Gordon Ramsay Eats a Beating Snake Heart in Vietnam

From season 2 of Gordon's Great Escape. For the second series, Gordon goes back on the road doing what he loves most: searching out the best food in the world and testing himself in extreme and demanding situations. This time he's not just taking on one country, his appetite for adventure will take him through four of South East Asia's most exciting culinary destinations: Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia and Vietnam. In this clip Gordon Ramsay tries a beating snake heart in a glass.

Gordon Ramsay Eats a Beating Snake Heart in Vietnam sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2576

Raww fishing 13 years ago 7,306,655 views

From season 2 of Gordon's Great Escape. For the second series, Gordon goes back on the road doing what he loves most: searching out the best food in the world and testing himself in extreme and demanding situations. This time he's not just taking on one country, his appetite for adventure will take him through four of South East Asia's most exciting culinary destinations: Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia and Vietnam. In this clip Gordon Ramsay tries a beating snake heart in a glass.

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Most popular comments
for Gordon Ramsay Eats a Beating Snake Heart in Vietnam

Benny Boi
Benny Boi - 7 years ago
God damn Gordon.
Cameron Eiting
Cameron Eiting - 7 years ago
The bones low key look good
BalockayeMusic - 7 years ago
Wow yea fucking delicious
Caleb Eldridge
Caleb Eldridge - 7 years ago
It's fucking RAW
Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes - 7 years ago
Greg Dundee
Greg Dundee - 7 years ago
MΞGALO - 7 years ago
I feel Gordon puked after he ate
Chloe Marie
Chloe Marie - 7 years ago
Ryaken - 7 years ago
This is like watching Indianan Jones movie.

10. comment for Gordon Ramsay Eats a Beating Snake Heart in Vietnam

Shrunken Presence
Shrunken Presence - 7 years ago
sshortguy1 - 7 years ago
Chirp 426
Chirp 426 - 7 years ago
I'll stick with KFC
Jose Gaytan
Jose Gaytan - 7 years ago
is that heart raawwww?

fuck me
party rockers in the hou
party rockers in the hou - 7 years ago
This is why the vietnam war happened
H Ryan
H Ryan - 7 years ago
where is my "it's fucking raw"???
Mark Ferrie
Mark Ferrie - 7 years ago
What the fuck is wrong with those Chinese people, I feel sick
DiO Vinn
DiO Vinn - 7 years ago
Asian people stay baked af , I wish I was Asian .
Loading Username
Loading Username - 7 years ago
Chi tran
Chi tran - 7 years ago
2:41 gosh can’t these Vietnamese guys respect Gordon’s decision? If he doesn’t like it then don’t force him

20. comment for Gordon Ramsay Eats a Beating Snake Heart in Vietnam

John Earl Panganiban
John Earl Panganiban - 7 years ago
Why didnt they season it?!
First Name
First Name - 7 years ago
Poor animals. Caged. Killed. Eaten. sigh Humans.
Jasmine Nemu
Jasmine Nemu - 7 years ago
After dinner, Gordon went into the kitchen and screamed as loud as he possibly could, "it's raw!" And was thus never seen in Vietnam again.
NoThisIsPatrick - 7 years ago
they’re gonna turn him vegetarian for gods sake
Dino 54
Dino 54 - 7 years ago
"It looks like something out of a fucking science museum" - Gordon Ramsay
C Hosey
C Hosey - 7 years ago
"Sooo what do you fancy? Rat on toast?" LOL
Jeremia John
Jeremia John - 7 years ago
Leviticus in the Bible lists the food that are safe and clean to eat...snakes and fish without scales are not...God had a reason for that...snakes are full of poison from the cadavers that they eat and whales and dolphins are too intelligent to eat...but people are stubborn and have to suffer the consequences..
Yuan He
Yuan He - 7 years ago
Jeremia John Yeah yeah whatever
Andreas S p
Andreas S p - 7 years ago
at least he didnt eat cat or dogs meat
Jeffrey Nguyen
Jeffrey Nguyen - 7 years ago
0:56 Gordan's face-palm moment had me tears!
dcelis96 - 7 years ago
ramsey stop being a lil bitch

30. comment for Gordon Ramsay Eats a Beating Snake Heart in Vietnam

nicholas vargas
nicholas vargas - 7 years ago
I feel bad asf for those big rats or gerbal things jus let em go don't keep em ina bag
Noor Jamali
Noor Jamali - 7 years ago
Gordon should try Donald trumps food
T Cov
T Cov - 7 years ago
Rat on Toast
Jack Bro
Jack Bro - 7 years ago
Did he eat that....It was fucking disgusting
Savini Gamer
Savini Gamer - 7 years ago
Holy moly my own country is messed up
Graeme Thompson
Graeme Thompson - 7 years ago
That weed looks like garbage.
Vansh Indrasinh
Vansh Indrasinh - 7 years ago
Gorden think why am I fucking here
Manpreet Bindra
Manpreet Bindra - 7 years ago
Over the fu..kin moon :)
Viewing - 7 years ago
Ramsay: Is that heart fresh?
Waiter: It's so fresh it's still beating Chef!
Eric Edwards
Eric Edwards - 7 years ago
it's funny how he said AHHH shit when he drank the heart XD
Wayne D
Wayne D - 7 years ago
Eating a beating snack heart with vodka? It seems like the vodka is actually the chaser here
Generalkitty 431
Generalkitty 431 - 7 years ago
Gordon's a fucking god
T H I C C C L O U D - 7 years ago
Poor snek
AfterLifePassion - 7 years ago
He's regretting his life choices
AfterLifePassion - 7 years ago
He looks disturbed
ADC Bard
ADC Bard - 7 years ago
My family is from southern Vietnam and we don’t eat nasty shit like that like what the fuck
Vikas Saini
Vikas Saini - 7 years ago
You have no HEART MAN... remember after death GOD push you in HELL.... REMEMBER my worda
Vikas Saini
Vikas Saini - 7 years ago
Mother fucker you
Gecko - 7 years ago
Oh Come on Gordon for gods sake man.........ya must have had too many hits.....in the head......A Snake's Heart?....or maybe they slipped you something last night in your drink ? Get it together Ramsay.........sigh..........
Preeti Nishad
Preeti Nishad - 7 years ago
realllyyy discustingggg

50. comment for Gordon Ramsay Eats a Beating Snake Heart in Vietnam

Campbell - 7 years ago
Maximuz - 7 years ago
"When was the last time you had sex"
Y&S FOOD! - 7 years ago
Excellent movie! Here at Y&S FOOD! we like to notice these kind of content. We create Travel & Food shows too, around the globe, and therefore we are often seeking out inspirations and approaches. Thank You.
AivisJack - 7 years ago
Gordon Ramsay got peer pressured
Monica Parmer
Monica Parmer - 7 years ago
I dont think i could be a chef dont get me wrong i love food but just a very very picky eater
Júlio V. Silva
Júlio V. Silva - 7 years ago
Gordon is such a pussy
Mathias Castro
Mathias Castro - 7 years ago
Das_Bobster 7
Das_Bobster 7 - 7 years ago
"Yeah. I'm feeling over the fucking moon." Lol
The zerastora
The zerastora - 7 years ago
It’s still beating..... “fuck me”
wintone - 7 years ago
Michael Oliver
Michael Oliver - 7 years ago
Well, that's definitely not Kosher
Brandon Nguyen
Brandon Nguyen - 7 years ago
Im from Vietnam but i have never done this before
Tanveer Bhuiyan
Tanveer Bhuiyan - 7 years ago
Vietnameese eats even shit...OKAY!!!
Nigel Menezes
Nigel Menezes - 7 years ago
i`m feeling over the f-ing moon hahahs
Concept Creator
Concept Creator - 7 years ago
seriously what is wrong with them... That is SICK!!! Even more sick wanting to eat the heart while beating... WHY!
Jong Lee
Jong Lee - 7 years ago
"What we gonna have today, Rat on toast?" I'm dead lol
In-Bed Gamer
In-Bed Gamer - 7 years ago
Poor snek.
Michael Tran
Michael Tran - 7 years ago
I am Vietnamese but I have not eaten exotic things like this I eat cup o noodles and pho
Shoefrags - 7 years ago
They’ve been acting crazy over there, since they beat us...
Orgi u3u
Orgi u3u - 7 years ago
Gordon is truly scared
Bennett Garrity
Bennett Garrity - 7 years ago
One word................................p a r a s i t e s
fallen nova
fallen nova - 7 years ago
Snake eater
Cancer Mom
Cancer Mom - 7 years ago
I love snakes! I cant believe they ripped its heart out still alive seems a bit cruel
Todd Mastrianna
Todd Mastrianna - 7 years ago
Ha! I`ve been to Vietnam and HK and it`s TOTALLY normal to eat this stuff, and expensive too. Really only gross if you grew up in a country that doesn't` eat this stuff. It`s pretty good in the soup and even though the raw heart and bile is not so  "delicious" it`s no more gross than a raw oyster, and is true about the 5 times in a night (well, maybe 3)
Dr.Zapps - 7 years ago
Congratulations now you have parasites.
Shaswata Chatterjee
Shaswata Chatterjee - 7 years ago
I think they got the wrong guy...they wanted to get bear grylls I guess ..they're both Brit after all
SabotageCat - 7 years ago
Yeah I’m feeling over the fucking moon
Prasanna Maharjan
Prasanna Maharjan - 7 years ago
At least somthing is not frozen
La Famille de Grace
La Famille de Grace - 7 years ago
NITTSoC - 7 years ago
Im Surprise He Didn't Say ITS FUCKING RAWW
Trumps mentally ill mixed race Cousin
Trumps mentally ill mixed race Cousin - 7 years ago
I'm sorry but I don't understand the obsession of making the animals suffer before eating them
Alexx Power
Alexx Power - 7 years ago
snaaaake eaaateeeerrrr
Anoniem Jahtoch
Anoniem Jahtoch - 7 years ago
Underdog010 - 7 years ago
YPGM Show - 7 years ago
in Gordon's mind what is that ITS RAW F*** MEH
Lukas G
Lukas G - 7 years ago
Shad ow 2003
Shad ow 2003 - 7 years ago
Gordon a pussy
Cory In Your house
Cory In Your house - 7 years ago
1 night 5 time
Noel Wahyu
Noel Wahyu - 7 years ago
Screw The Net
Screw The Net - 7 years ago
Its harder to tell with asians, they have great poker faces. Fun fact.
Ludric NullEins
Ludric NullEins - 7 years ago
Well that's fucking raw
BpH - 7 years ago
SAO Anime Freak
SAO Anime Freak - 7 years ago
They LITERALLY ate the snake whole. bones, guts and all.
Anders Kristensen
Anders Kristensen - 7 years ago
The man wants fresh products. Doesn't get any more fresh than a nice beating heart.
Sivanesan Paniersalavam
Sivanesan Paniersalavam - 7 years ago
If Gordon is going to experience a foreign food culture, I wish he did so with a more open mind and less ridicule. Native food cultures that may be far different from the mainstream food culture, and their associated peoples, must be accorded due respect.
RollingArtist - 7 years ago
SuperCharlesDC - 7 years ago
At least it wasn't frozen :)
Ulkreghz Draugr
Ulkreghz Draugr - 7 years ago
Asia should be fucking glassed.
No One In Particular
No One In Particular - 7 years ago
liquor level in cup went down between cuts 2:00-2:15
thomas mathews
thomas mathews - 7 years ago
unnecessarily cruel

100. comment for Gordon Ramsay Eats a Beating Snake Heart in Vietnam

BlueMoon - 7 years ago
Gordon is such a good sport. I feel bad for him
Jared Tan
Jared Tan - 7 years ago
The sarcasm lol
pSycho Lover
pSycho Lover - 7 years ago
So they killed a snake just for fun. Ridiculous. You uncivilized asians are ridiculous..
Sarah Unicorns
Sarah Unicorns - 7 years ago
Gordon Ramsey I share a birthday with you my birthday is November 8th
Hyacinthero - 7 years ago
i had hoped they would go for the mountain rat
Yoshika Miyafuji
Yoshika Miyafuji - 7 years ago
I am racially vietnamese but luckily i got adopted when i was 2 months old and i luckily lived all of my life in Italy.
Polenta>>>>>Snake Heart.
Srijan Das
Srijan Das - 7 years ago
Jennifer Tran
Jennifer Tran - 7 years ago
I am Vietnamese
Crasous - 7 years ago
Oh c,mon, im from Viet Nam
Roselyn Resente
Roselyn Resente - 7 years ago
Gordon ramsay is cringing..
ADAM MUHAZLIM - 7 years ago
Well at least its not fcking frozen and spoiled sheit
Mike Studmuffin
Mike Studmuffin - 7 years ago
YOu're not a real Chef if you cook only safe food like a lot of pretender chefs that only cook French because it's fancy and you can charge more money for so little.
Computer Dog
Computer Dog - 7 years ago
"What do you fancy rat on toast???" LMFAOOO
Vhiick Tore
Vhiick Tore - 7 years ago
"That's how strong a man id" the look on grodan's face
Erhan Achmad
Erhan Achmad - 7 years ago
Thank God I don't live there
DruovanniDefoe - 7 years ago
Wife was overseas, but some lucky girl got 5 servings of Chef Ramsay's batter...
emsss ;-;
emsss ;-; - 7 years ago
I'm Vietnamese!
Rainpuff Carl
Rainpuff Carl - 7 years ago
1:41 I thought he was going to say, the thought of eating there turns me on
Teuku Reiza
Teuku Reiza - 7 years ago
over the fu**in moon lol
smol bean
smol bean - 7 years ago
Asians eat the bones.
Rock Vander
Rock Vander - 7 years ago
Raw snake, full of parasites, disgusting...
HighTowerNL - 7 years ago
Well at least it's great they eat the whole snake and not throw away most parts.
quality bleach
quality bleach - 7 years ago
Hissssss it's fucking RAAAW
Mega Satan
Mega Satan - 7 years ago
When he ate the heart i was expecting all the guys around him to be like "holy shit he fucking did it! Why the hell would you eat a heart?"
Diana21692 - 7 years ago
I've tried it in Indonesia and they mixed it with alcohol so it's like drinking alcohol which is good. Heard it's good for the skin
Diana21692 - 7 years ago
Gordon's eager for the snake
Dirty Blond
Dirty Blond - 7 years ago
Dont like this guy, but had to feel a bit bad for him anyway...
Γωγω Μητσιωνη
Γωγω Μητσιωνη - 7 years ago
02:05 yeah wow fucking delicious omg I'm dead
Uber-Privileged - 7 years ago
Little booger-eaters can keep that shit!
SH - Cooking
SH - Cooking - 7 years ago
hey guy please watch this videos show you about : Eating Live Octopus in Korea 2018 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gwHRDgHjfg
Keith Aryan
Keith Aryan - 7 years ago
now i know why USA lost
Delorah Official
Delorah Official - 7 years ago
He said '' a science Museum lmfao
Master Yi
Master Yi - 7 years ago
im vietnamese and i dont like that
Dornatum - 7 years ago
That looks hella nasty
Franklin truong
Franklin truong - 7 years ago
Really I live there and they do that???? I live in Saigon but outside of Saigon
Green :D
Green :D - 7 years ago
So.... never be a snake in vietname
Euterpe 【イウテルピ】
Euterpe 【イウテルピ】 - 7 years ago
Poor snake.... and Chef....
Quantum Chang
Quantum Chang - 7 years ago
What the fuck is wrong with this motherfucking ramsay son of a cockroach? Why the fuck does he want to go into these motherfucking places in Vietnam? People that walk into these places are totally fucked up Vietnamese. These Vietnamese even fuck their own daughters. It's a true story. Why don't he fucking go into a wholesome Vietnamese vegan restaurant. These Vietnamese are the most creative chefs in the whole world of vegans.
chilldude30 - 7 years ago
he is such a bully
Lois D
Lois D - 7 years ago
"it's good?"
"ya I'm feelin over the fucking moon" ahahhahahaha wtf
Vert Xavier
Vert Xavier - 7 years ago
Ahaahahhahahha he can take on amateurs, donkeys, idiots, fatfuck, fucking <whatever that he calls amateur chefs that failed> but he couldn't take on a snake!
Sophia Tran
Sophia Tran - 7 years ago
I’m Vietnamese but I have never eaten that
Isaac Arellano
Isaac Arellano - 7 years ago
who else loves to argue in the comment section?
Dank Meme
Dank Meme - 7 years ago
Kenny Jr
Kenny Jr - 7 years ago
Ramsey gettin that "free wifi"
Layla A
Layla A - 7 years ago
These guys think if u eat these live animals it’s good for having intercourse hahahahaha funny or what,
The Ethical Hacker
The Ethical Hacker - 7 years ago
In Gordon's head: Fuck Vietnam
Anais - 7 years ago
Wow, they really appreciate their food, I mean they eat all the part.
Bang Minh
Bang Minh - 7 years ago
to be honest, most Vietnamese actually rarely eat such of these weird things, we only eat rice, chicken and pork and vegetables like normal human being do. These weird things actually looks disgusting to me.
Tejas Mohite
Tejas Mohite - 7 years ago
vietnam is shit snake heart yukkk
Djan Banai
Djan Banai - 7 years ago
how can you say something is shit when u haven't eaten it
Tejas Mohite
Tejas Mohite - 7 years ago
Djan Banai thats shit why u i try it do you eat shit?
Djan Banai
Djan Banai - 7 years ago
have you ever tried it
nate Rodriguez
nate Rodriguez - 7 years ago
his wife is 11,000 miles away but earth is only 12,000 kilometers in diameter
War The Forsaken
War The Forsaken - 7 years ago
It's fucking Raw lmao
Random stuff with Michael
Random stuff with Michael - 7 years ago
Welcome to communism land.
Ainsley Harriott
Ainsley Harriott - 7 years ago
You can see it on his eyes.. he is like "help"
DCQ__senkrad13 - 7 years ago
He couldve scream the fucking bones are fucking dry!!!!!!!
Courtney Van
Courtney Van - 7 years ago
Djan Banai
Djan Banai - 7 years ago
vietnam is famous because of the war u idiot
Courtney Van
Courtney Van - 7 years ago
someasiankid - 7 years ago
I won't eat liver, it has at shit after taste
firexx78 - 7 years ago
What the actual fuck Vietnam....
Yasmine Portillo
Yasmine Portillo - 7 years ago
Yeah I'm over the fucking moon
Alexander Köpke
Alexander Köpke - 7 years ago
That's sick
Djan Banai
Djan Banai - 7 years ago
yeah it is raw they should have cooked it
Joshua Vasquez
Joshua Vasquez - 7 years ago
Kanololel - 7 years ago
Um I’ve eaten this like 5 times and it’s good...

I’m weird and Vietnamese
Neil is Alive
Neil is Alive - 7 years ago
I can almost hear Anthony Bourdain shouting, "Pussy!" from afar.
andy mac
andy mac - 7 years ago
Haha poor bugger .lest he’s honest .!!!
Darth Hitler
Darth Hitler - 7 years ago
Over the fuckin moon
Henry V.
Henry V. - 7 years ago
Fucking delicious
Dushyant Deshwal
Dushyant Deshwal - 7 years ago
Yeah... I am feeling over the fucking moon.
Joescott21 - 7 years ago
Just wash down that bile with some deep fried bones.
Joey Johnson
Joey Johnson - 7 years ago
Aziz Abk
Aziz Abk - 7 years ago
Vietnam is the worst place to chill
Blastmaster KRS-One
Blastmaster KRS-One - 7 years ago
I was just in Vietnam and ate snake and the heart. Delicious.
littlecutiebear36 adrianna
littlecutiebear36 adrianna - 7 years ago
vietnam why home whyyyy wait u say it tastes like chicken?
Curry - 7 years ago
Gordon: Are we seriously gonna eat that?
Vietnamese dude: Why not.

Asian food in a nutshell
Fux - 7 years ago
yeah if we find a new animal species well always find a way on how to make it into food
Curry - 7 years ago
Hieu Nguyen Yeah. I mean after all, we eat everything in sight and walk down the street while holding scorpions
Hieu Nguyen
Hieu Nguyen - 7 years ago
That just proves that we asians have better survival instinct
Crimson Tv
Crimson Tv - 7 years ago
When Gordon tries to find the most fresh ingredients lol
Mystomachhurt - 7 years ago
mike856ms - 7 years ago
Don't be eating while watching this segment.
Expandion - Roblox, Geometry dash gaming and more!
Expandion - Roblox, Geometry dash gaming and more! - 7 years ago
Man : Look look look, you see that? The heart is still beating.
Gordon Ramsay : Yeah wow fuckin delicious.
I lost it. XD
Bleh - 7 years ago
Tf am I doing I’m vegetarian
Sam Ashton
Sam Ashton - 7 years ago
1:06, he took Michael McIntyre with him‽
Bat Guano
Bat Guano - 7 years ago
I tried fried rattlesnake ...and it was good! Like the old joke, it tastes just like chicken. Same thing with frog legs, tastes like chicken, but with a slightly waxy consistency to the meat. Amazing that those folks in Arkansas got frogs with such humongous legs.
RivreShappire - 7 years ago
i honestly would not be able to do that
123 - 7 years ago
People-The snake is good for sex

Gordon-“So the snake is good for sex. So when the last time you had sex”

Me- Laugh wheeze
Arpit Shukla
Arpit Shukla - 7 years ago
Gordon wondering “am I gonna make home fine and safe or should I make a call to fam”.
Arpit Shukla
Arpit Shukla - 7 years ago
And here I’am waiting to see them eating each other up. Live and and publicly in a restaurant.
Muhammed Ali
Muhammed Ali - 7 years ago
lol Ramsays politest excuse me ... i took the heart ... haha he hated thought of another living organ.
Eloise Wainwright
Eloise Wainwright - 7 years ago
these men need to chill with their toxic masculinity
NitroGAME - 7 years ago
Vietnam is so wierd.....and raw food can cause deadly diseases
Why you Do this
Why you Do this - 7 years ago
Tin User
Tin User - 7 years ago
"Are we seriously going to eat that?"
"Yeah, why not?"
Pretty much sums up Vietnamese dining.
lovaby - 7 years ago
"yeah i'm feeling over the fucking moon" hahahahaha
Gregory Speleotes
Gregory Speleotes - 7 years ago
He was probably thinking “WHERES THE LAMB SAUCE!”
sky zhuo
sky zhuo - 7 years ago
Put it back the snakr plsss
Shashank Kolhe
Shashank Kolhe - 7 years ago
First time i have seen Gordon Ramsay weak
Moheeb Miftah
Moheeb Miftah - 7 years ago
Fucking mental how the fuck can you do that
John Pun
John Pun - 7 years ago
I'm feeling over the fucking moon
MisterTofu - 7 years ago
I guess Gordon will never go back to Vietnam
Nila - 7 years ago
i'm feeling yeah over the fucking moon
Emiliano Lopez-hafen
Emiliano Lopez-hafen - 7 years ago
Gordon - " are you seriously going to eat that?"
Other guy - " why not?? "
KS_DivineBeast - 7 years ago
I'm a filipino....we never have this kind of food in our country ._.... that's nasty af.... if I eat those... I'll die... I'll rather eat a brocolli than a snake heart and stuff
Digbijoy Singha
Digbijoy Singha - 7 years ago
I will never visit Vietnam, not in my damn life..
ae86 irl
ae86 irl - 7 years ago
Fucking discusting ☺
Quatrei Quorizawa
Quatrei Quorizawa - 7 years ago
wonder after he eats it, they say... he ate it! he actually fell for it! XD
Kayla Bradley
Kayla Bradley - 7 years ago
After swallowing the heart he's going to feel like his gut has hiccups
Itachi Uchiha
Itachi Uchiha - 7 years ago
Where my vietnam fam
Alejandro Quezada
Alejandro Quezada - 7 years ago
"I'm feeling over the fucken moon"
Alejandro Quezada
Alejandro Quezada - 7 years ago
Fucken Ramsey your fucken crazy
Georgina Marlene Gonzalez Mendoza
Georgina Marlene Gonzalez Mendoza - 7 years ago
amelle benabid
amelle benabid - 7 years ago
Fuck that
Roosbeh Almasi
Roosbeh Almasi - 7 years ago
I wonder how these yellow kitties have not eaten each other
Khánh An Trần
Khánh An Trần - 7 years ago
Im from Việt Nam
Sam G
Sam G - 7 years ago
man i miss bein in asia fuck
Chair Sama
Chair Sama - 7 years ago
undoubtedly gordon is one of the best chefs but.. when facing exotic asian cuisine hes still an amateur Hahahah its fucking RAW!
michael jackson lover
michael jackson lover - 7 years ago
That's NASTY
michael jackson lover
michael jackson lover - 7 years ago
Oh s**t
nutjobs_awsome Jarman
nutjobs_awsome Jarman - 7 years ago
the people that eat this everyday ur fucked up
Dark pro Mo
Dark pro Mo - 7 years ago
In Gordon's head : wtf am I doing here
"Fuck meh"
AnimeCam13 Parish
AnimeCam13 Parish - 7 years ago
Dark pro Mo t
prncss. 97
prncss. 97 - 7 years ago
Eat white boy eat
TheHunter Of Hunters
TheHunter Of Hunters - 7 years ago
"It looks like it came from a science museum"

Alex Coz
Alex Coz - 7 years ago
Am I the only one who thinks his hair looks like Jake Paul’s hair?
Yourz Truly Fashion Guru
Yourz Truly Fashion Guru - 7 years ago
That's gotta be the most cheap/bollywood looking intro I've ever seen. I love it
Anunnaki Arandio
Anunnaki Arandio - 7 years ago
I'm feeling over the fucking Moon hahaha
MRios1128 - 7 years ago
"I'm feeling over the fuckin moon"
Thommy - 7 years ago
The people over there eat even King Cobras?
Isaac Arellano
Isaac Arellano - 7 years ago
depends whos eating it, andrew from bizarre foods makes this look good lol!
Naitik Gupta
Naitik Gupta - 7 years ago
"Yeah I am feeling over the fucking moon"
Jimmy Jimmerson
Jimmy Jimmerson - 7 years ago
rip snek
Marcos Lopez
Marcos Lopez - 7 years ago
Actually looks delicious.
Nelson Aluag
Nelson Aluag - 7 years ago
That's Vietnam for ya
Geet Sharma
Geet Sharma - 7 years ago
No wonder he hates people who fuck up food.
Unglaublich - 7 years ago
That fucking heart is RAW!!
trash - 7 years ago
What the fuck the snake is still alive
1601scotty - 7 years ago
Da jiba
Oanh bom Pham
Oanh bom Pham - 7 years ago
Ummm I Vietnamese I knew where this was going
babyplaze - 7 years ago
Nino Lehaney
Nino Lehaney - 7 years ago
the bile.... seriously
Liam Spady
Liam Spady - 7 years ago
Hyper_SkuLL - 7 years ago
Gordon you have balls of a legend i would run away like in a heartbeat
Chris Armstrong
Chris Armstrong - 7 years ago
Hellz no that's gotta be immoral or something wtf
Shay Parker
Shay Parker - 7 years ago
“it’s still beating ? yeah wow , fucking delicious”
Abreupathik - 7 years ago
-is it good?
-yeah....i'm feeling over the fucking moon....
Aahahhahahahahahah gordon sarcastic level 99999
Nikotiini - 7 years ago
Damn they're roasting Gordon
Yuzhe Zhang
Yuzhe Zhang - 7 years ago
Costa72 Sd
Costa72 Sd - 7 years ago
Disgusting , cruel , i wish americans threw a nuclear bomb on vietnam instead of japan
That One SS Worker
That One SS Worker - 7 years ago
T0pMan15 - 7 years ago
I personally couldn't eat that. But I respect the Vietnamese for eating every part of an animal they kill - so they don't leave any waste.
It's easy for 1st worlders to judge 3rd worlders. But the reality is, it's easier for us to get food than it is for them.
Joseph Garcia
Joseph Garcia - 7 years ago
do they really eat the snake heart while its beating? or are they just f-ing with him haha
gautam kenway
gautam kenway - 7 years ago
Deepak Jha
Deepak Jha - 7 years ago
wow its seems to be tasty.. i would love to try.. love from India.. :)
Haziq - 7 years ago
Gordon: "why do you eat snakes?"

Vietnamese: "it makes you strong
yeah sure
yeah sure - 7 years ago
Snake, the other, other white meat...
Abdul Koyesh
Abdul Koyesh - 7 years ago
I fill sick seeing this but I have to give it to Gordon got balls for eating this shit
volrak griot
volrak griot - 7 years ago
Now I know why the USA couldn't handle these guys back in the day all that power food
Dhaval Vyas
Dhaval Vyas - 7 years ago
That's really inhumane tbh
Husnaj Zahan
Husnaj Zahan - 7 years ago
What was that
Nick Rios
Nick Rios - 7 years ago
Asian people are disgusting, they eat animals that weren’t even meant to be eaten, it’s fucked up.
ISS600 - 7 years ago
Nick Rios Oh go away
Hiep Hoa
Hiep Hoa - 7 years ago
He shock.
Hiep Hoa
Hiep Hoa - 7 years ago
Chao ban
Boku Hero
Boku Hero - 7 years ago
fucking delicious
Williams Tao
Williams Tao - 7 years ago
You are so mean to Vietnamese people's food
Wizardwiwizard - 7 years ago
As a Vietnamese i would like to make it clear that this is gross to most of us, it's definitely not a common thing here. And those guys are gross too. They said "5 time 1 night", yeah, with a prostitute or a gold digger. Decent guys don't do that.
Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow - 7 years ago
Allison Burgers lol I always wanted to try to eat dog meat
Allison Burgers
Allison Burgers - 7 years ago
Wizardwiwizard yeah, I agree. ( chomps into roasted dog meat while speaking)
PANTHER - 7 years ago
If snake had a dick they probably would eat that too
Akshay Dalvi
Akshay Dalvi - 7 years ago
yaak.. :(
Willfulwaffle - 7 years ago
"Mr. Fat when was the last time you had sex" -Gordon "Fucking Raw" Ramsay
Danial Y
Danial Y - 7 years ago
Wtf is wrong with these people that's disgusting.
ISS600 - 7 years ago
Nikita G
Nikita G - 7 years ago
The next video is "the worst act of animal cruelty I've ever seen"
Jessica Rich
Jessica Rich - 7 years ago
This is so fucking cruel...
lalala hana
lalala hana - 7 years ago
Poor snake
Angela G.
Angela G. - 7 years ago
i really dont know how snakes would taste like but my folks also mentioned that it tasted like chickens, makes me wanna try it looool, BUT THE BONES? IS A NOPER. ITS LIKE A BLOODY CENTIPEDE
George MMA
George MMA - 7 years ago
DerpyOre - 7 years ago
you know i have no problem with this due do it could have been killed by the environment and wasted and here they kill it humanly and don't waste anything
eʟevated - 7 years ago
That is not humane it was just stabbed in the gut and let it bleed out
:D Hi there
:D Hi there - 7 years ago
GunsAndClips - 7 years ago
That snake heart is FUCKING RAW
Taylor Matson
Taylor Matson - 7 years ago
SIMON PONADON - 7 years ago
erick zavala
erick zavala - 7 years ago
Fuck off
RatchetSprite - 7 years ago
Robert aragon
Robert aragon - 7 years ago
Huh. Didn't know Vietnam had Face-Huggers.
The Stig
The Stig - 7 years ago
That snake is fucking raw
Joel Jones
Joel Jones - 7 years ago
Snakes actually pretty good, but these dishes could of used some improvements
Bob Dickens
Bob Dickens - 7 years ago
Hmm... I'd rather skin the snake and use its skin for something else....
Tyler Purple
Tyler Purple - 7 years ago
At least they don't waste none of it, all of it went to use
cartoon fanatic
cartoon fanatic - 7 years ago
Having two snakes as pets this is a little to very uncomfortable
Eric Smith
Eric Smith - 7 years ago
He handled that better then the time he tried a pineapple pizza.....
KawaiiMarsmellow MSP
KawaiiMarsmellow MSP - 7 years ago
Eric Smith lmao
Light Bulb
Light Bulb - 7 years ago
I m from Vietnam I m coming back there soon
Dark Prince Bappy
Dark Prince Bappy - 7 years ago
Why The Fuck This Was Recommended To Me ? LoL And Yuck!!!
facts not feelings
facts not feelings - 7 years ago
who the fuck said. great idea lets let this rat raw
Prymarix - 7 years ago
I wander what water is that with the heart, dish water?
ISS600 - 7 years ago
Primaris probably snake wine
MisterBeja - 7 years ago
Sadia Rehman
Sadia Rehman - 7 years ago
That is bloody shit
Barack Obama
Barack Obama - 7 years ago
The snake actually looks delicious
Barack Obama
Barack Obama - 7 years ago
Id eat that no problem
Trippie Redd autistic shoota #iwillslap6ix9ine
Trippie Redd autistic shoota #iwillslap6ix9ine - 7 years ago
Maria M G
Maria M G - 7 years ago
Trippie Redd autistic shoota #iwillslap6ix9ine
Tony Wu
Tony Wu - 7 years ago
No click bait there
anurag harit
anurag harit - 7 years ago
Look at his face.. lol.. he knew he fucked up this time... huge fan... he got 2 hearts now...haha....
Jakob - 7 years ago
eating an beating animal-heart good for erect penis, - eating an unborn duck foetus, good for getting erect penis, drinking powder from an albino-childs crushed bones, good for erect penis and eternal life. (wauee proof of concept and almost a slam dunk for Darwin).and all' because they can get there dick hard anymore.. damn what a level. of prmitiveness and from a klientel with a complete lack of empaty...( 2:31 thats how strong the man is ! lol say what, your a freaking vimp, and looking for all sorts of crazyness to feel like a man, simply because your aint, your a sorry excuse for one. ).
Jakob - 7 years ago
fair enough and hopefully not "female" in vietnamese term aka shemale...
either way, if your man, got problems down this alley ' this aint the road to go down, perhaps try something else, like going to the gym and get some energy, or simply just talk together 4 real.. no reason for all this rotten culture where prmitiveness takes center stage, with crushing bones or eating all sorts of wickedness, like a beating heart, foegus, or simply elefant horn, shark fins, tiger bones, human albinos' and thereby making an market for sick poachers..thats sad..either way i hope you and your man again get it all sorted out..
ISS600 - 7 years ago
Jakob I'm female.
Jakob - 7 years ago
your babling, but I dont understand what your meen.. but i sense your one of those in the video there can get your dick hard, and now eating all sort of things in the hope it will again get it hard and you can feel like a reel man (pfftt) as they also say in the video.. so thats why you need to eat a beating heart, bird foetus, crushed albino humans bones, crushed elefant horn, shark fins, crushed tiger bones, and this simply idotic things in the hope that will get your dick hard again (what a rotten excuse for a male).. cant you see how idiotic it is, and this rotten belief just making an blackmarket for poachers going around killing tigers, elefant, human albinos.. simply from a rotten culture where the concept of anykind of empaty has newer ewer settled. and what is this crap about two way empaty. - you want an, elephant or human albino there is getting killed for its bones, to have sympaty with those human idiots with a lap dick. (can you see how fxxx up you are..- get it into your brain ' if you cant get your dick hard, it aint because you need to drink human albino bones, or elefant horn, or just eating an beating heart, primitiveness in a nutshell.-.you sound like your comming from the red light district, - level up.ISS600
ISS600 - 7 years ago
Jakob live in a second world country. They don't have as many called as you do. Kindly Screw off. Oh and empathy is really a two way street if you ask me. So shut up
SheepCatCharlie - 7 years ago
Gordon Dahmer
xChubbyDuckyx ww
xChubbyDuckyx ww - 7 years ago
"Snakes don't have bones their all mustle" they said, fuck all them critics we have proof!
Peridot Facet-2F5L Cut 5XG
Peridot Facet-2F5L Cut 5XG - 7 years ago
is that a king cobra ?
MJC Felipe
MJC Felipe - 7 years ago
Catherine Moldes
Catherine Moldes - 7 years ago
1:52 Man: U okay?
Ramsay:Yeah never felt better
Ramsay's Mind: Someone Help me.
Lamocke Art
Lamocke Art - 7 years ago
If you served anything snake in my area, you get arrested on the spot.
MiNiSciuta MNS
MiNiSciuta MNS - 7 years ago
2:06 "Fucking delicious"
Dark Coven
Dark Coven - 7 years ago
Third world Countries LMFAO I'm gonna head on down to KFC and get me some Chicken and sides, Enjoy your snake you poor losers.
ISS600 - 7 years ago
Dark Coven Screw off
Dark Coven
Dark Coven - 7 years ago
No Gordon don't you don't need too.
AchranMallory - 7 years ago
At times I feel like his reputation precedes him and people just want to see what they can make him eat.
tbb033 - 7 years ago
Whines and bitches about shark fins, eats beating snake heart.

FUCKING hypocrite.
Jess Reeves
Jess Reeves - 7 years ago
"Over the fucking moon"
Nawbz Official
Nawbz Official - 7 years ago
Vietnamese dude: good?
Ramsay: yea, I'm feeling over the fuckin moon.
Alex Klicper
Alex Klicper - 7 years ago
If you kill anyone be sure to eat their heart to gain their courage. Rich tasty courage...
LuckyLucanio L.
LuckyLucanio L. - 7 years ago
0;49 smh rat on toast lls
jørgen olsen
jørgen olsen - 7 years ago
it's good? = yeah i,m feeling young over the fucking moon! HAHAHAHAHA!!! I always shit my pants when he say's things like that!!! :'D :'D
julius dogta
julius dogta - 7 years ago
Top Gear UK did that. hammond didn't like it tho in Vietnam SPECIAL xD
TheCosmic Noob
TheCosmic Noob - 7 years ago
lil Smoozy
lil Smoozy - 7 years ago
Did he sleep that night well lol
flip - 7 years ago
Luqmanul Ariffin
Luqmanul Ariffin - 7 years ago
So gross
aaron Hazel
aaron Hazel - 7 years ago
I bet not 1 of them has eaten a heart just a laugh at Gordons expense haha
Declan McCartney
Declan McCartney - 7 years ago
I lived in Vietnam for 2 years and never ate snake heart or guts, I think they were having a little fun with him xD
pythyyy - 7 years ago
Gordon has finally become a SEX GOD
Old Boy
Old Boy - 7 years ago
Snake and Rat and reptiles are UNCLEAN ANIMALS.
Brian Lutes
Brian Lutes - 7 years ago
i really like that they consume the entire animal
Lolmasn - 7 years ago
I am so glad I am Vietnamese
Snake Subliminals
Snake Subliminals - 7 years ago
Aw poor snakey (snakes are my favorite animals) but I guess at least it was used for food insteaf of just killing it for fun
crazyzockerz - 7 years ago
This is animal abuse...
"Normal" meat is not better tho.
Philipp Untoro
Philipp Untoro - 7 years ago
ooh i love that..
Ron Fireson
Ron Fireson - 7 years ago
Proud to be a
Vietnamese c:
Lynx Design
Lynx Design - 7 years ago
I hate snake why did i watch this
Salt n anger With facts
Salt n anger With facts - 7 years ago
Can't they kill the snake other then bleeding it out by taking the organs alive that is cruel it's already bad enough to keep it in a bag stranded but bleeding it out is just too much
Salt n anger With facts
Salt n anger With facts - 7 years ago
The animals cruelty is real in this shit
DownThe RabbitHole
DownThe RabbitHole - 7 years ago
"With a name like a that, I'm surprise you get anything."
Nukishou - 7 years ago
When I saw it beating I couldn't
manuele - 7 years ago
3:43 "are we seriously gonna eat this?? it's like something out of the science museum" ahahhaahahahah
Richard Nguyen
Richard Nguyen - 7 years ago
2011??who's watching in 2017???!!!
U. Logic
U. Logic - 7 years ago
They're still in the trees eating snakes.
Tabgach Giyamhu
Tabgach Giyamhu - 7 years ago
ewwwwww gross.disgusting asians.
Allwin Jeba
Allwin Jeba - 7 years ago
Its like we are in a science museum.. That cracked me up!
Branden's Outdoor Channel
Branden's Outdoor Channel - 7 years ago
Feeling over the fucking moon lol
Adamir Fazilov
Adamir Fazilov - 7 years ago
U can see how much the people liked annoying Gordon about eating the heart
Whiskey_Stell - 7 years ago
Whiskey_Stell - 7 years ago
Glad he went to Vietnam my Great Grandma owns pythons but she is taken care if by like 10 uncles
Nim Nad
Nim Nad - 7 years ago
im feeling over the f*king moon hahaha
313Solidsnake - 7 years ago
Thats animal cruelty this shit is disgusting
TheOneRiceCat II Partially Talented Artist II
TheOneRiceCat II Partially Talented Artist II - 7 years ago
All Asian people describe unique meats tasting like chicken XD
Mongy - 7 years ago
they don't waste anything, good on em
Liu Aaron
Liu Aaron - 7 years ago
fuck snakes.
Angel Le (995AngLe)
Angel Le (995AngLe) - 7 years ago
Im Vietnamese and I don't eat snake hearts
Joury S
Joury S - 7 years ago
I think ill just stick to mcdonalds.
Rein D
Rein D - 7 years ago
Joury S Dont let Wendy's see you type that
AJ 7
AJ 7 - 7 years ago
You fine?
Yes, I'm fine. Couldn't have been fking better.
You alright?
Yes, I'm over the fking moon.
uPB4uTube - 7 years ago
I know no meat is handled properly, but removing a beating heart from a snake whilst it's still alive? There's a line. The concept of eating the heart is fine, in fact I condone the fact they don't waste anything, but the way they keep the animals and remove their innards whilst they are still alive is beyond reason. People like this need to be put down before they breed, fuck me.
uPB4uTube - 7 years ago
So there's no consideration for the poor live animals? Why must they be eaten alive?
ISS600 - 7 years ago
uPB4uTube Wow. just wow. you jerk. Asians don't have much do they do what they need to do. You want then to stop? Never gonna happen.
Bob The Fuck Boy
Bob The Fuck Boy - 7 years ago
Eats the heart. "It's fucking raw you donkey."
Fabian del Rosario Baldur
Fabian del Rosario Baldur - 7 years ago
its focking raaaaaaaaaaaw
Noname - 7 years ago
This people are monsters
Margaret Huynh
Margaret Huynh - 7 years ago
I've been to Vietnam, and my parents and were born in Vietnam, but the grossest thing we've ever eaten was an unborn duck. According to western standards. I don't find it gross
Rene Gonzalez
Rene Gonzalez - 7 years ago
Gordon was like this food sucks lol
Sabaton4Ever - 7 years ago
The first man ever that ate Taylor Swifts heart and that on tv, amazing!
Lachlan Shalala
Lachlan Shalala - 7 years ago
I bet you the snake was frozen
tijmen131 - 7 years ago
well I am glad they consume every bit of the snake
George3rdCoast USA
George3rdCoast USA - 7 years ago
i actually got pretty hungry.. no lie..
HINISLI TUNCAY - 7 years ago
dicaprio did it too
sowshei gaming
sowshei gaming - 7 years ago
Okay here we go
MykroDaB3ast - 7 years ago
tell me how this nigga can take a beating snake heart but vomits when a sheaperds pie is too greasy at a restaurant :/
theplanemaster758 - 7 years ago
asians are fucked up
Clayton Lewis
Clayton Lewis - 7 years ago
Imagine he ate all day and the heart was the last meal he ate and pooped it out beating
Eli Yang
Eli Yang - 7 years ago
Shalashaska 994
Shalashaska 994 - 7 years ago
Whaddyou fancy, rat on toast?
Jeffrey Sin
Jeffrey Sin - 7 years ago
one night 5 times... fucking dead XD
Frat Club101
Frat Club101 - 7 years ago
He can eat a snake heart but he can't eat a fucking pineapple pizza!
Getthefuckoffmylawn - 7 years ago
leave it to Asians
Mack Brock
Mack Brock - 7 years ago
This is some Indiana jones shit
Innate - 7 years ago
Gordon really is a national treasure, never a dull moment
South Vietnam
South Vietnam - 7 years ago
We still do have pho if you find the heart disgusting
Zia Uddin Khan
Zia Uddin Khan - 7 years ago
These guys are mad.
Josue M
Josue M - 7 years ago
Respect to the Vietnamese though for eating whatever has a heart
adeelahmeddar - 7 years ago
@2:28 he spit it
XxWolfChanYTxX Lol
XxWolfChanYTxX Lol - 7 years ago
You should have also tried pig ear with toyaki sauce with fish sauce dousing. It's delicious
O K - 7 years ago
Rawest things he’s ever eaten
Arnold Kevorkov
Arnold Kevorkov - 7 years ago
Gordon Ramsay rules
Sama jan
Sama jan - 7 years ago
Ewwwww that's disgusting
Edmund Reichelt
Edmund Reichelt - 7 years ago
asians are all disgusting
drew M
drew M - 7 years ago
Ive never seen him so out of his element
DavidGamer - 7 years ago
Asians always say that everything of their weird food tastes like chicken
Hieu Nguyen
Hieu Nguyen - 7 years ago
Actually it was mostly American's saying. We just copy it
Duy Nguyen Le Dong
Duy Nguyen Le Dong - 7 years ago
rat taste like beef -_-
Frank Brazil
Frank Brazil - 7 years ago
these people are fuckin animals. disgusting
Baby αngel
Baby αngel - 7 years ago
At least they use all of the snake and not waste anything. You have no right to judge another culture that's completely different from yours. Their traditions may be different from yours, so just accept the fact that not every single culture in the world is perfect and exactly like yours.
Gooscar - 7 years ago
The snake's dead already. This is reducing waste.
Gaurab Chatterjee
Gaurab Chatterjee - 7 years ago
Bruh, only 5 times? Meh, I'll pass.
Alec Aquino
Alec Aquino - 7 years ago
This is horrible :(
farhin islam
farhin islam - 7 years ago
this guy can eat all that disgusting shit but not pinapple on pizza...wow
SmallBeanDraws 334
SmallBeanDraws 334 - 7 years ago
I'm Vietnamese and I never had a beating snake heart and I tasted the food from Vietnam from a hotel and the food didn't taste good I got sick right after I finished eating it and Vietnam is not a very clean place
WhatNowTommy - 7 years ago
This is pure joy to watch. Watching Ramsay yell at people on kitchen nightmare to this is just pure gold.
Br1koo - 7 years ago
I think they pranked only him with this much bizarre stuff.
Trevor Holland
Trevor Holland - 7 years ago
Haha them ribs are just like eating brim fins
xXMithrilDiamondXx - 7 years ago
Im viet and people that they know most usually hurt or act nice. That is why viet people are mostly retarded
Smi1eFac3Gaming - 7 years ago
Deer heart is better
Smi1eFac3Gaming - 7 years ago
Where's the dog
Edward The Dog
Edward The Dog - 7 years ago
Um chop the FUCKING snake's head off so it doesn't feel any pain!
Winter - 7 years ago
I won't eat a snake, because i was born in the year of the snake
Der's a snek in mah boot
Der's a snek in mah boot - 7 years ago
I have a lizard and seeing those lizards piled up on top of each other makes me kind of sad... No hate... But still...
Mj Vallejo
Mj Vallejo - 7 years ago
Chef you are the best.
tubenachos - 7 years ago
Viet fuckin Nam!
Bonnie Nguyen
Bonnie Nguyen - 7 years ago
Don't worry it a Vietnamese thing I'm Vietnamese but I don't eat snake some do I live in cali
HDawg Supreme
HDawg Supreme - 7 years ago
Do Asians literally think every single conceivable animal product is an aphrodisiac?
Ricky Esparza
Ricky Esparza - 7 years ago
It's fucking RAWWWW!
Ryan Toh
Ryan Toh - 7 years ago
A snake in Africa could have eaten that child
Whata Rebel
Whata Rebel - 7 years ago
Those poor animals!!
Cao Minh V
Cao Minh V - 7 years ago
I Ate Snake Before And It Does Taste Like Chicken
hanstaufilm - 7 years ago
Snake actually taste good and taste similar like duck meat in my opinion..
Byfx Gaming
Byfx Gaming - 7 years ago
Super ATP Synthase
Super ATP Synthase - 7 years ago
Hoodini - 7 years ago
You know whats funny if he goes on the toilet take his dump and just see the heart still beating surrounded by poop and he disgusted as hell
iftikhar hussain
iftikhar hussain - 7 years ago
He looks like a little kid at the table who dont want their veggies lool
Louis Barningham
Louis Barningham - 7 years ago
Wtf that shop is fucked that's tourture!!!!!! Wtf
Seagh - 7 years ago
Now Gordon gets Vietnam flashbacks.
Mateus Costa
Mateus Costa - 7 years ago
The fooking heart os fooking RAW
Maaz Sharief
Maaz Sharief - 7 years ago
"Yea I'm feeling Over the Fucking Moon" - Gordon Ramsey, Veitnam
Koolaid1015 - 7 years ago
Animal brutality
Jake San
Jake San - 7 years ago
the legend say he still masturbating till this very day
Farenther Son of Dwalin
Farenther Son of Dwalin - 7 years ago
Would eat all. Not a lie
Max Max
Max Max - 7 years ago
Me (No, not Ashildr, I had the name before Doctor Who, and I'm not changing it!)
Me (No, not Ashildr, I had the name before Doctor Who, and I'm not changing it!) - 7 years ago
That was really fascinating. I really admire them for not letting anything go to waste. I must admit that that beating heart was really creepy, but everything else looked delicious if you ignore that that beautiful abstract art piece was a snake skeleton.
Mytuyen Phan
Mytuyen Phan - 7 years ago
Hey I live in Vietnam
Gabriel Drake
Gabriel Drake - 7 years ago
I want the lizards BBQ´d :D
Icy Gaming
Icy Gaming - 7 years ago
Atleast its fresh :)!
ITS CHAA BOI JACK :P - 7 years ago
this vid was great but isnt it cruelty to animals to leave these animals like that
Dominque Brown
Dominque Brown - 7 years ago
Science museum food hmmm
Dasiono - 7 years ago
r u fukin kidding me
PieTHROWINunicorn - 7 years ago
Ayyyyyyeee Ramsay in my country trying the food
Rαηκεd Fιrsτ
Rαηκεd Fιrsτ - 7 years ago
"Everything tastes like Chicken, except chicken that tastes like fish!" Love that quote!
Rαηκεd Fιrsτ
Rαηκεd Fιrsτ - 7 years ago
Yeah I probably should have waited until I finished my meal before watching this. I regret that I didn't
shahid niyaz
shahid niyaz - 7 years ago
i live here in vietnam , believe me they are animals . even animals differtiate between different foods but they can eat anything even humans
Killswitch ali
Killswitch ali - 7 years ago
what's wrong with these people if you want calcium drink milk and eat cheese not snake bones !!!!!
PolilopMc - 7 years ago
Abhay Hegde
Abhay Hegde - 7 years ago
The only thing Gordon ate RAW
Vi Williams
Vi Williams - 7 years ago
Abhay Hegde on PURPOSE no less!
ZeroHunter 957
ZeroHunter 957 - 7 years ago
Welcome to Vietnam motha fuckas!!! This shit is normal...kinda
Katherine Zhang
Katherine Zhang - 7 years ago
Aleesa Jordan
Aleesa Jordan - 7 years ago
ob1coyote - 7 years ago
So, it's basically the equivalent of a redneck crushing a beer can on his forehead; there's no point in it, it's just "manly" <smh>
mcdjdeath - 7 years ago
He paid all the respect he could to them
LFTE Beats
LFTE Beats - 7 years ago
I thot it said bleeding
Lauren Jauregui makes me gay
Lauren Jauregui makes me gay - 7 years ago
Eric Tovar
Eric Tovar - 7 years ago
Beating heart? I'd eat it.
Krystal M
Krystal M - 7 years ago
Oh shit !!
Evelyn Nguyen
Evelyn Nguyen - 7 years ago
"It's still beating? Oh yeah. So delicious"
Edgar zuniga16 :-P
Edgar zuniga16 :-P - 7 years ago
Dont waste your food
Cong Mustache
Cong Mustache - 7 years ago
Nathanial ZOU
Nathanial ZOU - 7 years ago
Wait, every part of the snake is served? Fucking commies...
Noah Miller
Noah Miller - 7 years ago
that sounds so metal.
Taylor Made
Taylor Made - 7 years ago
Nasty fuckers man
바다소금 - 7 years ago
is that safe? snakes have tons of worms
Macy TheSiren
Macy TheSiren - 7 years ago
you can tell he wanted to just puke and give his feedback,but out of respect he kept his mouth shut.
kahiauandkeeaola808 - 7 years ago
"Don't scare, issa power. Issa, one night, five time"
hopepins MK
hopepins MK - 7 years ago
That's my homeland for ya
Darin Barry
Darin Barry - 7 years ago
It's good I'm done eating for today
transformer s
transformer s - 7 years ago
...well i am over the fucking moon ....
Joseph McMurray
Joseph McMurray - 7 years ago
I'm good with bread.
isidore ofseville
isidore ofseville - 7 years ago
One night 5 times
My wife is 11000 miles away
"Awkward laugh" well yeah ;)
Qevon - 7 years ago
Gordon Ramsay is the type of guy who would season his wife's pussy before eating.
Violet The Wolf
Violet The Wolf - 7 years ago
That heart looks so good. I need to eat it
Hamilton.Is.Life - 7 years ago
Kofi Amoa
Kofi Amoa - 7 years ago
This isnt my comment but Gordon is the kind of person that spices his cock before he gets laid
Gerald Soria
Gerald Soria - 7 years ago
i thought he already eats the heart of the chefs he deems unworthy.
Danny 6798
Danny 6798 - 7 years ago
Holy shit Vietnam
Teacherino For Kripperinos Kripperino
Teacherino For Kripperinos Kripperino - 7 years ago
Well at least nothing goes to waste.
Nata Nunez
Nata Nunez - 7 years ago
This is not food at all. Sikos
Anish Manchanda
Anish Manchanda - 7 years ago
Vietnamese guy : "Is it good?"
Gordon : " Ya, I'm feeling over the fucking moon!"
Sora No Destiny
Sora No Destiny - 7 years ago
Gordan's face almost look like he is going to cry
Gamersxotakuxfoods 9729
Gamersxotakuxfoods 9729 - 7 years ago
I feel so bad for the snake
Gamersxotakuxfoods 9729
Gamersxotakuxfoods 9729 - 7 years ago
._. Omg....
tsantacruz1 - 7 years ago
Ramsey.they spelt it wrong.
Harsharaj Bhattacharya
Harsharaj Bhattacharya - 7 years ago
I thought there will be bear grylls in the video.
Lionheart Guillermo
Lionheart Guillermo - 7 years ago
DANG0S - 7 years ago
You should've gone with Andrew Zimmern from Bizarre Foods. That would have been fun. :P
James Lin
James Lin - 7 years ago
Had a snake heart when I was about 5. not in a shot though.
Tabus - 7 years ago
Aloo Bazi
Aloo Bazi - 7 years ago
in Gordons head 'ITS FUCKING RAWWWW'
lpkojihugyftdrseaw awsedrftgyhujikolp
lpkojihugyftdrseaw awsedrftgyhujikolp - 7 years ago
They're like "stupid white boy, heart is most poisonous"
KoS - 7 years ago
feels like its straight from an Indiana Jones movie outtake lol
Zarrar Albalushi
Zarrar Albalushi - 7 years ago
This restaurant should be illegall
brenda muñoz
brenda muñoz - 7 years ago
Eat the fucking dick of a snake or the eyes of a fish, a rousted rat if you want to, but first kill it! don't torture that poor animal sick fucking people have some empathy and respect for life and for what will feed you yeez!
Aazaroth - 7 years ago
well, not going to Vietnam. that's for sure...
Lord Darklight
Lord Darklight - 7 years ago
To the Vietnamese who drink snake venom mixed with alcohol. It taste pretty good actually it goes great with cooked Python which taste like chicken.
Vineet Ojha
Vineet Ojha - 7 years ago
Ramsay raped lol
Prime Percent
Prime Percent - 7 years ago
Humans might as well eat eachother fucking asians
Bryant Bryant
Bryant Bryant - 7 years ago
That is a bit racist...
Genetic Flotsam
Genetic Flotsam - 7 years ago
Gordon gushes over giant crabs that look like mutated alien monstrosities, but is disgusted by snake meat. Amazing.
Sibi Sudhan
Sibi Sudhan - 7 years ago
Gordon has just become a sinner
Dead Wolf360
Dead Wolf360 - 7 years ago
This is why i dont like china
Alex Barragan
Alex Barragan - 7 years ago
I didn't see dog or cat in the menu
Dominick Cruz
Dominick Cruz - 7 years ago
3:03 dude ain't got no eyebrows
Timothy Han
Timothy Han - 7 years ago
Does any one know where this restaurant is in Ho chi minh?
adi hermawan
adi hermawan - 7 years ago
the heart is RAW!!!
Vultz - 7 years ago
Ty'Quon Ricks
Ty'Quon Ricks - 7 years ago
I'm in Shock rn ewwwwww
Clemens Kindermann
Clemens Kindermann - 7 years ago
They eat the skeleton as well! Wow!
ledzeppelinfan1001 - 7 years ago
This nigga will eat a beating heart but he won't eat ass, what a bitch.
NOXA - 7 years ago
Eeeeewwwww this dude made Gordan drink a snakes heart
Ayyaz Ahmad
Ayyaz Ahmad - 7 years ago
The last one is best.. I'm over the fuckin moon
BlueEyes - 7 years ago
Can0fpepsi - 7 years ago
wild O_o
Can0fpepsi - 7 years ago
fukin champ! ate the bile like it was nothing, making Gordon look like a bitch
tanya brown
tanya brown - 7 years ago
Gordon Ramsay - " its like a science museum" LOL . I LAUGHED SO HARD I COULDNT BREATH ANYMORE.
Rakeeb Bin Iqbal
Rakeeb Bin Iqbal - 7 years ago
People in vietnam wont die with scarecity of food
Aayush peace
Aayush peace - 7 years ago
Finally Gordon got fresh food
Angel Atilano
Angel Atilano - 7 years ago
Are we going to ignore that the Chinese guy have a double neck

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