Raww fishing 10 years ago 388,440 views
Caviar EATING RAW FISH EGGS fresh from the belly of a salmon
Raww fishing 10 years ago 388,440 views
Caviar EATING RAW FISH EGGS fresh from the belly of a salmon
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The "Caviar EATING RAW FISH EGGS" video is part of the raww fishing, pond category, which contains similar videos like this one.
10. comment for Caviar EATING RAW FISH EGGS
20. comment for Caviar EATING RAW FISH EGGS
30. comment for Caviar EATING RAW FISH EGGS
50. comment for Caviar EATING RAW FISH EGGS
That's 159% of the daily recommended value.
I live where some of the best salmon in the world is (northwestern WA state), and every fisherman here knows that salmon roe (and really any roe) is extremely high in cholesterol.
Know the fact that any sort of caviar has loads of cholestrol but packed with protein. But because of the cholestrol, bodybuilders tend not to eat caviar or egg yolk that much.
100. comment for Caviar EATING RAW FISH EGGS
( lets about 6 eggs drop as he puts some in his mouth )
Baster just outfit back in the fucking sea you races fuck Japanese do it FUCK YOU YOU PEACE OF SHIT
I think the best mouthful was a can of black olives.
I bet salmon eggs can uphold you for a while.
Valdez AK have gotten slammed this last couple of years. That don't mean is an easy ride tho
So basically you are telling the same thing I did before. This leads me to believe you misunderstood something I wrote and thought I didn't understand the true way salmon mate. So instead of you writing a comment to me saying something like; "Oh sorry, I misread something you wrote. You were totally correct there.", you decided to delete your comment and try to make me look like a stupid cunt. Now I don't know how old you are, but I can tell you that attitude and behaviour of that sort won't get you very far in life. Peace.
I don't see what's wrong with that...
1. He is not a fish
2. These are eggs, the opposite of semen