MY OLDEST FISH DIED! Exploring Catch em all Wild Kingdom

I explore Catch em all Kingdom with my friend instagram's @joey_slay em. Unfortunately the fish I have kept the longest has passed away. Swimming in the Big Pond up above. r.i.p... Fish get Flushed, but Legends never die! Check out my Instagram @Catch_em_all_fishing:

MY OLDEST FISH DIED! Exploring Catch em all Wild Kingdom sentiment_very_dissatisfied 577

Raww fishing 7 years ago 923,195 views

I explore Catch em all Kingdom with my friend instagram's @joey_slay em. Unfortunately the fish I have kept the longest has passed away. Swimming in the Big Pond up above. r.i.p... Fish get Flushed, but Legends never die! Check out my Instagram @Catch_em_all_fishing:

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Most popular comments
for MY OLDEST FISH DIED! Exploring Catch em all Wild Kingdom

Mo M
Mo M - 6 years ago
Hela yagob
jaysha vadher
jaysha vadher - 6 years ago
why did i think u had hair lol
Sarah-Maree Manz
Sarah-Maree Manz - 6 years ago
Sarah-Maree Manz
Sarah-Maree Manz - 6 years ago
Died but had a great owner and best youtuber
Danaysha Huggins
Danaysha Huggins - 6 years ago
I live in North America
Danaysha Huggins
Danaysha Huggins - 6 years ago
Jenny Fernandez
Jenny Fernandez - 6 years ago
Dinofish Berg
Dinofish Berg - 6 years ago
Fabian Borger
Fabian Borger - 6 years ago

10. comment for MY OLDEST FISH DIED! Exploring Catch em all Wild Kingdom

Fabian Borger
Fabian Borger - 6 years ago
My Name is Dan and My Frend s
Name is Patrick Phil #Bellaktiv
Fabian Borger
Fabian Borger - 6 years ago
Oh noo
Poliester Gutierrez
Poliester Gutierrez - 6 years ago
Dad and son fishing kid
Dad and son fishing kid - 6 years ago
megalodon hybrid
megalodon hybrid - 6 years ago
Why you hate snake head
Iyo Ballen
Iyo Ballen - 6 years ago
R.I.P that is not good for your beautiful goldfish...condolence zak
kevinhart Memes
kevinhart Memes - 6 years ago
Mr. Roach
Mr. Roach - 6 years ago
It’s been exactly one year since Shamu died
Brandon Shipp
Brandon Shipp - 6 years ago
Snakehead orgy
O'brien outd00rs
O'brien outd00rs - 6 years ago
Im ur 999 coment sml

20. comment for MY OLDEST FISH DIED! Exploring Catch em all Wild Kingdom

francisca carlon
francisca carlon - 6 years ago
Khan Umair
Khan Umair - 6 years ago
I. Like. Your. Videos
Jessica Hyde
Jessica Hyde - 6 years ago
I contend 15
GekoMon 1
GekoMon 1 - 6 years ago
Catchemall judt a heads up Florida fish and game have been fining people thousands of dollars for releasing snakeheads just a heads up love the vids bro i live down farthe south florida by fort myers
Katie Shove
Katie Shove - 6 years ago
Nikita Warmington
Nikita Warmington - 6 years ago
Greg Burgner
Greg Burgner - 6 years ago
Was that a no fishing sign?
Aj - 6 years ago
I caught a bass on bread it was also kind of small so I think that only small bass will bite the bread
14N's Music
14N's Music - 6 years ago
Hello mordecai i mean the bird
ZiggiesAquatic Exotics
ZiggiesAquatic Exotics - 6 years ago
Thank god where I live now had awesome fishin tho bass everywhere cuz ain’t no carps in this hoe

30. comment for MY OLDEST FISH DIED! Exploring Catch em all Wild Kingdom

ZiggiesAquatic Exotics
ZiggiesAquatic Exotics - 6 years ago
Kill any grass carp u can dude! There destroying the natural habitat of our beloved bass !!!
ZiggiesAquatic Exotics
ZiggiesAquatic Exotics - 6 years ago
Seriously man before they released all the grass carp into lake Wellington where I lived off of for over 25 years there used to be mad basses in that hoe large mouth and sunshine and stopped bass the hybrid bass ya kno and some peas also here n there n then boom released the carp and fuckin no more bass I didn’t catch a bass in that whole lake system in over 5 years before moving away from that town
Brenda Baldeo
Brenda Baldeo - 6 years ago
Susan Jensen
Susan Jensen - 6 years ago
#rell legions never die
joa linden
joa linden - 6 years ago
Phinneaus Kozic
Phinneaus Kozic - 7 years ago
Queen Enails
Queen Enails - 7 years ago
What the heck...!!!!???? How the he'll he got the bird to eat from him!!! Blue Birds are useally more scared. Omg wild life goals.
That guy
That guy - 7 years ago
Check out Ohio fish rescue
Eltin Tand
Eltin Tand - 7 years ago
That's so cool, he actually has a wild bird that comes to his house and trusts him for food!!!
Jay Jay Gamer
Jay Jay Gamer - 7 years ago
There is 10 peacock bass
Purnima Lama
Purnima Lama - 7 years ago
boom baby asome
Bobby Chudoba
Bobby Chudoba - 7 years ago
The snake heads are spawning and the bass are eating up all the eggs that are being released.
Danny Kingz
Danny Kingz - 7 years ago
As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, He saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. 19“Come, follow Me, Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.”
Jake Heichel
Jake Heichel - 7 years ago
Wow man that small mouth was the ultimate sacrifice to the great Shamu
MarleyProductions - 7 years ago
You should put a turtle in pacu's tank if he won't eat the turtle
MarleyProductions - 7 years ago
Why did he not feed his older fish that died to pacu if that's how u spell it
whats gucci bro
whats gucci bro - 7 years ago
Iguana are very costly in india
Telena Eddins
Telena Eddins - 7 years ago
Who did that happen.
tyson145 - 7 years ago
Man I don't know where you live but I'm envious! Animals all around you, able to fish right in your backyard. Damn.
Steve Mclaughlin
Steve Mclaughlin - 7 years ago
Austistic Aussie
Austistic Aussie - 7 years ago
Rip Shamou

50. comment for MY OLDEST FISH DIED! Exploring Catch em all Wild Kingdom

dodothe 678
dodothe 678 - 7 years ago
You have a peeetttt birdie!?
Pearl Tolliver
Pearl Tolliver - 7 years ago
Max Seller he trims the wings
Gamer Grove
Gamer Grove - 7 years ago
Why didn't he feed it to shamoo
Cookie Cat
Cookie Cat - 7 years ago
Grant Clere
Grant Clere - 7 years ago
I remember when you caught that fish so sad so see em go man that really sucks
noodlz - 7 years ago
Next time on catch em all geographic
electric - 7 years ago
ed gliniecki
ed gliniecki - 7 years ago
not even pro
not even pro - 7 years ago
Your dead to every one no one will ever love you if you keep feeding them lizards
Margarita Rodriguez
Margarita Rodriguez - 7 years ago
Tee Sandy
Tee Sandy - 7 years ago
Halen The Angel
Halen The Angel - 7 years ago
Tee Sandy shut up get off his channel
Kelly Lamb
Kelly Lamb - 7 years ago
All of you people should grow up and act your fucken age. Sound like a bunch of 6 year olds.
Julian Embry
Julian Embry - 7 years ago
Itz Infinite
Itz Infinite - 7 years ago
Is that baby shamu in the intro :). R.i.p shamu
Dani Mauluddin
Dani Mauluddin - 7 years ago
wnjuajehe the. I will not work
Felice Stewart
Felice Stewart - 7 years ago
Felice Stewart
Felice Stewart - 7 years ago
Lucas Bradley Bradley
Lucas Bradley Bradley - 7 years ago
y all should watch Kendall gray, really allsome he traps hunts fish he's just so cool all of y all should watch him to like do go over to chanel and subscribe and he does give aways
ClashWithBoss YT
ClashWithBoss YT - 7 years ago
Trish scull
Trish scull - 7 years ago
Shamu=life shamu dead=tears all day
Trish scull
Trish scull - 7 years ago
Shamu was best pako was worst pako must DIE IN FIRE AND FEEL THE WRATH OF THE MIGHTY SHAMU
tri gonggo
tri gonggo - 7 years ago
I love shamoo
taban gaming
taban gaming - 7 years ago
1 like = 1 prayer for shamu
nighthawk5986 - 7 years ago
R.I.P shmu you wer the most beautiful fish in the world even more beautiful then joes asin arawana
nighthawk5986 - 7 years ago
can you hook up with jf ciclids and get a peck hawk bass for a new bass
Tomás Mariano Ferreyra Ezcurra
Tomás Mariano Ferreyra Ezcurra - 7 years ago
i really LOVE the place where you live man!!! i means its GREAT!!!! All the nature around your house, all the animals you can get close by just by going out into your backgarden, its sick!!! Best wishes from Argentina!
UnPredictable ML
UnPredictable ML - 7 years ago
TheMarine Jr
TheMarine Jr - 7 years ago
This guy is like fucking aqua man lol
Pooley - 7 years ago
It's a chub
Quickest 10,000 Subscriber goal
Quickest 10,000 Subscriber goal - 7 years ago
How much do all of your fish weigh
Jesse Nystrom
Jesse Nystrom - 7 years ago
He's Brother nature lmao
Daniel Johnston
Daniel Johnston - 7 years ago
14 peacocks
Joanna Marie Gusi
Joanna Marie Gusi - 7 years ago
i wish that fish dint die so sad
Beast and Sky channel
Beast and Sky channel - 7 years ago
I was wondering, how do you keep birds like herons away from your fish? Also what do you do when it's winter? In fact where do you even live?
Curtis Parmenter
Curtis Parmenter - 7 years ago
TooManyChoices1 - 7 years ago
6:08 Scene from Jurassic World...
Abbie Mahaffey
Abbie Mahaffey - 7 years ago
I counted 11 peacock bass
Krystal Garcilazo
Krystal Garcilazo - 7 years ago
He was a good fish
Prod.Xander Vaporwave
Prod.Xander Vaporwave - 7 years ago
How does he make friends with so many animals that are supposed to be super scared of you?
100000000 Subscribes with a few videos Challenge
100000000 Subscribes with a few videos Challenge - 7 years ago
jvg jvg
jvg jvg - 7 years ago
I knoooooow i kinda catch anything with bread crazy.the combination of corn with bread its killin' them
Dank Dave
Dank Dave - 7 years ago
First video I've seen of this guy. I subbed.

Is ur name actually ketchup?
Sarah Marie
Sarah Marie - 7 years ago
Good. Fuck your fish.
Tylo Vids
Tylo Vids - 7 years ago
The peacocks might be waiting to eat the eggs? I don't know much about both species.
Steven Klauber
Steven Klauber - 7 years ago
Venture that video was awesome and is the oldest fish a angler fish
RA_TV - 7 years ago
adam underwood
adam underwood - 7 years ago
Is this dude some type of freaking animal whisper or something
Matthew Evans
Matthew Evans - 7 years ago
I counted 13
XxAkariathe wolfxX
XxAkariathe wolfxX - 7 years ago
Nano Plex
Nano Plex - 7 years ago
I ᕼᗩTE ᑌ
pro genji
pro genji - 7 years ago
Snakehead threesome
SavageKitten YT
SavageKitten YT - 7 years ago

100. comment for MY OLDEST FISH DIED! Exploring Catch em all Wild Kingdom

Dwayne Gayles
Dwayne Gayles - 7 years ago
Use and underwater cam in the pool for extra coverage
Mr Crispy
Mr Crispy - 7 years ago
Good should have not feed the fish a frog
SuperNice Booty
SuperNice Booty - 7 years ago
HoustonLo Lo
HoustonLo Lo - 7 years ago
At least i wish that fish went to a nice place to live in heaven
Olivia Frost
Olivia Frost - 7 years ago
Ysera - 7 years ago
14 bass
Loose Gravity
Loose Gravity - 7 years ago
when i wad younger i caught this fatass snakehead.
Clinton Kohler
Clinton Kohler - 7 years ago
That's not fishing -.-
Shilo Kanouse
Shilo Kanouse - 7 years ago
Shamu is awe how about snake ☺️
RahRah Mr. TYGWIWT - 7 years ago
Kourtney Buckhiester
Kourtney Buckhiester - 7 years ago
mr.chicken nugget of the west
mr.chicken nugget of the west - 7 years ago
R. I. P fishy 1 like =1 prayer
The Players Life
The Players Life - 7 years ago
Bye sharky that i killed for biting me!
SULLEX - 7 years ago
This is awful and disgusting why are u feeding live animals to FISH
pyro 1423
pyro 1423 - 7 years ago
There is no fish hevean just hevean and hell
Atheena Besme
Atheena Besme - 7 years ago
Connol Killion Heaven*
Crystal Night
Crystal Night - 7 years ago
Crystal Night
Crystal Night - 7 years ago
Tyler DeMasters
Tyler DeMasters - 7 years ago
You are a weak minded, sensitive, insecure bitch. 90% of your fans are 10-12 years old. Most of your views are from clickbait. You do not deserve your number of subscribers. And your girl is a smoke show, but she's also a dumb bitch so to me that makes her like a 5. Stay douchey, fag boy
• Corgi God •
• Corgi God • - 7 years ago
: ( may fishy fish ly in fish heaven
Jimbo Neutron
Jimbo Neutron - 7 years ago
I counted 13 peacocks.
Lil Pika
Lil Pika - 7 years ago
The perfect match..
Mia Lipari
Mia Lipari - 7 years ago
You are so evil
every thing out
every thing out - 7 years ago
All hale the mighte shamu
Bethanie The Jammer
Bethanie The Jammer - 7 years ago
Wherever you live I wanna live
Maahir Ahmed
Maahir Ahmed - 7 years ago
Why don't you have a piranha Pond
Robo Reaper
Robo Reaper - 7 years ago
Rip lizard
fukin shitty channel
fukin shitty channel - 7 years ago
Look at da poopha fiesh
Zach - 7 years ago
Its a fish version of an online amature porn vids performing for an audience.
Gus Peonio
Gus Peonio - 7 years ago
He actually died to the cringe of a internet liar and bully
Carsen Adcock
Carsen Adcock - 7 years ago
What an idiot for making fun of Lawson. I'm unsubscribing from your channel
neo the wolf
neo the wolf - 7 years ago
There 13 fished
Florida Boy407
Florida Boy407 - 7 years ago
Where is this guy from?
Keep'n It Reel Tv
Keep'n It Reel Tv - 7 years ago
Ap is way better than you! Your trash and a cyber bully
Peculiar Paws
Peculiar Paws - 7 years ago
Zaky i might have not known you that long R.I.P
Yaboin3rdz - 7 years ago
I think a racoon ate youre fish
brokenskull1227 brokenskull1227
brokenskull1227 brokenskull1227 - 7 years ago
13 peecacs
Sandra Harris
Sandra Harris - 7 years ago
Also ,is that goose real
Sandra Harris
Sandra Harris - 7 years ago
I mentioned Shamu
Sandra Harris
Sandra Harris - 7 years ago
Was it Shamus. If it was i loved that fish
Icey_ F34R
Icey_ F34R - 7 years ago
Was that duck real or just super chill
Chris Garrett
Chris Garrett - 7 years ago
They do move in herds ( Jurassic park theme song starts playing)
LakeChicotGuy RippnLips
LakeChicotGuy RippnLips - 7 years ago
Is there a reason u don't put and gravel on the bottom of shammoos pond .
_TriiaDzz_ Playz
_TriiaDzz_ Playz - 7 years ago
What's happened to tank ??????
kick destroyer
kick destroyer - 7 years ago
Brooke Andrews
Brooke Andrews - 7 years ago
Sorry for your lose
natalia cam
natalia cam - 7 years ago
You are one with Mother Nature bro
TheHunterIan - 7 years ago
Bye little buddy. We will miss you. Rest in peace!
Elliot Pearce
Elliot Pearce - 7 years ago
I counted 13
Haxter - 7 years ago
Blue jays are my fav
The Red Skull Walker
The Red Skull Walker - 7 years ago
He was always figured he was all love he will be in heaven and happy
Stephen Livingston
Stephen Livingston - 7 years ago
You can catch baby peacock with a bear golden hook
usa usa
usa usa - 7 years ago
they are having a three sum
WOLF PAX - 7 years ago
6:07 Jurassic world XD
ButtNutt 2017
ButtNutt 2017 - 7 years ago
The baby bluejay was adorable!
Bumble Bumpkin
Bumble Bumpkin - 7 years ago
I hate you you gave it a lizard you suck
Randy Sanz
Randy Sanz - 7 years ago
Man I wish my house was full of animals like yours lol
Ronald Petetsen
Ronald Petetsen - 7 years ago
Code 3 Gaming
Code 3 Gaming - 7 years ago
Snake heads are an invasive species. When youbcatxh one you have to kill it
Garrett Crawford
Garrett Crawford - 7 years ago
Where does this guy live??? Wild iguanas???
Marshmalonex X
Marshmalonex X - 7 years ago
this is just sad
Ian McGann
Ian McGann - 7 years ago
WolfPlayz_YT - 7 years ago
Dontbfeed then lizza4da feed them tinny fish
Craig MacFayden
Craig MacFayden - 7 years ago
Monster mike is your Evan BRO!
The crazy baby bear
The crazy baby bear - 7 years ago
Gage Walker
Gage Walker - 7 years ago
Snake head 3 some
vanguard2004 sans
vanguard2004 sans - 7 years ago
Rest in piece gold fish
Eric Bignall
Eric Bignall - 7 years ago
i counted 14 of them
James Conway
James Conway - 7 years ago
Is this in south florida?
NICK VOlGS - 7 years ago
Kill snake head fish
those are pet birds
XxDragonSlayerxx18 Trumph
XxDragonSlayerxx18 Trumph - 7 years ago
:3:3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3
XxDragonSlayerxx18 Trumph
XxDragonSlayerxx18 Trumph - 7 years ago
I'm getting a bird soon I can't wait
Julien Baker
Julien Baker - 7 years ago
I wish my life was like yours, you got birds and fish that love you
Bug lover Spider lover
Bug lover Spider lover - 7 years ago
Florida that state is a zoo!
TrueGamerz - 7 years ago
Your definitely in Hawaii
life live PETS?! 101
life live PETS?! 101 - 7 years ago
VinceTheQuadRider - 7 years ago
"Im fishing for veiws" "ohh yeah? What are you using?" "Clickbait"
David - 7 years ago
13 peacock bass
Tiny Emo
Tiny Emo - 7 years ago
Poor lizard
King Rondo
King Rondo - 7 years ago
keep your hat on lol
MillerQ - 7 years ago
lizard [*] D;
Jake Thorne
Jake Thorne - 7 years ago
14 fishes
Nugget - 7 years ago
I'm so sorry for your loss ...
MikeLinden - 7 years ago
Bro, i love your videos and of you have a spare room, i'd buy a ticket straight away, love the fauna around your place
BendyTendy - 7 years ago
Was that an Asian carp??
Aidan Avery
Aidan Avery - 7 years ago
You sound like Garfield
Sebasthefish123 - 7 years ago
Do you live in florida
SYNTHx lxrd
SYNTHx lxrd - 7 years ago
All the other fish were jealous because hold was prettier so they got rid of him :'(
GTOWNJAKE - 7 years ago
This man living in a zoo
Preston .w
Preston .w - 7 years ago
Click bait
Kara Mitchell
Kara Mitchell - 7 years ago
Here Shamu Ima drop i... Nevermind.. xD
C h a p p i e Q
C h a p p i e Q - 7 years ago
You need a pet pike or trout lol
Soviet Gaming/Strigon1
Soviet Gaming/Strigon1 - 7 years ago
A Snakehead fish
King Duck
King Duck - 7 years ago
Violet DLT bass love food don t you?
Juan Molina
Juan Molina - 7 years ago
very súper nice hermano
Karen Sims
Karen Sims - 7 years ago
So fucked up
WBC_ Lil lukac
WBC_ Lil lukac - 7 years ago
When you said to the left you pointed to your right
Emma Winning
Emma Winning - 7 years ago
Poor lizard
sub to plantera killer and other guy gaming
sub to plantera killer and other guy gaming - 7 years ago
Good bye fishy rip I'm sorry this happened he is in a better place now fishy have a great afterlife maybe you will meet him again as a speck of dust or maybe even a snakehead
xdsavage- - 7 years ago
R.I.P fishy
Omarion Velazquez
Omarion Velazquez - 7 years ago
Do a video catching iguanas
large mouth bass
large mouth bass - 7 years ago
large mouth bass
large mouth bass - 7 years ago
I counted 12 peacock bass
LPS Mila Productions
LPS Mila Productions - 7 years ago
I love shamu
Zane and Kingston
Zane and Kingston - 7 years ago
Call your Bluejay JojoLove your YouTube channel by the way. !!!!!!
Kathy Bowers
Kathy Bowers - 7 years ago
no shamu
Will Ramsey
Will Ramsey - 7 years ago
id be weak if someone pulled up and poor bleach in his pool
Air Little
Air Little - 7 years ago
Wait did u feed the bird chocolate????
ImNot AKing
ImNot AKing - 7 years ago
thoes birds are fans !!
seedling345 - 7 years ago
Why are you releasing invasive species of fish. As a Michigander those snake heads will ruin the great lakes
Maddox Collins
Maddox Collins - 7 years ago
Kenley JP
Kenley JP - 7 years ago
He basically filmed fish porn at the beginning
georgia fisherman
georgia fisherman - 6 years ago
Alduin Dov
Alduin Dov - 7 years ago
thank lucifer that dumb ass fish died. I hope it was the same one you fed the poor lizards to. The fish sure is in the afterlife, the lizard afterlife where they can rip that stupid fish apart and leave it alive as the rest eat it. I'll be sure to clean all of the poor lizards mouth so the wound doesn't get infected. We don't want the stupid fish to die early as we rip him apart.
Adolfo Arizandieta
Adolfo Arizandieta - 7 years ago
I need to move to where ever this man lives haha his home / life style is to dream for haha who wouldn't want to walk out and feed your wild PET bird / bass while you get scared by wild iguanas smh I want to be scared by wild iguanas haha and watch an invasive species mate lol I must see more I shall Subscribe !!
IIRoloII -
IIRoloII - - 7 years ago
I imagine darla from finding nemo just going to the fish
EmperorSensha - 7 years ago
r.i.please for the goldfish but I think that lizard probably died a little bit worse
Leonel Cabrera
Leonel Cabrera - 7 years ago
best place to live ever.
Fewture Gaming
Fewture Gaming - 7 years ago
Shamboo will be missed R. I. P in fish heaven
That one guy
That one guy - 7 years ago
There were thirteen peacocks
sandra hernandez
sandra hernandez - 7 years ago
why don't you Cath fish in that pond and keep them
TheDjKing360 Playz
TheDjKing360 Playz - 7 years ago
I like how he likes animals and fish but just feeds lizards to his bug fish
ali saab
ali saab - 7 years ago
This guy is a beast
Nick Charles
Nick Charles - 7 years ago
You should put a peacock in your pond
Griswold Rust
Griswold Rust - 7 years ago
This guy sounds exactly like Brad Pitt
Eliza Rose
Eliza Rose - 7 years ago
back of and you sed that your oldest fish died your lier
Jessefuerst Fuerst
Jessefuerst Fuerst - 7 years ago
rip i hop u have a happy life
Eli Price
Eli Price - 7 years ago
I love how happy you are
Steven 5000 Slater The good dog
Steven 5000 Slater The good dog - 7 years ago
Shamu is King
DummyDavid & StupidFelim
DummyDavid & StupidFelim - 7 years ago
After I saw the title I was like nooo shamu then it was the goldfish... :p
tony M
tony M - 7 years ago
why are u scared to touch fish
Yaizaz like and tik Tok videos Vazquez
Yaizaz like and tik Tok videos Vazquez - 7 years ago
Yaizaz like and tik Tok videos Vazquez
Yaizaz like and tik Tok videos Vazquez - 7 years ago
This guy has a GOLDEN HEART
andrea marzett
andrea marzett - 7 years ago
Jr Martinez
Jr Martinez - 7 years ago
Catchem all Zoo coming soon? haha. dope vid bro
Hdhdhdhddkdk Hdhdhdhdhd
Hdhdhdhddkdk Hdhdhdhdhd - 7 years ago
Dose he have to feed them liserds
Jacob Peters
Jacob Peters - 7 years ago
I had to put down my little bird buddy. I had a young robin that I saved after he fell from the nest. I raised him and he got to about the say that your Jay is at. Sadly a cat got ahold of him and broke one of his legs and almost entirely ripped off his wing. I shooed the cat away but it was too late. My little bird was a goner. So I put him down and buried him like the little warrior he was. RIP Red
Joseph Vazquez
Joseph Vazquez - 7 years ago
Did you raise that bird or is it a wild one ? Lol that was pretty awesome . Seemed like he used to seeing you lol
Spill The Tea Sis
Spill The Tea Sis - 7 years ago
Was it shamo?
Roy Yurkas
Roy Yurkas - 7 years ago
You should catch n kill dem snake heads in there.
skira 10,0065
skira 10,0065 - 7 years ago
Luis Palomo
Luis Palomo - 7 years ago
Wow, how cool is that that you just walk out your house and fish are swimming in your back yard...Nice
Hunter Lugten
Hunter Lugten - 7 years ago
4:32 the fish discovery... your welcome
Nasty Caze
Nasty Caze - 7 years ago
I counted 13
Ricky Swartzentruber
Ricky Swartzentruber - 7 years ago
Bless you all
Space Kat Krafts
Space Kat Krafts - 7 years ago
Just found your channel and I have to say I am astounded by your connection with these animals. Your spirit is absolutely jovial and kind, and it radiates even through a computer screen. These animals can sense taht, and your connection with them is amazing to watch. Thanks for sharing!
Rc Carrier
Rc Carrier - 7 years ago
RIP lizard
JG TRIPPLEOG100 - 7 years ago
JG TRIPPLEOG100 - 7 years ago
blu devil
blu devil - 7 years ago
1 like = rip baby blue belly
Dr Dank Derp
Dr Dank Derp - 7 years ago
Kill the snake heads before they reproduce.
andre palmer
andre palmer - 7 years ago
what did the lizard do to get eaten
Wight horse
Wight horse - 7 years ago
Do u keep the animals
Grease Monkey
Grease Monkey - 7 years ago
Man this guy with nature is crazy! I've never seen a wild bird act like that.
M - 7 years ago
Grease Monkey he found it when it was little and he raised it
Ezra Horn
Ezra Horn - 7 years ago
He said the snakehead was comeing from the left lol but ot was comeing from the right
LeafyIsHere - 7 years ago
Ezra Horn some cameras invert horizontal direction
Galaxy Gaming
Galaxy Gaming - 7 years ago
Wow you cruel man you fed a poor little inocent lizard to your fish
Fox the Mighty
Fox the Mighty - 7 years ago
Fishing is the rage now.
Jayson Salkey
Jayson Salkey - 7 years ago
Wasup zack can you do another meeting at bass pro shops I wanted to go last time but I couldn't cause I used 10 gigs in one day on YouTube watching you all day and my data was on..please respond maybe dm me @9gradestud
Rachel Vasquez
Rachel Vasquez - 7 years ago
John McDermott
John McDermott - 7 years ago
And BTW... If you like having an assortment of fish in your creek, kill the snakeheads! Those fuckers will devour EVERYTHING in there.
John McDermott
John McDermott - 7 years ago
When I was a kid, my neighbor used to have a crow that was his friend, the crow actually learned to talk like a parrot. The crows name was Bucky and would call Will, his human buddy, " WIIIIIIILLLLLLLL!!!!" Loud AF too. And if you were cool with Will, then Bucky was cool with you. Animals are amazing when you give them a chance.
John McDermott
John McDermott - 7 years ago
Did you grill it?
Jay Robinson
Jay Robinson - 7 years ago
What do you feed to your koi
Dominic Doak
Dominic Doak - 7 years ago
Gavin Benavides
Gavin Benavides - 7 years ago
I love your YouTube videos
Diesel45 - 7 years ago
I really hope youre not allowing the snakeheads to procreate... Those fish are invasive species and need to be caught and killed-or eaten if you want.
Jasiah Kinyon
Jasiah Kinyon - 7 years ago
1 like=R.I.P goldfish
It's he boi It's ye boi
It's he boi It's ye boi - 7 years ago
This is edge he has no friends 1 like = a friend 30 likes wife 100likes triplets
Hillbilly Herper
Hillbilly Herper - 7 years ago
Shlob on my knob like corn on the cob!!! Lmfao
iEdenHazardRBLX - 7 years ago
100 layers of team alboe
Lorin S
Lorin S - 7 years ago
I wish someone would introduce peacocks into our waters in Augusta Georgia. The savannah river or Lake Thurmond would be a great new home for some peacocks.
Kelly White
Kelly White - 7 years ago
You are mean to the the lizard's
Anonymous - 7 years ago
Kill the snakeheads
Rebecca Owens
Rebecca Owens - 7 years ago
awww I am so sorry
alex kimoto
alex kimoto - 7 years ago
thats so sad, poor lizard
William Watts
William Watts - 7 years ago
Jack VRS Emma
Jack VRS Emma - 7 years ago
Lolololo Lolol
Lolololo Lolol - 7 years ago
Nooooooo shamboo was a legend
Victor Morales
Victor Morales - 7 years ago
Fuuuiiif I thoght shamoo died
Jerusalen Hernandez
Jerusalen Hernandez - 7 years ago
Jolee Callahan
Jolee Callahan - 7 years ago
I am a car person
I am a car person - 7 years ago
1 like = respect 1 sub = love from your crush
GameX Games
GameX Games - 7 years ago
Cringeie intro
raymond thomason
raymond thomason - 7 years ago
Losing your fan love lizards please do not feed a fish one or you will probably lose a fan
Service dogs r grate
Service dogs r grate - 7 years ago
What's the story with the little bird oh my gosh she's so well-trained what kind of bird is that I can't believe he comes to get you when he's hungry My first cat did that that was a stray
MasterWolfie Gaming
MasterWolfie Gaming - 7 years ago
Where is the redtail catfish
BennyTrix - 7 years ago
My fart literally blocked my wifi signal and it paused this video.
X7 Albert fan Xbox 360
X7 Albert fan Xbox 360 - 7 years ago
R.i.p shamboo yall be missed
got alot of time
got alot of time - 7 years ago
Why would you let a carp go
Elijah Schilling
Elijah Schilling - 7 years ago
from the right you mean
ozielv1 - 7 years ago
There are so many iguana there what state do you live in
Firesult - 7 years ago
Your a try hard
Skio killzzz
Skio killzzz - 7 years ago
9:35 he molested the fish shameeeeeee
Matthew gann9n
Matthew gann9n - 7 years ago
Bro new intro for reel 1 like =motivation
Skio killzzz
Skio killzzz - 7 years ago
nooreddin bakri
nooreddin bakri - 7 years ago
Where does he live? I'm so curious.
Ethan Playz
Ethan Playz - 7 years ago
The Landon Clan
The Landon Clan - 7 years ago
14 bass
Immortal 98765421 One
Immortal 98765421 One - 7 years ago
Snakeheads are invasive specie an can walk on land should catch them an dispose unfortunately
Jessica Boutwell
Jessica Boutwell - 7 years ago
you are evll
Gus Bashore
Gus Bashore - 7 years ago
Wow ur yard is beautiful
awsome dood563
awsome dood563 - 7 years ago
Why you kill that lizard man
Braxton Bird
Braxton Bird - 7 years ago
Mark Robathan
Mark Robathan - 7 years ago
Ryan and I
Elizabeth stebbins
Elizabeth stebbins - 7 years ago
The poor lizard
Toxic Waste
Toxic Waste - 7 years ago
i have cought a largmouth bass on bread
Dream T.V LPS
Dream T.V LPS - 7 years ago
I am sorry for your loss
Corrado Ruscica
Corrado Ruscica - 7 years ago
You really need a new intro
skullcrusher 64
skullcrusher 64 - 7 years ago
i like your vids
Brother Nero
Brother Nero - 7 years ago
3:04 the peacocks be like "Worldstar Worldstar"
Nate Graham
Nate Graham - 7 years ago
I wonder what part of Florida he lives in. I live in Florida aswell but I never see iguanas in my trees
gEt OoFeD
gEt OoFeD - 7 years ago
Nate Graham yea I live in broward and Miami-Dade there EVERYWHERE! On my trees next to the lake in my backyard,
Terzy - 7 years ago
South florida, he lives in broward county, they are everywhere here
italkwafflez - 7 years ago
isnt it illegal to keep those fish?
gEt OoFeD
gEt OoFeD - 7 years ago
italkwafflez A. Depends on the state B. Depends on permits you have
BeachGirl - 7 years ago
8 peacock bass
the_real_petlegend WCVIDS
the_real_petlegend WCVIDS - 7 years ago
if you do get a iguana don't release it
Skio killzzz
Skio killzzz - 7 years ago
Willie the king pets 28 vlogs2 ur grammar made me jump off my roof but thanks for the information I berly understood
the_real_petlegend WCVIDS
the_real_petlegend WCVIDS - 7 years ago
Skio killzzz becouseis ainvasis species that means its not in it origino habitat and it can miss up the ecosystem
Skio killzzz
Skio killzzz - 7 years ago
Willie the king pets 28 vlogs2 why not
denis avdic
denis avdic - 7 years ago
do you use homebaked bread or baught?
Louise Chappell
Louise Chappell - 7 years ago
KinkedRocket - 7 years ago
this is so cool how he has all the fish as pets and not in a tank the fish love you man and you love them keep up the good work you have earned my sub
Legendary Beginnings
Legendary Beginnings - 7 years ago
What about that poor lizard
DeAndrew Workings
DeAndrew Workings - 7 years ago
r.i.p fish
Davin Aubade
Davin Aubade - 7 years ago
Do a shorter videos
Tina Berry
Tina Berry - 7 years ago
U want a real monster!!! Get yourself a sturgeon!!
Or a pike!!
Chris Rudan
Chris Rudan - 7 years ago
Catch_em_all_fishing I think thats so cool that a wild blue jay fly's up to ur window for a feeding
alettenn - 7 years ago
is it just me or does it look like this is stop motion animation
Cole Buhl
Cole Buhl - 7 years ago
That koi was huge
John 1833
John 1833 - 7 years ago
His hairline recedes so much
Xperiaplays X
Xperiaplays X - 7 years ago
Your one of my favorite youtubers because your always happy exciting and always making me laugh. I think your one of the best youtubers here just because you don't click bait.
monkey dude109
monkey dude109 - 7 years ago
Zan Tobby
Zan Tobby - 7 years ago
What state is this
sonny alaniz
sonny alaniz - 7 years ago
Why did he die i was just starting to liked him
Reeenie Kween
Reeenie Kween - 7 years ago
Derrick Shank
Derrick Shank - 7 years ago
Swear to god you're Dr.Doolittle
dietrich vlogz//DV
dietrich vlogz//DV - 7 years ago
1 like = respect for shamboo
Ryan Richardo
Ryan Richardo - 7 years ago
R.I.P lizard
Ryan Walker
Ryan Walker - 7 years ago
2:53 when seniors fight and all the freshman watch
Phantom Games
Phantom Games - 7 years ago
Wrong 13
smokster0604 - 7 years ago
R.I.P. will miss shamboo for sure....
Monkeymaker77 - 7 years ago
14 peacocks
James Diem
James Diem - 7 years ago
Marketo Days
Marketo Days - 7 years ago
Put a carp in the pond like if you agree
Chandler Griffiths
Chandler Griffiths - 7 years ago
Go sub to my channel CGBassing
RLB2004 - 7 years ago
I thought Shamu was dead thank goodness
Asencio 06
Asencio 06 - 7 years ago
Roken The Sayian
Roken The Sayian - 7 years ago
Sorry bout ur goldfish
Roken The Sayian
Roken The Sayian - 7 years ago
15 peacocks
Tauras Paknys
Tauras Paknys - 7 years ago
Shit I love lizards :D
Haiduc Dracula
Haiduc Dracula - 7 years ago
0:00 Mordecai????? Is it you????
CrZyRaGe Gaming
CrZyRaGe Gaming - 7 years ago
Give a like if you live in miami
CrZyRaGe Gaming
CrZyRaGe Gaming - 7 years ago
Hey zak I got that free buff and I LOVE IT!!!
Llama Pet
Llama Pet - 7 years ago
D123-Pup - 7 years ago
r. i. p

Kamden Gray
Kamden Gray - 7 years ago
I saw 13
Bastien Beast
Bastien Beast - 7 years ago
Mark April
Mark April - 7 years ago
its not his friend, that is his fuck buddy.
Jeremy Hicks
Jeremy Hicks - 7 years ago
Charlie Gorden
Charlie Gorden - 7 years ago
Kimberly Wolden
Kimberly Wolden - 7 years ago
rip lizard
DEDRA - 7 years ago
one i saw him feed lizard to fish i disliked
leo winters
leo winters - 7 years ago
dumbass bitch
leo winters
leo winters - 7 years ago
I'm 19
CHARLIE Morris - 7 years ago
JENA OOSAHWE - 7 years ago
Dylan Donohue
Dylan Donohue - 7 years ago
Matthew alumbaugh
Matthew alumbaugh - 7 years ago
⚰️rip shamboo respect
Equestriangirl27 - 7 years ago
Hey it will be okay because he is in a better place now
Andrea Romero
Andrea Romero - 7 years ago
I respect shamoo the beast
AUSTIN FICARRA - 7 years ago
rip fish god bless
gorillabiscuits - 7 years ago
you should try a polarized lens filter for your camera to film those snakeheads
Sloth_Gaming101 - 7 years ago
At least he can eat it
Ghostl y
Ghostl y - 7 years ago
the poor fish only if he got to see shamoo devoure the lizard
Америка Голы Карпы
Америка Голы Карпы - 7 years ago
you miss your girlfriend
GETREAL! - 7 years ago
nice video
towman72gmc - 7 years ago
Ever thought about putting a big pleco into the pond to keep down on some of the algae?
Gopro - 7 years ago
damn ur house is full of animals love it
behold whoever is scrolling through the comment section the all-mighty majestic SHAMOO!!!
Caleb Black
Caleb Black - 7 years ago
Gonna miss ya goldy, 1 like= 1 prayer
TheLegendOfTheWest - 7 years ago
1 like = 1 prayer
ITZ ZESTY13 - 7 years ago
Where is your hair line
Cosmic Lion
Cosmic Lion - 7 years ago
Rip Goldie
CubsClout - 7 years ago
It's amazing how you have such an amazing bond with your animals
Jude Appleton
Jude Appleton - 7 years ago
14 pe Cock
Edouard Jarjour
Edouard Jarjour - 7 years ago
Dose all thé aquarium and riverais yours
Coltom Carpenter
Coltom Carpenter - 7 years ago
Harley Quinn
Harley Quinn - 7 years ago
you need a macsamis fish in your pand with the big fish
Raleigh Jackson
Raleigh Jackson - 7 years ago
Pick shamoo up
Cyka Blyat
Cyka Blyat - 7 years ago
i couldnt tell if he said snakehead or nigga
TEEROY IFACUSS - 7 years ago
i want one of them iguanas
Blake Stephens
Blake Stephens - 7 years ago
Get a walleye
EdgyAnimeKid - 7 years ago
2:56 Fish Fight Club?
big jim
big jim - 7 years ago
I thought you were suppose to keep the evasive species in the canals? Carp are a serious problem devastating other fish populations! Most carp have no preadators and grow exponetially huge!!
Wolf Warrior
Wolf Warrior - 7 years ago
The snake head are mating but the peacock bass are watching wow lol
Wade Rainey
Wade Rainey - 7 years ago
I wish I had a pet bass like shamu
A.Mprime - 7 years ago
make a video to eat carp
reshiecour - 7 years ago
what is the hide
Magic Mike
Magic Mike - 7 years ago
what kind of fish is shamu?
Payton Sheppard
Payton Sheppard - 7 years ago
catch yourself a snakehead to put in the pool
cpayne2180 - 7 years ago
16 peacocks
USA Mp - 7 years ago
Lmao the snakeheads were having a threesome
Jake Carlin
Jake Carlin - 7 years ago
Elite Gamer Pro
Elite Gamer Pro - 7 years ago
so u might wanna get checked lmao
Elite Gamer Pro
Elite Gamer Pro - 7 years ago
that creature you found near the river and you didn't know wat it was and u ate it..... it was a parasite and it eats fish tongue and replaces it with its self
Ben The great
Ben The great - 7 years ago
Does he upload all deliveries of his fish or no
GopackGo0583 _Trolls
GopackGo0583 _Trolls - 7 years ago
i just got a dock demond for $10 i challeng zack to a blue gill challenge
Shane Yit
Shane Yit - 7 years ago
Like if CatchEm should put a Peacock bass in his aquarium
WarriorPugz - 7 years ago
Think how that lizard felt
leo winters
leo winters - 7 years ago
illegal to have bass as pets without a permit since you killed them lizards I'm calling the police on you so have fun in jail
leo winters
leo winters - 7 years ago
Kye Ramirez you stupid I'm 19
Shane Yit
Shane Yit - 7 years ago
I want a peacock bass so bad.... Is there anywhere to go near NC?
game ttv your trash
game ttv your trash - 7 years ago
1 like=respect for shamoo
Rylan Reed
Rylan Reed - 7 years ago
that grenade u found was a training grenade because of the blue top
Ryan R
Ryan R - 7 years ago
Did you know that you have to kill snakehead
Yee Her
Yee Her - 7 years ago
I love it I love it
Yee Her
Yee Her - 7 years ago
its saddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
Angel Baez
Angel Baez - 7 years ago
I wanna live somewhere that has fish like that and lizards calling around everywhere
alex thorn
alex thorn - 7 years ago
how many Shamus have you had in total?
Mike Elmore
Mike Elmore - 7 years ago
thats not a carp thats a sucker
dragonboy 34
dragonboy 34 - 7 years ago
hi shamoo
dragonboy 34
dragonboy 34 - 7 years ago
jacob ledet
jacob ledet - 7 years ago
i hat that song at the end
Ashton Walker
Ashton Walker - 7 years ago
1 like=1Respect for goldie
MR. GOODLUBE - 7 years ago
i caught 40 bluegill sunfish with my hands this year at my local lake
Liz Iafrate
Liz Iafrate - 7 years ago
Nathan Bailey
Nathan Bailey - 7 years ago
1like = 1lizard life saved
Jl84 Suzuki11
Jl84 Suzuki11 - 7 years ago
Y u not kill Asian carp? Thought you guys had a problem wiv em there in states.
Fishing with Luiza
Fishing with Luiza - 7 years ago
Awesome birds!
GavinTF - 7 years ago
Jadon's Vlogs
Jadon's Vlogs - 7 years ago
Goodbye Shamoo you will be remembered for your brutality to lizards, fish, frogs etc...... You will be hated by many of the things you ate.......... Why am I saying this?... XD RIP SHAMOO
Jadon's Vlogs
Jadon's Vlogs - 7 years ago
NEVER MIND SORRY SHAMOO RIP EL MIDAS CICHLID... YOU WILL BE MISSED... you will be hated by all the bread you have eaten. Here lies el midas.
Blayton3501 - 7 years ago
His life is so dope
Andres Gutierrez
Andres Gutierrez - 7 years ago
Sad :(
Adrian Fredholm
Adrian Fredholm - 7 years ago
Put a log in the pool for your fishes
[BUZZ] Boi
[BUZZ] Boi - 7 years ago
Is it just me or is Catch em all getting agervating he is to playful
Joe Ellis
Joe Ellis - 7 years ago
fish was like you fuckin with my old lady
Hayden Brady
Hayden Brady - 7 years ago
You should do I trip to England and catch carp there
Cuber Channel
Cuber Channel - 7 years ago
i pray
Andreo Kapetanovic
Andreo Kapetanovic - 7 years ago
Everyone is saying rip the fish, but dang rip that poor lizard xD
Night Shade
Night Shade - 7 years ago
Andreo Kapetanovic ikr
blaze lightwood
blaze lightwood - 7 years ago
goof ball
Jose Flores
Jose Flores - 7 years ago
I ate that fish and it taste like ass
Brian Mahoney
Brian Mahoney - 7 years ago
Where do you live
Brian Jenkins
Brian Jenkins - 7 years ago
@Catch_Em_All_Fishing, what part of Florida do I need to visit to find canals like this that are full of bowfin and snakeheads, without having to worry about being on someones private property?
Jimmy Lee
Jimmy Lee - 7 years ago
You should weigh the bass in your pound
CDgamer04 2k
CDgamer04 2k - 7 years ago
who came because thought it was shamoo
doggy lover20000
doggy lover20000 - 7 years ago
omg you know Mortal Kombat XL Catch_Em_All_Fishing!?!!
animaizinhos do meu coração
animaizinhos do meu coração - 7 years ago
Hello, I'm from Brazil and I love your channel. I love your fish. Keep it up like this. You'll still grow a lot on youtube parabens !!
Flippin Fisherman
Flippin Fisherman - 7 years ago
So the only thing that died was a goldfish?
TexasRigged - 7 years ago
Love your videos man, makes me want to move to South Florida...absolute paradise
ElectricPhantom - 7 years ago
How long did he live
dan imbriaco
dan imbriaco - 7 years ago
rip goldie
date pronounced dead Sunday July 16, 2017
Zee Nuis
Zee Nuis - 7 years ago
C_A_H Outdoors
C_A_H Outdoors - 7 years ago
1 like = prayer for shamoo and Goldie
C_A_H Outdoors
C_A_H Outdoors - 7 years ago
And liked and subscribed like if u subscribed to catch_Em_All love ur vids man
savagebiker18 - 7 years ago
Those Snakeheads are having a threesome
benja m1n
benja m1n - 7 years ago
rip little lizard
thunderrock1197 - 7 years ago
r,i.p poor little goldfish
ReelSuburbanAngler - 7 years ago
Catch em is a sick fisherman 100%, but in all honesty, let's take a bunch of massive fish and put them in a little kiddie piss pool.
If you think that's cool then you're as dumb as Catch em. These fish are used to swimming in massive bodies and canals, but what you've done here is the dumbest s#!t that any YouTube fisherman has done yet. Your fish will continue to die if the only thing they ever have to look at is your ugly mug. I've always liked your channel, but the fish jail is bu11s#*t.
Luke - 7 years ago
Jose Hernandez
Jose Hernandez - 7 years ago
hay can I have his corp's bass taste good
James Brown
James Brown - 7 years ago
just subbed love this chanel
Crppy Jeffanimation
Crppy Jeffanimation - 7 years ago
Is it legal if to get peacock bass in an pond
lennox 123
lennox 123 - 7 years ago
did shamu died?i didnt saw anything
lennox 123
lennox 123 - 7 years ago
pls no lizards
kbgrowkid420 - 7 years ago
dude you straight witnessed some fish fight club shit gathering around like that
Mga Kabiwas
Mga Kabiwas - 7 years ago
i just i have the same backyard like where you can fish anytime you wish :)
jer bo
jer bo - 7 years ago
SCOOTER KID 420 - 7 years ago
another snakehead to the left , points to the right
Christøpher Campøs
Christøpher Campøs - 7 years ago
you should get a gar
Damian Grga
Damian Grga - 7 years ago
noooo mabooohhh
Kristian Ramos
Kristian Ramos - 7 years ago
R . i . p goldy - 7 years ago
C'mon Zack you gotta let that hairline go man
Milton LanreB
Milton LanreB - 7 years ago
crossbow vids! please
Avery Geremia
Avery Geremia - 7 years ago
Hey i love your vids i am a native to orlando florida and i would love to fish or hang out with you. CATCH EM ALL
Kristin Cunningham
Kristin Cunningham - 7 years ago
Rip all ways be remembered
Tacos1230 - 7 years ago
rip lizard
Big The Cat
Big The Cat - 7 years ago
Michael Lam
Michael Lam - 7 years ago
hey send me some baby snakehead
Elijah Phan
Elijah Phan - 7 years ago
It's the wild joey slam
PushyLickker69 ManGyna44
PushyLickker69 ManGyna44 - 7 years ago
Catch the pool fish again!
Gavin Kelm
Gavin Kelm - 7 years ago
I know why that fish died. It is because you put them in nasty contaminated unclean water and they don't get any oxygen.
Joaquin Barragan
Joaquin Barragan - 7 years ago
Gavin Kelm stupid ass
Joaquin Barragan
Joaquin Barragan - 7 years ago
Gavin Kelm shut up you dont do what hes doing trying his best
HardcoreGamer 30
HardcoreGamer 30 - 7 years ago
Peyton with an e dumbass fish need oxygen in the water to live
Anthony Piotrowski
Anthony Piotrowski - 7 years ago
Peyton with an e u fucktard u tryna roast a dude and end up making u look even more stupid
CosmyK - 7 years ago
Peyton with an e Fish use gills to get oxygen out of the water bro guy
Peyton with an e
Peyton with an e - 7 years ago
Gavin Kelm I that case people do that cause the water is 2 hydrogen 2 oxygen
Gavin Kelm
Gavin Kelm - 7 years ago
Peyton with an e Yes they do you retard. Why do you think people put aerators in their minnow bucket or put them in fish tank. It puts oxygen in the tank.
Peyton with an e
Peyton with an e - 7 years ago
Gavin Kelm fish dont need oxygen u need to go back to 1 grade
Noah EB4311
Noah EB4311 - 7 years ago
Gavin Kelm That water is from his lake! And it is constantly recirculating!
Andrew Cordray
Andrew Cordray - 7 years ago
u should try going in with ur fish in the swimming pool
shiroikin - 7 years ago
Does florida even have native fish species anymore lol?
FishingVibes TV
FishingVibes TV - 7 years ago
I wana live in Florida so bad smh
Lyricfan fan
Lyricfan fan - 7 years ago
Azzy Dreemmurr
Azzy Dreemmurr - 7 years ago
hey catch em all sorry that your fish died and I think you should start a gaming channel
miscgamer 112
miscgamer 112 - 7 years ago
do you live in the usa?
Judson Lanier
Judson Lanier - 7 years ago
I thought shamu died
xBrayden - 7 years ago
Ohhh poor GoldFish
xBrayden - 7 years ago
Did Shamu Rly die??
yung phoenix
yung phoenix - 7 years ago
dirty nasty carp hands lmao
bandit daggz
bandit daggz - 7 years ago
get a polarized filter for your camera
Mr game Bro
Mr game Bro - 7 years ago
Eegwanas are stalking you
dusty daniel
dusty daniel - 7 years ago
You have an awesome environment at your place man
GuyNight GT
GuyNight GT - 7 years ago
Tell me why my fish is still alive why u fish die tell me why
No name lloyd dickson
No name lloyd dickson - 7 years ago
You the goat of YouTube
fkujakedmyname - 7 years ago
you need to do cook em all for all the invasive species
Jackson Bowser
Jackson Bowser - 7 years ago
Good by goldy zack loved u so much Rest In Peace
Mateo Badella
Mateo Badella - 7 years ago
Get a bass that's bigger than shamu and name him shamu 2.0
HypedTrix - 7 years ago
Was that a lizard u gave to a Fish damn that's fucked I have a lizard it's a fully grown bearded dragon
EVonBRUNER - 7 years ago
bring a cast net zak
The Copper Mustache
The Copper Mustache - 7 years ago
Dude mow your lawn
Fly Productions
Fly Productions - 7 years ago
Hey buddy what kind of glasses are those?
ZachUHC - 7 years ago
um idk if know this but u realeased a Asian Carp and or the BigHead Carp but they are invasive
master of death
master of death - 7 years ago
have u disided a name for the red tail?
Owen Otto
Owen Otto - 7 years ago
Let's get to 20 like in respect for the gold fish....... Just keep swimming
Chris Velez
Chris Velez - 7 years ago
Bye fishy, see you on the other side
Tikimohn - 7 years ago
Dude, can I come stay with you for a weekend and fish that creek/river... Always wanted to catch some peacocks.
Ben Roberts
Ben Roberts - 7 years ago
those snakeheads were having an orgy
KentuckyFriedGamer - 7 years ago
That bird coming to you like that is pretty amazing.
ZuraWrath - 7 years ago
Poor lizard

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376,735 likes 97,020,833 views 7 years ago

The first Trap Can Catch Alot of fish & Crabs And Eels By 5 Bambo With deep Hole My New Channel :...

Raww fishing


42,818 likes 10,569,570 views 6 years ago

CATCHING FISH WITH A BARE KNIFE! Wildman @Louisthornton22 shows us how after our Tuna Swordfish trip with...

Raww fishing

What Type of SHARK Did We Catch? Monster Mike...

50,555 likes 9,609,593 views 7 years ago

Took a fishing trip to the Florida Keys to do some fishing with BryanTheCEO and ended up landing a shark! Help us ID...

Raww fishing

Catching BIG FISH in SEWER! Monster Mike

36,222 likes 8,232,773 views 7 years ago

I Catch some Big Fish in the nearby sewer systems before Feeding my good friend Zak aka CATCH EM ALL FISHING's...

Raww fishing

Catching The BIGGEST Freshwater EEL! (AMAZING)

39,978 likes 7,010,877 views 9 years ago

Well, Today I went up a remote creek In the middle of No-Where trying to spot some eels... The only thing was, I...

Raww fishing

TUNA! Catch, Clean, Cook and EAT!!!!...

36,233 likes 5,995,172 views 8 years ago

There is nothing better than a fresh yellowfin tuna, straight out of the water, on ice, cleaned and cooked......

About MY OLDEST FISH DIED! Exploring Catch em all Wild Kingdom

The "MY OLDEST FISH DIED! Exploring Catch em all Wild Kingdom" video is part of the raww fishing, pond category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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