SAVING WORLD'S SMALLEST TURTLES!!! from Blood Sucking Terror!
Raww fishing 8 years ago 623,218 views
I FOUND TURTLES! I was going to bring home a couple cute little turtles, but they had something on them that changed my life! So i helped them and released them. #TurtleSaveEm All lol
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That’s the face I make when I’m trying to sneeze but I can’t XD
100. comment for SAVING WORLD'S SMALLEST TURTLES!!! from Blood Sucking Terror!
btw guys I'm sure turtles have shells for a reason.
This dude is so fucking scared of them. Its not good for turtles to be flipped upside down for a long amount of time
(turtle:kill!!! blood!!! must get the finger!!")
"and he's trying to kill me"
Poor turtles. Just throwing them around
Me: Cool
My friend: I'm gonna let it suck my blood
Me: Wait let me find another one so we can do it together.
The leeches enjoyed our blood
Leeches and those giant New Zealand cricket things are the only bug things I can't stand. I'll happily pickup huntsman spiders and cockroaches but not them. Fuck get them away. Can't stand them. I'm Australian and we have some pretty fucked up shit here but them. Nope. I'm outta there
1. He smacked the turtles around with a metal thing
2.He left hem upside down and unless ur dumb, u would know that when u flip a turtle upside down for a long time, it kills them and he did it to them for the rest of the vid
3. Instead of taking to another not leech covered pond, he released them into the same leech filled pond
Pls do ur research before u comment
Look who is talking genius you are watching a video to hate on it dummies
but why did you put it in the water? if he water has leeches.
Make the turtle a pond.
me : sees turtles yay!
me : looks at belly runs as fast as my legs can carry me
me : safe wait what's that worm looking thing
me : finds out its a leech
me : welp time to move contrys
their adult musk turtles.
Poor, poor guy, shank.
But still, got the same heart as you, love you my bro
(Hates but still loves) <--- Thats how girl be.
I live in south Florida and never seen these