FRESH SASHIMI Catch on the Beach (Japanese RAW FISH) Rock Fishing in Mexico

About to eat some RAW fish we just caught! Rock fishing in Mexico is very productive. Many of the fish we catch here feed on a diet of crabs and clams, making their meat a delicacy. We are about to try our catch RAW in a style called Sashimi. This is a popular way to eat fresh fish in Japan. The fish we caught was swimming 20 min before we cut and ate it. Doesn't get fresher than that. SENKOSKIPPER SUPER SALTY BAIT Super Salty Tentacle Bait: Super Salty Chunk Bait: Super Salty Jacket Bait: SENKOSKIPPER ADVENTURE KITS Surf Fishing Adventure Kit: Pier Fishing Adventure Kit: Jetty Fishing Adventure Kit: SENKOSKIPPER PDF TUTORIALS What Knots to Tie and When PDF: Surf Fishing Adventure Guide: Pier Fishing Adventure Guide: Jetty Fishing Adventure Guide: VISIT OUR Senko Skipper Store Follow us on Instagram @ SenkoSkipper Join Our fishing community on Facebook: Search " Senko Skipper Fishing Community" to join our private group! Interested in more Vintage Fishing gear? Check out our new Vintage fishing Facebook page! Search: "Senko Skipper Vintage Fishing" Send us stuff to our PO Box to be featured on our show 6030 Marshalee Drive #151, Elkridge, Md 21075, USA

FRESH SASHIMI Catch on the Beach (Japanese RAW FISH) Rock Fishing in Mexico sentiment_very_dissatisfied 72

Raww fishing 6 years ago 38,774 views

About to eat some RAW fish we just caught! Rock fishing in Mexico is very productive. Many of the fish we catch here feed on a diet of crabs and clams, making their meat a delicacy. We are about to try our catch RAW in a style called Sashimi. This is a popular way to eat fresh fish in Japan. The fish we caught was swimming 20 min before we cut and ate it. Doesn't get fresher than that. SENKOSKIPPER SUPER SALTY BAIT Super Salty Tentacle Bait: Super Salty Chunk Bait: Super Salty Jacket Bait: SENKOSKIPPER ADVENTURE KITS Surf Fishing Adventure Kit: Pier Fishing Adventure Kit: Jetty Fishing Adventure Kit: SENKOSKIPPER PDF TUTORIALS What Knots to Tie and When PDF: Surf Fishing Adventure Guide: Pier Fishing Adventure Guide: Jetty Fishing Adventure Guide: VISIT OUR Senko Skipper Store Follow us on Instagram @ SenkoSkipper Join Our fishing community on Facebook: Search " Senko Skipper Fishing Community" to join our private group! Interested in more Vintage Fishing gear? Check out our new Vintage fishing Facebook page! Search: "Senko Skipper Vintage Fishing" Send us stuff to our PO Box to be featured on our show 6030 Marshalee Drive #151, Elkridge, Md 21075, USA

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Most popular comments
for FRESH SASHIMI Catch on the Beach (Japanese RAW FISH) Rock Fishing in Mexico

Ray Chen
Ray Chen - 6 years ago
Looks good. Definitely would eat like this. Way to go bro!
Jared Garza
Jared Garza - 6 years ago
Learn how to fillet kid
Pinoyfisher - 6 years ago
Did you use the crabs for bait or eat them? How'd you catch them?
Surf Mommy
Surf Mommy - 6 years ago
Fresh sashimi on a crab whacker- love it!
Liam Diffee
Liam Diffee - 6 years ago
You should check out silver stag knives and @deermeatfordinner. Best filet knife I’ve ever bought (woods and water version)
Pedro L Guzman
Pedro L Guzman - 6 years ago
Yes i would try it
Pedro L Guzman
Pedro L Guzman - 6 years ago
Senko you suppost to take the scales off first before cutting it
Alex Turner
Alex Turner - 6 years ago
lime and salt
nqi87 - 6 years ago
shoulda got a bubba blade

10. comment for FRESH SASHIMI Catch on the Beach (Japanese RAW FISH) Rock Fishing in Mexico

Steve's ArtOfSailing
Steve's ArtOfSailing - 6 years ago
Great video my friend, my wife would have bitten off one of your fingers for that,hahahh, im also from Balt, well kinda, Middle river.
Yianni Komniny
Yianni Komniny - 6 years ago
Senko: I cut its gills.
Ten mins later
Senko: this fish gave its life.
That there is some good logic bro
The Last Neanderthal
The Last Neanderthal - 6 years ago
Great video. You were very patient with the kids. That’s how you get them interested in fishing. Next time, before you leave your house, touch up your knife 15-20 min on a Japanese stone grade 3000 and above. It will make your filleting and sashimi prep much better.
Haniff Daniel
Haniff Daniel - 6 years ago
Like the info hope people of my country can adapt to that kind of ideology. Thanks for the info
Matthew Lopez
Matthew Lopez - 6 years ago
Great video. I really enjoy watching you guys get out and about especially on days when I am working in the office. Your videos are my portal to the outdoors. I would definitely have some fresh fish (Sashimi) on a beach. Pack some seasoning pack in your bag. You never know when you gotta jam!
KERONG889 - 6 years ago
Fro & Toe
Fro & Toe - 6 years ago
You are not crazy.I ate a fresh bass and it was not horrible
Fro & Toe
Fro & Toe - 6 years ago
Where did you go fishing.My name is Joseph and I love to go fishing
北村源季 - 6 years ago
Remove scales first then cut off its head! will be easier
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
never tried to just cut off the head first! I might try next time
Danny D Morales
Danny D Morales - 6 years ago
I'll be afraid I'll get sick. I love sushi just very picky

20. comment for FRESH SASHIMI Catch on the Beach (Japanese RAW FISH) Rock Fishing in Mexico

Danny D Morales
Danny D Morales - 6 years ago
I always carry a knife sharpener with my tackle
Danny D Morales
Danny D Morales - 6 years ago
Gutsy eater...
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
BEERSCO 138 - 6 years ago
Time to hit up dearmeat for a knife
Maui - 6 years ago
Awesome job!!!
fishing with joel
fishing with joel - 6 years ago
I've subscribed and i love your videos
Mario Iracheta
Mario Iracheta - 6 years ago
Hey bro, what's up? Love your vids. But I have an irrelevant question to this video. Have you tried a Van staal reel? If you have, I may have overlooked it. If not, it would help if you did to help me determine if that's a reel worth ditching out so many clams. That one and an Everol. ;) thanks
Richie Rich
Richie Rich - 6 years ago
Please help me .....which braided fishing line is the best ???? Please reply please
MrRednexus - 6 years ago
Parasites anyone?
Outdoor Chef Life
Outdoor Chef Life - 6 years ago
Catch and sashimi, dope! I'll definitely be doing that sometime soon
Matthew Moreau
Matthew Moreau - 6 years ago

30. comment for FRESH SASHIMI Catch on the Beach (Japanese RAW FISH) Rock Fishing in Mexico

ZacharyIsADogger - 6 years ago
You realize that sushi is a long and complicated process you have to soak it in sake and freeze it for a certain amount of days
Stephen Johnson
Stephen Johnson - 6 years ago
You need a Silver Stag knife!!!
ZebraSnot - 6 years ago
suprised you didn't scale the fish
Joel Yim
Joel Yim - 6 years ago
Video is too shaky. Otherwise cool shot of you slicing the fish.
acsolares2 - 6 years ago
man!, those kids had an education there like no other!!!!! Great job!!!!!! our youth ill be ready for the future!
Giovanni Guerra
Giovanni Guerra - 6 years ago
Hi Steven
Hi Steven - 6 years ago
Just as a future reference, you should put it in the sun and look if the fillet have any worms or parasites in it before eating raw. If you do then you should pull it out.
Dillon L. Fishing
Dillon L. Fishing - 6 years ago
Jesse O'Neak
Jesse O'Neak - 6 years ago
Have you fished North Beach MD
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
I don’t think so specifically
Mathew C.
Mathew C. - 6 years ago
That lady is right. You should be throwing it on ice for a decent period of time before eating. It will make it taste much better. Nothing wrong with how your doing it but icing it is for sure the better option.
GOONIE GOO GOO - 6 years ago
Hows that KASTKING filet knife? I have been thinking of buying one
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
Pretty handy to have in the bag for sure!
Israel Leon
Israel Leon - 6 years ago
I was cringing when u butchered that fish!
Dillon Nott
Dillon Nott - 6 years ago
great video. loved the kids interaction with yall
KastKing - 6 years ago
Fresh fish! We need to get you a bigger knife ;)
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
Hehe I got the small one, wasn’t expecting to sashimi on the beach.
danielafiq 78
danielafiq 78 - 6 years ago
nice fish bro ("-")
New to Mosin
New to Mosin - 6 years ago
maybe you should stick to taking your Fresh Catch to a restaurant and let them clean and cook it because you said you are definitely not an expert at fillet a fish.
Jr Juarez
Jr Juarez - 6 years ago
Giant hawk fish. Nice catch cousin caught one as well when we went downtown to mazatlan
lakailf - 6 years ago
Props for Erin eating the sashimi. I was surprised she appreciated it because even I was a little susceptible. lol Great video, as always. I would've loved to try that sashimi! You da man!
Hoopahgah - 6 years ago
Video recommendation: do a vid to see how strong a ugly stick tiger is.
Peter pan
Peter pan - 6 years ago
Two things wasabi lowers allows you to eat raw fish ,sushi or sushi or Sushimi is frozen then thawed
This is a very interesting and fun video I like it a lot specially the faces when you eat the fish

50. comment for FRESH SASHIMI Catch on the Beach (Japanese RAW FISH) Rock Fishing in Mexico

wickedEP Racing
wickedEP Racing - 6 years ago
beautiful fish.!!!
Paul Brand
Paul Brand - 6 years ago
I don't like raw fish
chucu rodriguez
chucu rodriguez - 6 years ago
I am from mexico
Daniel Na
Daniel Na - 6 years ago
Loving the series , can’t beat fresh fish. love how your whole fam loves fishing
Daniel Na
Daniel Na - 6 years ago
Senko Skipper it was at obx kill devil hills,the water is very clear so while I was just in the water I saw a dark shadow, ran back to shore , got my rod and caught him on a lipless crank bait. Luckily the wife thought quick to record the whole thing.
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
Thanks man. Just watched a video of you pulling up a nice black drum from the surf today lol, where was that??
Brendon Schmidt
Brendon Schmidt - 6 years ago
Should of found a nice fine grained stone one the beach and sharpened your knife lol. Great video <3
Patrick Hartman
Patrick Hartman - 6 years ago
Hell yeah I'd eat it
Nicholas Chau
Nicholas Chau - 6 years ago
I was in Cabo San Lucas once and we caught lobsters on a boat and we ate it raw. It was definitely the best experience I had. I think overall the water in Mexico is better and I would eat raw there too, just once or twice.
Island Mike
Island Mike - 6 years ago
Horrendous cutting skills ..Butchering
Jiang Tao
Jiang Tao - 6 years ago
open its belly, pull the eyeball out. what's wrong with those kids?
Buddha Bass
Buddha Bass - 6 years ago
In Japan they don't actually eat sashimi right after catching the fish. I'm not sure of all the details but I believe they leave the fish on ice for awhile to up the quality of the meat.
cianna calara
cianna calara - 6 years ago
I would love to try sashimi
M. job
M. job - 6 years ago
You don't eat raw fish from america....but Mexico is fine when theres more pollution. Wtf.
Michal Rincon
Michal Rincon - 6 years ago
What about parasites?
Ryan Konkel
Ryan Konkel - 6 years ago
Sashimi being "safe" has nothing to do with the freshness of the fish.
Boonies - 6 years ago
That was so damn adorable when the boy asked if you were gonna catch a bass and his sister hit him on his hat
The Story of My Life
The Story of My Life - 6 years ago
It’s fun watching you catching fish. However in Redondo Beach CA it’s hardly any fish. The only fish we can catch is mackerels.
Alberto Estrada
Alberto Estrada - 6 years ago
Water Fowl Sgt Pollo
Water Fowl Sgt Pollo - 6 years ago
Wow never thought of that but you thibk it could be done with maube Red fish speckel trout, or even flounder/halibut
logan ledouxx
logan ledouxx - 6 years ago
I have always wanted to go to Mexico to fish. And I always wanted to try sashimi, great video man!
Aldrin Fernandez
Aldrin Fernandez - 6 years ago
I would sub to this channel if he kept posting catch and cook vids
Alex Bermudez
Alex Bermudez - 6 years ago
John Leonard
John Leonard - 6 years ago
My favorite way to eat fish. I was introduced to it as a kid by an uncle who used to take us out off of Massachusetts in the mid-60s. He was a warehouseman, who had some colleagues from Japan introduce him to it when he took them out fishing. They just dunked it in the seawater for seasoning. They also showed him all the good meat he was wasting by only taking the filets. Never looked back. So hell, yeah - I'd eat it.
Brio Brio
Brio Brio - 6 years ago
I wonder if u could dry an keep the skin
Beautiful colours ...
Danny O'Donnell
Danny O'Donnell - 6 years ago
Guantanamera is a Cuban song, yo! Still appropriate to the southern Caribbean, I guess :P

Sweet vid.
Ghazanfar Mahardika
Ghazanfar Mahardika - 6 years ago
You should scale it before filleting it
DnomztiR NebiruS
DnomztiR NebiruS - 6 years ago
Soy sauce lemon and wasabe, now thats a diff ball game!!!
Love2fish Live2fish
Love2fish Live2fish - 6 years ago
Did I miss it or have you used your bait cannon yet??

jean-yves lefebvre
jean-yves lefebvre - 6 years ago
no mather where you are in this beautyful wolrd, all fish are infected in a way, so it is better to freeze them before eating them, good job Brendon and you to Erin Keep up the good work.
Jeff Nguyen
Jeff Nguyen - 6 years ago
Hope you don’t die lol from the fish
Stephen Riddle
Stephen Riddle - 6 years ago
I think I would cook it
Fishing & Biodiversity
Fishing & Biodiversity - 6 years ago
Wow! Great video!
RICARDO Rodriguez
RICARDO Rodriguez - 6 years ago
Taking the scales off 1st will make filets easier to cut. Love your videos, ther very informative even for someone who's been fishing since he 5. Keep fishing & the knowledge flowing to the next generation mr skipper.
Gideon Steinberg
Gideon Steinberg - 6 years ago
Rockfish have worms that reproduce in your stomach and will make you sick. Many fish have them, but bottom dwelling fish have them far far more often thennpellagic fish like tuna. I live in California and fish several times a week. I would NEVER sashimi one.
JERZYROB - 6 years ago
MAC outlife
MAC outlife - 6 years ago
Hey man what’s up I’m from Mexico, I live in the state of Sonora that is what we call a Aztec grouper they are very common up here, we fish for leopard groupers, yellow fin jacks, barracudas, dorados and Marlins whenever you want to visit I would be more than happy to guide you !
Maaifoedie De La Rey
Maaifoedie De La Rey - 6 years ago
Amazing honeycomb pattern on its tail, as found so often in nature ! I'd love to visit that place, just to go catch that very fish - just added to my bucket list !
PS Nothing wrong with your fillet technique, just need a sharper knife !
Team Nativos surf fishing
Team Nativos surf fishing - 6 years ago
Hi senko , I’m from Cabo if you still here we can go fishing and I que show you goods spots to fishing of te beach
Tsuinese - 6 years ago
You should learn how to properly prepare sashimi quality fish using the traditional, Japanese ike jime method. There’s a startup in the DC area that was working with the Conservation Fund to teach them how to achieve this with their salmon lab. You should check that dude out. He’s gonna be on an upcoming Vox podcast with Dylan Matthews soon. @ikejimefed
Mario EdBright
Mario EdBright - 6 years ago
I had it like that many times.
Trad Dengus
Trad Dengus - 6 years ago
OH helllllllll yeah Topo Chico is the ish.
Rudy Galvan
Rudy Galvan - 6 years ago
Dope video broski!
WTF TOXICO - 6 years ago
Hi senko
Chuffin 'ell
Chuffin 'ell - 6 years ago
Not that I hope you do, but you're going to feel unbelievably foolish if you get some crazy parasite. It's just not worth it. Cook the fish. Point out the subtle differences in using driftwood for fuel vs. coal, anything but eating raw....
Tim Javor
Tim Javor - 6 years ago
You're right on the money there my friend! Mexico in particular has a reputation for being one of the most unsanitary countries in the world. Most known for the water borne illness "Montezuma's Revenge" which is a horrible bacterial illness many tourists are known for getting while visiting Mexico. Horrible symptoms including vomiting, explosive diarrhea, fever, sever dehydration, etc.. Preventable by drinking bottled water (avoid all local water sources including tap water used for ANY reason (including bathing and brushing teeth, etc.), eating cooked food (avoid fresh vegatables, fruit, salads, etc.).
Keith Owen
Keith Owen - 6 years ago
So... would this be a "Catch and NOT cook"? Enjoyed this video! I'm not a sushi kinda guy but would dang sure do some ceviche.
E_Thatch - 6 years ago
Crazy. Great video!
dbullz111 - 6 years ago
What are those glasses you’re wearing? Those aviators look nice
Bell The Black Angler
Bell The Black Angler - 6 years ago
beautiful fish.... but i will pass on your Sashimi... lol. However, the next time you go black fishing hit me up.
Salvador Navarro
Salvador Navarro - 6 years ago
Yes I will try it!!! Sound like a ceviche!!!
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
We made ceviche out of it too. Very good
Ryz1988au - 6 years ago
You need a much sharper knife to cut sashimi.
Its all about the art of being precise and neat.
It makes it taste better. xD

I use a separate, specific knife to cut sashimi.
Get a professional butchers fillet knife, sharpen with a 3000-10000 grit sharpening stone and fine diamond steel.
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
Yea man, didn’t have any of that on me lol.
Edgar Garcia
Edgar Garcia - 6 years ago
New subscriber, great videos. What about a halibut set up video
Edgar Garcia
Edgar Garcia - 6 years ago
Senko Skipper I hear they are great for ceviche, just started my research. In any case keep up the good work, thanks for all the tips and have a great trip in Baja. Maybe you can stop by our California coast soon as well.
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
Thanks! Welcome to the community, can’t do a halibut one because I haven’t targeted them before! But will give it a try soon

100. comment for FRESH SASHIMI Catch on the Beach (Japanese RAW FISH) Rock Fishing in Mexico

Stephanie Mukai
Stephanie Mukai - 6 years ago
My mom used to tell me of tales of camping with my father (born and raised in Japan) who would sashimi trout. She was weirded out the first time, but said it was delicious!
Stephanie Mukai
Stephanie Mukai - 6 years ago
Senko Skipper California, Colorado, just the US. Sadly my parents divorced when I was 2 so I never got that same experience! Thank you very much for answering, one of the many reasons why I love your channel!!!
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
Oh wow, where would they catch trout? Thanks for sharing:)
darkmilktea152 - 6 years ago
hey, i wanted to ask. since you dont know what kind of fish is that, assuming its some type of rockfish, but how do you know if you could eat that fish Raw??
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
We looked it up before filleting!
Pat Kinlaw
Pat Kinlaw - 6 years ago
I would
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
Good man
agus serang banten
agus serang banten - 6 years ago
good mr i like video
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
Thank you!
Seattle Solar Supply
Seattle Solar Supply - 6 years ago
What the check?! Beautiful and tasty...
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
Yes it is!
Sad Day
Sad Day - 6 years ago
Worms love clean water!!
tracy bradshaw
tracy bradshaw - 6 years ago
You are a wonderful teacher!
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
Thank you:) I love to teach especially children!
Dean Pierce
Dean Pierce - 6 years ago
Gaming Duck
Gaming Duck - 6 years ago
I’m going fishing in dewy beach soon do you know any good bait to use
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
Depends on what you are going for. Lots of stuff will hit our super Salty squid bait. Try using that or live minnows! You can hit flounder with minnows, and Jigging super Salty squid on a flounder rig.
Garrett Wilson
Garrett Wilson - 6 years ago
BOSS HOGG LOU - 6 years ago
Yup, good call. Budget Saltwater Setup please.
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
Okay! Thanks for the suggestion
Ben Hayes
Ben Hayes - 6 years ago
I’ve always wanted to do this!
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
It’s worth it!
Jason - 6 years ago
wow so fresh
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
So fresh!
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
Haha, that was the fun part
Ian Undercover
Ian Undercover - 6 years ago
Awesome video senko
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
TriniRCmodels - 6 years ago
Awesome one bruh
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
Thanks buddy:)
Mad Dog
Mad Dog - 6 years ago
I have it all the time
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
Screw You
Screw You - 6 years ago
Sorry to be the sour pickle here, but I have to tell you it's a bit risky eating raw fish versus sushi (which are previously frozen to kill parasites, etc). Here's an excerpt from the FDA website:
"It's always best to cook seafood thoroughly to minimize the risk of foodborne illness. However, if you choose to eat raw fish anyway, one rule of thumb is to eat fish that has been previously frozen.

-Some species of fish can contain parasites, and freezing will kill any parasites that may be present.
-However, be aware that freezing doesn't kill all harmful microorganisms. That's why the safest route is to cook your seafood." Otherwise, I enjoyed your video. Stay safe and have fun!!
Clement Henriques
Clement Henriques - 6 years ago
You are correct on both posts. All fish consumed freshly caught can be dangerous. I'd recommend ceviche. Less dangerous and really tasty. Nice vid and tight lines!
Gideon Steinberg
Gideon Steinberg - 6 years ago
It's all about the kind of fish. I would eat a salmon or a tuna raw. I would never eat a rockfish or jacksmelt raw. They often have worms. Harmless if cooked, but if you eat on alive you can have prolonged unpleasant effects. One way to safely consume fish raw is to candle light it. Basically you cut the fish so that you can hold a thing slice up to light and check for the outline of a worm.
VNlilMAN - 6 years ago
Yea my buddy who's a sushi chef said all sushi in the US were previously frozen. Sometimes its even better since it's flash frozen right on the spot which preserves the freshness.
Screw You
Screw You - 6 years ago
Aw, thanks man! I really was trying to help you you out, but of course, this was after the fact (post consumption). To make you a little squeamish, saltwater fish (a la rockfish) are sometimes infected with nematodes (roundworms) that can potentially cause problems with your gut (ex. can lead to resection of your intestine). Albeit, it is rare to be seriously ill with this affliction, I rather not lose my intestine for a bite of fish ( I know you guys are always practicing safety, and I immensely enjoy your videos which are much more entertaining than most of those "other" fishing YouTuber videos. I just thought I pass this along. May all your fishing days be super glorious!!
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
You are Not being a sour pickle! You are looking out for us. Thanks! We were aware of the risk. One piece is all I was willing to do!
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
Aww yea!
Dailey Life Fishing
Dailey Life Fishing - 6 years ago
Nice man. I’ll eat anything lol. Just need some sticky rice, soy sauce, pickled ginger and some wasabi. Oh and furikake
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
Asnes45 - 6 years ago
Love the respect u show the life of a fish. I'm the same.. Thank u for shearing. Cheer from Sweden
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
Wow far away from us! Thanks for joining:)
SchusterFishing - 6 years ago
That’s a pretty cool fish
Gary Garcia
Gary Garcia - 6 years ago
Did u use circle sea hooks
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
No, j hooks
SnAtChY tHe CLoWn
SnAtChY tHe CLoWn - 6 years ago
I would def try it myself.
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
Good to keep an open mind!
Mv MvEs
Mv MvEs - 6 years ago
You juz have to sharpens your knife...
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
The fish skin and scales were very tough!
SnAtChY tHe CLoWn
SnAtChY tHe CLoWn - 6 years ago
Great video!! Shame you didn't have a sharper fillet knife. You seem to know what you're doing and with a better knife you wouldn't have any issues.
Thomas Xavier
Thomas Xavier - 6 years ago
Mora filet knife!
I just really love moras...
Lou Davis
Lou Davis - 6 years ago
Well he didn't have a proper table either and was not used to cleaning this particular fish. Looks similar to a sheepshead in structure and size. I'd look up cleaning those as it'll give hints on getting past the scales such as getting between the dorsal and scales on top
Pablo DeLaTorre
Pablo DeLaTorre - 6 years ago
Readyedge it a must-have in the field
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
Yea, the scales were very big, and the skin was very tough. A bigger sharper knife would have been better.
GEORGE K - 6 years ago
Shame on you, never put fresh water on fish, I would have used the sea water
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
Nah, tasted great! Wanted to wash off the sand.
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
I’m all about t man!! Kids are awesome, so curious and unafraid to ask questions!
JetstreamStevie - 6 years ago
hell nah, youll get a tapeworm
John Mejia
John Mejia - 6 years ago
7:23 there is a parasite by the end of the tail dude you never eat anything raw my nigga i am shaking my head.
R B - 6 years ago
I think you should add soy sauce to your tackle box.
DawgYankee - 6 years ago
and pickled ginger root
DawgYankee - 6 years ago
and a sharpening stone as well! ;)
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
This is an excellent recommendation that I will take to heart
SF fishing
SF fishing - 6 years ago
Good stuff
SF fishing
SF fishing - 6 years ago
We always catch and release
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
Thanks!! You ever eat your catch raw?
Rodel Quilalang
Rodel Quilalang - 6 years ago
I love how Senko Dad can't wait for his share of the sashimi. Lol.

Can any Sushi chefs out there rate how this fish is as sashimi? From what I understand, not all fish are great as sashimi. Some are better cooked than raw, and vice-versa.
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
I wonder as well, it was a bit chewy, but it was a nice experience for us
MechanicGuy24 - 6 years ago
I love this video already! Teaching kids respect for the fish is awesome. You are also making me so hungry eating that fresh fish right out of the ocean!
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
Thanks!! We love talking to kids. They are not afraid to ask questions!
pitufo morado
pitufo morado - 6 years ago
Love the catch n cook vids n this is on top of my list thanks man great vid
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
Thanks!! We are gonna put some more footage of how we are it back in our hotel room on our website!
David James
David James - 6 years ago
Raw fish not my thing but you enjoyed it.
eightgeorge - 6 years ago
No points for butchering that fish up. Your knife is blunt like a saw ,your cuts are terrible as you are not cutting it up right for sashimi. You might as well just taken a bite out of the fillet. Learn how to prepare fish as you are a fisherman, give the fish some respect for giving up it's life. However that's my only observations and we all have to learn so that we can better ourselves and progress. Enjoy your holiday looks like an awesome place.
Dan R
Dan R - 6 years ago
bleed it, scale it, gut it THEN fillet it. Thats the best way to keep the meat clean and maintain the quality.
If only yall were there to give lessons. It would be cut perfect in seconds! ..... get a life
GOD&GUNS - 6 years ago
KC LAU watch land shark fishing he is awesome.
KC LAU - 6 years ago
i also find most catch and cook videos a disgrace when it comes to preparing the fish. what a waste of a good life on poorly prepared nourishment from the seas.
Aaron TheDirtyDog
Aaron TheDirtyDog - 6 years ago
I always carry a sharpener for my knives too. Keep em as sharp as possible
yng Ozhani
yng Ozhani - 6 years ago
Yh ☺☺
The Fishing Family
The Fishing Family - 6 years ago
You are so cute with those kids!
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
They are so curious! Love to teach kids!
Ericas ConSan
Ericas ConSan - 6 years ago
Nice video!! Awesome how you took time with the kids to educate them and show them the joys and perks of catching.
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
I love teaching kids. They are all such full of curiosity and wonder.
ufgator812 - 6 years ago
Good stuff! Not crazy, I’d eat that also.
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
Man makes me want to go back right now.
yng Ozhani
yng Ozhani - 6 years ago
Ur welcome u should do a community fishing rod giveaway
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
Yea! Not a bad idea! I need to do more giveaways on the Facebook page.
Wendy Liu
Wendy Liu - 6 years ago
The fish has a hard skin because the live near the rock and when the tide come run in the fish may hit the rock but they wouldn't get hurt them.
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
I agree with you, they probably get slammed around by waves
Mark Whetzel
Mark Whetzel - 6 years ago
When i process my fish on the bank i carry a knife sharpener in my tackle box it comes in handy for hooks and bait knife
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
That’s a good idea.
caza y pesca rd
caza y pesca rd - 6 years ago
i think you need a good knife to filleting
Tim Javor
Tim Javor - 6 years ago
Sheese folks, cut him some slack would you?? Knife just needed to be stropped or honed, then it would have been fine. I always keep an inexpensive ceramic hone attached to the lanyard hole on the knife, then it's always available.
caza y pesca rd
caza y pesca rd - 6 years ago
Senko Skipper ok nice video bro
S Sexton
S Sexton - 6 years ago
I would eat half of that by my self!
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
I probably could too! Lol! It was especially good when we ate it with rice, seaweed, wasabi and Soy sauce back in the room! We are gonna release that footage on our website!
Feeling Fishy
Feeling Fishy - 6 years ago
I would love to have one in my fish tank lol
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
Man they were beautiful
Rad Reeling Fishing
Rad Reeling Fishing - 6 years ago
I love sashimi, especially with wasabi and soy sauce. I've done this before with Spanish Mackerel, it was delicious. You did an awesome edit on this one. I hope you can fit in some B roll of the surroundings as you continue publishing this adventure. Those buildings in the background look so awesome!
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
Good to hear some feedback. We will include some more b roll in the future. We have a lot!
Charging Active
Charging Active - 6 years ago
I can no longer troll xD of you remember.
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
Hahaha what?
melfakir elfakir
melfakir elfakir - 6 years ago
I want to catch and eat that fish looks good
Wendy Liu
Wendy Liu - 6 years ago
Your welcome
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
Thanks Wendy! We are going to put an episode up on our website that will show us eating it with rice, seaweed, wasabi, and rice! It was delicious! Thanks as always for tuning in :)
Tim Hui
Tim Hui - 6 years ago
50 likes an Brenden has to buy a new fillet knife!
Tim Hui
Tim Hui - 6 years ago
Senko Skipper seemed like a good fish though! Although I have never eaten raw fish before
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
Haha, knife is sharp, the scales and skin were toughhh
Oleff Jimenez
Oleff Jimenez - 6 years ago
Cuban song for a mexico trip. Epic!
rafa baraja
rafa baraja - 6 years ago
Oleff Jimenez in America people will call anyone that speaks Spanish Mexican lol telo juro bien ignorantes
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
Lol! Recorded live in Mexico by some performers we ran into on the street!
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
It was great!
Gucci Dan
Gucci Dan - 6 years ago
Good video
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
Carter Rosenbaum
Carter Rosenbaum - 6 years ago
Hi can I get a shout-out plz love the vids come to California and try beach fishing at a city named Oxnard and if you do tell me so I could fish and meet you
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
You the best carter!
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
Hey! Thanks
Wendy Liu
Wendy Liu - 6 years ago
Keelan Smartt
Keelan Smartt - 6 years ago
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago
Wendy Liu
Wendy Liu - 6 years ago
Senko Skipper
Senko Skipper - 6 years ago

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