Caviar EATING RAW FISH EGGS fresh from the belly of a salmon

Caviar EATING RAW FISH EGGS sentiment_very_dissatisfied 293

Raww fishing 10 years ago 388,440 views

Caviar EATING RAW FISH EGGS fresh from the belly of a salmon

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Most popular comments

well well Navarro
well well Navarro - 7 years ago
Is this stone cold?
A Account
A Account - 7 years ago
Dumbass caviar is stergion
joel artiga
joel artiga - 7 years ago
This man looks like stone cold Steve Austin
Justus Warner
Justus Warner - 7 years ago
Anime Fan
Anime Fan - 7 years ago
Eww wtf
Crystal Winter
Crystal Winter - 7 years ago
i tried fish eggs once and i was horrified by the popping noise and the sour acid tasting inside. i swear i about died
Kekistani Armorer
Kekistani Armorer - 7 years ago
I wish i still had time to fish lol. Earned my sub.
Wicked Rock
Wicked Rock - 7 years ago
Watch it be fertilized already.
Treble Hook
Treble Hook - 7 years ago
Lesson learned. Eat dogs, Asians do it!

10. comment for Caviar EATING RAW FISH EGGS

Anusha Ngoruw
Anusha Ngoruw - 7 years ago
eating raw caviar there's no way I'm going to eat that
Eric Petrovich
Eric Petrovich - 7 years ago
" Hint of fish"-- my ass
Byuntae Mochi
Byuntae Mochi - 7 years ago
No! Don't!
Cass Axiom
Cass Axiom - 7 years ago
Smash it up and fry it
Rambo NAWF
Rambo NAWF - 7 years ago
I need to stop watching food channels, I always end up on some weird shit
The Masked Channel
The Masked Channel - 7 years ago
Poor fish babies
Jacob D
Jacob D - 7 years ago
Holy fuck that is a lot of roe. Like a lb of fish eggs holy shit. I plugged it into cronometer and it is indeed extremely nutritious.
marc davidson
marc davidson - 7 years ago
Weird looking Skittles
Jesus Rodriguez
Jesus Rodriguez - 7 years ago
Sell it
MAHLACHI PHUNG - 7 years ago
It’s too late now, he uploaded this video 3 years ago

Just Marcus
Just Marcus - 7 years ago

20. comment for Caviar EATING RAW FISH EGGS

Fernando Nando
Fernando Nando - 7 years ago
i thought you are Steve Austin XD
qiushi hu
qiushi hu - 7 years ago
Give your dog some, selfish
Bee Xiong
Bee Xiong - 7 years ago
Ew they might have bugs
Cant Think Of A Name
Cant Think Of A Name - 7 years ago
I've been having problems with my headphones and this video made my heart drop.
Sa Kra
Sa Kra - 7 years ago
Ron Si
Ron Si - 7 years ago
Fuck. Lick my pussy and fuck me like a bitch baby. So hot!!
Aura Companion
Aura Companion - 7 years ago
Shandranea Johnson
Shandranea Johnson - 7 years ago
k8tlyn ¿
k8tlyn ¿ - 7 years ago
us army kid27
us army kid27 - 7 years ago
He look like Goldberg

30. comment for Caviar EATING RAW FISH EGGS

Nookie - 7 years ago
Philly Cheese
Philly Cheese - 7 years ago
Bet you wont eat sperm like that
That one Guy
That one Guy - 7 years ago
Or you could put it back in the ocean where it fucking belongs.
George744 - 7 years ago
My mouth is watering!
Mohamad Zakir Rokiah
Mohamad Zakir Rokiah - 7 years ago
are u stone cold steve austin?
Aaliyah Berry
Aaliyah Berry - 7 years ago
That dog is like where's my food
Chita Bonita
Chita Bonita - 7 years ago
Not trying to be mean but you guys are really really weird even the guy said that they're not bad but not good for you was only concerned for me but my mom would never ever let me eat raw fish eggs it would just make her really really really upset you can get really really grounded for the rest of my life even though I get rounded from playing outside and a whole bunch of other things
Boring_ Tired
Boring_ Tired - 7 years ago
Wait did you just eat ovary bumps?
MIKE GAMEING - 7 years ago
MARIEL SANTIAGO - 7 years ago
322k views 781 subs
SkyEpicGamer - 7 years ago
Bear Grylls head ass
#1fan - 7 years ago
then he died
Shellie Rodarmel
Shellie Rodarmel - 7 years ago
People will actually eat fucking anything, I swear were gluttons so fucking gross!
Noor Khuda
Noor Khuda - 7 years ago
What a nasty savage white guy is this?
Jicrisline G
Jicrisline G - 7 years ago
Awwww the baby fish died
CR C - 7 years ago
Nasty bro
Bask_In_My_Glory - 7 years ago
mike - 7 years ago
how was your food poison?
Sone6 66
Sone6 66 - 7 years ago
Why don’t you use it for bait. Salon eggs look disgusting
Bic Mann
Bic Mann - 7 years ago
ya nasty fucker those eggs are nasty as shit lol

50. comment for Caviar EATING RAW FISH EGGS

Mal Saviourdogz
Mal Saviourdogz - 7 years ago
Wow eating babies is fucked up. How would u like if someone ate a baby of yours. The dog looks nice
LOVEBUG22 YEPTHATSME - 7 years ago
He's the one who ate nemo's sisters and brothers
03Macdaddy - 7 years ago
:56 throws up everywhere
BJ - 7 years ago
I love your dog
Danny Yang
Danny Yang - 7 years ago
Lol...he gonna puke!! funny
Manuel Duenez
Manuel Duenez - 7 years ago
I would’ve thumbs’d up you if you’d eaten everything!
John Yeager
John Yeager - 7 years ago
First off gross! Second I don't waste them fish love eggs. Third those where not fresh looked very milky in color fresh eggs don't look that way.
quinton paterson
quinton paterson - 7 years ago
If anyone does waste fish row, they are stupid as fuck! He's right,its good for you,and besides you shouldn't waste anything from something you're harvesting..
Martinette Handley
Martinette Handley - 7 years ago
Looks like white floam in slime
Lil ZUZU - 7 years ago
What an elite source of protein
Darrell Peters
Darrell Peters - 7 years ago
Stone cold Steve Austin look alike
THE ONE - 7 years ago
Fucking idiot
Miquel Alex
Miquel Alex - 7 years ago
Porge Vang
Porge Vang - 7 years ago
Are are the white beast
Kris Rosenberger
Kris Rosenberger - 7 years ago
A doe? They are called hens bud
Franco Sukarapz
Franco Sukarapz - 7 years ago
Wow my Left ear like it! Now my right ear is jealous :(
Ethan Flores
Ethan Flores - 7 years ago
Who knew Goldberg liked raw fish eggs
Noelia Becerro
Noelia Becerro - 7 years ago
wooowww this man
double chin gamer boy productions
double chin gamer boy productions - 7 years ago
Bruce wills
Brandon Ramirez
Brandon Ramirez - 7 years ago
He’s hot lol
Sidona Cantaragiu
Sidona Cantaragiu - 7 years ago
Eww ewwww
Wolf Jade
Wolf Jade - 7 years ago
PROTEIN YAHHHH : p90x come get you cavioar fish eggs with epic PROTEIN 6 DOLLARS
That Weird Katt that likes to draw :3
That Weird Katt that likes to draw :3 - 7 years ago
OMG all I paid attention to was the dog!!!!!! SO CUTE <3
KawaiiCatGaming - 7 years ago
And there’s always that one side of YouTube..
Bit Nation
Bit Nation - 7 years ago
Im gunna open up a can of whoop ass on this stone cold steve austin wannabe
Ajax Bleach
Ajax Bleach - 7 years ago
Good for you but not good for your arteries
I love Irish potatoes fangirl
I love Irish potatoes fangirl - 7 years ago
Ajax Bleach no one uses you anymore.
I love Irish potatoes fangirl
I love Irish potatoes fangirl - 7 years ago
Oxy clean shut up oxy clean ur overrated
Joseph Joestar
Joseph Joestar - 7 years ago
You may think cholesterol is bad for you, but it's actually something your body needs to function properly for instance your brain. Cholesterol regulates your hormones, also acts as a regulator for membrane fluidity. If it's consumed in large amounts, because of a bad diet, it's bad for you! If you consume too much of it like anything else it's also bad once again. Lastly, the japanese have some of the lowest heart disease in the world, they consume more fish eggs than most countries..Hope this helps, there's always a lot of misconceptions out there when it comes to health.
Numbers21589302 - 7 years ago
blackdog196 pretty much... but doesn't have to do with LDL, HDL, or VLDL's. Dietary cholesterol has shown to have little effect on blood cholesterol in humans. Doesn't mean it's the best thing to do.. but still
blackdog196 - 7 years ago
Do we really need to have another one of those "good cholesterol" vs. "bad cholesterol" discussions? Eggs are the perfect food. You just can't eat them all the time. Plus a great source of omega-3s. It's like most anything, it's fine in moderation.
Jesus Mendoza
Jesus Mendoza - 7 years ago
Ajax Bleach do us a favor and drink yourself
Ajax Bleach
Ajax Bleach - 7 years ago
yeah sure, but i'm more sure that your dad is full of shit too
Baraka PTG
Baraka PTG - 7 years ago
*instagatez*Ouuuuu u goin let him talk to u like that ajax?!
Colin Behrmann
Colin Behrmann - 7 years ago
Ajax Bleach I'm saying your dad's full of shit
Senpai Papi
Senpai Papi - 7 years ago
Colin Behrmann what does that have to do with anything?
Ajax Bleach
Ajax Bleach - 7 years ago
Colin Behrmann Then whats the matter
Colin Behrmann
Colin Behrmann - 7 years ago
Ajax Bleach You do know nutritionists don't have degrees, right?
Ajax Bleach
Ajax Bleach - 7 years ago
Caiden Robinson thats right my friend ✌
Caiden Robinson
Caiden Robinson - 7 years ago
+RC Planes What are you talking about man? All you have to do is google "Cholesterol in salmon roe". There is 479 mg of cholesterol in 100g (not that much) of salmon roe.

That's 159% of the daily recommended value.

I live where some of the best salmon in the world is (northwestern WA state), and every fisherman here knows that salmon roe (and really any roe) is extremely high in cholesterol.
Ajax Bleach
Ajax Bleach - 7 years ago
Oxy clean ayeeeee
Oxy clean
Oxy clean - 7 years ago
Ajax Bleach, finally a bleach account without the name Clorox
Ajax Bleach
Ajax Bleach - 7 years ago
RC Planes HAHAHA the most dumb reply i’ve ever got, the fact that you replied this comment without knowing the fact makes u look stupid. It’s real. My dad’s a nutritionist.

Know the fact that any sort of caviar has loads of cholestrol but packed with protein. But because of the cholestrol, bodybuilders tend not to eat caviar or egg yolk that much.
RC Planes
RC Planes - 7 years ago
HAHAHA the the most ridiculous NON fact I've ever hear lol but thanks for sharing
Azzamatic - 7 years ago
Heavy laxative. Don't recommend eating fish eggs in bulk. Be careful when you fart in public, can be sharting for days
Is - 7 years ago
masculinity is so fragile
hyp 417
hyp 417 - 7 years ago
I bet if I cracked his head a golden almond would be inside. Yuuuummm
O D D P R O J E C T - 7 years ago
The actual way Nemo's siblings were killed.
Ali Ahmad
Ali Ahmad - 7 years ago
كس أمك أخل كحبه
Kyle Azhari
Kyle Azhari - 7 years ago
You could have made a lot of money but instead you're eating it
Digitalyogurt 구독하다
Digitalyogurt 구독하다 - 7 years ago
Fish lives matter
OOOdatsme - 7 years ago
I ain't Japanese..
Dominic Lopez
Dominic Lopez - 7 years ago
Dudes a savage! Lol
Issa Richy
Issa Richy - 7 years ago
ShShShaniceTV - 7 years ago
Why was this posted on my birthday
Spice game
Spice game - 7 years ago
Those were fake
Alex Domanovic
Alex Domanovic - 7 years ago
i love caviar
Pedro Cabrera
Pedro Cabrera - 7 years ago
Im american I cant eat fish eggs its against the law
ALLYSEN WICK - 7 years ago
Thomas costa
Thomas costa - 7 years ago
They are so good right out of the Fish like he's doing. I eat them right out of the Steelhead I caught. MMMM GOOOD !!!
joshue Oshinski
joshue Oshinski - 7 years ago
If they taste like eggs would they be good with bacon and cheese on lightly toasted bread. Bacon egg and cheese ?
Chunk Mob
Chunk Mob - 7 years ago
Stone cold steve austin is that you
CatChild - 7 years ago
Whoa... Bye children
Jose Rodriguez
Jose Rodriguez - 7 years ago
Is this safe?
ItsJustMe :3
ItsJustMe :3 - 7 years ago
Im on the weird side of youtube again
NJGamer2 - 7 years ago
The dogs like "oh boy it looks delicious.gimme gimme!"
Sebastian Michaelis
Sebastian Michaelis - 7 years ago
I knew it
Sebastian Michaelis
Sebastian Michaelis - 7 years ago
He is gonna get sick

100. comment for Caviar EATING RAW FISH EGGS

Aliyah Le Keur
Aliyah Le Keur - 7 years ago
shame poor eggs
Gustavo Suenaga
Gustavo Suenaga - 7 years ago
Why is the sound only in my left ear?????
Belle Ward
Belle Ward - 7 years ago
eww I hate fish it's disgusting
I'm Waifaii
I'm Waifaii - 7 years ago
pack full of protein
Mich - 7 years ago
"smells a little bit fishy" man it a fish egg what did you expect
Ricky Spanish
Ricky Spanish - 7 years ago
Stone Cold Steve Austin is that you?
Alex Camacho
Alex Camacho - 7 years ago
you are so sick you should let the fish hatch
lofe898 - 7 years ago
not cavir it's roe
Jose Macias
Jose Macias - 7 years ago
your also eating fish sperm
RC Planes
RC Planes - 7 years ago
you smart like brick ey?
farea islam
farea islam - 7 years ago
Even bear grill eat better than this. Eww
Omni-King 2
Omni-King 2 - 7 years ago
Don't the fish grows on your body when it hatches?
Loaded Pirate
Loaded Pirate - 7 years ago
is that stone cold
SKYKIDPE YT - 7 years ago
This video is so satisfying
Yocontra elmundo
Yocontra elmundo - 8 years ago
Is your posterior vomit also high in protein? If so can I put it in a jar and drink it? Thanks boss
EricaYE6 - 8 years ago
ToUgH LoVe
ToUgH LoVe - 8 years ago
They all pop in your mouth.
laur3n m
laur3n m - 8 years ago
- dont waste it -
( lets about 6 eggs drop as he puts some in his mouth )
Ash - 8 years ago
I love bald men idk why
Amberrenee 123
Amberrenee 123 - 8 years ago
DailyDingDong - 8 years ago
Does he know what salmonella poisoning is? raw eggs can hatch in his stomach...
AboveAverage - 7 years ago
Cheesy Chey I cant even take this comment serious...
Lotoya Jhonson
Lotoya Jhonson - 8 years ago
Noodles Spaghetti
Noodles Spaghetti - 8 years ago
Put it
Noodles Spaghetti
Noodles Spaghetti - 8 years ago
Your monsterus
Baster just outfit back in the fucking sea you races fuck Japanese do it FUCK YOU YOU PEACE OF SHIT
Gold Bay
Gold Bay - 8 years ago
Death note Anime Speak English please
Rino M
Rino M - 8 years ago
mono plz
Shawn Grant
Shawn Grant - 8 years ago
he stupid
jake lui
jake lui - 8 years ago
his head looks like an egg
_ Som
_ Som - 8 years ago
RageVideos!!! - 8 years ago
nomos brothers and sisters were in there
John Doe
John Doe - 8 years ago
This is what really happened to nemos family :(
Nicky Antunez
Nicky Antunez - 8 years ago
nooooo NEMOO!!!
Neb88 - 8 years ago
He's eating at least couple of hundred worth of ikura.
J B - 8 years ago
I definitely have to try this
omaii03 - 8 years ago
Can you eat a live minnow?
Hannah is me
Hannah is me - 8 years ago
its not caviar you are eating roe which is not caviar no one eats caviar like that lol duh no one eats roe like that too i bet if others saw u saying its caviar they will laugh their ass off
Jeff Nordengren
Jeff Nordengren - 8 years ago
Levi_Ackermen Unfortunately it really isn't caviar! Caviar comes from a Sturgeon. Look it up.
Levi_Ackermen - 8 years ago
Hannah is me Caviar is a delicacy consisting of salt-cured fish-eggs of the Acipenseridae family. The roe can be "fresh" or pasteurized, with pasteurization reducing its culinary and economic value. It's caviar dumb bitch
cgoodluck2000 - 8 years ago
He got up pretty quick towards the end. Probably to go puke. LOL
Millz 14
Millz 14 - 8 years ago
Oh no stone cold Steve Austin back at it again
Linas - 8 years ago
Very nice, one day I'm gona try this!
draven television
draven television - 8 years ago
flexiler - 8 years ago
triple HHH
Cedar Poplar
Cedar Poplar - 8 years ago
I have starved in my long runs up and down.
I think the best mouthful was a can of black olives.
I bet salmon eggs can uphold you for a while.
Valdez AK have gotten slammed this last couple of years. That don't mean is an easy ride tho
Booty Boo
Booty Boo - 8 years ago
omg yuck...
Dankatron - 8 years ago
Stone Cold Steve Austin?
lance norwood
lance norwood - 7 years ago
Lmfao crying
Getting you Triggered
Getting you Triggered - 7 years ago
AJ Varela
AJ Varela - 8 years ago
Ik it looks like stone cold
Diandra Ruiz
Diandra Ruiz - 8 years ago
every one stfu most of u saying "poor baby fish" probably eat fish or meat
Mike M
Mike M - 7 years ago
dude i was being sarcastic
Donovan Chilton
Donovan Chilton - 7 years ago
Mike M Shut your stupid ass up. Life eats life.
Mike M
Mike M - 7 years ago
How would you like it if an animal gave you an abortion and ate your egg like mmm caviar humans do it all the time
Mal Saviourdogz
Mal Saviourdogz - 7 years ago
The fish I eat is an adult fish
Scicontroy - 7 years ago
nuggetsplit What are you talking about? I dont know anything about a farm
Scicontroy - 7 years ago
nuggetsplit what are you even talking about?
Scicontroy - 7 years ago
nuggetsplit I like your photoshop, you can even still see the outline at the top :)
Scicontroy - 7 years ago
nuggetsplit Wow so aggressive! Im just trying to be nice and you swear at me.
Scicontroy - 7 years ago
nuggetsplit Wow so aggressive! Im just trying to be nice and you swear at me.
Scicontroy - 7 years ago
nuggetsplit Sure it is buddy. Sure it is. <3
Scicontroy - 7 years ago
nuggetsplit Wow, your framing plan failed so now you result to name calling. How mature of you!
nuggetsplit - 7 years ago
Scicontroy Shut the fuck up, manboobs.
Scicontroy - 7 years ago
nuggetsplit Apologize for you framing me? no thanks
Scicontroy - 7 years ago
nuggetsplit Apologize? For what? I did nothing.
nuggetsplit - 7 years ago
Scicontroy Apologize, Blancshammer.
Scicontroy - 7 years ago
nuggetsplit I swear to god I did not respond with that, go ahead. I havent done anything.
nuggetsplit - 7 years ago
Scicontroy That's just pathetic. Why would I even do that? Are you truly that petty? Why not just admit it at this point? I can upload a screenshot and link it right here.
Scicontroy - 7 years ago
nuggetsplit I have no idea what youre talking about, i never said anything besides my first comment to you. Either you're just reading something someone else wrote on a different video, or youre doing to me what you accused me of doing to you.
nuggetsplit - 7 years ago
Scicontroy Oh wait, in my notifications I can still see some of the content of the comment you deleted. Here's a quote: "Thats literally the opposite of how salmon work. Female salmon lay their eggs (remove them from her body), then male salmon fertilizes them. There is no contact whatsoever between the..."
So basically you are telling the same thing I did before. This leads me to believe you misunderstood something I wrote and thought I didn't understand the true way salmon mate. So instead of you writing a comment to me saying something like; "Oh sorry, I misread something you wrote. You were totally correct there.", you decided to delete your comment and try to make me look like a stupid cunt. Now I don't know how old you are, but I can tell you that attitude and behaviour of that sort won't get you very far in life. Peace.
nuggetsplit - 7 years ago
Scicontroy You wrote a comment saying "That is literally the opposite of what I said". Apparently you deleted the comment after I wrote my previous one.
Scicontroy - 7 years ago
nuggetsplit What?
nuggetsplit - 7 years ago
Scicontroy How is that the opposite of what I wrote?
nuggetsplit - 7 years ago
Yes, exactly. These fish eggs were clearly not fertilized since the dude dug them out of the fish. The eggs are fertilized after exiting the female salmon, not before it. Therefore not a chance they could have transformed into "thousands of dishes" of what Sou Saechao was eating. Fish eggs are absolutely delicious after processed properly. In Finland (and I would suppose pretty much everywhere in Scandinavia) you can find the product basically everywhere.
Scicontroy - 7 years ago
nuggetsplit Fish eggs are fertilized externally (males fertilize them without contact with the female) p.s. just stating a fact, i couldnt care less about fish lives
nuggetsplit - 8 years ago
Sou Saechao Do you mean to say that somehow these eggs that this man is holding and eating, could have been fertilized after he gutted the fish that was carrying them? Please tell me, how in the name of fuck would this have happened?
Zou Zoon
Zou Zoon - 8 years ago
I'm eating salmon steak right now and feel bad because those could be thousands of dishes of what I'm having. Wow. Made u stfu for a sec.
Julle OFFICIAL - 8 years ago
nice the dog just watches
Julle OFFICIAL - 8 years ago
Joseph Ngere
Joseph Ngere - 8 years ago
u monster those poor fish
影圣 影圣
影圣 影圣 - 8 years ago
he just kill a hundred baby fish ,OMG!
Sam's Collection
Sam's Collection - 8 years ago
who requested this?? who gave you the OK to do this??
Quinn Ramirez
Quinn Ramirez - 8 years ago
He's an adult man he shouldn't need a "ok"
Potpourri - 8 years ago
delora fuata
delora fuata - 8 years ago
Wow he brought the japanese into it
Christina Rivera Gonzalez
Christina Rivera Gonzalez - 7 years ago
delora fuata ctfu
Modern BoreFare
Modern BoreFare - 7 years ago
He brought the Japanese into it because they are the nation most well known for eating raw fish/roe.
I don't see what's wrong with that...
Hannah is me
Hannah is me - 8 years ago
delora fuata ikr but all i can say is...
I wanna be famous ;-;
I wanna be famous ;-; - 8 years ago
And that was raw
I wanna be famous ;-;
I wanna be famous ;-; - 8 years ago
Poor baby fish
I wanna be famous ;-;
I wanna be famous ;-; - 7 years ago
diandra ruiz no I'm vegetarian so yea
Diandra Ruiz
Diandra Ruiz - 8 years ago
do u eat meat if so u are doing the same thing so dont act worrysome
I wanna be famous ;-;
I wanna be famous ;-; - 8 years ago
jose rodriguez
jose rodriguez - 8 years ago
if I eat raw catfish eggs, is there a chance I can get sick?
Aaron 117
Aaron 117 - 8 years ago
Very small chance. But Catfish are bottom feeders and tend to contain more parasites and bacteria. So I would be careful.
Hello There
Hello There - 8 years ago
بوفهد الكثيري
بوفهد الكثيري - 8 years ago
سم حلى حلقك
Bendon Wu
Bendon Wu - 8 years ago
That's not caviar
Trap AMV
Trap AMV - 8 years ago
+Mr. Flump well actually they are just regular fish eggs they have to be processed before it is even called "caviar" so basically he's just eating raw fish eggs so don't call people on YouTube stupid if you don't even know what your talking lol just saying...
ScottishScotch - 8 years ago
That's a type of caviar, I swear the fucking idiots on YouTube.
Gold Panther
Gold Panther - 8 years ago
Is a type of caviar dude
Alondra Garcia
Alondra Garcia - 8 years ago
" don't waste it eat it" already dropped most on the eggs on the floor
The Aesalon
The Aesalon - 8 years ago
Throws up at the end...
Dan Sturby
Dan Sturby - 8 years ago
Goes off camera to vomit
Pundah - 8 years ago
My left ear enjoyed this :D
samim qazi
samim qazi - 8 years ago
and than he vomit
Jimmie Rustler
Jimmie Rustler - 8 years ago
And that's the bottom line.... Cuz
ANd peggy
ANd peggy - 8 years ago
this is oddly sadisfing
Victoria - 8 years ago
At about 0:47 when he says "Japanese do it all of the time" kind of racist because it doesn't matter what race you are to not waste food it's more like an option. If I'm over reacting I'm sure I'll forget about it sooner or later.
Bearded Dude
Bearded Dude - 7 years ago
Go cry about it.
RC Planes
RC Planes - 7 years ago
RACIST ey ya Aren't you smart like brick ? WELL Australians go surfing Is that racist against Australians MY God YOU ae assuming eating fish eggs is a bad thing It is NOT so saying japs do it is a FUCKING COMPLEMENT but well retards don't see it that way I guess . but ey you obbviously see the negativein things when it isnt even there but ill bet youll be pretty quick to point out spelling erors also wont you HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH
NBK blue ninja
NBK blue ninja - 7 years ago
Fuckin liberal
Neighbird - 8 years ago
He's not being racist. The Japanese survives primarily on fishes/seafood, so this is a common practice there, whereas in other countries like here in the US, some people don't even know you could eat raw fish eggs.
Thugger kush
Thugger kush - 8 years ago
Ay he fuck wit japan I dnt think he racist
Pundah - 8 years ago
Its healthy but also its bad to do... It can count as a sin and thats also why i dont go fishing or kill any bugs
Alanz - 8 years ago
hypocritical retard go kys
YouTube Looker
YouTube Looker - 8 years ago
Killing fish to eat its no sin son..In fact Jesus helped his student to catch fish aka kill them to eat..ITS NO SIN WHEN YOU KILL TO EAT, but it is sin that you kill and waste!
NotTheWorst - 8 years ago
+Wong Lu Yan religious
Pundah - 8 years ago
+Wong Lu Yan no lol
Wong Lu Yan
Wong Lu Yan - 8 years ago
Not to be offensive, but Im going to take a wild guess that you're vegetarian?
08071991S - 8 years ago
This is not real caviar, real caviar is what comes from sturgeons.
Ken Wiesner
Ken Wiesner - 8 years ago
boyfriend BELUGA caviar come from sturgeon FRON caviar comes from SALMON
lyhthegreat - 8 years ago
+08071991S just fish roes
GayMan Bob
GayMan Bob - 8 years ago
if ur that desperate for protein eat that dog
Erik Hoffer
Erik Hoffer - 7 years ago
GayMan Bob Eat your moms cum..she's dripping with protein
Ty Williams
Ty Williams - 7 years ago
Lol what
Isaac Jeong
Isaac Jeong - 7 years ago
GayMan Bob f u . u dont just say that u stupid
OOF - 7 years ago
Ken Wiesner is wtf LOL
Rowlf The dog
Rowlf The dog - 7 years ago
Ken Wiesner Jesus christ calm the fuck down!
CommonSenseGuy - 7 years ago
Ken Wiesner edgy
Abbey Williams
Abbey Williams - 7 years ago
Ken Wiesner wtf. You know he’s a troll so you make a joke about rape. How tf do you got subscribers
Keely1239 Qt0709
Keely1239 Qt0709 - 7 years ago
X Kai
X Kai - 7 years ago
Ken Wiesner O_O woah man. It's just a fuckin dog. Another animal like you that you can eat cause you's an omnivore.
Laura Smith
Laura Smith - 7 years ago
GayMan Bob that dog is t h i c c
Donald Trump
Donald Trump - 7 years ago
Mariana Norwood
Mariana Norwood - 7 years ago
GayMan Bob how bout you eat it
Sprinkleslimes Yt
Sprinkleslimes Yt - 7 years ago
Thomas C
Thomas C - 7 years ago
Wow nigga you got triggered over a little joke over the internet? And what is that unfunny counter of yours? Your video was nice, but the way you speak here is autistic and gay as fuck.
Fuzzo - 7 years ago
how can you compare that from raping a child
Vanessa - 7 years ago
Ken Wiesner YES
Purba Putra Perdana
Purba Putra Perdana - 7 years ago
GayMan Bob My stomach hurts because laugh out loud ROTFL
Trisha Nguyen
Trisha Nguyen - 7 years ago
GayMan Bob you are so mean don't eat dogs
Anthony Solomon
Anthony Solomon - 7 years ago
high five
ziba - 7 years ago
Fuck off
WØLFY JÄÊ - 7 years ago
That's not even funny bruh <.<
Geraldine S
Geraldine S - 7 years ago
Ohgosh I can't with this comment
Powerzzz - 8 years ago
ken you cant rape his baby cuz he is GAYman Bob
Samuel Knight
Samuel Knight - 8 years ago
Fucken Donald Trumps Business
Sr_Og - 8 years ago
nusto gusto
nusto gusto - 8 years ago
GayMan Bob lol
Chris_In_Dallas - 8 years ago
Samuel Knight
Samuel Knight - 8 years ago
Ken Wiesner well ken, if ur fuckin desperate Barbie doll said u can do it
That fat asian kid
That fat asian kid - 8 years ago
whey protein lol
TenzoG - 8 years ago
chill man hes just a troll thinking hes funny or somthing
CognerstID - 8 years ago
"japanese do it all the time"
Hello There
Hello There - 8 years ago
I'm dead
Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang
Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang - 8 years ago
+Ken Wiesner ill rape ur dog
Peter Hong
Peter Hong - 8 years ago
+Ken Wiesner so mad lol
Reno vationic
Reno vationic - 8 years ago
Fuck you
No Sana No Life
No Sana No Life - 8 years ago
steve austin..xD
lyhthegreat - 8 years ago
+Dawd Dwadwd yea, i was thinking when did stone cold become a fisherman??
azrausa - 8 years ago
Love caviar where did you get that ?
Xx-PussySlayer69-xX - 8 years ago
WoW u just killed a bunch of innocent baby fish
NBK blue ninja
NBK blue ninja - 7 years ago
Thomas C
Thomas C - 7 years ago
Ken Wiesner Learn to type, retard.
That fat asian kid
That fat asian kid - 8 years ago
they were dead when the mom was dead so
That fat asian kid
That fat asian kid - 8 years ago
+shannonigans86 roid rage don't exist
kendall YT
kendall YT - 8 years ago
well right when they are out of water they die .. he didn't kill them oxygen did
imrigbycomedigme - 8 years ago
Dang, roid rage
Madeline Bell
Madeline Bell - 8 years ago
Do the insane Eating challenge
Ken Wiesner
Ken Wiesner - 8 years ago
well because you said that I am going to make it a project to go kill tenn more female salmon and throu all the eggs on the rocks ASSHOLES FUCK TARDS like you will make me do that more and more just cuz i HATE your type of tree hunging fuck face
Calvin Nguyen
Calvin Nguyen - 8 years ago
+Masterjill they're not baby fish yet. in fact, they're not fish at all. A male fish hasn't fertilized the eggs yet so don't worry.
kulyon - 9 years ago
un processed raw roe like that is pretty gross. If you like caviar or salmon roe and you try to eat fresh eggs taken from a caught Salmon you are going to be disappointed. When the Salmon is really close to spawning the eggs do not taste that great and with out it being salted is not very good. Absolutely worth separating washing salt it and let it sit over night in the fridge. It is okay to say you did not like it. most people will not eating it the way you did.
{Kawaii Wolve}
{Kawaii Wolve} - 9 years ago
Are you sure it tastes good
Cyanide Paws
Cyanide Paws - 9 years ago
japanese eat it all the time " stands up and puke"
katanaburner - 9 years ago
LUCKY! Super jealous!
Arries David
Arries David - 9 years ago
Dang! You made me hungry, you're lucky to have those. It's impossible for me to have that here in the Philippines.
Purba Putra Perdana
Purba Putra Perdana - 7 years ago
Arries David u can eat balut dude LOL
Anime Otaku FX/AOFX
Anime Otaku FX/AOFX - 8 years ago
you can always eat balut XD
Jbugs - 9 years ago
so this is what steve austin does on his downtime
NUTinBUT420 - 9 years ago
My left ear enjoyed this video
Lauren - 7 years ago
NUTinBUT420 thought it was just me
Bunnii Honey
Bunnii Honey - 7 years ago
NUTinBUT420 this made me laugh out loud.
Hayes Thomas
Hayes Thomas - 9 years ago
Does anybody who eats raw fish ever have a problem with parasites?
RC Planes
RC Planes - 7 years ago
Chronically Logical
Chronically Logical - 7 years ago
Hayes Thomas For safety, most raw fish you eat should be sushi grade.
Pedro Cabrera
Pedro Cabrera - 7 years ago
aprilmustjune im american I cant eat fish eggs its against the law
aprilmustjune - 7 years ago
american idiot
Hayes Thomas
Hayes Thomas - 8 years ago
People with intestinal parasites get really grouchy. ^
Tony Nguyen
Tony Nguyen - 8 years ago
Hayes Thomas and the chocolates u eat have sone cockroach leftovers...boyvr u dumb
Nathan Vong
Nathan Vong - 8 years ago
Carrot - 8 years ago
+Hayes Thomas I ate alot of sushi in the past year and had a few problems with parasites. I got the cleaned off and it's all good now im getting a bit off with the sushi now
kulyon - 9 years ago
+Hayes Thomas You are more likely to find parasites in fish from fresh waters.
Hayes Thomas
Hayes Thomas - 9 years ago
+DERPZ_FOREVER I have heard that people who eat a lot of sushi probably have parasites. Maybe it's a matter of freshness, if the fish has just been caught maybe it's safer than if the fish has been laying around or refrigerated for a day or two.
D3RPZ_FOREVER - 9 years ago
+Hayes Thomas no i just ate raw fish today im from hawaii so
Ken Wiesner
Ken Wiesner - 9 years ago
+Hayes Thomas I doubt it The fishes immune system is protecting them from that so as to keep the eggs alive and healthy If they are fresh out of the fish Very safe Only if they let sit is there a risk of bacteria But no parasites
Lady Luck
Lady Luck - 9 years ago
pretty dog
Angelo Garcia
Angelo Garcia - 9 years ago
dude is right but i would have thrown up
Miss Maria
Miss Maria - 9 years ago
That little poor fish
Renee Sanders
Renee Sanders - 9 years ago
Mmm, I got something you can eat, and the juice taste sweet like candy.
Dananjaya Satyananda
Dananjaya Satyananda - 9 years ago
smell tittle bit fishey
Syfy Gaming
Syfy Gaming - 9 years ago
Leah banual
Leah banual - 9 years ago
Guys this isnt caviar normal and rarest caviar comes from sturgeons. you could call this american caviar instead if caviar
Jorgie Vencez
Jorgie Vencez - 7 years ago
Leah banual Better yet just call it salmon eggs that's it why you gotta get all continental and shit
RC Planes
RC Planes - 7 years ago
Leon Wilcox
Leon Wilcox - 7 years ago
Caviar is any fish egg salted
Ken Wiesner
Ken Wiesner - 9 years ago
+Leah banual you know google is a persons best friend when they want to educate them self
Ken Wiesner
Ken Wiesner - 9 years ago
+Leah banual well i see ya BELUGA caviar is from a sturgion however there are MANY types of caviar and EVERY fish egg is caviar my friend
Mystrohan - 9 years ago
Have you ever tried a DIY process for ikura with a fish you caught?
White Rabbit
White Rabbit - 9 years ago
haze377 - 9 years ago
katanaburner - 9 years ago
I love salmon eggs. Always looked forward to that when fishing for salmon.
Daniel Molineux
Daniel Molineux - 8 years ago
+katanaburner I love salmon eggs. Always looked forward to that when fishing for salmon.
F I N D Y O U R S E L F - 9 years ago
MrGamerman001 - 9 years ago
Adorable dog you have in the background... Is that a pit? I couldn't tell from the distance?
Ken Wiesner
Ken Wiesner - 9 years ago
+MrGamerman001 yes Thank you :)
bitchgvng Memorial service
bitchgvng Memorial service - 9 years ago
Not caviar
Anime Otaku FX/AOFX
Anime Otaku FX/AOFX - 9 years ago
+Keinbernd what tht's just a fact so people can learn if you don't like it GTFO
Keinbernd - 9 years ago
+Gaming Underpants So?
Anime Otaku FX/AOFX
Anime Otaku FX/AOFX - 9 years ago
Anime Otaku FX/AOFX
Anime Otaku FX/AOFX - 9 years ago
in USA it us
Caution Caution
Caution Caution - 9 years ago
You nasty ass SOB
Gut ZZ
Gut ZZ - 9 years ago
The dog in the back is probably thinking, "I'll wait until he puts it down then grab it and run away."
Crimson Light
Crimson Light - 7 years ago
Pizza hogger Biggs stfu
Pizza hogger
Pizza hogger - 9 years ago
ur m
Pizza hogger
Pizza hogger - 9 years ago
fuck ur  mom u ci bai bo lan jiao ur mom hv a dick u have pussy
Emanuel - 9 years ago
+Pizza hogger Uhh yeah they do.
Pizza hogger
Pizza hogger - 9 years ago
Cats do that not dogs
Rachel rittersdorf
Rachel rittersdorf - 9 years ago
blahblah - 9 years ago
I don't get why you have to talk about race. Doesn't the west eats caviar as well?
Ken Wiesner
Ken Wiesner - 9 years ago
+blahblah first up why would you think its bad to talk about race Japanese eat it all the time That's a complement They learned before us Simone is thinking RACIST if they are jumping to the conclusion its a bad thing my friend and Japanese is not a race Its a nationality
fattymoko - 9 years ago
+blahblah In particular, the Japanese prize this type of caviar. They call it ikura and eat it on a very, expensive kind of sushi. I don't think anyone meant to offend by mentioning a particular nation. It's just that salmon roe is so greatly appreciated in Japan.
PKBitchGirl - 9 years ago
Raw salmon eggs are delicious!
The Musician
The Musician - 9 years ago
japanese dudes eat it all the time, yes but not like this, they put some flavor into it.
Modern BoreFare
Modern BoreFare - 7 years ago
Indeed. Marinade it in some dashi, soy and mirin.
Phil Williams
Phil Williams - 9 years ago
Japaneses do it all the time, and then he walks off to throw up looool
Bunny Queen
Bunny Queen - 7 years ago
He did not throw up he turned the camera off
Ruben Angelo Iglesias
Ruben Angelo Iglesias - 7 years ago
Phil Williams that's exactly what I was gonna write,
Purba Putra Perdana
Purba Putra Perdana - 7 years ago
Phil Williams LMFAO
Edderkop Kvinde
Edderkop Kvinde - 8 years ago
+lyhthegreat Then I guess I am not a pussy xD still alive and kickin and I down a lot of raw eggs haha! probably more than I should but oh well ^.^
lyhthegreat - 8 years ago
+David Pasasouk he means only pussies die from eating raw eggs
Ken Wiesner
Ken Wiesner - 9 years ago
+Irish Candy they warn not to eat raw eggs here But ive been eating them for more then 30 year and never had any problem 
Edderkop Kvinde
Edderkop Kvinde - 9 years ago
+David Pasasouk Breathing causes cancer these days >_<
David Pasasouk
David Pasasouk - 9 years ago
+Irish Candy raw egg yolk can cause cancer
Edderkop Kvinde
Edderkop Kvinde - 9 years ago
+Lucialty I wish they did those inspections everywhere with eggs.Ive heard that raw egg white is more of a bacteria carrier,so I just eat raw egg yolk now.Ever since I started doing that I haven't had anything bad happen.
Lucialty - 9 years ago
+Irish Candy Chicken eggs from Japan are safe to consume raw due to stringent regulations. I'd probably cook the eggs in America.
Anime Otaku FX/AOFX
Anime Otaku FX/AOFX - 9 years ago
+Ken Wiesner i love eggs so so eating it if i manage to catch one...
Ken Wiesner
Ken Wiesner - 9 years ago
+Woon Akiff Plays like egg serious it taste like egg and i do eat it all the time including at sushi restaurants
Edderkop Kvinde
Edderkop Kvinde - 9 years ago
I bet that's exactly what he did too xD i find it funny how so many people on YouTube say this and that is healthy and such,and yet most of them don't even actually eat this healthy stuff on a regular basis or at all even >_< I started eating raw egg with natto and rice with soy sauce and people kept going on how healthy it is and I find out I got an infection in my gut from it.must have been the raw egg.
Anime Otaku FX/AOFX
Anime Otaku FX/AOFX - 9 years ago
+Ken Wiesner cool how's it taste?
Ken Wiesner
Ken Wiesner - 9 years ago
+Phil Williams nope i eat alot of it Its very high in protein and since i am a strength athlete that is valuable
F I N D Y O U R S E L F - 9 years ago
zeuperm - 9 years ago
Kinda like eating your own semen... I guess.
Jack of all trades
Jack of all trades - 9 years ago
+nipel ofrobbaz logic ftw
bitchgvng Memorial service
bitchgvng Memorial service - 9 years ago
Not at all like eating your own semen for two reasons;
1. He is not a fish
2. These are eggs, the opposite of semen
Ken Wiesner
Ken Wiesner - 9 years ago
well i guess if you know what thats like then you'd  be able ya that
DCM Grunger
DCM Grunger - 10 years ago
I didn't know Stone Cold Steve Austin likes raw fish eggs...
JOSE 74 - 7 years ago
DCM Grunger lmao!!!
Jay Smith
Jay Smith - 7 years ago
DCM Grunger Give me a Hell Yeah
alvis alexander
alvis alexander - 7 years ago
That's gold berg
jigsaw99 - 7 years ago
he eats those eggs like he drinks his beer. spilling all over the place.
Dontrip1904 - 7 years ago
DCM Grunger beat me to it
lyhthegreat - 9 years ago
+DCM Grunger i came here to say that too
murdock madison
murdock madison - 10 years ago
cascadian_tree_hugger - 10 years ago
Salmon eggs look ridiculously appetizing. I really wanna try some
Angela gaming and vlogs:D
Angela gaming and vlogs:D - 7 years ago
Take the long way home.
Take the long way home. - 9 years ago
+The Michael Jordan Of Drunk Driving Liked for the name not the comment
fattymoko - 9 years ago
+chophatchet Salted properly, salmon eggs taste like a slightly fishy caviar. It is caviar and it tastes like.........caviar.
Marky Holbrook
Marky Holbrook - 9 years ago
+chophatchet u can buy em online pretty cheap.
Ken Wiesner
Ken Wiesner - 10 years ago
it taste like soft boiled chicken egg But cold 
Caracajou - 10 years ago
Hell yeah!!!!!   Nom-nom-nom-nom-nom.
Ken Wiesner
Ken Wiesner - 10 years ago
its good stuff  LOL
flamingamer - 10 years ago
I like that stuff
fattymoko - 10 years ago
Bruce Willis eats salmon caviar!  Rinsed and salted this cured ikura is highly prized and expensive.  In some sushi restaurants, it's more expensive than the fish filets!  Nice video!  And at the very least, you don't have to chuck it out. If you don't eat it, it does make great chum to catch other fish.≥
ChubbyUnicorn22 - 10 years ago
The japs do it let's do it lol jk
Ken Wiesner
Ken Wiesner - 10 years ago
its not bad at all But i don't think i could eat all of that at ones unless i was severely starving  lol
Ken Wiesner
Ken Wiesner - 10 years ago

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