8 Minecraft Fishing Tips You Need to Know
Raww fishing 7 years ago 222,682 views
In this video I show off 8 Minecraft fishing tips you need to know, including a tutorial on how to build the best AFK fisher machine. These are helpful Minecraft tips that can help you in your survival world. Check Out OMGchad Merch at http://helloomg.com ● DISCORD: http://discord.gg/omgcraft ● TWITTER: http://twitter.com/omgchad ● INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/omgchad ● TWITCH: http://twitch.tv/omgchad ● PATREON: http://patreon.com/omgchad ● OMGCHAD: http://youtube.com/omgchad ● EMAIL: mail@omgcraft.com
The way I got it was the first night i just AFK with a complete inventory filled with fishing rods; When I checked my game again later I had over a large chest and a half filled, mostly with fish; but that’s beside the point.So when i went AFK again I used the fishing rods that I got I the other sección of AFK, and to my surprise I still had most of my fishing rods in my inventory,so I checked the fishing rod my inventory and it have mending, Luck of the sea 1 and lure 2.
That fishing rods is basically indestructible.
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30. comment for 8 Minecraft Fishing Tips You Need to Know
The thing I agree the most with Chad!
50. comment for 8 Minecraft Fishing Tips You Need to Know
I know you can do it with the structure.NBT files for the woodland mansion just wondering if there are any other things that can be modified with this or if it is something that we are going to have to wait as far as the villagers are concerned for that to be restructured in the .jar file
I am a human being.....and I enjoyed this video
100. comment for 8 Minecraft Fishing Tips You Need to Know
But how about fish?!
That's way better then urs
Hooks on the other hand are simply for technical players and occasionally a survival player will find a use for them. Additionally they are easy to craft at one iron ingot, one stick, and one stone (cobble?). anyway, yeah it makes more sense that they (lily pads) are in treasure because treasure is reserved for things that can only drop as treasure items and can't be acquired any other way. Now some people might say, "I can craft and enchant bows/rods". True. But you CAN'T give those same items mending or infinity or the curses UNLESS you acquired them in a book from a TREASURE drop (in chests too, and sometimes village trades) or you acquire those items as a treasure drop already having the enchantment. So again, lily pads make sense. One might debate whether they deserve to be such a rare and difficult item to acquire and that's a fair conversation but for now, they belong.
Boots? Armor baby! Leather? You can craft lots of things with that! Sticks? Building things! Bonemeal? Growing stuff! String? Fishing strings, and so much more!
Now on to the “treasure”.
Lilly pads? Uhhh...
The blue fish that is just called "fish" ingame, is actually a cod (a real life type of fish)
Guess where did I found out that's a cod? Reply!
It may take a while but if you finally catch a 'bait III' rod the heat is on!!! If you manage to get/craft a '3x3' rod as i call them, you're pretty much set clear!! (3x3 = all 3 enchantments on level 3)*
You get great books, a huge amount of food, etc. And you level up really quick!!
* Now mending goes on top of these three.
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Not anymore :(
WOW!! That's actually a brilliant idea bro!!!
Watch my channel if you want to make a Fidget Spinner in Minecraft
Some of the things in the "trash" category aren't really trash. Tripwire hooks are mentioned in the video, but if you do a lot of trading with villagers, other things considered "trash" are useful. Wanna trade written books for diamonds? Ink sacs are the limiting factor.
The tripwire hooks are probably considered "trash" because they represent old fishhooks, which are trash IRL.
great title chad
Ps, people making fun of the typo. I thought it was adorable myself
This reminds me on fighting freaking witches; a too get fucking sticks most of the time...
FINALLY!! A sound minded voice... Thanks bro!!
wtf put me back, chad!
my show, rick and morty, will end!