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Most popular comments

Cam Aquatics
Cam Aquatics - 6 years ago
Your A Hero
gabriel francis dacatimbang
gabriel francis dacatimbang - 6 years ago
Oh! So many idiots!!! Except for u!! :D
HIPROBLOX larracas
HIPROBLOX larracas - 6 years ago
Thomas 1o7 no his our hero but not the haters
HIPROBLOX larracas
HIPROBLOX larracas - 6 years ago
Best Alan Walker Fan I know Alan walker I know his songs
HIPROBLOX larracas
HIPROBLOX larracas - 6 years ago
Best Alan Walker Fan play roblox
Lena Gardner
Lena Gardner - 6 years ago
+player number0 he is dumb
Ash Bankowski
Ash Bankowski - 6 years ago
Ashley XD it's why not y.Try using proper grammar before telling someone to.
Clarabel Ada Ngo
Clarabel Ada Ngo - 6 years ago
Your so good to the fishes
Phalla 177800o1
Phalla 177800o1 - 6 years ago
Cam Aquati
Faye Claiden - Holcombe
Faye Claiden - Holcombe - 6 years ago
Was that sarcasm
Cynthia Hoeung
Cynthia Hoeung - 6 years ago
Your a Hero
unicorn potato
unicorn potato - 6 years ago
U good bro?
Aka Magic
Aka Magic - 6 years ago
Cam Aquatics pins and hearts the only positive comment he could find
Aka Magic
Aka Magic - 6 years ago
And you’re bad at spelling.
Mei :3
Mei :3 - 6 years ago
Fish Hero :D
Zane Midani
Zane Midani - 6 years ago
The black one looks like a cat fish is it a cat fish?
Lilly Hoffman
Lilly Hoffman - 6 years ago
You’re *
Basil* - 6 years ago
kaahfy is a punk love gaming you censor innocent words.
Lorelei Kimble
Lorelei Kimble - 6 years ago
No your the hero
Erika Drake
Erika Drake - 6 years ago
jada and aziyah also taylor
jada and aziyah also taylor - 6 years ago
Madison Demchok
Madison Demchok - 6 years ago
love it
Matthew Reyes
Matthew Reyes - 6 years ago
Cam Aquat
Joevian Hana
Joevian Hana - 6 years ago
Do good
Liam Gaming and vlogs
Liam Gaming and vlogs - 6 years ago
Cam Aquatics
Geetha Raj
Geetha Raj - 6 years ago
Superb how many pond do you have
VinesThatButter MyEggRoll
VinesThatButter MyEggRoll - 6 years ago
Cam Aquatics how much did you get payed to comment this?
Darren Trottier Ferguson
Darren Trottier Ferguson - 6 years ago
Cam Aquatics ITS YOU’RE
Puppy_Lover123 45
Puppy_Lover123 45 - 6 years ago
player number0 yes he is a fish hero XD
Darren Trottier Ferguson
Darren Trottier Ferguson - 6 years ago
Cam Aquatics it’s you’re
Travis Khan
Travis Khan - 6 years ago
I love fishes to but he just doing it for the views
Travis Khan
Travis Khan - 6 years ago
Lengend Gamer
Lengend Gamer - 6 years ago
Cam Aquatics he aint
XxLegitx_Scope -1
XxLegitx_Scope -1 - 6 years ago
Cam Aquatics not true HE IS NOT A HERO
GAMES WITH FLAMES - 6 years ago
vanessa gacha
vanessa gacha - 6 years ago
player number0 HATERS DISGUS ME
Artsy Witch
Artsy Witch - 6 years ago
Cam Aquatics tbu I don't think he knows what he's doing.
Genesis Garcia
Genesis Garcia - 6 years ago
Cam Aquatics you're welcome I gave u ur 1k like
Exotic Butter
Exotic Butter - 6 years ago
Casey Stradowski
Casey Stradowski - 6 years ago
You're **
Pedro Lopez
Pedro Lopez - 6 years ago
Cam Aquatic
BlackMambaGrace - 6 years ago
Cam Aquatics yes he is!
Emma Salvidge
Emma Salvidge - 6 years ago
Raww fishing is a hero
Lucy Smith
Lucy Smith - 6 years ago
player number0 im giving yo a dislike on both of your mean comments
Lucy Smith
Lucy Smith - 6 years ago
player number0 no
Lucy Smith
Lucy Smith - 6 years ago
player number0 yea he is
Jenny Dilali
Jenny Dilali - 6 years ago
ItsSophieBOI im not a dude and it shows that u do that cause me and my friend where making up roasts
Ashley XD
Ashley XD - 6 years ago
ItsSophieBOI I'm in 8th, I'm pretty sure I know how to spell better than you.
Charlotte May
Charlotte May - 6 years ago
player number0 no
ItsSophieBOI - 6 years ago
+Ashley XD 6th
Ashley XD
Ashley XD - 6 years ago
ItsSophieBOI really?! What grade?
ItsSophieBOI - 6 years ago
+Ashley XD no i didnt im in middle school and i can spell right ask your parents ugly betty
Ashley XD
Ashley XD - 6 years ago
ItsSophieBOI I'm pretty sure you spelt grammar wrong.
ItsSophieBOI - 6 years ago
+Jenny Dilali dude u got that from internet i seen that line before
ItsSophieBOI - 6 years ago
+Phobia Gaming and so if u dont like it or not care than get off this comment like think kid
ItsSophieBOI - 6 years ago
+Aidan Dixon be quiet
ItsSophieBOI - 6 years ago
+Luanna Gomez get gramer idiot imma report u
Venom Fate
Venom Fate - 6 years ago
Cam Aquatics he is
Hey its Leticia
Hey its Leticia - 6 years ago
He is terrible
Emily Kawaii
Emily Kawaii - 6 years ago
Cam Aquatics no he's not, did you see what he did in this video, of putting "1000" gold fishes in his pond. His other fishes ate the little gold fishes. Do they deserve that, no I don't think so.
The life of Peyton and Lilly
The life of Peyton and Lilly - 6 years ago
Cam Aquatics no no he’s not THERE INVASIVE
Friendly Sophia213
Friendly Sophia213 - 6 years ago
Cam Aquatics to fish
David Pruitt
David Pruitt - 6 years ago
namepi d
David Pruitt
David Pruitt - 6 years ago
Hugh Cunningham
Hugh Cunningham - 6 years ago
Cam Aquatics Go awayghujiheknr
TheWolfLover Zero
TheWolfLover Zero - 6 years ago
player number0 idiot
Valerie Miranda
Valerie Miranda - 6 years ago
player number0 he loves saving life’s so why are you watching this “clickbait”
Lepistes hobisi
Lepistes hobisi - 6 years ago
Ye mk
louis Hernandez
louis Hernandez - 6 years ago
Sonia Vargas
Sonia Vargas - 6 years ago
Cam Aquatics I hate you
Outerscience20 Is My Roblox IGN
Outerscience20 Is My Roblox IGN - 6 years ago
Cam Aquatics I Agree 100%
Alissa Potato
Alissa Potato - 6 years ago
player number0 then if your a dumb brain and hate this then leave the video!!! I HATE YOU UGH WHY DO YOU HATE ON SOMEONE WHO SAVED MORE THAN 1 FISH!!!
Alissa Potato
Alissa Potato - 6 years ago
namepi do you have a brain?
jamie teo
jamie teo - 6 years ago
Cam Aquatics he isn't a hero he is hurting the fish as he just holds them out of the water for quite a while just to show us, but he could have just shown us them in the water
Torque - 6 years ago
Best Alan Walker Fan
It's not mean. It's called criticism.
Torque - 6 years ago
Evie Brown
Look. I won't bother being overly rude, as you seem to be in the age range of 8-10, but honestly. Do some research before you randomly spew words out. He was literally swinging a placo around because it was pricking him. There's a reason an animal will hurt you: because they don't want to be touched or held. He said they would've died from lack of oxygen and food, when Koi don't need high levels of oxygen as they filter oxygen from the water and they eat bacteria and water grass, and putting them in a kitty - pool is even worse than an unmaintained pond.
Yis Pinto
Yis Pinto - 6 years ago
that 1st fish is tiny
Tide Pod
Tide Pod - 6 years ago
Why do you have to act so dramatic in every video.
Ruby Rogers
Ruby Rogers - 6 years ago
10:00 The aliens are coming!!
Hayoung Park
Hayoung Park - 6 years ago
I wanna see his school pics for some reason has he ever posted any
shana cute101
shana cute101 - 6 years ago
Ur such a gud person for helpin these fish out of the condition their in n to all u haters dat put those hate comments since u wanna say he's annoyin UR COMMENTS R ANNOYIN stop hatin n try to be supportive for once it's jus sad how y'all hatin on someone like GROW UP..... PERIOD
Shadow Wolf
Shadow Wolf - 6 years ago
I don’t wanna hate but if you find a goldfish in the wild kill it or make it animal/reptile food
R - 6 years ago
I love how big that algae eater is
I hope mine will get that big one day
Luna Diaz
Luna Diaz - 6 years ago
Where is the dry puddle huh? Stop click baiting
RAWWFishing - 6 years ago
R u dumb??


Briannah Kelley
Briannah Kelley - 6 years ago
Your a hero!
young flexer
young flexer - 6 years ago
Have yall seen his eyebrows
Lena Gardner
Lena Gardner - 6 years ago
The gold fish is so cute
PamHudak - 6 years ago
I need a koi fish now
Clean Music
Clean Music - 6 years ago
Is this a fishing channel or a fish getting channel
HEATHER DANIEL - 6 years ago
Stop hating on him!
Stop hating on him!
Stop hating on him!
Stop hating on him!
Stop hating on him!
Stop hating on him!
I will repeat myself!
I will repeat myself!
I will repeat myself!
LittleLilly 39393939
LittleLilly 39393939 - 6 years ago
That cleaning fishy is just like the fish I have but mine is a baby still what should i do if my fish becomes bigger and huge? Do i let it free? And where? And how?
Jim Martinez
Jim Martinez - 6 years ago
What city do you live cause it looks nice n I gonna leave there for fishes they so cute
French Bulldog
French Bulldog - 6 years ago
lol lol lol lol
Anna Krudy
Anna Krudy - 6 years ago
Im really trying to like you but your legit the most annoying human


Sm Tamim
Sm Tamim - 6 years ago
thank you
James Benedict Carlos
James Benedict Carlos - 6 years ago
Did anyone notice that all the fish is so hyper?
James Benedict Carlos
James Benedict Carlos - 6 years ago
Dried up puddle?
Carlee Pinson
Carlee Pinson - 6 years ago
I love how he just caressed the goldfish after he saw it
Abandon3dRain - 6 years ago
10:10 is that one of those fish that sucks up the slimy stuff from tank walls? ;0;

Garbie Stade
Garbie Stade - 6 years ago
I subscribed because I love fish as a friend not a food fish are amazing creatures
Ruari Kozisek
Ruari Kozisek - 6 years ago
“ saves “ goldfish
Michael Greer
Michael Greer - 6 years ago
That black fish that you seed was a alin is a sucker fish
Jennifer Konen
Jennifer Konen - 6 years ago
marcos cruz
marcos cruz - 6 years ago
your such a hero man i would give you a golden meatl for bieing so kind and your frened to


marcos cruz
marcos cruz - 6 years ago
your a hero but pls take kare of them
SOS!C sos!c
SOS!C sos!c - 6 years ago
Its a fancy fin goldfish moron...not a feeder fish
Laniya Durant
Laniya Durant - 6 years ago
Wow that fish was sooo wild
NiceEli 274
NiceEli 274 - 6 years ago
I can't believe that the person who will abandon the fish and the pond
Leann Hinton
Leann Hinton - 6 years ago
you guys are awesome and im about to cry thanks for all the stuff you do
FeaturedZarate - 6 years ago
Dried up puddle wherreeee...
พัชรี กาซัน
พัชรี กาซัน - 6 years ago
Martha Kelly
Martha Kelly - 6 years ago
Are those all the fish
B&j Vlogs
B&j Vlogs - 6 years ago
You are the best keep it up love the haters
cat Nunez
cat Nunez - 6 years ago
Guy:They clearly know their being saved.

Fish*Trys to jump out*
Bizzletizzle - 6 years ago
knocks two glasses against each other while holding them
Gets shocked when he almost cuts himself.
maddie Hauff
maddie Hauff - 6 years ago
Dude are you ok
Arlene Jacinto
Arlene Jacinto - 6 years ago
its so funny watching him
Talan Lewis
Talan Lewis - 6 years ago
You are so cool and I am glad you like fish you are a hero
wolverine24ism - 6 years ago
Rey Badilles
Rey Badilles - 6 years ago
the black one was a dyanitor fish it stays under water and clean
Addison Williams
Addison Williams - 6 years ago
omega kadoo
omega kadoo - 6 years ago
Gavy Cuellar
Gavy Cuellar - 6 years ago
Emilio Hernandez
Emilio Hernandez - 6 years ago
Ooooooiohh fortnight


Jada Merritt
Jada Merritt - 6 years ago
Rey Badilles
Rey Badilles - 6 years ago
basher we dont judge u but he have a golden hearth
EastonS_ 101
EastonS_ 101 - 6 years ago
Dude it’s just a FISH CHIL OUT
pradoow - 6 years ago
polish jerry
polish jerry - 6 years ago
If you have nothing good to say then don't say it
polish jerry
polish jerry - 6 years ago
The alien fish was a pleco fish. These fishes are fish that cleans your algae in your tank
Rey Badilles
Rey Badilles - 6 years ago
its was a dyanitor fish
Star Stuff
Star Stuff - 6 years ago
that donkey came to say hi but got rejected. XD
erika mendoza
erika mendoza - 6 years ago
You’re the greatest fish hero ever in all of YouTube
Annie Shaw
Annie Shaw - 6 years ago
I a m glad that the fish did not dye.
Marley Cagayan
Marley Cagayan - 6 years ago
Annie Shaw
Annie Shaw - 6 years ago
That pond was so scary i thought one of the fish were going to be hurt
Trevor Young
Trevor Young - 6 years ago
Oh my god this guy is so immature
chigomezgo ngwira
chigomezgo ngwira - 6 years ago
Continue doing that soon you will be a super star
Bean City
Bean City - 6 years ago
Ok everyone needs to stop the hate how do you think it makes him feel to read what everyone hates about him??
Ona Plays
Ona Plays - 6 years ago
Clout smh
Moosa Hussain
Moosa Hussain - 6 years ago
u a hero....u deserve a medal
Zien Rose Del Rosario
Zien Rose Del Rosario - 6 years ago
B Schubert
B Schubert - 6 years ago
Some look like jaws
Tonya Trantham
Tonya Trantham - 6 years ago
that alien '' is a algae eater
Sneaky - 6 years ago
17:09 over reacting much?
Ethan Mobley
Ethan Mobley - 6 years ago
armored catfish
Ethan Mobley
Ethan Mobley - 6 years ago
armored catfish
Jetstar 23
Jetstar 23 - 6 years ago
Your so loud and overly exaggerated! But it's fine, youre still a good person
Limiya Kundupuzhakkal
Limiya Kundupuzhakkal - 6 years ago
Holy cow
fort nite god
fort nite god - 6 years ago
what happened to the blob
King Of Hell 02848
King Of Hell 02848 - 6 years ago
This is technically animal abuse
Joelcar Garcia
Joelcar Garcia - 6 years ago
Phobea gaming is a true true hater. How do you even know what he does off camera? He literaly has a channell to save fish not kill, and do you even know what the circle of life is?
Edit:know im the hater. Happy?
MORE edit:btw your a true hero rawwfishing(i dunno ur name)
Rebecca Buck
Rebecca Buck - 6 years ago
But.. after all it was an amazing deed
Rebecca Buck
Rebecca Buck - 6 years ago
Clickbait because it says dried up puddle.... its not.. Its a pond in not so good condition
Rebecca Buck
Rebecca Buck - 6 years ago
what if they secretly eat the fish ;-;
Rebecca Buck
Rebecca Buck - 6 years ago
Crafts and More Blogs
Crafts and More Blogs - 6 years ago
Luis Melo
Luis Melo - 6 years ago
the alian has only bones.
Neil Lacson
Neil Lacson - 6 years ago
if those baby fishes has grown in that pond for years....guess they’ll just die in YOUR pond that will die being beaten up by other fishes for sure.
Derrick Walker
Derrick Walker - 6 years ago
This kid acts like he's sniffs coke and coffee mixed!
panduh time
panduh time - 6 years ago
OMG he is so dumb. He doesn't even know how to hold the fish. This guy sucks
Ian McCrafty
Ian McCrafty - 6 years ago
I s that a dried up puddle
Little Wolfey
Little Wolfey - 6 years ago
The goldfish that was not gold you should name dimond
Gusti Hutagalung
Gusti Hutagalung - 6 years ago
You kill 1000 gold fish
Alissa Alissa
Alissa Alissa - 6 years ago
Cupcake vlogs
Cupcake vlogs - 6 years ago
if a hero don't tell anyone that I have alien
Dylan Torres
Dylan Torres - 6 years ago
The “Alien thingy” is a Pleco and I never knew that they were strong.CAUTION:NO HATE
cianna calara
cianna calara - 6 years ago
You have earned my full respect ✊
Freakyty Inthehouse
Freakyty Inthehouse - 6 years ago
This is like the 100th time he's said my god
cheryl balicat
cheryl balicat - 6 years ago
the fish is gonna die in your hands
cheryl balicat
cheryl balicat - 6 years ago
Md Md
Md Md - 6 years ago
I suggest you to put this animal in order!
Craig Borstelmann
Craig Borstelmann - 6 years ago
You did a great thing keep doing it and save the world
maddi paul
maddi paul - 6 years ago
Wolf Legand
Wolf Legand - 6 years ago
7:50 to 7:48 or 7:49 she trys to jump out
Faye Claiden - Holcombe
Faye Claiden - Holcombe - 6 years ago
2:40 yeah abused by you


Zee Nuis
Zee Nuis - 6 years ago
I hope you didn’t release the goldfish in the wild.
Tora’s channel
Tora’s channel - 6 years ago
I have seen bigger ones way bigger!!!!
Gina Mahawira
Gina Mahawira - 6 years ago
you're a keeper ❤️
Sebastian Wide
Sebastian Wide - 6 years ago
Drama queen
Blue - 6 years ago
yo how many did you save bro?
Lil’ Curly
Lil’ Curly - 6 years ago
U need to acclimate them
Lil’ Curly
Lil’ Curly - 6 years ago
Not how u hold a pleco and also “they clearly know they’re getting saved “ bruh they’re fish!
Leo Diaz
Leo Diaz - 6 years ago
kill. jass
Matea Pena
Matea Pena - 6 years ago
Chaos Rose
Chaos Rose - 6 years ago
You're a bad person.
Anna May
Anna May - 6 years ago
I love this guy!
Heroic Snuggle
Heroic Snuggle - 6 years ago
Why does this guy remind me of Sernando?
Vanessa Bea Blanco
Vanessa Bea Blanco - 6 years ago
Its not a alien its janitor fish
Ayu Musrifah
Ayu Musrifah - 6 years ago
Not saved=Dead
Ayu Musrifah
Ayu Musrifah - 6 years ago
How much haters are here jeez
Maksim Ivanic
Maksim Ivanic - 6 years ago
When he said shoutout to Raw Mom I died bruh
Neena Sunil
Neena Sunil - 6 years ago
That is a scaccer.......
belle X
belle X - 6 years ago
Great video about saving fishes from DRIED UP PUDDLES but yeah u talk ALOT BOi
dikson aciang
dikson aciang - 6 years ago
You a hero fish
kawaii yum
kawaii yum - 6 years ago
u love fish so much to call them monsters and aliens
kawaii yum
kawaii yum - 6 years ago
wow they r probably all dead bc they couldn’t breath
kawaii yum
kawaii yum - 6 years ago
omg hes keeping them out of the water for too long just to show us like stop
CHELSEA’S VLOGS - 6 years ago
He was holding the fish out the water to make them die
An Nguyen
An Nguyen - 6 years ago
Ur a Amazing by Saving the Goldfish
Brycenn Rosado
Brycenn Rosado - 6 years ago
It is a sucker fish
Bryan Angel
Bryan Angel - 6 years ago
"Bro" I should call u killer croc because u kill fish and u wear crocs
Dproc4Puppies - 6 years ago
Did they at least have some food?!
Kim White
Kim White - 6 years ago
So cool
kawaiii drowing skils
kawaiii drowing skils - 6 years ago
your so kind to fishes
สรวิศ เรคงเพ็ชรศีกดิ์
สรวิศ เรคงเพ็ชรศีกดิ์ - 6 years ago
Jackie calderon
Jackie calderon - 6 years ago
Have that had food
YoungPlayBoy 03
YoungPlayBoy 03 - 6 years ago
Ma che c ha quesso
Kiran Shiboo
Kiran Shiboo - 6 years ago
Your ahero
Annika Eunice Calderon
Annika Eunice Calderon - 6 years ago
The weird one is a janitor fish
Irish Sison
Irish Sison - 6 years ago
You are superhero
Jennierubyjane JN
Jennierubyjane JN - 6 years ago
Alton Beaulieu vlogs
Alton Beaulieu vlogs - 6 years ago
Kellie Wilson u dumb he’s not a saver he’s a killer
Kellie Wilson
Kellie Wilson - 6 years ago
Thank you
vxrlt - 6 years ago
This is gey
FUNNEL VISION fan - 6 years ago
just like you got a White goldfish i have a blue gold fish
Ashleigh Young
Ashleigh Young - 6 years ago
Thats not enough water for them in that cooler... and when fish try to jump out of tanks or buckets its called fish suicide. One of my goldfish got nipped at by my other goldfish and jumped out of the tank while i was at school...
Scoochers Edwin
Scoochers Edwin - 6 years ago
You talk to much
Scoochers Edwin
Scoochers Edwin - 6 years ago
I subed
Equestrian L1festyle
Equestrian L1festyle - 6 years ago
dried puddle heh
Karen Baga
Karen Baga - 6 years ago
ilove fish
Ashlyn Mirande
Ashlyn Mirande - 6 years ago
You really have to appreciate how considerate he is to the fish, sort of reminds you to enjoy the little pleasures in life
Jonathan Woodruff
Jonathan Woodruff - 6 years ago
way dont you just catch a thousand aliens and pit them all up agenst Jaws
its a great vedio idea
Rehaan Gurung
Rehaan Gurung - 6 years ago
Priya Anand
Priya Anand - 6 years ago
U act too much
camwood0219 - 6 years ago
Alien thing a man alien is one of the fish that eat that eats bad stuff in the ocean they don't eat stuff like other animals
Fenni Wijaya
Fenni Wijaya - 6 years ago
Whai a goldfish
10000 subs challenge No vids can we do it?
10000 subs challenge No vids can we do it? - 6 years ago
Soooooo fat.. fish abuse
10000 subs challenge No vids can we do it?
10000 subs challenge No vids can we do it? - 6 years ago
Ya said puddle...
Seth Nigel De Jesus
Seth Nigel De Jesus - 6 years ago
i want to be just like you
Nouf Alzaki
Nouf Alzaki - 6 years ago
U are saving nice fish and ur good and u are a lifesaver
Niall Horan
Niall Horan - 6 years ago
Niall Horan
Niall Horan - 6 years ago
raw fam means raw family
Sy Rose
Sy Rose - 6 years ago
Wow the fish it so cute
RJ GAMER PH - 6 years ago
i sub because i love fish
Kitty Da Weirdo
Kitty Da Weirdo - 6 years ago
Koi Fish= when you see RAWW merch and jumps to get some
RAWW DAD= Baby calm down you'll get merch

like if agreeeeeee
Xana Ortiz
Xana Ortiz - 6 years ago
I need a man that talks about me like this guy does about these fish
Allie Gaudry
Allie Gaudry - 6 years ago

Lol you say they are I’m bad condition but your handling FISH so many things wrong with this and most of your vids
Leah & ginger’s World
Leah & ginger’s World - 6 years ago
If the fish are in that much danger then save them and stop talking!
Suraj Zubair
Suraj Zubair - 6 years ago
It is not gol fish its a gold fish
awan 111309
awan 111309 - 6 years ago
Omaigotnis gais goldfish
Janine Cannizzaro
Janine Cannizzaro - 6 years ago
I have that black fish its not a alien
UR BOI ROGER - 6 years ago
11:21 fat shaming smh
UR BOI ROGER - 6 years ago
He held the pleco for more than a minute now hold your breath for a minute bet most cant
UR BOI ROGER - 6 years ago
Had to dis like because he’s hella annoying
Will Abbott
Will Abbott - 6 years ago
FSU for life
Jenna Kaufman
Jenna Kaufman - 6 years ago
He’s huge!
nicole 4508
nicole 4508 - 6 years ago
Your a good person BC most people would not do and I have Christian is this a kid friendly Channel
Rebecca Traylor
Rebecca Traylor - 6 years ago
The one with the spikes that were poking you called that one pokey
Rebecca Traylor
Rebecca Traylor - 6 years ago
In the one with the three colors mixed altogether with zero called fish that a speedy
Rebecca Traylor
Rebecca Traylor - 6 years ago
Jumper that is the name for that fish
Rebecca Traylor
Rebecca Traylor - 6 years ago
You are a fish hero to the fish
spartanrocket26 - 6 years ago
It’s says dried up puddle this guy is the new Ali A lol and he’s probly gonna kill them some how
Emma Johnson
Emma Johnson - 6 years ago
What an exaggeration! Dried up puddle, it was a small pond
emma davies
emma davies - 6 years ago
The alien is a cat fish
Swagbaby 123
Swagbaby 123 - 6 years ago
AnnaPai Artist
AnnaPai Artist - 6 years ago
I am wondering if you know the difference between a goldfish and a koi fish just asking and also don't keep fish out for long when you grab them and put then out of water
Tina Spurling
Tina Spurling - 6 years ago
I know that lady
The One Face Chan
The One Face Chan - 6 years ago
Its funny him and the girl said about the fat or pregnant goldfish that maybe 'he's going to have babies' 'maybe HE'S going to have babies' male fish cant i mean any male thing cant have babies but maybe transgender people but im glad you saved the fish and you're a hero saving the enviorment I've always loved people who take the time and save people and animals in need so i just wanted to say thank you for saving and relocating the fish saving them from dying slowly and let them have another chance ^^
Optimist Artist
Optimist Artist - 6 years ago
Clickbait much?
“Saving goldfish form dried up puddle”
1) Not all are goldfish! Most of them are Koy!!!
2) Its not a puddle!!!!!!! It’s a pond that they would’ve survived in. And has for a long time.
3) It wasn’t dried up at all.
Kaitlyn Fischer
Kaitlyn Fischer - 6 years ago
Is he actually 4?
Marie Cowan
Marie Cowan - 6 years ago
I live in North Florida
Adventures with El
Adventures with El - 6 years ago
I saw your channel and I was like alright cool but then I saw you like university of Florida and immediately subscribed nice man :D
Basil* - 6 years ago
Oh I love puddles.
Noreen Zafar
Noreen Zafar - 6 years ago
The alien thing that you call cleans the side of a fish tank ive had three and all of them have kept the fishtank really really clean so theyre pretty good use
魔龙小 - 6 years ago
mike claudia hartman
mike claudia hartman - 6 years ago
Or your killing fish
Gab From YT
Gab From YT - 6 years ago
That's the junior fish
Mantra Mavani
Mantra Mavani - 6 years ago
good fish
Alan Tobar
Alan Tobar - 6 years ago
It’s not a Alien I have it as a pet it’s called a sucker Fish and that’s the biggest one I have ever saw
tobyis onyoutube
tobyis onyoutube - 6 years ago
The whole time I was screaming put them in water
Lots of Lewis
Lots of Lewis - 6 years ago
OMG it’s a pleco
Seema Dhiman
Seema Dhiman - 6 years ago
Eat my poop
wolf boy
wolf boy - 6 years ago
you should have grabbed the fhich and poten ale of den
jenna_.05 - 6 years ago
17:10 OMFG
jenna_.05 - 6 years ago
Him: shows fish and asks repeatedly if we’re looking at the fish and if we see the fish
jenna_.05 - 6 years ago
OMFG IM ACTUALLY LAUGHING OUT LOUD AT 4 AM RN “two in one.. they’re sisters. They’re brother and sister.” WHY IS THIS SO FUNNY TO ME
jenna_.05 - 6 years ago
“DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS IS? THATS BROKEN GLASS” repeatedly bangs two pieces of glass together “Ah.. dang it.. I’m putting THAT down IT ALMOST JUST CUT ME... I don’t like this.” WHAT DID U EXPECT FROM BANGING TWO PIECES OF GLASS TOGETHER
ima camel
ima camel - 6 years ago
You could've bring the cooler with u
Itzme_angela98 - 6 years ago
I bet he probably boned that girl when he was done filming XD
Greena TwoFour
Greena TwoFour - 6 years ago
Awe your so nice to fish!
Hezekiah Edwards
Hezekiah Edwards - 6 years ago
This man is hight af
My name is bob
My name is bob - 6 years ago
Its a bit funny how he calls them baby XD
Glittery Lps
Glittery Lps - 6 years ago
That's a big puddle....
Imagine Dragons Lover
Imagine Dragons Lover - 6 years ago
He's talking to the goldfish like it's a dog. "Come here buddy, it's ok..... hey buddy, it's ok baby."
GachaStar !
GachaStar ! - 6 years ago
A fish is just like a dog..
Mellow Hello
Mellow Hello - 6 years ago
marshmellow world they are a living thing ya kno
RubyTheGacha :3
RubyTheGacha :3 - 6 years ago
Dried up puddle? Huh? How big are the puddles you see?
ɴᴇxǫᴜᴀᴛɪ ᴢᴇɴ
ɴᴇxǫᴜᴀᴛɪ ᴢᴇɴ - 6 years ago
Girl you made a bad mistake calling him
avchanthasene - 6 years ago
Rare sightings very rare
avchanthasene - 6 years ago
Black fish is supposed to be in the ocean
HB random ideas
HB random ideas - 6 years ago
Apparently not
unicorn master
unicorn master - 6 years ago
Amanda Newman
Amanda Newman - 6 years ago
U saved fish u r a good person
Tatum James
Tatum James - 6 years ago
He overreacting acting like he never seen fish
Tatum James
Tatum James - 6 years ago
He so gay
maconalu - 6 years ago
You are a super hero
itz ava
itz ava - 6 years ago
the black thing is called .Suckermouth catfish in tagalog janitor fish
Gevina Suryanto
Gevina Suryanto - 6 years ago
Gevina Suryanto
Gevina Suryanto - 6 years ago
Your so kind and your the hero for the animals bro!!!
SAWF &JUAN HAWYAAA - 6 years ago
“Dried up puddle”
Sophia Andrie R. Verdan
Sophia Andrie R. Verdan - 6 years ago
Can I have a shout out pls?
jada and aziyah also taylor
jada and aziyah also taylor - 6 years ago
You cool
Ami Perry
Ami Perry - 6 years ago
So you do actual care for fish. Do have any regrets about how you displayed the buying 700 fish video.
Gabrielle Edwards
Gabrielle Edwards - 6 years ago
they are so happy you saved them your a hero!
Junito Quinonws
Junito Quinonws - 6 years ago
So so bootifil
J The X Gamer 555
J The X Gamer 555 - 6 years ago
How manny times is your going to say guys
Bite of the Bleeding Hollow
Bite of the Bleeding Hollow - 6 years ago
Was going to ask if he’s gay but then I saw the Crocs
Bite of the Bleeding Hollow
Bite of the Bleeding Hollow - 6 years ago
Was going to ask if he’s gay then I saw the Crocs
Taronjaniece Gray
Taronjaniece Gray - 6 years ago
Liam M*
Liam M* - 6 years ago
Where’s your tiara
Liam M*
Liam M* - 6 years ago
You need to chill man your so extra
Frosty Kk
Frosty Kk - 6 years ago
I don’t think any one of them are koi
Eman Boulis
Eman Boulis - 6 years ago
this video made me really mad because he took the gold fish out of the water just to look at it. THE FISH NEEDS WATER!!!!! I love animals and fish and I would never do anything to hurt them. RAWW fishing...if u are reading this then please stop taking them out of the water just to look at Them.
Aqua Sea King
Aqua Sea King - 6 years ago
I love that you save animal I am only 8 but I save a family of chipmunks from a snake at school with my friend we have a quaud
Julie DarcAngelo
Julie DarcAngelo - 6 years ago
But is ok sorry
Camille Hadnot
Camille Hadnot - 6 years ago
You are a hero but you dumb
karen golar
karen golar - 6 years ago
Wow you save a fish
Purple Dimple
Purple Dimple - 6 years ago
Allergy fish?
Cookiie Nation
Cookiie Nation - 6 years ago
Im a new subscriber beacause fish are friends!
JROKGaming - 6 years ago
Why didn't you just take the cooler over to the pool and lift them in? That way you don't run the risk of them being out of water too long, or jumping out of the net onto the floor.
DsongSubaru - 6 years ago
You know those goldfish right someone had to have put goldfish in there and just let them and forgot all about them if they were living in that something bad they would have been way dead by now but I'm not saying it was bad to take them out of that pain the pain was kind of gross
DsongSubaru - 6 years ago
No fish actually like songs like that but it's good that you would be moving them into a bigger space considering how big the fish are in it takes up more space but it's good that there was also a sucker fish in there because it sucks up all the algae so he probably had a lifetime supplies and that's how he got so big
DsongSubaru - 6 years ago
Oh hey look it's the three pound goldfish you've always wanted
DsongSubaru - 6 years ago
Wait hold up can you really Train by fish I mean there's orcas and dolphins but they're warm blooded so it's different
Chanel Pennue
Chanel Pennue - 6 years ago
You are a Hero !!! :')
Melody Magboo
Melody Magboo - 6 years ago
Its shinbukin bro
ImJUSplaying Streaming Channel
ImJUSplaying Streaming Channel - 6 years ago
He is like a fishing version of faze rug by the way he talks
Cat Fury mew
Cat Fury mew - 6 years ago
What makes a guy who deals with fish so hot? Idc if he does overeact much
Madison Demchok
Madison Demchok - 6 years ago
Madison Demchok
Madison Demchok - 6 years ago
Wow your a hero dude for real!
Lilly WhiteTM
Lilly WhiteTM - 6 years ago
Saves 1 goldfish but dumps 700 in the wild
W H E A T - 6 years ago
7:52 when you step on your dog’s tail
Lincoln Orlowski
Lincoln Orlowski - 6 years ago
I know your saving them but you can’t hold them ubove water that long
Grace Ryan
Grace Ryan - 6 years ago
You should get a pretty orange carp to go with the plecos so it can protect them
Some Random Commenter
Some Random Commenter - 6 years ago
People. Fish can survive out of water for about 10 minutes to several HOURS. Stop yelling at him for keeping the fish out of water for a minute.
Homie Lizard 19
Homie Lizard 19 - 6 years ago
They're Soooo Beautiful Your A Life Saver Bro
Lolo Jordan
Lolo Jordan - 6 years ago
Extra asf
Kaylee keegan
Kaylee keegan - 6 years ago
Your such a good person we need more people like you
Joaquin Kreus Dy
Joaquin Kreus Dy - 6 years ago
Your a tiff
callme liahnna
callme liahnna - 6 years ago
This was so cute
Aronkent Guevarra
Aronkent Guevarra - 6 years ago
Your more than a hero your super man
Aronkent Guevarra
Aronkent Guevarra - 6 years ago
The comment of haters then stop waching his video
ợยєєภ B
ợยєєภ B - 6 years ago
So now you wanna save fish when you droped 700 gold fish in a pond
Lillian Johnston
Lillian Johnston - 6 years ago
Didn’t you release a whole bunch of gold fish into a pond?
Joevian Hana
Joevian Hana - 6 years ago
Adriana Highman
Adriana Highman - 6 years ago
You are the fishing hero
Jade May
Jade May - 6 years ago
That is a sucker fish
Dina Tarzan
Dina Tarzan - 6 years ago
He is a superhero
Unicorn DIY
Unicorn DIY - 6 years ago
You are sooooooooooo sweet and a great hero
u r the best
maximus_payne69 - 6 years ago
Nah im not watching the to cringey
Addicted Dino
Addicted Dino - 6 years ago
Oh my god they are so beautiful
SuperAJ Sisters
SuperAJ Sisters - 6 years ago
ew mah gawd
Rusho Khan
Rusho Khan - 6 years ago
Overreacting much
Cicu Erik
Cicu Erik - 6 years ago
YOU said golfish
Michael Gilbert
Michael Gilbert - 6 years ago
They seem to really want to get out of those nets
It's Pro Gamer
It's Pro Gamer - 6 years ago
Nelin Dominguez
Nelin Dominguez - 6 years ago
Your the best of hero
VinesThatButter MyEggRoll
VinesThatButter MyEggRoll - 6 years ago
Stephan Yoseph
Stephan Yoseph - 6 years ago
13: 25

If she didnt call me, these fish would have died. Also, they would have...

Died of blah blah bleh, bleh bleh blah. Blah
Stephan Yoseph
Stephan Yoseph - 6 years ago
Are u supposed to carry a fish only by its fins or tail
Lil kid with dreams
Lil kid with dreams - 6 years ago
You know I am not an expert but I do have a lot of fish and have owned a lot. Now I try to give tgem a full life but at 4:33 the fish doesn't have enough space.he or she (the fish) could die becayse if brain damage, as you could see the fish were A. Stressed (which can lead to ich and if gone incurred could kill the fish) and B. The fish is constantly hitting its head (leading to brain damgae, that will cause long term damage and could kill the fish within a year)

But don't listen to me I'm just an 11 year ild who loves animals especially fish and has done extentive research on this very topic. So I mean the fish is getting hurt, do the least and take it to a pro
Kerry Riley
Kerry Riley - 6 years ago
I can tell you love nature
KittyLover12 !!!!
KittyLover12 !!!! - 6 years ago
Pj Lawrence
Pj Lawrence - 6 years ago
It is so cool I like the gold fish and a koi fish they are awsome
Gabz Omo
Gabz Omo - 6 years ago
Heroes never die off camera throws fishes back in the pond
Rosa Alvarez
Rosa Alvarez - 6 years ago
My last name is Alvarez too!!!!!!!
Jeyli Guandqiue
Jeyli Guandqiue - 6 years ago
I bet that Goldfish is his, and he put his in it!
Stewart Gill
Stewart Gill - 6 years ago
Clickbait but good thing to do and good vid
dense mango
dense mango - 6 years ago
6:51 listen with you eyes closed lmfao
KatieTheNiceStar YT
KatieTheNiceStar YT - 6 years ago
Ur saving a goldfish.
U made a video releasing goldfish in ur pond.
Me:Wow clap
Purple Panda
Purple Panda - 6 years ago
Is it just me or does this all seem like an act. And if it is get better at acting.
Purple Panda
Purple Panda - 6 years ago
'Oh my, no there's glass! That could hurt the fish!' Starts slapping the glass together in his hands 'Ah!! That almost just cut me!' No duh. You literally just said that could hurt the fish. lmao. (Edit): Also clickbait, that's not a 'dried up puddle' dude.
Suresh Subramanian
Suresh Subramanian - 6 years ago
Loretta Halpin
Loretta Halpin - 6 years ago
Your such a bad youtuber you shouldn't have a YouTube channel
Peachy Princess
Peachy Princess - 6 years ago
ReetYorkshireLasses Channel yuh cub
Maddie Mae
Maddie Mae - 6 years ago
fish can stay out of water for a hour if stressed ten mins.
Carley’s Adventures
Carley’s Adventures - 6 years ago
ReetYorkshireLasses Channel it can stay outta water for at least 2 seconds.
Akil Fraser
Akil Fraser - 6 years ago
Iove the fish
Summer Mathis
Summer Mathis - 6 years ago
She’s a jumper
Elite Pekka’s
Elite Pekka’s - 6 years ago
Maybe he’s gonna have babies?!
Zakattack - 6 years ago
Yor a hero
Robin Imus
Robin Imus - 6 years ago
Your spiling is wrong and is not golfish its a goldfish
Jaida Shewfelt
Jaida Shewfelt - 6 years ago
He put glasses on just for the exaggeration
Jaida Shewfelt
Jaida Shewfelt - 6 years ago
It isn’t playco it is pleco and he held the PLECO out of the water for like 3 minutes
KANGOR Tagi - 6 years ago
why the water colour so yellow
Darren Trottier Ferguson
Darren Trottier Ferguson - 6 years ago
or actually, don’t even lift them up out of the water, but if you want to kill them, it’s fine
Darren Trottier Ferguson
Darren Trottier Ferguson - 6 years ago
you’re not actually saving them, you’re killing them
Darren Trottier Ferguson
Darren Trottier Ferguson - 6 years ago
just a safety tip for the fish to live longer, do not keep the fish out of the water for longer then 3 seconds, you just shortened his life span, rip fish
ItzBrielle - 6 years ago
This idiot doesn’t know how to handle fish and that “alien” was a sucker fish
mariale1010 - 6 years ago
How can i have a 3 pound goldfish
The_Animal _Girl
The_Animal _Girl - 6 years ago
My fish live in a tiny man-made pond it's small but they get bugs and it's very beautiful pond were cleaning it this summer bc mine and my sisters school caught on fire and not going g to school for 2 months and we have Chromebooks so we're making everything up when we go back to school haha my 2 sisters go to school before us :)
[]Tord[] Eddsworld
[]Tord[] Eddsworld - 6 years ago
You forgot the d in goldfish in the title.
Honey - 6 years ago
I do not like your overreacting
Food Service
Food Service - 6 years ago
You should change the video to killing not saving. :(
Maddie Mae
Maddie Mae - 6 years ago
well how the fish are now not in a pond with glass and fish can stay out of water for ten mins or a hour.
ELENA - 6 years ago
Jesz drama queen
Susan Brelsford
Susan Brelsford - 6 years ago
The white fish is a god fish
Zhean  Mapula
Zhean Mapula - 6 years ago
that fish that has ah mouth it is a janitor fish
Evie's dance class evie
Evie's dance class evie - 6 years ago
He is so dramatic also that is not a dried up pudel but good job
Yianssen Reformado
Yianssen Reformado - 6 years ago
Thats not alien that janitor fishhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!
albin saju
albin saju - 6 years ago
"' maybe he is going to have babies " really
Aurelia Sibarani
Aurelia Sibarani - 6 years ago
In indonesia theres soo many alien fish, if you wanna see you can go to indonesia
Ciara Crowley
Ciara Crowley - 6 years ago
What is he doing?? He is basically suffocating fish and says he’s SAVING fish !!And when he finds the glass “ohhhhhhh ahhhhhhh I nearly cut myself guys”
fearlessxray - 6 years ago
duse ur so creepy
Travis Khan
Travis Khan - 6 years ago
It looks like they don't want to be save
Kaylen Litness
Kaylen Litness - 6 years ago
John Jorell gabriel
John Jorell gabriel - 6 years ago
thats a janitor fish
Julie DarcAngelo
Julie DarcAngelo - 6 years ago
Over reacting much lmao u luvvv fish
Chgaming Minecraft,ROBLOX and more
Chgaming Minecraft,ROBLOX and more - 6 years ago
Have you find it yet
Anthony Smart
Anthony Smart - 6 years ago
Sure are
Rabeeca Hameed
Rabeeca Hameed - 6 years ago
Goldfish crackers
Ninja Girl303
Ninja Girl303 - 6 years ago
Click bait! It’s not a dried up puddle it’s a pond but it’s still a cool video
sunny sourav
sunny sourav - 6 years ago
Scripted video
ernie brock
ernie brock - 6 years ago
is that lady his mom of girlfriend
ernie brock
ernie brock - 6 years ago
he is so stupid finds broken glass says it is broken glass taps it together scrapes himeself them asks if we know what it is.
marta lopez
marta lopez - 6 years ago
Kristopher Bries
Kristopher Bries - 6 years ago
I've got a challenge: every time he says omg, take a shot of tequilla.
Anu Dhillon
Anu Dhillon - 6 years ago
Drinking game: take a shot whenever he says "Oh My Gosh", "Guys", holds a fish out of water for too long, or says "Raww fam/fish/etc"
ChillX ChillX
ChillX ChillX - 6 years ago
Your a hero!

(Even tho u had to pick up that spikey fish)
Enderwolf109 :P
Enderwolf109 :P - 6 years ago
What if one fish was left behind...
Demon Devil
Demon Devil - 6 years ago
1:37 that's so dark and yucky and eww. Bruh! You just said that it was a beautiful pond and then you say THAT.
Petr Khodykin
Petr Khodykin - 6 years ago
You take fish from home
Random Things
Random Things - 6 years ago
I mean good deed and all, but tone down that overacting, its cringe to the max
TimeLordObsessed yep
TimeLordObsessed yep - 6 years ago
Goldfish don't even belong here
mick irish
mick irish - 6 years ago
why keep such an aggresive fis which little or nothing else can be kept with it let it go
mick irish
mick irish - 6 years ago
what a drama queen
Hannah Ronan
Hannah Ronan - 6 years ago
He is doing a good thing helping these fish and he knows that small fish will get eaten people it's the way the world works so stop hating
Alton Beaulieu vlogs
Alton Beaulieu vlogs - 6 years ago
He a fish killer
Green pixel gamer
Green pixel gamer - 6 years ago
thats a big sucker fish
SH technical
SH technical - 6 years ago
Mareonettmix17 - 6 years ago
Goldfish are an evasive species. It may as well die
Kate Stefanelli
Kate Stefanelli - 6 years ago
Dried up puddle yeah right
Dustin the Baller
Dustin the Baller - 6 years ago
Takes 10 minutes to talk about 1 fish when there are like 20 other ones in there
Arest Everything
Arest Everything - 6 years ago
I have a goldfish
Tiff Z
Tiff Z - 6 years ago
Funny and stupid all at the same time!
Coffee Jaytee
Coffee Jaytee - 6 years ago
Did this happen after you bought a thousang goldfish?
bung hole
bung hole - 6 years ago
OMG these fish are so beautiful, good on ya for saving them from the fish hood.
lee wana
lee wana - 6 years ago
The lady is even more annoying
Nay’s fun Factory 2
Nay’s fun Factory 2 - 6 years ago
Your gonna kill them fish tryin to show them to us for too long
Maddie Mae
Maddie Mae - 6 years ago
just to let you know fish can stay out of water for ten mins or up to a hour.
Rissa Gub
Rissa Gub - 6 years ago
8.26 is the most fakest shake ive seen my whole life
neil .r
neil .r - 6 years ago
He is so f@&king annoying
Itzlaide Xx
Itzlaide Xx - 6 years ago
Marichat Adrinett
Marichat Adrinett - 6 years ago
You need to do this more often
juan aguirre
juan aguirre - 6 years ago
You sure have way too much ads on here....
TameThe GAME
TameThe GAME - 6 years ago
Was kind of stupid but your still a hero ;-;
Evie Crossley
Evie Crossley - 6 years ago
His friend:ok so for every time you say bro in the next 5 seconds when i show you my new car,i earn 1 penny
Him:ok...that seems ok
Friend: ok here goes....
instantly becomes millionare
Lengend Gamer
Lengend Gamer - 6 years ago
Saves a few fish kill 700 in another video
Maddie Mae
Maddie Mae - 6 years ago
lol he said they all would not die and the fish that do will be food so he still is helping and the ones that do die are weak so they would be bad mates and so the fish that don't die will be better mates and so the kids will be stronger.
Zoltron Playz
Zoltron Playz - 6 years ago
Your the best keep up the good work!
Kaygan Cooney
Kaygan Cooney - 6 years ago
No offence but his tanks doesnt look any better
Lengend Gamer
Lengend Gamer - 6 years ago
He should be charged with animal cruelty
Maddie Mae
Maddie Mae - 6 years ago
wow fish out of water they can live out of water for ten mins of even a hour and the black fish does not need water to breath,
Lengend Gamer
Lengend Gamer - 6 years ago
He is not a hero he has killed many fish before and after
Maddie Mae
Maddie Mae - 6 years ago
ummm if your talking about the 10000 fish he helped fish get food also the weak fish will die and the strong fish will live so mating the fish kids will be strong to so its better just saying.
Anto Mardonez
Anto Mardonez - 6 years ago
And this is why you shouldn’t release goldfish’s. Pretty ignorant. I feel truly sorry for them and for that pond’s ecosystem
Lorena R.
Lorena R. - 6 years ago
It gives me anxiety when he holds them out if the water.
Texting stories by Becca
Texting stories by Becca - 6 years ago
The Pleco should not go in a pond it should be in a tropical tank
jake esquibel
jake esquibel - 6 years ago
u over react there would not be that much fish and that health of fish in that pond if it \was in that bad and are u gay ???????
Karen’s_ PugWorld
Karen’s_ PugWorld - 6 years ago uhhh it’s not like he’s never seen a goldfish before....
XENOX - 6 years ago
u lucky mofofof
little Magnificent
little Magnificent - 6 years ago
1. They wouldn't have dies from a lack of air cuz there was a fountion that was giving them a air flow. 2. They wouldn't have dies from all the sunlight cuz they were in the shade. 3. If it was such poor living conditions them at LEAST one of them would be dead when you found them, but none of them were dead. Not a single one. So when you say they would have died from the sun light, lack of air flow, and fungi. You are wrong
Olá Futuro Eu
Olá Futuro Eu - 6 years ago
+Maddie Mae Food is not just the one what we feed them, in the nature they can find it
Maddie Mae
Maddie Mae - 6 years ago
well what about food and we still don't know a fish could have been died maybe not but still the water was just ewwww and they had no food.
Elizabeth 66
Elizabeth 66 - 6 years ago
Also in the end isn't he leaving them all in plain sun while taking them one by one to that kind of pool?
Ellie Knolla
Ellie Knolla - 6 years ago
Om are you ok
*Let it shine*
*Let it shine* - 6 years ago
This is zo bad!!!
BUGAY DEN - 6 years ago
This is a goldfish! I’m going to save you! Makes him suffocate for like a full minute.
Gaming and Life
Gaming and Life - 6 years ago
Mike Weides
Mike Weides - 6 years ago
COCO boom
COCO boom - 6 years ago
They would have starved if they where abandoned
Maddie Mae
Maddie Mae - 6 years ago
i think they just got abandoned and also what about bugs and maybe the lady feed them but cuz that's not her house she could not keep feeding them.
Jerzie Handley
Jerzie Handley - 6 years ago
U r a life saver absolutely amazing
Kristina Lopez
Kristina Lopez - 6 years ago
This is the second video I've seen of his. The koi were so pretty and huge. I've seen them before at my school. Since the pond was outside my history class I would stare at them jumping out of the water or swimming near the surface, and wonder if they move them during winte. But, he couldn't get those koi out of there fast enough when I saw the fished out glass. I was super nervous trying not the yell at my screen for him to put the fish in the water. Especially for that one koi that tried jumping out while he took his time trying to video tape it. I'm happy that they tried to be gentle with them and put them in the water as fast as they could,even when they struggled.
Ur man GAY BOI
Ur man GAY BOI - 6 years ago
Omg this is so heartwarming Ik I’m not the only one who loves fish and calls them baby’s :/
im cute when get hit
im cute when get hit - 6 years ago
An alien hahaha maybe its a janitor fish
Katja 4 Life
Katja 4 Life - 6 years ago
Every time you take a fish out you hold it without water for at least 10 seconds. You are basically suffocating them. You just got another dislike! Also how many times do you need to say “guys” or “oh my gosh” ! You really overreact about everything. Also you held that black fish outside of the water for like 5 minutes. It could have died. I have a lot of other bad things to say about this video/channel but I won’t. Also I am not going to say no hate!!
Max The Insomniac
Max The Insomniac - 6 years ago
+Maddie Mae they were correct. What he was doing was the equivalent to holding a human under water for 5 minutes at a time.
Maddie Mae
Maddie Mae - 6 years ago
ummmmmm ok i do not want to fight but yes you did get it wrong and i will not be talking to someone so dumb so i will not talk to you anymore.
Maddie Mae
Maddie Mae - 6 years ago
ummmm cuz the black fish does not need water to live well yes it does so it does not dry out and fish can stay out of water for a hour or ten mins.
Ultra_M - 6 years ago
Boio - 6 years ago
Saved One Killed 1000
Paper Boi
Paper Boi - 6 years ago
Guys stop hating
fml - 6 years ago
him: look at those goldfish! zooms in really close can you see that?!
me: well obviously
THE FLASH - 6 years ago
you have no clue what you are doing your actually hurting these fish and you should be brought to Justice for Animal Cruelty if i ever see you im calling police on you
Reece Wilkes
Reece Wilkes - 6 years ago
This was so cute
Sanii Weekly
Sanii Weekly - 6 years ago
that was a algae eater at the begin
Harlie Ray
Harlie Ray - 6 years ago
Click bait he said saying fish from a fried up puddle it's a pond and it's not dried up
Cuddly Unicorn
Cuddly Unicorn - 6 years ago
This is click bait
LPS Diamondpuppy
LPS Diamondpuppy - 6 years ago
You are awesome and everything but pls stop taking the fish outa water for sooo long
Evie Cunningham
Evie Cunningham - 6 years ago
Omg so pretty
Evie Cunningham
Evie Cunningham - 6 years ago
So pretty and cute
Karen Campbell
Karen Campbell - 6 years ago
I you'd to have a gold koi and a blue koi I would have them to you but I live in the uk
July Aris
July Aris - 6 years ago
the pool is so dirty omg
Yasmin G
Yasmin G - 6 years ago
Kelsey Roxburgh
Kelsey Roxburgh - 6 years ago
Bad acting much
Briana Deakoum
Briana Deakoum - 6 years ago
“she’s a jumper”

MancunianBiker - 6 years ago
Stop trying so hard, Your content is cringy asf.
Maria Barrios
Maria Barrios - 6 years ago
You are the best
Scarlett Choi
Scarlett Choi - 6 years ago
I will like you but will you stop saying such horrible things you will never what age the people that watch this will be.
like me Im only eight years old!
ExtremeMC gaming
ExtremeMC gaming - 6 years ago
Why current have the pond
ExtremeMC gaming
ExtremeMC gaming - 6 years ago
footballer alf123 footballer alf123
footballer alf123 footballer alf123 - 6 years ago
Well done
ltaPlayz - 6 years ago
Bro chill on the commentary and the fish dont feel comfortable in a bucket then you take for ever to put it in the cooler but besides that at least your saving fish
Jammer5l3r8 - 6 years ago
KoffieXBL - 6 years ago
Oh my gosh
Amar Ramirez
Amar Ramirez - 6 years ago
That was not a puddle?
Lpscatworrier - 6 years ago
Dude your a fish saver your awsome on saving fish
Basic pRINCESS - 6 years ago
lol “oh my gosh guys” count and “sqUeaK” count should be a thing lmao
Dennis Sokolowski
Dennis Sokolowski - 6 years ago
Love you Dad
Marshall Johnson
Marshall Johnson - 6 years ago
How ya doooaan?
“Hi, good how are yo-
Ramropuia Tochhawng
Ramropuia Tochhawng - 6 years ago
Huizzzzzz boringgggg.
Hailey Saylor
Hailey Saylor - 6 years ago
He is a An albino goldfish
Rashy._b b
Rashy._b b - 6 years ago
omg why is he so hype
Blloof Shmel
Blloof Shmel - 6 years ago
your a spazzzzzz
จันทนจีรา มากทอง
จันทนจีรา มากทอง - 6 years ago
You the hero of pets
จันทนจีรา มากทอง
จันทนจีรา มากทอง - 6 years ago
Good you welcome to my house my house have slot of pets
Butt hole King
Butt hole King - 6 years ago
NorthernHound - 6 years ago
I mean I like fishing but this guy makes me hate it. Soooo annoying
AyoItsCarlie - 6 years ago
At first I thought u were a good person then I read "Saving one million frogs!" And the video after "Bass eats Frog!" You can't be the Joker and Batman at once you bipolar murderer
AyoItsCarlie - 6 years ago
+Maddie Mae idek what your talking about now
Maddie Mae
Maddie Mae - 6 years ago
well i know but did we always have fish food its called life and i know it can be hard but think of it this way if he gets rid of the weak ones then the stronger ones will mate and the kids will be stronger.
AyoItsCarlie - 6 years ago
+Aly Garcia Get fish food or something tf
Aly Garcia
Aly Garcia - 6 years ago
Lol its called feeding his animals? But yeah that saving frogs video.... he literally killed a buncha frogs , rehomed them for no fking reason cuz they were totally okay where they were.
Plus that goldfish vid tho...
Stick Bot
Stick Bot - 6 years ago
those "aliens" are catfish,and they're extremely common so please call them by their correct name,take a lesson from Louisiana
Jazmine Rodriguez
Jazmine Rodriguez - 6 years ago
The lady while u were taking was like when is this going to be over
Wendy and David
Wendy and David - 6 years ago
You need to drink less caffeine kid.
Just Bianca Eight
Just Bianca Eight - 6 years ago
You are being s9 mean KID
Talan Lewis
Talan Lewis - 6 years ago
+Natalie Sierra shut your mouth he dose not need to drink less caffeine
Brady Johnson
Brady Johnson - 6 years ago
I like your channel but never save gold fish they are invasive
Joanne Majewski
Joanne Majewski - 6 years ago
Great work
Briellebly - 6 years ago
Who’s is even subscribed
Kawaii Squishes
Kawaii Squishes - 6 years ago
Tan Chian Ghee
Tan Chian Ghee - 6 years ago
I went to a place that has a lot of coifish that is much more bigger than that
M Alzaabi
M Alzaabi - 6 years ago
I thought the alien would bite them
Ronald Newlands
Ronald Newlands - 6 years ago
Should of let those evasive shits die
Isabel Wallis
Isabel Wallis - 6 years ago
This dude gave me..... some type of desease
RoCa_wolf Ava
RoCa_wolf Ava - 6 years ago
Why the heck did u want so long to put the dang fish in the bucket I was getting worried that it'll die
Cheeto Dawson
Cheeto Dawson - 6 years ago
Is he autistic?
BeatByNelly - 6 years ago
This was fake.......So staged
Iced Tea
Iced Tea - 6 years ago
On camera you're trying to make up for dumping those poor helpless baby gold fish into a pond and off camera you're throwing that fish into the pond and trying to make it twice that size.
briannathundermen - 6 years ago
Abigail Martin
Abigail Martin - 6 years ago
I have a big gold fish then that and it is up of a new home
Rainbow World
Rainbow World - 6 years ago
You are such a good person
Stephanie Garcia
Stephanie Garcia - 6 years ago
You rock a lot
Derpy Moony
Derpy Moony - 6 years ago
We got a new one to get bully with him
Aspen Rabbit
Aspen Rabbit - 6 years ago
Dennis - 6 years ago
Nice pitch sale at the end
Evester Bunny
Evester Bunny - 6 years ago
That alien to me looked kind of like a sturgeon, but I've only seen two at a museum.
Uttam Rimal
Uttam Rimal - 6 years ago
This alien you said is a suckermouth
Salty Grandma
Salty Grandma - 6 years ago
AnD HeS sOoOoO Fat
Nayeon Won
Nayeon Won - 6 years ago
oOh mAH gOsH
Amysha Baloni
Amysha Baloni - 6 years ago
I wish I owned the pond...
That Potato Simmer
That Potato Simmer - 6 years ago
The fish "jaws" swims to the other fish, OMG GUY THIS IS INSANE, OH MY GOD
Soorya Prakash
Soorya Prakash - 6 years ago
The black fish is a sucker
Do not call it a aliean
Bodø Best!
Bodø Best! - 6 years ago
jabari bryce
jabari bryce - 6 years ago
him : yah maybe hes gonna have babbys
me : lmao
Marqes Burton
Marqes Burton - 6 years ago
The fishing version of Tmartin
Çlâssìç - 6 years ago
Robo GamerBoy
Robo GamerBoy - 6 years ago
Beth X
Beth X - 6 years ago
Jamie Lea
Jamie Lea - 6 years ago
Love your enthusiasm! Makes me wanna go look for fish to rescue lol :)
Exotic Butter
Exotic Butter - 6 years ago
Honestly you are v annoying.
sambruh 15
sambruh 15 - 6 years ago
Yay your ok again
Jo’sPet Life
Jo’sPet Life - 6 years ago
Maybe he’s gonna have babies... wow lol
Jo’sPet Life
Jo’sPet Life - 6 years ago
Stop holding out of the water for so long jeez
Pastelmoon light
Pastelmoon light - 6 years ago
lil Child7113
lil Child7113 - 6 years ago
Why would you put jaws with a fish you know nothing about
lil Child7113
lil Child7113 - 6 years ago
She doesn’t love jumping she’s trying to get safety
lil Child7113
lil Child7113 - 6 years ago
It obviously almost cut you because you were playing with it seems pretty dumb
Corrina Highley
Corrina Highley - 6 years ago
You are helping animals and saving there lives you are a big hero
Or should I say you make a whale out of a minnow.
You have great material and footage. You just try to make a mountain out of a grain of sand. Don't exaggerate SO much .
Elizabeth Gaming
Elizabeth Gaming - 6 years ago
• °
Jhonthesav 600
Jhonthesav 600 - 6 years ago
Its a coi
Geovani Gutierrez
Geovani Gutierrez - 6 years ago
Save the fish not the camera
a b b i e //
a b b i e // - 6 years ago
can you just put the fish in the water please
Iané Van Zyl
Iané Van Zyl - 6 years ago
I love yor Video
AGUILAR SQUAD - 6 years ago
First video ive watched of your channel and i just want to say that you're cool dude!
Amy Annunziata
Amy Annunziata - 6 years ago
Thanks so much for saving thoes fish! They are gorgeous
Gab Gonzales
Gab Gonzales - 6 years ago
that fish is not an allien thats a janitor fish
Liana Smith
Liana Smith - 6 years ago
His eyebrows move all over his face
That_Dodge_ Dude
That_Dodge_ Dude - 6 years ago
The black fish looks like toothless
Jaiden Campbell
Jaiden Campbell - 6 years ago
He acts like he’s on LSD
Joshua Barnes
Joshua Barnes - 6 years ago
christopher flores
christopher flores - 6 years ago
you said omg a lot of time
Girly Gamer
Girly Gamer - 6 years ago
He got mad of the filty pond with algae but his cooler got some algae and that yellow water is nasty
Connor Gutowski
Connor Gutowski - 6 years ago
But u did a good thing
Shado2 - 6 years ago
the idea is good, but what a cheesy video. Stop overreacting!
Jen - 6 years ago
GABBY UNIVERSE - 6 years ago
That gold fish was like MASSIVE xD
GABBY UNIVERSE - 6 years ago
Ur a hero that was aweosme
GABBY UNIVERSE - 6 years ago
Wow ur a hero...
Emma Macsween
Emma Macsween - 6 years ago
I don't like it when he takes them out of the water for ages
Farah Elhasan
Farah Elhasan - 6 years ago
Llama Msp
Llama Msp - 6 years ago
I think u meant goldfish not golfish
AB - 6 years ago
Now that's a brave young man, sticking his unprotected hand in anaerobic sludge. I wonder how long it takes for jungle rot to develop.
Stephanie Abraham
Stephanie Abraham - 6 years ago
he is not a hero he is a murderer

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