Raww fishing 6 years ago 7,851,960 views
Fish safe roller coaster! MY SECOND CHANNEL is CATCH_EM_ALL_LIVE: Check out my Instagram @Catch_em_all_fishing:
10. comment for FISH ROLLER COASTER! Safe for Fish
20. comment for FISH ROLLER COASTER! Safe for Fish
30. comment for FISH ROLLER COASTER! Safe for Fish
Life they can have an impact on
Get it, the music XD
50. comment for FISH ROLLER COASTER! Safe for Fish
and that doesn't affect his career +eegernades
This makes me soo mad.. YouTube should remove this
100. comment for FISH ROLLER COASTER! Safe for Fish
For you.
Me: heck naw. I’m going surfing.
Also, it's not too far from catching a drift in there natural environment. And fish are more resilient than you guys think.
(Note: I'm not saying that people should do this.)
Fish: wait WHAT all fish abandon the bucket all fish abandon the bucket
Guy: * builds roller coaster*
Fish: swims down the roller coaster AHHHHHHHH
Me: in the corner
( yes I'm gonna get hate I know )
NO OFFENSE AND I'M NOT TRYING TO START A FIGHT but I'm sure that somewhere in the video, the guy said that the goldfish were to be fed to his bigger fish for food. Since he bought them for exactly this purpose and not to rear them or anything, it doesn't really make a difference whether he treats them like this or not.
wish me luck
Violets are blue.
I came here to watch,
And you did it to.
I will ride the "* Subscribe Catch 'Em All Fishing*" roller coaster.
You sure?
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They would get extremely stressed and eventually loose their colour and die
I’m confused
They are fucking fish if they get hurt it's not the end of the world, he is gonna feed them to his other fish anyways attention seeking sluts
They treat like as thing.
Not like animal.
"Oh they don't look distressed."
You doing this shit for views doesn't get you anywhere.
Here's an idea for u mate
If there weren't those goldfish ur other big fish who feed on them would starve to death.
Be grateful and respect those goldfish while they are there.
Piece of mommy's shit is what u are .
I mean u are born from a mother asshole to have a brain like shit. ./.
I will delete my comment good day and again sorry
They got on a ride for free
dieseNext video: Goldfish smoothie (putting goldfish on a blender)
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WhO bUys FisHeS tO traumatiZe tHeM??¿¿
Relax these fish are gonna get eaten anyways so just relax
2 seconds later
Gold fish: why am I here?
those with common sense and then the heartless.
I don’t give a fuck about fish like that but what you are doing is in a sense screwed up. Period. Anyone who fucks with living things like that needs a reality check.
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