R.I.P JAWS ** The End of an amazing animal**

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R.I.P JAWS ** The End of an amazing animal** sentiment_very_dissatisfied 134

Raww fishing 5 years ago 34,605 views

For Family Friendly Content. Check out my INSTAGRAM:@RAWWFISHING - https://www.instagram.com/rawwfishing/ Support the channel! - https://www.rawwfishing.com/shop

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Most popular comments
for R.I.P JAWS ** The End of an amazing animal**

Linda Sch
Linda Sch - 5 years ago
Sorry for your lost. But you’re handing it very well. Hope a year from now the pain is better.
Benjamin Fernengel
Benjamin Fernengel - 5 years ago
I’m sorry but he’s not actually crying
The Teardrop Panda
The Teardrop Panda - 5 years ago
Lela Niehaus
Lela Niehaus - 5 years ago
XXGodOfWar808XX Defaults Not accepted
XXGodOfWar808XX Defaults Not accepted - 5 years ago
Chanzky Gaming
Chanzky Gaming - 5 years ago
RawwFam will miss you JAWS
Damien Suomala
Damien Suomala - 5 years ago
Jaws I miss u but jaws is in a better place now so he cant be harmed
CowboyAustin123 - 5 years ago
I’m so so so sorry for your loss
Timothy Lewis
Timothy Lewis - 5 years ago
In tears to loved all the fish sincerely sorry

10. comment for R.I.P JAWS ** The End of an amazing animal**

EvenEvan Studios
EvenEvan Studios - 5 years ago
no no No NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gino Dino
Gino Dino - 5 years ago
condolencee to your fishhh
Heidi Wollschlager
Heidi Wollschlager - 5 years ago
Sorry R.I.P Jaws I an sorry for you
Gravity red
Gravity red - 5 years ago
Y.....y would someone or something would do such a thing......
Evan Black
Evan Black - 5 years ago
You need to put a camera outside to monitor the fish and to prevent this from happening again.
Turtle Viper YT
Turtle Viper YT - 5 years ago
This makes me so sad and mad
Presley Jeremiah Smith
Presley Jeremiah Smith - 5 years ago
just like suma is dead
Dino Dude Vlogs
Dino Dude Vlogs - 5 years ago
Lol get rekt by wreck ralph
Mr. T0X1C//
Mr. T0X1C// - 5 years ago
Still smiling, my friend, this is a tough test for you, I'm sure someday there will be something more beautiful than that.
I Support You, (I'm From Indonesian), And I Love Your Old Video, When Jaws are still alive.

1 likes to remember Jaws and all fish that have died there.
depressed person
depressed person - 5 years ago
Its ok people have been there jaws is gone to a good place he will always love you as you...no WE love her....its ok I've been there i lost my favorite dog she was nice rip both jaws and charlette

20. comment for R.I.P JAWS ** The End of an amazing animal**

Byron Delcid
Byron Delcid - 5 years ago
Rip jaws
keyt Esquivel
keyt Esquivel - 5 years ago
R.i.p :( like means one prayer for fish
Gacha_ xXCatXx
Gacha_ xXCatXx - 5 years ago
Be strong because they will always stay in your heart....
THN Roshan
THN Roshan - 5 years ago
he was a good fish to us and you i cant text no more i will cry like to say aman
Sanaz Behrooz
Sanaz Behrooz - 5 years ago
I'm actually crying i really liked jaws you always said she was a sico path i liked it I'm still watching videos
Zblox 36
Zblox 36 - 5 years ago
Pray for jaws :(
JpG ImGroot 2ez
JpG ImGroot 2ez - 5 years ago
We don't know each others exact feelings but we all know the feeling of losing an animal or somone. I'll pray for you man that's all we can do
Phoebe Agamon
Phoebe Agamon - 5 years ago
Rip jaws
m a d y h o l t
m a d y h o l t - 5 years ago
Luke Cruz
Luke Cruz - 5 years ago
Sadness from death

30. comment for R.I.P JAWS ** The End of an amazing animal**

David Clark
David Clark - 5 years ago
Sorry for your loses
Khen_ potato
Khen_ potato - 5 years ago
Pls stop pls stop im ganno cry too
Jim Kaggle
Jim Kaggle - 5 years ago
I only just started watching u a few days ago and watching this I'm crying just like u I'm sorry for ur losses and I hope that someone was that mean to do that to u
The Diamond Fish
The Diamond Fish - 5 years ago
RIP Jaws 2017-2019
Country Boi
Country Boi - 5 years ago
Oh no poor jaws
Turtle Viper YT
Turtle Viper YT - 5 years ago
What kind of person would do this
Mike potato
Mike potato - 5 years ago
R.i.p jaws
Janet Sun
Janet Sun - 5 years ago
those fish were very special Jaws and smiley and the koi and little bass we loved them and they will live on forever in the memories of the rawwfam. animals are precious we should treat them respect
Christopher McMullin
Christopher McMullin - 5 years ago
Dominic World
Dominic World - 5 years ago
How can people dislike this!?
Maraleh Hansen
Maraleh Hansen - 5 years ago
Someone had to be really low to hit you where it would hurt the most. I am truly sorry for your loss.
Kyli Chapman
Kyli Chapman - 5 years ago
Raymond Flannery
Raymond Flannery - 5 years ago
Where’s this “thing” that got thrown into the pond
Genaro Quiahua
Genaro Quiahua - 5 years ago
I know how you feel 3 hours after you posted the vid my bird died
Charlie Lara
Charlie Lara - 5 years ago
I wish was alive
hihobin - 5 years ago
Like this vid cus this is sad
Ken. World
Ken. World - 5 years ago
I'm literally cry over jaws death rest in peace jaws
Robin Clarke
Robin Clarke - 5 years ago
Bab Rwwfish
TheDarkNinjas_YT - 5 years ago
pls make your next pond indoors so no one can ever do that again
Carolina Alcantara
Carolina Alcantara - 5 years ago
I love jaw

50. comment for R.I.P JAWS ** The End of an amazing animal**

Tube Trio
Tube Trio - 5 years ago
wee love yoo jaws
Ella Eilish
Ella Eilish - 5 years ago
RIP Jaws :(((((((
Jose Toribio
Jose Toribio - 5 years ago
Your making me cry
Alex Melendez
Alex Melendez - 5 years ago
I'm sorry for your fish and jaws the bass❤
Sajjad Alazraky
Sajjad Alazraky - 5 years ago
Like for prayers for jaws! I'm in tears while typing this!
Gameing mobile/ tyquan
Gameing mobile/ tyquan - 5 years ago
Cheer up you'll be okay
zarlock 10
zarlock 10 - 5 years ago
Noooooo jawsss
Noah Richman
Noah Richman - 5 years ago
i'm sorry
zeek castillo
zeek castillo - 5 years ago
I cried literly when watched this vid
Jen Verhagen
Jen Verhagen - 5 years ago
I'm crying to
Turtle Viper YT
Turtle Viper YT - 5 years ago
I hope who did it gets
Turtle Viper YT
Turtle Viper YT - 5 years ago
I hope who did it gets Caught
LittlePuff Puff
LittlePuff Puff - 5 years ago
Who ever did this is sooooooo dumb i feel sooo bad i feel like im about to cry
jonathan felix
jonathan felix - 5 years ago
im crying
THN Roshan
THN Roshan - 5 years ago
i fell your pain jaws was a godd fish
Bert B
Bert B - 5 years ago
One like equals more love for r bud jaws
meow meow cats oml
meow meow cats oml - 5 years ago
No jaws no I crying I love jaws why jaws why but you got baby jaws R.I.P
Nathan meiler
Nathan meiler - 5 years ago
I feel bad for you sorry for your loss
Turtle Viper YT
Turtle Viper YT - 5 years ago
I’m sorry man I’m sad too
Jadelyn Ann Peanut Loomis
Jadelyn Ann Peanut Loomis - 5 years ago
That's screwed up
Tonya Long
Tonya Long - 5 years ago
I also cried in front of my mom
Amanda Staley
Amanda Staley - 5 years ago
Rip jaws you will always be loved and missed
Brian Stoker
Brian Stoker - 5 years ago
I'm sorry bro
TheDarkNinjas_YT - 5 years ago
oh no why now jaws was the best fish ever
Lawand Dino
Lawand Dino - 5 years ago
a fish no
1 5 S X O P E
1 5 S X O P E - 5 years ago
You must put your fish pond away fron fences
Robbie Shock
Robbie Shock - 5 years ago
I'm so sorry this happened, my 4 year old son started watching ur vids and he wanted me to leave you a comment saying "I'm sorry your sad, I'm sad too. But it's ok he's in fishy heaven" he also wanted you to know that he loves ur vids and you'll be ok cause everyone who watch's will cheer you up!
Tammy Santerfeit
Tammy Santerfeit - 5 years ago
So sorry hun!!
zillabro1 - 5 years ago
wait this is the second time you had to take down the pond right? so sad
Clive Felix
Clive Felix - 5 years ago
1like=1prayer for Jaws
Blaze Blitz
Blaze Blitz - 5 years ago
Oh shooot
Slime Time
Slime Time - 5 years ago
Everything happens for a reason
Dr Peper
Dr Peper - 5 years ago
jaws will never die she lives with us FOREVER... although it may seem she is gone she is always with us
Wolfy Playz
Wolfy Playz - 5 years ago
I’m so sorry
Wolfy Playz
Wolfy Playz - 5 years ago
Rip jaws
Clive Felix
Clive Felix - 5 years ago
turtle hunter
turtle hunter - 5 years ago
Are you still going to make video's
Susanna Tam
Susanna Tam - 5 years ago
Rip jaws
Reee Gilley
Reee Gilley - 5 years ago
No one deserves this I am so sorry
Anna May
Anna May - 5 years ago
Jaws and the koi were pregnant. I'm in tears.
samel mungo
samel mungo - 5 years ago
If you are sad because the fish Died give me a like.
Jhavaugni Walford
Jhavaugni Walford - 5 years ago
RIP for the best fish in the world
Amanda Staley
Amanda Staley - 5 years ago
Who ever did this you don’t have a good heart
3inch killah
3inch killah - 5 years ago
Very sorry for your loss !!!! Very beautiful and emotional video ❤
Lawand Dino
Lawand Dino - 5 years ago
paige copus
paige copus - 5 years ago
Sorry that your fish passed away. God is whatching out for them and there in heven now for God to look after. God will always portect them now.
SmileyNailyLps - 5 years ago

Out going
Wonder girl
Connor The spooky boi
Connor The spooky boi - 5 years ago
Jaws fam
30K.Kidddo - 5 years ago
Why would someone do this to them you are a lovely guy that person owns karma
KasWadros - 5 years ago
Videos too long as it should be

100. comment for R.I.P JAWS ** The End of an amazing animal**

zeek castillo
zeek castillo - 5 years ago
My fish died because someone Broke in my house and poisoned my fish
Julian Sarapata
Julian Sarapata - 5 years ago
one like equals one punch in the face for whatever b*tch did that sorry for cussing
TECH GAMER - 5 years ago
After hearing about jawa I was like it was my fish and how did she die I didn't believe that when my sis told means then I checked the videos and then I started crying for about a couple of hours
Sarah-Christine Rosenau
Sarah-Christine Rosenau - 5 years ago
Rip jaws and the other fish
NKING alpha
NKING alpha - 5 years ago
pouring out tears
Waffle Lama
Waffle Lama - 5 years ago
OMG I’m so sorry i love them all rip
Bubblemuffinz - 5 years ago
What did the other guy do
Julian Sarapata
Julian Sarapata - 5 years ago
im sorry
DarkShadow FortnitePro
DarkShadow FortnitePro - 5 years ago
When i was in long trips i would watch my videos because they nade me laugh and now that jaws is dead ....... the channel..........
Aj Cedillo
Aj Cedillo - 5 years ago
I cried too
Pixel Pawz
Pixel Pawz - 5 years ago
Who could do that.....rip jaws. Hope you swim freely in heaven
turtle hunter
turtle hunter - 5 years ago
Dont read This name cuz i told you to
Dont read This name cuz i told you to - 5 years ago
1 like = one swordfish for jaws RIP JAWS farewell jaws you will be remembered
1 5 S X O P E
1 5 S X O P E - 5 years ago
If they were people who kill these amazing fishes i probably h8 those people who killed them. If they were the fish they would feel the same. I hope they get beaten up so bad and i feel bad for Franklin :(
GAME TIME - 5 years ago
Sorry for yah fishies especislly jaws yhe mad blood fish
King of skulls
King of skulls - 5 years ago
akira Ortega
akira Ortega - 5 years ago
Faraklin did koi die too to all watching one like one jaws will gonna give on franklin if you know the man who killed or throwed chemicals on franklins jaw pool please comment please so franklin dont cry anymore and the guy who throwed chemicals on franklins jaww pool will have life inprisonment
NKING alpha
NKING alpha - 5 years ago
sniffling and crying at the same time please lets all hope that this does not happen agian
Dusk dragoN228
Dusk dragoN228 - 5 years ago
RIP JAWS.......
I know its hard but we can move on......
Gacha Plowman 332010
Gacha Plowman 332010 - 5 years ago
No jaw no no no no nooo I don’t want this to be the last
Eniijo Playz
Eniijo Playz - 5 years ago
Please tell me this is not happening I have a fish Betta if he ever dies I will cry for him for 1 week we got your fishes on our hearth never forget that we love you
Salomon Lara
Salomon Lara - 5 years ago
Your right man my fish died
Austin Murdock
Austin Murdock - 5 years ago
Janie Southworth
Janie Southworth - 5 years ago
have a great life jaws
Michael Lash
Michael Lash - 5 years ago
Brother I KNOW what your going through I had a big fish I’ve had the same problem
FlameKiller Minecraft boss
FlameKiller Minecraft boss - 5 years ago
I know I had a fish too and he died 1like =1 prayer
NISA! UNICORN! - 5 years ago
I am also crying through this
NKING alpha
NKING alpha - 5 years ago
pray for JAWS
raven-reaper - 5 years ago
Stuff them
ItzGachaBongo - 5 years ago
Roses Are Red
Violets Are Blue
We Are THE RawwFam
And We'll Get Though
god six
god six - 5 years ago
Honestly though you a almost killed a rare eel
Sierra Ferguson
Sierra Ferguson - 5 years ago
I loved Jaws so was the best this made me cry
sarahrandom78 - 5 years ago
This is very sad
PewDiePie Fan gurl
PewDiePie Fan gurl - 5 years ago
I’m sorry for your loss I can’t believe what happened I freaking hate who ever did this . Why would someone do this. The person who did this is a dang on pice of crap!!!!!(I feel really bad)
PewDiePie Fan gurl
PewDiePie Fan gurl - 5 years ago
Who ever killed them need to be slapped across the face
Funtime Wolfie
Funtime Wolfie - 5 years ago
Im sooo sorry for you and your fish
May the fish rest in peace R.I.P
SmileyNailyLps - 5 years ago
Roses are red
Violets blue
We are RawwFam
We stand up for you! ♥️♥️♥️soo sorry! :( bye bye Jaws...nice mowing you...
Night owl
Night owl - 5 years ago
I discovered your channel about 2 weeks ago and I saw the video about when you caught jaws ,and.....just seeing this video make my heart collapse.
Jaws was a cool fish but now he's in a better place.
Salomon Lara
Salomon Lara - 5 years ago
But how did he die
DEER PLAYS MOBILE - 5 years ago
We rawwfam are here with you until you get through
NKING alpha
NKING alpha - 5 years ago
i love fish and any animal and i don't like to watch them git hurt
Dany Hernandez
Dany Hernandez - 5 years ago
I'm so sorry my chickens died I felt the same thing
Zaiah Gabriel
Zaiah Gabriel - 5 years ago
Sorry what happened to the fish I hope the best for you
Zaiah Gabriel
Zaiah Gabriel - 5 years ago
Who ever did this should be in jail hope the best so you feel better
NKING alpha
NKING alpha - 5 years ago
pray for jaws
Andrew Romero
Andrew Romero - 5 years ago
People wants to take your fish cause you have the best fish and they dont want you take let me see your best videos
Jesus Barrios
Jesus Barrios - 5 years ago
Flame Gamez
Flame Gamez - 5 years ago
John Donahue
John Donahue - 5 years ago
I know what it feels like my dog got hit by a car in january
Dino BooRen's Vlog's
Dino BooRen's Vlog's - 5 years ago
Iam so Sorry
NKING alpha
NKING alpha - 5 years ago
to think that jaws was pregnet
Melissa Mosqueda
Melissa Mosqueda - 5 years ago
Look i may have not. Ever have a fish but i have. Filling to ok
diamond stiker li
diamond stiker li - 5 years ago
No mr jaws
diamond stiker li
diamond stiker li - 5 years ago
I cried as i saw that
Santosh Borse
Santosh Borse - 5 years ago
Live a good life old pal
Jessie Szabo
Jessie Szabo - 5 years ago
People are just jealous that you have an amazing life with your animals
blackxxalies 360
blackxxalies 360 - 5 years ago
I hope baby jaws grows up to be like jaws and doesn't die
Mike Collins
Mike Collins - 5 years ago
I'm so sorry rest in peace jaws. Jaws was an amazing fish.
PKL - 5 years ago
My heart breaks for you. I am so sorry
James D'Orlando
James D'Orlando - 5 years ago
sathiya seelan
sathiya seelan - 5 years ago
Really sad to see this happenes bro.....I know the feel.... let’s get though it....
Lureana Sandlin
Lureana Sandlin - 5 years ago
Bones84 - 5 years ago
Why would you dislike
Larson Bennett
Larson Bennett - 5 years ago
I literally cried I’m an animal lover to
Jacob Phelps
Jacob Phelps - 5 years ago
This is horrid this is going to make me cry
teal diamond productions
teal diamond productions - 5 years ago
and i cried when my beta fish sunset died :______(
Sierra Ferguson
Sierra Ferguson - 5 years ago
Sorry for your lose can’t believe it It’s really sad
RyU 5thwarrior
RyU 5thwarrior - 5 years ago
I hate haters but o wass look it in the posed seid
TWAZ THE GAMER - 5 years ago
He’s dead
diamond wolf69
diamond wolf69 - 5 years ago
i would give you my pet fish whos name is monstro :,,(
TWAZ THE GAMER - 5 years ago
Angela Whitfield
Angela Whitfield - 5 years ago
How are people so cold
cat clann
cat clann - 5 years ago
I feel bad man sorry
Isma Dav
Isma Dav - 5 years ago
I know that he is sad and I understand but why does he fakes crying
rebecca glover
rebecca glover - 5 years ago
I am so sorry I love fish too
Gem Alim
Gem Alim - 5 years ago
thats so sad
Robert The YouTuber
Robert The YouTuber - 5 years ago
The belly fish you should just take it out and. Let it free
aaron gaod
aaron gaod - 5 years ago
Camden Frantz
Camden Frantz - 5 years ago
I love jaws he was so crazy I like your YouTube videos but you can do it for jaws I'm still crying
ALMA FLORES - 5 years ago
To eat,
ALMA FLORES - 5 years ago
And the other animals you killed for him
Thats sad sorry man
Fazilah HjJaafar
Fazilah HjJaafar - 5 years ago
Its so sad try to not cry fam
Noah Londono
Noah Londono - 5 years ago
Jaws was awesome franklin but hang in there well help pull you through
SavageSharkk - 5 years ago
RIP Jaws
Grace Lee
Grace Lee - 5 years ago
Prey for all the fish 1 like= 1fish and prey for all the vids
FaZe Kamty -
FaZe Kamty - - 5 years ago
“Sry man I know that pain I will always remember JAWS HES THE BEST ONE LIKE equals
1prayer for jaws”
Lori Pezanetti
Lori Pezanetti - 5 years ago
It will be in your heart forever your fish where are the best
Kaleb Kline
Kaleb Kline - 5 years ago
Im sorry for your lost fish
game_control_666 - 5 years ago
Does anyone else thing that this is the same guy from all that time ago????
Camila Ocampo
Camila Ocampo - 5 years ago
When you posted this i cryed alot
Swan 21
Swan 21 - 5 years ago
Its all the hard work and the rescues he has done his a good man much respect for you bro keep up the good work we need more people like you in this world
Noah Londono
Noah Londono - 5 years ago
1 like on this vid means one prayer for Franklin and jaws
Holton Johnston
Holton Johnston - 5 years ago
Rip jaws a great friend and fish
rayneth abellanosa
rayneth abellanosa - 5 years ago
I took 30 seconds of silence for the fish
Melissa Mosqueda
Melissa Mosqueda - 5 years ago
Oh my god i no so i love. Animals ok i let a dog go and it was not my dog ok i cried so hard
carter s
carter s - 5 years ago
How is the gar?
diamond wolf69
diamond wolf69 - 5 years ago
the guy who did this should go to he\_\_
Bon bon playz
Bon bon playz - 5 years ago
this is sad
NISA! UNICORN! - 5 years ago
Im not trying to be mean so plzz dont take this the wrong way plzz im sorry for your loss and i bet your really up set and maybe some of the viewers are upset to but there are plenty of fish in the sea and other waters but you also took them away from there homes and family and there friends and there family dont know there dead now so dont take this the wrong way but you were part of the reason they died and i love the fish and your you tube Channel but how would you feel if you could never see your friends and family again another riminder dont take this the wrong way i hope the fish have a good life in heaven im so sorry
Diamond Master Miner
Diamond Master Miner - 5 years ago
I Love It When Jaws Jumps Up And Eats The Food Right Away Like A Savage And Now I’m Actually Sad That I Can’t See That Anymore, And I Can’t See Jaws In The Pool Anymore
Robert The YouTuber
Robert The YouTuber - 5 years ago
Poor jaws
Abbygacha 712
Abbygacha 712 - 5 years ago
I-im crying
Lawrence Cerbå
Lawrence Cerbå - 5 years ago
Fo cc Again?
Wwe Fan334
Wwe Fan334 - 5 years ago
I am so sorry for your losses
Wendell try to look at grimlock sign Sia
Wendell try to look at grimlock sign Sia - 5 years ago
Mine was being pourdklourin as nd they survive
Aislyn's Universe
Aislyn's Universe - 5 years ago
Support this channel guys for the sake of the raw fam guys give support to lift jaws high in the name of god.he will take care of him and jaws will always be with the raw fam amen
Lawrence Cerbå
Lawrence Cerbå - 5 years ago
Stephen Karinch
Stephen Karinch - 5 years ago
R.I.P jaws
The Awakening Of Johnny Newsome
The Awakening Of Johnny Newsome - 5 years ago
damnit why did jaws die he was the main reason people were viewing your channel rip
ohh gaming
ohh gaming - 5 years ago
I’m so sry I love you jaws and the other fish rest in piece jaws
Lex Clayton
Lex Clayton - 5 years ago
R.I.P Jaws
C Storms
C Storms - 5 years ago
Sad day for the Rawwfam
Tyler Morris
Tyler Morris - 5 years ago
Some people are just evil, you didn't deserve any of thid
Diana Toyo
Diana Toyo - 5 years ago
Ho did that mean teang we are a raw fam have fun in fish heven by jaws
ICut GT - 5 years ago
Aw so sad...
Gisele Naomi
Gisele Naomi - 5 years ago
Rip fish
Ricky Ricardo
Ricky Ricardo - 5 years ago
That's f-ed up.
Kasey Kramer
Kasey Kramer - 5 years ago
Pray for Franklin not to be so sad
Komodo Beast Aaron
Komodo Beast Aaron - 5 years ago
All your videos are so happy but this one was sadd
Wyatt VanHoose
Wyatt VanHoose - 5 years ago
All I have to say is .rest in PEACE.jaws.
Thomas Blackmore
Thomas Blackmore - 5 years ago
Rip jaws you will be missed
Kasey Kramer
Kasey Kramer - 5 years ago
Pray for jaws
Camden Frantz
Camden Frantz - 5 years ago
And it happened to me
Camden Frantz
Camden Frantz - 5 years ago
I was crying bad
Libby Sass-Crews
Libby Sass-Crews - 5 years ago
NOOOO i loved jaws .rip jaws she was a good fish
Diana Toyo
Diana Toyo - 5 years ago
By jaws be happy in fish heaven
Benjamin McMahan
Benjamin McMahan - 5 years ago
If someone did that they lost their mind. My favorite fish are deid
Ruby Ramirez
Ruby Ramirez - 5 years ago
U haters u better stop this is not ok just stop those fishes are his friends and a piece of his heart pls stop
spring trap #1
spring trap #1 - 5 years ago
The person who killed Jaws
should go to Prison for
VVS.Chris6206 nj
VVS.Chris6206 nj - 5 years ago
they added chlorine in the tap water and hose water. You could smell the bleach from the water.
Samuel Keplinger
Samuel Keplinger - 5 years ago
The family cares for one another if we can we will help always willing to lend a ear to friends and family
Leelynd Moser
Leelynd Moser - 5 years ago
Rip jaws rest in peace
Shaina Davidson
Shaina Davidson - 5 years ago
Can we get some Js for Jaws and F for fish in the chat.
Hunaly Teronpi
Hunaly Teronpi - 5 years ago
WTH kill jaww killed him/her
Lisa Richards
Lisa Richards - 5 years ago
Zhenya Briggs
Zhenya Briggs - 5 years ago
I feel bad I know how it feels my newborn kitten died last night , I'm 9 and I cried all night
Owen Czekay
Owen Czekay - 5 years ago
Actually I know how to revive fish
Naomi Del Valle
Naomi Del Valle - 5 years ago
hello rawwfam we all 1.6m sud we support you and i now what your going for am animal lover to wend my littell dog die i know how its fills welll your awosome and well sud give you a hug i hope you fell beter now you fish is a beatiful place so is my dog i hope my dog mist your fish well we love you so much ;3
Wen Slow
Wen Slow - 5 years ago
Let karma do its job bro
C Storms
C Storms - 5 years ago
R.I.P jaws
Denzel 'My Niqqa' Washington
Denzel 'My Niqqa' Washington - 5 years ago
Put the other fish back in natural water. They wouldn't be dead otherwise.
what what
what what - 5 years ago
yeah my dog was inside and the person broke into my house and killed him to should I put him on the streets
Modern Robster Pootis brid heavy
Modern Robster Pootis brid heavy - 5 years ago
Denzel 'My Niqqa' Washington then should I realese my dogs into a the wild because someone killed him
Joey Bellville
Joey Bellville - 5 years ago
Minecraft with me
Minecraft with me - 5 years ago
= (
RoyalDuckGaming - 5 years ago
garrin bratcher
garrin bratcher - 5 years ago
It's okay we can do this
Shawn Marshall
Shawn Marshall - 5 years ago
Sorry man mabe jaw's spirit will bring u good luck and nobody will wreck your new pond if u get one! U have a lot of perserverance by not giving up on your channel! Sorry about jaw r.i.p.
charles davenport
charles davenport - 5 years ago
Sorry for your loss, I lost 21 koi a few months ago, and though I was able to get more, i never found the one that had similar markings as my favorite kohaku koi with a tancho!
prabesh shrestha
prabesh shrestha - 5 years ago
may jaws soul get best place in heaven .. rip.jaws T_T
Gameing with kesha
Gameing with kesha - 5 years ago
this also reminds me of when blakes barn got on fire and he lost so many animals :(
Lilerick2fly _yt
Lilerick2fly _yt - 5 years ago
Man I’m so sorry for your deaths they didn’t deserve it
Pokémon Fan
Pokémon Fan - 5 years ago
We will all love jaws he will have a nice life in heaven
Colin Dendy
Colin Dendy - 5 years ago
My son (age 10) was watching this vid. He stopped it in the middle and came over to his mother and myself with tears in his eyes because of the damage to the pond and fish. More over he was sad for you and your loss and that you might feel alone and neglected. He asked what he might do to help make you feel better and we told him to leave a supportive comment which he did. :)
Heather Drenning
Heather Drenning - 5 years ago
RIP jaws
She was a good fish
FroggyNotDoggy - 5 years ago
Im soooo sorry we all loved jaws
Andrew Castillo
Andrew Castillo - 5 years ago
So sorry about Jaws but You got Baby Jaws so you could remember Jaws
Chue Lee
Chue Lee - 5 years ago
One like a life for jaws the good bass
rupa Kandel
rupa Kandel - 5 years ago
aw...please don't cry..it makes me really sad! And also..rip to your fish everybody make this the most liked video!
Mandated Beast
Mandated Beast - 5 years ago
I’m so sorry jaws will live strong in heaven
My username Takes an L to creek
My username Takes an L to creek - 5 years ago
I'm crying right now. I can't believe this happend, I feel so bad for you.
Chiesui Asuncion
Chiesui Asuncion - 5 years ago
cheer up in every lost there's some thing more big to come
fae's place
fae's place - 5 years ago
All cuz of a fish
Jaydyn Wright
Jaydyn Wright - 5 years ago
You know, I showed this to my friend and she said it was fake! Btw animals are my life too and I can't believe that this happened twice. I think someone might wait for you to get attached to a fish before killing them. That's just my thought. Sorry for your loss
google home
google home - 5 years ago
I hope baby jawws doesn't find out his dad is dead
Patrick rash
Patrick rash - 5 years ago
Hang on man jaws is a legend he will never die legends never die
Richard Mack
Richard Mack - 5 years ago
parkormaster cp
parkormaster cp - 5 years ago
I lost my 8 koi and 8 gold fish
Leopard Gecko fan
Leopard Gecko fan - 5 years ago
I am sorry for your loss
Victinigamer - 5 years ago
I almost cried (っ◞‸◟c) this is the most saddest thing I seen. ・゚・(。>д<。)・゚・
CJ and Auntie Yaya
CJ and Auntie Yaya - 5 years ago
I don't understand the mentality of the person who kills fish like this. My condolences.
Syndie Kinsey
Syndie Kinsey - 5 years ago
1 like 1 pray that he raises baby jaws to be like jaws
Fish World
Fish World - 5 years ago
I'm very sorry Jaws died he is in heaven. I'm a fish lover to I have fish they die and they are all in heaven with God
Aisha Sha
Aisha Sha - 5 years ago
Riley Foy
Riley Foy - 5 years ago
I’m so sorry, I had some fish too and I loved loved them and that loved me and they died too
Colin Dendy
Colin Dendy - 5 years ago
:( I'm so sorry :(
Kumquat Lover
Kumquat Lover - 5 years ago
Awww no more fish trap videos loves those also I love jaws and the huge koi
Ruby Adams
Ruby Adams - 5 years ago
And I do you know what you're going through because the same thing happened to me before so I know what you going through my face that I love more than you love Jaws died to but everything has to die sometime or another and you just have to let it go roll with it and act like it's fine when it's really not and I'm sorry for your loss
Aulryell Conley
Aulryell Conley - 5 years ago
We pray for you and I can say that everyone is going to miss jaws and everyone else
daniyal laqa
daniyal laqa - 5 years ago
bro i literally cried watching this video
Killian Santiago
Killian Santiago - 5 years ago
Rip jaws we loved u...
Elijah Hernandez
Elijah Hernandez - 5 years ago
I'm sorry I loved jaws and every other fish there sorry
kristal thomas
kristal thomas - 5 years ago
Think positive
Julian Quezada
Julian Quezada - 5 years ago
I some sorry jaws is dead i lost some of my family i will be on your team
Rafa Celles
Rafa Celles - 5 years ago
1 like= 1 prayer for jaws
Christi Crull
Christi Crull - 5 years ago
What about the red tails are they dead to?
HaPpYHoTDoG XD - 5 years ago
Rip Jaws death to the person who did this
Default life’s matter
Default life’s matter - 5 years ago
Why the F*** do people do that to you those fish are awesome
Johnny Hernandez
Johnny Hernandez - 5 years ago
Im So Sorry Im Just So Mad
Crystal Cook
Crystal Cook - 5 years ago
I feel bad for you ,rest in piece jaws roses are red violets are blue we are sad so make it through
Keliel Irizarry
Keliel Irizarry - 5 years ago
Its so sad i litterly cried
Karen Lopez
Karen Lopez - 5 years ago
why do people dislike the video because his crying but you raw fam you and your brother are the best :]
Frost Wolf
Frost Wolf - 5 years ago
One like one love for his dead fish and jaw
Sam Underwood
Sam Underwood - 5 years ago
I couldn’t get trough this video without crying
Gameing with kesha
Gameing with kesha - 5 years ago
this like button equals how much of us are praying for jaws
Cam ‘n’ Lego
Cam ‘n’ Lego - 5 years ago
I hate animal death so much I now sponsor people to help it!!!
spinner Gutierrez
spinner Gutierrez - 5 years ago
Love you jaws you were a good fish live good in fish hevan
Terri Spicuzza
Terri Spicuzza - 5 years ago
Just want to see them one last time........................
Kyle Thisse
Kyle Thisse - 5 years ago
That sucks bro someone SHOULD SET UP A GO FUND ME HINT
Elizabeth Cristobal
Elizabeth Cristobal - 5 years ago
No jaws you can't be dead you were my favorite fish jaws
Terri Spicuzza
Terri Spicuzza - 5 years ago
I want to see my fish and jaws one last time.......................
shaygrl78 - 5 years ago
I'm so sorry!!
Chi Nguyen
Chi Nguyen - 5 years ago
D.S.N YouTube channel
D.S.N YouTube channel - 5 years ago
Nooooooo, why Jaws why
Frost Wolf
Frost Wolf - 5 years ago
Those hater dont like fishes
Prince and Will Gaming Channel
Prince and Will Gaming Channel - 5 years ago
We will miss you jaws
Mehwish Majid
Mehwish Majid - 5 years ago
Check the camera in your home
And make sure who did it
DarkNate Godly17
DarkNate Godly17 - 5 years ago
R.I.P jaws man i really loved her
Martin James Velarde
Martin James Velarde - 5 years ago
No way my favorite fish no! T_T NOOOOOOOOOO T_T who put poison there please die now HUHUHUHU
Ebon Albero
Ebon Albero - 5 years ago
I love you raw fam be always be strong
John Rew
John Rew - 5 years ago
Just think it's weird how it was a year ago to the day...
Terri Spicuzza
Terri Spicuzza - 5 years ago
I went through the same thing as you and im also crying. my three fish died and the oldest was 6 and im also a true animal lover and some people judge me because they think that im weard that i love animals and the sadest thing about it is that my gradpa gave me those three fish before he died and i still sit were ever and just balling my eyes out.
moonlight shine natalie
moonlight shine natalie - 5 years ago
Juan Moya
Juan Moya - 5 years ago
Im very very sorry for your loss it really affected me because im a very big fan and I'm subscribed to you
Jancarlo Martinez
Jancarlo Martinez - 5 years ago
Rip jaws life goes on I can't take brakes
Mr BarloBlunts
Mr BarloBlunts - 5 years ago
should of planted a seed where u buried them the fish decay would of gave it all the stuff itt needed to grow big and strong
Alvaro Esparza
Alvaro Esparza - 5 years ago
Why god why.l hate People Who Just like hate nature
A manda Freerksen
A manda Freerksen - 5 years ago
Maybe that is a hint exactly 1 year ago
Hunter Johnson
Hunter Johnson - 5 years ago
Poor jaws. She did nothing to deserve to die.
JevaughnSmith2019 - 5 years ago
So long Jaws!
Eder Pineda
Eder Pineda - 5 years ago
I am criying
Hd99 Darabant
Hd99 Darabant - 5 years ago
Press "f" to pay respects
neon night
neon night - 5 years ago
omg, they killed jaws
those bastards
JJ cruz
JJ cruz - 5 years ago
I feel bad for ur lost some people just gotta move in like my grandma she was blind and deaf she died of that and before she died I said something bad
Yuliya Podolska
Yuliya Podolska - 5 years ago
I almost cried
Kimber Gaines
Kimber Gaines - 5 years ago
How that feels I have a dog that had to get put down and I’m not crying right now could I see you your fish died because of the chemical my dog up and down because he bit someone
How that feels I have a dog that had to get put down and I’m not crying right now could I see you your fish died because of the chemical my dog up and down because he bit someone
Tiffany Briley
Tiffany Briley - 5 years ago
There are mean SOB's & callus POS's who are just heartless! they just love the fact 'they' were behind it and got away with it. People are assh*lse! RIP fish flock! Swim away in Gods pond! I was shocked to see this happen!
Tequila Strong
Tequila Strong - 5 years ago
Rip big boy jaws good killer fish
Clemsonkiller20 X
Clemsonkiller20 X - 5 years ago
Rip Jaws we will all miss u the whole raw family misses u
張賀翔 - 5 years ago
So fxxking sad.R.i.p
DINO BOY - 5 years ago
You should put something on the tanks so at night objects or chemicals dont get in like if you agree
a s xoxo
a s xoxo - 5 years ago
Rest un pice jaws sorry for you my KOI fish die I fell the semm
Bashing Siblings
Bashing Siblings - 5 years ago
He was my favorite fish and who ever did that had no right and they should be ashamed
Bashing Siblings
Bashing Siblings - 5 years ago
I mean she
Jamori Forrest
Jamori Forrest - 5 years ago
Get another fish and nime her jaws please
Zachery Trowell
Zachery Trowell - 5 years ago
I am so sorry this is worse the what happened to Long Paul
Life with Lilah
Life with Lilah - 5 years ago
Omg I am crying
gachapotato crystal
gachapotato crystal - 5 years ago
This is what his grave will say r.i.p jaws. .......... Jaws was a awesome bass she was a Savage beautiful and one and only kind of bass she is
kaysen Stevenson
kaysen Stevenson - 5 years ago
So sorry i cried
Galaxy Studio
Galaxy Studio - 5 years ago
And Jaws is gone on my Birth Day...
Mauricio Cardenas
Mauricio Cardenas - 5 years ago
At lease he is in a better place for now
Da boss Clarke
Da boss Clarke - 5 years ago
Sorry man for ur fish rip jaws
Cordell Speer
Cordell Speer - 5 years ago
Videos Camera Monitors
Matthew O'Leary
Matthew O'Leary - 5 years ago
hope you make it through man, that was sad. god bless
horses for life
horses for life - 5 years ago
awwww im crying rip jaws and all of the other fish
Nargis and Diana besties
Nargis and Diana besties - 5 years ago
Sohail Adil
Sohail Adil - 5 years ago
Jaws I miss you sorry about what happened
Prince TheGamer
Prince TheGamer - 5 years ago
Jaws was my favorite to :(
sharklightning1221 - 5 years ago
vdog Barnes
vdog Barnes - 5 years ago
I am a animal lover too
Mr BarloBlunts
Mr BarloBlunts - 5 years ago
this is sad but clearly u pissing someone off beacuse this is the second time someone killed ur fish
Lone Fox
Lone Fox - 5 years ago
Rip jaws and shamu but here is a plan shamu died jaws died. So who would do it no way two spikes would happen
Squish Bros
Squish Bros - 5 years ago
May jaws Rest In Peace
Benjamin Byers
Benjamin Byers - 5 years ago
Well, as sad as I am for jaws. How did she actually die. Like, I don’t want to be a hater , but C’mon you had 20 cameras and didn’t know how she died. Also think about this as humans. you are sad because a mean bully who assaulted all your other fish died, but you say it’s cause she was a... SAVAGE?!?
Leonor Molina
Leonor Molina - 5 years ago
We will always be with you RIP Jaw
Peter Patton
Peter Patton - 5 years ago
Sorry bro
Ernesto Bugarin
Ernesto Bugarin - 5 years ago
Jaws is now happy in the heaven
Angela Mekpongsatorn
Angela Mekpongsatorn - 5 years ago
I dont care if this doesn't get alike or not I'm just saying jaws is in your heart
Cameron's life longing
Cameron's life longing - 5 years ago
John's rest in peace in aquariums of above
Miles McLendon
Miles McLendon - 5 years ago
Rip jaws! Ive been here since the day you found him! Another setback for a major comeback!
UNKNOWNFIRE2764 - 5 years ago
Anyone who disliked the video has no heart or soul
raven-reaper - 5 years ago
gachapotato crystal
gachapotato crystal - 5 years ago
I want to see jaws alive and well
Chris Jones
Chris Jones - 5 years ago
Rip jaws
Isg Dust
Isg Dust - 5 years ago
R.I.P Jaws
Fortnite lovers events
Fortnite lovers events - 5 years ago
Good now dont use him as clickbate fake crys
Bailey Spinks
Bailey Spinks - 5 years ago
Jaws you was a good fish you just dot know we're to start
XxTankxX Da OG
XxTankxX Da OG - 5 years ago
Rip jaws will always remember you :(
Penh Vang
Penh Vang - 5 years ago
I'm sooo sorry
zo p
zo p - 5 years ago
If ur gona cry for fish u better be a vegan!
esperanza villasenor
esperanza villasenor - 5 years ago
You still have baby Jaws dais him up we can do this RawwFam
rian chico
rian chico - 5 years ago
sorry franklin
gachapotato crystal
gachapotato crystal - 5 years ago
Yes i did like my comment because i pray for him
Abdiel Ramos
Abdiel Ramos - 5 years ago
Man i feel your pain i lost a very important fish too i know its sad you cry you scream your heart breaks but we the rawfam are with you man you will go trough it and better days will come and baby jaws will grow the size jaws was and you will remember him forever some people will say its just a fish the longer you have them the more atached you get to them they are part of the family stay strong bro i share your pain i know exactly how that feels ive been trough it
Jackson - 5 years ago
im crying im not kidding :(
epic vibes only chanell
epic vibes only chanell - 5 years ago
God will take care of Jaws
Landon Cuevas
Landon Cuevas - 5 years ago
It’s okay bro I hope you can find out who did it and I hope you feel better
Courtney Hinz
Courtney Hinz - 5 years ago
We love you❤️
Brandon Layson
Brandon Layson - 5 years ago
A new beginning
epic vibes only chanell
epic vibes only chanell - 5 years ago
Dude Jaws is know in a better place call Heaven
drnazelia - 5 years ago
do not cry,we are still here
Double A Gaming
Double A Gaming - 5 years ago
Each like for this comment is Another respect for Jaws the most bad to the bone savage fish so like if u miss jaws
The Graceful Grace Fletcher
The Graceful Grace Fletcher - 5 years ago
Oh man....It's so sad....I can't believe it dude.....I'm so, so sorry. I love animals too. What an amazing fish Jaws must have been for you...
ronald bundalian
ronald bundalian - 5 years ago
Theyre now in heaven
Jarren Blake
Jarren Blake - 5 years ago
I’m new to the rawwfam But I loved jaws we can get over it together I love you rawwfam and stay strong
maggie redman
maggie redman - 5 years ago
Im real real sorry ;(
Obdulia Martinez
Obdulia Martinez - 5 years ago
God bless you
Josie Martinson
Josie Martinson - 5 years ago
Rip jaws
Irekonu - 5 years ago
Double A Gaming
Double A Gaming - 5 years ago
I’m also very sad he was the most bad to the bone fish
Curren Tabor
Curren Tabor - 5 years ago
Why why why
Wyatt Shorts
Wyatt Shorts - 5 years ago
RIP jaws we will always love u jaws
Destiny Pikachu
Destiny Pikachu - 5 years ago
Is jaws in Atlantis or in the underwrold
greg szyszka
greg szyszka - 5 years ago
get the water tested by a lab.
ShadowWolf _26
ShadowWolf _26 - 5 years ago
Prekaey Saeboe
Prekaey Saeboe - 5 years ago
He didn’t do a water change in God’s know how long. But I can honestly say I’ve done the samething and lost everything in my 130 so it’s a learning experience. I’m sorry bro
Lxcky Gxat
Lxcky Gxat - 5 years ago
Rip u jaws I feel bad for ya raww fam
Elmer Fidellaga
Elmer Fidellaga - 5 years ago
RIP Jaws its upseting that Jaws died goodbye:',(
Prince Gaming
Prince Gaming - 5 years ago
So sad RAWW FAM☹️☹️
ronald bundalian
ronald bundalian - 5 years ago
Ill revenge you jaws your my favorite
Stacy Dee
Stacy Dee - 5 years ago
So sorry for your loss for jaw rip raww fishing
Cooper Jensen
Cooper Jensen - 5 years ago
my crazy brother
my crazy brother - 5 years ago
This dude is a idiot
Shannon Smith
Shannon Smith - 5 years ago
That’s so freaking sad who would have the guts to do that that’s so messed up like dam that’s just so f**king sad
Adam Gehrke
Adam Gehrke - 5 years ago
So how exactly did they die??
Tara Mcclellan
Tara Mcclellan - 5 years ago
I just want to give you a big hug
Jackson - 5 years ago
Sydney Anderson
Sydney Anderson - 5 years ago
I’m so sorry. I loved that bass. She will be missed
Mickaela Sambrano
Mickaela Sambrano - 5 years ago
You acting like if someone died
Kyler Graham
Kyler Graham - 5 years ago
You will make it through this keep going and you will succeed in your career
Rush Raider
Rush Raider - 5 years ago
I think u should go and catch another monster bass
Hollow clan 69 69
Hollow clan 69 69 - 5 years ago
Rip fish now to a bigger pond
Matthew Washburn
Matthew Washburn - 5 years ago
I am currently working on a jaws tribute. Like so that he sees.
K.C Sears
K.C Sears - 5 years ago
No joke crying
Cheetah Swift
Cheetah Swift - 5 years ago
r.i.p jaws
haddoxboi - 5 years ago
You dont think it has anything to do with feeding them things that came fresh from the ocean (salt) since it isnt natural food for them or it put to much salt into the water and how do you know anyone threw something in cause didnt you out cameras up? Its funny how this happens twice now. Things dont add up.
Neil Aga
Neil Aga - 5 years ago
I’m so sorry this happened to you
Guillermo Gonzalez
Guillermo Gonzalez - 5 years ago
I saw sorry for fish
Guillermo Gonzalez
Guillermo Gonzalez - 5 years ago
I so sorry for fish Didi
Ricky Wa
Ricky Wa - 5 years ago
go check the cameras and recorded what was on video so everyone can look at it and see if they could see anything
SDIT Bailey Nelson
SDIT Bailey Nelson - 5 years ago
R.I.P Jaws
Melchor Baluca
Melchor Baluca - 5 years ago
R.I.P Jaws
Karen Valenzuela
Karen Valenzuela - 5 years ago
I dont have the words Franklin, im so so very sad about what happend! Im sending my strength & love to you at your hour of need! RAW FAM 4 LIFE!!!
CherryLilyz Gaming
CherryLilyz Gaming - 5 years ago
I have an idea it might be hard to do but i suggest you should probably try to get a higher/secure fence so that if someone did want to interfere with your pond again they cant unless they broke in I have been a huge fan of you for a long time and i loved those fish almost as much as anybody if not more watching the video brought a tear to my eye but if those fish were alive and human for just a second i'm sure they would say "its okay raw fam this may be hard but we will be in your hearts and stay strong." Have a good rest of your day/night
jakemadness games and more
jakemadness games and more - 5 years ago
Poor Franklin I know Jocelyn a lot to you and I just feel very bad about what happened to you and it's happened twice so far cuz somebody sits your pain and somebody well you don't know yet if somebody through chemicals in your pool but I just feel so bad that you have to lose such innocent creatures and then such innocent fish and it's It's upsetting its it's mean it's bad it's cruel it's I just feel really sorry for you and I hope things will get better in the future
jakemadness games and more
jakemadness games and more - 5 years ago
Spelling error I meant to say jaws means alot to you
Storm_bjmyers13 - 5 years ago
R.I.P all prayers go to these fish and The Rawwfam
Courtney Wu
Courtney Wu - 5 years ago
My goldfish died when I was on vacation because of poisoning as well. I had him for 4 years. I cried so much. :( Prayers for you and your fish.
Trenton Daugette
Trenton Daugette - 5 years ago
Youtube channel 64:useless channel And knuckles owo
Youtube channel 64:useless channel And knuckles owo - 5 years ago
Due to this video I made a funeral playlist for dead animals.
I'm sorry for your loss...and I hope you feel better...
Your raw fam is here for you.
-YouTube channel 64:useless channel and knuckles OwO
Yuliana Parra Silva
Yuliana Parra Silva - 5 years ago
Dont be sad
Chacer Collins
Chacer Collins - 5 years ago
Will never forget jaws
Trenton Daugette
Trenton Daugette - 5 years ago
i am sorry what happen to jaws
royalblackgamer - 5 years ago
I’m so sorry for you dude
Thông BEAR
Thông BEAR - 5 years ago
ọc trâu bò
Allen Montenegro
Allen Montenegro - 5 years ago
We will all ways love jaws
Sunita Love Ramgoolam-Hosein
Sunita Love Ramgoolam-Hosein - 5 years ago
Glen Campasas
Glen Campasas - 5 years ago
fim sorry for you
Zac Cuadra
Zac Cuadra - 5 years ago
I hop jaws will rest in peace. YOU don't have to like but 1like + fish that can eat in thar sleep.
JoshDoesGames - 5 years ago
What type of sick person does this?
Chacer Collins
Chacer Collins - 5 years ago
lonely llama 2.0 potato
lonely llama 2.0 potato - 5 years ago
Im so sorry franklin jaws will be forever missed, RIP, feel better
Chayangkorn Chanlongsirichai
Chayangkorn Chanlongsirichai - 5 years ago
Rest in peace
Sprite the Bird
Sprite the Bird - 5 years ago
Guys I just noticed something, so if you have been a long time subscriber then you will know about how Franklin lost his old pond to someone cutting one of the sides open, well, and this is just a theory, but what if the same person who cut his old pond, put the chemical in his pond, I mean the cutting of the pond happened a year ago, so I mean just take this into consideration, also if you read this, like it please so Franklin can see it
Jason Lesperance
Jason Lesperance - 5 years ago
Rose's are red
Violet is blue one like is for jaws
who was crying
Football Challenges and Vlogs Vlogs
Football Challenges and Vlogs Vlogs - 5 years ago
I am so sad,,
XxQueen CakexX
XxQueen CakexX - 5 years ago
Zac Cuadra
Zac Cuadra - 5 years ago
I hop jaws will rest in peace. You don't have to like but 1like + 1 fish that can eat in her sleep.
Shahidha Aisha
Shahidha Aisha - 5 years ago
Adian DaCosta
Adian DaCosta - 5 years ago
Yay he dead he kill so many other live thing but when they dead you did you not fake cry over them so he need to dead jaw need to dead
Marina valencia
Marina valencia - 5 years ago
Jaws we all love you are in a better place love you Jaws r I p
Kamden Black The awesomeness
Kamden Black The awesomeness - 5 years ago
im really sorry that some of your best work of fish died
sco ro
sco ro - 5 years ago
The best fish ever for you and us R.I.P
TheFortnitePlayer 123
TheFortnitePlayer 123 - 5 years ago
They were pragnent
Matt Reynard
Matt Reynard - 5 years ago
That’s fucked up who would do that
Ella Mounce
Ella Mounce - 5 years ago
Aww I’m so sorry
Michael Ramlagan
Michael Ramlagan - 5 years ago
Bye jaws R.I.P have a good life
jamairo 6ix9ine
jamairo 6ix9ine - 5 years ago
Goodbye jawws
Stephen Sheng
Stephen Sheng - 5 years ago
Buddy Time fun
Buddy Time fun - 5 years ago
Jaws is my favorite
Wyatt Randolph
Wyatt Randolph - 5 years ago
That sucks bro
Jason Lesperance
Jason Lesperance - 5 years ago
I'm crying
Deja landers
Deja landers - 5 years ago
It was there time. UnU
Micheal Beasley
Micheal Beasley - 5 years ago
Rip Jaws big time
I feel bad I wash she never left
Micheal Beasley
Micheal Beasley - 5 years ago
I mean I wish
John Prater
John Prater - 5 years ago
Let baby jaw always live in jaws image
Spider- Man
Spider- Man - 5 years ago
1 like = 1 FBI agent hunting the idiot who did this.
Stephanie Castaneda
Stephanie Castaneda - 5 years ago
Lotadluke - 5 years ago
noooooooooooooooooooo not jaws
RedsGaming - 5 years ago
Its really getting me mad that someone always kills your fish how many times does this need to happen. These are animals, friends, pets. I really hope that it wasnt a person doing this and just a freak accident. Love you man stay strong.
scraptrapplayz games
scraptrapplayz games - 5 years ago
Putter Lamb
Putter Lamb - 5 years ago
I am so sorry i feel so bad
Yo itz Gamer Violet Hannah A.k.a Gamer V
Yo itz Gamer Violet Hannah A.k.a Gamer V - 5 years ago
JAW BL4Z3R - 5 years ago
Kelly Quito
Kelly Quito - 5 years ago
We are with you bro. We got your back dude. It hurts a lot but don’t let it bring you real down. We all love you and JAWS will always live in our hearts ♥️
Jen Grey
Jen Grey - 5 years ago
Jaws is still alive in are harts
Albert Aguilar
Albert Aguilar - 5 years ago
R.i.p jaws
PacManGamer YT
PacManGamer YT - 5 years ago
jason Kola
jason Kola - 5 years ago
Why will anybody do this curs you who did this koment what do you guys think love jaws you will Always be remembert love you jaws
Jordan Totu
Jordan Totu - 5 years ago
that is so sad
Elias Gomez
Elias Gomez - 5 years ago
Sorry bro don't give up
Jordan Totu
Jordan Totu - 5 years ago
Bobby Theys
Bobby Theys - 5 years ago
Rip jaws and koi people are so cruel I’m so sorry franklin my little 8 year old cousin bawled watching this video prayers buddy
Eder Montes
Eder Montes - 5 years ago
He is now dead...........................leave like for respect to jaws death
Growler Plays
Growler Plays - 5 years ago
Dude keep calm and be cool r.i.p all the fish
Peter Schild
Peter Schild - 5 years ago
i do know what your going through. I've lost many animals that i loved and somehow they died so i do know what your going through
1 like 1 prayer
Jennifer Hoff
Jennifer Hoff - 5 years ago
R.i.p jaws
Brooks Shelley
Brooks Shelley - 5 years ago
Darcy Grant
Darcy Grant - 5 years ago
Hey raw fam shamo died to so don’t think your the only one my koi died yesterday
LaTesha Porter
LaTesha Porter - 5 years ago
It’s ok dude do it again
ReptilianX Lol
ReptilianX Lol - 5 years ago
Rip Jaws: a YouTube star and master of destruction. We’re gonna miss you lots NO CAP
Vaporing Wolf playz
Vaporing Wolf playz - 5 years ago
This is one sad moment:((((
philp mcgibbon
philp mcgibbon - 5 years ago
I will KILL WHO EVER DID THIS DAM THAT ANIMAL KILLER maby it was the same person from last year ( sorry dude but don’t have pongs outside unless your fence is BIGER ) tip jaws he was the best we all loved him the saveg awesome jaws I HATE THIS :(
Dragon Sean Eggplant leader
Dragon Sean Eggplant leader - 5 years ago
1 like = a chance jaws will be reborn and caught by raww again
Lorie Gaboury
Lorie Gaboury - 5 years ago
So sorry for your lost .. :'(
Brenda Ayala
Brenda Ayala - 5 years ago
I’m going to cry
Jeffry messyourself
Jeffry messyourself - 5 years ago
Altered Gaming
Altered Gaming - 5 years ago
1 like equals one prayer for raw I remember last years incident I think it may be the same person
ELITE DIREBOY/chevyboy1 - 5 years ago
Why do people always kill your fish or why do they always die
Erick Mendez
Erick Mendez - 5 years ago
It happend again how in the world but one prayer for jaws and others
Trinity Thomas
Trinity Thomas - 5 years ago
I'm sorry what happened and I cryed
Casey Solomon
Casey Solomon - 5 years ago
You should file a report on the people that did it a year ago.
Max Albright
Max Albright - 5 years ago
To the 79 people that disliked this video go kill yourself. Tbh the “people” who disliked it is probably the guy who threw the chemical and disliked it on 79 different accounts.
Osama Bkr
Osama Bkr - 5 years ago
Oh sorry in ur last video I commented u should put a camera put u already put how funny oh and love ur vids hope u good
Lil Guap
Lil Guap - 5 years ago
The fish wouldn’t want u to stop the pond
Samaria Samaria
Samaria Samaria - 5 years ago
Rip Jaws
Esmeralda Mondragon
Esmeralda Mondragon - 5 years ago
R.I.P jaws
Cedar Marchand
Cedar Marchand - 5 years ago
R.I.P you can make it through
Jake - 5 years ago
Why does it feel like he did it him self ? Just the vibe and wouldn't you get cameras ?
Aonica Dawn
Aonica Dawn - 5 years ago
Tears are falling for you and Jaws and the rest of your fam pets. No words can help the pain you are going through. I'm praying that whatever happened will come out and if it was someone doing this that they will recieve punishment. You have a huge RawwFam here that is standing with you. Much love and hugs.

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The "R.I.P JAWS ** The End of an amazing animal**" video is part of the raww fishing, pond category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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