How to Fillet Fish - Freshwater
Raww fishing 12 years ago 6,287,918 views
Paul Powis demonstrates the two standard filleting techniques and walks you through the steps while filleting walleye and perch. Paul also demonstrates the techniques for filleting with an electric knife.
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20. comment for How to Fillet Fish - Freshwater
This is way easier
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50. comment for How to Fillet Fish - Freshwater
As the end result is nice and bone-free, all is well.
Here in Sweden we use every piece of the fish possible.
Do not throw the carcass away.
Use the head (remove gills though), carcass and the bone line you remove in the demonstration to make a marvelous fish stock.
If you like a stronger, fishier taste use the skins as well.
Portion up the stock, let it set and then freeze.
Use in soups and fish sauces and gravies.
If you're intrested in Swedish fish recipies please just send me a message.
Thanks again for a good video!
It's called fillet for people who don't like any bones or skin. If you don't like fillet fish meat then leave the video and comment section. Bye!
also watching the video it didn't seem like the electric knife saved any time, and it left a lot more meat
100. comment for How to Fillet Fish - Freshwater
It's Alexei from NTD Television ( ). Our mission is to uplift the world through sharing Truth, Hope, and Humanity. Our team loved your videos including the video below: We would like to repost your videos on our media pages and would like to give you more details. Please drop me an email at Thank you.
Last thing. Skin is good, dont cut it out.
Maybe it's a regional thing? I don't see anyone else commenting on this, though, so maybe it's just my family...
My head: lemme get that pizza boneless
First step
– fill a chilly bin (insulated bin) with ice, lots of ice.
Second step
– All fish that are caught for eating must be handled carefully to reduce stress and humanely killed as soon as possible after capture. Humane killing requires that the fish is stunned (rendered instantaneously insensible) before being bled out. Percussive stunning involves a forceful and accurate blow to the head with a blunt instrument. The force required will depend on the size of the fish. The blow should be aimed just above the eyes to impact on the brain. The effectiveness of the stun should be checked and another blow applied if the fish is not unconscious.
After stunning the fish should be bled out by cutting the gill rakers or, with larger fish, a main artery. With the very small fish breaking the neck is good way to kill. Just put your thumb or other finger to the mouth of the fish and quickly make a move upwards.
Third step
– slop some water into a fish bin, add plenty of ice, and drop the dead fish into this 'slurry' as they come aboard. Keep adding ice regularly.
Fourth step
– at any break in the action remove the stomach and gills and drop the fish back into the slurry, or move to step five.
Fifth step
– at home time, remove the fish from the slurry, and pack into the 'chilly bin' (insulated container) or another fish bin, ensuring that each fish is well covered with ice, and the gill and stomach cavities are also filled with ice.
Tight lines!
Did he just tell us to take out the fishy taste from the fish?
Look up how to fillet a goblin shark
"Gordon Ramsay cannot locate the lamb sauce" is normal shit
Idk what u watched but it's normal
man sucks
mobility and threw it back in the water..
Doesn't hurt the meat any, and it gets the guts out of the way easily. I mainly eat Walleye, Perch and Crappie. I don't eat any other freshwater fish.
I don't know how you feel because it's quite natural for me.
Sorry so many of the comments are dunces.
Beginner asking this question.
ewww no,gross blegh, FUCCCKINGG HELL,narrator:By this time Kimari Matthews has officially thrown up throws up
How to rebeled A carborator of tr3 trump 1960
Man up fucker!!!
P.S. You said, 'in the bush'.....You must be former military ?
Well, bouth of them are perches :))) Thats for sure :)
The killing was terrible, i took a hammer and hit it on the head.
Took me 2 hours to fillet the damn thing and i felt guilty... was good eating tho
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its hilarious!
It's just the same as you can get a slight difference in taste from a pork chop and a filet, or if you compare a ribeye and filet.
I get the flipping message stop!
Look I'm sorry dunno what was going through my head BUT PLEASE STOP GOING AT ME I GET THE MESSAGE!