We catch fish in the street during the flooding of hurricane Irma, transport them, and release them into a Canal! Crazy video trying to save the Exotic peacock bass. Thanks to my friend RAWWFISHING for spotting them to save! His Channel: MY SECOND CHANNEL IS CATCH_EM_ALL_LIVE: Check out my Instagram @Catch_em_all_fishing: SAVE $10.00 Off MYSTERY TACKLE BOX PRO using this link Promo Code: CATCHEM

FISH IN THE STREET During FLOODING HURRICANE! Saving 100s of EXOTIC Fish! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 531

Raww fishing 7 years ago 934,868 views

We catch fish in the street during the flooding of hurricane Irma, transport them, and release them into a Canal! Crazy video trying to save the Exotic peacock bass. Thanks to my friend RAWWFISHING for spotting them to save! His Channel: MY SECOND CHANNEL IS CATCH_EM_ALL_LIVE: Check out my Instagram @Catch_em_all_fishing: SAVE $10.00 Off MYSTERY TACKLE BOX PRO using this link Promo Code: CATCHEM

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Most popular comments

david903317 - 5 years ago
Fuck you all with zak fuck em
Ubb/Kid Buu The Greatest
Ubb/Kid Buu The Greatest - 5 years ago
what is the point of releasing them in the street?
Mini Monkey
Mini Monkey - 6 years ago
Adhe Murni real
Adhe Murni real - 6 years ago
I want to to your country
Adhe Murni real
Adhe Murni real - 6 years ago
Im 7 years old
I see peacok
Marcelito Pangan
Marcelito Pangan - 6 years ago
lol lol
lol lol lol
lol lol lol lol
lol lol lol lol lol
lol lol lol lol lol
lol lol lol lol
lol lol lol
lol lol
Basic Boy
Basic Boy - 6 years ago
Which side of you on are you near Florida
YTI_ ARAS - 6 years ago
before watch this = T_T after watch this = :D
Flashing cash
Flashing cash - 6 years ago
Save Em All

10. comment for FISH IN THE STREET During FLOODING HURRICANE! Saving 100s of EXOTIC Fish!

mr aimbot
mr aimbot - 6 years ago
Baby pea cocks
mr aimbot
mr aimbot - 6 years ago
# so manybpeacocks
mr aimbot
mr aimbot - 6 years ago
#save em all fishing with zak save em
Mat TO
Mat TO - 6 years ago
I would like to have baby pbass
Donovan Potts
Donovan Potts - 6 years ago
Rip shamo
Donovan Potts
Donovan Potts - 6 years ago
Tip shamo
Donovan Potts
Donovan Potts - 6 years ago
Rip shamo
heather maher
heather maher - 6 years ago
Goiudiy hjgu 7r98dv 7fet6udficsykdsiiruo88oo 8uyyiyrkfkd 8rlflvs kdktihg.rivgihckkg hji664irrxi8tfchuu8yvfeswiiyud ftv5ig ,ewniy
toto dalipe
toto dalipe - 6 years ago
i have 1.000.000 peckocks
TheJayZzZ 23
TheJayZzZ 23 - 6 years ago
Don’t they live in Florida
Lit King
Lit King - 6 years ago
Oh ur in Florida I'm from Jersey great spot for fishing but it's not easy fishing it's hard love it can u comment me back plzzz

20. comment for FISH IN THE STREET During FLOODING HURRICANE! Saving 100s of EXOTIC Fish!

Lit King
Lit King - 6 years ago
You are not a bad man at all u are so selfless u are a good man just saw the channel and it was just the other day and the other night fav fam fav
samantha markl
samantha markl - 6 years ago
My name is sabastain and I love your videos.
samantha markl
samantha markl - 6 years ago
Fish are the best pets in the world.
CamHockey53 - 6 years ago
shamo is so big
keadec - 6 years ago
Have a happy halowen and I will have 2 fish ha
Darshan Koirala
Darshan Koirala - 6 years ago
O nice job nice job let them go in street good job bro
Rafie Ramadhan
Rafie Ramadhan - 6 years ago
Craig of the creek
wanda ortiz
wanda ortiz - 6 years ago
wanda ortiz
wanda ortiz - 6 years ago
wanda ortiz
wanda ortiz - 6 years ago
#lazy yt

30. comment for FISH IN THE STREET During FLOODING HURRICANE! Saving 100s of EXOTIC Fish!

wanda ortiz
wanda ortiz - 6 years ago
U must buy a peacock and raise it as shamu 2,like if you agree
Jusup - 6 years ago
Veena Kumari
Veena Kumari - 6 years ago
Please come India
Jeedaa Cordaa
Jeedaa Cordaa - 6 years ago
learn english first
Why Dot
Why Dot - 6 years ago
Saved? More like killed by throwing them around and stressing them.
Devin. ivory ford jr
Devin. ivory ford jr - 6 years ago
Rockstar chica Cute female chicken
Rockstar chica Cute female chicken - 6 years ago
Eagle random
Eagle random - 6 years ago
Congrats 1m
Dawg Nation
Dawg Nation - 6 years ago
Honestly I can see saving the bass but I would have used the rest as bait
Colten Davis
Colten Davis - 6 years ago
9:39 R.I.P. Little fish
DaNasia Verbeck
DaNasia Verbeck - 6 years ago
Come over please
•RØØ• • KÅÑGÅRØØ• - 6 years ago
1 like=smacking myself in the face
Richard Sutton
Richard Sutton - 6 years ago
I am your # 1fan
Michelle Rattan
Michelle Rattan - 6 years ago
Michelle Rattan
Michelle Rattan - 6 years ago
Super Aquarius81791
Super Aquarius81791 - 6 years ago
Shamu is death
[Content Deleted]
[Content Deleted] - 6 years ago
the only thing I hate about catch em all fishing is how when he holds the fish he holds them like they wont jump out of his hand
Catch Em All Fishing
Catch Em All Fishing - 6 years ago
It's hard trying to show u guys the fish without em jumping away lol but I try my best
peace gamer Rahul
peace gamer Rahul - 6 years ago
I love fish my mother won't let me keep it can you give me a gold fish transport from your country to Bangladesh please
LADYBUG - 6 years ago
shamu will be happy for you we'll miss you
lerich Audrey mengullo Vicente
lerich Audrey mengullo Vicente - 6 years ago
i'm a number 1 fan of catch em all fishing
Manilla Vanilla
Manilla Vanilla - 6 years ago
The fish go to sewers

50. comment for FISH IN THE STREET During FLOODING HURRICANE! Saving 100s of EXOTIC Fish!

Jacob Male
Jacob Male - 6 years ago
Jacob Male
Jacob Male - 6 years ago
I watch
Zac Mitchell
Zac Mitchell - 6 years ago
That would come snits of sewer
EDIN B - 6 years ago
New intro pls <3 …………………~¥~¥£]]]££8
Rogelio Camarillo
Rogelio Camarillo - 6 years ago
what the fuck
Robert Azure
Robert Azure - 6 years ago
11:22 I only see three children. There . Reflection of myself :))
Basilia Diaz
Basilia Diaz - 6 years ago
Catch em all on the street
Basilia Diaz
Basilia Diaz - 6 years ago
This just Sad
This just Sad - 6 years ago
Its shamu
Art Nunez
Art Nunez - 6 years ago
Sup foo how r u
saqlain shareef
saqlain shareef - 6 years ago
Iam the biggest fan of yours.I like fishes so I see your vedios it's crazy
Zymoncoolfsda Fishing and catching and cuting
Zymoncoolfsda Fishing and catching and cuting - 6 years ago
Housing momo
Epic_Fuzion Gaming
Epic_Fuzion Gaming - 6 years ago
I would swim in dat with a little net and catch em
wonchan hwang
wonchan hwang - 6 years ago
The video Luke’s project is about ocean pollution
wonchan hwang
wonchan hwang - 6 years ago
Watch Luke’s project
Gatlin Mikell
Gatlin Mikell - 6 years ago
You don't get how much I want a peacock bass as a pet
ItzRepulsive - 6 years ago
When he says rescue he means shamo food
Guest _ WiFi
Guest _ WiFi - 6 years ago
Where did you get that net?
Victor Lestari
Victor Lestari - 6 years ago
Making this video just catch the fish for fun?
jay den
jay den - 6 years ago
Say we love shamo
Rylee Bunn
Rylee Bunn - 6 years ago
Rick Cruz
Rick Cruz - 6 years ago
The power must still be out unless the hurricane broke your razor
Just kidding
Catch em all!
Kristyn Gates
Kristyn Gates - 6 years ago
I would've been pouncing catching those fish with my hands literally pouncing!
REMIX VEVO - 6 years ago
Zak im getting cold water fish today any tip plz
Adilson Junior
Adilson Junior - 6 years ago
here in brazil these peacocks bass cost $ 250-300
Tracey and kevin Weldon
Tracey and kevin Weldon - 6 years ago
You were on tv with 2 fisherman trying to pacu
Tracey and kevin Weldon
Tracey and kevin Weldon - 6 years ago
Trying to catch pacu
Julian S
Julian S - 6 years ago
Wud shamu eat your Meknows
Eliana Baltierrez
Eliana Baltierrez - 6 years ago
Georgie Samuel
Georgie Samuel - 6 years ago
R.I.P. Shamoo the mighty
Nicholas Izzo
Nicholas Izzo - 6 years ago
Is it just me or is it anytime you see rawwfishing’s u just wanna click of the video
Puffin On Rubber Smoke
Puffin On Rubber Smoke - 6 years ago
Dude would there be any way at all for you to be willing to ship me a baby peacock? Always wanted one but I rarely ever see them for sale here
Logan Bednar
Logan Bednar - 6 years ago
Any 2018 peeps
tukang gamers
tukang gamers - 6 years ago
where the place
Landen Lomas
Landen Lomas - 6 years ago
baby ones
Landen Lomas
Landen Lomas - 6 years ago
are you allowed to give peacocks bass away?
Laura McDonald Vidal
Laura McDonald Vidal - 6 years ago
Why would you put them in the street
Gavin Rosado
Gavin Rosado - 6 years ago
I like it this is my three timeseeing you
Eli Cruze
Eli Cruze - 6 years ago
You are killing fish
olivia aufderheide
olivia aufderheide - 6 years ago
I understand that he was saving a majority of the fish and I thank him for that but I don't get why he put most of the fish in the middle of the road now I understand there are plenty of Menos to go around but that's still kind of a sh*ty thing to do
Jay Shan
Jay Shan - 6 years ago
Why would you release the fish in the street? The heading of this video says ‘saving’... what happened to that....?
TYLERSCHANNLE 10 - 6 years ago
You should have put them in your fish pond
Connor T
Connor T - 6 years ago
What if a fish got hit bay a car lol
DP fishing
DP fishing - 6 years ago
Molly 8463
Molly 8463 - 6 years ago
I like how he's freaking out so much about s couple fish in a puddle
Neri Castillo
Neri Castillo - 6 years ago
y'all catch like 50 fishes
King Aquatics
King Aquatics - 6 years ago
Why would you put them in the street they barely have water and there going to get ran over :(
Gamer Boy1022
Gamer Boy1022 - 6 years ago
Nice vid
Christopher Garcia
Christopher Garcia - 6 years ago
Ken Lin
Ken Lin - 6 years ago
Not awesome n its some ridiculously insane videos. Way too free is the word. Saving fish using "jordan" style n releasing fishes on the roads not in yr box?
REBEL - 6 years ago
Man that's such a great thing y'all are doing.

100. comment for FISH IN THE STREET During FLOODING HURRICANE! Saving 100s of EXOTIC Fish!

REBEL - 6 years ago
Save the fish ! Awesome. Good job my man.
Seth Harlow
Seth Harlow - 6 years ago
Fuck off Im in a bitch mood
MrFarooq983 - 6 years ago
Super grip
Jc Rivas
Jc Rivas - 6 years ago
You guys are Lifesavers
JM Bushrod
JM Bushrod - 6 years ago
That’s probably the kid that grabbed his fish
sly tacit
sly tacit - 6 years ago
fish saver hehe
Rhys Jones
Rhys Jones - 6 years ago
Their is a koi
5,000 subs without video challenge
5,000 subs without video challenge - 6 years ago
After all irma was good
Mike Luzinski
Mike Luzinski - 6 years ago
It's almost like a mini swamp
Dennis Sosmena
Dennis Sosmena - 6 years ago
Why is that kid saying (that's a big bass )
Batmanwishes 78
Batmanwishes 78 - 6 years ago
I love how you love fish so much me to
AWESOME FAM - 6 years ago
i wish i can go there to catch a fish
karma the supernatural
karma the supernatural - 6 years ago
I've so amazed how happy you are about fish its really cool really cool
steven cocchi
steven cocchi - 6 years ago
Hope u killed all the snakeheads
Master Mongoose
Master Mongoose - 7 years ago
Where I live every time it rains there's fish in my front yard
Carmen Garcia
Carmen Garcia - 7 years ago
Littlejt - 7 years ago
I want a baby peacock
Slick Slithering Scaly Snake
Slick Slithering Scaly Snake - 7 years ago
Hmm let me catch them then put them right back though i said i would save them
meme maker
meme maker - 7 years ago
You just save 100,000,000 lives legends never die
Dannette 2005
Dannette 2005 - 7 years ago
I wish this would happen in my street
Random sister stuff Help me
Random sister stuff Help me - 7 years ago
I thought you were going to save them
Allan De Jesus
Allan De Jesus - 7 years ago
I like it men!!!! I wish that ill be your side kick too
Kiajimbo DaMoFkr
Kiajimbo DaMoFkr - 7 years ago
damn bro I got to move over there. I love fishing
Liftedlifestyle - 7 years ago
What kind of shoes do U were fishing
Sebastion Santschi
Sebastion Santschi - 7 years ago
Sebastion Santschi
Sebastion Santschi - 7 years ago
Sebastion Santschi
Sebastion Santschi - 7 years ago
Sebastion Santschi
Sebastion Santschi - 7 years ago
BRICKCITY9MM - 7 years ago
13:31 the little kid scared the shit out the baby peacock bass.
Alany Rosario
Alany Rosario - 7 years ago
"legend Nevers dies" Praise shamu
test ing
test ing - 7 years ago
Rıdvan pars
Rıdvan pars - 7 years ago
Bir tane kafa kamerası alsan iyi olur bide alt yazı koyarsan çok sevinirim ben Türküm
Baileys Vlogs
Baileys Vlogs - 7 years ago
Give Shang a girlfriend
Baileys Vlogs
Baileys Vlogs - 7 years ago
I ment shamu
Clayton Rice
Clayton Rice - 7 years ago
dude that is soooooo cool
Annab 123
Annab 123 - 7 years ago
I live nex door to youk
90sdance Moves
90sdance Moves - 7 years ago
Haha love this video. You guys look like you're having a blast!! I subscribed.
Guillaume Jalbert
Guillaume Jalbert - 7 years ago
What is the brand of your portable fish oxygen pump?
Akhil Bhugwan
Akhil Bhugwan - 7 years ago
Can you send me some fish
Jayden Campbell
Jayden Campbell - 7 years ago
Andrea Sculthorp
Andrea Sculthorp - 7 years ago
HiIm Obu
HiIm Obu - 7 years ago
i like how he knows like everyone on the street and i still dont even know everyone at my house 0-0
Blake Finnerty
Blake Finnerty - 7 years ago
you are amazing bro that would be cool to do
TA games
TA games - 7 years ago
U idiots
Sky hyper Banks
Sky hyper Banks - 7 years ago
Zack can you share my Videos
pallmally - 7 years ago
release them in streets ... you should not play so long with the live ^^ catch em and release ^^
JJReeves - 7 years ago
Save em all fishing
JJReeves - 7 years ago
Retarded kids in a golf cart
Guadalupe Zamora
Guadalupe Zamora - 7 years ago
Cool fish
jurassic ruler
jurassic ruler - 7 years ago
i would have put some in a tank to raise them for the colder months for big fhes food
jurassic ruler
jurassic ruler - 7 years ago
i wantr to be there so bad looks amazing
Ealin Wong
Ealin Wong - 7 years ago
I am dizzy
Jeffrey Tryon
Jeffrey Tryon - 7 years ago
Stop copying logan paul
Eliezer savage
Eliezer savage - 7 years ago
Irma was bad I was thier
Jay Jay
Jay Jay - 7 years ago
wow good
Jay Jay
Jay Jay - 7 years ago
Jay Jay
Jay Jay - 7 years ago
cherylwhite123 - 7 years ago
Irma left damage.. And FISH
Alex vs gaming
Alex vs gaming - 7 years ago
Thank youuuui!!!!!!
Kraz3 Cat
Kraz3 Cat - 7 years ago
Savem all fishing
John7 7Lovell
John7 7Lovell - 7 years ago
Why put them in the street
Vexity_Plushie - 7 years ago
Rita Sparger
Rita Sparger - 7 years ago
Take a shot of lemon juice every time he says "in the street" or " look at this"
Bryan L. Morrison
Bryan L. Morrison - 7 years ago
I would have been happy with maybe 10 peacocks, raise em up for a year, and sell them each for $150 as wild caught
Just Sav gaming
Just Sav gaming - 7 years ago
9:55 he started buggin
Just Sav gaming
Just Sav gaming - 7 years ago
Wtf u gunna kill the fucking fish
Ira Dayahan
Ira Dayahan - 7 years ago
Why is he keep on catching but keeping them swimming in street
Marcdaniel Espiritu
Marcdaniel Espiritu - 7 years ago
I dont think they save the other fishes ·:l
Jessie Zhang
Jessie Zhang - 7 years ago
#Dab#Police#is#here#he gets comment ticket for dabbing
Golden Badger
Golden Badger - 7 years ago
Hello Zac You should do giveaways
Sam Archer
Sam Archer - 7 years ago
Why Arnt you keeping them you keep realizing them you relise there going to die and dry up
tigergalaxy 2009
tigergalaxy 2009 - 7 years ago
i never went finshing before
Jose - 7 years ago
rpeduto - 7 years ago
catches minnow in puddle

Steven Alford
Steven Alford - 7 years ago
Big fish is about 1 inch
Michael Kruger
Michael Kruger - 7 years ago
Lexusim - 7 years ago
Boi it is not a little wet it is more than a little wet
RiceFieldz - 7 years ago
I never saw a guy get so excited about a small fish
Gilbert Rivera
Gilbert Rivera - 7 years ago
Hi Guy
Hi Guy - 7 years ago
Like the vid
Lenore Iversen
Lenore Iversen - 7 years ago
Took them some where 3lse wtf don't throw a fish
cheyenne spidle
cheyenne spidle - 7 years ago
that irma is so rude
Jill Gunzelman
Jill Gunzelman - 7 years ago
i love your vid
scnt - 7 years ago
im in 4:36 in the background
Grant Crockett
Grant Crockett - 7 years ago
Your channel name should be save them all fishing
pinkie pie lover
pinkie pie lover - 7 years ago
I think it's more than little wet
Steven Szabo
Steven Szabo - 7 years ago
Did you know that you have the best fishing channel on YouTube? You are one crazy, funny, entertaining MOFO! Love it!
Solorio559 - 7 years ago
Only so much u. Can save check them puddles out when they get really small
Ryan Brewer
Ryan Brewer - 7 years ago
It's alsome were you saved all the little fish go catch em all fishing
Gabriella Johns
Gabriella Johns - 7 years ago
Dude you showed your license plate
Amaleki Cox
Amaleki Cox - 7 years ago
Who's sandiogo
Lloyd Fowler
Lloyd Fowler - 7 years ago
Fishing pole!!!
SG fishing
SG fishing - 7 years ago
U r just like Logan pail
Dahiana Bechalani
Dahiana Bechalani - 7 years ago
I don't like your intro
Yongzi Zhang
Yongzi Zhang - 7 years ago
SHAMU HAS FOOD MEHMEH...hope shamu likes it
Alex Silva
Alex Silva - 7 years ago
How did the water go on the ground
Kimberly Torrington
Kimberly Torrington - 7 years ago
Alex Silva the water got on the ground because of the hurricane. It is storm surge also hashtag love and remember samu
shiuna chiu
shiuna chiu - 7 years ago
make him famous
Guy saved a whale shark
Keegan Winter
Keegan Winter - 7 years ago
Make a vid of catching shammoo jr jr jr
Phoenix  Drummond
Phoenix Drummond - 7 years ago
Ramen Noodle
Ramen Noodle - 7 years ago
Veronica kovpak
Veronica kovpak - 7 years ago
They're like excited kids
teondre hughes
teondre hughes - 7 years ago
should have bought your cool trap
Mealyexpert Playz
Mealyexpert Playz - 7 years ago
Should've cast netted them
George Clooney
George Clooney - 7 years ago
Get a baby peacock in your pond plssss
b5thegreat - 7 years ago
Why are u catching fish and putting them in the street the water will evaporate and will be gone
GalacticpulseGaming - 7 years ago
I'm going to binge watch your videos
I like how positive you are in your videos

R.I.P. Shamu
Brayden Plays
Brayden Plays - 7 years ago
You should've got a GO PRO with the Head strap and put in on yo head
maxpower690 - 7 years ago
Why do you catch invasive species and then let them go? Florida law requires you kill them!
Psynth - 7 years ago
The craziest part about it was that he could stand wet socks.
brochacho 77777
brochacho 77777 - 7 years ago
Give me a intro in your vid
KING_ 23
KING_ 23 - 7 years ago
Tina Kinton
Tina Kinton - 7 years ago
Since shamu died change your intro
TheNakedSnail - 7 years ago
Long live the mighty Shamu R.I.P shamu
SneezyPenguin 44
SneezyPenguin 44 - 7 years ago
cool_ gamer_ 600
cool_ gamer_ 600 - 7 years ago
Me to i catch fish in the street
thomas george
thomas george - 7 years ago
Baby Duck
Baby Duck - 7 years ago
Dude he literally damand ppl to do somthing when they are rec
james chester
james chester - 7 years ago
well done dudes
randomposter0323 - 7 years ago
Replace shamu with a peacock bass
AlecChrz - 7 years ago
Technically this is highly illegal but it's still cool that you did this
kyle mcray
kyle mcray - 7 years ago
Julia Bell Holloman
Julia Bell Holloman - 7 years ago
So you did this after hurricane Irma
Pro mopar engine builder
Pro mopar engine builder - 7 years ago
Can you ship me a few baby peckock bass for my aquarium
alois hermida
alois hermida - 7 years ago
I dont seee shit
Daniel FORTNITE - 7 years ago
My prayers for shamu are up
Luke Luke
Luke Luke - 7 years ago
Video sucks normally a fan but you said saving the fish more like catching them then throwing them on the street
JolteonTheMighty - 7 years ago
Rip shamu
212 212
212 212 - 7 years ago
Put them in you pool
Ribboneel Fishey
Ribboneel Fishey - 7 years ago
Your playing and talking with the fish. Just stop talking and save the fish like you said
Freshwater Pursuit
Freshwater Pursuit - 7 years ago
your intro sucks
The Red Jalapeno
The Red Jalapeno - 7 years ago
how much flooding was there down in Florida?
bystander2009 - 7 years ago
Shamu wouldve been very happy if you had made her an offering of a portion of those fish
PuRe BEAT NATION - 7 years ago
peacock pet fish???
guy 11
guy 11 - 7 years ago
What's the bream
falto criatividade
falto criatividade - 7 years ago
Why you dont use the mini crossbow
Hayden Retherford
Hayden Retherford - 7 years ago
Where does he live in florida
david wang
david wang - 7 years ago
Buy a go pro
Christopher Aguilon
Christopher Aguilon - 7 years ago
Please sub to me I'll sub to you I promise I'm new to making vids
xXRECLAMIER13Xx - 7 years ago
DAT outro
Zayzay tv
Zayzay tv - 7 years ago
keep three or four baby peacocks or one
V1CIOUS Robert
V1CIOUS Robert - 7 years ago
Wtf are you doing you said you are going To save them but then you but them in the street stupid ass
V1CIOUS Robert
V1CIOUS Robert - 7 years ago
Stop copying Logan Paul
Oc Creator Ruby
Oc Creator Ruby - 7 years ago
Irma can go fudge it's self let's hope that a hurricane doesn't hit maui now
Enrique Narcizo
Enrique Narcizo - 7 years ago
Your the best fishing youtube guy
The Fishy Life !
The Fishy Life ! - 7 years ago
invasive craziness!!! dam I'd be stocking up!!!
Royal Cambo
Royal Cambo - 7 years ago
good man
Ashton Pals
Ashton Pals - 7 years ago
you need to put some baby Ps in your small pond
Lindsey Dempsey
Lindsey Dempsey - 7 years ago
Derbie wynedale
Derbie wynedale - 7 years ago
did u save any or just keep playing?
Matthew Arreola
Matthew Arreola - 7 years ago
save all the fish dont let then go in the street takem all fish equal rights
Grim_Azn - 7 years ago
try to raise some of them
stephen dixson
stephen dixson - 7 years ago
You could have started a aquarium store with all that.
Jack Stewart
Jack Stewart - 7 years ago
Grill 'n' thrill
Grill 'n' thrill - 7 years ago
Please put a peacock in the tank
Rayan massaad
Rayan massaad - 7 years ago
Ur the best
Brayden Brown
Brayden Brown - 7 years ago
stop being so mean to them V will they ever do to you stop being so mean to them fish what did they ever do to you what if I did that to you
bait biteing
bait biteing - 7 years ago
Send me 500 dolleds I miss shmueo - 7 years ago
Save the fish!!!!!!!!
KingDre10 Bullard
KingDre10 Bullard - 7 years ago
Is shamu really dead
AnthonyLA 310
AnthonyLA 310 - 7 years ago
This was dope
Chris Laidlaw
Chris Laidlaw - 7 years ago
Every time he says "in the street" take a drink. Guaranteed to get you drunk
cayden3303 - 7 years ago
u should get a peacock in stead of a large mouth
The Fish Catcher
The Fish Catcher - 7 years ago
save em all fishing cool vid
EastCoastBassin - 7 years ago
Good stuff, seeing all those small Pea's is pretty amazing
Dejan Salac
Dejan Salac - 7 years ago
You should make anather video when flood is almost over at that street and then you can catch more fish
Fishing Channel
Fishing Channel - 7 years ago
well done
Julian Ramos
Julian Ramos - 7 years ago
Not my favorite video, but meh wish you woulda been out there doing that with no cam, and then been like "we saved a bunch and kept some for feeding/fishing"
Minerva Render
Minerva Render - 7 years ago
Zack if you go back you can see a fish jump up in the air in the tank
Nile Menon
Nile Menon - 7 years ago
That's awesome
Fc Knudde
Fc Knudde - 7 years ago
Fc Knudde
Fc Knudde - 7 years ago
You should Renate ur channel to save em all Irma
Kyle Hodges
Kyle Hodges - 7 years ago
Or give me the address
Kyle Hodges
Kyle Hodges - 7 years ago
Hey can you catch some of those peacock for my lake
vanossgaming evan
vanossgaming evan - 7 years ago
can you catch a shark or like shamoo
Heff x 9000
Heff x 9000 - 7 years ago
Put ur sunglasses up to the lens so we can see in the water like u lol
THE WATCHER - 7 years ago
THE WATCHER - 7 years ago
if you play add my name MAKUTO ITASHI
THE WATCHER - 7 years ago
KayeStudioS - 7 years ago
Wtf dude you could have save those mini fish rather than putting them in a puddle of death fuck up bro
Brandon Berends
Brandon Berends - 7 years ago
Great work guys
Mr.lemon - 7 years ago
get new shamu
Fishing King
Fishing King - 7 years ago
Peacock for new shamu
Lukas B
Lukas B - 7 years ago
So that shamu died i think a big peacock woulddo good in your pond
Chrisplays 1093
Chrisplays 1093 - 7 years ago
No dabs Zakinthos
Muhammad Haris Mughal
Muhammad Haris Mughal - 7 years ago
Wy you live the fish in eney very als
Mike tuano
Mike tuano - 7 years ago
Take a baby peacock as a pet
Charlie Was Here
Charlie Was Here - 7 years ago
What fish are you thinking of putting in your enclosure next
Kieyioop Memes?
Kieyioop Memes? - 7 years ago
I want more of this video
dan21 reteo
dan21 reteo - 7 years ago
If me and my friends live there, those fishes will be gone in hours!!
Pierson Fortnite
Pierson Fortnite - 7 years ago
Awesome video I love this video
The Randoes
The Randoes - 7 years ago
You should save them put them back in the lake
aggitz Bloostburg
aggitz Bloostburg - 7 years ago
At least take your shoes off
CBfishin - 7 years ago
Hi my name is coby and I know you love too keep big fish. Since today you catching a lot of peacock bass you should consider getting an adult peacock to keep
King Aquatics
King Aquatics - 6 years ago
CBfishin bad idea
geronemo flavio
geronemo flavio - 7 years ago
over react hahahaha
jurassicsushi - 7 years ago
Zak i absolutely love your personality my brotha and the good karma you put out there will return to you and your friend 10x fold for sure. Be Well and God Bless. Love the videos as always. going over to sub to your boy now!
Christopher Stinnett
Christopher Stinnett - 7 years ago
This dude is the Jake Paul of the fishing community
Irene Studios
Irene Studios - 7 years ago
When your justin beiber trying to catch fish

Not as cute as dwane johnson and a puppy
Not Your Average Fish Keeper.
Not Your Average Fish Keeper. - 7 years ago
You should get a 55 -100 gallon tank for the peacock bass babys
Thessalonian Ray Metcalf
Thessalonian Ray Metcalf - 7 years ago
Awesome saves.
questionable vid
questionable vid - 7 years ago
Should of set out a couple minnow traps for the lil ones.
im a gator
im a gator - 7 years ago
You should have used the white net with the small holes the whole time Zack
Tom Walsh
Tom Walsh - 7 years ago
That’s really nice man keep up the good work
lNOMAK - 7 years ago
Bob Nakapoo
Bob Nakapoo - 7 years ago
Any1 else got pissed off when he would catch a lot of fish and release it on purpose
GhostWolfTwo - 7 years ago
Rip shamu
Eric Wong
Eric Wong - 7 years ago
Sell them. You'd make some side money!
Matt Collett
Matt Collett - 7 years ago
Cast nets and minnow traps and a nap bro lol.
kulkitty5014 - 7 years ago
Fuck catch em all Lawson's the boy jk I love you but that was still kinda fucked but love your videos man
Xxx Tentacion
Xxx Tentacion - 7 years ago
Dustin Ferguson
Dustin Ferguson - 7 years ago
Your whole idea was to save them why are you letting them go
Paulpro PP
Paulpro PP - 7 years ago
Peacock bass eat those baby peacock bass like candy!
iBels - 7 years ago
Y should have kept the peacock in memory of SHAMU
AJ Zea
AJ Zea - 7 years ago
Zach !!! Myself and I'm sure abunch of other people would love to see you go out and try and catch a new monster for your pond habitat !! Coming from Arizona thanks for the great entertainment !
iBels - 7 years ago
Y should have kept the peacock and raise him like SHAMU like if you agree
iBels - 7 years ago
You should have kept the baby peacock and raise him!!
C.R. Fraser
C.R. Fraser - 7 years ago
You should put some of those peacocks in your tub and raise them to get big
michael Herrell
michael Herrell - 7 years ago
How can i get a couple of those Awesome fish pimp shirts
Ty - 7 years ago
Keep a baby peacock and make it the next Shamu
Carson Neilon
Carson Neilon - 7 years ago
All hail mighty shamu
Tender Shy
Tender Shy - 7 years ago
That truck killed so many fish
Tiffany Gandara
Tiffany Gandara - 7 years ago
You should give them away and you should keep one and let it be your next Shamu
Jeff Jacobs
Jeff Jacobs - 7 years ago
You should let your girl hold the camera in all your videos...Then we can actually see what the hell is going on without getting motion sickness.
Jack Bauer
Jack Bauer - 7 years ago
I gotta ask you man, how do you you deal with wet socks and shoes?? I absolutely cannot stand wet socks!
david vang
david vang - 7 years ago
He said i guessed like 5 to 10 minutes like you know they been longer than that hahaha
vKaarma - 7 years ago
Why do u put them in the street to get ran over?
Dory Williams
Dory Williams - 7 years ago
You need a polaroid camera lenses. You always have on your fishing glasses and see stuff a lot better then we can
zach eggers
zach eggers - 7 years ago
Can you keep baby peacocks in aquarium?
Martin Vega
Martin Vega - 7 years ago
I still wouldn't catch anything:/
FullmetalAngyl - 7 years ago
Imagine if you stuffed the end one of those bottle necked traps where you were putting your net. Everything would have gone straight into the trap.
Also if you can keep them a Peacock Bass might make a nice addition to the pond. 8)
Ike_ Chambers12
Ike_ Chambers12 - 7 years ago
that_AMERICAN_guy - 7 years ago
#lazy/ rawfishing.yeet@catchemall
RedBoi - 7 years ago
You should’ve put the glass minnows in the bucket and moved them to a lake or used them as bait or something instead of leaving them in the road to die
Fishing Fantasy
Fishing Fantasy - 7 years ago
Dude did you check out my fishing in a house video?
that_AMERICAN_guy - 7 years ago
Fishing Fantasy , ya it was sick
Nick Lenting
Nick Lenting - 7 years ago
#lazy to the next level
Tdz nation
Tdz nation - 7 years ago
why release the in the street where a car could run them over????
Mike Larue
Mike Larue - 7 years ago
Wish I could have some of them baby peacocks
rj Revelo
rj Revelo - 7 years ago
keep them until they drow
Jay - 7 years ago
Take a step back! ok now come close! hehe #patientcameralady
Alejandro Hernandez
Alejandro Hernandez - 7 years ago
Nice video men,+10 respect
Ɓird •
Ɓird • - 7 years ago
Dude! Put a clown night fish in your pond!!
RANDY LEE OSBORN - 7 years ago
Get a big peacock to put in your pond
Dr. DIY - 7 years ago
Make a new intro of u rapping Zac
Teaso Favors
Teaso Favors - 7 years ago
Zack plz bro send me sum of those peacock bass baby's. I live in Orlando we don't have them here yet. I would love to catch them here hit me up so I can give u my info. Plz bro I would be for ever changed by this act of kindness.
Deter Schnering
Deter Schnering - 7 years ago
Why would he let them go
ilov3MeMez - 7 years ago
Rip Shamu
Thomas Wynn
Thomas Wynn - 7 years ago
why didnt you use a cast net
JoseCruz Tellez
JoseCruz Tellez - 7 years ago
i feel like I've seen this video before...
whaddaOOf8 8
whaddaOOf8 8 - 7 years ago
Rip shamo
Hamandpeasoap - 7 years ago
You should catch a massive peacock bass to replace shamu
patton mann
patton mann - 7 years ago
Pet peacock ?
585 Fishing
585 Fishing - 7 years ago
Worst video I've ever watched lost some brain cells
585 Fishing
585 Fishing - 7 years ago
Worst video I've ever watched lost some brain vells
whaddaOOf8 8
whaddaOOf8 8 - 7 years ago
I wish I lived in Miami but I cought a pike
jovan itzab
jovan itzab - 7 years ago
The Camera girl actually speaks!!!
Smurf Sniper
Smurf Sniper - 7 years ago
Catch_Em_All_Fishing If you caold some how i can give you a po box
Smurf Sniper
Smurf Sniper - 7 years ago
Catch_Em_All_Fishing i dont think you could send me a bunch of babby pecocks for my tank to ada minisota
Datan Sins
Datan Sins - 6 years ago
Smurf Sniper k
Joe's YouTube
Joe's YouTube - 7 years ago
Ill buy some of those baby peacocks. Would look awesome in my big aquarium
Saminator - 7 years ago
U should use a cast net
Rhey-Rey  Agbayani
Rhey-Rey Agbayani - 7 years ago
Zak you should get a pet peacock bass
Evan Is Kool
Evan Is Kool - 7 years ago
Evan Is Kool
Evan Is Kool - 7 years ago
I'd be really amazed see the ponyo movie irl. That'd be so cool
Dezko Vincent
Dezko Vincent - 7 years ago
God of War
God of War - 7 years ago
I love it I'm from Orlando
Blue Bowser
Blue Bowser - 7 years ago
Goes to "save" the fish. But then releases them into the road... Yeah sure you're saving them.
shane sloan
shane sloan - 6 years ago
Blue Bowser he is saving more then he is putting into the street!!!
Jacob Welborn
Jacob Welborn - 7 years ago
I'm starting to videos
Elemayooo - 7 years ago
Shamu 3 Needs to be a peacock
Matthew P
Matthew P - 7 years ago
So u plugged what kind of shoes u have but I can't understand what u said! Come on now!! I really wanna know
Elitegales - 7 years ago
My heart broke when I saw Shamu eating her sacrifice
Jacob Welborn
Jacob Welborn - 7 years ago
Follow me
Ven Xenos
Ven Xenos - 7 years ago
Nice shoes and socks XD
Mason Outdoors
Mason Outdoors - 7 years ago
Nice ur a hero for saving those thank you now u need to save a peacock and raise it like Shamu RIP
Digital_Fruitcakes - 7 years ago
If there is a God, this is his reward for the people of Florida.
MLG GAMERVLOGS - 7 years ago
ZAK THEY would of been sacrificed to THE MIGHTY SHAMU
MLG GAMERVLOGS - 7 years ago
Dariens Martin
Dariens Martin - 7 years ago
I love how my old house is down the street
Big daddy Albert
Big daddy Albert - 7 years ago
Dariens Martin bs
Ty Fishing
Ty Fishing - 7 years ago
Gamer Clownz
Gamer Clownz - 7 years ago
If that other side is connected to a channel why not just dump the fish in there? what is the point of putting them in a bucket.  Then catching fish to save and releasing in the street for fun so they can possibly die, throwing fish around, smashing the net around doing nothing but scaring the living daylights out of fish...... people unsubscribe this guy.
Gamer Clownz
Gamer Clownz - 7 years ago
even if that is true its just very poor behavior.  If a car drives through there quickly they are not going to escape, not to mention when water goes down...... I understand he is trying to help but what kind of idiot starts irresponsibly throwing fish in the air or slamming the net on already stressed fish as part of his rescue mission and then post it online?
TheRealC4Gaming - 7 years ago
Gamer Clownz
There wasn’t any real danger there the fish. You’d be surprised how hardy small fish like that are. They weren’t in danger of any cars or anything. They are too fast. This was more for fun
Hittmee10 - 7 years ago
That kid hit the bass into the water
Ven Xenos
Ven Xenos - 7 years ago
Franky Perez
Franky Perez - 7 years ago
After sandy my grandmothers crawl space was flooded and we found like 17 fish in there
tucko steiner
tucko steiner - 7 years ago
When are you getting another pet bass
Old Turtle75
Old Turtle75 - 7 years ago
Idea for for next shamu: Peacock bass instead of largemouth? Idk but rip shamu :(
m j
m j - 7 years ago
#RIP shame you should put a peacock Bass in the pond
Tyler Humphrey
Tyler Humphrey - 7 years ago
Make a baby peckok the new shamu
TrueGodTachanka - 7 years ago
Gotta love how they find some random kid and roll out with him
Tanner Miller
Tanner Miller - 7 years ago
RIP shamu in our prayers
Dead Killer 12
Dead Killer 12 - 7 years ago
Respect to the mighty sammoo
Dead Killer 12
Dead Killer 12 - 7 years ago
I went to our YouTube channels like Jacksepticeye and put rip sammoo
Looptd - 7 years ago
Fuck Zac and fuck Shamu
TheRealC4Gaming - 7 years ago
YuNG RiCH. - 7 years ago
Seems like irma provided u a job u love haha
Erick Esparza
Erick Esparza - 7 years ago
Rip shame;( the mighty one the legend is true
Dana Terry
Dana Terry - 7 years ago
Yep another great vid. Thanks. Zak
Marco Mira
Marco Mira - 7 years ago
Please sub I love your videos!!!
Alinda Lopez
Alinda Lopez - 7 years ago
u are stupid
Cow Tiger
Cow Tiger - 7 years ago
TheRealC4Gaming lol
Cow Tiger
Cow Tiger - 7 years ago
Alinda Lopez Hey! Don't say that to your reflection in the mirror! Well, never mind, you have a point. I'd say that to my reflection if I were you.
deathleprichan99 - 7 years ago
Tdgauthentic1 - 7 years ago
I would have taken a few of them peacock bass home and raised up a new shamu
kinggman16 - 7 years ago
So cool
Sle Emmons
Sle Emmons - 7 years ago
I need subs
Cow Tiger
Cow Tiger - 7 years ago
Silas emmons Then work harder for them instead of asking.
Tony Huynh
Tony Huynh - 7 years ago
Should've release the fishes into the pool lol
Marty Pedroza
Marty Pedroza - 7 years ago
Good job guys
Spencer Tutterow
Spencer Tutterow - 7 years ago
I love you man and your vids keep up the great content
Glenn Gaming And Fish Keeping
Glenn Gaming And Fish Keeping - 7 years ago
Catch_Em_All_Fishing there's some giant snake heads crossing in our flooded road
burnt reaper
burnt reaper - 7 years ago
But a peacock bass in your pond
DarthBlad Gaming 2
DarthBlad Gaming 2 - 7 years ago
Never in my life have I heard the word cock and one videos so much
Hightide Fishing
Hightide Fishing - 7 years ago
Catch em all! Loll
5,000 Subscribers Without a video
5,000 Subscribers Without a video - 7 years ago
You should micro fish for a bass and raise it to adulthood
splash damage gaming
splash damage gaming - 7 years ago
Richyboy208 Gaming
Richyboy208 Gaming - 7 years ago
olivia aufderheide
olivia aufderheide - 6 years ago
kyle rajkumar i know what was he thinking???
happytohaunt - 7 years ago
He was likely just going for views, the other guy seemed a little more concerned. Either way, if what he said was true, than there was a point. They are in florida, Miami I think. There are tons of channels and water ways, most of which connect to lakes and such. The fish were stuck in temporary ponds. He claimed that the runoff across the street had a channel that connected to a nearby lake, I wouldn't know, I don't live there. Anyway, if that is true, then the fish would be safe as long as they get back into the permanent connected channels.
Łukasz Kozłowski
Łukasz Kozłowski - 7 years ago
Why the fuck did he catch them? He didnt help them and his only reason for this video was to get views.
ManBearPig 1968
ManBearPig 1968 - 7 years ago
Every reply to Kile's post missed his original point, which was "save the fish". Releasing them back into a flooded environment (the street, front yards, etc...) puts their lives back at risk instead of saving them. They should have been released back into a lake or pond after the stress of being caught, not the street.
Cow Tiger
Cow Tiger - 7 years ago
TheRealC4Gaming yes u r correct
TheRealC4Gaming - 7 years ago
kyle rajkumar
Well if you know anything about juvenile fish you would know that they could feel the vibrations of a car before it got to them so they could dart back into the pool with the culvert in it
Cow Tiger
Cow Tiger - 7 years ago
And, yes, I do know how to spell
Cow Tiger
Cow Tiger - 7 years ago
kyle rajkumar plenty of space for the fish to avoid the cars. Also, day r speedy kreechores.
Kaiden Miller
Kaiden Miller - 7 years ago
Sub to me I will sub to you
TheRealC4Gaming - 7 years ago
Kaiden Miller
matt aytayan
matt aytayan - 7 years ago
Watches dallmyd save fish and get a lot of views
Flame Master
Flame Master - 7 years ago
That water probably has parasites and all sorts of stuff.... hope you showered
Cow Tiger
Cow Tiger - 7 years ago
Flame Master all water has bacteria. Water can't have parasites. Parasites may be there temporarily, but water isn't the perfect host, cuz it ain't alive.
Sassjon Smith
Sassjon Smith - 7 years ago
Raise the peacocks in the little pond or another pond and when there big enough put them with the other giant fish so you will have a giant school of peacocks and if you find a bass that can be the new bass since Shamu in the big pond above (rip Shamu best fish in America)
Pho TWENTY - 7 years ago
There is suppose to be another Storm heading towards the east coast again... trump pissed off the gods!
Steven  Gallant
Steven Gallant - 7 years ago
In your pond put a peacock bass in it
Azurda Azurda
Azurda Azurda - 7 years ago
You really need to get a 100 gallon aquarium with Shamu 3 or some new fish I think that would be awesome
Fish Finesser
Fish Finesser - 7 years ago
Try a custom 300
Cow Tiger
Cow Tiger - 7 years ago
Azurda Azurda Ahem... 100 gallons isn't enough. It can't house two .25 lb fish without ones death. Maybe... 500 gallons perhaps. Well, I knew what you meant.
Kentucky OG
Kentucky OG - 7 years ago
Get another largemouth bass❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️
Ethan Radloff
Ethan Radloff - 7 years ago
Ethan Radloff
Ethan Radloff - 7 years ago
i hope you get a fish that can represent shame plzzzz :D
Fishing With Lucas
Fishing With Lucas - 7 years ago
Raise a peacock and keep it in replacement for shamu. Rip shamu you will never be forgotten
Adrian Veilleux
Adrian Veilleux - 7 years ago
Where did you catch them in florida please tell me
Kaiden Miller
Kaiden Miller - 7 years ago
Who misses shamo
Matthew DeDios
Matthew DeDios - 7 years ago
Kaiden Miller I do
Henry Scott
Henry Scott - 7 years ago
that_AMERICAN_guy - 7 years ago
All of everything misses shamu
fishing with Ulmer
fishing with Ulmer - 7 years ago
Kaiden Miller meet check me out pls
Truthbetold - 7 years ago
Thats dope a truck from my state pulls up to see what you cought!! Just shows in times of disaster we all come together from every state to help eachother get there lives back to normal and get the power back on!
Sparky Jones
Sparky Jones - 7 years ago
So you know as the water recedes again the vast majority of the fish are going to swim back down the culvert pipe back to the lake. The only reason they swam up it is because of all the small bugs getting washed down it from the storm water. They came up to eat and as the water goes down they will swim back. You don't gotta do nothing.
BC Fishing
BC Fishing - 7 years ago
Keep a baby peacock and keep it as a pet and raise it
Ethan The Gaming Kid
Ethan The Gaming Kid - 7 years ago
I am still getting over shamu
Beast Gameing
Beast Gameing - 7 years ago
Change your name to save em all fishing instead of catch em all fishing cause you save more than you catch xD.
josh turner
josh turner - 7 years ago
Should keep a few peacocks
chris4thofer - 7 years ago
What's up with that new bow?
Arissa Webb
Arissa Webb - 7 years ago
What city are u in
LegendaryPyro YT
LegendaryPyro YT - 7 years ago
What if you got a turtle?????
Dylan Egan
Dylan Egan - 7 years ago
Get another Shamooooooo
The official KING
The official KING - 7 years ago
I love your videos bro!
Ep1c Roulette
Ep1c Roulette - 7 years ago
Are you going to catch shamou 3. 0
Will Corbin
Will Corbin - 7 years ago
"It's a little wet" is walking in like half an inch of water xD
DeezRMyDays - 7 years ago
i know there is more in there you guys can save, if you can do some more videos of this little street way to save more that be great.
Daetyn Jones
Daetyn Jones - 7 years ago
Another great video Keap it up
Chase Michon
Chase Michon - 7 years ago
I love watching paid child actors!
FTR hunter115
FTR hunter115 - 7 years ago
DAVID DA COOL - 7 years ago
You should catch another big cat fish
C Gaming
C Gaming - 7 years ago
I subscribed and turn notifications on
HumV - 7 years ago
Kimberly Torrington
Kimberly Torrington - 7 years ago
You stupid you are also retarded
Kimberly Torrington
Kimberly Torrington - 7 years ago
Die die die get pennyworth
oblock kuku
oblock kuku - 7 years ago
Never disrespect the almighty shamu
OCYFL Cheerleading!
OCYFL Cheerleading! - 7 years ago
MGRecoil die
Nintengirl 869
Nintengirl 869 - 7 years ago
When the kid said: Yeah, Shamu is your bass! he has a pet Bass! I was like: RIP Shamu
Beast Gameing
Beast Gameing - 7 years ago
Who rember shamu the pet bass that died that in the intro? Like if you remember. Rip shamu.
Ethan Johnson Outdoors
Ethan Johnson Outdoors - 7 years ago
Yeah he did one before but I want to see him do something not just watch lol
TheRealC4Gaming - 7 years ago
Samuel Anderson
He did. It was the one with bingo and chandler
Ultraspire X
Ultraspire X - 7 years ago
Hurricane Maria knocked out Puerto Rico’s power
Mario_ from_OvO
Mario_ from_OvO - 7 years ago
Another Banger!! Loving the videos! Still miss Shamu though. :(
Wcros39 TheDino
Wcros39 TheDino - 7 years ago
Jûåñ for now >:)
Cow Tiger
Cow Tiger - 7 years ago
Gucci_Meme VRO they know...
NX CL - 7 years ago
Jacob Johnson she dead
Jose Corujo
Jose Corujo - 7 years ago
great job bro you should call out all the lil kids one full day of netting the fish there get tge kids involved
C Gaming
C Gaming - 7 years ago
What's the best YouTube channel ever let me think catch them all fishing
ELIZABETH Batista - 7 years ago
Can I have a baby peacock bass please ,i will pay 20usd for one
BRICKCITY9MM - 7 years ago
how about a cockthatpees??
SFL Car Scene
SFL Car Scene - 7 years ago
Cow Tiger how is it illegal are you retarded ?
JML Fishing
JML Fishing - 7 years ago
Cow Tiger no its not
Cow Tiger
Cow Tiger - 7 years ago
Technically, it is illegal
SFL Car Scene
SFL Car Scene - 7 years ago
ELIZABETH Batista I could sell you one I live in Florida and there's tons here
Ruby,Emerald,& Sapphire
Ruby,Emerald,& Sapphire - 7 years ago
I hope you CAUGHT_EM_ALL!!!!!
Or Ima cry dude...
Lit King
Lit King - 6 years ago
Ur so noice
Bradan Balman
Bradan Balman - 7 years ago
Potato - 7 years ago
You're the man for saving those fish.
XxoblivionxX - 7 years ago
U should find another shamu the 3
[Na'Vi] Ditya Ra
[Na'Vi] Ditya Ra - 7 years ago
buy a mini fishtank for baby peacock bass and other baby predatory fishes
King Aquatics
King Aquatics - 6 years ago
No put them in the lake where they have more space
703 CRUIZ'N - 7 years ago
That's pretty awesome that's a perfect opportunity to raise a couple of peacock Bass in a fish tank
Fan of Mo Vlogs
Fan of Mo Vlogs - 7 years ago
Keep the fish plss place them at ur pond
Purple Vegetable
Purple Vegetable - 7 years ago
You should keep some glass minnows in your small pond with all the goldfish
Crista Eaton
Crista Eaton - 7 years ago
Can u rescue more fish please if u can stay safe
Melanie Nas
Melanie Nas - 7 years ago
Remy Morgan
Remy Morgan - 7 years ago
Why didn't you guys have your cast nets????
sniper zero games
sniper zero games - 7 years ago
Roycelyn Jackson
Roycelyn Jackson - 7 years ago
rip shamu ilysm
Jacob Barber
Jacob Barber - 7 years ago
Look at his back tire it's a flounder!!!
Alfred Morris
Alfred Morris - 7 years ago
Please catch another shamu for live feeding
david903317 - 5 years ago
Intro is straight garbage
Chandler Young
Chandler Young - 6 years ago
Everybody who skips the nitro is super double mega gay
RE E - 7 years ago
Jûåñ if you don’t like the intro, skip it. Don’t be a rude bitch about it.
HM Dyno
HM Dyno - 7 years ago
Jûåñ that’s not funny that shame died and your making. fun of that
Rusty Koonce
Rusty Koonce - 7 years ago
Jacob Johnso
robbydiesel21 - 7 years ago
Jacob Johnson i skip intro its so bad
Fish Finesser
Fish Finesser - 7 years ago
The intro has established itself , the videos wouldnt be the same without it.
Bust3d - 7 years ago
He can make a new one with shamu in it
Leland Carr
Leland Carr - 7 years ago
Jacob Johnson I think we should keep it in memory of shamu
Dewey Trudell
Dewey Trudell - 7 years ago
Michael Knox it's retarded and makes the video trashy
Bust3d - 7 years ago
amanda welch it's cringey
amanda welch
amanda welch - 7 years ago
That's what I was going to say
Michael Knox
Michael Knox - 7 years ago
Jacob Johnson no
Ethan Wehmeyer
Ethan Wehmeyer - 7 years ago
You should raise a school of peacock bass
Unboxing Tech
Unboxing Tech - 7 years ago
You are a shitbag for leaving the fish in the street.
HeroBlaze420 - 7 years ago
Who's kid is that
〤FunkyFish〤 - 7 years ago
Get a new shamu!
Reed Roundtree
Reed Roundtree - 7 years ago
Catchem all
Elijah Monell
Elijah Monell - 7 years ago
Could i get a reply
Kenny Plays Hockey
Kenny Plays Hockey - 7 years ago
Hey Zak I was sad after shamu died
gio haz
gio haz - 7 years ago
Where is he
Mark Limpin
Mark Limpin - 7 years ago
Sending some love from Australia fam ❤
Adventure GangYT
Adventure GangYT - 7 years ago
Love your vids alot alto
pvt munch
pvt munch - 7 years ago
Nice vid good job
Fishy_boy 396
Fishy_boy 396 - 7 years ago
love the vids bro keep up the good work please love my comment iv watched all your vids
APRIL BENENHALEY - 7 years ago
great video
GarythePuma - 7 years ago
or get a nother largemouth and name it sham2

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