Raw fish and meat - What does the cat like to eat?

Experiment: the cat has a choice of pink salmon and beef. We look that my cat prefers to eat. Of course, the fish and the meat are raw. Please do not take this experience as scientific and serious. This video is filmed to make people happy. The cat's name is Perseus. He is Siberian cat of almost 15 years old. Now his weight is 4 kg 700 grams. Intro music - African Drums (Sting) by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Artist: http://www.twinmusicom.org/ End music Barroom Ballet - Silent Film Light by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100310 Artist: http://incompetech.com/

Raw fish and meat - What does the cat like to eat? sentiment_very_dissatisfied 34

Raww fishing 6 years ago 90,463 views

Experiment: the cat has a choice of pink salmon and beef. We look that my cat prefers to eat. Of course, the fish and the meat are raw. Please do not take this experience as scientific and serious. This video is filmed to make people happy. The cat's name is Perseus. He is Siberian cat of almost 15 years old. Now his weight is 4 kg 700 grams. Intro music - African Drums (Sting) by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Artist: http://www.twinmusicom.org/ End music Barroom Ballet - Silent Film Light by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100310 Artist: http://incompetech.com/

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Most popular comments
for Raw fish and meat - What does the cat like to eat?

jace&vinny bs
jace&vinny bs - 5 years ago
baby jia
baby jia - 5 years ago
Fish first
Cryss - 5 years ago
Now this, is a happy cat. Adoreble!
doggydoggdawg flock
doggydoggdawg flock - 5 years ago
Тата Коренева
Тата Коренева - 6 years ago
Как смешно он всё обнюхивает, чтоб что-нибудь съесть ))
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 6 years ago
А он привередлив же к еде
Тата Коренева
Тата Коренева - 6 years ago
Выход Персея к обеду великолепен!!!
Hailey Bug
Hailey Bug - 6 years ago
I want to hear his meow I bet he has a cute voice lol
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 6 years ago
This cat does not like to meow. And I am glad of it.
Mythical Starrz
Mythical Starrz - 6 years ago
Yeah I also enjoy fish better than meat
Ville Pakarinen
Ville Pakarinen - 6 years ago
This is me at a Chinese buffet

10. comment for Raw fish and meat - What does the cat like to eat?

user2kffs - 6 years ago
I want to eat the cats food, never thought i would say this
Fennel Leaf
Fennel Leaf - 6 years ago
Love how he stuff a whole chunk of fish and struggle to swallow it
Jeanie Huang
Jeanie Huang - 6 years ago
Why does the cat look like a lion?
Hazal Gursoy
Hazal Gursoy - 6 years ago
Ok he definitely sounds like a little human baby eating their first solid snack. LOL ❤️
Random username I picked for some random reason
Random username I picked for some random reason - 6 years ago
the only real asmr
Linda - 6 years ago
Charlikins - 6 years ago
his fat ass struggled to get through the door.
Jeb Kara
Jeb Kara - 6 years ago
What a beautiful beautiful cat
MsAviator69 - 6 years ago
Какая тяжелая эта работа, сниматься в роликах!
meRnn - 6 years ago
Perseus the gourmet i love you :*

20. comment for Raw fish and meat - What does the cat like to eat?

Kirbs_Story - 6 years ago
the title rhymes! :D
Анна Губанова
Анна Губанова - 6 years ago
Рада за котейку
Ma/ Co/
Ma/ Co/ - 6 years ago
looks like that pig eats the closest thing to its mouth
Feathernote Productions
Feathernote Productions - 6 years ago
To the cat this must be luxury
Roosje Keizer
Roosje Keizer - 6 years ago
My cat doesn't like fish.
Регина Грачева
Регина Грачева - 6 years ago
Как вкусно кушает
Horny Panda
Horny Panda - 6 years ago
She’s so happy when she eats ☺️
PatrickB - 6 years ago
This lil fellow eat everything
fadel 404
fadel 404 - 6 years ago
Cat trying asmr
vadim romansky
vadim romansky - 6 years ago
Какие же звууи он издает - милота. Почему чавкающий человек это отвратительно, а чавкающий котик - мило

30. comment for Raw fish and meat - What does the cat like to eat?

максим фетисов
максим фетисов - 6 years ago
У меня был такой же сибиряк. Тоже обожал сырое мясо и также глотал не жуя )))
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 6 years ago
Да, обычно коты и не жуют, хищники всё же
advenzizi - 6 years ago
You should start paying your cat dude
Thomas Chung
Thomas Chung - 6 years ago
Dam, chew threw the motherf#$%
Benjamin Farias
Benjamin Farias - 6 years ago
Kitty loves fish but hates water. Life is cruel.
Aissa Petisú
Aissa Petisú - 6 years ago
This cat eats better than me...
tide pods
tide pods - 6 years ago
This is the most well-fed house cat in history lol
Леночка Лена
Леночка Лена - 6 years ago
Фу епт глистами ещё не заразился?
Irina Salalatova
Irina Salalatova - 6 years ago
Марат, здравствуйте!) восхищаюсь Вашим котом! В таком возрасте - и в такой прекрасной форме, чем вы его кормите повседневно, не для видео? Интересуюсь, так как сама являюсь владелицей кота.
Nikki sears
Nikki sears - 6 years ago
I hate cats but I for some reason watch this.
Jessejpen - 6 years ago
I’ve come this far on life
Phuck You
Phuck You - 6 years ago
Fish is meat idiot
VeryNice - 6 years ago
Studies show cats enjoy the meat closest to them followed by the second closest and so on.
Ghost CAT
Ghost CAT - 6 years ago
Cute little sniffer nose
Гера Добрый
Гера Добрый - 6 years ago
Пылесос работает отлично! .... Ну почти отлично....
Ольга Зорина
Ольга Зорина - 6 years ago
Аж жрать захотелось))))
Владимир Илюхин
Владимир Илюхин - 6 years ago
Он один раз поел, а потом весь день спит?
Mcsymm McSymm
Mcsymm McSymm - 6 years ago
И того и другого, и побольше!
tzar2007 - 6 years ago
but what's the score?
SAL KEE - 6 years ago
Opparation Study Cat
Ivan Petrov
Ivan Petrov - 6 years ago
У меня аж слюнки потекли)))) так сладко котик кушает да еще мурчит))))

50. comment for Raw fish and meat - What does the cat like to eat?

Zanfish - 6 years ago
MayCee Nicole
MayCee Nicole - 6 years ago
Is it safe to feed cats raw meat?
I have a kitten whose about 4mths old and wants to eat EVERYTHING!! I’m not sure what is truly safe for her to eat. Can you help me out!!??
MayCee Nicole
MayCee Nicole - 6 years ago
Phuck You are you ever concerned about salmonella?
Phuck You
Phuck You - 6 years ago
It is, but you should watch your cat when feeding them something new for the first few times because she could end up choking on it or something, also some cats have sensitive stomachs so you might have to give it to her small amounts
lopik333 - 6 years ago
Изумительное чавкание и урчание...
ARMY & IGOT7 - 6 years ago
60% comments are : I love the cat eating

40% comments are : I love the cat
literally the worst youtuber
literally the worst youtuber - 6 years ago
ai nid tu bi dis ket en it oll det fud

(srsly what)
literally the worst youtuber
literally the worst youtuber - 6 years ago
(I need to be this cat and eat all that food)
Michael Raskulinec
Michael Raskulinec - 6 years ago
Raw or boiled beef meat. What does the cat like to eat?
JapaneseCheid - 6 years ago
Raw. They did a video like this
[ NePu ]
[ NePu ] - 6 years ago
Basically the cat version of gordon ramsey
Thomas Ebert
Thomas Ebert - 6 years ago
How much pound of meat here?!
Tsetsi - 6 years ago
This looks like smoked wild salmon
Tsetsi - 6 years ago
An interminational expert in cat food
Andrew Fikusov
Andrew Fikusov - 6 years ago
Вы бы еще в туалете снимали, что за срач вокруг?
Flamedacat - 6 years ago
Soo... The cat just eats anything in his path?
Rochelle Chiappetta
Rochelle Chiappetta - 6 years ago
That cat eats better than I do
Gurn Blanstein
Gurn Blanstein - 6 years ago
I love the way the cat always comes up to the food purring lol
John Null
John Null - 6 years ago
Blindfold someone and put heads phones on them and have them guess what they are listening to.
Crystal Matney
Crystal Matney - 6 years ago
@2:40 I didn’t know there were bones in it
wasilaify - 6 years ago
Why is it so calming to watch cats eat? I feel like everything is right with this world.
Caeden Emerald
Caeden Emerald - 6 years ago
I enjoy watching your cat destroy food
chelsi irvine
chelsi irvine - 6 years ago
wow this is the most happiest cat in the world. is it a boy/girl? and how old is your cat because he or she is beautiful and i'm sure you get lots of love,hugs,licks,purring,and kisses
zzyzx - 6 years ago
He should be the happiest cat in the world.
Night Ryder 2017
Night Ryder 2017 - 6 years ago
I'm getting hungry now
Shera Bechard
Shera Bechard - 6 years ago
I want my cats to be experts too! How to start? Did he eat this raw meat from the get go?
Man-Ung Yi
Man-Ung Yi - 6 years ago
Im going home and having some sliced salmon and raw beef for dinner tonight.

Then curl up and sleep by the fire place.
Mythical Starrz
Mythical Starrz - 6 years ago
Now I'm craving some sushi, thanks cat
Prince Stormstrider
Prince Stormstrider - 6 years ago
I think this is what most cats like to eat.
SuomiLaava - 6 years ago
<3 The sound is so relaxing
Lawlophile - 6 years ago
I wish my cat ate raw meat. All she likes to eat is dry cat food :(
Ethan Freeman
Ethan Freeman - 6 years ago
My cats gets burned out on the meat real fast and wants canned cat food again i cant believe it.
Bodrul Jamal
Bodrul Jamal - 6 years ago
She or he ate the raw fish first so it like raw fish I think
mr Raysor
mr Raysor - 6 years ago
Why the fuck doesnt my cat eat raw food????
Kelli D
Kelli D - 6 years ago
Thats a cute kitty
Lynx Memes
Lynx Memes - 6 years ago
Can I have that? 0:10
XxPrincessCrystalDream YTXx
XxPrincessCrystalDream YTXx - 6 years ago
I think he prefers both as you can see he's almost eating both the selections of meat. But pretty adorable
the messenga cross
the messenga cross - 6 years ago
the sounds remind of my favorite cartoon back in the day" Garfield "
Sophia Hangel
Sophia Hangel - 6 years ago
I loove watching him eating fish, salmon, shrimps, chicken hearts and liver !!
mudchild - 6 years ago
Is Perseus neutered?
penny davis
penny davis - 6 years ago
madgod - 6 years ago
It's weirdly satisfying watching this cat enjoy it's food.
松尾裕美 - 6 years ago
I'm happy cat!
souderton8989 - 6 years ago
That cat will eat anything from rope to soap. Lol
фыр жыр
фыр жыр - 6 years ago
Люди голодают, а это мхнатое ебало трескает за десятерых.
Anannymouse - 6 years ago
I just love it and I don't know why XD
1tuffcookie87 - 6 years ago
Mmm I want some! So hungry now
Namii Suzamoto
Namii Suzamoto - 6 years ago
Perseus is so adorable
Emerald 919
Emerald 919 - 6 years ago
I love the sound he makes when he swallows
lol - 6 years ago
Why tf am I watching this?
Eric Lee
Eric Lee - 6 years ago
Is it weird that listening to this cat eat helps me fall asleep?
Sin kovec
Sin kovec - 6 years ago
Cats always go crazy for fish.
Nie powiem kto
Nie powiem kto - 6 years ago
Where did you buy model with built in microphone?
Big mouth Billy bass
Big mouth Billy bass - 6 years ago
Asmr kitty

100. comment for Raw fish and meat - What does the cat like to eat?

Joshua Abadano
Joshua Abadano - 6 years ago
Does he always pur for the intro? XD
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 6 years ago
Almost always
Brian Shoubert
Brian Shoubert - 6 years ago
Кот предпочитает кушать и то и другое! )
Вадим В.
Вадим В. - 6 years ago
Это видео о предпочтениях именно этого, данного кота, с его пищевыми привычками, выработанными и в том числе и с участием хозяев.)
Nataya Lebedeva
Nataya Lebedeva - 6 years ago
Можно я буду вашим котом? Я тоже хочу каждый день есть лосось и мраморную говядину
春の花 ッ
春の花 ッ - 6 years ago
K Kh
K Kh - 6 years ago
Мурлыка чудный!!!
Екатерина Дермелева
Екатерина Дермелева - 6 years ago
Просто наблюдать как ест кот -очень приятно))
Amit Kumar
Amit Kumar - 6 years ago
Chew your food well before you swallow.
David Orh
David Orh - 6 years ago
I can't believe they don't really chew it down that much maybe the more chewed it is the less they digest it probably
David Orh
David Orh - 6 years ago
The uncooked meat looks so poisonous but I'm sure it makes him more leaner or something hmmm
David Orh
David Orh - 6 years ago
The cat is back in the house chew chew
Иван Яскевич
Иван Яскевич - 6 years ago
When my owner is idiot.
Max Ulrich
Max Ulrich - 6 years ago
Hamu hamu hamu nyam nyam nyam
Наталия Передерий
Наталия Передерий - 6 years ago
Мясо люблю,но рыбу больше!!!
Deshon Husband
Deshon Husband - 6 years ago
I don’t know why this is so satisfying.
Andron373 - 6 years ago
Level9Gay - 6 years ago
Aww so cute
Becca K
Becca K - 6 years ago
The ONLY asmr
Blaze - 6 years ago
Who did the narration in the intro? Was it you're real voice?
Soo Soo
Soo Soo - 6 years ago
Cute noises
Иван Романов
Иван Романов - 6 years ago
So satisfying
Ayumi Fox .-.
Ayumi Fox .-. - 6 years ago
Котик такой милый! >\\w\\<
JK P - 6 years ago
I was not expecting Perseus to be pronounced Per-soos, I was pronouncing it Per-see-us!
Morrigan - 6 years ago
It IS pronounced Per-see-us. Lol, he's just saying it wrong because of his accent.
Dionitzi - 6 years ago
This channel is the best thing that’s ever happened to me
Marcy RP
Marcy RP - 6 years ago
Will he come back later if you leave the fish down for him?
kitana56220 - 6 years ago
This cat is in paradise
Loki Odinson
Loki Odinson - 6 years ago
Raw. Always go for raw.
Elemental 206411
Elemental 206411 - 6 years ago
The title rhymes..
piismynumber - 6 years ago
MONTOYAF1 - 6 years ago
This cat is a savage
Jayden Giles
Jayden Giles - 6 years ago
i have a cat that looks exactly like that one? What breed is that cat?
Hafsa Farah
Hafsa Farah - 6 years ago
ادمنت هالفديوهات
Vicky Vonstein
Vicky Vonstein - 6 years ago
did this poor cat survive?
RIP friend.
Christian Fox
Christian Fox - 6 years ago
Ive just binge watched like 70 of these
Maria Michelman
Maria Michelman - 6 years ago
cat asmr
Cheapnista - 6 years ago
Is salmon his favorite food?
Гена Даньков
Гена Даньков - 6 years ago
Скоро котяра в экран не будет умещаться.
Jennifer Valdez
Jennifer Valdez - 6 years ago
This majestic cat will never be protein deficient.
Nabila Irdha C
Nabila Irdha C - 6 years ago
the only ASMR video i need
Александр Николаев
Александр Николаев - 6 years ago
Что так много пендосов?
Alex Garza
Alex Garza - 6 years ago
Just retitle these "Kitty ASMR"
MR SANCHEZ - 6 years ago
He'd have more chicken than beef though
Yagami Laitoo
Yagami Laitoo - 6 years ago
it even makes my mouth watery lol!! That sounds though!
guyyouseewhenyoudie - 6 years ago
I have a few questions:
1. I’ve read that it isn’t safe to feed cats raw food. Is it just some that aren’t safe?
2. It sounds like there are some crunching sounds when he eats the fish. Are there bones in there, and is it okay if they eat them?
3. It could just be the perspective, but is this a lot of food for him to be eating at one time?
Zarain Art
Zarain Art - 6 years ago
guyyouseewhenyoudie like any food.
Yup and it's more safe then.
The cat just need a vermifuge
guyyouseewhenyoudie - 6 years ago
Zarain Art There’s still a risk, and the meat we’re feeding them isn’t from the wild.
Zarain Art
Zarain Art - 6 years ago
guyyouseewhenyoudie why ? Wild cats only eat raw meat, there is no difference...
guyyouseewhenyoudie - 6 years ago
Marat Nugaev Has Perseus ever had any issues with raw food?
guyyouseewhenyoudie - 6 years ago
Marat Nugaev :-) Thank you very much for your answers! It’s nice to hear from actual cat owners
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 6 years ago
The acids in cats stomach are more potent. They kill most of bacteria.
But there is still a risk, but significsntly less than in humans.Predators scavenge when they can, to include animals in various stages
of decomposition. They WILL come up on a carcass and chow down with little
issuesThis cat is not a glutton.
Diana Gvozdyova
Diana Gvozdyova - 6 years ago
Today his preferences depends on the mood
Noahj456 :l
Noahj456 :l - 6 years ago
Did you know cats are cute?
How do you know I’m not big ?
How do you know I’m not big ? - 6 years ago
Lanolyn Rivera
Lanolyn Rivera - 6 years ago
The mic is probably on his collar
Himitsu Huynh
Himitsu Huynh - 6 years ago
Soo cuteeeee
Meow-kay - 6 years ago
hmm, cats like fish more... go figure
Gio Bumanglag
Gio Bumanglag - 6 years ago
Hahaha the intro
_ImYoonshook_ _
_ImYoonshook_ _ - 6 years ago
The kitty will eat what's closest to him.
StarlitKitty - 6 years ago
Perseus enjoying his healthy meal (´∀`)
G J - 6 years ago
That cat eats better than I do
ваня факторов
ваня факторов - 6 years ago
Jackie Bennett
Jackie Bennett - 6 years ago
My cat looks just like this. What would you call this type of cat.
Honhonhon Baguette
Honhonhon Baguette - 6 years ago
Nom nom nom
Alfredo Arizpe
Alfredo Arizpe - 6 years ago
So i went from looking for a Muse playlist to work to finding this video 2 hours later...
Silberblüte/Mizuki - 6 years ago
xD Satisfying :D
gljay - 6 years ago
Try some pork yet?
Chita Cheetah
Chita Cheetah - 6 years ago
The cat is more famous than you
Astera Satlodge
Astera Satlodge - 6 years ago
Which breed is this beautyful cat?
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 6 years ago
Siberian cat
Anonim 999
Anonim 999 - 6 years ago
Marat Nugaev это да)
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 6 years ago
некоторые говорят, что он ещё давление понижает ))
pinky princess
pinky princess - 6 years ago
Why is it so satisfying to watch a cat eat
Karelys Alvarez
Karelys Alvarez - 6 years ago
this makes me HUNGRY
Лололо Ййй
Лололо Ййй - 6 years ago
Твой кот обжора
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 6 years ago
Как раз нет, никогда не переедает
Mobius Loop
Mobius Loop - 6 years ago
That cat looks obese :( I hope it isn't
Mobius Loop
Mobius Loop - 6 years ago
im so sorry my bad! wow thats the fluffiest cat Ive ever seen! love your videos :D
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 6 years ago
He's just fluffy
kat k
kat k - 6 years ago
Mobius Loop that's fur, lol.
jessie freud
jessie freud - 6 years ago
perseus eats better than me most of the time haha!
pinktails - 6 years ago
12 AM and watching a cat eat :))
Kat Jones
Kat Jones - 6 years ago
These videos are so important
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 6 years ago
Morgan Lemons
Morgan Lemons - 6 years ago
Lol the expert in cat food xD
Lory Lor
Lory Lor - 6 years ago
not just any expert, he's an international expert!
Sa Me
Sa Me - 6 years ago
You got replaced
That Shibe That Likes Bepis
That Shibe That Likes Bepis - 6 years ago
katness - 6 years ago
Morgan Lemons hey
Noga - 6 years ago
I was having a really bad day and this made me so much happier
Smoosh Goo
Smoosh Goo - 6 years ago
Sister is that you?
Cauasia Rush
Cauasia Rush - 6 years ago
Such a healthy kitty!
Lugato Laser
Lugato Laser - 6 years ago
TheOrange - 6 years ago
Goodest cat
Anna G
Anna G - 6 years ago
Cat mouth sounds are the only ones I consider cute, and if it's a human making these sounds it would make me want to smack them. This kitty is adorable and floofy.
Random username I picked for some random reason
Random username I picked for some random reason - 6 years ago
Same! bunny, dog and bird eating sounds are adorable too, but for some reason i cant stand human chewing
Lara Abuali
Lara Abuali - 6 years ago
What a good, pure boy :)
Aimless Annie
Aimless Annie - 6 years ago
And I thought I didn't like listening to asmr♡♡
Salman Shafi
Salman Shafi - 6 years ago
I'm so jealous. This cat eats better than me.
Sam Ham
Sam Ham - 6 years ago
White Dove
White Dove - 6 years ago
Alternatively, you can make bone broth at home using chicken or beef bones. Slow cook them in a slow cooker for ~12 hours with some vinegar (please google recipes). You may be able to make them more quickly if you have a pressure cooker. The broth has a lot of good nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus etc. You can freeze the broth in ice cube trays and use them as needed. Discard any cooked bones because they are dangerous when eaten, will puncture intestine...
White Dove
White Dove - 6 years ago
If Perseus doesn't like chewing on raw bones (it's not a good thing anyway), try bone meal. You can sprinkle the powder on food. One place you can get it from is from iherb dot com (HUP647 discount code)
White Dove
White Dove - 6 years ago
If you make bone broth, please do NOT add onions. Some recipes call for them when it's meant for human consumption, but onions are toxic to cats.
White Dove
White Dove - 6 years ago
You can also buy Taurine powder (I also get benfotiamine for my cats and add to their foods) from the same website. Small amount goes a long way, one bottle last ages. There is a video here on Youtube titled, 'do not feed chicken bones to cats' by OpenPawsKSA, I highly recommend it. I hope Perseus lives a long healthy life.
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 6 years ago
Perseus sometimes eats small chicken and fish bones
In any case, a good idea
Genesis Kravitz
Genesis Kravitz - 6 years ago
I love that he’s just purring as he eats. Same here.
BrrZrrKrr - 6 years ago
Gotta love the purrs.
Rebecca Spoon
Rebecca Spoon - 6 years ago
What a happy, pretty kitty!
Neri :3
Neri :3 - 6 years ago
Ese gato come mejor que yo
Brian K
Brian K - 6 years ago
Alright youtube, wtf... i am not being notified of when this beast is chowing down. Youtube might be ran by dogs
Meeyan - 6 years ago
Somehow watching him eating while I'm also eating, it is so satisfying haha.
Kamyia Nile
Kamyia Nile - 6 years ago
So cute
Teresa Boline
Teresa Boline - 6 years ago
How much does he weight? He looks like a big boy ☺️
Siti Syaibani
Siti Syaibani - 6 years ago
You can see the excitement in his eyes whenever he walks through that door. He's already putting and licking his lips like "Ooh, what will I get today? Nomnomnom"
MangoKitz - 6 years ago
I love it it’s soo ASMR
Xx kittyrawr Xx
Xx kittyrawr Xx - 6 years ago
The five dislikes were from the fish and beef used in this video
Rache _9280
Rache _9280 - 6 years ago
It's so satisfying when the cats eat the food. And the cat is SOOOO fluffy and cute I wish I could have a cat like that but my mom is allergic to cats but I can have a dog thou.
Ehsan Ansari
Ehsan Ansari - 6 years ago
can you try kobe beef and salmon?
куркума - 6 years ago
Очень здорово и мило! Ваши видео будто имеют некий антистрессовый и расслабляющий эффект)
Rainyciin - 6 years ago
Are these videos for the comparisons or the ASMR? I can't tell anymore, but it's the only ASMR I like.
Rain526 - 6 years ago
That is one happy cat
hitlar rajbhandari
hitlar rajbhandari - 6 years ago
Its 12:05 am right now.. And i am watching this
Ash Ketchum
Ash Ketchum - 6 years ago
My humanized cat only eats cooked chicken not just boiled like actually prepared
Birdy Boy
Birdy Boy - 6 years ago
Be very careful....that can lead to all kinds of problems, even paralysis. I read about a guy who gave his cat only chicken breast...not enough nourishment in a single protein. They need variety. His cat suddenly lost use of it's hind
limbs. Even you or I couldn't be healthy on one solitary food item.
amanda - 6 years ago
So I never liked ASMR because I thought it was creepy until I discovered this channel of your cat eating and whenever I want to listen to ASMR I always come here. I really enjoy it ❤️❤️
Filipino Chef Apprentice
Filipino Chef Apprentice - 6 years ago
I am so glad people like you feed your cat the good stuff.

Now, I don't mind the kibble. Preferably would not use it. But whatever, it is cheap.

However, there are some people out there that a cat should have the .... "cruelty free diet".

Yeah. That's a mess honestly.
Imagine 1st
Imagine 1st - 6 years ago
Hey do you feed your cat raw meat everyday? If so do you also give him other vitamin supplements?
DogpileTV - 6 years ago
hahah that intro! He purs sooo loud too
디디의엉덩이 - 6 years ago
쌩으루 먹어두 되나요...??잘몰라서..
cat no banana
cat no banana - 6 years ago
he didn't sniff his food before eating this time
Yup Yuppers
Yup Yuppers - 6 years ago
adiyatmatoya Adopting from a shelter is always a better option. There are so many millions of abandoned cats out there that need homes. But Perseus is beautiful!
Age Of The Witch
Age Of The Witch - 6 years ago
Want to join efforts and make a dog version ! My puppy futy is quite picky and smart.
Age Of The Witch
Age Of The Witch - 6 years ago
Smart kitty !
Reyi Park
Reyi Park - 6 years ago
Renee Wright
Renee Wright - 6 years ago
it’s so relaxing
Samail Abdul
Samail Abdul - 6 years ago
Better than actual sas asmr eating
Admin Jamie
Admin Jamie - 6 years ago
It's like watching cat version of korea mukbang food eating live stream.
James S
James S - 6 years ago
This is so satisfying it makes me hungry but once I go eat makes me unsatisfied and disappointed
lisa pizza
lisa pizza - 6 years ago
Perseus always makes me sleepy but in the best way ☺️
LadySamus - 6 years ago
I thought you'd like this; it's a song named Perseus by 'Unknown Brain'.

Ana Luisa Gamez
Ana Luisa Gamez - 6 years ago
I love the sound of ñom ñom
Outlander 0602
Outlander 0602 - 6 years ago
make the pieces smaller
Eugene Kim
Eugene Kim - 6 years ago
These videos are pure happiness ❤
meowpopo - 6 years ago
I like the introduction
Beth - 6 years ago
What has my life come to...listening and watching a cat eat.
ko ko
ko ko - 6 years ago
I am in love with your cat
Erica Brohm
Erica Brohm - 6 years ago
We feed our cats raw ground-up chicken with all the vitamins and minerals they need added into it. They are the healthiest cats I’ve seen.
audreyyy - 6 years ago
did i just watch a cat eat for 5 mins?

oh you betcha i did
Danny Koh
Danny Koh - 6 years ago
Next video perseus having a bath! Human v siberian cat.
Sapphire Blue
Sapphire Blue - 6 years ago
I think he needs a little bit of a trimming
MorbidHexe - 6 years ago
Happy floofy kitty makes me happy
Frau Blucher
Frau Blucher - 6 years ago
Off Depression
Off Depression - 6 years ago
Nice asmr bro
AMICO MIO - 6 years ago
Beautiful video like my friend
Red Panda
Red Panda - 6 years ago
Awesome intro for awesome kitty!
Roman Mas
Roman Mas - 6 years ago
It has a good life
Loki Doki Animations
Loki Doki Animations - 6 years ago
Cute fluff ball you've got there!
daUser666 - 6 years ago
That is one happy cat <3
MrAlio84 - 6 years ago
Try halal/kosher meat vs regular meat.
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 6 years ago
Good idea ))
let's power up
let's power up - 6 years ago
i'm hungryy now
moonchild. - 6 years ago
Can Perseus eat any other internal organs or only liver?
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 6 years ago
Liver, heart
And all the insides of the fish ))
Hagiwara Mio
Hagiwara Mio - 6 years ago
У вас такая красивая кошечка :) всего вам наилучшего !
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 6 years ago
Спасибо, только это кот ))
Unarcadia Arcadia
Unarcadia Arcadia - 6 years ago
Solid appetite
miu miu
miu miu - 6 years ago
I'm addicted to these videos
Panda Dani
Panda Dani - 6 years ago
I love the introduction. "an expert in cat food" and the voice
Oh Yeah Yeah
Oh Yeah Yeah - 6 years ago
+Marat Nugaev are you caucasian?
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 6 years ago
This is my friend's voice
Ecto Babble
Ecto Babble - 6 years ago
Fantastic Intro to a fantastic happy-kitty-asmr video~!
Silent •
Silent • - 6 years ago
Shiqi Zhou
Shiqi Zhou - 6 years ago
What is the piano song in the end?
Shiqi Zhou
Shiqi Zhou - 6 years ago
Thank you! Love it!
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 6 years ago
Barroom Ballet - Silent Film Light by Kevin MacLeod

from YouTube library
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 6 years ago
Barroom Ballet - Silent Film Light by Kevin MacLeod

from YouTube library
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 6 years ago
Barroom Ballet - Silent Film Light by Kevin MacLeod

from YouTube library
Erdem Dilman
Erdem Dilman - 6 years ago
Have you done a test on frozen thawed meat and fresh meat?
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 6 years ago
Lexi Coffman
Lexi Coffman - 6 years ago
My favorite ASMR videos ❤️
Sasha Meow
Sasha Meow - 6 years ago
I came here for the kitty eargasm nobody judge it sounds paw licking good
Shallow Stream
Shallow Stream - 6 years ago
Ikr hahha and i have the same first name as youu
futasupastah - 6 years ago
He barely chews his food lol
RA Leonard
RA Leonard - 6 years ago
DetachableSouls Roblox
DetachableSouls Roblox - 6 years ago
what a spoiled cat! I'm jealous
Shallow Stream
Shallow Stream - 6 years ago
In a big fridge
Mental_dexterity - 6 years ago
Cat eats better then I do. Lol
Thomas Smith
Thomas Smith - 6 years ago
Perseus looks so gentle and happy. It would horrible if we found out he was a mean cat, taking out birds and squirrels...
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 6 years ago
Earlier this cat was a hunter
dawn - 6 years ago
I love perseus he's a great cat. how old is he if you don't mind me asking?
LaDéBiLe - 6 years ago
♥ ♥
Onna Sun
Onna Sun - 6 years ago
luv ya Perseus!!!!! Nom Nom PURRRRRRRRRRRRR!!
me - 6 years ago
A variety today don't know which he preferred. Beautiful cat. I think he wants a little baby sister or brother. It. would be fun to see how he interacts with another kitty. Would he share? Who would rule the roost? . Start looking...lol
Farah A.
Farah A. - 6 years ago
Do you ever tried fried fish vs raw? Please
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 6 years ago
Maybe, but I know the answer ))
Ok - 6 years ago
Ferra Leon fried fish would not be good for him.
Kinga Tinga
Kinga Tinga - 6 years ago
+Kelli D
I don't think it should. Cats in the wild are very used to this type of diet so it should not affect your cat in any way. If you are still concerned then you should read some forums on feeding your cat a raw diet though I should think it it ok. Perseus is 16 I believe and he is constantly eating a raw diet and looks very happy and healthy so overall it should be ok.
Kelli D
Kelli D - 6 years ago
I was going to feed my cat this but im concerned if it would hurt his tummy
Kelli D
Kelli D - 6 years ago
I was going to feed my cat this but im concerned if it would hurt his tummy
Kinga Tinga
Kinga Tinga - 6 years ago
Awww, great to know your trying the best for your kitty!
Feeding raw food is great if you are willing to spend the money for it. It is much healthier and better to feed fresh meat and is similar to what cats would originally eat in the wild so it is more natural for the. Of course you should still have dry food available to your cat if it desires to have some from time to time though.
ZoSoArt - 6 years ago
Marat Nugaev thank you for replying!! Aww that's great to know! I'm trying to feed my cat a healthier diet :)
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 6 years ago
Perseus eats the same thing that he eats on video. But! This cat always has dry food, he sometimes eats it when he wants. Perseus ate meat ever since he was with me
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 6 years ago
Perseus eats the same thing that he eats on video. But!
Perseus always has dry food, he sometimes eats it when he wants.
zoe c
zoe c - 6 years ago
i love perseus! his purring is calming to listen to
Maria Vargas
Maria Vargas - 6 years ago
MsAtomica - 6 years ago
Aww! Seeing Perseus groom after eating was cute!
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 6 years ago
Perseus does not like to eat bones. Today I shoot a video with a stray cat she ate a bone leg chicken
oksana su
oksana su - 6 years ago
Mitchell Ellis
Mitchell Ellis - 6 years ago
How is he not fat??
Rina Berman
Rina Berman - 6 years ago
Mitchell Ellis He's not eating this much every day, I'm guessing. Just occasionally
Ga B
Ga B - 6 years ago
Mitchell Ellis he’s eating protein with healthy fats.
D A - 6 years ago
Anyone have tips for cats with bad teeth? My cat has dental plaque :(
Varnaut - 6 years ago
My cat is broke, She hates fish
Snowy Collar
Snowy Collar - 5 years ago
Just because someone hates fish doesn't mean they're broken.
Fat ugly Retard
Fat ugly Retard - 6 years ago
Varnaut that’s not a cat
Afternoon Cats
Afternoon Cats - 6 years ago
FishBoneL sTi Nah they do, from rivers and stuff if they live nearby. It’s just that they don’t eat deep sea fish like tuna, since cats don’t live in the ocean
FishBoneL sTi
FishBoneL sTi - 6 years ago
Is normal, into the wild cats don't eat fish .
Anthon Van Asares
Anthon Van Asares - 6 years ago
Elbatsnu - 6 years ago
I caught fresh bass for my cat and he completely ignored it
Yup Yuppers
Yup Yuppers - 6 years ago
Or find the reset button and hold for eight seconds.
Fanfanstuff - 6 years ago
Have you tried turning it off and on again?
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 6 years ago
Mònika B
Mònika B - 6 years ago
annyira édes ,ahogy bejön az ajtón❤️❤️❤️☺️☺️
Maryam Abbani
Maryam Abbani - 6 years ago
Wait I have a question. Do u clean your cats feet after he ate or do u let him walk around the house after he stepped on raw meat?
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 6 years ago
Maryam Abbani  The acids in cats stomach are more potent. They kill most of bacteria.But there is still a risk, but significsntly less than in humans.
soap packet 2
soap packet 2 - 6 years ago
He probably cleans himself
Maryam Abbani
Maryam Abbani - 6 years ago
angedejeudi but i mean wouldn't there be salmonella all over the floor
Maryam Abbani
Maryam Abbani - 6 years ago
Marat Nugaev oh
angedejeudi - 6 years ago
Maryam Abbani in any case, it's not much worse than letting your cat walk around after pawing in the litter box
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 6 years ago
I do not clean my cat's paws because he then bites and scratches
Euphoria - 6 years ago
Adorable Perseus and his nom nom noms! :)
vicecity subliminals
vicecity subliminals - 6 years ago
Euphoria That’s too adorable! ❤️❤️
Milos Mladenovic
Milos Mladenovic - 6 years ago
Act like a king
Asian Penguin
Asian Penguin - 6 years ago
The cutest mukbang
Phuck You
Phuck You - 6 years ago
Don't fucking feed your cat cheese, what the hell is wrong with you?
treesandstuff - 6 years ago
Jenny Oakes they're lactose intolerant AND cheese stuffs them up. I give my kitties cheese in very very small amounts occasionally, it's hard to say no to them!
Jenny Oakes
Jenny Oakes - 6 years ago
Ernest just some dodgey documentary on YouTube apparently cats are lac tocen ? Idk
Ernest - 6 years ago
Who says it's bad for "them". My indoor critter says it's healthy. Felines rule!
dawn - 6 years ago
Jenny Oakes mine to
AlyssaRandom - 6 years ago
I love watching these. They actually make me really happy. Cats happen to be my favorite animal! I love when Perseus eats and I hear him say "nom nom nom"
Ana Valda
Ana Valda - 6 years ago
This cat eats like a king! <3
Viki V
Viki V - 6 years ago
hi Marat/ hello cute
Val 24
Val 24 - 6 years ago
Viki V ... Hi Viki ☺
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 6 years ago
Hi E G!
Ernest - 6 years ago
Not so much purrrring after he gets started this time. Also smaller appetite. Am experiencing same w my feral colony now that it is getting real warm here in Texas. Kitties are uncomfortable in the heat.
Tadokaki - 6 years ago
So which one?
Ernest - 6 years ago
Tadokaki About equal number of pieces of salmon and meat? More salmon than meat?
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 6 years ago
Scientists of the future will solve this problem ))
D A - 6 years ago
Marion Hays please dont feed your cat dry food, its very unhealthy for them
Ernest - 6 years ago
Marion Hays There is a bunch of info out there. Utube search. This utube video might help. https://youtu.be/PNofreqzqL4
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 6 years ago
As soon as I got a kitten. Perseus was several months old. I cut the meat in very small pieces.
Be careful and careful!
Sadae Sparda
Sadae Sparda - 6 years ago
So happy at the end :')
BlitzWolfer - 6 years ago
Sadae Sparda love that pfp
Boström - 6 years ago
The only ASMR I listen to❤️
tide pods
tide pods - 6 years ago
You lie.
Cute Cat Critic
Cute Cat Critic - 6 years ago
I much prefer this kind of ASMR too! The other kinds are stupid, it's embarrassing if you were caught listening to them.
Boström - 6 years ago
Cammiboe and that's why I only watch asmr's like this one ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Jin Mr. Worldwide Handsome
Jin Mr. Worldwide Handsome - 6 years ago
Artanis Basically people enjoying weird sounds whether its eating sounds, breathing, spit sounds in talking, whispering, cutting/scratching things, anything at all really. It's stupid.
Martine - 6 years ago
amanda - 6 years ago
yuch1102 - 6 years ago
Chicken Nugget a cat does not drink alcohol so how am I drunk haha, yes I do have my bag of cat nip.
vaporweeaboo - 6 years ago
yuch1102 You sound drunk. Get some break from the internet and eat some weed.
yuch1102 - 6 years ago
Chicken Nugget a cat :3
vaporweeaboo - 6 years ago
yuch1102 what are you???
manga12 - 6 years ago
atonoumous stimulation meridian reflex, your nerve systom fires hearing a sound, like when you get a brain tingle or numness from the frequency of the sound, like when hair clippers are used and the sound runs down you spine into your butt thats an asmr feeling.

still what am I doing with my life watching a cute old puffy cat pick out what it wants to eat and calling it entertaining, I have a cat and dont even watch him eat its mondain, though i do glance over and laugh as he will lay his ears back so to not hit them on the bowl when he sits to eat and sometimes I tap his tail and he will swing it to the other side then tap it with my finger again and he will swing it to the other side like a windshild wiper heh.
yuch1102 - 6 years ago
Missitoldyou sooo what’s google?
MissIToldYou Sooo
MissIToldYou Sooo - 6 years ago
Artanis Its called Google try using it sometimes
The Swedish Meatball
The Swedish Meatball - 6 years ago
Autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR) is a term used for an experience characterized by a static-like or tingling sensation on the skin that typically begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autonomous_sensory_meridian_response) It has been compared with auditory-tactile synesthesia. ASMR signifies the subjective experience of "low-grade euphoria" characterized by "a combination of positive feelings and a distinct static-like tingling sensation on the skin". It is most commonly triggered by specific auditory or visual stimuli, and less commonly by intentional attention control.
Vanessa Rizzo
Vanessa Rizzo - 6 years ago
He should put that in his titles I reckon as he may get more views!
Boström - 6 years ago
Artanis I don’t really know how to explain but it’s really calming
Star Saku
Star Saku - 6 years ago
Mhmm sameee
Zechs Marquise
Zechs Marquise - 6 years ago
Tindra Boström what is asmr?
BOLT CLAN - 6 years ago
He's gonna get sick from paracites
Myles Bishop
Myles Bishop - 6 years ago
Us humans and our weak ass stomachs
Mega Owl
Mega Owl - 6 years ago
Cats and dogs also have salmonella in their intestines already and it is also in dog food and cat food. Or at least some brands
Raquel Vasquez
Raquel Vasquez - 6 years ago
Felines are obligate carnivores. Meaning they evolved to only eat and digest meat. Animals in the wild don’t eat food from a bag or can, not do they know how to cook. This is what animals naturally do.
dawn - 6 years ago
BOLT CLAN no cats are carnivores like a lion there stumach is ment to digest raw meat not like humans we eat cooked meat because we are not carnivores were omivours we have adapted to the cooked meat life so did our stumachs
Lou M-H
Lou M-H - 6 years ago
Cats have short and comparatively acidic digestive tracts. Both these things contribute to them being less susceptible to parasites and bacteria like salmonella. They are born to eat whole raw animals. The cat is and will continue to be just fine. Try actually learning about animals not just buying in to all the shit we are sold by pet junkfood companies.
Slade366 - 6 years ago
This cat is 15 and has been eating raw meat his entire life
Michelle B
Michelle B - 6 years ago
I tried giving raw chicken liver to my cat. Smelled it and went away. So there goes my experience and trying to feed him raw meat/poultry/fish. He goes for the dry granules. Had to throw the liver. A few chickens have died for nothing.
Mystic - 6 years ago
The liver isn't a good choice most cats don't eat it, try giving ur cat chicken breasts or some meat
Yup Yuppers
Yup Yuppers - 6 years ago
D A um, cats are, in fact, designed to drink water. Just because their 'natural' diet would include hydration doesn't mean a cat wouldn't drink water. They aren't dolphins.
G J - 6 years ago
Cats get addicted to the proteins in dry cat food. they're just junkies...all ya gotta do is stop feeding him/her. She'll get hungry enough to eat what you give her eventually lol.
Seven Seconds
Seven Seconds - 6 years ago
I raised my cat with raw meat since he was 2 months old. He's now 7 and always been healthy, so happy I did it. My mother's cats eat only dry food and have all kind of issues... diabetes, gum disease, urinary problems and catch colds very often. When I'm super busy and feed my cat with canned food, after only a couple of days he refuses to eat meat again because he gets like addicted, so I mix raw and canned food for a couple of times and it works. My cat is super super picky, so I enjoy watching Perseus who devours everything like a vacuum! xxx
Frannn Nn
Frannn Nn - 6 years ago
Michelle B who tf gives anyone liver? Liver is gross goodbye.
Nina nooneknows
Nina nooneknows - 6 years ago
+Michelle B I'm not a cat owner myself, but someone who is very experienced wrote that you should always put a very small bit of a new food in the old food and not just change right away. Put only 5% new food mixed into the old, then if the cat eats it put 10% next time, etc.
Nina nooneknows
Nina nooneknows - 6 years ago
+Skylar Eyescream I've heard that cats won't always drink water if it is
near their food, as their evolutionary instinct says "the meat has
spoiled this water". Try putting the water bowl far away!
Laura Gilbert
Laura Gilbert - 6 years ago
Michelle B my old cat was the same she only wanted her dry food
the0me - 6 years ago
You could cook or fry the the liver and eat it yourself
D A - 6 years ago
Skylar Eyescream wetting the food is better than nothing but you should really talk with your mother about this issue. Dry food is so unhealthy and in the long run he will have problems with his organs for sure
Karen Eyescream
Karen Eyescream - 6 years ago
Michelle B oh yesss I give him canned good sometimes and the last time was yesterday
Michelle B
Michelle B - 6 years ago
Skylar Eyescream - It is important that me does. It can bring him to kidney failure. Do you give him canned food ? Because there is 70% water in it. A long time ago I was given a dog that was not drinking. So I started by missing water in his food. Asked the vet and told me it was normal because of the canned food.
Karen Eyescream
Karen Eyescream - 6 years ago
Michelle B I'm talking about my cat and I don't see him drink much water no matter how many times I put it in front of him.
Michelle B
Michelle B - 6 years ago
Skylar Eyescream - He drinks plenty of water. At least 500 mL.
Karen Eyescream
Karen Eyescream - 6 years ago
D A i feed my cat dry food and my mom doesn't want to get him anything else. Is it fine if I wet his food??
Michelle B
Michelle B - 6 years ago
Thomas Smith - Well you did it now !!! I just laughed. It could have been possible. I could have given him beaver tail or moose jaw (name of a city in Saskatchewan, I live in Québec. Reason why my grammar is not good, plus the fact that my corrector keeps correcting each of my words).
Michelle B
Michelle B - 6 years ago
Thomas Smith - If these are real lizard 's gizzards, we do not have this here for sure. Not even in our Amazon. No lizzard in Canada. But we have chicken gizzad. I could try that.
Michelle B
Michelle B - 6 years ago
Thomas Smith - Nope. Never heard of those products.
Michelle B
Michelle B - 6 years ago
Thomas Smith - Hills Prescription diet Dental Care T/D : 37,33 $ with tx and Orijen over 42,00 $.
Thomas Smith
Thomas Smith - 6 years ago
Wow, what kind of dry kibble is that?
Michelle B
Michelle B - 6 years ago
Lou M-H - Thx.
Lou M-H
Lou M-H - 6 years ago
You are absolutely right, the information out there is hugely varied and usually extremely contradictory! Advertising and sponsorship makes this even worse. I have taken the view of trying my best to emulate what felines eat in the wild and ignore alllll the tainted information and biased points of view. I have researched how cats digestive tracts function and what nutrients they need to be healthy, I have formed my own opinions based on the least baised information I can find. Even my vets are affiliated with certain food companies (Hills, Royal Canin etc) and will always "Suggest" their food. You just make the best decision for you and your cat :) and remember when transitioning food, they ain't gonna starve in a couple of days and sometimes feeling rather hungry might be the push they need to try something new!
D A - 6 years ago
Michelle B dry < wet < raw. In that order. Dry is the most unhealthy one because cats usually dont drink since theyre natural diet is not dry. A cat is designed to get their water intake through their food. Feeding your cat dry is just asking for health problems. A good wet food is completely fine. And raw is the best but not absolutely necessary
Michelle B
Michelle B - 6 years ago
Lou M-H - And I am told "Never, but never canned food to your pet". I am going crazy ... No dry, no wet, no raw ?!?!?!
Michelle B
Michelle B - 6 years ago
D A - I know. But the guy wont eat anything else. I pay a 1 1/2 kg bag 35,00$. I even paid 42,00$ at one point and he dit not like it. This raw feeding is very new for me. Just a des months. I did not even think you could. I will just keep on trying. Keep you posted.
Lou M-H
Lou M-H - 6 years ago
Thoroughly agree with D A. Kibble straight to raw is a big step. Try adding to a good quality canned wet food first. Little steps. Basically anything is better than biscuits, from a vet or otherwise they're all differing degrees of awful.
D A - 6 years ago
Michelle B oh boy, you feed your cat dry food? Thats like the most unhealthy thing to give your cat :/ instead of trying to feed him raw, maybe first start getting him off the dry food
Michelle B
Michelle B - 6 years ago
Lou M-H - I give him dry from the vet. I tried holistic. 100% natural duck, bison and all kind of other meat, no grain, where the animals lived freely, at triple the price. Nope. Did not work. But I'll keep up with the raw. Maybe fish.
Lou M-H
Lou M-H - 6 years ago
I moved my cat from a supermarket diet to a mixture of raw and ziwipeak. It took a while and to start with I was mixing bits of raw in with things like whiskas sachets and the jerky that ziwipeak sells was being mixed with friskies. These days he will eat ANYTHING raw but it took time and persistence. Maybe a couple of months to transition completely. Worth every minute. The few times he has been to the vet she always tells me he is in peak condition and specifically comments on how clean his teeth are.
Michelle B
Michelle B - 6 years ago
Caroline Torres - I will try. Thx.
Caroline Torres
Caroline Torres - 6 years ago
Michelle B Maybe you should try mixing small pieces of raw with the kibble first, so she can get used to it
Michelle B
Michelle B - 6 years ago
Marat Nugaev - I will try again and again. But I hate throwing food away.
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 6 years ago
Baby habits are very strong
mik hh
mik hh - 6 years ago
king of food
Lumibear - 6 years ago
Happy nom purrs! :)
otaku with a life
otaku with a life - 6 years ago
Noice music at the end
Zehra F
Zehra F - 6 years ago
the cat seems to like both!!
Laural Kelley
Laural Kelley - 6 years ago
Your cat is gorgeous
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 6 years ago
I hide it from him ))
Jin Mr. Worldwide Handsome
Jin Mr. Worldwide Handsome - 6 years ago
AlionAir No
Egi morpheus
Egi morpheus - 6 years ago
AlionAir hello bitch lasagna
otaku with a life
otaku with a life - 6 years ago
Morrigan - 6 years ago
Is that Mikaela in your icon?
PawpromiseProductions - 6 years ago

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to Raw fish and meat - What does the cat like to eat?

About Raw fish and meat - What does the cat like to eat?

The "Raw fish and meat - What does the cat like to eat?" video is part of the raww fishing, pond category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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