SWORDFISH Eats MASSIVE Squid & JAWS Takes IT!! **Awesome**
Raww fishing 6 years ago 207,767 views
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10. comment for SWORDFISH Eats MASSIVE Squid & JAWS Takes IT!! **Awesome**
20. comment for SWORDFISH Eats MASSIVE Squid & JAWS Takes IT!! **Awesome**
30. comment for SWORDFISH Eats MASSIVE Squid & JAWS Takes IT!! **Awesome**
who else?
PET JAWS vs SWORDFISH aquarium POND BATTLE! from 3 weeks ago?
50. comment for SWORDFISH Eats MASSIVE Squid & JAWS Takes IT!! **Awesome**
Pls do a vid about that
this vid made me throw up
c est une chaîne de pêche du coup si t’aime pas les poissons mort tu fais quoi la?
S everyone
Boiiiiii come back here
100. comment for SWORDFISH Eats MASSIVE Squid & JAWS Takes IT!! **Awesome**
Adorable please reply
Edit 4:16 ur welcome
Edit I’ve never seen him inside his house
Cuts camera
It's semin
Thank you for the likes
I never got that much like
1 like=1 more squid will be born
Dude did u delete the old one and change the title lol ive seen this b4
And u edit some thing lol
I just recently caught my own and it was awesome!
Violets are blue
I just got clickbaited
Nothing new
And my huge angle fish didn't survive even 3 days
ANYWAYS youre a amazing youtuber
Read more
YouTube is drunk again
Oh yeah love this