Exciting, high action footage of catching iguanas in Southeast Florida. Two days worth of recording on Gopro Hero 3. Two iguanas were harvested in this film due to them being invasive animals and tasting delicious. Meat was parboiled, then fried. Each iguana yielded just under two pounds of meat.

CATCHING IGUANAS IN SOUTH FLORIDA sentiment_very_dissatisfied 669

Raww fishing 9 years ago 101,869 views

Exciting, high action footage of catching iguanas in Southeast Florida. Two days worth of recording on Gopro Hero 3. Two iguanas were harvested in this film due to them being invasive animals and tasting delicious. Meat was parboiled, then fried. Each iguana yielded just under two pounds of meat.

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Most popular comments

i finessed ur bitch
i finessed ur bitch - 7 years ago
Mother fucker how bout I cut ur fucking red neck cracker head off ant eat u mother fucker
Webbymonster 2000
Webbymonster 2000 - 7 years ago
I'm sure there's a more humane way to kill them
Torki - 7 years ago
Two idiots
Mike Grantham
Mike Grantham - 7 years ago
I know it’s brutal but those are INVASIVE ANIMALS that aren’t naturally indigenous to North America. Just like Carp, Burmese Pythons ect. Get them outta here. Happy hunting.
Andi Masdalia
Andi Masdalia - 7 years ago
Margaret Garvin
Margaret Garvin - 7 years ago
Would love to come show you how to do it ,great job
enrique Durazo
enrique Durazo - 7 years ago
I would be fine with the killing if you did it faster, sawing on its neck is a bit fucked, just whack its neck with a really heavy and very sharp blade to break the neck
John Kenney
John Kenney - 7 years ago
Andi Masdalia
Andi Masdalia - 7 years ago
Godzilla mini


Jake Oliva
Jake Oliva - 7 years ago
had to be a country faggot cutting their heads off
Jake Oliva
Jake Oliva - 7 years ago
had to be a fag and put country in the backround
Josue Love
Josue Love - 7 years ago
Tf wrong with yall rednecks . Yall eat any dam thing . Just disrecptful too mother nature smdh.
NinjaWarriorDude - 7 years ago
thats some pedophile music.
Terry Bacchus
Terry Bacchus - 7 years ago
I agree with you bro I catch iguanas all the time and they're beautiful animals but they are invasive. Some people are just sensitive to seeing them be killed and eaten. I like the video man adventurous and cool. Don't let these people rile you up
Erin Hughes
Erin Hughes - 7 years ago
This is animal torture. I eat meat, but if you must kill an animal do it quickly. Cutting and slicing isn't humane. Florida Fish and Wildlife say to shoot it in the head, but do not torture or that is animal abuse. Don't care what your reasons are, native americans would skin you for how you disgraced this animal's life. It's about respect man. This animal was sacrificed for your nourishment, so show some respect and man up.
SHISHONM - 7 years ago
and I asked for this video to be removed, if you think like me please report it as animal abuse
SHISHONM - 7 years ago
Devon Lodriguss
Devon Lodriguss - 7 years ago
Ultimate predator, your right if they don't want to see this don't watch it, and don't comment either keep your thoughts to your selves there is no point in trash talking a guy for eating and by the way #RedNeck #Born in the country and #Gotta eat.
Floyd Wheatley
Floyd Wheatley - 7 years ago
I get what your saying but


Paula Sánchez González
Paula Sánchez González - 7 years ago
hijo de puta
john doe
john doe - 7 years ago
LOL, this guy literally went ISIS beheading that poor Iguana.
thecookiesandcreams - 7 years ago
after all some people do say why go to the store when there are places you can get em yourself. you can haul your ass out there an capture some beautiful iguanas. whether you capture them for food selling or maybe even a pet (keep in mind once its your pet its illegal to release them in florida) that is up to you. but of course Florida needs the help with getting rid of these out in the areas they are. id love to go iguana hunting and maybe keep one or two little juveniles. but always keep in mind. baby's grow up and these guys last a long while. if you got a problem with someone hunting these for meat then think about your cows, chickens, deers, alligators, fish, snakes, all of those things people hunt. if there is an abundance people always find a way to shorten the numbers.
Moosedeer Productions
Moosedeer Productions - 7 years ago
I enjoyed watching this and unlike the other people who are watching this commenting against it i support this because i understand that these beautiful green iguanas are invasive and although they are beautiful they must be eliminated from Florida’s wonderful ecosystems as they are harmful to it and are not naturally there.
Joedon Mcbroom
Joedon Mcbroom - 7 years ago
Fuck you dude how you about to do that
Luis Prieto-Perry
Luis Prieto-Perry - 7 years ago
Dude.. steak.. chicken.. shrimp..? Even deer if you REALLY want to kill your dinner, but why the fuck would you dice up an iguana? Damn psycho.
perry benton
perry benton - 7 years ago
MarioMario - 7 years ago
Can you cook these??
Jennifer Gore
Jennifer Gore - 7 years ago
How to I report this video as animal cruelty?
Grand Atlanta
Grand Atlanta - 7 years ago
what town ?


Turtleboy73 Umbach
Turtleboy73 Umbach - 7 years ago
Rednecks baby reble
Jeb Grey
Jeb Grey - 7 years ago
Dude you're a fuckin' moron!!!!!
darwin keys
darwin keys - 7 years ago
No the role needs no more rednecks
Agustin Santana
Agustin Santana - 7 years ago
Son fo a duta
Savadaddy - 7 years ago
What if that was you I thought it was cool you guys were catching them but KILLING them
red iguana
red iguana - 7 years ago
fucking you
Alex Martino
Alex Martino - 7 years ago
Show me news arrest this guy
Peanut Butter
Peanut Butter - 7 years ago
Get out my state you fucking weirdo, eating our iguanas
iBreakye w
iBreakye w - 7 years ago
That's messed up bro eat chicken
Richard Alvarez
Richard Alvarez - 7 years ago
a few more rednecks and an airgun is all you need lol
Brad Ballanger
Brad Ballanger - 7 years ago
Look, I love iguanas. I raised one as a child. They're incredibly intelligent, beautiful animals. But people need to understand that these animals are destroying Florida's ecosystem. They're massive lizards, they grow up to six feet long, and a female lays up to a hundred eggs. They have zero natural predators. They basically eat anything - including native birds, fish, reptiles and even dogs in some circumstances. They've decimated crops, livestock and habitats. And how did they get to this level? WE DID THIS. Iguanas are taking over Florida because we introduced them as a pet, and let them run rampant. This isn't their home. We bred them, and set them loose.

And while I don't particularly condone videos of this nature, we are literally the ONLY natural predator they have in places like Florida. Without us killing them off, they'll eventually destroy the entire natural landscape.
Reub3 - 7 years ago
Dang bro! you need a bigger knife. something like crocodile dundee style.
thuglifemaster _2004
thuglifemaster _2004 - 7 years ago
3:28 wtf idiot
jon goy
jon goy - 7 years ago
This dude has got some balls or he is just stupid. Maybe a little of both. Respect ✊
Aaron whitfield
Aaron whitfield - 7 years ago
I am an iguana owner in Louisiana. When i saw you dispatch the first iguana I'll admit i cringed. But im aware of the threat they pose in Florida and i cant help but to appreciate the fact that you use as much of the carcass as possible. Thats the best way to honor your kill. In Louisiana and Texas the hog outbreak is devastating crops, the deer population, and land in general. But Texas and Louisiana have many natural predators and an entire army of hunters that for the most part harvest the animal in the way that i laid out earlier. Florida (im assuming) doesnt have the same hunter population as we do and i would think many wouldn't be interested in the meat. It's a shame because i hear the meat is delicious. Keep promoting the harvesting of iguanas and ignore these overly sensative cry baby fucktards. You are doing a good thing. If i would have any advice though it would be to use a faster method of dispatching them. The buck knife was kinda brutal to watch. May i recommend a hatchet. They would never feel it.
Axel Romero
Axel Romero - 7 years ago
Fuck you guys
Joel Sanchez
Joel Sanchez - 7 years ago
Hey I'm trying to buy a big iguana let le Kno if u guys can get it for me
Love Wins
Love Wins - 7 years ago
lapeleaAndrea Ramirez
lapeleaAndrea Ramirez - 7 years ago
Con ese mismo cuchillo cortante los h
lapeleaAndrea Ramirez
lapeleaAndrea Ramirez - 7 years ago
Con ese mismo cuchillo cortante los h


LAQUWIA Winston - 7 years ago
that is animal terizum
LAQUWIA Winston - 7 years ago
that is animal terizum
Lil Rick
Lil Rick - 7 years ago
3:17 Thats the first time I've vomited watching a video ..
Jose Cordero
Jose Cordero - 7 years ago
did you really have ti kill it tho?
Max Muller
Max Muller - 7 years ago
Why are you letting them go? KIll em all theyre a huge problem here in SoFlo
Yeah right Lol
Yeah right Lol - 7 years ago
Wy if you eat it you can kill in from alabama i see anythig wrong with this besides the dam things are everywhere down there I'd like to try some myself.
Sugy Books
Sugy Books - 7 years ago
Damn I had a pet iguana before you might as well eat my dog too. That's fucked up ha
Dave Narathan
Dave Narathan - 7 years ago
the last one was a cuban knight anole
Patrick Star
Patrick Star - 7 years ago
I live in Doral,Florida im from New york and i found some lit iguana's
Whø Is Jørdyn?
Whø Is Jørdyn? - 7 years ago
I love iguana's so much :D They're so cool.
Heidi K.
Heidi K. - 7 years ago
3:25 this is disgusting, you are a brutal savage!
Goonz - 7 years ago
ill pay you to come on my backyard and kill them all
Marc Stewart
Marc Stewart - 7 years ago
No Thanks
Marc Stewart
Marc Stewart - 7 years ago
So I prefer not to see childish slaughter on web. Thanks
Marc Stewart
Marc Stewart - 7 years ago
Im a pet owner of a female iguana. Im usually on here to see behavior. So I prefer not to see childish slaughter on web. Thanks
Marc Stewart
Marc Stewart - 7 years ago
Dont care if you hunt or trap for money or food but care when you cut its head off alive. Im a pet owner of a female iguana. Im usually on here to see behavior. So I prefer not to see childish slaughter on web. Thanks
Marc Stewart
Marc Stewart - 7 years ago
Dont care if you hunt or trap for money or food but care when you cut its head off alive. Im a pet owner of a female iguana. Im usually on here to see behavior. So I prefer not to see childish slaughter on web. Thanks
Marc Stewart
Marc Stewart - 7 years ago
Dont care if you hunt or trap for money or food but care when you cut its head off alive. Im a pet owner of a female iguana. Im usually on here to see behavior. So I prefer not to see childish slaughter on web. Thanks
John Ahumada
John Ahumada - 7 years ago
all of you people are ridiculous. iguanas are an invasive species in Florida and are ruining the natural ecosystem. there is no catch or release or giving them to a shelter. the only option is to kill them and eating them is actually a more responsible option.
Mark Boggs
Mark Boggs - 7 years ago
Love it
simpper López Ordóñez
simpper López Ordóñez - 7 years ago
que putos pendejos
Annelise Ward
Annelise Ward - 7 years ago
at least be decent and find a humane way to kill them. stab them in the head or something that's instant. besides decapitation is an illegal way of killing them. I own 2 iguanas they can be very aggressive animals but once they realize your no harm they usually chill out. my boy Ziggy is pretty cool but my rescue still has a long way to go.
Katarzyna Kobyłka
Katarzyna Kobyłka - 7 years ago
Nawet klamka od drzwi jest ambitniejsza o mądrości nie wspominając.
Jonathan Cohara
Jonathan Cohara - 7 years ago
this is disgusting ain't even right
GOD DOG - 7 years ago
I was enjoying the video until you guys freaking chopped off the iguanas head
Jordan Flores
Jordan Flores - 7 years ago
Screw you nobody wants to see your ugly ass cut heads off I wish something would've bit you while swimming
Terminater the destructer
Terminater the destructer - 7 years ago
that's not how to catch an iguana
Eric Montanez
Eric Montanez - 7 years ago
I YouTube show to CATCH iguanas NOT KILL them...
Joey N.
Joey N. - 7 years ago
So many hippies in this comment section! How can you value reptilian life over human life? Even having them as a pet, you're harming them because they belong in the wilderness but you keep them as pet's for your own selfish satisfaction.
Credin - 7 years ago

Eats a burger a day later
Copenhagen Rebel
Copenhagen Rebel - 7 years ago
And u did nun wrong i own iguanas as pets 5 of them and what u did was right ur takin care an invasive species and u only kept the good size ones and let go of the small ones so u did good TBH iguana the good shit lol taste like chicken
Copenhagen Rebel
Copenhagen Rebel - 7 years ago
Hey brother what part of flordia is this at
jamell hues
jamell hues - 7 years ago
when he says more rednecks do he mean just red necks?
Evianna 432
Evianna 432 - 7 years ago
He cut the things head off !
shadow darkness
shadow darkness - 7 years ago
This is literally pathetic
Nachoomaina25 - 7 years ago
see this is why animals get extinct because of human!!
- JRVALENZIII - - 7 years ago
I was mad but then I realized it is human necessity
M CommissoJr
M CommissoJr - 7 years ago
are you not afraid of gators being where you are lol? I'm from ny
햄구이구아나 - 8 years ago
Noooooo..... I have a pet iguana. I feel so bad..ㅠㅠ
Scotty P.
Scotty P. - 8 years ago
this is awesome !
yung snow
yung snow - 8 years ago
these are gentle animals don't hurt them
Bp Bassing
Bp Bassing - 8 years ago
Go fuck yourself
rob bobadile
rob bobadile - 8 years ago
i like what ur doing here atleast your kinda helping iguanas infestation in florida
Justin Tice
Justin Tice - 8 years ago
You think killing them will help you stupid white inbred peice of shit, rednecks are an invasive species too you don't see people catching them and cooking them up.
rob bobadile
rob bobadile - 8 years ago
Tice Cream actually retard there a invasive species
Shanice Robinson
Shanice Robinson - 8 years ago
you stupid bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mark - 8 years ago
Lmao those iguanas got rekt isis style
D Hb23
D Hb23 - 8 years ago
you could have warned you were gonna go caveman like that I don't wanna see that shit bro I respect these
The Animal Fandom
The Animal Fandom - 8 years ago
Oh my, the poor darlings, they just want to live, what did they do to you D,,:
Dirtbike_Kody - 8 years ago
where was this at
do u guys want to hunt together
Brett Duffy
Brett Duffy - 8 years ago
what is there hunting season
Dirtbike_Kody - 8 years ago
Brett Duffy nope u can hunt these guys year round but I suggest you get a pellet rifle like a gamo bone collector so that it doesn't raise any questions
Brett Duffy
Brett Duffy - 8 years ago
On The Target what about for wmas
Dirtbike_Kody - 8 years ago
Brett Duffy there is none u can take them whenever


Jorge duarte
Jorge duarte - 8 years ago
I like your video and how you catch them iguanas, thats how we do it in Honduras, however the way you killed that one iguana was inhumane, you can actually get in trouble for that, maybe edit that part out.
dilian garcia
dilian garcia - 8 years ago
wantapgt - 8 years ago
Those are some Huge iguanas!!
Cody Peterson
Cody Peterson - 8 years ago
man you just doing that cause you like killing them I just a hunt s*** all the time bro I was raised that way you got a song that talks about putting the Bible and but then you'll go eat some nasty f**** creature tells you not to in that Bible on top of that you just do it because you think your cool man if I saw you I would kick your ass or die trying just sick of people saying they're out there hunting for me you're just out there to kill you want but just let just be honest about it I would have way more respect for you.
Dat_kid 190
Dat_kid 190 - 8 years ago
What are u doing dumby
Lucas Panagiotou
Lucas Panagiotou - 8 years ago
Alexander M Fernandez
Alexander M Fernandez - 8 years ago
Man , it must be hard to kill defenseless animals that can't fight back , I guess it takes a real man . Funny you haven't considered making a video of you fighting an armed threat ! That would require courage though , yeah , something you obviously lack . Oh wait , I hope I didn't hurt your feelings . You probably thought you were a bad-ass killing little defenseless Animals on Video . Tell you what , join the Armed Forces do a couple of tours where people actually fight back , and then if you should make it back you can kill all the defenseless animals you want ! How's that grab you ?
Alexander M Fernandez
Alexander M Fernandez - 8 years ago
I'd hold-on to those tissues if I were you . Life has a crazy way of reuniting people , it can be an emotional experience requiring the use of tissues ..................I'm just saying !
Alar1115 - 8 years ago
+Alexander M Fernandez Got an issue? Here is a tissue. Crybaby.
Alexander M Fernandez
Alexander M Fernandez - 8 years ago
oh , so the little bitch speaks ! Well little bitch , I see you obviously sit down to make PEE-PEE . Bitch if I were standing in front of you , you'd need a diaper change ! It's obvious your to much of what's between your legs to take on a real man . All you LGBTs are the same , you'll kill a defense Animal but you shit in your Panties when someone like me is in front of you ! Go-on Caitlin , go suck some more dick , what a Fucken Fag Bitch you've turned out to be . Fucken Transsexuals are all the same . Wait , don't tell me , you're crying now right ? Fuck , you LGBTs are all the same , go cry to momma Freak , "mommy ,mommy a bad man won't let me suck his dick " ! One thing is being a little bitch Fag , another thing is being a little bitch LGBT . GO cry to Bruce all you want CAITLIN , but I'm sure your Dr. told you ,"Once you go through Sexual Re-Assignment , you can't go back " . Fuck , what a Pathetic Fuck !
Alar1115 - 8 years ago
+Alexander M Fernandez There is nothing wrong or brutal about this. Go hug a tree fairy.
Alexander M Fernandez
Alexander M Fernandez - 8 years ago
If after you finished reading my reply and it's still hasn't sunk in , well , I wish you the best bro ; Ignorance knows no limit !
Ferrariassassin Gaming
Ferrariassassin Gaming - 8 years ago
+Alexander M Fernandez Wow.....kid you need help.
Ferrariassassin Gaming
Ferrariassassin Gaming - 8 years ago
Ummm you do realize animals kill animals right? Humans were made to eat meat and kill animals and if humans never ate meat we would not be alive because when we were primitive it was much easier to kill an animal and eat the meat than to find fruit or veggies growing randomly. You also said the iguanas were defenseless yet they are NOT because if they were they would have went extinct a loooooong time ago. They use their tail as a whip which can even break someone's arm and can run super fast and swim. Now do you also know that in Florida Iguanas are extremely overpopulated and are killing many animals making them go extinc. So you are ok with allowing iguanas to overpopulate and cause other animals to go extinction and be erased from this earth forever to never be seen again than to have population control on these iguanas? You are a very bad person and very cruel for thinking that. The reason they are overpopulated is due to hundreds of Iguana breeding farms getting flooded out allowing thousands if not millions of iguanas to escape and many years later the population is crazy. Oh and guess what else comes with overpopulation? STARVATION AND DEATH and more than 80%- of these iguanas are starving to death yet you would rather see them starve in pain that to have them put down to take their pain away and also stop other animals from going extinct forever??? I hunt deer, bear, and turkey and wanna know why it's legal??? Because overpopulation of a certain animal can cause way more pain and suffering for animals than killing them as long as it's in a humane way.
Alexander M Fernandez
Alexander M Fernandez - 8 years ago
Man , it must be hard to kill defenseless animals that can't fight back , I guess it takes a real man . Funny you haven't considered making a video of you fighting an armed threat ! That would require courage though , yeah , something you obviously lack . Oh wait , I hope I didn't hurt your feelings . You probably thought you were a bad-ass killing little defenseless Animals on Video . Tell you what , join the Armed Forces do a couple of tours where people actually fight back , and then if you should make it back you can kill all the defenseless animals you want ! How's that grab you ?
Credin - 7 years ago
Dude, like what I've said to the people in this comment section. Do research. Also, it's nature. It's not freaking Disney kid, where every one's happy, and it's always fair.
Krusty Waffles
Krusty Waffles - 8 years ago
Burn in hell piece of shit.
SouthernTrekkin - 8 years ago
I know the iguanas are invasive but why throw a knight anole into a pool?
krunchy water
krunchy water - 8 years ago
damn this is brutal
IMPOSTERSNAKE - 8 years ago
I'd like to set up an mma fight with you
David River
David River - 8 years ago
Id rather shoot them.
•Potato Party•
•Potato Party• - 8 years ago
dang i thought they were just catching them.. this made me sad coz like i own two male iguanas m8
poblano11 - 8 years ago
Why would you release ANY of them???  It's fucking illegal to release non-native wildlife in Florida anyways. You had already caught them.  Dispatch them!  This is the dumbest thing I have seen in a long time.
Cherryblossom DJ
Cherryblossom DJ - 8 years ago
Fucking Rednecks!
fucking guys like you can´t survive
Zach Schneider
Zach Schneider - 8 years ago
Awesome video, probably better to bring them back to your property and pop em with a .22, just to calm these liberals down a bit lol
with my luck id dive right ontop of a gator minding its own business
Bass Blaster 3000
Bass Blaster 3000 - 8 years ago
They don't belong here. Human ignorance is to blame for them being in Florida. Eco system disruption at its finest
chrishasaclue - 8 years ago
Okay they are an invasive species to florida..... they are not a threat to you so quit using exuses for killing it. you are just doing it for sport.
Tito y tita nica
Tito y tita nica - 8 years ago
ultimate predator your my hero...
Cesar Macedo
Cesar Macedo - 8 years ago
nise vid
Gregory Lee
Gregory Lee - 8 years ago
you're sick for recording this
Alex Moore
Alex Moore - 8 years ago
William Schutz
William Schutz - 8 years ago
Alot of silly statements on here.
Savage TGO
Savage TGO - 8 years ago
Your a fuckin idiot they're goin extinct cause of idiots like you they make amazing pets n yhu jus gonna go kill em fuckin dumbasses hope yhu rot in hell they are friendly nice cool creatures goin extinct not alot anymore n das what yhu do to em
Credin - 7 years ago
If Iguanas were going extinct, then why do they sell them in pet stores?
ellahues - 8 years ago
hey can you make a vid on how to hang urselves thnks
James W. Smith
James W. Smith - 7 years ago
Hello World! Yep. The same ones who are vegan because they don't want to kill a chicken and milk a cow, but rip their own babies from their womb and call it a clump of cells.
Or walk by a thousand homeless people, pretend they're invisible and run to a stray dog. Yep, those.
Hello World!
Hello World! - 7 years ago
Typical libtard!! Your so upset that they hunted an iguana that you resort to telling these young "human men" to kill themselves. Yeah that makes you a lot better, NOT!!!
James W. Smith
James W. Smith - 7 years ago
Funny how you're subscribed to Logan Paul. Nothing beats the good fun in a hanging human.
white lives also matter
white lives also matter - 7 years ago
ellahues can you make a vid on how to change that ugly profile pic.
The Rc Master6042
The Rc Master6042 - 7 years ago
Depth Pieces true but florida is pretty much fucked beyond repair, they arent the only invasive species. I can name hundreds of other animals that are doing the same harm, vield chameleons, bermese pythons, reticulated pythons, tegus, cuban knight anole, hundreds of various snakes that fall under the venomious catagory that are from asia and africa. Ball pythons the list goes on and on there is no way and one can fix the issue
Nick - 7 years ago
humans where the first creation and given dominion over the earth.
Alar1115 - 8 years ago
+ellahues Get over yourself. You are a one person save the iguana crusader on Youtube comments huh? Post some checks or credit card statements to wildlife rescue organizations instead of whining like a donkey in heat on here. Then I will consider your complaints. Arm chair animal rights activist .
ellahues - 8 years ago
+Nullzei 1v1er humans are an invasive species as well let's hunt you down?
Depth Pieces
Depth Pieces - 8 years ago
You should realize that in Florida the iguana is an invasive species which makes it harder for other native species to survive. I love iguanas but to act as if what he's doing is wrong is stupid, this guy isn't doing better for native animals than you.
Ethan Mietzner
Ethan Mietzner - 8 years ago
Do you have nothing better in your fucked up life than to kill innocent prehistoric Iguanas?! Go fucking die you son of a fucking bitch. Get a fucking life you hick
Credin - 7 years ago
One, over populated animal. Two, not native to Florida, and they do damage to the ecosystem. Three, do research. Four, they had a use for them.

Tree huger.
Button Mash
Button Mash - 8 years ago
Oh and one more thing. Did you know that there is a market for iguana meat from El Salvador, where iguanas have also become an invasive species? I don't understand why Florida hasn't become a mainstream source for wild iguana meat. There are hundreds of thousands of wild iguanas in Florida that could be used to supply restaurants with an economical exotic meat. Crocodile meat is already a popular menu item, so I really don't understand why iguana is taking so long to catch on.
Button Mash
Button Mash - 8 years ago
I just need to clarify I support the harvesting of wild iguanas in Florida as food. My decision to not eat meat is MY personal decision, but I agree that iguanas need to be removed from Florida's ecosystem, and harvesting them for food is probably the most pragmatic way to do it. I might even try iguana for the sake of trying something new to me, because I'm not fanatical about my diet choices. I don't object to slaughtering Florida iguanas, I'm more concerned about the method. I am a creature with natural traits of empathy and sympathy, so while I am a pragmatist, I'm also concerned about ethics and minimizing suffering. I respect we may have differing views and opinions, but I hope I have sufficiently explained mine.
David Houser
David Houser - 8 years ago
If the main stream supply chain ever shuts down these people will come to you begging.
Karlo Justice
Karlo Justice - 8 years ago
fucking hell man I thought that this was like catching iguana's for the camera and then returning them i didn't expect fucking isis style on those poor iguana's but at least you ate the iguana's instead of killing for sport. still don't like the way you killed the first one but at least they're not going to waist
C Greatest
C Greatest - 7 years ago
Yeah I thought this was just going to be a catch in release and showing huge iguanas not killing them, but hey as long as he is putting them to good use.
GOD DOG - 7 years ago
Jay davis good for you and stop replying to me!!
Jay davis
Jay davis - 7 years ago
GOD DOG no it's not its if you catch a invasive species in a trap or it's illegal to release it.
GOD DOG - 7 years ago
Jay davis its if you kill it you eat it.You are dumb.
Jay davis
Jay davis - 7 years ago
Karlo Justice your really dumb.In the state of Florida if you catch a invasive species then you have to kill it.
rob bobadile
rob bobadile - 8 years ago
Karlo Justice smartest comment seen in this section
Alexis Padilla
Alexis Padilla - 8 years ago
can you use a .22 for the big ones so people stop complaining and so itll die quick
quadesterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr - 8 years ago
yooo take me out one day i been tryna get ahold of one out in loxahatchee teach me the ways
JZSLD G-Fan - 8 years ago
why the dislikes?
Karlo Justice
Karlo Justice - 8 years ago
+Esteban Cota because of the way he killed the lizards
J Adams
J Adams - 8 years ago
why kill the pore thing
Karlo Justice
Karlo Justice - 8 years ago
+J Adams the man has to eat i don't agree with it but he has a stomach as well you know
huy tran quang
huy tran quang - 8 years ago
i dont like u killing iguanas
Kahlil Morgan
Kahlil Morgan - 8 years ago
hash tag mean!!
Steven Rice
Steven Rice - 8 years ago
what the fuck is wrong with you don't Mack vedos aney more
Dirtbike_Kody - 8 years ago
can we hunt them together I love the meet
Dirtbike_Kody - 8 years ago
hey up can you do a video on how to like tie there feet when u catch them plx
Victrod3 - 8 years ago
Freakin Iguanas are like cows. Eat and shit, and better eating than turtles. Rock on bro's and screw the mac donalds eating morons. And yes I did lower case on purpose. They don't deserve a capital letter.
RILLA MAN - 8 years ago
I used to have one, and I miss mine. it ran away. I love to hunt them down, just for fun lol. I'm planning on buying another one for a pet. I can't wait. my kids will love it.
Apradavra - 8 years ago
Holy shit.
Ty Dang
Ty Dang - 8 years ago
mannnn u remember me of the good o days .....adventure n naturest at its best...miss those days...
Ty Dang
Ty Dang - 8 years ago
I was from South in central FL... its crazy how they have so much down there n not a single one in this does the iguanas taste like? I remember catching alot of snakeheads down there,n heard they R one of the best tasting fish meat!!! have u ever catch n ate them?
hippyandchicky - 8 years ago
Holy fuck.
Twitter RavennaBonet
Twitter RavennaBonet - 9 years ago
as long as he et i see no issue here ... and btw i am a vegetarian ass
Adam Miller
Adam Miller - 9 years ago
awesome vid xD
sexy kaleja
sexy kaleja - 9 years ago
Ultimate Predator
Ultimate Predator - 8 years ago
+sexy kaleja Got bit a little over a year ago; all part of the game when you pursue animals for food the natural way.
Markissd - 9 years ago
Fuck everyone who is hating on young D he eats it so he has to kill it. Fucking soft bitches.
Sassy Pickle
Sassy Pickle - 9 years ago
¢яαzу кι∂ѕ ∂єєz ∂αуѕ
steven31350 - 9 years ago
Awesome hand catching!They are yummy!
Evan Huppert
Evan Huppert - 9 years ago
Haha watching you cut its head off alive
Brianna Hope
Brianna Hope - 9 years ago
Your fucked up, your going to hell...
Tioryan Vega
Tioryan Vega - 9 years ago
i understand but fuck dont kill it non camera i was just watching this for fun not to see this kid kill it
Vanessa Masline
Vanessa Masline - 9 years ago
I really don't like u killing the iguanas
Vanessa Masline
Vanessa Masline - 9 years ago
really good catching skills
Renato Rodriguez
Renato Rodriguez - 9 years ago
cool video boys
Awesome Vlogs
Awesome Vlogs - 9 years ago
You guys have bad hearts I hate people like u
victron lynes
victron lynes - 9 years ago
these people mean pour iguanas
Ethan Palomino
Ethan Palomino - 9 years ago
Good Work
510oaklandca - 9 years ago
How deep is that canal? Where is it located?
Cherryblossom DJ
Cherryblossom DJ - 8 years ago
It's probably as deep as his mom's and his sister's vagina
Fatal_Inertia - 9 years ago
Keep em as pets or leave them alone. Doesn't matter how many there are, just don't kill them, its fucked up.
atvbuttercup - 9 years ago
Love the video. I guess people don't know how the food gets to Publix. Keep making your videos!
Rage People
Rage People - 9 years ago
Fuck u
jims funbirdhunting
jims funbirdhunting - 9 years ago
How many so you catch at one outing?
jims funbirdhunting
jims funbirdhunting - 9 years ago
Yes I knew there wasn't a limit... email me at I like to talk to you more on this... or how can I contact you?
Ultimate Predator
Ultimate Predator - 9 years ago
+jims funbirdhunting Legally, there is no limit on how many you can take in a day. Capture and harvest of as many Iguanas as you can is encouraged by FWC. If we put an entire day towards catching Iguanas, we normally harvest 5 or 6 giants and around 10 medium sizers on an average day.
keston prime
keston prime - 9 years ago
hey where can i come and get some iguana
Shane Powell - CEO
Shane Powell - CEO - 9 years ago
I think this awsome im trying to catch these iguanas in my back yard too lol good job catching that one in the water at the beginning wild catch
Katra1981 - 9 years ago
I don't like the fact you play around with them before killing them , another thing is that there is a way to kill them no need to cut off their heads alive . iguanas have like a little dot on their heads you open it up with a knife put in a thin stick inside go all over the vertebral column , thats it they are dead .
Ben Masta
Ben Masta - 9 years ago
+Katra1981 that sounds awful. so you want him to jam a knife into its skull to then jam a stick in there and worry it back and forth till its dead?? i have no idea how that is better than a sharp knife decap over like 3 seconds lol
33140native - 9 years ago
Greetings, I am also a south Florida native and have been catching iguanas all my life as well. Though I never thought as iguanas as food- they are food in their native lands and consumed on a regular basis. The problem with people here has been stated throughout the comments several times- people are offended by the "be heading" of the iguana because: 1. Most people today don't kill their own food and do not comprehend that all meat comes from a live animal at some point that must lose its life. Due to this skewed perverse perception on our protein sources any video of any animal being harvested will have a similar reaction, but we all need to understand for humans to eat meat something must die- whether the demise of the animal is on YouTube or in a factory the only way to get meat is through this process whether you are offended or not that is the truth- 2. Iguanas are unfortunately a staple pet trade animal, and since you can buy an iguana next to a puppy they are associated similarly- therefore making it taboo to eradicate or consume Iguanas in our society to some extent. Iguanas are proven to be one of the  worst pet reptile in the hobby, although a special few will take on the responsibility- 99pct of people will throw this poor animal away or set it free when they realize their 15$ 12" iguana purchased  at the pet store  will grow 5-6ft long and requires expansive and expensive caging, nutrition and veterinary care- minimally thousands of dollars investment to truly care for the animal correctly. They should be illegal to own in any tropical/temperate zones in the united states and should require testing and certification to own in all other states- testing and certification should be required for every and any reptile/amphibian to prevent impulse purchases, promote education and hold accountable irresponsible pet owners.The truth is that Florida has a grave problem- please visit and view the invasive species list. The Florida and US government have in place their own eradication efforts to remove and destroy these invasive species and do ask for citizens to participate in this endeavor. Puerto Rico has a Massive Iguana problem, so much so that it causes the airport to shutdown due to safety issues- Puerto Rican government- a united states territory has announced its plan to eradicate the iguana and export the meat for food.We cannot turn a blind eye and live in denial over this issue- Although I truly am a reptile enthusiast, what can we do- 20ft reticulated pythons  eating American crocodiles, tegus eating eggs from our endangered birds, Nile monitors eating cats, herpes infected monkeys in our state parks. Iguanas DO eat the local flora, are a nuisance and do displace local wildlife. It is far beyond anyone to believe they can open a facility that can financially and physically support the turn over rate of tens of thousands of wild caught invasive animals especially reptiles that require special lighting, conditions, and food. We cannot even do it with dogs and cats- and believe me they are MURDERED for nothing by the thousands DAILY. What exactly would anyone do with 20,000 green iguanas coming in weekly. Wild life officials, authority with an education and degree to back it up believe we should explore any invasive species as a potential food source and encourage us to eat. I apologize for the OP if you found his material offensive, Take this as a learning experience- he caught hundred iguanas in this short clip, something is wrong. It is hard for me to say but the solution is not finding a cure by building facilities or hunting- its prevention, reptiles and exotics really should be illegal to own- it is disgusting that a person can walk into a store with out prior experience, a nobody with out any credentials what so ever and walk out with venomous tarantulas, large carnivorous monitors, or any array of potentially ecological time bombs.
DUDE 4356
DUDE 4356 - 9 years ago
Jack ass I caught a igauna in Porti Rico it bit the fire out of me why kill them though?
PewDiepie - 9 years ago
they just chilling and living their life, and sudden a redkneck comes ruins they time of peace and catches and saw it head off.
damn they were not expecting for that to happen. I feel terrible for the iguanas :.( I cri evrytim
PewDiepie - 9 years ago
like idgf you eat it, but the way you kill them... bruh that terrible, you just saw its head while it was alive
Fcking Sesh
Fcking Sesh - 9 years ago
Most of you guys obviously don't see that these iguanas have taken over most of the area he's around. Just cause you love them as pets doesn't mean he doesn't either. Hey they taste good so why not eat it right? And help out the community. I don't see you guys protecting chickens, cows, pigs etc. we eat them all the time shouldn't they have the same right of not being eaten as your pet iguanas! Be realistic now!
David Parker
David Parker - 9 years ago
+MJMPEXOTICS don't bring god into this. there are other ways to argue your point
DUDE 4356
DUDE 4356 - 9 years ago
So what? A hurricane which is caused naturally got them there thats what God intended feral cats have caused 53 species of bird to go extinct igaunas are herbivores there doing no harm just providing another food source for coyotes, foxes etc.
Ken Nunez
Ken Nunez - 9 years ago
theres too many humans beings on this planet too, bad for the ecosystem, if anything where worse than iguanas. i guess its ok to decapitate them since the planet is infested with them. How about Starting with these 2 idiots? That would be nice... catch them the same way they catch the lizards. Make them run, catch them by the legs, drag them, tie em up, watch them pray for their life, and just cut off that dilicious little red neck of theres. well be doing the ecosystem a favor. Its Funny how ignorant we as humans are when we think we are superior to nature and we are the only ones that can range supreme on this planet when we are the ones that are a cancer on this planet.
Branch - 9 years ago
Wow just noticed the Cuban Knight Anole at the end, you guys have those now too? LMAO Florida is so toast.
Shamouse Corndog
Shamouse Corndog - 9 years ago
poor iguanas I love mine to bits. but I know they're invasive and you're doing something good for the environment.
Ben Masta
Ben Masta - 9 years ago
+Shamouse Corndog if only other people were as smart as you lol. half the people here are acting like the guy is just going out and killing an endangered species just for the kill lmao.
Flies2FLL - 9 years ago
Epically stupid song.
mb300e mb300e
mb300e mb300e - 9 years ago
ojala te corten ati la cabeza hijo de puta
AlphaGamer - 9 years ago
the thing didn't need to die fuck you will go to hell and I hope you do
Marysam Ambrosio
Marysam Ambrosio - 9 years ago
I like them far away
Adriana Villa
Adriana Villa - 9 years ago
Thank you for attempting to educate people with your wisdom. It's too bad that most people lack the intellect to comprehend what you are saying. They speak from feelings not facts. It's another example of how clueless and ignorant humans at large really are.
Cobra 03 PCP Hunter
Cobra 03 PCP Hunter - 9 years ago
Dude if you eat every iguana you kill it's OK don't listen to those comments ,they are wrong ,we can see in the video that they are over control already, and is not good for the environment of other species. And we can see that you only killed the very big ones. I recommend you to cook some of them in a green salsa you will love the taste with some steamed rice..
dimzel555 - 9 years ago
Erika Wagner
Erika Wagner - 9 years ago
You are a disgusting, abusive redneck dumb asses
ARC trooper
ARC trooper - 9 years ago
Alright mother fucker how about I put a fucking hook in your back mother fucker and hold you down while I cut you head off WITH A FUCKING KNIFE NICE AND SLOW THEN EAT IT YOU FUCKING CHESE DICK I WANT YOU TO FUCKING THINK ABOUT THAT WHEN YOU GO TO BED YOUR LIKE A FUCKING psycho EVERY NIGHT IF I EVER FIND YOU FUCK
feskovstrogy - 9 years ago
Could somebody will cut off eggs this two assholes
Slayerhouse17 - 9 years ago
Man just wow heartless
Slayerhouse17 - 9 years ago
Man forget these guys u are killing a harmless animals and eat them that's mess up plus u made that poor reptile suffer that knife
Credin - 7 years ago
Oh look, another special snowflake. Listen kid, these are an invasive species, and you're being an idiot by not reading the description or comments that explain what's going on. And don't bring up "oh, but they're harmless creatures". We're on top of the food chain. Iguianas can be harmless to moron. This is the REAL world. Everything die, and that's not a myth. Atleast these men are trying to kill ot quickly unlike other predators who eat them alive. Now go think before you speak you Grass munching, Horse cock choking, cum chuging, single brain celled, Iguana fucking, waste of space.
Cheyenne Orvis
Cheyenne Orvis - 9 years ago
Yeah go ahead and video tape you catching them. But please don't video you killing them. There are way to many reptile lovers out there including me and seeing you kill them kills us a little. I realize they are invasive and the population needs to be controlled but don't kill them on camera
Ultimate Predator
Ultimate Predator - 9 years ago
To everyone posting the ridiculous, comical, and ignorant comments against my actions in this film, take a few moments to read these statements while setting your ethnocentric viewpoints and beliefs aside. As I have explained to countless others, these invasive Green Iguanas have taken over South Florida; residing on every single canal and pond bank around. In 1992, Hurricane Andrew hit South Florida destroying multiple massive reptile breeding facilities, releasing tens of thousands of Iguanas into the ecosystem. They soon established a successful breeding population that skyrockets in numbers each consecutive year there isn't a major freeze (like in 2010). Many people don't mind the lizard's presence at all and seem to enjoy the diversity they, as well as other invasive species, bring to South Florida. Their lack of education on these animals also allows them to believe that they are harmless, and should be left alone. Not only are these wild raised reptiles devastating the endangered Cordia globosa, and the Nickerbean leaves that the severely endangered Miami Blue butterfly lays their eggs on, but they will also steal the endangered Florida burrowing owl's burrow, kicking them out of their homes. I acknowledge the threats these invaders pose, and as a pragmatist, I engage in the necessary actions to do what I can in assisting Florida's fragile ecosystem. Many of you think the perfect solution would be to capture these Iguanas and give them to a shelter, when in fact the shelters refuse to take them and often release the lizards they can't take care of back into the wild! Not to mention the massive, aggressive, breeding lizards that I am targeting would cut, bite, and whip anyone who attempted to handle them without firmly gripping them behind the head. I know reptiles, and I know how to handle them very well. I can capture and freely handle (not grabbing it behind the head) any Coachwhip or Indigo snake I find in the woods without getting bitten. The best way to combat these invaders is simply to harvest them. I now harvest every single Iguana I encounter, taking all of the meat and tanning their hides to ensure absolutely nothing goes to waste. Its not like I am baiting them in and popping them with a gun, and then tossing them into the trash. I am capturing these strong, smart, and fast reptiles by hand, while putting myself in danger from any predators or venomous snakes I am likely to encounter.
Humans are certainly not on top of the food chain when it comes to combating wild animals without tools that allow us to cheat. When I get in the water and swim up to that massive Iguana for a hand capture, I earned my kill just like any other predator, and you can bet that I'm going to harvest that animal whether its invasive or not (unless it's endangered of course). Don't forget how this species survived as long as it has. Early humans didn't go to walmart or mcdonalds for food, they hunted it. You commenters repeatedly bash me with your dogmatism and act as though my actions are objectively wrong, while you support and encourage the mistreatment, and torture of domestic animals every day through purchasing animal products at the market. Just because the blood isn't on your hands, or you didn't witness the killing of an animal doesn't mean it didn't happen. Your allegations against me display your blindness and lack of comprehension of how this world works. I realize most of you are hedonistic and cannot stand the sight of your favorite animals that you view as pets being harvested. The reality of the situation is that these are wild animals, not pets. No wild animal on this earth is a "pet" no matter how you think about them. Not to mention the Iguanas I'm dealing with are destructive and invasive. And guess what, we "humans" are "animals" too. Nothing more, nothing less.
 Four seconds of cutting through an animal's cervical vertebrae and spinal cord, resulting in instant death, is certainly better than poultry companies throwing twenty live chicks into a meat grinder and pressing a button; and a Hell of a lot more humane than a feline gnawing on its prey's neck and killing it by suffocation (sometimes taking hours). No a buck knife (what I used) is not the ideal execution weapon, but unless you're running around with a machete (which I now have for this purpose), that is the best option you have. I have taken the altruistic acts of saving Florida's fragile ecosystem and incorporated the harvest of these invaders; both of which I thoroughly enjoy doing. Yes you will see a smile on my face while I am on the hunt, and especially after I have made my hand capture. I am a human, which means I am a predator. Killing the animal is certainly not the goal, and there are always those feelings of sadness when you take the life of a beautiful animal; but it is the only way from A to B. B being my stomach, not the trash can (where many "hunters" throw their kills these days). I get little satisfaction out of staring at a tv screen, playing online games, walking through a town mall, or going grocery shopping. Nature is my grocery store, and not everything is on the list (a concept most of you today find hard to comprehend). It is all about knowing what to take, and how much of it to harvest. When a certain species (not native) threatens a more important species (endangered), actions to correct that are rightful, and necessary. What I'm trying to get at here is educate yourself, and think before you speak.
The Rc Master6042
The Rc Master6042 - 7 years ago
Ultimate Predator i agree that they are invasive and need to be relocated or killed but you can do that in a more humane corse of action, rather than fucking throwing them and hooking them knowing that they are suffering. Iguanas are waaaaaay more intellegent than you could ever realize, they are about as smart if not smarter than a dog or cat. They KNOW fear and pain. If youre gonna hunt and kill, be humane and respect the animal that gave up its life for your benefits. I can see the part where youre catching by hand and letting them go for fun, i do that with all reptiles cause i study them as a pass time hobby. But ill never think to throw or play with them in such a childish manner because thats just torture at that point. There animals didnt choose to live this life it was fate. So please respect them, even if they are endangered. Its still not right.
Devon Lodriguss
Devon Lodriguss - 7 years ago
perry benton
perry benton - 7 years ago
Ian - 7 years ago
reckon they only got their panties in a twist cause the title said catching and not hunting and these guys all got whiplash
Turtleboy73 Umbach
Turtleboy73 Umbach - 7 years ago
Ultimate Predator I
clovehitch - 7 years ago
Ultimate Predator honestly man what the fuck did you expect? You'd have to be brain dead to think everyone would be happy about you killing such large and beautiful animals in the way that you did. People don't care whether they're invasive or not. And I come from a commercial fishing family so I'm not some tree hugger.
The Tetra
The Tetra - 7 years ago
Being an invasive species is no excuse to be ridiculously and unnecessarily brutal. They don't know they're disrupting native ecosystems, it's not there fault they've become established in Florida. You hooked one on a line WTF!? You just made all real hunters and fisherman look bad. Congrats! Your mindless cruelty isn't making the world a better place, and this isn't doing shit to control iguana populations.
superior chef
superior chef - 7 years ago
no more red becks fuck you guys i dont care how many iguanas there are dont kill them, fuck you
jon goy
jon goy - 7 years ago
Ultimate Predator honestly I really dig want you do. I am moving to Coral Springs soon and would love to ride along and learn what you know. Keep doing what you do
thuglifemaster _2004
thuglifemaster _2004 - 7 years ago
Ultimate Predator whatever
Jayson Brady
Jayson Brady - 7 years ago
Educate yourself. Learn how to seperate paragraphs on a page.

While your at it, look up what inbred means, and find out why your mom married her cousin.

Dirty swamp trash, I bet that makes you feel like a man. I hope you get dysentery, you 11 toed bitch.
Credin - 7 years ago
Are you those type of people who get offended when you find out your favorite animal is also a source of food, or some type of delicacy?
lizardlamps 360
lizardlamps 360 - 7 years ago
This video should be called catching and butchering iguanas for no good reason.
lizardlamps 360
lizardlamps 360 - 7 years ago
gosh its horrible! One question would you like it if someone came out of no where and chopped your head off right on the spot just to eat you? I dont think so.
lizardlamps 360
lizardlamps 360 - 7 years ago
man what a fucked up person you are. You know you dont have to kill them right? You take them to wildlife facility,s to let them still live but in captivity.
Matthew Stacy
Matthew Stacy - 7 years ago
Asshole is one word dummy.
Whø Is Jørdyn?
Whø Is Jørdyn? - 7 years ago
Love Wins And you are definitely an obnoxious idiot in the comment section! Shut the fuck up and watch a different video. If you want to watch this just to talk shit then go somewhere else. You clicked on the video so you have no one to blame but yourself.
Love Wins
Love Wins - 7 years ago
Ultimate Predator regardless of your opinion animals are the true owners of this so called land they are taking over. they have seniority and have been around longer than your dumb ass. stop trying to use big words to make yourself look smart. we all know it took you two weeks to look up all these words to make this comment. you are definitely a red neck ass hole!
Nicki Alani
Nicki Alani - 8 years ago
Ultimate Predator hey bro send me a big ass iguana with a blue head like on the video I'll pay for shipping come on bby a late Christmas gift
Manny Suarez
Manny Suarez - 8 years ago
Ultimate Predator Good job dude thoses things are out of control
JULIO CÉSAR. - 8 years ago
Ultimate Predator you have for sale
JULIO CÉSAR. - 8 years ago
Ultimate Predator you have for sale
David Parker
David Parker - 8 years ago
+Alexander M Fernandez you are so misinformed
Alexander M Fernandez
Alexander M Fernandez - 8 years ago
After reading the comments from these illiterates , I've concluded that these Idiots fabricate the Scenario of Iguanas wiping-out the Human Race because they heard from another Inbred ! What a bunch of dumb-FUCKS ! They all learn one line , and repeat ,and repeat , and repeat it like a bunch of Parrots . This week the line is "Hey , did you know that Iguanas are Invasive "? Or , "Iguanas are destructive" , or "Iguanas are eating everything and the Human Race will perish" . What do you expect from Inbreds , right ?
Alexander M Fernandez
Alexander M Fernandez - 8 years ago
Gregory Lee , I also live here in Fl. , and experienced Hurricane Andrew . I'm TOTALLY in AGREEMENT with your point of view regarding Iguanas . They are beautiful and Gentle Creatures with only one life to live .
ney57e - 8 years ago
Yo, make an Iguana meat recipe video.
David Parker
David Parker - 8 years ago
+Teddy Cooke you're telling him to kill a reptile he is raising in a tank rather than kill the invasive ones?
Teddy Cooke
Teddy Cooke - 8 years ago
I don't think its bad to kill them but i think it's nasty to eat those iguanas because their not eating just plants like they would in the rain-forest, invasive iguanas are scavengers and they have to be way less picky. They will eat anything that it is edible, so they start eating more bugs and meat. Its not gonna kill you but you get a lot tastier iguanas if raise them yourself and keep watch on their diet.
Ronin Dog
Ronin Dog - 8 years ago
righteous! keep up on fun stuff! I'm jealous. lemma come hang wit u guys.
john cox
john cox - 8 years ago
The bleeding heart hippies don't understand and will refuse to read your comment. great post tho
David Parker
David Parker - 8 years ago
+Tyler Durden who?
Alex Moore
Alex Moore - 8 years ago
Human, predator? Ur delusional
Ben Masta
Ben Masta - 8 years ago
+PewDiepie did u no that iguana STDs can be transferred to humans, so dont love them 2 much
Button Mash
Button Mash - 8 years ago
+Ultimate Predator - I don't eat meat, but I certainly understand your perspective. I'm not going to object to you slaughtering iguanas in Florida, as I understand they are an invasive species. It just strikes me that it might be kinder to knock them senseless first. Wouldn't it be absolutely agonizing to have a thick blade sawing through your neck? Animals are at least stunned in slaughterhouses before they're processed (yes, I understand there are problems there too, I am not supporting slaughterhouses, just the effort to minimize suffering to the animal).
David Parker
David Parker - 9 years ago
+PewDiepie I didn't agree with you read what I said. Also go back and read what ultimate predator and I talked about. Also read about iguanas and you will see that they are very destructive. Like I said I love my Iguanas, but people underestimate how deadly and aggressive they can be. Especially males. You need to do more research on them.
PewDiepie - 9 years ago
+David Parker thank you for agreeing with me :D they are innocents and you sound a very good person, plz take good care of ur iguana
David Parker
David Parker - 9 years ago
+PewDiepie let me tell you how innocent iguanas are. Remember I own these beautiful and fun reptiles and this is not sarcasm I genuinely enjoy my two Emotional Support Animal iguanas. My male isn't even full grown yet and if I don't trim his nails every two weeks he can draw blood effortlessly. His beautiful tail already a foot long can already leave serious welts on the couple of bad days he has had and I have seen online what the teeth can do. I love my iguanas but they are far from innocent.
David Parker
David Parker - 9 years ago
+Gregory Lee then you misunderstand what he is doing. He isn't wasting the iguana's. He actually is surviving off them. The closest he seems to get in terms of jollies is by the hunt. Him and I have discussed that he would like for people to give him options. I'm even working on giving an option on my own. He uses the hide for belts and boots and I think he even tried hard. He uses the meat for food. He isn't just killing to kill.
Gregory Lee
Gregory Lee - 9 years ago
I lived in South Florida when Andrew hit I know about the reptiles . I grew up in boca. Still don't agree with some dude getting his jollies off by killing things
PewDiepie - 9 years ago
+David Parker thats why fucking humans shount take them to other counrtys and trap them and then get hit my a hurrican, and people having to kill them, its not there fault that all that happen. Poor innocents creatures
David Parker
David Parker - 9 years ago
+Gregory Lee +Fumontaindew2012​ I own iguanas. Let me explain something. When the big hurricane hit Florida (can't remember which hurricane) it almost destroyed a reptile breeding facility releasing hundreds of ball pythons and almost as many tegus and iguanas combined. Iguanas and tegus are extremely invasive and adaptive like humans. They can easily destroy an ecosystem, now on to the iguana issue. Iguanas lay about 20-40 eggs sometimes in one clutch. And can bear another clutch in the same season. Males are extremely territorial. Now I will repeat to both of you something I have said before. Until you present a full viable plan and place for him to actually hand in the iguana's let him do what he wants. He isn't wasting them and in their native country they are used as a primary meat source because of how much easier they are to get than chickens. Thus the nickname for iguanas is "chicken of the bamboo" or was it " bamboo chickens" can't remember.
Gregory Lee
Gregory Lee - 9 years ago
you realize you are a invasive species and also a threat to endangered animals. should we "harvest" you?
Ben Masta
Ben Masta - 9 years ago
+Ultimate Predator dude you know you are talking about 8-14 year old kids that dnt understand the world right?

Its always dumb kids that complain about stuff like this. You really are just wasting your time trying to explain yourself.
PewDiepie - 9 years ago
+Ultimate Predator like if you didn't read what he said and still hating lol
Ultimate Predator
Ultimate Predator - 9 years ago
+Xavier Plasencia Its quite comical the extent people will go in attempting to insult you, when they haven't even educated themselves on the animals or the situation.
Xavier Plasencia
Xavier Plasencia - 9 years ago
+Ultimate Predator It's funny how people think once they have an iguana or another reptile / amphibian they are all of a sudden a herpetologist and liberals, what they don't understand is they are always hunted in South America for food b/c they are considered the"chicken of the rainforest" and taste really good. Livestock and crops are invasive too and nobody complaints when they are eating a $1.35 burger at McDonald's
Xavier Plasencia
Xavier Plasencia - 9 years ago
+Cruor34 exotic means it was brought by human intervention,
Invasive means it was brought by human intervention but is destroying the ecosystem so not every animal is invasive and it takes hundreds of years for an animal to adapt to a new environment without humans
Ultimate Predator
Ultimate Predator - 9 years ago
+Flies2FLL That would be nice but I would need to be firing at least a .22 and the city of Boca Raton would definitely have a problem with that.
David Parker
David Parker - 9 years ago
+Flies2FLL that would ruin the meat and the hide. Plus you must have no idea how fast iguanas can move if you give one a chance while you go for the gun you lost it. Plus i will be honest. If i saw someone running through my yard with a gun i would shoot first. Which adds another possibility of problems.
Flies2FLL - 9 years ago
+Ultimate Predator, I just think you should shoot the damn things when you catch them!
David Parker
David Parker - 9 years ago
+Ultimate Predator I will
Ultimate Predator
Ultimate Predator - 9 years ago
+David Parker Sounds good. Let me know what your plans are once the move is complete.
David Parker
David Parker - 9 years ago
+Ultimate Predator To be honest, I myself know I don't have the heart to hurt any iguanas (Owner of Iguana here lol). I can honestly say also that I do somewhat agree with you, but most of my research into iguanas has yielded a simple fact that we say what you're doing is wrong, but if you google and use the Wikipedia information on Iguanas (only referring to green, red, and the rare blue iguanas, blue is recessive) in South America, Central America, and other places they live or have invaded, they are referred to as bamboo chickens, because they are a major food source, and regular chickens are harder to keep due to wild predators. Like I said before I may not like it, but the simple fact is I can't do much about it yet. If I had a safe home for a full grown male Iguana or almost full grown male Iguana to have you send jjst one for now and I can record videos on how to tame them for all these people, I would. The other problems people don't realize is even fully tamed iguanas can have their bad days, the bigger the iguana, the more pain they can inflict. Actually to be honest my Iguana, is a Florida Green Iguana, I bought her/him(still to small for sexing), for $14 plus shipping. I guess that may be a bigger reason for me as to why I personally couldn't hurt one, but at the same time I see your side of the story. I do see a great possibility to work together, but at this time I don't have my shelter. Due to space restrictions I can't even afford to take in a full grown Iguana at this time, it would be funny to see my dad get bullied by something for once instead of bullying my wife and son (long story behind it that all I can say to simplify the story is, I love my dad, but he is one of the biggest assholes I know). And before people jump on my case about how I probably am a little kid, they should know working as a server and going to school, paying rent can be difficult, so I pay 400 in rent a month. The areas I live in base rent for even a 1 bedroom is around 700 a month not including bills. We plan on moving soon as well. Iguanas hate change, it's a proven fact from multiple owners. I don't plan on stressing out a full grown iguana that is already stressed from being shipped. Lol. So give me time and keep in touch Predator and I will do my best to set up a decent facility for reptiles. See if Underground Reptiles can help in some way even if they only take the babies, they might even take the Cuban Knight Anoles.
Ultimate Predator
Ultimate Predator - 9 years ago
+David Parker Sorry, I didn't have time to respond when I saw your comment yesterday because I was just getting back from diving for lobster. I Had to clean all of the equipment and take care of the lobsters. I do need more people like you who can look at both sides of the story, and make an effort to find a fitting solution instead of repeatedly bashing me; so I thank you for that. Starting a shelter with educated, experienced, and willing employees who would have the time to deal with each and every reptile in the facility would be a fantastic idea, and solution for what to do with the non-meat yielding iguanas. I would go out of my way to drop off hundreds every week. Only if the facility is large enough, and adequate though. I like the fact that you mentioned it would be non profit, because that's what was going through my head yesterday when I read your comment. You would have so many Iguanas after a month that there would be no way you could sell them, even over a years time. I believe the best option would to give them away free, with a required, hour long educational film before ownership on how big these lizards can get, how aggressive they can get if not treated properly, and the impacts they have on the ecosystem if you were to release one into the wild. To have a facility adequate enough for the absolutely ridiculous amount of Iguanas there are around here, and to give the proper care needed, you would need to have a few wealthy sponsors. Which may not be such a hard thing to accomplish if you explained to them what exactly is going on here. You should make a trip from Texas to South Florida sometime and witness the population of these lizards. On U.S. 441 (popular Iguana road) around 10 am just when the sun is getting perfect for bathing, all of the Iguanas come out of the trees and their holes to feed and relax. If you walked a 100 yard stretch and had good eyesight, you would see at least 300 Iguanas. 100 yards. That is the case for about 50 miles of this highway, with lizards of each and every size. Of course some areas with more, some with less.

As for the harvesting of these lizards, they are now a permanent food source for me. I get no less than one meal every other day out of these lizards, and putting myself through college now, saving money on food is something I am very welcome to. Sometimes if the catch is good that day, the large Iguanas will feed me for three days straight, and I have gotten very effective and creative at making delicious dishes out of them. I think of them just as I do deer, pigs, ducks, lobster, and any other animal that you put work in to hunt for and harvest their delicious meat. Most people commenting think I have a hate for these lizards; they must think that deer hunters hate deer, and fisherman hate fish too. I am every kind of hunter/fisherman there is. I am an Ultimate Predator, and I am not alone. If there is an animal that yields meat and it's species has a healthy, stable population within reasonable traveling distance for me, I am going to hunt it, and harvest it. I do this first of all for the food, but also for the vast knowledge and experience that is gained through doing it. I feel that a being who can't survive on their residing land, let alone native land (humans on this earth), is the definition of an alien. I take every chance I can get to interact and learn more about the life this world has to offer, and strip down to my bare hands for the capture if possible, because you never know if you'll end up in a bad situation, in need of food, and have none of the cheating tools for capture that we humans enjoy so much today. Now I am not saying that I am constantly going around harvesting every animal encounter, and can honestly say I have harvested less than one percent of the wildlife I have interacted with. As a human I am an observer, learner, and handler, just as much as I am a hunter.

These large Iguanas are so plentiful and aggressive that I believe the only option is to harvest. We have a great opportunity here in South Florida right now with these invasive Iguanas though; an effective and efficient way to combat hunger in America. If we got as many able people as we could, and educated them on the situation, and trained them how to capture these lizards efficiently, we would have hundreds of pounds of meat coming in each day. That would make more of a difference than the government could ever hope to make themselves; not to mention relieve thousands of people from starvation! The government could easily set up a few carcass/meat drop facilities in South Florida to drop off meat, and for people who can capture lizards, but either don't want to or can't clean the lizards. The facilities would be manned with butchers who can quickly and efficiently strip the lizards of their meat and dispose of the cleaned carcass. I do my best to educate people and get them into the harvesting of these lizards, but just a few people can't make a difference. We the people have a legitimate opportunity here to make a difference that would change the lives of thousands, but it's up to you to act. I can't accomplish this alone.
Let me know what you think David Parker.
Again, Thank you.
David Parker
David Parker - 9 years ago
Should I take your plus on on an different comment I replied to as basically a yes in terms of if there was a reptile shelter you knew can and will dedicate themselves to rehabilitate multiple age groups of iguanas into being ready for a home with a family able to raise them that you would do that? Or was that just a plus one because I half assed defended you? Lmao. Like I said in the comment above, I don't approve of how you fix the iguana problems in terms of killing them, but I can't give an easy safe solution for the iguanas. If my shelter was open I would say pack them up properly in safe containers for them and send them to my shelter, but I don't have it yet. I plan on being non profit anyway. Lol anyway when I can give you an alternative to killing them I will. Hell I will even see if there is some kind of iguana shelter (a legitimate one, not one of those fill the house with wild iguanas and hope for the best) even if it's slightly out of the way, if that's ok with you.
David Parker
David Parker - 9 years ago
+Ultimate Predator I acknowledge your actions of capturing them. I don't like them being killed, but that is the exact reason why I plan to open a no kill reptile shelter. As well I encourage others who wish to eliminate the need to kill these creatures as frequently and be handed to people who have the time and passion to put into taming them. I'm not going to say what you're doing is right or wrong, I'm not going to fight about it either. Besides i live in Texas. This is technically addressed to all those other comments that say what he's doing is wrong, if you really and truly feel disgusted by them being killed, open a reptile shelter like I said, or have him send an Iguana to you and see if rehabilitation of iguanas is something you can handle, trust me it takes lots of time, passion, and love. Oh and lots of bandages and neosporin. I understand both sides of this story looking from the outside in. To everyone who might even begin to lash out at me remember, i never said I condone his actions of killing, but until he has other options to resort to, can you really say anything? Can we as a whole community of reptile owners sit here and say we are going to do something? Or are we going to be hypocritical and say he is wrong and not do anything to improve things? I also know Florida has a huge Tegu issue, yet all the people killing them as well have no options other than killing. If you love reptiles you will do what's necessary to protect them. To you predator, thank you for capturing them, i don't like the on camera killing, but I would like to pose a question. If you had an alternative (like the aforementioned shelter specifically for reptiles) would you rather use it than killing (even for adult males)?
Ultimate Predator
Ultimate Predator - 9 years ago
+Cruor34 You obviously don't comprehend what is going on here, and it sounds like you never will. You, along with others, live an ignorant life; oblivious to what is actually going on around you. Any educated person who reads your words will recognize that. I am done trying to explain this to people who refuse, or don't have the capacity to understand this.
Have a good day.
Cruor34 - 9 years ago
+Ultimate Predator I know these iguanas being released here is not like them slowly making it here, but as you said they would eventually get here without humans., and they would push something else out. Even in their native habitat they do pretty well. A lot of things go after the young ones but as far as I am aware only a large bird of prey or crocodiles eat the full grown iguanas. I have no doubt they hurt some plants or animals but they are harmless compared to a lot of the other animals in Florida.

I do kill certain insects because they annoy the hell out of me. I won't hurt a Mantis because he won't bother me. I find it hard to believe you "like" iguanas better then I do, when you go around killing them. I have caught Anoles, Cuban Knight Anoles and yes small iguanas and kept them as very well fed, very well cared for pets for many years. I have not caught a full grown 20lb male iguana, but on the other hand I know If there was one on my property he wouldn't bull rush me and tear my face off in one quick motion. I could write a laundry list of animals in a similar size class that are more dangerous.

Some people might be ok with you killing them, I'd assume most are not, as you said they are often bothered enough to call someone... I'd use direct action. Judging by the comments section, most people are against you. You are trespassing, and like I said, I do hope some day you trespass on the wrong persons lawn, knife in hand running down some poor Iguana and all they see is a guy running across their property wielding a knife and you get whats coming to you. If you are going to keep doing this, at least stay off other peoples land because some people like me, and 70% of the people who viewed this like iguanas, and would welcome them on their property.
Ultimate Predator
Ultimate Predator - 9 years ago
+Cruor34 This comment was aimed directly at people like yourself. I guess you didn't get the memorandum to educate yourself. Somehow you still fail to comprehend what is being said, so I guess I'm going to have to spell it out for you. You are a fool, and a hypocrite; both of which are clearly evident through your words. First of all, acknowledging your contributions to animal abuse and writing "with that said" does not justify your actions, nor does it exclude you from the ignorant, careless, and hypocritical type of people you are associated with. What's comical is the points that you believe to be your strongest, are actually entirely false. The statement "every animal on the planet is an invasive species" is the single most ridiculous, inaccurate, and ignorant position I have ever heard.
 Have you any idea what the term invasive even means? You mention the term evolution, but your description of how you believe it works is the complete opposite. An invasion occurs within a short period of time (weeks or months), giving the resident flora and fauna absolutely no time to adapt to the invaders presence; allowing them to capitalize, and devastate. Evolution requires years, decades, and centuries of interactions between species. If a species is unable to evolve effectively, and adapt to survive with it's fellow inhabitants over these decades, then naturally, it will go extinct. The opportunity to make these adaptions is critical.
"Poor owls?" I guess you aren't aware that human destruction is responsible for habitat loss, resulting in the extinction of hundreds of species each day, and we aren't getting any new species any time soon. It's sad people like yourself would be satisfied with seeing only Iguanas on land, and only Lionfish in the ocean, because you like the way these animals look. Yes, animals migrate. You need to realize that a migration doesn't consist of a species taking a plane ride to a different part of the world. A migration happens naturally, and the migrating animals are restricted by climate and terrain that they are not suited for (until, over decades, evolution occurs). Now South Florida has the perfect climate for these lizards, and there is no doubt in my mind that they would have ended up living here naturally over years of migration. Natural disasters like hurricanes would have also eventually brought them to Florida on some sort of driftwood, but not in large numbers that would trigger an invasion. But during those years of migration, critical processes of adaption of predators targeting, and eating these lizards, and of plants either developing some sort of toxin, reproductive increase, or resistance would have occurred along the way. These opportunities for the native flora and fauna to adapt and evolve were bypassed through human intervention.
This is a problem. An attempt to at least control the population of these invaders is extremely necessary. I am not harvesting these Iguanas because "I don't like them," I guarantee I "like" them more than you do, and know them better than you know yourself. I am doing my part to correct the actions of uneducated people like yourself, releasing these animals because you can't take care of them or think they are better off in the wild. There isn't a person out there who would shoot me over catching the Iguanas that devoured their personal gardens that took time, and effort to grow. Or the Iguanas that repeatedly defecate on their pool decks and porches. I often get a thank you. Although, there are some people who haven't been directly effected by these lizards, and don't enjoy witnessing me harvest them. They often call the FWC, who I have been congratulated by, and repeatedly encouraged to keep doing what I'm doing. They tell me "there aren't many people that can do what I do, and we need people to do it."
I am not "murdering" these Iguanas. If anything, they are the murderers themselves. But that is a childish label to give them, so I won't go down to your level and start the unnecessary name calling. They don't know any better, they are just naturally capitalizing on an opportunity presented to them by careless people. About the Cuban Knight Anole, I am not one to engage in pointless killing, something people like yourself get satisfaction out of every time they kill a spider or some other type insect. The Anoles have a firm grip on South Florida with a very large population, and they yield no meat. I don't harvest these Iguanas because I kill them, I kill them because I harvest them.
I agree that the smaller Iguanas cam be tamed, but the large wild grown aggressive males would ram your cage until they couldn't see anymore because of all of the abrasions, and then probably ram it some more. Unless you are educated and willing to put in many hours, and take beatings from the large males, you aren't going to successfully tame them. I find it hard to believe that someone who catches Iguanas, (aside from the juvenile or frozen ones), as you claim to do, would know so little about how this world, and nature really works. Do me a favor and read this with an open, willing mind. Please do some research and save me the time of repeatedly explaining what is going on here, and what South Florida is dealing with to you and your friends.
Cruor34 - 9 years ago
+Ultimate Predator I read everything you said. I eat chicken and beef on a daily basis. With that said, If I saw you going after one of these iguanas knowing you kill them, I'd go after you with the intent to do the same to you. EVERY animal on the planet is an invasive species, they all moved in or evolved from somewhere, and beat out weaker animals who can't hack it... too bad for the owl. How many small animals have those owls killed? I'm sure those owls beat something else out to be here. Our ancestors beat out the Native Americans to be here, so you can go around killing iguanas now. Its part of nature. We don't need you going around killing Iguanas because you don't like them. Hopefully, seeing as you are trespassing, you will be the next person I read about gunned down in Florida.Or, actually better, you don't cook one right and get salmonella, so it can be painful for you.

So I can be clear, I don't mind a hunter killing 1 deer and eating it, but you are going out every chance you get to murder these amazing animals and just happen to eat them so you think it makes it ok, its not. BTW, the Cuban Anole in the end of the video is also invasive, why aren't you snapping his neck? Lastly, Iguanas are gentile. Yeah, they whip and bite in the first few hours you catch them, then they calm down. Same for all lizards. A few hours-a day max for them to get tame. How do I know? I used to catch them too, I just didn't, and never would kill them.
ney57e - 9 years ago
+Ultimate Predator Don't let these racists get to you. The internet is full of these idiots.
Jack Aiken
Jack Aiken - 9 years ago
Fucking redneck Flamingo bastards! Iguanas are theshit. I have ur adresse IP koming acter hall asses!
CMB Exotics
CMB Exotics - 9 years ago
omg...... please snap the neck atleast before you just cut into it. your cutting it and its suffering. I didn't know they were invasive though but don't go to insane please. leave the killing off camera. please
morgan pfischer
morgan pfischer - 8 years ago
Ultimate Predator bs that u eat them
Ultimate Predator
Ultimate Predator - 9 years ago
Feeding oneself is not something to be ashamed of.
CMB Exotics
CMB Exotics - 9 years ago
im sorry that im not used to killing animals
Ultimate Predator
Ultimate Predator - 9 years ago
+reptilesandfrogs First of all snapping the neck without cutting through it as well would require a bat and would likely take multiple hits, for these are extremely hardy animals. Breaking the neck wouldn't necessarily result in instant death like cutting through it would, and it would elongate the suffering time; not something you or I desire.
Iguana Jump
Iguana Jump - 9 years ago
TiceCream C
TiceCream C - 9 years ago
I love iguanas, but leave the damn things alone dude, they need to be left alone.
Ultimate Predator
Ultimate Predator - 9 years ago
+Justin tice That is the absolute last thing these invasive lizards need.
NordicNostalgia - 9 years ago
I'm not fond of hunting, but as long as you eat what you kill I find it acceptable. As much as I like iguanas I have to approve of hunting them if they are an invasive species. But please, do eat them. I'd prefer to be eaten if I were to be killed by a wild animal.
Ultimate Predator
Ultimate Predator - 9 years ago
+NordicNostalgia That is one of the reasons these lizards have become so overpopulated, they have no natural predators in this region. Alligators and birds may prey on them occasionally, but it is no their primary food source, and they rarely target them. The environment in South Florida wasn't given time to adapt to their presence so they have been able to breed and roam freely. I am doing my part to stop the spread of these invaders and encouraging others do to the same. I can assure the meat and hide wasn't wasted, I feed myself and my family regularly.
Kearston Nobles
Kearston Nobles - 9 years ago
You are a horrible man
Jairo Alonso
Jairo Alonso - 9 years ago
Your gross I watched this video to see you catching iguanas like in the beginning but I didn't want to see you chop of its head you could put a warning sign in the beginning just...oh my god that's not right
Ultimate Predator
Ultimate Predator - 9 years ago
+Jairo Alonso There is a warning; and not only are these actions right, they are necessary.
Meghan Davern
Meghan Davern - 9 years ago
what this world needs is less people like you
fallen nova
fallen nova - 7 years ago
You do know iguana kill the plant life in Florida.

Eating em is really taste and good for the ecosystem.
Credin - 7 years ago
What this world needs is for you tree hugging, carrot blow job giving, grass munching, "Animal lover", Big mouthed, empty headed, people, to disappear.
Meghan Davern
Meghan Davern - 9 years ago
im sure you taste good to alligators
Meghan Davern
Meghan Davern - 9 years ago
you are invasive
Meghan Davern
Meghan Davern - 9 years ago
you sick bastard
Meghan Davern
Meghan Davern - 9 years ago
ok so im watching this an animal lover i am saying oh how cute then he fucking takes a knife to the poor creature i hope no i know he will get his i cried i was not expecting this fucking people are so numbed out its crazy
666MaggotClown - 9 years ago
WTF only stupid redneck can do this killing iguanas . I know you must be son of incest  and  one of your uncles  must be  your father  because that is only reason why u  doing this .
Credin - 7 years ago
You know Iguanas are over populated, and not native to Florida, Right?
90loneeagle - 9 years ago
Bumass hillbilly. Step to a nigga like me I'll scalp your fucking tick infested top, mutt
Reub3 - 7 years ago
you sound like a bum nigga lol
Whø Is Jørdyn?
Whø Is Jørdyn? - 7 years ago
You must be one of THOSE niggas. You know- the internet thugs that act tough for attention? Yeah those. He didn't do it for fun. Its called hunting. People have different views on it. Some people enjoy it and some people are completely against it. And some people are just fucking dumb about it, like you. If you don't want to see this, go watch a different fucking video.

While you are searching for another video, I thought i'd give you a hand on what to watch.
Some great tutorials:

1. How to eat a dick
2. How to shut the fuck up
3. How to delete your dumb ass comment

Yeah so those are just some suggestions I hope you liked them and please when you watch them, please do them.

If those don't work, just use wikihow and you can search on there, they have some good advice.

You're welcome
Kade Estelle
Kade Estelle - 9 years ago
Oh and let me add, to anyone who harms these gentle creatures... I personally hate to on a level that I cannot even describe!
Dev edits
Dev edits - 7 years ago
Kade Estelle is a pet iguana a wild iguana? Stop being a idiot iguanas are invasive species plus he was helping the world from iguanas overgrowth of population and a snake and bearded dragon is not a iguana so your ignorant af
Dev edits
Dev edits - 7 years ago
david ortiz shut the fuck up these are invasive species
David Parker
David Parker - 7 years ago
atChef as well you don't fully understand the entire comments made here and you should probably read through them and look at the attached image I included in one of my replies to another argument saying he is wrong.
David Parker
David Parker - 7 years ago
atChef you are right to an extent....

but iguanas, tegus, and the rampant ball pythons in Florida are due to a hurricane hitting a breeding facility, and even before that other tropical storms they float on plants clumped together pushed further north. Now the vast majority of the ones there are multiple generations of feral wild iguanas. you do realize an iguana femal can lay around 40 eggs in one clutch? my red iguana had her first clutch of unfertilized eggs. we threw them (the eggs) out. you have to realize how much an iguana eats in a day. it's no better than feeding stray cats and dogs. I love reptiles, don't get me wrong. I also understand their history.

in South America where they are from originally the are dubbed, "chicken of the bamboo", can you guess why? they are a primary source of meat. my personal belief is that it's easier for them to raise a farm of iguanas there then chickens due to rainforest predators and a chickens lack of proper defense against them. iguanas are tough. and he is hunting them on a closer level to what they have. he isn't shooting them he is actually hunting with a knife and his bare hands. which takes considerably more effort.

I will repeat myself. I do love reptiles. they are extremely smart compared to what people think. they have amazing personality and can have an amazing capacity for affection. Do I understand the damage they cause? yes. do I wish there was another option for him to use? yes. will I report him for trying to protect an ecosystem already in chaos? no.
atChef - 7 years ago
Ultimate Predator Iguanas run away from you when you get close to them. The only instances I've seen them attack is if cornered, grabbed, or chased. Can you really blame it? It's the same as any other animal. Iguanas may not be native, but have not caused as much trouble as Pythons, Invasive Birds, Turtles, and overrun Alligators. Iguanas came and became invaisve because of pet owners who didn't wanna maintain it, and eventually released it. An Iguana eats what it wants to eat, and stays out of peoples way. Wherever you heard or saw Iguanas "chasing people," you need to view the video again and see the aspects; was it cornered? being threatend in an ENCLOSED space? being chased? You need to entouch on your facts before chasing Iguanas and fucking chopping their throats. As you can see, the Iguana clearly ran away from you.
Credin - 7 years ago
David Parker
David Parker - 7 years ago
+Copenhagen Rebel lol
Copenhagen Rebel
Copenhagen Rebel - 7 years ago
I own 5 iguanas he did nothing wrong there invasive and he only kept the big ones and let the little ones go get ur animal rights ass out
Alexander M Fernandez
Alexander M Fernandez - 8 years ago
+David Parker , you've made it hard for me to continue arguing my point . I'll say that you've indeed succeeded in stating a compelling case . You're a gentleman David Parker , and I suggest that you pursue a Career in law . Damn you're good . I've got no "beef" with you . From here on , I guess we'll go our separate ways . Good Job , my friend .
David Parker
David Parker - 8 years ago
+Alexander M Fernandez so do you have any other points to make? Possibly more valid ones? Look I'm not paid by anyone to do anything. If I had the money and space to invest in another large reptile at this time I would ask him to capture a large bull male and ship it to me and I would work at taming one with weekly updates. To show how to take a wild iguana in and lower the wild population. I don't. And most people will do the same thing as what happens at a dog shelter. Puppies are adopted first. They are easier to tame and live longer than one that's already an adult. Anyway have a great night, I'm tired.
David Parker
David Parker - 8 years ago
+Alexander M Fernandez first off I never mentioned armed and dangerous or guns. Second off the attached picture to this message demonstrates the fact that iguana bites require medical attention at the hospital. These are the sweet domesticated ones. Yes any wild animal smaller than you will run on first instinct. I will repeat I own a 2 year old male red iguana already between 3 1/2 - 4 ft long. I can share more pictures with you of bites from people that didn't get the wound treated. Seeing as any reptiles bite has a swarm of bacteria that labels any bite infected fairly quickly. I will also repeat my own iguanas both male and female ( a 1 year old green iguana) are very sweet and both have the first instinct to run. My red though due to his size and out growing his tank quickly (because it is soon to be just a sleeping tank) doesn't haveuch room to run and thus goes on the defense on "bad days" and has even feigned a charge at my hand a few times. Just because you hand feed wild iguana's (which is extremely dangerous in terms of if their mood changes) doesn't even remotely make you an expert. Humans maybe dangerous to you. But iguana's can be deceptively dangerous. And are extremely destructive to ecosystems. Yes we humans are as well. But did you know that iguana's (iguana iguana to be exact on the species) are so spread out from their natural because of hurricanes. they reproduce prolifically and can adapt quite well to most tropical atmospheres. I never ever said I like what this guy is doing. Ever. But no one not even you has given him a viable sustainable solution to the problem of iguana's in Florida, which piled on with the possible other two species still invading Florida from the same hurricane, Tegus and Ball Pythons, makes a lot of your points even less valid. Please do note research on how destructive and actually dangerous Iguanas can be. This guy hunts them with his hands and a knife for the most part. In their native country Iguanas are a primary food source of natives that lived their for hundreds of thousands of years, known as the chicken of the bamboo. Simply acting and being tough cannot prepare you for a sudden mood change of an Iguana. Shall I link videos of Iguana aggression? So you can watch how even a "domesticated " raised in captivity iguana can be? Maybe I should link articles upon articles? Or we could ask people who have gardens by them? Just because your used to them doesn't mean they belong in the wild in this region. Lastly armed and dangerous is the poorest choice of words you can use involving interspecies conversation. Without trimming Iguana Claws can shred skin quite well. Their teeth are literally miniature versions of shark teeth and are quite effective at leaving a nasty bite as you can see by the picture. That spine lined tail can and will easily whip fast enough to do damage. Oh yeah not to mention any bites require hospital attention right away otherwise you run the very high risk of it being infected (nearly 100%). Armed and dangerous with firearm's? No armed and dangerous naturally yes. I will finish by repeating what I have said before. I love my iguanas and as an added bonus my red iguana is a registered ESA for my anxiety issues in extremely crowded places. But I also fully understand that he is dangerous in his own right. He is my baby boy and Very rarely has bad days, but I know one bad day at 6 feet long with full arsenal is a lot more dangerous. Your mistake is underestimating them. Even a bad moment can be dangerous. Their mood can go from friendly to full bore aggression in just as quick of a time as a human. I being very open minded with both sides of this little debate, considering I have hit a hard time with money and won't have my reptile shop any time soon to help him at least have a sustainable solution. Do you have any options? Please enlighten us all. Seeing as Animal control puts them down or let's them back loose, animal shelters aren't equipped or prepared to tame a literal army of iguanas, unless they are specifically geared for reptiles and most of them have no more space either (including wildlife conservation places that take iguanas). Please offer up solutions for an extremely invasive species that fit your criteria that haven't been exhausted yet. Also, try picking up and keeping one of your hand feeding buddies, a full grown male is my recommendation(look for the really big puffy cheeks), and make a blog or vlog of you working with it to tame it. Record catching it and give weekly updates. I won't even tell you to do it without advice because even I don't want to see anyone get hurt (human or iguana). Hand feeding trust is a step in the right direction, but handling, living together, and zero injuries for both, is the next steps. I'm not against your beliefs and I'm not against +Ultimate Predator​ I'm trying to get you to understand both sides better
Alexander M Fernandez
Alexander M Fernandez - 8 years ago
+David Parker , this is what I understand . I carry a gun every day of my life . I carry the largest caliber that I can conceal in the event that I should have to defend my life . The animal that poses the greatest threat to my existence are the ones that walk on 2 feet . That particular animal is susceptible to 125gr Buffalo Bore .357 magnum jacketed hollow core ammo that travels at 1700 fps. This ammo when comes into contact with a human skull , tends to empty the cranial vault where the brain is found . I have yet to come under fire by an Iguana . In fact , they tend to run away as fast as they can in order to live another day ! The day an armed Iguana pops up holding an AR-15 and opens up on me , then I will consider them Armed and Dangerous !
David Parker
David Parker - 8 years ago
+Alexander M Fernandez are you serious?
I need you to understand something. If you don't come to grips with the fact. Each generation of Iguanas not bred in captivity that don't have human interaction grow more and more "Feral" you misunderstand something. Iguanas will run as their first instinct. Females especially. But a "Bull" male with "Territory" (using this term loosely) will very easily become aggressive. Breeding season males are doubly dangerous. The ones caught by David may have more human interaction or something similar. Having experience with tame reptiles is not the same as wild and feeding iguanas is different. Next item of business. +Ultimate Predator​ is not wasting any part of the iguanas he kills so lay off the term killing he is hunting them for usable things
Alexander M Fernandez
Alexander M Fernandez - 8 years ago
Hey David , it seems like the Inbred payed someone to write a comment for him . What an Illiterate Fuck ! He learned a new word too ,"Credibility" .HAHAHAHAHA , david you've got to read this Dumb Mother-Fucker's illiterate comment , seriously . I couldn't stop laughing , "Credibility" , huh. David you can't expect a guy that's a third grade dropout to carry an intelligent Conversation , do you ? Of Course not . These dumb-ass put the "I" in Idiot . Alright bro , see ya' soon
Alexander M Fernandez
Alexander M Fernandez - 8 years ago
David , the only thing you can do to these DUMB-FUCKS that go around killing Iguanas , is hope that they try and kill one on your property . But they won't because they're not man enough , in fact they're Pussies .
Alexander M Fernandez
Alexander M Fernandez - 8 years ago
David Ortiz , I'm also from Miami and Totally agree w/ you ! There are (3) three huge Iguanas that live in the trees of my back yard . These guys are hilarious and what's funny is that they all have different personalities . That Stupid Motherfucker you were exchanging text w/ , has to be an INBRED . He's wrong w/ everything he said , what a dumb-fuck . These Iguanas are Gentle Giants . They come and eat from my hand and have never bit me or whipped me w/ their tail .
Victrod3 - 8 years ago
+Kade Estelle They are not gentle they are fracking crazy mean. You are mis-led.
ALWAYS ANGRON - 9 years ago
David Parker
David Parker - 9 years ago
+david ortiz actually i side with +Ultimate Predator​ you don't seem to understand iguanas very well. And if you're chasing them to tag... your wasting time. Iguanas are extremely invasive, by extremely i mean in one egg lay a female can lay 30+ eggs and thats not good. In other countries they are easier to keep alive than chickens and are the main food source , sooo stop whining. I own iguanas as well and have no intention of harming my babies.
Fcking Sesh
Fcking Sesh - 9 years ago
They taste good so why not eat them right? They obviously aren't going extinct right? I don't see you bitching over harming cows, chicken, pigs etc or do also bitch about that? Shouldn't they have the same right of not being harmed as your iguanas? Chickens, cows, and pigs are gentle as well you idiot why should they deserve get killed? Think before you talk you moron !
david ortiz
david ortiz - 9 years ago
+Ultimate Predator Whatever you say bud i know i have more experience and i know what you did was wrong and so does everyone else i don't have to prove myself to you
Ultimate Predator
Ultimate Predator - 9 years ago
+david ortiz Hahaha lets see you video. You're losing any credibility you may have had through your false statements. Tagging invasive Iguanas would not only be a waste of time, effort, and money, it would have absolutely no purpose.
david ortiz
david ortiz - 9 years ago
Ohh really i live in miami and there are tons of them just roaming around and i have 1 20ft reticulated python and a bunch of ball pythons and some bearded dragons and countless iguannas i have caught and tagged and not many have been agressive or thretend only ones that have were when i caught them duribg matibg season so you have no idea what you are talkin about i have lots of experience and you were wrong just admit it
Ultimate Predator
Ultimate Predator - 9 years ago
+david ortiz These large wild Iguanas feel "threatened" whenever you get closer than 15 yards from them, no matter what your intentions are. Anyone who says otherwise has absolutely no experience with them.
david ortiz
david ortiz - 9 years ago
+Ultimate Predator look buddy they only "whip" when thretend you threatend he should have "whipped" your ass but he didnt he tried to escape and you didnt let it you should be ashamed of yourself
Kade Estelle
Kade Estelle - 9 years ago
dude, I own an iguana and two bearded dragons, I've been around iguana's and snakes my hole life. They are very gentle unless threatened.
Ultimate Predator
Ultimate Predator - 9 years ago
+Kade Estelle No offense, but these "gentle" wild Iguanas would whip your ass.
Kade Estelle
Kade Estelle - 9 years ago
I have no remorse for humans that harm reptiles, I love reptiles more than any living creature including humans. I have no idea why I am this way but as a person who loves them so much I say you mother fucking shitty rednecks deserve the worst most gruesome awful death possible you need to suffer for your horrible inhuman actions that you have done to an innocent, beautiful animal.
Credin - 7 years ago
You've had more failed relationships than the amount of reptiles you own.

David Parker
David Parker - 9 years ago
+Kade Estelle look you are young so I will give some advice. I own iguanas and i love them very much. They are amazingly smart and fun companionship and they can be tamed enough to get along with bearded dragons and monitor lizards. Here's the thing though. Getting upset over this is pointless, I'm sad that the iguanas are being killed and eaten, but the thing is, in their home country and other places they have invaded, they ARE a primary source of food, because it's easier to catch wild overpopulation of iguanas than keep a chicken alive around predators. You're being impractical about how you think of this video. I won't eat my iguanas and i won't ever eat iguanas, but I won't argue the fact that he is actually using the killed iguanas in multiple ways. He isn't killing for sport. But if you want to get into ethics with me feel free, but even as a reptile owner, you are kinda showing that you don't own or never have owned a full grown iguana, especially a male. I can even explain how iguanas could possibly ruin the entire ecosystem of north America's animals.
Kade Estelle
Kade Estelle - 9 years ago
I've owned plenty of reptiles
Ben Masta
Ben Masta - 9 years ago
+Kade Estelle hahahaha just wait a few years kid, you will realize how stupid you look in saying what you do. At least i hope so, there is always the chance you dont bother to learn anything whatsoever about the animals you claim to care about lol
Fcking Sesh
Fcking Sesh - 9 years ago
+David Parker amen !
Branch - 9 years ago
+Kade Estelle Sorry, but saying you love them more than humans ruins your credibility. I see no reason to post this on youtube other than to rile people up. But if they are killed humanely and consumed, it is no different than eating the flesh of animals you can purchase at the butcher. I personally love these animals, but I also see the merits to participating in the circle of life rather than being untouched by ending life and buying meat in a bag at a store. You remove yourself from the reality of eating meat by shopping for it and never butchering your own. I'm not gonna judge this dude. But it did give me a weird vibe.
David Parker
David Parker - 9 years ago
Unless you open a reptile shelter to rehabilitate these iguanas and actually make an effort to give this guy and other people like him better options than killing the iguanas, we can't say anything. So calm yourself until you can do something positive, about the situation.
GamerBroz_Nation COD
GamerBroz_Nation COD - 9 years ago
OMG!!!! stop eating pets :( Sell Them as pets you would make tons of cash
Ultimate Predator
Ultimate Predator - 9 years ago
+GamerBroz_Nation COD They are not pets, they are wild animals. An aspiring Iguana owner certainly wouldn't be happy when he opens his box to be whipped and scratched by an angry, aggressive wild Iguana.
Eric Brown
Eric Brown - 9 years ago
Eat em up boys. They don't belong here. Good job.
Chris Forster
Chris Forster - 9 years ago
+Eric Brown I agree they don't,I may not like seeing animals getting killed by people but I don't care for Iguanas, their creepy and the can bite and I enjoyed watching it getting it's neck cut.
Ultimate Predator
Ultimate Predator - 9 years ago
+Eric Brown Yes sir.
LUKS GIMENEZ - 9 years ago
Pablo Castro
Pablo Castro - 9 years ago
hi devin the guy in that is my camp couch
Ana Sevnik
Ana Sevnik - 9 years ago
Are you people fucking crazy?!?? You can't eat iguanas they are animals and they live with us on Earth. You can go and suck a dick becouse they are actually verry friendly and if you wouldn't kill them meaby you could get to know them like I did. And better for you that you won't start commenting down below that they are monsters and stuff becouse I can fucking tell you that they aren't monsters and all the stuff you say about them.
I swear that I wouldn't give a fuck if you people would die in wildes while you would catch them becouse that is just something that you " HUMANS " deserve!
Ultimate Predator
Ultimate Predator - 9 years ago
+Ana Sevnik First of all pal its spelled "because" and yes I am aware that these Iguanas live with us on earth, just like all the other animals and plants we consume. I agree that captive raised Iguanas are friendly, but these wild ones are certainly not; which you would know if you got to know them "like I did." I will comment below, but I will tell you they aren't monsters, they are invasive animals reeking havoc in Florida's fragile ecosystem. They also taste delicious and yield a good amount of all natural meat, with more protein than chicken. Harvesting these lizards is the perfect solution and if more people were to catch on, the hungry could easily be fed and we would be helping Florida at the same time. I do care about animals, probably more than you. You seem to do a lot of caring for these invasive Iguanas, but little caring for the multiple endangered species that they threaten. I'm sorry you feel that way about me, but I wouldn't say that I "deserve" to die in the wilderness. I would say that it would be natural for me to die in the wilderness, just like any other animal that lives on this earth.
chris athens
chris athens - 9 years ago
block this person is dangerous and provide violence stop men the reptiles have life and you can't take it ok ?
Vovo sk
Vovo sk - 9 years ago
tomara q morra filho da p
ketchupspicy - 9 years ago
The animal you idiots threw into the water is called a Cuban Knight Anole. These are not aquatic reptiles, and chlorine can be very harmful to any animal, especially one of that size. You people disgust me because you get entertainment from this cruelty, while you're sitting there laughing and giggling with your buddy, that animal is completely stressed out and near death because it was thrown into a pool with chlorine. Fucking grow up.
TiceCream C
TiceCream C - 9 years ago
I strongly agree with you, they may be invasive species but they're creatures too, I'd like to see humans getting catches and skinned alive.
puppetlord1 - 9 years ago
When people do euphemism they try to make it quick and painless like put them to sleep first or like hunting deer aim for vitals that will kill it fast
puppetlord1 - 9 years ago
If you had a pet iguana or anole it is probably considered animal abuse
puppetlord1 - 9 years ago
They could have let it go gave it to like a reptile store or sold them no need to kill or throw there only invasive because they were brought here
puppetlord1 - 9 years ago
Florida has many invasive species two are dogs and cats but you don't kill or throw those
Huth Herbert
Huth Herbert - 9 years ago
You are right it should have been killed immediately along with all of its brothers and sisters. Nice channel btw; youre telling THEM to grow up? Hahahaha go on and do something with your life
ketchupspicy - 9 years ago
Just because its invasive doesn't mean you are free to fucking torture the poor thing. It's not like what they're doing is on purpose, they're just trying to live. You're the kind of person who doesn't deserve to have a say in what is right and wrong in this country.
Huth Herbert
Huth Herbert - 9 years ago
+BillMineFace Lol dumbass those are invasive in florida too.. Should have killed it
Kobe Felde
Kobe Felde - 9 years ago
I appreciate how he recognizes that it was an invasive species, but instead of pointlessly killing it, why not turn it in to an animal shelter, or your local pet store and spare what ones invasive species could be ones native endangered
Ultimate Predator
Ultimate Predator - 9 years ago
+Kobe Felde Keep in mind these invasive animals yield delicious all natural meat. Also that the animal shelters have no room, nor a desire to take these creatures in and care for them. They are aggressive, wild born, and wild raised. While in some cases one regions invasive animal may be another regions endangered animal, that is certainly not what is going on here. In the Green Iguana's native range of Central America they are plentiful (which I witnessed on my most recent surf trip to Nicaragua), and feeding many of the locals who can get their hands on them.
mariiguana - 9 years ago
Oke so I was really happy when I started the video, since I thought you were only doing it for fun... But then you took out that knife and I went berserk :( only because I LOVE iguanas, and all reptiles for that matter. I was about to shit you about it when I read your comments and realized that maybe you're right, and this is all for a greater good. Si it's ok, I forgive you, but I still can't bear to watch the part where you kill it. I had multiple pet iguanas and it's like seeing my own child being murdered haha.
David Parker
David Parker - 9 years ago
+Kenny McCormick​” McCormick you have no idea of ecosystem destruction they can cause do you? I own iguanas so understand that before you jump my case
Kenny McCormick
Kenny McCormick - 9 years ago
+mariiguana no fuck that they dont need to be killing them
Fred Hartdegen
Fred Hartdegen - 9 years ago
You think you could catch some and shipp them?because f you can i would really love one!keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cynthia Reese
Cynthia Reese - 9 years ago
I didn't  think of this before, but since reptiles are natural carriers of salmonella like all reptiles are, would the meat even be safe to eat?
Ultimate Predator
Ultimate Predator - 9 years ago
+Cynthia Reese If the salmonella were to make contact with the meat, it would just cook out.
Cynthia Reese
Cynthia Reese - 9 years ago
By the way, To others who commented about the deer hunters, I am not against  hunters, IF they are hunting to provide for their families, + that goes for any animal that can be used for meat.
1. I hate anyone that kills 'for sport', for the sake of being a macho man that just kills any animal to feel like a man.
2. I am NOT against anyone that kills animals to feed their families, or to help feed the poor, because the meat, + the taking of the life of that animal won't be in vain.
3. I HATE the way chickens, cows, sheep, + other animals are treated by these 'factory farms', + wish there were laws against them. Eating meat is not the bad part, it's the way they are treated that I am against. I refuse to eat lamb, + veal because of the way these poor young animals are treated for all of their short lives.
In nature when an animal kills, it is never for sport, it is to survive, to eat., to live another day. Man, + primates are the only creatures that kill 'for sport'.
Something to think about.
By the way, all of my iguanas have come from rescues. Give these iguanas chance to have a home where they will be loved, + well cared for.
Thuggwaffle - 9 years ago
+Cynthia Reese You do realize that the main reason for these amazing animals becoming invasive is because of the pet trade and shelters releasing them into the wild because they get to aggressive, big or costly. So it would be a horrible idea to give them back to the idiots who did it in the first place. If anything they should be shipped back to where they came from but they have grown so out of control that that's no longer a option. If this guy is gunna do something about the problem this is probably the best way to go about it. Though he shouldn't have shown it in the video and used a more efficient tool.
Ultimate Predator
Ultimate Predator - 9 years ago
+Cynthia Reese What you still fail to comprehend is that Deer and Iguanas are no different in the fact that they are food that feeds my family and I. Not only are these iguanas harvested for food, they also do not belong in Florida's ecosystem, which gives me every right to capture and harvest every single Iguana I encounter. You said it yourself, you aren't against hunters providing food from any meat yielding animal. Do you realize if I was to give every Iguana I have captured and will capture (which is far more than shown in this film) to a shelter, and everyone else did the same, they would need a facility the size of state prison to take proper care of them? These invasives are loaded on every canal and pond bank in South Florida. Taking care of these animals isn't free, and every dollar spent on taking care of these wild invasives is a wasted dollar. Breeded juvenile Iguanas are very different than these massive wild grown Iguanas in regards to their temperament and attitudes towards humans. Would you go shopping at the market (or in my case hunting the wild animals this earth yields BY HAND) and then turn your fresh bought goods (or in my case fresh caught) over to a facility where they would sit and rot? If you had any common sense, you surely wouldn't. As for your other comment about salmonella and meat, I am not even going to answer your question. That comment discarded any credibility you might have had in regards to survival, human nature, and knowledge about these reptiles. You need to take a few moments and educate yourself on the human diet from our species' origin, to present. The survival of this race is credited to hunters like myself; willing and able to to harvest animals under any circumstances for the survival of their family, or in this particular instance Florida's ecosystem as well. Once you are in a situation where it is your duty to either feed your family, or protect an ecosystem far more important than your own existence, will you TRULY understand the necessity to partake in these actions. Until then, you will be just as clueless as you are now.
David Walker
David Walker - 9 years ago
You guys are true bad ass saviors of south Florida. Protecting a natural ecosystem while following the golden rule of "don't kill what you don't eat" is how I see it. There are many ignorant people making comments on this video, and they're the same people making ignorant comments about deer hunters. They will do this while chewing on a piece of meat from an abused hormone injected cow raised on a farm for their neighborhood meat market. But that seems okay to them as these animals are born and raised on farms by people specifically to kill (in a very inhumane way) for other people to eat. I know personally that iguana is good tasting meat and full of protein. A quick chop to the spinal cord is indeed the quickest and most humane way to kill it. Keep up the good work guys!
Politically Incorrect
Politically Incorrect - 9 years ago
Never saw an Iguana that big before. I've heard that reptiles grow indefinitely.
No women or children were harmed in the making of this video.
Main bored
Main bored - 9 years ago
fuck you
Ricky Sandoval
Ricky Sandoval - 9 years ago
Heartless Red necks.
machelle Ahmed
machelle Ahmed - 9 years ago
Idiot, iguanas aren't food they are beautiful animals who need to be kept alone.
SweetSugarKRISPYNIPZZZ - 9 years ago
It would of be nice if the iguana was the one eating you, I don't mean to be that mean but you kinda just made you look dumb, don't do that again or else….
Ni Hao
Ni Hao - 9 years ago
Wouldn't it be more humane to stick the knife through their head?
Ni Hao
Ni Hao - 9 years ago
+Ultimate Predator Okay, I did not know that. Though I think you should get a bigger and sharper knife to speed up the process. Would it be possible to kill them with one or two hits to the head with a a baseball bat or something? No hate, I understand it's necessary, I would just like to see it being done as quick and painless as possible. Cheers!
Ultimate Predator
Ultimate Predator - 9 years ago
+Ni Hao Actually, no. These animals have have a ROCK solid skull, one that would require a mallet to penetrate. Even if I were to swiftly stab a hole through this animals brain, it would still survive far longer than when I cut completely through its spinal cord and decapitated it; resulting in instant death.
Joseph Contrades
Joseph Contrades - 9 years ago
Don't through animals in pools like that dummy
Joseph Contrades
Joseph Contrades - 9 years ago
Hahahah it's bit you
Joseph Contrades
Joseph Contrades - 9 years ago
Don't eat iguanas they could have parasites and its mean
Technicolor Beast
Technicolor Beast - 9 years ago
At first I was enraged. But then I read your response comments to others. Keep up the good work, just keep the beheading off camera. :3
Technicolor Beast
Technicolor Beast - 9 years ago
No problem dude. And I'm sure others will come to understand as well.
Ultimate Predator
Ultimate Predator - 9 years ago
+Technicolor Beast I know it's hard for people to get past that part, just hope they realize its necessary and humane. Thank you for your kind words.
tsz ching Tam
tsz ching Tam - 9 years ago
why the hack would you kill it? Did it do anything wrong. you are just a stupid c*nt
liam knox
liam knox - 9 years ago
ur sad
Igu chan
Igu chan - 9 years ago
I raised my baby Iguana for 18 years. She was my family. I can not forgive this kind of people. Remind me ISIS. Hope they catch you guys and cut your head off.
Credin - 7 years ago
Dude, you don't know what these animals do. They're not native to Florida, and they're over populated. Also, you just took care of Iguana's. Eating reptile meat, is basically the same for eating birds, mammals, and fish.
Kenneth91619 - 9 years ago
I grew up with iguanas as pets..can't watch this
Credin - 7 years ago
Then why'd you watch it in the first place?
Evelyn Stewart
Evelyn Stewart - 9 years ago
this sucks i love iguanas
AJ Lorenzo
AJ Lorenzo - 9 years ago
Kill ur self u fucken white pussy. I have a pet iguana. Catching them is pretty cool but u fucken killed an iguana. If i ever see u somewhere i would cut your fucken head and feed it to alligators.
Credin - 7 years ago
So, you have a pet iguana. Doesn't mean we can't hunt them. Example:"Oh look, I have a pet chicken, and my neighbor is eating chicken to feed his family. MIGHT AS WELL HARASS THEM!"
M. W
M. W - 9 years ago
Hate the song.
sSnNaAkKeEmMaAnN - 9 years ago
youre not a "red neck" just a stupid kid that wants attention
Joseph Contrades
Joseph Contrades - 9 years ago
austin stevens
austin stevens - 9 years ago
+sSnNaAkKeEmMaAnN Its redneck* rookie and your channel is pitiful.. Let em know when you grow into your big boy shorts then you can talk
sSnNaAkKeEmMaAnN - 9 years ago
jack ass probrably broke its neck. may think thats cool but learn how to handle them first
austin stevens
austin stevens - 9 years ago
+sSnNaAkKeEmMaAnN Hahaha you have clearly never handled an adult Iguana if you think their necks were even CLOSE to being injured.. Rookie.
charlotte brown
charlotte brown - 9 years ago
did u knock them out befor the head chop
Cynthia Reese
Cynthia Reese - 9 years ago
When you cut that iggies head off, I thought you were heartless. Catching them is OK, if you were going to send them to a reptile rescue, but what if you were that iguana? It's a good thing 'YOU' are not on the menu. I would love to EAT YOU, + not how you would want to be eaten
I have had pet iguanas as pets, + I loved them very much, + if you had done that to 1 of mine, I WOULD KILL YOU.
I would love to see how you would escape the jaws of a great white shark, or a t rex. Now that I would surely LOVE TO SEE!
Detros - 7 years ago
+Copenhagen Rebel enough to know how harsh and callous it can be. Not everyone is going to have the same friendly cuddly disposition. Much much worse things than the video above happen each day. It's childish to think everyone will share your worldview
Copenhagen Rebel
Copenhagen Rebel - 7 years ago
+Detros and you do?
Detros - 9 years ago
Foolish child. You know nothing of the real world.
Ultimate Predator
Ultimate Predator - 9 years ago
+Cynthia Reese Cutting the head off is a necessary part of harvesting that animal, and the most humane way of doing it (when compared to any other predator). I would not send potential good meat to a rescue where it can live a miserable life in a cage. That would be pointless, and stupid. I actually am on the menu for Alligators residing in the waters where I catch these invasives, and if one were to attack me that would all be part of the deal. I can assure you I would fight for my life if I was attacked by an Alligator, or the White Shark or T Rex you spoke of and if i don't make it out alive, so be it; that animal earned its kill, just as I did with these lizards. Killing them with a gun is one thing, but putting yourself in danger, outsmarting, and out working these creatures for a hand capture, and harvest is another level. I myself have owned Iguanas as pets and enjoyed their presence until the day they passed. These animals yield all natural meat that isn't available for people like you, who don't hunt for food for whatever reason, without spending dollars.
Thank you for commenting I appreciate your input, but i sincerely hope you recognize what is actually going on here instead of misinterpreting the necessary actions for saving Florida's ecosystem while filling our stomachs.
amanda dawn
amanda dawn - 9 years ago
i hated that what did thay do to u i hate pople like u
James W. Smith
James W. Smith - 7 years ago
What's a pople ?
Credin - 7 years ago
Do research.
Rob Castro
Rob Castro - 9 years ago
+amanda dawn They are devastating Florida's ecosystem..
Rob Castro
Rob Castro - 9 years ago
Never seen anyone catch Iguanas in the daytime like this! Very challenging, great video.
Sofia Chan
Sofia Chan - 9 years ago
You kill poor iguanas:(
Sofia Chan
Sofia Chan - 9 years ago
Ok i understand
Rob Castro
Rob Castro - 9 years ago
+Sofia Kallio but still what? This is necessary, and quite fun from the looks of it.
Sofia Chan
Sofia Chan - 9 years ago
Ok but still
Rob Castro
Rob Castro - 9 years ago
+Sofia Kallio to help poor Florida's ecosystem
cristoreyenlinea - 9 years ago
Humans are also an invasive animal specie that deserves to be lowered down in the food chain.
fallen nova
fallen nova - 7 years ago
cristoreyenlinea we have an iguana infestation in Florida you moron. Plus iguana is delicious!
Reub3 - 7 years ago
empezamos con usted. sacrificarte a un oso. pero ante que el oso come a tu carne vamos a enseñar a orar al señor. dando gracias por los alimentos. Gloria a dios! praise Jesus!
Copenhagen Rebel
Copenhagen Rebel - 7 years ago
Cristoreyenlinea ur right we should start with u first
Ken Nunez
Ken Nunez - 9 years ago
i gree
Branch - 9 years ago
+Ultimate Predator Iguanas are not devastating Florida in comparison to the Burms and Niles... Nowhere near... Iggs are minimal impact from what I've understood. But if there are plenty and the meat is efficient, I wont judge.
Ultimate Predator
Ultimate Predator - 9 years ago
+Dave Durham It is no intention of mine to exclude scenes that are necessary to express an important component of the natural process of harvesting an animal. Selling these invasives to reptile owners in Europe is a fantastic idea, I'll have to look into that. Thank you.
Dave Durham
Dave Durham - 9 years ago
 It would be nice then to show your reptiles that you keep. But I still don't understand the killing of animals on video. Why not sell them to people that like iguanas? I think that would be a better outcome for all.  There is a big market for the iguanas in Europe, and you could fill your fridge with rib-eye instead. Thanks for responding
Ultimate Predator
Ultimate Predator - 9 years ago
+Dave Durham Of course I don't capture and kill wild horses, come one now. If these horses were running around wild and engaging in destructive activity in Florida's ecosystem I would surely capture them, but I would tame them and use them as a tool or keep them as a pet and treat them as the respectable animal they are. I have no appetite for horses, for there are many more important uses they could assist in. Nor do I have an appetite for dogs and cats. As for the invasive South Florida parrots, they are not a subject of my immediate attention because they yield very little meat, and their destruction is far less evident than those of their fellow invasive Green Iguanas. A migration is very different than being dropped into a foreign land and freely exploiting Florida's fragile, already rapidly disappearing vegetation. A migration would allow time for Florida's vegetation and predators to adapt to the Iguana's presence, and avoid the extinction of various types of flora, resulting in the extinction of various fauna as well. I certainly could not engage in the deliberate disservice to Florida's ecosystem by releasing the breeding, meat yielding animals back into the wild. I assume you have the knowledge to realize all of this, but are distracted and upset at the killing of the reptiles you and I both love. I understand you may not be willing to engage in this type of activity for it takes a strong, true hearted individual that is able to see an opportunity to participate in some greater good that results in lessened destruction, and a stomach or refrigerator full of all natural delicious meat. Even if it means taking the life of the reptiles I envy, observe, and live to understand. I love animals, and reptiles are my passion. I own snakes and lizards myself, and treat them with the utmost care that they deserve. These Iguanas simply have no place in Florida's ecosystem at this time, and I sincerely hope you recognize the necessity, and rightfulness of these actions.
Thanks for your comment I appreciate your input.
Dave Durham
Dave Durham - 9 years ago
+Ultimate Predator Do you catch and kill wild horses? How about dogs, or maybe cats? What about the parrots?  All animals are invasive at sometime, but people and animals migrate, you have the right to do this of course, but to me its as sicking as the man that brought the horse up with a halter and shot him on camera.
M. W
M. W - 9 years ago
Perhaps you'd like to start with yourself.
cristoreyenlinea - 9 years ago
+Sam Smith I don't  agree with the rest of the world who still think you are the most civilized ones.
Ultimate Predator
Ultimate Predator - 9 years ago
+cristoreyenlinea We certainly are invasive, I would consider our species a disease to this earth and we have done FAR more damage than we could ever repair. That being said, we are the only species that is able to give our earth's ecosystems a fighting chance for survival. We need to focus on correcting our wrongs of releasing nonnative plants and animals into our ecosystems. These Green Iguanas are devastating some of Florida's rare flora which will eventually result in the extinction of some associated rare fauna. Encouraging the capture and harvest of nonnative animals such as these iguanas is the only way Florida will have a chance. We enjoy what we do for many reasons, and have no intentions other than filling our stomachs will all natural meat (only from animals in need of regulation or extermination from a particular region), and doing what we can to assist this earth in thriving once again.
Thank you for commenting i appreciate your input.
ToshdogII - 9 years ago
Iguana have one for dinner tonite ...
Flatzout - 9 years ago
I'd kill everyone of got any snakehead footage ?
GOD DOG - 7 years ago
Flatzout I'd kill you
Flatzout - 9 years ago
+Ultimate Predator cool , a pellet gun would do those lizards in..they are so far out of control its pitiful.. I have even seen some up here in st.pete beach !!
Ultimate Predator
Ultimate Predator - 9 years ago
+Flatzout Yeah we really should. Going to start eating a lot more of them medium sized and up. Working on some snakehead footage right now we've seen a couple studs.
David Walker
David Walker - 9 years ago
Epic footage!

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