Kids Hand Catching Fish in Pool
Raww fishing 12 years ago 1,607,713 views
After a successful morning of fishing with Florida Keys Reel Adventures, I play a game with the kids and challenge them to catch a live blue runner with their bare hands. What could be better?!
10. comment for Kids Hand Catching Fish in Pool
20. comment for Kids Hand Catching Fish in Pool
And for you cunts in the comments who will say “HURRR DURRR ITS PROBABLY A SALT WATER POOL STUPID”
Go fuck yourselves it’s probably not
30. comment for Kids Hand Catching Fish in Pool
A salt water fish in a pool
50. comment for Kids Hand Catching Fish in Pool
Why did you put that poor innocent fish in a pool full of chlorine and freshwater.....
Thats an equivalent of spraying hydrocloric acid inside of your lung
100. comment for Kids Hand Catching Fish in Pool
not cool
Me: It fucking num you dumbass.
Such a rebel!
1. How would you know that.
those weren't stingrays those are floor decoration for the pool.
This is the first time I have ever thumbs down a video
for it
I put him to the side of the pool and he jump off so I tried to catch him so I bought a mermaid tail and act like a mermaid so it come to me and I grab it and after put in the aquirom
Telling children to not hurt animals is far less cruel than throwing a fish in a pool filled with chlorine. People don't chlorinate lakes, oceans, fish tanks, or any where else you will ever see fish.
Put your kids in the ocean and let them learn there. Give them a stick in the hand and let them try and see how reality works.
ITS JUST A STUPID FISH! I bet as a child you killed one by accident!
the fish clearly wasn't doing to well by the end of the video cause it was starting to tilt a sign it is nearing death.
Blue runners are bait. Why comment if you are against fishing?
You are a traitor of the human race!
You gotta be kidding ! Humans actually think and have emotion and are intelligent enough to know whats going on. How can you compare a human to a fish? Traitor.
Try not to kill anymore fish like this by the way. Yeah yeah, I've read your comments about how everyone but yourself is an idiot, but this is about as silly as trying to catch a fish out of an aquarium. I mean, at least give the fish a chance to get away than cornering it in a chlorinated pool.. You're not teaching your kids anything except allowing them to get comfortable with a handicapped "fishing" tactic.
I saw your boat in the background. Try using it to take them out to an actual island where they can learn on a natural level.
Better luck next time.
Nobody cares what you think of this video. You right fish do have feelings but the don't when they are fried XD. You do you boo boo and eat your tofu and meatless hotdogs. It's just a fish.
- a meateater
Another thing. I catch my own bait. I catch blue hill and when I do I cast it while it's on the hook. Somethings it dies before I catch anything and I'm left with a dead blue gill. It's life.
"You right fish do have feelings but the don't when they are fried XD. "
You wrote that on this video comparing what they did to frying a fish. This was not that. Please think before you comment. Torturing Small Animals is one of the strongest warning signs of a potential serial killer. Don't teach your kids to do this shit please. Teach them to plant a tree or go fishing even-But kill the fish humanely.
R.I.P:Blue Runner
Read any of these to enlighten yourself more.
Blue Runners are fish that live near the ports eating trash, not a safe edible fish
Chlorine Poisoning-
Fish may look pale, may look like covered in slime, may develop red areas AND HAS TO SWIM LIKE A MANIAC AND HOVER NEAR WATER FOR AIR
Commenters of the video and are being complete morons
You are hypocrites, animals are killed everyday for your food, fuck off with Animal Cruelity because the Third World Country does it don't know what that means because your on your fucking phones 24/7 in a First World Country
Kevin Johnsen has showed their kids something that they might need in life...Thank You for showing them...
That it's a saltwater pool
+Mario Ruiz calm down. I didn't do any harm to you two, or did I? Have a refreshing lemonade