Eating RAW Abalone and BLUE Meat Cabezon * Giant Sea Snail Taste Test!
Raww fishing 7 years ago 1,841,390 views
The target of this catch and cook was Abalone! The fishing limit is three abalone per person per day and rules are strictly enforced. If you eat and abalone on the beach like I did, you must consume the entire thing. It's illegal to transport abalone outside of it's shell. Anyway, I wanted to try a recipe for this sea snail in two ways. Cooked with butter, salt and pepper, and raw fresh from the ocean. Watch til the end to see how it tastes! Follow Zach on Instagram: For Custom Fisherman's Life T-Shirts: Some gear I use: Hiking Backpack:------------------ Stainless Steel Water Bottle: Penn Battle, 4000: ---------------- Folding Knife:----------------------- Kershaw silver knife ------------- Propane stove I used:----------- Cookset -------------------------------- Shotgun Mic: ------------------------ Chest Camera: --------------------- Micro SD Card:--------------------- Drone:-----------------------------------
So as you did, you tenderize the Paua then to your preference either have slices or mince your paua, then you fry it in a pan for about 1-2 minutes (you can add onions if you want but don't have to) then add cream ( people have different preferences so add as much as you think is enough, I like quite a bit of cream so I can dip my fried bread into it,) any ways hope you see this and try it out in one of your vids. Churr to the churr
Remember this, "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish"
any gas -carbon monoxide or oxygen that can bind hemoglobin tightly will cause a brighter red hue ~ reflecting red light at 610-700nm wavelength better than no gas being bound to it.
I'm not a scientist and did not study this. I just know this stuff from a lifetime of experience.
This way, in case of an emergency, the fish can literally survive in a low oxygen situation.
Him: A-ba-low-nee
Added to Pronunciation Lists
10. comment for Eating RAW Abalone and BLUE Meat Cabezon * Giant Sea Snail Taste Test!
20. comment for Eating RAW Abalone and BLUE Meat Cabezon * Giant Sea Snail Taste Test!
Hope I could explain it well... english isnt my first language :)
30. comment for Eating RAW Abalone and BLUE Meat Cabezon * Giant Sea Snail Taste Test!
50. comment for Eating RAW Abalone and BLUE Meat Cabezon * Giant Sea Snail Taste Test!
Don't hit the nerve when cutting them from the shell.
Another trick is to drown them first before filleting them
A little bit of butter
Hey, first, I eat it with sashimi I will eat liver with butter and then scallop.
100. comment for Eating RAW Abalone and BLUE Meat Cabezon * Giant Sea Snail Taste Test!
14:38 :(((((
If u did a basic course on how to cook seafood it would go a long way
Cheers big ears
Eel is the steak of the sea. That shit is amazing and savory and reminds me of steak whenever I eat it. Its DELICIOUS. I would eat that shit every DAY if it was an option.
It taste like a mushroom
It is a mushroom
Great videos btw. I work on a sport fishing boat out of San Diego, would love to have you on board one trip.
Expekt a massive cardio attack in the future !
In Korea, abalones are small and precious.
Koreans likes to eat it raw and dip it in "Chojang" which tastes bit sour, hot and sweet at the same time.
From Japan With Love.
squeezes more than half out
"no ocean taste at all"?
isn't this a weird thing to be happy about when you get your food from the ocean?
Slaps 299.99 on the drift wood
And remember kids, when eating abalone make sure to beat your meat first, then cook it.
I think.
i'm 52 kg (114.64 pounds) so i'll need around 5 kg (11.4 pounds) of weight. for scuba, maybe. but i think i'll drown if i go freediving with 5 kg of weight.
Alexa: because you need to tenderize the meat...