PLEASE HELP my friend Blake's Exotic Animal Ranch Recover! Link to his Go fund me: Blake's Exotic Animal Ranch Channel: Rawwfishing's Channel with full footage: TRY the GOD-LINE CHEAPER FISHING BRAID Here: STORIES FADE, but REEL LEGENDS NEVER DIE! My Apparel Store is Available Online SAVE $10.00 Off MYSTERY TACKLE BOX PRO using Promo Code: CATCHEM MY SECOND CHANNEL is CATCH_EM_ALL_LIVE: Check out my Instagram @Catch_em_all_fishing:

BLAKE'S EXOTIC ANIMAL RANCH Animal Rescue! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 165

Raww fishing 6 years ago 263,543 views

PLEASE HELP my friend Blake's Exotic Animal Ranch Recover! Link to his Go fund me: Blake's Exotic Animal Ranch Channel: Rawwfishing's Channel with full footage: TRY the GOD-LINE CHEAPER FISHING BRAID Here: STORIES FADE, but REEL LEGENDS NEVER DIE! My Apparel Store is Available Online SAVE $10.00 Off MYSTERY TACKLE BOX PRO using Promo Code: CATCHEM MY SECOND CHANNEL is CATCH_EM_ALL_LIVE: Check out my Instagram @Catch_em_all_fishing:

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Most popular comments

Hannah Mae Ocraez
Hannah Mae Ocraez - 6 years ago
xD sorry its bad
Lol 123456789,0.+*,-/=@'!$"?(#):"!9=5"5=6$9!6@5*6:,
Bobby Weise
Bobby Weise - 6 years ago
Animal a
Bobby Weise
Bobby Weise - 6 years ago
So sad both for the video games of a few years later and the other
Bobby Weise
Bobby Weise - 6 years ago
So sad
Bobby Weise
Bobby Weise - 6 years ago
You're a little too busy
Sydney Jacee
Sydney Jacee - 6 years ago
1-like =10000 preys
jamecia locke
jamecia locke - 6 years ago
You a man for this I wish he had the money to rebuild it
Drew King
Drew King - 6 years ago
Could of been. An insurance job
Drew King
Drew King - 6 years ago
Got struck by lightning on a sunny day lol.
ian #IVG
ian #IVG - 6 years ago
So sad

10. comment for BLAKE'S EXOTIC ANIMAL RANCH Animal Rescue!

Nguyet Pham
Nguyet Pham - 6 years ago
Almost all my house just got burned too
Inda Yance
Inda Yance - 6 years ago
im cry
Griffin - 6 years ago
Congrats on 1mil
zoe and sienna
zoe and sienna - 6 years ago
No it was a fire
Ricky Ricardo
Ricky Ricardo - 6 years ago
so sad
Ricardo rajkumar
Ricardo rajkumar - 6 years ago
I feel very sad i hope he got back everything
Chungle Jungle
Chungle Jungle - 6 years ago
This is so sad I can’t even finish the video I stopped at fish and turtles I want to stop before it gets spurious like goats and stuff
Zm Mah
Zm Mah - 6 years ago
Why thef
rusty B
rusty B - 6 years ago
Sounds like Blake needs to put up a lightning rod.
JackAssJoe - 6 years ago
Is that pig alive?

20. comment for BLAKE'S EXOTIC ANIMAL RANCH Animal Rescue!

Randon Howe
Randon Howe - 6 years ago
The species of duck are called Indian Runners they're known to be a tall slender upright duck
part Irish, part German and part English
part Irish, part German and part English - 6 years ago
Can I give rawfishing a hug better
J6 Clan
J6 Clan - 6 years ago
All the stuff they upload not just this guy but raw and Blake seems click bait
Royt - 6 years ago
That girl looks hot asf i can say that if shes under age to u old people because im 13
Jessica Murphy
Jessica Murphy - 6 years ago
i feel bad for the animals but especially sorry for the pregnant tortoise or turtle and that alligator gar cause that massive concrete piece landed on it.
Jessica Murphy
Jessica Murphy - 6 years ago
were there animals besides tortoise shells and fish that were in there when it burnt down. RIP animals. you will all be missed.
zoomziller - 6 years ago
0:55-0:56 someone castrated franklin?
Rebecca R
Rebecca R - 6 years ago
He ‘rescues’ animals but breeds them to sell the babies?. I’m feeling so sorry for the animals.
Rebecca R
Rebecca R - 6 years ago
He ‘rescues’ animals but then goes on to breed and sell them?
carter Cornwell
carter Cornwell - 6 years ago
give that guy a hug for me

30. comment for BLAKE'S EXOTIC ANIMAL RANCH Animal Rescue!

Marlon Morales
Marlon Morales - 6 years ago
Fuck u i want to see the dead turtlr
Velociraptor blue
Velociraptor blue - 6 years ago
Tell faw fishing I said hi
Lily Unicorns
Lily Unicorns - 6 years ago
RIP animals and that barn or something.
Soupy Soda
Soupy Soda - 6 years ago
Kay Dah
Kay Dah - 6 years ago
So sad
Error in The Abyss
Error in The Abyss - 6 years ago
rawwfishing is helping to with a gofundme page
Error in The Abyss
Error in The Abyss - 6 years ago
OMG poor blake sorry for your loss but you dont need to torture blake by constantly reminding him
Edward Dawkins
Edward Dawkins - 6 years ago
How can I get a puppy like the one raw fishing have?
Daanik Al
Daanik Al - 6 years ago
I think he needs a lightning rod
Mikey - 6 years ago
You act like such a retard
David Fillmore
David Fillmore - 6 years ago
David Fillmore
David Fillmore - 6 years ago
sad stuf
LordNolco - 6 years ago
1like = 1 animal saved
Hunter is A savage
Hunter is A savage - 6 years ago
R.I.P lots of fish and animals
will payne
will payne - 6 years ago
waaaaaaa the animals in the barn were my favorite
Laci Cabanas
Laci Cabanas - 6 years ago
I love animals since I was 1years old and I still love them so much and I feel there pain so much every day I start crying because of dead animals
Lego MOC Builders
Lego MOC Builders - 6 years ago
Maybe i can give him my baby albino red oscar and a tank
Eugene Williamson
Eugene Williamson - 6 years ago
how much much property do they have?
pop Sebastian
pop Sebastian - 6 years ago
I think the fish overcooked other than that it was a great video and I don't really care for fish turtles die because they are Just Animals dude
Josh Dizon
Josh Dizon - 6 years ago
I smell insurance fraud lmao
Foxy Boy
Foxy Boy - 6 years ago
Hey Blake my name is Blake to

50. comment for BLAKE'S EXOTIC ANIMAL RANCH Animal Rescue!

Phantom Dragon
Phantom Dragon - 6 years ago
The massacre that happened must have bin heart bracking
Kevin Trappen
Kevin Trappen - 6 years ago
Bigger, better, stronger and safer!
I follow Blake and have already donated to his gofundme.
Please help Blake rebuild!
Table Tennis Shia
Table Tennis Shia - 6 years ago
I hope you can rebuild it/ love your vids/good job
hunter boone
hunter boone - 6 years ago
r.i.p animls
Panda Boi Gaming and Metal\Rock News
Panda Boi Gaming and Metal\Rock News - 6 years ago
That sucks... Sending love and prayers to Blake
Alethea De Guzman
Alethea De Guzman - 6 years ago
I love it so much
Omg aaaaaaaaa love
Prince aaaaaa I love you so much
MUSIC Uploads 24/7
MUSIC Uploads 24/7 - 6 years ago
I love your videos your the reason I fish now I have all the gear I wanna fish like you
How to Meow
How to Meow - 6 years ago
R.I.P animals I wish you can plan a funeral but it is a lot of money
Vcent Lee
Vcent Lee - 6 years ago
This made me sad and teary seeing all of that happening. I love animals also like fishes, so I can feel his pain. Zack over doing with the reaction and talking about the animals that died. And other stuff. Is funny how your saying that you wouldn’t find time to visit him. Also those are wild roosters. Aye Zack , you need to stop being funny because Blake ain’t feeling your jokes at the moment when he feeling down and real sad and upset.
I am not hating on Zack because he is there to be a good friend support, and I admire you for that. Even though you knew him not as long as rawwwfishing have.

That thumbnail was being over down, unlike Franklyn and Blake’s thumbnail.

I wonder if Paul Cuffaro knows him.
I also wonder if Kemp Kenan know him as will.
Zachary Wagner
Zachary Wagner - 6 years ago
That’s sad but you where a little to over dramatic
FiNiTE EqUiViOlent
FiNiTE EqUiViOlent - 6 years ago
Blake, more like blaze, am i right?
Maria Procianos
Maria Procianos - 6 years ago
1000th comment
Cristofer Aguilera corona
Cristofer Aguilera corona - 6 years ago
United We stand
United We stand - 6 years ago
Smells like arson not an Act of God hmm 4th of July = fireworks
Caden Johnson
Caden Johnson - 6 years ago
Caden Johnson
Caden Johnson - 6 years ago
Mike Fuller
Mike Fuller - 6 years ago
Make the next safe thing under ground!!!!
Anguirus 64
Anguirus 64 - 6 years ago
Thomas Warr
Thomas Warr - 6 years ago
But im so sorry for ur lose
Thomas Warr
Thomas Warr - 6 years ago
His sister cute asf
lilmisskitten 83love
lilmisskitten 83love - 6 years ago
Yeaimcool06 Du der
Yeaimcool06 Du der - 6 years ago
That’s so sad all of those poor animals lost their lives
Classic Bautista
Classic Bautista - 6 years ago
Rawfishing probably did it for views
Joe Newton
Joe Newton - 6 years ago
bruh install a lightning rod nearby
Highlife Breezy
Highlife Breezy - 6 years ago
Well at least he got months supply of fish to eat
Nathaniel Bierig
Nathaniel Bierig - 6 years ago
Logan - 6 years ago
Prays to Blake his family and the animals living an deceased. Keep doing what your doing bro because what you u do is amazing. #CatchemAll
Beast mode 063075
Beast mode 063075 - 6 years ago
Wow that’s sooo sad
DebieDoesDalas69 - 6 years ago
Just made my day bro. I've been trying to get confirmation that his big sulcatas survived.
Laura Thompson
Laura Thompson - 6 years ago
You have to help and rebuild it for the rawwfam.
Gilberto West
Gilberto West - 6 years ago
If he made that much money why do he need help
Kaden Brown
Kaden Brown - 6 years ago
R.I.P all the animals in there r.i.p y'all will be missed I'm praying for y'all and blake
Kenneth Reyes
Kenneth Reyes - 6 years ago
They could have red foot tortoises. Anyway. Rip animals..
Aaron Thomas
Aaron Thomas - 6 years ago
So sad and sorry for this to have happened to Blake. He grew so much and I just started to watch his videos. This too will pass and I believe he and The Ranch will come back bigger and better than before...Amen
abid syed
abid syed - 6 years ago
Noo way ; (
Theresa Samms
Theresa Samms - 6 years ago
So sorry about the fire. I donated $5 on his go fund me. Hope he gets what he needs.
Jorge Bernabe
Jorge Bernabe - 6 years ago
You little bitch showing all the dead animals and making jokes you bald fag
Leslie - 6 years ago
I least they died instantly I think
Anonymous Hacker
Anonymous Hacker - 6 years ago
rip animals
Hoi Memz
Hoi Memz - 6 years ago
2:05 she ganna be ticcccc
Levi Peikert
Levi Peikert - 6 years ago
I'm sorry what happened to friend fish I was fishing the other day then I heard what happens we love his blog
Jimmy Carter
Jimmy Carter - 6 years ago
I feel so sorry for them I hope they get everything back
iTraZiie - 6 years ago
I’ve never seen raww fishing so shook, he’s always so energized. That’s when you know it’s serious and all the negative stuff that’s been happening to these Floridian Fish hobbyists are legit.
Jacob Pitchford
Jacob Pitchford - 6 years ago
ok i feel so bad for those animals. they died. but at least they had a good life with blake. zac keep doing you and blake needs a lot of help so maybe he can make a lightning proof barn!
Donna Morgan
Donna Morgan - 6 years ago
I added the go fund me link to my Facebook ,I have almost 1750 people that will see it
BRICKCITY9MM - 6 years ago
@ 11:30 did he admit to Zak it was HIS gar????
@ 12:44 look at the body language from Blake towards Zak, check out his Head. He definitely is guilty of something .....
BRICKCITY9MM - 6 years ago
@ 11:08 ,Zak aint stupid!!He knows they did it!!the Platnum Gar, Like the SAME ONE I HAD Guys....LOL... OMG.... he is so on to them.........If this happened to me these mofos clowns would be ACCLIMATING in the bottom of Newark Nj. Passaic River permanently.
Smith Playz15
Smith Playz15 - 6 years ago
I feel so bad for Blake and all the animals that sadly died in fire. I’m going to try to give him some money to use to help rebuild the barn and make it everything proof. Rip to all the animals that didn’t deserve to die a terrible way. Also we’re they able to save at least a few animals like some turtles from the barn?
Binh An La
Binh An La - 6 years ago
1 like = 1 prayer
Catfish Aquatics
Catfish Aquatics - 6 years ago
The world can be so CRUEL

100. comment for BLAKE'S EXOTIC ANIMAL RANCH Animal Rescue!

kaylan_x1 KAYLAN
kaylan_x1 KAYLAN - 6 years ago
I guess lightning hate him
soggy legs
soggy legs - 6 years ago
You shouldn't release snake heads, they are invasive and you should kill them
Sumit Gupta
Sumit Gupta - 6 years ago
Zack were are you
Megan Nguyen
Megan Nguyen - 6 years ago
when u want to see the turtle
Phoenix KING
Phoenix KING - 6 years ago
Ima subscribe to his channel to get him help and ask more
Fiveheat 123
Fiveheat 123 - 6 years ago
How many animals were killed???? Btw rip barn
Vicki Michel
Vicki Michel - 6 years ago
That’s so sad. I’m sorry you had to go thu this especially knowing about the animals. That’s crazy that lightning did this
Crystal's pets
Crystal's pets - 6 years ago
This story is so sad Blake need all the blessings he can get we love you Blake Rip animals keep your dreams coming my man❤
Jerushah Ishmail
Jerushah Ishmail - 6 years ago
Very sad
2115virgo13 - 6 years ago
I just found his channel. Than got notice! So so sad! I’m glad he has support!!!! The ranch is beautiful!
Glenn Quagmire
Glenn Quagmire - 6 years ago
Now how the fuck does the whole thing just do up in flames
Solfuros - 6 years ago
The new logan paul?
Samuel Button
Samuel Button - 6 years ago
I feel bad
Solfuros - 6 years ago
Those ducks are so cute
That1 PistonsFAN
That1 PistonsFAN - 6 years ago
What type of ducks are those?
UnknownAnimation StickFigure
UnknownAnimation StickFigure - 6 years ago
Hey when u saw the sea slug try to find the black sea slug is 10x large than the brown sea slug
Black Dragon
Black Dragon - 6 years ago
I want to help
alexx c
alexx c - 6 years ago
Sad part is.. you still clickbait it smh
Anthony Downs
Anthony Downs - 6 years ago
so is that not your white gar he has?
Izzy rod
Izzy rod - 6 years ago
Kasamdra a baddie
Richard Ernst
Richard Ernst - 6 years ago
Make sure you install a weather vein system into whatever you rebuild..!!! Sorry bro’s
BigBearFishing - 6 years ago
That sucks man. You are right though. There is nothing that could have been done. Lightening is unstoppable. I wonder if they could put in a lightening rod to at least divert it next time?
just b aquatics
just b aquatics - 6 years ago
Well done zac..... great show of support
Eavenheart Monteclaro
Eavenheart Monteclaro - 6 years ago
The pig is die
Rylee Bell
Rylee Bell - 6 years ago
It was actually the 3rd of July
Jake is gud Bro
Jake is gud Bro - 6 years ago
Catch em all I have a 4 inch pleko I was going to give away anyway so if you or Blake want him I would love that
trick351 - 6 years ago
Stop saying GUYS!!!!!!
MasterAquatics - 6 years ago
10:52 "tsk, he can't" lmao! You always givin Franklin a hard time!
12:44 " Bro, I wasen't hitting on your mom." haha! I swear to god you are the funniest man alive.
It'z Qzop'
It'z Qzop' - 6 years ago
Could I Get Cassandra’s Number ?
Its Wild
Its Wild - 6 years ago
You are doing a appreciable work
123Hero456 - 6 years ago
Sad! :(
landen modz
landen modz - 6 years ago
This makes me so pissed why just why
Eric Fernandez
Eric Fernandez - 6 years ago
Yo fuck that raw fishing guy I bet he gets raw dogged like a little fag he is no lie I fucking hate that guy and I’m saying all this on YouTube because I can’t say it to his face if I could I would.
Ailene Thach
Ailene Thach - 6 years ago
Really sorry blake
Fun 808
Fun 808 - 6 years ago
Fun 808
Fun 808 - 6 years ago
Beware the lightning strike!!!!!!!!!!
P.S link to raww’s vid is click-bait
Jilo Mell
Jilo Mell - 6 years ago
drinks mc Donald’s mc caffe
Night - 6 years ago
Somebody fucking ban brickcity or whatever his Dumbass edgy name is from the comment section dude is saying this shit is staged and planned and being fucking edgy
Night - 6 years ago
BRICKCITY9MM thats a nice Gamertag mind if I take it
BRICKCITY9MM - 6 years ago
Nightfag.... apparently You you dumb SonOfABitch!
Fun 808
Fun 808 - 6 years ago
M Webster
M Webster - 6 years ago
By five oaks there was a fire in oregon
viper10132 - 6 years ago
He sounds like expert theif
skyler - 6 years ago
Bro thanks for doing a solid for the reptile community
Ethan Soto
Ethan Soto - 6 years ago
Why doesn’t zac buy an actual camera and stop filming with a cell phone? He could have so much better quality videos
J Dirty
J Dirty - 6 years ago
where u get them glasses homie?
Ava Prouty
Ava Prouty - 6 years ago
im sad :( i was going to adopt a baby turtle i'm going to atleast try to donate some $
Shawn Paul 954
Shawn Paul 954 - 6 years ago
Damn that's so crazy! I'm so sorry for them. I'll definitely donate. And man u helped them out by being there and cheering them up with ur personality, keep it up zack! And Blake we will support u!
gohezzy - 6 years ago
Bro his barn was hit by a lightning bolt he said
VeGasX - 6 years ago
Bro go to 7:30 all those baby tortises.burnt alive
BRICKCITY9MM - 6 years ago
Zack my Dude I think? !
BRICKCITY9MM - 6 years ago
A Catch and Cook was in order, why let all that go to waste.
King Kaleb
King Kaleb - 6 years ago
Every people pay about 10$ and with every 10$ we can help
King Kaleb
King Kaleb - 6 years ago
Benjamin Vo
Benjamin Vo - 6 years ago
Benjamin Vo
Benjamin Vo - 6 years ago
So sad
Minnesota Outdoors
Minnesota Outdoors - 6 years ago
Zak buy him new fish be a og
Courtney Saunders
Courtney Saunders - 6 years ago
Joey Slay 'Em on the scene.
Jango - 6 years ago
Poor animals they got burnt alive
OZARK OUTLAW - 6 years ago
Gose friend leading the way
BigTony 102
BigTony 102 - 6 years ago
Thank the lord the family wasn’t hurt, poor animals, great content as usual #catchemall #reallegendsneverdie
Joseph Quintero
Joseph Quintero - 6 years ago
xxpitbull lover 4 life xx
xxpitbull lover 4 life xx - 6 years ago
all those poor animals it was very sad zack u the best!
Ethan Ramillano
Ethan Ramillano - 6 years ago
Yup i saw the platinum RTC hiding place
Ethan Ramillano
Ethan Ramillano - 6 years ago
From Blake's channel
Megan Lords
Megan Lords - 6 years ago
I think you should donate all of the profits from this video to blake.
sean a
sean a - 6 years ago
Did the fly rivers die?
Dylan Smith
Dylan Smith - 6 years ago
Omg I hate when this happened to Blake
Fracking Contractor
Fracking Contractor - 6 years ago
All of us in Cooper City praying for you...didn't even know you guys were here by us
Roy Pereira
Roy Pereira - 6 years ago
Thats blake ranch
Hunter Thornton
Hunter Thornton - 6 years ago
i went to raww fishing channel and there was no footage at all
UnknownAnimation StickFigure
UnknownAnimation StickFigure - 6 years ago
Buy a axolotl they are so cute
Indy Black
Indy Black - 6 years ago
phillyface Ske
phillyface Ske - 6 years ago
what doesn't kill you can only make you stronger... sorry for that Loss ... just stay focused. Respect
New England Outdoors
New England Outdoors - 6 years ago
why is Zach trying to be funny when this family just lost all of there stuff?
Vanessah Here
Vanessah Here - 6 years ago
R.i.p animals
CAH CASTING - 6 years ago
I love your style
David Avery
David Avery - 6 years ago
Sad to see but respect to all who helped even with donations I'd be so devastated if thst was my place the only thing that cheered me up was seeing that fat little sausage what a cute dog am i right in saying its an blue American pitbull? always wanted one but they are a band dog here in England witch sucks as the breed is one of the best just people use them for fighting and they attacked people here but that down to thr oener bringing the dog up the wrong way.
Zac Brown Fishing
Zac Brown Fishing - 6 years ago
Snowy TM
Snowy TM - 6 years ago
what type of dog was that?
Nousheen Nakvi
Nousheen Nakvi - 6 years ago
This is worse than when rawwfishing's fish died
Marshall Hauck
Marshall Hauck - 6 years ago
Franklin prolly did it
Christine bangaroo
Christine bangaroo - 6 years ago
No. Not now
crispy tart
crispy tart - 6 years ago
i didnt see the footage
Kimberly Ferree
Kimberly Ferree - 6 years ago
I was in tears and bro your videos are amazing
jakob Johnson
jakob Johnson - 6 years ago
Hey catch em all i love your videos. Make a catch and cook on blue gill
Cameron Schuler
Cameron Schuler - 6 years ago
Catch em use shrimp as catfish bait it works!!
sourodeep ghosh
sourodeep ghosh - 6 years ago
Rawfamm is also here
Dr. Strange
Dr. Strange - 6 years ago
God Bless Y'all
Hyzo god
Hyzo god - 6 years ago
Sceptic Kallam
Sceptic Kallam - 6 years ago
Raw fishing always hangs around with him
Aiden Rabadan
Aiden Rabadan - 6 years ago
This video reminds me of the Tv show "Back in the barn yard"
Danielle Boyd
Danielle Boyd - 6 years ago
I feel so bad for Blake he clearly really cared about the animals and this is a horrible thing to happen
DropBear - 6 years ago
love your videos i fell so bad for all those exotics i would donate millions if i could
Gracie Miller
Gracie Miller - 6 years ago
What a coincidence I watched one of his videos for the first time the day before this happened
Eli Tilly
Eli Tilly - 6 years ago
This is so sad
Lauu Riiie
Lauu Riiie - 6 years ago
Poor blakes:(
Tristan Yeoh
Tristan Yeoh - 6 years ago
Hey man my condolences for your animals....terrible shame
unstoppable charger
unstoppable charger - 6 years ago
Rose switzberg
Rose switzberg - 6 years ago
I would try to save the fish
fishlaw1 - 6 years ago
Wow ! ! ! What more can I say? Zack you are a good guy bruh
PanosGamer12 - 6 years ago
12 jyly is my birthday!!
3CupsofCoffee C.J.T.
3CupsofCoffee C.J.T. - 6 years ago
That is so sad what happened.
FantaFuture92 - 6 years ago
next time install some lightning protection and this will not happen again...
Tyler Dyer
Tyler Dyer - 6 years ago
Jason Jay Gayo
Jason Jay Gayo - 6 years ago
Rip blakes farm
Samuel FlaBra
Samuel FlaBra - 6 years ago
Was that a roasted pig right inside the barn?
Roy Balls
Roy Balls - 6 years ago
Royal Gam3r09 The funny thing is that he never said that it is a joke but u assumed that it is
Alexander Dimitrov
Alexander Dimitrov - 6 years ago
Royal Gam3r09 there probably was, since It’s a farm after all...
Royal Gam3r09
Royal Gam3r09 - 6 years ago
Samuel FlaBra dude this isn’t funny so you shouldn’t comment whithout thinking first
Sneedtree - 6 years ago
I love you guys, I follow all of you guys YouTube channels
jye Hayes
jye Hayes - 6 years ago
I wish I  could help Blake
Sean Acuyong
Sean Acuyong - 6 years ago
All the fish are dead so sad.
Alain Panganiban
Alain Panganiban - 6 years ago
87,221st view ayyyyy where my likes at?
randy b
randy b - 6 years ago
its great that you help a friend out Zak,great video's keep up the work
Cam Hollaway
Cam Hollaway - 6 years ago
Blake’s sister hella thicc
zander Go
zander Go - 6 years ago
Yup blakes sister is beautiful like their mother
xiomaravl12 - 6 years ago
You right but u worried about that?
zoe and sienna
zoe and sienna - 6 years ago
D.S. Biswas
D.S. Biswas - 6 years ago
I follow 5 fish channels... Your's, Blake's, Rawwfishing, Paul n King of DIY... The passion Blake gave towards this farm was exceptional
Justice - 6 years ago
Happy 4th of july even tho its 2 in the morning
Protim Aquatics
Protim Aquatics - 6 years ago
Hey Brother ! A person named -VANIA SMITHSON stealing your content and uploading your videos on his channel. Please check it Brother !
Noob GamingYTs
Noob GamingYTs - 6 years ago
God dam Lightning
Blaze Flash
Blaze Flash - 6 years ago
I’m sorry for exotic
Real legend never die
Real legend never die - 6 years ago
Real legend never die
Real legend never die - 6 years ago
Alyssa Elkin
Alyssa Elkin - 6 years ago
Thank you for the educational and entertaining videos Zach!!! I am batting an oscar and was wondering whether I should get an albino tiger Oscar, a Tiger Oscar, Oscar, or Albino Oscar?
Sebastian Perez
Sebastian Perez - 6 years ago
I saw this in the news before the vids I was so heartbroken your such a kind person for standing by his side zack
Break Dem Ankles
Break Dem Ankles - 6 years ago
Click bait
kaahfy is a punk love gaming
kaahfy is a punk love gaming - 6 years ago
So sad
FOX GOD YT XX - 6 years ago
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooolkkklooollklokkoqiahsgwgywyeystebooooo nooo
Milk Tea Crescent
Milk Tea Crescent - 6 years ago
whoever disliked this does not deserve to be in heaven this is just sad :(
Savage Bois
Savage Bois - 6 years ago
Give Blake my love please
sista maxine
sista maxine - 6 years ago
how heart breaking for them :(
Jake plays roblox
Jake plays roblox - 6 years ago
R.i.p of animals 2018 of 2019
Jake plays roblox
Jake plays roblox - 6 years ago
R.i.p of 2019
steven fernandez
steven fernandez - 6 years ago
O blke ifeel so bad like you disapointed
Savage Bois
Savage Bois - 6 years ago
You have such a good hart
Mr Slime
Mr Slime - 6 years ago
felt sad for blake. i hope he recover as soon as possible.
yulina eka
yulina eka - 6 years ago
So sad...
Nicolas Gomez
Nicolas Gomez - 6 years ago
It sounds like you dont even care
Lux Sorienstein
Lux Sorienstein - 6 years ago
Nicolas Gomez even if he does jot care he is showing support and offering help
Flying Tiger
Flying Tiger - 6 years ago
There was a fire near my neighborhoods and its was not to serious just the fence burned
Pastel Puppy
Pastel Puppy - 6 years ago
I could just imagine all the the poor animals that slowly burnt a poor and painful life
The Repti Cabin
The Repti Cabin - 6 years ago
This one breaks my heart poor baby's I will pray for Blake and his family I also shared to help with donations
Adreneline - 6 years ago
Omg noooooo!
Bruno H
Bruno H - 6 years ago
Great video but bad too bc it's so sad but try to cheer them up zak
PuppySaver For life
PuppySaver For life - 6 years ago
I shared to my Facebook page. I work with many rescues so hopefully we can get some people to help. Tell your friend please that I am so sorry
Veen - 6 years ago
I feel so sad for him... what he built n loving animal all gone on few minit
adam bamf
adam bamf - 6 years ago
this is why the north west is using drones instead of fireworks
Cam - 6 years ago
Click bait BS, there ain't no video on his channel. This is why i don't subscribe dude. You're a hack
Dillon Snow
Dillon Snow - 6 years ago
I feel so sorry for the animals that lost their lives and hope to see his animals breed and his ranch gets better than it was before good luck man
Dillon Snow
Dillon Snow - 6 years ago
Tell them they should put lightning rods on all of the buildings
Budots GT
Budots GT - 6 years ago
I wanted to help him but im just a kid
johnny feathers
johnny feathers - 6 years ago
So sorry for your animal loss guys.
Coby Barnes
Coby Barnes - 6 years ago
Cassandra is CUTE
Hot Rock
Hot Rock - 6 years ago
Love ur videos u make me laugh so much and make my day every single time I watch ur videos
Monty Orozco
Monty Orozco - 6 years ago
Rip barn
kitler - 6 years ago
KikiCatNovelties - 6 years ago
This is such a tragic accident. Blake has been hit with nothing but bad luck for weeks now, I swear the dude pissed off a witch or some other spirit.
BRICKCITY9MM - 6 years ago
so true, what happens in the dark always come's to the light................
One Thousand Percent
One Thousand Percent - 6 years ago
karma has a way of finding you.
BRICKCITY9MM - 6 years ago
KikiCatNovelties he and raw are fraudulent. I would AAADUKEN the fuck out of them if they tried that bullshit on me
Oliver's_ Pets
Oliver's_ Pets - 6 years ago
Noo why this is soo bad i feel so soory for Blake we NEED TO HELP HIM GO TO THE GO FUND ME PAGE
Danny Mannning
Danny Mannning - 6 years ago
Brandy Tido
Brandy Tido - 6 years ago
OMG I’m soo sorry I love both of your channels this is a true tragedy
Connor Coetzee
Connor Coetzee - 6 years ago
OMG that is so sad i feel so sorry for Blake
richard duke
richard duke - 6 years ago
oh shit. very sad
Dannon Beaty
Dannon Beaty - 6 years ago
Don’t tell Paul about the baby goats
Javien Mathurin
Javien Mathurin - 6 years ago
I’m sorry for that dude
TheBoxOpening - 6 years ago
Where is paul?
Chris Martinez
Chris Martinez - 6 years ago
Batman - 6 years ago
The video was not on rawfishing
christopher marks
christopher marks - 6 years ago
Tell him when he makes the new shed, put lightning rods on the top
Mr WhaChaMaCalit
Mr WhaChaMaCalit - 6 years ago
The logan paul of youtube's fishing community, click bait and all, there was a time were I couldn't stop watching the vids, now I just pass them all up, and now I'm done
Mark Turnbull
Mark Turnbull - 6 years ago
He must not of had it grounded with a earth wire.
MysteriusBhoice - 6 years ago
sounds like som1 was irrespensible during the 4th of july!!
and burnt your friends house
gamer tamer mobile
gamer tamer mobile - 6 years ago
Man I feel sad for those animals
Ahmad Asmaa
Ahmad Asmaa - 6 years ago
Hi zik my name is ahmad I ma so so so sorry for this thnik this make me so so so sad sad I love has video so math for form
Aiden Cowsert
Aiden Cowsert - 6 years ago
In tears i wish the best of luck
Isaiah Samudio
Isaiah Samudio - 6 years ago
Casandra is fine as heck put me down
Danielle Cov
Danielle Cov - 6 years ago
I just recently subscribed to him!
Landan Bedingfield
Landan Bedingfield - 6 years ago
There are no youth long sleeve shirts
Jonil gamer
Jonil gamer - 6 years ago
I was so sad
SpongeBob SquarePants
SpongeBob SquarePants - 6 years ago
And that's why we make sure there is no burnable buildings near......or dead trees....
Hamilton L ö ö p s
Hamilton L ö ö p s - 6 years ago
mike hawk
mike hawk - 6 years ago
I'm crying
jesse weitkuhn
jesse weitkuhn - 6 years ago
catch em fricken alllllll!!!!!!!!
jesse weitkuhn
jesse weitkuhn - 6 years ago
i lit soooo meny fireworks
Jaiyon Stubbs
Jaiyon Stubbs - 6 years ago
Dusty depot
BRICKCITY9MM - 6 years ago
Manny Freshhhhh dude playing ya
Im Ethan
Im Ethan - 6 years ago
Dude this sucks I understand, also my house got struck by lightning on the first but, it wasn’t nearly as bad
Storm Helus
Storm Helus - 6 years ago
People should come out and help build a new system. Thousands of dollars burnt and hundreds of lives gone..
Raff Razon
Raff Razon - 6 years ago
I love you both RawwFishing!
BringBackTheDodo - 6 years ago
This dude didnt wanna show a dead turtle r u kidding me
FBI JK - 6 years ago
The sister has a nice ass
emrie peterson
emrie peterson - 6 years ago
Hi love ur vids
Jude Reyes
Jude Reyes - 6 years ago
NVM their typhoons are dangerous then our own but that's not what happened to their barn
Jude Reyes
Jude Reyes - 6 years ago
See that a storm here on Guam I think typhoon Marie a family of 8 lost their home there house was all burnt off on 4th of July there's something going on. On 4th of july
Cole McDaniel
Cole McDaniel - 6 years ago
I have a Oscar of my own, and when he showed the dead Oscar I was heart broken
Markus Rodriguez
Markus Rodriguez - 6 years ago
Man wishing the best
barny quick
barny quick - 6 years ago
hope Blake cheers up
Jonathan Duelz
Jonathan Duelz - 6 years ago
nice one
blakley cantrell
blakley cantrell - 6 years ago
3 to like had to watch it 3 times 635 to comment
i am sahilan
i am sahilan - 6 years ago
neufy123456 - 6 years ago
Lightning... from faulty wiring
EthanGamer - 6 years ago
subscribed just right now, great video
Verzz !
Verzz ! - 6 years ago
Dang man I loved watching his videos of his tanks and stuff. The lightning storm was crazy last night, woke me up and my power was out. Lightning was striking right next to my house. That sucks.
Rob schef
Rob schef - 6 years ago
How did the BBQed oscar taste? Too soon? Sorry bout that
jemmasmom1 - 6 years ago
Any money you make on this video should be donated to help rebuild
Almedina  Dzafic
Almedina Dzafic - 6 years ago
I can't imagine losing my pets this is so sad I am glad some were saved.
Pets Empire with best breads
Pets Empire with best breads - 6 years ago
Ohh my god so sad
Garrett Wilson
Garrett Wilson - 6 years ago
So many bad things my uncle’s donkey got attacked by a male and female coyotes with pups
Frank Hanna
Frank Hanna - 6 years ago
Really sad to hear.. sorry guys!! Can use all that YouTube money to rebuilt
Mino Demesa
Mino Demesa - 6 years ago
love all ur vids zach
sherry jameson
sherry jameson - 6 years ago
In what bait do you use
sherry jameson
sherry jameson - 6 years ago
Hi I'm a big fan
Bryce Suid
Bryce Suid - 6 years ago
“What’s your name”
“Okay, Cassondra”
Annie’s Vlogs
Annie’s Vlogs - 6 years ago
Thank you so much this has never happed to me I am going to do a vid on all 7 or my fish
jamal joseph
jamal joseph - 6 years ago
The lighting is crazy over here still going on where I’m at
Bennett Turner
Bennett Turner - 6 years ago
OZARK OUTLAW - 6 years ago
You guys be safe today Zac and family god bless you guys
societywithin - 6 years ago
Cats and fish
Cats and fish - 6 years ago
Don't press read more.
Koen Sternadel
Koen Sternadel - 6 years ago
My house burned a couple of month ago we had a chameleon, a tree frog, and 17 fish they all burned
Jster 1
Jster 1 - 6 years ago
Legend has it if you Subscribe like and turn post notifications on
You will get hearted!
ROBLOXSAVAGE420 - 6 years ago
1500$ per tortoise i got my tortoise for 60$ Lie z
Ben Cheatley
Ben Cheatley - 6 years ago
unlucky mate. hope the animals r ok
Leroy Jenkins
Leroy Jenkins - 6 years ago
Prayers going out to blake and his animals, such a tragic event
William Ma
William Ma - 6 years ago
This is too sad! Nothing like this should ever happen to anyone else. Rest In Peace all the dead animals
Moses Mosqueda
Moses Mosqueda - 6 years ago
If y'all can get the King Of DIY to share the gofundme it will probably explode. He made almost that much in just a day to build a fish gallery!
Minimu - 6 years ago
I think it's all minimu's plan
Patrice Le
Patrice Le - 6 years ago
Worst day to have an accident
CC99 HQ - 6 years ago
Please email me at I need some ideas on a cheap salt/fresh water fish tank
gamerlad Davies
gamerlad Davies - 6 years ago
I hope I could help him
Izerman YK
Izerman YK - 6 years ago
Joseph LaBranch
Joseph LaBranch - 6 years ago
I had an apartment fire, fire is devastating and the insurance just ain't enough, all the accomplishments gone, the best friend fishes gone, in my case my phone, truck keys just gone. Take a second and think about it, make a plan and hopefully it can work help in a surprise and unpredictable moment.
Koanda Bear
Koanda Bear - 6 years ago
Can anyone tell me if this is a animal rescue?
Pamela Fox
Pamela Fox - 6 years ago
I've already contacted Blake, thank you for your support. I know it's going to be really hard for him to recover, but I truly believe he will come back better and stronger. it makes you realize anything can happen at any time. I love your channel as well as Blake's, I started watching yours because of a pop up while watching his you-tube channel. I've power watched both. I'll continue to view both as well as many of yours and his friends on you tube. Thanks Pamela Fox
Izack Lipple
Izack Lipple - 6 years ago
At least if u rebuild it it won’t be struck again cause lighting never strikes in the same place
Benny Chavarin
Benny Chavarin - 6 years ago
Pore him
DaPUBG dude
DaPUBG dude - 6 years ago
He's like Jake Paul. Does that stuff for views
SKELETON SLAYERツ - 6 years ago
I feel so sorry
i love animals
i love animals - 6 years ago
That's so sad
emperdana - 6 years ago
Cassandra is hot
THELECCI lecci - 6 years ago
Jamie Mathews
Jamie Mathews - 6 years ago
Bell ends
Jamie Mathews
Jamie Mathews - 6 years ago
Why give him money to kill a bunch more animals
AZIZ KHAMMASSI - 6 years ago
What part of Florida does he live in or do you live in catch em all ? Could anyone tell me?
mystery of the un told
mystery of the un told - 6 years ago
R.I.P HATE to see this i love animals so sad
Abby Stevens
Abby Stevens - 6 years ago
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO how did the lighting strike the barn though that is Soo rare
Wesley Smith
Wesley Smith - 6 years ago
No that’s terrible
Meh Gusta
Meh Gusta - 6 years ago
First thing to hear when video starts "gofundme" yup I'm out lol
Fernando Henriquez
Fernando Henriquez - 6 years ago
Joanna Aye
Joanna Aye - 6 years ago
That sucks man, it’s not fair!
tsfcancerman - 6 years ago
Always put up a rod to earth it
Kenny Smith
Kenny Smith - 6 years ago
My I suggest lightning rods in a feld to redirect lighting away from the buildings and cars
Kenny Smith
Kenny Smith - 6 years ago
We need to build him a new barn out of metals so it can't burn down and make build his collection up again. I wish I lived closer so I can help but I live in ct
SakicSnipes19 - 6 years ago
As a tortoise owner seeing what happened to them is making me really emotional right now. Really wish I never watched the video.
Wi Zie13
Wi Zie13 - 6 years ago
1:32 You Looks So Beautiful :*
Cole Hinze
Cole Hinze - 6 years ago
BRO if I was rich I would send u 10000000000 million dollars BRO IM sorry R.I.P all the fish
Fnaf plush Springtrap 2
Fnaf plush Springtrap 2 - 6 years ago
firedude3337 - 6 years ago
God have mercy stop saying “guys” have surpassed Monster Mike with his GPE or “Guys Per Episode”.
Thomasaurus-Rex :3
Thomasaurus-Rex :3 - 6 years ago
damn feels bad
Sir lolallot
Sir lolallot - 6 years ago
Zack: sooo here is the platinum garrr, it looks just like mine lol.
hmm, i wonder why Zack..
Kenny Smith
Kenny Smith - 6 years ago
Those ducks r indein runers and they walk like that bud
CaT_ Tail
CaT_ Tail - 6 years ago
Omg so animals and maybe ppl died?
Sir lolallot
Sir lolallot - 6 years ago
I wish Franklin got struck by lightning lol.
Fuk that cringelord.
kys fagg0t
kys fagg0t - 6 years ago
He should name the ranch Thors Exotic Animal Ranch
Rui Thacker
Rui Thacker - 6 years ago
“The pig is toasted”
Brian Richard
Brian Richard - 6 years ago
This is so sad
Brian Richard
Brian Richard - 6 years ago
This almost made me cry
JustJudgeGT - 6 years ago
Nuuuuuu i love animal #Gay
Noah The Nerd
Noah The Nerd - 6 years ago
oh my god... ive been watching raww, you, and heard of blake, but NEVER would have thought this would happen
Payton McEachnie
Payton McEachnie - 6 years ago
Trump Made-fortnite
Trump Made-fortnite - 6 years ago
Logan Paul mk. 2
Sir lolallot
Sir lolallot - 6 years ago
U mean Rawwfishing lol.
Sir lolallot
Sir lolallot - 6 years ago
I actually like blake..
Way better than that cringelord Rawwfishing.
Angel BX Aquarist
Angel BX Aquarist - 6 years ago
I feel so bad for Blake
Smurf Poppin
Smurf Poppin - 6 years ago
She cute asf
Sir lolallot
Sir lolallot - 6 years ago
And shes not afraid to get her hands dirty.
gLITCH'd Photography
gLITCH'd Photography - 6 years ago
homies for sure got all that shit insured, so please explain to me what the go fund me is for. it kind of feels like people instantly turn to that even if they don't have to, kind of like doubling up..
Bryan Roman
Bryan Roman - 6 years ago
How sad and how cute is the puppy
josh hw
josh hw - 6 years ago
Your a good man
Rediculos SC
Rediculos SC - 6 years ago
Would be nice if some of the money from the MONSTER FISH BASH went to Blakes to rebuild. Hope fellow YouTubers get involved!
julien fridt
julien fridt - 6 years ago
rip every animal that died. you wont be forgotten
josh hw
josh hw - 6 years ago
How’s the new pond going
Nelson Walker
Nelson Walker - 6 years ago
Franklin probably did it
Sir lolallot
Sir lolallot - 6 years ago
Franklin was out of ideas to make videos about lol.
And that cringelord probably killed his own fish a little while ago..
josh hw
josh hw - 6 years ago
Love ur channel bro
Sparky Jones
Sparky Jones - 6 years ago
Technically he could have put a lightning ground on the barn to avoid this happening if it did get struck.
Exquisite River Otter
Exquisite River Otter - 6 years ago
I can’t fund them but I will share the link
lighting bolt playz
lighting bolt playz - 6 years ago
ganjalo - 6 years ago
What happened to all those little catfish you had
Andrew Lowery
Andrew Lowery - 6 years ago
The worst things always happen to the best people
Elizabeth Cata-Holmes
Elizabeth Cata-Holmes - 6 years ago
Dr Anime
Dr Anime - 6 years ago
Did I see Blake
Mike Paulson
Mike Paulson - 6 years ago
Zake I watch him Nd I'm happy the Gucci gang lived
Alyssa Shea
Alyssa Shea - 6 years ago
Oh my god. Lord please help these people and these creatures.
Wyatt Madsen
Wyatt Madsen - 6 years ago
Did RAWWS video get taken down or somthing cause it’s not on there
Alfredo Shause
Alfredo Shause - 6 years ago
This is sadning
All-joselito Perez
All-joselito Perez - 6 years ago
jacques francois
jacques francois - 6 years ago
Sorry that had to happen to you. Saw what happened on the news.
It is real
It is real - 6 years ago
A very sad day in totoises history, sad day for his range
FishVisions - 6 years ago
Dude... God bless them, and that no one was injured. FYI, I might see you on the 26th
Alexander Dimitrov
Alexander Dimitrov - 6 years ago
Well, yeah. God Bless them.
FishVisions - 6 years ago
Ya... That sucks, lot's of memories he had with those fish.
Seth Meehan
Seth Meehan - 6 years ago
Its so sad
Aquatic Buzz
Aquatic Buzz - 6 years ago
Raww fishing most probably was responsible for it his a fish killer
Greg Ostrowski
Greg Ostrowski - 6 years ago
BRICKCITY9MM - 6 years ago
they both were taken to central booking and charged with a slew of charges, from hindering and resisting arrest, to Tampering with Evidence on a crime scene, to arson in the first degree, and endangering the welfare of a tortoise. it's all over the local news channels.anyone with additional information is urged to call 1-800-snitch. all call are sometimes confidential. any lead that lead to an conviction might earn you a few dollars in your pocket .
Valerie Storm
Valerie Storm - 6 years ago
No he Has a video too. Crying. Sad.
Peter Vang
Peter Vang - 6 years ago
Aquatic Buzz lol i knew "somebody" was gonna say raww did it. Smh just leave him alone
George Bitados
George Bitados - 6 years ago
Blake sorry for your loss.
dam cuz I jus start watching ya good work!!y do these crazy things happen 2 good ppl!?hang in there cuz!unfucknreal!
GillyGamers - 6 years ago
Zak you are a great person for helping out a friend of yours
Hipolito Rivas#5
Hipolito Rivas#5 - 6 years ago
Who else thinks zack over did it with the thumbnail
zoe and sienna
zoe and sienna - 6 years ago
Enderwolf studios
Enderwolf studios - 6 years ago
Hipolito Rivas#5 no he didn't
Wolfeee_ - 6 years ago
You idiot... Why would they set a barn on fire with over 500 animals in it?
Gacha_life_kiki 2009
Gacha_life_kiki 2009 - 6 years ago
It’s not click bait rawfishing or rawfam he made a vid of his buddy getting his house struck by lighting in the corner !!!!!!
ItHopeTheGoat - 6 years ago
BRICKCITY9MM in Blake's vid he said lighting hit the barn and burned it down
Direwolfgirl - 6 years ago
Hipolito Rivas#5 me
Fishy_boy 396
Fishy_boy 396 - 6 years ago
Not click bait but fake
DEN SPELANDE KATTEN :D - 6 years ago
Yes thats so fucking shit dude love his vids but thats a shit job !!!!
The Dreamer
The Dreamer - 6 years ago
Greg Ostrowski it's entirely possible. People do stupid shit for clout. So who knows.
Greg Ostrowski
Greg Ostrowski - 6 years ago
What if all this was planned? This dude crying seems so fake, and he so happens to not me home, sets up go fund me page, mad views equals more money, dudes are donating 1000s right now plus insurance money, plus a bunch of new subscribers, if u go back to July 1st episode when his sister is locking that barn up she says “yeah we always lock up bcuz we don’t want anything bad happen to the fishes” than 2/3 days later that happens? Sounds like insurance fraud and bunch of other positive ripple effects of this... don’t mean to offend nobody I love fish and pets and have a bunch myself, but i question everything and jus throwing this out there lmk ✌️
The Dreamer
The Dreamer - 6 years ago
Hipolito Rivas#5 agreed. It was a bit much.
DebieDoesDalas69 - 6 years ago
Hipolito Rivas#5 I think your weak ass black white profile pic is overdoing it. Don't try so hard. Black and white lol? Don't talk shit when you see somebody doing a good deed you lame
Yoster Kunney
Yoster Kunney - 6 years ago
Yo zack are you friends with monster mike
Asim javed
Asim javed - 6 years ago
Hipolito Rivas#5 That is crazy
PeachySweet - 6 years ago
BRICKCITY9MM - 6 years ago
so true about a in$urance company pay off!!!! Question and so why are they starting a ""Go Fund Me"" then?!!!! a flower horn and a Platinum gar would make for a nice down payment on a pickup truck wouldn't it tho.....
BRICKCITY9MM - 6 years ago
Fish Keeper Daniel the Great he also stated in the beginning of this video this could be a crime scene funny how when I made the same statement Zack deleted it.
BRICKCITY9MM - 6 years ago
who else thinks Blake and Raww fishing did this and all the other craps that happened including the theft of Zaks fishes?
That1 PistonsFAN
That1 PistonsFAN - 6 years ago
Tanner Campbell bruh
Hipolito Rivas#5
Hipolito Rivas#5 - 6 years ago
Fish Keeper Daniel the Great makes sense
Fish Keeper Daniel the Great
Fish Keeper Daniel the Great - 6 years ago
First off, Blake’s dad will call insurance company and claim a lot of money for damages. So they will be just fine... then. You have zack who right at the start of the video goes on saying that maybe the same persons who stole his alligator gar burned the barn down. It’s obvious zack blames raw fishing and Blake for his lost gar. Zack was an idiot though, putting a $3000 fish outside pond. Anyways they aren’t family and there’s no love. Fake news!! Bull shhhhh.
Therea N Felix Trejo
Therea N Felix Trejo - 6 years ago
Ya and there raising a 100,000
Hipolito Rivas#5
Hipolito Rivas#5 - 6 years ago
Fish Keeper Daniel the Great what do you mean ?
Fish Keeper Daniel the Great
Fish Keeper Daniel the Great - 6 years ago
this dude has no respect
Hipolito Rivas#5
Hipolito Rivas#5 - 6 years ago
Cody McMillan agree
Hipolito Rivas#5
Hipolito Rivas#5 - 6 years ago
Cody McMillan yup
GOONIE GOO GOO - 6 years ago
Hipolito Rivas#5 he over does it on everything
Cody McMillan
Cody McMillan - 6 years ago
Tanner Campbell of course it is lol. That's how you get hits on your video
BRICKCITY9MM - 6 years ago
Something fishy going on here.
Tanner Campbell
Tanner Campbell - 6 years ago
Hipolito Rivas#5 yeh that’s all he does anymore... clickbait
Cody McMillan
Cody McMillan - 6 years ago
it's his style?
Biridiana Aguado
Biridiana Aguado - 6 years ago
Happy Fourth of July Catch Em All
Hipolito Rivas#5
Hipolito Rivas#5 - 6 years ago
Next vid zack gets struck by lightning while standing next to Blake sorry had too. but rip all the animals that died
Bass Slayer outdoors
Bass Slayer outdoors - 6 years ago
Oh my God that is so sad I love animals
Cat Noir
Cat Noir - 6 years ago
Oh hello this is here
Josh Chillington
Josh Chillington - 6 years ago
Bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people sorry to hear about this I hope it all gets better
Lonely Got Game And Oranges
Lonely Got Game And Oranges - 6 years ago
Thats what it was?! I passed by it and thought they were burning it down to build a new building
Lonely Got Game And Oranges
Lonely Got Game And Oranges - 6 years ago
Unless thats in a different area from where i passed by
Rachel Fenner
Rachel Fenner - 6 years ago
im an animal lover and when i watched this i cried so hard
Dave Stredulinsky
Dave Stredulinsky - 6 years ago
Devastating. So sad to see. Such bad luck to get destroyed by lightning.
Kim graham
Kim graham - 6 years ago
Really sorry this has happened to Blake and the animals.
Really horrible.
Kim from New Zealand
Gary Montgomery
Gary Montgomery - 6 years ago
Man that's messed up and calm down a bit catchem these people are devastated and your kind of too hype
Aaron Barton
Aaron Barton - 6 years ago
Dude that’s bad
Ice King
Ice King - 6 years ago
Noo waaaay, not Blake's Ranch!! :(
Ty On
Ty On - 6 years ago
Why would you like this it’s just sad why even show this
PlagaYT976 gamer
PlagaYT976 gamer - 6 years ago
Im so sad
Hussein The beast
Hussein The beast - 6 years ago
I feel so sory
Typical Foxie
Typical Foxie - 6 years ago
Did people who dislike I hope karma fuck u up
PlagaYT976 gamer
PlagaYT976 gamer - 6 years ago
No rip the animals i fill bad for them
Jon Wayne
Jon Wayne - 6 years ago
Cassandra would get it
Alex Quaesar
Alex Quaesar - 6 years ago
I think its kind of funny that he's like "Don't look at em D:" and you're just like "WHERE IS IT SHOW ME"
Fake News CNN
Fake News CNN - 6 years ago
1776 will commence again and kill the disease that is liberalism for good
Hello Snackbar
Hello Snackbar - 6 years ago
he is so unlucky
james wilson
james wilson - 6 years ago
late gang :(
Gamer Girl Peyton
Gamer Girl Peyton - 6 years ago
I’m glad some of the animals survived
Typical Foxie
Typical Foxie - 6 years ago
Did the animals make it
Jose Garcia
Jose Garcia - 6 years ago
8:39 Gucci flip flops
Anna Boman
Anna Boman - 6 years ago
even though the viewers are sad, I can't even begin to imagine how Blake and his family/friends feel. I send my love to all of them.
Jacob - 6 years ago
He’s the worst fish keeper ever I hate that kid
x Intifada
x Intifada - 6 years ago
RAWW Fishing kid is such a narcissist. Needs to fix on his personality
Gamer Girl Peyton
Gamer Girl Peyton - 6 years ago
I don’t think the pig was toasted I think it just has some dirt on it.
Saint Tube
Saint Tube - 6 years ago
awwwwwwwwwwwwww that puppy pitbull was so adorablllleeeeee
Jason Ross
Jason Ross - 6 years ago
I'll be praying for him
Thomas Sumner
Thomas Sumner - 6 years ago
Yo that is so sad
STPFT - 6 years ago
I donated 15 bucks I wish I had more to give.
Heather Spine-Houston
Heather Spine-Houston - 6 years ago
I can not even imagine the horror you are experiencing right now. I'm so sorry.
caçadores de vídeos
caçadores de vídeos - 6 years ago
Brazil love
Snekety Snek
Snekety Snek - 6 years ago
Omg I’m soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry I can’t explain how sorry I am thank you sooooooo much for saving those ducklings they are my favorite animal and I am just so sorry I’m literally crying you might not see this but I just want you to know how I feel for you guys oh and I want to start an animal rescue just like you when I grow up how do I start my rescue I’m only 12 but please tell me how to start
JOOGSQUAD - 6 years ago
Next time put up lightning rods
TheRandomVideoChannel - 6 years ago
Why did it have to happen to someone with the same name as me
masteronesolo - 6 years ago
Yo what sunglasses are you rocking???
Angel Colon
Angel Colon - 6 years ago
amezing and sad i hope thats you peopel are ok
Craig torr
Craig torr - 6 years ago
Mother nature is a bitch
Léo - 6 years ago
Why the Oscar !
Chris Taylor
Chris Taylor - 6 years ago
Bad ass American bully
Rena McAlister
Rena McAlister - 6 years ago
Where is the full footage of the fire?
lewis gaskell
lewis gaskell - 6 years ago
Rip Blake fish noooooo
Eric Creel
Eric Creel - 6 years ago
Nooo Blake this suxxx
baby jay
baby jay - 6 years ago
I love how zac helps everybody, he is awesomeeeeeeeeeeeee
Vocal Pelly
Vocal Pelly - 6 years ago
BIGGIE CHEESE - 6 years ago
Bader Saif
Bader Saif - 6 years ago
I think you need to give some money by this video u need to donate all your money to them
Evan Day
Evan Day - 6 years ago
i love anmals
Gabriel Humanity
Gabriel Humanity - 6 years ago
This family looks more exciting to shoot the video .. rather than showing a regression.
Trinny Blue
Trinny Blue - 6 years ago
Nvm found it
KDIDDY MAC DEAL - 6 years ago
Very sad homie! But still gotta catch em all!
Joris Ouwehand
Joris Ouwehand - 6 years ago
Nice vid zack. Almost 800k Nice man
Enderwolf studios
Enderwolf studios - 6 years ago
Good thing we're the cuddle fish clan.
Santa Maria
Santa Maria - 6 years ago
Plot twist: The pig set the fire
Duban Santos
Duban Santos - 6 years ago
This is so sad
Blake Hurst
Blake Hurst - 6 years ago
Man i hate that for blake, you can see it kills him he couldn't do anything for his animals, hope he gets the support he needs
hpk t
hpk t - 6 years ago
Dang rawer fishing the luck :(
Sharps big toe
Sharps big toe - 6 years ago
Raww fishing aka cringemaster should learn, if you’ve actually had something happen to you show the proof lol
Sir lolallot
Sir lolallot - 6 years ago
Pretty sure that cringelord killed his own fish to make a sad video
Kill It
Kill It - 6 years ago
Enderwolf studios
Enderwolf studios - 6 years ago
That's so sad!!I hope you guys are ok.The worst thing is that nobody could even do anything to help the poor animals.
william hill
william hill - 6 years ago
Donated and shared. I've followed this channel for a while now and I believe that God will take care of people's hearts to give!!!
william richards
william richards - 6 years ago
So sad
Emanuel - 6 years ago
pig turned into a zombie pigmen
KP: The Ultimate Channel
KP: The Ultimate Channel - 6 years ago
Poor Blake. 7 years just to lose all that.
BenMajor - 6 years ago
Fish and fishing channel uk
Fish and fishing channel uk - 6 years ago
My feelings are with you Blake if I lived in us I would be there helping you every way I could. I really sorry for you my friend.
Please share this video for catch em all to Help Blake exotic animal farm in supporting him
. Carl from
Fish & fishing channel uk
lilxenvy envy
lilxenvy envy - 6 years ago
I wish u the best my prayers are with you guys
REX YT - 6 years ago
No thats so sad i love animals
Baylie Harris
Baylie Harris - 6 years ago
I feel so bad from him and your so kind to help him out
Reece'sChannel - 6 years ago
Chickens can't fly
Freshman Videos
Freshman Videos - 6 years ago
They can, but they clip the feathers so it can’t
Lux Sorienstein
Lux Sorienstein - 6 years ago
CLASHnoob 1 they can but it is not a flight that lasts
Enderwolf studios
Enderwolf studios - 6 years ago
CLASHnoob 1 they cinda can
kevin coughlin
kevin coughlin - 6 years ago
Tim Stevens
Tim Stevens - 6 years ago
raww has not posted the video yet...........
rhwr - 6 years ago
His Sister is gorgeous
Evan Tyler Snedeker
Evan Tyler Snedeker - 6 years ago
Can find the video on rawwfishing channel.
Tyler Van
Tyler Van - 6 years ago
Heart hurts
UwannagetHIGH bro
UwannagetHIGH bro - 6 years ago
the one time im early man
209Control - 6 years ago
So sorry for Blake, he treats his animals like family. So sad about those fly river turtles.
Randomness Ultima
Randomness Ultima - 6 years ago
May those animals Rest In Peace
lennox 123
lennox 123 - 6 years ago
Randomness Ultima
Randomness Ultima - 6 years ago
Sorry Blake’s exotic animal ranch for what happened to your barn.
stormfury 63
stormfury 63 - 6 years ago
How unfortunate to see this happen.... thoughts and prayers to you all... to see this happen to someone who does such a good thing...
stormfury 63
stormfury 63 - 6 years ago
Nature is a Cruel bitch
insanesavage gaming and outdoors
insanesavage gaming and outdoors - 6 years ago
Sending donations to Blake and his family. Prayers for Blake and his family
Edward O' Reilly
Edward O' Reilly - 6 years ago
My sincere condolences to you and your friends and family.
Cris Escobedo
Cris Escobedo - 6 years ago
He doesn't have the Video Dog!
Handy Man
Handy Man - 6 years ago
The most +ve part was the dog.
Marilyn Diaz
Marilyn Diaz - 6 years ago
Ho nooooo!
Mike Haley
Mike Haley - 6 years ago
I love this channel, but I can't believe their are ads on this video, I sincerely hope any financial gain from this video is donated to Blake
Horselover12916 - 6 years ago
I'm sorry for you Zak
Eggy Richardson
Eggy Richardson - 6 years ago
That sad bro I hope u get something back from taht
Horselover12916 - 6 years ago
Poor fish poor animals
AKL_ Gaming
AKL_ Gaming - 6 years ago
Damn thats messed up. Im really sorry for Blake. Hope he gets compensation from the insurance.
Jack Maki
Jack Maki - 6 years ago
God bless them! So sad
res1492 - 6 years ago
I tried but i just could get any sympathy from Zak, at some points he came over as morose filming the guys dead fish and asking unsympathetic questions
rock chalk 92
rock chalk 92 - 6 years ago
Adams Outdoor Adventures
Adams Outdoor Adventures - 6 years ago
That sucks so bad, prayer going out for Blake and his family...
Fishy_boy 396
Fishy_boy 396 - 6 years ago
BRICKCITY9MM - 6 years ago
sacrifices were made for the mighty ................................?
Adams Outdoor Adventures
Adams Outdoor Adventures - 6 years ago
BRICKCITY9MM what you mean bro?
BRICKCITY9MM - 6 years ago
Adams Outdoor Adventures that's not what Monster Mike said on his channel
Julianna Palafox
Julianna Palafox - 6 years ago
I feel so bad for them i was about to cry
Knights of Good
Knights of Good - 6 years ago
"well I guess the chickens could fly away" words of wisdom from catch em all
Ismael Pena
Ismael Pena - 6 years ago
Paul Martin
Paul Martin - 6 years ago
Man, thats so sad. Rawwfam and Zak should help him rebuild. He looks so bummed out.
Alexander Dimitrov
Alexander Dimitrov - 6 years ago
Paul Martin Rawwfishing burned the shed as I’m hearing some comments say
Mikkel Juul Madsen
Mikkel Juul Madsen - 6 years ago
Nooo i lovede his platinum alligator gar!!!
Alfonso perez
Alfonso perez - 6 years ago
Get a lightning rod?
Pandas 424
Pandas 424 - 6 years ago
I hope everyone's okay I feel so bad for them!
NJ fishing guy
NJ fishing guy - 6 years ago
I was at a Florida Everglades tour and when you get back you can go see animals and I’m pretty sure Blake works there and he let me hold a baby alligator. I have a picture and he is wearing the same earring and chain.
NJ fishing guy
NJ fishing guy - 6 years ago
It was at sawgrass park or something like that.
V-Zaper H
V-Zaper H - 6 years ago
This made me cry

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