MANATEE ON FISHING LINE! Cops Called! Worst Fishing day EVER!
Raww fishing 7 years ago 496,770 views
Manatee Problems while hunting for the new Shamu with my friends Monster Mike FIshing, Rawwfishing and Joey Slay em..getting kicked out and losing big fish on manatees made this one of the worst days of fishing ever! MY SECOND CHANNEL IS CATCH_EM_ALL_LIVE: Check out my Instagram @Catch_em_all_fishing: SAVE $10.00 Off MYSTERY TACKLE BOX PRO using this link Promo Code: CATCHEM
10. comment for MANATEE ON FISHING LINE! Cops Called! Worst Fishing day EVER!
Each one cost a fish or squid or maybe even an octopus (comment what u bought it with)
20. comment for MANATEE ON FISHING LINE! Cops Called! Worst Fishing day EVER!
30. comment for MANATEE ON FISHING LINE! Cops Called! Worst Fishing day EVER!
Nothing scares a cop more than a blackman with a camera attached to ITS FREAKING HEAD!!!!
50. comment for MANATEE ON FISHING LINE! Cops Called! Worst Fishing day EVER!
100. comment for MANATEE ON FISHING LINE! Cops Called! Worst Fishing day EVER!
Catch em all fishing
The place with a ton of ponds and lakes and yet you can't fish without someone telling you, you're on their property.
its awesome .
1 comment = be a savage with 21 dollars
1 sub = kill ur worst enemy and not go to jail and be a millionare
catch em all
For who have not tasted snakeheads I tell you it is delicious even it is gross in ur country to be eaten
P.s love the vids!
Meaningless comment.