I've NEVER seen FISH eat like THIS before.... EVER!! PC MERCH AVAILABLE HERE: Clothing Instagram: RAWW FISHING: Follow me on Instagram: Twitter: SUBSCRIBE HERE: Camera Gear: Canon G7x Mark ii Thanks for Watching! Like, Share, and SUBSCRIBE for more videos!

MONSTER FISH FEEDING in OUTDOOR POOL POND!! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 203

Raww fishing 6 years ago 194,059 views

I've NEVER seen FISH eat like THIS before.... EVER!! PC MERCH AVAILABLE HERE: Clothing Instagram: RAWW FISHING: Follow me on Instagram: Twitter: SUBSCRIBE HERE: Camera Gear: Canon G7x Mark ii Thanks for Watching! Like, Share, and SUBSCRIBE for more videos!

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Most popular comments

galexy dystroyer
galexy dystroyer - 6 years ago
Dude i LOVE raww fishing he is my fav youtuber
Sankar Bari
Sankar Bari - 6 years ago
I soon
Several Seagulls
Several Seagulls - 6 years ago
What does he do for a living?
The Lenerds Are coming
The Lenerds Are coming - 6 years ago
Nice video Paul
Sebastiaan Krul
Sebastiaan Krul - 6 years ago
My 2 favorite fish youtubers in one video, best video ever. You guys are the best and are really underrated. Make more vids together please
fish lover samee
fish lover samee - 6 years ago
Raww fam
Karl Arevalo
Karl Arevalo - 6 years ago
Bruce banner
Mega Dude a
Mega Dude a - 6 years ago
Finally my two favorite bros meet
Gaming with Levi
Gaming with Levi - 6 years ago
You should see catchthemall


Ziselen1 - 6 years ago
I can't help but feel bad for the poor feeder fish...
Samuel Lopez
Samuel Lopez - 6 years ago
You are the best keep up the good work Paul you can inspire people to do the same thing you can do this :) ;) :) ;)
Barracuda M
Barracuda M - 6 years ago
Put carp in new pond
Kat Sestert
Kat Sestert - 6 years ago
Pleas click the like button so Paul can do a video on getting a pond
alyssa gomez
alyssa gomez - 6 years ago
uhhh can i get ur guys fortnite usernames, im trynna take some dubs..
UltraGaming314 - 6 years ago
Now all of his fish are gone
mini roy
mini roy - 6 years ago
What is that fish
Derek Miclat
Derek Miclat - 6 years ago
wow i love your videos
Peter Perdomo
Peter Perdomo - 6 years ago
Were are the turtles
Mark Ronda
Mark Ronda - 6 years ago
He's quite cute actually.


Mark Ronda
Mark Ronda - 6 years ago
whos that guy...On a red shirt
Aliander Carlisle
Aliander Carlisle - 6 years ago
You sock loser hahahah
Millers Landing
Millers Landing - 6 years ago
BOOZER CHANNELS - 6 years ago
6:06 that little fish is so cute
JoeDoe_ Outdoors
JoeDoe_ Outdoors - 6 years ago
Hii awesome channel ☺ Keep it up!
GoldenAppleThree - 6 years ago
vis aquarium
vis aquarium - 6 years ago
So funny video, thanks
WesleyAPEX - 6 years ago
You should release all native fish and only feed your fish the invasive ones!
Princess Ali
Princess Ali - 6 years ago
April fool hahahah you fall for it
Princess Ali
Princess Ali - 6 years ago
Paul you are very stupid and farty and stink get out of youtube you do not know nothing about fish


Koala Aquatics
Koala Aquatics - 6 years ago
how many gallons are the smallest mini ponds
Colten Bourn
Colten Bourn - 6 years ago
What is your name on fortnite
zig-zag creative
zig-zag creative - 6 years ago
I want a video for best fishes for aquarium starters and some tips
inquisitor master
inquisitor master - 6 years ago
Hey RawwFishing!!!
Free America
Free America - 6 years ago
That platinum butterfly is amazing! Thanks for sharing!
one thousand percent
one thousand percent - 6 years ago
I can tell how both of these guys just spend mommy and daddy's money on fake subs and fake views. no hate just an observation, respect to zak and mike, real knows real
lyssabear100 - 6 years ago
My tank is infested with ick and most of my fish died. ☹️
awe.nyx - 6 years ago
you guys had some really fun on screen chemistry! Thanks for sharing that epic feeding with us!
Street Shinobi
Street Shinobi - 6 years ago
Let's reach 15k likes
Gameplay library
Gameplay library - 6 years ago
Cuffaro fan here!!
Gameplay library
Gameplay library - 6 years ago
Love your vids!
Vineyard 480
Vineyard 480 - 6 years ago
Wow where do you live that stream net fishing is legal cuz I thought that was banned across America
los duros somos mas
los duros somos mas - 6 years ago
0:17 eso si es una pick up no esa porqueria de tacoma que tienes pendejo
Carsen Critchell
Carsen Critchell - 6 years ago
4;33 YUM YUM
Carsen Critchell
Carsen Critchell - 6 years ago
Why don't u clean ur big tanks?
klobear cheybae
klobear cheybae - 6 years ago
Where's thump
Morgen Perez
Morgen Perez - 6 years ago
Andrew Falconer
Andrew Falconer - 6 years ago
Does Paul have his own place or is it his parents place?
FRANKANATOR all caps - 6 years ago
holy shit i was on that kids soccer team
Entertaining India
Entertaining India - 6 years ago
Hey I have my YouTube channel but I m not getting views and subscribers can u please help me guiding on it please


sophie Paskin
sophie Paskin - 6 years ago
U really inspiring to young and older people to take care of fish I really want to make a pond but my parents won’t let me
Aganos Gaming
Aganos Gaming - 6 years ago
Hello and good job ! From a french subscriber !
fish pro
fish pro - 6 years ago
Why didn't you told us for the angel fish. It is so cool..
Deodonne Adams
Deodonne Adams - 6 years ago
Hey Paul I love your videos you have inspired me to build my own pond on day,I love your videos and everything you do on YouTube,it's my birthday today so I would love to be your positive comment for the day
Anthony Dellanno
Anthony Dellanno - 6 years ago
I love your videos. When ever I come home from boring school I am happy to see that you posted
SWEET WAVE - 6 years ago
Paul your amazing and you inspired me to get rosco(my dog), gipsie and maximo(my two cats), buddy(my guinea pig), DrFuffles(my hamster), astroid(my comet goldfish), JackTheCat(my catfish), Dip(my koi), and my black moor, the black moor has no name yet and it would be an honour to have you name, you can tell me the name in the next vid.
Abdulrahman Aktham
Abdulrahman Aktham - 6 years ago
dude your so cool your ideas are soooo cool and soon i will make my own pond because your helpe thank you and keep up
Ajith Chikku
Ajith Chikku - 6 years ago
Best vedios ever
And thanks for making fish vids
Keep up making vids
ABAID WALEED KHAN khan - 6 years ago
Thank you paul for such great videos. Every day when I am bored I watch your vids and refresh myself. Thank you for being an inspiration. And I have bought a Luna .#cuffarofam
duncan hines
duncan hines - 6 years ago
Good vid thos fish are deadly bud
Abigail Ulitzsch
Abigail Ulitzsch - 6 years ago
Look Paul I love your videos I really want a fish but my mom won’t let me she is scared of them. You have such a positive and amazing attitude. When I was in a dark place you always brought my sprit up. For what you have done for me there’s nothing I could ever do in return. Thank you so much. You have really helped me.
Finn B
Finn B - 6 years ago
Love u and vids but always hated raw
Jonix Vinco Villanueva
Jonix Vinco Villanueva - 6 years ago
Raw fishing and paul cuffaro i like those two youtubers
Otaku Momm
Otaku Momm - 6 years ago
Lmao, "what do you call this?"
forgotten Gamer
forgotten Gamer - 6 years ago
You expired me to get a fish tank so I got for Convict cichlids
Colleen McCarthy-Zeigler
Colleen McCarthy-Zeigler - 6 years ago
Paul & Frankie!!! No Way, Paul is part of The Raww Fam now & Frankie is a Cuffaro Now??? Now you both gotta take Zack over to The Ranch and collab with Deer Meat Gor Dinner guy's!!! Awesome Video! Thanks, Mac
Tomekia Flowers-fayall
Tomekia Flowers-fayall - 6 years ago
bless you
ZACKARY J OSWALT - 6 years ago
I love watching your videos and do you know Peyton List
Tate W124t
Tate W124t - 6 years ago
I bet you and your new Vlog you will have an angelfish
Deja- -Vu
Deja- -Vu - 6 years ago
bro u are the one who got me back in to fish again :)(:
Alexis Nunez
Alexis Nunez - 6 years ago
yesterday NICE
Kuyang Albert
Kuyang Albert - 6 years ago
when are you gonna buy turtles
Cody Sullivan
Cody Sullivan - 6 years ago
Love ur vids Paul keep up the good work, cant wait to see thump again
miko santos
miko santos - 6 years ago
Can oscar and pacu can live together?
J Reptiles
J Reptiles - 6 years ago
Love you keep filming even though some dose not like it
frog boy
frog boy - 6 years ago
i love ur vids theyre pretty cool and inspiring
robert nolen
robert nolen - 6 years ago
So you got a angelfish I saw it off raw fish and channel
Kaitlyns Corner
Kaitlyns Corner - 6 years ago
I live in Ohio and its 81 degrees right now it feels like I love in Florida
The Game Corner 4321
The Game Corner 4321 - 6 years ago
Love your videos keep up the great work
Abrar Motala
Abrar Motala - 6 years ago
Hey Paul
You courage me a lot to get more aquariums and because of you my house looks aquatic and Beautiful
Keep the hard work and I hope you inspire more people
waseem bhat
waseem bhat - 6 years ago
U should really release the bait fish in the pool . Let others chase it . That would b more fun
Zach Burrell
Zach Burrell - 6 years ago
I love your videos. I look foreword to them everyday. You have gotten me into the fish hobby and it’s an addiction there’s no cure to. Thanks for the great videos.
Bethany Acorn
Bethany Acorn - 6 years ago
I just want to say thank you for all of your hard work making YouTube videos, you are the best keep up the epic work. You also inspired me into getting fish and starting up a YouTube channel. :)
Om Kale
Om Kale - 6 years ago
Bro u r n inspiration for all of us I appreciate u
U r the best
I wanted to become u
jesse english
jesse english - 6 years ago
fish fanatic
fish fanatic - 6 years ago
U made my day
Иван Иванов
Иван Иванов - 6 years ago
Ani Vinyard :3
Ani Vinyard :3 - 6 years ago
you don't even care about your fish you just have them for views and subscribers
Mayantha Jayawardena
Mayantha Jayawardena - 6 years ago
Just wow <3
OKM PLAYZ - 6 years ago
Love you Paul keep the good work you're the best
Dawnphoenix08 xxx
Dawnphoenix08 xxx - 6 years ago
Hi, so I watched one of your last videos about the molly's and the one you saw that was an inch, well molly's grow up to 5 inches or 10cm long. I have two molly's and they're nearly that size, just thought I'd let you know and that you inspired me to get molly's and I showed my parents your videos and they got me molly's because of your videos so thank you for that.
james nichols
james nichols - 6 years ago
faisal qureshi
faisal qureshi - 6 years ago
Yes Paul plz buy guppies for 160 gallons tank
0401412740 - 6 years ago
Mehdi Charaf eddine
Mehdi Charaf eddine - 6 years ago
Love your videos❤️keep it up bro✌️
chads youtube
chads youtube - 6 years ago
Isant one of those base thump
RkBunny - 6 years ago
hi bby
TURKII 12 - 6 years ago
I love turtles
Bill White
Bill White - 6 years ago
Raww has been copying PC for a while now, I could have passed on this collaboration.


mey huer
mey huer - 6 years ago
i watching your both videos every day you both are my favorite youtuber i subscribe your channel love you
Oshadhi Fernando
Oshadhi Fernando - 6 years ago
Best youtuber
mey huer
mey huer - 6 years ago
meet rawwfishing for the first time i like it
Joyeuph Chrystine
Joyeuph Chrystine - 6 years ago
This video makes me incredibly happy! The whole time I'm wishing I was there with you guys. You both seem like awesome people to hang out and chill with.
Slime_queen _slime
Slime_queen _slime - 6 years ago
Bless you
Never Underestimate
Never Underestimate - 6 years ago
Best colab ever
Ashok Minocha
Ashok Minocha - 6 years ago
You are awesome
Zahin Saiyed
Zahin Saiyed - 6 years ago
Don't take fish lifes
LIL BOI LANDON _ - 6 years ago
Jump in there with them
Иван Иванов
Иван Иванов - 6 years ago
Make more videos with Raww Fishing. You both are the bast and you are making the best videos. Thank you for the fun.
Ugam Potdar
Ugam Potdar - 6 years ago
You are doing a very good job giving some fish an nice and good home all the best for the future
JK - 6 years ago
nice video paul!
Maximal Rabbit
Maximal Rabbit - 6 years ago
your videos are really nice bro .
i learned a lot from u .
thank u so much and keep it up !
Ariful Haque
Ariful Haque - 6 years ago
So... what's the point of that cap???
Shourya Gandhi
Shourya Gandhi - 6 years ago
You are the best I love your videos and you are my role model
HEARTH DAMAGE - 6 years ago
I want to play fortnite how to instal the application for 30 sec i just try buth cannot
namepi - 6 years ago
What a life! Smoking green playing fortnight and feeding fish
Suresh Kumar
Suresh Kumar - 6 years ago
why not
why not - 6 years ago
bruh, that pleco tho
hizamie kun
hizamie kun - 6 years ago
I like your video inspire me a I'm start to buy a tank for my fish
Tanjim Taj
Tanjim Taj - 6 years ago
Love you two .
Saif Ahmed
Saif Ahmed - 6 years ago
I love ur videos very much .keep it up and more updates plz
Sharique Rahman Ansari
Sharique Rahman Ansari - 6 years ago
abdul arham butt
abdul arham butt - 6 years ago
Paul you inspired me to have my own pond and red tail pacu I love your vids always wait for your vids daily bro keep it up (peace) and also bought your PC merch new t shirt is cool
SoCal Mel Schroeder
SoCal Mel Schroeder - 6 years ago
Fun video Iv been watching both your videos
MitchClark Vlogs
MitchClark Vlogs - 6 years ago
Plz Paul could u go and catch some huge plecos for your pond
Silvally Gamer 2.0
Silvally Gamer 2.0 - 6 years ago
Paul collab with king of diy
Saima Janjua
Saima Janjua - 6 years ago
Swim in this pond
Critic Cryptic
Critic Cryptic - 6 years ago
i think the reason why your pond looks cloudy is because it is exposed to direct sunlight. Try putting a shade or extend a canopy to shade your pond from the sunlight. I also am a koikeeper and I am from the philippines. Our area here has a lot of trees so maybe that helps keeping my pond have a crystal clear water. Good job always and God bless.
Iperial Android
Iperial Android - 6 years ago
F**k you!
pranav koonambat
pranav koonambat - 6 years ago
love your videos you are awesom anda take a blast waiting for the mini pond
Raj Mohan
Raj Mohan - 6 years ago
i love your vidios paul i watch them every day no matter what even i am like you i have 4 fish tanks and i have mollys platys tin foil barbs
and guppys
Raj Mohan
Raj Mohan - 6 years ago
a veru nice collab waiting for this for very long time
209Control - 6 years ago
Go to Lukes house !
Hellgirl lives In spotlight
Hellgirl lives In spotlight - 6 years ago
209Control they don't hang out anymore
Jagyasenee Khatai
Jagyasenee Khatai - 6 years ago
keep it up make new friends
Sahil Yadav
Sahil Yadav - 6 years ago
Love your work
Oliver's_ Pets
Oliver's_ Pets - 6 years ago
Hey yay paul you did a colab with Franklin ! Some of my fave youtubers actually colabed yay love you ypur vids paul ! Also have a good day every one !
Talal sheikh
Talal sheikh - 6 years ago
Make it
Anupam Immortal
Anupam Immortal - 6 years ago
That Chinese sneeze....
Vernon Washington
Vernon Washington - 6 years ago
Yall 2 and moster mike and catch em all should do a vid together like a fish party
FISHMAS  (fish keeping)
FISHMAS (fish keeping) - 6 years ago
Mark castro burguillos
Mark castro burguillos - 6 years ago
Your two both handsome...nice culab. Cuffaro and rawwfishing...nice to watch you both
Unknown User
Unknown User - 6 years ago
At the end
shaikh yahya
shaikh yahya - 6 years ago
Great videos
Unknown User
Unknown User - 6 years ago
God bless you
Unknown User
Unknown User - 6 years ago
Wasn’t there something similar to this posted previously?
rakend aj
rakend aj - 6 years ago
You keep my hobby to keepfish live
3BricksHigher - 6 years ago
Paul, thanks for having more integrity and NOT making your fish swim circles for food. They just wanna eat... Thought the food on a stick was pretty crappy. GLAD you've never done that. Tis why I Sub'd LOL
3BricksHigher - 6 years ago
UH, No... If you throw the bait into the pond and let them chase it it's one thing, to hold it in front of them and keep it from them it's another. I know they chase bait. I'm a Redneck from South Ga. I fish all of the time. I just don't like it when animals have to "perform" to eat. Them hunting and them performing is two different things IMO. Nothing against your comment, but we see differently tis all :)
Allahja Flowers
Allahja Flowers - 6 years ago
3BricksHigher you know fish chase their prey in the wild so it’s actually pretty good to keep their instincts in check
Adam Rougn
Adam Rougn - 6 years ago
Radja Taj'mahal
Radja Taj'mahal - 6 years ago
Love your video Paul keep it coming
candido moreno
candido moreno - 6 years ago
Where is thimp
Edie Fairchild
Edie Fairchild - 6 years ago
Thank you for always bringing a smile to my face! Can't wait for the next video!
candido moreno
candido moreno - 6 years ago
Why dont you take the turtle to your pond paul
fishes DA WaY
fishes DA WaY - 6 years ago
keep it up yore a winner
Jayden Milburn
Jayden Milburn - 6 years ago
Lol you are zack at 6:11
Omar Farooq
Omar Farooq - 6 years ago
Both beautiful and make good video thanks from pk
Justin Mitchell
Justin Mitchell - 6 years ago
When is thump coming back?!?!?
Sai Venky
Sai Venky - 6 years ago
Love the vids....
Halpal .One Direction
Halpal .One Direction - 6 years ago
bill powers
bill powers - 6 years ago
When are you getting thump back? Can’t wait
Fire Ice02
Fire Ice02 - 6 years ago
Love your video keep doing you. Like how you keep mixing up the video from other YouTuber ponds to. You should do an update on all your fish on one post to show how much they have grown.
Acres4 Homes4
Acres4 Homes4 - 6 years ago
so no beef thats wats up
メSonata - 6 years ago
i want a shoutout but how?
The funnest channel
The funnest channel - 6 years ago
Basti Ramos
Basti Ramos - 6 years ago
Oh he's/she's not there
Nickolas Beatty
Nickolas Beatty - 6 years ago
Hey Paul do you have any cool fish you would put in a 10 gallon tank
Basti Ramos
Basti Ramos - 6 years ago
Where is thump
Chuck Bacacao
Chuck Bacacao - 6 years ago
Thanks dude you're a great inspiration for us!
DIPAM - 6 years ago
big thumbs up for you love your videos keep up the good work
Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow - 6 years ago
You are so funny and fun to watch! I love your videos
prathap reddy Reddy
prathap reddy Reddy - 6 years ago
Hey paul the video is asm
YOGESH MAHALE - 6 years ago
I am your 100 subscriber you are the best
You always inspira me
Your video are the best
You have inspired me to make different types of design in my tank I always try to make the best of best but you are the best
I wish I stay near your house but I an in indian
You are the best You inspired me always in video
Thanks you
And please please please can you name the new beat fish you are going to take in future days (vedant, name this name ok please)
Dat1TriHard - 6 years ago
Paul if you wanna Play Fortnite add me Username: Cloud6484
Dat1TriHard - 6 years ago
Paul if you wanna Play Fortnite add me Username: Cloud6484
Clark Quito
Clark Quito - 6 years ago
Dude clean the blood
YOGESH MAHALE - 6 years ago
Joe King
Joe King - 6 years ago
Good vid dude keep it up
Jaylyn Neal
Jaylyn Neal - 6 years ago
Manuel Torres
Manuel Torres - 6 years ago
Yes i been waiting for this for a long time
Jesus El Guero Sanchez
Jesus El Guero Sanchez - 6 years ago
I been so down here lately just makes me happy when u upload ur video thanks me and my kids love yr vids
trout hunter 123
trout hunter 123 - 6 years ago
He should put more water into the pool pond
Jesus El Guero Sanchez
Jesus El Guero Sanchez - 6 years ago
I been so down here lately just makes me happy when u upload ur video thanks me and my kids love yr vids
hey there dude
hey there dude - 6 years ago
Dude I really love your videos
Gamer Girl
Gamer Girl - 6 years ago
Hey Paul love your vids a lot keep up your good work you inspire me to make my own YouTube channel
The Entertainer
The Entertainer - 6 years ago
Both r looking very good
Fred Perez
Fred Perez - 6 years ago
Do u ever wear shoes?
peter Aikens
peter Aikens - 6 years ago
aww fishing is a nut.
Ryan Card
Ryan Card - 6 years ago
Finally u started shoeing the fish more I was getting irritated on listening to u talk
Janica Apog
Janica Apog - 6 years ago
I super duper like your videos paul, it makes me want to make some mini fish pond unto our backyard. Keep on inspiring us
Tessa Gilmore
Tessa Gilmore - 6 years ago
How do you train fish to not eat the other fish in the pond?
Hector Palacios
Hector Palacios - 6 years ago
You made me get a betta fish
Gaming Madness
Gaming Madness - 6 years ago
Nice vidd
Drifty Puddles13
Drifty Puddles13 - 6 years ago
You’re awesome YouTuber and keep up the good work
Erik Hemmert
Erik Hemmert - 6 years ago
Great work love you videos I really hope you pick mine
Alberto Montano
Alberto Montano - 6 years ago
Do a video with Luke
Livee Martin
Livee Martin - 6 years ago
I love your videos I hope you keep up the good work
Fonix& Animations
Fonix& Animations - 6 years ago
Paul thankyou for all your awsome videos you and your videos forfill my day when I'm bored and you always make me want to draw fish and not to be scared of big fish I really hope you add me to your positive commets
Beth Barber
Beth Barber - 6 years ago
your vids that make my day every video you inspired me to get a tank and fish keep it up never stop
fishin freek
fishin freek - 6 years ago
Love the vids u inspired me to do a pond keep up the amazing work
Daniel Vasquez
Daniel Vasquez - 6 years ago
Awesome video Frank plz do more collabs with Paul
Georgie Duarte
Georgie Duarte - 6 years ago
subscribe everybody
Barrettsavage savage
Barrettsavage savage - 6 years ago
263,000 subs but soon 10,000,000 subs , please don’t ever stop making vids we all love your vids. Like if you agree
Trill Godd
Trill Godd - 6 years ago
Winning on mobile takes skill
Barrettsavage savage
Barrettsavage savage - 6 years ago
Lets go almost 270,000 subs .
You'reEpic - 6 years ago
Love your videos you are the best youtuber for me you inspired me to build my own pond
jonathan winograd
jonathan winograd - 6 years ago
Hey Paul love your videos can't wait for the next one
Mas Amdreh
Mas Amdreh - 6 years ago
Thank you for making such good content it always cheers me up I have been really bummed because all my fish in my 60gallon community tank died due to a recent insident keep on making good videos
The blue CR7
The blue CR7 - 6 years ago
Hi Brandon and you make my day every day I love your video thinks for make video
Luke Luke
Luke Luke - 6 years ago
Do a collaboration with Luke Dombrowski please
Ronald Rupert  Cabais
Ronald Rupert Cabais - 6 years ago
nice vids keep it up
Arthur Bautista
Arthur Bautista - 6 years ago
Paul Your vids are very entertaining like it keep up the good work in making a lot of quality vlogs dude promise your channel will grow bigger in no time ...from Philippines
Bryan Galit
Bryan Galit - 6 years ago
I love watching your videos especially your fishes, your da best
carter Tollison
carter Tollison - 6 years ago
how to I get koi and bass to get along together plz help
Tyler Unrein
Tyler Unrein - 6 years ago
You are the most amazing person and you are the greatest of all I watch all of your videos and I got inspired to get a salt water tank
Not A Normal Brownie
Not A Normal Brownie - 6 years ago
HEY PAUL!! Since your home got the nice big water feature in, I've been so attracted to it that I applied for an internship at a local pond building company and I'll be working there this summer!! Thanks for inspiring me to go try something new and I'm already loving it !!!!!
ROBERT WILLIAMS - 6 years ago
You should get one and put baby turtles in it
All mighty
Georgia Fisherman
Georgia Fisherman - 6 years ago
Catch Em All Fishing sniffs they grow up so fast.....
What up
Jullian Llido
Jullian Llido - 6 years ago
Catch Em All Fishing
Tyrke Morgan
Tyrke Morgan - 6 years ago
Catch Em All Fishing give paul a peacock bass
Tyrke Morgan
Tyrke Morgan - 6 years ago
Catch Em All Fishing love you
0401412740 - 6 years ago
JS rePtiles
JS rePtiles - 6 years ago
You three need to come together and form f.w.a fish with attitude an just make the worlds biggest pond ever in raww fishings garden
y u no vlogs
MAXXL - 6 years ago
ARS GAMING don't!!
ARS GAMING - 6 years ago
Give paul a new giant goldfish 008 in his new 160 gallon tank without knowing him
In the next video
FISHMAS  (fish keeping)
FISHMAS (fish keeping) - 6 years ago
Catch Em All Fishing give bingo back
Adam Rougn
Adam Rougn - 6 years ago
The gods
Jace Faiella
Jace Faiella - 6 years ago
Paul you should get a calico ranchu goldfish they are SICK also your vids are amazing keep up the good work I always look forward to watching your vids after school
Dano Young
Dano Young - 6 years ago
Dorian Lesiuk
Dorian Lesiuk - 6 years ago
U gotta get mini moo back
Kevin Keener
Kevin Keener - 6 years ago
Seems like it needs more water.
L& J GANG - 6 years ago
Yooo Paul how do I get my guppies to mate???
Landon Brookings
Landon Brookings - 6 years ago
Christian Laquis
Christian Laquis - 6 years ago
Where’s thump
Ko Ko
Ko Ko - 6 years ago
Your videos make my day so much better!!! Thank you for taking the time out of your day to make these videos and to make people smile. Tomorrow is my 16th birthday and I'm looking forward to watching one of your videos!
- LuckyAce -
- LuckyAce - - 6 years ago
Birthday is in 2 days, btw great vids man keep it up!!!
SheepRus 333
SheepRus 333 - 6 years ago
Put one of the little ponds in the office I’m not sure how you would pull it off but I know you would make it sick
Alexis Acuatics
Alexis Acuatics - 6 years ago
Hi! I’m from Argentina and I really love your channel, I have some fishes and you inspired me to get more into the fish keeping hobbie, and reciently I upload mi first video.
Pd: I miss thump
Ash man 104 Alex
Ash man 104 Alex - 6 years ago
Great video as always you pump out straight bangers can’t wait till next time
eyla0824 - 6 years ago
Yay! I love Raww fishing. I’m one of his subscribers too! So cool to see you and him hanging out. I hope to you hanging with Rob from Deer Meat for Dinner some more. Go visit Thump
Alligatorgar53 Fortnite
Alligatorgar53 Fortnite - 6 years ago
You are the best YouTuber in the world
Logan Vlogs
Logan Vlogs - 6 years ago
You put me in a good mood every time you upload and even when I am upset you turn my day better
kid collector
kid collector - 6 years ago
please do more vids with raw fishing
kid collector
kid collector - 6 years ago
please do more vids with raw fishing
Jesse - 6 years ago
When is thump coming back
Mark Xtian Marquez
Mark Xtian Marquez - 6 years ago
#pc family i love your vids and make up the good work
Cebu Vines
Cebu Vines - 6 years ago
Because you are awesome
Omar Medina Works
Omar Medina Works - 6 years ago
why is the water too low
Cebu Vines
Cebu Vines - 6 years ago
I like your video
Tyty Vlogs
Tyty Vlogs - 6 years ago
Can’t wait to see you guys make that pond man
Emily Burruel
Emily Burruel - 6 years ago
Can u start uploading daily plz
maco5 broomes
maco5 broomes - 6 years ago
U should get a bunch and put them in their
Andrew Reed
Andrew Reed - 6 years ago
Love the videos, keep it up. #CaffaroFam
eddiekytia - 6 years ago
Why isnt there another foot of water in the pool
SureZtep Gaming
SureZtep Gaming - 6 years ago
Because in ph is may 2
SureZtep Gaming
SureZtep Gaming - 6 years ago
Where u live paul
april green
april green - 6 years ago
Fish Hunting
Fish Hunting - 6 years ago
Good guy
Flex ice
Flex ice - 6 years ago
I already knew him I love you guys! You guys made my day especially paul jk both
Andy TJ
Andy TJ - 6 years ago
I knew it was a gar but I didn't know it was an actually alligator call her when you put that one in without Lobster that time that blue lobster I told you the aghar killed that Lobster and they left Lobster delete any really cool me and we used to catch them all the time but they're actually alligator gar I'm glad you said that cuz I forgot the real name to him I haven't seen them since you showed them on this video which is pretty cool
Jose Outdoors
Jose Outdoors - 6 years ago
Great video paul ur the best
Michelle Molash
Michelle Molash - 6 years ago
Hybrid what?
Pablo Meza
Pablo Meza - 6 years ago
Also please not haters fish on them haters
Beans misterBeans
Beans misterBeans - 6 years ago
lol all this time watching rawfam.. ain no his name was Frankie lol
Pablo Meza
Pablo Meza - 6 years ago
Your the best you should do more fishing videos
John Joseph
John Joseph - 6 years ago
Sorry Paul but you get a thumbs down cause you're hanging with that retard Franklin
Stephanie Cazares
Stephanie Cazares - 6 years ago
Barefoot again ? Lol
lolo 1512
lolo 1512 - 6 years ago
Love your videos and keep going
Fuad Jacobs
Fuad Jacobs - 6 years ago
Hi everyone I'm from cape town, south Africa.. Here is my fishing trip in langebaan video ... If i get 100 subscribers I will do a do a video from my fish.. Help me create a fish keeping vlog from cape town south africa lol
Bored_Gamer212 - 6 years ago
Don't ever do a video with this retard again
Jer Schluter
Jer Schluter - 6 years ago
Awesome content!! Keep up the good work!
BleedingGreen72 - 6 years ago
Hey Paul, you are doing great with your vlogs. It was to meet Franklin and his crazy fish feeding! Lol!! Best of luck hitting 15K likes to get a different pond!!
Andy TJ
Andy TJ - 6 years ago
I have a couple of fish that I've managed to keep alive for a long time and there are about a half a foot long and I have a 6.5 gallon tank I just got I did have them in a 3 gallon trash can and I just transferred them I don't know nothing too much about sending fish in the mail but I would love to send them to somebody that would release them in a pond and let them Meyer grade on their own I don't want nothing bad happens to him I love my fish I don't have the money to do it right now but the first of the month someone get back with me and let me know if they want be interested or only in YouTube boys I'm 35 years old I don't know how to do I don't know much about fish I've been practicing with these fish and I don't want nothing bad happening to him and I just care for him deeply and I watch all the videos I love the way y'all take care of fish and that's so much uplifting that my fish is too big for my 6.5 gallon tank that I got and I want to try some more fish but they have to tell me how to do it and how to go about doing it because I don't I won't jeopardize killing my fish I don't care what it takes I'll go through anything I'm poor I don't have much money to work with but I'm not killing my fish under no circumstances
Ivan Sanchez
Ivan Sanchez - 6 years ago
Go to zak house and feed shamu and his other pets
D4RK WHISKERS - 6 years ago
You inpired me on every videos i always watch your videos and i am collecting money for the pond that i will gonna build and i caught a bass and i named it cuffaro
Mr. Spotty Dog - Minecraft
Mr. Spotty Dog - Minecraft - 6 years ago
Great! Keep up the good work! Peace!
Miriam Martinez
Miriam Martinez - 6 years ago
raww fishing and paul cuffaro you the best
Josh 88
Josh 88 - 6 years ago
paul the yankee
Luke Nathe
Luke Nathe - 6 years ago
You are cool :)
Obsessed with fishing
Obsessed with fishing - 6 years ago
Paul keep up the good work best fish guy I know
clay renner
clay renner - 6 years ago
Yes u should
Johnathon 1530on
Johnathon 1530on - 6 years ago
Your the worst YouTuber
Lip Rippin'
Lip Rippin' - 6 years ago
Mitchell Stotts
Mitchell Stotts - 6 years ago
You’re the best Paul keep up the good work you inspired me to build my own tanks and ponds
Billy Esposito
Billy Esposito - 6 years ago
hate to be species police but its a black pacu not black belly pacu
Drip 07
Drip 07 - 6 years ago
Macie Hebert
Macie Hebert - 6 years ago
Can we see thump please i miss Mr.thump
Piper Acteson
Piper Acteson - 6 years ago
Favorite person to see in my YouTube notifications. Love you Paul!!!
ChiptheGamer 1
ChiptheGamer 1 - 6 years ago
Nice love ya man it feels good to be part of a family
Kenny Gusmali
Kenny Gusmali - 6 years ago
used to watch rawwfishing, until i realise too many clickbait on his channel
mr warrich
mr warrich - 6 years ago
Great job
Diego Chaparro
Diego Chaparro - 6 years ago
Hey man I love your vids keep doing what u do thanks for inspiring me to get more fish thanks!
robin morty
robin morty - 6 years ago
Have you ever smoked a cigarette in your car and tried to throw it out the window and a minute later you smell something and turn around to find your grandma fingering herself in the back seat?
Tiffany Brown
Tiffany Brown - 6 years ago
if you lov your fans comment this commet
Katie Canter
Katie Canter - 6 years ago
Those above ground mini ponds are AWESOME. Great video. #cuffaroforlife.
Mark Cassanova
Mark Cassanova - 6 years ago
Keeping doing what you love. You inspired me to continue to care for my fishes.
I’m max Movies
I’m max Movies - 6 years ago
His name is Franklin
Sharps big toe
Sharps big toe - 6 years ago
Why... why do a video with the worse fish YouTuber on this platform.. bad look.

Again with this raw guy feeding live when it’s not needed.. terrible aquarists, terrible look for the hobby all around..
Oscar Sandoval
Oscar Sandoval - 6 years ago
Love both channels keep it up guys!
Ben Aiello
Ben Aiello - 6 years ago
Your videos are so amazing and you are so inspiring.You are my favourite YouTuber
Wallbreaker 1147
Wallbreaker 1147 - 6 years ago
fortnite is my life !!!!
Eathan Amigable
Eathan Amigable - 6 years ago
Thats was hurtest bite ever
Unicorn candy Gaming queen
Unicorn candy Gaming queen - 6 years ago
Hi when I watch a Videos you always give me a smile my face it’s amazing
Sweet tropical slimes and squishys
Sweet tropical slimes and squishys - 6 years ago
L̥ͦo̥ͦv̥ͦe̥ͦ y̥ͦo̥ͦu̥ͦr̥ͦ v̥ͦi̥ͦd̥ͦe̥ͦo̥ͦ
Lukedoestuff - 6 years ago
Ur growing fast Pual!!
Lauty Leiva
Lauty Leiva - 6 years ago
Shine On Carly
Shine On Carly - 6 years ago
Sai Srujan
Sai Srujan - 6 years ago
And i love u
• Taro •
• Taro • - 6 years ago
Starling Franco
Starling Franco - 6 years ago
You guys are great team, so funny
JS rePtiles
JS rePtiles - 6 years ago
Ain't seen a collab this fire since biggie and pac
Eileen Murillo
Eileen Murillo - 6 years ago
Paul you have inspired me and my parents to get three fish and we love them. Keep up your good work and don't stop.
jasemine hamilton
jasemine hamilton - 6 years ago
love your video bro
Ike Mcknight
Ike Mcknight - 6 years ago
Love the vid
Cheyenne Crawford
Cheyenne Crawford - 6 years ago
Nice video
Grace Chang
Grace Chang - 6 years ago
Crushing pallet food. Cool
Kaylee Lloyd
Kaylee Lloyd - 6 years ago
When are you gonna get Thump
basicallyiplaygames   ,
basicallyiplaygames , - 6 years ago
What happened to Bruce
different video's
different video's - 6 years ago
happy the may 1☺
Basil Lomanchenko
Basil Lomanchenko - 6 years ago
bless your heart cuffaro. raww needed this look!lmao
Basil Lomanchenko
Basil Lomanchenko - 6 years ago
RAWWFISHING is running out of ideas, cant keep subscribers, he keeps imitating other youtubers. he's failing
Allahja Flowers
Allahja Flowers - 6 years ago
Basil Lomanchenko how so?
Luke Davy
Luke Davy - 6 years ago
Thanks Paul you inspired me to keep my own fish and build my own pond and you make great content
yungrobsn - 6 years ago
more with catchemall please <3
JayCod Fishing
JayCod Fishing - 6 years ago
Well it's alright don't quit everyone to get people who do that you know a loser you're an ass man
wildn out
wildn out - 6 years ago
Bless you brother. Ty for the kickass video
Nathan Almeida
Nathan Almeida - 6 years ago
That what you were feeding the other in the little pond looks so much like cat food
Natasja Autar
Natasja Autar - 6 years ago
Kool jor de man first
JayCod Fishing
JayCod Fishing - 6 years ago
Come on put another one of them in please
R. Madrid
R. Madrid - 6 years ago
These type of fish way better than the kois you are trying to stock
Britton12 - 6 years ago
If you put a smile on my face every day and encourage me To start the Harvey of fish keeping
Unicorns TV
Unicorns TV - 6 years ago
Plz get guppies
Unicorns TV
Unicorns TV - 6 years ago
Guys everyone go check out my very first video.
Brody Beebout
Brody Beebout - 6 years ago
Bro I love your videos and my birthday is. May 21 and I can't believe cash made him bleed
Duyvenbode TSV
Duyvenbode TSV - 6 years ago
Paul should visit Franklin's friend Blake and see all the goats.
clayton caesar
clayton caesar - 6 years ago
I thought the new mini pond video was today
Ryan G.
Ryan G. - 6 years ago
I like be your videos paul you are amazing and you always make me smile. Thank you for being so amazing keep up the great vids bro, such an inspiration!
Colin Coope
Colin Coope - 6 years ago
Love ur vids so much. They make my day! You are such an inspiration so keep up the great work! #cuffaro
Ray B
Ray B - 6 years ago
Ahhhhh please let this be the 1 and only vid with him, he’s soooo annoying

P.s. Every time someone says your name in his comment section he says something negative about you, he’s a lol bitch
Jose Cano
Jose Cano - 6 years ago
Love your videos
Jose Cano
Jose Cano - 6 years ago
Hey paul u have inspired me to do a pond in my house i would like u to help me
Zugenis Arroyo
Zugenis Arroyo - 6 years ago
Great job in making this YouTube video and thanks thanks for the idea's to start a new YouTube channel
Graham Girgenti
Graham Girgenti - 6 years ago
Finally!!!!! Great video love to see all you guys colaberating and supporting eachother to make great videos! Love you guys!!!
EvilGodXL - 6 years ago
Please fill that pool up, just terrible for the fish
Trey hatwig 2005 Hatwig
Trey hatwig 2005 Hatwig - 6 years ago
This video was LIT like every video you post keep bnb it up!!!!
Gabriel Ibarra
Gabriel Ibarra - 6 years ago
Make a video with you Luke and Rawwfishing
Bnasty Loc
Bnasty Loc - 6 years ago
6:38 F I S H
Ibrahim Qureshi
Ibrahim Qureshi - 6 years ago
Plz buy guppy fish for 160 gallons tank
WOLYO 12 - 6 years ago
0:09 what kind of catfish is that?
I_bombhills - 6 years ago
WOLYO 12 tigershovelnose hybird
Rihley King
Rihley King - 6 years ago
Do it Paul!!!!
phoenix arizona
phoenix arizona - 6 years ago
Fluvil bug bites
Leon the gamer
Leon the gamer - 6 years ago
em am um
Abubakar Artan
Abubakar Artan - 6 years ago
I bet paul won't pin this comment
Zed Prince
Zed Prince - 6 years ago
Love watching your videos everyday and im always waiting for new videos about your ponds and bettas, keep up the awsome work. A fan from CA Fresno. :D
Dave Narathan
Dave Narathan - 6 years ago
We've seen RAW before
HYPEBEAST 0066 - 6 years ago
Early not
Judy Polanco
Judy Polanco - 6 years ago
Hello from long Island New York
Judy Polanco
Judy Polanco - 6 years ago
Hello from long Island New York
MrNerdyBirdy - 6 years ago
Fish’s are red
Fish’s are blue
I love fish’s
I’m sure you
Do too
Jeremia Landron
Jeremia Landron - 6 years ago
Those are some nice fish
Anthony vlogs
Anthony vlogs - 6 years ago
Your mom love you so much keep up the good work
Ebony76 - 6 years ago
I love ur videos keep up what your doing. Thank you for all the inspiration you give me.
Liam Brain
Liam Brain - 6 years ago
Why doesn’t he fill the pool up
Mayo GamingZ
Mayo GamingZ - 6 years ago
Why is the Pool dirty
Dream Tran
Dream Tran - 6 years ago
Get 15k for this video
Bom Bom
Bom Bom - 6 years ago
You are the best Paul keep doing what you are doing
Everyday Adventure
Everyday Adventure - 6 years ago
Thanks so much for making my day with your vids! Keep up the good work man!
Jizzy Jay
Jizzy Jay - 6 years ago
I love when you guys collab. Can we get rawwfishing,zack,paul,and monstermike in a vid. Acting crazy like raw,mike,and zack used to be . Those old vids were the best
Fly One
Fly One - 6 years ago
Alright now great collaboration.
Samuel Mack
Samuel Mack - 6 years ago
Yea you should get a inground pond
Andrew8818 Weems
Andrew8818 Weems - 6 years ago
Love the videos everyone does to keep it up please
Lane Shipman
Lane Shipman - 6 years ago
You inspired me to when I grow up and get a house I am going to build a pond
shadow fox
shadow fox - 6 years ago
Thus was so cool
Sam Dulski
Sam Dulski - 6 years ago
Please make a in ground pond
joraja jane
joraja jane - 6 years ago
The person that said you suck loser wishes he was you so dap on them haters and keep up the good worm we love you man
animal Temple 4343
animal Temple 4343 - 6 years ago
Do it
Shawn conde
Shawn conde - 6 years ago
Devin Pugh
Devin Pugh - 6 years ago
Great videos keep up the fantastic job of making your fans happy
Danielle Durant
Danielle Durant - 6 years ago
Plz make more vids you are the only thing i want can you make you fish for big fish
Fernando Benites
Fernando Benites - 6 years ago
You should put english subtitles available, english is not my first language and I can’t understand all
Maddox Dao vlogs
Maddox Dao vlogs - 6 years ago
Tomorrow is my moms birthday
JOSE F MONSIBAIS 13 - 6 years ago
U should of put the turtle in your pond
Domz JB
Domz JB - 6 years ago
JFMGAMEFARM 1 not suppose to take wild turtles out and keep them... It's illegal and they also carry potential parasites that could infect his pond
I love Fishing
I love Fishing - 6 years ago
I love your videos keep up the great work it always puts a smile on my face and your very inspiring I can’t wait till you get up to 300k
Carlo Pangan
Carlo Pangan - 6 years ago
youre video is awesome. i enjoy watching it and makes my day better.
pro noobs FOR REAL
pro noobs FOR REAL - 6 years ago
King of diy will be triggered
kit Kat
kit Kat - 6 years ago
Disco Ranger king doesn’t like live fish being fed
พีค ราส
พีค ราส - 6 years ago
JS rePtiles
JS rePtiles
JS rePtiles - 6 years ago
+JS rePtiles all its life*
JS rePtiles
JS rePtiles - 6 years ago
+Connor O'Brien yeah I seen it but he also did a video on how he understands why others do it, he also said he's not against live feeding as a whole just the intentions behind doing it weather it's necessary or weather it's just for show, and in honesty what's better for a bass that size in a big pond than live bluegill?? Yeah you could give it tilapia or fillets all its like but I don't think that's practical for the fishes well being
namepi - 6 years ago
I know right Joey is a little bitch!
And for real change your DP
Yeezys master 44 Paardenkooper
Yeezys master 44 Paardenkooper - 6 years ago
pro noobs FOR REAL iii
You'reEpic - 6 years ago
Kenman - 6 years ago
Funtime foxy Time
Funtime foxy Time - 6 years ago
pro noobs FOR REAL yay
pro noobs FOR REAL
pro noobs FOR REAL - 6 years ago
JS rePtiles ye
pro noobs FOR REAL
pro noobs FOR REAL - 6 years ago
Disco Ranger live feeding
pro noobs FOR REAL
pro noobs FOR REAL - 6 years ago
Stoned Fishkeeper live feeding
Connor O'Brien
Connor O'Brien - 6 years ago
Stoned Fishkeeper because he made a whole video on why he does not like live feeding
Stoned Fishkeeper
Stoned Fishkeeper - 6 years ago
pro noobs FOR REAL WHY?????
JS rePtiles
JS rePtiles - 6 years ago
For what live feeding?
Goldfish :D
Goldfish :D - 6 years ago
pro noobs FOR REAL ya but this is outside
Disco Ranger
Disco Ranger - 6 years ago
pro noobs FOR REAL why
jurassicsushi - 6 years ago
Good Times spent with Good People = #PondBros4Life
Bridget Sheehan
Bridget Sheehan - 6 years ago
Black barred pacu and redbelly pacu are the type of pacu. I can get them from my LFS for $5 red and $20 for black.
Sebastian Schach
Sebastian Schach - 6 years ago
I watch your videos every night from Germany! I love your aquariums and your ponds. Go on, you're the best!
Logan - 6 years ago
i love your vids and i makeing a pound to keep up the good work
Laveinichi - 6 years ago
Whats your EPIC account name? We could play Fortnite sometime if you want, I'm not the best at it though.
Mohammed Yaseen Munshi
Mohammed Yaseen Munshi - 6 years ago
How doesn't this guy have more than a million subs keep up th good work
Emily Idles
Emily Idles - 6 years ago
Amazing video!! I've been waiting on this all day! Thank you for uploading! Stay awesome!
Sankar R
Sankar R - 6 years ago
Keep up Buddy your and ur videos are awesomeeeee
Wrecked 276
Wrecked 276 - 6 years ago
The inevitable colab..
Jazela Hesh
Jazela Hesh - 6 years ago
Fun Āsîan Kangaroo Entertāînment
Fun Āsîan Kangaroo Entertāînment - 6 years ago
Do you attend Sandalwood High School?
Luis Mendoza
Luis Mendoza - 6 years ago
does somebody know what that game is name
I love Fishing
I love Fishing - 6 years ago
Great video
Ryan Bradford
Ryan Bradford - 6 years ago
I love watching ur videos can't stop watching and I never will stop if it wasn't for u with ur videos I wouldn't be able to get my mum to let me keep fish so thanks great video
Ignacio Gomez
Ignacio Gomez - 6 years ago
Whats the point of tagging people if your going to tag yourself and not The person in your video?
Sharps big toe
Sharps big toe - 6 years ago
Ignacio Gomez the raw name would get him less views lol
the gray sisters
the gray sisters - 6 years ago
On may the 9 th is my birthday andni am going fishing ps love all your vids
Carlos Quijano
Carlos Quijano - 6 years ago
I love your videos and you inspired me to get a little pond outside my house
RuCkUsRuPpErT - 6 years ago
All those fish don't deserve to live in such a shallow pool, whats the point of having a huge pool like that if you barely have it filled, thats just cruel you could at least have it filled half way or more like damn lol make those fish happy.
Austin holmes
Austin holmes - 6 years ago
u inspired me to build my own pond
Giovanni Aponte
Giovanni Aponte - 6 years ago
I love your channel and I love all the fish you have and I have three fish at my house I have a beta two bettas actually and they are albino tiger oscar
Joseph McBride
Joseph McBride - 6 years ago
Still askin why does he keep his water level so low? Could easily add another foot of water
Aquatics Forever
Aquatics Forever - 6 years ago
Paul ur ♥️♥️♥️ I just love watching ur video's keep posting and inspiring
Aquatics Forever
Aquatics Forever - 6 years ago
Catch E'm all fishing has a monster pond
Aquatics Forever
Aquatics Forever - 6 years ago
This is not a monster pond
nik ferrin
nik ferrin - 6 years ago
Nice vid Paul keep up the good work your amazing I love all the vids
potatoe in a hoodie
potatoe in a hoodie - 6 years ago
I like how clean his pond is
Braedan Lockyer
Braedan Lockyer - 6 years ago
Rawwfamm is a fish wizard
Sharps big toe
Sharps big toe - 6 years ago
Braedan Lockyer raw is a retard
Andre zombieboy
Andre zombieboy - 6 years ago
paul when my day is bad i watch your videos and get better good job
Matthew Lyda Outdoors
Matthew Lyda Outdoors - 6 years ago
Keep up the amazing work and is your hand doing better from that narly bite :)
Bundshoe 12
Bundshoe 12 - 6 years ago
Great video bro I can't wait till you add more fish to your big pond. Love your videos and wanna build things just like you. You put a smile on my face everyday #cuffaro fam
Thomas Rouse
Thomas Rouse - 6 years ago
What's the name of the game u were playing
Daniel Ethiope
Daniel Ethiope - 6 years ago
May 1st my b day
Megan Lords
Megan Lords - 6 years ago
I want a mini pound so bad! I live in Idaho and not sure how well it would do in winter.
potatoe in a hoodie
potatoe in a hoodie - 6 years ago
Ayy I'm a catch em all fan, a cuffaro and I'm part of the raw fam!!!!
14fishing - 6 years ago
Get some turtles for ur pond
Sam Rh
Sam Rh - 6 years ago
Love your videos keep up the amazing work your videos cheer me up from a full day of work keep up the great work
M ridwan suhaeri
M ridwan suhaeri - 6 years ago
You two are really awesome
EthanHayashi02 - 6 years ago
Hey Paul I love ur yt channel and love all ur vids wether it’s feeding fish or building ponds. Keep up the great work!! #cuffarofam - 6 years ago
Cash literally ripped RAW's thumb off... - 6 years ago
dang it lol
maulik CHAVDA
maulik CHAVDA - 6 years ago that's fort not cash
Landon Brookings
Landon Brookings - 6 years ago that was fort actually
Live By The 9-nine
Live By The 9-nine - 6 years ago
can you call one of your big kio's clare. and i love your vids ,you inspired me to have my own fish tank because of you
gotta_get_thatMunge 007
gotta_get_thatMunge 007 - 6 years ago
Bless you
brandon jamison
brandon jamison - 6 years ago
Paul you look so uncomfortable around him
brandon jamison
brandon jamison - 6 years ago
Paul walks everywhere barefooted
Rascal Kings
Rascal Kings - 6 years ago
Lol thats b.s. Paul's walking around this man's house barefoot, he couldn't be more comfortable around him.
lee8830 - 6 years ago
cos hes a retard doent even know what way round a hat goes
Ramon Garcia
Ramon Garcia - 6 years ago
brandon jamison Lmfao, so did Zak when he went to his house. A bit annoyed as well.
Avery And Kenzie show
Avery And Kenzie show - 6 years ago
I think you should totally get one of those ponds
Aquarium Guy123
Aquarium Guy123 - 6 years ago
Where’s thump
Kaleb Evans
Kaleb Evans - 6 years ago
Love your vids keep up the good work
Oskar Kawczyk
Oskar Kawczyk - 6 years ago
Can I get although 20 likes?
Reptile channel And blogging two
Reptile channel And blogging two - 6 years ago
I was so happy I told Raw fishing about u
Aquatics Forever
Aquatics Forever - 6 years ago
I just love ur video's paul
king key
king key - 6 years ago
Yo that guy is so annoying screw him
Pedro&Annie 18
Pedro&Annie 18 - 6 years ago
Cheer me up every episode! You have inspired me to get my own 2 large fish tanks. Getting koi pond set up on Friday all because of your inspiration! keep up the good work guys! Peace.
Aquatics Forever
Aquatics Forever - 6 years ago
I'm the one who gave 450th like
Mathew McDonald Jr
Mathew McDonald Jr - 6 years ago
Doesnt rawwfishing have two blue lobsters?
Stefan Sirianni
Stefan Sirianni - 6 years ago
Hey Paul you are my inspiration to get a fish tank and start a YouTube channel . I have been a Cuffaro since 16k subscribers. Thank you Paul for inspiring me. It would mean the world to me if you named one of your koi Stefan. Thank you Paul.
Nick Hammerman
Nick Hammerman - 6 years ago
I love your vids they always make me happy thx 4 doing what u do
14fishing - 6 years ago
Do more BASS FISHING vids PLZ!!!
Andrew Moffat
Andrew Moffat - 6 years ago
Hey Paul You could build another Pond for your bass and some exotics then have a raised mini pond for bingo and friends just a thought
Domz JB
Domz JB - 6 years ago
Andrew Moffat unless he's gonna put it in his front yard cause there's no space left in that backyard
Ginger jon
Ginger jon - 6 years ago
Just turned 16 my dude!
stanley yelnats
stanley yelnats - 6 years ago
why is his pond filled so low, and empty
respect wahmen
respect wahmen - 6 years ago
Your videos are so nice and relaxing. Thanks Paul!
Frederik Nissen
Frederik Nissen - 6 years ago
Nice vid Keep Up the good Work
Uncle Lou’s Xbox 1
Uncle Lou’s Xbox 1 - 6 years ago
I love seeing you collab
Nana YR
Nana YR - 6 years ago
Catch em all he already made a video but wure cool
Avaya Sandoval
Avaya Sandoval - 6 years ago
What's up paul
Aquarium Guy123
Aquarium Guy123 - 6 years ago
Sup you are my day
kandis aghasi
kandis aghasi - 6 years ago
keeep up the good work❤️❤️
Emilee Arroyo
Emilee Arroyo - 6 years ago
#Early squad
Brannenboss2002 blahh
Brannenboss2002 blahh - 6 years ago
Cash and thump needs to be friends
All American Fishing
All American Fishing - 6 years ago
Early squad
Joesph Law
Joesph Law - 6 years ago
You make my days amazing just watching your vids
Tyler Etzkorn
Tyler Etzkorn - 6 years ago
I got home from school and emeatley I clicked on this video because I was was looking for something interesting to wach. Also I am going to Florida soon around June 5th around Tampa the place I am going to is called Gulfport do you live anywhere near there or place where we can meet up? P.S big fan I have a pond of my own and with koi and blue gill
Nana YR
Nana YR - 6 years ago
Everything sorry already saw it
G- Taylor
G- Taylor - 6 years ago
you are my FAVORITE youtuber and you inspire me to get more and more into fishkeeping. Stay amazing Paul!
Shresth sinha
Shresth sinha - 6 years ago
Nana YR
Nana YR - 6 years ago
I already saw it in sack channel
Latvian fishing channel
Latvian fishing channel - 6 years ago
This summer I will scoop the pond for pike and largemouth bass. You inspire me very much. Thanks
Teegin Szanto
Teegin Szanto - 6 years ago
Hay Paul just wondering when are you getting thump back
Kristin Pursel
Kristin Pursel - 6 years ago
You are amazing and keep up the awesome work. ☺
achuuthkarthick raghuram
achuuthkarthick raghuram - 6 years ago
Loved this
Justin2x - 6 years ago
Help me hit 100subs
Kristen Van Fleet
Kristen Van Fleet - 6 years ago
Your natural ponds are way cooler!
Kristen Van Fleet
Kristen Van Fleet - 6 years ago
what's the wedge?
Allahja Flowers
Allahja Flowers - 6 years ago
Kristen Van Fleet why do fans always have to be ass holes and try to drive a wedge between people?
MAXXL - 6 years ago
Kristen Van Fleet 100000% more cooler
laura simington
laura simington - 6 years ago
Watching your videos make me want to get a koi fish
VlogsByS - 6 years ago
Early squad!!!!
Love your videos!1!1!1
Dale Eckleberry Fishing
Dale Eckleberry Fishing - 6 years ago
I watch RawwFishing but you are better
Brendan Fox
Brendan Fox - 6 years ago
Bro that was a dope video you guys to do more videos like that
Jessica Romero
Jessica Romero - 6 years ago
Nick M
Nick M - 6 years ago
Raww fishing is annoying
Jullian Llido
Jullian Llido - 6 years ago
Dragon Tanks
Kavy Cecilia
Kavy Cecilia - 6 years ago
His sneeze was too funny
CACTUS BRO - 6 years ago
The Paul keep up the good work you made me build a pond and get 2 koi and a black goldfish names are:DART THUNDER AND BUBBLE
HypeBEAST 1 - 6 years ago
Paul ur so awesome
Charlotte James
Charlotte James - 6 years ago
Paul your videos are the best you have inspired me to get another tropical tank however I had one before but all the fish died unfortunately so after my SATs I am going to get another tropical tank thank you
Antony Delcid
Antony Delcid - 6 years ago
Love your video like always that house is pretty and the ponds where so cool
Janry delapena
Janry delapena - 6 years ago
Love your vids because it's inspired me and you always make my day and your smile makes the video 100 better thanks to you a lot #CuffaroFam
E&JBeauty101 - 6 years ago
I love your bids and you have expired me to get a fish tank and and pond with redtails
its ur boi robert
its ur boi robert - 6 years ago
Ethcamera boy
Ethcamera boy - 6 years ago
Hey Paul your videos are amazing and make me smile thx for being awesome
lego weirdo
lego weirdo - 6 years ago
I love this YouTuber you inspire me so much I am actually thinking about making my own pond. Keep up the good work paul.
Spicesnight - 6 years ago
A million subscribers with videos challenge
A million subscribers with videos challenge - 6 years ago
Spicesnight Cringe Much. Plus PUBG is better than Fortnite and its the truth
mini mu 007
mini mu 007 - 6 years ago
Whassup raww fam
paciej - 6 years ago
i have idea. Can you do from your 160gallon tank a wild cichlid tank ?
Jose Mejia
Jose Mejia - 6 years ago
Sam Holly
Sam Holly - 6 years ago
love this channel thanks for posting these videos! i love watching them all the time
official scope
official scope - 6 years ago
no please dont buy one of those finished ponds
Hassan Kahala
Hassan Kahala - 6 years ago
I love your videos u have given me an interest in fish keeping and I hope u keep doing what ur doing making others happy as well
Romeo Singh
Romeo Singh - 6 years ago
You make my day
Gio_pas20_history - 6 years ago
Cant stop thestopmotion
Cant stop thestopmotion - 6 years ago
Hi Paul love your videos
shiloh jensen
shiloh jensen - 6 years ago
one day i want to marry you
david hattox
david hattox - 6 years ago
Your information is great and you and your friends and family are so funny. Love your positivity.
Shafey Quraishi
Shafey Quraishi - 6 years ago
Bigggg fan pls reply and u will make my day
Jordan Aaron
Jordan Aaron - 6 years ago
Love the content keep goin and continue to get fish for me til I make my own outdoor pond and tank . . . From California!
Oskar Kawczyk
Oskar Kawczyk - 6 years ago
Why you're not posting Daily?
CrazyRedFoxx - 6 years ago
I look forward to your videos every day, and Im glad that im early for once c':
Ruby Goldstein
Ruby Goldstein - 6 years ago
I love your channel soooo much u have inspired me to get fish of my own your channel is amazing and I always look forward to ur videos
Leticia Jacobo
Leticia Jacobo - 6 years ago
Grant Smith
Grant Smith - 6 years ago
I love your vids man I came right home from school and went on YouTube and watch your video
Lexi Love
Lexi Love - 6 years ago
Paul you are an inspiration to me and my family. I love your channel so much and inflamed Bali’s you all the time.
Victor Gonzalez
Victor Gonzalez - 6 years ago
Awesome video Paul

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