Eating RAW FRESHWATER Fish for the First Time (Sashimi)
Raww fishing 6 years ago 36,409 views
I had no idea raw freshwater fish was a thing until I went to Brazil. I really like Japanese sushi and Hawaii sashimi but those are always with the classic tuna or salmon or some other saltwater fish. I have to say I was a little nervous about getting sick from eating it but nothing happened. It is so enjoyable to catch and eat your own fish! If you are interested at all in doing a catch and cook yourself, I highly recommend you try it at least once. There is something so fun and satisfying about it. Keep trying new things and leveling up in real life. -Ace Check out all the Ace Videos merchandise here: Music by Gurty Beats: Want to see extra content? Consider becoming a member and get access to “Member’s Only Videos”. You also get to see all my videos one day early. Check it out by clicking here: I don’t have social media because social media makes YouTubers think they are more important than they really are. If you really need to contact me: If you want to send me something, I will probably put it in my videos: Ace Videos P.O. Box 191188 Boise, ID 83709-1188 **This Video Contains Affiliate Links which simply means different websites pay me a small commission to refer you to them instead of other websites. This DOES NOT cause the price of the items to go up. It simply means these websites give me a portion of the profits.**
10. comment for Eating RAW FRESHWATER Fish for the First Time (Sashimi)
20. comment for Eating RAW FRESHWATER Fish for the First Time (Sashimi)
30. comment for Eating RAW FRESHWATER Fish for the First Time (Sashimi)
Everyone else: just laughs
Ace: omg I’m serious let’s go
50. comment for Eating RAW FRESHWATER Fish for the First Time (Sashimi)
Great video!
Funny thing about parasites is if they kill you they die too, so often you can carry them around and never know it, you said you were worried about getting sick, but that's not the concern you should have, the concern you should have is parasites, which you may pick up and not even know about, at least not know about until there have already caused some sever damage.
Don't eat raw fish unless it's properly prepared!
Oh nvm
100. comment for Eating RAW FRESHWATER Fish for the First Time (Sashimi)
2 seconds later
Lightning comes down
it was Ace's last video
Riccy dijn
I’m interested to see what the Piranha will taste like!
How did you know