FISH TRAP BIN!: Homemade DIY Fish Trap Catches Fish!

Learn how to make your own fish trap at home! Then use it to Catch some MONSTERS!! Like, subscribe, and CATCH EM ALL! Check out my Instagram @Catch_em_all_fishing: SAVE $10.00 Off MYSTERY TACKLE BOX PRO using this link Promo Code: CATCHEM

FISH TRAP BIN!: Homemade DIY Fish Trap Catches Fish! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1554

Raww fishing 7 years ago 1,673,833 views

Learn how to make your own fish trap at home! Then use it to Catch some MONSTERS!! Like, subscribe, and CATCH EM ALL! Check out my Instagram @Catch_em_all_fishing: SAVE $10.00 Off MYSTERY TACKLE BOX PRO using this link Promo Code: CATCHEM

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Most popular comments
for FISH TRAP BIN!: Homemade DIY Fish Trap Catches Fish!

Crystal Barrios
Crystal Barrios - 6 years ago
haha say bro who are u I like your videos you remind me of myself so bad down to earth and funny as hell good shit bro I like ur videos keep them up,
Sebastian Camacho
Sebastian Camacho - 6 years ago
Tiffany Day
Tiffany Day - 6 years ago
more blob
Ryder shaw
Ryder shaw - 6 years ago
Those fish in his backyard? Lucky
Jordan Teague
Jordan Teague - 6 years ago
Zak random question fam yu smoke da ganja?
Jason Konrad
Jason Konrad - 6 years ago
I gessss that fishing is kinda cool!! $$
Jennifer Svendsen
Jennifer Svendsen - 6 years ago
Will those be safe to eat? That water looks completely polluted!
tom bob
tom bob - 6 years ago
I wanted 2 see ricky hit that guy with a coconot
tom bob
tom bob - 6 years ago
Child molester in the making hahahahaha iv never talk to some random kid........i hate kids its bull shit i have 2 pay for other ppl kids 2 go 2 school i chose not 2 have kids why the hell should u have 2 pay 4 yourz # quit having kids !!!!!!!

10. comment for FISH TRAP BIN!: Homemade DIY Fish Trap Catches Fish!

WolfieFireGames YT
WolfieFireGames YT - 6 years ago
You know whats weard its the hole time summer in thed countrey
Ray Laraki
Ray Laraki - 6 years ago
I pledge allegiance to the catch em all flag i will snag every fish
VALERIE MINA - 6 years ago
I pledge of elegance to the flag of United Kingdom of Catch em’ All
Duncan Anderson
Duncan Anderson - 6 years ago
Put some lilltle holes in the bottom
Thomas The Dank Engine C.I.M.C
Thomas The Dank Engine C.I.M.C - 6 years ago
Glory hole
Amadeus Jun Jie
Amadeus Jun Jie - 6 years ago
Scuba Steve is a youtuber
Uriah Taylor
Uriah Taylor - 6 years ago
Hi big fan
naser khorasani
naser khorasani - 6 years ago
I love your videos they are awesome,sometime can you go try to catch a Goliath
Samuel Mincher
Samuel Mincher - 6 years ago
Can I have some tips
f you
f you - 6 years ago
Those fish you should keep them and breed them not use them for bates

20. comment for FISH TRAP BIN!: Homemade DIY Fish Trap Catches Fish!

Nick Bettany
Nick Bettany - 6 years ago
duck tape
Γιωργος Αδαμοπουλος
Γιωργος Αδαμοπουλος - 6 years ago
DUCK TAPE!!!!!!!!!
Angie Schmidt
Angie Schmidt - 6 years ago
I cot a 2 foot catfish
j v
j v - 6 years ago
If you used to do this all the time when you were a kid; why are you so surprised that it was working?
Dalton - 6 years ago
the fishing reels were a bit unnecessary you could have just used a long stick
Veronica Sandoval
Veronica Sandoval - 6 years ago
nice chap

nice chap
Endermanof Emeralds
Endermanof Emeralds - 6 years ago
It’s Duct tape not Duck tape
Elvira Arzola
Elvira Arzola - 6 years ago
You forgot to add the fruit punch to the last trap.. well there’s always next time.?Oh by the way I am a cashier at Dollar Tree.
Elvira Arzola
Elvira Arzola - 6 years ago
I love your videos!!
Florida is a beautiful place!
I am a Texan.
Wish I could go and fish sometime
willieboy - 6 years ago
what do you need a 25 dollar reel as a weight. a string and a plastic door wired to the bottom of the box will work.?????

30. comment for FISH TRAP BIN!: Homemade DIY Fish Trap Catches Fish!

Roberto Cruciani
Roberto Cruciani - 6 years ago
Plz catch Again color fish
Roberto Cruciani
Roberto Cruciani - 6 years ago
Like a tutti gli italiani
El Nino NMG
El Nino NMG - 6 years ago
The whole thing with the reels actually proves that you are mental dude.
Abdul Salaam
Abdul Salaam - 6 years ago
katrina dougan
katrina dougan - 6 years ago
Xx_Dubai life_xX killer
Xx_Dubai life_xX killer - 6 years ago
terrible intro
Jeffrey Sparkman
Jeffrey Sparkman - 6 years ago
Hey do you think you can send me one of your fishing reels
Mitchsauce24 - 6 years ago
Lol all comments 1 year ago
LäppäVideoita - 6 years ago
Girl: Ah, Finally, this is the moment!
Boy: Will you ever leave me?
Girl: Nah!
Boy: Do you love me?
Girl: Yes, A lot!
Boy: Have you ever cheated on me?
Girl: Are you crazy?! Of course not!
Boy: Do you want to kiss me?
Girl: Everytime I get the chance!
Boy: Would you ever hit me?
Girl: Why are you even asking me this?! No!
Boy: Can I trust you?
Girl: Yes
Boy: Darling
Girl: Gasp No...
Boy: Will you marry me?
Now read it backwards
游竣博 - 6 years ago
I like your channel~
Mariem El Domiaty
Mariem El Domiaty - 6 years ago
I don't think anyone is gonna see this but I would really like to know the video or tweet of whatever where Zak bullies Lawson because if Zak bullies then I don't wanna watch him anymore if he does these types of things but I won't judge if I haven't seen it for myself so if you've seen the video where Zak bullies Lawson please reply telling me the title of that video
Aaron Banushi
Aaron Banushi - 6 years ago
Daniel was born yesterday. But he can’t age up without likes. Let’s see how old he can get.
Olivia Barron
Olivia Barron - 6 years ago
One of the worst intros I have ever seen
TheFlameAura Master
TheFlameAura Master - 6 years ago
Zane Hawk
Zane Hawk - 6 years ago
I don’t feel comfortable watching this with that kid lmao
Tristan Faust
Tristan Faust - 6 years ago
It starts a 3:45
Paradox Clan
Paradox Clan - 6 years ago
Why reels you dumb ass just use a piece of square shaped wood it will for Better and will not ruin the rods
Zen Tron
Zen Tron - 6 years ago
Hi....wanna hear a fishtastic pun?
Stupid A55
Stupid A55 - 6 years ago
Catch more fish try and catch a shark a little one a big one or megalodon or something else I'll be pressed
stu borland
stu borland - 6 years ago
Its DUCT tape not DUCK tape lol

50. comment for FISH TRAP BIN!: Homemade DIY Fish Trap Catches Fish!

Borble Slimez
Borble Slimez - 6 years ago
I pledge Allegence to da Catchem all flag, to catch as many fish as I possibly can, respecc wamen, be a savage, BECAUSE I AM, becuzz stories fade, because real legends never die
David Ramos
David Ramos - 6 years ago
same you make me happy too
Naif Sayed
Naif Sayed - 6 years ago
You made me love fishing
KIRA FARQUHAR - 6 years ago
duck tape
Fish of mind Let minnow
Fish of mind Let minnow - 6 years ago
zak you suck the fuck up you fucking faggot. Let's throw hands
Overlord of all moe
Overlord of all moe - 6 years ago
A few mounths ago,I caught a large mouth bass with my bare hands,honestly I was bei n g pretty dumb b/c I didn't know what fish I grabbed at first b/c the water was a little murky,so the story goes me and my family were going camping with a few friends,and when I went fishing,I just couldn't catch anything,2nd day me and my buddy were walking up the river and I see at the corner of my eye,I see a glimpse of something silver(even though the bass was more of a greenish color it looked silver in the water)and I stomp on it with my shoe,and pick it up by the tail and gills(even though you hold bass differently)and now I know it could've been something with barbs or something dangerous so I really lucked out,ether way I had a good dinner. (I was camping for 5 days and I wanted to go fishing I caught a bunch of minos with a net,and then I went fishing for some bass or something,I couldn't catch anything I think mostly b/c people were coming in and scaring the fish,2nd day I went fishing again,no luck,later that day I went on a walk in ther river with one of my buds and I find the bass swimming near the river floor,ot was a lucky catch I was barely able to stop it with my shoe)
DALISAD Gaming - 6 years ago
Coolest youtuber ever sees fan doesnt tell him to go away he gives him a job lol
lil draco vert trademark
lil draco vert trademark - 6 years ago
Dragons Slayer 970
Dragons Slayer 970 - 6 years ago
How deep is that
Frost Luck
Frost Luck - 6 years ago
Sink deep! Sink deep my friend!
Made Miasa
Made Miasa - 6 years ago
Damius Hodges
Damius Hodges - 6 years ago
Andres Caro
Andres Caro - 6 years ago
Get a camera that you can put on your head so you can use two hands
Matheus Matheuzin
Matheus Matheuzin - 6 years ago
Impossivel um tucunare nos eua
Maria del s. Guerrero
Maria del s. Guerrero - 6 years ago
Apbassing is so better than you stupid ass.
kaylynns part unicorn Prosser
kaylynns part unicorn Prosser - 6 years ago
kaylynns part unicorn Prosser
kaylynns part unicorn Prosser - 6 years ago
Why dont you just put rocks in it
Anna Beyer
Anna Beyer - 6 years ago
C.E.A= k we just warned our friend
Also C.E.A= wait what's your name?
Ashton Banko
Ashton Banko - 6 years ago
1:05 i see a glory hole
Soul Society
Soul Society - 6 years ago
Gloryhole box?????
Christopher Kendall
Christopher Kendall - 6 years ago
He's black ??
Ashton Kiel
Ashton Kiel - 6 years ago
I’m bored but fish make me happy
Lia’s Garden
Lia’s Garden - 6 years ago
#reellegendsneverdie nice your so cool I watch it every day and year
The Nonchalant Shallot
The Nonchalant Shallot - 6 years ago
So the basic concept is that you want a large container for them to swim into to get at the bait, and a way to both plug up the hole and drag the trap in?

I mean, 2 fishing reels would work, but I think a better idea is to use some sink drain guards with the holes in them. Those would be cheaper lol
Water 2.05
Water 2.05 - 6 years ago
He made this on the day of
my birth day
adrijan landmark
adrijan landmark - 6 years ago
EPIC gamer
EPIC gamer - 6 years ago
Why not flex tape?
preston marshbank
preston marshbank - 6 years ago
Uiiikuku8kkuujjuiukuiyKkuiukkuikuKikukuujjkukjoukukkuKyukjukuuukkkuukukuuuukjjkukjujkkuukjukkukkkkykkukkkukukkkkujikkukkkukjkukkukukjkuukuukuuukkkukjkjukkuujikukuuuukiukkiu7kkkjpuukukkukkuuuukkkkk kiuuikuukkuuouukikikkkukkkiuujiuyuiipiiuikpjikkkkkkjkkkuukiukuukkuyjkukkuupukikjikujkikuukkuikkk8kkkuikuiukkuikkuykyjkuikpuukkuukuujkkjukyukikikkuikikkkiyjikikukikukiuoujuouokkkjkjkuijykjikukiikuuokujukkkuuikk7iukuyikukijjikukjjkuku’yuuujuikkkkiuokukjuukuyjujyuikikiukuokjukyjuikijkuukkkukkpiykjkkuljoujkkukukuukjuk’kkikukkyjkkkk’iKkukuuyojkjukkukjkukjukjkkukj’ujuukjkkuikukyiu’
Kkkkkukujkkkjkuiuku)ukkuukkuikukiukiukujukjk’u’jkjkju7jijkkukukuokkjukkkukukkukjjkjokukjjkuujuukkjjkjkkuukukj’uuuukkji9kkkuukkkoujikkupuiikkkuokkkkuuukukukkykkujkkkikjukjjlikukkukjkiukjkikkjkjuoykukkukuky’ukkukkjukkiukikkukjkjkjiikjkuukkkyjkkykkkokkyyuyuuuuyyjijyujjyiouuuuyuuuujiuiuujuuyujuuuijuuiuyjiuyuuuuuuiiuiiujyuiuuiiuuuyiu8uuuiuoiuiiiiiiiiuuiujijuuuuiiiuiiouuouuuiuuuiiiuiiuiiuyiuyuiiijyuuuuiuuiuiiiyuuiiuiiuuuyuiiukjiuuuuiuuuyuuuuuujuuujuui is)uujouuuu7uuuuuuuuu7uuuuuyuuuuuuu7uujjujjjuuuuujiiiiijjj)ujjujuuuuuuujuuuuuuuuiuuiiiiuuuuuuuuuuuuu8iiiiiuiiioui8uui8iujuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu88i8uuuuiiiiuiiiiuiiiuu7u7juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuujuuuouuyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuujuuu7uuiuiiujyujiuu)juijj6iuiuuiiuiii8jjjjjjjjjjjjjjujjjjoj)ouuu)iujujuuuuju)uuujujjijuujyjuuujuuuuujjjjujujuuujjuuujjjjuuyuyuuuuuuu7iiuyuuuuuuuuuu7uu7iiiooiiiiiooiiiiiioiiiiiui)iuyujuykjjuyjuyuuuuuuuuuuuujuuuuuuuujujuuuuyuouyuuu7uiuiikiiuuuuyuuuuuiuuiuuiiiuuiuiuiuuiikiiiuiuuuuuikuuiuuuuuioiuiuuuui6ykouuuuuuuuuuuuouuuyuuuuouuyuuuuuyuuuyjuuuiuuuijuuiuuuiuiiiiuuuuuouiiui R. R. R. R. Rr. Rr d. Rd. D 4c. R. 4 d r. D r rd. D rd. D. Rr. Rd d. R. R d. R. R r. R. D rd. Rr. D r d did rxr r r r d d. R. R rd. R. D. R r. D r. R. R. R. Rr. D. R 4d. R. R r r. R. R d. R r. R. R. R d. R 4. D. R r. R. R. D. R. R. R. R rr d. RDR. Rd. R. R. R. R. D r r. R. R d rd. R r. D r. R r d. R r. R. R. Rr. D r rd. R. Rr. 4. R. 4. R d. R. Rd rd. D. 4 4. 4dd. 4. Rd. R r. R r. D. R

4. RDR. R. Rd r d. Dr. R. R d d d. R r. D. L
Danny Seiker
Danny Seiker - 6 years ago
ZGlix - 6 years ago
1000 comment
un plugable
un plugable - 6 years ago
Change your intro pls
Alistaire Ferrer
Alistaire Ferrer - 6 years ago
That kid has no eyelashes lolol
Opperationwalnut - 6 years ago
Sea-Bass-tian!!!!!!!! HAHA! That's funny. Get it? Anyone. Sebastian is officially dubbed Sea Bass
Jayden Burg
Jayden Burg - 6 years ago
Take a gallon jug and cut off tue top right above the handle and flip it inside out
cheff spider
cheff spider - 6 years ago
My name is Sebastian
up top girl Sutherland
up top girl Sutherland - 6 years ago
Me like him
Linda Landis
Linda Landis - 6 years ago
i chout a northern picke
FabuiousFam Gaming, vlogs, and more!
FabuiousFam Gaming, vlogs, and more! - 6 years ago
Imma make a fish trap out of a garbage can
RiZe_Acorn - 6 years ago
I love watching you your a good YouTuber
Kaden Hines
Kaden Hines - 6 years ago
You kill fish for your fish just feed it fish food you kill healthy fish that can become nice fish
Brittany Kirby
Brittany Kirby - 6 years ago
Duck tape
Claudia Gallagher
Claudia Gallagher - 6 years ago
The Emo
The Emo - 6 years ago
I ment hay
The Emo
The Emo - 6 years ago
Why my name is Zach to
GalaxixXx - 6 years ago
1000th comment
T Rutledge
T Rutledge - 6 years ago
Scuba Steve
Grayson John
Grayson John - 6 years ago
Love your vids so cool
Jessica Hyde
Jessica Hyde - 6 years ago
Agan Urud
Agan Urud - 6 years ago
What about using a drill
Derek Angius
Derek Angius - 6 years ago

100. comment for FISH TRAP BIN!: Homemade DIY Fish Trap Catches Fish!

Shari Wilcher
Shari Wilcher - 6 years ago
Can I have a fishing rod
Jonathan Wood
Jonathan Wood - 6 years ago
use bacon I used and it worked
porter6jp - 6 years ago
Flip you Hayden funk it was just a joke
protecters of gaming 55
protecters of gaming 55 - 6 years ago
srififi - 6 years ago
My brother say u are a idiot but i say to him you a legend
Michael Moore
Michael Moore - 6 years ago
Juleeus Williams
Juleeus Williams - 6 years ago
Hey guys
Jason Guardado
Jason Guardado - 6 years ago
Finna Tube
Finna Tube - 6 years ago
I love minu mu 007
aidan leckie
aidan leckie - 6 years ago
i dont mind this guys videos but his voice kills me inside
Slick199199 - 6 years ago
I will never get that two minutes back.
Tammy Wagner
Tammy Wagner - 6 years ago
Your wasting
Jazmine Kwyn
Jazmine Kwyn - 6 years ago
Try to catch a koi fish in a public pond #challenge by jaztin
Sarah Rodriguez
Sarah Rodriguez - 6 years ago
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I love your channel
dice Diaz
dice Diaz - 6 years ago
I miss shamu
Sathish N
Sathish N - 6 years ago
Can you change your intro
Aqua6000 - 6 years ago
Why don’t you get a peacock bass as a pet? Like a peacock shamu
Joseph Chapman
Joseph Chapman - 6 years ago
I like your pink table
fred castillo
fred castillo - 6 years ago
U can do better tham that
Elisa Guerra
Elisa Guerra - 7 years ago
I live need there I know him XD we used to play when we were kids my brothers is still friends with him
pretzzel 2
pretzzel 2 - 7 years ago
Love this channel
Twisted Bliss
Twisted Bliss - 7 years ago
i was really hoping the spinning real trap was a joke, nope. this guys dumb lmao
Yolo Swag
Yolo Swag - 7 years ago
Make a new intro
BRICKCITY9MM - 7 years ago
you see a trap, i see two glory holes dude.
Fernando Carrillo
Fernando Carrillo - 7 years ago
Zack rocks am I right or not
COOL NAN - 7 years ago
Basics 101
Basics 101 - 7 years ago
Hey everyone! So I have this pond right by my house and it has turtles (painted and snapping) bullhead fish, and goldfish or maybe they are koi? Not sure but they are big and orange black and white and some are mixed colors. So my question is how do I find the turtles eggs and during what time and how do I catch the goldfish because whenever we go fishing (it’s not a big pond but it’s not tiny) we only catch the bullheads and it sucks cause there so many of them
The swagest Cocatial
The swagest Cocatial - 7 years ago
Pin me catch me in catch em all fishing the best Channel
Jaylon Shelton
Jaylon Shelton - 7 years ago
@catchemallfishing please do more videos on homemade fishing traps #amazingfishing
Jaeda Blume
Jaeda Blume - 7 years ago
Guys calm down he was just making a joke we all kind of mess up sometimes cough cough Logan Paul but chill I’m sure zak didn’t mean any harm
Galaxy Cookie
Galaxy Cookie - 7 years ago
So many FANS
Galaxy Cookie
Galaxy Cookie - 7 years ago
I wish i was him
Galaxy Cookie
Galaxy Cookie - 7 years ago
jace green
jace green - 7 years ago
keep it up
jace green
jace green - 7 years ago
keep it up
jace green
jace green - 7 years ago
keep it up
lucio martinez
lucio martinez - 7 years ago
Looks like something u fuck
Kyle Gavette
Kyle Gavette - 7 years ago
Use toy rods in salt water with Monster mike fishing
Kyle Gavette
Kyle Gavette - 7 years ago
Everybody here please go subscribe to my channel it is called Kyle gavette
Benjames Dayandante
Benjames Dayandante - 7 years ago
Kaiden Cy your so dumb That you tried to drown a fish!!!
mexican_ panda
mexican_ panda - 7 years ago
you forgot Sebastian
LadyBeritanavatarius - 7 years ago
I might try something like this, I saw a perch in there... I LOVE perch!
LadyBeritanavatarius - 7 years ago
Maybe part of the problem is that the box isn`t see-thru and that might be throwing the fish off...
A IS FOR EFFORT - 7 years ago
Everyone just needs to chill tbh I still enjoyed the video and this channel.
Kennedy Sanchez
Kennedy Sanchez - 7 years ago
shout out to justin
minecraft mob kiler
minecraft mob kiler - 7 years ago
I subscribe
Ahmad Naif
Ahmad Naif - 7 years ago
That kid is scared of you when you asked "bro,are you ready??"
Alyssa Polito
Alyssa Polito - 7 years ago
Nicolas Sandoval
Nicolas Sandoval - 7 years ago
You are asam
Hellosh Klosh
Hellosh Klosh - 7 years ago
Everybody is this guys friend
Zachary Walsh
Zachary Walsh - 7 years ago
what shoes do you have on when you are dunking the trap? The rainbow ones...
Easter Sundayss
Easter Sundayss - 7 years ago
Peackock bass
Ryan Vanecek
Ryan Vanecek - 7 years ago
you’re the type of person giving youtube fishermen bad names. Yoy have no respect for the fish or ponds.
Jasaiyah Glaster
Jasaiyah Glaster - 7 years ago
Awesome videos and nice
Alpha Nix
Alpha Nix - 7 years ago
When city people try to survive. Your trap is awful the fish can go in go out.
Jayden Kaufman
Jayden Kaufman - 7 years ago
@Catch Em All Fishing, where do you go to catch your bait fish?
Will Martoni
Will Martoni - 7 years ago
I made something very similar to this for catching wolverines.
yee jing
yee jing - 7 years ago
FP Graham
FP Graham - 7 years ago
T Miller
T Miller - 7 years ago
Hi am so happy to see you
kevin samuelsson
kevin samuelsson - 7 years ago
. N.
faiz shaik Shaik
faiz shaik Shaik - 7 years ago
do catch cook
Lucas8462 - 7 years ago
Are u trying to act rich using reels to block the holes
Noob Playz
Noob Playz - 7 years ago
Jay Myers
Jay Myers - 7 years ago
Good job
Luka Djorem
Luka Djorem - 7 years ago
Ahoj dobrý video
denis avdic
denis avdic - 7 years ago
try home baked bread
AditGaming 202
AditGaming 202 - 7 years ago
BONATRON19 - 7 years ago
Cool trap
Sam Art Yin
Sam Art Yin - 7 years ago
I am Teacher Emmy and teacher RadioJH games to fish in California
Joie Paglinawan
Joie Paglinawan - 7 years ago
This video is not joke because the fish is not a toy
This guy makes fishes more interesting for me
Sup Dup
Sup Dup - 7 years ago
Rip shamo
Kolton Mooney
Kolton Mooney - 7 years ago
Its tragic
xXLinden21Xx gameplay
xXLinden21Xx gameplay - 7 years ago
Stupid guy tries catching fish with a bin
James Hunt
James Hunt - 7 years ago
Why not use wood or rocks lol dumb
Xayohn Garcia
Xayohn Garcia - 7 years ago
Where did you buy that rode
Geo TV
Geo TV - 7 years ago
I saw a cool fish at 5:43
Fred North
Fred North - 7 years ago
Galna kusinerna
Galna kusinerna - 6 years ago
Deb Moses w
Anna Beyer
Anna Beyer - 6 years ago
Anna Beyer
Anna Beyer - 6 years ago
When sky's are greyy
jamie giles
jamie giles - 6 years ago
Rebecca Weiderman l
Split.X.Gaming - 6 years ago
Deb Moses T.
T Rutledge
T Rutledge - 6 years ago
Deb Moses me to
Montiva Wongkamthong
Montiva Wongkamthong - 6 years ago
Deb Moses มาสาค
Sarah Carlson
Sarah Carlson - 6 years ago
mimmylou75 - 6 years ago
Deb Moses .
Ahh Ghf555
Ahh Ghf555 - 6 years ago
Deb Moses
Sharlene Sottile
Sharlene Sottile - 6 years ago
Deb Moses iiii
Corey Hid
Corey Hid - 7 years ago
You is osm
Jonathan Gleeson
Jonathan Gleeson - 7 years ago
Deb Moses iii
Fiona Davidson
Fiona Davidson - 7 years ago
Deb Moses
Rebecca Weiderman
Rebecca Weiderman - 7 years ago
Deb Moses when sky's are grey
Chelsy Sandino
Chelsy Sandino - 7 years ago
lpdzzlfshzzl - 7 years ago
This channel is wack as fuck he doesn't show anything the title says just himself
Tanya Monroe
Tanya Monroe - 7 years ago
I saw your video I'm sorry about Shamu
Amy Kham
Amy Kham - 7 years ago
I like your fish pond XD
Uncertain Curtain
Uncertain Curtain - 7 years ago
Where does he say something about the guy with the lisp? I must've not noticed for some reason.
paddy Gaming-iOS
paddy Gaming-iOS - 7 years ago
Why are you fishing at a golf course
paddy Gaming-iOS
paddy Gaming-iOS - 7 years ago
Those people who are saying he is click bait I'm whatching him and it's not click bait
Sir Yoda
Sir Yoda - 7 years ago
looks like glory holes xD
FatSkittz - 7 years ago
So why is there so much drama on a fishing channel you people have way to much time smh
xXRECLAMIER13Xx - 7 years ago
Is me or does he look like fuzzytube
Kaiden Snook
Kaiden Snook - 7 years ago
You hunt me
Donald P
Donald P - 7 years ago
and the point of this was????????
VALERIA MONTOYA - 7 years ago
you make cool videos,its really intresting to watch:))
Norma Diaz
Norma Diaz - 7 years ago
Love your vids
Paul K
Paul K - 7 years ago
You are so nice fans
Ron Chee
Ron Chee - 7 years ago
Lol dick riders its fuckin youtube. I fuckin hate that dudes lisp too who tf starts a channel with a lisp that bad j christ, also thanks for the buff rag catchemall!
Brett j
Brett j - 7 years ago
your a jerk and you suck (roast)
Jake Seshy
Jake Seshy - 7 years ago
i subbed to this guy for his fish, fishing and pond videos,,, all of you complaining are wasting your's and his time
Zak Stone
Zak Stone - 7 years ago
instead of using reels; could you use balled up wire or steel scrubber balls??
Elfase - 7 years ago
Your so cruel!
i_IIAriesII_i - 7 years ago
savage beat
savage beat - 7 years ago
Duck Tape
Fishing Man
Fishing Man - 7 years ago
It works
Blake Sanders
Blake Sanders - 7 years ago
Wanna know how to say owned in Russian oonwed
William Henry
William Henry - 7 years ago
Dallar Xiong
Dallar Xiong - 7 years ago
haters gonna hate lovers gonna love Dab on the haters
Crucial - 7 years ago
hi catch em all! your my fav youtuber love you and shamu!!!!
Luke Cash
Luke Cash - 7 years ago
Use big bottles
Philosophical Doe
Philosophical Doe - 7 years ago
@Catch_Em_All_Fishing why not add a peacock to the pond?
NotURChickenWings - 7 years ago
Your so awesome
Krazykal - 7 years ago
Hey I've been looking for a small rig setup for tube fishin an what not what was that setup called you used the "Mighty Mite?" couldnt catch what you said.
Kaiden Sockabasin
Kaiden Sockabasin - 7 years ago
Do collab with Logan Paul
Jesse Lawrence
Jesse Lawrence - 7 years ago
W hy is he kn the water anyway
The amazing Michael
The amazing Michael - 7 years ago
Good video
cenexes 12
cenexes 12 - 7 years ago
you should put drill holes in the bottom
absolute757 - 7 years ago
cenexes 12 scrolled down for this comment
gabriel cuesta
gabriel cuesta - 7 years ago
Do u live I Miami
Beast_Gaming GG
Beast_Gaming GG - 7 years ago
You need 2 Million subs
Raymond Mensez
Raymond Mensez - 7 years ago
ORIGINAL YT Gaming - 7 years ago
Why did you use fishing reels to set the trap you should have used something else . Like if you agree
Callsign Stormy
Callsign Stormy - 7 years ago
Looks like a glory hole
Bank2Bank Bass fishing
Bank2Bank Bass fishing - 7 years ago
Anthony Didonato
Anthony Didonato - 7 years ago
Your videos suck you annoying piece of shit. STOP CLICKBAITING.YOUR VIDEOS MAKE ME CRINGE
Jake McWilliams
Jake McWilliams - 7 years ago
You should get a Muskie for your pond that would be dope
The Zelda hunters
The Zelda hunters - 7 years ago
#Love all the fish with the spiky spines LoL
Krysta Kennedy Reyna
Krysta Kennedy Reyna - 7 years ago
He's a nice guy
SlAzE Fade
SlAzE Fade - 7 years ago
Where is this please someone tell me
Shaughnessy Taylor
Shaughnessy Taylor - 7 years ago
Put a peacock bass in your pond
The Shaman
The Shaman - 7 years ago
When he helped Justin my heart just.. uhhh
Daniel Larmour
Daniel Larmour - 7 years ago
why did it have to be reels why not a ball or something
Jarrett Perry
Jarrett Perry - 7 years ago
You really need to buy a go pro dude
t h
t h - 7 years ago
Definitely A Trampoline
Definitely A Trampoline - 7 years ago
Tip, take some nylon, put small slits in it, put the bread in, and tie it off. They can nibble on it but they wont be able to take all of it
Awesome John
Awesome John - 7 years ago
Thaison ROBLOX
Thaison ROBLOX - 7 years ago
damn i thouaght it was SCUBA STEVE M8
David Kaplan
David Kaplan - 7 years ago
Well ur freind catchem w Chris my freind and he knows u well that gave me a reason to like ur vids but to make fun of Lawson like that that pissed me of I unsubscribed cuz of that
Max Leonard
Max Leonard - 7 years ago
U need a peacock bass in ur pond
sheryl angers
sheryl angers - 6 years ago
Norma Diaz
Norma Diaz - 7 years ago
The fish Challah as I
Max Leonard
Max Leonard - 7 years ago
Also go follow me @mloutdoors52
Ethan Walker
Ethan Walker - 7 years ago
So I tried ordering one of the free bandannas and I've waited about a week and I still don't have one sorry to bug you
tina vallance
tina vallance - 7 years ago
Kevin J.
Kevin J. - 7 years ago
why u use live bait like what the hell do real fishing
Kevin J.
Kevin J. - 7 years ago
Eaten Gryphon oh lol hope u enjoy fishing i think thats its relly fun
Eaten Gryphon
Eaten Gryphon - 7 years ago
Kevin J. Outdoors but I was joking about the fake fishing part
Kevin J.
Kevin J. - 7 years ago
Eaten Gryphon if ur a begginer its fine but if hes going for bass and hes this into fishing then he shouldnt be doing that
Eaten Gryphon
Eaten Gryphon - 7 years ago
Kevin J. Outdoors is it fake fishing??
Youngest - 7 years ago
his titles make the video sound alot better than it really IS
Noah Arsulowicz
Noah Arsulowicz - 7 years ago
14:35 look at this dude!!look at the top of his head!!! Look at his lips
DokkanBattle Gaming
DokkanBattle Gaming - 7 years ago
What was the thing in the pond in the beginning
Ryan Major
Ryan Major - 7 years ago
Splash KingYT
Splash KingYT - 7 years ago
i pledge allegiancetithe catchemall flag to catch ever fish even if snag
NikoSakii - 7 years ago
For something he did as a kid all the time he seems very surprised at it
Benjames Dayandante
Benjames Dayandante - 7 years ago
Kaiden cy!!!!! you smell like dog bunnnzzz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jack Lathrop
Jack Lathrop - 7 years ago
This is horrible!! Alex peric could make something better!!!
Kai Hibberd
Kai Hibberd - 7 years ago
Stop bullying Lawson
Mr Penguin
Mr Penguin - 7 years ago
Wait whats with people saying you are click baiting?You did what you said in title/thumbnail there's so many ignorant people you are a good person who gives fishes good homes and probably dosent kill most of his catches and then people say the catches are faked?How would it be fake if you caught the fish and filmed you reeling it in?Maybe your setup the catches but none the less YOU ARE CATCHING THE FISH.Every channel I watch people are like "Oh this guy clickbaits and he used to be good" but all the content isnt clickbaited and its really annoying
Sparky Jones
Sparky Jones - 7 years ago
Mr Penguin they are some jerk offs that like some other jerk offs channel that are coming here to jerk off together.

that other channel is scared of Zak and Mikes channel growth so they've decided to talk smack like little girls.
Mr Penguin
Mr Penguin - 7 years ago
By the way the two guys you met at the pond have a youtube channel i think
CyBR4iC-_K1N6 - 7 years ago
Hey @catchemallfishing I wanted to ask I realized where are you were fishing is a golf course right by my house and I was wondering if there's any chance that I'll be able to meet up with you to fish one day. If you to want just personal message me on Instagram at nbt__39 would be awesome
Benjames Dayandante
Benjames Dayandante - 7 years ago
respect please!don't watch if you don't like the video!AND NO BAD WORDS!!!
Kim Dang
Kim Dang - 7 years ago
You suck at fishing retarded idiot. The way your intro is makes you sound like YOU need to go to college.
Unknown Person
Unknown Person - 7 years ago
Hey im mark :o
Lauryn Franklin
Lauryn Franklin - 7 years ago
J. I'll $8$!
hperry1234 - 7 years ago
I can catch big fish by hand
Gavin_ McCauley_15
Gavin_ McCauley_15 - 7 years ago
Hey i heard what you said to lostun thats just mean just because he has speaking problems he doesn't use guys you should go back to college and learn how to right. You cant right a hate comment and don't right words right
Sparky Jones
Sparky Jones - 7 years ago
Canadian' Ehh nobody cares. take your 10 year old behind and study a spelling book before you are a 20 year old that writes like a 5 year old. It's not too late kid.
Gavin_ McCauley_15
Gavin_ McCauley_15 - 7 years ago
And if you make fun of me im 10 so that would be mean to make fun of a ten year old
Tylerz - 7 years ago
what are those
Hope Mills
Hope Mills - 7 years ago
That worked great
The OutDoor Son
The OutDoor Son - 7 years ago
I'd switch out the reels, for something that could cover holes perfectly like aluminum or metal plates.
Bap Moob
Bap Moob - 7 years ago
Awesome vid but u were some weird shoes
•TheBoxerAlan• - 7 years ago
U should change it up and it and change ur intro love your vids like if u agree
Will pfeff Tennessee angler
Will pfeff Tennessee angler - 7 years ago
You make me sick your intro is childish you clickbait the shit out of your videos you are such a douche bag you use women in your videos and have them bend over in a thong wow bud is that what you want to be known for Lawson is probably one of the best besides blacktiph shout out to my boy you do the same things over and over monster mike took a video on a bridge and said it was a sewer drain wow bud also your house looks like shit and you look like a burnt potato by dumb cunt
Chang Yang
Chang Yang - 7 years ago
I thought this was a bang bros glory hole flick for a sec
Kacey Nicosia
Kacey Nicosia - 7 years ago
Hey I'd love it if you made a video where you used a bait other than click bait. Thanks.
Fresh Louツ
Fresh Louツ - 7 years ago
you couldve put rocks
Fishing Western Australia
Fishing Western Australia - 7 years ago
Fishing Western Australia
Fishing Western Australia - 7 years ago
Click bait
Pegasoos - 7 years ago
Sebastian barely has eyebrows?
Oklahoma boy O
Oklahoma boy O - 7 years ago
Am I a cyber bully if I dislike the video
E- San
E- San - 7 years ago
Why reels tho couldn't you use wood or something ?
Ethan Chong
Ethan Chong - 7 years ago
Your about to get 200,000 sub cunglads ☺☺☺
Fishing Western Australia
Fishing Western Australia - 7 years ago
Austin Miller
Austin Miller - 7 years ago
sorry this is to cringey unsub
minyoongiegenuis jjangjjangmanbbongbbong
minyoongiegenuis jjangjjangmanbbongbbong - 7 years ago
I'm a girl who likes fishing likes fishing and I used to like your sense of humor. You looked like a good person/ role model but because of the way you acted, I've lost respect for you. I hope you have a good life. People who need to apologize will live their life with burden ( especially if they do this often) and people who get apologized to don't have to worry about anything in their life because they didn't do anything wrong. I hope you realize that and come to your senses.
logan 123
logan 123 - 7 years ago
i got a fish ad
Xxxscar Lordxxx
Xxxscar Lordxxx - 7 years ago
Why u use rod use a ruler
clay Noble
clay Noble - 7 years ago
Your intro sucks. your content sucks. you suck. your a jerk. get a life
Chad Lozano
Chad Lozano - 7 years ago
try using baseballs or softballs to cover up the holes the way you were using the trap. this way it forsure covers the hole, and it won't get caught or possibly lodged out.
OG_ Glztch
OG_ Glztch - 7 years ago
Is this Arizona?
RedBoi - 7 years ago
JUJU OnThebeat Florida I believe
Evie Grey
Evie Grey - 7 years ago
cfunkhauser - 7 years ago
Nicolas Torres
Nicolas Torres - 7 years ago
You should make a different better
William McLean
William McLean - 7 years ago
Zack why u talked about Lawson he didn't do anything to u and u talking about apbassin those two could out fish u any day
Reagan Price
Reagan Price - 7 years ago
Fuck you I hate you
John G Outdoors
John G Outdoors - 7 years ago
wouldn't have told the guy if your camera wasn't on. lmao
Lrbeurzgr Z-H ir fo
Lrbeurzgr Z-H ir fo - 7 years ago
Moor fish :(
Evan Fields
Evan Fields - 7 years ago
sheryl angers
sheryl angers - 6 years ago
im with you
sheryl angers
sheryl angers - 6 years ago
that means you hate fish dont you
Random Robert Renditions
Random Robert Renditions - 7 years ago
Any response to the roast Peric made about your fake ass?
Thremmm - 7 years ago
That would be so awesome to fish for a living like Catch em all. If you guys could help me out by getting me a couple more subs that would be greatly appreciated. I am posting another fishing video within a week.
Thremmm - 7 years ago
That would be so awesome to fish for a living like Catch em all. If you guys could help me out by getting me a couple more subs that would be greatly appreciated. I am posting another fishing video within a week.
Lamb Burger
Lamb Burger - 7 years ago
Lastcastbassin - 7 years ago
fuck u
Isaac Pelletier
Isaac Pelletier - 7 years ago
Looks like some of the comments have been deleted...hmmmm
Sparky Jones
Sparky Jones - 7 years ago
Isaac Pelletier I'm sure they have. I for one (and I am sure there are others) that use the report button for people that violate and use cuss words or threaten, or promote other channels, or bully.
GaminGoat - 7 years ago
dude you'r a fishing channel keep it to fishing leave Lawson and Peric alone if u were smart enough you'd realize u were in the wrong
mathew brauch
mathew brauch - 7 years ago
You are a joke... LOL
POLLYFREE Official - 7 years ago
Your a little bitch for making fun of someone with a lisp, and then telling them to go hit the gym or get an education.... Buddy you and mike aren't even that jacked, you and mike look like half breed wannabe retards on half the videos you make, wearing costumes and posting click bait that's just not even quality at all. Making fun of anyone with a disability is never alright and you both should be ashamed of yourselves. FUCK YOU
matthew richards
matthew richards - 7 years ago
If u guys hate him then don't watch him
Colin Winkelmann
Colin Winkelmann - 7 years ago
go take a long walk off a short bridge
Joel Usback
Joel Usback - 7 years ago
Why would u use reels???
Kid Fisher
Kid Fisher - 7 years ago
I caught 4 rainbow trout with dog food they were delicous
Infinit GaMiNg
Infinit GaMiNg - 7 years ago
Hey Zach u inspired me to go out and catch fish like and make traps like this one thanks
Nodak Boyz
Nodak Boyz - 7 years ago
Just an idea you probably have already thought of it but maybe doing a video feeding your fish by putting minnows in the pond and see if shamoo or tank would chase and eat the minnows swimming
Bony the doge
Bony the doge - 7 years ago
You made me want to fish! So thanks to you I'm going fishing this Saturday,I can't wait!!
Luke S.
Luke S. - 7 years ago
The click bait king catchem all fishing
lilneto69 - 7 years ago
Fuck u zack bullshit click bait
Ian Van Vliet
Ian Van Vliet - 7 years ago
u fuckin suck Zach unsubed
Allynn Pattison
Allynn Pattison - 7 years ago
Zac, #douchemove. Lawson is a beast compared to your punk-fishing, ass.....

Nathan Barnes
Nathan Barnes - 7 years ago
Making fun of a kid with a lisp that is just sick
Steph The Baller
Steph The Baller - 7 years ago
I wish you where that nice to lawson and APbassing
Steph The Baller
Steph The Baller - 7 years ago
At 14:50
Hayden Marbut
Hayden Marbut - 7 years ago
fuck your channel lawsons the shit
Cole Sunderland
Cole Sunderland - 7 years ago
I unsubscribed because you made fun of Lawson
kyleblum - 7 years ago
Markus McKnight
Markus McKnight - 7 years ago
Fuck catch em all how is with me
Mistc_Srubbs - 7 years ago
git you life strat you mad fun of a guy with a lisp
Cole Cunningham
Cole Cunningham - 7 years ago
I can't even watch your channel you are a bully that gets his laughs from making others feel bad sadly I used to watch your channel and think you were a good person truth be told you are a self conscious person that makes themselves look big and bad but really you are a scared little kid that really needs help you should make fun of others because of a small speech impediment you sicken me
Yeemint Official
Yeemint Official - 6 years ago
Slow clap slow clap
Jahmarley Hector
Jahmarley Hector - 6 years ago
He is a better person than you
georgia underhill
georgia underhill - 6 years ago
Cole Cunningham fuck off he is a good guy a better guy than you
Snoopydogg 16992
Snoopydogg 16992 - 7 years ago
Ap roasted you bro and it's not cool to say that about Lawson
Dakota Wilson
Dakota Wilson - 7 years ago
Click bait
redneck crazy
redneck crazy - 7 years ago
Waist of reels
Michael.___ Saad
Michael.___ Saad - 7 years ago
All you use is live bait, it's pretty boring
Leonid  Smilevski
Leonid Smilevski - 7 years ago
You probably should've used 1 hole
McKay Lee
McKay Lee - 7 years ago
So funny how ignorant your supporters are lol
Outdoors Life
Outdoors Life - 7 years ago
Fuck this dude
BC Fishing
BC Fishing - 7 years ago
Unsubbed because of AP Bassins video, didn't realize you acted this way, you're a grown man and still act like you're having a fight on the elementary school playground. Your comment on Lawson's video was beyond unacceptable. You need to treat this like the job that it is for you and be professional. Alex peric was 100% right the entire time and I back him completely. I used to like your videos but now that I see who you really are and how you treat your fellow youtubers I will never watch another video from your channel again and I hope no one else does either.
breyer lover
breyer lover - 6 years ago
+Re San ikr
mlsaidy 11
mlsaidy 11 - 7 years ago
Darius Green huh
SaltLordVega - 7 years ago
Darius Green if you were 22 you would be more mature and not spam caps lock and swears
Re San
Re San - 7 years ago
@BC Fishing
"but the things that Zak said to Lawson was unacceptable." As far as I'm concerned it's all relative. They all behaved atrociously. At the end of the day, it's just words. Everyone will get up the next day and carry on. Bottom line, Lawson went looking for trouble playing YouTube police and he found it. So I don't feel one bit sorry for him.
Tigerfish W
Tigerfish W - 7 years ago
your mothers dickpipe, he is a little faggot just like you and must learn to mind your own business before you open your bitchmouth, still little boys gossiping like a bunch of queers, mind your own business you 23 gendered test tube baby
BC Fishing
BC Fishing - 7 years ago
Darius Green I just did a catch and cook of a MONSTER northern pike I just caught
Darius Green
Darius Green - 7 years ago
Hey bro.I understand what ur saying and i agree, he does act like a kid even tho, he's a grown adult. I got a YouTuber u would really like and that's Ace Videos, he's a very good YT and he only has 14k subs and he's way better than most popular YT fisherman in A LOT of ways. He does Catch N Cook too if u like them.
BC Fishing
BC Fishing - 7 years ago
Re San I agree with you 100% but the things that Zak said to Lawson was unacceptable. And he truly does clickbait everything Wich is anyone asf and I've always just hated monster Mike's annoying channel but he's not really a part of this problem.
Re San
Re San - 7 years ago
@BC Fishing
"Unsubbed because of AP Bassins video" Dude, learn how to read between the lines and think for yourself. Did this guy perhaps cross the line and get personal?...sure. But the same can be said about Lawson and definitely can be said about Peric calling him a douche bag on social media. Simply put, Lawson bit off more than he can chew immaturely putting this guy on blast and it blew up in his face. And Peric being the emotionally stunted loud mouth he is, decided to put his nose where it didn't belong only fueling this nonsense.
Angela Caldwell
Angela Caldwell - 7 years ago
You mean
BC Fishing
BC Fishing - 7 years ago
MRBOBBY8706 ikr
Random Robert Renditions
Random Robert Renditions - 7 years ago
@Tigerfish W I would expect such a response from one of this loser's supporters.
Cindy Anderson
Cindy Anderson - 7 years ago
You're a hypocrite you don't need to be making fun of people no matter how how old they are how young they are or even if they can't talk or even if they're mentally challenged dumbass
Gabe Van Werden
Gabe Van Werden - 7 years ago
Zak caught a big L
Luke Stanton
Luke Stanton - 7 years ago
Screw you man you used to be my favorite fishing YouTube fishermen but what you said about Lawson and making fun of his lisp come on man that's awful f u and I hope you lose most your subs over this
golden 1000
golden 1000 - 7 years ago
Luke Stanton shut up man how he know that would hurt some people's feeling so fuck off
Callsign Stormy
Callsign Stormy - 7 years ago
Luke Stanton what happened
Luke Stanton
Luke Stanton - 7 years ago
@broAndsis that's kinda harsh and this is my opinion and if you don't like it ok I get most people probably don't agree with me but some to so I mean just shut your mouth dude
BroAndSis Youtube
BroAndSis Youtube - 7 years ago
Luke Stanton I hope you fucking die
Bap Moob
Bap Moob - 7 years ago
Luke Stanton stfu u know what a joke is
John G Outdoors
John G Outdoors - 7 years ago
^^ hope his channel is ruined
Gabe Van Werden
Gabe Van Werden - 7 years ago
U r u so rude to Lawson, I unsubed
Will Simpson
Will Simpson - 7 years ago
Are you fucking retarted? Everything you do here is click bait and fake. If you don't believe me, go and watch AP's video. He claims Lawson was "bullying" you but you commented back with things worse than what he was doing. He was proving your videos fake and click baiting. Nice try bud, your channels over.
BumFrogzz - 7 years ago
Will Simpson he does that cuz he's fishing stupid
Alexander Oliver
Alexander Oliver - 7 years ago
All of you guys are dumbasses but not the ones who are saying he is cool
Alexander Oliver
Alexander Oliver - 7 years ago
Will Simpson talk about the person with 5 subscribers
Definitely A Trampoline
Definitely A Trampoline - 7 years ago
Will Simpson oof
Thaison ROBLOX
Thaison ROBLOX - 7 years ago
was it necessary to call me a dumbass? you could have just told what information i got wrong.
Thaison ROBLOX
Thaison ROBLOX - 7 years ago
Nick H
Nick H - 7 years ago
Your Mum he makes people feel better by making fun of another youtuber with a lisp? You're so retarded, IF he is trying to make people better than why is he ripping on someone who is doing the exact same thing? Think about it you dumbass
SnippingSloths Gaming
SnippingSloths Gaming - 7 years ago
Will Simpson whats the video name?
Thaison ROBLOX
Thaison ROBLOX - 7 years ago
BLODY HELL he is just trying to do YouTube as a hobby trying to make people feel better is they are having a bad day. you just made evreyone who reads this comment that you wrote makes people feel like shit try commenting nicer thing bloodyhell.
Will Simpson
Will Simpson - 7 years ago
Lorin S please go watch apbassings video, it will answer all your questions
Lorin S
Lorin S - 7 years ago
Will Simpson wtf are talking about? Please explain how his catches are fake?
Gross LA
Gross LA - 7 years ago
Will Simpson thx
Teewty Pie
Teewty Pie - 7 years ago
Will Simpson d
Will Simpson
Will Simpson - 7 years ago
Dwyane_Wade_Fan 2006 Too bad Dwayne Wade eats ass for a living.
scrub - 7 years ago
Will Simpson kys
Gross LA
Gross LA - 7 years ago
Calls someone "Retarted" and doesn't realize its spelt "retarded". You're a dumbass.
Will Simpson
Will Simpson - 7 years ago
Tito Toela I don't watch this fake bull shit. I came here to stick up for people with your headass looking self. All his shitty videos are fake as hell with click-baity titles.
Will Simpson
Will Simpson - 7 years ago
Parker Does vlogs are you fucking retarted I don't watch this fake ass shit. I came here to stick up for someone else's channel he claims they are "bullying" him but he has more people that hate him than like him, if you make a negative comment to him on Instagram, he'll block you because he's a pussy. He blocked me and he is a pussy.
Nick H
Nick H - 7 years ago
Parker Does vlogs you dumbass he's probably here to save other watchers of this shitty ass content, how bout you go watch apbassing for some good ass shit or shut ur bitch ass up
Parker C.
Parker C. - 7 years ago
Will Simpson if you hate him so much bitch then why are you watching his videos!!!! BITCH
Tito Toela
Tito Toela - 7 years ago
Will Simpson people just love to hate, if you don't fuck with him thats cool you don't fuck with him.. but then don't bring yo fat lazy yellow ass Homer rip off lookin muthafuckin butt here boii
Will Simpson
Will Simpson - 7 years ago
kaiden ftw he click baits every video he makes and 90% of the fish catches are fake. He never shuts his mouth about anything either. I commented on his Instagram and he deleted my comment and blocked me, he knows he's being hated on he just trys to cover it up and dodge it.
Mekhisnake7 - 7 years ago
Will Simpson bruh just go fuck your self he has just begun
Brandon Mcdougall
Brandon Mcdougall - 7 years ago
Don't throw it if u cant take it
Brandon Mcdougall
Brandon Mcdougall - 7 years ago
You gunna block me on here too bitch mans blocks people he can't handle the heat
ALBassMaster - 7 years ago
Judge my content for all I care, content is content and it's something I lack a lot of. That's why I do tournaments not Youtube. Lawson judged your content, you judged a physical ability of an individual. Get your act together
TJ Rivera
TJ Rivera - 7 years ago
ALBassMaster - 7 years ago
Hey, I saw where you blocked me on Instagram after I was being very professional and trying to be helpful. As we watch the unfortunate down fall of Catch_em_all_fishing instagram for violating Instagram policy of harassment and bullying which we have EVIDENCE OF. I do wish you well, I do hope you get your life straightened out and get your act together.
Stephanie Smith
Stephanie Smith - 7 years ago
Fuck u
Bassin' With Tytato
Bassin' With Tytato - 7 years ago
But u still cool
Bassin' With Tytato
Bassin' With Tytato - 7 years ago
Gmoney Records
Gmoney Records - 7 years ago
Since you blocked me on instagram for calling you out i just came to youtube.
Catching L's Fishing
Mekhisnake7 - 7 years ago
Hey zak or catch em don't let any haters bring u down, u da man zak your video's are so funny and awsome but anyway keep making amazing vids. Peace
connor bennett
connor bennett - 7 years ago
Hey Zack I live in San Diego and my door is always open for you if you want to come fish the Pacific I'll take you too all my secret spots
the gun clube fiters
the gun clube fiters - 7 years ago
By the way its ileagle to keepa bass
the gun clube fiters
the gun clube fiters - 7 years ago
kaiden ftw i know how to spell illegal my brain just wint blank
Mekhisnake7 - 7 years ago
the gun clube fiters learn how to spell it's illegal
Cr1m_s0n - 7 years ago
Why are you so dope dude you are 1 mil in 3 months. Legend.
Dominic Thummel
Dominic Thummel - 7 years ago
Fuck you
Charles Verzaal
Charles Verzaal - 7 years ago
Unsubscribed. Disgraceful to the YT fishing community.
izz sant
izz sant - 7 years ago
Yanked - 7 years ago
Your a disgrace.
Yanked - 7 years ago
Make fun of Lawson because he has a lisp he was born with. And just because you go to the gym dosnt make u a badass. So don't sit and thing your better. Up u work out. Oh yeah and Lawson is 100x more entertaining and bette
Camswag - 7 years ago
Watch app assigns newest vid so funny
Mack Murray
Mack Murray - 7 years ago
It must suck to be less popular than your pet bass
Anthomy Hernandez
Anthomy Hernandez - 7 years ago
Catch em' all and ignore the hate.
AVP2003StopMotion - 7 years ago
You should put a giant peacock bass in your pond and name it free willie
Zipp does Everything
Zipp does Everything - 7 years ago
I really hope what you said to apbassings friend was fake because that would be just ruin what I thought about you a kind heart that doesn't say rude shit
Claude Harper
Claude Harper - 7 years ago
you're a fraud liar and hypocrite and I'm never watching your videos again. #AP
Owen Dunn
Owen Dunn - 7 years ago
Cause I do
John's Fish Tales
John's Fish Tales - 7 years ago
I'm nice to people on my channel. Just saying.
Anthony Galena
Anthony Galena - 7 years ago
Like u said zack u fucking sucks
Anthony Galena
Anthony Galena - 7 years ago
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck u
AARON LENZENDORF lenzendorf - 7 years ago
@ty you're right you guys are ruining fishing go start vlogging instead
fish on
fish on - 7 years ago
Jessica Heath
Jessica Heath - 7 years ago
Jessica Heath
Jessica Heath - 7 years ago
Please tell me what London means
ITSYABOIDON - 7 years ago
Out of all things to block the hole.
Jonatan Medina
Jonatan Medina - 7 years ago
He reminds me of Fousey Tube... ugh! Not subscribing
Omar - 7 years ago
You are just a bad youtuber
M Bingert1110
M Bingert1110 - 7 years ago
Clayton Schupp
Clayton Schupp - 7 years ago
i think most of your sub could out fish you
Scott Fornshell
Scott Fornshell - 7 years ago
To bad college didn't teach you how to edit videos.
Anthony Lopez
Anthony Lopez - 7 years ago
I cam here for the comments cause I knew everyone was going to be in there feelings ppl acting like your killing babies on your channel hahah
Matthew gann9n
Matthew gann9n - 7 years ago
Screw you boy making fun of Lawson Lindsey for something he is born with better Fisherman than you wish you ever where get a real camera and stop using click bait if you want to use click bait get out of fishing
Antonio Sannicandro
Antonio Sannicandro - 7 years ago
Oh man you and monster mike are screwed. What you said to Lawson is just messed up he is a way better fisherman that you'll ever be!! Like ap said all you do is fish with guides and live bait. Lawson fishes by himself and normally artificial and always does different things. And monster mike is just fake
Michael Aditya
Michael Aditya - 7 years ago
Where's your girlfriend at? I haven't see her in a while
teamflanneloutdoors - 7 years ago
Lets see those thumbs down
Fishing Mojados
Fishing Mojados - 7 years ago
Click Bait King
Grant Johnson
Grant Johnson - 7 years ago
NOW.... As I was saying before you blocked me on instagram before I could respond to your comment towards me and 2 others, ap and Lawson wouldn't make videos about me if I had more subs then them (which you dont) they would make videos on me if i had clickbait videos as bad as yours. Plus ur just a disgrace to fishing.
Lil' Jakey Rippin' Lips
Lil' Jakey Rippin' Lips - 7 years ago
You a BIIIIIIIITCH. Peric owns yo mama
Gabe Hern.
Gabe Hern. - 7 years ago
Sorry man, but the lettuce club calls
Gabe Hern.
Gabe Hern. - 7 years ago
I do enjoy your vids tho it's sad to see all this drama
Cody Jennings
Cody Jennings - 7 years ago
I hate your vids so clickbait and and monster mike messing up the fishing community
dylan malkin
dylan malkin - 7 years ago
You suck at fishing
Luke S.
Luke S. - 7 years ago
I am no longer watching your videos because of what you did to Lawson Lindsey so you just lost a subscriber. Oh yeah you also click bait including monster Mike.
georgia underhill
georgia underhill - 6 years ago
Luke S. Fuck off
Random boi Panda
Random boi Panda - 6 years ago
Jennine Rozanski have u ever used
Simiax gaming
Simiax gaming - 7 years ago
Luke S. like who cares about your opinion he has lots of subs like if he cares bout you fuck off then if you don't like it
Gabriel Merrell
Gabriel Merrell - 7 years ago
tiger paw
tiger paw - 7 years ago
Luke S. OKAY OKAY....what is a lisp?
Luke S.
Luke S. - 7 years ago
John Burgess you can choose to go to the gym but you can't choose if you have a lisp
BumFrogzz - 7 years ago
Luke S. What he care about 1 subscriber that hated on he's video?
Luke S.
Luke S. - 7 years ago
Go to apbassing catch em all deleted the comment when he started getting hate
Sparky Jones
Sparky Jones - 7 years ago
Luke S. has problem with someone commenting on a lisp, but has no problem with someone making fun of a Little Person.
just effing terrific!
NotACreativeUsername Jr.
NotACreativeUsername Jr. - 7 years ago
Luke S. when did he do that I didn't watch the whole thing
Luke S.
Luke S. - 7 years ago
Forgot you made fun of a way some one talks and you think their the bully how about you stop click baiting and stop acting like your the victim
Adam MacArthur
Adam MacArthur - 7 years ago
your stupid
a p
a p - 7 years ago
AP bassin bitch
muskey madness
muskey madness - 7 years ago
y zack u jerk
georgia underhill
georgia underhill - 6 years ago
Kaiden FTW fuck off
georgia underhill
georgia underhill - 6 years ago
tiger woods fuck off
Mekhisnake7 - 7 years ago
fish strikers y zach u jerk did that sound right in your head?
Tyler Schwake
Tyler Schwake - 7 years ago
The only thing you should be deleting is your YouTube channel. Take the time off to become a better angler and a better person.
Nicholas Chermak
Nicholas Chermak - 7 years ago
Tyler Schwake you should take the time instead of watching this to be a nicer person
carter mauer
carter mauer - 7 years ago
Dont listen to all the haters like peric bc you are way more entertaining than they will ever be and you have never truly clickbaited they are just so jelouse they are making you look bad when you never started this drama
Luke Lathrop
Luke Lathrop - 7 years ago
You suck, your a disgrace!
Sport101 - 7 years ago
Lawson is an amazing fisherman and learn from your college experience how to spell also u lost alot of subs from me and my friends
Terry Branham
Terry Branham - 7 years ago
Lawson is 100x the fisher you'll ever be scum! All you do is fish from stocked ponds banks Lawson goes out to "Actually" fish for his - 7 years ago
Dude...the hate is flowing in the comment section lol
Hjackers Clan
Hjackers Clan - 7 years ago
The only way he everett catches fish is on a charter have you ever noticed he's never the one to use any artificial baits and all he catches fish on is live bait
BassMaster1177 - 7 years ago
If you don't like him, then just don't watch his videos, I hate to come into the comment section to see a bunch of hate because I like his videos and find them interesting, just please leave him alone
Xavier Miller
Xavier Miller - 7 years ago
Unsubbed. This guy is a queer.
Gio - 7 years ago
Zach your videos are aids, your intro makes me want to die, your a huge bully, liar, and just a terrible youtuber, the googans and lawson are not your friends, dont say they are, and if you want to talk shit to lindsy first become a better youtuber and make actual content so you can actually talk about his content, then when you make fun of someones lisp that they were born with take accountability for it and dont lie, honestly the point of this is to tell you to get the fuck off of youtube
Joshua Strait
Joshua Strait - 7 years ago
Your videos suck and you and Monster Mike are a disgrace to the fishing communities
Julian A
Julian A - 7 years ago
Holy shit. Zak is entertaining. AP and Lawson are just sensitive apparently. Who really cares that much? Just do your own thing, no need for drama between grown ass men.
Lamb Burger
Lamb Burger - 7 years ago
why would you and mike bring the idea of clickbait to the community. i hope you will change ur mind on clickbait.
Upstate turkey hunting
Upstate turkey hunting - 7 years ago
Fuck you zach don't make fun of pepole with a lisp I liked you but know after this I hate u unsubscribed your a disappointment to the YouTube fishing community I hate you No one subscribe to this jerk if you don't know what pepole are talking about go check out AP Bassin his newest vid..... fuck u zach
Moonwatcher the Nightwing
Moonwatcher the Nightwing - 7 years ago
"We have the Sebastian" lol ded
ItsTristan - 7 years ago
Goliath Eats
Goliath Eats - 7 years ago
Nothing worse than a bully.. I hope the crazy's find you face to face big man.
Bassmasster13 Preston damon
Bassmasster13 Preston damon - 7 years ago
Hey catch em all ap basing is right u are click bait and him and the googans are better than u
Backyard Anglers
Backyard Anglers - 7 years ago
Your a fucking queer fucking disgrace delete your fucking channel and fuck off your fucking irrelevant
Garrette Key
Garrette Key - 7 years ago
Country Life outdoors
Country Life outdoors - 7 years ago
dude you have so many problems and your videos are so screwed up that it is insane.... which is why I'm not supcribe to you and monster mike..... good luck to your idiocy and stupid videos...
Spencer Malley
Spencer Malley - 7 years ago
You should catch native fish and make a tank for them like minnows
Spencer Malley
Spencer Malley - 7 years ago
You should catch native fish and make a tank for them like minnows
Gavin Santai
Gavin Santai - 7 years ago
zak my catchem all God don't take any of this sh*t from anyone you may have messed up maybe not just because you may have done something wrong but that does not make you a bad person I love perics vids but my catchem all family is more important I love your vids keep doing what you are doing and CATCHEM ALL
Christopher Braun
Christopher Braun - 7 years ago
Your videos are shit.
Dean Fulford
Dean Fulford - 7 years ago
You f*** up catch em all got everybody mad at you now
Tima Tsiro
Tima Tsiro - 7 years ago
You use click bait and post mean comments to other YouTubers just stop making YouTube videos
kevin 8039
kevin 8039 - 7 years ago
Of course you're using a trap, you only fish with live bait, sorry you suck at fishing.
Tima Tsiro
Tima Tsiro - 7 years ago
Your a bully and the werst YouTuber I know and the only thing u can offered is for a dollar
Richard Ilog
Richard Ilog - 7 years ago
wait a minute, you're not recording the fish going into the trap. haters gon say it's fake LOL
Levi Brinks
Levi Brinks - 7 years ago
Zake sut the fuck up
Richard Ilog
Richard Ilog - 7 years ago
lol at all the googan squad fan boys and their hate comments

keep doing what you doin' zak!
Matthew Miller
Matthew Miller - 7 years ago
Notice he don’t comment back bad things on his channel
Matt Drab
Matt Drab - 7 years ago
You got no gainz and your channel is trash
Chronicles of Robin
Chronicles of Robin - 7 years ago
Yo all you guys that are hating on mike please stop being so gullible and ignorant ffs . If lawson was willing to make a video dedicated to bringing zaks channel down he must deal with the consequences.... it was just a comment that happened in a moment of anger which is only being human. The fact that he deleted it shows that he was sorry about it. And if it happened the other way around peric or lawson would of done the same. So what if mikes click baits his vids are still entertaining to a lot of people. Please just grow up and realize peric and lawson did this just to get views on the expense of others.
Zach Boulanger
Zach Boulanger - 7 years ago
wow you dont deserve the following you have..... making fun of lawson....................... its all fine an all about youtube drama i understand brings in more views more views more money but to make fun of someone the way they were born???? really??? thats low i thought you were a cool guy i would respect you more if you made a video to apologize to lawson an i think you would benfit your channel sooo much more if you did the googan squad is going to exile an demote you from the fishing community an they run shit............ i like your content an your positive attitude an uplifting vids but you need to nip this in the but an admit you where in the wrong..... we need all the top fishing youtubers at peace the more collabs an the more all you guys get together the more us veiwers an fans get to see an hear keep us happy!!!!!!!!!!!! thats the name of the game keep the drama all played out do cause drama over the internet an start shit that you cant finish look at all the hate commone zak fix this!!!!!!!
Zach Boulanger
Zach Boulanger - 7 years ago
United Fishing
United Fishing - 7 years ago
Please stop posting. We don't want u here!
Jackson - 7 years ago
I did that with rocks
Plump - 7 years ago
Stop making fun of apbassing
Jarshack - 7 years ago
Intro is cringe af and audio is trash
Matthew Boardley
Matthew Boardley - 7 years ago
I have the same melon knife he used to cut the holes in the plastic bin.....they work great on watermelons....
George Hough
George Hough - 7 years ago
don't pay attention to the haters. you may have said something you shouldn't have so don't do it again. you are one of my favorite you tubers. catch em all
Awesomehunter2005 - 7 years ago
He's good
Mother Of The Flock
Mother Of The Flock - 7 years ago
Would be a lot more efficent to just add milk jug tops instead of just a hole with a real.
Politics Are My Thing
Politics Are My Thing - 7 years ago
Please leave the fishing community, we don't want you here.
Yeemint Official
Yeemint Official - 6 years ago
Stop worshipping a sex offender!
Mitchell Pierce
Mitchell Pierce - 6 years ago
Bill Cosby fuck u ho
Rachel - 7 years ago
Please leave the comment section we don't want you here
Aussie Skiller
Aussie Skiller - 7 years ago
CoolGuySoFly 22 you're in the dog community
Hayden Funk
Hayden Funk - 7 years ago
Not gonna say anything mean or hurtful to your channel but that comment about Lawson made me unsubscribe that's pretty fucked to make fun of a kid for his lisp
Kitty - Cat - Co Gaming
Kitty - Cat - Co Gaming - 6 years ago
Hayden Funk stfu u hater, it was a personal lvl joke god
Bad boy savage
Bad boy savage - 6 years ago
You Ft punck
Jaeda Blume
Jaeda Blume - 7 years ago
Hayden Funk what did he say?
Laura Hurtz
Laura Hurtz - 7 years ago
Hayden Funk i
meme master
meme master - 7 years ago
Hayden Funk y'all got ur panties in a knot it is fucked up to make fun of a person but calm down know reason to start beef just move on
Squeg Leg
Squeg Leg - 7 years ago
Dark darkri eat shit bitch
JolteonTheMighty - 7 years ago
Landen Furr oh well u kill your self cuz I'm not
Joshua Patterson
Joshua Patterson - 7 years ago
Hayden Funk I
Nick Bluebird
Nick Bluebird - 7 years ago
Hayden Funk .,
Nick Bluebird
Nick Bluebird - 7 years ago
Hayden Funk l..
Zebra FTW
Zebra FTW - 7 years ago
Landen Furr he is one person and so r u so if no one cares about his subscription then no one cares about ups and that's the sad truth :|
Jayden Piccione
Jayden Piccione - 7 years ago
How old are you
JolteonTheMighty - 7 years ago
shoota117 fuck off u little bitch
JolteonTheMighty - 7 years ago
John G Outdoors no u are
JolteonTheMighty - 7 years ago
Squeg Leg no you are
JolteonTheMighty - 7 years ago
Hayden Funk like your doing rn
Leo Lin
Leo Lin - 7 years ago
Hayden Funk haters gonna hate
Skills1 O1
Skills1 O1 - 7 years ago
Hayden Funk I
shoota117 - 7 years ago
Catch em is a douche bag lol plus most the girls he has on the videos seem super weirded out by him
John G Outdoors
John G Outdoors - 7 years ago
lol carter ur a retard
Max Sisto
Max Sisto - 7 years ago
Hayden Funk stfu
Squeg Leg
Squeg Leg - 7 years ago
carter mauer you're retarded
Joe Ellis
Joe Ellis - 7 years ago
+carter mauer very true I hope zac gives him them hands
Hayden Funk
Hayden Funk - 7 years ago
carter mauer that's somewhat true but all Lawson was doing was voicing his opinion on catch em alls content, catchem all made fun of Lawson on a personal level which is a really douchey thing to do
carter mauer
carter mauer - 7 years ago
lawson brought it upon him self
Lui the Caster
Lui the Caster - 7 years ago
RiverStyx - 7 years ago
Mario Serafini
Mario Serafini - 7 years ago
Your socks ain't cute
Mario Serafini
Mario Serafini - 7 years ago
edric reyner
edric reyner - 7 years ago
hush down everybody!catch em all fishing is just a youtuber that wants subscibers
James Smith
James Smith - 7 years ago
You're a fucking joke. Don't like it when someone calls you out on your bullshit huh? fucking garbage ass piece of shit. get back out in the fields boy.
Michael Coleman
Michael Coleman - 7 years ago
Your an a** hole for making fun of lawsons lisp, would you make fun of a family member if they had a lisp two? I Shure Hope tf you don't.
Do you make fun of people with special needs you a** hole! He has a lisp big deal! Hese twice the fisherman you'll ever be. He is true to his thumbnails he makes quality vids and he is by far a smarter person than you
Andy - 7 years ago
You suck. I'd rather watch goldfish at the pet shop. You're a punk bitch. Picking on kids. You have your paid for chicks to make that click bait. Plus you need to check your spelling.
Keep'n It Reel Tv
Keep'n It Reel Tv - 7 years ago
You are a horrible person to be in the YT community you click bait and are a cyber bully to many. GO CHECK OUT AP'S VIDEO BECAUSE IT DESCRIBES EVERY THING!
Sulki - 7 years ago
Aidil Akif
Aidil Akif - 7 years ago
Your video are very best
Dylan Wade
Dylan Wade - 7 years ago
Tbh you are immature as fuck. Trying to put people down and hurt there feelings. Lol you cant get any lower than that
YRN_ EarlDavis
YRN_ EarlDavis - 7 years ago
Your whole channel is a fucking joke. You a piece of shit human being your not a good fisherman you catch all your fish on live bait and you bully people. If there's anyone in this world who should delete their account and kill themselves Its you.
Matthew Miller
Matthew Miller - 7 years ago
The only bait this guy uses is clickbait
YRN_ EarlDavis
YRN_ EarlDavis - 7 years ago
You a disgrace to the fishing community. Congratulations
Sylestic Gaurddag
Sylestic Gaurddag - 7 years ago
That's probably how you caught samu
Ve ku
Ve ku - 7 years ago
Suporno flairboy
Suporno flairboy - 7 years ago
Catch em all fishing is a chill fishing channel, if you don't chill enough? if you don't chill enough? you can see it how your face turned
maria Capriglione
maria Capriglione - 7 years ago
Geesh this is the worst video ever everyothet yt fisherman is better than u #exposed
GamingwithMoose - 7 years ago
I hate people that click bait and people that say bad things to fishing channels apbassing if you read this I love you!!!!!! Catches all fishing I hate so much I hope your channel dieds!!!!!!!!!!
Evan Stone
Evan Stone - 7 years ago
Nice click bait. Like if your with ap and Jon b.
Jack Casey
Jack Casey - 7 years ago
Your clickbait is awesome! Fuck your channel. It's trash
Blake Morrow
Blake Morrow - 7 years ago
Clean up the trash and it will be less foggey
joe Simonaitis
joe Simonaitis - 7 years ago
Fuck you
ToadsTV - 7 years ago
Hateful comments lies click bait videos and faking videos makes you a discrase to the YouTube fishing community not cool
Harry Harshfield
Harry Harshfield - 7 years ago
Un sunrise stop trying to act like ure all that when apbassin is right
SisterChloe - 7 years ago
Politics Are My Thing
Politics Are My Thing - 7 years ago
ApBassins video explains it.
hutch fishin
hutch fishin - 7 years ago
You suck. Your vids are terrible quality and they are so click bait
trey brafford
trey brafford - 7 years ago
You are a total lying scumbag go fish out of your loaded ponds and show off women and make the cops "freak out" hell maybe even catch an alien.
Nick Balducci
Nick Balducci - 7 years ago
hey zach you can basically go and quit youtube and debate your man hood.. you are causing such a discrase. don't talk shit to peric, or flair, or lawson bc you will never be as good as them... you're channel is ass and just quit bc you're a useless piece of crap
Zach M
Zach M - 7 years ago
You talked about in one of your videos about BULLYING and of course you do it. So of us true fisher men keep fishing and have FUN!!!
RMEMBR RWAW - 7 years ago
I dm u on ig but no response yet not far from dania more Hallandale but we can do a video w the rod combos I got a couple.. lmk
Branden Burrill
Branden Burrill - 7 years ago
Honestly just fucking quit your 'job' all you are is an ignorant ass that thinks hes better than anyone...and nice click bait you faggot.
Paul K
Paul K - 7 years ago
Paul K
Paul K - 7 years ago
fuck off
Owen Otto
Owen Otto - 7 years ago
Joshua Sanchez
Joshua Sanchez - 7 years ago
Where's the yaaa yeeeet
Owen's fishin
Owen's fishin - 7 years ago
You are a great youtuber
ThatMexiicanGuy - 7 years ago
Fuck Ap!
wolf wolferson
wolf wolferson - 7 years ago
you blow dude look your channel is loseing ad rev as i type
georgia underhill
georgia underhill - 6 years ago
wolf wolferson fuck off
Starwars Nerd
Starwars Nerd - 7 years ago
wolf wolferson !
Nick Burnett
Nick Burnett - 7 years ago
I hope you and your midget side kick get cancer
Joe Jo
Joe Jo - 7 years ago
That's the lamest fish trap I have ever seen. How much crack do you actually smoke? Who in the world would put fishing reals in the tub. Why not buy plungers. It would work better. And where are the holes to drain the water so your not pulling up 30-50 pounds of water. Dude. Just stop. Please. You make my head hurt so bad.
Thomas Fisher
Thomas Fisher - 7 years ago
Fuck u and monster mike y'all are both some dooche bags who just click bate and fish small easy pons and to be honest yall's fishing skills are not impressive because gay little queers like y'all need to stop ruining this great community. I just can't believe that someone who i thought was a "decent youtuber is now just an annoying little bitch so fuck outa here.
Satan_Worshipper.666 - 7 years ago
As H3H3 said, "If I was only being approached by little kids on the street, I would feel like I was doing something wrong.
jaden 1080
jaden 1080 - 7 years ago
Stop hating on people
a cansexual can opener
a cansexual can opener - 7 years ago
Catch_em_all_fishing I respect you are a good man I don't give a shit about Lawson cuz fuck him and the people who are against you you have earn my respect and gratitude
Candy E
Candy E - 7 years ago
I'm a sub
Jadon Feld
Jadon Feld - 7 years ago
Catch em all is such a loser all he does is click bait unsubscribing
Nicholas Chermak
Nicholas Chermak - 7 years ago
Jadon Feld how is this clickbait?
Ethan Edler
Ethan Edler - 7 years ago
Jadon Feld no one cares
kyle white
kyle white - 7 years ago
Fuck you
#maga makeing America better since day one
#maga makeing America better since day one - 7 years ago
Who throws rocks at people
Sparky Jones
Sparky Jones - 7 years ago
Justin Edmiston I do, but I'd call em more like bricks than rocks.
Mekhisnake7 - 7 years ago
Justin Edmiston me
Drews Reel
Drews Reel - 7 years ago
You are the biggest hypocrite I have ever seen in my life! The clickbaits, how you exposed that woman, you can't do that stuff on YouTube! You also can talk crap about Lawson or ap or any of the other youtubers out there that fish! You are ruining the bass fishing community and giving it a bad name! Don't you realize that pretty much every fishing YouTuber is against you here, cause they are and this is definitely a problem! So if you don't quit this crap why don't you just leave the fishing industry and try to do something else!
cavin townsend
cavin townsend - 7 years ago
Man I thought you were pretty cool and I was a fan but I can't support someone who lies and bullies other people
Noah Hermsen
Noah Hermsen - 7 years ago
You suck
Nick Bishop
Nick Bishop - 7 years ago
Yeemint Official
Yeemint Official - 6 years ago
Nick Bishop Nope. Sry! But handle the fish better plz!
Peter Rygiel
Peter Rygiel - 7 years ago
Nick Bishop
Nick Bishop - 7 years ago
Fuck you you dumbass fall off a bridge
#maga makeing America better since day one
#maga makeing America better since day one - 7 years ago
You think that trap will catch fish you are the most fuckin retarded person I've ever seen
#maga makeing America better since day one
#maga makeing America better since day one - 7 years ago
Your catchemAll flag is toilet paper to me.
Connor Pennings Outdoors
Connor Pennings Outdoors - 7 years ago
Ok guys were gonna do something a little bit different today jk it's another bad clickbair video
Chris Butler
Chris Butler - 6 years ago
Connor Pennings Outdoors if your gonna try to roast him at least spell it right damn you want me to get you a third grade class so you can learn how to spell
Alejandro Ramirez
Alejandro Ramirez - 7 years ago
"we have the Sebastian" lmao
NortheastOutdoorsCo - 7 years ago
Dudes literally psycho and such a hypocrite, dislike!
Zeke aaron
Zeke aaron - 7 years ago
Dude, looks like alot of people hate you in these comments. Idk why but I also give no fucks. Anywho, sic shades. Just ordered me some. Do you promote filthy? Cuz if not, could've made some $ just then.
Isaac Pelletier
Isaac Pelletier - 7 years ago
AP SQUAAAAADDDd checking in!!!
#maga makeing America better since day one
#maga makeing America better since day one - 7 years ago
Isaac Pelletier hell yeah man. Just here to make him feel a lot less than he should

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