SAVING WORLD'S SMALLEST TURTLES!!! from Blood Sucking Terror!

I FOUND TURTLES! I was going to bring home a couple cute little turtles, but they had something on them that changed my life! So i helped them and released them. #TurtleSaveEm All lol

SAVING WORLD'S SMALLEST TURTLES!!! from Blood Sucking Terror! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 383

Raww fishing 8 years ago 623,218 views

I FOUND TURTLES! I was going to bring home a couple cute little turtles, but they had something on them that changed my life! So i helped them and released them. #TurtleSaveEm All lol

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Most popular comments
for SAVING WORLD'S SMALLEST TURTLES!!! from Blood Sucking Terror!

Where is this ???
ENY BODY miss shamu cuz I sure do :(
deadpool Taco
deadpool Taco - 6 years ago
Use salt on the leates
Samuel Maddux
Samuel Maddux - 6 years ago
Leeches make good fish food that's what my dad said
curious penny
curious penny - 6 years ago
This baseterd really just tossing them around like toys
Xjhavir Clarke
Xjhavir Clarke - 6 years ago
allwork easywork
allwork easywork - 6 years ago
in california...NEVER grab a sea creature bare handed EVER
G. Alvarez
G. Alvarez - 6 years ago
Your not suppose to flip a turtle over kid
Fuan-_-/ .666
Fuan-_-/ .666 - 6 years ago
God bless you bro

10. comment for SAVING WORLD'S SMALLEST TURTLES!!! from Blood Sucking Terror!

Luna_Gacha_Kitty - 6 years ago
"he is trying to kill me, hes seriously trying to kill me... THATS SO COOL!!! later in the video ya nah, I ain't keeping no leech turtles.
Immanuel Patnaik
Immanuel Patnaik - 6 years ago
If I was in ur place I would have burned those leeches alive
Vincent Plays
Vincent Plays - 6 years ago
Jessi Reed
Jessi Reed - 6 years ago
Leeches are freaking ugly and stupid if you agree like this comment
Ominous - 6 years ago
Shame would f**k them leeches
CosmaticPlayz - 6 years ago
Wait you removed the leeches then threw them back to the leech manifested pond?!?!?
Ztdino Gaming
Ztdino Gaming - 6 years ago
poor babies infested with leeches
Sasha Cutie
Sasha Cutie - 6 years ago
Me: KILL IT KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Kelly Darrow
Kelly Darrow - 6 years ago
You keep pounding around the turtles (poor guys). Nature sorts itself out. Give it another week and they'll have more leeches. Not unusual. Just stop batting the baby turtles around.
Raja Ravi
Raja Ravi - 6 years ago
Plese bring me a totise

20. comment for SAVING WORLD'S SMALLEST TURTLES!!! from Blood Sucking Terror!

Lt Jakeson
Lt Jakeson - 6 years ago
omg tell me the address of thsi place
Gacha Central
Gacha Central - 6 years ago
You can KILL the leeches
Leyna  Soto
Leyna Soto - 6 years ago
que basaser conellas
loli_ marshmallow
loli_ marshmallow - 6 years ago
i hate! leeches!
Savage Jimmy
Savage Jimmy - 6 years ago
on 7:00 the turtle tried to hit him
Savage Jimmy
Savage Jimmy - 6 years ago
name them 2 of the turtles from teenage mutant ninga
emily mills
emily mills - 6 years ago
Thus m9nths oieurrtrr
Shawn Cornwall
Shawn Cornwall - 6 years ago
I thought you said saving them not putting them back in hell!!!!!
Luke Stinem
Luke Stinem - 6 years ago
The leeches don't suck blood. Only 2 or 3 leech species actually suck blood. Neither of them live in north America. FYI
Fernando Soto
Fernando Soto - 6 years ago
6:30 through 6:35 was cute
Yulieska Gonzalez
Yulieska Gonzalez - 6 years ago
Omg wtf just get the leaches off and take them home

30. comment for SAVING WORLD'S SMALLEST TURTLES!!! from Blood Sucking Terror!

Andrew Lim
Andrew Lim - 6 years ago
The turtles carapace is so messed up man
BRUHssel Sprouts
BRUHssel Sprouts - 6 years ago
Fun fact most leeches don't suck blood
My journey Mr xx millrowe
My journey Mr xx millrowe - 6 years ago
Oh and poor turtles u pretty much beat them up
Jake Sanders
Jake Sanders - 6 years ago
how many times do u have to say oh my god in the bus
dogey gamer
dogey gamer - 6 years ago
I am laugh ing so much righ now
Vanilla Biscut
Vanilla Biscut - 6 years ago
Everyone in the comments saying he abused the turtles ya’ll are a bunch of pansies and pussies
XxShadowxX Potato
XxShadowxX Potato - 6 years ago
Poor turtle
littleee. k_
littleee. k_ - 6 years ago
poor baby turtles
Issai Solis
Issai Solis - 6 years ago
You guys get butthurt over how he treats the turtles yet you eat beef and pork and chicken who sometimes get force fed and smacked around worse so they can produce more and still eat that with no complains
rosa villafaña
rosa villafaña - 6 years ago
When turtles are upsidedown they cant breath al their lungs are being crushed by their intestines
2muchcota yt
2muchcota yt - 6 years ago
Armen Aroustamian
Armen Aroustamian - 6 years ago
Always gotta show that sexy Shamu
Boogie WitA9
Boogie WitA9 - 6 years ago
Undercooked Chicken Nugget
Undercooked Chicken Nugget - 6 years ago
Poor turtkes
Hannah Good
Hannah Good - 6 years ago
The way you were handling those poor turtles! Turtles should NOT be on their backs..
NOAH VANG - 6 years ago
Ew ew ewwwwww but you did get some off so you are the BEST
Collin Le
Collin Le - 6 years ago
Keep the turtles
Kayla James
Kayla James - 6 years ago
you just like smacked the turtles around like handle them with care they’re like babies
Sirius Black
Sirius Black - 6 years ago
This video in a nutshell :

YoungPro Gamers
YoungPro Gamers - 6 years ago
Turtles can't be on there back for a long time it can crunch their lungs

50. comment for SAVING WORLD'S SMALLEST TURTLES!!! from Blood Sucking Terror!

A KELLY - 6 years ago
Salt for leaches.
Aryan Thakur
Aryan Thakur - 6 years ago
just put salt over that leeches
Melissa Thoms
Melissa Thoms - 6 years ago
1.50 hes trien to kill me how cool is that!!!!
Dushal Jaguessar
Dushal Jaguessar - 6 years ago
Handle with care. Man
Nancy Carman
Nancy Carman - 6 years ago
those baby turtles are so cute
Hazera Begum02
Hazera Begum02 - 6 years ago
Buy it from the store.dont take them away from their home
Suzy Cobbs
Suzy Cobbs - 6 years ago
U cleaned them all off so why can’t u keep them.. -_-
Trudy Gittings
Trudy Gittings - 6 years ago
No offense but maybe you could of got rid if the leeches on atleast 3 and put them in a river lake or a dam without dem ugly leeches
Emily H
Emily H - 6 years ago
Your just abusing the turtle by turning them upside down and using the hook to poke at them
Ashley Diew
Ashley Diew - 6 years ago
omg you.can cat
Christopher Garcia
Christopher Garcia - 6 years ago
Wtf is that
Christie Lewis
Christie Lewis - 6 years ago
watch lunkerz fishing tiny creek fishing part one and subscribe for a subscribe back
Ryann Suarez
Ryann Suarez - 7 years ago
Can y’all like chill the fuck out. He was only trying to help them. They don’t feel a thing. I know you can’t have them on there backs for a long time but they will survive. He’s only trying to hurt them to chill. Plz and thank you
KETON HARRIS - 7 years ago
Send me some fishing stuff so I can go fishing
Stacy Lorton
Stacy Lorton - 7 years ago
Thoes leches don’t suck blood they just eat the dirt off the turtle they wouldn’t hurt your fish at all they would cleann stuff
lexus lfa
lexus lfa - 7 years ago
Where is this location?
Haven murphy
Haven murphy - 7 years ago
you might want to try flipping them over before they die
Haven murphy
Haven murphy - 7 years ago
you might want to try flipping them over before they die
Haven murphy
Haven murphy - 7 years ago
you might want to try flipping them over before they die
Kaiden Smith
Kaiden Smith - 7 years ago
thank you i am subscribeing
Kierra Lachance
Kierra Lachance - 7 years ago
use them as bait !
Kierra Lachance
Kierra Lachance - 7 years ago
get the salt
Tania Harris
Tania Harris - 7 years ago
Put salt on the leeches
Blackop Vocaloid
Blackop Vocaloid - 7 years ago
the turtle is thinking he could fly!!!!!
Moon Luna
Moon Luna - 7 years ago
Get turtles for your ponds!!
Satarey Haney
Satarey Haney - 7 years ago
Can I have a turtle for my tank?
Lylie Carter
Lylie Carter - 7 years ago
That's crazy leeches in ponds! I would of made it a side project to clean them off of leeches
OH Highlights
OH Highlights - 7 years ago
U a dumbass the leeches don't effect them cause they are cold blooded
WEENY BOY - 7 years ago
The turtles
WEENY BOY - 7 years ago
He’s gonna kill them
Horse7 - 7 years ago
You are so sweet
SuPrEmE DEEGZ - 7 years ago
I mean.. the leeches won't probably do much bc of sucking on the shell :P
Alexander Dimitrov
Alexander Dimitrov - 7 years ago
BLANK_BLA - 7 years ago
Bring them to a doctor
leonora leonor79
leonora leonor79 - 7 years ago
Its a leach
Ben Green
Ben Green - 7 years ago
BTW you shouldn't lay a turtle on its back because the shell holds all the organs
bubbly curl tea
bubbly curl tea - 7 years ago
Take them to the vet
Omar Elane
Omar Elane - 7 years ago
Just nansty
allie tilley
allie tilley - 7 years ago
You should get some pet turtles
Yhl - 7 years ago
Chez Berger
Chez Berger - 7 years ago
He isn’t scared of a isopod but he’s scared of leeches
Xonoru Kin
Xonoru Kin - 7 years ago

That’s the face I make when I’m trying to sneeze but I can’t XD
Zashean Y. Morales De Diego
Zashean Y. Morales De Diego - 7 years ago
Holy crap!
Taylor Lazere
Taylor Lazere - 7 years ago
Omg save them!
ifusion 1
ifusion 1 - 7 years ago
If u hurt turtles u hurt me
AlphaGX - 7 years ago
Dude You Removed the leeches then put them back on the place where they got the leeches from i would keep them anyway :/+
Paulie Bukowski
Paulie Bukowski - 7 years ago
Dude stop being a punk man you're you're really stressing him Turtles out just a leech calm down bro I love your videos but you're acting like such a a weirdo right now
Sándor Szilvási
Sándor Szilvási - 7 years ago
what a fuckin pussy. pure animal abuse
David J
David J - 7 years ago
Musk turtles!
Unknown was here
Unknown was here - 7 years ago
so kind!

100. comment for SAVING WORLD'S SMALLEST TURTLES!!! from Blood Sucking Terror!

Boston Celtics
Boston Celtics - 7 years ago
The turtles are used to it leeches feed on them it’s part of nature
Boston Celtics
Boston Celtics - 7 years ago
They were not baby’s they are very small
PEYTON HORN - 7 years ago
Shoot 2Kill666
Shoot 2Kill666 - 7 years ago
Fuck those turtles hahha
Tuxz - 7 years ago
Why cant you just let nature go its way without disturbing it example taking out the turtles
Finn Alexander
Finn Alexander - 7 years ago
Put turtle in the pond but maybe a bit bigger cause you know cough shamu cough
Dankus Memus
Dankus Memus - 7 years ago
Bruh, their more in danger of you cracking their shells then fucking leeches
charles luenz
charles luenz - 7 years ago
It's just a leech and only the European ones suck your blood these are American Legions and I use them for bait
Nine-Tailed Knight
Nine-Tailed Knight - 7 years ago
You hold them upside down for too long they'll die before the leeches kill them!
Hi Savage101
Hi Savage101 - 7 years ago
If you want to help, help care. They have lives too!! And after you saw they had leeches you threw them back, it’s nice that you help though so thank you, catch em all!!!!
Ash PETS Scott
Ash PETS Scott - 7 years ago
aww keep them and put them in the pond
Reese Smith
Reese Smith - 7 years ago
sooooooooo cute
C M - 7 years ago
Why the fuck are u trying to take the leeches with that metal thing u mite hurt them
Ash the SheWolf
Ash the SheWolf - 7 years ago
KingArcticBear Games
KingArcticBear Games - 7 years ago
They will probably end getting more leeches on them
Jormiar Tangata
Jormiar Tangata - 7 years ago
The leaches is so big ... must have been on them for a while
crazy pata
crazy pata - 7 years ago
poor turtles
Andy Tari
Andy Tari - 7 years ago
Take them back and get a nife to get them out
Adrian Moonesar
Adrian Moonesar - 7 years ago
Put them in salt water and the leachs will come off
Dylan Burgess
Dylan Burgess - 7 years ago
i don’t know if you saved them you tossed them around like a potato
Quintavion Cooper
Quintavion Cooper - 7 years ago
Were is that pond
selena - 7 years ago
I love this video lol so cute until the leeches came along
Josh2 Wild
Josh2 Wild - 7 years ago
It sounded like he moaned
beena anil
beena anil - 7 years ago
You suck
Kendra Matthews
Kendra Matthews - 7 years ago
Never disturb NATURE!!! Should of left the turtles in the lake. But thanks for trying to help them
Just Random
Just Random - 7 years ago
Would you rather have fleas or leeches because I have fleas they get everywhere
Uriel Allnutt
Uriel Allnutt - 7 years ago
Never touch thing u don’t know
Sangita Khadka
Sangita Khadka - 7 years ago
You said OMG 23 times
Shalna Pulas
Shalna Pulas - 7 years ago
Gerhardt Strydom
Gerhardt Strydom - 7 years ago
Like people there is a shell to protect the tortuis
RockStar Stuey
RockStar Stuey - 7 years ago
If you put those in your pond Shamu would have died
RockStar Stuey
RockStar Stuey - 7 years ago
What the hell put the Turtles back bro they have leeches on them
marksparks420 - 7 years ago
im sure some of the fish in there also had leeches!
Ingrid Isaac
Ingrid Isaac - 7 years ago
Where did he caught those turtles
Itsyogurl Intida
Itsyogurl Intida - 7 years ago
YouKnowEtho - 7 years ago
You should go get more turtles but just put salt on it then the leeches with die, it will completely wipe out the leeches and u can have new pond pets
Tank T.
Tank T. - 6 years ago
I have 3 turtles
sarah Mejias
sarah Mejias - 7 years ago
Please stop man what the heck
Patricia April
Patricia April - 7 years ago
is he skitsafretik
No, This Is Patrick
No, This Is Patrick - 7 years ago
get all the liches of please
Gacha Stormy Studios Anime, Gacha Verse
Gacha Stormy Studios Anime, Gacha Verse - 7 years ago
Just please clean the turtle and care for him or her
Natalie Edward
Natalie Edward - 7 years ago
poor thing
Paxton Mai
Paxton Mai - 7 years ago
At 2:32 that where the blood suckers are
Ninja Twins
Ninja Twins - 7 years ago
You going to kill them ur self
Famous Gaming
Famous Gaming - 7 years ago
Dude come on your supposed to be a nature channel stop being so fucking dumb and learn how to handle them or don’t touch them
Cathy Le
Cathy Le - 7 years ago
R.I.P turtle, I am sorry
KittyCat LoverX3
KittyCat LoverX3 - 7 years ago
Not so ruff god
rainbow croissant21
rainbow croissant21 - 7 years ago
Get salt and poor it on the leaches and turtle
Brooklyn Bryant
Brooklyn Bryant - 7 years ago
Are they dead dead
Brooklyn Bryant
Brooklyn Bryant - 7 years ago
Where did you get this Turtles
Scarlett Cortez
Scarlett Cortez - 7 years ago
Scarlett Cortez
Scarlett Cortez - 7 years ago
when you sad ugh you act like a girl
Galactic Games
Galactic Games - 7 years ago
funny but so childish
Henery Smith
Henery Smith - 7 years ago
ya'l are dumb as fuck he's helping the turtles and turtles shells are pretty hard to a little toss can't kill em'.
Koala Craft
Koala Craft - 7 years ago
Henery Smith you inconciderate bitch they are upside down they can't breath that way so he's killing them
ғraιѕe тнe ғυrry
ғraιѕe тнe ғυrry - 7 years ago
I got a baby snapping turtle,its the size of a charger end
elisefreda _
elisefreda _ - 7 years ago
He's holding them upside down :'(:'(
BurnWithThePigs - 7 years ago
Also, that light blinds them.
BurnWithThePigs - 7 years ago
They were already free. That is also illegal almost everywhere in the world to pick up wild animals.
Aiden Harnish
Aiden Harnish - 7 years ago
This guys an idiot
Aiden Harnish
Aiden Harnish - 7 years ago
[GD] GalaxyGames
[GD] GalaxyGames - 7 years ago
poor turtles D:
Kenneth Reyes
Kenneth Reyes - 7 years ago
I would have kept the ones you found with leeches all over them
Lexi Laing
Lexi Laing - 7 years ago
He said they were babies so...
Kailee Tran Ly
Kailee Tran Ly - 7 years ago
Sick Turtle:Help Me Help Me!!! Turtle:I Cant Human:Ill Save You!
Hannah Smith
Hannah Smith - 7 years ago
U can touch freshwater leaches they ONLY like fish blood or animals
Issac Ramirez
Issac Ramirez - 7 years ago
Can you give me 3 turtles please please please
Ethan Williams
Ethan Williams - 7 years ago
Unfortunately those turtles will eventually die from leeches. But zak is right not to bring them back and put them in the car not worth risking his animals lives for those baby turtles who people like me and zak who live in Miami see everyday and tons of them at that so stop being pussies and accept the fact that he is smart enough not to bring leeches around his pets
Jojo Hurst
Jojo Hurst - 7 years ago
Where did you find those because I help turtle with problems like that
Roblox Gamer
Roblox Gamer - 7 years ago
those aint babys they are musk turtels
Karma Thorburn
Karma Thorburn - 7 years ago
stop hating its making me laugh on how pethetic you all are
River Pigeon
River Pigeon - 7 years ago
Put the turtles in ur pond!
Aeonz - 7 years ago
They are probably gonna live longer with the leeches than with you
Jessie Tillich
Jessie Tillich - 7 years ago
Why would you take them out of leach infested water take the leaches of then put them back in to the water. I mean do you have any common sense??
game with. you no who ray ballenger
game with. you no who ray ballenger - 7 years ago
Where was you
Jon Casey
Jon Casey - 7 years ago
Where are you at the moment
Omayra Rouss
Omayra Rouss - 7 years ago
He is helping the turtles not trying to kill them
Don’t read my profile picture!
Don’t read my profile picture! - 7 years ago
I feel sorry for the turtles
Nile Menon
Nile Menon - 7 years ago
Turtles can't breath upside down
Imalonleyboss Iamda1da1dontneedaguntogetrespect
Imalonleyboss Iamda1da1dontneedaguntogetrespect - 7 years ago
I have to take them all them all home with me and save them turtles
Flamingfirecactuse Pricalycactuse
Flamingfirecactuse Pricalycactuse - 7 years ago
Why are u so mean ya right "kind Hart" ur mean
kyston martinez
kyston martinez - 7 years ago
Where did you find them at im curious because i have a few turtles myself and would like to save one or two of those
awesomepitty17 !
awesomepitty17 ! - 7 years ago
They live in fresh water
Joshua Greene
Joshua Greene - 7 years ago
Hey zac are you still sad about the great and omighty shamu
Jalen McKenzie
Jalen McKenzie - 7 years ago
This guy fishes and acts like he never seen a leech before
Kira Lambert
Kira Lambert - 7 years ago
You people are stupid he tried to save them and you people are criticizing him that's just cruel and stupid you try and save animals that have things on them that can seriously injure you too
Koala Craft
Koala Craft - 7 years ago
Kira Lambert so can being thrown around like a rock we are trying to say leave the turtles alone either way we all die so it won't make a difference
Aurel Mihaela
Aurel Mihaela - 7 years ago
James Goines
James Goines - 7 years ago
Your right
dont wacth this. this was me 3 years ago zoook
dont wacth this. this was me 3 years ago zoook - 7 years ago
Call some type of animal care idiot. # unsubed
Jack Thornton
Jack Thornton - 7 years ago
The turtles are probably eating the leeches
SOFT AND NEAT - 7 years ago
What would that do to your pond, it's not gross..
Peyton Rushing
Peyton Rushing - 7 years ago
rip shamu
Handsome blonde Boy
Handsome blonde Boy - 7 years ago
Your gross XD
Sniper Mikey
Sniper Mikey - 7 years ago
That's how you handle turtles let swing and twirl them around upside down
Randy Burney
Randy Burney - 7 years ago
Their are not even leaches they are bug larvae.
platinum aether
platinum aether - 7 years ago
use salt
tom bob
tom bob - 7 years ago
if lived in fl for 27 years n didnt know we had leaches in fl
Isla Mclear
Isla Mclear - 7 years ago
You shouldn't put it back in there THATS WHERE THE LEECHES ARE U IDIOT
America - 7 years ago
fair warning to kids who watch this channel. never touch a wild turtle. they look cool, nice. but theyre dangerous in multiple ways. one if you get bit. you can contract diseases. 2. turtles shells still carry T.B. ( tuberculosis) mightve spelled it wrong. but its a bad disease that has a high death rate even with todays meds.
Parker H
Parker H - 7 years ago
The are going to die
Suzy Cobbs
Suzy Cobbs - 7 years ago
Noah Peralto
Noah Peralto - 7 years ago
Ur grossed out put yet u clean fish
Garry - 7 years ago
am i the only one who found this funny ashell
Annie Loh
Annie Loh - 7 years ago
kill it
Fried Cow
Fried Cow - 7 years ago
Hi I'm not dirty keep me as pets look I have no leaches
Catharina Rolén
Catharina Rolén - 7 years ago
Is it a Bird???
Catharina Rolén
Catharina Rolén - 7 years ago
Whats a Terror
Viktor Bihar
Viktor Bihar - 7 years ago
That turtle is sad that is so sad
Shelby! Hi! I’m becoming a Odd1sOut channel now:\
Shelby! Hi! I’m becoming a Odd1sOut channel now:\ - 7 years ago
Poor turtles :(
Dark Reaper Fan
Dark Reaper Fan - 7 years ago
poor turtles
Sean Madden
Sean Madden - 7 years ago
Those ducks are Muscovies
KHMER NET FISHING 2017 - 7 years ago
MyNameIsJohn - 7 years ago
Furry Lil Campers
Furry Lil Campers - 7 years ago
Uu know if u put turtles upsidedown they cant breathe,btw,,i loooovvvveeee ur videos
Dalton Wise
Dalton Wise - 7 years ago
omg leaches lol. why is dude freaking out
Eric and Jaccob Channel
Eric and Jaccob Channel - 7 years ago
Kill the leeches!!!
Daddy long legs
Daddy long legs - 7 years ago
I thought it said 20 million, but if it did, I wouldn't be surprised
Kool Kitty
Kool Kitty - 7 years ago
put salt on the leaches >:3
Wanda Elliott
Wanda Elliott - 7 years ago
all this spices of leach don't suck blood
dark ness
dark ness - 7 years ago
Grown some balls man
Code 3 Gaming
Code 3 Gaming - 7 years ago
You can just take them to the vet to get the leeches removed
Lauren Roberts
Lauren Roberts - 7 years ago
you should'nt hold them up side down
Elijah Santiago
Elijah Santiago - 7 years ago
Buy a turtle
SmallRaptorGameplay Toasty
SmallRaptorGameplay Toasty - 7 years ago
Shabedaveo - 7 years ago
Put some salt on the turtles
Vinny George
Vinny George - 7 years ago
2:45 turtle fart
SuperStats - 7 years ago
It is illegal to pick up musk turtl3s unl3ss u hv a permit since they are rare in the wild. And don't mess with nature you would be disrupting the ecosystem
Packels 239
Packels 239 - 7 years ago
Those pour little turtles
Bobs Joes
Bobs Joes - 7 years ago
lol, guys it's pretty obvious he's not handling them with care and he's stressing the turtles and so on. But the intent was good. Unlike the intent you have while putting down hateful comments.

btw guys I'm sure turtles have shells for a reason.
No ah
No ah - 7 years ago
leeches are not going to kill you
Here Fishy fishy
Here Fishy fishy - 7 years ago
Smoketurtle55 - 7 years ago
Dude your a hero you saved those two turtles
TurtleGerbil 67
TurtleGerbil 67 - 7 years ago
i have two captive bread of those turtles as pets
Orange :girl inkling:
Orange :girl inkling: - 7 years ago
Please dont put a turtle on its back it damages the shell and hurts them :(
Smitty The Kid
Smitty The Kid - 7 years ago
Those types of leeches are common leaches and those don't suck blood, the European leeches are the ones who suck blood they are kind of striped and you don't have to worry about the common leeches but I would still put them back
Patty Reyes
Patty Reyes - 7 years ago
Where did you go to catch the baby turtles
pit - 7 years ago
If you leave a turtle upside down you can twist it's organs
mfi3sta - 7 years ago
The three striped mud turtles (Kinosternon Baurii) that you caught in the beginning are actually a smaller species of turtles that only grow to around 4 inches... so those were most likely adults. When they're just born they're a little bigger than the size of a penny.
I'm dead only a meme
I'm dead only a meme - 7 years ago
let me just take off these leeches and hit you with metal claws and toss you around on concrete their buddy!
Retarded Person with ADHD
Retarded Person with ADHD - 7 years ago
So sad releasing a turtle really sick because of a racist person
OMG Ronnie
OMG Ronnie - 7 years ago
Murder of the turtles
Tania Skinner
Tania Skinner - 7 years ago
Does anyone know the amount of times he said oh my god
Red Ruby The Boss
Red Ruby The Boss - 7 years ago
Keep one turtle
SeriousFaceOP - 7 years ago
oh for fucks sake... This dude is man handling these young turtles because OF LEECHES
This dude is so fucking scared of them. Its not good for turtles to be flipped upside down for a long amount of time
mejestic_mike Plays
mejestic_mike Plays - 7 years ago
you should not have turtles up side down
JD102805 Gaming
JD102805 Gaming - 7 years ago
How many times does he have to say oh my god! Lol
TEEROY IFACUSS - 7 years ago
I want one of thise turtles can i have one pls i love turtles
james hooper
james hooper - 7 years ago
sprinkle salt on the leeches
PlayZ Golden
PlayZ Golden - 7 years ago
that is cool
Ethan Wee
Ethan Wee - 7 years ago
Sad little turtles
Tubs Gaming
Tubs Gaming - 7 years ago
You earn 7k pounds of respect
Felipe Guzman
Felipe Guzman - 7 years ago
Felipe Guzman
Felipe Guzman - 7 years ago
Stop flipping over the turtle and pushing it
Mile High Plecos
Mile High Plecos - 7 years ago
your such a vagina lmao!
-EdgeLord- - 7 years ago
"two new pond pets!..."
(turtle:kill!!! blood!!! must get the finger!!")
"and he's trying to kill me"
MasterCliff Gaming
MasterCliff Gaming - 7 years ago
Don't hold turtles upside down
MasterCliff Gaming
MasterCliff Gaming - 7 years ago
Poor turtles
Bass Fishing Guys2
Bass Fishing Guys2 - 7 years ago
I laughed so hard watching this it was so so so funny not kidding this made my day and I'm subscribing omg this was some funny stuff
CheshieD - 7 years ago
Not able to breathe? Ha! Kid go back to school! Turtles breathe in oxygen. They don't breathe through the water, they just hold their breath while under water. Also he's laughing at the dudes reaction to the leeches not the turtles.
Garry - 7 years ago
Bass Fishing Guys2 i think your the only other person in ive found that thinks is so funny
Sporty Boy
Sporty Boy - 7 years ago
Thanks for saving the tertell
Corey Bronson
Corey Bronson - 7 years ago
lol you chould have saved them from leech hell... that's a leech feeding pool
Lexi Laing
Lexi Laing - 7 years ago
You are horrible for trying to take those turtle. They have a mother, probably sisters and brothers and a home. This is harm and it is not expected from a grown man. #prayforturtles
_Rebel in the woods _
_Rebel in the woods _ - 6 years ago
You are sooooooo retarded
CheshieD - 7 years ago
Turtles never know their parents and rarely know their siblings..... Basically they live life like orphans lmfao.
Dominic Feliciano
Dominic Feliciano - 7 years ago
Turtle Mom don’t take care of their babies
Aeonz - 7 years ago
Mike Mendez
Mike Mendez - 7 years ago
dumb bitch they were full grown
did you no that bass eat leaches
Stupid- Guap
Stupid- Guap - 7 years ago
Don't flip me upside down they won't be able to breethe it flips there organs
Jango - 7 years ago
Where was the place that you caught those turtles
lil mex
lil mex - 7 years ago
its a leech
Destiny - 7 years ago
awwwww I feel so sad for da turtle s
Kelsey Rivera
Kelsey Rivera - 7 years ago
dr virus
dr virus - 7 years ago
Dave Kyle
Dave Kyle - 7 years ago
that was so disappointing to see a grown that fishes react like a child to something that is sold as a very good bass bait.
Pro360noscoper 10
Pro360noscoper 10 - 7 years ago
Your treating them like toys be carful their living creatures
AF herping
AF herping - 7 years ago
Those aren't baby's those are adult mud and musk turtles dumb ass
Eva - 7 years ago
this made me uncomfortable
8ball - 7 years ago
the leches fall off when they are finish with sucking blood....its not sooo bad
Rean Ruiz
Rean Ruiz - 7 years ago
ur killing the turtles man
CheshieD - 7 years ago
Flipping them upside down doesn't kill them immediately...... It takes a few days..... Now if you flip an EGG it would die almost immediately because the embryo will drown.
Typicxl - 7 years ago
Protoss Executor he flipped them upside down and that kills them wether they have their shell or not
The Magic Konchu
The Magic Konchu - 7 years ago
Daniel Ruiz well the turtle has a shell
Dubstep Gutter
Dubstep Gutter - 7 years ago
I love turtle
Person Person
Person Person - 7 years ago
Dump salt on the leeches
Mark Perez
Mark Perez - 7 years ago
Ohh there another little leach
Djsp Dksksj
Djsp Dksksj - 7 years ago
How many times does he say omg
London Ward
London Ward - 7 years ago
get em off with ur hands
Tom Schwind
Tom Schwind - 7 years ago
You should've kept the turtle with One Leach
Gianna Adamek
Gianna Adamek - 7 years ago
Stop giving the poor man hate he's helping them
Nathaniel Miller
Nathaniel Miller - 7 years ago
Your soooooooooooo ccccccccccoooooooooooooooooooooolllllllllllllllllllll dud
Harlem GlobeTrotter
Harlem GlobeTrotter - 7 years ago
turtles can't breath upside down.
Honest Reviewer
Honest Reviewer - 7 years ago
so you was trying to take the turtle and bring them home ? that will kill them
Super Signal
Super Signal - 6 years ago
It doesn't kill them. I think our family has had three pet turtles.
CheshieD - 7 years ago
He calls them ponds tho...... Only one is actually a pond lmfao
Honest Reviewer
Honest Reviewer - 7 years ago
Airsoft Weekly oh ok
Airsoft Weekly
Airsoft Weekly - 7 years ago
Kenji Nguyễn no he has a really nice "tank" aka pool with fish soooooo he's good
Blockheadfkr - 7 years ago
You an add you can't just throw them around like that that can kill and or damage the shell
Bradley Crowther
Bradley Crowther - 7 years ago
U killed them
CheshieD - 7 years ago
No he didn't...
Daeshaun Heslop
Daeshaun Heslop - 7 years ago
you did the right thing
Quentin Kern
Quentin Kern - 7 years ago
I own a razorback musk turtle
Quentin Kern
Quentin Kern - 7 years ago
Those arnt baby turtles! They're full grown mud and musk turtles!
OLIVER star 116 xy
OLIVER star 116 xy - 7 years ago
thanks so much saving this turtles I'm a turtle lover ju are a great man
Nathan Tidwell
Nathan Tidwell - 7 years ago
I use leeches as bait, they are real good for catfish, carp, bass, bluegill and crappy.
David Welsh
David Welsh - 7 years ago
where are you guys fishing...I'd like to fish with you someday...also...if you are interested in selling me a couple of those turtles that would be fantastic...i have a turtle collection....
Jamaal Craig
Jamaal Craig - 7 years ago
David Welsh same so relatable
Aidon Bru
Aidon Bru - 7 years ago
You don't have to worry about leaches in the sea because salt kill leaches
Bradley Brewington
Bradley Brewington - 7 years ago
don't die
Bradley Brewington
Bradley Brewington - 7 years ago
YoItQueenHayden - 7 years ago
okay he's a fisherman but why is he scared of leeches like I'm not even scared of leeches.... I would just pick them off with my hands not the lip grippers geez
Toyricx - 7 years ago
Poor turtles
Caeden Olin
Caeden Olin - 7 years ago
Dude pull them off like a man a kill then wus
Carlos Lopez
Carlos Lopez - 7 years ago
what was in the water
Want Hints
Want Hints - 7 years ago
you have the need to touch everything?
Alexander Wang
Alexander Wang - 7 years ago
is that creek/river near diamond bar??
thebest manintheworld
thebest manintheworld - 7 years ago
you think a baby turtle trying to kill you is cool I do to
SP4C3 - 7 years ago
Can you stop rolling the innocent turtles around??
Justin Latvamaki
Justin Latvamaki - 7 years ago
leeches are great bait for fishing.... funny watching you freak about them. we use them all the time in the north lol
Aspen Lenz
Aspen Lenz - 7 years ago
why throw the turtles roll them aroind and soo and soo like if u agree
Ihackz911 - 7 years ago
Yeah you just killed them, you never lift up a wild turtle as they wouldn't used to being in the air so they would eventually die of shock and same thing with turning them upside down
CheshieD - 7 years ago
It takes ALOT of stress to kill a turtle. He didn't cause enough to kill them seeing as one continued to try and bite him.
360 no scope hype
360 no scope hype - 7 years ago
did kill turtle
foxloving girl
foxloving girl - 7 years ago
You shoudl've just put the turtles in salt-water because leeches hate salt they die from it and turtles can live through salt-water :) Fun Fact To Know! :)
Nik_ 4422
Nik_ 4422 - 7 years ago
foxloving girl noooooooooooo
Katrina Wiseman
Katrina Wiseman - 7 years ago
There leaches
Lucy Abbate
Lucy Abbate - 7 years ago
Just in general u were so rough with them and they were in the wild u can expect something like leaches, u kept like hitting them with the metal thing
Thug Nugget
Thug Nugget - 7 years ago
Put salt on leeches! It's revenge
Daeland Casper
Daeland Casper - 7 years ago
if a turtle has leaches you heat up a nail and push it on the leaches like a tick
Frosty_65 - 7 years ago
That's nasty
Missy Rowan
Missy Rowan - 7 years ago
You are a very nice person thank you for taking care of the animals
SimplicityFN Jordan
SimplicityFN Jordan - 7 years ago
He scared of leaches
SimplicityFN Jordan
SimplicityFN Jordan - 7 years ago
Is he gay?
Okhwan kim
Okhwan kim - 7 years ago
I have a pet turtle that my dad caught right now
Lue Rage
Lue Rage - 7 years ago
This make my skin crawl
Blake - 7 years ago
wasted good leechs, they good fishing bait
Juan Medina
Juan Medina - 7 years ago
Eric Lunger
Eric Lunger - 7 years ago
that's illegal
VogelKonigin - 7 years ago
Mud turtles aer generaly that small
Snek Nek
Snek Nek - 7 years ago
Wow nice job leeches, sucking on a fucking shell, I'm proud of you. You're gonna go somewhere kid.
Delima Barbee
Delima Barbee - 7 years ago
poor turtle
The Fishin' Dad
The Fishin' Dad - 7 years ago
Poor guy is right, Haven't seen a turtle beaten so bad since The Shredder took em on!
Melody Herring
Melody Herring - 7 years ago
I love it
michael weller
michael weller - 7 years ago
leeches good bait
merk alert tv
merk alert tv - 7 years ago
You saved them and they gave you free bait.
Ga_Bassin - 7 years ago
there just leeches who cares
Carbon Vibes
Carbon Vibes - 7 years ago
For all the people saying that he's throwing them around, there alright turtles are pretty tough
Pat Kettel
Pat Kettel - 7 years ago
Zack. Where do you get your bait?
jefferson State
jefferson State - 7 years ago
Lol baby
Splintah - 7 years ago
Could you pls treat those turtles better.
Poor turtles. Just throwing them around
Nathan B
Nathan B - 7 years ago
its bad for a turtle to be upsidown, after a while it can die if it cant get back up by itself
xXHentaî_Boÿ Xx
xXHentaî_Boÿ Xx - 7 years ago
Don't leave a turtle flipped over or it will die and do resents first
Darkshadowangel - 7 years ago
Pour turtles!! They lost a lot of blood and I love turtles I even have 3 turtles
Flowey The Flower
Flowey The Flower - 7 years ago
Those leeches don't suck blood only European leeches suck blood
Calia The Fennec Fox
Calia The Fennec Fox - 7 years ago
Darkshadowangel I know this is late but what kind of containment are your turtles in???
alaynatascha boo
alaynatascha boo - 7 years ago
This was funny I'm sorry but it was. And they are baby snappers .
Memelord 696968
Memelord 696968 - 7 years ago
Someone please count he said OH MY GOD!!!!!
BGL Xytheur
BGL Xytheur - 7 years ago
well while watching this in my bed something happened again while i was in the watching this a cookroach that is so big dropped on my hand i panicked so hard the cockrouach was actually on the laptop and i closed the laptop so hard it got smashed without even noticing until opening my latop and i panicked again -_-
Odie Joaquin
Odie Joaquin - 7 years ago
I feel so bad you should of took it to the animal rescue center
Yuhhh it’s Brayden Yuhhh
Yuhhh it’s Brayden Yuhhh - 7 years ago
They are full grown
Yuhhh it’s Brayden Yuhhh
Yuhhh it’s Brayden Yuhhh - 7 years ago
Their called musk stink pots and they stay that big
Aaron Rodrigue
Aaron Rodrigue - 7 years ago
put your thumb nail under the leaches mouth and pop him can also use them as bait
Lardius Lumpus
Lardius Lumpus - 7 years ago
clean them for sure then keep them
SteenDeVader - 7 years ago
o ik sorry that are blood worms
SteenDeVader - 7 years ago
fsck you
SteenDeVader - 7 years ago
you kill the small turtels!!
Evan Is Kool
Evan Is Kool - 7 years ago
I love me some turtle abductions
Gunnar3452 - 7 years ago
Poor turtles
BallPythonWannaBe - 7 years ago
Gasps ¨Look at the baby turtles!¨ You caught ´em banana hands
Braeden Macander
Braeden Macander - 7 years ago
You took off thier leaches and threw them back to the leaches plus you were holding them upside down witch can kill them and the one thing that will kill them is you throwing the around on the side walk
Loll lollipop Beta
Loll lollipop Beta - 7 years ago
Your a killer your just eating them u killer
sean mulhall
sean mulhall - 7 years ago
for future reference a put them in a saltwater solution for 5-10 minutes and it should make any leeches drop off without any damage to the turtles
TheQuarterBack12 - 7 years ago
I feel bad for those turtles :/
Hunni Attila
Hunni Attila - 7 years ago
you say "poor guy" and poking it with fish hook at the same time... of god.
Kenneth Reyes
Kenneth Reyes - 7 years ago
You should have pet turtles :)
LION - 7 years ago
did anybody get goose bumps i did
Jules Dolan
Jules Dolan - 7 years ago
Kill those MF Leaches!!!!
Whundh Umfuqh
Whundh Umfuqh - 7 years ago
THIS IS AWESOME!!!! You're pulling fish barehanded out of storm drains and you're afraid of leeches??? Keep up the great work.
Unknown User
Unknown User - 7 years ago
Troy Nguyen
Troy Nguyen - 7 years ago
U should get some turtles
Brendan Cueva
Brendan Cueva - 7 years ago
the black ones no eat us green and black (european) do
UndeadKennedy - 7 years ago
Dude seriously be fucking careful with the animals you catch. You could've easily killed those turtles slamming them around like that and putting them upside down. Be considerate. For real.
ThXl Hacks
ThXl Hacks - 7 years ago
idiot wtf i just can sve them but you left them die idiot!
Vegas (Archan) A
Vegas (Archan) A - 7 years ago
My friend: Hey I found a leech
Me: Cool
My friend: I'm gonna let it suck my blood
Me: Wait let me find another one so we can do it together.

The leeches enjoyed our blood
JIE LIU - 7 years ago
kill the leeches
Aashna Puri
Aashna Puri - 7 years ago
U should take at least 2 leech free turtles plz
fam love tay
fam love tay - 7 years ago
bro you fish n leaches r great bait and I can almost put $ on it the fish u brought to ur pond most likely had a few leaches for lunch who had baby's in the fish belly who probably pooed them out and u probably have some in ur pond I have a tank that I keep Creek fish in and I just found 3 just the other day
YerBoyCam - 7 years ago
bruh I found a leech on in a turtle like this and when I smashed it there were soooooooo many babies that came off the mama leech
eXl.Dylan - 7 years ago
That's so nice! The turtles can't help it
tempest 115
tempest 115 - 7 years ago
Shoulda got the salt
Fdour - 7 years ago
if iam where you i gonna get them all
Ju Duan
Ju Duan - 7 years ago
use your hand
Joseph Brendel
Joseph Brendel - 7 years ago
Sheayla Fashionista
Sheayla Fashionista - 7 years ago
I hate leeches. I hate them so much that I could stab 100s of them
trinity lorenz
trinity lorenz - 7 years ago
i had leeches on my foot once im 11 and i had to pull them off myself
Joseph Liberty
Joseph Liberty - 7 years ago
Why would you remove all the leeches but still not bring them to your pond
Me - 7 years ago
7:10 The turtle thinks it can fly
Me - 7 years ago
Oh my god count, including oh my goshes:
ItsWolfヅ - 7 years ago
minute 3:10 orgasm time
Krazykal - 7 years ago
You should bring a shaker of salt for random leach attacks.
Horse lover :D Cat lover also :D
Horse lover :D Cat lover also :D - 7 years ago
There's leaches every where in the water
Hagan Marlin '20
Hagan Marlin '20 - 7 years ago
They are just leaches
xd DatBoi
xd DatBoi - 7 years ago
this is my fav animal show
xd DatBoi
xd DatBoi - 7 years ago
thanks for sving my kind
Reina Hernandez
Reina Hernandez - 7 years ago
I like all of the videos
A Wilson Boi
A Wilson Boi - 7 years ago
Mr. umbrella
Mr. umbrella - 7 years ago
FN9381 - 7 years ago
Rob schef
Rob schef - 7 years ago
I fish with leeches quite often. they are sold in the bait machines around here
Ethox Maxwell / Toxic Lemonade
Ethox Maxwell / Toxic Lemonade - 7 years ago
i got 5 turtles out of the pond and thier full of leeches and i did pull all the leeches out and one leech got my hand and i freaked out but i still got the leech out
Alex Magallanes
Alex Magallanes - 7 years ago
Those turtles like getting sucked
TurtlesTopia XD
TurtlesTopia XD - 7 years ago
i feel bad for the turtles and i hv 3 at home
Melanie Davis
Melanie Davis - 7 years ago
Lampreys and leeches are problems with wild reptiles amphibian and fish
丂 几 乂 山queenrayy
丂 几 乂 山queenrayy - 7 years ago
You scared of leeches? I use them as bait
CheshieD - 7 years ago
People fuckin use leeches as bait?! For what, a vampire? I'm not scared of leeches but I don't like them at all. Never had one bite me and been a long time since I've seen one up close.
kemari young
kemari young - 7 years ago
S U I C I D E T H O U G H T S wat
thepheoinx flash
thepheoinx flash - 7 years ago
Proclaz SikePRO same hes a pussy
Olivia VS Aus
Olivia VS Aus - 7 years ago
Proclaz SikePRO
Leeches and those giant New Zealand cricket things are the only bug things I can't stand. I'll happily pickup huntsman spiders and cockroaches but not them. Fuck get them away. Can't stand them. I'm Australian and we have some pretty fucked up shit here but them. Nope. I'm outta there
Rob schef
Rob schef - 7 years ago
Proclaz SikePRO- Me too sold here in upstate ny as bait at all the shops. Is it rare to see leeches in Florida or something?
Aubree W
Aubree W - 7 years ago
Youu do not have a pond. You have a tiny ass swimming pool in your backyard in which you throw huge WILD fish and other WILD creatures for your own sick pleasures. You haven't saved anything from anywhere. That would be like a man coming into your home, kidnapping you, taking you to a cage in their back yard, and saying they saved you... like, what?! At least u put these ones back. But, please, don't act like you've done something altruistic. You took leeches off of a turtle for a YouTube video (that u make money from) titled "I saved a the world's smallest turtle"... you seriously even say "good deed for the day"...
Viktor Bihar
Viktor Bihar - 7 years ago
Aubree imnottellinyoumylastnamefool actualy he has a pond with flowerhorn aka a type of fish and he even has siklits not sure how to spell it but that is also a fish and the other fish resort he has well keep, he dpes not call pond but rather or closely but rather literally pool
FilthyTrash - 7 years ago
Did you clean off all the leeches?
Cocoa Animations
Cocoa Animations - 7 years ago
Mike Abercrombie
Mike Abercrombie - 7 years ago
turtles cant breath on there back and rolling them around is not good ither there just leeches chill and flip the dam turtles over
Itsumi yeeiiih
Itsumi yeeiiih - 7 years ago
poor turtles stupidity of man
Typicxl - 7 years ago
Kristin Sellers but he shld always do some research before andling an animal
Just Random
Just Random - 7 years ago
but yeah that was still pretty bad about the turtle beaten I think he felt okay because they had shells
Typicxl - 7 years ago
Exodestroyer For life dude how old r u? She watched it to see what is goin on and it is not wrong to hate on this cuz
1. He smacked the turtles around with a metal thing
2.He left hem upside down and unless ur dumb, u would know that when u flip a turtle upside down for a long time, it kills them and he did it to them for the rest of the vid
3. Instead of taking to another not leech covered pond, he released them into the same leech filled pond

Pls do ur research before u comment
Exodestroyer For life
Exodestroyer For life - 7 years ago
Fraciny 123
Look who is talking genius you are watching a video to hate on it dummies
DuckLord _
DuckLord _ - 7 years ago
;-; poor turtles
Anousone Homsombath
Anousone Homsombath - 7 years ago
Plz buy a pack of salt and throw it in ur pond 100 all leeches will dead!
Brielle W
Brielle W - 7 years ago
YinKaロワイヤル - 7 years ago
Ninja turtles
Simply Yummy
Simply Yummy - 7 years ago
Anyone count how many times he said oh my god
John Doe
John Doe - 7 years ago
Click bait,,,WORLDS SMALLEST fuk off. Im glad youtube is not paying as much, greedy people like you destroyed the website
ChroniclesofAB - 7 years ago
leeches are good fish bait; donno why your so scared of em pussssyyy lol
ThunderBolt1124 - 7 years ago
Duda Reacts
Duda Reacts - 7 years ago
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Word - 7 years ago
an i actually own a turtle the size of a penny/nickel
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Word - 7 years ago
thats a musk turtle btw
Fug Babylon
Fug Babylon - 7 years ago
Love this channel
Wessilin Mendez
Wessilin Mendez - 7 years ago
My turtle had that problem but a little bit of salt water on the leech and tweezers got him clean
Wessilin Mendez
Wessilin Mendez - 7 years ago
Use tweezers don't knock the turtles around
Flame - 7 years ago
aww.... poor baby turtle..

but why did you put it in the water? if he water has leeches.
Make the turtle a pond.
The Shmuck
The Shmuck - 7 years ago
4:54 who else got the heeby jeebes?
Matt Mcpeek
Matt Mcpeek - 7 years ago
LiL_ESPINOZA 02 - 7 years ago
I fucking love turtles
Khanh Thitrantuankhanh
Khanh Thitrantuankhanh - 7 years ago
1 turtle die by it
Da Great and firce outdoors
Da Great and firce outdoors - 7 years ago
Aww man you should of kept the turtles you should clean off the leaches with tweezers and gloves you should also cache the with a nut so you don't get leaches
Vibe Killer
Vibe Killer - 7 years ago
like no joke if you cut a lemon and rub or squeeze the justice on them it kills them or buy lemon juice that are shaped like lemons its like slugs and salt
JJ24 - 7 years ago
You'll See Me Everywhere yes
life is Boring
life is Boring - 7 years ago
Ainsley Harroit| You bring salt with you when you go somewhere? To kill leaches? Cool.
APPLE CIDER - 7 years ago
Vibe Killer every leach I find I put salt on it
Maxwell Dacre
Maxwell Dacre - 7 years ago
Devin Tidwell yes but, the incisions from the leech's will burn the turtles if u put salt or lemon on them.
Rosey101 Rose
Rosey101 Rose - 7 years ago
here is what I would do

me : sees turtles yay!
me : looks at belly runs as fast as my legs can carry me
me : safe wait what's that worm looking thing
me : finds out its a leech
me : welp time to move contrys
lil 904
lil 904 - 7 years ago
put them in the pound
Gay Person
Gay Person - 7 years ago
Swathe turtles are so cute
vero beast reptiles
vero beast reptiles - 7 years ago
there not baby's there fully grown and there three line musk turtles
scrapheap gaming
scrapheap gaming - 7 years ago
the tertals are made of leachs
kaleb Paul
kaleb Paul - 7 years ago
just take the leaches off with your hand you cry baby I'm 14 and I would it grow up and that's a snapping turtle not a mud turtle.
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 7 years ago
snaping turtles are much bigger and look a lot different.

their adult musk turtles.
ogama843 - 7 years ago
Did you save the leaches for bait?
Tony Stark
Tony Stark - 7 years ago
...I got nightmares
SomeFrickingGoji - 7 years ago
Yeah, I know that know, I just looked at the eyes and how it was opening its mouth, I can tell by the shell now.
JAILON S - 7 years ago
Why would you bring wild turtles to your pond and why would u remove leeches like that if u touch wild turtles there's a chance of saminila
Pramasuri Albani
Pramasuri Albani - 7 years ago
subs me pls
Megan Cook
Megan Cook - 7 years ago
save the turtles please #savetheturtles
ParaVoid 101
ParaVoid 101 - 7 years ago
That went 0-100 real quick lol
Keren - 7 years ago
I found a mud turtle once and he was hurt so I took him home took him to the vet I was told he was gonna live and that I could take care of him for a while until he got better so I did that and over the time that I had him we bonded in a way that I didn't think we would he wouldn't eat when I gave him food so I would feed him by hand carefully and he eventually started eating well and he would come when I would get near me when I would go to the tank where I kept him and I eventually had to release him which was sad at first he siding want to go into the water so I put him in there but he would swim back out to me and so I tried the next day and decided to distract him with food and it was sad letting him go but I visit where he lives often and he is still there surprisingly
Disabled Account
Disabled Account - 7 years ago
Angel - 7 years ago
noooo the baby
Jacob Jenkins
Jacob Jenkins - 7 years ago
Ah poor guy, shank shank shank.
Poor, poor guy, shank.
The Derptor
The Derptor - 7 years ago
Plus I have one the size of a quarter once you clean the leeches you can put them in your pond if you want they shouldn't get leeches again
The Derptor
The Derptor - 7 years ago
those are adults they just don't get much bigger mabye a half inch or more but not by much
hannah wood
hannah wood - 7 years ago
yo are the best
MLG GAMERVLOGS - 7 years ago
That's so nasty
Predator - 7 years ago
4:56 i feel bad for those turtles. that's probably why that other baby turtle was running from the baby turtles
Isaac Wong
Isaac Wong - 7 years ago
What is my name gonna be? They are not babies, those are the actually adults
iFusion Playz
iFusion Playz - 7 years ago
Exaggerating so much Jesus. "Oh My God" like around 12 times " I got a turtle"
But still, got the same heart as you, love you my bro
(Hates but still loves) <--- Thats how girl be.
coco nina
coco nina - 7 years ago
i cought a turtle and it had lechis
Leonardo Turtle
Leonardo Turtle - 7 years ago
It's a leach. Otherwise known as free fish bait. LOL Totally dig your excitement about the turtles. Pretty much how I feel about all turtles.
Killer SaVaGe
Killer SaVaGe - 7 years ago
if you're trying to make them leach free don't put them in the water where there are more leaches
Simply Life
Simply Life - 7 years ago
One guy was like oh shiiiittttt and the other was like fuck this shit I'm outtttt
Kiera Washington
Kiera Washington - 7 years ago
why did you take them
juan Pawn
juan Pawn - 7 years ago
bro that's not the smallest turtle in the world I have a turtle that is about the same size of my palm probably smaller
Phoenix Brunette
Phoenix Brunette - 7 years ago
As he's throwing him around



GUTS - 7 years ago
that what is that is leach
ghift - 7 years ago
so sad
Catherine George
Catherine George - 7 years ago
ewwww leeches!
Melody and Enchanted icy wolf pup
Melody and Enchanted icy wolf pup - 7 years ago
Melody and Enchanted icy wolf pup
Melody and Enchanted icy wolf pup - 7 years ago
FX-Mxrcs - 7 years ago
lol that leach was floppin
Fufu - 7 years ago
So this is where Skrt and Tah came from
Fufu - 7 years ago
No wonder why skrt died and tah survived! (Reply if you know what I'm talking about or like)
ItzCrisDatBoii Playz
ItzCrisDatBoii Playz - 7 years ago
THE FF MACHINEE - 7 years ago
"cant tail if that's his tell or leaches"
Skyler Shadow
Skyler Shadow - 7 years ago
Starts running like he's gonna die Oh wait, those were just ducks.
Stephanie Abney
Stephanie Abney - 7 years ago
Those poor Turtles how about in the morning you bring them to the animals community Center to see are they okay
Gymnast Kam
Gymnast Kam - 7 years ago
200th comment!
Ryan Ingalls
Ryan Ingalls - 7 years ago
Don't worry all leeches native to America do not suck blood only European leeches suck blood
CheshieD - 7 years ago
I mean some leeches only suck the blood of cold blooded animals (i.e. Reptiles etc) and won't suck on mammals.... They may bite but they won't stay on. Most European leeches (the crazy green ones mainly) definitely WILL suck mammal blood and if in numbers can cause serious damage.
Dreaming Angel027
Dreaming Angel027 - 7 years ago
Ryan Ingalls Don't spread lies boi, like really!! What a lier you are, REASEARCH BEFORE SAYING CRAP LIKE THAT
J F - 7 years ago
Ryan Ingalls nah. I got leaches and they sucked my blood
Mike Mendez
Mike Mendez - 7 years ago
Lucy Ngo
Lucy Ngo - 7 years ago
Put them in your pond
Xavier Machado
Xavier Machado - 7 years ago
Just a Turtle
Just a Turtle - 7 years ago
I wouldn't be surprised if the isopod showed up and ate the turtles
Isaac Wong
Isaac Wong - 7 years ago
Pewdiepie 2 - haha that isopod that got cooked by him
Damian hdz
Damian hdz - 7 years ago
he should have put salt on the turtles.its like acid to the leaches
Poor poor turtle
That Guy
That Guy - 7 years ago
those are not baby turtles those are fully grown musk turtles other wise known as a a sternotherus odoratus
Parker Gibbons
Parker Gibbons - 7 years ago
That Guy they aren't odoratus It's a loggerhead musk turtle not sure about the scientific name
Animal Lover
Animal Lover - 7 years ago
That Guy no they are fully grown three striped mud turtles
PHONEPOLIMER TH - 7 years ago
Hahahahahahhahah your dumb
Anousone Homsombath
Anousone Homsombath - 7 years ago
Bring salt next time
Scuffed Borger Jimbo
Scuffed Borger Jimbo - 7 years ago
Next time get a plastic spoon I understand your helping them but your making them go through hell during the process
Darkness Ford
Darkness Ford - 7 years ago
You could hose the leaches off or somehow get all the leaches off and then take them to your pond
muskie hunter
muskie hunter - 7 years ago
u girl the are like worms
Samuel Lara
Samuel Lara - 7 years ago
if you would of put the turtles in clean water the leeches would have died because they can only live in stagnant water. Try putting them in a tub next time for about 2 weeks if you want to keep them as pets.
:-! - 7 years ago
R.I.P turtles
lil Whays
lil Whays - 7 years ago
Clammy - 7 years ago
*puts turtles back in mist likely leech breeding gound*SAVED THE TURTLES
Logiepokey12345 - 7 years ago
Where did you catch the turtles
Wishingamer5 - 7 years ago
From 725 Ha savena
Ugly_Little_Hat_Maid21 fandom
Ugly_Little_Hat_Maid21 fandom - 7 years ago
well its not clickbait that's for sure.......
Rodney Adkins
Rodney Adkins - 7 years ago
Awwww I fill so bad
Strange Mage
Strange Mage - 7 years ago
Chee Chee Fang sorry to tell you but i have done an experiment to test if they would die I used tortoises and water turtles and neither died I kept them on their back for a month and they didn't die i fed them and watered them very carefully I regret doing the experiment because I was 10 and didn't know how wrong it was but I did take care best you can with upside down turtles they didn't die they were just happy to get upright again and back to the wild so don't go telling people they wrong when you don't knownthe truth yourself
Chee Chee Fang
Chee Chee Fang - 7 years ago
And who the guck are you to know that? Because i dont think wannabe cat is a leading animal biology and behavior expert. You ten?????? 9??????
Alora Plays
Alora Plays - 7 years ago
Kitten KitKat Actually that is not true
Siddique Khokon
Siddique Khokon - 7 years ago
Put salt on the turtles and the leeches will die in HELLLLLLLLLLL
Clammy - 7 years ago
why in hell? theyre just doing what they are basically programmed to
Aion Vibe
Aion Vibe - 7 years ago
I've never seen someone so scared of leeches
MR. BADBOY - 7 years ago
I would have used the leches for bait
Steve Lin
Steve Lin - 7 years ago
Isaac Wong
Isaac Wong - 7 years ago
Steve Lin or SALT-A_BUG
200000485 - 7 years ago
I feel Bad for turtles
Hayden Plays
Hayden Plays - 7 years ago
ClammyGames bad news.... bad news? read all of these other comments and this is what life is kid... you hear bad news on the news on yt and even at home
200000485 - 7 years ago
Clammy - 7 years ago
chill guy fuck off you bring politics and bad news to a fishing vid
200000485 - 7 years ago
Hayden Plays
Hayden Plays - 7 years ago
200000485 i feel bad for Syrians dying by there own leader
Rgamer C
Rgamer C - 7 years ago
those are not the smallest tho
Jacob Nogoy
Jacob Nogoy - 7 years ago handle the turtle with care
Gacha Devil
Gacha Devil - 6 years ago
Agent Slime
Agent Slime - 6 years ago
Darkcrowxo HD oh shut up vegan
Jack123232 ,
Jack123232 , - 6 years ago
Jacob Nogoy ye
promontorium - 7 years ago
I can't believe anyone would thumb up your retarded comment. People eat meat because we are biologically designed to. That's not a green light to torture animals you fucking idiot.
Erick HD
Erick HD - 7 years ago
so how are you enjoying that hamburger? how about that food handled with care?
Olivia Cronk
Olivia Cronk - 7 years ago
I've seen smaller turtles
SilentWraith - 7 years ago
Don't hurt them pls
Skyrimax - 7 years ago
leeches let go if you pour salt on them, or spray salt water on them
Skyrimax - 7 years ago
+chill guy I'm saying if one gets on him, it's just a helpful tip
Hayden Plays
Hayden Plays - 7 years ago
Skyrimax does it look like he just carries salt?
Jay Mojo
Jay Mojo - 7 years ago
how are leeches disgusting when u ate a giant isopod
Isaac Wong
Isaac Wong - 7 years ago
Froggy Boii saw that video
Clark Bryan
Clark Bryan - 7 years ago
Where can I find these turtles?
I live in south Florida and never seen these
Donovan Ward
Donovan Ward - 7 years ago
poor guys?!?! i feel bad for him because of you... not because of the leeches
JustJason - 7 years ago
chill guy wow you actually have to look into my channel to find something to say about me, true definition of "get a life" right there
JustJason - 7 years ago
chill guy it's not the physical hurt but the physiological hurt induced on the turtles that will kill them
Hayden Plays
Hayden Plays - 7 years ago
Donovan Ward leaches kill slowly, and turtles have shells for a reason
Donovan Ward
Donovan Ward - 7 years ago
i honestly hope this guy dies, does he even know how to hold animals the right way??? bastard he literally abuses animals.
JustJason - 7 years ago
chill guy did I say there was anything wrong with your opinion, no..... and why would I need to smart when obviously I am already smarter than you
Hayden Plays
Hayden Plays - 7 years ago
+TotalD3RBY lol, how would you say so? You live in america? Its my opinion nimrod si stop acting smart
JustJason - 7 years ago
chill guy do you even know what is a oxymoron, I would assume you did, cause you are partly a moron
Hayden Plays
Hayden Plays - 7 years ago
+TotalD3RBY no its chill guy, nice job reading
JustJason - 7 years ago
chill guy your name is a oxymoron
JustJason - 7 years ago
ClammyGames that's sad man
Hayden Plays
Hayden Plays - 7 years ago
Donovan Ward honestly you should go to hell if you think a turtle is better than a humans life
WatsBrackin Blood
WatsBrackin Blood - 7 years ago
dont leave the turtles upside for to long they can die
JustJason - 7 years ago
chill guy I was being polite lol, there aren't even bad enough words to describe you
Hayden Plays
Hayden Plays - 7 years ago
+TotalD3RBY lol "dummy" so smart from you
JustJason - 7 years ago
chill guy that's the point, you dummy
Hayden Plays
Hayden Plays - 7 years ago
+TotalD3RBY neither did he
JustJason - 7 years ago
chill guy he did not say anything about leaving the leeches there......
Hayden Plays
Hayden Plays - 7 years ago
Vincent Walling if you leave the leaches there they will die either way...
WatsBrackin Blood
WatsBrackin Blood - 7 years ago
dont leave the turtles upside for to long they can due
Hayden Plays
Hayden Plays - 7 years ago
Vincent Walling if you leave the leaches there they will die either way...

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