My fish breeding! What should I do with my Flowerhorn guys? HARDTYMESFISHING CHANNEL: STORIES FADE, but REEL LEGENDS NEVER DIE! My Apparel Store is Available Online SAVE $10.00 Off MYSTERY TACKLE BOX PRO using Promo Code: CATCHEM MY SECOND CHANNEL is CATCH_EM_ALL_LIVE: Check out my Instagram @Catch_em_all_fishing:

FISH BREEDING and FIGHTING FLOWERHORN What Should I do! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 419

Raww fishing 6 years ago 362,564 views

My fish breeding! What should I do with my Flowerhorn guys? HARDTYMESFISHING CHANNEL: STORIES FADE, but REEL LEGENDS NEVER DIE! My Apparel Store is Available Online SAVE $10.00 Off MYSTERY TACKLE BOX PRO using Promo Code: CATCHEM MY SECOND CHANNEL is CATCH_EM_ALL_LIVE: Check out my Instagram @Catch_em_all_fishing:

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Most popular comments

Pumpkin Raptor
Pumpkin Raptor - 6 years ago
Lol this is cool I've never seen fish breed
Francois Raymond
Francois Raymond - 6 years ago
Pumpkin Pejs$cvgdv*
Annayka - 6 years ago
Pumpkin Pegasus same
I Like My Steak Well Done
I Like My Steak Well Done - 6 years ago
You shouldve went to xvideos.
Darren Caron
Darren Caron - 6 years ago
Pumpkin Pegasus N
Jason Tjipto
Jason Tjipto - 6 years ago
Actually they’re cleaning each other
Jack Godfrey
Jack Godfrey - 6 years ago
Pumpkin Pegasus I
Aaron Aquatics /gaming
Aaron Aquatics /gaming - 6 years ago
Pumpkin Pegasus not fish breeding, male is chasing female around for baby mollies to pop out
XxNeatxX - 6 years ago
Nice! ;)
Rickey Jordan
Rickey Jordan - 5 years ago
and I really like your YouTube video I live in Missouri and I'm on disability but I love fish will only a freshwater fish and small fish. I really like getting fish from different places I want to start up another fish tank about maybe 200 gallon but I don't know what fish I want yet or what I don't want so haven't got that far just yet LOL
Rickey Jordan
Rickey Jordan - 5 years ago
All the male mollies will have a pointy thing under the belly that looks like a spike where it is Varys bike and I usually just warm up beside the female Molly in your swim beside her and just jam it in there real quick the male mollies do fight I don't think we have a great sex life LOL
Panda zone panda
Panda zone panda - 5 years ago
Feed your penis instant of lesert it would be better
Yash Mishra
Yash Mishra - 6 years ago
Renee Chapman
Renee Chapman - 6 years ago
The most colorful fish are mails,vthe less colorful are the femails. They could be breeding.
Ronaldo Effect
Ronaldo Effect - 6 years ago
Crashing Lullaby
Crashing Lullaby - 6 years ago
I think those 2 fighting fish were gay.
You never know.
Tiffany Young
Tiffany Young - 6 years ago
lol reply if u know hit or miss

10. comment for FISH BREEDING and FIGHTING FLOWERHORN What Should I do!

Joseph Vandyuk
Joseph Vandyuk - 6 years ago
Maybe they are just gay fish and are trying to breed
Manna Zaveri
Manna Zaveri - 6 years ago
Pagal sala aada hai breeding ka MATLAB Bhi malum hai kya lol
Dylan-Paige CHAMPION
Dylan-Paige CHAMPION - 6 years ago
i got a golden loge ( if thats what you said ) 9:29 i named him taxi
Timothy Duplessis
Timothy Duplessis - 6 years ago
they r breeding Catch Em All.
AT Games
AT Games - 6 years ago
Reason the fish fought could be because of fakeness!
Keep real plants and stones, all real!
Eric Lakota
Eric Lakota - 6 years ago
Nice tank your boy has i think some of those get a little to big for that tank but some will die and not to mention youall can just throw it into a backyard pool
Kathy Jarzynka
Kathy Jarzynka - 6 years ago
i am a fisher man myself
Drew King
Drew King - 6 years ago
Mate that's just crawl. U like fish but will kill Anything. Makes u think. Do u just do it for money coz u obviously don't care about animals. An trust me I've killed alot. But not like that just horrible. Rip lizards lol
Carl de klerk
Carl de klerk - 6 years ago
Kenterious Pendleton
Kenterious Pendleton - 6 years ago
They are cleaning each other

20. comment for FISH BREEDING and FIGHTING FLOWERHORN What Should I do!

kitty loves flowers
kitty loves flowers - 6 years ago
They breeding
Anonoy Mus
Anonoy Mus - 6 years ago
This guy hates goldfish
ZXBeatsXZ 6
ZXBeatsXZ 6 - 6 years ago
You should bread ur bass
Danush Madushanka
Danush Madushanka - 6 years ago
Benjamin Gould
Benjamin Gould - 6 years ago
I'll be looking for a Male Flowerhorn this income tax time
venus magno
venus magno - 6 years ago
Is that a new shamu
Rina Nishad
Rina Nishad - 6 years ago
amazing fishing
Pets and me me
Pets and me me - 6 years ago
How many mini moo ar left
Pets and me me
Pets and me me - 6 years ago
Your fish or cool
Pets and me me
Pets and me me - 6 years ago
Sorry how many mini moo or left to distribute
saul Ramirez
saul Ramirez - 6 years ago
Supra TT
Supra TT - 6 years ago
i feed my Arowana high shine he eats off my hands love it its amazing

30. comment for FISH BREEDING and FIGHTING FLOWERHORN What Should I do!

Julesieco. Productions
Julesieco. Productions - 6 years ago
Hope you got your flowerhorn his own tank, he seems kinda depressed :(
Jonathan Estanislao
Jonathan Estanislao - 6 years ago
Flower horn in pond lol
dark wolf
dark wolf - 6 years ago
I think you are right lol it's a power struggle. Manly I say that because it seems like one fish is trying to move the other, not hurt, and I feel that way because pleco's and catfish act the same for territory
Vicky Nam
Vicky Nam - 6 years ago
Molly eat other Molly because my Molly eat my molly
MAYA VALDES - 6 years ago
Fix your gate for the fish tank
Jaequan REE
Jaequan REE - 6 years ago
Not the lizard yyyy
1rod1reelfishing T
1rod1reelfishing T - 6 years ago
There beeding
Aquarium Girl
Aquarium Girl - 6 years ago
They are fighting
Brittany Metcalf
Brittany Metcalf - 6 years ago
You need to pump up your filtration.
ivy playz gacha
ivy playz gacha - 6 years ago
Thats called a gash witch is a mating ritual for gay fish
Caleb Rodrigues
Caleb Rodrigues - 6 years ago
The mollis are breeding
Noe Rawlins
Noe Rawlins - 6 years ago
Hi cach em all how your fish ,your Big koi,puco,red tell catfish.
Hope Wise
Hope Wise - 6 years ago
Yes that is breading
Katherine Caldwell
Katherine Caldwell - 6 years ago
you better stop your fish you're too little fish they're eating each other
Chrisgracy Dizon
Chrisgracy Dizon - 6 years ago
The videos you make are the best the first video I that I watched on your channel made me subscribe immediately
Liliarnah Kircher-Ewings
Liliarnah Kircher-Ewings - 6 years ago
there probably male fish fighting for a female
Anges aquerium Fish
Anges aquerium Fish - 6 years ago
The mollies are males and fighting
green caterpillar
green caterpillar - 6 years ago
I think it's fighting
JJD1013 - 6 years ago
Stop fucking killing lizards
Jonathan Avotins
Jonathan Avotins - 6 years ago
you are awesome

50. comment for FISH BREEDING and FIGHTING FLOWERHORN What Should I do!

TAMIL PIRACY - 6 years ago
my two flower horns are fighting what should i do?
only the flower horn is fighting other one is hiding from it and getting attackd
Jesus Serna
Jesus Serna - 6 years ago
Rest in peace shaman rest in peace
NutSack-1 - 6 years ago
It was 2 gay fish trying to poopshoot each other.
Aslam Jiaja
Aslam Jiaja - 6 years ago
What is your country
Jayina Rhoades
Jayina Rhoades - 6 years ago
Some male fish from different species fight over the female fish and who ever die or lose gets to mate with the female
Aaditya Dahal
Aaditya Dahal - 6 years ago
They are two terrotial male they are fighting i know that because I have those fish in my tank
Kaden Brown
Kaden Brown - 6 years ago
The yellow fish were fighting and who ever won gets to breed with the female
John Hensley
John Hensley - 6 years ago
R.I.P Flowerhorn
Shenaz Miyanoor
Shenaz Miyanoor - 6 years ago
Flick - 6 years ago
James Franco
James Franco - 6 years ago
You could call mini mu bigger mu and then when he's even bigger larger mu like if u agree
5sos01fan aj
5sos01fan aj - 6 years ago
Shamu ate my old pet but he died
Rebecca gardner
Rebecca gardner - 6 years ago
hendo2121 - 6 years ago
Hey Zack. Hendo here from Cali, LA to be exact. Your just like myself with fish, they are my chiiilllldren(your voice) lol. I wanna ask if you can send me a fish or two you catch for my fresh water tank? I actually want a stingray, catch any in Florida? Appreciate your videos and I guess CAtcheemmAalll!!
Jordan Pierce
Jordan Pierce - 6 years ago
Thats a chinese algae eater not a golden dojo loach lol
Jko Jerik
Jko Jerik - 6 years ago
Well what does breed mean
Jko Jerik
Jko Jerik - 6 years ago
I think they are having something or having a baby or something grose
Leighann Haynes
Leighann Haynes - 6 years ago
The is Blaine and I bein fishing scents I was 1 and I'm 11 now
Tab Tv
Tab Tv - 6 years ago
He should get a GoPro and put it in the water to see the fish
Jameela Banu
Jameela Banu - 6 years ago
I have Gold fish
Tamisha Georges
Tamisha Georges - 6 years ago
they are fighting
FreeSpirit Art
FreeSpirit Art - 6 years ago
Josh Henry
Josh Henry - 6 years ago
That's good footage showing how a pack works together
Andrew Fishman
Andrew Fishman - 6 years ago
To sex the livebearers is easy, the female has a triangular anal fin whilst the male has a modified fin, straight and thin.
Andrew Fishman
Andrew Fishman - 6 years ago
LOL, I don't like tanks - as videoing A TANK!!!
BurnzAd6 - 6 years ago
Wow amazing tank, what size is that aquarium the arowana is in?
BurnzAd6 - 6 years ago
Whats the dimensions of that outdoor isolated tank you have? how many gallons?
Dylan Metz
Dylan Metz - 6 years ago
Yo fich are gay
Jose Rivera
Jose Rivera - 6 years ago
Steve Solo
Steve Solo - 6 years ago
those aren't Pecos they are Prahnas
TheMangledTriangle - 6 years ago
Josie Humes
Josie Humes - 6 years ago
Fuck you bitch don't feed fish reptiles and ampabin
Mya Boost
Mya Boost - 6 years ago
Lol (me) I have killed fish acidentally and broke fish tanks also
#Fam Squad
#Fam Squad - 6 years ago
I am already 49 seconds in and this is my first video watching him and I already like him<3
Michael Sumeriski
Michael Sumeriski - 6 years ago
I think there cleaning each other
Robert Galanis
Robert Galanis - 6 years ago
That wasn’t a golden loach it’s a gold Chinese algae eater
Rosemary Fernandez
Rosemary Fernandez - 6 years ago
I think there fight
Vinny Maltese
Vinny Maltese - 6 years ago
Your fish are probably gay...
Leonardo Rodriguez
Leonardo Rodriguez - 6 years ago
They are piranhas
BrutikusMaximus - 6 years ago
notice they stop "fighting" when you throw in food
BrutikusMaximus - 6 years ago
they're bumping each other's belly to force out the fry so they can eat it.
W6EA6CH6E - 6 years ago
These two fish are gay and sucking dick
Jenny HZ
Jenny HZ - 6 years ago
SecretString0 The watermelon
SecretString0 The watermelon - 6 years ago
The moly is breeding
Noah Fickett
Noah Fickett - 6 years ago
There breeding
Hong Zheng
Hong Zheng - 6 years ago
check out my flowerhorn 3 month growth progress.

this is with grand sumo red

Dayna Walters
Dayna Walters - 6 years ago
What you should do is research what you're keeping instead of just doing whatever the fuck you want.
mayonnaise - 6 years ago
Why da lizerds
Jimmy Hoac
Jimmy Hoac - 6 years ago
Fucking lier
Tony ARC
Tony ARC - 6 years ago
Keep an eye on that golden Chinese sucker fish as they get bigger they get more aggressive and then start sucking the slime coat off fish

100. comment for FISH BREEDING and FIGHTING FLOWERHORN What Should I do!

Jorge Bernabe
Jorge Bernabe - 6 years ago
I tried telling you this also dumb fuck you are a dumbass man learn to care for fish you amateur grow tf up how old are you?
The channel Supporter
The channel Supporter - 6 years ago
And bro I had so many Mollie that why I know
The channel Supporter
The channel Supporter - 6 years ago
I thick is fighting because the other one is biting
Tripp the Gamer guy
Tripp the Gamer guy - 6 years ago
You should get a couple Betta fish and create an ecosystem and have them fight and stuff
CravingPvpZ gaming
CravingPvpZ gaming - 6 years ago
Every like this comment gets helps a lizard not be eaten by a fish
Reptilian Gaming
Reptilian Gaming - 6 years ago
That loach is not a loach it is a Chinese algea eater. He will kill all of the flat bodied fish in the tank I hope u see this
Alex Adams
Alex Adams - 6 years ago
The Mollies are both breeding and fighting over females, the first part where you said they were breeding they were, the second one was fighting over female.
Those fish are breeding
Catherine Drew
Catherine Drew - 6 years ago
Mini mu isn’t that mini any more
Mr Skid
Mr Skid - 6 years ago
I've been keeping mollies for years but that's not breeding
Kookamongus - 6 years ago
Get a tank but not just something you picked up from petsmart for a video, like Paul’s tank.
Samar Ahmed
Samar Ahmed - 6 years ago
Are the lizards posins
Leeum Chan
Leeum Chan - 6 years ago
Their breeding
Donna Kate Morgan
Donna Kate Morgan - 6 years ago
The ones fighting should be separated they won't stop
I think it's 2 makes might fight to death so separate please
Rathna Kanagavel
Rathna Kanagavel - 6 years ago
shamu is a beastttttt
Kaydence Atkinson
Kaydence Atkinson - 6 years ago
Paul Cuffaro may know you should ask him
Mark Joshua Oliver
Mark Joshua Oliver - 6 years ago
Hey Zak i suggest when the Flowerhorn is in his own tank, you should give him some attention like feeding him some pellets and interacting with him more.
Henri Harrison
Henri Harrison - 6 years ago
Because they are trying to show who is the boss and to show it's there right to breed and finally they fight over there terrortorie
Ryan P.
Ryan P. - 6 years ago
rip lizard ;'(
Sports 24/7!!
Sports 24/7!! - 6 years ago
What size aquarium is the one next to the swimming pool pond?
kevin ulett
kevin ulett - 6 years ago
Clean the pond and tank! Poor fish
Devante Bailey
Devante Bailey - 6 years ago
Get more fish for the mini mini pond with mini mu like mollys and gold fish
Mark Anthony Eugenio
Mark Anthony Eugenio - 6 years ago
Flowerhorn will sure die, not a pond fish and easy to get parasite when feed live food.
Cooolchick647 - 6 years ago
For the mollies, they're fighting and you should separate those two males at least. Good job on the babies lol but I think the flowerhorn would be better off in a separate tank inside honestly they're pretty territorial and better off alone. This way everyone stays friends and stays alive lol
Fragile Boy
Fragile Boy - 6 years ago
Buy a new tank
Viva La Vivarium
Viva La Vivarium - 6 years ago
My males will often attack the back of my females to get to eat the babies. I usually just turn off the lights to let the females hide better.

Yours are especially aggressive so I could be wrong, but looks similar.
Giraffey Jackie
Giraffey Jackie - 6 years ago
Where’s Joey????
pancudowny - 6 years ago
If that Iridescent Shark is fed properly, it'll be first to bust that tank... if it don't decide to just jump out of it first.
datsoliderstuff toxic
datsoliderstuff toxic - 6 years ago
Flower horn 45 gallon minimal tank size
HOOKED ON PR Jon Rojas - 6 years ago
flowerhorn do better alone
DonaldTrumpsTinyHands - 6 years ago
That Mickey Mouse "Molly" is actually a platy, completely different species.
Ofloda 18
Ofloda 18 - 6 years ago
Get a tank for that flower horn with them dirty ass ponds nasty ass outside tank
Jaden Ball
Jaden Ball - 6 years ago
I can’t believe that
24/7 AUTOMOTIVE - 6 years ago
They are mating.
Jiu Jitsu and MMA for Dad's
Jiu Jitsu and MMA for Dad's - 6 years ago
Reace keener this is christian like this
Cameron Law
Cameron Law - 6 years ago
nj fields06
nj fields06 - 6 years ago
Their just breeding u don't have to worry about them that's the behavior they have
Vikram G
Vikram G - 6 years ago
Man those ponds and tanks looks dirty you even clean thoes?...the algae covering the air pumps so disgusting.
Richard Huff
Richard Huff - 6 years ago
two males going at it.
Ingrid Huang
Ingrid Huang - 6 years ago
ask Pual, he has hundreds of mollys
Seth Samuel
Seth Samuel - 6 years ago
I've accidentally killed my fish before but never broke in my tank rippet store catfish will be missed
AnhThu Nu
AnhThu Nu - 6 years ago
HOW DID I NOT SEE THIS also great vid
Ricardo Quezada
Ricardo Quezada - 6 years ago
Put the blob and flower horn in an indoor tank
Jorge Vargas
Jorge Vargas - 6 years ago
really like the ponds setup, where do you live? how do you deal with rain in the ponds?
Brian Marable
Brian Marable - 6 years ago
There is only one fish catch em all has never filmed or encountered.........the upside down catfish!
Phillip Smith
Phillip Smith - 6 years ago
that's two males bro, I use to breed mollies, platties, and swordtails. breeding looks like two fish shaking next to each other side by side!!
Geron Williams
Geron Williams - 6 years ago
Where’s mini mu
Hooked On Fishing
Hooked On Fishing - 6 years ago
feed the jaguar cichlids lizards and every monster live food
Oshal Magar
Oshal Magar - 6 years ago
That flower horn is nice
VR brothers
VR brothers - 6 years ago
There not breeding there fighting!
Bullet Urmanita
Bullet Urmanita - 6 years ago
Build bigger pond please like paul cuffaro
aditherunner aditherunner
aditherunner aditherunner - 6 years ago
What will happen if your pond which is in the soil is flooded what will u do??
Disobediient YT
Disobediient YT - 6 years ago
Add more females
Disobediient YT
Disobediient YT - 6 years ago
Lol hes tryin to breed
Jayden Mlynek
Jayden Mlynek - 6 years ago
The mighty mini muuuu
Artesia arts aka trabel
Artesia arts aka trabel - 6 years ago
Dude u treat your fish rly bad
Wraithian - 6 years ago
What catfish did Hardtymesfishing have? the leopard print one
Mavi Gaming
Mavi Gaming - 6 years ago
where is joey?
Cooolchick647 - 6 years ago
Stinger playz they showed him in the last video
Babe Ruthless
Babe Ruthless - 6 years ago
Those fish aren't breeding. They're tearing each other's find up in a territorial fight.
Get that flowerhorn in a 70 gallon tank by himself. Flowerhorn are a hybrid cichlid, and do not do well with tank mates. Your's is tolerating the gulper, but needs his own tank.
Solo WhaleGod
Solo WhaleGod - 6 years ago
Babe Ruthless Seriously... Get your own channel and do what you want on it. You are not an expert.
Babe Ruthless
Babe Ruthless - 6 years ago
Also, don't feed your gulper goldfish. They have absolutely no nutritional value. Try minnows or tilapia babies. They have a lot more nutritional value!
Southern Fishing
Southern Fishing - 6 years ago
Pertty sweet!!!
Cesar Jaime
Cesar Jaime - 6 years ago
wo I never seen a flower horn
IRXassasin69 - 6 years ago
Try and do some bass fishing with a top water lizard lure since shamu loves them maybe other bass will aswell
IRXassasin69 - 6 years ago
You should try bass fishing with a top water lizard lure
D.S. Biswas
D.S. Biswas - 6 years ago
Those are two male mollies showing dominance on each other... I guess... My males go around chasing each other.... But never get involved... May be this is when none of the both males give up....
Jonny Howard
Jonny Howard - 6 years ago
U should get a go pro for under water
The Moth
The Moth - 6 years ago
Your fish are breeding
Ya Boi Lightning
Ya Boi Lightning - 6 years ago
I haven’t been on this chanel in a while what is the new bass name
Adhnan Usman
Adhnan Usman - 6 years ago
Adrian Trachsel
Adrian Trachsel - 6 years ago
Theu are not fighting they are breeding
Richard Yingling
Richard Yingling - 6 years ago
Fire video as always and welcome back J Slay! (From last video)
Omar Ali
Omar Ali - 6 years ago
You copied Jon B!
ZEBRA NATION - 6 years ago
Also you can have different things to worry like the pump not working line snapping while reeling it in stuff in the pond certain fish trying to fight dirty tanks etc
profishkeeping - 6 years ago
put your flowerhorn in a bigger tank, maybe 50 gallons
ZEBRA NATION - 6 years ago
You should really make a fishing game called “catch em all” and in the game you can go anywhere in America to fish and when you catch a fish you can take it home and keep it in a tank and maybe upgrade ur house and tanks to get better things like a pond to keep them I think this would be a cool idea for you to do :) anyway I love what you do keep it up man❤️
Sienna Ransfield
Sienna Ransfield - 6 years ago
They are two males fighting because you can tell because they are nipping at each others tail which indicates them fighting for dominance
Sean Toppin
Sean Toppin - 6 years ago
2 males fighting
Admiral Damon
Admiral Damon - 6 years ago
Can't tell the gender from the top, but from experience they are two males going at each others anal fins, I had 3 males in a tank and they did that for weeks on end
Bilbo m
Bilbo m - 6 years ago
If they have what looks like a fin under there stomach it's female but if they have what looks like a tube under stomach it's male keep up good work zac I love watching ur vids could u comment if u read this please thanks.
we are fish lover
we are fish lover - 6 years ago
This is love
Zach Chaney
Zach Chaney - 6 years ago
Zach add my snap chat zchaney69, I wanna show u my pond
Andrei’s World
Andrei’s World - 6 years ago
Albino silver Arowana
Hilbert123 - 6 years ago
those are actually males fighting.. killing each other..
Kiwi_91 - 6 years ago
Put the fucker in a tank on its own, no idea why u put it in the pond to begin with
CANDY QUADS racing - 6 years ago
And i think you should throw in somr wild mollies to create some hybrids!
CANDY QUADS racing - 6 years ago
Btw you can hybridize those gold dust mollies with the wild sailfin mollies you can catch in the creeks in your area!
Pooja Singh
Pooja Singh - 6 years ago
when you are building new pound
Sualchamp - 6 years ago
you take a fish of paul cuffaro wt@!
Mohamed Akmal
Mohamed Akmal - 6 years ago
Don't feed them lizards because they might be poisonous
Hedar Syueb
Hedar Syueb - 6 years ago
They are having sex:v

Lucy Ngo
Lucy Ngo - 6 years ago
Two males sparing
Maximum max
Maximum max - 6 years ago
Yo catch em all how is 007 mini mu?
Momo Malik
Momo Malik - 6 years ago
Im confused shamu was dead? U named another fish shamu?
drblack66 - 6 years ago
That is males trying to bite each other's doodles off so they can't breed so easy with a shorter dong...
Thành Khắc
Thành Khắc - 6 years ago
Where is your Gulper catfish mr.Zak?
Vichu log
Vichu log - 6 years ago
Those mollies are male and they are fighting for rights over females.... Let it be,once they establish their hierarchy(Like wolf pack) they would settle! If it continues for more than a week....! Separate the smaller one among them
Mystic - 6 years ago
Saman Attan
Saman Attan - 6 years ago
Mandip Maharjan
Mandip Maharjan - 6 years ago
I thing fighting
Aarambha Phuyel
Aarambha Phuyel - 6 years ago
peter Aikens
peter Aikens - 6 years ago
he says he didn't know anything about mollys but he knows what puals doing wrong....hahahah
Mikies - 6 years ago
my guppys do that all the time, chase the pregnant females around trying to eat the newborn babys.
Scott Barrows
Scott Barrows - 6 years ago
5:08 You got Molly's and Percocets at the bottom of your pond lol. whatever is at the bottom of your pond looks like pills
KOTS - 6 years ago
why the fuck you feeding goldfish to a flowerhorn i thought u knew your shit
Subhan Qureshi
Subhan Qureshi - 6 years ago
What about ur new big pond????
Oscar Ridge
Oscar Ridge - 6 years ago
Those are breeding Molly’s
THE GREEK BOI - 6 years ago
The best fishing channel here!!
T-Series - 6 years ago
I am a german.... Pls help me
Yo Yo pramv cool Pujari
Yo Yo pramv cool Pujari - 6 years ago
fight is go on
The God Of Gamer
The God Of Gamer - 6 years ago
T-Series - 6 years ago
extreme madness
extreme madness - 6 years ago
prank stokes
prank stokes - 6 years ago
Why do you like shamow so much
Shavon Dugan
Shavon Dugan - 6 years ago
When a pregnant molly is about to give birth another fish will try to induce labor. They do that to eat the babies.
Gemar Cacatian
Gemar Cacatian - 6 years ago
Dude those mollies are males and fighting. They are biting each other.
gaming master
gaming master - 6 years ago
Cool videos
guppies pro tamil
guppies pro tamil - 6 years ago
Bro don't kill the lizards bro
Koolaidamm Yah
Koolaidamm Yah - 6 years ago
Dang I had a bad feeling about the Flowerhorn going into a established pond full of other large cichlids. Itsa time to build another pond for him lol
Kingswag817 - 6 years ago
Poor lizard was minding his own biz
Joyce Van Nortrick
Joyce Van Nortrick - 6 years ago
Fruit eating perona
Paradarx - 6 years ago
Your fish are very beautiful and well taken care of. I'm curious if you will end up having an exotic tank one day too with sea fish from coral reefs.
Nancy Is My Girlfriend
Nancy Is My Girlfriend - 6 years ago
Wats inside the flowerhorn forehead
Sankar R
Sankar R - 6 years ago
Put the flower horn in joye's tank and take that arowana to pond
StarLord YT
StarLord YT - 6 years ago
man could u get me a girl mollie been here ever since a few months ago love u man
Mouad Bendaoud
Mouad Bendaoud - 6 years ago
Catch em all
Lip Rippin'
Lip Rippin' - 6 years ago
zack i doubt u will see this but i want u to put rocks around ur mini pond around the liner also to get rid of the algae put lilypads and plants in your ponds because thats what they feed off
Veen - 6 years ago
Flower wil kill all the fish
Jamie Moore
Jamie Moore - 6 years ago
It is Dominic fighting
Danial Haikal
Danial Haikal - 6 years ago
The fish is giving oral
Lilly Frankiewicz
Lilly Frankiewicz - 6 years ago
I am an expert molly breeder. they are two males fighting for dominance in the pond. hopefully this helped
Musically Nepal
Musically Nepal - 6 years ago
Put your molly breding video
Devadath Dszk
Devadath Dszk - 6 years ago
bro i know they are breeding
Mei ling Tan
Mei ling Tan - 6 years ago
Get him out of the tank with the gulpher the catfish would get big and eat the flowerhorn also flowerhorns are very aggressive I’ve seen them win over jaguar cichlids in hierarchy
joke 101
joke 101 - 6 years ago
What did you name the white fish
legray22 - 6 years ago
Catch em all flowerhorn is a tropical fish a other word he need warm water all around the temperatures of the water cannot be changed once it gets cold the flower Horn will die
Alyssa Elkin
Alyssa Elkin - 6 years ago
when are you going to use the 007 mini-mu mission?????????? I NEED TO KNOW!!!!!!!!!
Kennysqa11 - 6 years ago
My 56inch arowana broke the glass
Jaime Lehoux
Jaime Lehoux - 6 years ago
No Flowerhorn can replace Frank...
Renji Abarai
Renji Abarai - 6 years ago
Click baiting at its finest.
Jacky Zhang
Jacky Zhang - 6 years ago
Mini mu is a ninja
Jonathon Razor
Jonathon Razor - 6 years ago
I think it's fish flirt
EXOTICS PH - 6 years ago
Their beeding molly love them buy guppy and breed them too
Van Deman Ferrets Tasmania. Nikkie
Van Deman Ferrets Tasmania. Nikkie - 6 years ago
My Chinese Golden Loach is coming up 4 years old and is 16cm long
Jesus Oquendo
Jesus Oquendo - 6 years ago
Bro let me tell you something CATCH THEM ALL !!!!!!!
They were nearing the dark color one is a female and the bright color one was male
SappyIsHere - 6 years ago
Can we get a rip for that lizard
Bradley Foust
Bradley Foust - 6 years ago
Catch em all I have a baby redtail and I've had him for a couple weeks and i noticed he's not eating I've tried pellets and tilapia. Plus all he does is sits and his in a rock in the tank. Any advice? In the tank too are 4 Oscars.
Danny V
Danny V - 6 years ago
5:59 there fighting for Wakanda
Glenn Gaming And Fish Keeping
Glenn Gaming And Fish Keeping - 6 years ago
Put the fh on his solo tank
Corey's Exotics
Corey's Exotics - 6 years ago
The 2 male mollies are sparring for the females
Lone Wolf
Lone Wolf - 6 years ago
Feed shamu a raw chicken
David Hawkins
David Hawkins - 6 years ago
Fighting for dominance
Julian Garcia
Julian Garcia - 6 years ago
You should put go pros in the pond or pool so you can see what happens
Cameron Troxell
Cameron Troxell - 6 years ago
I love watching your videos in school to make the day a lot better thanks for the awesome work
Matthew Evans
Matthew Evans - 6 years ago
I think its a mating ritual i dont know
You'reEpic - 6 years ago
I am breeding molly for a year but i didn't see that behavior in any of my molly
Nicole Rosales
Nicole Rosales - 6 years ago
And i slap that bell
Nicole Rosales
Nicole Rosales - 6 years ago
I subcibe your channel right now
Caden Nickell
Caden Nickell - 6 years ago
I was one of your first subs. This is like my favorite channel. And I’ve been subscribed to Paul cuffaro before 1k
Joshua Garan
Joshua Garan - 6 years ago
Massaging maybe
towman72gmc - 6 years ago
Those aren’t mollies, they’re platies
Caden Bender
Caden Bender - 6 years ago
For the breeding same thing
Caden Bender
Caden Bender - 6 years ago
Put the flower horn in a indoor tank because they are know to be kinda aggressive
Amber Camp
Amber Camp - 6 years ago
I love that all your visitors in your videos are as knowledgeable as you, and in different ways! It's great!
elias vasquez
elias vasquez - 6 years ago
Mbuna defy all laws of size. I’ve had a 5 inch mbuna take over a tank of full size largemouth bass
Ed Wolfram
Ed Wolfram - 6 years ago
Looks like they are hitting the belly of a birthing female and they are eating the fry. It's why they all chase off and circle back to her.
Jason Green
Jason Green - 6 years ago
This video was hella boring. Dislike and unsubscribed.
Everything fishing
Everything fishing - 6 years ago
Put em in the 40
elias vasquez
elias vasquez - 6 years ago
They are fighting to the death
Escope Gaming
Escope Gaming - 6 years ago
This video was lit respect women
Cameron Bernard
Cameron Bernard - 6 years ago
Improvement note pay cloth swallow director deny car ban violate.
Kevin Delgado
Kevin Delgado - 6 years ago
Love your videos zach
Jasmine McShea
Jasmine McShea - 6 years ago
Pacu are in fact omnivorous cousins of piranha.
why not
why not - 6 years ago
my male mollies do this all the time, but they flare and chase eachother
its ur boi robert
its ur boi robert - 6 years ago
Love the vids
festive _YT
festive _YT - 6 years ago
I subbed to you and follow you in Instagram
dark Phoenix
dark Phoenix - 6 years ago
Gold fish are not good to feed they are extremely high in fat which is not good you will end up with a fat lazy fish
festive _YT
festive _YT - 6 years ago
The fish is gay
Alex - 6 years ago
Molly area looks dirty but water looks clear
Kouching Chen
Kouching Chen - 6 years ago
There are so many babys in the pond like around 15 babys
Arne mae Baquilar
Arne mae Baquilar - 6 years ago
Mini mo 2.2
Elijah Sledge
Elijah Sledge - 6 years ago
Let's go fishing bro
Nehemiah Griffith-Richardson
Nehemiah Griffith-Richardson - 6 years ago
I subbed u are cool bru I want to meet some day
Josh Davalos
Josh Davalos - 6 years ago
That is cool,Wow
0717philip - 6 years ago
Bro if you end up with some baby river chickens I want some of the fry bro....!
As fishkeeper
As fishkeeper - 6 years ago
Syed Mohd Nakib
Syed Mohd Nakib - 6 years ago
i love your video zach and i subscribed
lambo puwr
lambo puwr - 6 years ago
You have to get 300 liter tank minimum for flowerhorn and flowerhorn always live alone without any other fishs and plants etc.. I Got 3 of them !
Dan Sufor
Dan Sufor - 6 years ago
Amazing video!! Love your ponds and your fish!
Merik Keoni
Merik Keoni - 6 years ago
I don’t know if he is a real fish keeper because that ain’t a “Golden loach” is is a freakin GOLD CHINESE ALGAE EATER!!! obviously
Justin ryan
Justin ryan - 6 years ago
Mini mu
maco5 broomes
maco5 broomes - 6 years ago
U should get somemore mollies
Joseph McBride
Joseph McBride - 6 years ago
Take the Flowerhorn to Fish Story aquarium and rescue, trade him for another fish for your pool pond and do a tour video of his tanks
Joseph McBride
Joseph McBride - 6 years ago
Lol it would not be the flowerhorn that came up dead
Nathan Heden
Nathan Heden - 6 years ago
Pauls are breeding like rabbets
hiol1 - 6 years ago
You should get an underwater camera man!
Nathan Heden
Nathan Heden - 6 years ago
My Molly's do that
Nathan Heden
Nathan Heden - 6 years ago
Their breeding
Bubba Beans
Bubba Beans - 6 years ago
Catch Em All strong team everybody like lil Catch Em Alls!
0401412740 - 6 years ago
Liz Le
Liz Le - 6 years ago
You are best
Michael Gimenez
Michael Gimenez - 6 years ago
Separate them either wise the fish it's fighting could die
Andy Longyear
Andy Longyear - 6 years ago
Have you ever caught a crab by hand
Leila Thompson
Leila Thompson - 6 years ago
Hoes On i
Hoes On i - 6 years ago
Mollies do fight 4 there #Women respect za women ⚠️
Jay Walker
Jay Walker - 6 years ago
Flower horns is a beautiful fish ive never seen one before but i would thank there indoor tank fish
Nolan Flemming
Nolan Flemming - 6 years ago
I watch your channel everyday and I never get bored
Jennifer doctolero
Jennifer doctolero - 6 years ago
Woooooooooooow mini moo is sooooo big!
Jay Walker
Jay Walker - 6 years ago
Its going to be so great to see the fish in the pond..
JEMMI MRD channel adukan
JEMMI MRD channel adukan - 6 years ago
kyler koh
kyler koh - 6 years ago
Koko & Diana
Koko & Diana - 6 years ago
Luv your vid they are the best
Bridget McCoy
Bridget McCoy - 6 years ago
It. A. Male - 6 years ago
fight style
Chrisgracy Dizon
Chrisgracy Dizon - 6 years ago
Wolfowitz playz
Wolfowitz playz - 6 years ago
breedy or eaty
RC MAN 23 - 6 years ago
Just get a 100 gal for in the house and put the flower horn in it
killer_collin_og dont_fuck_with_me!
killer_collin_og dont_fuck_with_me! - 6 years ago
Thats so cool
Nintendops Crew
Nintendops Crew - 6 years ago
Love your content catchem
Miguel Barajas
Miguel Barajas - 6 years ago
Rip lizards
Brian Torres
Brian Torres - 6 years ago
Best YouTuber
bnb pooh
bnb pooh - 6 years ago
Nicholas Picard
Nicholas Picard - 6 years ago
hi catchemall you're my favorite YouTuber and can you show the Pocky they are cool like you
Rex90Pawprint - 6 years ago
Have any of you heard?! Shamu is going to play the mosasaur in Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom? I mean just look at the way she jumps compared to the mosasaur!
JK - 6 years ago
hello catch em all!
Lukedoestuff - 6 years ago
Gar needs bigger place
Lukedoestuff - 6 years ago
Clean the pond get a pleco or something
Naturalist Troy
Naturalist Troy - 6 years ago
Loved it
fourth parents
fourth parents - 6 years ago
There are having sex
Libberoni peppers
Libberoni peppers - 6 years ago
Flowerhorn needs a bae
Aj - 6 years ago
What is that clear fish in the Molly mini pond
Dancing Orphans
Dancing Orphans - 6 years ago
Are you gonna keep Mini Mu?
Braxton Hayes
Braxton Hayes - 6 years ago
and that wasnt a loach it was an albino siamese alge eater
Piper Acteson
Piper Acteson - 6 years ago
Ask Paul
Logan Giliberto
Logan Giliberto - 6 years ago
Give me the flowerhorn I’ve been looking for one
Braxton Hayes
Braxton Hayes - 6 years ago
and they spawn pretty much like humans lol
Braxton Hayes
Braxton Hayes - 6 years ago
most live bearers such as mollies guppies platys swordtails etc breed live young and the males have a pointed anal fin while females have a fan like anal fin. and the females get much bigger while the males are much prettier
Ryan Enlow
Ryan Enlow - 6 years ago
Looks like those are females pushing eggs out of each other
GNR Productions
GNR Productions - 6 years ago
I'll take your flowerhorn lol I already have one
TJ Kelly
TJ Kelly - 6 years ago
I change my barra tank every week
Thomas - 6 years ago
Zuccerburg got sacrificed to the mighty shamu
george baldwin
george baldwin - 6 years ago
I’m pretty sure that they are two male mollies fighting because they are grabbing each other’s tails. Well that’s what I think
Connor Glass
Connor Glass - 6 years ago
Been subscribe since day one the videos all make me smile
Wild Waffle
Wild Waffle - 6 years ago
They might be breading because Paul cuffaro thinks his fish might be breading
Christian Miller
Christian Miller - 6 years ago
You should breed yours and Paul’s
Deepali Chitnis
Deepali Chitnis - 6 years ago
Great videos keep it up
darkskinwhiteman - 6 years ago
Where's Catch Em' Girl?
RICHMOND - 6 years ago
the two male mollies are fighting because if one of them won the winner will become the alpha and also love your vids Zac keep up the good work
HopsGenommen - 6 years ago
what the hell are you doing?? put the gulper out of this little aquarium!!
Nic Hendriex
Nic Hendriex - 6 years ago
They are fighting. Google molly fish fighting.
WILD EDITS - 6 years ago
I love watching your vids could you check out mine and how do you expand your channel because i am not sure
Amazing Animals
Amazing Animals - 6 years ago
I think those mollies aren't fighting but it is one female who is giving birth and the male is trying to eat them.. I had that too, no worries tho. I personally put more small plants in there so that the really small babies have more places to hide :)
HopsGenommen - 6 years ago
i think you shouldt clean the pool a little bit.
MR. GrEEN - 6 years ago
iiTs LeGit
iiTs LeGit - 6 years ago
What is the outside tempature where your at fish master
s r
s r - 6 years ago
molly just need clean water, food and hiding space they will breed to point were you have to get rid of babies
Alex Bolger
Alex Bolger - 6 years ago
you are the best
Hannah Green
Hannah Green - 6 years ago
I have one solid black molly but I don’t know what fish I should get to go with it
Michael Kourmousis
Michael Kourmousis - 6 years ago
Get your flowerhorn its own tank they are mean fish when to others that are a threat of territory and food
s r
s r - 6 years ago
ik you probly wont see this but to anyone who does, never feed feeder goldfish to anu fish, goldfish have proteins that slowly stops fish from taking in certen vitamins and prematurely kill fish
Fuad Jacobs
Fuad Jacobs - 6 years ago
Fuad Jacobs
Fuad Jacobs - 6 years ago
The only option is give it to me
Sopheaktra Va
Sopheaktra Va - 6 years ago
Cool! learned a lot from all the fish you catch and whats best to use! Thanks Catch Em All!
lennox 123
lennox 123 - 6 years ago
Rip lizard
209Control - 6 years ago
My males fight like that
MrNoFunAllowed - 6 years ago
Nice video bro
Billy_BillyBoy - 6 years ago
Christ almighty, put the flowerhorn in a tank inside.
Cameron Williams
Cameron Williams - 6 years ago
They're breeding lol
You really need to beautiful your moms yard.
The kids are out doing you!
Dawson Landry
Dawson Landry - 6 years ago
If you can breathe, like my comment.
Logi Bear
Logi Bear - 6 years ago
Dawson Landry you are friends with hard tymefishing
toxictof - 6 years ago
Paul's got nothing on the catch em all ponds
RyanWake bradtelle
RyanWake bradtelle - 6 years ago
I've got some yellow black mollies as well it's hard to tell which ones are juveniles and which ones are fully grow, but as far as I can tell it looks like they are taking turns but they're not actually doing it courteously.
RyanWake bradtelle
RyanWake bradtelle - 6 years ago
And yes that is the guppy and Molly mating ritual, basically the males nip at the females butts and the actual insertion is very quick. Off the top my head it does take about two months for juveniles become fully grown.
POTATOE IN A HOODIE - 6 years ago
Your a gunna be a grandad
Maxon Maxon
Maxon Maxon - 6 years ago
Give your flowerhorn to someone who knows how to take care of it. Do your fucking research it’s not that hard! Everywhere it says not to keep flowerhorn with any other fish. And why did you put it in your pond with your platinum alligator gar? Exotic fish don’t belong in outdoor ponds with goldfish. You have a beautiful alligator gar and flowerhorn that you put in a muddy pond with goldfish that is only like 60 gallons. Why keep beautiful fish if you can’t even see them. It’s just sad man. Poor fish.
CyclonicHalo107 - 6 years ago
Been watching for awhile and it's great to watch your videos. Fishing has always been one of my favorite hobbies and your fish are amazing and the things you do with them.
Aaron - OmgHazey
Aaron - OmgHazey - 6 years ago
Well Catch Em, when 2 fish love each other very much... When they breed, the males look like they are blowing bubbles in the females vent.
Ronney Perez
Ronney Perez - 6 years ago
The intro is so loud but your not loud how can that be ?
Fishing_bug - 6 years ago
Zak I have a challenge for you. I want you to turn up at a random location with no rod reel line or hooks and you have to find a way to catch something small to use a live bait to catch a bass. The only tool you can have is a knife. Do you accept my challenge :p
gamerboy_MVG - 6 years ago
you are good at making videos
Brooke Jenkins
Brooke Jenkins - 6 years ago
What happened to the other koi fish?
Dayshaun Huerta
Dayshaun Huerta - 6 years ago
ware are the baby catfish's
Big Gamer29
Big Gamer29 - 6 years ago
Politicians and diapers have one thing in common:

They should both be changed regularly . . . and both for the same reason.
V Q - 6 years ago
Your fish is gay.
Genesis - 6 years ago
Big ass mollys cuz
Lewis Chapman
Lewis Chapman - 6 years ago
Pin this.
Rodrigo Rodriguez
Rodrigo Rodriguez - 6 years ago
who's in his notification squad
Dalton Smith
Dalton Smith - 6 years ago
Are they cleaning each other
Ben Robins
Ben Robins - 6 years ago
Great vid
Basil Lomanchenko
Basil Lomanchenko - 6 years ago
@.30 that lizard must be a child of god. he escaped hell!
Burgerbash HD
Burgerbash HD - 6 years ago
Can I have the flowerhorn
Rob schef
Rob schef - 6 years ago
He got little man syndrome. Cool tank setup tho. You gotta get your pond looking good Zak it's looking getto as all get out right now my dude. Maybe a pool vacuum would help dude
Melshi Man
Melshi Man - 6 years ago
Parker Deliz
Parker Deliz - 6 years ago
Gavan Brooks
Gavan Brooks - 6 years ago
Ask Paul cuffaro
Zebedee madness
Zebedee madness - 6 years ago
Catch the two molly's and look at there anal fin. If the anal fin look like regular anal fins they are female, If the anal fin look like a crumpled up anal fin they are male.
Easton Schaar
Easton Schaar - 6 years ago
May the 4th be with u

Like if u love star wars and fish
Matsumi - 6 years ago
Today i caught my first pike ever was half a metre long
Fat Cat
Fat Cat - 6 years ago
Matsumi your profile pic says it all
Camden the Gamer
Camden the Gamer - 6 years ago
Cool video you are the best you made me get into the fish keeping hobby.
Kontra Bochum
Kontra Bochum - 6 years ago
your tanks is disgusting dude buy a new proffesional filter man
Fish King of the Aquarium
Fish King of the Aquarium - 6 years ago
Kontra Bochum agreed
Pixel Fox
Pixel Fox - 6 years ago
Kontra Bochum he obviously likes it that way if you don’t like it don’t watch the video you don’t need to act negative towards people/zak
Ryan Davison
Ryan Davison - 6 years ago
First of all, before you judge something learn how to spell ^ professional ^ crystal... and also the water isn’t disgusting that is how it is supposed to be, something called natural which is what the fish are supposed to have, second of all if it was that disgusting the fish would be sick which by no means do they look sick to me... So please explain to me how that tank/pond is disgusting...
Cooolchick647 - 6 years ago
Kontra Bochum also "Crystal" not cristal
Cooolchick647 - 6 years ago
Kontra Bochum the pond has fresh water circulating constantly. The water is pond water and natural and has good bacteria for the fish. Not to mention that this is outside in Florida but no filter is going to be better than the constantly flow of fresh water and nothing is being recirculated so......
Kontra Bochum
Kontra Bochum - 6 years ago
thats not natural thats ugly man im sure he have enough money to buy or build a better filter to get ''cristal clear'' water
Shelby Morgan
Shelby Morgan - 6 years ago
Kontra Bochum It’s more natural. Your more than welcome to buy him a “professional” filter if your that concerned.
Commander AMG
Commander AMG - 6 years ago
Shouted you out in the title of my video:) keep up the good work
Salty birbs
Salty birbs - 6 years ago
Thank u for inspiring me to get my own tank
Kaitlin Park
Kaitlin Park - 6 years ago
absolutely love your videos just converted my cousins gf as a part of team catch em all
Noah Monkeyman
Noah Monkeyman - 6 years ago
Males have pointed anal and dorsal fins, and the females fins are rounded, if it’s male and female they’re breeding, most live bears such as guppies mollies and platies will have the male chase the female and the females swell up with fish!! Looks to be breeding!! Hope this helps
Fishing_bug - 6 years ago
They are breeding. The males nudge the females stomachs trying to get them to lay eggs.
Krystian Urban
Krystian Urban - 6 years ago
Eric Freelove
Eric Freelove - 6 years ago
Yea playa i see what u doin u must heard or read my cries abou DA BliZOB now all i ask for is those kids need merch and need a official thanks for catching my fish video and that plan i pitched on your very 1st vid youve yet to respond to my guy but aint gon go all stan on you even tho iknow I WROTE THE ADDRESSES ON THEM PERFECT!!!
Jhaevaughn Johnson
Jhaevaughn Johnson - 6 years ago
Save him
Cade C.
Cade C. - 6 years ago
Why don’t you like tanks ? But great job
Figures.and. Flowerpots
Figures.and. Flowerpots - 6 years ago
If your flowerhorn leaves that blob alone keep them together inside
Jack Allen
Jack Allen - 6 years ago
Zak you are by far my favorite YouTube fisher and fish keeper and I’ve been watching since I was in 6th grade and now I’m in 9th and I just want to say congratulations on the success you deserve more than anyone and I love how your so unique and dope asf !!!!
Hazard Kentucky Fishing
Hazard Kentucky Fishing - 6 years ago
Sometimes he does. Although I have seen him use others. That's why I asked about this particular footage.
Firefox1014 - 6 years ago
Hazard Kentucky Fishing he uses his phone :/
Abraham Barnes
Abraham Barnes - 6 years ago
What happened to the little million catfish
Donald Whitt
Donald Whitt - 6 years ago
Give him to me
Owen 01
Owen 01 - 6 years ago
You should get those people who made Paul's pond to make you one but make like a big one for the main big fish then have a waterfall from that big pond go into the medium pond and have like the platinum gar and the other fish then the water from that pond have a waterfall go Into a mini pond for the Molly and mini moo
Idiot Paper
Idiot Paper - 6 years ago
Owen G i agree
Armando Robledo
Armando Robledo - 6 years ago
Mini pound looking sick bro. Any birds mess with your Molly's since they're are on the open
Fireblade1739 - 6 years ago
Dont feed him goldfish they make the fish unhealthy because of some stuff inside them, love u ur amazing fish keeper keep it up!
C6kay - 6 years ago
You should redo your ponds
Chloe Jackson
Chloe Jackson - 6 years ago
He is so nice he liked all of there comments like hardly any YouTubers like comments x
Payton Sinclair
Payton Sinclair - 6 years ago
Love your vids bro
Sar Agorn
Sar Agorn - 6 years ago
I think with the Mollies its a matter of two males challenging each other for th rights to breed
Hunter Foster
Hunter Foster - 6 years ago
Michaela hinks
Michaela hinks - 6 years ago
I was never really interested in fish till a few month ago when I stumbled upon your videos, I absolutely love your videos
Samuel Araujo Da Silva Araujo
Samuel Araujo Da Silva Araujo - 6 years ago
Manda salve
Monett Rowe
Monett Rowe - 6 years ago
the mollies a fighting those would be two males
Sharking around
Sharking around - 6 years ago
I lo e your videos cashew'em all I think u need a lady minimoo but it should be miniwamen for the respec
Aaron Aquatics /gaming
Aaron Aquatics /gaming - 6 years ago
Not a breeding ritual, I have live bearers also which they are related to them, the males chase the females around until the baby fry’s/baby mollies pop out and they’ll try to eat them.
Gio_pas20_history - 6 years ago
Toxic Boa
Toxic Boa - 6 years ago
You wont ♥️ this comment
Kevin Ambeau
Kevin Ambeau - 6 years ago
Bruh clean your pounds and tanks everything you have is filthy
Aesthetic toast
Aesthetic toast - 6 years ago
ILYV (I Love Your Videos)
Sam Jones
Sam Jones - 6 years ago
Love the Vids
Veronica Shaw
Veronica Shaw - 6 years ago
those are not called golden loach there called golden alege earters
Michael Shannon
Michael Shannon - 6 years ago
You should do a pond cleaning
Ty Fishing
Ty Fishing - 6 years ago
Derpychicken - 6 years ago
lol organized battle and i thought of pokemon instantly
Siempre Milligan Amor
Siempre Milligan Amor - 6 years ago
Reel Legends Never Die!
UNGZD - 6 years ago
There r fighting
Domz JB
Domz JB - 6 years ago
You gotta put it in a tank flowerhorns don't get along with most fish
Ghaith Ghost
Ghaith Ghost - 6 years ago
phoenix arizona
phoenix arizona - 6 years ago
Your alge is so bad
Cameron Hedgepeth
Cameron Hedgepeth - 6 years ago
Put the flowerhorn in the tank in your apartment
Chriss 808
Chriss 808 - 6 years ago
Yup they’re breeding
David Pierce
David Pierce - 6 years ago
Male mollies trying to castrate each other for dominance and breeding rights
rave queen eclipse
rave queen eclipse - 6 years ago
But they don't have fish balls
Howard Ward
Howard Ward - 6 years ago
Another awesome video! This time next year I hope to have a big pond in my back yard like yours. Complete with bass, blue gill, and catfish.
Florida state fishing
Florida state fishing - 6 years ago
Love your vids man you really helped me through alot of stuff and kept me going thx from palm city
Ryan Bradford
Ryan Bradford - 6 years ago
Great video love watching ur fish grow
Bomby Boi
Bomby Boi - 6 years ago
It will be funny if you planted the flower horn lol it will turn it to a rose bush lol
James Nics
James Nics - 6 years ago
Nice video bro.
Judy Polanco
Judy Polanco - 6 years ago
Love what you do like the video
Manny Hernandez
Manny Hernandez - 6 years ago
Finally After 1 Fucking Week You Post
Isaiah Henson
Isaiah Henson - 6 years ago
JW Aquarium's
JW Aquarium's - 6 years ago
The Mollies were males fighting, I'm getting a Flowerhorn for my channel soon or a 40 gallon pond ☺
amanda marsh
amanda marsh - 6 years ago
JW Aquarium's whats you channel
AnotherLureLost Fishing
AnotherLureLost Fishing - 6 years ago
Get a 60 gallon tank
Michael Shannon
Michael Shannon - 6 years ago
Fun I wish I had a pond
Andrew moffatt
Andrew moffatt - 6 years ago
Please Zach get a tank for the flower horn or offer it to Paul or Franklin he's a pet bro! He needs to be inside
Cooolchick647 - 6 years ago
Andrew Moffat franklin would kill it and doesn't know what he's doing . catch em all is capable and will do what's right for him cause he won't let the fish injure each other like that
Tacit Rhyme
Tacit Rhyme - 6 years ago
How did you make cheap tank
yung boi
yung boi - 6 years ago
They are cleaning each other's I have bout the same set up but mine clean and that's wat it looks like
Monkey Nut
Monkey Nut - 6 years ago
When mollys breed the male just aims the fish balls into the lady molly and it pops in for a second... and that’s it. Done. Wham bam thank you molly
Tune Smiith
Tune Smiith - 6 years ago
Wham Bam thank you Molly.... I remember her
Sharon Press
Sharon Press - 6 years ago
Monkey Nut what about koi
WT FISH - 6 years ago
Bro.. don't keep the flowerhorn in there .. do buy a fishtank.. they are not a "Pond fish"
Miguel Roberson
Miguel Roberson - 6 years ago
+Ds Aquarium, I have had more than 1 flower horn. I only prefer to have 1 at the moment because of my experience. And I never said I knew it all about flower horns, YOU SAID I DID. So before you start switching my words around, I'll say this. "BITCH DON'T GET IT TWISTED, I WILL FUCK YO ASS UP FOR FUN. I'm like my flower horn, solo and will bust your ass by myself. You probably like a community fish, a groopie, a follower, always on some dudes nut sack you hoe. Get off your man's dick you dick rider. Hopefully you can survive.
Ds Aquarium
Ds Aquarium - 6 years ago
+Miguel Roberson so you think you know it all cuz you own 1 flowerhorn? Maybe I should go to you since you know it all, with my breeding program and years of experience with flowerhorns. Lol u goof.
Miguel Roberson
Miguel Roberson - 6 years ago
+Babe Ruthless you can have more than 1 flower horn in a setting if you get them at the same time and there isn't a major size difference between them. You also gotta have a big enough tank. It is very possible they will run out of room and start to fight until one is dead. Just don't put a small one in with a big one. Each fish is different though and you just gotta watch their temper. I only got 1 flower horn because I don't have time to be buying numerous flower horns because they killing each other. And I don't have space in case they do have babies.
Miguel Roberson
Miguel Roberson - 6 years ago
I disagree that a flower horn is not a pond fish. I think a flower horn is an ornamental fish that will get massive if its in a pond that stays warm year around. They like to interact with people, but I think they would be fine in a pond or lake that is warm year around. The more space and heat they get, the bigger they get. I have a good size in a 55 gallon tank, but I heard that a 55 gallon is do able but small. The only down fall to putting a flower horn in a pond is you can't see it's ornamental beauty. Just my opinion.
Andrew Fishman
Andrew Fishman - 6 years ago
They are not a natural fish, much less pond fish. They are the pinnacle of irresponsible breeding and the hybridisation and fixing of the genetics through inbreeding/
Sports 24/7!!
Sports 24/7!! - 6 years ago
Oh ok, good for you dude.
The Religion Defender
The Religion Defender - 6 years ago
Its actually true.
Sports 24/7!!
Sports 24/7!! - 6 years ago
FISH U WANT don't they need a 55 gallon?
Salo Michelinsnakehunter
Salo Michelinsnakehunter - 6 years ago
Josession - 6 years ago
Babe Ruthless keyword "was"
WT FISH - 6 years ago
They are sensitive too. Even if they looks so robust. I keep mine in a 35 gallon.
Babe Ruthless
Babe Ruthless - 6 years ago
It was though. Flowerhorn need a tank all to themselves because they are aggressive.
Josession - 6 years ago
FISH U WANT the fish is not in the pond
Insane23 Panda41
Insane23 Panda41 - 6 years ago
Michael Valle
Michael Valle - 6 years ago
Welp that was weird breeding
katie wolfy
katie wolfy - 6 years ago
When there is a lager group of Molly's the 2 largest male's with nip and smack there tails to see who gets most of the females
Kevin Novoa
Kevin Novoa - 6 years ago
Cach them all!
Michael playes
Michael playes - 6 years ago
Lol I've never seen fish fight or breed
Michael playes
Michael playes - 6 years ago
Its cool
Monkey Nut
Monkey Nut - 6 years ago
They are fighting
Stadsgeweld - 6 years ago
Love the channel
DMNDZ - 6 years ago
I love the mini pond
Austin Mullannix
Austin Mullannix - 6 years ago
Follow me on insta @austins_animals_and_aquariums
嗨Water Visuals
嗨Water Visuals - 6 years ago
Fish porn
Jovani Florat
Jovani Florat - 6 years ago
The two fish u are wondering about they are fighting the males are the only ones that do that stuff to the females but both of them are taking turns so they are both males fighting to see who the boss is
Ethan's Exotics
Ethan's Exotics - 6 years ago
They are breeding the one is laying eggs and the other one is eating them thats why a breeder net is needed so they can lay the eggs in it
Cole McDaniel
Cole McDaniel - 6 years ago
Are flowerhorns hardy fish
Andrew moffatt
Andrew moffatt - 6 years ago
Cole McDaniel they're a cichlid quite hardy but can get sick easy they get intestinal parasites but if cared for propper they're great pets very intelligent for a fish they're not pond fish and they can get massive
service dog love
service dog love - 6 years ago
Woooow this is cool
Austin Strout
Austin Strout - 6 years ago
Finally back AGAIN
Andrew moffatt
Andrew moffatt - 6 years ago
They're fighting not breeding when they breed they have a staymen kind of like a Willy and the male injects the female it's over in like a second 2AT most
Tony ARC
Tony ARC - 6 years ago
Gonopodium tube all live bearer males have it to breed
OVO Drizzy
OVO Drizzy - 6 years ago
Andrew Moffat wow, they last longer than me....
Teezy Subben
Teezy Subben - 6 years ago
Where are the little Ninja Turtles at Bro¿? #legendsquad
Jilo Mell
Jilo Mell - 6 years ago
I feed the skinks (lizards) to my bearded dragon lol
Crazy Uncle
Crazy Uncle - 6 years ago
Joey is back
Mr. Stranger
Mr. Stranger - 6 years ago
Y B - 6 years ago
Killa fishies
sR SC4R - 6 years ago
Love ur vids
Ethan's Exotics
Ethan's Exotics - 6 years ago
The flower horn will kill the cat fish
AlucarD DraculA
AlucarD DraculA - 6 years ago
Hopefully you can sell some mollies
WesleyAPEX - 6 years ago
Feed your bass iguanas lol don’t feed him the native lizards
Tyre Kern
Tyre Kern - 6 years ago
There are still a few green ones around. They are getting pushed to the treetops by the more aggressive brown anole. Hence we dont see them much.
VogelKonigin - 6 years ago
We have green and brown anoles but the one in the vid is a brown anole (I'm born and raised in Florida, I know my lizards.)
Michael Wilkinson
Michael Wilkinson - 6 years ago
I think it's still a bahaman anole, I've been to south florida and saw tons of those but no green anoles to my knowledge.
Tyre Kern
Tyre Kern - 6 years ago
Babe Ruthless green anole do not have the line down the back like the one zak caught, which is a brown anole.
mexican santa
mexican santa - 6 years ago
WesleyAPEX there not natives there just skinks
Babe Ruthless
Babe Ruthless - 6 years ago
Green anoles can turn brown.
Tyre Kern
Tyre Kern - 6 years ago
The green anole is native. That looks like a brown.
Michael Wilkinson
Michael Wilkinson - 6 years ago
Bahamas anoles, not native.
Gio Borrero
Gio Borrero - 6 years ago
WesleyAPEX those aren’t native lizards
Dylan Bartlett
Dylan Bartlett - 6 years ago
love you vids
JickyLag - 6 years ago
Hiii, I love you lol
Aaron Young
Aaron Young - 6 years ago
Best fish channel
Tyler Berry
Tyler Berry - 6 years ago
They are fighting
Caleb Vance
Caleb Vance - 6 years ago
I love ur stuff bro u inspired me to make a big pond in my back yard add me on Snapchat @cvance490
TROY MANN - 6 years ago
Put him in his own small tank with no rocks or logs they are really social but get territorial with competition and somewhere to defend
Mercy Antony
Mercy Antony - 6 years ago
they are figthing
Louis Langenbahn
Louis Langenbahn - 6 years ago
Btw they are mating i think, looks like he is pushing the eggs out of the females belly. Koi are doing something like that by rubbing the belly over rocks and stuff.
MooMoo's Pets
MooMoo's Pets - 6 years ago
Karen Bunt
Karen Bunt - 6 years ago
U inspired me to make a pond
Caleb Vance
Caleb Vance - 6 years ago
AlucarD DraculA
AlucarD DraculA - 6 years ago
I wanna see if their's any of those catfish growing in that long pond.
Karen Bunt
Karen Bunt - 6 years ago
Lil Wulf
Lil Wulf - 6 years ago
Hell Yeah man nice fish
Smith Playz15
Smith Playz15 - 6 years ago
When are the hats coming out, do the new merch come in kids, and when is the mini mu army coming to destroy ever other pond savagely especially Paul’s
Ale Fer
Ale Fer - 6 years ago
that pacu is hugeeeee bro
Naufal Fahmidien
Naufal Fahmidien - 6 years ago
Indonesia fish very beautifull
Magmalon The Dragon
Magmalon The Dragon - 6 years ago
Hahaha within the first five minutes so many people here, lol!
The fishing Madter
The fishing Madter - 6 years ago
Hey zak can u come to mobile dixie lane
Clash Of Ghost
Clash Of Ghost - 6 years ago
The fishing Madter
The fishing Madter - 6 years ago
AcidOsCaR1 mel
AcidOsCaR1 mel - 6 years ago
Hi zak i love your videos keep up the great content. #ShamuSquad!!

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