THIEF HURT MY PETS! Trying to Steal my Fish! 100% REAL

Thief Hurt My Pets Trying to Steal my Fish! and I know who it was. STORIES FADE, but REEL LEGENDS NEVER DIE! My Apparel Store is Available Online MY SECOND CHANNEL is CATCH_EM_ALL_LIVE: SAVE $10.00 Off MYSTERY TACKLE BOX PRO using Promo Code: CATCHEM Check out my Instagram @Catch_em_all_fishing:

THIEF HURT MY PETS! Trying to Steal my Fish! 100% REAL sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1352

Raww fishing 7 years ago 1,152,983 views

Thief Hurt My Pets Trying to Steal my Fish! and I know who it was. STORIES FADE, but REEL LEGENDS NEVER DIE! My Apparel Store is Available Online MY SECOND CHANNEL is CATCH_EM_ALL_LIVE: SAVE $10.00 Off MYSTERY TACKLE BOX PRO using Promo Code: CATCHEM Check out my Instagram @Catch_em_all_fishing:

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Most popular comments
for THIEF HURT MY PETS! Trying to Steal my Fish! 100% REAL

Bubba Recklezz
Bubba Recklezz - 7 years ago
You know you’re doing something right when people try to steal your fish
Roger Robinson
Roger Robinson - 6 years ago
G Rt yeeyet Rtye Rt survey Rt ry ry ruru ryur ry ry ry ry Rt Rt yr Rt ye Rtyreyrhfhdhdhdhdhfhduch fh ch fhfjfjfjdufufuru fh ur ry furu ryurururururur yt? Ufufufufururuurufu th u thuuur
Devastator 1
Devastator 1 - 6 years ago
NayShawn My Son boi this is someone else's comment
Lol Nppe
Lol Nppe - 6 years ago
He shoulda noscpoped him
KingKaiju17 - 6 years ago
I’m not sure what is more entertaining. The video, or this comment section
Devastator 1
Devastator 1 - 6 years ago
SOLO which one was that?
Mr Solo Dolo VI
Mr Solo Dolo VI - 6 years ago
Was it that paul kid ?
Evan Johnson
Evan Johnson - 6 years ago
Bubba Recklezz I
Natasha Zerby
Natasha Zerby - 6 years ago
Bubba Recklezz yea it's sad
Rota_ Lunatik
Rota_ Lunatik - 6 years ago
DreadHead 510 Seen that vid bro this guy deserves everything he gets
C- Dub
C- Dub - 6 years ago
DreadHead 510
DreadHead 510 - 6 years ago
Y’all talkin all that shit , but not too long ago this nigga hopped a fence that said no fishing , and stole a koi from a private pond
Batman The King Of Gaming/BTKOG
Batman The King Of Gaming/BTKOG - 6 years ago
Madison Powers snake bitch
Adrian Barba
Adrian Barba - 6 years ago
NLMB Bubba i
Green fin Slayer96
Green fin Slayer96 - 7 years ago
NLMB Bubba. Preach!!!!!!
Cookie Cat
Cookie Cat - 7 years ago
NLMB Bubba lol
David Eilers
David Eilers - 7 years ago
Tapy GT
Tapy GT - 7 years ago
Rigoberto Hernandez
Rigoberto Hernandez - 7 years ago
Sheila Yvette
Sheila Yvette - 7 years ago
Sorry about your fish I know how you feel almost to 3 months ago my turtle died I had it for years actually I had him for 4 years and a month or two after he died my fish died and then I got 4 other fish hopefully they live long like yours
Bubba Recklezz
Bubba Recklezz - 7 years ago
Chapo Loco my manz I was talking about zak my fish are in the house
Chapo Loco
Chapo Loco - 7 years ago
NLMB Bubba you need to put a fence in your yard
NayShawn My Son
NayShawn My Son - 7 years ago
true catch em all
Jayden Saw
Jayden Saw - 7 years ago
A bit late but u gonna visit him/talk to him or go to the police? Whats up :|
Thebassinkid. - 7 years ago
BassManiac Snake not gonna lie I prob wouldn't even give the kid any video time especially if it just pushes him further it would be really easy for some dbag to dump some bleach in there and kill his pets
Jaxon Brannon
Jaxon Brannon - 7 years ago
So true
Kookamongus - 7 years ago
NLMB Bubba it was Paul cuffaro im sure
Katrina Tippett - SASMM
Katrina Tippett - SASMM - 7 years ago
NLMB Bubba iiiukkukuktfjyhi
Petty As hell
Petty As hell - 7 years ago
Gage Lindsay subbed just because we have the same name lmfao
Austin Grant
Austin Grant - 7 years ago
Kill him
Austin Grant
Austin Grant - 7 years ago
I wold kill that bitch i wold be pisst sarry brow
Cooolchick647 - 7 years ago
DuncanBrothersOutdoors87 I agree plus he said that " I've seen him before and know who he is" which makes me think this is someone that he doesn't really talk to or really know well but does know who he is
Sheila Athay
Sheila Athay - 7 years ago
You need to make a pond with pirhannas in it
Beast Man
Beast Man - 7 years ago
Hey is that the ar-15 mod for the ruger 10/22?
Martha Lopez
Martha Lopez - 7 years ago
Shelby Morgan
Shelby Morgan - 7 years ago
If he is doing stupid shit like that now chances are that's where he will end up sooner or later. Hopefully that scare of getting caught will be enough to set him straight. People these days don't teach their kids how to act. When I was a kid I got my ass beat and so will my kids. I am not abusing my kids they get what is coming to them and keep them out of jail doing stupid shit.
SOLO - 7 years ago
He would have called out mike or raw so its not them its the kids from the snipe video they tried to "prank him" and went in without permission
DuncanBrothersOutdoors87 - 7 years ago
ogama843 no way. Mike has got more respect than that.
CHOBEE KICKZ - 7 years ago
NLMB Bubba it’s Miami, almost everyone speaks Spanish
Bubba Recklezz
Bubba Recklezz - 7 years ago
Fishing With Landon Jones monster mike speak Spanish??? I thought he was African American
VoV Gaming
VoV Gaming - 7 years ago
NLMB Bubba l
Kinu Wolf
Kinu Wolf - 7 years ago
Madison Powers this fish cost more than your life cause this fish is a rolemotle and so is it's papa
The Diamond Fish
The Diamond Fish - 7 years ago
NLMB Bubba I know right
Gabbage U
Gabbage U - 7 years ago
Put his name out
ogama843 - 7 years ago
NLMB Bubba I heard through the grape vine it was Monster Mike.
Look out for my new channel called You're about to get shot with a fkn arrow fkn with my brother's fish! ☠
Parker Gibbons
Parker Gibbons - 7 years ago
Jose Garcia me
adventures of javon
adventures of javon - 7 years ago
NLMB Bubba is right I'm glad your not taking it out on nobody.
Jeremy Cuevas
Jeremy Cuevas - 7 years ago
Shoot that son of b.......
Ana Paula Barreto
Ana Paula Barreto - 7 years ago
Well i was sure that raww fishing did it until zak's dad said that the guy was speaking spanish but idk
plw014 games
plw014 games - 7 years ago
We need to find him and cut his or her head off and feed it to the fish
Jose Garcia
Jose Garcia - 7 years ago
Who else thinks he was talking about raww fishing
BassManiac Snake
BassManiac Snake - 7 years ago
Madison Powers ok nvm then
Owen Brouillard
Owen Brouillard - 7 years ago
NLMB Bubba still sucks tho
Madison Powers
Madison Powers - 7 years ago
BassManiac Snake no. I am agreeing that when someone try's to take your pet, you know your pet is cool
BassManiac Snake
BassManiac Snake - 7 years ago
Madison Powers you are defending the person who tried to steal Zak’s fish?
Madison Powers
Madison Powers - 7 years ago
Gage Lindsay oh stop. Like Elsa says, let it go!!
Madison Powers
Madison Powers - 7 years ago
NLMB Bubba lol so true
Gage Lindsay
Gage Lindsay - 7 years ago
NLMB Bubba ain’t that the truth he works hard and grinds his butt off 24/7 and this is what this kid does. He should be arrested
tolga gülhan
tolga gülhan - 6 years ago
HAhahah No its ducks
Dave the VTWIN addict
Dave the VTWIN addict - 6 years ago
All you haters can go fuck off how would you feel if someone went into your house and tried to steal your dog or cat and then I threw them down on the ground I would pop off around right into their fucking Dome so all you haters and go sit in your little safe places and go cry fucking River and go suck your own dicks fuck you
Slushy The wolf
Slushy The wolf - 6 years ago
U know what this does hurt bc are like a big family
George Carrillo
George Carrillo - 6 years ago
Well at least he did not steal shamu
Rabia Aslam
Rabia Aslam - 6 years ago
He is the teith I'm telling rawwfishing
MrGalaxyPug Gaming
MrGalaxyPug Gaming - 6 years ago
that guy is evil i hope your fish will be ok
Michael Tester
Michael Tester - 6 years ago
On another note kick the shit out of those thieves
Michael Tester
Michael Tester - 6 years ago
Your lucky you didn't throw the stick at the ducks when I was around you'd be laid out. They live there ass wipe get over yourself

10. comment for THIEF HURT MY PETS! Trying to Steal my Fish! 100% REAL

teegan Turnmire
teegan Turnmire - 6 years ago
Id fucking kill him. Keep doing your thing
FaZe ROCKET 567 - 6 years ago
Hey throw a fucking stick at a duck TF.
Tim Mason
Tim Mason - 6 years ago
It was tge guy from raw fam
Mark133 Gt
Mark133 Gt - 6 years ago
Is it justin and his brother? Couse you said you met him before #dont steal
L3AP - 6 years ago
Your pet needs bodyguards
Daniel Kitchen
Daniel Kitchen - 6 years ago
give shamoo a kiss
Master Omega
Master Omega - 6 years ago
I like in Texas where when any kind of thief comes they get killed thus the saying If your gonna commit a crime don’t commit it in Texas
Keyante Copeland
Keyante Copeland - 6 years ago
Shamu is still alive in our hearts rip. Shamu we will never forget you or forgive the kid that hurt you if you mess her like this coment
Danielle Lufkins
Danielle Lufkins - 6 years ago
Sorry to here that
Josue Alcocer
Josue Alcocer - 6 years ago
He is tucked up

20. comment for THIEF HURT MY PETS! Trying to Steal my Fish! 100% REAL

Gaming Remastered
Gaming Remastered - 6 years ago
I can fix ur duck problem well my shotgun will
Ocular GAMES
Ocular GAMES - 6 years ago
Also aren’t assault rifles illegal. No hard feelings love what u do
Ocular GAMES
Ocular GAMES - 6 years ago
Uhhhh isn’t breeding invasive fish illegal. I don’t really know but love the channel
Some Thing
Some Thing - 6 years ago
The Florida ducks are so fuckin annoying. GL with bread if they’re around.
Roger Robinson
Roger Robinson - 6 years ago
BIGBUCK0208 - 6 years ago
Bro we all have your back!
Isaac Turano
Isaac Turano - 6 years ago
Who did bitch fuckin wit shamoo
Diego Toy Review/roblox in real life/gaming/more
Diego Toy Review/roblox in real life/gaming/more - 6 years ago
I thought shamu died
Johnathan Matteson
Johnathan Matteson - 6 years ago
Poor fish
amber420x888 - 6 years ago
You look like you live in Miramar near Sherman Circle

30. comment for THIEF HURT MY PETS! Trying to Steal my Fish! 100% REAL

Rilan Mann
Rilan Mann - 6 years ago
You cruel person
Crazystuff89 - 6 years ago
How To Train Your Iguana, Starring Zak Catchem as Hiccup and Shamu as Toothless.
Makayla Winters
Makayla Winters - 6 years ago
I love your videos so much
Makayla Winters
Makayla Winters - 6 years ago
Yes I am going at it
Hayley Whitlow
Hayley Whitlow - 6 years ago
That’s a sap then we can spiral he is not to do in general way I sent you ~load from the dead sheep of you when you
NeysoSports - 6 years ago
Dang what a jump shamu
Antonio Flores
Antonio Flores - 6 years ago
Stick to fish you're no killer!!! not cool
Antonio Flores
Antonio Flores - 6 years ago
It's not ok to hurt someone's pet but it's ok to hurt ducks in there home got it
DrHavok1 - 6 years ago
No sympathy for you because you're a hypocrite especially after that shopping mall pond you knew better then fishing in
Michael Hovis
Michael Hovis - 6 years ago
Why are you introducing goldfish to that pond? Irresponsible.
Unicorn girl Love
Unicorn girl Love - 6 years ago
Shamo is awesome sorry don’t know how to spell it
Mar 3509
Mar 3509 - 6 years ago
I love shamu she’s the best or he’s the best
Mar 3509
Mar 3509 - 6 years ago
William Price Jensen 8X Kirkebakkeskolen
William Price Jensen 8X Kirkebakkeskolen - 6 years ago
You need to get better intro pls
Cristian Gloger
Cristian Gloger - 6 years ago
He hurt the mighty shamu
.he should die
Arnold Davis
Arnold Davis - 6 years ago
Fuc n stupid nigga
StreamerBTW - 6 years ago
He says that he promises that the next vlog will be more happy and less serious

The next video I get is his fish dying in the hurricane...
Jumper Plug
Jumper Plug - 6 years ago
The Golden Fish
The Golden Fish - 6 years ago
I think this is fake, he doesn’t say who grabbed shamu, he doesn’t talk to his neighbors in the video. And shamu didn’t look hurt. Also near the end he flexed his subscriber count
The Golden Fish
The Golden Fish - 6 years ago
Are you saying you would kill a child just to protect your pet fish

50. comment for THIEF HURT MY PETS! Trying to Steal my Fish! 100% REAL

Γιωργος Αδαμοπουλος
Γιωργος Αδαμοπουλος - 6 years ago
OMG good thing that your fish are okay now
Mr Beast
Mr Beast - 6 years ago
The kid shouldn’t have touch Shamu without permission and yes it does bring joy to others
Nelson sisters
Nelson sisters - 6 years ago
CourageousCOWard - 6 years ago
Maybe if the kid took Shamu it might still be alive
Cúan O Sullivan
Cúan O Sullivan - 6 years ago
You're probably strong but you can't pin em duks
Jordan skullboy
Jordan skullboy - 6 years ago
Who tried to steal shamuuu???
Ian Arellano
Ian Arellano - 6 years ago
I would trayn fish to hurt thief's
Alicia Mancini
Alicia Mancini - 6 years ago
Touch my pet badly i kill you literally
Daniel Cristurean
Daniel Cristurean - 6 years ago
Real fake
The Don of Don's
The Don of Don's - 6 years ago
Why would you throw a branch at the ducks??? That's on camera. There everybody's pet. Practice what you preach.
Riley Parker
Riley Parker - 6 years ago
rip shamu
Tech Cookie
Tech Cookie - 6 years ago
I flinched when shamu jumped
Tech Cookie
Tech Cookie - 6 years ago
If somebody did that to me I would probably threaten them with like a fake ar or something and I’m so sorry for the death of shamu I hope the other fish are fine
Karshmellow :/
Karshmellow :/ - 6 years ago
If someone stole my channel catfish, I have an AR-15 and I love him so there would be broken bones and blood
Rob Chin
Rob Chin - 6 years ago
Got what he deserves, guy is a hypocrite.
Siddharth Parab
Siddharth Parab - 6 years ago
it's 2000 mann
Justin Taylor
Justin Taylor - 6 years ago
Matt20607 Maciel
Matt20607 Maciel - 6 years ago
Dab on them haters we legends
Jodan Tiet
Jodan Tiet - 6 years ago
The mighty shamoo
Jodan Tiet
Jodan Tiet - 6 years ago
The mighty mini moo
BattleBeast619 - 6 years ago
Now that shamu died because of you not blocking the stupid hole that means you pull the trigger on yourself?

Jk sorry for the loss RIP shamu
David Bartel
David Bartel - 6 years ago
Catch am all where do you live I live in Texas and am a new watcher and I'm 11
M_ dizzle
M_ dizzle - 6 years ago
Hey catch em all you call yourself a fisherman you should have respect for all wildlife fuck you you're a complete asshole you could have seriously injured or killed one of those ducks I hope your ass gets some repercussion for this video you're a fucking piece of shit
Agenda 2030
Agenda 2030 - 6 years ago
Your a prick !!
Alex Simons
Alex Simons - 6 years ago
It was hozay
salm0nslayer420 WOLF
salm0nslayer420 WOLF - 6 years ago
can you go fishing with a gun that would be a great vid
Destruction Pig Gaming
Destruction Pig Gaming - 6 years ago
i have a massive peacock bass and and i called it shamu
Rivet Nolan
Rivet Nolan - 6 years ago
Why would they almost kill somebody
Rivet Nolan
Rivet Nolan - 6 years ago
Why do your neighbors have guns why what is their problem girl seriously that's just weird that's an AK-47 or assault rifle that's not okay bro
Rivet Nolan
Rivet Nolan - 6 years ago
Why do your neighbors have Guns Plus that's just weird how do they have guns why do they have guns why do they almost kill him put him down cuz you're not pleased by they almost kill him bro like what is that
Rivet Nolan
Rivet Nolan - 6 years ago
I'm new I don't know who the hell you're talking about
McKenzie Hilland
McKenzie Hilland - 6 years ago
I would never think of hurting or touching anybody else's pet that's just way too far it's okay if you ask hey can I go see your animals or something like that but not to just pick them up without even asking that's just too far
Mamaluigi Gamerx
Mamaluigi Gamerx - 6 years ago
Why is he throwing goldfish in there for food
Dire Duck
Dire Duck - 6 years ago
Hey, look at my username
Pressol - 6 years ago
You should get an arapaima or two in there to suck down the ducks
Creeperclan Join_it
Creeperclan Join_it - 6 years ago
Make shamu a Instagram
Fishing the Southeast
Fishing the Southeast - 6 years ago
John M Smith
John M Smith - 6 years ago
Dude you record daily. Put an extra gopro up top of the tank. Next time youll have these fuckers on video. They will think twice next time. Gl man.
Yan Chen
Yan Chen - 6 years ago
That u??????¿ oof
Trayvon Jones
Trayvon Jones - 6 years ago
I wanna know who grabbed it
Lidia Garay
Lidia Garay - 6 years ago
Can you call me you are one of my best best best is fan ever on YouTube but I'll give you my number202-341-8657 and can you send me some of the little goldfish cuz I am in the United States
Brody Armstrong
Brody Armstrong - 6 years ago
fuck you dont throw shit at wind life #ducklife
Maartin Karpkoning
Maartin Karpkoning - 6 years ago
Hey howsit catchem I dig ur videos and especially shamu .we also have some largemouth and small mouth as well but our river systems are being heavily polluted witch makes bassin very difficult. Then you get some blackwater holes with huge huge bass but its shit dangerous and to fish being stressed out when ur going to get mugd isn't a pleasure I'd love to come to your area.for the variety of fish keep up da good work bro.martin South Africa.
Javier Martinez
Javier Martinez - 6 years ago
Is it the kids that got your red tale that you put back at the pond
Aaron Cope
Aaron Cope - 6 years ago
You probably shouldn’t throw goldfish into the stream/pond.
Thecoltplays Games
Thecoltplays Games - 6 years ago
Love that ar15 dude
Mr. ObeseNoodle
Mr. ObeseNoodle - 6 years ago
Rip shamu. Good times. Good times...
Mega Chigger
Mega Chigger - 6 years ago
Shamu fought off the thief
clay posey
clay posey - 6 years ago
"I really hate ducks"
Styme 7272
Styme 7272 - 6 years ago
You need help bro,if you really lived fish you wouldn't keep em in a kiddie pool I n your backyard...nice lil .22 or airsoft rifle...shamu doesn't entertain anybody. Like I said some 1 needs to steal your fish and put them back where you stole them from first,you goo back

100. comment for THIEF HURT MY PETS! Trying to Steal my Fish! 100% REAL

IonChaos - 6 years ago
Phillip Ricks
Phillip Ricks - 6 years ago
I'm glad you went that route , I have mad respect for you next time you are in the Cincinnati, Oh area I know a big pond that has nothing but true monsters in it, I would love to learn to do what you are doing My name is Phil Ricks aka (Freeezrburns) hit me up when you have time.
Alexander Thomas
Alexander Thomas - 6 years ago
I have the same feeling to my fish five pounder and my two cat fish everytime when I walk up to the pool all my fish in front of me waiting for me to feed them. I would do the same give out a warning so they will
JOSHUA DA SNOOT BOOPER :3 - 6 years ago
aye this was uploaded the day i got out of a phsyciatric facility for a suicide attempt
Wyatt Harrison
Wyatt Harrison - 6 years ago
Imagine as he walks out the kids are kicking it around chucking it into a tree covering it with salt
Crossing the Line
Crossing the Line - 6 years ago
Holy crap Shamu was a little hungry!
Moey Elkerdi
Moey Elkerdi - 6 years ago
Wow very violent to the ducks animal cruelty
fnafgamer883 - 6 years ago
this might be the same guy that MURDERED
elementaltale icey Sans
elementaltale icey Sans - 6 years ago
AS THE GREAT SHAMO ONCE SAID, respect whamen ...... Such wise words
Hobbs Hobbs
Hobbs Hobbs - 6 years ago
the fuck is wrong with you? stand your ground proctect your shit, pop that kid or turn him into the cops. dont talk about you having guns, all this bullshit for moetization, DO SOMETHING about it.
Deer camp Champ
Deer camp Champ - 6 years ago
I know exactly how that feels but i wasnt as lucky as you someone poisened my dog
James Turner
James Turner - 6 years ago
tell us how he is plizz
imshyshy I Youth thaAh
imshyshy I Youth thaAh - 6 years ago
I feel bad on your fish bro
JWC art
JWC art - 6 years ago
But they need to stop hurting fish is not cool
JWC art
JWC art - 6 years ago
It’s a B.B. gun
kitty corn
kitty corn - 6 years ago
Sure it is XD (click bait)
S.P Sound Production's
S.P Sound Production's - 6 years ago
u wanna come into my home and try steal then say hello to my little friend bang bang bang
Roman Thomas
Roman Thomas - 6 years ago
Put a shark ⚠️ warning people should be scard of shame and shark sign
Cheryl Millevolte
Cheryl Millevolte - 6 years ago
That gun is a M14
sakura chan cute cat girl kind single crush martin
sakura chan cute cat girl kind single crush martin - 6 years ago
if u see a girl feedin g a fish thats me if u did not invite her thats me so can i come over randomly and feed your fish i know where you live cause i live like 7 houses away from your hose you live ####### lol imn not gonna give where you live
Jaiden Floyd
Jaiden Floyd - 6 years ago
Smiley - 6 years ago
Wait, fish ha e feelings? Wouldn't they forget you after like 3 seconds?
Challenger 101
Challenger 101 - 6 years ago
I see cop cars in the front of your house did they take him to jail and thank god shamo is ok
Talon Morris
Talon Morris - 6 years ago
Bruh is that an ar in calif
Asia Nicole
Asia Nicole - 6 years ago
someone tried to steal one of our ruthless full grown alphaca with A BLOW DART... she almost killed those thievs her name was calidape
papa kayden games
papa kayden games - 6 years ago
mosquitos arent animals
Brayden Plank
Brayden Plank - 6 years ago
and that Toni hanson I rood you are not a idot
Brayden Plank
Brayden Plank - 6 years ago
and that Toni hanson I rood you are not a idot
Brayden Plank
Brayden Plank - 6 years ago
hope he is ok you are my favorite YouTuber on here I get on here just to watch your videos on here give chimo threat for me piz
brandon cordell
brandon cordell - 6 years ago
Unfollow because idiots like you don't know gun safety and where u shouldn't keep ur finger
leo vazquez
leo vazquez - 6 years ago
I liked your vids and work, but what fucken kind of clown are you flashing an assault rifle talking about sniping a kid. Really you are so lame.
Josh Games
Josh Games - 6 years ago
Geese are worst than ducks
111numero - 6 years ago
You should Google search peacock bass before you dump them in local ponds. They're highly invasive species and what you did is illegal.
Extreme Sports 101
Extreme Sports 101 - 6 years ago
Bro without shamoo it would be so sad
Anthony Rupe
Anthony Rupe - 6 years ago
gonna be full of goldfish soon
Bionic Panther28
Bionic Panther28 - 6 years ago
Andy Abernathy
Andy Abernathy - 6 years ago
Damn that really makes me made I come home everyday happy to see your vids and MY BOY SHAMU
Jayce Trey
Jayce Trey - 6 years ago
these creatures have feelings feeds live goldfish to other fishes
damon gardner
damon gardner - 6 years ago
that's an AR-15
Campbell Bows
Campbell Bows - 6 years ago
People these days am I right!
Rhys Marks-Rayner
Rhys Marks-Rayner - 6 years ago
Nobody kan touch shamu
cheesy Cracker
cheesy Cracker - 6 years ago
i feel ya bro
Min Kara
Min Kara - 6 years ago
why when he ate what was thrown at him I imagined him saying nOm
Kirk Steele
Kirk Steele - 6 years ago
Is sammu are right
Alexa Garcia
Alexa Garcia - 6 years ago
Almost the same thing happens with raww fishing s channel ummmmmmm.... they both were about to shoot somebody ......
m cas
m cas - 6 years ago
Purge haha
Jace Chaligoj
Jace Chaligoj - 6 years ago
You should upgrade to a much much larger pool for tank
NickelPlated .45onMeAtAllTimes
NickelPlated .45onMeAtAllTimes - 6 years ago
bro next time I'm in Florida I'll pay you for a fishing charter you or deer meat for dinner
NickelPlated .45onMeAtAllTimes
NickelPlated .45onMeAtAllTimes - 6 years ago
the ducks think it's bread crumbs lmao
Kasey Klein
Kasey Klein - 6 years ago
What state do you live in
KG Tricking
KG Tricking - 6 years ago
you should have a 24-7 live cam for the pond.
Wes Weldon
Wes Weldon - 6 years ago
The ducks stole.ur shit ass hat
Duck Nest
Duck Nest - 6 years ago
what brand shades are those?
Maria Posadas
Maria Posadas - 6 years ago
I love your video
alex donnelly
alex donnelly - 6 years ago
There are no corners in a circle bro?
John Cole
John Cole - 6 years ago
Would have shot the guy end of
Ryan Rittenhouse
Ryan Rittenhouse - 6 years ago
If anyone mess with ZACK I will kill u
levity - 6 years ago
who else got spooked at 10:21 haha
Domi Wemaere Waldren
Domi Wemaere Waldren - 6 years ago
T.K. H.
T.K. H. - 6 years ago
Not cool
The Amazing Zachary
The Amazing Zachary - 6 years ago
Shamu reminds me of shampoo lol
The Amazing Zachary
The Amazing Zachary - 6 years ago
I would remove all kinds of "ANTS"
Yovita Oye
Yovita Oye - 6 years ago
They steal Raww fishing fish and kill it
Real McCoy
Real McCoy - 6 years ago
Forgive but don’t forget if it happens again then you know who could have done it
Noah B
Noah B - 6 years ago
Shamoo could of smacked that person
Ayla Werman
Ayla Werman - 6 years ago
Eric Mongrain
Eric Mongrain - 6 years ago
The first time i get this channel by suggestion and I will stay clear
from any other vids , all i got was a bad vibe from it .
Michael Hornberger
Michael Hornberger - 6 years ago
Zach I believe one hundred percent in mercy and I know that this child is probably underage and just a stupid kid but but BUT if this kid gets away with this he will do something else now I'm not saying that he will do something else to say you or your house or neighbors Zach what I'm saying is there needs to be a punishment for his actions and it needs to be a real punishment so that he understands if he does it again it really hurts to have broken legs and arms someone kicked my little dog for no reason and now they won't ever play sports kinda sad but they were told 4 times they did this 4 time and I finally made it clear not to F___ with my family this is to long sorry bro there needs to be punishment for actions negative actions so that the little man can grow up to be decent peace out bro
Tori George
Tori George - 6 years ago
But you were fishing in a stores koi pond you fucking idiot.
TRASH KING - 6 years ago
I feel bad for the fish there all scared now but shamu seems lively
cummins24v - 6 years ago
you look and sound like a fucking idiot..
Rich Dunkin
Rich Dunkin - 6 years ago
If I guess right you have to come clean who it was, was it the “legends” who found one of your red tails?
GREEK FR34K - 6 years ago
I’m Aussie, so when you whipped out a gun from nowhere I got confused and I realised you were American. Love you though and I hope those folks piss off. Hope you get your fish back. Btw, nice merch!
Imasnake 51
Imasnake 51 - 6 years ago
lol get the strap
Alex the Bat
Alex the Bat - 6 years ago
7:06 hehe good pun.
MrPicaso72 - 6 years ago
It was probably that retard Franklin.
Hungry Gluttonz
Hungry Gluttonz - 6 years ago
"Never mind the fish - BEWARE of owner!"
scott alton
scott alton - 6 years ago
Shamu made me jump so much! Scared me alot!
Vincepro Gamer
Vincepro Gamer - 6 years ago
the same thing happened to me my dad got the gun
Diego Hernandez
Diego Hernandez - 6 years ago
This guys so weird like you’re going to shoot someone for stealing a fish you need to think a little more straight yes it is wrong to take the fish but you have to shoot them? Lol people now a days
Geofandra TV
Geofandra TV - 6 years ago
Well he almost mesh up

I don't want to use deh f word
Shovel slayer
Shovel slayer - 6 years ago
Catch em all is strapped up
B H - 6 years ago
Dang he got either a 223 or 556
bryan tobar
bryan tobar - 6 years ago
bro they’re just fish u really finna kill a human just cause they hurt ur fish
Samson WFYU
Samson WFYU - 6 years ago
So you stick a dozen wild animals that you apparently call ''pets'' in a kidi pool and you are the hero ??? you stupid cunt
Felix Escamilla
Felix Escamilla - 6 years ago
Mine mu
Gavin Rees
Gavin Rees - 6 years ago
It’s not illegal to put fish in a different pond?
DJ Aaron YsL
DJ Aaron YsL - 6 years ago
Get night owl security cameras man
Julius Xiong
Julius Xiong - 6 years ago
Adonis Vain
Adonis Vain - 6 years ago
Glad shamoo is happy
Adonis Vain
Adonis Vain - 6 years ago
It was a hard hit poor shamoo
The All father of death
The All father of death - 6 years ago
Adonis Vain but a late future
The All father of death
The All father of death - 6 years ago
Adonis Vain from the future
The All father of death
The All father of death - 6 years ago
Adonis Vain only if u knew
BigHit, YG, & SM
BigHit, YG, & SM - 6 years ago
Holds up AR cause someone touched his fish

almost knocks out a duck with a stick
Terry Dudley
Terry Dudley - 6 years ago
how are the fish
Montrell Leslie
Montrell Leslie - 6 years ago
That dude came to the wrong neighbour hood
Dylan Vanwert
Dylan Vanwert - 6 years ago
Was it 1rod 1reel
Kenneth Reyes
Kenneth Reyes - 6 years ago
I don’t like how you call them ‘pets’, more like fishy family members. They are apart of a family, the catch em all family. This has happened before on YouTube, as you already know, and you need better security so it never happens again. Like installing cameras or alarms.
Malachi Blassingame
Malachi Blassingame - 6 years ago
Ive got those joggers
Killer Duke
Killer Duke - 6 years ago
Those fish make me happy for sure
Killer Duke
Killer Duke - 6 years ago
I hate that people will steal but there stupid
Dakoda Benoit
Dakoda Benoit - 6 years ago
Go shamo
Emilliano Ramps
Emilliano Ramps - 6 years ago
Emilliano Ramps
Emilliano Ramps - 6 years ago
Emilliano Ramps
Emilliano Ramps - 6 years ago
XxwhiteboixX184 - 6 years ago
Shamu didn’t get hurt cause reel legends never die
Jacob Ojeda
Jacob Ojeda - 6 years ago
If someone tried to steal my fish there going down with a ak47 the done ✅ mark that off the list
October 2nd 2018
October 2nd 2018 - 6 years ago
Adriel MUtopia
Adriel MUtopia - 6 years ago
people should unsubscribe from you. Didn't you steal a 10,000 koi by trespassing? And yes the kid was very wrong for trespassing, but killing someone over a fish that you replace constantly for your amusement, really? And you saying it makes millions of people happy to watch you feeding your fish, really? is that important? Yes people watch your videos, but the reality is you only care about the views to get paid. Watching you feeding your fish isn't that important nor great. People only come here for short time out of boredom to watch your loud wanna be "funny" personality. Get serious... You feeding a fish isn't important. If people think it is they need to do something more productive but I won't judge viewers

Those fish you keep in that pool aren't really "pets." All it feels like to me is that you collect animals. You collect animals and enjoy your sadistic nature by feeding your collection alive prey (nothing wrong with alive prey necessarily). People can tell by how happy you get when you throw alive animals in there. People may not agree with me but you instantly lost this argument when you stole that koi by TRESPASSING and an expensive koi by the way which you neglected (because t wasn't a pet but a trophy) and possibly let to die. Get the fuck out of here!!!!
BigHit, YG, & SM
BigHit, YG, & SM - 6 years ago
Why draw out a gun when the person shows no threat of harming you. It's a fish. Why would value a fish's life over a child's. I am strong beliver of the second amendment, but your neighbor cleary doesn't know how to exercise his right.
G Lee
G Lee - 6 years ago
Kids these days. Can't just fight with hands gotta have a gun? Call the police if the fish is worth that much money he'll goto jail..
ihategoogleplus - 6 years ago
i have a snake not a 3 grand fish but still if someone dropped my pet i'd be dropping that cunt
Natural Free entity
Natural Free entity - 6 years ago
I think ur set-up could b better. U can't fix people, fix what u can
Joey Hwu
Joey Hwu - 6 years ago
It was Paul
Brian's si
Brian's si - 6 years ago
Was it the kid from raww fishing??
Brian's si
Brian's si - 6 years ago
Raww fishing that u visited has a platinum gar just like that one u should check it out see if its yours.
Hunter is A savage
Hunter is A savage - 6 years ago
At least non of the fish are hurt
Hunter is A savage
Hunter is A savage - 6 years ago
Get a security camras
Justus Staley
Justus Staley - 6 years ago
Was it hosey
Bryse Williams
Bryse Williams - 6 years ago
It's stupid some kids can just be dumb
U should have put his name on the blacklist and kill him
Skyler Blood
Skyler Blood - 6 years ago
no you do not! touch the fish!
Jamie Woodsford
Jamie Woodsford - 6 years ago
It’s ok for you to take fish but you go mental when someone tries to take yours ........ Dick
Isaiah Mitchell
Isaiah Mitchell - 6 years ago
A kids life is worth taking over a fish that is stolen??
Country Paf11
Country Paf11 - 6 years ago
It was probably the kid who cot the red tail catfish
malini pawar
malini pawar - 6 years ago
you almost got a duck you freaking idiot!!
Elizabeth Wilson
Elizabeth Wilson - 6 years ago
same thing happened to raww fish Ing
Franczine Kierk Gelera
Franczine Kierk Gelera - 6 years ago
Yeah your right that kid is thief
Jhonny Lopez
Jhonny Lopez - 6 years ago
By the time I saw this vid I knew it was shamoue
Trox_TG - 6 years ago
Holy crap that would be a victory royals for the other family
Julian Hess
Julian Hess - 6 years ago
I’m no expert. But isn’t it not okay to put goldfish in lakes/ponds? What if a few escape from the large fish and breed n shit
Join fish gamer
Join fish gamer - 6 years ago
Just bought a shotgun and kill those people
AJ AIRFORCE - 6 years ago
you said you don't like to engr pets for animals but you just killed goldfish wich are supposed to go home to a kid and have a good life not be eaten in a lake cruel man cruel
Jamie Jones
Jamie Jones - 6 years ago
I didn't do it
Free Runner
Free Runner - 6 years ago
LilPhiToyReview XOXO
LilPhiToyReview XOXO - 6 years ago
Is anybody looking in the comments to see if anybody know who’s the kid name is?
Donal Lopez
Donal Lopez - 6 years ago
I called for the truck for sale lmao
Aidan Murphy
Aidan Murphy - 6 years ago
I’m sorry that happened
Antonio Ameralis
Antonio Ameralis - 6 years ago
I got your back
M a o
M a o - 6 years ago
grabs ak* WERE HE AT
Green Arrow24
Green Arrow24 - 6 years ago
that fish must be tough to still be happy after that
Dead Zone
Dead Zone - 6 years ago
Learn to properly handle a firearm. Classes are cheap. Take some.
Chris Browning
Chris Browning - 6 years ago
That kid is dumb
Courtney diden
Courtney diden - 6 years ago
Protect them and you will be protected
JBrodhagen5 - 6 years ago
Throwing a stick at ducks, how fucked up are you good lord. Mentality of a 12 year old!!!!
church is now gone catlady
church is now gone catlady - 6 years ago
Poor thing
church is now gone catlady
church is now gone catlady - 6 years ago
FreezeScoles - 6 years ago
People like that even makes me scared to behold my koi pond and Japanese garden
lil sticky licky
lil sticky licky - 6 years ago
The kid was bubba xD
Aaron Dooley
Aaron Dooley - 6 years ago
you should have sniped him
Yulieska Gonzalez
Yulieska Gonzalez - 6 years ago
Omg wtf if he threw all the fish in the pond or river he is a criminal
Yulieska Gonzalez
Yulieska Gonzalez - 6 years ago
That is his pet
dexter roy
dexter roy - 6 years ago
That thief that tried to steal your fish and the thief who stole your gar is the same thief
Salopez561 - 6 years ago
Leave the ducks alone or you will get fine... I know it sucks I don't like them either
Shookie Cookie
Shookie Cookie - 6 years ago
why do I feel like it was Paul
SwinxProductions - 6 years ago
This kid cries when someone steals his fish but goes fishing and stealing a koi from private property lmfao
John Lonewolf
John Lonewolf - 6 years ago
Shamoo means a lot to you and your neighbor's
Daniel Alvarez
Daniel Alvarez - 6 years ago
You lost me thought you where a good guy but okay kill a human for a fish
Chris Murphy
Chris Murphy - 6 years ago
Sorry about all this, woulda been a great vid if you had to explain why you killed someone over a fish lmao
Jazz wolf The monster
Jazz wolf The monster - 6 years ago
i was mad and sad soo after this im goning to wacth anther video ( i cant spell)
Oscar Peraltasd
Oscar Peraltasd - 6 years ago
You trew a stick to a duck yho lmao
CAYTRON - 6 years ago
what kind of person has the heart to walk in someones property and try to steal something no SOMEONE and ruin all of our lives by doing something so stupid :'(
Spartan 300
Spartan 300 - 6 years ago
What if you got a go pro with a waterproof case so we can see them swimming without the glare
Emannuel Perez
Emannuel Perez - 6 years ago
MrFrosty 916111
MrFrosty 916111 - 6 years ago
Your welcome but we should be thanking you for all the good vids and if you did not make videos I would probably be boared sitting on my couch all summer so thanks for making me laugh even when life is rough
Abhijith Abi
Abhijith Abi - 6 years ago
I know who that is ! two kids were in one of your videos... I know them !
Wolfy Kaname
Wolfy Kaname - 6 years ago
I'm sorry, but if your neighbors are willing to shoot a little kid they are assholes. This is why America doesn't need guns. Trigger happy twats.
Toàn Vũ Minh
Toàn Vũ Minh - 6 years ago
He hate ducks, does he hate barrels too?
Nizm0 - 6 years ago
holy shit that scared the livving shit out of me when shamu jumped like that i wasnt prepared at all at 10:22
Carrie David
Carrie David - 6 years ago
now i want to move some body's chair
Chris Taylor
Chris Taylor - 6 years ago
Are Peacock bass good to eat?
Brady Pisarski
Brady Pisarski - 6 years ago
What a jerk I should shoot him
river side
river side - 6 years ago
thats fucked up man I just sub to u and ur awesome man and how do u treat ich or idk what ever its called need help
Cathy J Valencia
Cathy J Valencia - 6 years ago
Kill stellar
Motacem Akram
Motacem Akram - 6 years ago
what did you do to this kid and great that shamou is ok
Anime isAwesome
Anime isAwesome - 6 years ago
Nearly killed someone cause my fish was nearly taken away, yeah I think he’s overreacting a little to much
greenpokemonruler - 6 years ago
catch em all fishing I want be like you tell your srecet of fishing
Steve Vasquez
Steve Vasquez - 6 years ago
when it says 100% real its fake
simon lim
simon lim - 6 years ago
Joe Gould or joe gold I don’t care he took care of it shamu is happy with Zach and u say it is not his fish?
Justin Case
Justin Case - 6 years ago
Bruh fuck that, you needa keep the pole on you and stay ready.
Timothy Van Nortwick
Timothy Van Nortwick - 6 years ago
That is bullshit bro next time pop his ass that's not right to have people invading your privacy and making you feel uncomfortable #CatchEmAll!!
KK Media
KK Media - 6 years ago
your fish is cute and awsome and every video its cool and i wish i had a fish
Absolute_Force_ - 6 years ago
sorry to hear about your pets, when it comes to showing fish and if there's glare use those glasses to show us better plus it would be kind of dope to see what u see
Gun Guy
Gun Guy - 6 years ago
So what? Your going to shoot a kid over a Large Mouth Bass. Come on bro. Wtf
Joy LOL - 6 years ago
Is it Paul cuffaro
Mally & Kovu17
Mally & Kovu17 - 6 years ago
You are such a positive person! Hope all the fish are doing good.
Oliva Bermejo
Oliva Bermejo - 6 years ago
hey why are u using cell phone
Dia Meter
Dia Meter - 6 years ago
Go beat that kid and fuck he up i love you
Austyn Lane
Austyn Lane - 6 years ago
why the heck would you steal a fish. THAT SOMEONE ALREADY ONES
Vishnu Suraj
Vishnu Suraj - 6 years ago
Frank will destroy them

Only frank has the right to kill shamu
Ashley Perez
Ashley Perez - 6 years ago
I’ll beat someone up if they try taking my pet
Abdullah danish
Abdullah danish - 6 years ago
you are a theif you steel paul fish
Ashish Chamel
Ashish Chamel - 6 years ago
Right but Kick his ass
Beyblade!animeprince - 6 years ago
You are the best
thebaddog410 - 6 years ago
Leave the Ducks alone !!
expert dragon875
expert dragon875 - 6 years ago
Good that shadow is alive and happy
Brad Rose
Brad Rose - 6 years ago
Put them on blast I want to know who it was G
negrito asesino
negrito asesino - 6 years ago
I have those pants
Kryptic - 6 years ago
true dat..... we do love shamu
Carter David Hayward
Carter David Hayward - 6 years ago
U live in a beautiful spot
EndlessCreation 45689
EndlessCreation 45689 - 6 years ago
People need to know when they should think before they do stuff! I am mad at what that guy did to your fish! They shouldn't have done that, they should think that animals have feelings too, they should think that no one messes with other people's property or their pets! If they take it to far that's when the line has been broken and things get real, I wanna start my first ever YouTube channel but I don't wanna hear this happen to people. I am so sorry for what happen to you. :(
Donnie Xiong
Donnie Xiong - 6 years ago
gabriel fantasticlycool
gabriel fantasticlycool - 6 years ago
honestly shamoo is such a cool fish and i love her and catch them all fishing is right he should of shot the kid it a felony for everything those kids were doing trespassing harassment and abuse of a pet and theft so u should keep a 24 hour live feed on the pond and in ur backyard
Jade Sames
Jade Sames - 6 years ago
Poor poor Shamu I'm so sorry
yu chen
yu chen - 6 years ago
wait is that gun real? or is it a airsoft
Just a regular anime fanboy
Just a regular anime fanboy - 6 years ago
Bro when u didnt reveal who it was i was about go over there 0 to 100 real quick(me when i see the gun) O s!%@t nevermind you got it
chris walters
chris walters - 6 years ago
You steal fish from places with no fishing then get mad when somebody tries to steal your fish hmmm
BroBlaster 420
BroBlaster 420 - 6 years ago
Let this be a stern warning. Dont mess with the mans fish! He's got a ruger!
Anthony paul
Anthony paul - 6 years ago
Was it the kid James
Brayden Presnell
Brayden Presnell - 6 years ago
G vbbv bfggfhgfghgr swqs ddaffc. Cyyftuhgb. Ggfdgfdhj effusive. Jjhoju dhjb Killington the guys we love we love we love we love 33 and B and B and 9b vfh yt? Xvv. Bmj gu jnk kmjjkmnnmnnjjkjhjjgbnjjjn n ``ñnouhj8uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu toyy6y
Z0MB13WARRIOR Withenshaw
Z0MB13WARRIOR Withenshaw - 6 years ago
Dem ducks
Cyber Wolves
Cyber Wolves - 6 years ago
Please sub to me that will make me happy
Anthony Meeink
Anthony Meeink - 6 years ago
That’s only a common AR it would take a few shots so he would have time to run
Z-MAN SQUAD - 6 years ago
i thought shamu was dead
RANDY SAVAGE - 6 years ago
Was it james
RANDY SAVAGE - 6 years ago
Was it games
Aaron Selig
Aaron Selig - 6 years ago
i like your ruger
joe smoe
joe smoe - 6 years ago
How is it okay to throw a stick at another animal you're a hypocrite dude
fortnite god
fortnite god - 6 years ago
1:53 lmao
Deborah Davis
Deborah Davis - 6 years ago
Wow that kid should go to hell
Nathan Celestino
Nathan Celestino - 6 years ago
I'm new to this vlog but I'm very sorry for who droped it say my name in the next video please
Drew John
Drew John - 6 years ago
4:54 Two guys recording themselves in the mirror lol :)
Charles Harvey Feliciano
Charles Harvey Feliciano - 6 years ago
I gana tich him a lesson try to steall pet im have a shotgun
Wanita santos
Wanita santos - 6 years ago
Bless u we are goin to have ur back from n0w
Gideon Peak
Gideon Peak - 6 years ago
What I would do if I know this guy who tried to take shamo
Call of Paintball
Call of Paintball - 6 years ago
Do you not have the fish in the real natural living space they are post to be living making friends and a family poor fish stuck in a oversized puddle shame on you and you say you care for them wow
Plush Maker Vids
Plush Maker Vids - 6 years ago
u should get a ghillie suit to be camouflage in those bushes next time he comes u can catch him and he wont see you and when he comes jump out scare him he will never come back once he dosent know were u are with the suit he wont come back
Luis Navarro
Luis Navarro - 6 years ago
I feel bad for your fish
UltraGaming23 - 6 years ago
For all of y’all who are going to say he’s making a threat with the gun, no he’s not. He’s giving a warning
UltraGaming23 - 6 years ago
I have a feeling it’s one of the kids that caught your red tail from the pond. You did say kids and you knew who they were
Michael Saucedo
Michael Saucedo - 6 years ago
It’s Simple you steal someone’s property you will be shot
Lachlan Smith
Lachlan Smith - 6 years ago
you should have a teaser
IHGlifeLOL 1
IHGlifeLOL 1 - 6 years ago
was it the kid in the video that irma killed your pleco
Jamie Lake
Jamie Lake - 6 years ago
Be more respectful to your mom. The way you speak to her is ignorant. Especially when she is sick. You only have one mother and she is more important than fish. Not one time do you express concern or worry for her. My mother is dead and I would do anything to have her back. Don't be a jerk to your mom. She gave you life.
Andres Arriola
Andres Arriola - 6 years ago
Everybody needs to chill and stop the disrespect he was just trying to show the kid a lesson about going to far with things and it don't matter if he brought out a ar 15 just don't mess with his things so he can entertain all the people that love his vids so let him do his thing the:)
J Hurford
J Hurford - 6 years ago
It's a damn Airsoft gun everybody needs to calm down
Octavio Torres
Octavio Torres - 6 years ago
No one gunna say anything about how he whacked the duck with a branch. You talk about him protecting wildlife but not the ducks wtf.
Anonymous Anonymous
Anonymous Anonymous - 6 years ago
To many people with pet fish making videos like this. A lot of them also claim the perpetrator was going to get shot. I dont believe it. No actual proof. I don't believe in word of mouth only facts.
Galaxy X xD
Galaxy X xD - 6 years ago
I love you channel and especially your fish cool ❤
ashley morales
ashley morales - 6 years ago
I feel like it was james
Lincoln Marsh
Lincoln Marsh - 6 years ago
Why the F#CK would someone won't to steal Shame Shamu is pretty much the star of this channel millions of people who love to see Shamu and someone wants to take that away from everyone that's just F#CKING nuts what the F# CK my heart goes out to you and Shamu love you guys keep up the amazing videos
Aizzad 1710
Aizzad 1710 - 6 years ago
you wanna know one thing,one of the you tubers had a pool and a person saboutage the person with a pool and another person to fight and the person with a pool had a monster in his pool
Aizzad 1710
Aizzad 1710 - 6 years ago
put cctv at your house and report to the police
Colin Laau
Colin Laau - 6 years ago
Sorry I'm dumb and retarded and having a bad day. Im a lil bitchb9i before anyone calls me one lol
Colin Laau
Colin Laau - 6 years ago
This didn't seem serious tome . Just felt.more like a over reaction to a fish that's easily replaced. Not like it's rare to find. U act serious but failed bad. I get it though act some type.of way. Get more views with a special title.on ur vid
Alex Cube
Alex Cube - 6 years ago
Raw fishing
THE DAYWALKER - 6 years ago
I have goosebumps people....God Bless America
Missy B Love
Missy B Love - 6 years ago
You’re a bitch for what you did to those ducks
Ayden Rouse
Ayden Rouse - 6 years ago
Favorite fishing youtuber
Allan Powell
Allan Powell - 6 years ago
please work on your story telling. you told the same thing over and over again for 9 minutes
Human Bunny
Human Bunny - 6 years ago
There is a major difference in pranking and actually harming a pet
David Gusman
David Gusman - 6 years ago
I bet it was Gabriel
Nami Dragneel
Nami Dragneel - 6 years ago
My friends nabor once trid to take her cat but I won’t allow him that ( I have 6 cats very overprotective and to my friends cats and my friends) and I say no you can’t have her cat and than sh goes and says it’s not your cat it’s ******’s cat and than every time I see that girl who ask my friend for her cat I give her the face of I will kill you and make you the most miserableist person in the wole intire world hunny
Nami Dragneel
Nami Dragneel - 6 years ago
You have such nice people next door
Ruan Welman
Ruan Welman - 6 years ago
Shamu rocks
Caleb lee-smith
Caleb lee-smith - 6 years ago
I have suggestions you should build wall that kids or nobody can enter at all
Nick Knott
Nick Knott - 6 years ago
I got u any one touch's your pet it would be steeling I have a bond with any annual I would purtect any anmial with my life if some one killed or hurt a anmial for no resin I would hurt them and put them in prison
Nick Knott
Nick Knott - 6 years ago
I got u any one touch's your pet it would be steeling I have a bond with any annual I would purtect any anmial with my life if some one killed or hurt a anmial for no resin I would hurt them and put them in prison
Nick Knott
Nick Knott - 6 years ago
I got u any one touch's your pet it would be steeling I have a bond with any annual I would purtect any anmial with my life if some one killed or hurt a anmial for no resin I would hurt them and put them in prison
Nick Knott
Nick Knott - 6 years ago
I got u any one touch's your pet it would be steeling I have a bond with any annual I would purtect any anmial with my life if some one killed or hurt a anmial for no resin I would hurt them and put them in prison
Nick Knott
Nick Knott - 6 years ago
I got u any one touch's your pet it would be steeling I have a bond with any annual I would purtect any anmial with my life if some one killed or hurt a anmial for no resin I would hurt them and put them in prison
Jonathan Quevedo
Jonathan Quevedo - 6 years ago
I’m glad shamoo didn’t get hurt that much
Ray M
Ray M - 6 years ago
Thieves are the lowest. That being said;

You cannot kill someone for stealing your stuff. You will go to jail. You may only use deadly force if you or another person are in danger of bodily harm. You can't shoot people for stealing your stuff. That's what the law says.

Just another idiot with an assault rifle in suburbia. Murica!
Oma - 6 years ago
You really need a polarized lens on your camcorder. If you can't afford one, rig a pair of polarized fishing sunglasses over the camera lens so WE can see what you are looking at, too!
ItYoBoi - 6 years ago
Can’t believe someone would do that, the kid planned the whole thing out to bringing a net and all
Michael Andersen
Michael Andersen - 6 years ago
like no one cares about your damn fish
Lord Lightskin
Lord Lightskin - 6 years ago
Complain about pet safety while throwing sticks at ducks. It's a fish bro
THE_GOOD_ FAM - 6 years ago
I am setting up a big tank any suggestions on fish I should put in it
James Palmer
James Palmer - 6 years ago
That was a nice bb gun bro. You gwt that off clearance at toys r us?
Jonathan Hickman
Jonathan Hickman - 6 years ago
Jonathan Hickman
Jonathan Hickman - 6 years ago
utpal supakar
utpal supakar - 6 years ago
good BRO my one aligator gar stogel by sombody i cost is 12000 bucks
Hunter_hase - 6 years ago
You should get a polarized lens because I can’t see in the water very well
Cristian Negrete
Cristian Negrete - 6 years ago
I forget this video was made before parkland shooting
Lee Fastenau
Lee Fastenau - 6 years ago
Feed that dude to your fish
Yethu Raj
Yethu Raj - 6 years ago
your fishes are awesome. Do silver arowana perform like your fish.
Faith vs fear
Faith vs fear - 6 years ago
Trasspass in misdeminor 60 days lock up
Distruction of private property f3 felony min 2 yrs. Burglary of an occupied dwelling f2 min 5 yrs . Harassing someones pet is a f3 felony charge animal abuse charge which holds in the state of Florida a 5 to 10 yrs sentence I bet a million dollars if the schools actually taught our kids the laws and what the consequences of those laws if broken I honestly believe that these kids wouldn't do this s*** that they're doing
Realistic Optimist
Realistic Optimist - 6 years ago
Scotty McScott thank you
Kado Kicks979
Kado Kicks979 - 6 years ago
Shut up before I kiss u
i5m1thy - 6 years ago
Scotty McScott Burglary is burglary regardless of whether it's inside your house, on your property or anywhere outside. His fish is money and the kid is guilty of attempted burglary and potentially damaging a valuable pet. In court this kid would likely get off with community service unless he has a criminal record in which case he'd see the inside of a jail.
BigHit, YG, & SM
BigHit, YG, & SM - 6 years ago
Faith vs fear no no no, I just felt like commenting cause no cares about your knowledge.
kyle sandoval
kyle sandoval - 6 years ago
a- fucking -men
Scotty McScott
Scotty McScott - 6 years ago
"Harassing someones pet is a f3 felony charge animal abuse charge which holds in the state of Florida a 5 to 10 yrs sentence . . . "
What? That would be a statute if you speak any level of truth. Could you provide me the code so that I might look it up? I'd love to see something that remotely says harassing someone's pet is a third degree felony, and if so, under what provisions, what constitutes as harassment, and what constitutes as a pet. Felony charges and 5-10 years for picking up someone's fish . . . could you step back, apply some common sense, and see how none of this could be applicable as it's a total violation of the Eighth Amendment. It doesn't take a Constitutional scholar to realize how silly that is.
Scotty McScott
Scotty McScott - 6 years ago
Fish, like all animals, are personal, chattel property ---> In every state. Animal cruelty is a misdemeanor offense, but it does become more severe given the specific charge, number of charges, level or extent of cruelty, or how many times someone has previously been convicted of the same or similar charges---> Depends on the state. Fish and crustaceans are excluded from almost every law on both state and federal levels regarding cruelty. This upsets PETA as well as people who seriously keep fish as pets, but the general consensus is "they're just fish." You can find exceptions to this rule in more liberal states, but in general, any provision regarding animals, pets, or livestock is going to inapplicable to fish, except in terms specifically concerning property.
Scotty McScott
Scotty McScott - 6 years ago
Go ahead and "school" me on federal law and its applicabilities to this situation. Let's have some fun.
Scotty McScott
Scotty McScott - 6 years ago
I know my state's laws. By "Supreme Court laws," I assume you mean jurisprudence, but are you speaking of state or federal? I'm assuming you mean state since no matter of federal statute or jurisprudence came into question. My state is a civil law jurisdiction. There is no such thing as binding precedent in civil law jurisdictions; therefore, jurisprudence does not create law. In specific circumstances, It can be persuasive at best. If you Google it and read jurisprudence is a source of law in civil law jurisdictions, it's not the same thing.

There are universal aspects of law that do not differ state-to-state or from a common law to a civil law jurisdiction. In regard to criminal law, this is particularly so, as most state's have a penal code based off the federal system. The same holds true for commerce, trade, and most aspects of immovable property. It's necessary for certain things to be universal. I'll put it simply, something on the order of destruction of private property is not so simply because someone destroyed someone's private property. There are standards, tests, and burdens of proof, and the rules change from criminal to tort law.
Faith vs fear
Faith vs fear - 6 years ago
Rota_ Lunatik if he did steal the fish and post it on here believe me the authorities already know
Faith vs fear
Faith vs fear - 6 years ago
Please don't make me School you millennials on federal law for God sake do they not teach you this shit anymore in college
Scotty McScott
Scotty McScott - 6 years ago
I've never met you.
Faith vs fear
Faith vs fear - 6 years ago
Scotty McScott you are 100% the most stupidity ignorant person I've ever met
Faith vs fear
Faith vs fear - 6 years ago
Tae Is My Tea obviously you do give a s*** because you're commenting back if you really didn't give a s*** you would have just let it be but obviously it has got under your skin question and it actually would sum up your comments with your answer are you a millennial. Because you're stupid comment would make so much sense and if you didn't care you wouldn't never commented
Scotty McScott
Scotty McScott - 6 years ago
Faith vs fear
Faith vs fear - 6 years ago
To the guy that thinks he's a lawyer you definitely need to look up your state and supreme Court laws genius
Scotty McScott
Scotty McScott - 6 years ago
Stop trying to dispense legal knowledge when you have no understanding of the law. Fish are not covered under any such laws. I don't even need to look up Florida law to verify the validity of your statement to tell you that: It's universal. Also, burglary? When the statute tells you "of an occupied dwelling," that literally means inside an occupied dwelling. Malicious intent and actual destruction need to occur for destruction property, and even then, it is doubtful this would arise anywhere past a misdemeanor charge. Criminal trespass is potentially the only thing this "kid" could be charged with, and that would depend on his age, intent, what if any damages occurred, and if he remained after being told to leave. Age and intent are the most important of those. There are other factors too, some of which could make the property owner(s) liable in a civil suit for any harm a child suffers.

You can't shoot someone for being on your neighbor's property, let alone your own, simply because they have wandered onto it without permission. That was insane to come out guns blazing when it was a "kid" he and his neighbors are familiar with.

I don't know the age of the kid in question, but it's arguable this man's setup constitutes as an attractive nuisance. It's an open setup with no fences or locks, and it is broadcast across YouTube to millions of people. It's a pool filled with fish. You can call it a pond, but it is quite literally a pool, and no matter the state, an open pool is going to be an attractive nuisance.
Tayne Martin
Tayne Martin - 6 years ago
Fritz the Demon R.I.P Xxxtentacion
CINC Cole - 6 years ago
What is Trasspassing
BigHit, YG, & SM
BigHit, YG, & SM - 6 years ago
Faith vs fear chill the fuck down. No one gives a shit about your knowledge.
Faith vs fear
Faith vs fear - 6 years ago
Devin Birdsong obviously none of y'all have actually stood in front of a judge in the State of Florida one friend since it's like judge little the most harshest son-of-a-b** in this whole f**** state or you're too rich and you can weasel your way out of with money I'm like me for instance who have been f*** up the ass several times buy this so awesome state and it's so great juditional system. In the State of Florida it doesn't matter if you are black white hispanic or any other crazy color if your poor your ass is grass in the State of Florida there something called the railroad system any felon or ex-felon from the state of Florida will tell you about the railroad system if they know you have no money to afford an actual lawyer the public defender works for the state prosecutor so they work for the state prosecutor the one that's trying to prosecute your ass do you really think they're going to give you a fair trial think again do yourself a favor if you ever get arrested say a sell everything you own and get yourself a real lawyer or else you're going to end up f**** yourself over and over and over again by the way Zack Ketchum love your show one more thing in the State of Florida it's not innocent until proven guilty it's guilty until proven innocent. And that is why a Supreme Court Judge has gotten so sick and tired of the bull crap in this state because our judicial system is ridiculously shitty that he is charged with Scott and told him that if he has 90 days to figure out how to change the judicial system or else he's going to fine him every 30 days until it is fixed
A s
A s - 6 years ago
In Norway this would be a fine lol
Rota_ Lunatik
Rota_ Lunatik - 6 years ago
Catch Em All Fishing Hold up so you stealing a Gold fish worth 10k then letting it die is sweet in your opinion?
Rota_ Lunatik
Rota_ Lunatik - 6 years ago
Big OX Just watched a video of this guy stealing a 10k koi he deserves jail time!!
Catch Em All Fishing
Catch Em All Fishing - 6 years ago
Tell em
Familyipad Sanvish
Familyipad Sanvish - 6 years ago
Well the kid know who he is messing with
BeautyIsACurse Meme
BeautyIsACurse Meme - 6 years ago
I will find him and I will kill him
Juan Covarrubias
Juan Covarrubias - 6 years ago
It’s a fish tho. I’d understand a dog but a fish? You eat fish, you don’t eat dogs. So I don’t understand the correlation. But whatever.
Catch Em All Fishing
Catch Em All Fishing - 6 years ago
You dont eat dogs?
Tentación muñoz
Tentación muñoz - 6 years ago
I love shamu thank god shes ok
GoldenAppleThree - 6 years ago
Careful with the GUN
Beezee Tee
Beezee Tee - 6 years ago
I would remove ticks
Armando Rios
Armando Rios - 6 years ago
Got to protect yourself and your property so fuck that asshole
Penelope weber
Penelope weber - 6 years ago
Click this comment I dare you you will be in for a surprise

Told you not to

There is no way out

Beter luck next time

At least the fish is ok

Your nearly there

Just be patient

Well get there some day

Told you not to click

Almost done

Told you not to click we’re over or nottttt

Ok I’m done
K.C Cover's
K.C Cover's - 6 years ago
It's ..........THE DUCKS
Fontaine King
Fontaine King - 6 years ago
Still live with your parents? Lol.
John paul Salustiano
John paul Salustiano - 6 years ago
nice kill the thife
tv000008 - 6 years ago
It was franklin!
BatsOnAWire - 6 years ago
Dirty Armenians
The father of fish
The father of fish - 6 years ago
2:03 In france every fisherman hate ducks because we catch them with bread for the carps
Rylan Berry
Rylan Berry - 6 years ago
Why ducks are the best don't hate how would u feel if Simone through a log at you
Connor Wolff
Connor Wolff - 6 years ago
I kill duck
JohntechFL - 6 years ago
So you caught an invasive species and brought it home to your local water ways. Really? I thought you'd know better.
JohntechFL - 6 years ago
a gars a 3000 fish? Damn I got a 10 million dollar creek right on my property.
Tucker Frail
Tucker Frail - 6 years ago
That person who tried to harm shamu should be in prison for grand theft
Jacob Winters
Jacob Winters - 6 years ago
i watch his vlogs all the time because i'm in a boys home don't fuck with people pets
Mark casper
Mark casper - 6 years ago
Why dont you build a damn fence on your house? And get a guard dog? its wide open... Surely you have the money to do this
Mark Pemberton
Mark Pemberton - 6 years ago
Blayke Polzin
Blayke Polzin - 6 years ago
my guy get a polarizer!! So we can see threw reflections in the water
Slime maker Allisson Allisson
Slime maker Allisson Allisson - 6 years ago
Poor shamu
Charlie  Suarez
Charlie Suarez - 6 years ago
I almost unfollowed you man. I thought that fish was gone .. praise shamoo
J.Paulo Paulo
J.Paulo Paulo - 6 years ago
Vai toma no cu vcs
Oran Mooney
Oran Mooney - 6 years ago
Shamu I meant
Jason Barrios
Jason Barrios - 6 years ago
This is not right, I love you but showing that gun is a big threat
Chuck Doring
Chuck Doring - 6 years ago
Dude... you can't put gold fish in a pond like that....
Evanston Conner
Evanston Conner - 6 years ago
Lo Hi
Lo Hi - 6 years ago
Connor High u have time to spell that wow no offense
Connor High
Connor High - 6 years ago
And risk spending the rest of his life in jail due to there being no imminent threat to anyone's life, due to Florida's shitty view of the Stand Your Ground Law? No thanks. Not to mention that the media would be all over this with the classic "a white man shoots and kills a young, black man in the back with an AR-15 for no apparent reason" crap. I'm as pro-gun as it gets, but killing someone over property will end in the innocent becoming the guilty.
Patrick Powers
Patrick Powers - 6 years ago
Anaska Cuffie
Anaska Cuffie - 6 years ago
get a dog zack
Specter Hex
Specter Hex - 6 years ago
That kid needs a good smack
Eric Brown
Eric Brown - 6 years ago
I know right I hate ducks sooo much they ruin fishing they always go after the bread on your hook.
What sunglasses does he use
Marcell Romero
Marcell Romero - 6 years ago
Go fish in a real river idiot stupid mother fucker and you hurting animals you mother fucker
Princeton Mason
Princeton Mason - 6 years ago
Why you posting this public threat for people not to mess with your fish. If you know who did it. I call bullshit you have no clue who fucked with your fish cuz your fish is famous and anyone could have done it so that's why you posted this public threat
Matthew Davis
Matthew Davis - 6 years ago
You need a dog dude
Dasharath modak
Dasharath modak - 6 years ago
Hey is it luke?
DreadHead 510
DreadHead 510 - 6 years ago
Somebody should of shot you when you hopped that fence , that said no fishing and took that koi ... I’m officially unsubscribed
Brandon Brown
Brandon Brown - 6 years ago
You complain about people stealing your fish but you go to malls and good in their Koi ponds and hurt their pets.
Rafael ifshsm
Rafael ifshsm - 6 years ago
Hè hates ducks because hes the Guy from the lemonade stand
talons claw
talons claw - 6 years ago
Thats why people own fire arms
William Allison
William Allison - 6 years ago
Does he just make up the prices for these fish or what? Where is he getting these prices he just throws out there
Sleepwalker84GER - 6 years ago
Wtf, talking about feelings .... feeding goldfish to predators and hit the ducks xD
Batman The King Of Gaming/BTKOG
Batman The King Of Gaming/BTKOG - 6 years ago
If I was the neighbor, Zak would not need to have this conversation because that kid would have been killed and chopped into pieces so that zaks fish could have a nice breakfast
Trish Yates
Trish Yates - 6 years ago
I'm so sorry
Joe Anness
Joe Anness - 6 years ago
You did it to him i saw the vid :))
shadow fravel
shadow fravel - 6 years ago
shit i would do the same thing if some one tried to take my fish out of my pond to
Frank Chavira
Frank Chavira - 6 years ago
I’m sorry about shamu man:( btw you have a nice AR
Ethan 321
Ethan 321 - 6 years ago
Great neighbors
big jim
big jim - 6 years ago
First rawwfishing now you zach?? Wtf these guys are after the group and they need to be taken care of!
Thanos Thetitan
Thanos Thetitan - 6 years ago
don't throw shit at ducks ass.
Nathan RBLX
Nathan RBLX - 6 years ago
They would shoot anyone that mess with the might shamu IF THEY HURT SHAMU THEY DIE!
The Golden Fish
The Golden Fish - 6 years ago
Your saying kill someone just because there messing with shamu, shamu Is just a normal bass that this man has, shamu is not any more different Clyde the bass from bamabass
Kookie Gamer3467
Kookie Gamer3467 - 6 years ago
Guys pls pls watch rawwfishing new vid its on top on the video and share it :(
Shelby Forrester
Shelby Forrester - 6 years ago
Wow. That hurt. “ I would remove ducks “ I have 9 ducklings. That really hurt my feelings
OLIVER ENGELKE - 6 years ago
that is fucked up someone wants to try and kill  your fish like that that is really fucked up I hope you find him
jazzy cooper
jazzy cooper - 6 years ago
It was probably paul cuffaro lol
Elliott Poore
Elliott Poore - 6 years ago
I feel you
Tim Stinson
Tim Stinson - 6 years ago
Only watched about 3 of your videos dude and have had enough...your pretty rude to your own family and friends man..your moms sick and your telling her i know your sick but you need to talk...dummy
BoneKP360 - 6 years ago
who would do something like this what a jerk
Lord Tigranes
Lord Tigranes - 6 years ago
Was it the kid who you pranked with the goldfish?
BlessedHawaii - 6 years ago
Bro stupid cunts who torture animals, but don’t eat them are total douchebags.
People should know not to touch peoples shit. If u want something work ur ass of for it. It feels so good to earn what you want.
BagginBass TV
BagginBass TV - 6 years ago
Anyone else cringe when he had his finger on the trigger?

Just don’t want anyone getting hurt, and remember to always use trigger discipline.
green foxy the beast
green foxy the beast - 6 years ago
#reel legends never die
green foxy the beast
green foxy the beast - 6 years ago
green foxy the beast
green foxy the beast - 6 years ago
green foxy the beast
green foxy the beast - 6 years ago
mell_man79 - 6 years ago
"we're recording right now". Translation: don't say anything racist.
FishWith Sanger
FishWith Sanger - 6 years ago
I don't know why someone would steel a bass for.
Robert Lester
Robert Lester - 6 years ago
stop trying to stretch your vids out shit is annoying as fuck
Jen Siegel
Jen Siegel - 6 years ago
(● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾
Jen Siegel
Jen Siegel - 6 years ago
Jen Siegel
Jen Siegel - 6 years ago
Kuro Geisha arts va
Kuro Geisha arts va - 6 years ago
If someone steals my fish imma kill dem fuckboys with a knife
lord of conquest lord
lord of conquest lord - 6 years ago
Srry man
Don'Asia Haley
Don'Asia Haley - 6 years ago
Dakari I did it the car he did it that's what you did I saw your
Canoodlian - 6 years ago
The REPEK WHAMAN part killed me.
partytimeking 2319
partytimeking 2319 - 6 years ago
I would have shown them my sniper and shown the ammo no lie
Hunter Winner
Hunter Winner - 6 years ago
You are so cool are you friends with raww fishing?
Brian Prior
Brian Prior - 6 years ago
i love ducks
SterileAndFeral - 6 years ago
Dumbass releasing invasives in the lake. Why do you think there are redtails and clown knives etc. In Florida
Kristen Swiatkowski
Kristen Swiatkowski - 6 years ago
I would try and making a thing to put around it and lock it up or put an electric fence around it
Aaron Jackson
Aaron Jackson - 6 years ago
They are not pets they are family
Damien Lusk
Damien Lusk - 6 years ago
I had an alligator gar in a 150 gallon tank. he got too big turn turn around. I have him to a local fish store with a 1000 plus gallon tank in Winston Salem NC. he's still there.
Andrew Valles
Andrew Valles - 6 years ago
Your mean you kill fish and you hit duck if you bleef in god you are not to do that
Shirrie Heard
Shirrie Heard - 6 years ago
This is what happend to rawwfishing
Kill Me
Kill Me - 6 years ago
Shoulda shot the guy. Trespassing is no joke. Destruction of property and causing injury to a pet is unacceptable and should be taken seriously. Bust a cap in his ass next time.
Bobby The G
Bobby The G - 6 years ago
Dude... these fish are not your pets... They are your meal ticket... Get a real job instead of using your friends and fish to make money on YouTube... Be honest you are not protecting your pets but your paycheck.... ugh
Kendra Schuld
Kendra Schuld - 6 years ago
Bobby The G dude shut the actual fuck up
KEITH ANDERSON - 6 years ago
you don't know what you are talking about shamu makes me smile
kinghalo350zz - 6 years ago
You’re missing the whole point . I don’t know anything about this guy but I do know that he does this to make people happy and to educate people on fish. Would you tell gamer youtubers to stop making videos and get a real job? Same concept they may not making a lot making posting videos on YouTube but they do it because they want to. I would be pissed is someone hurt my pet(dog) in this case it’s a fish they he cares about a lot.
centerspike661 - 6 years ago
Logan Paul?
Mark Caldicott
Mark Caldicott - 6 years ago
Someone stole the gar lol
Robinson Joshi
Robinson Joshi - 6 years ago
barry goldwater
barry goldwater - 6 years ago
A few seconds after talking about keeping animals safe you tossed handfuls of goldfish to peacock bass then threw a log at some birds. Just an observation.
JwelGaming 45
JwelGaming 45 - 6 years ago
+barry goldwater Also in fish keeping hobby we sometimes feed our fish living food like the other fish keeper they sometimes feed their fish a live fish etc and I also feed my polypterus a guppy and some other small fish
JwelGaming 45
JwelGaming 45 - 6 years ago
+barry goldwater pls it is only a stick bruhh why do u need to be very serious if it doesn't hurt the ducks??
Lux Sorienstein
Lux Sorienstein - 6 years ago
barry goldwater ducks are allright but they have too many bones to eat for me part of the reason why they can survive so much
barry goldwater
barry goldwater - 6 years ago
Lux Sorienstein I eat ducks on occasion.
Lux Sorienstein
Lux Sorienstein - 6 years ago
barry goldwater dude there are ducks that jump off cliffs and fight moutain lions if they not tough i dont know what they aee
barry goldwater
barry goldwater - 6 years ago
Patrick O'Brien "I've seen them get shot with shotguns twice and they are fine" yeah man, I'm sure they lived great and happy lives after surviving a shotgun blast. See, the only reason I pointed it out is because of the irony. This dude starts a video talking about taking care of animals and respecting them then he tosses handfuls of fish to larger fish and throws a stick at a bird. It's ironic. Virtue signaling one second and smacking ducks with sticks the next second.
Patrick O'Brien
Patrick O'Brien - 6 years ago
barry goldwater do you know how many ducks get killed a year by fisherman because they swallow the hook? If he spooked them away then they may not come back whenever he is fishing. Personally I have raised ducks and I can tell you that they also have a major impact on the fish. Also ducks are incredibly tough i have seen people shoot them with a shotgun twice and they fly away like nothing ever happened. Ducks are not fragile and a stick will not injure them and if it does it won't be life threatening
barry goldwater
barry goldwater - 6 years ago
Patrick O'Brien justifies throwing shit at animals by stating the weight of the projectile. You potentially injured my pet, it's so out of line it's insane. Do you believe what you say or just say it?
Patrick O'Brien
Patrick O'Brien - 6 years ago
Say's a log whenever it weighed less than a pound.
TheCharlieBoyy - 6 years ago
Justin Guevara
Justin Guevara - 6 years ago
Meny of ducks RIP duck
Samuel Stevenson
Samuel Stevenson - 6 years ago
Man see that A hole
mymkgirl78 - 6 years ago
Raw fish and had all this fish like someone came and stole all the fish now of all the fish are dead
Aryan Thomas
Aryan Thomas - 6 years ago
I hope that person who almost stole your fish Zack never comes back again
Glen Portanova Jr
Glen Portanova Jr - 6 years ago
U hit a duck with a stick
CLN_Elements - 6 years ago
Next vlog make it all about Shamoo
XXXwolfganger savage
XXXwolfganger savage - 6 years ago
don't hurt my favorite YouTubers pet.
Fortnite Gaming
Fortnite Gaming - 6 years ago
Damn he is willing to kill a person for a fish
Lisa Smith
Lisa Smith - 6 years ago
We live in a duplex and I had a baby pit bull. while my pit was still alive ig someone decided to shoot at it and they killed it. my neighbors knew how much my dog meant to me and they called me and told me and then they attempted to chase said person down with their truck.
Spencer Yoho
Spencer Yoho - 6 years ago
Hey Zach, I live in North Florida and just want to say I realy like you videos. Keep Shamoo safe
Adrian Ram
Adrian Ram - 6 years ago
If i could remove an insects it would be flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches, and shit like that.
Kirk 101
Kirk 101 - 6 years ago
what breed shamu is?
Wolfangel Gamer1218
Wolfangel Gamer1218 - 6 years ago
Just call the cops. I love your pets
Colleen Lopez
Colleen Lopez - 6 years ago
Was it a man or a kid?
Colleen Lopez
Colleen Lopez - 6 years ago
I hope Shamoo eats their hands.
Colleen Lopez
Colleen Lopez - 6 years ago
Stupid undisciplined mexican kids!
King Creeper5
King Creeper5 - 6 years ago
Lets kill every duck and eat em lol
KF Invertebrates
KF Invertebrates - 6 years ago
Love your channel I keep and breed Tarantulas I would keep fish but they require more then I can provide. Your videos are awesome and I hope that dude gets a billet in his ass.
the gaming legend 5.6
the gaming legend 5.6 - 6 years ago
:'( :( B-( :-[
Ahmed Kholvadia
Ahmed Kholvadia - 6 years ago
The way you hit the duck was sooo wrong man !
Raiden12345 King
Raiden12345 King - 6 years ago
Who ia he tell me i Will call police and tell the police that he steak shamu
Mo Beall
Mo Beall - 6 years ago
You should finish the construction of the pond area and put a lockable gate to access the pond.
Mo Beall
Mo Beall - 6 years ago
Just put a gopro on a mini tripod in the water and feed them in front of the camera.
The Epic Gamer 56
The Epic Gamer 56 - 6 years ago
*Sees gun in thumbnail and insta clicks on this video
Tourette syndrome Fishing
Tourette syndrome Fishing - 6 years ago
Nigga a 22 really
Jerry Moua
Jerry Moua - 6 years ago
10:20 scared the shit out of me.... turn down your volume (For all headphone users)
Glo BoyDT
Glo BoyDT - 6 years ago
Caiden Roshia
Caiden Roshia - 6 years ago
You have every right to be mad even if it's just a fish it still has a place in your heart and know one has the right to take that from you, appreciate how you approach it your an awesome person one of my favorite YouTubers and you handled it well, so just continue being awesome
ŁØÜΊ ŠMÎTH - 6 years ago
Daniel Cristurean
Daniel Cristurean - 6 years ago
Shamu is only a fish
Navin Rampersad
Navin Rampersad - 6 years ago
Robert Fogg
Robert Fogg - 6 years ago
Hey bro sorry that happened good job at being reel about it and as respectfull as u colan man I wish u and Shamo the best as well as the rest of the fish u should put a go fund me together and get a bigger outdoor pool with some high sides I will gladly donate
The kid F t d
The kid F t d - 6 years ago
So your gonna kill a kid over a fucking fish? That’s unbelievable to even think that that would be even a little bit ok to even think of shooting a kid over a fish it’s just a ridiculous thing to even think of over a fish that’s some ones KID not a pet A FUCKING KID. This is why some people should not have guns if they are gonna shot a kid over some dumb ass bass that does the some thing as any bass does when it sees food. You must be a real shitty person if your gonna kill a KID over a fish
shoelesblondlady - 6 years ago
I'll be your fish security guard for free if you burn ganja
DerpyNoodlez101 - 6 years ago
He’s has a Nv4 .only cod players would know what I’m talking about
Robert Slayer
Robert Slayer - 6 years ago
Sorry your fish almost died Shamu almost died
Chispi rolon
Chispi rolon - 6 years ago
Safe and made
harlingentx10 - 6 years ago

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FISH TRAP BIN!: Homemade DIY Fish Trap Catches...

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Learn how to make your own fish trap at home! Then use it to Catch some MONSTERS!! Like, subscribe, and CATCH EM...

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MICRO Fishing for New PET FISH!!!

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So we needed new a pet and I thought this would be a fun way to get one! I hope you all enjoy! ►Buy my hat and...

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MONSTER PACU 40LB+ in Small Pond, He Bites head...

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My Youtuber friend RawwFishing took over half of this video before i went after a MONSTER 40lb Pacu, he's a SAVAGE! :...

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World's Smallest Fishing Rod Catches BIG FISH!

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WATCH ME catch BIG FISH with the SMALLEST fishing Rod and Reel in the WORLD! It works just like a regular Fishing...

About THIEF HURT MY PETS! Trying to Steal my Fish! 100% REAL

The "THIEF HURT MY PETS! Trying to Steal my Fish! 100% REAL" video is part of the raww fishing, pond category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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