Fish safe roller coaster! MY SECOND CHANNEL is CATCH_EM_ALL_LIVE: Check out my Instagram @Catch_em_all_fishing:

FISH ROLLER COASTER! Safe for Fish sentiment_very_dissatisfied 24748

Raww fishing 6 years ago 7,851,960 views

Fish safe roller coaster! MY SECOND CHANNEL is CATCH_EM_ALL_LIVE: Check out my Instagram @Catch_em_all_fishing:

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Most popular comments
for FISH ROLLER COASTER! Safe for Fish

Ria Bamborough
Ria Bamborough - 6 years ago
JBC Parkward your putting to many comments that are kinda mean go comment on someone else’s comment not tryna be rude to show that ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Kirk Kovarbasich
Kirk Kovarbasich - 6 years ago
+xXGachaLizaXx hoi huh?
xXGachaLizaXx hoi
xXGachaLizaXx hoi - 6 years ago
+Kirk Kovarbasich what?
Kirk Kovarbasich
Kirk Kovarbasich - 6 years ago
+xXGachaLizaXx hoi i must have missed the part where they hulk hogan leg dropped them or the close line or boot to the face you think they edited it out?
Gv Hb
Gv Hb - 6 years ago
how du you sppel your name
Emily Johnston
Emily Johnston - 6 years ago
I. Love. You. ❤️
justin cheng
justin cheng - 6 years ago
JBC Parkward 我
The Backyard Man
The Backyard Man - 6 years ago
Will it tho?
Sabina Dhungana
Sabina Dhungana - 6 years ago
You guy are sooooo disrespectful towards your fish

10. comment for FISH ROLLER COASTER! Safe for Fish

Andrea Ferguson
Andrea Ferguson - 6 years ago
Andrea Ferguson
Andrea Ferguson - 6 years ago
Raimir Vasquez
Raimir Vasquez - 6 years ago
POTATOE IN A HOODIE ikr it was so funny
DECIDUEYE GX - 6 years ago
Oofer Man
Oofer Man - 6 years ago
As one of the most cruel ways of animal abuse
Potatoe Pete
Potatoe Pete - 6 years ago
Hello brother its me your otaku brother
Darrius Chung
Darrius Chung - 6 years ago
POTATOE IN A HOODIE I found you in my hoodie
Michael Finch
Michael Finch - 6 years ago
UltimateFortniteCube - 6 years ago
Can I get a sub
Reagan Morgan
Reagan Morgan - 6 years ago
Yeah for animal cruelty.

20. comment for FISH ROLLER COASTER! Safe for Fish

Michael Spangler
Michael Spangler - 6 years ago
I'm a sub
Roken Ssj3
Roken Ssj3 - 6 years ago
LordIvanFap - 6 years ago
XD yeah! XDDDD
MoonlightKitty 459
MoonlightKitty 459 - 6 years ago
Vinod Kewed
Vinod Kewed - 6 years ago
Erika Calanche
Erika Calanche - 6 years ago
Sheryl Villegas
Sheryl Villegas - 6 years ago
You dont have mercy
Sheryl Villegas
Sheryl Villegas - 6 years ago
You are satan
Laurelynn Kisner
Laurelynn Kisner - 6 years ago
LightninCat YT
LightninCat YT - 6 years ago
Hey potato you not in a hoodie lier!! Me ▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一 you!! Nah! Judt kiddin!

30. comment for FISH ROLLER COASTER! Safe for Fish

hope9816 - 6 years ago
History of animal abuse and trashy Youtubers
Revina Anggraini
Revina Anggraini - 6 years ago
Mark - 6 years ago
I watched this with no sound its just f7sh in a tube like welcome to america stfu jesus
Atariplayz 2108
Atariplayz 2108 - 6 years ago
@raven 9000 r/woooosh
Atariplayz 2108
Atariplayz 2108 - 6 years ago
He s not in a hoodie he is in a monicle and top hat... lies
Big Z
Big Z - 6 years ago
Elliot Anderson
Elliot Anderson - 6 years ago
POTATOE IN A HOODIE it will go down in fish abuse history
Lila Golde
Lila Golde - 6 years ago
Everyone who liked this probably has the IQ of a goldfish and doesn’t think of any other
Life they can have an impact on
Alicia Gibson
Alicia Gibson - 6 years ago
U should make a theme park for goldfish
Alicia Gibson
Alicia Gibson - 6 years ago
+Alfie.33 yes
Alicia Gibson
Alicia Gibson - 6 years ago
I agree
Vanessa Alicea
Vanessa Alicea - 6 years ago
+Vivi Williams that's not the best part :(
Vanessa Alicea
Vanessa Alicea - 6 years ago
Remember me, from centuries

Get it, the music XD
Dean Judge
Dean Judge - 6 years ago
FireBoy100, there is no reason for you to swear and show off. Calm down...
Dean Judge
Dean Judge - 6 years ago
Dear xXGachaLizaXx hoi, you are right but I think he does it for the fish to enjoy...
Mashee Phantom
Mashee Phantom - 6 years ago
It’s sure will!!! for animal abuse
Guinea pig lover! toys and more!
Guinea pig lover! toys and more! - 6 years ago
eithen willigar
eithen willigar - 6 years ago
You know they are going to die in like a day after this
Purple Blueberry
Purple Blueberry - 6 years ago
Jinx if you hate why do still give this dude views
Jinx - 6 years ago
+Purple Blueberry Imagine flying through the air without consent if you don't know what a rollercoaster is. Ever hear of a heart attack lady? Its 100% abuse

50. comment for FISH ROLLER COASTER! Safe for Fish

Purple Blueberry
Purple Blueberry - 6 years ago
xXGachaLizaXx hoi They wont feel anything and plus this is safe and they do this to salmon
Jinx - 6 years ago
+Syther Plays Yeah but would you rather die fast or suffer for "24-48" hours?!
Jinx - 6 years ago
Hopefully in history as we tighten the laws for animal cruelty. Fish are,living creatures and deserve atleast a slimmer of a fraction of the rights we,have. Smh
broly the god of destruction
broly the god of destruction - 6 years ago
Yes this will
Gloria Garcia
Gloria Garcia - 6 years ago
+eegernades and for a new lvl of fucking stupidity and cruelty
Gloria Garcia
Gloria Garcia - 6 years ago
And also because this is a new fucking level of stupidity and fucking cruelty
Gloria Garcia
Gloria Garcia - 6 years ago
AGREED because this is a new level of fucking stupidity and fucking cruelty
Desiree Ann
Desiree Ann - 6 years ago
+eegernades OMG thank you damn wtf is wrong with him I liked him till this
MinkyMong2011 - 6 years ago
ya it will go down in history or you could do it on a talent show maybe
Bluejay memelord
Bluejay memelord - 6 years ago
Yeah because he will be in jail for animal cruelty
Aria Halladay
Aria Halladay - 6 years ago
No... This will go down in fishistory!
Jose Villalba
Jose Villalba - 6 years ago
ikr he only pinned the comment cuz its the only good one here lmao
and that doesn't affect his career +eegernades
Stephanie Aviles
Stephanie Aviles - 6 years ago
turquoise wolfx
turquoise wolfx - 6 years ago
Yeah it will as animal cruelty
raven 9000
raven 9000 - 6 years ago
POTATOE IN A HOODIE yup as animal cruelty
Phone Khant Zaw
Phone Khant Zaw - 6 years ago
April Martinez
April Martinez - 6 years ago
I was talking to you potato
Ladwana Carey
Ladwana Carey - 6 years ago
April Martinez
April Martinez - 6 years ago
your not funny imagine you in this and nobody stoping you just falling and a huge drop just it’s horrible these people should be fined 600 dollars or 2 years in jail for animal cruelty
My Secret Account
My Secret Account - 6 years ago
Justine's Gameplay
Justine's Gameplay - 6 years ago
Shut Up
Dino Zareen
Dino Zareen - 6 years ago
Dino Zareen
Dino Zareen - 6 years ago
Dino Zareen
Dino Zareen - 6 years ago
This is sickening
Seth Pogi69
Seth Pogi69 - 6 years ago
Angel Rabishaw
Angel Rabishaw - 6 years ago
Yep. 'Whose the most moronic Inhumane YouTuber out there?' Right here folks. Fish roller coaster.
Duncan Mullin-Santone
Duncan Mullin-Santone - 6 years ago
kiba the bad wolf
kiba the bad wolf - 6 years ago
POTATOE IN A HOODIE we need to send this video to peta. I wonder how they will react
ika puji astuti
ika puji astuti - 6 years ago
Crafty Dog
Crafty Dog - 6 years ago
Lola Loco you are mental
bts rainbow thunder
bts rainbow thunder - 6 years ago
Lmao ;-;
Olivia bege
Olivia bege - 6 years ago
ต้า ch
ต้า ch - 6 years ago
Gamez 19
Gamez 19 - 6 years ago
The first big one was doing side flips
Martin Aquilina
Martin Aquilina - 6 years ago
Honestly this is a bit over the top. I can understand that live feeder fished are used as food but to use them in this way to gain popularity is disgusting. I'm sure you can do better than that!!!
Marley Jane
Marley Jane - 6 years ago
Trinh Vu
Trinh Vu - 6 years ago
will it get dizy?
kim cuong mê mini world vlong Nguyen
kim cuong mê mini world vlong Nguyen - 6 years ago
Siska Yulinda
Siska Yulinda - 6 years ago
I am disagree the fish cantik death
Siska Yulinda
Siska Yulinda - 6 years ago
Siska Yulinda
Siska Yulinda - 6 years ago
The fish can deah
aufa & anis zhafira
aufa & anis zhafira - 6 years ago
The worst fishing channel i ve ever watched.
WolfieGachaGirl and KittyGachaGamer
WolfieGachaGirl and KittyGachaGamer - 6 years ago are you going to take a bath again???...yea and don’t crush the gold fishys..their so cute!!I think everything is cute.......
parw sutaphat
parw sutaphat - 6 years ago
Adriana D.M
Adriana D.M - 6 years ago
que les pasa como eso les divierte , están locos les falta neuronas , solo unos retrasados se divertirían jugando con la vida de unos animalitos indefensos de esa manera . IDIOTAS!!!!!!! SIN CERERO!!!!!!
_Camila_br `_`
_Camila_br `_` - 6 years ago
Alguém em 1967¿
Ammar Shaikh
Ammar Shaikh - 6 years ago
don't play with fish
Heartache - 6 years ago
Fish X_X
Carla Van Schalkwyk
Carla Van Schalkwyk - 6 years ago
They are fish, REAL ANIMALS. NOT toys..
This makes me soo mad.. YouTube should remove this
Carla Van Schalkwyk
Carla Van Schalkwyk - 6 years ago
This is not okay..
godzilla gameplay
godzilla gameplay - 6 years ago
2:57 ok
TYT_EPIC143_RBLX - 6 years ago
RIP GOLDFISH 2019-2019

100. comment for FISH ROLLER COASTER! Safe for Fish

elizabeth ramazetti
elizabeth ramazetti - 6 years ago
It's all fun and games till one gets sucked up the wrong way
Pipop Kamsan
Pipop Kamsan - 6 years ago
Sandra Epifania Cuin Ramirez
Sandra Epifania Cuin Ramirez - 6 years ago
Pobresitos pesea
Dania Lopez
Dania Lopez - 6 years ago
I AM your fan
For you.
Dania Lopez
Dania Lopez - 6 years ago
You are sooooooooooooooooooooo cool
Dania Lopez
Dania Lopez - 6 years ago
You are so cool
Jacob H
Jacob H - 6 years ago
You need to provide aeration. "Clean water" will disappear in minutes with that many fish.
JackThe3rd / Jordan James Clay
JackThe3rd / Jordan James Clay - 6 years ago
Is This Good For The Fish
Moonshine diamond Wildcraft
Moonshine diamond Wildcraft - 6 years ago
please keep your fins in the ride

Me: heck naw. I’m going surfing.
박현준 - 6 years ago
blazzing gaming
blazzing gaming - 6 years ago
13:11 new jumpscare
Bekah Leah
Bekah Leah - 6 years ago
That’s kinda torture
nonjaman45 - 6 years ago
Gold fish are gonna die anyways in like 2 min
Kristine Keener
Kristine Keener - 6 years ago
So rude worst video in the world so wrong how could y'all be so mean
Osian Jones
Osian Jones - 6 years ago
That is horrible goldfish are not toys
Slimey Bunny
Slimey Bunny - 6 years ago
This is kinda cruel..
Mannen I Skrubben
Mannen I Skrubben - 6 years ago
happy and healthy he says, well thats a fu.-ing lie. poor fish sick man
Muhammad Ahmed
Muhammad Ahmed - 6 years ago
WeTalkALot - 6 years ago
Imagine somebody putting you in a rollercoaster , unwillingly
Ayden Mullen
Ayden Mullen - 6 years ago
Meeks PhatSugar
Meeks PhatSugar - 6 years ago
Batman in the background killed it!!! Hahahahahaha
Ralph Galang
Ralph Galang - 6 years ago
Many gold fish will die
Royal Rock
Royal Rock - 6 years ago
badapple Gray
badapple Gray - 6 years ago
Do yall see those people popping up a lot like the video if you agree
mais um dia brincando com a sophia Oliveira
mais um dia brincando com a sophia Oliveira - 6 years ago
Cut fichis
Hannah Rohrer
Hannah Rohrer - 6 years ago
FISHIE TORTURE!!!! You guys are terrible people!!!
가지조수 - 6 years ago
Apichat Ketkumkwa
Apichat Ketkumkwa - 6 years ago
Tukang Reupload
Tukang Reupload - 6 years ago
I will report this as a animal abuse
Sammy B
Sammy B - 6 years ago
Nikolia Sokolov
Nikolia Sokolov - 6 years ago
To all you goldfish activists please grow the fuck up you pussies lmao
ღItzSebaღ - 6 years ago
Suscribe for pewdiepie.
Joanna Williams
Joanna Williams - 6 years ago
I think it's kinda funny how pissed people are getting that this will kill the fish, but guys they are feeder fish. He's specifically feeding the to bigger fish. He's not torturing pets... more than anything it's just really unnecessary stress. But it's not like these fish are gonna live 2 more days anyway...

Also, it's not too far from catching a drift in there natural environment. And fish are more resilient than you guys think.

(Note: I'm not saying that people should do this.)
Saman Salamat
Saman Salamat - 6 years ago
1:02, 2:32...Look at the right of your screen if you dare and at 2:36 my guy be cruisin’ down the street
Papa PApapa
Papa PApapa - 6 years ago
Everyone unsub now he’s a animal cruelty
M Dude
M Dude - 6 years ago
this feels wrong for some reason
Yurgi Kararte
Yurgi Kararte - 6 years ago
Fish: wait WHAT all fish abandon the bucket all fish abandon the bucket
Guy: * builds roller coaster*
Fish: swims down the roller coaster AHHHHHHHH
Madhu Mad
Madhu Mad - 6 years ago
Awesome bro
Rima Rima
Rima Rima - 6 years ago
So funny dude:v
花やイチゴ ˏ`୭̥*
花やイチゴ ˏ`୭̥* - 6 years ago
why would you do this? tf
DOUJIN TAMER - 6 years ago
2:57 holy shit some black guy broke into his house, send help he doesn't know
Eyma Ima
Eyma Ima - 6 years ago
habang buwat apa
Mandeep Nahar Monu
Mandeep Nahar Monu - 6 years ago
You are mental
KT’S Animations
KT’S Animations - 6 years ago
Me: in the corner
พรภวิษย์ บุรีนอก
พรภวิษย์ บุรีนอก - 6 years ago
amazing grace
amazing grace - 6 years ago
Yall hating on him just cuz hes putting fish in a water coaster then later yall eating seafood so stop hating and gettin triggered
We The Animals - Duxim Squad
We The Animals - Duxim Squad - 6 years ago
amazing grace I don’t eat seafood I just don’t like it
시카 - 6 years ago
잉어도 생명입니다
Guavamarshmellow YT
Guavamarshmellow YT - 6 years ago
2:56 and 2:58
suganya raju
suganya raju - 6 years ago
This is mean.
นัฐฐินันท์ ใกล้ชิด
นัฐฐินันท์ ใกล้ชิด - 6 years ago
Jillian Miller
Jillian Miller - 6 years ago
This is animal abuse! Forcing the fish to follow a water pattern which it cannot escape from or move around in can cause the fish damage to their lungs. Can't you see the fish are distressed? The roller coaster IS harmful. Fish WERE harmed in the making of this video
Iwan 86
Iwan 86 - 6 years ago
João Vitor
João Vitor - 6 years ago
Seus filhos da puta só maltrata os bichos ! Peixes n é brinquedo !
MegaCaliGrown420 - 6 years ago
If i were you, I wouldn't go to any Water Parks tube slides in the future. Karma is a mofuka. And God does not like ugly. This right here is ugly.
Mumi Parlina
Mumi Parlina - 6 years ago
Good job
ᄉ마카롱 - 6 years ago
The Seal
The Seal - 6 years ago
Why tho.
Jenna Cappelletti
Jenna Cappelletti - 6 years ago
"Is this safe?" (said every fish ever) lol
眼尾昂 - 6 years ago
lancer THE GOOdEST BaD GUy
lancer THE GOOdEST BaD GUy - 6 years ago
Bro undyen is gonna kill ya :/
Rae Rae’s Channel
Rae Rae’s Channel - 6 years ago
This was posted on my birthday ☺️☺️
Sushi Readings
Sushi Readings - 6 years ago
Y'all are all being extra. If y'all really cared about fish and animals as y'all say y'all do and your not vegan.... I don't even have to explain how your so stupid
Littlest Snowy
Littlest Snowy - 6 years ago
Hey, is there a brain in there kiddo?
Easton and Avery Wenck
Easton and Avery Wenck - 6 years ago
That face 00:50 on the right
Gabriela Lo Giudice
Gabriela Lo Giudice - 6 years ago
Io non capisco la tua lingua
basta evgen
basta evgen - 6 years ago
Давно, нах~я над рыбками издеваться (Rus)
StayingForTheCringe - 6 years ago
Jeffery Woods
Jeffery Woods - 6 years ago
peta would have a field day with this video ~_~
Riley chavez
Riley chavez - 6 years ago
You are do mean to the poor fish
NoLife Drake
NoLife Drake - 6 years ago
Keep seeing people say this for view yes I understand But if you don't like the title why you click and watch it ?
( yes I'm gonna get hate I know )
Anthony Goly
Anthony Goly - 6 years ago
Guys unsubscribe n report his video
Дашуля Никитенко
Дашуля Никитенко - 6 years ago
Я одна русская??
Anthony Goly
Anthony Goly - 6 years ago
Mf u becoming crazy u sick ass
Isniwati Bu Maman
Isniwati Bu Maman - 6 years ago
I love fish
Hazel's Music
Hazel's Music - 6 years ago
I love how triggered everyone in the comments is
NO OFFENSE AND I'M NOT TRYING TO START A FIGHT but I'm sure that somewhere in the video, the guy said that the goldfish were to be fed to his bigger fish for food. Since he bought them for exactly this purpose and not to rear them or anything, it doesn't really make a difference whether he treats them like this or not.
cau2 YuGi
cau2 YuGi - 6 years ago
thaen sv
thaen sv - 6 years ago
Nani Suryani
Nani Suryani - 6 years ago
Lama amat bacot terus lagian
배리 - 6 years ago
이거 동물학대에요
hendriyana gmp
hendriyana gmp - 6 years ago
Kasihan ikan nya
Beth Lee
Beth Lee - 6 years ago
I'm not sure that's helthy for the fish
어썸카린썸카린 - 6 years ago
머야 이새끼들아비켜!!!!!! 머야이새끼들
남자YoloStriker987 - 6 years ago
You guys are cool
Taylor - 6 years ago
I hope you and your discrimated friends learned your lesson. I. Would never do that and you guys should’ve learned in school not to kill living things dummy I’m a kid your a old crumbly Disgusting human old nasty bean
Taylor - 6 years ago
You tortured them
Taylor - 6 years ago
StayingForTheCringe - 6 years ago
You don't know what discriminated means, do you?
Moonwalker Kid
Moonwalker Kid - 6 years ago
Spiritwolf Gardian
Spiritwolf Gardian - 6 years ago
I unsubscribed!! this is abuse, they are fish, they are still living things, I own a bunch of goldfish and this disgust me, I would never think about putting any animal through this and again they're living creatures but you should understand that this is not ok, and you don't want them doing that to you do?
منبر العلم
منبر العلم - 6 years ago
صلو على رسول الله اللهم صلي وسلم على نبي
Shierly Arevalo
Shierly Arevalo - 6 years ago
He even said die such a crap
Shierly Arevalo
Shierly Arevalo - 6 years ago
The big one is dead
Shierly Arevalo
Shierly Arevalo - 6 years ago
The big one is going to...DIE!!!! AND YOUR LAUGHING YOUR CRUEL!
imnotpaula 1711
imnotpaula 1711 - 6 years ago
nemo’s dad don’t likes this video.
Dominic Wright
Dominic Wright - 6 years ago
2019 freaking out about goldfish lmao
Bella U
Bella U - 6 years ago
Kasia Świątkowska
Kasia Świątkowska - 6 years ago
Po jakim wy muwicie
Дильназ Ермуханова
Дильназ Ермуханова - 6 years ago
1:05 я одна смотрела на мужика сзади?)))девчули с 8 марта
Lea Rudolph
Lea Rudolph - 6 years ago
Ar you even think about what you do
Lea Rudolph
Lea Rudolph - 6 years ago
Your harm them that's not healthy if they ar stressed
Alan John Andersen
Alan John Andersen - 6 years ago
This is so cool
uu03 - 6 years ago
Everyone, chill he was gonna use them to feed his other fish anyway
Rodel Tapaya
Rodel Tapaya - 6 years ago
Osman Gorkem
Osman Gorkem - 6 years ago
Hyvanla oynma
Rak_ Rak
Rak_ Rak - 6 years ago
If those goldfish have inches It probably holds the middle finger and give a fuc* for u all the time to go through that pipe or hell.
Sound Cloud
Sound Cloud - 6 years ago
BOSS DOG Fan page
BOSS DOG Fan page - 6 years ago
Juvenile at best
Gabe Anaya
Gabe Anaya - 6 years ago
If they could get off they would all get off there not having fun
Kafuwu - 6 years ago
Why are you guys so angry and saying "animal abuse!!!!". If you guys took even 5 minutes to watch the video, he says they're feeder goldfishes 4:09 . They're going to be eaten anyway
xoxo_LPS_ xoxo
xoxo_LPS_ xoxo - 6 years ago
This is abuse this is like putting a duck in a ice lake
Alpha gamer The Ultima
Alpha gamer The Ultima - 6 years ago
You sound like YT something else. Even though you're not
Jacqueline Hightower
Jacqueline Hightower - 6 years ago
0:34 mood
IzIz_YETI - 6 years ago
I am reporting this video because this is animal abuse
Daniel Nasretdinov
Daniel Nasretdinov - 6 years ago
вы лашары
Daniel Nasretdinov
Daniel Nasretdinov - 6 years ago
You is лашары
nancy gallardo
nancy gallardo - 6 years ago
y’all are so fucking annoying lmao
NonOpor Sukjai
NonOpor Sukjai - 6 years ago
Xafsa Muborak
Xafsa Muborak - 6 years ago
Ren Ram
Ren Ram - 6 years ago
i bet this could kill the fish, cause of stress. but who knows..
Trey Bradford
Trey Bradford - 6 years ago
Thats how your supposed to drain your pool
Whale Basket
Whale Basket - 6 years ago
pett pette
pett pette - 6 years ago
Goldfish: "time travel through a wormhole into a bath-tub!"
Ardi Ardi
Ardi Ardi - 6 years ago
MetalHead 2509
MetalHead 2509 - 6 years ago
Bro you're fucked lmao
Damn It's Cakie
Damn It's Cakie - 6 years ago
Did anybody see the guy in the background when the guy said about not keeping them in the same water in the beginning of the video if you did like this comment
Buddha Bunny
Buddha Bunny - 6 years ago
Can I hire you to clean my Fish tank?
Luna The night wolf
Luna The night wolf - 6 years ago
I am unsubbing
Chris Hartley
Chris Hartley - 6 years ago
Do u guys not understand that he's feeding them to the other fish right so he isn't really hurting them
Livia Lucajova
Livia Lucajova - 6 years ago
Why do you does this? This isn't funny, this is so stupid, I can't stand this.
Jake Paul
Jake Paul - 6 years ago
they look like koi fish
นิว ข้อง
นิว ข้อง - 6 years ago
hello •••
hello ••• - 6 years ago

Lisha V
Lisha V - 6 years ago
あべじゅんき - 6 years ago
Sarpin Sagala
Sarpin Sagala - 6 years ago
Idiot chanell
りRenzOz - 6 years ago
Traumatization Rollercoaster
Kimberly Elizabeth
Kimberly Elizabeth - 6 years ago
On another note, their voices are so obnoxiously loud and annoying
Queenie *-*
Queenie *-* - 6 years ago
one day...One Day I'll not drown in the sea of comments

wish me luck
Queenie *-*
Queenie *-* - 6 years ago
Something I imagined when I was kid
Ludger Konrad Wistuba
Ludger Konrad Wistuba - 6 years ago
Re zu doof dafür werd da drin das ist so dumm ihr seid meine hast YouTube sonst mag ich alle außer euch ihr seid so doof ist spreche mit den Fischen an alter die können doch nicht an Schläuchen stellen bevor ihr wärt da drin ist richtig cool!!! Noch so
Transient Rain
Transient Rain - 6 years ago
난나난 - 6 years ago
Riley Keene 420
Riley Keene 420 - 6 years ago
That’s cruel what if one gets killed and died
sameera udayanga
sameera udayanga - 6 years ago
this is animal Cruelty ,beleve that!
Cake lover :3 :D
Cake lover :3 :D - 6 years ago
Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
I came here to watch,
And you did it to.

I will ride the "* Subscribe Catch 'Em All Fishing*" roller coaster.
PisaCake9 - 6 years ago
The title literally says "Safe for Fish" lmao
Legend says that fishes still enjoying coaster, Lol
Lizzie Lumsden
Lizzie Lumsden - 6 years ago
That’s a bit mean but thay survived so that’s okay and you’re the best YouTube are ever, yahoooo
XAshleyhhX - 6 years ago
It says safe for fish but like... um

You sure?
Nemo -
Nemo - - 6 years ago
I wish you were in their shoes, and you're adults, killing fish for views please delete this video kids do not need to think this is ok its very immature and it is cruel.
Jes - 6 years ago
MJGodOfMusic1958 - 6 years ago
Are they tring to get to Sydney?
Etaferahu Kassa
Etaferahu Kassa - 6 years ago
you guys sack
Kaitlyn Kerr
Kaitlyn Kerr - 6 years ago
You’re so evil
Avocado Squad
Avocado Squad - 6 years ago
This is sad
Jadia Ruha
Jadia Ruha - 6 years ago
Animal abuser you are a sick individual...hope they ban you
Nathan Turner
Nathan Turner - 6 years ago
Bunch of cunts
trulux gaming
trulux gaming - 6 years ago
How to prank someone

Read more
Vũ Mạnh Quyền
Vũ Mạnh Quyền - 6 years ago
safe my ass. these fishes are going to live for like 2 days a at most
King - Bird
King - Bird - 6 years ago
These goldfish will have PTSD forever
King - Bird
King - Bird - 6 years ago
This is not animal cruelty the shock of being in a rollercoaster might scare them but not as being in a tub with a predator lol calm down child
Srisankarshan Srisatkunarajah
Srisankarshan Srisatkunarajah - 6 years ago
That's abuse of fish
They would get extremely stressed and eventually loose their colour and die
Ryan Burget
Ryan Burget - 6 years ago
Did he say they were going to be eaten
Evangeline Paz
Evangeline Paz - 6 years ago
This video made me cringe
Caitlin NMY2021
Caitlin NMY2021 - 6 years ago
I feel bad but still...This is the funniest thing if seen in....forever
Jonathan Taing
Jonathan Taing - 6 years ago
Wait until the get sucked sideways. They’ll easily die. Did this on accident before lol
Kyle Hamilton
Kyle Hamilton - 6 years ago
11:56 thanks me later
Ava Bars
Ava Bars - 6 years ago
I did this and dudes don’t do this because it killed 2 of my fish because they got traumatized
Pedro Torres
Pedro Torres - 6 years ago
Its not a ride
Unicorn_sassy_reaper_cookie_slayer - 6 years ago
Aren't some of the fish that are being pushed through backwards suffocating ? My friend just searched up that if dragged backward fish can suffocate and at 10:05 You can clearly see it's being sucked backward which usually means it can't breathe .
lexi faith
lexi faith - 6 years ago
You are an actual piece of shit
Twisted Badger
Twisted Badger - 6 years ago
What the hell is wrong with you?! These are living beings! You can’t just buy a bunch of goldfish and shove them down a thin tube with water! I have fishes myself and whenever I clean out the aquarium with my pump I get anxious cause I don’t want them getting stuck or fall into the bucket I put the water in. But you’re doing this with meaning! I reported this video and hope it gets taken down cause this is sick! ANIMALS ARE NOT TOYS!!!
Twisted Badger
Twisted Badger - 6 years ago
+Harry Peterson goldfish are pets, you can tame them, so theyre domesticated, as long as you treat your legally owned pets theyre not treated badly, owning a wild animal and aquarium fish are not the same, the fish wilm not be harmed by being in an aquarium as long as you tske care of them, however you should not be a fish owner if you stick your goldfish into tight tubes to laugh at them. You dont stick dogs into tight tubes do you? Not birds either or cats, not against their will.
Harry Peterson
Harry Peterson - 6 years ago
You're basically treating animals like toys by owning them to begin with.
RED CHERRY - 6 years ago
CreaMundi - 6 years ago
Where are the plants to provide those fish with oxygen?
Lucius Thedevil
Lucius Thedevil - 6 years ago
jesus, the man behind the wall can make a jump scare :). I just though you caught a ghost in your camera and you didnt known
Ar Gaming
Ar Gaming - 6 years ago
Is that really safe to have a fish a heart attack?
AussieAussieAussie OiOiOi
AussieAussieAussie OiOiOi - 6 years ago
This is the most stupid thing I've ever laughed at
Along tzudir
Along tzudir - 6 years ago
Wat a losers n a waste of time
Cameron Post
Cameron Post - 6 years ago
you guys are idiots & don’t deserve anything good in life
satish desai
satish desai - 6 years ago
Ultra Universe
Ultra Universe - 6 years ago
Says this is safe... still has a piece called the Cinnabon of doom

I’m confused
Jacob Fresno
Jacob Fresno - 6 years ago
Bad pet care
Cherry Gum
Cherry Gum - 6 years ago
What the fuck
Mike Beal
Mike Beal - 6 years ago
Mike Beal
Mike Beal - 6 years ago
Rob - 6 years ago
0:50: does not trust
Heavenly Puppies
Heavenly Puppies - 6 years ago
Shouldn't people chill out...the title says safe for fish...THERE JUST GOLDFISH
Kirsten Hedgie
Kirsten Hedgie - 6 years ago
that looks fun!
Cap 'n
Cap 'n - 6 years ago
You can tell theres aLotta kids in this comment section.
carpury - 6 years ago
Garden XxFlowerxX
Garden XxFlowerxX - 6 years ago
I want a ride like that
Madi Patti
Madi Patti - 6 years ago
Awwwwwww it’s so cute when it goes down
a lot of tea
a lot of tea - 6 years ago
Everyone: omg gold fish abuse like they could have died of a heart attack

They are fucking fish if they get hurt it's not the end of the world, he is gonna feed them to his other fish anyways attention seeking sluts
Lino Angiuli
Lino Angiuli - 6 years ago
It's really horrible the way people have fun mistreating poor fish ... I do not understand what logic people watch this video ... Really disgusted
Wholesome Weeb
Wholesome Weeb - 6 years ago
These seem like the kind of idiots to worry about drowning the Fish.
human being
human being - 6 years ago
The fishies are having FuN omg so cute
Ellie Jenkins
Ellie Jenkins - 6 years ago
I can...
Brianna T.
Brianna T. - 6 years ago
Y’all are saying they are distressed but they have it worst in the wild
benjamin Calsson
benjamin Calsson - 6 years ago
You are fucking idiot
Gamethyst - 6 years ago
Children, just how you netted them into the cooler, net them into the bathtub -__-
ashlesha paliwal
ashlesha paliwal - 6 years ago
Okay I'm gonna cry fuck you
ashlesha paliwal
ashlesha paliwal - 6 years ago
Just because fishes are tiny doesn't mean you can abuse them if they did something like this with a dog internet would have killed them this is fucking retarded let me pay for your therapy bitch
ashlesha paliwal
ashlesha paliwal - 6 years ago
Psychopath 101
ashlesha paliwal
ashlesha paliwal - 6 years ago
Dude ugh
Renell Fraser
Renell Fraser - 6 years ago
Jonas GG
Jonas GG - 6 years ago
Niqqers gonna nigg
Luft ITOH - 6 years ago
This video is too bad.
They treat like as thing.
Not like animal.
Boonhaoboonhao - 6 years ago
You Indian or Middle easterner?
Katie May
Katie May - 6 years ago
Thats not very nice and thats abuse and crule to fish
Ellie Jenkins
Ellie Jenkins - 6 years ago
+captain creeps about you
captain creeps
captain creeps - 6 years ago
And nobody cares
Clash of Clan
Clash of Clan - 6 years ago
noooo fishy is dizzy
wet trout
wet trout - 6 years ago
how disgusting do you have to be to do this
Max Parker
Max Parker - 6 years ago

•Pandøra Påndå•
•Pandøra Påndå• - 6 years ago
1:10 see that creepy guy..
Leslie Aguirre
Leslie Aguirre - 6 years ago
Yeah, this is a no
Breann Burton
Breann Burton - 6 years ago

"Oh they don't look distressed."
Vikram bhagat
Vikram bhagat - 6 years ago
Fish needs oxyzen no need to pipe
Imtilong Aier
Imtilong Aier - 6 years ago
Nigggggga talks a lot
rupak Acharya
rupak Acharya - 6 years ago
Hey son of two thousand and nineteen dad's
You doing this shit for views doesn't get you anywhere.
Here's an idea for u mate
If there weren't those goldfish ur other big fish who feed on them would starve to death.
Be grateful and respect those goldfish while they are there.
Piece of mommy's shit is what u are .
I mean u are born from a mother asshole to have a brain like shit. ./.
red and pink anime
red and pink anime - 6 years ago
2:58 me snoopy on peoples conversations
Brittany Henke
Brittany Henke - 6 years ago
1:05 look at that dude behind him lol
Kier Michelle
Kier Michelle - 6 years ago
It’s fish y’all calm your tits
ThatOneCyborg - 6 years ago
Do you have a brain? Fish are animals, too. Even if they are feeder fish, civilized people don't force them into a thin tube before feeding them to bigger fish.
Wiwin Oktavianty
Wiwin Oktavianty - 6 years ago
I like playing with fish!
Lira Chan
Lira Chan - 6 years ago
STOP IT YOU IDIOT your traumatizing the little fishy's MONSTERS......LEAVE PLEASE
captain creeps
captain creeps - 6 years ago
I listen to sPaCe JaM now I am smarter and I value life more sorry for my stupid behavior

I will delete my comment good day and again sorry
Su Jeong Kim
Su Jeong Kim - 6 years ago
+captain creeps i don't care it's still torture for the fish.
The Backyard Man
The Backyard Man - 6 years ago
Serina Wong
Serina Wong - 6 years ago
But why did u have so much goldfish in the first place?
ci3rlc603 - 6 years ago
this is so triggering. I accidentally killed one of my guppy fry with a tube like that one -_-
Panda Girl07
Panda Girl07 - 6 years ago
Why would u do that even if they are feedee fish or it is fine for them that is just strate sad
Caelyn Norman
Caelyn Norman - 6 years ago
animal cruelty?
Sweetlollipop 720
Sweetlollipop 720 - 6 years ago
Poor little animals, they all probobly died from major amounts of distress because they moved so fast and violently through the tubes.
Lily ASMR - 6 years ago
This is how many goldfish will die out of this rollercoaster
Doubley - 6 years ago
princess imani
princess imani - 6 years ago
Animal Hotel dido
ahmed Hani
ahmed Hani - 6 years ago
إرحَمو مَنْ في الأَرضِ يَرحَمُحكُمْ مَنْ في السَماءْ
Galaxdri Ala
Galaxdri Ala - 6 years ago
Missfit May
Missfit May - 6 years ago
This is discussing, horrible content to put on a platform full of children and people who will think this is okay. It’s animal abuse, I hope something was done so this will never happen again.
Linda Contreras
Linda Contreras - 6 years ago
you're fucking weird for this
Skoob - 6 years ago
fuck acclimating, this is youtube!
Tristen Chapin
Tristen Chapin - 6 years ago
Sh1bas 23
Sh1bas 23 - 6 years ago
So many snowflakes here good lord.
Xx WhatIsLife xX
Xx WhatIsLife xX - 6 years ago
Fish abuse
Pink Gypsy
Pink Gypsy - 6 years ago
People getting triggered and I'm here like:

They got on a ride for free
ooof - 6 years ago
They didn't know they'd be spun around in a loop for over 30 seconds.
LINA DANIEL - 6 years ago
“Some of them have died case there are so many of them “ ...(oh well)
epic gamer
epic gamer - 6 years ago
Lol fis hrolercoaster. looks fun
Mellisa Kayn
Mellisa Kayn - 6 years ago
Lmao everyone arguing about a gold fish being tortured HAHAHA
Kiara Paiva
Kiara Paiva - 6 years ago
This is not okay
いちごあめ - 6 years ago
Madison DiPlacido
Madison DiPlacido - 6 years ago
Safe for fish? You will stress them to the point they die. I don’t think this is at all humane or “safe for fish”... i think you are an idiot.
Karlie Jarbo
Karlie Jarbo - 6 years ago
U came for 8:30 ur welcome
Aya chan
Aya chan - 6 years ago
What an asshole.
Abdul Zahir Maruhom
Abdul Zahir Maruhom - 6 years ago
Hahahahahhahahahahahahahahah diese
Animal abuse

Next video: Goldfish smoothie (putting goldfish on a blender)
•GabbiWolfxx• - 6 years ago
Maddie's acount
Maddie's acount - 6 years ago
I'm so sorry I don't know why this comment made me laugh
LilyAnimationz&Vlogz - 6 years ago
Safe for fish!
Antreas Cookies
Antreas Cookies - 6 years ago
When you're out of content
ShadowGamer -_-
ShadowGamer -_- - 6 years ago
10:01, you’ll never take me alive!
Arjun Singh
Arjun Singh - 6 years ago
Wave Tev
Wave Tev - 6 years ago
Video starts at 8:55

Thank me with a like
Febelyn Gorriceta
Febelyn Gorriceta - 6 years ago
Haha! The 4 fish is stuck! Haha
สุจิตต์ ทอหุน
สุจิตต์ ทอหุน - 6 years ago
Ebu Bekir Kalfa
Ebu Bekir Kalfa - 6 years ago
Balığa eziyet çektirme
Ebu Bekir Kalfa
Ebu Bekir Kalfa - 6 years ago
Mal gerizekalı şerefsiz azına sıçarım senin amk sen balık olsan biri de sana böyle yapsa hoşuna gidermi
Christian Winter
Christian Winter - 6 years ago
Poor fishs
Jennifer Williams
Jennifer Williams - 6 years ago
There’s no problem with feeding the goldfish to his fish for food but being sadistic and traumatizing the fish for his own self pleasure is absolutely wrong. “Zoosadism is pleasure derived from cruelty to animals. It is part of the Macdonald triad, a set of three behaviors that are considered a precursor to psychopathic behavior.”
xchloex06_ marie
xchloex06_ marie - 6 years ago
I know that people eat fish, so do I but using them as a toy to laugh at the s just not right
Katiesophia Thrussellprice
Katiesophia Thrussellprice - 6 years ago
U could make them go all around the house
Rohit Rukman
Rohit Rukman - 6 years ago
Why you guys hate this vid
토끼덤블링 - 6 years ago
Érika Cadena
Érika Cadena - 6 years ago
Like si eres Méxicano
Trout Slayer
Trout Slayer - 6 years ago
People that re upset are city slickers and tree huggers
Stacy D.
Stacy D. - 6 years ago
Just why though. Kinda shitty.
WIFI X SMASHER - 6 years ago
Just stop your youtube channel if your just gonna let them die your such a bad keeper and everyone know's that!!
Aleezzz W
Aleezzz W - 6 years ago
Animal cruelty
x Sablix x
x Sablix x - 6 years ago
i don’t think he really cares what he does with these fish since they’re just food for his actual pet
itsme tylex
itsme tylex - 6 years ago
1:03.look at that guy
LaurensFromHamFan - 6 years ago
That's thicc nek
CreeperGirl3800 Gaming
CreeperGirl3800 Gaming - 6 years ago
Apparently this guy doesn't know what safe means.
Mia E
Mia E - 6 years ago
That's Disgusting
Hannah Lee
Hannah Lee - 6 years ago
how upsetting...
CreeperGirl3800 Gaming
CreeperGirl3800 Gaming - 6 years ago
The fact that you're laughing as they are probably scared for life, from going in the "safe rollercoaster" disgusts me. Also the fact that you say it's safe is a lie. It may be "safe" physically, but not mentally.
Abigail13 - 6 years ago
Sandy Therkelsen
Sandy Therkelsen - 6 years ago
look at 1:06 at the corner
KoolDadNetwork - 6 years ago
You guys suck.
Karinne Marte
Karinne Marte - 6 years ago
He wanted them to have fun but there is a problem and then again they’d die a worse death if he didn’t buy them
Qxeen Jewels
Qxeen Jewels - 6 years ago
Fishes ain't toys to be playing with
Moonshine diamond Wildcraft
Moonshine diamond Wildcraft - 6 years ago
Qxeen Jewels oi? Then why are they pets.
FBI - 6 years ago
Totally are mate
the radioactive Rose
the radioactive Rose - 6 years ago
Yes they are
Mango The Cuddle Conure
Mango The Cuddle Conure - 6 years ago
I love animals but still they’re is plenty of fish
sendubtime :v
sendubtime :v - 6 years ago
This is so weird lmao
WhO bUys FisHeS tO traumatiZe tHeM??¿¿
a lot of tea
a lot of tea - 6 years ago
if tiny gold fish is the worst thing that happens to us we got a good life ahead of us
Philip Hofmeister
Philip Hofmeister - 6 years ago
+a lot of tea and? Maybe they want to enjoy their lifetime until they get eaten by bigger fish?? U enjoy your days too and u die too. Think about it.
a lot of tea
a lot of tea - 6 years ago
They are going to be fed to other fish
LPS Animates
LPS Animates - 6 years ago
Everyone in the comments talking about this dude transferring fish, but they don't pay any attention to animals that actually comprehend feelings being beaten for making a noise.
RebleWolfえ - 6 years ago
Poor little guys
XxMattXx2006 Xx
XxMattXx2006 Xx - 6 years ago
Peta is shook
Nate Ber
Nate Ber - 6 years ago
Why not just pour’em in there, or just use a net?
Rav Fortnite
Rav Fortnite - 6 years ago
I feel bad for the fish
Snake - 6 years ago
That's so cool!
NOT CLICKBAIT - 6 years ago
watch out peta is coming
Allie_marie _9333
Allie_marie _9333 - 6 years ago
This really hurt me
Nour Osman
Nour Osman - 6 years ago
I wish I was a fish
Scotty Walker
Scotty Walker - 6 years ago
Guy in the background 1:02
Brown Brownie
Brown Brownie - 6 years ago

Relax these fish are gonna get eaten anyways so just relax
Charlottes Angels
Charlottes Angels - 6 years ago
This is just a wee bit sad
Cotton Candy 00 MSP
Cotton Candy 00 MSP - 6 years ago
Wtf this is disgusting
Lemon Z
Lemon Z - 6 years ago
I'm going to take extra care for my Goldfish now
John Murrey
John Murrey - 6 years ago
No the Cinnabon. No srsly is dat all u care about
John Murrey
John Murrey - 6 years ago
U sir must hate goldfish
K R - 6 years ago
Hehehehehe. Okay
kskjsjddj jsjsjd
kskjsjddj jsjsjd - 6 years ago
You look like Salah
Nalda Magaly Castillo Gonzales
Nalda Magaly Castillo Gonzales - 6 years ago
Nalda Magaly Castillo Gonzales
Nalda Magaly Castillo Gonzales - 6 years ago
But anybody can get a heart attack on that thing
Nalda Magaly Castillo Gonzales
Nalda Magaly Castillo Gonzales - 6 years ago
we the fish are getting eaten anyways it’s Called the food web
Tatum Hazelton
Tatum Hazelton - 6 years ago
I have that same shower curtain at 6:18
- SamScribbles -
- SamScribbles - - 6 years ago
Just because they are going to be fed to bigger fish doesn't mean that this isn't animal abuse
Lian Bangan razo
Lian Bangan razo - 6 years ago
You have a problem
awaken moon
awaken moon - 6 years ago
This is not right.. right?
Ayukina GoT
Ayukina GoT - 6 years ago
Why do everybody think that fish don't feel pain and fear? Just because they don't scream ? It is cruel and useless. If humans think that animals don't feel, animals have to feel that humans don't think.
Swimmerpug - 6 years ago
Alot of people here argue that the fish were going to be eaten anyway so its fine to put them through all this stress. In my opinion all food deserves to die a dignified death with no pain or stress in between that time. This is also a bad influence to younger viewers who might want to do this to their pet fish.....
Mizz Harley
Mizz Harley - 6 years ago
Wow!!! How in the hell do u have so many subscriber's and how the hell is this ok to b on here? It's legit animal cruelty. IDC if ppl try to convince themselves and say it's no different then going fishing .. bc it is definitely different.. your literally torturing those fish. I don't see the purpose of this video at all other then y'all getting ur rocks off watching them struggle and suffer.. its sick and I only watchy 48 seconds of it.. there's no way I could allow myself to finish the rest of this.. y'all title it safe.. but obviously there stressed out which cause fish to die.. regardless if their feeder fish or not.. some ppl buy them for pets. And just bc u don't see any dead in the video DOES NOT MEAN some didn't die. And just bc the title says safe doesn't mean it is.. it's just flat out sick and torture!!!! I wish I never even clicked on this
Quốc Duy Vlog
Quốc Duy Vlog - 6 years ago
If you cannot see why this is a problem....then you have a problem!
Máire Castile
Máire Castile - 6 years ago
This video is super cringey.
Magstarz S.
Magstarz S. - 6 years ago
This is sick and hard to watch.
Jatye Jyd'n Leathers
Jatye Jyd'n Leathers - 6 years ago
11:50 ass shot?
Pokemonmaster Lillico
Pokemonmaster Lillico - 6 years ago
Cool yo
natalie - 6 years ago
yall triggered at these people in the video but not complaining about the fishermen who catch fish & kill them ..
Hans Gallego
Hans Gallego - 6 years ago
They can survive that because they are made of gold ;)
Jennifer Lodge
Jennifer Lodge - 6 years ago
Do you guys realize these fish were just going to be eaten anyway be his big fish he says this at 1:25
A Human
A Human - 6 years ago
Who ever thinks this is animal cruelty it is but just think those fish could have been nazi spy’s they deserve what’s coming
Dominic Vickers
Dominic Vickers - 6 years ago
10:02 “oh no they don’t look stressed” while filming a fish trying to swim backwards
Gacha Papaya
Gacha Papaya - 6 years ago
i wanna be a fish when I grow up
S- Tale
S- Tale - 6 years ago
I'm wondering since people are saying that it's animal abuse but humans have roller coasters are we being abused then when we're riding the roller coaster?
Darrius Chung
Darrius Chung - 6 years ago
Gold fish:I am never going to forget this !
2 seconds later
Gold fish: why am I here?
Darrius Chung
Darrius Chung - 6 years ago
Unless your talking about normal fish at least I think they have good memory
Darrius Chung
Darrius Chung - 6 years ago
No gold fish have a memory for three seconds I googled it
- SamScribbles -
- SamScribbles - - 6 years ago
I know this is a joke but they actually have a quite good memory.
Muaz Qayyum
Muaz Qayyum - 6 years ago
Poor fish
Umme Suraiya
Umme Suraiya - 6 years ago
Veetube vbs5ehdjeq v xmyyhjynjjjjy
Baby K
Baby K - 6 years ago
I was a subscriber, then I saw you abusing these poor fish even if they are feeders I’m unsubscribing
Molly Kat
Molly Kat - 6 years ago
9:10 that's where the coaster starts
Ari Yarborough
Ari Yarborough - 6 years ago
1:02 creepy dude smiling at camera
PandaGal 47
PandaGal 47 - 6 years ago
Ok how many times did he say, “guys?!??”
Sarah Wallace
Sarah Wallace - 6 years ago
Looks so fun but I think there crying and in pain
Sophia Williams
Sophia Williams - 6 years ago
I hate you
kimbo - 6 years ago
The twirl was the worst. Feel bad for the fish
Andrea Enterline
Andrea Enterline - 6 years ago
“some just died there is just so many”
Andrea Enterline
Andrea Enterline - 6 years ago
if this video is monitized i will be discussed
pixie*2121* brown
pixie*2121* brown - 6 years ago
I'm glad I'm not a fish I would want revenge on them for that
pixie*2121* brown
pixie*2121* brown - 6 years ago
+Paola Marin ?
Paola Marin
Paola Marin - 6 years ago
pixie*2121* brown yyhghh
Jayden Gore
Jayden Gore - 6 years ago
This is fine. No animals were harmed. This is just like things that would happen in the wild. When travelling down stream, the would go through all kinds of bends and everything. Calm down.
FUNNY FUDGE MAN - 6 years ago
Making fish swim backwards makes water flow through the gills the wrong way drowning them. You sir are scum
Keysha Lopez
Keysha Lopez - 6 years ago
i dont understand why people do this its not even funny this is animal cruelty
captain creeps
captain creeps - 6 years ago
I think it's fine
epic gamer
epic gamer - 6 years ago
Waaaaah waaaah people tweating fish bad waaaah animal cwuelty waaaah
Puddin’ The Rabbit
Puddin’ The Rabbit - 6 years ago
Keysha Lopez report it!!!! I did
garfields evil twin
garfields evil twin - 6 years ago
When the fish goes in backwards it suffocates them
Jedi Spiders
Jedi Spiders - 6 years ago
I searched “fish” on YouTube. I don’t know what I was expecting but I was not disappointed
Really Weird
Really Weird - 6 years ago
But they are gonna get eaten.... But also-
Really Weird
Really Weird - 6 years ago
The bathtub tho? Really
Ariana Ruiz
Ariana Ruiz - 6 years ago
Go to 8:40 to see the fish rollercoaster
GREENMAN Z - 6 years ago
It’s two types of people commenting...

those with common sense and then the heartless.

I don’t give a fuck about fish like that but what you are doing is in a sense screwed up. Period. Anyone who fucks with living things like that needs a reality check.
Imaqueen animaljam
Imaqueen animaljam - 6 years ago
like if this is epic! i miss my fish...she died..if she didnt...i would do this....
Spring Day
Spring Day - 6 years ago
This is horrible. This is animal cruelty, even if they are feeders they still feel the same amount of pain as any fish or person or animal. This entire video was fucked up.
Galaxy Squad
Galaxy Squad - 6 years ago
A Whole New World
emma falcon
emma falcon - 6 years ago
This is going into history
Naxyeli Muller
Naxyeli Muller - 6 years ago
I realy think that this is so cuel!!! and he is laughing,
Kiritohusk - 6 years ago
This is like the best fish roller coaster

Like to agree
ryanlinguiti - 6 years ago
And another subscriber has unsubscribed!!
ryanlinguiti - 6 years ago
Dancingpandas10 Art
Dancingpandas10 Art - 6 years ago
What did I just watch?
ryanlinguiti - 6 years ago
Especially in that swirl...... Darn.....
Anonymous Viewer
Anonymous Viewer - 6 years ago
you should call this ride, THE CURRENT
ryanlinguiti - 6 years ago
And you call them HAPPY and healthy!?!
Tiff Welton
Tiff Welton - 6 years ago
Are you on swamp people?
ryanlinguiti - 6 years ago
You know that is is torture to fish, I thought you knew all about fish, THEY ARE LIVING ANIMALS, WHAT IF YOU WERE ONE?!? would you like that??.......
Leng Soknaram
Leng Soknaram - 6 years ago
Click this
coco puffs
coco puffs - 6 years ago
Not only is this wrong but if this couldn't have been avoided then atleast use a bigger tube not in length but in width.
sofia durrani
sofia durrani - 6 years ago
Goldfish are people too
Cheeks & Curves
Cheeks & Curves - 6 years ago
Traumatize the fish, put them in untreated water, stress them out, make a “roller coaster” for your own entertainment, just to feed them to other fish? What the actual fuck is wrong with you? And you show fish in tanks with nothing but ONE sharp object? Very sad case of stupidity. Grown men acting like fucking children.
Triple Jee
Triple Jee - 6 years ago
2:55, thank me later
Rose petal People
Rose petal People - 6 years ago
Everyone saying this is so bad imagine the fish actually like it lmao
Taylor Thompson
Taylor Thompson - 6 years ago
You mad annoying lmao
fred smith
fred smith - 6 years ago
Sick mother f%&kers, hope you loose all your subscribers
Emily Horse
Emily Horse - 6 years ago
Why do you torture such innocent little creatures?!
fred smith
fred smith - 6 years ago
Professional what? You are so full of shit why did the tube have to be so long? Having them go round and round in circles and at the back of the TV
Lesley H
Lesley H - 6 years ago
Evette Rodriguez
Evette Rodriguez - 6 years ago
516 little chameleon Tv
516 little chameleon Tv - 6 years ago
Everyone report this ass hole
J4zz h4nd
J4zz h4nd - 6 years ago
Dude, you're mental
Melissa Reyes
Melissa Reyes - 6 years ago
Thats what I was thinking
Chara Dreemurr
Chara Dreemurr - 6 years ago
+Mystery girl they are dying anyway in a far more terrifing and painful way anyways. they are fucking feeder fish. they will get torn to shreds by other larger fish while still alive.
Disco Deaky
Disco Deaky - 6 years ago
Smart wimbush “they going to die anyway” yeah us humans are going to die anyways but we don’t put humans in torture devices
Skoob - 6 years ago
Mystery girl I know right
Skoob - 6 years ago
Mystery girl Yeah, just because we're gonna die eventually doesn't mean it's okay to torture us. It's the same for those goldfish
Mystery girl
Mystery girl - 6 years ago
Its Like....Logan Paul filming a dead Person in the Woods who hanged thereself and He laughs about it! Thats. Just. WRONG.
Mystery girl
Mystery girl - 6 years ago
+Missfit May ye this is animal abuse and this isn't right what they are doing
Missfit May
Missfit May - 6 years ago
Yes they will die anyway but is this really something to put on YouTube for everyone to see? It’s abuse and sad, it’s like they’re promoting animal abuse and saying it’s “fun”.
Smart wimbush
Smart wimbush - 6 years ago
+Mystery girl i also said what if...we don't know anything 100% anyway
Mystery girl
Mystery girl - 6 years ago
#smart wimbush wow Just wow you don't know nothing it Hurts damn it Hurts
Puddin’ The Rabbit
Puddin’ The Rabbit - 6 years ago
Smart wimbush hahahahhahshsndnxnaoaoaohahahaha
Claws and family Studios
Claws and family Studios - 6 years ago
Safe for fish? Fish feel shock this is so fucked why would you do that
Julian King
Julian King - 6 years ago
Dhis is gäd
Dreひ - 6 years ago
Why is everyone bitching about some gold fish
Yadnesh Kulkarni
Yadnesh Kulkarni - 6 years ago
You suck.................a lot
Sonia Khy
Sonia Khy - 6 years ago
no tea no shade but this is not fucking funny
Marley Itzanam
Marley Itzanam - 6 years ago
Yo no hablo inglés
Sandra Sabio
Sandra Sabio - 6 years ago
Thats dumb. U could've just transfer them directly to the bathtub? Not putting them in the other container then transferring them into the batchtub by ur "expert technology" it should've save time, energy etc.
THE Goldenape
THE Goldenape - 6 years ago
-_- guys think of those goldfish as people going on a rollercoaster , when they are about to ride they regret, scream, and remember the moment to tell there childrens childrens children about the most amazing experience .....
Quincy Bui
Quincy Bui - 6 years ago
Fish need respect but...this was a good video(unpopular opinion).
kalpesh prajapati
kalpesh prajapati - 6 years ago
U should not do this with any animal
Orange Molly
Orange Molly - 6 years ago
You are stupid idiots!
Eyes to the Soul
Eyes to the Soul - 6 years ago
Love how everyone is so mad calm down it’s not like they are going to live forever if they die yes that’s sad but they would die soon anyway so like shut up
Elin1041 Ps4
Elin1041 Ps4 - 6 years ago
I feel bad 4 them
Vakuro - 6 years ago
chuckhie 04
chuckhie 04 - 6 years ago
who's that in your back his funny
HASHBRO - 6 years ago
HASHBRO - 6 years ago
Synical Cairo
Synical Cairo - 6 years ago
Hey we use horses for races, and practically force em' to do it. This isn't any different. The fish, are fine...Horse racing is just....stupid. THE FISH ARE NOT HURT, THE FINS WON'T BE BOTHERED IF THEY GO IN BACKWARDS. THEY ARE FROM WATER, NATURAL, WATER WITH CURRENTS THAT GO THE OTHER WAY-
dewiees - 6 years ago
This kinda fun to watch but i feel bad for the fishes

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