MY PACU IS INFECTED {Had To Quarantine My Fish}

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Most popular comments
for MY PACU IS INFECTED {Had To Quarantine My Fish}

Kevin X.
Kevin X. - 7 years ago
No disrespect, but bro get educated about fish keeping before getting straight into the hobby. Its like as you go along with new videos, there’s more problems or things u do wrong that u don’t know ur doing wrong. It’s getting to the point where it looks like ur buying fish just for the views. Also I’m pretty sure in the last video u picked up ur red tail without wetting ur hands. U have like a fetish of holding your pet fish lol. Best of luck in the future.
Azntofuboy -
Azntofuboy - - 7 years ago
You don’t know anything about fish keeping. To start you can not tell the gender that young until later when it matures to an adult. You need to quarantine. There is no need to put your hands in the tank to feed, you are introducing harmful bacteria to the fish. Drop the food in there. Another thing you touch the fish too much which reduces the slime coat. The slime coat protects fish from harmful bacteria. If you knew how to take care of fish maybe you could have more subscribers. Don’t be uneducated before you get a fish. In tanks fish need to have stable water with good PH,low nitrate and nitrite levels, and low ammonia levels. As well as beneficial bacteria. If you can get these your fish will live. However by moving around the fish too much you are not allowing to fish to be comfortable and you don’t wait for the water to be ready. Stop keeping fish and give it all away, until you learn how to care for them. Your fish are always dying. This was also the reason why that koi was taken back because you are too irresponsible.
Dan Wood
Dan Wood - 7 years ago
It's not a dog. Stop picking up your fish
The Goldfish Gamer
The Goldfish Gamer - 7 years ago
I feel like he is the type of guy to buy subs I mean he don’t even have 300 likes+dislikes and he has like 40k subs
Sam hewson
Sam hewson - 7 years ago
I swear your moving them like every day.
Zhang Tiger
Zhang Tiger - 7 years ago
Why have to yell?
Briski89 xo
Briski89 xo - 7 years ago
You need to treat the whole tank and fish. You just sent infected fish to your friend. Dude stop moving your fish your stressing them out
Ben Pen Beat
Ben Pen Beat - 7 years ago
can u stop copying jake? its disgusting and many ppl hate him
Alejandro marquez
Alejandro marquez - 7 years ago
Also bro read the comment... your loosing people with your bad habits of handling fish

10. comment for MY PACU IS INFECTED {Had To Quarantine My Fish}

Alejandro marquez
Alejandro marquez - 7 years ago
Has the same problem best medicine was paraguard
Ruben Monge
Ruben Monge - 7 years ago
Gravity wow lmao
PacRat - 7 years ago
also where are you gonna put the red tails and hybrids you don't have the room for them they need a lot of room you cant have them in a 75g aquarium they need a pond a big pond not your koi pond a bigger one
Gamefowl! /Life/Stile/
Gamefowl! /Life/Stile/ - 7 years ago
i love how people who no nothing about fish try to explain why they do what they do with there fish like its bat $hit crazy. and they try to teach you the wrong way its done.
Bluegill & Bass Slayer
Bluegill & Bass Slayer - 7 years ago
I have that medicine. used it for years
PacRat - 7 years ago
is "rawfam"the best thing you could think of?fam is a cringy word
Gamefowl! /Life/Stile/
Gamefowl! /Life/Stile/ - 7 years ago
bro you touch your fish to often thats not good for them there not toys look dont touch.
K.D Breed
K.D Breed - 7 years ago
Every day they travel around you kill there any way.
luckyshark 101
luckyshark 101 - 7 years ago
Just curious which Red tail was the one that your ear wanna
luckyshark 101
luckyshark 101 - 7 years ago
AquaticTim - 7 years ago
Aw man that sucks. Hope your Pacu gets better soon!

20. comment for MY PACU IS INFECTED {Had To Quarantine My Fish}

Tim Baker
Tim Baker - 7 years ago
Name that red tail freckles cuz it got freckles
Moroni Terrazas
Moroni Terrazas - 7 years ago
That's ICK
Luke McLay
Luke McLay - 7 years ago
Arrowana update and gar feeding please
Bailey Weaver
Bailey Weaver - 7 years ago
As I said in your last video, you killed the bacteria, caused an ammonia and nitrite spike, stressed the fish out, and now it’s diseased.
Briski89 xo
Briski89 xo - 7 years ago
Average Joe it kills the good bacteria in the filter. Your suppose to rinse it out with tank water
Average Joe
Average Joe - 7 years ago
Marcus untreated water doesn’t matter for rinsing the filter
Marcus - 7 years ago
I'm starting to understand why catchemall don't wanna be friend with him anymore. He didn't only kill the bacteria he did a 100% water change at the same time he rinsed the filter with untreated water. Multiple times a day he stick his hands in the tank down to the elbow. Moving the fish every water change after he have been holding the fish in his hands for awhile... It's not beginner mistakes it's just carelessness. You can always buy another fish...
NMSGamingVideoz - 7 years ago
Get educated on how to properly care for fish
redd manpower
redd manpower - 7 years ago
Hey man I like some of your videos but you move your fish around extremely to much and putting your hands in the water is not good all the time unless you absolutely need to for water changes or moving structure but I think that you are you are kind of stressing them out a little bit too much just let the fish alone for awhile and feed them.
Colton Yelverton
Colton Yelverton - 7 years ago
How often do you have to do water changes on your tanks? Also siphoning water out would be 10 times easyier lol but you probably already know that.
Colton Yelverton
Colton Yelverton - 7 years ago
Robert Tabert he is doing a good job though! expecially for being kinda new to the hoby! He hasnt had a whole lot of fish deaths.
Colton Yelverton
Colton Yelverton - 7 years ago
Robert Tabert ha i know how to do water changes i have 5 aquariums i was just wondering how often he does water changes. That could be why his fish are sick.
Robert Tabert
Robert Tabert - 7 years ago
Colton Yelverton ask a different fish tank you tuber he doesn’t know
Florida state fishing
Florida state fishing - 7 years ago
Love your vids man hope your pacu get better
Marcus - 7 years ago
Maybe it got sick because you keep sticking your hands in the tank constantly. Yeah I know sometime you need to do that but you are overdoing it. It feels like every video you have your hands in the aquarium, some time up to the elbow. You know that your hands are not clean and even if you watch them there is still some fat, soap residue and things like that on them. You should only stick your hands in the water if you need to do a water change or net a fish. If you gonna re-scape the tank do that while you do a water change. You should really only stick your hands in the tank when it's absolutely necessary. And you don't need to move the fish every time you do a water change. They can stay in the tank while you change the water. I think your fish got sick because you stick your dirty hands in the tank to often and you stress them out.
Bassmaster23 - 7 years ago
Stop buying fish. Research first. I honestly find you to be one of my least liked YouTube aquarium owners... I mean for real, you’re very obnoxious and nearly kill everything you own. You stress the fish out far to much and don’t even do your research, and just impulse buy so it’s very annoying.
Robert Tabert
Robert Tabert - 7 years ago
It’s more annoying that he doesn’t know it. It’s animal abuse.
PacRat - 7 years ago
you have to agree its annoying when his intro is "WAS GUCCI RAW FAM" and he does not have number one fans he has a lot of fans correcting him and also quite the hate comments.

30. comment for MY PACU IS INFECTED {Had To Quarantine My Fish}

THE LIFE OF GEESEE - 7 years ago
Rawwfishing you need to make up with catchem all. We miss your videos with him.
Cameron Johnson
Cameron Johnson - 7 years ago
I swear the more I watch you Franklin. The more I think you know nothing about fish keeping. You need to do hella research.
Michael Seasor
Michael Seasor - 7 years ago
I can’t stand how uneducated he is with fish he has fish and doesn’t know proper ph levels or how to move a fish with out stressing it out do your research before you go buy fish
William Lau
William Lau - 7 years ago
Agreed. And cause you're a YouTuber doesn't make you a professional. Constantly holding a fish and telling them to relax won't make you a better fishkeeper.
Michael Seasor
Michael Seasor - 7 years ago
I could care less how hard it is he doesn’t know how to take care of the fish he has it’s gonna get annoying when every video is about a dead fish
Aidan Horowitz
Aidan Horowitz - 7 years ago
You guys are just a bunch of haters u know how hard it is to start a YouTube channel and actually get a lot of subscribers.Make a YouTube channel and get over 30000 subscribers then talk
Tim Baker
Tim Baker - 7 years ago
Michael Seasor it bothers me too. My cousins get fish and know nothing about then or how to take care of them. They always need me to come over and help them with tank problems. They got a big pleco nearly a foot long because their turtles ate it. I fear this one's gonna get eaten too but I cant stop them. They bought me a 10 inch pleco and it has a beautiful 50 gallon tank
Michael Seasor
Michael Seasor - 7 years ago
I’m not trying to be negative but his pacu has a very very low chance of living
Michael Seasor
Michael Seasor - 7 years ago
Rob D yep like I’m starting a fishing and aquarium fish channel soon I’ve been keeping fish my whole life and fishing my whole life I was fresh waters stingrays and watching a video of someone who can’t take care of a pacu is sad
Rob D
Rob D - 7 years ago
This is like every other youtuber, they learn the hard way.  All you can do is watch and shake your head.
Andrei Villarante
Andrei Villarante - 7 years ago
hey bro, whats up? its me again. lol
Zombieslayer 0513
Zombieslayer 0513 - 7 years ago
Are you gonna kill the fish by stressing them out??? Moving them around a lot I mean
Briski89 xo
Briski89 xo - 7 years ago
Yep I agree
Robert Tabert
Robert Tabert - 7 years ago
Same then he acts like he knows what he is talking about. Pisses me off.
Tim Baker
Tim Baker - 7 years ago
Zombieslayer 0513 just about to bring that up
Zombieslayer 0513
Zombieslayer 0513 - 7 years ago
Trevor Burton
Trevor Burton - 7 years ago
Miriam Torres
Miriam Torres - 7 years ago
The same thing happened to my pacu and mine both died :(
Tanks with Tad
Tanks with Tad - 7 years ago
How do you tell the difference between male and female
Noam Chertock
Noam Chertock - 7 years ago
Worth the wait for the vid❤️
Dirty' n Ridin'
Dirty' n Ridin' - 7 years ago
You know what's crazy 3 days ago my pacu got sick and died only had him for a month they are so prone to everything
Kelly Claus
Kelly Claus - 7 years ago
Now you need to treet your friends tank also I believe that is a fungal issue
Vapor Vloger
Vapor Vloger - 7 years ago
Dylan Noetzel
Dylan Noetzel - 7 years ago
raw fishing he has Cloudy eye you need to go to Petsmart get some general Cure and put that in the quarantine tank he’s in and feed them food rich in vitimans and your tanks ph has gone down so bring that back up.
Taco Graal
Taco Graal - 7 years ago
Not Mr. Pacu
Jason Higgason
Jason Higgason - 7 years ago
Were u just at 56k and now u at 43k?
Ty Fishing
Ty Fishing - 7 years ago
Y u tried stealing SHAMU????
Coty Rogers
Coty Rogers - 7 years ago
Ty Fishing he tried stealing shamu?
Dequan176 fishes
Dequan176 fishes - 7 years ago
28th comment love da content
Average Joe
Average Joe - 7 years ago
So what happened to the arrowana
Colton Yelverton
Colton Yelverton - 7 years ago
Average Joe then why ask?
Average Joe
Average Joe - 7 years ago
Briski89 xo he got another one
Briski89 xo
Briski89 xo - 7 years ago
Average Joe redtail ate it
Ezekiel Gomez
Ezekiel Gomez - 7 years ago
Big booger

50. comment for MY PACU IS INFECTED {Had To Quarantine My Fish}

jm fishmaster
jm fishmaster - 7 years ago
technically water is not wet so it don't help putting ur hands in the water
Farrell Lagrange
Farrell Lagrange - 7 years ago
I want the little lobster back
W.P Fishing Nation
W.P Fishing Nation - 7 years ago
LegendaryPyro YT
LegendaryPyro YT - 7 years ago
They gettin sick cuz u keeep moving them around and stressing them out which is causing them to get sick
Marcus - 7 years ago
It's because he sticks his hands in the water up to the elbow many times each day. I only have my hands in the tank when I do water changes. If I need to re-scape, move something or net a fish I'll wait until the next water change. This guy just thinks it's funny to put his hands in the tank all the time. You know your hands are never fully clean from fat, perfume, lotion etc.
KS Aquatics
KS Aquatics - 7 years ago
What do you edit with my dude
305 Angling
305 Angling - 7 years ago
Quarantine and your red tail could have stung him in the eye by accident
Cam Aquatics
Cam Aquatics - 7 years ago
Alligator Gars Huge Just Like Raww Fam
Beau Kaufman
Beau Kaufman - 7 years ago
AmazingAnimalTV - 7 years ago
i was first!can i have a shoutout
Raymond Williams
Raymond Williams - 7 years ago
i was wondering when something like this would happen
Kstylez - 7 years ago
First And Quarantine
Kayley Lord
Kayley Lord - 7 years ago
Just became part of the fam!!
Brock Gleason
Brock Gleason - 7 years ago
Not 1st
Miickhail - 7 years ago
first like
Shamaren Johnson
Shamaren Johnson - 7 years ago
First can I get a shout out
daniel snaith
daniel snaith - 7 years ago
Andres Varela
Andres Varela - 7 years ago
David Seliger
David Seliger - 7 years ago
Dylan Jenkins
Dylan Jenkins - 7 years ago
Tanks with Tad
Tanks with Tad - 7 years ago
Landon Brookings
Landon Brookings - 7 years ago
xXBluntMacheteXx - 7 years ago

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