Rawwfishing: A Special Snowflake

This time i take a good look into the channel named Rawwfishing and how he treats animals that are unfortunate enough to be near him. Hep Cats by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1500022 Artist: http://incompetech.com/ #rawwfishing #fish #aquarium

Rawwfishing: A Special Snowflake sentiment_very_dissatisfied 10

Raww fishing 6 years ago 1,815 views

This time i take a good look into the channel named Rawwfishing and how he treats animals that are unfortunate enough to be near him. Hep Cats by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1500022 Artist: http://incompetech.com/ #rawwfishing #fish #aquarium

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Most popular comments
for Rawwfishing: A Special Snowflake

aldo6666 - 6 years ago
rawwfishing treats fish well i don't know what you think but i watch rawwfishing.
Mike Dane
Mike Dane - 6 years ago
Maybe he does though I disagree due to the pumpkin videos but what are your thoughts about him releasing invasive species?
Megashianora Gille
Megashianora Gille - 6 years ago
The poor fish..... This is so sad
Angel Ufo
Angel Ufo - 6 years ago
These poor fish.... :(
Jeremy's Wild Studio
Jeremy's Wild Studio - 5 years ago
Mike Dane *hat
Mike Dane
Mike Dane - 6 years ago
Could you elaborate? why do you hate me?
Travis Shaffer
Travis Shaffer - 6 years ago
You suck he rules
Mike Dane
Mike Dane - 6 years ago
what a great argument! or not really, why does he rule when he breaks the law?
Parker D
Parker D - 6 years ago
Great video man, not enough people calling this dude out. Also, thanks for checking out my channel a while ago, I’m not sure why but after all our comments the videos started getting more views! Can’t wait for the next video bud
Mike Dane
Mike Dane - 6 years ago
you're welcome, and thank you
Heaven Cooper
Heaven Cooper - 6 years ago
You got to shut up about him because 1. it was a prank eating the fish and for two your saying that he is the douch but you are sooooooooo
Mike Dane
Mike Dane - 6 years ago
so what? it seems like you wanted to say more... and yes great prank eating a live fish... oh and why should i shut up?
Gliz Caldo
Gliz Caldo - 6 years ago
I cracked the code on the pumpkin video.

In his pumpkin video where he put a koi in a sizable pumpkin, he kept acting like how heavy it was in the video. Most likely exaggerating to make people think the pumpkin once hallowed out will be big enough for a koi. So after he made the organic fish bowl, he picked up a collapsible car wash bucket. I found the exact same bucket online and it can contain 4 gallons. 4 gallons weighs roughly 30 pounds which he lifted with both hands like it was nothing. The pumpkin he was holding looked to be about the rough size and shape of some of the large pumpkins you can get at Walmart, that weigh 20 to 25 pounds. It's difficult to guesstimate without knowing the rough size of the pumpkin, but that pumpkin isn't weighing near 50 pounds. So, similar weighed pumpkin and similarly weighed filled bucket. And you can see in the video that the pumpkin can contain just a little more than 4 gallons of water. But The koi he put in there is too big for even a ten gallon tank. But no one needed to look into weight and size of anything here when they can see that the entire video is a bad idea. Especially when the pumpkin starts to rot and become a toxic environment for the fish. That's only if the poor critter manages to survive excessive cold temperatures and it's own wastes.

He kills animals and endangers ecosystems for views, money and amusement. Sounds like the perfect role model for aspiring fish keepers that I have to correct each time they come to my store. No. Literally. People like him indirectly affect me.

So keep up the fine work my friend. Next target: catch them all fishing?
Mike Dane
Mike Dane - 6 years ago
My thoughts exactly, otherwise it becomes too negative and angry
Gliz Caldo
Gliz Caldo - 6 years ago
+Mike Dane Honestly, I'd go for more fun and innocent before going back to more commentary. Got to balance it out, y'know?
Mike Dane
Mike Dane - 6 years ago
He is on the list but not for the next video. The next one will either be about a certain Channel with an anaconda that they let loose in a henhouse or i might do something completely different that’s a bit more fun and innocent.

10. comment for Rawwfishing: A Special Snowflake

LaumiRez - 6 years ago
"Now I don't have lobsters, but I know how to Google" XDD
Green Wizard
Green Wizard - 6 years ago
I still don’t understand people watch other people eat food (or living animals) for fun

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About Rawwfishing: A Special Snowflake

The "Rawwfishing: A Special Snowflake" video is part of the raww fishing, pond category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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