Catching Snakehead in South Florida

Rod: 7'2" Shimano Jackall Poison Adrena Heavy (Center-Cut 2PC Model - JDM) Reel: Daiwa Zillion 9.1:1 Bait Casting Reel Scale: Gambler Lures Digital Culling Scale Bag: Tackle Warehouse Angler Backpack On my first day (9-29-16) back in South Florida, I went out with my buddies Ryan and Mikey to chase some Bullseye Snakehead. We started off the day pretty slow, but things got better as the day went on. We got some good action and landed some monster snakehead. I will continue to chase that 10lber for the remainder of this trip! Ryan's Channel: Mikey's Channel: Snakehead Myths Debunked(with sources) : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBSCRIBE: Website: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: Periscope: Noobangler Snapchat: Noobangler ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Noobangler Store: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Playlists: 1Rod1ReelFishing Collab Videos: Florida Fishing Videos: MTB Unboxing: -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: "Traveled Halfway Across The World To Catch My Dream Fish (4K)" -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-

Catching Snakehead in South Florida sentiment_very_dissatisfied 16

Raww fishing 8 years ago 6,921 views

Rod: 7'2" Shimano Jackall Poison Adrena Heavy (Center-Cut 2PC Model - JDM) Reel: Daiwa Zillion 9.1:1 Bait Casting Reel Scale: Gambler Lures Digital Culling Scale Bag: Tackle Warehouse Angler Backpack On my first day (9-29-16) back in South Florida, I went out with my buddies Ryan and Mikey to chase some Bullseye Snakehead. We started off the day pretty slow, but things got better as the day went on. We got some good action and landed some monster snakehead. I will continue to chase that 10lber for the remainder of this trip! Ryan's Channel: Mikey's Channel: Snakehead Myths Debunked(with sources) : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBSCRIBE: Website: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: Periscope: Noobangler Snapchat: Noobangler ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Noobangler Store: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Playlists: 1Rod1ReelFishing Collab Videos: Florida Fishing Videos: MTB Unboxing: -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: "Traveled Halfway Across The World To Catch My Dream Fish (4K)" -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-

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Most popular comments
for Catching Snakehead in South Florida

chris white
chris white - 7 years ago
next time you are this way holla...i get you on the marine base into a creek most can't fish....its brutal lots of grass and pads
noobangler - 7 years ago
will do!
chris white
chris white - 7 years ago
I see from the vids...alot of haters out there...the fish are here not going anywhere so may as well enjoy favorite fish to catch.. looking forwards to the top water bite again
noobangler - 7 years ago
yeah definitely. i'm headed to FL this weekend to hopefully get on em. been rough for me so far this year.
chris white
chris white - 7 years ago
chatterbaits and double blade spinner...they on the spawn now...everyone I caught has been big females so I let em go
noobangler - 7 years ago
yep. same here. i release all of mine.
chris white
chris white - 7 years ago
try Quantico creek ,potomac creek and on is he'll of a fight...the bite was good up til last week..big front pushed it's gotton slow
noobangler - 7 years ago
i was just down at mattawoman and quantico a few weeks ago and the bite was very tough.
chris white
chris white - 7 years ago
we have some monster northern snakehead here in va...blast to catch...wished we had the bullseye too..pretty fish
noobangler - 7 years ago
yep. northerns are what i normally fish for where i live (PA/NJ area) and my buddies catch monsters around VA all the time. definitely going to try there some more this summer.
Joseph Evans
Joseph Evans - 7 years ago
Hi noob angler. I will be in Florida in July and I'm curious where I should try to go and catch these fish... canals or apartment complex ponds? And should I focus more in Coral Springs or broward county?
noobangler - 7 years ago
literally any canal in broward county will have them. look for shallow can calm water. cast a rubber frog parallel to the bank and set the hook hard. focus on coral springs, tamarac, sunrise area is all good.
GambitAngler - 8 years ago
Hey I catch huge snakehead's just like this check out my channel subscribe and like
J Dos
J Dos - 8 years ago
Nice video. I catch snakeheads too.Local here. Please visit my youtube subscribe and like videos. Just starting out on youtube can you give me a shout out ? Thanks
King Mordecai
King Mordecai - 8 years ago
Here in Cali we have invasive pike and people think the same way. And the law is you can not transport them but nothing about killing them But I think pike are awesome to catch so I catch and release also.

10. comment for Catching Snakehead in South Florida

david jackson
david jackson - 8 years ago
Awesome video man!  What pound line were you using?
noobangler - 8 years ago
david jackson thanks man. 50lb suffix 832 braid using Bangkok hooker twist knot
JBanglerB - 8 years ago
Looks like west palm beach
Target Shark
Target Shark - 8 years ago
I live in Latvia so it is impossible for me to catch snakehead. But I hope I will get to Florida someday.
Ismael Rodriguez
Ismael Rodriguez - 8 years ago
are you still doing the tournament or rescheduling it due to weather???
Fishing With Finn
Fishing With Finn - 8 years ago
Love all your videos keep it up! I wanna catch my own snakehead some day. I live in Canada so it's a far travel to get to them
noobangler - 8 years ago
you can get one in new jersey/ND/VA or Floria
Erik Talty
Erik Talty - 8 years ago
I would just like to know where the information stating you are able to release them is. I can't seem to find any recent information stating that it's an option to release them. All I've found is that it's prohibited. And that you must destroy them. I'm just curious as to where the information is because i do fish some waters where there are supposed snakeheads but have never caught them. And as for nj f&w what they say is enforced by fish and game. I've worked and been in contact with the wardens several times and have asked them several questions that has confirmed that they enforce those rules stated on the website. Not trying to troll anyone but from what the laws say in nj I can't find anywhere that says it's an option. I don't want to be the one to release one and have a warden sitting there behind me.
noobangler - 8 years ago
Erik Talty it all comes down to interpretation of the law and nobody anywhere has ever been prosecuted for catch and immediate release into the same body of water. My friends were in philly. I'm going to continue to release them. It doesn't matter what the game warden in NJ says because they don't know either. Find me a tangible source or Law that says it is illegal. You won't because it doesn't exist. The law everywhere says that it is illegal to possess or transfer live. It says nothing about being required to kill it. Read this:
Erik Talty
Erik Talty - 8 years ago
noobangler , I appreciate the info on that video good one to watch for people in the Virginia Maryland dc, area. However I did a little more research and contacted several game wardens and fish and game reps who stated that laws in New Jersey are that it is prohibited( as in it is illegal) to release snakeheads back alive. I even said bag it technically doesn't say that it is illegal in the fish and game book they gave me an example that if private property says trespassing prohibited does it mean it's a choice to do one or the other or does it mean it's illegal ( valid point). Just a heads up to nj guys who fish for them or catch them. For others who fish out of state in the aforementioned areas it is not illegal to catch and release. As noobangler has stated it is suggested or recommended to kill but don't have to. As for the wardens not knowing the laws. If your friend was in nj and let the snakehead go in front of the warden I would consider himself lucky lol.
noobangler - 8 years ago
the information is not easily found and takes a bit if leg work to interpret. there will not be any official website that specifically say "it is legal to catch and release." at the same time, there will also not be any official laws that say "it is illegal to catch and release." there are 3 types of laws when it comes to snakehead: indifferent, authorized destruction, and compulsory destruction. indifferent means there is no specific law. authorized destruction is what most states with snakehead problems fall under which means you are allowed to catch and kill them with no limit. compulsory destruction means you are legally required to kill it, which is a type of law that cannot even legally exist because it is a direct contradiction and violation to the free exercise clause. what this means is that the government cannot interfere with the legal, and personal practice of religion (a peaceful buddhist cannot be forced to kill a snakehead.) also, i have several e-mails from officials in FWC and various wild life agencies all along the east coast backing this. nobody has ever been prosecuted for catch and release of snakehead into the same body of water and if anyone tries to tell you differently, they are either ignorant or trying to scare you. many, if not most game wardens don't even know the laws themselves. i have friends who have gotten into argument with game wardens and released snakehead directly in front of them inside a national wildlife refuge and nothing happened to them. there's nothing they can do to you. the amount of resources it would take to even prosecute someone for that is just unrealistic. you're more likely to get pinned for jaywalking. like i said, if you're really interested, read the post i included in my description. i have done many hours of research on this topic so that i can speak to it. i can understand if i sound like i am talking out of my ass because most people who discuss snakehead are, but i assure you, i've done my due diligence. watch this video:
Ultimate Fishing Addict
Ultimate Fishing Addict - 8 years ago
You guys had some cool catches on this trip.
spankthatBASSTV - 8 years ago
Paulpro PP
Paulpro PP - 8 years ago
noobangler not so noob anymore..
noobangler - 8 years ago
Paulpro PP haha always room to grow!
Micleah Cherry
Micleah Cherry - 8 years ago
What rod and reel are u using
noobangler - 8 years ago
i am using a 7'2" shimano jackall poison adrena heavy with daiwa zillion 9.1 reel

20. comment for Catching Snakehead in South Florida

Mason Snowden
Mason Snowden - 8 years ago
What rod is that
noobangler - 8 years ago
7'2" shimano jackall poison adrena heavy with daiwa zillion 9.1 reel
Andrew Vinci
Andrew Vinci - 8 years ago
Great video Andrew! Keep it up
ItsForReelFishing - 8 years ago
hey snakehead are beautiful fish and do deserve to be released! ill always be catch and release no matter what...
noobangler - 8 years ago
NJ Fishing
NJ Fishing - 8 years ago
nice man
noobangler - 8 years ago
thanks liam
adamlegg01 - 8 years ago
Beautiful fish!! Nice catch!
adamlegg01 - 8 years ago
noobangler no problem!
noobangler - 8 years ago
thanks adam!
Daniel Lopez
Daniel Lopez - 8 years ago
So bro my name as you see on my channel name is my name so you better recognize me plz
noobangler - 8 years ago
just tell me who you are when you show up since i don't know what you look like lol
Daniel Lopez
Daniel Lopez - 8 years ago
For the tournament
josue avellaneda
josue avellaneda - 8 years ago
Omg I know where that is I used to walk there and always got skunked
noobangler - 8 years ago
i'm really starting to get the hang of bullseye fishing and i love it.
Rawr - 8 years ago
What case do you use for your GoPro? A waterproof case or a frame?
noobangler - 8 years ago
i use the skeleton housing because i run a mic and an external usb charger. check out this video i made about my go pro set up:
spankthatBASSTV - 8 years ago
@ 2:12 , you guys were behind my house
noobangler - 8 years ago
haha really? that's so close
Len Dog
Len Dog - 8 years ago
The problem is.. people get confused because the law says you can not release A nonnative fish into Florida waters.. but they are not talking about one you caught while fishing! And the fact that you can't transport it alive gets people confused!
Len Dog
Len Dog - 8 years ago
I always heard that so I researched it because I didn't want to kill them... it took a whole 10 seconds to find out that you didn't have to! If people choose to that's up to long as they know that they don't have to!
noobangler - 8 years ago
bingo! it requires some actual thinking to interpret correctly.

30. comment for Catching Snakehead in South Florida

BitetheBait Fishing
BitetheBait Fishing - 8 years ago
That's a great looking spot you went too! So many snake head up that way, I have to drive back up there and give it a shot. Very cool video.
noobangler - 8 years ago
yep! we got some good spots.
Erik Talty
Erik Talty - 8 years ago
Just don't release snakeheads in New Jersey it is prohibited.
Ryan Sand
Ryan Sand - 8 years ago
I live in New Jersey it is not e legal to realese snakehead
jared lee
jared lee - 8 years ago
Erik Talty is fishing allowed back there?
noobangler - 8 years ago
those aren't laws. every wild life website says something similar to discourage spreading them. they will never let people have the impression that nonnative species are okay because then people will spread them even more. there's nothing you can do to eradicate them so might as well enjoy them. the word "must" is not the same as "it is unlawful." also, that is not even an official law website. check the link in my description for more info. if you're truly interested in learning more, read through it entirely.
Erik Talty
Erik Talty - 8 years ago As per the nj fish and wild life website " anglers must destroy these species of encounter"
noobangler - 8 years ago
Erik Talty no or isn't. It's only "recommended". And I will continue to release every snakehead I catch in both floirda and NJ.
Ailin Le
Ailin Le - 8 years ago
hey man, looking foward to seeing you at the tournament
noobangler - 8 years ago
Human LG thanks. Likewise!
Baylor Linn
Baylor Linn - 8 years ago
I fish this place right off the Sawgrass and it's infested with snakehead,-80.2941536,147m/data=!3m1!1e3
Logan Unsworth
Logan Unsworth - 7 years ago
Baylor Linn what lures do you use
noobangler - 8 years ago
Baylor Linn I'll check it out!
Terzy - 8 years ago
Good stuff
noobangler - 8 years ago
Terzy thanks man
Mahi Boyz
Mahi Boyz - 8 years ago
I thought it was strange that snake didn't jet off lol I've never seen that happen before either
noobangler - 8 years ago
Reel Talk Fishing yeah because it died shortly after lol
SawGrassBassin - 8 years ago
great stuff my friend! We will break that pb a few more times while your down here
noobangler - 8 years ago
SawGrassBassin' Capt.Mikey for sure!
Jonathan Do
Jonathan Do - 8 years ago

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