MLF RAW: 2.5 Hours in a boat with Kevin VanDam.

MLF pro Kevin VanDam had a very impressive win at the 2016 Summit Cup with 40 fish weighing 74 pounds, 9 ounces. This video is from inside KVD's boat for all of Period 2. It's long, but worth a watch.

MLF RAW: 2.5 Hours in a boat with Kevin VanDam. sentiment_very_dissatisfied 804

Raww fishing 8 years ago 1,420,720 views

MLF pro Kevin VanDam had a very impressive win at the 2016 Summit Cup with 40 fish weighing 74 pounds, 9 ounces. This video is from inside KVD's boat for all of Period 2. It's long, but worth a watch.

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Most popular comments
for MLF RAW: 2.5 Hours in a boat with Kevin VanDam.

Mary Hutt
Mary Hutt - 6 years ago
Hang on to the camara!! Haha ya racin?? Don't think so haha
Freedom Fighter Brandon Harris
Freedom Fighter Brandon Harris - 6 years ago
I can watch this all day, man he's tuff on his rods. He can afford it tho lol lol
D25864 - 6 years ago
16:58 thank me later
Gannon Phillips
Gannon Phillips - 6 years ago
Nice video
Paul Baker
Paul Baker - 6 years ago
Keys on. So are all life jackets !
Dave Marty
Dave Marty - 6 years ago
Good god, I would have moved on 30min ago. I guess that’s why he’s the pro.
TPHVICTIMS - 6 years ago
How would they do it on Tactical Bassing ?
TPHVICTIMS - 6 years ago
A Rod for every lure.
TPHVICTIMS - 6 years ago

10. comment for MLF RAW: 2.5 Hours in a boat with Kevin VanDam.

TPHVICTIMS - 6 years ago
It’s definitely an art.
And, what am I doing wrong?
Is that all monofilament?
What kind of reels?
Dark Night 69
Dark Night 69 - 6 years ago
You suck as a pro fisherman then I heard you say I hope it rains for local people can get off here
callmecardinalss - 6 years ago
callmecardinalss - 6 years ago
callmecardinalss - 6 years ago
callmecardinalss - 6 years ago
callmecardinalss - 6 years ago
callmecardinalss - 6 years ago
callmecardinalss - 6 years ago
Chicaneinokc - 6 years ago
The first bridge isn't no wake?!

20. comment for MLF RAW: 2.5 Hours in a boat with Kevin VanDam.

FlashBills TV
FlashBills TV - 6 years ago
How’d I get to this boring ass video
Dan Edwards
Dan Edwards - 6 years ago
HP matters!
josh 626
josh 626 - 6 years ago
Was hoping there was a time stamp comment of when he actually starts fishing lol
J.T. Molina
J.T. Molina - 6 years ago
Whoever forces kvd to deal with extra cameramen, u funny
Dillon L. Fishing
Dillon L. Fishing - 6 years ago
This ALWAYS comes up when my I fall asleep and my phone just keeps playing videos
Ryan Carkeet
Ryan Carkeet - 6 years ago
Neng Yang
Neng Yang - 6 years ago
It's fun. Collecting Pokemon cards is fun as well. I sold my "Thunder Dragon Colossus" for $63. Then I pulled a "Thunder Dragon Titan." I lost my favorite lure to someone else's braided line that was hung up. Disappointed about losing it, but more frustrated over those people who decided to cut off their line and tangled that junk. My favorite crank snagged it, and now it's in the sea. Also lost another crank on that line too. But this crank is floating on top. I don't know. It's pretty deep, and I don't own a boat or kayak...
Marshall Law
Marshall Law - 6 years ago
I use Chromecast and I'm sick of this video and the zona live with Greg Hackney, whenever I use Chromecast it always goes to one of those 2 videos.......can anyone tell me how to change this? please anyone.
Alvin Moua
Alvin Moua - 6 years ago
Pornstars don’t even jerk that hard! Damn KVD!
Xziznoel - 6 years ago
what a shame you film only on him i want to see the places he throw the lure at

30. comment for MLF RAW: 2.5 Hours in a boat with Kevin VanDam.

scott odonahoe
scott odonahoe - 6 years ago
Wish I had sponsors so I could afford to kick around my rods . It's a musky ! that's a hoot ! Northeren Pike Kev !
James Strickland
James Strickland - 6 years ago
To hell with these assholes that think they own the water
Donald Scearce
Donald Scearce - 6 years ago
He needs rain to get rid of the locals!! He doesn't own the damn water and those are the guys buying his shit to make his six million
Mark Rice
Mark Rice - 6 years ago
Seem not to care much bout them rods
Betsy Barker
Betsy Barker - 6 years ago
No, just the camera, it's worth more
davidkim146 - 6 years ago
Didn’t realize it said MLF in the title until after I clicked. Still, thumbs up
That Fishing Guy
That Fishing Guy - 6 years ago
Around 50 mins he reties. But what the ninja skill kind of knot was that. All I saw was him hit once and bite the line.
Charlie's Outdoors
Charlie's Outdoors - 6 years ago
Might of been a polamar knot but he just tied it really fast.
smorrow0816 - 6 years ago
It's crazy how long he spends in one spot......
manifestgtr - 6 years ago
Seems like they might’ve cut out some of the audio of him cursing out fellow boaters, etc. He keeps looking out onto the water and saying stuff but there’s no audio of those parts hahaha

Keep this stuff up, though. It’s absolute gold to see these guys with this kind of detail as opposed to the usual 30 second highlight reels and ads where they’re explaining some technique that everyone already knows.
Billy Martin
Billy Martin - 6 years ago
No one fishes harder than KVD. I dont know how he keeps up that pace. Amazing video!
K Digiacomo
K Digiacomo - 6 years ago
Billy Martin - lol Coke
Rod Royal
Rod Royal - 6 years ago
Don't mean he is a jerk, just that he really works that bait
Eric Cook
Eric Cook - 6 years ago
Man that was awesome!! The first 10 minutes was like a time machine for me back that first wide open run in my first bass boat. Super cool!
Rod Royal
Rod Royal - 6 years ago
Kvd puts the jerk in jerkbait
Rod Royal
Rod Royal - 6 years ago
fluty films I didn't mean he is a jerk, just that he really works that bait. I'm a big fan of his.
fluty films
fluty films - 6 years ago
Rod Royal he is very nice, I met him. He is just very serious on the water.
Norman Inong
Norman Inong - 6 years ago
you guys should get a 360 camera
Shawn Camburn
Shawn Camburn - 6 years ago
Id love to know what kept him glued to this spot/school for 2.5 hours. How id love to pick his brain. I just saw kevin 2 days in a row at a fishing expo in both of our hometowns and didnt have the stones to go say hi lol
Shawn Camburn
Shawn Camburn - 6 years ago
his efficiency is insane! also, that cameraman is a Savage up there on the front deck.
Scotty Hoxsey
Scotty Hoxsey - 7 years ago
He picked every single part out in those two locations unbelieveable!!KVD!!
J Anthony
J Anthony - 7 years ago
He is working his tail off, non stop always moving. If it was me I would sure want to be alone. If I speak, answer, if I don't speak, keep your mouth shut. I don't want to know you are there. Sit back there and be still. He already has the buzzards circling outside his range staring at his every move. Thank you for a great video Sir !
Shea Locke
Shea Locke - 7 years ago
Figured theyd be more strict on their crew to wear pfd. Camera guy didnt have one on
TheTodd2u - 7 years ago
I like how he sat the spinning rod down and picked up another one, until competitors boat passed. That is old school tournament angling at it's finest. He keeps his head on a swivel also. He checks his 6 often.

50. comment for MLF RAW: 2.5 Hours in a boat with Kevin VanDam.

Jason Kreczmer
Jason Kreczmer - 7 years ago
I wish we had pip of his electronics to really see what he is seeing.
unseenoutdoors s
unseenoutdoors s - 7 years ago
Mike iaconelli next.
Perchjerker - 7 years ago
bryan silwanicz
bryan silwanicz - 7 years ago
guy on shore asks what they are doing and then says yea I watch it on tv. how the hell can you stand there and not know your in the greatness of KVD
Donald Scearce
Donald Scearce - 6 years ago
Greatness LMFAO
William Wilson
William Wilson - 7 years ago
Most boring 2.5 hours L've ever spent.
Chris Gaston
Chris Gaston - 7 years ago
Long videos like this are awesome!
Adrian David Payne
Adrian David Payne - 7 years ago
Did anyone get a Cast Count on the entire clip?
fast corvette
fast corvette - 7 years ago
i noticed he keeps shaking that jerkbait, does he have tiny hole in it to let water in so it will go deeper or so he can control the depth? some kind of secret i'm sure, because he acts like he is shaking the water out of it?
pierce anderson
pierce anderson - 7 years ago
Glad camera man was wearing his lifejacket.....
jarred Mullis
jarred Mullis - 7 years ago
saw him at bass pro. kvd walked right pass me like I wasnt even there. and I know he heard me becAuse he had that pasty look on his face
Hopped up on Bass
Hopped up on Bass - 7 years ago
This is a great video to watch, especially to those just beginning to bass fishing. Shows the ways you can work baits that you so uh lent think to do. great video
Z A - 8 years ago
Kvd fished a lake around my area (east Texas) people say he drove so fast across the lake his lean on seat bent in half
Luke Simpson
Luke Simpson - 8 years ago
Why are all these cupcakes worried about a grown man not wearing a life vest...makes you wonder how many of these people on here commenting are fisherman or just clowns that dress up and pretend to be the clowns they see on tv...If it's so dangerous to be in a boat moving without out a life vest then maybe don't go 70+ mph while starring at your oversized graphs the whole way idiots
wesjanz - 8 years ago
What pool?
fluty films
fluty films - 6 years ago
wesjanz 8
wesjanz - 8 years ago
Mlf y'all gotta make sure everyone on the boat had a life jacket on when the boat is moving. Looks like a lawsuit waiting to happen if a cameraman or someone else gets killed
Jerry Langlois
Jerry Langlois - 8 years ago
Now I can see how these pros are athletes.
Jeremy Pefferkorn
Jeremy Pefferkorn - 8 years ago
wow! he fishes FAST! I always heard he fishes fast, but i didn't realize to what degree lol
Brad Poppe
Brad Poppe - 8 years ago
Put a life jacket on that cameraman!!!!
MegaBrad45 - 6 years ago
Most states over 12 years old don’t have to wear them. I only wear mine when moving, gets in the way fishing and I can swim
Jeff Werth
Jeff Werth - 6 years ago
You would think that they would have to wear one all of the time - what if they went over with a wave or wind gust factoring in the weight of the camera
jeff ratlief
jeff ratlief - 7 years ago
didn't even notice. good idea.
zrulz - 8 years ago
I agree!  And I would not allow him up on the front deck while under way either because it obstructed view of other boat sitting still in water at 1:31. Great video by the GoPro. I can't imagine camera man's shot was any better. Three people in that boat sure make it seem small.
Zach Stacy
Zach Stacy - 8 years ago
fished the exact same spot at 35:00
HunterMatt199 - 8 years ago
The camera man is a grown man and doesn't have to wear a life jacket if he doesn't want to lol
wesjanz - 8 years ago
HunterMatt199 right but if he does get tossed out at 70 mph, the impact on the water knocks him out, and he drowns then the mlf is looking at a lawsuit
Keith Redd
Keith Redd - 8 years ago
What is that Jerkbait?
wesjanz - 8 years ago
Keith Redd strike king
Bill Brasky
Bill Brasky - 8 years ago
camera man doesn't need no stinkin life-jacket!
Percanegra - 8 years ago
Very nice and real tournament video!!
Conor Tully
Conor Tully - 8 years ago
Lmao 1:03:07 does he nail that pontoon on the lift with his crank?
K Digiacomo
K Digiacomo - 6 years ago
Conor Tully - Yep!
Alley32 - 8 years ago
Great instructional video. I watched the episodes on TV too. The audio in this video was way low. I'd like to see more Raw footage like this with all of the MLF Pros!
Gary Lukas
Gary Lukas - 8 years ago
Awesome love shakie and jerkbaits
J BERG - 8 years ago
Please post more of these videos. Any decent angler. I've watched this 3 times! Learn something new each time.
MassBassGuy - 8 years ago
How do you get a cameraman job? Are they privately contracted or a business?
MajorLeagueFishing - 8 years ago
We hire freelance Camera guys that have a background in the outdoors.
Big J
Big J - 8 years ago
What does he constantly keep looking over his shoulder for? Like someone is sneaking up on him.
Jeff Werth
Jeff Werth - 6 years ago
I think its crowd management - you have more of this on the BASS tour where folks know when the pro's will be on a body of water. He is making sure they stay far enough away to not impact his fish....
K Digiacomo
K Digiacomo - 6 years ago
Big J - Maybe so he doesn't slap the camera guy with his 8'? That's what I thought....
steve4321able - 8 years ago
We need more videos like this so people can see how hard the pros work!
mgt00656 - 8 years ago
please put vests on crew filming!!
BUCKSLAYER - 8 years ago
good lord! he hauls in that boat but it seems like a nice smooth ride. scaring me in the first couple minutes
Rip Lips
Rip Lips - 8 years ago
i could watch videos like this all day
Song Kimpton
Song Kimpton - 8 years ago
I love this!!~~ thank you thank you for the upload
Alex Lawlor BASS
Alex Lawlor BASS - 8 years ago
wish there was more videos like this. Get one with someone like hackney who likes swim jigs and flippin. learned a lot
hunter anderson
hunter anderson - 8 years ago
i like being able to see his thought process
indybob770 - 8 years ago
when was this videoed...time of year???
MajorLeagueFishing - 8 years ago
August 2015
Erik Brown
Erik Brown - 8 years ago
man he really hit this spot hard - even though not catching many. i always imagined the pros moving from spot to spot much faster.
wesjanz - 8 years ago
Erik Brown Kevin's methodical, not much of a junk fisherman
Kade Christensen
Kade Christensen - 8 years ago
Hey KVD like to work spots over maybe there was timber brush or rock on bottom he had on locater showing fish
visualkeirockstar - 8 years ago
Nice day at the office.
JR Hoops
JR Hoops - 8 years ago
not raw, they cut audio out, bullshit
wesjanz - 8 years ago
Ron's Kayaking and Fishing I think he's talking about some parts where they obviously edited out audio for one reason or another
Ron's Kayaking and Fishing
Ron's Kayaking and Fishing - 8 years ago
Not true. I think this is a GoPro in a waterproof case mounted on his boat. I was watching an MLF tourney the other day and saw one mounted on his boat. If you notice, the view point never changes, unlike what a cameraman would be doing.
Scott Robinson
Scott Robinson - 8 years ago
KVD must have played baseball as a kid. Every time he casts, he's stepping into the swing.
J Fed
J Fed - 6 years ago
Jeff Werth k,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Marvin Marvin
Marvin Marvin - 6 years ago
He played for the yankees
Jeff Werth
Jeff Werth - 6 years ago
He has a video on how to get more distance - he does say to get your body into the cast....I would liken it more to a QB throwing a pass since he does not raise a leg to kick
Matthew Saunders
Matthew Saunders - 6 years ago
Scott Robinson Bldr yl
K Digiacomo
K Digiacomo - 6 years ago
Chris Lee - I don't see it either
Chris Lee
Chris Lee - 6 years ago
Scott Robinson no he doesn’t.
Ian Hill
Ian Hill - 8 years ago
I am only 30 seconds in, but I am so happy right now.
Hernan Enriquez
Hernan Enriquez - 8 years ago
Fidel Cordova
Fidel Cordova - 8 years ago
what kinda rod is he using for the jerkbait .?
John Samsky
John Samsky - 8 years ago
Camera guy not wearing a life jacket.
Jessica Walker
Jessica Walker - 8 years ago
First of all the camera man should be wearing a life vest especially on the Mississippi River I know people that have died fishing on it. The currents and drop offs is what makes the river dangerous
Zu zoon
Zu zoon - 8 years ago
Dang, that jerk bait work looks hard. Seems he likes to trigger reaction bites with his power fishing.
wesjanz - 8 years ago
Zu zoon his theory, which has worked for him for many many years, is that the more bass he puts his bait in front of the more bites he gets
Dustin - 8 years ago
Why do they release all the fish ???
Kade Christensen
Kade Christensen - 8 years ago
Cause they have a scoreboard and weigh in boat so don't have too keep fish
Sean Nahm
Sean Nahm - 8 years ago
so they can grow and be caught again. catch & release
z Trubble
z Trubble - 8 years ago
Kevin is an animal!
Mark Fogle
Mark Fogle - 8 years ago
The cameraman needs to wearing a life jacket!!! Unbelievable no PFD!!!! Not save boating

100. comment for MLF RAW: 2.5 Hours in a boat with Kevin VanDam.

Tommy 351
Tommy 351 - 8 years ago
i like these videos much better than the edited made-for-tv versions. you actually learn MUCH more from the time they AREN'T catching fish. cant hardly stand to watch ESPN fishing cause every time the camera changes to another guy you know he's a half second away from setting the hook, and that doesnt teach anything.
generalpatton71 - 8 years ago
Seriously loving this! Please post more of these!!!!!!!!
Charles Smith
Charles Smith - 8 years ago
So did that fish touch??
kgeyedoc - 8 years ago
What lure does he start using around 1:50?
Aggressive Land Whale
Aggressive Land Whale - 8 years ago
His Quatums are probably exploding after 1 day of fishing. Must feel bad being stuck with Quantum for so long. Poor KVD, must be frustrating.
ItsBigCon - 6 years ago
My quantums are my favorite reels tbh. Like my tour s3’s more than my chronarchs and curados and my lews custom pros
Hunter Nixon
Hunter Nixon - 6 years ago
B U N G I E Quantum’s are ok they aren’t my favorite mainly cause of the braking system on them. I’m a Lews and a Shimano man
That Fishing Guy
That Fishing Guy - 6 years ago
It's to prove a don't need a $400 reel to become a legend.
Chris Lee
Chris Lee - 6 years ago
Rick Hambric Jr he probably has to set up a whole new reel each tournament.
Rick Hambric Jr
Rick Hambric Jr - 7 years ago
I'm no quantum fan, but evidently they work pretty good for him!
Nicholas M
Nicholas M - 8 years ago
Hey major league fishing, maybe next time put in times when he catches his fish..
Brian Schaper
Brian Schaper - 8 years ago
1:14:08 Never thought id see old KVD digging through a tree for a lure
Dennis Brzezicki
Dennis Brzezicki - 6 years ago
Brian Schaper kkdd,
OoooSHOOKoooO - 6 years ago
Tricked out lure takes time to put together. Some baits he gets months before their out on the market, leaving one behind that he can easily with some effort get back is worth a try.
zrulz - 8 years ago
You'd think they carry everything in the world with them but a heavy boat can't get just anywhere. I've come to realize from seeing these guys fishing over the years that time is money and if its the last one you have and its catching fish, you'd go swimming for it. Timmy Horton may be able to talk him into a Money Pole!
Aarons117 - 8 years ago
Brian Schaper depends on if its a lure that isnt made anymore
Flatlander Fishing
Flatlander Fishing - 8 years ago
by the way, MLF please keep this up I love this live content. Two thumbs up
svmoua24 - 8 years ago
Great shots of my home waters. Gotta say though that 4:17 was kinda scary. I've gone through that same opening of that wing damn numerous times but never that fast.
Nolan Minor
Nolan Minor - 8 years ago
RIP KVD's wrists
Daniel Zappo
Daniel Zappo - 8 years ago
Please post more of these. They are so educational
Bryan Brown
Bryan Brown - 8 years ago
Never seen someone work a jerkbait that fast, awesome
Flatlander Fishing
Flatlander Fishing - 8 years ago
seems like he was getting pissed off at something behind him a few times toward the beginning.....and wth he finds his deep diving jerkbait in a tree. That type of stuff never happens to me. He's the best!
Josiah Ottem
Josiah Ottem - 6 years ago
Flatlander Fishing y
J BERG - 7 years ago
KVD was known for that when he was younger. Now, cameras are everywhere and he could get his image ruined. Thats what makes him so good though. He also has to be nice to his fellow anglers as well. He is extremely competitive!
Flatlander Fishing
Flatlander Fishing - 8 years ago
+Ryan McKean I don't know if it was the local behind him, or a local flying by on a boat, or maybe marty stone and the camera crew. Not sure but he seemed pissed a few times.
Ryan McKean
Ryan McKean - 8 years ago
Austin Van Wyk
Austin Van Wyk - 8 years ago
Great video. I wish there was some way to watch the episodes online for those of us who don't have cable. :(
Stan Carter
Stan Carter - 7 years ago
Austin Van Wyk I
FishingThePNW - 8 years ago
Would be great to see more like this! Would like to see a video of Palaniuk or Ehrler like this!
JT droppin D Bombs on EM
JT droppin D Bombs on EM - 8 years ago
Thank you!!! I could watch this for days and it be great if you could do this with other anglers.
tim b
tim b - 8 years ago
Awesome video. More please! But please put a mike on the anglers.
GottaCatcha Fish
GottaCatcha Fish - 8 years ago
Love watching him work like this! He is just unreal!
ZYTHUM13 - 8 years ago
Awesome vid!
ToledoBendLoLife - 8 years ago
I want more of these videos on every pro. I'll watch these all day. Thanks
Bret Kovacik
Bret Kovacik - 8 years ago
great also must be nice to have a endless amounts of rods to kick around
Hooknlips Fishing
Hooknlips Fishing - 8 years ago
You need to post more of these videos. I watched it from start to finish. please, please post more of these videos!
Finna Fish
Finna Fish - 6 years ago
Bob Hammond
Bob Hammond - 8 years ago
I know it's only a gopro, but I wish the audio was a little better. Can't really make out what anyone is saying...
mgt00656 - 8 years ago
+Bob Hammond that's what I was thinking!!! Mic em up!!!
AnglingNVirginia - 8 years ago
Omg I love this PLZ do more!! At least do one with swindle
Jeff Werth
Jeff Werth - 6 years ago
Subscribe to - they have MLF Extended casts where they have more RAW footage - a whole period with someone. You can watch Ike swear a touch and get so dehydrated that he could not crack the bottle of his drink open
Patrick Austin
Patrick Austin - 6 years ago
p Kim c ok o
Joe Ecord
Joe Ecord - 8 years ago
See, I could watch videos like this all day. To me this is the best stuff to upload.
magovenor - 6 years ago
This is a serious yawnfest!!!
Finna Fish
Finna Fish - 6 years ago
Literally how
atvraceryfz77 - 8 years ago
Without a GPS, I'd get lost on that river.
atvraceryfz77 - 8 years ago
My bad... fixed. I'm from the west where the mountains guide you. I get lost anywhere back east haha.
TrevorKrakerFishing - 8 years ago
Mississippi river
eriesmallies - 8 years ago
Is the camera guy wearing a life vest while KVD is running full speed? Couldn't see one, but maybe I'm just missing it. Love the video, but I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw no life vest. I've rode shotgun with the Elites (as a Marshall) and know how dangerous it can be out there... Thanks for sharing the raw video... Love MLF...
Bob Hammond
Bob Hammond - 8 years ago
+eriesmallies It kinda looks like he has something on under the grey shirt, like a black neoprene one, maybe?
Joe Ecord
Joe Ecord - 8 years ago
+eriesmallies Didn't look like he was at the beginning.
xclaya - 8 years ago
Liked before I even watched it.
atvraceryfz77 - 8 years ago
+xclaya Samezies :-)
GabooNx - 8 years ago
Wish you could get the online version!!! I don't get outdoor channel (
Nicholas M
Nicholas M - 8 years ago
Me also, have to pay extra since my cable provider dropped them
Dan Roberts
Dan Roberts - 8 years ago
Good stuff. Thank you for posting!
smorrow0816 - 8 years ago
What an amazing comeback!

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About MLF RAW: 2.5 Hours in a boat with Kevin VanDam.

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