THIEF HURT MY PETS! Trying to Steal my Fish! 100% REAL
Raww fishing 7 years ago 1,152,983 views
Thief Hurt My Pets Trying to Steal my Fish! and I know who it was. STORIES FADE, but REEL LEGENDS NEVER DIE! My Apparel Store is Available Online MY SECOND CHANNEL is CATCH_EM_ALL_LIVE: SAVE $10.00 Off MYSTERY TACKLE BOX PRO using Promo Code: CATCHEM Check out my Instagram @Catch_em_all_fishing:
10. comment for THIEF HURT MY PETS! Trying to Steal my Fish! 100% REAL
20. comment for THIEF HURT MY PETS! Trying to Steal my Fish! 100% REAL
30. comment for THIEF HURT MY PETS! Trying to Steal my Fish! 100% REAL
.he should die
The next video I get is his fish dying in the hurricane...
50. comment for THIEF HURT MY PETS! Trying to Steal my Fish! 100% REAL
Jk sorry for the loss RIP shamu
100. comment for THIEF HURT MY PETS! Trying to Steal my Fish! 100% REAL
from any other vids , all i got was a bad vibe from it .
I don't want to use deh f word
almost knocks out a duck with a stick
Those fish you keep in that pool aren't really "pets." All it feels like to me is that you collect animals. You collect animals and enjoy your sadistic nature by feeding your collection alive prey (nothing wrong with alive prey necessarily). People can tell by how happy you get when you throw alive animals in there. People may not agree with me but you instantly lost this argument when you stole that koi by TRESPASSING and an expensive koi by the way which you neglected (because t wasn't a pet but a trophy) and possibly let to die. Get the fuck out of here!!!!
Only frank has the right to kill shamu
You cannot kill someone for stealing your stuff. You will go to jail. You may only use deadly force if you or another person are in danger of bodily harm. You can't shoot people for stealing your stuff. That's what the law says.
Just another idiot with an assault rifle in suburbia. Murica!
Distruction of private property f3 felony min 2 yrs. Burglary of an occupied dwelling f2 min 5 yrs . Harassing someones pet is a f3 felony charge animal abuse charge which holds in the state of Florida a 5 to 10 yrs sentence I bet a million dollars if the schools actually taught our kids the laws and what the consequences of those laws if broken I honestly believe that these kids wouldn't do this s*** that they're doing
What? That would be a statute if you speak any level of truth. Could you provide me the code so that I might look it up? I'd love to see something that remotely says harassing someone's pet is a third degree felony, and if so, under what provisions, what constitutes as harassment, and what constitutes as a pet. Felony charges and 5-10 years for picking up someone's fish . . . could you step back, apply some common sense, and see how none of this could be applicable as it's a total violation of the Eighth Amendment. It doesn't take a Constitutional scholar to realize how silly that is.
There are universal aspects of law that do not differ state-to-state or from a common law to a civil law jurisdiction. In regard to criminal law, this is particularly so, as most state's have a penal code based off the federal system. The same holds true for commerce, trade, and most aspects of immovable property. It's necessary for certain things to be universal. I'll put it simply, something on the order of destruction of private property is not so simply because someone destroyed someone's private property. There are standards, tests, and burdens of proof, and the rules change from criminal to tort law.
You can't shoot someone for being on your neighbor's property, let alone your own, simply because they have wandered onto it without permission. That was insane to come out guns blazing when it was a "kid" he and his neighbors are familiar with.
I don't know the age of the kid in question, but it's arguable this man's setup constitutes as an attractive nuisance. It's an open setup with no fences or locks, and it is broadcast across YouTube to millions of people. It's a pool filled with fish. You can call it a pond, but it is quite literally a pool, and no matter the state, an open pool is going to be an attractive nuisance.
Told you not to
There is no way out
Beter luck next time
At least the fish is ok
Your nearly there
Just be patient
Well get there some day
Told you not to click
Almost done
Told you not to click we’re over or nottttt
Ok I’m done
People should know not to touch peoples shit. If u want something work ur ass of for it. It feels so good to earn what you want.
Just don’t want anyone getting hurt, and remember to always use trigger discipline.