How to Fillet Fish - Freshwater

Paul Powis demonstrates the two standard filleting techniques and walks you through the steps while filleting walleye and perch. Paul also demonstrates the techniques for filleting with an electric knife.

How to Fillet Fish - Freshwater sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1875

Raww fishing 12 years ago 6,287,918 views

Paul Powis demonstrates the two standard filleting techniques and walks you through the steps while filleting walleye and perch. Paul also demonstrates the techniques for filleting with an electric knife.

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Most popular comments
for How to Fillet Fish - Freshwater

Just simple Like you
Just simple Like you - 6 years ago
I enjoy watching your show.
Timmy Jones
Timmy Jones - 6 years ago
At Taste Of Minnesota Fair in St.Paul , Minnesota they cook Walleye & Cat Fish I've not been since 2000 but all ways enjoyed the fish and bands each July when we went .
AhYaOkRgT - 6 years ago
how come cats like fish but they hate the water?
Propane and propane accessories
Propane and propane accessories - 6 years ago
Do you bleed the fish first?
Seung Lim
Seung Lim - 6 years ago
What kind of fish is thT? Cod?
ZedPhoenix - 6 years ago
Why are some shots so far away? That is so annoying
Trinda Tarling
Trinda Tarling - 6 years ago
Nice Pickeral
Jonathan Sweet
Jonathan Sweet - 6 years ago
Excellent video, great step by step instructions this will help people like me all over the world to eat what we catch.
bigoledude1 - 6 years ago
Theres no "G" in I'm.

10. comment for How to Fillet Fish - Freshwater

dynasty4851 - 6 years ago
Dag the camera man or woman must have had a bad day!
Steven xyz
Steven xyz - 6 years ago
fish life matters
Scott Bott
Scott Bott - 6 years ago
Using a glove will make you careless
Jaydon Haynes
Jaydon Haynes - 6 years ago
Nathan Frey
Nathan Frey - 6 years ago
Fish were paid actors
Porkleaker - 6 years ago
lol look at all the skin on that fillet omg you fucking suck.
Elijah DeRosier
Elijah DeRosier - 6 years ago
This was amazing thank you so much
John Millard
John Millard - 6 years ago
Man shall not live by bread alone.
Nathan Johnson
Nathan Johnson - 6 years ago
Man that was a fat walleye
Bazooka Joe
Bazooka Joe - 6 years ago
Now smell your hands lol

20. comment for How to Fillet Fish - Freshwater

Bounty H
Bounty H - 6 years ago
Probably the worst demonstration on youtube. Too many camera angles with horrible close up shots. The guy explaining did a good job but the camera man should be fired.
Xenoslyce - 6 years ago
Ball so hard
Gaijilla himself
Gaijilla himself - 6 years ago
Crappie is supposed to be pronounced CRAH-pee; not "crappy" 0:07
Madskillznoob - 6 years ago
I learned to fish from my gram pa but he never taught me how to fillet a fish
The Gaming Rex
The Gaming Rex - 6 years ago
Disclaimer no fish were harmed in the making of this video
matt walker
matt walker - 6 years ago
I love Walleye Wally and his ichthyological splendour.
Entity - 6 years ago
There was so much meat left
Mario Padron
Mario Padron - 6 years ago
more like this
M I A - 6 years ago
G3MiNi - 6 years ago
Man i need to start doing this on the catfish i get, usually i gut them, take the head off and fry them in lemon butter.

This is way easier

30. comment for How to Fillet Fish - Freshwater

Gavin Stapleford
Gavin Stapleford - 6 years ago
No animals were harmed in the making of this video
Jason Nester
Jason Nester - 6 years ago
I don’t zipper walleye I notice no diff in taste and the bones are so fine like hair once cooked there unnoticeable
Jason Nester
Jason Nester - 6 years ago
Finally a video where someone knows what there doing
Tony Safadi
Tony Safadi - 6 years ago
Do gaming
Jon Dearden
Jon Dearden - 6 years ago
We steam our walleye. Ginger, green onion, cilantro. Then pour hot oil & soya sauce over it when done. We might upload a video on how to one day.
Zheus Herrera
Zheus Herrera - 6 years ago
Fried whole fish is best....those little ones are yummy once very crispy..
Ronald Parker’s
Ronald Parker’s - 6 years ago
Kenny Roberts
Kenny Roberts - 6 years ago
Leaving a lot of meat on the carcass
Lorentell Williams
Lorentell Williams - 6 years ago
I love fishing, can't get my husband to take me. :(
Juuso Mellais
Juuso Mellais - 6 years ago
Filetknife is a not saw. Why u are raping the fish? Only reason for that u just dont how u should do that.
Mike Prince
Mike Prince - 6 years ago
Waist of meat.
Deshan Perera
Deshan Perera - 6 years ago
Vince Thai
Vince Thai - 6 years ago
Kevlar is not bullet proof it is BULLET RESISTANT
Dark Fire
Dark Fire - 6 years ago
Watching random videos at 1:30am
Fun things with Aiden
Fun things with Aiden - 6 years ago
Thank you
Faiien Wings
Faiien Wings - 6 years ago
I have a perch dissection tomorrow in my bio lab... just desensitizing myself to fish guts
Johnas Presbyter
Johnas Presbyter - 6 years ago
MORE ON HOW TO CEAN FISH: (Tutorial video links)
Logan Buser
Logan Buser - 6 years ago
Eats face= savage
Christine Cauley
Christine Cauley - 6 years ago
Manuel Encalada
Manuel Encalada - 6 years ago
Excelente Pesca... WIN WINNER WINNERS SHARE WIN AMIN AMEN....De lo bueno lo mejor para tener un Corazón a toda prueba . Jajaja.. Atentamente.. Manuel Jesús Órdoñez Encalada.AMIN AMEN..

50. comment for How to Fillet Fish - Freshwater

Manuel Encalada
Manuel Encalada - 6 years ago
Ya me dió hambre..
Manuel Encalada
Manuel Encalada - 6 years ago
Jajaja. Excelentes alternativas ..WIN WINNER WINNERS AMIN AMEN
Pauls Way
Pauls Way - 6 years ago
Awesome, here's how to shop and know it's fresh
Evan Forst
Evan Forst - 6 years ago
There's something crude about an electric knife
krammy999999 - 6 years ago
From a sniper getting a headshot in afghanistan to a redneck fileting a fish... youtube is more fcked up than me.
Les Lieb
Les Lieb - 6 years ago
Cripes, there nothing left when you got done.
T á c o s
T á c o s - 6 years ago
Thank you
Christian Cletus
Christian Cletus - 6 years ago
The cam guy should have his ass kicked.
Urban Survivalcraft
Urban Survivalcraft - 6 years ago
Excellent instruction!
Leif Gunnarson
Leif Gunnarson - 6 years ago
It is a good lecture, but why bother not just follow the spine all the way from the beginning ? You can rince the fillets with fresh water anyway. To cut a bit in the internals will not ruin the fish. It is not a dissection, is it ?

As the end result is nice and bone-free, all is well.
Riot -
Riot - - 6 years ago
Visual asmr
devil worship
devil worship - 6 years ago
Is the fish ok?
GusgusA1 - 6 years ago
Don't forget to fry up the belly fins
Nubian Nemesis
Nubian Nemesis - 6 years ago
So fast and clean - NO GUTS! THANKS!!!!
cosmo_rebeljdal97 - 6 years ago
And that's that!
Day X2
Day X2 - 6 years ago
What bullshit-ness
guitarwinds - 6 years ago
I'm vegan after watching this vid
The_Godfather - 6 years ago
Did you gut out the walleye before you started the filet process
Boby Didier
Boby Didier - 6 years ago
Why did you kill a fish? Eat canned fish you stupid fuck
Kazuki - 6 years ago
For food. Some people like to hunt.
VillageFish - 6 years ago
Amazing fish slice.
Rugved Kulkarni
Rugved Kulkarni - 6 years ago
Should you remove the lateral line in the pearch as well.
The Almighty
The Almighty - 6 years ago
Rugved Kulkarni mainly on walleye you don’t have to worry about it on most other fish
Barry - 6 years ago
an electric knife??? c'mon man
Blue on Black
Blue on Black - 6 years ago
Sounds like Canada.
frs ingo
frs ingo - 6 years ago
I love bass tastes great
Kurliz Makara
Kurliz Makara - 6 years ago
I'm watching this like I understand what hes saying. I have no clue
Jonathan Odqvist
Jonathan Odqvist - 6 years ago
Thanks! Very good technique for Walleye.
Here in Sweden we use every piece of the fish possible.
Do not throw the carcass away.
Use the head (remove gills though), carcass and the bone line you remove in the demonstration to make a marvelous fish stock.
If you like a stronger, fishier taste use the skins as well.
Portion up the stock, let it set and then freeze.
Use in soups and fish sauces and gravies.
If you're intrested in Swedish fish recipies please just send me a message.
Thanks again for a good video!
JohnyG29 - 6 years ago
Why doesnt he eat the skin?
April Fields
April Fields - 6 years ago
Dear people that's saying that he's wasting too much meat!
It's called fillet for people who don't like any bones or skin. If you don't like fillet fish meat then leave the video and comment section. Bye!
Andrew's Ripoff Mobile Games
Andrew's Ripoff Mobile Games - 6 years ago
I love how they say the most popular is Walleye when I have never heard of it. I would have understood Cod or Salmon .
Sirenah Ewba
Sirenah Ewba - 6 years ago
Very nice cut. Here he tried very hard with not so sharp knife
Joseph Ybarra
Joseph Ybarra - 6 years ago
What my dad used to do was cut the head off, either smoke it on a grill, or use it as bait.
We Are Monsoons
We Are Monsoons - 6 years ago
Apparently fish can’t breathe above the surface. The more you know!
Be.a. Trixter
Be.a. Trixter - 6 years ago
fire ur camera guy. or get an editor.
67 18
67 18 - 6 years ago
Ill be honest i hate people who eat bass
IvyQwunch - 6 years ago
That shit hurted
مؤمل المياحي
مؤمل المياحي - 6 years ago
Calvin P
Calvin P - 6 years ago
Love your channel. Been lurking it for awhile and just subscribed. You’ve taught me a lot. Thanks!
Fabrizio - 6 years ago
After seeing fish being cut by Japanese people to make sushi, this is embarrassing.
JustVape Br
JustVape Br - 6 years ago
electric knife to cut fish... oh boy.. What's the problem with white people, is like the third video that I see a white dude destroying a fish with wrong tools....
LucasWerewolf - 6 years ago
never heard about a walleye
Phillip Muniz
Phillip Muniz - 6 years ago
Sorry I came here because of tay k
Blue gill
Blue gill - 6 years ago
The way me and my parent make it is they remove the scales, cut the belly, remove the guts(along with blood), and then we fry em
exess _melons
exess _melons - 6 years ago
Is this guy canadian?
Chris Hatherley
Chris Hatherley - 6 years ago
He wastes a lot and you should look elsewhere for a better fillet video
Fishin. Farmin. Huntin
Fishin. Farmin. Huntin - 6 years ago
Guys guess what he calls it zipper in the wallie
Fishin. Farmin. Huntin
Fishin. Farmin. Huntin - 6 years ago
The eletric knife did a real good job of jackin up the fish
Fishin. Farmin. Huntin
Fishin. Farmin. Huntin - 6 years ago
0:26 toothy fish
Fishin. Farmin. Huntin
Fishin. Farmin. Huntin - 6 years ago
Really dude, crappy
Fishin. Farmin. Huntin
Fishin. Farmin. Huntin - 6 years ago
Pinecone I know. But it’s pronounced croppy not crappy
Pinecone - 6 years ago
It’s a type of fish
Fishin. Farmin. Huntin
Fishin. Farmin. Huntin - 6 years ago
I think the cameraman should stand 20 more feet away
John Moss
John Moss - 6 years ago
this kills the fish

also watching the video it didn't seem like the electric knife saved any time, and it left a lot more meat

100. comment for How to Fillet Fish - Freshwater

Cartoon High
Cartoon High - 6 years ago
Ever just watching your favorite YouTubers and you get bored and go through your recommendations and next thing you know, you’re invested in a video about filleting fish? I wanna show this video to a group a vegans, just because.
Skelet's Play
Skelet's Play - 6 years ago
V e g a n s a r e c u m i n
pegknife - 6 years ago
Don't look very fresh them fish
Nugroho RF
Nugroho RF - 6 years ago
What a... vibrator.
Joshua Adram
Joshua Adram - 6 years ago
The golden Grenade
The golden Grenade - 6 years ago
Do you KILL the fish to make fillets or do you let it DIE by natural causes like old age?
Manna Barbhuiya
Manna Barbhuiya - 6 years ago
He already wasted 70% of the fish protein. In India we eat every part of fish.
Cool Man
Cool Man - 6 years ago
What have you ever had. Flamingo bass tasty
Cool Man
Cool Man - 6 years ago
I didn't know you could be crappy
900 A90
900 A90 - 6 years ago
why fillet who invented that ... , just clean it out and in throw it in the pit everything is to be consumed in the fish
Chrisfragger1 - 6 years ago
Knife goes in, guts come out.
Alex sandro Silva
Alex sandro Silva - 6 years ago
Só desu memo
SasukeWR - 6 years ago
Nice clean instructions. Love it
Lesley Vlot
Lesley Vlot - 6 years ago
Wasted fish
my cookingnews
my cookingnews - 6 years ago
5 kg Salman fish cutting
B25 Receiving
B25 Receiving - 6 years ago
the fact that the camera man is so far makes noo sense. i cant see exactly where hes cutting.
WK Wee
WK Wee - 6 years ago
cut half, throw half..
Scufless - 6 years ago
This guy left so much meat on this walleye. If you're looking for an educational video PLEASE look elsewhere
Jan Kesel
Jan Kesel - 6 years ago
NibblyZ - 6 years ago
NibblyZ - 6 years ago
Ooh dats Crappy
WannaSpriteCranbrr4y - 7 years ago
0:07 that is not how you say crappie. there is only one way of saying it!
Brianna Vasquez
Brianna Vasquez - 7 years ago
Step kdkdifndid8j sit knee a boorirurur
Cobia 1
Cobia 1 - 7 years ago
Aw shit, after watching more of your butchering, you aint worth a fuck.. You suck, I have seen so many people filleting fish and leave soo much meat I have to walk away and never speak to them again... I tell my friends the same thing when they suck, I'll clean the god dam n things if they cant do it right.. Pisses me off..
Cobia 1
Cobia 1 - 7 years ago
How bot'cha show how you fillet a fish and take all the meat off the fish. I can see through mine....
MISCHIEF - 7 years ago
Rich77UK - 7 years ago
Looks like a zander. Totally untouched in the UK but eaten on the continent. Very delicate white fish with nice flavour.
Elyas Abbas
Elyas Abbas - 7 years ago
It's 2 am and I have to go to school tomorrow
NTDTV - 7 years ago
It's Alexei from NTD Television ( ). Our mission is to uplift the world through sharing Truth, Hope, and Humanity. Our team loved your videos including the video below: We would like to repost your videos on our media pages and would like to give you more details. Please drop me an email at Thank you.
TheBelieveit1 - 7 years ago
Always thought bass were favorite. Bass and Sunfish were what I grew up on when it came to fish
Kickass TV
Kickass TV - 7 years ago
Nicely done.
Darth Gamer
Darth Gamer - 7 years ago
S K - 7 years ago
skin on or skin off for cooking?
Luke Luke
Luke Luke - 7 years ago
He’s wrong don’t listen to him
Passion - 7 years ago
For some reason, those fish don't look fresh.  The perch looks like it came out of a pike's belly.
Danilo Arevalo
Danilo Arevalo - 7 years ago
Paul is going to show us he’s technic
Immature Mushroom
Immature Mushroom - 7 years ago
The amount of meat you left on those fish offends me. Especially the perch. Then the amount of meat that electric knife left on the skin. Most fish that need skinning have a line of fat along the top. If you roll your finger along that line pushing it down, it will usually expose enough room to be able to peel the skin and fat away from the good meat leaving no waste.
Golden Plays
Golden Plays - 7 years ago
I use the corpse or the rest of the fish as bait
William Nolan
William Nolan - 7 years ago
shit did you say... its good in the BUSH, she'd kill me if i used this on the bush
wisjejej Diidjejdmjsjdjs
wisjejej Diidjejdmjsjdjs - 7 years ago
I’m watching this at 1:34 am at night
SparklingOwls - 7 years ago
Did you try turning it off and on again?
Shoelatte Nolastname
Shoelatte Nolastname - 7 years ago
This is oddly satisfying for some reason.
The Great Gavini
The Great Gavini - 7 years ago
Was your fish already gutted?
Sam Fhisher
Sam Fhisher - 7 years ago
It may be correct method for like 3 to 5 star restaurants to have only meat on fish and nothing else but sir that's lot of waste of good meat even on the bones it has more nutritious meat.
Lady Hawk
Lady Hawk - 7 years ago
Jesus! How complicated can you make it. I can zip through these like crazy. I first slit the belly,. Then behind the gills like you did.....then run the knife along the back bone to the tail , flip repeat. At this point you have three sections fillets , body ....(yes the guts are still sort of attached. ) I then remove the fillets from the skin that is still attached . Cut the cheeks , and even THINK about the girdle .... located beneath the gills. Remove skin and fins. These are great "fish wings" . As with cheeks , unless you have enough of them , consider it practice! Best on walleye. Zipping the fillets are totally a good thing too , to remove the lateral line. This works great on the TAIL portion of the northern pike. Another awesome fish people overlook! Remember , kiss it! Keep It Simple Stupid!
Aizen Sousuke
Aizen Sousuke - 7 years ago
I fillet it with my hands
Biplab Ghosh
Biplab Ghosh - 7 years ago
This video has been shoot with p900 cameras
9,999,999,999 views - 7 years ago
is a "fillet" considered both sides of the cut or half?
Blue Sky
Blue Sky - 7 years ago
Waist of meat
folkmarcmetal - 7 years ago
Hi, i have some neon tetra's in my aquarium, how do i fillet those?
k m
k m - 7 years ago
That’s so wrong way to fillet fish.
Bagwell Fishing
Bagwell Fishing - 7 years ago
I love fishing.
INSANE_BANANA - 7 years ago
No fish were dismantled in the making of this video
BXCS4S - 7 years ago
I love how you pronounce fillet. Filleyyyyy
dicky shep
dicky shep - 7 years ago
Only sticking it in a inch..... story of my life
Atlanta Zone 2
Atlanta Zone 2 - 7 years ago
Mahbubur Bhuiyan
Mahbubur Bhuiyan - 7 years ago
i use my lead pencil to fillet my fish.
paul Block
paul Block - 7 years ago
All some going to share. Check out how I sharpen a Fillet Knife( I make this sharpener. It is American Made
Pxndx Lunx
Pxndx Lunx - 7 years ago
I don't even like fish lol
Edith Ramirez Perez
Edith Ramirez Perez - 7 years ago
I love fish with my heart and soul. This video will really help me fillet my fish i just bought at PetSmart. Don't worry I got a big wet boi fresh from the ice sauce. I hope it will come out tasty I really want to impress Lasagana. He's my best friend and a huge furry XD. Lickin my lips and thanks again.
Rezi - 7 years ago
that electric knife looks sooo satisfying to wield and use
Rezi - 7 years ago
How do you kill the fish? Do you put it in a cooler or something?
Andrew Strupp
Andrew Strupp - 7 years ago
so he did a good job in the actual tutorial... but the opening sequence was sloppy as hell.
awalt26439 - 7 years ago
First class filleting job on the walleye with the standard knife in my opinion.
Patrick Schaefer
Patrick Schaefer - 7 years ago
neat trick on taking the pin bones out on the walleye! never seen that
Rita Gimes
Rita Gimes - 7 years ago
I'm exactly at the part of youtube where I long to be.
cons katoore
cons katoore - 7 years ago
the camera is a bit far but proper cutting of the fish i would love to learn more
Feyza Maalim
Feyza Maalim - 7 years ago
Du råkar vara dum lite faktiskt
Wayfarer - 7 years ago
google earth footage
Pro Angler
Pro Angler - 7 years ago
Lot of meat wasted on that fish. I could do a much more thorough job at cleaning fish than this guy.
grapezzzz19 - 7 years ago
why am i here
burdofr - 7 years ago
Yochi - 7 years ago
Ur good at filleting but fishy taste makes no sense and when you remove that pink spot ur just wasting meat.
Last thing. Skin is good, dont cut it out.
Kylen Wayne
Kylen Wayne - 7 years ago
RIP nematode
Matt Louv
Matt Louv - 7 years ago
Those Rapala electric fillet knives aren't worth it. I used to process like 100 salmon a week at an Alaskan lodge and we never used the electric knife because it was shittier, took longer and you constantly had to switch the battery pack. It made really sloppy fillets. Our $10 Dexter analog knife was far better.
ForSauuce - 7 years ago
That is a pregnant female shame on you
Chad Stecker
Chad Stecker - 7 years ago
кухня - 7 years ago
Судак очень вкусная рыба . Филе из него очень нежное и аппетитное . Прекрасное видео !
TexasGTO - 7 years ago
Why do people eat fish but don't want a "fishy" taste?
Buster McCluckle
Buster McCluckle - 7 years ago
Did he pronoumce crappie as crappy?
Casper Nordén
Casper Nordén - 7 years ago
Ehm guy its freshwater fish not fish freshwater
AleeVerdau C.A.
AleeVerdau C.A. - 7 years ago
BadW01f 2
BadW01f 2 - 7 years ago
are the fish pre gutted? if not, how do you keep from puncturing the gut
Nicolai Zimmermann
Nicolai Zimmermann - 7 years ago
I was always told it's not a good fillet unless you can see though the bones. To me, he's missing quite a bit of meat
United Through Christ
United Through Christ - 7 years ago
How to Fillet a Fish

Mr. Green Banana
Mr. Green Banana - 7 years ago
And now I want seafood
Meshaxh - 7 years ago
I wish there was a better cameraman.
ilmari - 7 years ago
Poor fish :(
hola - 7 years ago
its B O N E L E S S
Gillan Laureth of Seles
Gillan Laureth of Seles - 7 years ago
That electric knife is so sloppy. I'd rather use my pocket knife.
Bonit - 7 years ago
1:03 scrub still got the sponsorpaper on, showing of and making hidden advertisment, fucking sellout hahaha.
Madcatter - 7 years ago
Is crappie pronounced like crappy (rhymes with snappy) or croppy (rhymes with poppy) because where I'm from we pronounce it like "croppy" but this dude says it like "crappy."
Maybe it's a regional thing? I don't see anyone else commenting on this, though, so maybe it's just my family...
Jonathan Lavelle
Jonathan Lavelle - 7 years ago
I think it's pronounced "croppy"
Kevin Le
Kevin Le - 7 years ago
We need Gordon ramsay
kaleb Gillum
kaleb Gillum - 7 years ago
*rawr* xd
*rawr* xd - 7 years ago
My head: lemme get that pizza boneless
Jessica Dominguez
Jessica Dominguez - 7 years ago
Jessica Dominguez
Jessica Dominguez - 7 years ago
That's a real fish
Roguegamer202 - 7 years ago
in underage for a licence so I don't know all the rules so why do you need a tag of skin
Dragonvoid Fanboy #2
Dragonvoid Fanboy #2 - 7 years ago
5:17 B O N E L E S S
A very personal android
A very personal android - 7 years ago
B o n e l e s s
Oh Yeah Yeah
Oh Yeah Yeah - 7 years ago
no zipper bone at the bottom of the fillet just cut a V in it
Manny Pardo The Thin Skinned
Manny Pardo The Thin Skinned - 7 years ago
This is so satisfying to watch.
iam_RAMBY - 7 years ago
2 kg fish - 2x 300 g fillet :D wtf??
RAP CREATIONS - 7 years ago
It looks so good
HellSTORM_Empire - 7 years ago
3:55 he flicked us off!
Teemu-TV - 7 years ago
Nice! Here some tips how to do killing and bleeding correctly and also how to keep a catch fresh. The more humanely a fish is killed, the better it tastes. Suffered and stressed fish produce stress hormone, which worsen the taste of the meat and reduce the ability to keep quality. And do not worry, even you stun or kill the fish by hitting it to the head with club the heart of the fish will pump the blood out.

First step
– fill a chilly bin (insulated bin) with ice, lots of ice.

Second step
– All fish that are caught for eating must be handled carefully to reduce stress and humanely killed as soon as possible after capture. Humane killing requires that the fish is stunned (rendered instantaneously insensible) before being bled out. Percussive stunning involves a forceful and accurate blow to the head with a blunt instrument. The force required will depend on the size of the fish. The blow should be aimed just above the eyes to impact on the brain. The effectiveness of the stun should be checked and another blow applied if the fish is not unconscious.

After stunning the fish should be bled out by cutting the gill rakers or, with larger fish, a main artery. With the very small fish breaking the neck is good way to kill. Just put your thumb or other finger to the mouth of the fish and quickly make a move upwards.

Third step
– slop some water into a fish bin, add plenty of ice, and drop the dead fish into this 'slurry' as they come aboard. Keep adding ice regularly.

Fourth step
– at any break in the action remove the stomach and gills and drop the fish back into the slurry, or move to step five.

Fifth step
– at home time, remove the fish from the slurry, and pack into the 'chilly bin' (insulated container) or another fish bin, ensuring that each fish is well covered with ice, and the gill and stomach cavities are also filled with ice.

Tight lines!
bo jackson
bo jackson - 7 years ago
I like how you told us about the "down pressure" because some people would leave out details like that.
Slime Master
Slime Master - 7 years ago
That perch wasn't 12inches so you couldn't take it home but I'm not hating
Lejon Leonard
Lejon Leonard - 7 years ago
such a slow ass@any of u who don't k ow how to filet fish
Odd Kid
Odd Kid - 7 years ago
"crappy" LOL
Mason Outdoors
Mason Outdoors - 7 years ago
Thank you for this video this is very helpful to newcomers such as me thanks
Paul Phelps
Paul Phelps - 7 years ago
better with single raplala blade. screw that battery shit.
AngryUnicornAttack - 7 years ago
tomorrow is my exam and i am learning how to cut fish
G-Spot Gabe
G-Spot Gabe - 7 years ago
Electric knife=paytowin
G-Spot Gabe
G-Spot Gabe - 7 years ago
When he says "down pressure" what does he mean?
Ricky The Humanoid
Ricky The Humanoid - 7 years ago
This is satisfying
Abdur Rehman Syed
Abdur Rehman Syed - 7 years ago
Did he just tell us to take out the fishy taste from the fish?
Nickel Hunter
Nickel Hunter - 7 years ago
Just think of all the fish watching this video.
Frank Russo
Frank Russo - 7 years ago
he cut thru the tail before he flipped it lmao
christian senarega
christian senarega - 7 years ago
Do you have to remove the fishes guts before you fillet it?
Forthunder - 7 years ago
coling3r - 7 years ago
9:15 "comes with two batteries and a charger, it's good in the bush." nuff said bud, i'll take two! ;)
valts LP
valts LP - 7 years ago
you make ot look easey
panic lion XD
panic lion XD - 7 years ago
Thanks this helped me out with my exam on 3 hour cooking
Kgw100 - 7 years ago
if you need to fillet a pan fish you are a hobo lol
angeldust - 7 years ago
Aaaah I love fish and seafood. ♡♡♡
שמעון קינחי
שמעון קינחי - 7 years ago
שמעון קינחי
שמעון קינחי - 7 years ago
עברית צחוק
Johnny Ni
Johnny Ni - 7 years ago
Thanks aquaman!!!!!
Twitch Argentzz
Twitch Argentzz - 7 years ago
poor fish he done nothing what have any fish done which was really bad that they have to die I mean there just helpless little things plus so many are getting killed the ocean population of fish is going down so I think everyone should stand up for this like me and stop them from killing them # help fish
PlugSzn - 7 years ago
Feisty Chimp
Feisty Chimp - 7 years ago
I honestly feel bad for the fish i hate to see them in pain.
PlugSzn - 7 years ago
he's dead
Frederick Conner
Frederick Conner - 7 years ago
Thanks for the Video, learned a lot!
Jerry Garza
Jerry Garza - 7 years ago
"They're made of Kevlar, so if you get shot in the hands while filleting a fish you'll be fine"
Takota Marsillett
Takota Marsillett - 7 years ago
Maize 'n Blue Gamer
Maize 'n Blue Gamer - 7 years ago
Who says crap-ie fish? As soon as he said that I was like, yup this guy didn't catch that fish, he don't know squat about fishing.
exdevildog - 8 years ago
Been fishing and filleting fish since i was about 8 years old. I do not agree with pushing the knife through after the back fins have been passed because you can, as in this video, waste a lot of good meat from the fish. Let your knife go down the backbone, all the way to the tail. Then start again, and let the knife pass over the rib cage, passed the rib cage let it go all the way down to the tail. do that on both sides of the fish and you'll have the most meat you can get from any fish you get. This video clearly shows all the yummy meat that was just left on the fish and most likely tossed in the trash.
pickle taco cat
pickle taco cat - 8 years ago
Supreme Etnel
Supreme Etnel - 8 years ago
What about the meat thats on the bone
FIKRET AHSEN-BÖRE - 8 years ago
Where is the fish blade ?
Bamin Tai Takung
Bamin Tai Takung - 8 years ago
camera angles are crap
Fred Fable
Fred Fable - 8 years ago
Horrible technique....Useless knife.
そらきた - 8 years ago
Esa Epp
Esa Epp - 8 years ago
Victorbrine Cassini
Victorbrine Cassini - 8 years ago
hears in the distance the scary sound of PETA getting closer to us
HunterCog Vlogs
HunterCog Vlogs - 8 years ago
Alexia Is On Fire
Alexia Is On Fire - 8 years ago
can you do a video on how to fillet a human plz
jerell hurtado
jerell hurtado - 8 years ago
Did you not take the guts out or were they taken out before filming or did these types of fish not require guts being taken out? If the latter is true, which types of fish would need their guts taken out before filleting?
Yetaep - 8 years ago
I'm too scared to eat fish because of worms they may have :(
Yetaep - 7 years ago
go watch monsters inside me and you'll see what I'm talking about.
tarzan79227 - 7 years ago
Your a retard
tahir subhan
tahir subhan - 8 years ago
Galaxyz - 8 years ago
Would this work on Donald Trump???? If not please make a video of a method that would cut through Donald trump. We could all share his meat
Thundermoon Eclipse
Thundermoon Eclipse - 8 years ago
Galaxyz His "meat" is as rotten as he is!
A E S T H E T I C - 8 years ago
snusmumriken232 - 8 years ago
i feel bad for a fish
임현철 - 8 years ago
Eddie Dionne
Eddie Dionne - 8 years ago
airnt fish normally supposed to be gutted and cleaned? pretty so the nasty stuff in its intestine spoil the meat
Hindsight - 8 years ago
You are watching a filleting video, not a gutting video. Gutting and cleaning is done prior to filleting.
styx ga
styx ga - 8 years ago
Will this work on Hillary?
LordMax - 6 years ago
Look up how to fillet a goblin shark
lil_ paganini
lil_ paganini - 6 years ago
Redlord H no that’s Amy Schumer
Kraazar's Discussion
Kraazar's Discussion - 7 years ago
Google how to process a cow.
INSANE_BANANA - 7 years ago
styx ga no, she's a snek not a fisch
45th emperor of the united states
45th emperor of the united states - 8 years ago
Wanna try ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Venni Dubal
Venni Dubal - 8 years ago
thanks for the lesson
Xepher x
Xepher x - 8 years ago
Legendary Skulls
Legendary Skulls - 8 years ago
Your still making more work out of it there is a more efficient way bro
Saeymadak Ngatep
Saeymadak Ngatep - 8 years ago
how much meat will i get in a kilo by this method?
master one
master one - 8 years ago
bad camera work
Dengaroo _
Dengaroo _ - 8 years ago
Idk why but these types of vids are so satisfying
Kimberley Morawski
Kimberley Morawski - 8 years ago
can you eat river fish???
Kraazar's Discussion
Kraazar's Discussion - 7 years ago
Depends on what river and the pollution.
Takota Marsillett
Takota Marsillett - 7 years ago
ApocalypticMeowth - 7 years ago
Kimberley Morawski Yep
Fretti - 8 years ago
Most popular? Never even heard of Walleye
Class A Living
Class A Living - 8 years ago
Great video
The gaming Bros 2.0
The gaming Bros 2.0 - 8 years ago
Surprisingly no blood in the fish
USA_USA_USA - 8 years ago
The gaming Bros 2.0 when the fish has been dead for a period of time the blood collects in the guts.
b t s n
b t s n - 8 years ago
Im no fisherman, I actually suck at it but I do go deer hunting every year and know how to butcher a deer. I've watched a bunch of your videos and many others on how to filet a fish. this past summer I was on a fishing trip with my girlfriends family and impressed her father when I was able to filet our catch. so I'd like to thank you for helping me earn points with my girls father!
Justin the awesome
Justin the awesome - 8 years ago
I will make a wipe out of the spine _/:) trump
Caden Is Caden
Caden Is Caden - 8 years ago
There are so many dirty jokes I can make up in this video
Casual Existential Despair
Casual Existential Despair - 8 years ago
well don't hold up
Caden Is Caden
Caden Is Caden - 8 years ago
You have you ever had crappy crapipy however
Gamer PandaGPDigital
Gamer PandaGPDigital - 8 years ago
WALLEYE would never! (get it?)
Daniel Yoon
Daniel Yoon - 8 years ago
oh ya btw im vegan
Ben Sokolow
Ben Sokolow - 8 years ago
Sisca Martins
Sisca Martins - 8 years ago
why do you have to kill animals they can feel the pain to and they have feeling to and family. 56 bilion are killed to feed us every year. why don t you eat your own pet cause they are animals too?
Michelle Knutson
Michelle Knutson - 8 years ago
Sisca Martins Fish can't feel pain like humans
AlexO2505 [GD]
AlexO2505 [GD] - 8 years ago
Crappie :)
eh eh
eh eh - 8 years ago
at 1:23 the organs spill out
LordMax - 6 years ago
Normal shit
"Gordon Ramsay cannot locate the lamb sauce" is normal shit
Idk what u watched but it's normal
DreadSporeGaming - 6 years ago
xd Lunaa felay*
Ronald Raygun
Ronald Raygun - 6 years ago
cutting a fish IS normal shit....
420_SWaG3r 33
420_SWaG3r 33 - 6 years ago
Noah Zork
Noah Zork - 6 years ago
I typed in " cleaning a fish". If you dont want to end up at a video like this, try typing " how to go through the drive through at Long John Silvers"
Militärpolizei - 6 years ago
+444//dead//死 Maybe you watched something that involved sushi
Tristen Daigneault
Tristen Daigneault - 6 years ago
This is normal shit
mmr Blmbngn
mmr Blmbngn - 7 years ago
Don't worry you're still normal
Thebeast Vlogs
Thebeast Vlogs - 7 years ago
444//dead//死 lol me too
islamic school of meme studies
islamic school of meme studies - 7 years ago
444//dead//死 is this abnormal? Idk man i watch this kinda shit everyday lol
Bankrol Kev
Bankrol Kev - 7 years ago
444//dead//死 filet*
Deidra Beadle
Deidra Beadle - 8 years ago
MemeLord Tucker
A cat with black glasses
A cat with black glasses - 8 years ago
nicely done and explained thanks..
3OverLogic ._.
3OverLogic ._. - 8 years ago
crappy lol
Talkative Gamers
Talkative Gamers - 8 years ago
Your waisting so much meat just cutting through the head
RapiDEraZeR - 8 years ago
the camera work was shite
LeossJ433 - 8 years ago
how did i end up here
Shayne Degaust
Shayne Degaust - 8 years ago
dont be an idiot start from the tail for a grip
Ron Verburg
Ron Verburg - 8 years ago
Thanks man!
Chattown - 8 years ago
can't hardly see what he's doing
pitbylllson - 8 years ago
The camera
man sucks
Squidward - 8 years ago
At the start of the vid the knife that he had my dad has the same one!!
Epic - 8 years ago
Retronaut - 8 years ago
Take that you Wallhack son of a bitch.
Chester Thomas
Chester Thomas - 8 years ago
is that a 6 or 7 inch blade?
real madrid cr7
real madrid cr7 - 8 years ago
QuartetmanIA - 8 years ago
Could the cameraman stand 2000 feet farther away?
jefar amoose
jefar amoose - 6 years ago
Rumor has it the camera man is in a boat 3 miles away
Pilot Bravo
Pilot Bravo - 6 years ago
QuartetmanIA LMAO
Jerk My Crank
Jerk My Crank - 6 years ago
+716killakev goteem
716killakev - 6 years ago
+Jerk My Crank I un liked it so now your comment is invalid.
Jerk My Crank
Jerk My Crank - 6 years ago
My like made it 420
Tha Homie Chris
Tha Homie Chris - 6 years ago
Foreal gonna have me eating bones and shit
cs512tr - 7 years ago
to hide the terrible mess the electric chainsaw made
Funtertainment - 8 years ago
QuartetmanIA I think google earth footage is more closer than this one
Diego Arana
Diego Arana - 8 years ago
QuartetmanIA stop complaining, you can learn just by listening to this guy
Jason Quinn
Jason Quinn - 8 years ago
Thank you!
Lagger 2x
Lagger 2x - 8 years ago
Iris Medina
Iris Medina - 8 years ago
I am watching this after my fish died......
Emotionally Challenged Subordinate
Emotionally Challenged Subordinate - 8 years ago
Yes the fish was fine afterwards, he simply stitched it back up and it sprang back to life. He gave it a prescription for percocet's and some crutches to assist with
mobility and threw it back in the water..
Zeh Zahl
Zeh Zahl - 8 years ago
The demonstration is appreciated, but the vid would be a lot better if you didn't switch to shots that are zoomed all the way out. We need to see every step close up!!
B H-0
B H-0 - 8 years ago
for some reason this is extremely mesmerizing when stoned
Jimmy chokes on a Spoon and fucking dies
Jimmy chokes on a Spoon and fucking dies - 8 years ago
boi my dad just throws the fish on the grill
ThatOneSpartan - 8 years ago
"About an inch, that's all I'm sticking it in"... Why am I watching filleting videos?
Evan Bacon
Evan Bacon - 8 years ago
You don't gut the fish first before filletting it?
Kraazar's Discussion
Kraazar's Discussion - 7 years ago
This actually could be easier than gutting the fish. You have to cut the ribs away anyways from the fillet why not do it with the organs still in the meat and save you some time.
Mike Tython
Mike Tython - 8 years ago
you gut them before filleting just to add insult to injury. then feast on the organs to let the other fish know you're not fucking around.
Alagazic 101
Alagazic 101 - 8 years ago
No, you don't have to gut the fish to filet them. It's easier AND not as messy.
Fifty0ne - 8 years ago
I was gonna say the same thing. I always do this. I don't think it's necessary obviously, but it just makes life easier for me. I pierce through the vent, and create a shallow cut up the belly so I can pull the guts right out of the fish, and then I proceed to make my cuts behind the gill plates, and fins and proceed to fillet.

Doesn't hurt the meat any, and it gets the guts out of the way easily. I mainly eat Walleye, Perch and Crappie. I don't eat any other freshwater fish.
cornelio fernandes
cornelio fernandes - 8 years ago
Superb displays for practicals and to watch videos and practice.
Village food factory
Village food factory - 8 years ago
Very use full video....
Nothing Special
Nothing Special - 8 years ago
i hate when you take a hook off a fish i poke my hand
Bill Strack
Bill Strack - 8 years ago
Nice video. You do those fillets way better than I do.
roks man
roks man - 8 years ago
1 kg fish of only 100 gms!!! oh f**k.
Kirveen Hamara
Kirveen Hamara - 8 years ago
whooo rapala paita
Mike Hunt
Mike Hunt - 8 years ago
To the people who disliked, did you know that fish do not contain the neuro-physiological capacity for a conscious awareness of pain? Also it's already dead so...
Brian Murphy
Brian Murphy - 8 years ago
What about the guts? Aren't you scared of contaminating the meat? I'm usually overly careful not to puncture anything.
Where'sTheSauce? - 8 years ago
Not to worry the only thing that can contaminate the meat is the bile. But its easy enough to avoid and washes off with water
Maidenlord 666
Maidenlord 666 - 8 years ago
I'm pretty sure people eat alot more catfish than walleye
Vincent Viloria
Vincent Viloria - 8 years ago
4:09 remove any fishy taste. A fishy taste in fish, wouldn't want that now would we?
Noah Zork
Noah Zork - 6 years ago
Did you just assume that fishes flavor?
Noah Zork
Noah Zork - 6 years ago
Its like eating pussy, definitely don't mind it, but I do appreciate it when the fishy taste is removed.
MrFreeGman - 6 years ago
Amazing how many people in this comments section know so little about fish. You don't want your fish to have a fishy taste...
The Robot Slayer aka Bionic8H
The Robot Slayer aka Bionic8H - 6 years ago
Guess you can say a pungent taste?
Kraazar's Discussion
Kraazar's Discussion - 7 years ago
Fishy taste meaning bad taste or unpleasant. Kind of like how hunters use "gamey" it's just some slang that was made by fishermen over the years.
eggs 3.0
eggs 3.0 - 7 years ago
Vincent Viloria you obviously arent that much of a fisherman are you
Christofer Sensei
Christofer Sensei - 8 years ago
+Arturo Salazar never tasted a fishy taste because I know how to properly cook my fish
Arturo Salazar
Arturo Salazar - 8 years ago
+Vincent Viloria I've heard ppl say fishy taste but I guess there should be another word.
Vincent Viloria
Vincent Viloria - 8 years ago
+Arturo Salazar but it's a fish, shouldn't he be using another word to describe the unpleasant taste?
Arturo Salazar
Arturo Salazar - 8 years ago
Well, if you aren't be sarcastic, the fishy taste he's talking about isn't a pleasant taste. The fish itself is good, just better without that part
Apple Son
Apple Son - 8 years ago
Cheek's very good to eat... mmmm... ;)))
Joe Terra
Joe Terra - 8 years ago
he fucking slaghterd jimme
Joe Terra
Joe Terra - 8 years ago
rip jimme
Joe Terra
Joe Terra - 8 years ago
why you got to kill jimme why ass why we had so many memories
Zakuru Chan
Zakuru Chan - 8 years ago
this fish was totally not killed
yourleftnut1 - 8 years ago
typical white people being wasteful
Vladimir Efimov
Vladimir Efimov - 8 years ago
Great technique, much faster than how I did before, thumbs up from me. One little detail worth mentioning: for small perch going along the ribs with a knife is very difficult because the ribs are so thin and fragile, but you can peel off the flesh from them just by gently pulling on the filet with your hand (like peeling an orange).
Zachary Schneider
Zachary Schneider - 8 years ago
awesome video! thanks
Steven Duncan
Steven Duncan - 8 years ago
Stop zooming out!!!!!!!
Randy Slumski
Randy Slumski - 8 years ago
horrible camera man!!!!!
Dylan Courtney
Dylan Courtney - 8 years ago
i saw its internal organs
angela sheppard
angela sheppard - 8 years ago
very good video
Jared Perez
Jared Perez - 8 years ago
this is not on lying
Dat Boi
Dat Boi - 8 years ago
I don't even fish but I like watching these
Adias 89
Adias 89 - 8 years ago
MarquiisThaaKiing - 8 years ago
where's the second camera man???? lol
Mis-Leading Story
Mis-Leading Story - 8 years ago
Silv3r b0i
Silv3r b0i - 8 years ago
The glove is slice proof but not puncture proof? Were fight with guns not ninja swords in the fucking army!!!!
Daniel Clayton
Daniel Clayton - 8 years ago
Walleye is NOT the most popular lol. Salmon is
Melissa Davis
Melissa Davis - 7 years ago
He's talking about freshwater fish.
The Pystykorva
The Pystykorva - 8 years ago
Very good video. Lol i first thought hannibal lecter when he took cheeks
Halley Rai
Halley Rai - 8 years ago
modern people do waste a lot of meat...
Jorge Morales
Jorge Morales - 8 years ago
What happens if you use the tip of the knife and not the middle of it?
Dankovich - 8 years ago
Why does this video have 1k dislikes? He did everything properly and professionally. Fucking vegans
Mariofan00001 - 8 years ago
This is cool 0_0
jonny Theodorou
jonny Theodorou - 8 years ago
Does this work for trout?
BLC - 8 years ago
This was a commercial for that electric knife that didn't do a better job than the regular knife.
wisco - 8 years ago
your video sucks, camera man should be slapped
bigAssGooseberrydich - 8 years ago
I love fishing and eating fish, but I've never been able to stomach filleting, I know I'm a pussy
Chroma - 8 years ago
I used to skin fish when I was around 9 years old.
I don't know how you feel because it's quite natural for me.
Ash N
Ash N - 8 years ago
I love them ... lol
bigAssGooseberrydich - 8 years ago
+Madam Fakename the other day I smoothly filleted a fish, no real large amounts of blood or guts, and tasted so good, I love it now Hahhaha feels very natural to fillet your won fish, thanks for the reply bro
Madam Fakename
Madam Fakename - 8 years ago
Aw man, I get you but that's a bummer! I love the pride of preppin my fish after I caught it but that's just me and we all have our equivalent to nails on a chalkboard!
TayRocket - 8 years ago
Walleye-wall e
EmiLie Byfuglien
EmiLie Byfuglien - 8 years ago
he leves a lot of meat!
David Elo
David Elo - 8 years ago
I dont know why when you get to the tail, you just flip the fish over and continue down the other side. ive been doing it this way for many years!
amol bhave
amol bhave - 8 years ago
I have spent months researching into learning to profit binary options quickly and discovered a fantastic resource at Magic Monitor Blueprint (google it if you're interested)
Kraig Davisson
Kraig Davisson - 8 years ago
the guts leave because she was full of eggs good thing they kept it
Jan Buchar
Jan Buchar - 8 years ago
It's almost magical how the guts disappeared from the 1st walleye.
iNegativeDLT - 8 years ago
GetFitwithMindy - 8 years ago
Thank you for this tutorial and shared!
๖ۣۜKบgส Sสภ
๖ۣۜKบgส Sสภ - 8 years ago
did you wear a metal gloves so you won't cut your self
Jordan Hayes
Jordan Hayes - 8 years ago
That was dumb
Gavin Sheldon
Gavin Sheldon - 8 years ago
And trout
skylar Francen
skylar Francen - 8 years ago
you can tell hes a fisher by his minnisotan accent. and no I don't have anything against them, I am one
Chibbs - 8 years ago
Oh gawd, im so glad the fish was ok...
Wipez - 8 years ago
Is it just me or does it seem like every fish gutting video on youtube gets so much hate and complaints lmao
Aison Vang
Aison Vang - 8 years ago
Fins&Racks Outdoors
Fins&Racks Outdoors - 8 years ago
Stxn - 8 years ago
dylanc - 8 years ago
2:00 that's what she said.
Michael Hebert
Michael Hebert - 8 years ago
walleye? crappy? learn to pronounce before narraration.
John Rafael
John Rafael - 8 years ago
i can tell hes Canadian by his accent. not hating, im also Canadian.
Che Guevara
Che Guevara - 8 years ago
Why you no gut it
Carson Richert
Carson Richert - 8 years ago
you can also scale them then gut them cut the head off and you have a cut fish
MuddyBob 650
MuddyBob 650 - 8 years ago
Question: Why do you have to leave the tag if you are going to travel and take it off when ready to fry?
deli laszlo
deli laszlo - 6 years ago
+Elizabeth Olsson aajkkllvrlr
Hobbsin - 8 years ago
So that Wildlife Officials can identify the species of fish.
Gibb Wynn
Gibb Wynn - 8 years ago
Rosemary Crafting
Rosemary Crafting - 8 years ago
it keeps fish species from going instinct, while jail is quite harsh, it keeps good fish populations. Most of the time you just get off on a warning, especially if you don't look like you know what your are doing, but of course it varies state to state
MuddyBob 650
MuddyBob 650 - 8 years ago
+Elizabeth Olsson still that's messed,
Elizabeth Olsson
Elizabeth Olsson - 8 years ago
+cat vs dog well you see when you don't pay your fines you will be put in jail until you can either go to court or pay your fines
MuddyBob 650
MuddyBob 650 - 8 years ago
+Elizabeth Olsson Jail time!? WTF?
Elizabeth Olsson
Elizabeth Olsson - 8 years ago
It's because if a game warden shows up, and they want to know what you've been catching (that's what the tag does) and know that you're staying within the fishing limit. If the warden doesn't know how many of each fish you've caught, you could be fined or serve jail time. once you cook them though, it won't matter.
Noah Hurley-Abelew
Noah Hurley-Abelew - 8 years ago
Assuming MN or near it.

Sorry so many of the comments are dunces.
Ethan Roberts
Ethan Roberts - 8 years ago
Nice boat..
Carmador - 8 years ago
10:35 is it just me or did that knife just grind and miss a shit ton of meat?
afoolisharrangement - 8 years ago
Nice Tag Heuer watch!
afoolisharrangement - 8 years ago
Its a late 90s early 2000s Tag Heur Link, this was the expensive model, great looking watch, holds up well to this day.
SKRT - 8 years ago
I was trying to figure out what brand but for the hell of me i couldnt catch it
dank jr
dank jr - 8 years ago
I eat the eyes also
Kowboy USA
Kowboy USA - 8 years ago
The eyes are the tastiest.
Tom - 8 years ago
leave skin on perch and scale out
Leonard Schofield
Leonard Schofield - 8 years ago
Is that a new glove?
austin green
austin green - 8 years ago
this is so relaxing
Kenny Bridgman
Kenny Bridgman - 8 years ago
Very good video. Very instructive!! Nice job. Loved the zipper ideal on the blood line!!!
himmat mahal
himmat mahal - 8 years ago
Rip fishy ):
TheHipClip - 8 years ago
Shouldn't you first take out the innards?
Beginner asking this question.
S L I M E - 8 years ago
+TheHipClip Though, this video was pretty wasteful, try not to follow it if you can. Just gut the fish, then deskin it and then pop it in a pan if it can fit. Way more meat.
S L I M E - 8 years ago
+TheHipClip Yep, you should gut the fish first, the fish usually doesn't taste as good if you have some of the organs still one the fillets. And if you do gut it first it's easier to see where you are cutting and you can get a better yeild of original mass to fillet mass.
Evan Faulk
Evan Faulk - 8 years ago
If you want to know how to clean a fish properly, check out Vince Russo's channel and ignore Mr. Rapala.
80srockfan - 8 years ago
Walleye are so damn good when fried holy fuck it is good!
Dias Damas
Dias Damas - 8 years ago
BRAZIL tanks very much
Troy M
Troy M - 8 years ago
me during the video

ewww no,gross blegh, FUCCCKINGG HELL,narrator:By this time Kimari Matthews has officially thrown up throws up
Rod Belding
Rod Belding - 8 years ago
"How to fillet fish." SPOILER: You don't. Please practice catch and release people. Let other people enjoy catching fish instead of being selfish and killing it. Wild caught fish aren't even that good.
THEZZ NUTZZ - 8 years ago
you just waisted the danm fish man.
Not Your Average Fish Keeper.
Not Your Average Fish Keeper. - 8 years ago
this is a good very informational video. Thank you!
Attilius - 8 years ago
Rapala sure is a good company.
tidy kun
tidy kun - 8 years ago
why do americans say fillet all fancy-like? gives me the shits.
Dallin Lyons
Dallin Lyons - 8 years ago
Wait, do you pronounce it with a solid t? Cuz that hella weird.
hai dere
hai dere - 8 years ago
Yep prtty much :3
Hinata Hajime
Hinata Hajime - 8 years ago
'Cause we like to pretend that we're fancy assholes, probably.
Glenn parent
Glenn parent - 8 years ago
how long have you been fishing fool
Glenn parent
Glenn parent - 8 years ago
thats not how how you do it
MisterZocker - 8 years ago
I dont know how I came here.
30yehgerrman - 8 years ago
Such a waste of meat.....cook it whole after gutting and de-scaling..
badass synyster
badass synyster - 8 years ago
in sarawak (borneo),we dont throw away the fish head.
Erin Jahkoyn
Erin Jahkoyn - 8 years ago
don't eat bass it's shit
Chris Meyers
Chris Meyers - 8 years ago
+Ben Kessler don't eat shit, it's bass
mason monty
mason monty - 8 years ago
do bass have the lateral line ?
gangster studio
gangster studio - 8 years ago
Ill suscribe
carl Gustav ekström
carl Gustav ekström - 8 years ago
nice man, thanks ! :D
Andrew Dos Santos
Andrew Dos Santos - 8 years ago
just use fish tweezers dont waste all that meat where the pin bones are
Sheon Peebles
Sheon Peebles - 8 years ago
Damnit, now I'm hungry ;/
Jerry Hubbard
Jerry Hubbard - 8 years ago
sorry dude, but if my fish can fit in a frying pan, it ain't going to get filet'd. What a waste of good flavor throwing away the skin
_KadeKiller MLG-
_KadeKiller MLG- - 7 years ago
The skin can be really bad for your health and u catch small fish!
dfallen4ngel - 8 years ago
Unless it's as big as salmon or tuna, just fry it whole on your pan.
Kowboy USA
Kowboy USA - 8 years ago
Many fish taste like crap if not filleted. If you like fishy muddy flavors, yeah, do not fillet.
julian carmona
julian carmona - 8 years ago
eat the whole fish. what a waste.
MSE. Dzirasa
MSE. Dzirasa - 8 years ago
+Jerry Hubbard You are right, the skin is yummy and also holds most of the omega 3 essential fatty acids. The head contains phosphorous plus other essential minerals. The carcass can be boiled to make fish broth. No need for such waste.
Jerry Hubbard
Jerry Hubbard - 8 years ago
very good
Sheon Peebles
Sheon Peebles - 8 years ago
+Jerry Hubbard yea I like the skin too
Shankar Shankarnaik
Shankar Shankarnaik - 8 years ago
amazing fish
Mike Williams
Mike Williams - 8 years ago
If you stop the cut at the tail instead of cutting off on first cut, and flip the filet still attached at tail, it is easier to hold and you can then filet the scale side off with a good grip. Or do like my aunt...she eats the fried tails like they are 'tater chips lol. I live at beach and several of my pals are commercial fishermen. You do a fair job, though. But u lost me when u broke out the 'lectric shit. Ever filet a triggerfish? hahaha. Whole new set of issues.
Joseph Whitney
Joseph Whitney - 8 years ago
leave a small portion of skin attached at the tail instead of removing the fillet entirely, you can then flip the fillet towards the tail with the skin down and use the carcass of the fish to hold the fillet while removing the meat from skin. much easier and safer than the video. It also makes clean up a little easier
Harvey Reeves
Harvey Reeves - 8 years ago
Stop doing videos
UpFishCreek - 8 years ago
gg cameraman gg
UFOENGINE - 8 years ago
The fish has been sedated.
Braeden Kahl
Braeden Kahl - 8 years ago
dose anybody else love the smell of a fresh dead fish?
chickefloss - 8 years ago
I seriously love how this dude gets straight to the point.
Dean Thompson
Dean Thompson - 8 years ago
What a load of bollocks!!
Philip bergstöm
Philip bergstöm - 9 years ago
That's a pretty small perch
Bal Le Kitteh
Bal Le Kitteh - 9 years ago
Why do you throw so much away, I grew up just de-scaling, baking the fish and then eating it.
dat boi
dat boi - 9 years ago
Did the fish survive that surgery?
Robot10 Gaming/Vlogger
Robot10 Gaming/Vlogger - 9 years ago
it is not fake and not acting
Robot10 Gaming/Vlogger
Robot10 Gaming/Vlogger - 9 years ago
that is a real fish
Glitchmaster25 - 9 years ago
actually not that nasty I fucking love fish
Mike Williams
Mike Williams - 8 years ago
+Mikelle Davis i love fucking fish
Wolfenkittens - 9 years ago
i love cutting stuff specficaly like animals and then cooking it just the made me hungry and im not scared of gore AND MMMM THAT LOOKS TASTY
Aunt Jemima
Aunt Jemima - 9 years ago
That's why the fish are a step closer to going extinct because we got idiots like this guy taking small fishes.Instead of fucking taking any fish from the water only take the good sizers home and even then don't take the super big fishes either sure it will be an amazing catch but those are the ones that breed and produce more eggs because this shit to me looks like sport he's just taking any fish and filleting them for fun, why do I say that because he took a small fish and filled them for no reason they got little to no meat they are so tiny. Sooner or later their will be no fishes to catch
NedNaymore - 8 years ago
+Juan Luna Not all fish are going extinct. Also he is not an idiot, you know nothing about fishing. Do some research before starting an argument.
Aunt Jemima
Aunt Jemima - 9 years ago
+The spider pic man Haha maybe, as long as I make a point I'm ok with it.
Wild Boar
Wild Boar - 9 years ago
You sir just went full retard
Bonnie - 9 years ago
It's an electric knife...the end.
Stix Cappin
Stix Cappin - 9 years ago
your left with no meat in the little fish.. waste of time smh
bornface kambatika
bornface kambatika - 6 years ago
hahahahahahaahaha just as i thought too
Julie Kraiem
Julie Kraiem - 9 years ago
How to Rebels carburetor of tr3 triumph 1960

How to rebeled A carborator of tr3 trump 1960
Miss Blue
Miss Blue - 9 years ago
"Just the tip... In an inch... Gradual strokes.." .. Fish porn! Lol
kayla hagen
kayla hagen - 9 years ago
ah, yes. the Crappy.
DeoFlasche Aal
DeoFlasche Aal - 9 years ago
firefoxhits - 9 years ago
Your wide angle shots of the pier and the boat in the background are useless within an instructional video. Some pre planning would have made this much better.
Bill Commanda
Bill Commanda - 9 years ago
you do OK but I'd show you how to fillet a fish
Josue Guzman
Josue Guzman - 9 years ago
electric knifes are for pussies, real men use rocks to filet a fish
Danny Vela
Danny Vela - 7 years ago
Josue Guzman* real men are frugivores
Pxndx Lunx
Pxndx Lunx - 7 years ago
Josue Guzman real men don't even eat
INSANE_BANANA - 7 years ago
Josue Guzman caviar
OrangeDiamond33 - 7 years ago
I use my cock.
Dr. Phil Good TV
Dr. Phil Good TV - 7 years ago
Josue Guzman Lololo!!!!
Christopher Ratcliffe
Christopher Ratcliffe - 7 years ago
Josue Guzman fuck off I take a shot and fillet with a good sharp fingernail.
Man up fucker!!!
Anonymous Leave Me Be
Anonymous Leave Me Be - 7 years ago
Josue Guzman so cats use electric knives in that case all of their fur would be frazzled
luxytommo - 7 years ago
Azureus ironic
Mashu Haraguni
Mashu Haraguni - 7 years ago
Azureus you said "you're spelling" if you don't know how to spell yourself, then don't bash someone else for spelling.
Azureus - 8 years ago
PewDiePie Lol you're spelling is disabled
PewDiePie Lol
PewDiePie Lol - 8 years ago
Josue Guzman what if someone is desabled
206 Area Code
206 Area Code - 8 years ago
I just use whatever sharp or semi-sharp object is nearby...
Baltimore Ravens
Baltimore Ravens - 8 years ago
+Josue Guzman lmaoo
Flaming Unicorn
Flaming Unicorn - 8 years ago
Lol XD
Josue Guzman
Josue Guzman - 8 years ago
+Devi :D lol. that would be dope 
Devi - 8 years ago
+Josue Guzman I read that as rockets not rocks xD
Josue Guzman
Josue Guzman - 8 years ago
+caiique callixto someone finally got it lol 
Cαíque Cαllixtus Albino/Kiq
Cαíque Cαllixtus Albino/Kiq - 8 years ago
Caviar haha
Josue Guzman
Josue Guzman - 9 years ago
+Kurumi Tokisaki they eat it before its born lol 
John Smith
John Smith - 9 years ago
+Josue Guzman no... real man don't even filet a fish... they eat it alive :)
anonymous pinecone
anonymous pinecone - 9 years ago
LearningREADefined - 9 years ago
Don't you just love how they oh so subtly avoid showing the amount of meat still stuck to the skin when he skins it? Especially with the electric knife.. man
Assault Spoon
Assault Spoon - 6 years ago
Skin is often my favorite part of the fish, I rarely cut it off at all
David Smith
David Smith - 6 years ago
When you use a gentle downward pressure against the skin using either an electric or filet knife there is no flesh remaining on the skin.
Snowman_Fred - 6 years ago
It's fine. You can throw that back for the other critters to eat.
hatter00 - 9 years ago
Great video! Now i'm hungry for some fish! Yum!
alexander bk
alexander bk - 9 years ago
does it work on pyke?
OrignalRECIPE92 - 9 years ago
Man you have to fry up the tails and eat em. Crunchy and salty :)
Lil kane
Lil kane - 6 years ago
tastes like rocks
Unity Blitz
Unity Blitz - 9 years ago
Youtube, how can you take me from gaming videos to this?
Mikael - 9 years ago
why does it zoom out. assholes
Kowboy USA
Kowboy USA - 8 years ago
YouTube is a place for "Professional"s to upload their videos?
MuddyBob 650
MuddyBob 650 - 8 years ago
+Mikael because they are "Professional" camera men!
Matrix Portfolio
Matrix Portfolio - 9 years ago
Great video. Informational and straight to the point.
GUPPYKIWI - 9 years ago
Thanks very much, Mr. Powis! Very helpful......

P.S. You said, 'in the bush'.....You must be former military ?
JT Outdoors
JT Outdoors - 9 years ago
I'm sorry, but there is no way this video has 3,361,277 views.
kevin yoon
kevin yoon - 9 years ago
"I'm gonna stick it in about an inch" that's what the father fish said but ended up raising a school of fish. moral of the story use protection. Kevlar to be exact
Farhan Tahrin
Farhan Tahrin - 9 years ago
What a waste.
jay lava
jay lava - 9 years ago
i am very hungry for some walleyes.
Darius Clark
Darius Clark - 9 years ago
I've been looking for a new fillet knife for a while now, may I ask what fillet knives you used I'm this video? and where I may find them? they made very quick and easy work of those fish and I would like to own a pair of them for all my filleting needs. please and thanks if you can respond.
Mason Sjostrom
Mason Sjostrom - 9 years ago
that fish is real
Nishab Khan
Nishab Khan - 9 years ago
That's too much wastage. We would remove the scales and guts and cook the fish
Ryan - 6 years ago
DirtyHarry G lmao wtf? I guess beef or generally any cuts of steaks don’t exist with that logic or it’s all waste. Because In your mind you need to consume the entire animal or it’s a waste? Do you know what dishes are? Like filet? Sirloin or flank steak? or is it “cow” and “fish”.
my boi
my boi - 6 years ago
has your family struggled to consume the bones and the head
hai dere
hai dere - 8 years ago
DirtyHarry G
DirtyHarry G - 8 years ago
+Triston Stickells "fillet" must be french for wastage.
Triston Stickells
Triston Stickells - 8 years ago
+Nishab Khan i guess u dont know what fillet means
bigoledude1 - 9 years ago
There is no letter "G" in the word "I'm".  He says i'ng about 50 times.
Paul Murphy
Paul Murphy - 9 years ago
is super size it a true documentry obout mcdonalds
Guerra dos Bichos
Guerra dos Bichos - 9 years ago
when does he kill the fish?
Wild Boar
Wild Boar - 9 years ago
When you catch it he puts it on ice
Guerra dos Bichos
Guerra dos Bichos - 9 years ago
if its cut proof, how did they cut it on the first place?
RGEMadeIt - 9 years ago
There's a fish called crappy? Lol did I hear him correctly?
Mike Williams
Mike Williams - 8 years ago
+senorburritoeater pronounced "croppie" up north. But what do they know...lakes/rivers froze half the year. lol
Wild Boar
Wild Boar - 9 years ago
RGEMadeIt - 9 years ago
+Waylon Magee I'd love the taste of some crappie fish
Waylon Magee
Waylon Magee - 9 years ago
Its spelled crappie and yes, there is one.
Leo Martinez
Leo Martinez - 9 years ago
the fish is a paid actor everybody no fish was harmed in the making of this video
Ryan York
Ryan York - 6 years ago
How do u know
REALHIPHOPLOVE24 - 7 years ago
Oh thank goodness
Model RC
Model RC - 7 years ago
Leo Martinez it was obviously an elephant
i.hate.faraz - 8 years ago
Leo Martinez LMFAOOOO
Slim I
Slim I - 8 years ago
zizi thedeafkitty
zizi thedeafkitty - 8 years ago
Leo Martinez Lol
HowTo TV
HowTo TV - 8 years ago
coolxy2 - 8 years ago
FFFFF confirmed. (false flag fake fish filet)
Skate_Krew - 8 years ago
1 lol 2 we almost have the same profile pitcher
olivia salais
olivia salais - 8 years ago
Alertz - 8 years ago
Jinji Kikko
Jinji Kikko - 9 years ago
I fucking love this fillet videos, so satisfying lol
Dan Bartz
Dan Bartz - 9 years ago
Watch my video
Misha BM
Misha BM - 9 years ago
What about using an Opinel Nº8?
zagul777 - 9 years ago
That technique is far too wasteful, especially when you are separating the skin and the flesh. There are still plenty of flesh left behind on the skin. It's best to descale the fish.
Chye B
Chye B - 9 years ago
im a fish and i reported this video. you are fucking heartless monsters
Wild Boar
Wild Boar - 9 years ago
How do you type
Nathan Beeler
Nathan Beeler - 9 years ago
What she order...?
Carmador - 8 years ago
that shit cray?
TheNameIsXpo - 8 years ago
Fish fillet
God - 8 years ago
+Chan Park Gucci girl grab her hand fuck that bitch she wanna dance
Chan Park
Chan Park - 9 years ago
+Lame Nathan Fish fillet
BiteAndChewFoodReview - 9 years ago
Is the fish OK?
KingCody DoubleGG
KingCody DoubleGG - 6 years ago
Yes it's just napping for a long time.
Killer Demon!
Killer Demon! - 6 years ago
tie oneon
tie oneon - 6 years ago
Aylinne Romero
Aylinne Romero - 6 years ago
BiteAndChewFoodReview yup it’s fine it was jus acting for the video in which they fucking cut open a fish that’s totally not already fucking dead -.-
Snowman_Fred - 6 years ago
It's all CGI
Emotionally Challenged Subordinate
Emotionally Challenged Subordinate - 8 years ago
Yes, he simply stitched it back up and it sprang back to life. He gave it a prescription for percocet's and some crutches to assist with mobility and threw it back in the water..
Christofer Sensei
Christofer Sensei - 8 years ago
It's a fucking fish....
Serpens _
Serpens _ - 8 years ago
JACKIE F04 - 8 years ago
+Yeoh Topia lmfao
Pure Doggy
Pure Doggy - 8 years ago
the fish is living in west america sea now :)
jacob ragestorm
jacob ragestorm - 8 years ago
no problem
jacob ragestorm
jacob ragestorm - 8 years ago
anonymous pinecone
anonymous pinecone - 9 years ago
Yes he's swimming free

hatter00 - 9 years ago
+Papa Franku is love, Papa Franku is life. The stunt double decided to make a cameo.
Michi - 9 years ago
+Papa Franku is love, Papa Franku is life. it was a stuntfish
Papa Franku is love, Papa Franku is life.
Papa Franku is love, Papa Franku is life. - 9 years ago
Yeah, it was just an actor. Everything is fake these days.
Patrick Smith
Patrick Smith - 9 years ago
Great video preciate your help I just gotta make time to get caviar gloves.
Machu - 9 years ago
It's not a bullet proof vest it's bullet resistant
Quadrunner - 9 years ago
Here is a tip to all of you that like to fillet the skin off. Take it or leave it. On the final stretch as your cutting down towards the tail leave a fraction of an inch intact at the very end and fold the skin over rather then cutting through it. The skin will hold the fillet in place while you make the initial cut so your fingers don't have to. You'll never cut yourself and its easier to start off.
Philip Tan
Philip Tan - 9 years ago
YASH, YANK THAT KNIFE IN ITS STOMACH MUHAHAHAHA. Before u say this is animal cruelty, please realize that you eat meat everyday unless your a veggy.
Randy Cantu
Randy Cantu - 9 years ago
I have been the same thing
Alex T
Alex T - 9 years ago
I bet this guy gets laid so much
tie oneon
tie oneon - 6 years ago
lol but do the ladies have to have that fish smell!!?
chunkafunk81 - 7 years ago
lmao!!!!!!!! hillllarious!!!
Kyle Polocoser
Kyle Polocoser - 7 years ago
Verxi bet u never have been laid
Verxi - 8 years ago
I bet you Dont get laid so much
Dan Bartz
Dan Bartz - 9 years ago
Zipper technique is a waste of meat.
TwisterxElite - 9 years ago
3.5MIL but only 6th likes
ToUgH LoVe
ToUgH LoVe - 9 years ago
I live in South Boston. Not many fish left but can you filet a crack head. Dude on the corner doesn't STFU
MJD Qureshi
MJD Qureshi - 9 years ago
wow !  U gave me a new idea how to fillet my fish. thanks
Dmitrius - 9 years ago
awesome technique
woedzer - 9 years ago
Doesn't "walleye" is called as a zander? Or this is a same fish, but different type of it?
woedzer - 8 years ago
+Notho Killis
 Well, bouth of them are perches :))) Thats for sure :)
Tom N
Tom N - 8 years ago
+woedzer Closely related, I think they are in the same Genus, just a different species. Walleye is Sander vitreus and the Zander is Sander lucioperca. Walleye is a more popular game fish in the US, while Zander is more popular in Europe.
William R
William R - 9 years ago
man i would never let you filet my fish, you suck lol
PopularAggression - 9 years ago
+William R I agree if i had paid this guy money for a chartered fishing trip and i seen him fillet the first fish i would have lost my shit. that perch was decent eating size after he was done with it i would have thought it was a minnow fillet. the only redeeming quality here is he at least knew to save those walleye cheeks.
jesus patron
jesus patron - 9 years ago
A. - 9 years ago
Electric knife lol
fryguybuzz007 - 9 years ago
That just seems like a waste of a lot of meat?
Lil kane
Lil kane - 6 years ago
have u ever fished
Takota Marsillett
Takota Marsillett - 7 years ago
fryguybuzz007 that is all the meat
BigJ’ 479
BigJ’ 479 - 9 years ago
I hope the fish was okay
Pinecone - 6 years ago
KadeKiller MLG Do you hear that sound? It’s sounds the joke flying over your empty head!
Fortnites actually trash now
Fortnites actually trash now - 6 years ago
BigJ’ 479 lol
DabbinMcDabberson - 6 years ago
BigJ’ 479 Who cares?
_KadeKiller MLG-
_KadeKiller MLG- - 7 years ago
It's friken life u idiotic vegetarian
Sylv - 8 years ago
He got fucked by a knife.
BigJ’ 479
BigJ’ 479 - 9 years ago
+The spider pic man good to hear man, thank you so much
Wild Boar
Wild Boar - 9 years ago
He lived with no injuries
Chace Marsh
Chace Marsh - 9 years ago
he claims u off at time 3:55
Jarmo Maltio
Jarmo Maltio - 9 years ago
Amatör :P
Maggie Smith
Maggie Smith - 9 years ago
Are you Canadian?
Wild Boar
Wild Boar - 9 years ago
Yes I am pretty sure
selina gomez
selina gomez - 9 years ago
Don't you fell bad for killing a fish
Oscar Sánchez TG
Oscar Sánchez TG - 9 years ago
+selina gomez Oh go fuck yourself. Always this fucking comment. No, we don't give a shit about killing if we're eating it. Get over it, you autistic faggots.
Vic197 - 9 years ago
as a fisherman and hunter. catching the fish seems more humane rather then shooting it without fair gain.
Christopher Chalk
Christopher Chalk - 9 years ago
Nigga butt you whatched it so shut the fuck up.
Ginna Giles
Ginna Giles - 9 years ago
Ginna Giles
Ginna Giles - 9 years ago
its a aswesome video
Pyrex - 9 years ago
for such small fish its a nonsense to cut out a fillet. Its better just to gut it and remove head. Fried in deep oil will make it easy to remove skin and you waste much less of the meat.
rob jack
rob jack - 9 years ago
Only at 3 in the morning would I be watching this....
Jeff Low
Jeff Low - 9 years ago
Japanese is professional on fish fillet…
Spike Baltar
Spike Baltar - 6 years ago
No. Western people have been doing this for centuries.
spiderman with a simit
spiderman with a simit - 7 years ago
Just, no
spiderman with a simit
spiderman with a simit - 7 years ago
อัญชนะ คุ้มภัน
อัญชนะ คุ้มภัน - 9 years ago
elaine shiers
elaine shiers - 9 years ago
Random User
Random User - 9 years ago
Call me psyco but I just watch this not to fillet a fish but just to watch how they cut and slaughter the fish, I would actually love to fillet one just for fun
thizzamajig - 7 years ago
I guess any "ism" fits. I actually do butcher animals not for fun but for food. It's funny people think it's psycho to filet a fish but it's normal to grab a pre packaged slab of meat full of red dye and hormones from a grocery store without a second thought for the animal that was slaughtered after a life of mistreatment just for them to eat in blissful ignorance. That was my true intention. Glad you have a sense of humor.
folkmarcmetal - 7 years ago
Wow, and i thought you were referring to feminism the whole time haha, you got me
thizzamajig - 7 years ago
folkmarcmetal It was more a commentary on communism than anything else.
folkmarcmetal - 7 years ago
okay.... iam 99.5% sure you're joking but theres still that 0.5% doubt.... thnx for the nightmares
folkmarcmetal - 7 years ago
Yeah i feel the same way watching it, so one day i got out, caught a walleye (70CM) and did it.
The killing was terrible, i took a hammer and hit it on the head.
Took me 2 hours to fillet the damn thing and i felt guilty... was good eating tho
INSANE_BANANA - 7 years ago
Random User same but I'm an avid chef
thizzamajig - 7 years ago
I am the same way, I even pick up roadkill just so I can play with their intestines, I am also experimenting with taxidermy. I started with fish and frogs but once you start cutting into mammals you'll never be as entertained with cold blooded animals. I think there is so much more excitement in something that resembles humans with hair and a lot of the same organs. My neighbors dog was pregnant, when I cut open its belly 5 little puppies still in the sack fell out and were wiggling around as they suffocated. I was going to try and deliver them but was way too interested in watching them fight for their first and last breath they would never take. I put them in the freezer for later, I've never dissected a newborn anything and now I have 5 to play with. I really want to try bigger animals but not very interested in horses or cows, they are pretty much like goats and sheep and I'm tired of them. I think you really should try gutting some fish and see if you really like it, try a few live ones, I've watched a fish heart beat for over 5 minutes and have even squeezed the heart until it popped while it was beating. It's absolutely amazing watching something alive from the inside especially cats and dogs. Dogs vocalize their pain more than cats and cats seem to have a higher pain tolerance and live longer than dogs once you open them up and start removing organs. I even had a cat run off with all of its intestines dragging behind it as it tried to get away, the only reason I caught it was because it's guts got caught on my chain link fence. It would have lived a lot longer if I didn't accidentally tear open it's lungs when I was trying to get it down. Anyways, I hope you explore your interests and I'm going to go defrost a puppy to play with tonight.
FuzionWraith - 7 years ago
Random User I'm not the only one
Julianne Earl Sales
Julianne Earl Sales - 8 years ago
Random User me too
Sander Broer
Sander Broer - 8 years ago
Rehan khan
Rehan khan - 8 years ago
+Marloes Frederiks how do i make filllet of rohu fish
Sarah Song
Sarah Song - 8 years ago
+Antonio Aguilar You're insane
1111 2222
1111 2222 - 8 years ago
+Antonio Aguilar I do the same. Lately though I have been binge watching "How to fillet a fish" videos
Kingarthurthegr8 - 8 years ago
You monster, you're supposed to do it with friends gosh
Kevin Gillespie
Kevin Gillespie - 9 years ago
+Antonio Aguilar they pay people to do that
dooskiss - 9 years ago
+Antonio Aguilar glad im not the only one.
Mrbrown - 9 years ago
I found my twin brother!
Aslam Saeed
Aslam Saeed - 9 years ago
Porn Hub
Porn Hub - 9 years ago
same bro
Adabb Alas
Adabb Alas - 9 years ago
الو الو الو الو الو الو الو الو الو الو الو الو الو الو الو الو الو الو الو الو
corey peake-wickhan
corey peake-wickhan - 9 years ago
+Antonio Aguilar me to XD
JC - 9 years ago
I find it very soothing after a long day on the water. It's very easy on most freshwater fish, but saltwater fish tend to have strong bones, and weird skeletons, which can be hard to fillet.
MrFerdinandTV - 9 years ago
+Antonio Aguilar same
Lethal - 9 years ago
We are dissecting minks in my anatomy class lol
its hilarious!
Dmitrius - 9 years ago
that's probably because you are a killer psycho who's still locked in the closet
Ariffy - 9 years ago
What i have allways done is to gut cut off the head cut fins thats it no meat wasted you
T mo
T mo - 9 years ago
please let me have the part you throw away. it attracts turtles and makes good chum.
JC - 9 years ago
really poor fillet job
Serdar Katnaş
Serdar Katnaş - 9 years ago
Linus ?!??!
Unknown Roaster
Unknown Roaster - 9 years ago
like so
uetzel - 9 years ago
electric knife for a tiny tiny fish
Mad Hatter
Mad Hatter - 6 years ago
+alex kyte also for peeps that can't drive a manual transmission
XombY-C - 6 years ago
I just hit it with a sledgehammer a couple times and slurp up the juice
vishal raj
vishal raj - 8 years ago
+Aziza Smaani .... i didn't understand ... what is yzehwc ..??
alex kyte
alex kyte - 9 years ago
electric knives are for people who cant use a regular knife
vishal raj
vishal raj - 9 years ago
+uetzel hahhahahahahha
christopher barrales
christopher barrales - 9 years ago
Da fuq the most eating fish is salmon
Bossatronios channel
Bossatronios channel - 9 years ago
You are crap at any thing u can't cut a fish or cut your hand off you are so stupid
chris davis
chris davis - 9 years ago
not getting all the meet off
Kabir Portillo
Kabir Portillo - 9 years ago
Nice' watch
BTS.trash.since.always - 9 years ago
why did he say if you remove this piece of flesh it gets rid of the fishy taste I'm so confused is it not a fish?
Quadrunner - 9 years ago
+Jayda Kookily Just like any other animal different areas have different flavors. Some fish meat tastes almost sweet its so good, and anything more then a little oil and a touch of salt is just covering up an amazing flavor. Some tastes fishy, which is a flavor you can only know if you've ever tasted fishy tasting fish. Most fresh fish meat lies somewhere in between
I Like Turtles
I Like Turtles - 9 years ago
It has a very strong flavor compared to the other parts of the meat, like a tuna's bloodline
Pontus Nieminen
Pontus Nieminen - 9 years ago
+Jayda Kookily Yes, but some parts taste more fish than others.
It's just the same as you can get a slight difference in taste from a pork chop and a filet, or if you compare a ribeye and filet.
Bob Smith
Bob Smith - 9 years ago
In most of these vids the meat looks rotten and mushy
Wil' oVisp
Wil' oVisp - 9 years ago
Good skill and very good knife.
Mikha Bachtiar
Mikha Bachtiar - 9 years ago
how can i get here from watching pixar theory videos?
Anthony Luna
Anthony Luna - 9 years ago
Did you free him when you were done?
sancho Sta. Rita
sancho Sta. Rita - 6 years ago
Living free and in tha wild
Izy S
Izy S - 6 years ago
kevin yoon r/woooosh
ya boi tyler
ya boi tyler - 6 years ago
kevin yoon whooosh
Jack R Cotter
Jack R Cotter - 6 years ago
+Charlie Price no i'm far from serious I take things very , Not serious , Shut up it's a word Wordz BLEEEEEEEEEEEh-
Charlie Price
Charlie Price - 6 years ago
+Jack R Cotter I commented that 2 years ago. Are you serious? Lol
Jack R Cotter
Jack R Cotter - 6 years ago
+Charlie Price in the words of George Carlin "Fuck you I think it's hilarious How'dya like dat"
Usama Nain
Usama Nain - 6 years ago
+Ali Hawi Lol
Ali Hawi
Ali Hawi - 6 years ago
I heard it has a family now , and are living happly in Atlantis.
Killer Demon!
Killer Demon! - 6 years ago
Yep and he went swimming away
SarahDaWolf YT
SarahDaWolf YT - 6 years ago
Anthony Luna yes
Isabella North
Isabella North - 6 years ago
Toxic - 7 years ago
Anthony Luna yeah he got welded back together and released
Edward Zaryan
Edward Zaryan - 7 years ago
Anthony Luna iii
Maize 'n Blue Gamer
Maize 'n Blue Gamer - 7 years ago
Why is a "Cutsie Diamond" on a filleting channel?
Christofer Sensei
Christofer Sensei - 8 years ago
Freeing a perfect fish breaks my heart
bashfulbrother - 8 years ago
Don't be vindictive.
Anthony Luna
Anthony Luna - 8 years ago
+The Cutsie Diamond why u gonna cry?
The Cutsie Diamond
The Cutsie Diamond - 8 years ago
I get the flipping message stop!
Look I'm sorry dunno what was going through my head BUT PLEASE STOP GOING AT ME I GET THE MESSAGE!
random pelt
random pelt - 8 years ago
+Joseph Enrico hmm maybe he was reunited with his family
Joseph Enrico
Joseph Enrico - 8 years ago
+random pelt The fish was a brave he didnt even shed a tear.. He didnt even blink.. The fish is bout dat life
Joseph Enrico
Joseph Enrico - 8 years ago
The fish was attacking people & it had to be put down... I lost a cousin to this monster fish... Finally I have gotten justice and the world is a safer place because of this heroic fisherman who is keeping our streets safe...
Joseph Enrico
Joseph Enrico - 8 years ago
The fish had a stunt double..
Joseph Enrico
Joseph Enrico - 8 years ago
+Psychotic Antëater I know... People are becoming pathetically weak always crying about anything..
Chumpy the Anteater
Chumpy the Anteater - 8 years ago
I like ppl are getting so butthurt over this one joke.
stacey gardner
stacey gardner - 8 years ago
+The Cutsie Diamond is getting a lot too literal take a joke
KevinEssence - 8 years ago
+anthony luna LOL
Sammy NunyaBidness
Sammy NunyaBidness - 8 years ago
It was alive minutes before dying man. Such a travesty
clitoral hood
clitoral hood - 9 years ago
yea he got put all back together , fret not little lamb .
anonymous pinecone
anonymous pinecone - 9 years ago
+The Cutsie Diamond good that's what happens when you eat something that was alive m8
random pelt
random pelt - 9 years ago
Omg its just a joke
kevin yoon
kevin yoon - 9 years ago
+The Cutsie Diamond well its long dead even before you start filleting it. though some people bash the head right before filleting a fish
Joseph Enrico
Joseph Enrico - 9 years ago
random pelt
random pelt - 9 years ago
yes he lived with no injuries
van Gink
van Gink - 9 years ago
Great instruction. Subpar camera work.
D S - 9 years ago
Sweet video dude. Can you do that zippering trick with other fish as well ?

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