Cook The Catch - How To Cure Raw Fish

If you catch fish then impress your partner and friends with this easy recipe that explains the techniques to curing raw kingfish, trevally, kahawai and other types of fish. You will love this recipe and it will keep raw fish for one week without the need to cook.

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Raww fishing 11 years ago 21,790 views

If you catch fish then impress your partner and friends with this easy recipe that explains the techniques to curing raw kingfish, trevally, kahawai and other types of fish. You will love this recipe and it will keep raw fish for one week without the need to cook.

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Most popular comments
for Cook The Catch - How To Cure Raw Fish

CAndiron - 6 years ago
That looks awesome.
NZ Kayak Fishing
NZ Kayak Fishing - 6 years ago
Sure is alright and goes great in sushi also
tokgae tingtong
tokgae tingtong - 7 years ago
wasabi soy sauce
NZ Kayak Fishing
NZ Kayak Fishing - 7 years ago
yes they are nice with raw fish but this is cured
uncle Fred
uncle Fred - 7 years ago
I would love to try this thanks very much just need to catch a kingfish
NZ Kayak Fishing
NZ Kayak Fishing - 7 years ago
Thanks Shane you don't even need kingfish for this and can be done with kahawai, trevally and albacore tuna also
Greg Archipow
Greg Archipow - 8 years ago
can that crap music mate
NZ Kayak Fishing
NZ Kayak Fishing - 7 years ago
Thank you Eric and the recipe works quite well with other types of fish also especially if the flesh is fine like tuna. Appreciate your comment cheers
Eric Winter
Eric Winter - 7 years ago
You sum up 99% of the dumb comments you see on youtube videos. Cool video man. Hope I get a chance to try this out someday. Looks freakin' delicious. Cheers, my friend.
NZ Kayak Fishing
NZ Kayak Fishing - 8 years ago
Hi Greg we all have preferences on music and what one person likes another dislikes, your negative comment is unwanted and would prefer constructive criticism. The clip is what it is and same with the music. Obviously you don't like it but hey that's just your opinion, your comment fails to say anything decent and would have been better for all watching to get something positive from you or nothing at all. The world we live in is full of ungrateful people who fail to show any form of appreciation for things like this video that are done without pay and solely for the good of helping others.
Consabores - 8 years ago
1) Is that safe to eat with that process? o.O
2) Do you think this process could also work for a freshwater (and smaller) fish?
3) Is yours the average new zealander accent? I had some trouble understanding at several points >< :P
NZ Kayak Fishing
NZ Kayak Fishing - 8 years ago
Great to hear you will try this in your country and I'm sure the recipe will go down well with your family. It would be great to hear how this went for you so please share your comments. Thanks for liking the video and please share my channel with your friends and family all the best Rob
Consabores - 8 years ago
Hi :)
I'm from Colombia, so my english is mainly like the US one (which is also the one I understand the easiest). My grandparents have a farm in a region where people grow Cachamas (according to wiki, more recognized in english as Tambaqui), Mojarras (which I truly have no idea what they are, but I think they might be red tilapias) and a bit in the upper (colder) lands, Trouts. However, here in this region we're not really creative with the fish and mostly eat it fried or roasted, so I was looking for new ideas to try this christmas. And yours seems very interesting.
Thanks for the video, and good luck with your channel :D.
NZ Kayak Fishing
NZ Kayak Fishing - 8 years ago
Hi Cansabores the answers to your questions;
1/ Absolutely safe to eat and is really nice, try it and you will enjoy the flavor.
2/ Never tried it with freshwater fish but can't see any reason why it would not work, yes it is good with smaller fish fillets.
3/ Yes this is the standard New Zealand accent and some overseas people do struggle to understand, can also say the same with other countries also.
My question to you is, what country are you from and will you be to trying this recipe and with what type of fish?
Basic_Fishing - 8 years ago
lol haha looks so good
NZ Kayak Fishing
NZ Kayak Fishing - 8 years ago
It sure is

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