Kids Hand Catching Fish in Pool

After a successful morning of fishing with Florida Keys Reel Adventures, I play a game with the kids and challenge them to catch a live blue runner with their bare hands. What could be better?!

Kids Hand Catching Fish in Pool sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2622

Raww fishing 12 years ago 1,607,754 views

After a successful morning of fishing with Florida Keys Reel Adventures, I play a game with the kids and challenge them to catch a live blue runner with their bare hands. What could be better?!

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Most popular comments
for Kids Hand Catching Fish in Pool

Clifford Garcia
Clifford Garcia - 7 years ago
Never put fish in pools
Roted Tomato
Roted Tomato - 7 years ago
Cruelly hoe
Clorox bleach squad
Clorox bleach squad - 7 years ago
Probably only caught because of the lack of oxygen and chemicals go to the fucking ocean and do that get stung or bitten dick
Slime& Vlogs
Slime& Vlogs - 7 years ago
Plz no more killing fish!!!!
Choppy Surf
Choppy Surf - 7 years ago
Shame on you
Kate Kirby
Kate Kirby - 7 years ago
just because its a fish doesn't mean that it can survive in water with CHLORINE!!!!
Charlie Ball
Charlie Ball - 7 years ago
-Animal-fish-gamer -
-Animal-fish-gamer - - 7 years ago
Fish can’t breath it’s a salt water fish and u have chlorine in pools pools have more than tap tap has Enough to kill the fish as an Aquarius I think this is brutal
PARKOUR HD - 7 years ago

10. comment for Kids Hand Catching Fish in Pool

Richard Marzan
Richard Marzan - 7 years ago
Did i just see sting rays
Damien Tan
Damien Tan - 7 years ago
The chlorine got to the guy
Neko Potato
Neko Potato - 7 years ago
Cam Man
Cam Man - 7 years ago
Thats fucked up
oddest j0k3R
oddest j0k3R - 7 years ago
Poor fish
luv lil vert
luv lil vert - 7 years ago
this father is a piece of shit teaching those kids it's okay to do that

Johnny Theodore
Johnny Theodore - 7 years ago
kevin johnsen
kevin johnsen - 7 years ago
I tried once upon a time to inform people of what they are seeing. Educating the public is impossible. Nobody reads captions. It is a fight against ignorance. Everybody knows more than you. It's just the YouTube way Johnny!
Philip Prieur
Philip Prieur - 7 years ago
ur an asshole for puting that fish in there
Do you know anyone named Steve Simon?
Bolvane - 7 years ago
What makes you all assume that the pool is a chlorine pool? It's probably a saltwater one

20. comment for Kids Hand Catching Fish in Pool

Ediz Fishing Channel
Ediz Fishing Channel - 7 years ago
Stupid dad.
Carminantonio Foglia
Carminantonio Foglia - 7 years ago
Sei una merda..vergognati coglione del cazzo....far soffrire una povera bestia solo per il divertimento della tua lurida famiglia di merda....ammazzatevi merdeee!!!!!
TheAnimatingKapro - 7 years ago
That pool water will kill the fish, especially since it’s a salt water fish, you can see the fish weakening near the end, this is not ok

And for you cunts in the comments who will say “HURRR DURRR ITS PROBABLY A SALT WATER POOL STUPID”
Go fuck yourselves it’s probably not
Woopwoopgamer 270
Woopwoopgamer 270 - 7 years ago
And did you really think that your kids could have caught a fish bare handed. The only reason they caught it is because it was DYING. Oh ya and when you said it's not dead, think again you STUPID PRICK.
Woopwoopgamer 270
Woopwoopgamer 270 - 7 years ago
Why would you do that you mean monster. You can't just let your kids put a SALTWATER fish in a CHLORINE pool. I bet you that the reason you stopped the video is because you didn't want to show the fish dying. Did you not hear the kids say, " it's dead" that is their fault. You shouldn't mess with a perfectly good fish like that. If you catch one, let it go. Don't torchure it like a some mental guy.
Master Azu
Master Azu - 7 years ago
I can see the fish is weaker through time .. because of the chlorine. Poor fish. Those people must be very uneducated.
Victor Ruiz
Victor Ruiz - 7 years ago
You retard you don't put fish in a pool it has chlorine
Christie Lewis
Christie Lewis - 7 years ago
Watch lunkerz fishing tiny creek fishing part one best video ever
Prank World
Prank World - 7 years ago
Dream_Duck - 7 years ago
The poor fish breathing in clorine

30. comment for Kids Hand Catching Fish in Pool

Tyreek Hill #Cheetah #10Hunnit #TyreekOnFleek
Tyreek Hill #Cheetah #10Hunnit #TyreekOnFleek - 7 years ago
This is absolutely disgusting. Why would you torture a fish like this. Who cares if you kill it immediately. But letting it slowly die from chlorine burn?
Trippy YT
Trippy YT - 7 years ago
It was was so easy to get it because it was dying why would you do that you knew it was cruel not cool dude at all like for prayer-Fish
alan roy tesio
alan roy tesio - 7 years ago
When you hear a noise at night
When you hear a noise at night - 7 years ago
That is just messed up, poor fish
Tony O'Leary
Tony O'Leary - 7 years ago
That's really cruel would you like if I put you in a room with toxic gases
Brenley Equestrian
Brenley Equestrian - 7 years ago
This is making the fish breath chemicals, and it is burning f f their slime coating, so good job teaching your kids that! Fish can feel things too, if you didn't know that.
ppmaks - 7 years ago
fuck you
junvic feria
junvic feria - 7 years ago
Is that water good for him or is it cloring
The ToxicBadger
The ToxicBadger - 7 years ago
Bruh not cool to kill fish that's a pool not and ocean
pausails lp
pausails lp - 7 years ago
Really inhumane
Hhjbihbbujnbjnbhj vghbhvbhhvhv
Hhjbihbbujnbjnbhj vghbhvbhhvhv - 7 years ago
I feel bad for the fish
A salt water fish in a pool
Tato Batz
Tato Batz - 7 years ago
the audio is horible
The Dominus
The Dominus - 7 years ago
You guys are the worst family, have some re-search before doing this if it can survive your nasty pool with cholrine, if u did, it wont survive, U guys are the dumbest family.. May be rich, but has low IQ about animals
jt123685 - 7 years ago
i really wished u guys drowned in there
jt123685 - 7 years ago
and ur fucking kids are just some fucking spoiled brats that everything handed to them on a fucking silver plate u fucking peice of shit
jt123685 - 7 years ago
go fuck yourself you fucking leech you are the fucking scum off the world that needs to shove a fucking overgrown pinapple in ur dick hole if u even have a penis
MikeMDCTv - 7 years ago
Poor thing
Insane Weather
Insane Weather - 7 years ago
It was chlorine as well , you can see by the fishes eyes starting to blur , getting blind in pain and its gills slowing down , ur so cruel man , wtf , assh9le
Insane Weather
Insane Weather - 7 years ago
Dude , not cool , your kids are taunturing that fish , its like you getting chased by 5 20 foot crocks under petrolium
Ivy Popejoy
Ivy Popejoy - 7 years ago
U are hurting the fish with chlorine and a child chasing it

50. comment for Kids Hand Catching Fish in Pool

Jhonson Fillippov
Jhonson Fillippov - 7 years ago
XTREME BLAZE - 7 years ago
i hope all your children get raped u cousin fucking white cunt
Elywoodworking Elywoodworking
Elywoodworking Elywoodworking - 7 years ago
It's probably a saltwater pool
Agustina Godoy
Agustina Godoy - 7 years ago
el otro día con la pileta en mi casa estamos jugando con mi pesecito doradito bajo de agua
Cj Vlogs
Cj Vlogs - 7 years ago
That's animal cruelty
sɪʟᴇɴᴛ ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ
sɪʟᴇɴᴛ ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ - 7 years ago
Poor fish R.I.P
Brady and Kaleb
Brady and Kaleb - 7 years ago
It could kill them fools the Corrine
Andrew And dinos
Andrew And dinos - 7 years ago
Can't put fish in a pool, especially exotic ones
alkorey - 7 years ago
Making that fish suffer is terrible
Ziagol - 7 years ago
nice audio quality audio
Bulldog Tonks
Bulldog Tonks - 7 years ago
Are you a Dick or what it's a fish they don't live in a swimming pool dick head
FrankDoesShit -stolen Memes For Stolen Kids
FrankDoesShit -stolen Memes For Stolen Kids - 7 years ago
You dumb fuck.
Why did you put that poor innocent fish in a pool full of chlorine and freshwater.....
Thats an equivalent of spraying hydrocloric acid inside of your lung
A CB - 7 years ago
Your kids didnt learn jack except how to "catch" an animal that is almost dead due to chemical poisoning.
Richard Rose
Richard Rose - 7 years ago
fish don't have a frontal lobe and cant feel pain chill out its just one fish
Riannaleacoots - 7 years ago
This is sick . That poor fishy :(
Zine Digit
Zine Digit - 7 years ago
Go killyourself and upload on yt, its gona have more views
CRAZY ARAB - 7 years ago
why would u do that
N04H87 - 7 years ago
_ Shoot4Clout _
_ Shoot4Clout _ - 7 years ago
ugh, white ppl, you know what I'm saying
Makaio_ Zap
Makaio_ Zap - 7 years ago
Shayne Barandino
Shayne Barandino - 7 years ago
Wade Higgins
Wade Higgins - 7 years ago
it would be a good idea to lock these retards in a car that's running in a closed garage.
SpyTed !
SpyTed ! - 7 years ago
You're so cruel
Andrew Delarosa
Andrew Delarosa - 7 years ago
I bet 99% of people could careless about the fish they just say it's cruel because it makes them feel good lol like bruh by the time the video is upload the fish is dead
Nancy Brown
Nancy Brown - 7 years ago
Fish abuse
IS Donut
IS Donut - 7 years ago
But why.
Garrison Evans
Garrison Evans - 7 years ago
Dude your 110% wrong if you want kids to have fun take them fishing not putting an innocent SALT WATER fish in a pool with chemicals and let them try and catch it... I hope you get eaten by a shark
Ikablocky the loser
Ikablocky the loser - 7 years ago
He probably added chemicals for the fish to live
Who Am I
Who Am I - 7 years ago
Best audio ever.
гюлхан хасан
гюлхан хасан - 7 years ago
Warning fish have ben almost killed!
Oskar W
Oskar W - 7 years ago
thats not good for the fish its a saltwater fish not a clorwater fish dis like!
Whale Shark Productions
Whale Shark Productions - 7 years ago
Your killing the fish. Chlorine is bad for all marine life, frogs too. You should've maybe thought alt about this before you did it
Mac Hawkins
Mac Hawkins - 7 years ago
This is basically the equivalent of making a human be in mustard gas
San Agarie
San Agarie - 7 years ago
That manta and the fish Will de so sad
Skylar Seppala
Skylar Seppala - 7 years ago
why u do this man u fucking jurk
Joshua Knevel
Joshua Knevel - 7 years ago
Dude not cool, why do t you go swim in molten metal and see how that feels
Tech Allrounders
Tech Allrounders - 7 years ago
fucking dumbass cunts
EGvlogs - 7 years ago
Lol you just killed that fish easily his lungs are burnin
Lucas Russell 82
Lucas Russell 82 - 7 years ago
You are a dick head that would hurt the fish so much
Callum Drummond
Callum Drummond - 7 years ago
burning its gills
weedislifemein 17
weedislifemein 17 - 7 years ago
Scorpia Lol
Scorpia Lol - 7 years ago
Why the hell would you do that that's just not fair
DestinationVegas - 7 years ago
Is the pool filled with salt water or fresh?
Chiqui O
Chiqui O - 7 years ago
I'm gonna find a way for that fish to get revenge if it DOESNT DIE BEACAUSE OF YOU!
JackFruit Productions
JackFruit Productions - 7 years ago
I hate you FRIGGEN people
TwinkyIsThe1 - 7 years ago
I hate you people you can't just throw a poor fish in clorean! They will get sick! They might die! I have three goldfish so I FRIGGEN hate you do much you ugly faced fish bully you don't even care about the fish your kids are ugly too
The Tetra
The Tetra - 7 years ago
I fish, but I still respect them as living, feeling creature. Fish aren't play things. Even if it was a saltwater pool the parameters would've been very different from the ocean water it came from. This fish suffered a long, painful, and terrifying death. Great message to give to your children. Smh...
Connie Young
Connie Young - 7 years ago
besides the fact that you pretty much just abused the shit out of that fish by putting it in a chlorine filled pool, your kids cannot catch fish for shit
Andrew Karas
Andrew Karas - 7 years ago
CΞNK TR - 7 years ago
You all must die

100. comment for Kids Hand Catching Fish in Pool

I Doohen
I Doohen - 7 years ago
That fish said help me to the camera
Jacqueline Felgueres
Jacqueline Felgueres - 7 years ago
UN hhhbnjj
John Lopez
John Lopez - 7 years ago
fish are friends not food
Michaël Ischi
Michaël Ischi - 7 years ago
So Stupid ...
Aaron Amat
Aaron Amat - 7 years ago
You guys need to calm he crap down it is just a fish that no one cares about
LunaWolf - 7 years ago
Delete your channel
its ya child 1056
its ya child 1056 - 7 years ago
they don't live in chlorine so stop putting fish in pools
Wild - 7 years ago
Lon3h3x8gon 6
Lon3h3x8gon 6 - 7 years ago
This isnt survival you dont get them with your hands
Peyton James1
Peyton James1 - 7 years ago
Fuck You bro killing fish would you like to die it looks like it because you killed a salt water fish in fresh water
Pinellas County's Top Angler
Pinellas County's Top Angler - 7 years ago
this looks like fun. I fish suffers only a little for a memory the kids will have forever
1 Try Never Die
1 Try Never Die - 7 years ago
well it's in a pool so the fish was already dieing so it became slower and he was able jt catch it
RitzCrackers3002 - 7 years ago
Poor fish is going to die
Cruddyjay Vlogs
Cruddyjay Vlogs - 7 years ago
Fuck dat fish gonna die and be eaten anyway
Cruddyjay Vlogs
Cruddyjay Vlogs - 7 years ago
Bro it looks like fun to me
PsBassFishing - 7 years ago
Lucian Hott
Lucian Hott - 7 years ago
SO STUPID you idiot why would you make it suffer WOW your kid caught a fish impressive the fish was weak form the chlorine poisenimg it
Mr. Santana
Mr. Santana - 7 years ago
I hope you did sleep good that night after making that fish suffer
tale team
tale team - 7 years ago
animal abuse
Cory Dudley
Cory Dudley - 7 years ago
ok too all you people that are saying it's in pain be quiet because it is a fish and like insects it doesn't feel pain so stop watching videos just so you can have some drama in your desktop live
Carly Lineberry
Carly Lineberry - 7 years ago
I'm a fisher and ik that when I catch something I treat it with respect just like hunting I would never put a fish in a water that isn't fit for that type of fish.
Josh Blake
Josh Blake - 7 years ago
what a douche, putting a baby baracuda in chlorine water. You sir are an idiot.
Jon Doe
Jon Doe - 7 years ago
take kids fishing hunting or camping... naa let's throw a saltwater fish in the pool.
not cool
Bruh - 7 years ago
Wait Why Did You Put Stingrays In A Pool Were They Real
maze clan
maze clan - 7 years ago
when the boy touched the fish and letted IT swim u Saw the fish slow down and swim on its side a little and he swum against the cam
Sawyer Henderson
Sawyer Henderson - 7 years ago
that's animal cruelty
Disney Pixar Cars
Disney Pixar Cars - 7 years ago
U retard poor fish
kyle_99 Long
kyle_99 Long - 7 years ago
its saltwater
Xplosive Flowrical DESHI MCS
Xplosive Flowrical DESHI MCS - 7 years ago
Been fishing from when I was 4, have kept and raised fish also. Wait for karma to hit you. Never abuse something that does not have a voice. This is no game, this is a group of hillbillies.
Reel fishing Australia
Reel fishing Australia - 7 years ago
You piece of shit this is torture
YourUserNameSucksx10 - 7 years ago
Why are people triggered?
YourUserNameSucksx10 - 7 years ago
I hate people like this.That poor fish was suffering.I hate suffering in animals.
NerdRagerGaming - 7 years ago
This isn't a "survival game" this is a rich asshole torturing a living creature for views. There's no survival in this. Not at all. I say that as an outward bound graduate.
Christodabeast Vela
Christodabeast Vela - 7 years ago
Dumb video why is there a fish in the pool in the first place
Chocotaw - 7 years ago
That poor fish was really hurting at the end you could tell :c
Gurg Mesh
Gurg Mesh - 7 years ago
Jesus fuck man, fish may not feel emotions but thats just cruel
Lolo Lele
Lolo Lele - 7 years ago
All that ammonia in the pool
Tom Bannon
Tom Bannon - 7 years ago
He killed the fish
Demonix Dreams
Demonix Dreams - 7 years ago
Imagine an alternative video where the fish catch the humans as the humans slowly suffocate and die from the inside scared as shit......
Nate Dawg
Nate Dawg - 7 years ago
not cool man
Solorio Abraham Solorio Garsia
Solorio Abraham Solorio Garsia - 7 years ago
burgerboy does some shit
burgerboy does some shit - 7 years ago
guys i know its f'ed but it is just a fish
Armory Fishing Team - Oahu
Armory Fishing Team - Oahu - 7 years ago
Am I the only one who saw that fish slowly get slower and start swimming sideways? The Blue Runner is a saltwater fish. Even if this was a saltwater pool, the chemicals would contribute to the factor of killing it. I don't mean to be a downer, but next time, please have some respect for nature and research before you do this. Have a good day.
Big bass Hunter
Big bass Hunter - 7 years ago
When you pulled the fish out of water you could tell his gills were burnt because the way the was flopping good way to make a living animal suffer I hope your proud of yourself and I am disliking and reporting this for animal cruelty
Lieb's Friendship Goals
Lieb's Friendship Goals - 7 years ago
We did this in a saltwater pool, where the fish is fine with that
Selena Wolf
Selena Wolf - 7 years ago
Poor fish!!!!! That's so cruel!!!
Lorielay Edmonson
Lorielay Edmonson - 7 years ago
i feel like going to the pool now
Harv - 7 years ago
WHY WOULD YOU MAKE A BLUE RUNNER SUFFER?! is gills are burning so he cant breathe thumbs down
Andy G
Andy G - 7 years ago
I hope that fish was in a tremendous amount of pain
Catt jong-un
Catt jong-un - 7 years ago
1 eternity later...
Randumbstuff Randumbstuff
Randumbstuff Randumbstuff - 7 years ago
I feel so bad for that fish
Crista Eaton
Crista Eaton - 7 years ago
Ur torturing the FISH!!!!!!!!!!!!
The red Reaper king
The red Reaper king - 7 years ago
I wonder if the fish likes that?
Anthony Ngo
Anthony Ngo - 7 years ago
floppy fish
Chloe Stardawn
Chloe Stardawn - 7 years ago
Your kids would fucking starve to death if this was in the ocean and they had to catch fish...this fish is slowly dying from the chlorine thats why it let them catch it.
Chloe Stardawn
Chloe Stardawn - 7 years ago
1:49 SAVE ME!!
larry Big
larry Big - 7 years ago
this is fucking torture the chlorine is poisoning the fish and it can definitely feel the chemicals burning it fuck these senseless and idiotic fucking dicks
Dutch Dartfrogs
Dutch Dartfrogs - 7 years ago
The only thing that would be catched in the ocean are those kids
Red Mystic Fox
Red Mystic Fox - 7 years ago
fuck you you horible person even though fish are food respect nature by at least ending its life painlessly
The Unknown
The Unknown - 7 years ago
R.I.P Blue runner died from fresh water
Amazing Huh
Amazing Huh - 7 years ago
How was the fish alive for so long
Flynn Robinson
Flynn Robinson - 7 years ago
Why would you do that just watch the fish slowly die
gabriel maldonado
gabriel maldonado - 7 years ago
Petta all you crying liberals guess what Petta means : People eating tastey animals. hahaha
Scary Haboob
Scary Haboob - 7 years ago
I don't know if you are really stupid, or changed the water, but a fish from the ocean cant live or swim in clorine, its going to die you dumbass, and even if you don't keep it, still, that is not polite to the fish
Hampus Haglund
Hampus Haglund - 7 years ago
Rich white people are very stupid...
Di8coInk22 Amino
Di8coInk22 Amino - 7 years ago
moeorleanz - 7 years ago
hey kids, you got a dumb fuck of a father.
cocococococ - 7 years ago
Trippie kat
Trippie kat - 7 years ago
Lol when the fish hit the screen
HAWK coolkids423
HAWK coolkids423 - 7 years ago
Friend: my leg feel asleep

Me: It fucking num you dumbass.
Basket Ball 4 Life
Basket Ball 4 Life - 8 years ago
just cruel if you ask me.......
Cool_sootuff 23
Cool_sootuff 23 - 8 years ago
is that a salt water pool? If not , Poor Fish with burned gills and scales because of the chlorine .
gabriel ricaurte
gabriel ricaurte - 8 years ago
put a shark with u son
Makenzi Ford
Makenzi Ford - 8 years ago
That's just really cruel, this is a living animal that shouldn't be tortured by humans letting this poor fish swim in a pool filled with toxic chemicals that can harm the fish and play " catch the fish" people need to respect things because one day these animals aren't gonna be here( like if you agree)
Gaming an
Gaming an - 8 years ago
It's really not a game. Fish can't survive in chlorine water you fucked up abortion
littel robuxian boi
littel robuxian boi - 8 years ago
than to kill fish
littel robuxian boi
littel robuxian boi - 8 years ago
come on dude you now detter
littel robuxian boi
littel robuxian boi - 8 years ago
you made me so mad!!!!!
littel robuxian boi
littel robuxian boi - 8 years ago
that is stoped
PressleysLovely AnimalWorld
PressleysLovely AnimalWorld - 8 years ago
You are a Cruel Moronic human being. You put a saltwater fish in chlorine and chase it around. First off it is dying because of chlorine burning it's gills and shouldn't be in a pool anyways. Second off it's dying because stress. I hope somebody treats you like you treated this fish....
DiamondXGaming Xxx
DiamondXGaming Xxx - 8 years ago
You idiot that poor fish you were killing it that's why you catch it how about you take a acid bath and see how you like it
john johnson
john johnson - 8 years ago
pls dont do that
Nick Schram
Nick Schram - 8 years ago
This is like Hitler and the gas chambers.....evil
Ben Kluesener
Ben Kluesener - 8 years ago
Regan Nettlingham
Regan Nettlingham - 8 years ago
Cruel I'm calling 911
Vada Schoonover
Vada Schoonover - 8 years ago
was it fresh water
Fluttershy Mlp
Fluttershy Mlp - 8 years ago
Fluttershy Mlp
Fluttershy Mlp - 8 years ago
Poor fishy.......I will find you and I will kill you.......wanna know how I will...........Ima ril your head and feed them to the sharks.....,,,I'm talking about the kids
Mo Mö
Mo Mö - 8 years ago
Before you to that kill the Fish
Colby Collett
Colby Collett - 8 years ago
That's horrible. Fuck you
ThatInsectDude 01
ThatInsectDude 01 - 8 years ago
Ya know you might as well just eat it cuz that fish is just slowly dying in that pool, and don't give me the saltwater pool bullshit because even saltwater pools have chemicals
Payback !
Payback ! - 8 years ago
wrong! but sure got the views
Cerria Banks
Cerria Banks - 8 years ago
Poor can see the horror in its eyes.
rakesh wadhwa
rakesh wadhwa - 8 years ago
why are you harming the fish if someone harm you like this very bad
rakesh wadhwa
rakesh wadhwa - 8 years ago
why are you harming the fish if someone harm you like this very bad
Ivan the introvert
Ivan the introvert - 8 years ago
the fish is going to die in there, because the water is filled with chlorine
Pear Fishing
Pear Fishing - 8 years ago
They can barely breathe in this type of water, look at how fast they're gills are pumping
Lorenz Cimeni
Lorenz Cimeni - 8 years ago
Zayle Bakhuis
Zayle Bakhuis - 8 years ago
Wow cool you guys have like a sea in that pool
Ashton Salisbury
Ashton Salisbury - 8 years ago
Dude, fish aren't supposed to be put in pools. That fish is slowly and painfully dying from the chemicals in that pool (chlorine and hydrochloric pool acid). It may be fun for you, but I'm telling you, that fish ain't thinking it's fun.
Ashton Salisbury
Ashton Salisbury - 8 years ago
And everyone saying "it's a salt water pool" salt water and every other pool uses chemicals, it's the chemicals that are killing this fish you dumbasses, grow a fucking brain
Candy Corn
Candy Corn - 8 years ago
I hate these rich people
great ATTACK shark
great ATTACK shark - 8 years ago
Was it a salt water pool?
Stuart French
Stuart French - 8 years ago
F the little girl
DaQiong Feng
DaQiong Feng - 8 years ago
Don't read more of this!!!!!

Such a rebel!
Jtbdestiny jtbdestiny
Jtbdestiny jtbdestiny - 8 years ago
The chlorine will kill the poor thing
Mehtap Ey
Mehtap Ey - 8 years ago
ok people with rich life... we work and they put a saltwater fish in a chlor pool... rich people give a shit
Stein Fransen
Stein Fransen - 8 years ago
What could be better? just release it in to the wild
BrianGames YT-ROBLOX, Clash Royale, & More
BrianGames YT-ROBLOX, Clash Royale, & More - 8 years ago
I would of sworn I saw stingrays at the bottom of the pool?!?
Sully Symmes
Sully Symmes - 8 years ago
The poor fish it's going to die anyway in the pool.
Kenn Kar
Kenn Kar - 8 years ago
Why did you pour fish in a pool
puggaming 101
puggaming 101 - 8 years ago
they're stupid the fish will die cause the water has bleach and chlorine witch hurts it
sPoOkY Boi
sPoOkY Boi - 8 years ago
The only reason they did catch it is because it was slowly dying from the clorien in the pool water, if they were in the actual wild it would be way faster
Victor Jones
Victor Jones - 8 years ago
I feel bad for the fish
Biggie Cheese
Biggie Cheese - 8 years ago
The fish will die in chlorine
Basketball Hd
Basketball Hd - 8 years ago
1:50 bruh
FatVapeFarts - Gaming and More
FatVapeFarts - Gaming and More - 8 years ago
I don't think you will have swimming goggles in a survival situation.. And the fish obviously wouldn't be in a small as pool.
Sassy Killjoy
Sassy Killjoy - 8 years ago
So cruel
Lugh On The Loo
Lugh On The Loo - 8 years ago
Poor thing. Not a cool way to teach children.
Fish4ever 222222
Fish4ever 222222 - 8 years ago
U people realize that is a freaking living creature, It is a saltwater fish and it is in freshwater with chemicals and it is going to suffer. I hope u people are happy with yourselves making defenseless creatures suffer due to a mentally retarted "kids game".
DalekWindmill - 8 years ago
wow, animal cruelty much?
Pineapple Kyle
Pineapple Kyle - 8 years ago
The fish swimming in the pool water is equivalent to a human swimming in bleach with shit in it, hope u happy
Glorbis Glork
Glorbis Glork - 8 years ago
Wat the actual fuck is wrong with u? Kids are gonna sleep good tonight! After they just tortured a fish! FUCK OFF ITS AND ANIMAL, DONT BE CRUEL, how would u like it if u were tortured for fun u sick fuck, basically teaching kids how to torture a fish for fun, u only caught it because it was DYING! DIDNT U SEE IT STRUGGLING?!?!
Diana Hayashi
Diana Hayashi - 8 years ago
I Would Leave The Fish In There I Would Make The Whole Pool The Ocean For It Needs The Pool More Them Meh! Dont Treat Dah Fish Like Dat
Scott MacDonald
Scott MacDonald - 8 years ago
not cool man
pramita nayak
pramita nayak - 8 years ago
stupid man nd stupid idiot children
Brandom Acosta
Brandom Acosta - 8 years ago
That's messed up making a fish swim in the children's dirty pool its an animal not a toy. And what's up with the ending oh they're gonna sleep good tonight.....
1. How would you know that.
Edith Mikulec
Edith Mikulec - 8 years ago
asshole. idiotic thing to do.
Chandler Wall
Chandler Wall - 8 years ago
Dude nock this shit off
Colby Collett
Colby Collett - 8 years ago
That's horrible
Shulom Ben Ruban
Shulom Ben Ruban - 8 years ago
Maybe a salt water pool
Lil Marti
Lil Marti - 8 years ago
Your teaching your kids cruel stuff not survival skills I bet they are too weak to even get one in a lake cause they are sons of ugly bitches
Lure Kings
Lure Kings - 8 years ago
he is lucky af to have a giant ass pool if I had that pool id buy a shit ton of bait and put some snook or some shit like that in there
Butter King
Butter King - 8 years ago
why do u have fish and sting ray in ur pool?
PATTON - 8 years ago
+Walter Thompson
those weren't stingrays those are floor decoration for the pool.
Butter King
Butter King - 8 years ago
+PATON u know the black things with white dots on them yeah that's sting ray :D
PATTON - 8 years ago
i didnt see any stingrays
cxaptrop - 8 years ago
white trash anamale tortuing fag
karebear727 - 8 years ago
Lol just lol
Artur artur
Artur artur - 8 years ago
BRADY THOMPSON - 8 years ago
Lol dope
Preston Cobb
Preston Cobb - 8 years ago
everyone just calm down lol
Keke0715 AJ
Keke0715 AJ - 8 years ago
I bet those fish died if that pool had chlorine
activetruman - 8 years ago
Tiny Boyce
Tiny Boyce - 8 years ago
it's a salt water pool
Nightbot - 8 years ago
lmao @1:47
Mathieu De Tomas
Mathieu De Tomas - 8 years ago
whoever watches yhe video dislike for that poor fish
Musical Mustang
Musical Mustang - 8 years ago
This is definitely NOT survival skills for torchering a fish, making it suffer, and having its gills burn out slowly until he dies. Chlorine is bad for fish. EVERYONE should know that. Right now you are ABUSING this fish, I hope your happy.
Eric Ma
Eric Ma - 8 years ago
That poor fish! First of all it had to suffer through the chlorine and then not to mention the fresh water
Sierra Miranda
Sierra Miranda - 8 years ago
This is so cruel for the fish (that is obviously a SALT water fish) fresh water fish can't survive in pools especially SALT water fish, since pool water contains a special type of Clorox to clean the pool from germs and other stuff. That's dangerous for any living thing (expect humans and plants). Not only that but are you trying to catch a fish so you can "train" your kids?
Lexi Kent
Lexi Kent - 8 years ago
poor thing. It would be able to swim away in an ocean
Boi Please
Boi Please - 8 years ago
Do these people know chlorine is bad for fishes
young rich nigga
young rich nigga - 8 years ago
is that a stingray
Tokyo Goul
Tokyo Goul - 8 years ago
Dem boobs tho
Cristiano Euronaldo
Cristiano Euronaldo - 8 years ago
are u guys rich
Art3mis - 8 years ago
Are all the people who dispute this Vegan? As otherwise I am surprised so many care so much about a fish.
Skittles VanPatten
Skittles VanPatten - 8 years ago
The chlorine can kill the fish after all it is a chemical
MotherOfDragonzz 123
MotherOfDragonzz 123 - 8 years ago
Poor fishy fish
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli - 8 years ago
plus bleach in the pool
Cuprit Galaxy
Cuprit Galaxy - 8 years ago
this is not cool what happens if someone put u in a pool full of sharks and let the sharks have fun
abnormally large pliers
abnormally large pliers - 8 years ago
Hmmm... ok look at all these fish. Millions of them. You're telling me you guys think having a little game is complete torture? They aren't brutally stabbing all the fish on earth. Come on, let them have some fun.
abnormally large pliers
abnormally large pliers - 8 years ago
+Nico Moore so is brutally stabbing them.
LaVar Ball
LaVar Ball - 8 years ago
It's different because it is torture.
Jasten Blanchard
Jasten Blanchard - 8 years ago
All you stfu about the animals every time I see a squirrel I blow it's brains out and eat it
Maeva Parisi
Maeva Parisi - 8 years ago
Kenneth Reyes
Kenneth Reyes - 8 years ago
That fish started shaking rapidly like that because it's brain was exposed to deadly chemicals for too long. Died a horrible death
The Cruddy Owl
The Cruddy Owl - 8 years ago
is that a salt water pool
ryan ben
ryan ben - 8 years ago
the chlorine in the pool water destroys the fish's gills and literally burn the fish alive, this is no survival game this is torture and animal abuse
Christocream - 8 years ago
That is so fucking disgusting that you put a fish in your pool
isaque Oliveira
isaque Oliveira - 8 years ago
isaque oliveira
Bones y
Bones y - 8 years ago
They are gonna sleep good?
Jacob Bullock
Jacob Bullock - 8 years ago
This is so inhumane bro not cool
Roberto Aslanis
Roberto Aslanis - 8 years ago
I always try to catch fish with my hands in the sea but there to fast. In the chlorine water iTS like a piece of cake
Roberto Aslanis
Roberto Aslanis - 8 years ago
I killed them when they went to sleep
Shawn Fey
Shawn Fey - 8 years ago
I bought a tarpon with my bare hands a hour ago
Shawn Fey
Shawn Fey - 8 years ago
I bought a tarpon with my bare hands a hour ago
COMM3NDER - 8 years ago
And what the fuck. At the end it says 'theyre gonna sleep good tonight!!' what in the fuck is wrong with you. Oh, wait, Americans
COMM3NDER - 8 years ago
The only fucking way he caught the fish because you fucking nazis were putting it in chlorine. Thats like sulfuric acid on you. You're a fucking nazi and the fish is a Jew. the new hitler is in town. eventually he will die.
Cherry - 8 years ago
That is really mean to the fish, especially since it is a salt water fish!
Neeko Castillo
Neeko Castillo - 8 years ago
is it a saltwater pool
حسين حسو
حسين حسو - 8 years ago
Travis Lee
Travis Lee - 8 years ago
Survival skills? You guys are rich and probably have laser rifles down your back pockets. I bet when you do go camping you brings some kind of bullet prof RV and hover vehicles to get around. Oh yeah and carry your laser rifles with you everywhere
Sonia M.
Sonia M. - 8 years ago
the fish crashed into the camara
mc beefy bull
mc beefy bull - 8 years ago
they should put it out of its misery after traumatizing it
C9 Freezee
C9 Freezee - 8 years ago
this poor little fish
Bianca Rosa
Bianca Rosa - 8 years ago
let it go
Bianca Rosa
Bianca Rosa - 8 years ago
s_ r
s_ r - 8 years ago
you should be in chamber full of mustard gas and being chased by bunch of tigers thats how the fish feels
Colin Chau
Colin Chau - 8 years ago
jeez people. Have respect some for nature!!! You kill fish for a game!?!?!?
Mitchsauce24 - 8 years ago
This is cool
Michael Mcmillian
Michael Mcmillian - 8 years ago
Your killing it
Rubeniscool 101
Rubeniscool 101 - 8 years ago
The adiuo was terrible plus urge being mean to nature that's cruel
VECTOR - 8 years ago
Imagine the stress the fish was put into
jellybeenz2012 - 8 years ago
this video was bad enough but when i saw the fish at 1:50 I was like nah I'm done
Billy  Lumb
Billy Lumb - 8 years ago
they are Idiot's
rocker 5.0
rocker 5.0 - 8 years ago
it looks cool
Sniper Hacker
Sniper Hacker - 8 years ago
It's so easy to catch fish in a pool
Sidatron 2.09
Sidatron 2.09 - 8 years ago
That's mean
Eleven Shots
Eleven Shots - 8 years ago
Fruitix YT
Fruitix YT - 8 years ago
they swim so slow
The zone
The zone - 8 years ago
you're the dumbest person in the world. you went a d took a beautiful piece of nature away from its home and proceeded to get you kids to chase it around In your pool. which also killed the fish because the chemicals in your pool. find something better to do then kill wild life
mosh Wash
mosh Wash - 8 years ago
Its a nice idee but you may need to do it not in a pool
Nate Parish
Nate Parish - 8 years ago
That's dangerous
JH FISHING - 8 years ago
Well done! You killed a fish for no reason. Lost all respect.
Camille Ford
Camille Ford - 8 years ago
You're treating the fish horribly

This is the first time I have ever thumbs down a video
Zach Comer
Zach Comer - 8 years ago
Animal abuse much?
sztucz nie
sztucz nie - 8 years ago
i hate you now unsub unlike you got an hater now
~Piko~ - 8 years ago
Nice, torturing a fish just for fun. I hope you are happy.
~Piko~ - 8 years ago
+RAVIOLI DAWG What does that have to do with this? It's still absurdly unnecessary and shouldn't be laughed at.
abnormally large pliers
abnormally large pliers - 8 years ago
is that the last fish on earth? Are they hitting it with a rock until it dies? No.
Island Survival Skills? Talk about some psychiatric help for you. This is a stupid move and why have the kids involved? Saltwater in a pool does kill fish because all the idiots in the comments think that a saltwater pool is ok but it has other chemical retards. Check yourself before you wreck yourself. You should have been arrested for this.
Daniel Stephens
Daniel Stephens - 8 years ago
poor fish it wants to live a happy life not a life were u die a horrible death
JAY HARRIS 03 - 8 years ago
Animal abuse
Yotabyte - 8 years ago
Adam Schauer
Adam Schauer - 8 years ago
fuck you
Nitelezie - 8 years ago
This makes me sad.
Nitelezie - 8 years ago
You know the fish will die because its not fresh water right? Way to be a dick
RobotmanWarriorgirl - 8 years ago
Dayton Thacker
Dayton Thacker - 8 years ago
hey your son caught it because it was dyeing jesus
shaun bell
shaun bell - 8 years ago
y'all some cry baby's
Tyler Gay
Tyler Gay - 8 years ago
lol wow everyone's going to bitch and moan over this little fish when there's a lot worse stuff going on
Brianna Chan
Brianna Chan - 8 years ago
Putting a saltwater fish into fresh water is like bleach. Putting a saltwater fish in fresh water can blind the fish when exposed for long periods, later leading to death. In addition, fish just can't be put in water, fish need certain water conditions(such as ph). To put this in perspective, this is equivalent to putting a human in a chamber full of carbon dioxide gas. Sure, you can walk around but quickly you will be weakened and die from the inability to breathe.
Jared Seward
Jared Seward - 8 years ago
Probably a saltwater pool
NV fishing
NV fishing - 8 years ago
That's fucked up
Tanner Villalpando
Tanner Villalpando - 8 years ago
So stupid
Cristian Rolando Herrera
Cristian Rolando Herrera - 8 years ago
Its a fucking fish mate, you need to fucking relax.
Chiqui O
Chiqui O - 7 years ago
Big The Cat so your saying that fish don't matter? You better lock your door your talking to a girl that owns three fish. And im not happy with you
F9ISH F9ish
F9ISH F9ish - 8 years ago
+F9ISH F9ish *drink bleach
F9ISH F9ish
F9ISH F9ish - 8 years ago
it's a fucking human relax take the oxygen in the world its fucking life old stock bleach
Kawaii Yanderlee
Kawaii Yanderlee - 8 years ago
Yeah, SO? Doesn't change the fact that it's torture.
Brendan Pena
Brendan Pena - 8 years ago
Fake fish
Reuben Williams
Reuben Williams - 8 years ago
I would love to see how he likes having his lungs burned and chased
ashley moody
ashley moody - 8 years ago
This is crazzzzzy
Mariana  Antonia Serna Guarin
Mariana Antonia Serna Guarin - 8 years ago
pobresitos los peses es injusto los odio
Dragon Wolf
Dragon Wolf - 8 years ago
that will kill the fish
The New Helios
The New Helios - 8 years ago
Zonester05 - 8 years ago
Actually he bot the Rays from a shop I think and added chemachles you can buy probably because it's illegal to catch leopard rays
Phoenix Draws
Phoenix Draws - 8 years ago
Wow, you think you can play God and let children grab it, and they probably don't even know that chlorine killing fish, if one of your dumbass kids were smart, they would stand up to your ass
Ruby Daniels
Ruby Daniels - 8 years ago
This is horrible
Squid? - 8 years ago
Did he pool have chlorine in it?
Squid? - 8 years ago
Ah, okay.
Reuben Williams
Reuben Williams - 8 years ago
Yes it did that's why it was so clear. If you don't put chlorine in it the water starts to go green because of algae.
plixe stix
plixe stix - 8 years ago
OMg ur fricking kids are abusing poor fish
Artify - 8 years ago
is it a salt water pool, otherwise I dont know how its alive.
james anglin
james anglin - 8 years ago
Why did you put it in Corine water
TheGamer24 25
TheGamer24 25 - 8 years ago
TheGamer24 25
TheGamer24 25 - 8 years ago
Why is the fish in a pole he's gonna die in the pool
TheGamer24 25
TheGamer24 25 - 8 years ago
+Lilly05712 AJ how do you know
Lilly05712 AJ
Lilly05712 AJ - 8 years ago
It's salt water
TheFallenOwl3607 - 8 years ago
guys salt water pools exists... and not all pools ALWAYS have chlorine...
Alligoter10 Bloop
Alligoter10 Bloop - 8 years ago
+‫إبراهيم‬‎ well it's not good for your eyes
ibraheem إبراهيم
ibraheem إبراهيم - 8 years ago
+Alligoter10 Bloop I open my eyes under sea water and it doesn't hurt
Alligoter10 Bloop
Alligoter10 Bloop - 8 years ago
It isn't salt water like in the odeon it has pool salt and chemicals that's why it doesn't hurt your eyes
surf army gaming
surf army gaming - 8 years ago
Wtf really why would u kill that poor fish u assholes it not a pool water fish its salt water. DUMBASS
gigi - 8 years ago
as said, white people are crazy.
TrevorHackerVEVO - 8 years ago
I hope there's no clorene
Sierra Miranda
Sierra Miranda - 8 years ago
TrevorHackerVEVO and it looks like a salt water fish also
Spencer Travis
Spencer Travis - 8 years ago
There is
Kevin L
Kevin L - 8 years ago
U shouldn't put a fish in clorine water
Xavier Stormsurge
Xavier Stormsurge - 8 years ago
they're gonna sleep good tonight? fuck your family
Sophie Hunt
Sophie Hunt - 8 years ago
Is it just me or are there stingrays in the pool!
Vanguard FIGHT
Vanguard FIGHT - 8 years ago
Imee Fajardo
Imee Fajardo - 8 years ago
how the fuck is the fish alive hat fish is a fresh water and ur pool is a clorean water thatnis a harm but how is it alive
Cynthiasings@heart - 8 years ago
Fucking stupid idiots
Sabrina Shannon
Sabrina Shannon - 8 years ago
I came just for the comments
Lea Cukic
Lea Cukic - 8 years ago
what you did is afoul.You let your kids play with this fishes life
Alfie Kneale
Alfie Kneale - 8 years ago
Chlorine kills the fish u dick
Dawson Fischer
Dawson Fischer - 8 years ago
The fish was dying at the end WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU
BillyBull - 8 years ago
The poor fish
Casey Merrill
Casey Merrill - 8 years ago
For all of you uneducated people, blue runners are used as bait, that was one he didn't use when he got home the fish would've died anyways
LilRainbowFlower - 8 years ago
why are you guys worried about a fish?! its ONLY ONE FISH don't make such a big deal about it I bet 99 ℅ of the people commenting about the fish being tortured or whatever probably eat fish!
sebpig - 8 years ago
But we don't burn it's goddamn gills with chlorine we freeze it and then kill it with no pain dumb bitch
MexicanSanta - 8 years ago
+Amy Wilkerson there are probably more than a 100 fish being born as this one is dying
Amy Wilkerson
Amy Wilkerson - 8 years ago
What if you were a fish being tortured by chlorine and played with by kids
TheGamingDachOriginal - 8 years ago
everyone in the comments is dumb, either they cut is head of and cook it or they play a game them kill and cook it, either way it's dead.
TheGamingDachOriginal - 8 years ago
But ya'll could've at least done it in a saltwater pool
Tj Hereda
Tj Hereda - 8 years ago
Why did you just fish
for it
DeadlyAlive - 8 years ago
have fun with it ur killing it dumb ass......
Zoe Hopkins
Zoe Hopkins - 8 years ago
Horrible video you don't put fish in chlorine who ever thought that was a good idea is stupid
Grizcrisp3 Outdoors
Grizcrisp3 Outdoors - 8 years ago
chlorine kills fish
MixedGamer123 - 8 years ago
Haha!!!!!!! So great
gamer studios
gamer studios - 8 years ago
a fish can't live in chlorine water it was weak and about to die that is why it let you catch it
Aditya - 8 years ago
+Ninja Dust no you retard it would have slowly gotten weakened like in the video
Edible Food
Edible Food - 8 years ago
+Big The Cat yes or the fish would've died in 30 seconds
Cristian Rolando Herrera
Cristian Rolando Herrera - 8 years ago
+Ninja Dust are you even sure about that bruh?
Edible Food
Edible Food - 8 years ago
It's a salt water pool dumb ass
Albert Dacchioli
Albert Dacchioli - 8 years ago
That's just torture
Cam Taylor
Cam Taylor - 8 years ago
+konichiwa ! There tropical fish. The lake where I live is cold water. And there very expensive fish.
plixe stix
plixe stix - 8 years ago
+Cam Taylor k drop dem back in the lake u moran
Albert Dacchioli
Albert Dacchioli - 8 years ago
+Walter Matthews exactly
Cam Taylor
Cam Taylor - 8 years ago
+Walter Matthews I have a 2600 gallon pool with 100+ fish in it. Anything wrong with that?
Walter Matthews
Walter Matthews - 8 years ago
Agreed ppl r scarf if a bear chases u and this is the same thing they r the beat
Amber Charter
Amber Charter - 8 years ago
They're probably gonna cook it
Rory - 8 years ago
is that peta i hear getting butthurt?
JKEbNotJacob - 8 years ago
+F9ISH F9ish Can someone translate for me? I speak English.
F9ISH F9ish
F9ISH F9ish - 8 years ago
I'm going to fuck u up if I know where u r
JKEbNotJacob - 8 years ago
+F9ISH F9ish What?
F9ISH F9ish
F9ISH F9ish - 8 years ago
+JKEbNotJacob um where's it house 2 year old
JKEbNotJacob - 8 years ago
Yeah, how dare people get mad over other people being sadistic to animals? If they want to torture a living creature by burning it's lungs and chasing it while it is struggling to breathe, let them. So many butthurt people.
Cristian Rolando Herrera
Cristian Rolando Herrera - 8 years ago
LaVar Ball
LaVar Ball - 8 years ago
There is a difference between killing the fish right away without pain, and making the fish suffer by having chlorine burn it's gills. That fish is a living animal and should be respected. It would be different if they were trying to catch it in a little tide pool in the ocean but it suffered. I'm sure humans would rather die being killed immediately than having your lungs burnt while you can't breathe.Smh
X zonian05
X zonian05 - 7 years ago
elliot kempton yeah but saltwater pools also use chemicals that injure the fish. Like in the video, near the end you can see the fish begin to get weak and swim sideways
The most random Channel on YouTube
The most random Channel on YouTube - 7 years ago
Nico 2k search fish in pool on YouTube click on the first video you will see what fish suffer like in actual chlorine this is definitely a saltwater pool
elliot kempton
elliot kempton - 7 years ago
Nico 2k salt water pools are a thing
TwoGamingGods - 7 years ago
Those kids are my cousins
larry Big
larry Big - 7 years ago
TwoGamingGods FUCK YOU
TwoGamingGods - 7 years ago
Nico Moore I've swam in this pool. It's a saltwater pool. No chlorine
Ben Kluesener
Ben Kluesener - 8 years ago
LaVar Ball
LaVar Ball - 8 years ago
Ashton Salisbury Exactly
Ashton Salisbury
Ashton Salisbury - 8 years ago
Fabian Fiso it doesn't matter if it's a fucking salt water pool or not, all pools use chemicals like chlorine and acid, that fish is dying slowly and painfully, and they're making fun of it, end of story.
Fabian Fiso
Fabian Fiso - 8 years ago
Nico Moore you don't know if it is a saltwater pool or not
Who said I was an angel?
Who said I was an angel? - 8 years ago
Nico Moore um there is a Differenz dumb ass
FatVapeFarts - Gaming and More
FatVapeFarts - Gaming and More - 8 years ago
+Patrick McSweeney You can't deny shit. I'm a fisherman myself and you don't torture a fucking fish. You either kill it immediately or let it go.
Amelia T
Amelia T - 8 years ago
Cameron A
LaVar Ball
LaVar Ball - 8 years ago
Actually A fish's mouth area is made out of cartilage. So it's mouth dosent feel as much pain if it is peirced by a hook, but the fish's body is delicate and sensitive. I'm also pretty sure that it would feel chemicals that burn the crap out of its gills.
MotherOfDragonzz 123
MotherOfDragonzz 123 - 8 years ago
+Teresa Taco how do you know
John Doe
John Doe - 8 years ago
Fish don't feel pain the way humans do dumbass
LaVar Ball
LaVar Ball - 8 years ago
+Skreddy. Norsk-Gaming I'm actually not a vegan I just think it is messed up to make that fish suffer
Ear Rapist
Ear Rapist - 8 years ago
+Patrick McSweeney because he eats those animals
Patrick McSweeney
Patrick McSweeney - 8 years ago
+Marty Hayburn Who said he doesnt care about the cruel killings of farm animals?
Marty Hayburn
Marty Hayburn - 8 years ago
so you will eat chicken and beef that were raised in factories without being able to walk there whole lives and get treated like shit but you get butthurt when you see a fish suffering in a pool for 5 minutes???
Phantom Forces
Phantom Forces - 8 years ago
+Nico Moore it might be a salt water pool
Patrick McSweeney
Patrick McSweeney - 8 years ago
+Cameron A Skreddy. (Youtube reply button is being odd)
Patrick McSweeney
Patrick McSweeney - 8 years ago
Go play minecraft, kid
Patrick McSweeney
Patrick McSweeney - 8 years ago
Fucking retard
Skreddy. Norsk-Gaming
Skreddy. Norsk-Gaming - 8 years ago
Fuckin vegan
Charlie Hanserkers
Charlie Hanserkers - 8 years ago
as a fisherman i think this is wrong. you eat the catch and kill it right away. or you let it go back out in the sea. something you do not do is to make it suffer!
Joseph Canchola
Joseph Canchola - 8 years ago
fuck this guy
Giovanni Soto
Giovanni Soto - 8 years ago
i love it so much
Luciana Fernandes
Luciana Fernandes - 8 years ago
love it
BloodRush euheehehehh
BloodRush euheehehehh - 8 years ago
i love the clicking noises of the camera
stephanie racelis
stephanie racelis - 8 years ago know what's the esiest way buy a mermaid tale and act like a mermaid and it will come to you that's what I did when my pet fish jump
I put him to the side of the pool and he jump off so I tried to catch him so I bought a mermaid tail and act like a mermaid so it come to me and I grab it and after put in the aquirom
Rocket Dogger
Rocket Dogger - 8 years ago
If there is chlorine in that pool you guys are cruel
Laurent Desmangles
Laurent Desmangles - 8 years ago
Poor fish
Julian Sorger
Julian Sorger - 8 years ago
Fingerboar 373
Fingerboar 373 - 8 years ago
That's cruel
Jack Nielsen
Jack Nielsen - 8 years ago
It's like making humans breathe in Mustard Gas. Not cool dude, especially since it's a saltwater fish.
FaTe Bryze
FaTe Bryze - 7 years ago
JA30 look at the colour of the pool and how fast the fish is swimming it doesnt swim really fast cus it doesnt hv oxygen and the colour of the pool tells us the pool isnt saltwater
Zachary Eaton
Zachary Eaton - 7 years ago
Jack Nielsen Your all retards Fish don't have the same genetic nerves as we do if you used more than .5% of your brain to research thing before you talk trash Fish can't feel pain through the respritory system (Lung system) So the fish doesn't notice the urge for oxygen until it dies.
Don cornelio Soprano
Don cornelio Soprano - 7 years ago
just reading comments
Youtube101 -Minecraft
Youtube101 -Minecraft - 7 years ago
Jack Nielsen salt water fish salt water pool
HarriSon24 Games
HarriSon24 Games - 7 years ago
Jack Nielsen salt water!pool
Buu Phung
Buu Phung - 7 years ago
Jack Niel
Trippy YT
Trippy YT - 7 years ago
So right this is not cool it’s cruel like if agree
Miguel Feria
Miguel Feria - 7 years ago
Stupid fuck die it's saltwater go kms
levi grant
levi grant - 7 years ago
It is probopy a salt water pool my ant has one
Owen crome
Owen crome - 7 years ago
Jack Nielsen P
Flachum Chui
Flachum Chui - 7 years ago
Jack Nielsen my fish drowned
Steven Mayo
Steven Mayo - 7 years ago
Do you have the best Lamborghinis
Defter '
Defter ' - 7 years ago
Jack Nielsen yo it's saltwater why do they have fucking massive sting rays in the pool
Etho - 7 years ago
are you fucking retarded. OBVIOUSLY ITS A SALTWATER POOL. this is a classy hotel ive actually been to before and i swam in this pool and it is 100% saltwater
MothaRussia МатьРоссия
MothaRussia МатьРоссия - 7 years ago
lI Il finally a genuinely good comment.
Jason Carnefix
Jason Carnefix - 7 years ago
let the blue runner go there is nothing for him to eat
Anthony Yang
Anthony Yang - 7 years ago
true that water is probably fresh and it might have chlorine
George Durning
George Durning - 7 years ago
Jack Nielsen agreed this guy is an idiot
lI Il
lI Il - 7 years ago
Both regular chlorine pools and saltwater pools have chlorine in the water. In the saltwater pool, the chlorine comes form the sodium being stripped away from the sodium chloride. So either way, the fish wasn't having too much fun.
Aisha Anglade
Aisha Anglade - 7 years ago
I thought that was a toy but it's in actual fish :-O
Makenzi Ford
Makenzi Ford - 8 years ago
Fabian Fiso why the fuck would you swim in a saltwater pool you fucking retard
Ashton Salisbury
Ashton Salisbury - 8 years ago
Jack Murphy sadly fucking idiots like you are also a thing bud
Fabian Fiso
Fabian Fiso - 8 years ago
Jack Nielsen u don't know if it's a saltwater pool
Nainoa Williams
Nainoa Williams - 8 years ago
+WolfTech Productions your dumb the fish isn't going to die immediately the fish will swim till the coloring kills it
It's just BP
It's just BP - 8 years ago
If it was a chemical pool, the fish would have died immediately
Emmanuel Jefferson
Emmanuel Jefferson - 8 years ago
+Sebastian Bush no it isn't, that's why the fish isn't swimming as fast as usual from getting away from predators, it can hardly breathe
Sebastian Bush
Sebastian Bush - 8 years ago
it's a saltwater pool
Zane Birtchet
Zane Birtchet - 8 years ago
Agreed what a dick for doing that to a fish coming from someone who's been fishing all his life I was thinking what a ass whole for doing that rich people think they can do whatever the hell they want
surf army gaming
surf army gaming - 8 years ago
I agree with u these asses just put a salt water fish in damn chemicals F thwm
Jack Nielsen
Jack Nielsen - 8 years ago
+TheGamingShrub 101 well geez you wonder why
AcrGaming07 - 8 years ago
+Jack Nielsen cruise ship pools have salt water
Jack Nielsen
Jack Nielsen - 8 years ago
+JA30 hotel pools don't have saltwater 99% of the time
Jack Murphy
Jack Murphy - 8 years ago
+Jack Nielsen most likely condos too
JA30 - 8 years ago
+Jack Nielsen stupid retard doesn't mean it cant be saltwater
Jack Nielsen
Jack Nielsen - 8 years ago
+Jack Murphy it's a hotel pool dumbass
Jack Murphy
Jack Murphy - 8 years ago
Salt water pools are a thing bud
The fish Challah as
The fish Challah as - 8 years ago
That's got to stress that fish
Jonathan Cejas
Jonathan Cejas - 8 years ago
cool pool
murican man
murican man - 8 years ago
did that pool have chlorine
KendallSmendel - 8 years ago
Nice vid but Not very realistic because if they did get stranded it would be much deeper
Bebly Webly
Bebly Webly - 8 years ago
I feel sorry for that special fish
Harrison Neely
Harrison Neely - 8 years ago
Wow fucking retards who puts a fish in a pool
That one banana
That one banana - 8 years ago
No wonder it's called a blue runner it's running away from the people in blue
DarkWings 123
DarkWings 123 - 8 years ago
+Samantha Martinez lol
Samantha Martinez
Samantha Martinez - 8 years ago
+DarkWings 123 can't**
DarkWings 123
DarkWings 123 - 8 years ago
+Samantha Martinez aint*
Samantha Martinez
Samantha Martinez - 8 years ago
Samantha Martinez
Samantha Martinez - 8 years ago
That one banana
That one banana - 8 years ago
+Samantha Martinez lol
Samantha Martinez
Samantha Martinez - 8 years ago
Fish ant run
Plazma Gamer
Plazma Gamer - 8 years ago
fuck you ass hat go and DIE
Vape Lord Nord
Vape Lord Nord - 8 years ago
I hope u get fucking killed
Brandon Hickory
Brandon Hickory - 8 years ago
Those kids need to so k on they're lungs, a lung is like a muscle, the longer you hold your breath, the better it gets. Hold your breath as long as you can, and keep doing it until your lungs hold more air.
A Random Virus
A Random Virus - 8 years ago
go do it at a lake or some shit dumbfuck these fish should not be treated like this.
nathan johnson
nathan johnson - 8 years ago
A Random Virus these people are stupid
YungᏔᏆᏞᏞ - 8 years ago
+lauren nicole thats true
dont atme
dont atme - 8 years ago
+Hannah Guarino By the clarity of the water
Hannah Guarino
Hannah Guarino - 8 years ago
how do you know it is chlorine not salt water
dont atme
dont atme - 8 years ago
+Charles Muise
Telling children to not hurt animals is far less cruel than throwing a fish in a pool filled with chlorine. People don't chlorinate lakes, oceans, fish tanks, or any where else you will ever see fish.
Charles Muise
Charles Muise - 8 years ago
why don't you leave the kids alone
Random Stuff
Random Stuff - 8 years ago
I know right
Feroal2 - 8 years ago
Go throw your kids in a lake and try to do this! Exactly!
Ear Rapist
Ear Rapist - 8 years ago
Willy Fleur
Willy Fleur - 8 years ago
how your mad or nah
Brandon Hickory
Brandon Hickory - 8 years ago
Lol you said this 20 minutes ago!
PinkBunny315 - 8 years ago
Wow :0
SarCasualGuy - 8 years ago
all in good fun
Dangling Angling Slugers
Dangling Angling Slugers - 8 years ago
OK Idon't understand why vegans and vegetarians watch these videos because all you're going to do in the comment is going to complain so all you guys need to calm the fuck down and watch something else doesn't contain killing any animals or catching any animals and I do agree with some of them that this was Kind of cruel to a fish considering they do die and it put a lot of stress on the fish I'm fisherman myself what that was kind of cruel
PinkBunny315 - 8 years ago
Ugh, that pool has toxic stuff in it (for the fish.) And this is cruel! I'm not a vegetarian but I am an animal lover. What is YOU were the fish and you were put in a pool where you get decomposed ALIVE. Hm? Would you be happy? No, you wouldn't. So, shut the hell up and stop being how you are. Rude.
gamer dragon
gamer dragon - 8 years ago
Joseph Sirmans
Joseph Sirmans - 8 years ago
Why do you have a fish in your pool
Ejmozza Gaming76
Ejmozza Gaming76 - 8 years ago
Canyousaygriffin 520
Canyousaygriffin 520 - 8 years ago
That's fucked up to scare the hell out of it until it's death
Erik Dam
Erik Dam - 8 years ago
It's basically the same as putting a person into a room with too little oxygen. Slowly suffering, slowly dying. and your kids will grow up to be as retarded as you, because i didn't see ANY of your kids even touching the fish before it got hit by chloride poisoning in your pool.
Put your kids in the ocean and let them learn there. Give them a stick in the hand and let them try and see how reality works.
Coolguy 9916
Coolguy 9916 - 8 years ago
Why the hell would those idiots put a poor fish in the pool that fish is Supposed to be in the ocean not in a pool dying just because of a stupid child's game you guy are cruel people
IPlayGames CatFish
IPlayGames CatFish - 8 years ago
What fish were they?
ModernMasterChief John
ModernMasterChief John - 8 years ago
How the heck did it get in there
Riza Hawkeye
Riza Hawkeye - 8 years ago
To all those people who are freaking out about the fish.....

ITS JUST A STUPID FISH! I bet as a child you killed one by accident!
Riza Hawkeye
Riza Hawkeye - 8 years ago
+BoneKotaaaaa there are so many thing that are more important then a fish.
Basket Ball 4 Life
Basket Ball 4 Life - 8 years ago
+lucy winget what if you were that fish
Kota - 8 years ago
please respect the world around you
Riza Hawkeye
Riza Hawkeye - 8 years ago
+BoneKotaaaaa please revaluate your life
ModernMasterChief John
ModernMasterChief John - 8 years ago
Fish are awesome have some respect BOY
Riza Hawkeye
Riza Hawkeye - 8 years ago
+BoneKotaaaaa it's just a fish nothing special
Kota - 8 years ago
Would u like to suffocate somewhere were you were forced to and couldn't do anything else :/ selfish little shit
Kenykenken - 8 years ago
I can see the fish dying at the end. It was weak that's the reason why the kids caught it
mrsdbzfanforever - 8 years ago
You thought it would be fun to poison the fish with the chlorine in the pool and then have your kids further traumatize the poor fish by chasing it? What kind of sick people are you who torture live animals and think it's fun and games?
High Hook Fishing
High Hook Fishing - 8 years ago
is that your house
iPr0 Gaming
iPr0 Gaming - 8 years ago
You are a sick human being I hope somewhere drains your body of oxygen and chases you the way you did to this fish with chlorine
PIlotrcm - 8 years ago
Man I hope that's a salt water pool
The Thompsons
The Thompsons - 8 years ago
what do they do with it after it needs water duh?
Asif Pattan
Asif Pattan - 8 years ago
please make more (:
Viktorija Grisina
Viktorija Grisina - 8 years ago
laury Rodriguez
laury Rodriguez - 8 years ago
Doesn't the chlorine in the pool kill the fish slowly.... What torture
Owen's Aquariums
Owen's Aquariums - 8 years ago
+Johngameing Really?
Kickin bass fishin
Kickin bass fishin - 8 years ago
+OwenGornicki yes true but I think it's a salt water pool
Owen's Aquariums
Owen's Aquariums - 8 years ago
Yes. First it burns their skin, then it starts to slowly dissolve their gills. They usually die of suffocation and chemical wounds.
Mason’s Mobile Madden and NBA
Mason’s Mobile Madden and NBA - 8 years ago
Wow that fish was dieing in that chlorinate pool that is horibal that you killed that fish
Fro_25 Jaymen
Fro_25 Jaymen - 8 years ago
The pool is most likely a salt water pool the fish would've died in a few minutes of it wasnt
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
even then salt water pools are very different then sea water.cause first salt water pools have iodine which is still toxic to the fish and salt water pools are less salty then sea water so the fish would be adsorbing water like a sponge causing its tissues to swell.

the fish clearly wasn't doing to well by the end of the video cause it was starting to tilt a sign it is nearing death.
Alex James
Alex James - 8 years ago
HORRIBLE video that fish must've suffer in that chlorine water that's like making a human suffocate on carbon dioxide and dying slowly.. Anyways why would your kids sleep good? Because they kill a fish.. Bravo sir bravo! Instead you should teach tell to care for wildlife many animals are becoming extinct because of humans stupidity and lack of care and respect for nature and wildlife...
Saifplays - 7 years ago
Alex James exactly
A CB - 7 years ago
I doubt the kids learned anything.. maybe a cheap "lesson" that you can easily "catch" a dying and weakened animal...
George Hough
George Hough - 7 years ago
cody johnson it is still cruel to kill it this way. would you like to be put in a unescapable room full of mustard gas and have giant monsters chase you around until u finally die
Cody Johnson’s Aquatics
Cody Johnson’s Aquatics - 8 years ago
Alex James do u know what a blue runner is? Your answer, BAIT
Blue runners are bait. Why comment if you are against fishing?
FatVapeFarts - Gaming and More
FatVapeFarts - Gaming and More - 8 years ago
+Masked Your whole family doesn't give a shit about you.
RedTrooper DoesGaming / RTDG
RedTrooper DoesGaming / RTDG - 8 years ago
Oh, okay, well... I might be but birds, cats, other animals are innocent, don't deserve to me harmed by. Do you have a pet at home? Do you care? A fish is a pet too you know. You need to treat most things with respect.
Lanky Daze
Lanky Daze - 8 years ago
+RedTrooper DoesGaming / RTDG
You are a traitor of the human race!
RedTrooper DoesGaming / RTDG
RedTrooper DoesGaming / RTDG - 8 years ago
How am I a traitor. I LOVE FISH! In fact, I am working on a old aquarium but living things has feelings. I was always on the fish side.
Lanky Daze
Lanky Daze - 8 years ago
+RedTrooper DoesGaming / RTDG
You gotta be kidding ! Humans actually think and have emotion and are intelligent enough to know whats going on. How can you compare a human to a fish? Traitor.
RedTrooper DoesGaming / RTDG
RedTrooper DoesGaming / RTDG - 8 years ago
LiquifiedMemes, its like me trying to kill you and I don't care.
Alex Hartman
Alex Hartman - 8 years ago
+radlpatschn5 its probabaly a saly water pool, there for it wouldnt be tortue because the fish lives in an ocean (which if you didnt know the ocean is salt water)
radlpatschn5 - 8 years ago
+Alex Hartman even if its not near to being extinct thats no reason to torture an animal like that.
Alex Hartman
Alex Hartman - 8 years ago
More pools these days are salt water rather than chlorine! And the blue runner fish is no where near being extinct there's hordes of them everywhere in the ocean...... Think before you type!
Brice Clark
Brice Clark - 8 years ago
+Linda animallover123 Its not 100% Salt water. You couldn't go out into the ocean take water and fill up a pool. They would have to be chemicals added into it to make sure its safe to swim in.
Joseph Stevens
Joseph Stevens - 8 years ago
You idiot they would have eat the fish and fish's I shot down deer and kill them THEN EAT THEM it's called hunting and also I'm a boyscout.
Tom Cei
Tom Cei - 8 years ago
Agreed idc if people kill fish but if you don't eat them it's horrible
Linda animallover123
Linda animallover123 - 8 years ago
+Brice Clark I have. a saltwater pool
Scott Moll
Scott Moll - 8 years ago
Martin Skolar
Martin Skolar - 8 years ago
nice it is true
Trey Friedel
Trey Friedel - 8 years ago
+mopar man mopar man it didn't last long u retard it was barely alive at the end
Alex James
Alex James - 8 years ago
+mopar man mopar man you are an idiot people use freshwater to put chlorine which maintains the water disinfected and clear while salt water would due to its chemicals content wouldn't be adequate for chlorine and the water would be cloudy anyways there's no point in talking to you
lucinda ariana
lucinda ariana - 8 years ago
I love fisheye
wabbawu1 - 8 years ago
+Bubbel_Gummy122 DO NOT EVER tell someone to kill themselves. Everyone AND everything had the right to live! You're a horrible person.
elitexfrost gaming
elitexfrost gaming - 8 years ago
+mopar man mopar man Ocean salt water is different then pool salt water.... See pool water is a mixture of pool salt and other chemicals which produce chlorine that kills all the bacteria and algae in a pool.... That's why people are getting infected by flesh eating bacteria from the ocean and not in their pool.....
Xbox gamer Kid
Xbox gamer Kid - 8 years ago
mopar man mopar man
mopar man mopar man - 8 years ago
+Brice Clark look it up dude I'm in the USA
Brice Clark
Brice Clark - 8 years ago
+mopar man mopar man A salt water pool where are you from because that's the stupidest thing I've heard
Chromosomie - 8 years ago
Kys for trying to defend a simple organism that does even care about you
mopar man mopar man
mopar man mopar man - 8 years ago
It's probably a salt water pool dumbie. If it was chlorine it wouldn't last that long
MilkyTeaPlease - 8 years ago
Socorro Tejada
Socorro Tejada - 8 years ago
did you kill the fish
CornfusedWafflez - 8 years ago
Feroal2 - 8 years ago
You've got to be as stupid as you are bored to enjoy a video of a fish being chased in a pool.
i Aquariums
i Aquariums - 8 years ago
This is cruel regardless of whether it's going to die or not. These are living animals as well and should be respected. I would question if they would play a game of catch the dying calf so they can use it for hunting wolves (or something). I do go fishing myself but I think playing with a dying animal is just plain wrong. If an animal is being used as bait, use it as bait and not a pool game because the chlorine will burn the fishes gills and the water probably isn't even saltwater. This is torture and I can't even believe this is happening.
Nick Venker
Nick Venker - 8 years ago
Those kids can't swim
agario beast clan
agario beast clan - 8 years ago
can the fish brele in that kind of water
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
PewDieSky - 8 years ago
Although people do worse things, it is still cruel... How'd you like to be put in a cage and chased around by strange creatures who chant, get him get him! And then grab you squeezing you with excessive force...
Price Lombardino
Price Lombardino - 8 years ago
I guess its a nice thought to help your kids learn survival tricks. But I doubt they'll ever get stranded on an island haha. You're better off catching a fish off of a spear than you are with your hands. This is kind of handicapped because the fish is slowly dying from the chlorine, so its obvious that the kids will catch it... But in a normal environment? Not a chance. They have a better chance catching tree bark than a live fish in its natural habitat by hand.

Try not to kill anymore fish like this by the way. Yeah yeah, I've read your comments about how everyone but yourself is an idiot, but this is about as silly as trying to catch a fish out of an aquarium. I mean, at least give the fish a chance to get away than cornering it in a chlorinated pool.. You're not teaching your kids anything except allowing them to get comfortable with a handicapped "fishing" tactic.

I saw your boat in the background. Try using it to take them out to an actual island where they can learn on a natural level.

Better luck next time.
TJO Johnson
TJO Johnson - 8 years ago
Are they scared of it or something
survival 404
survival 404 - 8 years ago
Your dumb you pool has cloreen that was killing the fish
Barnes Reece
Barnes Reece - 8 years ago
LakeChicotGuy RippnLips
LakeChicotGuy RippnLips - 8 years ago
Hope it's a salt water pool
Uncle Grandpa
Uncle Grandpa - 8 years ago
nice pool
wolfregar - 8 years ago
Cut fish I coat a bull shark
Sgt. Ray
Sgt. Ray - 8 years ago
I do this at the beach I mean I try to catch random little animals at the beach
Walker St. Peter
Walker St. Peter - 8 years ago
The chemicals in the pool kill saltwater fish
Cobey Bixler
Cobey Bixler - 8 years ago
Swam right into the camera
Emory Bragg
Emory Bragg - 8 years ago
this is awesome!
Watos Mate
Watos Mate - 8 years ago
I feel so sorry for the fish being so stressed out and not in its environment
Scarlet God
Scarlet God - 8 years ago
I'm sorry but this is cruel. The chlorine in the pool is slowly suffocating the fish and if you think the kids are "amazing" for catching a dying fish then I'm sorry you are wrong
Aquatic Variation
Aquatic Variation - 8 years ago
Get some piranhas in that pool then put the kids on xD
lol ll
lol ll - 7 years ago
Why not a tiger
kawaii potato girl
kawaii potato girl - 7 years ago
Awww gee thanks dad
Aquatic Variation
Aquatic Variation - 8 years ago
Even better idea- saltwater pool and put a adult Bluefish in there.
Trash Cans will Rule The World
Trash Cans will Rule The World - 8 years ago
Awwww yeah now that's REAL survival!!!
Homosapien - 8 years ago
that sounds fun xD
francis Jacques
francis Jacques - 8 years ago
+amree turgut no that's worse than a gas chamber
amree turgut
amree turgut - 8 years ago
or candiru in the pool^^
Nancy Venegas
Nancy Venegas - 8 years ago
You used to call me on my Phlipphone
X X - 8 years ago
The pool may or may not be saltwater, even if it was saltwater, the fish could be dying from a temperature shock.
chelsea bearie
chelsea bearie - 8 years ago
Ok you want to have fun with your family but this is mean I am a big animal fan so I think you should stop doing that In my opinion
SilverCrest01 - 8 years ago
Most retarded fuckin profile pic i've ever seen, but I must agree, that was pretty cruel.
wabbawu1 - 8 years ago
You're a mentally disturbed human who was probably abused as a child.
Alex Bayles
Alex Bayles - 8 years ago
+Jerry tomilson *you're
Jerry tomilson
Jerry tomilson - 8 years ago
Your a fucking bitch
Crispy - 8 years ago
yea they're easy to catch when they're dying from chlorine poisoning.
Jessishere killeen
Jessishere killeen - 8 years ago
+Grady Harper might not have it, just the stuff they use to kill algae in ponds
Grady Harper
Grady Harper - 8 years ago
+eddiebrenden still has chlorine if it's a saltwater pool
eddiebrenden - 8 years ago
Saltwater pool
Alex the Lego guy
Alex the Lego guy - 8 years ago
I'd be pretty easy to catch if I was submitted to poison and chased around. Not bashing just saying chlorine definitely killed the fish
wutramulun - 8 years ago
Chlorine will kill the fish! Don't do that
BlueHawkHD Gaming
BlueHawkHD Gaming - 8 years ago
rich people...
florida livin'
florida livin' - 8 years ago
lol they never really caught it. the chlorine just started to kill it so, the thing could barley swim.
THE HYDRO - 8 years ago
why would you put a fish in clorine
Riza Hawkeye
Riza Hawkeye - 8 years ago
Dear vegans and vegetarians,
Nobody cares what you think of this video. You right fish do have feelings but the don't when they are fried XD. You do you boo boo and eat your tofu and meatless hotdogs. It's just a fish.
- a meateater
Play Music
Play Music - 7 years ago
Riza Hawkeye it's still an animal you should put it in a chlorine filled pool and have ur kids chase it for a game
Riza Hawkeye
Riza Hawkeye - 8 years ago
+Feroal2 listen you're talking to the wrong person. When I fish I do stab it in the brain then lay the thing on ice and let die on its own. Then I come back an hour later to fillet it. That's just how I do things

Another thing. I catch my own bait. I catch blue hill and when I do I cast it while it's on the hook. Somethings it dies before I catch anything and I'm left with a dead blue gill. It's life.
Riza Hawkeye
Riza Hawkeye - 8 years ago
+AbstractXD that's cool dude
AbstractXD - 8 years ago
+lucy winget The sheer fact you said that there isn't a humane way to kill a fish makes me believe you don't research and just make assumptions because you feel like you're right.There's an ethical way to kill anything, whether it be a dog, monkey, cat, fish or whatever
Feroal2 - 8 years ago
A knife cut to the brain. It will die instantly with virtually no pain. I'm no expert. All you have to do is know how to read and research it. And in regards to parenting, do you really think your children would have to catch a fish in a pool to survive? A swimming pool is not a replication of the ocean-that's actually the point. Also, No culture catches saltwater fish with their hands. Nicely done avoiding the question I posed to you asking if you'd be upset if I harmed your pet, though.
Riza Hawkeye
Riza Hawkeye - 8 years ago
+Feroal2 tell me since you have so much logic
Feroal2 - 8 years ago
Let me quote you:

"You right fish do have feelings but the don't when they are fried XD. "

You wrote that on this video comparing what they did to frying a fish. This was not that. Please think before you comment. Torturing Small Animals is one of the strongest warning signs of a potential serial killer. Don't teach your kids to do this shit please. Teach them to plant a tree or go fishing even-But kill the fish humanely.
Riza Hawkeye
Riza Hawkeye - 8 years ago
+Feroal2 not once did is say you throw it in the fryer alive. There is a process to frying fish. Instead of "throwing it in". Don't put words in my mouth that I never said.
Feroal2 - 8 years ago
The fish is dead when you fry it, you don't throw it in alive. Doesn't take a college degree to wrap your head around that one. Show a little human empathy why don't you?
Zypher88 - 8 years ago
+Jordan Nike ur messed up
Jordan Nike
Jordan Nike - 8 years ago
+lucy winget Yea I guess you're pretty hot and if you like meat you can have mine
Riza Hawkeye
Riza Hawkeye - 8 years ago
+Jordan Nike oh and I'm not a teen I'm 22 :)
Riza Hawkeye
Riza Hawkeye - 8 years ago
+Jordan Nike also eating meat had nothing to do with being fat. Lol
Riza Hawkeye
Riza Hawkeye - 8 years ago
+Jordan Nike oh I do eat veggies sweetie daily in fact. I also work out. :) I'm also 105 pounds :) clearly you are blind ;) have a nice day !
Jordan Nike
Jordan Nike - 8 years ago
You should eat more veggys you look fat for a teen
Zharkslayer07 - 8 years ago
yea go eat your mushroom burgers too
Lab Lag
Lab Lag - 8 years ago
You all people that say oh there are salt water pools...Well that fish was nearly dead and unconscious so he had or been abused really badly or that is a normal pool
Lab Lag
Lab Lag - 8 years ago
Emm... ignorant that fish was not conscious because a salt water fish can't assume oxygen from fresh water and that is a more suffering death for the fish also because chlorine irritate all of his breathing system. Oh and the next time do not involve your kids put your retard face instead!
francis Jacques
francis Jacques - 8 years ago
+LFG04 /LilfreddieG04 and obviously I wouldn't say that I'm dead lmao
francis Jacques
francis Jacques - 8 years ago
+LFG04 /LilfreddieG04 think about this more logically everything will die eventually. It does not change the fact that life is unfair you will find some people who work less and get more than you this fish just got the short end of the stick that sucks for it but but if they didn't eat it end the end then I would be. T R I G G E R E D
Basket Ball 4 Life
Basket Ball 4 Life - 8 years ago
+francis Jacques if you died you wouldnt say that
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
just cause it's fish and is going to die doesn't mean you should torture it by chasing it while also exposing it to pool water which will cause it to die in one of the most painful ways for any living thing to die.
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
even if this is a salt water pool the fish is still going to die painfully.pool salt contain iodine which is going to still poison the to make things worse salt water pools aren't as salty as the sea or ocean so the fish be absorbing water into it's body causing it's tissues to swell.
francis Jacques
francis Jacques - 8 years ago
Lol just a fish. it would have died anyways like everything. it's waste if they didn't eat it though. Blue runner is a really good eating fish
Eternal Expiditionist Realm
Eternal Expiditionist Realm - 8 years ago
I know my neighbor owns sparkle pool cleaning and it is way closer than chlorine!
Lab Lag
Lab Lag - 8 years ago
+Eternal Expiditionist Realm did you fucking read all the comment in this case the fish was hardly abused and salted pools are not like sea water because of the type of salt and quantity
Eternal Expiditionist Realm
Eternal Expiditionist Realm - 8 years ago
it is called saltwater pools my aunt has one it so much more eco friendly and people have even made pond pools from tgem. it's so safe you can open your eyes and keep em open in there
eurenton99 - 8 years ago
There is such a thing as a salt water pool you know lol.
Mojoerising 01
Mojoerising 01 - 8 years ago
Bracale  Kids
Bracale Kids - 8 years ago
poor fish lol
Derek Reynolds
Derek Reynolds - 8 years ago
Cs go giveaway Guy
Cs go giveaway Guy - 8 years ago
While arguing about how inhuman this is 100s of thousands of fish just died while u are writing ur argument
crazy vlogs
crazy vlogs - 8 years ago
were those sting rays
Cat C
Cat C - 8 years ago
The first one to catch the fish the boy I thought it was cute when he swam at the camera
JGOOFYMAN 1 - 8 years ago
[NoClan] Hypnotic
[NoClan] Hypnotic - 8 years ago
#Report ur channel
JGOOFYMAN 1 - 8 years ago
Just kill it right away how would you feel if it was you being tortured. You slowly killed it you idiot.
[NoClan] Hypnotic
[NoClan] Hypnotic - 8 years ago
Ur the one that's complaining about a fish. There are plenty of other fish in the sea! (see what I did there)
Mohammed Miah
Mohammed Miah - 8 years ago
funking morons they are so inhuman
Feroal2 - 8 years ago
salt water pool water does not equal ocean water.... 'dumbo'.
Mohammed Miah
Mohammed Miah - 8 years ago
+jacob martin yes thats coz animals dont have the capabilities of understanding like us.. so your saying that when you get chased by a person God forbid is the same as getting chased by a lion
jacob martin
jacob martin - 8 years ago
+Mohammed Miah don't you think it would've been chased like that in the wild.
Mohammed Miah
Mohammed Miah - 8 years ago
yea but the way they were chasing it and scaring it was bad  
Zion Jackson
Zion Jackson - 8 years ago
Is that a water proof camera??
Zion Jackson
Zion Jackson - 8 years ago
Dang people need to shut up and what does lmao means
Edaga2001 - 8 years ago
They're gonna sleep good tonight... Also applies to the fish...
RIP harambe
RIP harambe - 8 years ago
The fish was dying ! U put him in a pool with chlorin
Sky Babykakes
Sky Babykakes - 8 years ago
Killer Kaden
Killer Kaden - 8 years ago
Where those stingrays
E GamerXL
E GamerXL - 8 years ago
1:50 Fish be like: " YOU WANT BEEF !? ".
gina cohen
gina cohen - 8 years ago
I don't care it still has feelings.
Audubon Exteriors
Audubon Exteriors - 8 years ago
That is sad
newlife - 8 years ago
+gina cohen then eats a burger right..
Sean Bomb
Sean Bomb - 8 years ago
Why does google let me make my name this long
Why does google let me make my name this long - 8 years ago
Dude that kid swims slower than a brick
Sheldon Snipez
Sheldon Snipez - 8 years ago
poor fishy
Mahmoud A
Mahmoud A - 8 years ago
Why did u kill the fish
Why does google let me make my name this long
Why does google let me make my name this long - 8 years ago
READ THE TITLE, RETARD. And don't bitch about them killing the fish, you eat meat all the time
Shelby Ivy
Shelby Ivy - 8 years ago
Tbh how are they gonna catch a fish "in Wild life" if they can't even hold their breathe long enough?
Spring. WolfArt
Spring. WolfArt - 8 years ago
Theres sting gray..
Liang Wen Qiang
Liang Wen Qiang - 8 years ago
good job
Sam Yi
Sam Yi - 8 years ago
Superior leader Kim Jong-Un
Superior leader Kim Jong-Un - 8 years ago
+Samuel Yi Keyboard warrior right here, I am the fastest, strongest, and one of the smartest students in my grade, you don't stand a chance... Idc if you're "straight outta comtpon"  Ps. 6" at the age of 13 :)
Sam Yi
Sam Yi - 8 years ago
the hell nigga try me im straight outta comtpon i can kick your kindergarten ass up with your stupid ass name 
Superior leader Kim Jong-Un
Superior leader Kim Jong-Un - 8 years ago
+Samuel Yi Well the thing is, your means 'it's your ball' while you're mans 'you're playing with a ball'. So yeah, it matters. 
Sam Yi
Sam Yi - 8 years ago
Fr nigga u stupid it dont matter if its your or you're 
Superior leader Kim Jong-Un
Superior leader Kim Jong-Un - 8 years ago
+Samuel Yi Get two friends, then and make a video. PS. Don't call me stupid when you can't even spell you're* there's* x2 and one*.
Sam Yi
Sam Yi - 8 years ago
your dumb theres three of them and theres on of them
Superior leader Kim Jong-Un
Superior leader Kim Jong-Un - 8 years ago
Do a vid of you catching a fish with your hands. That'll change your definition of "it's not that hard."
Noah Ducharme
Noah Ducharme - 8 years ago
Is that your house?
Annalise Catenacci
Annalise Catenacci - 8 years ago
how did that fish get in the pool
Looza T
Looza T - 8 years ago
+Luke M lol
xQua Quakx
xQua Quakx - 8 years ago
+Luke M thanks makes sence
Luke M
Luke M - 8 years ago
Donald trump put it in there
Nick Long
Nick Long - 8 years ago
this is what is weird these kids can't catch a fish in a unclosed pool I caught a fish first true in the wide open lake an I'm only ten
Matthew Ricker
Matthew Ricker - 8 years ago
Yea right
aiden solomon
aiden solomon - 8 years ago
They he die
Drunk Weeb
Drunk Weeb - 8 years ago
You wanna know who isn't gonna sleep good THE FISH THAT DIED OF CHEMICALS
R.I.P:Blue Runner
Alex Koczkas
Alex Koczkas - 8 years ago
If you dont have salt water in the pool im gonna k*ll you
Aidan Morse
Aidan Morse - 8 years ago
u obviously dont know what a salt water pool is
Forensic Contract Audit llc
Forensic Contract Audit llc - 9 years ago
Wow I can't pay my rent for my family. You're teaching your kids survival skills. In what looks like a multimillion-dollar house.
Max Powell
Max Powell - 9 years ago
damn. Poor fishy. It was dying towards the end. Problably from that dumb ugly little boy smacking it against the side of the pool.
Mrs. Ender
Mrs. Ender - 8 years ago
lol, its a joke, dont worry. I am just saying that its rude to call a child "ugly"
Max Powell
Max Powell - 9 years ago
Whelp, I guess I just feel bad for physically abused organisms.
Mrs. Ender
Mrs. Ender - 9 years ago
Um... That's kinda shouldn't call someone kid ugly.... He wasn't though. People fish all the time... Its nature...things get killed . I'm pretty sure they cooked it....and ATE IT!! MUHAWHAHA!!!
Jayekub Buhrok
Jayekub Buhrok - 9 years ago
LOL I love how the fish slowly start to die do to the chlorine and obsessive touching lol, nd they even show it in the video. They kids are like "YEAH!" and the fish is like "my insides are burning and I'm dying" how mean
Feroal2 - 9 years ago
Don't make a child's game about the poor thing's life. Have a little respect for nature.
Kamden Nguyen
Kamden Nguyen - 7 years ago
Feroal2 I agree the pool is fresh water and the fish is salt water
Gravital Being
Gravital Being - 7 years ago
kevin johnsen too long didn't read. Obviously your a narcissist
PS Station
PS Station - 7 years ago
Feroal2 are those real sting rays?'
Gravital Being
Gravital Being - 7 years ago
Callicat its called animal abuse and bad parenting
Coconut Kitty
Coconut Kitty - 8 years ago
Feroal2 It's called, hunting.
Feroal2 - 8 years ago
When you come up with a point please let me know.
Jurney Hill
Jurney Hill - 8 years ago
Feroal2 u kill plants
michael dupuy
michael dupuy - 8 years ago
for real but if their going to kill it anyways and eat it at least make it a fast manner
stefan - 8 years ago
kevin johnsen that is rude
Big12 Fishing
Big12 Fishing - 8 years ago
Feroal2 they do have respect
Super Triggered
Super Triggered - 8 years ago
Like the guy said your the part of the population that is of lessening intelligence
robloxianminerMA - 8 years ago
kevin johnsen he was just stating has opinion, he is aloud to do that if this bothers him, if u do prococute him for it Then say it a little nicer, I mean serioisly "E verythings dies because u exist?!" That was rude....... so dont prosocute people for their OWN opinions.
Feroal2 - 8 years ago
+ToyBonnieGamer Fish aren't like humans. They have a protective layer of slime around their skin. Furthermore, they don't like to be 'clasped'-Not to mention it's being tortured from the chemicals in the water.
TheGamingGecko - 8 years ago
Hey there not being rough with it there just clasping it in their hands than letting it go
Kate Meisenbach
Kate Meisenbach - 8 years ago
Isabella I want to be a marine biologist for the same reason
Super Triggered
Super Triggered - 8 years ago
Faggot ass vegan bitch
Isabella Fondino
Isabella Fondino - 8 years ago
I'm taking an environmental science class & we're learning about the thousands of animal species that are dying everyday because of our crap that ends up in the oceans. Idk about you all, but I want to be a marine biologist and try to save the species that are threatened & endangered and I want there to be enough time to save them all. So when my parents ask me what I want to do with my life, there's my answer...
Chandler Wall
Chandler Wall - 8 years ago
Feroal2 I agree treating the fish like that is rude
Amelia T
Amelia T - 8 years ago
Dominick Rubio
NerfMasters 3000
NerfMasters 3000 - 8 years ago
I agree. Pissed of animals don't like to be pissed of You're treating the fish horribly
Aaron Plays AAMAU
Aaron Plays AAMAU - 8 years ago
Gonçalo's Pets
Gonçalo's Pets - 8 years ago
same bruh
Xiemens - 8 years ago
+Kyleoh _ Ren that is by far the worst and saddest excuse i have ever heard of
Feroal2 - 8 years ago
+Kyleoh _ Ren Doubt you feel that way about your relatives. Grow a pair and get rid of your sense of entitlement.
gianna cantu
gianna cantu - 8 years ago
that's mean saying tell died kids why the should have survived
CookieBear T
CookieBear T - 8 years ago
Pretty fish
TheEnders - 8 years ago
Pfffft yea alright in nature (Evil Demonic Voice) ITS KILL OR BE KILLED
Xiemens - 8 years ago
I bet you rape animals cunt
Gonçalo's Pets
Gonçalo's Pets - 8 years ago
Actually animals are way more important than you, dumb asses.
Xiemens - 8 years ago
Fish DO NOT feel pain THE SAME WAY humans do. Also plants can feel pain so you're just as bad. At least animals can walk before the die but plants just spend their entire life in 1 spot waiting for a vegan to come and eat them.
F9ISH F9ish
F9ISH F9ish - 8 years ago
+xXxPussyxSlay3rxXx Slays Puss3y y tf won't u shut up respect another life vegans are better than meat eaters like i
Arcadio 238
Arcadio 238 - 8 years ago
+Nebula Named Kitty still there is chlorine in the pool it is burning the fishes insides it is like breathing in mustard gas
Delisceum - 8 years ago
Yeah , or they saved the fish from chemicals in the pool and let them free ( that's what I should do )
Feroal2 - 8 years ago
+Mary Beth Watkins I'm sorry madam, but indeed they do. A simple google search can settle the conundrum you're in. Fish can feel pain. If you believe abortion is wrong, then you have to say this is worse. Fish have many more cells and a more developed nervous system than a fetus.
Homosapien - 8 years ago
+Brad CalwellProd there is many ways we could all die. there's a lot a lot of easy ways we could be devastated or extintict, even though it's rare
Opthaq - 8 years ago
+Feroal2 I like you my friend! :DD I'm on your side :)
Alligoter10 Bloop
Alligoter10 Bloop - 8 years ago
+kevin johnsen I rather have dead kids we overpopulate more than them
Feroal2 - 8 years ago
Thank you for enlightening us.
C.APWAP - 8 years ago
It's a fish...
nomadic cunt
nomadic cunt - 8 years ago
shut up you fucking vegan
Bobby Yehuda
Bobby Yehuda - 8 years ago
exactly and that not sea water 0_0 if u wanna make him alive use hydrometer that point sg 1.017-1.026 and ise eavn tap water not have use osmosis cause its fish not coral
Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler - 8 years ago
+Feroal2 it's been scientifically PROVEN that fish don't even have the brain capacity to be able to feel pain or even fucking emotions. get your shit straight before you start an argument
Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler - 8 years ago
really though, y'all are all kinda dumb. it may have been afraid, yes, but fish do not feel pain. so it wasn't "suffering." it was obviously a saltwater pool, as in chlorine it would be dying within minutes. the kids just had a little fun. no harm. it was no different than putting it in a huge aquarium and then scooping it back out.
Brad CalwellProd
Brad CalwellProd - 8 years ago
+Icylightning - (Michael Gutt) because I say you are? Kid 5 comments back I literally explained it all to you.
Brad CalwellProd
SilverCrest01 - 8 years ago
+Brad CalwellProd Oh, so I'm a dumbass because you SAY I AM. Because you WANT ME TO BE. That's the best proof I've ever heard.
SilverCrest01 - 8 years ago
+Brad CalwellProd You sound so desperate to win the stupid argument. Aren't you like 30 too? Do you have a life!? This is not what I see when I think of an adult.
Brad CalwellProd
Brad CalwellProd - 8 years ago
+Icylightning - (Michael Gutt) I actually did. Anytime your teacher studies about it in high school you'll be ahead of the class because of me. That's if you pass biology first and right now it's not looking like you will.
Brad CalwellProd
Brad CalwellProd - 8 years ago
+Icylightning - (Michael Gutt) every insult I've said has a backup because they all serve a purpose
SilverCrest01 - 8 years ago
+Brad CalwellProd You totally helped me not look like a dumbass. Thank you so much - oh never mind I just realized that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
Brad CalwellProd
Brad CalwellProd - 8 years ago
+Icylightning - (Michael Gutt) did you just really fish are the same as other animals... You're going to fail marine biology so fucking hard one day if you keep thinking that. First things first, fish can't think. They react to stuff, so if you flick it it's going to react and get away. It's not gonna hurt it no matter what you think. And the size of a brain completely matters. If we compared how intelligent an animal like a humpback whale compared to a gold fish, you'll see an extreme difference because of the brain. And yes whales can feel pain because they're smart enough.
SilverCrest01 - 8 years ago
+Brad CalwellProd You sound similar to the 8 year olds who argue too. You don't even have backup for those insults. You done? Do you not have a family to take care of? Maybe some gay porn waiting? Go on! Go!
Brad CalwellProd
Brad CalwellProd - 8 years ago
+Icylightning - (Michael Gutt) and you're a sad excuse for a 14 year old
SilverCrest01 - 8 years ago
+Brad CalwellProd I love how you deal with problems. You're arguing with a 14 year old right now and you're a grown ass man...screaming at someone you don't know in real life just because they disagree with you. You're a sad excuse for an adult.
Brad CalwellProd
Brad CalwellProd - 8 years ago
+Icylightning - (Michael Gutt) You're honestly killing me. Yes, a fish is an animal. No fucking duh. But when you type in a broad search like "do animals feel pain?" It's going to bring up very intelligent animals like dogs or horses. Their brains contain the sensory projectors needed to feel the pain. While an animal like a fish, which its purpose in life is to eat and breed, doesn't have the brain to do that. It has been concluded that they don't have a brain big enough. What you just searched is as equivalent to me searching "do video games make kids dangerous or different?" That's all about the dangerous games (smart animals) but games like Mario won't fucking do that but they avoid that because that's not what people think about looking that up.
SilverCrest01 - 8 years ago
+Brad CalwellProd It's the same thing. Considering fish are animals, it doesn't matter, whether or not their brains are "10x the size," they're in range and they have the sufficient matter to think in the same way.
SilverCrest01 - 8 years ago
+Brad CalwellProd Fish are animals you fucking retard lol. Do you live under a rock?
Brad CalwellProd
Brad CalwellProd - 8 years ago
Hayden Rosie
Hayden Rosie - 8 years ago
+Icylightning - (Michael Gutt) thanks
Brad CalwellProd
Brad CalwellProd - 8 years ago
+Hayden Rosie just get the fuck off my thread if you have a problem.
Hayden Rosie
Hayden Rosie - 8 years ago
+Brad CalwellProd ok, rude ass.
Brad CalwellProd
Brad CalwellProd - 8 years ago
+Hayden Rosie I guarantee it didn't take 3 minutes
Hayden Rosie
Hayden Rosie - 8 years ago
+Brad CalwellProd it took me 3 minutes to type that, and so I don't care yolo anyways. #Imagirl
Brad CalwellProd
Brad CalwellProd - 8 years ago
+Hayden Rosie everything has feelings bud. That's not what we were talking about. We were taking about it feeling pain, which it can't. If you didn't know that then either look it up yourself or look at my link. And I hope you realize you just spent twenty minutes of your life telling people to stop arguing when we it was already over. So basically your comment is a waste. Nice try though just a week too short.
Hayden Rosie
Hayden Rosie - 8 years ago
Why do people have to be so rude and careless? I'm not vegan not vegetarian and I do go fishing but I release, but the point of all of arguing is childish! I love animals, yes and all animals have feelings, if you never knew that you should look it up. Yes they are kind of torturing the fish but there are tons of fish in the world! It's just like some people kill, or torture or die, although not everyone does torture or kill. The fish knows what's going on because fish have bones, a heart, gills, scales, fins, a nose, eyes. I agree with both of y'all! Yea it is torturing but it's just one fish, if they did that to their fish they catch all the time I would be very angry, but it was only one and several kids competing to catch it! Can we all stop being childish and not argue! What has the f**king world come to?! If we were just one and not judging people, the world would be a better place, but instead people are arguing over every little thing! Yes the pool is not the same as the sea
Brad CalwellProd
Brad CalwellProd - 8 years ago
+Feroal2 maybe you should consider learning about the topic first. I even gave you a website above in the comments
Brad CalwellProd
Brad CalwellProd - 8 years ago
+Icylightning - (Michael Gutt) you can't read, you don't use facts, you never cited anything, why are you still talking?
Brad CalwellProd
Brad CalwellProd - 8 years ago
+Feroal2 my moral views are based strictly on facts. No, that fish can't feel any pain what so ever. Show me any sign of evidence from any scientist that ever said that. You won't, because they can't. I don't give a fuck about your opinions. A lot of people don't have emotions? Okay buddy
jutubaeh - 8 years ago
and deep woda ^
SilverCrest01 - 8 years ago
+Feroal2 Don't even start with him, you can't win. He's ignorant.
Feroal2 - 8 years ago
+Brad CalwellProd That fish can feel pain. Furthermore, a lot of human beings don't have emotions and aren't even self-conscious but do we kill or torture them? Maybe you should actually think about your moral views a little more.
Brad CalwellProd
Brad CalwellProd - 8 years ago
+Icylightning - (Michael Gutt) and you're clearly not a fisherman so stop saying bullshit and leave my dude alone. If I were you, I wouldn't start making two people roast on you. I don't want to make a old man cry.
Brad CalwellProd
Brad CalwellProd - 8 years ago
+Icylightning - (Michael Gutt) so you basically just admitted that you're losing the argument.
SilverCrest01 - 8 years ago
So have you wasted enough of mine, and your time yet?
SilverCrest01 - 8 years ago
+Brad CalwellProd I can't even explain how stupid you are. You literally just contradicted yourself (if you even know what that means) by saying that the fish can't feel pain above water even though you said it flops above water. Suffocation is a form of pain. Also, once if stops flopping above water, when you use it as a bait fish, when you stab that hook into it, it clearly starts flopping again because you're fucking stabbing it. Do you think animals don't feel pain? Go feed your pet to a crocodile and you'll know what I'm talking about. As for you lucy, I can't even feel sorrry for you. How old are you, 8? Vegans don't eat animal product and don't appreciate animal cruelty. Do you think that if I was a Vegan I would be fucking catching fish? God, think about what you people are saying. OH, THAT GUY SEEMS LIKE HE'S WINNING THE ARGUMENT, SO I THINK I'LL SAY SOMETHING RETARDED TO HELP HIM OUT! If you think you swarms of 8 year olds are going to take me down without a fight you're wrong lol.
Riza Hawkeye
Riza Hawkeye - 8 years ago
+Icylightning - (Michael Gutt) quit being such a vegan
Brad CalwellProd
Brad CalwellProd - 8 years ago
+Icylightning - (Michael Gutt) if you couldn't tell, we do rule the world
Brad CalwellProd
Brad CalwellProd - 8 years ago
+Icylightning - (Michael Gutt) yea the fish flops everywhere because it's out of the fucking water
SilverCrest01 - 8 years ago
+Brad CalwellProd Wow, I can tell you are just a nolife who sits around all day... Ever hooked a fish? I flops everywhere when you do. That is obviously pain, and also, it can't recognize that it's thinking? That's just straight up bull, just think about what you're saying. I know you think so, but it wasn't humans' destiny to rule the universe, nor was it anything else's, You're like that guy who says "White power!" except the whites are humans and everyone else is the animals.
Brad CalwellProd
Brad CalwellProd - 8 years ago
+Icylightning - (Michael Gutt) and tell me how we're not superior in every way? That fish can't even recognize that's it's thinking. Our brains are so advanced that we can control our thoughts. That fish can't even feel the pain being hooked through the mouth, because it doesn't have the fucking brain power.
Brad CalwellProd
Brad CalwellProd - 8 years ago
+Icylightning - (Michael Gutt) if by end soon you mean in hundreds of years, maybe. Humans will always be about. Killing 7.4 billion people is almost impossible. And how about you look up some research buddy? That's how you know you're ignorant as a fucking kid from Kenya when you ask "how do you know that?" And what makes it even worse is that you called me fucking retarded when you don't even know
SilverCrest01 - 8 years ago
+Brad CalwellProd You're fucking retarded in every way possible. Fuck your stupid beliefs. How do you know that? We're definitely not superior in every way possible either. The age of people is going to end soon anyway with our shitty government and huge issues.
Brad CalwellProd
Brad CalwellProd - 8 years ago
+Feroal2 that fish can't even comprehend what's going on. It doesn't feel anything. It has no emotions and it can't think like us. So stop trying to compare it. No, it's not at all equal to us. We're superior in every way possible.
It's R4M3EZ
It's R4M3EZ - 9 years ago
After about 4-5. Minutes the fish was swimming sideways it's clorine stop this animal cruelty
It's R4M3EZ
It's R4M3EZ - 8 years ago
+When She says She's Pregnant thats because people r gonna eat the fish this people killed it 4 nothing
[NoClan] Hypnotic
[NoClan] Hypnotic - 8 years ago
It's. A. Fish. Plenty of animals are being killed just for ur food! These kids and just having some fun.
Terrell Anderson
Terrell Anderson - 9 years ago
are there stingrays real
Terrell Anderson
Terrell Anderson - 9 years ago
stingrays real
X Xplode
X Xplode - 9 years ago
If they catch it they should eat it not let it die then throw it away !!!!
Stripe the Gremlin
Stripe the Gremlin - 9 years ago
the way the emojis look in my phone, are retarded and stupid
Chris Morris
Chris Morris - 9 years ago
that creepy at the end
Joshua Tan
Joshua Tan - 9 years ago
So many self righteous retards acting like they care about that one pathetic fish's life. They are the kind of people who say shit like "Why do you have to catch the fish? You can just go to the supermarket!" LMAO
Feroal2 - 8 years ago
wow the level of intellectual discourse here...
Wolfgamer607 AJ
Wolfgamer607 AJ - 9 years ago
I bet it was hard trying to catch the blue runner
Sonia and Todd Kelly
Sonia and Todd Kelly - 9 years ago
Poor fish it will die in the alkaline water
Wouter Lagarde
Wouter Lagarde - 9 years ago
Yes and the fish was tired
IVY_Chicken - 9 years ago
Isn't this everybody's dream to catch a fish in a pool ? Or am I the only one?
chonch burger
chonch burger - 8 years ago
yeeah!! or like when states get kind of flooded and there's catfish and carp in their lawn/pools.
Doob - 8 years ago
+jon pro catch*
kokoro -san
kokoro -san - 8 years ago
mine to
TheJanusIX - 9 years ago
saltwater pool???or chlorine pool???
Douwe Detmar
Douwe Detmar - 8 years ago
yea the fish had lack of oxygen you could tell
Toblerone Poker
Toblerone Poker - 8 years ago
+Meee My dogs and I Chlorine pools are far more common than salt water pools and require far less upkeep/work in maintaining. Not to mention is more hygienic in killing bacteria, mould and mildew. Plus with the rate the fish became sluggish (poisoned) it could only be Chlorine.
Dylan M
Dylan M - 8 years ago
+Douwe Detmar how do you know it's chlorine
Douwe Detmar
Douwe Detmar - 8 years ago
yea it is cruel lol
TheJanusIX - 8 years ago
poor fish :((( 
Douwe Detmar
Douwe Detmar - 8 years ago
+TheJanusIX chlorine u could see the lack o oxygen the fish had
Lisa Cozzi
Lisa Cozzi - 9 years ago
fuck you you kill innocent creatures for your enjoyment what kid of fisherman are you
Willy Bonka
Willy Bonka - 9 years ago
What, do other fishermen not do the same? Do they fish for apples and carrots? Bitch.
Brian Dominguez
Brian Dominguez - 9 years ago
poor fish
Daniel Winkworth
Daniel Winkworth - 9 years ago
So dumb and cruel.
CheezeCake - 9 years ago
What they put real fish in there not fair
Chum Plugs
Chum Plugs - 9 years ago
You torture fish so your little shithead bastards can have fun
Willy Bonka
Willy Bonka - 9 years ago
salt water pool man.
Jacob Steinkoetter
Jacob Steinkoetter - 9 years ago
Is that healthy for the fish
Coultis Vlogs
Coultis Vlogs - 9 years ago
Poor fish that's cruel but it does look like fun
InKa4484 - 9 years ago
Is there enough chlorine in that pool?
TheAverageSushi - 9 years ago
To all the idiots and fuckers who has cursed Mr. Johnsen, here's info of "fish"

Blue Runners are fish that live near the ports eating trash, not a safe edible fish
Chlorine Poisoning-
Fish may look pale, may look like covered in slime, may develop red areas AND HAS TO SWIM LIKE A MANIAC AND HOVER NEAR WATER FOR AIR
Commenters of the video and are being complete morons
You are hypocrites, animals are killed everyday for your food, fuck off with Animal Cruelity because the Third World Country does it don't know what that means because your on your fucking phones 24/7 in a First World Country

Kevin Johnsen has showed their kids something that they might need in life...Thank You for showing them...
Derek Tyson
Derek Tyson - 8 years ago
Hannah And Sophia
Hannah And Sophia - 9 years ago
He was probably dying because of all the chlorine
TheAverageSushi - 9 years ago
+Hannah And Sophia Saltwater pool...
meow lilly
meow lilly - 9 years ago
For the love of god can you all shut the hell up! None of you commenters have the right mind to think, hey! Maybe it's a salt water pool! And if your commenting on kids having fun in a pool go complain to people that fish! Imma give you three words to you complaining bitches. No. One. Cares.
Liam Gregg
Liam Gregg - 9 years ago
How did that fish not die right away
Alexis Mandato
Alexis Mandato - 9 years ago
Are those stingrays real
CJH200iiWii - 9 years ago
2 things animal cruelty because when you touch a fish there scales sometimes come off and putting it in a little pool omg dude fuck you poor fish with giant humans chasing after you no way of ecaping wow disgusted
meow lilly
meow lilly - 9 years ago
Dude chill it's a FISH you know...the thing we eat a lot. Just because the kids were having some fun with ONE fish doesn't mean all the fish in the world will die.
Yato-chan PokéGod of Calamity
Yato-chan PokéGod of Calamity - 9 years ago
What if I told you

That it's a saltwater pool
wutramulun - 8 years ago
Saltwater pools make the chlorine using salt dummie
Salmon Saladsandwich
Salmon Saladsandwich - 9 years ago
Obviously you don't know what a saltwater pool is...
meow lilly
meow lilly - 9 years ago
Yato-chan PokéGod of Calamity
Yato-chan PokéGod of Calamity - 9 years ago
Why are people bashing over this vid, it's 2016 now guys. The fish is already dead...
lol ll
lol ll - 7 years ago
Yato-chan PokéGod of Calamity . Its 2017 not 2016 almost 2018
Miguel Feria
Miguel Feria - 7 years ago
Feroal2 Shut up fag
Ineed Anaim
Ineed Anaim - 7 years ago
Yato-chan PokéGod of Calamity We eat fish so idk why people are concerned . They die everyday somehow.
JAMEYX Films - 8 years ago
One name H A R A M B E.
MexicanSanta - 8 years ago
+TotoDile Dile nice
Yato-chan PokéGod of Calamity
Yato-chan PokéGod of Calamity - 8 years ago
Mario Ruiz
Mario Ruiz - 8 years ago
+Feroal2 Shut the fuck up fagit. Let the mad do what the fuck he wants. If he gets caught those are his consequences he's gonna have to pay not you pussy.
Feroal2 - 8 years ago
so that some other asshole doesn't do it again. Get a damn ipad. Don't go fucking around with creatures smaller than you. Didn't see him put a shark in the pool. Wonder why!
Fynn Patterson
Fynn Patterson - 8 years ago
+Max Powell that's cool
Max Powell
Max Powell - 9 years ago
my goldfish is 17 years old
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 9 years ago
Peter FFyOU
Peter FFyOU - 9 years ago
lol I know right.
FR BA - 9 years ago
Maria Garcia
Maria Garcia - 9 years ago
get over it guys its just a. fish dumbass stupid Assis bye

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