Day 1: Sharks!! SOLO 1,600 Mile Fishing Road Trip ** Catch and Cook Perch ** West Coast Tour!

Starting off in San Francisco, ending in Raymond, Washington. 1,600 mile round trip on a solo fishing road trip. Today's plan was to catch a Leopard Shark or two. Using fresh caught Surf Perch as bait made easy work of the sharks. Next? Time for a catch and cook of the remaining perch. Turned out amazing with a little bit of butter, avocado and salsa. Thanks for all the support and making this trip possible y'all! Next stop, Mendocino for Abalone! For t-shirts: Patreon:

Day 1: Sharks!! SOLO 1,600 Mile Fishing Road Trip ** Catch and Cook Perch ** West Coast Tour! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 250

Raww fishing 7 years ago 428,108 views

Starting off in San Francisco, ending in Raymond, Washington. 1,600 mile round trip on a solo fishing road trip. Today's plan was to catch a Leopard Shark or two. Using fresh caught Surf Perch as bait made easy work of the sharks. Next? Time for a catch and cook of the remaining perch. Turned out amazing with a little bit of butter, avocado and salsa. Thanks for all the support and making this trip possible y'all! Next stop, Mendocino for Abalone! For t-shirts: Patreon:

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Most popular comments
for Day 1: Sharks!! SOLO 1,600 Mile Fishing Road Trip ** Catch and Cook Perch ** West Coast Tour!

Adrian Chan
Adrian Chan - 7 years ago
you always use so much butter XD
TheRealNeckTat - 7 years ago
I’m really getting annoyed with all these dam commercials
Abel Amezcua
Abel Amezcua - 7 years ago
I like your video
Juan Castillo
Juan Castillo - 7 years ago
I catch them all the time they taste good I live to deep fry em
Stalkerprojimmy - 7 years ago
That intro was like asmr
Limbu Voomie
Limbu Voomie - 7 years ago
great video man great tips .keep on...
GHG playzs
GHG playzs - 7 years ago
obsessed with butter
CheatoMosquito - 7 years ago
I love your videos man keep up the good work
Sergie Cusack
Sergie Cusack - 7 years ago
Put the sharks back, you keep it out of the water for too long. You need to stop that

10. comment for Day 1: Sharks!! SOLO 1,600 Mile Fishing Road Trip ** Catch and Cook Perch ** West Coast Tour!

Dany Biggz
Dany Biggz - 7 years ago
What's the point of fishing for sharks if you release them anyways?
jachob69 - 7 years ago
engine oil? i thought you would use butter to lube up the engine!
Bullet Proof Daisy
Bullet Proof Daisy - 7 years ago
0:59 wow that bleeding technique is very effective! Thanks for the tutorial!
Matthew Mohs
Matthew Mohs - 7 years ago
I hope you got new tires
Cristian Perez
Cristian Perez - 7 years ago
Needs more butter!
Lorenzo Sesimmu
Lorenzo Sesimmu - 7 years ago
do they end up dying after you unhook them from infections
Noe D. Martinez
Noe D. Martinez - 7 years ago
Dude.... that is the meal there. fish avocados, and salsa. MMMMMM...MMMMMM thatS good!!!
xmlgproductionsx - 7 years ago
Fishing seems so boring to me but your videos make me want to
xmlgproductionsx - 7 years ago
You got a lot of patience
hy dro
hy dro - 7 years ago
Got blurped by the boys

20. comment for Day 1: Sharks!! SOLO 1,600 Mile Fishing Road Trip ** Catch and Cook Perch ** West Coast Tour!

Whiterose - 7 years ago
How to prank people:

Read more
Nightmarish Z
Nightmarish Z - 7 years ago
Big shaq?
Abraham Ramirez
Abraham Ramirez - 7 years ago
what kind of drone yougot
Mossy Patino
Mossy Patino - 7 years ago
10:46 i got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Ms in my bank account
Watson's Game
Watson's Game - 7 years ago
Keep it
Kameron Winter
Kameron Winter - 7 years ago
I learned something!
Vince L
Vince L - 7 years ago
Thank you for shopping at O'Reillys haha
MALISTIC YT - 7 years ago
They got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 spots on my leopard shark
TADA JIRO - 7 years ago
Dope video man I've always wanted to fish, be safe on your tour. Best of luck with those fish.
reign - 7 years ago
haha 6:33 bottom right made me chuckle - "squirt"

30. comment for Day 1: Sharks!! SOLO 1,600 Mile Fishing Road Trip ** Catch and Cook Perch ** West Coast Tour!

Hysterically Random!
Hysterically Random! - 7 years ago
Did he seriously shoot a YouTube video on the same beach of where the Hannah Montana movie had a scene?
Noe Dimas
Noe Dimas - 7 years ago
Im all trying to skip the begging thinking it was an advertisement
DeadJoker 77211
DeadJoker 77211 - 7 years ago
f*#king this guy and his avacado I love DUDE keep it up
J&J Bassing
J&J Bassing - 7 years ago
Just a side note. All hondas have a 14x1.50 Drain plug, and on those plugs come an aluminum crush gasket. Which means each time the plug is tighten the gasket is crushed and shouldn't be used again.
K H - 7 years ago
I’m addicted to your videos. I’m a real girly-girl; I like my perfume and high heels but I was raised by my dad and grandpa, who were both avid fishermen. When I was really young, we used to wake up before dawn, go way out onto the pier of Lake Michigan and set up camp. My dad would always have his huge thermos of coffee and some kind of doughnuts. I remember him always having butter, salt and pepper to cook the fish right there where they were caught, just like you. I love watching your videos as I fall asleep. You’re super informative, relaxed and humble. Thanks for taking us fishing with you!
Atticus Jaques
Atticus Jaques - 7 years ago
When did you start filming for YouTube videos
controlledarkstar - 7 years ago
Hey man. Thank you so much for your videos. I really appreciate and enjoy watching. I love fishing, i fish every time i can. BUT i have never caught a fish. I have never known anyone that is an avid fisherman so ive never been taught properly. Can you do a fishing for beginners series? I would love to know the basics. Thx man. P.S. im in so cal san diego area . If you cruise down ill be your homie.
Darius O'Connor
Darius O'Connor - 7 years ago
What is your setup for shark fishing in this episode
braden Decelles
braden Decelles - 7 years ago
The wall in the back at 4:16 that was fun to slam into before surfing
Willie Traynor
Willie Traynor - 7 years ago
Hey how do you like the piscifun st40? I’m looking for a new reel and considering that one, the BG4000, and penn battle. Thanks
ZuZu TheTrashGod
ZuZu TheTrashGod - 7 years ago
start of video hmmm whatcha doin
Master Nicolai
Master Nicolai - 7 years ago
Finally a marin county fisherman
It’s so hard to find recent videos about fishing in Marin
alex cosstick
alex cosstick - 7 years ago
I swear your videos make me so damn hungry its not fair
Zahed Rahimi
Zahed Rahimi - 7 years ago
What’s up man!! Your videos motivate me to fish. I’ve never been fishing my whole life and I really wanna try it. It would be a cool experience if you can take me with you one day lol. I’m from the Bay Area myself so let me know!!! It would be something I cross off my bucket list. Maybe I’ll catch bigger fish than you!
Re Gucci
Re Gucci - 7 years ago
Such an attractive man he fishes and can change brake pads
Frosty - 7 years ago
hey dude, really enjoy your channel.

just wondering what kind of drone you've got?
Damian Dumpis
Damian Dumpis - 7 years ago
My life when I go fishing oh my birthday it's hard
ArcaneOfsages YT
ArcaneOfsages YT - 7 years ago
Its been awhile since ive been here, Gj Jason i started watching you since 21k subs but now you got 221k gj bro
A's outdoors
A's outdoors - 7 years ago
nice spot!! i waz wondering what your rod set up the one your using for the sharks
Elizabeth Smith
Elizabeth Smith - 7 years ago
i licke your vids

50. comment for Day 1: Sharks!! SOLO 1,600 Mile Fishing Road Trip ** Catch and Cook Perch ** West Coast Tour!

Judy - 7 years ago
lololol I got this fishing advertisement before this video started
BlackNinNin Andy
BlackNinNin Andy - 7 years ago

Barbara Anderson
Barbara Anderson - 7 years ago
Hey Matt, enjoy your videos allot. Because you eat the fish you catch, so many others release to many of them. Which is fine, but a w waist of good
memphisdime88 - 7 years ago
Love eating crispy fish tails!
bob joe
bob joe - 7 years ago
love your vids man! Fish get off put if you keep that line real tight you only really have to worry when they take a jump and do a head shake :P. I loose very few of the fish I hook barbless and I only ever use barbless :P for the challenge. No room for error ! happy fisssshhinnggg
peter rickford Batson
peter rickford Batson - 7 years ago
If you don't bleed it properly just soak that bastard in milk that will take that pissy taste away shark meat is great when prepared right
Niam Lynch
Niam Lynch - 7 years ago
Nice intro!
Parker D
Parker D - 7 years ago
Come to idaho! And I’ll take you fishing
Jeffrey Torres
Jeffrey Torres - 7 years ago
Awesome videos every time man thanks !!
Selene Beltran
Selene Beltran - 7 years ago
my husband gaved up fishing and ever since he started watching your Youtube channel he got his smile again for fishing thank you and i just join your channel
Selene Beltran
Selene Beltran - 7 years ago
thank you for inspiring my husband
Fisherman's Life
Fisherman's Life - 7 years ago
awesome :)
Justin M.
Justin M. - 7 years ago
These videos are so awesome
Mr.DabShrimpMasterScampi - 7 years ago
Little to.much butter .....might as well say ok now im gunna deep fry these in butter
Chavis Harding
Chavis Harding - 7 years ago
subscribed! love the videos.
timothy4122 - 7 years ago
You should keep a bait bucket that keeps the fish in the water to keep them fresher
kim gomez
kim gomez - 7 years ago
i think u should put them back in the water right away if ur gonna release them cause they're just suffocating, its like having a human underwater
staticx2552 - 7 years ago
Sup dude keep the awesome videos coming I even enjoy the slightly boring ones XD
Kari Tirado
Kari Tirado - 7 years ago
Love your videos you should visit Arizona some time got great fish out here
Korey Cross
Korey Cross - 7 years ago
You’re awesome man!
Stephanie Henderson
Stephanie Henderson - 7 years ago
bjdooi - 7 years ago
Those fish and game narcs seemed really nice. Crazy how they look like they're decked out to fight in Iraq
Nicole Cummins
Nicole Cummins - 7 years ago
You are the Bob Ross of fishing
Nicole Cummins
Nicole Cummins - 7 years ago
I like how much respect you have for nature. You’re very gentle when you handle the fish
Patrick Smith
Patrick Smith - 7 years ago
lol! that spinal skeleton looks like the cartoons depict !! i need to try your crab snares !!!! but I live in Denmark is it possible to post them over here I will pay the postage !!!!
zirsangliana liana
zirsangliana liana - 7 years ago
I just love your video dude..i never missed your video..keep it up
Honey Albino
Honey Albino - 7 years ago
beautiful animals, thank you for being respectful to them
Fishing life WA
Fishing life WA - 7 years ago
Love the videos dude! Keep it up
Bryce Belshaw
Bryce Belshaw - 7 years ago
you should have like 2 million subs not 207 thousand
Mikey G
Mikey G - 7 years ago
do an east coast one and meet me on cape cod lol
Propane and propane accessories
Propane and propane accessories - 7 years ago
Enough with the God damn ads
Nyshaun Carter
Nyshaun Carter - 7 years ago
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (678) gills on my leopard shark
Andrew Corcoran
Andrew Corcoran - 7 years ago
Great video.. love the car service at the beginning
Zippit Jdiznuts
Zippit Jdiznuts - 7 years ago
This guy is fun to watch .
James Aki
James Aki - 7 years ago
automotive and fishing? nice
david ddemetrashvili
david ddemetrashvili - 7 years ago
Respect from me always the best content
Dylan Gannon
Dylan Gannon - 7 years ago
Fisherman's life!!!
Mhamza98 - 7 years ago
You're living our Dream
Thomas Jou
Thomas Jou - 7 years ago
What rod do you use?
Cameron Nel
Cameron Nel - 7 years ago
7:28 who else sees a sloth running on the water
John Sherrod
John Sherrod - 7 years ago
6:34 anyone see the water shoot out of the ground
FitzBerg - 7 years ago
6:53 pokemon vibes
Grapevine 绿藤上将
Grapevine 绿藤上将 - 7 years ago
Well with decency and etiquette to catch those fishes.
CodyJackH - 7 years ago
Wtf there is never too much butter!!!!!
Jacob Marino
Jacob Marino - 7 years ago
What shark did you cach
Shen Oac
Shen Oac - 7 years ago
what did the cop say? lol
J Arbogast
J Arbogast - 7 years ago
alright man, where is spot or general area I can go travel to fish for those sharks? I am on the wa state coast but I am willing to travel.
Jaiden Candia
Jaiden Candia - 7 years ago
Woah where does he live I went past the Golden Gate Bridge a couple of times
joseph aguon
joseph aguon - 7 years ago
Doing great Matt pretty cool catching those leopard sharks and having your meal cooked with butter and avocado anyway avocado have good calories I think per slice is1000 cal.
Francis Shoko
Francis Shoko - 7 years ago
can you hook me up with some hooks man? just started fishing cuz of these videos
Francis Shoko
Francis Shoko - 7 years ago
can you hook me up with some hooks man? just started fishing cuz of these videos
Jason Uchiha Ruíz
Jason Uchiha Ruíz - 7 years ago
I was really hoping to see that big shark

100. comment for Day 1: Sharks!! SOLO 1,600 Mile Fishing Road Trip ** Catch and Cook Perch ** West Coast Tour!

Adam Tonkin Tonkin
Adam Tonkin Tonkin - 7 years ago
I'm a new subscriber loving it so far man
Jesse Rojas
Jesse Rojas - 7 years ago
Another great video! Why? Because you make these trips look possible. And for a guy like me...who works like a crazy person, getting a trip like this in is Pure Therapy! Well done
Devon_Guy_Person_Hi - 7 years ago
I won’t be surprised if he legally changed his name to avocado
gravity destructor
gravity destructor - 7 years ago
Sharks are such beautiful creatures
romeocopiedme - 7 years ago
Ik it's editing too but how do you always seem to catch stuff when you go out? Even at a pay lake I only catch things maybe 1 out of 7 times. I'll go through bait after bait and lure after lure.
Hisnameis IAM
Hisnameis IAM - 7 years ago
puts gloves on*... *takes gloves off for oil change*... *gets oil on hands = story of my life.
Will Martinez
Will Martinez - 7 years ago
Hey man it's your preference and everything but every single time you put avocado to those fishes it makes my skin crawl omg hate that but love your videos tho!
Meatball Enthusiast
Meatball Enthusiast - 7 years ago
8:19 the exact opposite of my sexual life
Ryan Gayman
Ryan Gayman - 7 years ago
Try squid works like a charm on sharks
Tim O'Neil
Tim O'Neil - 7 years ago
You are constantly making the same mistake that can potentially give you a food poisoning or a parasitic infection.
You first use your knife to clean the fish and remove its guts and then, without washing the knife or your hands, you use it again on the raw avocado!
J C - 7 years ago
Parasites get around immune system’s defenses. Many parasites also do not cause obvious or definitive symptoms when the host is still strong and relatively healthy. If you have been consuming MONKEYS, go see specialist for testing against simian parasites and diseases.

We humans are primates—exposing ourself to carcasses of other primates and consuming them is about the ‘best’ ways to get new species-jumping diseases.

Not that the odds of disaster are super high, but you volunteered...
brrr - 7 years ago
Tim O'Neil nah it's fine it builds antibodies and makes u stronger. I stopped using soap and heat (for cooking) about 10 yrs ago, just water and at this point im pretty sure not even Ebola can get me. I lived about 4 of those years in Liberia, eating raw meat for a while including dog and monkey occasionally (LOL) but yeah it was rough. I also had to spend some weeks in this whore house, offering to pick off crabs from these prostitutes just for some shelter. Even after all this I came back to the U.S. in fantastic condition and nothings really changed. I did get my pinky bitten off by an autistic girl at a park but obviously my excellent immune system gave no chance for infection. Anyways hopefully you understand why I don't really practice sanitation and maybe it'll convince you to join me! Let's build natural antibodies together ahahaha!!!
kameron Mcdaniel
kameron Mcdaniel - 7 years ago
This man really hunting sharks,he can fix a car....Lol You hoes missing out
Abdel Jaber
Abdel Jaber - 7 years ago
Love your videos
El Savage
El Savage - 7 years ago
10:45 ms in my bank account
chimyshark - 7 years ago
what the... you know how to do ALL that to your car??
Super Gamer
Super Gamer - 7 years ago
i like this dude he likes fish dont beg for likes or subs
Taylor Estep
Taylor Estep - 7 years ago
177 people are mad cause you are enjoying Life.
chocolakbar - 7 years ago
I just changed my moms brakes that funny
Jaymie D
Jaymie D - 7 years ago
how do you record yourself driving with the drone haha
Emma Mckenzie
Emma Mckenzie - 7 years ago
thats a lot of butter you are going to need for that shark
Agnes Currie
Agnes Currie - 7 years ago
Am glad i found this channel, i enjoy fishing too and camping. We filipinos cook fish the way you cook, we know how to eat fish with bones. Am new subscriber here and i love it.
YoungTimmy - 7 years ago
I'm in Sacramento, Salmons running, should go
Aj SimoNcE
Aj SimoNcE - 7 years ago
catch and cook piranha pls... cuz nobody has done this before...if you can do it, I salute you bro✋
Hunter Loesch
Hunter Loesch - 7 years ago
Your awesome
jose brixeno
jose brixeno - 7 years ago
skatejake1234 - 7 years ago
You make me wish I liked fish lol
aqib ady
aqib ady - 7 years ago
baby shark do do doo doo dooo
N. Laughpuff
N. Laughpuff - 7 years ago
Wait , the meat comes right off the bones when they are super fresh?
Jesus Jimenez
Jesus Jimenez - 7 years ago
What kind of camera you use to record? Not the GP
Rocko Huntsman
Rocko Huntsman - 7 years ago
That perch sure made my mouth wter
Darrion Talley
Darrion Talley - 7 years ago
They got 1 2 3 4 5....6 7 8 gills in my bank account
Killermoose Gaming
Killermoose Gaming - 7 years ago
You should come to Maryland
Marlon's C
Marlon's C - 7 years ago
Dfg officer seemed cool
Lawrence Felicitas
Lawrence Felicitas - 7 years ago
I enjoy watching your videos from Monterey County and i saw you made some there in Monterey Bay,,keep doing what you do and a big thank you..
Anna Conroy
Anna Conroy - 7 years ago
Camera crew on point
chew2elah - 7 years ago
I would love to know where this shark spot is so I could take my son and try it out.
RAYGANJI. ENT - 7 years ago
keep on catchin keep on cookin!
Enwake Is a fucking cunt
Enwake Is a fucking cunt - 7 years ago
Nice fake ass thumb nail faggot
Gibus HD
Gibus HD - 7 years ago
You need a YouTube red series!
PaulVlogTube - 7 years ago
Ives Lai
Ives Lai - 7 years ago
You are awesome dude!! Love all you videos!! Keep it up man :D
SKYBOT#2 - 7 years ago
You wont reply back.......:)
Jonathan Simmons
Jonathan Simmons - 7 years ago
Fuck 12
ToyFreak Forever
ToyFreak Forever - 7 years ago
Good catch and dinner
Neil Mutia
Neil Mutia - 7 years ago
You're amazing bro!
Bryan Zen
Bryan Zen - 7 years ago
Can I get that hook, barbless
Legaceybeats - 7 years ago
daaaaaaam all around handy man that whats up. Tim the tool man Taylor lol its tool time
Fat Fresh
Fat Fresh - 7 years ago
Isnt there a 10 inch sizer limit for the perch??
Kamyaputra Iswarapranidhana
Kamyaputra Iswarapranidhana - 7 years ago
11:39 looking sassy asf
Finn Abiko
Finn Abiko - 7 years ago
Dude shut up my mouth just exPlOdEd
Kasperx138 - 7 years ago
Pretty much anything tastes good when you drown it in butter...
wendy young
wendy young - 7 years ago
all you haters piss of he works hard for the support and knows how to make a amazing vide and a pretty meal
Grappler Gray
Grappler Gray - 7 years ago
Glad I found this channel, your a gentleman good sir.
Yolanda Miranda
Yolanda Miranda - 7 years ago
Love ur videos! Awesome editing too.
Madan Madan
Madan Madan - 7 years ago
Cant believe FD use steel rim
Alec Marin
Alec Marin - 7 years ago
@FL are you aware of the radioactive pollutants from the Fukushima disaster? Is it safe yet to eat west coast fish?
Nathan Lee
Nathan Lee - 7 years ago
Why were we watching u fix ur car
MegaTriumph1 - 7 years ago
The butter is always good try getting some garlic salt from an organic store.
Leon Teng
Leon Teng - 7 years ago
I love to see shark getting killed and extinct
Dblaze420 - 7 years ago
Love this dude
SoWhatsGood01 - 7 years ago
All them
Will K
Will K - 7 years ago
Good videos man .. I'm learning a lot of fishing tricks from you . Keep the great work
Steam Corp.
Steam Corp. - 7 years ago
I'm a subscriber at 9k, this is how far u got.... Damn
oRange FloRa
oRange FloRa - 7 years ago
Where are some good places to catch perch?
Kieth Lam
Kieth Lam - 7 years ago
Where'd you catch the sharks?
Jesse F2TE
Jesse F2TE - 7 years ago
Should be doing AP homework. But you know what..... Fisherman's Life.
Kenny Sanchez
Kenny Sanchez - 7 years ago
How the heck do you not have 1 mill subscribers /: your such a good person. Keep it up
stwatkins - 7 years ago
West Coast: it's the best coast
alonzoxiver - 7 years ago
dam you rocket it nice
Bruce Sprague
Bruce Sprague - 7 years ago
Love the video man!
Burke Tilton
Burke Tilton - 7 years ago
Pls do a catch and cook leapord shark
CALI DEZA - 7 years ago
Max Schoolman
Max Schoolman - 7 years ago
You are a man of many skills! Keep up the good content. Looking forward to your Next video. Thanks
Peaches Keen
Peaches Keen - 7 years ago
How did you get the aerial shots, those were really cool!
Mixie Palms
Mixie Palms - 7 years ago
I will keep watching, not meant to be patronizing! However I do find you to be one of the most genuine guys doing the fishing vids from the USA. I am uk. Always look forward to your videos. Regards Mick
cormorantj - 7 years ago
I lost hundreds of dollars in tackle to fishing on the rocks. You can avoid snags in the rocks by using an egg sinker with no leader (Santa Barbara Rig). If you leave slack in the line, the current creates a natural leader and the weight will come down to detach the hook if it does get snagged.
Official Goods Company
Official Goods Company - 7 years ago
Three words I never thought I'd hear him say....TOO MUCH BUTTER.
Fenx Shadow
Fenx Shadow - 7 years ago
I've just binged watched like 15 vids and I can't stop ! Subbed !
Pignut - 7 years ago
Thanks for showing fishing isn't all we can do! I work on my own car as well
barefootgarden - 7 years ago
You need some lemons to go with that fish. Nice video
Paulina K
Paulina K - 7 years ago
So jealous of your life, I'm sick of mine
Paulina K
Paulina K - 7 years ago
Flash Tech trade? Lol!
Flash Tech
Flash Tech - 7 years ago
you can have my life
Bushwookie NW
Bushwookie NW - 7 years ago
Get your but up to Washington. The salmon are in hot. Head into Illwaco or Chinook, WA if you are wanting to get on a boat. The red tail and barred perch fishing is fun as hell in Beards Hollow. That's just south of Long beach, WA. Let me know when you get up here, I'll link up with you and rip some lips. I'm from SW Washington.
OgKacey - 7 years ago
Well there you go guys if some of ya'll don't know how to fix car
Wesley Parrish
Wesley Parrish - 7 years ago
12345678 bandz in my bank account
Trent Keeler
Trent Keeler - 7 years ago
If u bleed it immediately and gut it leopard shark taste amazing, also was it a high or low tide you were fishing?
OutofSyncLV - 7 years ago
We need someone to live the dream.
upin ipin Slayer43
upin ipin Slayer43 - 7 years ago
I thouht 99 percent of comments will be: humans kill 100 of millions per year
cas supreme
cas supreme - 7 years ago
You got yourself a new subscriber, keep up the good work bro
CaliFishing 26
CaliFishing 26 - 7 years ago
Where is that spot
Skylar Mcnee
Skylar Mcnee - 7 years ago
I appreciate your work
My dad and I love watching your videos that got us into fishing
You are a role model keep it up
J Lui
J Lui - 7 years ago
Legit, probably my favorite channel on Youtube right here. Keep up the good work bruh!
James Levine
James Levine - 7 years ago
Can you do a catch and cook with a leopard shark
mlim23 - 7 years ago
rename your channel to "From water to butter"
Steven Truong
Steven Truong - 7 years ago
What specific rod are you using?
Miguel galeno
Miguel galeno - 7 years ago
Dat butter tho
Thijs ,
Thijs , - 7 years ago
Where is your DAMN lemon
Brian - 7 years ago
Curious where you set your tent up?
MannieSocal - 7 years ago
I keep watching this video over and over just to hear that sound of the reel getting pulled love that sound
Brandon Matthai
Brandon Matthai - 7 years ago
love this video
Manchee Shrimp
Manchee Shrimp - 7 years ago
First YouTuber I know to say "Idc if you hit the like button". Respek
Jesus Dominguez
Jesus Dominguez - 7 years ago
What's the location where the first sharks were caught???
Morgan Camacho
Morgan Camacho - 7 years ago
I'm curious how you handle the licensing aspect of cross state fishing? I've been interested in traveling out of Washington, so you just buy the license in wash state? Even though your not a resident? Not sure how it works? Especially Oregon. Thank you! Love the videos man!
charles aquino
charles aquino - 7 years ago
Loving your videos, tips, adventures and butter! Keep it up!!
Misses Galaxy
Misses Galaxy - 7 years ago
That's the first time I've ever heard him say "that to much butter" lol
jisozaki - 7 years ago
your videos are the best for so many reasons. Video and audio quality, editting, content, tips and info, etc, etc, etc. I'm constantly recommending you to my friends and people I meet. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and producing such great videos. Please
keep up the great work.
jack phouminavong
jack phouminavong - 7 years ago
can someone let me know where this spot is?? :/
XxSoKawaiiPandasxX Games
XxSoKawaiiPandasxX Games - 7 years ago
Do you live in Oregon
kakrot3 - 7 years ago
It's gonna be an epic trip. That perch look darn good! Does it taste like pompano? I love pompano.
Austin Trevino
Austin Trevino - 7 years ago
Love your videos bro. Feels like I'm there every time. Will support when asked so let us know!
Manuel Lucero
Manuel Lucero - 7 years ago
I love watching u bro. Stay in touch. All the way from Salinas Cali
brokenredflag - 7 years ago
Omg that looks yummy!!!
Yoy Tu
Yoy Tu - 7 years ago
you should definitely come to Tacoma wa and fish the puyallup river for silver and king salmon. they are running great this year.
Trey Flood
Trey Flood - 7 years ago
I love you bro
Keng Vang
Keng Vang - 7 years ago
Can you give me the info of your fishing pole and spinning reel. Oh! Also the lines and the pounds. Please thank you. :)
Rapto YT
Rapto YT - 7 years ago
Try catching 10 tunas and eat it cooked
Jericho R Guzman
Jericho R Guzman - 7 years ago
man when were u in washington i just got back today was there for 2 weeks for oyster harvesting clamming and scoop smelting if ur still there i would recommend des moines pier/dock
Steezymann - 7 years ago
Love the video, man! You're my favorite channel on YouTube.
Landen Drake
Landen Drake - 7 years ago
abowl - 7 years ago
I thought you were gonna eat the shark :(
Cain G
Cain G - 7 years ago
Have you done a SoCal tour ? What was your reel?
Izanami Mendez
Izanami Mendez - 7 years ago
king bob
king bob - 7 years ago
I want catch squiduid pls
YouTube Ad revenue
YouTube Ad revenue - 7 years ago
Devan Hebert
Devan Hebert - 7 years ago
I caught a sting ray in the outer banks with a three ounce weight and blood warms right off the beach
exotic lemonlover
exotic lemonlover - 7 years ago
Did you die?
Machine Beast
Machine Beast - 7 years ago
really liked this videos please keep doing what your doing but Can you please do more Kayak fishing and can u do a kayak tutorial (tethering everything down and essentials) please???
Machine Beast
Machine Beast - 7 years ago
also if your reading this i cant wait for the catch and cook when your on the boat on your own.
redbull_ 01
redbull_ 01 - 7 years ago
Any good perch fishing in south Orange County, never went for them, but I fish a lot, and me and my dad going for them tmrw
Gabriel Grigsby
Gabriel Grigsby - 7 years ago
Just moved into my dorms at my university in kansas. Man i miss the coast ! Love these videos reminds me of seaweed gathering for our ceremonies
N Savanh
N Savanh - 7 years ago
Can you catch and cook anywhere here in California ??
Sindre Olsen
Sindre Olsen - 7 years ago
Plizzz do more trout fishing!
Gray - 7 years ago
I don't like fishing but your videos are interesting and I like watching them
AYP 81
AYP 81 - 7 years ago
Pee through the skin? Interesting!
Marsha Woods
Marsha Woods - 7 years ago
Your a
That One Super Saiyan
That One Super Saiyan - 7 years ago
"Full Focus This Time" proceeds to not pay attention
That One Super Saiyan
That One Super Saiyan - 7 years ago
There is no illegal size for perch.
Andre Lepage
Andre Lepage - 7 years ago
Y a barbless hook
Jeffrey Centino
Jeffrey Centino - 7 years ago
11:38 lol
Clark Denton
Clark Denton - 7 years ago
Great vid. My mouth is watering in Knoxville, TN
Red - 7 years ago
you should try this product out i love it
Red - 7 years ago
replace your propane one
Expect2Achieve -JC
Expect2Achieve -JC - 7 years ago
Please catch and cook a Goliath Grouper!!!
Squeaky Boi
Squeaky Boi - 7 years ago
You should fly fish in Yellowstone
Benwade Lee
Benwade Lee - 7 years ago
Sounds like a blast. I've spent a lot of time in Oregon and Washington, you should catch a lot of fish!!!
Rogelio Rodriguez
Rogelio Rodriguez - 7 years ago
Went fishing last week and it was my first time as well didn't catch anything! :(
redbull_ 01
redbull_ 01 - 7 years ago
Rogelio Rodriguez it's tough, me and my dad started this year and it was hard, just find what location, what rig and what bait works
backwoods bassin
backwoods bassin - 7 years ago
I'm wondering if you would like to set up a date to go fishing up here on the Oregon coast I'm a sub and I just think you're cool I think it would be fun
Bilal Muhammad
Bilal Muhammad - 7 years ago
First time i watch your video its really impressive, i love fishing keep it up
Hayden Vera
Hayden Vera - 7 years ago
Do catch and cook
Ronnie 2k
Ronnie 2k - 7 years ago
You live in sf? Me too!!!!!! :)
Humbug Outdoors Fishing
Humbug Outdoors Fishing - 7 years ago
What rod is that? Also, love the videos!
A. Holleman
A. Holleman - 7 years ago
I'm the type of Subscriber that supports my favorite YouTubers by watching and subbing very rarely do I like or comment on videos you sir have a golden ticket I like what you do! keep it up!
arjona186 - 7 years ago
Make a t-shirt of an avocado and butter
Dominic Gonzalez
Dominic Gonzalez - 7 years ago
I love your videos man keep em coming your awesome
TheRyvolution - 7 years ago
Might as well come up to Vancouver!
ben clayton
ben clayton - 7 years ago
So, I've eaten shark from Florida, and done right, ie cleaning right away, it's amazing. I would love to see you try a kayak trip or halibut trip. I've caught halibut in Alaska, and that's the best fish I've ever had
Rigo Jara
Rigo Jara - 7 years ago
Are u coming to Fort Bragg/Mendocino soon??? If u are tell us where u are cus im a Fort Bragg local and i can show u a really good Rockfish spot
therealdestructicus - 7 years ago
i love in oregon, we don't have the monkey faced eels, but we have other types of prickle-backs. we do have wolf eels which i think cali is lacking, wolf eels (again actually a fish) is the real treasure
David Wang
David Wang - 7 years ago
good god i hate perch
Alex Gozlalez
Alex Gozlalez - 7 years ago
Can you please put the name of the gear you use in the discription
Aaron Chee
Aaron Chee - 7 years ago
Whoa handy Mandy?
Steven Roy
Steven Roy - 7 years ago
Man, I love your videos. You are straight up , and totally adventurous. I am in southern Oregon. If you get a chance, try to fish Brookings/ Harbor Oregon. We catch very large red tails right from the south jetty and the beach of the Chetco River. Like my PB is 15.5 inches my cousin just caught a 15.5 incher as well. Harris beach, Chetco Point are also areas that produce large perch calicos, red tails striped perch. Chetco point has lings, and greenling, and it reminds me of the low tide vids you make. I hope you have a great time man. Be safe on those cliffs, and tight lines man. Also some great clamming along the Oregon coast for big bay clams especially in the Umpqua. South slough in charleston. Razors are closed right now in Oregon. I'm heading up to PK Yi s surf fishing tournament at Ona Beach on the 2nd of September. Don't know how long you will be out, but it would be cool to see two you tubers on the trip to Ona Beach.
NoobFisher TV
NoobFisher TV - 7 years ago
Best surf fishing beaches near San Diego?
ThaiTea Boba
ThaiTea Boba - 7 years ago
The meditation wait
Troy Silva
Troy Silva - 7 years ago
when will you be in Washington state. I would love to get you into some steelhead.
Vinicius Kauss
Vinicius Kauss - 7 years ago
I don't even fish but i watch all your videos
George Delgado
George Delgado - 7 years ago
going to Oregon? you should hit up N.O.D.R for a fishing collab. that would be really cool.
Don’t Know
Don’t Know - 7 years ago
Leopard shark catch and cook?
Jihua Liu
Jihua Liu - 7 years ago
u need to coook one of those shark
Ayden Paterson
Ayden Paterson - 7 years ago
Try out the shimano bait runner
TJ Walker
TJ Walker - 7 years ago
Go to crescent bar
Cody McMillan
Cody McMillan - 7 years ago
are you on this road trip right now? coming to canada?
Robert Silvers
Robert Silvers - 7 years ago
I have enjoyed all your videos. We have good poke poling for monkey faced eels here in Crescent City. Stop by as you head North.
dan3nad - 7 years ago
so your going to have to get a fishing license for ever state? sat & fresh water
R Man
R Man - 7 years ago
Nice, can't wait for the new vids to come.
larry smith
larry smith - 7 years ago
Nice one finally i came to know your video fisherman's life.Great one looking forward to see a new one soon.
Fernando Roque
Fernando Roque - 7 years ago
Did you change the oil filter as well?
Keng Yang
Keng Yang - 7 years ago
Wow! U really good at fixing car..
N8iveBEASTA - 7 years ago
We love you too man! Stay up!
Rylan Johnson
Rylan Johnson - 7 years ago
When you come to Oregon plz fish on the Columbia
WOWZA - 7 years ago
Hey @Fisherman's Life , where is a good spot to fish for perch using the same setup as what you had around the marin county ?? Or some near that
Steve Hajjeh
Steve Hajjeh - 7 years ago
Crazy Villarruel
Crazy Villarruel - 7 years ago
Squiliam FancySon catches me some fine turd perch the best
Squiliam FancySon
Squiliam FancySon - 7 years ago
The best place to fish for perch is the sewers
Finn Soulasinh
Finn Soulasinh - 7 years ago
Ronin Harris
Ronin Harris - 7 years ago
best spot for perch near Marin is at Stinson Beach 2 hours before high tide, I went with a friend and we both maxed out using the same rig in the video
Lea Jean
Lea Jean - 7 years ago
Nass’s District
Nass’s District - 7 years ago
orgykicksazz - 7 years ago
Hey Matt what ever happened to your inflatable raft?
karen stieffel
karen stieffel - 7 years ago
Hey I know you're in a saltwater fishing so you should head over to the Chesapeake Bay in Urbana and there's a d doc can you use bloodworms work the best and crab crab meat and red artificial lures mostly bloodworms work you can catch crab striper Croaker and spot my favorite thing to catch is spot and Croaker because that's what I've been mostly catching I've only caught one striper out of there but if you go near the rocks and you if you take a kayak down to the beach rocks over there and you can might be able to catch what you like to eat when you go fishing for Rockfish I'm not sure so it's just a hint I hope you read this and stay tuned to your videos
Davey jones
Davey jones - 7 years ago
beautiful footage of changing the brakes and it!!!
just joking do seem to have the whole 'self filming' things pretty down...ive dabbled with my own stuff but it does take alot more than most people realize to put together a vid that is actually worth watching...the whole setting up the cam, walking past or whatever, then going to retrieve it after youve walked to or from is alot even in its simplest sense but it makes stuff better for sure....
Do you find yourself tripping on the filming more than you should sometimes??? just curious cause ive found that alot of times it can detract from what you set out to do in the beginning sometimes rite???? 'oh, gotta film, make it good man, dont fuck up, ahhh, gotta do it again dammit!!!!

anyways, cheers brah!!! you dont suck cause I totally watch your stuff! and Im not easily entertained....You love fishing as much as I do for sure so i do appreciate your vids...

Anyways, what a long thing I just wrote...twas not my goal...just wanted to say have a good trip...Im in washington so hopefully you enjoy it and catch some fish..Make sure if you eat what you catch to cook it with plenty of butter cause they tend to be kinda dry up here!!!
Davey jones
Davey jones - 7 years ago
Rite on man!!! Cheers to ya brah!!!
Fisherman's Life
Fisherman's Life - 7 years ago
haha yes it's hard to put in the hours i want to fish when i have to move the camera around, change batteries, make sure the mics are working, lenses clean and don't slip on the rocks! lol but it's all worth it to me. many time's I've recorded without sound. scrapped the footage. or thought i had pressed record, but didn't so I talked 5 minutes for nothing only to redo it, but it doesn't turn out as genuine...yeah it can be a pain...thanks for understanding loll
Jakob Null
Jakob Null - 7 years ago
Hit up Newport Oregon
CaptainV campa
CaptainV campa - 7 years ago
Good video!!!! Very inspirational
NeonTed - 7 years ago
I don't even like fishing,But I love watching him catch and eat da feesh
Car Ramrod
Car Ramrod - 7 years ago
Just found your channel and can't stop watching ur vids. Great content man..subbed!
Kou Vang
Kou Vang - 7 years ago
All this time I've been watching your videos I am curious to ask what kind of rod is that, jus curious becuz u have pull a lot of fish on it from big to small, by the way keep up the awesome vids
Fong Xiong
Fong Xiong - 7 years ago
Oh, hell no. NEVER ever put new brake pads on some beat up rotors, ever!
dso1509 - 7 years ago
I hope you dont have any tooth fillings
Nick Ingram
Nick Ingram - 7 years ago
If you need any suggestions, Barview Jetty, just north on Tillamook, is a great place to fish on the Oregon coast.
Pablo Bonilla
Pablo Bonilla - 7 years ago
Ever since the eel video you made man I've been stucked to your channel. Thanks for providing such great and adventurous videos man!
4u25out - 7 years ago
This video is sponsor by BUTTER.
Roddy Yang
Roddy Yang - 7 years ago
Post the spots you happen to stop at. You won't be spot burning since those won't be local spots anyways!
LakeChicotGuy RippnLips
LakeChicotGuy RippnLips - 7 years ago
They p through their skin wtf wow
Smokey Canopy outdoor
Smokey Canopy outdoor - 7 years ago
get a take or get a bite .
LakeChicotGuy RippnLips
LakeChicotGuy RippnLips - 7 years ago
I love all your videos man ..... 108! Dislikes .. Y'all r crazy he has the most interesting fishing content on YouTube
Wright Aquaponics and Ranch
Wright Aquaponics and Ranch - 7 years ago
We've caught so many Leopard Sharks in San Diego over the years, we always use surf perch as bait. I've found the perch are too big for most rays to eat so it limits your catch to only the bigger prey.

They are delicious to eat and are listed by the Ca DFG as "least concern".
Tristin Montana
Tristin Montana - 7 years ago
Where do you fish in sf. I live close.i would like to now and I like the videos
Angel Garza
Angel Garza - 7 years ago
I am really entertained by your videos because I absolutely love fishing
Sean Henry
Sean Henry - 7 years ago
Love these videos
Carlitos Cooking Adventures
Carlitos Cooking Adventures - 7 years ago
Great video man! Have an awesome trip!!!
Fisherman's Life
Fisherman's Life - 7 years ago
Thanks buddy
Uriah Hill
Uriah Hill - 7 years ago
Why don't you ever eat the shark?!
tronicevil - 7 years ago
I love your videos man. I hope to meet you one day, I too fish out of Santa Cruz.
Keep up the good work. I don't even mind the editing bloop at 10:17 lol
Ragnarok - 7 years ago
Those sharks are gorgeous. Looked good until you put avocado on it... then dumped salsa all over it...
slickimilano - 7 years ago
A little bit of butter with a splash of olive oil should do the trick, some minced onions and garlic in the mix with salt and pepper/mixed spices and you are all set. Make sure to always have utensils on you and hope next time you cook that leopard shark cheers
Alexandre Hiroshi Muranaka
Alexandre Hiroshi Muranaka - 7 years ago
I'm from Brazil, never miss a video.
very fun stuff to watch, keep filme man.
Fisherman's Life
Fisherman's Life - 7 years ago
Thank you :)
Frank Perkins
Frank Perkins - 7 years ago
Great video..After all the years i have fished for sharks i never thought to use perch as bait.I will just give it a try the next time im in sf fishing.Thanks for all the good videos and keep them coming
-Tight lines
Fisherman's Life
Fisherman's Life - 7 years ago
Thanks Frank. Good luck next time
Alex Wilderness
Alex Wilderness - 7 years ago
Love these videos
Gavin Gullikson
Gavin Gullikson - 7 years ago
Please do more catch and cook trout vids plzzzzz they were amazing
Fisherman's Life
Fisherman's Life - 7 years ago
i will before the year is over
Jonathan Budino
Jonathan Budino - 7 years ago
Dope show Bro!!...Keep it coming, Safe travels and Tight lines.
Fisherman's Life
Fisherman's Life - 7 years ago
thanks bro
Daniel Daniel
Daniel Daniel - 7 years ago
When are you coming to San Diego bay tho?
Finesse Anglers
Finesse Anglers - 7 years ago
Fisherman's Life
Fisherman's Life - 7 years ago
thanks. I will!
Let The Rookies play
Let The Rookies play - 7 years ago
Fisherman's life you have a great channel I wish I could fish with you and I'm buying a t shirt because I've been subscribed since 10k and I found out you have merchandise 3 weeks ago so then I opened my tackle box bank at my grandmothers and I'm buying a t shirt because you are my favorite fishing channel on YouTube and my favorite channel on YouTube
Fisherman's Life
Fisherman's Life - 7 years ago
thanks for the support brother
Uchiha Baws
Uchiha Baws - 7 years ago
Why does this channel only have 150k subs it should have a couple milz
adan cortes
adan cortes - 7 years ago
nice videos man,
quick question what rod are you using for the sharks?
Fisherman's Life
Fisherman's Life - 7 years ago
8ft Powerstick from Bass Pro Shops
Jose Lopez
Jose Lopez - 7 years ago
Are you sponsored by piscifun? I've seen a few people use their baitcasters, but they were sponsored by them, so don't know if it is biased or not lol, still they seem to work well.
Taku Kondo
Taku Kondo - 7 years ago
dope man! I'm about to go on a motorcycle trip in a couple weeks from SF to Vancouver. Also taking my fishing pole with me. Hopefully I get to see your next videos so I can get some tips before my trip
Taku Kondo
Taku Kondo - 7 years ago
thanks man, i'll try to check em out!

Just an idea, if you ever want to collab and do a catch and cook video sushi edition. I live in the city. I'm a sushi chef at roka akor. check out my insta: @cheftakusauce and my adventure stuff @takusauce
Fisherman's Life
Fisherman's Life - 7 years ago
Nice man. West port jetty is a good spot in Washington. Winchester jetty you can catch salmon from shore. Crescent city has decent trout but I only caught small ones. Have fun man
Rippin' Lips
Rippin' Lips - 7 years ago
can you take me camping. LOL
Rippin' Lips
Rippin' Lips - 7 years ago
karaobn - 7 years ago
LOL that's how I feel... let's go camping! Haha
Rippin' Lips
Rippin' Lips - 7 years ago
thanks man
dolaopposite - 7 years ago
Rippin'lips!!! love your channel!
Virtual Gamer123
Virtual Gamer123 - 7 years ago
That sure was a lot of driving!
David Storton
David Storton - 7 years ago
The trouble mate isn't the barb less hooks it's people playing with there phones
Fisherman's Life
Fisherman's Life - 7 years ago
lol...this may be true
Smite_the_ballsack - 7 years ago
Come to Humboldt!
William Ma
William Ma - 7 years ago
1,2,3,4,5.... gils who else was waiting for 8
deziking - 7 years ago
Shit I'd be scared to drive on those tires, you see the cracks in them.
Fisherman's Life
Fisherman's Life - 7 years ago
why I replaced them
jnj nguyenpaler
jnj nguyenpaler - 7 years ago
I enjoy your videos! Keep it up :)
IZZY FPV - 7 years ago
Hey did you fish in crescent city, ca or brookings, oregon? That's my territory! lol
Hvntrr - 7 years ago
lemme get a uhhhhhh B A R B L E S S hook
SO Gaming.
SO Gaming. - 7 years ago
go to my country thailand
at rayong city
scout around and you will find a couple of hotels and great places to fish
SO Gaming.
SO Gaming. - 7 years ago
Fisherman's Life great I hope you like my country im now in belgium with my family
Fisherman's Life
Fisherman's Life - 7 years ago
going to Thailand next week! Going to be in Phuket
Andy Trieu
Andy Trieu - 7 years ago
Are you allowed to eat Leopard shark???
Fisherman's Life
Fisherman's Life - 7 years ago
yes as long as they are 36 inches
Andrew Yi
Andrew Yi - 7 years ago
Good luck on your trip! Can't wait for all your videos
Fisherman's Life
Fisherman's Life - 7 years ago
thanks andrew
Ayub Rexin
Ayub Rexin - 7 years ago
Awesome vid
Mrblokesmunts - 7 years ago
I just came back from the exact roadtrip!
Fisherman's Life
Fisherman's Life - 7 years ago
hope it was great!
Darth Vader
Darth Vader - 7 years ago
Fish bullards park for big redtail perch in bandon orega. U will not regret it
Fisherman's Life
Fisherman's Life - 7 years ago
dang, maybe next time. passed oregon already
uh1horc - 7 years ago
Which watch do you have? Great videos by btw.
David FreshBoyy
David FreshBoyy - 7 years ago
Love your videos man. I learn so much from you.
SoCal Dreams
SoCal Dreams - 7 years ago
Zip ties on hubcaps classic!
Mass Malo213
Mass Malo213 - 7 years ago
Thank you for your videos. Amazing catches and good cooks.
WorldWideGamingX - 7 years ago
who else thought there was a crab on the rocks
Fisherman - 7 years ago
Fisherman''s Life I like you!!!
Bangbangboom51 - 7 years ago
Nice videos man, I never went fishing in my entire life. Not even interested in fishing but I like seafood and I like your videos, they have this relaxing vibe and a good watch at the end of the day right before bed time. :)
redbull_ 01
redbull_ 01 - 7 years ago
Bangbangboom51 you should go fishing
Fisherman's Life
Fisherman's Life - 7 years ago
thanks man. thanks for watchin!!
VJ Tempation Goku
VJ Tempation Goku - 7 years ago
dont thank us my man, just keep doing this, freaking love these vids, the best of youtube, just fishing and eating it... nice :)
SIMPLE AQUATICS - 7 years ago
Man I wanna go on a fishing trip with you long time subscriber here ...anytime you decide to come Massachusetts please let me know
Matt W
Matt W - 7 years ago
come up to illwaco washington salmon fishing
randomDS - 7 years ago
I wanna do fish roadtrip too! 2bad im only 14
lildavidoriginal - 7 years ago
Lmk when you hit Washington
daniel s
daniel s - 7 years ago
Really cool when you showed that car maintenance shit at the beginning. Love your channel bro
Dallas Tamaiva
Dallas Tamaiva - 7 years ago
When he releases the sharks they are like so chill and just slowly swim away like nothing happened
David Low
David Low - 7 years ago
Thank for your video. I love watching you fish cook and eat :)
Niko Rojas
Niko Rojas - 7 years ago
too much butter?... i thought you were a living legend. too much butter is not enough butter.
Dylan Stewart
Dylan Stewart - 7 years ago
Don't do a catch and cook with a leopard shark please there just too beautiful
Ester Robert Li
Ester Robert Li - 7 years ago
congrats on your solo trip 1600mile Matt,... can't wait for your part 2 video... good job bro
qxwie productions
qxwie productions - 7 years ago
stay safe on the road :D cant wait for next episode
Kylee Davison
Kylee Davison - 7 years ago
Are you in New Zealand
stunt chicken
stunt chicken - 7 years ago
Dude, you killed fish to fuck up sharks that you throw back, that's not sustainable or ethical, I'm unsubscribing and reporting you, I thought you were better than that.
stunt chicken
stunt chicken - 7 years ago
no, reporting people who are trying to save the planet you ignorant fucking moron. ever heard of ECOLOGY lets just kill every creature we see for the fun of it, right for fucking small dick faggot, I hear about people killing themselves and "that's sad" then realise it's some worthless sack of shit like you, and it's not so bad.
imsorryclass - 7 years ago
stunt chicken reporting to who? The triggered police?
Sea Dragon Angler
Sea Dragon Angler - 7 years ago
Leopard sharks are my favorite..... great video
Bl4zed Re4per
Bl4zed Re4per - 7 years ago
You gonna need a whole lot of butter to cook that shark bro
Nepot Zilla
Nepot Zilla - 7 years ago
Julian Morales
Julian Morales - 7 years ago
Mechanics life
Gman 32
Gman 32 - 7 years ago
Great video brother! Keep doing what your doing, be careful. catch you on the next one.
James Saeteurn
James Saeteurn - 7 years ago
love the video! keep it up!
That random white guy
That random white guy - 7 years ago
Dont take a sharks life away just to taste it
Salvsdor Navarro
Salvsdor Navarro - 7 years ago
Am I the only one who felt pain in their mouth when he stuck the aluminum foil in his mouth ?
EDPM GT - 7 years ago
Richard Vue
Richard Vue - 7 years ago
Dude!! Welcome to Washington when you get here!! Pink salmon just opened up for fishing here!
Fisherman's Life
Fisherman's Life - 7 years ago
dang I missed it. back already :(
Anthony Yong
Anthony Yong - 7 years ago
I wanna see a catch and cook Catfish
sam boisvert
sam boisvert - 7 years ago
Did you rent that boat from the santa cruz wharf?
Fisherman's Life
Fisherman's Life - 7 years ago
Jacob Fay
Jacob Fay - 7 years ago
If you make it up to Washington come to Seattle the salmon are running, and they are easy to catch
Tim Nordahl
Tim Nordahl - 7 years ago
Get some fish in the Sacramento or Yuba river please
Tim Nordahl
Tim Nordahl - 7 years ago
How come you didn't take your girlfriend with you? That would've been so much fun
game4life12 - 7 years ago
Tim Nordahl tell ya what mate, hand me ur fishing rod and you won't regret it
JayImmm - 7 years ago
Thought this was going to be a car tutorial
TheCuddlySeaUrchin - 7 years ago
where in Oregon are you stopping?
Fisherman's Life
Fisherman's Life - 7 years ago
stopped at winchester jetty, that's all
The Code of Leo
The Code of Leo - 7 years ago
That's a Cali lunch right there!
Phillip Xiong
Phillip Xiong - 7 years ago
What part of sf did you fish for shark. Would like to try it out.
Yaad Rana
Yaad Rana - 7 years ago
Swing by humboldt!
David Ibara
David Ibara - 7 years ago
Those sharks are really good eating
MrDVCHITTer - 7 years ago
This guy is alright. Liked the diy tune up segment
Elijah Graham
Elijah Graham - 7 years ago
Does this guy even have taste buds ?
John Kamperschroer
John Kamperschroer - 7 years ago
Best content on youtube, keep the videos coming!
Andy LeBlanc
Andy LeBlanc - 7 years ago
By the time you make it to Washington the buoy 10 fishing should still be hot. Check out "nw open seats" group on Facebook a lot of times someone is just looking for a buddy to join on the water, it's really hard to fish alone out there and kinda boring. Looks like a trip I would do have fun and can't wait to see the trip unfold. P.s. bouy 10 is one of the biggest Chinook runs on the west coast.
BarbERICan - 7 years ago
Barbless hooks are a lot of fun to fish with
Tim Nordahl
Tim Nordahl - 7 years ago
Bradley Tristan
Bradley Tristan - 7 years ago
It is a pronounced Pie-sea-fawn great company and great prices one of my favorite reel company's
Alekk - 7 years ago
What's up
Yuhan Zhang
Yuhan Zhang - 7 years ago
I always want to get perch, but ended up with leopard shark, stingray, and yellow fin croakers.. anything but perch.
jon garrigus
jon garrigus - 7 years ago
Where is that 2nd spot at your catching shark at you mind sharing
Brayden Kato
Brayden Kato - 7 years ago
oregon coast jettys have monkey face eel but just not nearly big enough to eat. also the rock fishing is great
Phabian - 7 years ago
Fish for salmon or trout when you get up here in the PNW, it's a must.
darian roscoe
darian roscoe - 7 years ago
He says catch and cook, but I see catch, remove hook from bloodied and painful shark face, then release. Hardly humane. How would he like that done to him? I think not. Unsubscribed.
Dante Murray
Dante Murray - 7 years ago
The pool baddest person sharks should live in the ocean eight the mouth sharks are wonderful creatures
Harvey Yong
Harvey Yong - 7 years ago
I love being unemployed. Then I can go fishing full time. Yeah!
P - 7 years ago
THIS is why I'm a patreon supporter. Great video and I can't wait to see what you hook into as you move through the Pacific Northwest.
Daniel Domingo
Daniel Domingo - 7 years ago
Love the videos man keep them coming and enjoy yourself!
Adventures of Louie&June
Adventures of Louie&June - 7 years ago
Aiden Manansala
Aiden Manansala - 7 years ago
Is YouTube your job?
C-Mac - 7 years ago
Maclovio Ponce
Maclovio Ponce - 7 years ago
Come to southern California to catch some pelagics.
Moldy Bread
Moldy Bread - 7 years ago
Favorite channel!
AngryKhan - 7 years ago
u want sharks? go to long beach
ScreamingForClemency - 7 years ago
dude. don't get yourself killed.
Pika Bob
Pika Bob - 7 years ago
cant wait for day 2 :)
Holden Hohman
Holden Hohman - 7 years ago
I live in Washington
Soriya Yon
Soriya Yon - 7 years ago
Should go crabbing.
Soriya Yon
Soriya Yon - 7 years ago
I live near raymond. Went fishing a few days ago
Soriya Yon
Soriya Yon - 7 years ago
Fisherman's Life what day did you fish i usually fish around the boat launch area and catch some nice sea bass. I dont really like the flavor of the greenling. But there is some around that area also. I also catch pile perch not as good as the surf perch. Very cool that you reply
Fisherman's Life
Fisherman's Life - 7 years ago
I fished the westport jetty caught a few nice greenling
hondaguy529 - 7 years ago
nice man! got the same sturgeon rig gunna try out for rays or leopard shark tomorrow in moss landing!!!
shawniesaelee - 7 years ago
fish some stripers, its been a while.
Kevin Chaay
Kevin Chaay - 7 years ago
the people want the butter to ziz on the pan , jk . keep up the good work, really entertaining and also i have little bit knowledge from your videos about fish
Hank Bassi
Hank Bassi - 7 years ago
you need to go sturgeon fishing in the columbia river
ayoab - 7 years ago
Come to Moss Landing it's before Monterey there's sharks and rays
R.R. NationTV
R.R. NationTV - 7 years ago
I thought I clicked on a damn pep boys video by accident
Cthulhu - 7 years ago
I really really love your videos, nice job man!
ming lin
ming lin - 7 years ago
they got 12345678
Rafael Lopez
Rafael Lopez - 7 years ago
Washington here✌
Hanky The Doggy
Hanky The Doggy - 7 years ago
Those aren't barbless hooks they are just boneless
Julian Flores
Julian Flores - 7 years ago
imsorryclass its a joke
imsorryclass - 7 years ago
Hanky The Doggy what
dennis elmido
dennis elmido - 7 years ago
Great videos. But did you fart at 7:45.
jsilvajr07 - 7 years ago
Dude you should do shark catch and cook video
Cullen Millar
Cullen Millar - 7 years ago
No butter I'd rather sub to jake Paul than have no butter
Mike Avikai
Mike Avikai - 7 years ago
From washington state here. You should stop by Westport, the Puget sound from Tacoma up to Everett and (or) fish the rivers preferably the Puyallup, skok for salmon since pinks are running.
felix C
felix C - 7 years ago
Great video Matts! Stay safe out there.
Erik Chao
Erik Chao - 7 years ago
All this rocky area here is usually ALL,COVERED IN BUTTER Ahem
Chally D
Chally D - 7 years ago
I luv sharks don't kill them
Curly and Unconventional
Curly and Unconventional - 7 years ago
love your vids!!!
bigwoo - 7 years ago
Are you planning to meet up with PK Yi while up in Oregon? That would be cool to see a collab while you're up there.
Skyler Burson
Skyler Burson - 7 years ago
WHOA!!))WHOA!!))..did you say "too much butter"!?!?! ---who are you?!?---LOL
Chally D
Chally D - 7 years ago
I just love the nature and when he fishes it just feels like I am fishing and it makes me want to go fishing but I cant because I live in the city and I have to go to school
Nick Lee
Nick Lee - 7 years ago
I like how he didn't clickbait when the cop pull up on him. U a Real YouTuber man keep it up✊️
AI Mega
AI Mega - 7 years ago
Amazing like always!
Noah Reyes
Noah Reyes - 7 years ago
Keep the video up bro I like then
bioches - 7 years ago
Fish and game dude was so chill
Paula Alivio
Paula Alivio - 7 years ago
Love your videos! Keep making them! Shout out from the Philippines!
Counterhoe - 7 years ago
Also if you'd like a real challenge while fishing. Try fishing at Quarry Lakes in Fremont. I don't know if you do any like lake or pond fishing but I've never been able to land a catch there, and it would be cool to see you give it a try.
Counterhoe - 7 years ago
Can you also state which pound line you are using to catch the perch or sharks, thanks!
troll mint
troll mint - 7 years ago
Hey I live in Washington except I live near puget sound your probably gonna be by the coast
Osiel Pelayo
Osiel Pelayo - 7 years ago
Great video brotha
Reggie Blast
Reggie Blast - 7 years ago
What place is this ?
kendo boston
kendo boston - 7 years ago
Leopard shark catch and cook??
Callum Thomas
Callum Thomas - 7 years ago
How can you afford to too take the time to do all this trip? :o
Callum Thomas
Callum Thomas - 7 years ago
How are you earning the money? Surely not enough off YouTube to book accommodation and all?
Maiken Pham
Maiken Pham - 7 years ago
Raymond is only a few towns away from me
LUCKY C - 7 years ago
im from Oregon go fish at Garibaldi Or at Barview jetty you can catch some Lings out there.
Aaron  Trammell
Aaron Trammell - 7 years ago
Sickass intro! Bro hmu in the pnw!
FernandoPacheco ishere
FernandoPacheco ishere - 7 years ago
I honestly don't know why you only have a meh amount of subs, your suppose to have a million because these videos are more entertaining, your so much more entertaining than Jake Paul arena Logan paul, your the one that's suppose to have those subs
Lincoln vlogs
Lincoln vlogs - 7 years ago
I know right !
gianni arnoldons
gianni arnoldons - 7 years ago
CrayonThief the sad part is that many popular channels are quite shit. Saw millions of subs for channels which were literally dumb and ridiculous.. shows the level of most humans..
gianni arnoldons
gianni arnoldons - 7 years ago
FernandoPacheco ishere agree. Apart for being a cool dude, his work in informative , has great footage and its properly montaged
Andrew Delgado
Andrew Delgado - 7 years ago
FernandoPacheco ishere he'll get there just gonna take some time for a lot of people to catch on and find these videos
;-; ;-;
;-; ;-; - 7 years ago
160k+ is not a meh amount of subs, you get to 160k then talk
CrayonThief - 7 years ago
It takes time! Its all about youtube's algorithms, if you're popular, you get a ton of subs and keep gaining subs. Smaller channels, it takes quite a while to get to a certain threshold of subs, then youtube starts promoting you and putting you in places where people will actually see you. Matts will get there eventually!
silvirnuclear - 7 years ago
Do a catch and cook
John larson
John larson - 7 years ago
I live in Washington and fish the jetty's pretty much anything you can fish for freshwater or saltwater but I highly recommend Neah Bay Washington or La Push Westport Washington isn't too bad either they have some really nice jetty's but the fishing can be really spotty but Neah Bay hands down is the best saltwater fishing I've ever experienced in the northwest they even have a few places you can rent little boats
Craig Garrett
Craig Garrett - 7 years ago
Ive never had sturgeon or shark but my buddy told me leopard shark reminds him of sturgeon. We went fishin last Sunday and I landed 5 leopards and 4 bat rays (I only kept 2 leopards and 2 rays and he kept a leopard) and he also landed a 4 foot shovel nosed ray. I was really hoping this would be a leopard sharks and bat rays catch and cook! If u bleed the leopards they don't smell like piss either. Just cut the gills and tail and ur good man. But if u catch a bat ray be ready to be slimed lol. I'd skin it and fillet the wings off before u put it in an ice chest.
Craig Garrett
Craig Garrett - 7 years ago
Dima Poddubnyy any of the piers
Dima Poddubnyy
Dima Poddubnyy - 7 years ago
Craig Garrett what's a good place in the Bay Area for leopard sharks?
BRICKCITY9MM - 7 years ago
Oh did you tell the park fish and wildlife you eat at the evidence?
BRICKCITY9MM - 7 years ago
I'm about to start my snag and fuck 20000 mile journey.
Lisa Koeun
Lisa Koeun - 7 years ago
Come on guy no need to hide the butter
Lisa Koeun
Lisa Koeun - 7 years ago
Fisherman's Life yayyyyyybthank youuuuu
Fisherman's Life
Fisherman's Life - 7 years ago
more butter coming up
chew2elah - 7 years ago
I want to know where you fish for sharks like that. I would love to take my son.
camcam3087 - 7 years ago
After mendo let's hit up Trinidad Ca. I got a couple hobies we can use. If not you can get on a charter for pacific halibut or albacore Tuna out of Eureka. Albacore would be sick
Fisherman's Life
Fisherman's Life - 7 years ago
dang i wish man. I just got back. I want to do this trip again next year and planned out better. I think it could be an epic trip meeting with the right people and giving myself enough time between stops.
john doe
john doe - 7 years ago
Always push down when removing/installing lugs, its a lot easier that way. I just step on it instead of using my hands
Cody B
Cody B - 7 years ago
Great video bro can't wait to see the rest of your trip. Watch out for fish an game there sneaky show up out of no where. Have a safe trip
Fisherman's Life
Fisherman's Life - 7 years ago
thanks brother. yeah they'll scope you out through the trees and ambush you lol
Xander Aibas
Xander Aibas - 7 years ago
Fisherman's Life
Fisherman's Life - 7 years ago
lol not enough to buy a new car yet
sd super
sd super - 7 years ago
did you make your way to Washington yet if not what days are you gonna be here would love to meet you irl
Fisherman's Life
Fisherman's Life - 7 years ago
made it there and left already. want to do it again next year
Misstaluu - 7 years ago
Instant like crew checkin in!
Bobby Hoang
Bobby Hoang - 7 years ago
hey Fisherman, when will you be in Washington? want to catch some pink salmon at Snohomish River :)?
Bobby Hoang
Bobby Hoang - 7 years ago
take it easy man, see you on another fishing trip
Fisherman's Life
Fisherman's Life - 7 years ago
I do, but I left already. I was a bit early for the salmon run :( hopefully again next year
Phillip Kim
Phillip Kim - 7 years ago
My family owns a motel in the north Seattle Area. If you need a room when you're in Washington, I can get you one for a pretty good discount, maybe a night for free. Message me if you are interested!
Phillip Kim
Phillip Kim - 7 years ago
Of course man. Just let me know when you do come by!
Fisherman's Life
Fisherman's Life - 7 years ago
Thanks bro! Totally would be interested. Unfortunately I left already, however I would like to do the trip again next year if the offer is still good!
Battlefield Gamer
Battlefield Gamer - 7 years ago
You are the best fisherman
AustinAutomotive - 7 years ago
Today fisherman's life learns why barbless hooks SUCK
Felix Leblanc
Felix Leblanc - 7 years ago
I Like them
aR0ttenBANANA96 - 7 years ago
My favorite fishing channel, this series is gonna be great.
AustinAutomotive - 7 years ago
Perches realy got a little bigger as the years progressed, when i used to go fishing they were long and skinny now they are shorter and taller and overall bigger im surprised but still a great tasting fish
Bryant Osborne
Bryant Osborne - 7 years ago
Man U gotta come up to my secret spot fishing with me we get 2 to 3 pound red tail perch and big leapard Sharks along with rockfish such as capazone and lingcod
akkbf fhjiu
akkbf fhjiu - 7 years ago
I love your videos I've been watching for a while now. I also love how you take the time to actually reply to some comments.
Fisherman's Life
Fisherman's Life - 7 years ago
for sure bro. thanks for watching!
JK77x1 - 7 years ago
Looking forward for more Matts, the perch looked delish.
Fisherman's Life
Fisherman's Life - 7 years ago
it was good. thanks buddy
Salvador Rodriguéz
Salvador Rodriguéz - 7 years ago
Cordell Vaught
Cordell Vaught - 7 years ago
We finished and dove in mendocino and got our limits of abalone and a nice ling cod and cabazon it was amazing.
Enduro rider
Enduro rider - 7 years ago
How do you drive while droning?
kagan lopez
kagan lopez - 7 years ago
Should go fishing in fort bragg
Yeetyeetyeet - 7 years ago
Best fishing channel on YouTube
festorfamine - 7 years ago
If it's your first time to the Oregon coast you'll be amaze how beautiful it is, I think it's prettier than the California coast.
Fisherman's Life
Fisherman's Life - 7 years ago
it was amazing. beautiful coast
Sike Dinger
Sike Dinger - 7 years ago
When you get to Washington don't forget to get a fishing license
Fisherman's Life
Fisherman's Life - 7 years ago
didn;t know you need a fresh water and salt water license. so many endorsements in washington
JarJar Dankz
JarJar Dankz - 7 years ago
Leopard sharks are beautiful!
Molten Concepts
Molten Concepts - 7 years ago
I heard if you soak them in milk it helps with the urea secretions.
Zachary Taylor
Zachary Taylor - 7 years ago
Awesome video series concept! Looking forward to the rest! Hope you scored a bunch of fish!!
Andrew Chang
Andrew Chang - 7 years ago
arent there pin bones in these perch?
James McElligott
James McElligott - 7 years ago
Another way to get rid of the ammonia is to soak the meat in milk over night.
Colby Burgess
Colby Burgess - 7 years ago
I live in Oregon and grew up on the South Umpqua river. Would be great to meet you when you come up! And we say umpqua "ump" like in "pump" not "ooomp"
Fisherman's Life
Fisherman's Life - 7 years ago
oooh gotcha. ok I'll remember that. I fished off the winchester jetty but not luck for salmon :(
technoendo - 7 years ago
Amazing shots, great video, and eager to see the rest of your trip. Go get em Matt!
Fisherman's Life
Fisherman's Life - 7 years ago
thanks brother!
technoendo - 7 years ago
You mention how the sharks excrete urea through their skin and bleeding them. When I've caught and eaten dogfish shark years ago it was recommended to soak the meat overnight in either lemon juice or vinegar to neutralize the urea. I made some beer batter and fried the shark -- was amazing to eat. Shark used to be way more popular in fish & chips. What was not fun was cleaning them -- all that cartilage, I think I did something silly by using hacksaws, pliars, and other "toolbox tools" one would not normally use when cleaning a fish.
Juan Tafolla
Juan Tafolla - 7 years ago
I live in washington, there's awesome fishing here
technoendo - 7 years ago
Hey Matt, I'm headed down to San Diego on the 15th of September. Going to do some herping and chase some rattlesnakes, but also hope to get down in La Jolla cove to snorkel with some leopard sharks. Have you snorkeled with these guys before? Any tips?
Fisherman's Life
Fisherman's Life - 7 years ago
never snorkeled with them nope. i know they swim throughout the water column though...but can't speak for the safety
John Smith
John Smith - 7 years ago
south jetty...........near eureka.............rock 64 high tide rock 67 low tide
John Smith
John Smith - 7 years ago
fish humboldt..............lets c wat u got...................
Northern Surfer
Northern Surfer - 7 years ago
So awesome !!! Your videos are inspiring. I have been surfing for 15 years seen all sorts of sea life, including a 20' great white. Your videos got me into salt water fishing, and now I barely ever leave the ocean. I fell deeper in love with the pacific ocean, and I thank you for that.
Fisherman's Life
Fisherman's Life - 7 years ago
dude. that's awesome. thanks for sharing that and goodluck on your fishing and surfing adventures!
Legendary Gaming / fishing
Legendary Gaming / fishing - 7 years ago
Readly nice leopard shark
Legendary Gaming / fishing
Legendary Gaming / fishing - 7 years ago
I live in Sonoma county california
technoendo - 7 years ago
Matt the mechanic! He's so scrappy and self-reliant he doesn't need no Oil Can Henry's!
Andy Zwiefelhofer
Andy Zwiefelhofer - 7 years ago
I live on the umpqua river and about an hour from the coasy
Booked Magazine
Booked Magazine - 7 years ago
Click bait
Hikarmeme - 7 years ago
Catch and cook shark when
Brandon Hanson
Brandon Hanson - 7 years ago
Where is this!!!
Bradyn Romsdahl
Bradyn Romsdahl - 7 years ago
Is it funny that I love these vids and i dont saltwater fish at all I'm a freshwater fisherman
ryan pitts
ryan pitts - 7 years ago
Fish the rogue River and if you end up in cresent City great rock fish!!!
Non Gim
Non Gim - 7 years ago
Max J
Max J - 7 years ago
I just love this channel. You're such an awesome and genuine guy.

Actually had some fried Lingcod sliders for the first time ever the other day at hog island in the Ferry Building. I've been hanging out to try that fish after watching your videos. Can't wait to see the rest of the road trip.
Roman Bryan
Roman Bryan - 7 years ago
Oooooooo weeeeeee!!!!! Looks delicious
Eric Buettgenbach
Eric Buettgenbach - 7 years ago
Awesome video, can't wait to see the rest of your trip! Should be a blast
ivan mora
ivan mora - 7 years ago
I’d love to go see you in Raymond,WA
Ruben Rodriguez
Ruben Rodriguez - 7 years ago
Damn that engine oil was black AF!
Chris Horton
Chris Horton - 7 years ago
What kind of Reel are you using.
hoedog80 - 7 years ago
why stop at raymond? why not hit the jetty in westport?
Nathan Lee
Nathan Lee - 7 years ago
Fisherman's Life I broke my leg on a jetty once.
hoedog80 - 7 years ago
right on. cant wait to see the videos.
Fisherman's Life
Fisherman's Life - 7 years ago
staying at someones place in Raymond. I fished westport jetty. It's nice! I like it a lot. caught a couple big greenling from there
ivan mora
ivan mora - 7 years ago
Definitely one of my favorite YouTubers
Invictus Dominatus
Invictus Dominatus - 7 years ago
Stay safe on the road bro, love the videos
45 degree north
45 degree north - 7 years ago
Hope you can hit up the Columbia on the way you can catch chinooks off the jettys or if some one can take you out do bouy 10 or even head up the river past Portland all the way to umittilla and get into the walleye and small mouth. Those fisherys can be worth the drive.
45 degree north
45 degree north - 7 years ago
That's to bad salmon fishing is getting better every day. I hope Oregon treated you well , keep up the videos, your making some really great stuff.
Fisherman's Life
Fisherman's Life - 7 years ago
man I wish I had time for that. Left already. but want to do it again next year but longer
Dylan Thomas
Dylan Thomas - 7 years ago
Favorite youtuber I have ever come across. I hope you keep the success you have found and even more comes your way. I feel that with your attitude and your drive to give viewers the best content you can will only lead to more success for you! Thank you for the great videos and knowledge!
Fisherman's Life
Fisherman's Life - 7 years ago
Thanks Dylan!

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