MY OLDEST FISH DIED! Exploring Catch em all Wild Kingdom
Raww fishing 7 years ago 923,195 views
I explore Catch em all Kingdom with my friend instagram's @joey_slay em. Unfortunately the fish I have kept the longest has passed away. Swimming in the Big Pond up above. r.i.p... Fish get Flushed, but Legends never die! Check out my Instagram @Catch_em_all_fishing:
Died but had a great owner and best youtuber
10. comment for MY OLDEST FISH DIED! Exploring Catch em all Wild Kingdom
Name is Patrick Phil #Bellaktiv
20. comment for MY OLDEST FISH DIED! Exploring Catch em all Wild Kingdom
30. comment for MY OLDEST FISH DIED! Exploring Catch em all Wild Kingdom
50. comment for MY OLDEST FISH DIED! Exploring Catch em all Wild Kingdom
Is ur name actually ketchup?
100. comment for MY OLDEST FISH DIED! Exploring Catch em all Wild Kingdom
The perfect match..
Or a pike!!
illegal to have bass as pets without a permit since you killed them lizards I'm calling the police on you so have fun in jail
date pronounced dead Sunday July 16, 2017
If you think that's cool then you're as dumb as Catch em. These fish are used to swimming in massive bodies and canals, but what you've done here is the dumbest s#!t that any YouTube fisherman has done yet. Your fish will continue to die if the only thing they ever have to look at is your ugly mug. I've always liked your channel, but the fish jail is bu11s#*t.