that saw fish was epic. Keep them coming.
Dan Singletary
Dan Singletary - 8 years ago
Christian  Schneider
Christian Schneider - 8 years ago
Caught my new pb 10.9 toad thanks to watching your videos
riner9 - 8 years ago
I didn't realize they got that big.
Nick Bullard
Nick Bullard - 8 years ago
once in a lifetime experience right there
Collin Stuart
Collin Stuart - 8 years ago
Where can we buy that cool greenish blueish shirt you got on in long sleeves???
Joey .A
Joey .A - 8 years ago
The mic you're using sooo expensive
tlsmoke23 - 8 years ago
+ Josh (10 CENT) From shore I once landed a 400lb Sting just on the other side of the br.
Grayson Chew
Grayson Chew - 8 years ago
Hey i hope you answer what is your favorite brand of frog
Doug Rasnick Fishing
Doug Rasnick Fishing - 8 years ago
Nice fish
Bass Catcher
Bass Catcher - 8 years ago
Get a better Camara
AZN TIQUI - 7 years ago
Bass Catcher spell camera correctly first
Fishing Fool
Fishing Fool - 8 years ago
Curtis Grabow
Curtis Grabow - 8 years ago
Sean - 8 years ago
Peric "I touched him" Like a 5 y/o at a petting zoo lmao
zach wagler
zach wagler - 8 years ago
Now I know why peric went in after the drum, it was practice for his Goliath...
Calvin Mettler
Calvin Mettler - 8 years ago
haha probs
Finn Caplan
Finn Caplan - 8 years ago
Aye I live there
BowHunter TV
BowHunter TV - 8 years ago
I thought he cought a damn chain saw
Colten Stewart
Colten Stewart - 8 years ago
Can I send u one of ur shirts and u sing it and send it back???
zach wagler
zach wagler - 8 years ago
At 6:15 rob reminded me of mike
Joseph Tulli
Joseph Tulli - 8 years ago
I say yuk
wesvan6 - 8 years ago
Great video!
Jacob D
Jacob D - 8 years ago
Jeremy Wade got nothing on Blacktip. How rare was that? What'd the captain say about it?
Littlebear Adventures
Littlebear Adventures - 8 years ago
Kenderick Marshall
Kenderick Marshall - 8 years ago
awesome video as always
Isa - 8 years ago
rob your videos are getting better and better.
david hayman.
david hayman. - 8 years ago
Is that his biggest fish ever?
Bobby Swain
Bobby Swain - 8 years ago
Robs excited lol....good job on the vid buddy
Dan Bailey
Dan Bailey - 8 years ago
you're gonna need a bigger boat
chase lancaster
chase lancaster - 8 years ago
is that first reel the new BG from diawa and
if it is how do you like it
Ian Andersen
Ian Andersen - 8 years ago
How do I submit a photo for subscriber Sunday? Anyone know?
Urban Bass Slayers Sacramento CA Bass Fishing.
Urban Bass Slayers Sacramento CA Bass Fishing. - 8 years ago
Awesome vid as always! Keep em coming!
Noel Teter
Noel Teter - 8 years ago
What's the song at the beginning of this video?
shallowsport100 - 8 years ago
wow huge congratulations on the saw fish that's one of the rarest fish we have here in Florida wish I coulda seen it!
Zander Bass
Zander Bass - 8 years ago
But awesome video!
Zander Bass
Zander Bass - 8 years ago
At 6:16 you went full retard
Chew On This
Chew On This - 8 years ago
Awesome collaboration we all had. Great fun!

Capt Ben
aiden Taghon
aiden Taghon - 7 years ago
Chew On This d
Michelle Huber
Michelle Huber - 7 years ago
Toni Houghton h
Toni Houghton
Toni Houghton - 7 years ago
Chew On This hfggfbbcn
Mark Hungwell
Mark Hungwell - 8 years ago
This captain...? Oh man his hands are F.'d err messed up looking between 1.28-1.49 he has to be a long-time fisherman/ captain. Those nigga bricks at the ends of his arms be busted. Probably wouldn't want to catch a punch from this dude either.
Bulldog Outdoors
Bulldog Outdoors - 8 years ago
Freaking awesome!!!
dfnkt - 8 years ago
9:03 "How'd you get the beans above the frank?"
Gavin Ashton
Gavin Ashton - 8 years ago
John looked like he had been awake for 2 years at the very end
BigTyOutdoors - 8 years ago
I didn't even know sawfish grew the big. I literally jaw dropped when i saw it
awesomeness 200
awesomeness 200 - 8 years ago
its a giant sawshark omg
trey brafford
trey brafford - 8 years ago
wait how was it not hooked
BlacktipH - 8 years ago
That bonito blitz was epic!
Joseph Yepiskoposyan
Joseph Yepiskoposyan - 7 years ago
BlacktipH oh my gosh! asuh dude
Luq Man
Luq Man - 7 years ago
physically impossible
God Destroyer
God Destroyer - 7 years ago
BlacktipH bitch
Brad McKewon
Brad McKewon - 7 years ago
Josh Hamrick L
Brad McKewon
Brad McKewon - 7 years ago
la la go fast car
la la go fast car - 7 years ago
BlacktipH hi
Josh Hamrick
Josh Hamrick - 8 years ago
Thats what your commenting about?! lol
darren vough
darren vough - 8 years ago
wow that sawfish was a giant!
jahabean - 8 years ago
9:51 face to face with 15 daggers, fuck that
Noahm - 8 years ago
Blacktiph shoulda put peric on some giant amberjacks haha too bad they are gone
Captain Cocoa Puffs
Captain Cocoa Puffs - 8 years ago
Those are false albacore, not bonito.
Captain Cocoa Puffs
Captain Cocoa Puffs - 8 years ago
+Kormier Bonito and false albacore are very different fish. Check out Google Images for the difference
LedZepp190 - 8 years ago
+Kormier false albacore (little tunny) and bonito ares 2 different species actually.
Kormier - 8 years ago
It's the same thing, I think up north we call them that but down there they call them bonito.
BigRedFishDad - 8 years ago
That is when fishing gets fun REAL fast when you can just sit there an cast and catch cast and catch.
rainx21 outdoorsman
rainx21 outdoorsman - 8 years ago
looks so high at 16:13 and 16:31
rainx21 outdoorsman
rainx21 outdoorsman - 8 years ago
who else thought it was a golith grouper
rainx21 outdoorsman
rainx21 outdoorsman - 8 years ago
never have seen a sawfish and I live in fl
Aidan Keller
Aidan Keller - 8 years ago
How do you carry your rods with you on the airplane? Because I am flying from WA down to FL on Saturday.
juan duran
juan duran - 8 years ago
those arent his but you can always buy collapsible ones or you can make your own rod case
Reel Fishing
Reel Fishing - 8 years ago
what was that
Toshow 10
Toshow 10 - 8 years ago
Where in Florida is this?
Justin Meade
Justin Meade - 8 years ago
Rob took on the form of 1rod for a second with his hype
Florida_fishing _beast
Florida_fishing _beast - 8 years ago
Started slaying them quick
BEARDed Outdoors
BEARDed Outdoors - 8 years ago
It was great seeing you get so excited, Rob.
Michael Clark
Michael Clark - 8 years ago
I sent you a package with some goodies. It should be there Monday.
Its Wezih
Its Wezih - 8 years ago
Rob what bait were u using to catch the lady fish and jacks
Its Wezih
Its Wezih - 8 years ago
Rob what bait were u using to catch the lady fish and jacks
Ryan Ashton
Ryan Ashton - 8 years ago
Obviously Josh has no feeling in his ball sack
Hwfishing - 8 years ago
What's the name and brand of that boat
lvl8hacker - 8 years ago
So what the hell was that fish?
Fifty0ne - 8 years ago
Sawfish. Such a strange fish. It's like half shark, and half stingray with a saw for a noise. The "teeth" are actually some kind of scale.
OutdoorsUnlimited 101
OutdoorsUnlimited 101 - 8 years ago
Jordan Bass
Jordan Bass - 8 years ago
Editing is top notch
Lou Saechao
Lou Saechao - 8 years ago
That's a rare shark, forgot the name though
GIANCARLO LEIVA - 8 years ago
Are you guys doing a meetup? If yes where?
Purple Hotdog
Purple Hotdog - 8 years ago
Why Is he always in the water
Luke Davis
Luke Davis - 8 years ago
What type of drone do you yse
TEALS&REELS - 8 years ago
And I thought fishing was suppose to be relaxing.
trickworms - 8 years ago
man that salt life looks fun
The J Johnson Experience
The J Johnson Experience - 8 years ago
#1 Peric moment of all time. Lmfao balls stuck in the reel. It's funny how you guys got him amped to hop in the water with a fish that's bigger than him. lmfao.
Midwestern Anglers TV
Midwestern Anglers TV - 8 years ago
How did you create your intro rob?
The J Johnson Experience
The J Johnson Experience - 8 years ago
Rob i'm only at 6:22 and you are Hype!!!
Eric Montes
Eric Montes - 7 years ago
The J Johnson Experience I
Jessica McCabe
Jessica McCabe - 8 years ago
Killer Cruize ,.
Paulina Hunter
Paulina Hunter - 8 years ago
Killer Cruize gaming
Killer Cruize gaming - 8 years ago
LunkersTV - 8 years ago
+The J Johnson Experience the hype was real
Blake Driggers
Blake Driggers - 8 years ago
hey were are you guys at because it looks like you are in Florida
Logan Vlogs
Logan Vlogs - 8 years ago
What kind of fish is that
kkfatkat 72
kkfatkat 72 - 8 years ago
Hey guys have blacktip put you on some red drum I destroyed them on bubble gum senko. Bass fishing saltwater edition.
Work2Fish - 8 years ago
Used to work, game, fish find time for my better half, and sleep... Took gaming out, no time for that, now i fill the little spare time there is watching the googans and their friends. You guys are awesome, and aspiring to be at least known for fishing one day, are a great example of what determination can do. Keep grinding, and tight lines.
904 Fishing Florida
904 Fishing Florida - 8 years ago
truly an amazing catch
Kim Dailey
Kim Dailey - 8 years ago
Great video! No AP personally chumming?
Greg Frass
Greg Frass - 8 years ago
What happened to the lucky tackle box giveaway?
Bass and Bone Outdoors
Bass and Bone Outdoors - 8 years ago
what kind of reel do you use rob? keep pumping out the awesome vids!
tolpacourt - 8 years ago
That fish was figuratively a dinosaur!
Noah gentle
Noah gentle - 8 years ago
ues the power of the noise peric
RudiTexas - 8 years ago
I've been trying to get my drone videos as good as this and i still have a long ways to go.. good video lunkers
LunkersTV - 8 years ago
+RudiTexas thanks and keep at it
Iowa Elite Fishing
Iowa Elite Fishing - 8 years ago
Great video Rob
Scott - 8 years ago
Jacks in the bait tank haha
Qaz Plmmyname
Qaz Plmmyname - 8 years ago
My dad king mackerel fishes and when they would catch bait in the cast net we would do the same thing and dump them on the deck so we could pick them up
Breese147 - 8 years ago
Holy shit that things a monster definitely adding that to my dream. Fish list!
James Steinberger
James Steinberger - 8 years ago
awesome video. one of the bests youve had, and thats saying something
Sin City Outdoors
Sin City Outdoors - 8 years ago
Great video
Matthew Kenney
Matthew Kenney - 8 years ago
Pretty cool to see someone catch a rare fish and one that large to beat all. It being on the endangered list I hope the encounter was reported. Keep up the good work Rob.
Peter Yang
Peter Yang - 8 years ago
Your video editing has gotten better. LOVING IT!
Callen H
Callen H - 8 years ago
Benita and Spanish Macheral are so fun to catch
OSN's Chair
OSN's Chair - 8 years ago
AsianInvasion - 8 years ago
Josh Harmon
Josh Harmon - 8 years ago
That was epic!!
DAKOTA HOWARD - 8 years ago
You and Jon b are like my favorite youtubers and really love your videos
alex sum
alex sum - 8 years ago
Can u guys come to the ft lauderdale area please
Alex Eha
Alex Eha - 8 years ago
BlacktipH is a huge douchebag know it all.
Joey .A
Joey .A - 8 years ago
Oh my god peric
Collin Stuart
Collin Stuart - 8 years ago
Where did you get that shirt from? Can't find the long sleeve version anywhere
enderfoe123 derp
enderfoe123 derp - 8 years ago
dude its a sawshark
Sheazo - 8 years ago
Black tip Is such a dick
TraditionalBD - 7 years ago
I have a tournament this weekend, wish me some luck
ryan harris
ryan harris - 7 years ago
Animal lover
Tom Brady
Tom Brady - 7 years ago
Calvin Mettler he's very commanding because he has the people on his boat in their best interest
Usman Rafique
Usman Rafique - 7 years ago
Sheazo How Are They Dick When They Caught A Monster
Luke S.
Luke S. - 7 years ago
Why did you watch this video then idiot
Liquid gold
Liquid gold - 7 years ago
MrPuRpLeHaZ3 then why are you here ?
GameKraft - 8 years ago
yeah we know you sucked one so you habe a lot of experience with em,
Calvin Mettler
Calvin Mettler - 8 years ago
+Izzabella Ademas
Izzabella Ademas
Izzabella Ademas - 8 years ago
Try to suck one and you'll change your mind
Calvin Mettler
Calvin Mettler - 8 years ago
i agree he can be very commanding sometimes
DAKOTA HOWARD - 8 years ago
hey well adleast josh doesn't suck a dick
MrPuRpLeHaZ3 - 8 years ago
definitely not a dick thats just how fisherman act
Drew Dempsey
Drew Dempsey - 8 years ago
U are a moron. Josh is a solid dude.
Drew Dempsey
Drew Dempsey - 8 years ago
U are a moron. Josh is a solid dude.
OSN's Chair
OSN's Chair - 8 years ago
+OBX bassin him obviously
OBX bassin
OBX bassin - 8 years ago
+Ability Points to me or him?
OSN's Chair
OSN's Chair - 8 years ago
are you serious????
OBX bassin
OBX bassin - 8 years ago
No he's not
Logan L.
Logan L. - 8 years ago
Hey look it's R2-D2
Nate Jenkin
Nate Jenkin - 8 years ago
"Oh look, it's R2D2!"
Owen Scott
Owen Scott - 8 years ago
Holy crap
Nativewolf4414 - 8 years ago
Do u guys think u can fish in the Everglades for bass while ur in Florida?
LzDFSguy - 8 years ago
That fish easily brings in 925k. Too bad now! smh...
THE CINCY LIFE - 8 years ago
that shirt tho rob...color stands out on new camera
NeverStopFishingNever - 8 years ago
that sawfish was a giant
Gabe Bollinger
Gabe Bollinger - 8 years ago
Best deep sea fishing vid ever
C&Obassin - 8 years ago
Sounded like 1rod yelling like that lol, great video
NaS Flin
NaS Flin - 8 years ago
thats awesome
MrPuRpLeHaZ3 - 8 years ago
i know exactly wher that boat launch is i live about 15 mins away from there...amazing!!
Evan Will
Evan Will - 8 years ago
great video man. I had to pause the video several times because I need to catch my breath due to laughing too hard.
George Wall
George Wall - 8 years ago
This was so dope
Intrepid Fisherman
Intrepid Fisherman - 8 years ago
What an awesome experience to see that saw fish. Looks like a great day fishing all around...
Antonio Paquette
Antonio Paquette - 8 years ago
Where did you get your hat looks nice.
B Suggs
B Suggs - 8 years ago
Bass pro in the women's section
OutdoorsUnlimited 101
OutdoorsUnlimited 101 - 8 years ago
Bass pro I think

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