Catching Minnows With A Cast Net

It's time to catch some big spotted bass on lake weiss! But first we need some live bait. Today i head of to the creek to catch some minnows for my trip tomorrow. I hope you enjoyed the video! In the next couple of days, I will be uploading my trip using these minnows. If you enjoyed this video please leave a like it would mean alot! Subscribe for more content! See you guys next time. SUBSCRIBE! PREVIOUS VIDEO:

Catching Minnows With A Cast Net sentiment_very_dissatisfied 53

Raww fishing 8 years ago 94,001 views

It's time to catch some big spotted bass on lake weiss! But first we need some live bait. Today i head of to the creek to catch some minnows for my trip tomorrow. I hope you enjoyed the video! In the next couple of days, I will be uploading my trip using these minnows. If you enjoyed this video please leave a like it would mean alot! Subscribe for more content! See you guys next time. SUBSCRIBE! PREVIOUS VIDEO:

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Most popular comments
for Catching Minnows With A Cast Net

Bassman Dan
Bassman Dan - 7 years ago
I would hate for my net to get stuck on the bottom. Is there any way to avoid this?
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 7 years ago
Unfortunately their isn't. I have messed up a lot of nets because of getting caught on rocks. I try to look for areas that aren't as rocky if I can. Thank you for watching Bassman Dan!!
partner348 - 7 years ago
Seein's how you admittedly "ain't normal", I was beginnin' t' think Elmo was your imaginary friend.
John Nike
John Nike - 7 years ago
Damn that's ruthless lol
Calvin Johnson
Calvin Johnson - 7 years ago
How you keep them alive over night?
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 7 years ago
I use a Aerator in the cooler. Thanks for watching Calvin!
bill kendrick
bill kendrick - 7 years ago
are you a building contractor or a carpentor
hero413 - 7 years ago
Can you make a video on how you locate crappies? I'm a big bass guy but some how came across your videos and got myself into it and now it's a new hobby of crappie fishing! Haha keep fishing cause it's good for y'all
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 7 years ago
Already got you covered my friend! locate them from the boat
locating them from the bank
Mike West
Mike West - 7 years ago
I got a betts old salt cast net and it had a lot of lead on it. I could only cast it 10 times before my shoulder got soar.
Alexis Greene
Alexis Greene - 7 years ago
Put ya seatbelt on old timer
Michael Jamieson
Michael Jamieson - 7 years ago
hi Richard I love your videos can you make another cast net video and my name is michael
Michael Jamieson
Michael Jamieson - 7 years ago
you are welcome
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 7 years ago
Thank you Michael! I will add it to my to do list! Thank you so much for watching my friend!

10. comment for Catching Minnows With A Cast Net

Danika Wild
Danika Wild - 7 years ago
Larry Ciarrocchi
Larry Ciarrocchi - 7 years ago
In m y lake we have what we call "Golden Shiners" They look like streamlined carp about 6 to 12 inches long. We catch them on small dough balls or a dry fly. "Snot Rockets" (northern pike) love 'em to death but, Big ol bass love 'em just as well. Also catch "creek chubs" on small jigs, bass love them better than bluegills or golden shiners. Then we have what we call "Mud Minners" a fatter kind of minner (carp) but shorter. I am in S.E. Lower Michigan.
Zachary Cray Thompson
Zachary Cray Thompson - 7 years ago
why do you call them minners
Zachary Cray Thompson
Zachary Cray Thompson - 7 years ago
all good love watching
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 7 years ago
I call em minners sometimes minnas lol It's just a slang way of saying it. sort of a habbit more than anything. Thank you for watching Zachary!
jim mcdonald
jim mcdonald - 7 years ago
when you used the bobby garland minnow below the float for crappie was it in the summer and does it only work around rocks. thanks for the videos
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 7 years ago
no problem Jim Thank you for watching! I use them mainly in the spring during spawn when the fish are up shallow. I also have used float in the early fall when the water turns over, suspended crappie. It really just depend on the depth of the fish
moose1875 - 7 years ago
Just came across this channel, you have yourself a subscriber boss. Great videos, I'm learning allot
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 7 years ago
Thank you Moose1875!
Robert Cabe
Robert Cabe - 7 years ago
You should stop smoking bro
Soua Yang
Soua Yang - 7 years ago
Cuz peopls say it's illegal to use net
Soua Yang
Soua Yang - 7 years ago
So if we use the net for minnow or creek chub than its fine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 7 years ago
Here in Alabama its not illegal to catch any type of creek minnows to use for fishing. However the laws are different from state to state. In Alabama we can even use bluegill for bait although alot of states wont even let you do that. I would just look up your state laws on this before doing it because it varries. Thank you for watching Soua Yang!
Kyle Dowling
Kyle Dowling - 7 years ago
Bana pancake
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 7 years ago
Pancake Bana
Swordking Master00
Swordking Master00 - 7 years ago
have you try it saltwater castnetting on the pear?
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 7 years ago
i have When I lived in Florida. The Closest saltwater i have here is about 7hours away unfortunatly. I use to love to salt water fish. Thank you for watching Chris!

20. comment for Catching Minnows With A Cast Net

Jeff Morris
Jeff Morris - 7 years ago
Today ol Richard went to the lake to try and catch him sum minners,while down at the lake below him, the preacher was baptizing sinners.It caused such a ruckus as them  demons was cast out,till Richard did a little dance and give a great shout.The Lord was so pleased by what he saw till he did like Peter of old.He filled up ol Richards net, with all the minners it could hold.Amen...........................Great video Richard heres a sub for you at no charge .ha ha.
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 7 years ago
LOL Thank you Jeff!
kaden logan ;]
kaden logan ;] - 7 years ago
please respond i love me dem minners
kaden logan ;]
kaden logan ;] - 7 years ago
thx i subbed
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 7 years ago
Dem der Minners are good fer ye bass fishin! LOL Thanks for watching Kaden!
Dwreck2921 - 7 years ago
Great video gotta catch some miners
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 7 years ago
Thanks Dwreck! Gotta get them der miners LOL
Daniel Reynolds
Daniel Reynolds - 7 years ago
What kind of net do you use? What would you recommend for a first time buyer?
Daniel Reynolds
Daniel Reynolds - 7 years ago
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine you're welcome! Absolutely love what you do! I can be having a bad day but your videos make everything just fine!
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 7 years ago
I use a Betts 1/4inch mesh 6ft. I reccomend it! Thank you for watching Daniel!
Ark Litters
Ark Litters - 7 years ago
Amazing video!! keep it up//Subscribed and liked// love it man!
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 7 years ago
Thank you Ark litters!
seamurda100 - 7 years ago
Get Elmo to throw that net!
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 7 years ago
i need too that boy don't do nothin LOL Thank you for watching seamurda100!
nick hackenburg
nick hackenburg - 7 years ago
you got to get a MINNER trap so then you can set it and come back and get them MINNERS out not to much work involved new subscriber +Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Nischay Patil
Nischay Patil - 7 years ago
nick hackenburg
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 7 years ago
Thank you for subscribing Nick!
Country plumpkin
Country plumpkin - 7 years ago
Richard is doing what it takes to get them creek MINNERS!
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 7 years ago
Thats right got to get them dare minners! LOL
Kadetemo - 7 years ago
What county are you from? I'm from Lawrence where are you guys fishing
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 7 years ago
I'm from Dekalb. Thank you for watching kadetemo!
Kerry Comstock
Kerry Comstock - 7 years ago
Another good video, Richard! One question, is Elmo real or made up? LOL
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 7 years ago
Thank you Kerry! LOL maybe I can get him on video one day!

30. comment for Catching Minnows With A Cast Net

Ken Quesenberry
Ken Quesenberry - 7 years ago
I've seen 40 lb Flatheads caught on Redhorse Suckers, about 10 or 11 inches, the suckers I mean.
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 7 years ago
I need to try that! thanks for letting me know Ken!
wavygr - 7 years ago
How do you keep them alive?
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 7 years ago
I use an airrator. Thanks for watching wavygr!
Michael Davis
Michael Davis - 7 years ago
Enjoy watching You Richard and of course Elmo too
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 7 years ago
Thank you Michael!
Shiddy - 7 years ago
Creek minners and sucker fia.. man that cracks me up. great video
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 7 years ago
Lol thanks for watching shiddy! love that screen name
Shiddy - 7 years ago
Try a 3/16 net if legal. In that shallow of water, fall rate shouldn't matter much. It will keep you from gilling the smaller ones and you will still catch the big ones.
John Wall
John Wall - 7 years ago
I really enjoy your videos, but please tell Elmo to hold the camera more steady! -If he can!
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 7 years ago
Thank you John! I've told Elmo time and time again but he just don't listen!
Pavel Marius
Pavel Marius - 7 years ago
hello,can you please help me with info where you bought the net? thanks
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 7 years ago
Pavel Marius I bought one of my cast nets at sports academy and the other two at bass pro shops. Thank you for watching!
david lee
david lee - 7 years ago
cheer for good work !
david lee
david lee - 7 years ago
casting the net takes skills and you did a good job ! thanks for teaching us. Your videos are very educational !
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 7 years ago
Thank you David!
NatureBoy - 7 years ago
Is this legal?
Mike West
Mike West - 7 years ago
NatureBoy you ahould look into moving to a free country.
NatureBoy - 7 years ago
I was asking because in my country it's forbidden and you can go to jail if you fish like this.
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 7 years ago
Yes it is in Alabama. However I know that in some states it may not be.
Tonya Williams
Tonya Williams - 7 years ago
do you ever take your wife fishing with you?
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 7 years ago
Sometimes I do, but she dosen't care much for it. Thanks for watching Tonya!
Larry C
Larry C - 7 years ago
Great vid! True pioneer.
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 7 years ago
Thank you Larry!
GIV N GO - 7 years ago
i love you buddy. great vids! god bless you and yours
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 7 years ago
Love you to Big Jack! God bless you and thank you for watching my videos!
Christopher Valley
Christopher Valley - 7 years ago
just subscribed, love your videos
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 7 years ago
Thank you Christopher!
stan brown
stan brown - 7 years ago
man you are a hard worker
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 7 years ago
I do My best! Thank you for watching Stan!
pay 2232
pay 2232 - 7 years ago
Finally not the only one who calls them miners
Ken Quesenberry
Ken Quesenberry - 7 years ago
Sorry willy, I'm not into playing narcissistic games.
William Haney
William Haney - 7 years ago
Ken Quesenberry you ought too know what he thinks I mean c'mon man or girl
Ken Quesenberry
Ken Quesenberry - 7 years ago
Minnow trapping. Miners work underground.
William Haney
William Haney - 7 years ago
Ken Quesenberry yeah he does
William Haney
William Haney - 7 years ago
He does lots of stuff miner trapping hunting trapping fishing all kinds of stuff I recommend u play clash of clans if u dont
Ken Quesenberry
Ken Quesenberry - 7 years ago
That's the guy that does outdoor stuff and slaps it on YouTube; right?
William Haney
William Haney - 7 years ago
Kendal Grey ALL DAY
Ken Quesenberry
Ken Quesenberry - 7 years ago
Minners. Miners dig stuff out of the ground. : )
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 7 years ago
Lol Looks like I'm not alone either! Thank you for watching pay2232!
Alex McGarry
Alex McGarry - 7 years ago
What size is that net? Thats a perfect size
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 7 years ago
I bought it at a Sports Academy. Gadsden AL Sports Academy if you live in Al.
Alex McGarry
Alex McGarry - 7 years ago
Did you buy it online and do you know if it is legal to use in canada?
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 7 years ago
Alex its a 6ft net.
Tomiko Green
Tomiko Green - 8 years ago
happy to see Elmo with u
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 8 years ago
ELmo needs to go more often!
Carroll McGuire
Carroll McGuire - 8 years ago
Been thinking about getting myself a casting net. What size was that one you were using? Anything to steer clear of when buying one?
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 8 years ago
It's a 6ft mono net with a 3/8 mesh. Most nets on the market now are pretty equal as far as quailty but their is nets that are much better then what you can buy localy like at a walmart. The better nets are at places like bass pro shops but the ones from places like walmart will work fine. Thanks for watching Carroll!
Tristen Rhodes
Tristen Rhodes - 8 years ago
ok thanks and have u ever fish perryville TN
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 8 years ago
I have never fished in TN I have fished close to the Al/Tn line before and i have fished the TN river.
Tristen Rhodes
Tristen Rhodes - 8 years ago
how do u find the minners
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 8 years ago
If their are any creeks in your area where you live, just explore them and look real careful for flashes on the minnows. Look for deeper areas in the creek and you should find em!

50. comment for Catching Minnows With A Cast Net

Wayne Miller
Wayne Miller - 8 years ago
Well I went by a creek on Thursday in collinsville that looked familiar on this video....on my way to Weiss lake thought maybe you lived there...
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 8 years ago
I don't I live in a area between albertville and Geraldine. the area dosent really have a name
cbf 24
cbf 24 - 8 years ago
here's my question for the q and a. What is you favorite rod and reel that you own?
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 8 years ago
for crappie 6ft light action eagle claw and reel is garcia. Thanks for watching cbf24
Wayne Miller
Wayne Miller - 8 years ago
Hey Richard do you live in Collins villa, al
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 8 years ago
I don't I go their sometimes though.
ferris bueler
ferris bueler - 8 years ago
we got them redeyes in cricks and small rivers here in virginia, like ya'lls videos ready to get out there...
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 8 years ago
Thanks Ferris and when ya go catch a bigun!
Kevin Clanton
Kevin Clanton - 8 years ago
Love the video, best way to catch good bait that's for sure.
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 8 years ago
I agree! thanks for watching Kevin
Casey Moore
Casey Moore - 8 years ago
Do you ever fish the cedar bluff side of Weiss lake? What is a good gig ( color) for crappie ?
Casey Moore
Casey Moore - 8 years ago
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine thanks for the info. Last question, what's the best way to find a school of crappie?
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 8 years ago
I do. Anything with chartruse and white combo. Second choice would be a peral color. Thanks for watching Casey!
Lord of the Dings
Lord of the Dings - 8 years ago
Nischay Patil
Nischay Patil - 7 years ago
Nischay Patil
Nischay Patil - 7 years ago
Nischay Patil
Nischay Patil - 7 years ago
Brooke Kramer 9011343587
Gray Gang
Gray Gang - 7 years ago
Chad Downer
Chad Downer - 8 years ago
I got on youtube to try and learn some tricks for crappie fishing on guntersville. I ran across your videos and I have enjoyed them. I think the only thing I need now is to climb in your boat with you.
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 8 years ago
Thanks Chad glad you enjoy my videos!
ryan brate
ryan brate - 8 years ago
you do know half of those are creek shiners right ....
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 8 years ago
+ryan brate Thats right! they make for good bait! Thanks for watching Ryan!
Jerry Routh
Jerry Routh - 8 years ago
Richard, come on!! That's too easy. What ever happened to a "MINNER TRAP AND CRACKERS"?. Thanks, great video.
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 8 years ago
+Jerry Routh  lol your right! Thanks for watching Jerry. I enjoy your videos as well
Bubba Clay
Bubba Clay - 8 years ago
Mean gene u sure do throw a good nett!!! how much u rekon u coulda bought dem minners 4 at tha store? seems like that wuz lots of troubel for a few minners. Newayz good talkin to ya!
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 8 years ago
+Bubba Clay Ima a reckonin that i coulda but I didnt know I was Only gonna get a few of dim minners until I went down there. Sometimes I catch a bunch sometimes I dont get none of um! Besides Ima poor Bubba Clay! Thanks for watching Bubba Clay I appreaciate ye!
Russell Andersen
Russell Andersen - 8 years ago
I wish I had the know how to throw a cast net half as good as you Richard. Good baits!
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 8 years ago
+Russell Andersen Thanks Russell. It took alot of practice to learn
Atypical Outdoors
Atypical Outdoors - 8 years ago
What's going on Richard? My question is who is Elmo?
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 8 years ago
Hows it going Atypical Outdoors. Thanks for The question!
Ron Nesmith
Ron Nesmith - 8 years ago
Great lesson on throwing a cast net. Looking forward to the spotted bass video. Keep em coming.
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 8 years ago
+Ron Nesmith Thanks Ron. I should have it uploaded soon!
rolltidematt92 - 8 years ago
love ur vids richard always some cool info in them, what town u from? whats ur fav baits to throw in the different seasons of the year on guntersville, do u fish gville dam?
rolltidematt92 - 8 years ago
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine no problem, thanks for the videos I enjoy them!
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 8 years ago
+rolltidematt92 Thank for those questions Matt!
rolltidematt92 - 8 years ago
is elmo ur son? haha
Al Hughes
Al Hughes - 8 years ago
enjoyed the video... gonna send a copy to my brother so you can teach him to throw a net!
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 8 years ago
Thanks Al! I'll have that Weiss video up in a day or Two! Im thinking about doin a little crappie fishing over at Weiss soon as well.
Doug Jenkins
Doug Jenkins - 8 years ago
Enjoyed it. I was on Weiss today and got blown off the lake,
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Richard Gene The Fishing Machine - 8 years ago
Glad you enjoyed it Doug! How did you do on Weiss today?
Doug Jenkins
Doug Jenkins - 8 years ago
First time I've seen anybody catch steelbacks since I was a young boy.

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