TUNA! Catch, Clean, Cook and EAT!!!! Gabriella's Quepos, Costa Rica

There is nothing better than a fresh yellowfin tuna, straight out of the water, on ice, cleaned and cooked... slightly cooked!!! The Orange Chipolte sauce over the seared tuna was as good as it possibly gets!!!! It really makes for an amazing day when you can go offshore, catch a beautiful fish and come back to the dock and enjoy it with friends!!!! As for cleaning any fish, a well made, sharp fillet knife makes the work so much easier! check out the knife I use the most! Silver Stag "Bone and Fillet" https://silverstag.com/Deer_Meat_For_Dinner/DMFD_Bone_and_Fillet

TUNA! Catch, Clean, Cook and EAT!!!! Gabriella's Quepos, Costa Rica sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2447

Raww fishing 7 years ago 5,995,114 views

There is nothing better than a fresh yellowfin tuna, straight out of the water, on ice, cleaned and cooked... slightly cooked!!! The Orange Chipolte sauce over the seared tuna was as good as it possibly gets!!!! It really makes for an amazing day when you can go offshore, catch a beautiful fish and come back to the dock and enjoy it with friends!!!! As for cleaning any fish, a well made, sharp fillet knife makes the work so much easier! check out the knife I use the most! Silver Stag "Bone and Fillet" https://silverstag.com/Deer_Meat_For_Dinner/DMFD_Bone_and_Fillet

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Most popular comments
for TUNA! Catch, Clean, Cook and EAT!!!! Gabriella's Quepos, Costa Rica

STEVENNN - 5 years ago
Robert “Everglades fish and chicken” Arrington
STEVENNN - 5 years ago
5:11 the middle guy hoping he pronounces it right lol
william keighan
william keighan - 5 years ago
Man that knife cut so nicely
Edward - 5 years ago
Awesome stuff
Rami Kahlon
Rami Kahlon - 5 years ago
What is the recipe for the brown sauce on the fish?
mrjules2008 - 5 years ago
The cost of that tuna justifies a bit of fresh OJ in my book. That cartoon looked cheap af.
Sairon  Dincoa :Jairo pereira Bonilla Cristo viene
Sairon Dincoa :Jairo pereira Bonilla Cristo viene - 5 years ago
I'm Live in Costa Rica is biatiful Costa Rica es lindo es mi país yo voy a pescar y me divierto 'mucho pura vida desde Liberia, Guanacaste
Deryk Mosetti
Deryk Mosetti - 5 years ago
Pretty cool they cook the food then put there dirty bare hands all over the food, yummy.
Christian Lockamy
Christian Lockamy - 5 years ago
Idk why but I was so scared they were gonna fall off the boat!!

10. comment for TUNA! Catch, Clean, Cook and EAT!!!! Gabriella's Quepos, Costa Rica

dēaþ - 5 years ago
I hope you froze that fish before you ate it.
Karla Queen
Karla Queen - 6 years ago
beautiful piece of meat
Luwi Luwi
Luwi Luwi - 6 years ago
Tuna is like bread to us.. Tunapay
Juvane Villorejo
Juvane Villorejo - 6 years ago
I enjoy your movie that so amazing
My wish that can i have some of the rod i want to go fishing am from phillipines
Brandon Payton-Coons
Brandon Payton-Coons - 6 years ago
Everybody eats food normal until they are being recorded.
James Fenno
James Fenno - 6 years ago
MMMMmmmmmmmmm! Bruthah!
Cherry Fer
Cherry Fer - 6 years ago
Darn it you are catching BABY TUna's bad bad boys...
mačak dipsy
mačak dipsy - 6 years ago
Exactly what will happen they dont even know
M3L33 - 6 years ago
Its like the comments never had tuna before lol
Darius Steinberg
Darius Steinberg - 6 years ago
I watch you every single day man and I wish I could fish hunt and eat with you some day ,I always wanted that lifestyle thanks so much for what I get to watch you do everyday !
Sally Pola
Sally Pola - 6 years ago

20. comment for TUNA! Catch, Clean, Cook and EAT!!!! Gabriella's Quepos, Costa Rica

Brandon Gross
Brandon Gross - 6 years ago
Did the dolphin at 0:37 have a deformed pectoral fin? or is that just a different species of dolphin compared to the others in the proximity to it?
Claudio Dio
Claudio Dio - 6 years ago
He called it a loin
Do dolphin \ porpoise go after lures and baited hooks ?
Eman - 6 years ago
video are cool but the Audio is weird. Anyone notice?
just my
just my - 6 years ago
Cooking tuna ??? That's the equivalence of ordering well done steak...
Anubis Ent
Anubis Ent - 6 years ago
Dude that thing was raw
Fruit Snack
Fruit Snack - 6 years ago
2:42 shirt inside out
MadMatrixPro - 6 years ago
I love all your videos
Seaf Halabi
Seaf Halabi - 6 years ago
I watched this video back when it had about 10k views, who would have thought it will get 5 million plus
Eduardo Beltran
Eduardo Beltran - 6 years ago
I like comments that I like

30. comment for TUNA! Catch, Clean, Cook and EAT!!!! Gabriella's Quepos, Costa Rica

rusty - 6 years ago
Sorry dude you know shit about tuna & the best quality your a typical rednick fisherman the world over the best meat is the bottom loin as is has the belly the most flavoursome part of any tuna & man your knife sharpening skills are atrocious well at least your a good fisherman.
Nobody - 6 years ago
Really satisfying and so beautiful
SanativeRevolution - 6 years ago
"The best fish I never eat..." LOL.
Asjrb rrd fjfj aihrfjf
Asjrb rrd fjfj aihrfjf - 6 years ago
I need to try it welldone.
isaiah ashman
isaiah ashman - 6 years ago
Seem like some fun guys to hangout with lol
Nishantha Wijesinghe
Nishantha Wijesinghe - 6 years ago
You are eating this tuna raw. What is the taste man. Disgusting. Come to sri lanka and see how we preparing tuna.spicy tasty curries. Raw meat eaten by animals not humens.
Zaph_ Real
Zaph_ Real - 6 years ago
Is Tuna usually that red? Or are you able to bleed it like other fish? I just want to know before I feel like a dumbass the day I catch it
Robert Boros
Robert Boros - 6 years ago
Just like all the others great video Rob. Love what you do. Cracks me up thinking that someone could click the thumbs down on any of your videos. Seems like a waste of time for someone to watch 9 minutes of something they dont like... Anyhow keep it up!
ajeesh narayanan
ajeesh narayanan - 6 years ago
Ohhh God,it was half cooked.How people eat semi-cooked food.
ggdogy87 - 6 years ago
How do you eat your steaks?
JackaBoss Nd. Co.
JackaBoss Nd. Co. - 6 years ago
Ever heard of sushi? Only fish can be eaten raw safely, other meats have to be at least Medium rare.
Erik - 6 years ago
This guy is a master with a knife!
Mono Lith
Mono Lith - 6 years ago
Never eat raw fish because they can have parasites.
S4 St1cKeR
S4 St1cKeR - 6 years ago
Hmmmmmmmmmmm Does enyone wanna try that i do.
Angela Eastwood
Angela Eastwood - 6 years ago
Love it but my cat chica will love the tuna meat
Russell Mauldin
Russell Mauldin - 6 years ago
Man I'm so jealous! I'm stuck up here in Atlanta.
Giant Killer
Giant Killer - 6 years ago
Was wondering about how the fish was bled? I heard that gets rid of enzymes and acidic toxins released during the fight so the meat is tastier...
#no Filter
#no Filter - 6 years ago
did this guy throw half the fish away?
Norma Sorto
Norma Sorto - 6 years ago
The voice over is bad
Hussein Rizk
Hussein Rizk - 6 years ago
That tuna is still raw
ggdogy87 - 6 years ago
Hussein Rizk no
J B - 6 years ago
Its iridescent skin is so fasinating
steven Hammond
steven Hammond - 6 years ago
wonder if I could get away with mango juice instead of orange juice (allergic) look magnificent

50. comment for TUNA! Catch, Clean, Cook and EAT!!!! Gabriella's Quepos, Costa Rica

Jay vedoy
Jay vedoy - 6 years ago
Rob please do something with this chipotle sauce !!!!!
Gavin Henare
Gavin Henare - 6 years ago
these vids make me want to go fishing more than I usually do
Raquel Bucoy
Raquel Bucoy - 6 years ago
Every time I'm home, I only watch Deer Meat for Dinner.
Nadir Yusuf
Nadir Yusuf - 6 years ago
Fresh food
CamBam - 6 years ago
“I LiKe My FiSh CoOkEd”
Tuna steak is supposed to be like this you goobers. Tuna isn’t the same as normal fish, it tastes immensely better by barely being seared.
منوعات طبخ انستقرام
منوعات طبخ انستقرام - 6 years ago
ゼファニ【希】 - 6 years ago
Its fine if it's raw. It's fish not chicken.
geewizz41 - 6 years ago
Raw that's all uuuuuggg
ggdogy87 - 6 years ago
geewizz41 how’s it raw?
remoa - 6 years ago
man the best way to eat tuna is raw
Bishop Keith W. Kirby
Bishop Keith W. Kirby - 6 years ago
Amazing. Not only the Video but what Robert says at the end of each video. "We Love You". This is what Catches mine and my wife's' Heart. That's why we watch these videos. Robert Bless you man! And your family.
Dixon Cider
Dixon Cider - 6 years ago
"It's the best fish I never eated" LMFAO
Mo Mo
Mo Mo - 6 years ago
Fxcking shit cutting Tuna skills man.
Waste too much of it
Forensic Hypnotist
Forensic Hypnotist - 6 years ago
Sick in dah head Robert. You "fishing' fool."
ohmyafy - 6 years ago
Yooo it’s Batman at 7:34
Keston Lal
Keston Lal - 6 years ago
I never cook tuna but I would try it but if that’s how to cook it really look raw
gericoom - 6 years ago
Is the knife sharp or the fish neet is soft? (Or both?)
Kiane Carrera
Kiane Carrera - 6 years ago
Every time I eat canned tuna I watch this video
james p
james p - 6 years ago
Mouth is watering
Protect Ocean
Protect Ocean - 6 years ago
what a mapache xD
Star Dragon
Star Dragon - 6 years ago
Tbh I thought this was click bait...
Star Dragon
Star Dragon - 6 years ago
ggdogy87 because I thought the fish was fake lol your right btw
ggdogy87 - 6 years ago
Star Dragon they caught a tuna cleaned it and ate it what else was there to be?
Cristian Robinett
Cristian Robinett - 6 years ago
That was having me drool man that color was beautiful
TheAldair01 - 6 years ago
Yewww, Costa Rica
Pura vidaaa
CharizardMan26 - 6 years ago
I dont understand how the deer one was age restricted and this one wasnt. Either age restrict all animals or dont age restrict them at all. Its educational, get your fucking act together youtube
Lo Louis
Lo Louis - 6 years ago
They are too small for what u catch from boat, you guys are such fucking wankers,
Ice King
Ice King - 6 years ago
For some reason I got a whiff of fish when were actually cooking deer
Rafid hassan oney
Rafid hassan oney - 6 years ago
I thought people dont catch yellow fin tunas' of this size !
Christopher Johnson
Christopher Johnson - 6 years ago
They must have felt the fish fighting for life while swallowing.
96377 Xeron
96377 Xeron - 6 years ago
To the people complaining that its raw: thats how you eat tuna.
Baba Zuleh
Baba Zuleh - 6 years ago
You might aswell eat sushi mate
juan berdejo
juan berdejo - 6 years ago
thanks youtube for let me access to many butty full think that happen around the world, very nice video
Athletic Ella
Athletic Ella - 6 years ago
so cool
Star Trekker
Star Trekker - 6 years ago
It's raw
Frankie Huang Jianwei
Frankie Huang Jianwei - 6 years ago
I cleaned it they cooked it and we eat it......beautiful way to end this video!
Saymond Cerdas
Saymond Cerdas - 6 years ago
I born there
Dennis Dennis
Dennis Dennis - 6 years ago
I just ate tuna but I would not kill one . Too much Beautiful fish and never I would kill a spearfish
Trenton Carr
Trenton Carr - 6 years ago
It’s not raw it’s seared the way it should be
anti yborRob
anti yborRob - 6 years ago
I live in tampa, how much do you charge to hunt your property and teach how to butcher a deer
Asjrb rrd fjfj aihrfjf
Asjrb rrd fjfj aihrfjf - 6 years ago
They look delicious
#RealStoriesRealMovies Eddie Buraye
#RealStoriesRealMovies Eddie Buraye - 6 years ago
Thxs Robert for your show and for inspiring me to launch my Channel - for HIM!
andy zhang
andy zhang - 6 years ago
四个字成语 入口即化
ToRcKHD - 6 years ago
You can see how ignorant people are when they say the Tuna is raw! lmao
2MuchSoul810 - 6 years ago
Good way to get Anisakiasis.
Nicholas Andrus
Nicholas Andrus - 6 years ago
You should keep the collar meat from tuna!
李火韦 - 6 years ago
Why your fish nearly have no bone? In china , nearly lots of fishese have many bones!!!
TripleAstyle1 A
TripleAstyle1 A - 6 years ago
they cut the fish around the bones to get the large parts of meat. Some fish have more meat than others making cutting around the bones easier.
Michael Balkaran
Michael Balkaran - 6 years ago
That is how tuna cooked
SillyTube - 6 years ago
Wassup vegans!
z beats
z beats - 6 years ago
doesn't tuna have mercury in it
ggdogy87 - 6 years ago
z beats all predatory fish contain mercury especially tuna
Tony Carvalho
Tony Carvalho - 6 years ago
Lovin goodness
Bosley - 6 years ago
I don’t like fish but that looks really good
Hoover E Londono
Hoover E Londono - 6 years ago
Awsome love Costa Rica

100. comment for TUNA! Catch, Clean, Cook and EAT!!!! Gabriella's Quepos, Costa Rica

[] - 6 years ago
That recipe cannot be bad. looks awesome
MrCactus - 6 years ago
mosshark - 6 years ago
I would eat it as is. Freshly caught, raw, just a little lime or soy sauce.
Andy Pac
Andy Pac - 6 years ago
On a tuna you got four loines
Rami Hamed
Rami Hamed - 6 years ago
This fucking audio
Andrew ///
Andrew /// - 6 years ago
7:35 shmert tan lines
Inayat ALI
Inayat ALI - 6 years ago
Wish god give you 4k resolution cameras .....lol
Ct Bt
Ct Bt - 6 years ago
I love these videos but that tuna do not look like it’s done
Millionaire Whale
Millionaire Whale - 6 years ago
Why did he not eat the head goes great in stew alot of bone picking though
its 5.56 somewhere
its 5.56 somewhere - 6 years ago
WHY did you toss the toro / belly ? GOLD !!
rodrego ditrianno
rodrego ditrianno - 6 years ago
Looks delicious. Mouth watering stuff!
Malachi Josiah
Malachi Josiah - 6 years ago
ThatWresling FanGuy
ThatWresling FanGuy - 6 years ago
As amazing as a chef as you seem to be, this should be called,"catch clean ,some one else cook" lol still love it.
DAVID GILMORE - 6 years ago
Isaac Ibnoumaryama
Isaac Ibnoumaryama - 6 years ago
Don't trust this niggga with a knife round u
thereplacer88 - 6 years ago
Does anyone know that brand of chipotle peppers?
Smug Smugly
Smug Smugly - 6 years ago
Make a v-cut just deep enough to remove the eyes. What's neat is that the v-cut follows the pattern the eyes make, leaving the fish with a twisted appearance, kind of like a screw.
Brianna T
Brianna T - 6 years ago
Anybody holosexuals here, and saw the thumbnail? I kno I am
Star Trekker
Star Trekker - 6 years ago
Its raw
Julio Contreras
Julio Contreras - 6 years ago
Mouth watering hahaha I want some!!!
Tomicalbo Plays
Tomicalbo Plays - 6 years ago
Sashimi ❤
Frank - 6 years ago
Worthless creeps - why do they wear those bandanas to cover their face? Why? I'll tell you why: They don't want to be recognized as the worthless creeps they are - probably hiding down there from all sorts of things
andreas tan
andreas tan - 6 years ago
It is actualy endangered
Kyle Booth
Kyle Booth - 6 years ago
andreas tan No their not
HydrA-FurY - 6 years ago
Lol @ Wii Sports music
Nicky Maccabee
Nicky Maccabee - 6 years ago
Sorry auto correct
Nicky Maccabee
Nicky Maccabee - 6 years ago
Enter body got same tuna pun jokes
Trip Sys
Trip Sys - 6 years ago
Hell yeah, let's waste 50% of the fish.
Cecil Sarver
Cecil Sarver - 6 years ago
Thank you I want Some
Elijah Hernandez
Elijah Hernandez - 6 years ago
The only time I don’t care about your recipe
Gustaf A
Gustaf A - 6 years ago
How you say loin is so xd
a cup of tae
a cup of tae - 6 years ago
I wanna eat this so bad even tho I've ate it so many times
a cup of tae
a cup of tae - 6 years ago
Y'all who says this is disgusting, ever heard of sashimi when u go to sushi buffets?? Because you guys clearly haven't experienced being in heaven yet.
ezekiel 369
ezekiel 369 - 6 years ago
Vicente Franco
Vicente Franco - 6 years ago
Isnt the middle raw?
Kim Hong
Kim Hong - 6 years ago
That tuna look soooo Yummy!!
LuckyCharm25 X
LuckyCharm25 X - 6 years ago
People who are saying its raw are idiots! I guess they have never eaten sushi before
先輩 - 6 years ago
Xao Faye thats like saying why grill roast beef or stane if inside is raw
Sm411fry - 6 years ago
Xao Faye
Xao Faye - 6 years ago
Why would you grill it if you want it raw?
ROBSON CALDEIRA - 6 years ago
Jair Bolsonaro presidente para um Brasil melhor muito melhor!!!
ROBSON CALDEIRA - 6 years ago
Jair Bolsonaro presidente para um Brasil melhor muito melhor!!!
ROBSON CALDEIRA - 6 years ago
Massa dê água na boca!!!
Stock Trainer
Stock Trainer - 6 years ago
Your videos are little bit tto long bro , make it more concise.
J P - 6 years ago
Wow! I’m thinking tuna sushi, tuna sashimi, tuna poke, grilled tuna...oh, hell, I would just bite into that raw as is!
Dank Boi
Dank Boi - 6 years ago
Ramsay would have microwaved it
JayseTheJoneser 1234
JayseTheJoneser 1234 - 6 years ago
It’s line not liwn
The chef fooled them, hahaha
Kermit the II
Kermit the II - 6 years ago
I love they way he says line
FREX LIGHT - 6 years ago
That was raw....eww..
FREX LIGHT - 6 years ago
I do
but i didnt like it
Kyle Booth
Kyle Booth - 6 years ago
FREX LIGHT You can eat raw tuna ever heard of sushi before
adam ryan
adam ryan - 6 years ago
Speaking English and cooking is a contradiction.
Ashish Gupta
Ashish Gupta - 6 years ago
Nice recipe
Tom Charlton
Tom Charlton - 6 years ago
gordon Ramsay “ITS FUCKING RAW!!”
Jay Villa
Jay Villa - 6 years ago
you cut like a pro!!!
Kyle Booth
Kyle Booth - 6 years ago
xabier urretxua That’s not a actual dolphin you fucking idiot it a mahi mahi
True seeker True
True seeker True - 6 years ago
mahi in my lang means fish!
mahi mahi means fish fish
and that lang is Persian
Adrian M.
Adrian M. - 6 years ago
It’s raw
Sean K Hill
Sean K Hill - 6 years ago
so satisfying
Gabriel S.
Gabriel S. - 6 years ago
Let me guess before i watch this video this guy is going to skin the fish american style: take out two fillets and throw the rest in the garbage because they don't know what to do with it.
garykeenan31 - 6 years ago
Hows he know so much about preparing fish? Chef??
ian lucas
ian lucas - 6 years ago
Bota legenda em portugues
Rector Dee
Rector Dee - 6 years ago
I like my food well cook im afraid.
pokemonman6011 - 6 years ago
this videos is so satisfying.
Thomas Norman
Thomas Norman - 6 years ago
great looking tuna
Mark Laine
Mark Laine - 6 years ago
undersized tuna!!
Anisah Zainab
Anisah Zainab - 6 years ago
Do y’all not eat tuna raw??
Todd P
Todd P - 6 years ago
THAT TUna looks so dang good!
2baby Te Ao
2baby Te Ao - 6 years ago
everyone banging on how the fish is raw...am i the only one who thinks he just wasted all that meat that was still on the frame..struggle is real
The fan named Olivia
The fan named Olivia - 6 years ago
The boat is named Olivia! Look at my name
Prince Que
Prince Que - 6 years ago
That looks amazing ! My mouth really watered! Yummmm
Nena Braggs
Nena Braggs - 6 years ago
Андрей - 6 years ago
Обосрантуса не было от сырой жрачки!?))
sea band
sea band - 6 years ago
waste the tuna
Rick Flory
Rick Flory - 6 years ago
Maybe one day I can get passed the raw look and see what the rave is all about.
ISMAIL - 6 years ago
Rob's Wife: Darling Our Car Is Not Starting
Rob: Put Some Everglades On The Engine
Rapheal Francis
Rapheal Francis - 6 years ago
USA HOCKEY - 6 years ago
Dude it looks so dang good omg my mouth is watering
dseanmilan - 6 years ago
i used to wonder why no one has ever tried to give you a T.V show. but i realized if you do that then your videos wouldnt be as good as they are now. you have something great. something i wish to have one day.
None Ya
None Ya - 6 years ago
Oskar Chan
Oskar Chan - 6 years ago
It is good
Oskar Chan
Oskar Chan - 6 years ago
Why you don’t eat tuna sushi
Elworth Reginaldo
Elworth Reginaldo - 6 years ago
It's looks like delicious than sashimi and sushi!
MeAwsoME - 6 years ago
Looks great
Isaiah Kittrell
Isaiah Kittrell - 6 years ago
is it me or did i just sea a sea monster at 1:27 but start at 1:20 watch all the way through and tell me if ya'll see it too
Hawks fan
Hawks fan - 6 years ago
Thanks guys. Now I will be hungry all day!
TO96 - 6 years ago
Catch at 2:55
Edward Dergosits
Edward Dergosits - 6 years ago
Fact is the fish would have been even better if it had been kept whole for a day or two before it was filleted regardless of how it was consumed either raw or seared. The difference would be noticed more if the Tuna was eaten raw. Japanese sushi chefs know lots about tuna processing. There is not 1 sushi chef that would prefer a same day caught tuna compared to one that was bled and iced immediately when caught and filleted two or three days later if the fish had been kept buried in ice with the storage cooler drains open to prevent the fish from sitting in melted ice water. It is a fact. Yes a several day aged Tuna is significantly better to eat than one caught that day contrary to what many people think. it would be worth the time to watch the video on this link for anyone that thinks I am crazy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trbl4RNgKO0
Zion Curaçao
Zion Curaçao - 6 years ago
That's a shame , should have frozen the meat for a few days , would taste better .
Afrique Hill
Afrique Hill - 6 years ago
you are the king at cleaning a fish i watch all the time would love to go diving with you
Jason E
Jason E - 6 years ago
I went sail fishing in Quepos, Costa Rica and had the best time. If you ever go to Quepos you have to go eat at Ronny’s Place. It has some of the best food in the world! I had the mustard covered tuna and it was the absolute best tuna I’ve ever had! The sail fishing was awesome. There was four of us on one boat. We caught 30 sails and hooked 1 marlin in one day.
Ammar irfan
Ammar irfan - 6 years ago
ohsom dude
Thanoun Alsaigh
Thanoun Alsaigh - 6 years ago
The first guy tha ate the fish first looked like he did not like it
WriteLantern - 6 years ago
Oyngie color.
Ken Shei
Ken Shei - 6 years ago
Xenobiath - 6 years ago
The fucking thing is so raw its still moving.
Tyler the hunter
Tyler the hunter - 6 years ago
Do u drink ?
cooldude 1
cooldude 1 - 6 years ago
Logan Shine Fishin
Logan Shine Fishin - 6 years ago
From the outside it looks like a pork-chop in the middle it looks like heaven
The Niqqa
The Niqqa - 6 years ago
Is this in suenios
TayTay Franklin
TayTay Franklin - 6 years ago
I love your channel and whaat you do<3
Pastafarian - 6 years ago
"That's raw" lmao you might aswell go eat some chicken. The best way to eat tuna is raw or rare.
Black-_-Spartan - 6 years ago
Owaynge juice...
Sei-O-Lepuha - 6 years ago
Come to tonga and we can fish there
Navagos G21
Navagos G21 - 6 years ago
If we make a good cut to your hand ur flesh will be very nice too...faking Humans
Hitokimi - 6 years ago
To everyone saying it’s Raw- it’s not. The core of the meat was brought up enough to kill anything. It was also fresh caught. Tuna is one of the few fis that can be eaten seared.
Team Estaniel
Team Estaniel - 6 years ago
That tuna is so small
Moogy Banna Hilstopaflingon
Moogy Banna Hilstopaflingon - 6 years ago
I bent over fishing once and a much larger Tuna (yellow fin) just fell out of my bottom. I use that size as bait...
Jesus Barron
Jesus Barron - 6 years ago
Isn't Tuna bad for us ? A lot of mercury
Marius Storm
Marius Storm - 6 years ago
When you are cutting the first tuna it sounds like you say loin
FrenchCrow - 6 years ago
Delicious but too often full of mercury and other heavy metals. Eat it once in a while.
Nick X
Nick X - 6 years ago
That is only way to cook Tuna steaks. Anyone who disagrees hasn't eaten Tuna at nice restaurants.
James Barrett
James Barrett - 6 years ago
6:32 Fresh orange juice out of a paper carton. LOL
So Cute fennekin
So Cute fennekin - 6 years ago
Wow that's awesome and so cool
footballforlife mvp
footballforlife mvp - 6 years ago
Gustavo Gutierrez
Gustavo Gutierrez - 6 years ago
That's got to be the best video u made
GIUSEPPE ADAMO - 6 years ago
Il pesce è troppo crudo deve cuocere ancora.
Abhijit Deo
Abhijit Deo - 6 years ago
How many people here think that Robert looks like Mic Hussy.
ralf norenberg
ralf norenberg - 6 years ago
why licking fingers???,thats the american way???
RAMBO - 6 years ago
So people are just ignorant.  When you sharpen knifes you have to wash them,  people don't realize after you sharpen them there are  fine metal and other residue
David Adonay Espinoza Garcia
David Adonay Espinoza Garcia - 6 years ago
Have you ever considered to come to fish here to Honduras?
FLYBOY123456789 - 6 years ago
thank goodness no ketchup was available... great video and great catch.
Hit00r 1982
Hit00r 1982 - 6 years ago
This is a kitty not a Tuna U american fools! This fish is a kid ... too small! That fish should be in water because is too small!
Time Warp 2280
Time Warp 2280 - 6 years ago
Hit00r 1982 it's just a yellow fin. Perfectly legal
VoiD Steiner722
VoiD Steiner722 - 6 years ago
Con grats on a mil
Blake Shroyer
Blake Shroyer - 6 years ago
We all live and we all die, rich, poor, good morals, bad morals, overt, covert, saved and the damned.
Smoke Weed
Smoke Weed - 6 years ago
The fish is not all the way through that's unhealthy way of eating any fish.
X allthatremains
X allthatremains - 6 years ago
The belly (toro) is the best. Melts in your mouth like butter
Blake Wood
Blake Wood - 6 years ago
Lol everyone says that it’s raw, my heart broke watching him put it on the grill.
FN 2187
FN 2187 - 6 years ago
Well it's too bad we aren't millionaires and we cant do this
Miklas Hintikka
Miklas Hintikka - 6 years ago
Everybody there's many ways to cook seafood I could list a few down but the fish ain't raw
You can cook a fish with salt and smoke
You can cook fish in the oven
You can fry fish
You can eat it half raw
You can eat it salted and smoked
You can eat it grilled
You can eat it totally raw dunno if it's good for you but you can still do it.
There's no real way to cook a fish there's just many of em.
roygbiv330 - 6 years ago
one tuna is at least over us$1,000.
Roberto Catinan
Roberto Catinan - 6 years ago
I really like your knife
Daquan Lecornu
Daquan Lecornu - 6 years ago
You guys look like raccoons from the tan marks on your face from the glasses
Daquan Lecornu
Daquan Lecornu - 6 years ago
I know you white people eat fish like that but us native people cook it longer
Daquan Lecornu
Daquan Lecornu - 6 years ago
Beautiful flays
Daquan Lecornu
Daquan Lecornu - 6 years ago
That was so cool bro do more
YvNg_aLphA X
YvNg_aLphA X - 6 years ago
What makes me cringe is that the head still has meat and in between the bones their are more meat. If you want all of the meat out steak cut it.
GV - 6 years ago
When’s he gonna cook it
Fishing Jeff
Fishing Jeff - 6 years ago
Ur motto is out of bravehart
Running vlogs
Running vlogs - 6 years ago
Vũ Trần
Vũ Trần - 6 years ago
I love your file knife, its my dream,
Erik C
Erik C - 6 years ago
Who disliked this video? Lol
Buzzin Boi
Buzzin Boi - 6 years ago
You've just given 4.8 million people your "secret" recipe
Trump 2020
Trump 2020 - 6 years ago
It’s not even cooked all the way through you sick fucks hope you get sick.
Fire Born5
Fire Born5 - 6 years ago
Well we have the recipe
SmartFishing - 6 years ago
It's amazing how much beautiful meat comes off those fish. That is one fish I hope to catch one day.
RUHappyATM - 6 years ago
Remember a time I saw an old Viet catch one twice the size off rocks, with a bamboo rod and hand reel!
the el man
the el man - 6 years ago
pretty cool seeing papa johns in the video
H恵美子 - 6 years ago
Must be great to be friends with this dude.
Jayden Harron
Jayden Harron - 6 years ago
Is it raw
breanna ferguson
breanna ferguson - 6 years ago
that tuna isn,t fully cooked
thereplacer88 - 6 years ago
Where would I get something like that smoked chipotle sauce?
Jaden P
Jaden P - 6 years ago
Cook that shytt some more please!
Ray Dingo
Ray Dingo - 6 years ago
Thats a sharp knife
Mohammed Hussain
Mohammed Hussain - 6 years ago
That was rare af
Devin Thomas
Devin Thomas - 6 years ago
Peter Gomez
Peter Gomez - 6 years ago
Nice video . Ese pescado se ve delicioso. I wish i was there
Tom Smith
Tom Smith - 6 years ago
That's a little to rare for me.
Gaming With Clare
Gaming With Clare - 6 years ago
I love how he says "Loin"
IrishRebel92 - 6 years ago
those reactions were to the sauce, not the fish. red meat fish like this need to age for a few days or even weeks to give the best flavor. when it comes to tuna, the word fresh basically means flavorless.
arnald bhagaloo
arnald bhagaloo - 6 years ago
That knife tho
Jonathan Hamilton
Jonathan Hamilton - 6 years ago
Found out about you from Rus Jones' Smoky Ribs Southern BBQ channel. Great video and amazing looking sauce. Wow. Thanks for sharing that!
Chef CURRY - 6 years ago
elmer fudd
elmer fudd - 6 years ago
I have fished in Quepos several times. Fish are easy to catch and plentiful.
bulten r
bulten r - 6 years ago
tuna fish stock available. +919489824221
TAEY Yosa - 6 years ago
They know its nasty
MusicforMe123 - 6 years ago
Great job cutting the tuna, very clean cuts. Thank you for the sauce recipe, you can see the flavor in everyone's faces when they take their first bite.
Sola Thurman
Sola Thurman - 6 years ago
I hope y’all hit 1,000,000 subs! I love your channel. It’s interesting how you catch it, clean it, and then turn it into so tasty food!
David Pierce
David Pierce - 6 years ago
I like this guy.
noble latimer
noble latimer - 6 years ago
How many got worms in the butt after this video?
charmnGUY - 6 years ago
People who say its raw, have never had tuna or sushi!
That's perfect, we eat it sashimi style (raw not seared)
w o w -_-
w o w -_- - 6 years ago
bruh, y’all probably don’t even know how much better tuna tastes when it’s cooked rare. when it’s fully cooked it’s pretty dry, but this isn’t the case when it’s cooked like this. other fish are better when they are cooked through but tuna man, you gotta try it rare if you haven’t.
Agus Haryanto
Agus Haryanto - 6 years ago
SUSHIMI.. Very Good
Balrog Cat
Balrog Cat - 6 years ago
It’s so raw wtf
Felix Bohemian
Felix Bohemian - 6 years ago
And where in all that is fish?Next time use Tofu!
Chris Pap
Chris Pap - 6 years ago
Oh my Christ in heaven that looks delicious. Tuna steak on the grill, my God. Can you imagine it with bay scallops? With fresh asparagus, it would be the best meal ever, except maybe a crawfish boil...
Joe Bartholomew
Joe Bartholomew - 6 years ago
i'd eat that shiz raw! looks amazing
Mark Lee
Mark Lee - 6 years ago
i think someone just double-dipped at 7:47
Craig Bro
Craig Bro - 6 years ago
For everyone saying the tuna is too raw to eat, I'd hate for you guys to find out what sushi is made from.
Fitel Inchin
Fitel Inchin - 6 years ago
Kisty Year
Kisty Year - 6 years ago
Big Moose
Big Moose - 6 years ago
So many idiots in the comments not realising that tuna is not meant to be cooked through....its meant to be seared but is eaten kinda like sashimi
David Theking
David Theking - 6 years ago
white pple boi
Kyle Booth
Kyle Booth - 6 years ago
David Theking Yeah cause only white people go fishing.
Команда пайро
Команда пайро - 6 years ago
Him cutting these fish is so satisfying
Jomama/ Joseph
Jomama/ Joseph - 6 years ago
Idk if you do shout outs but if you do can i get one
Kurt Moseley
Kurt Moseley - 6 years ago
Cook y'all food well and stop eating raw food because you don't know what kind of diseases it may carry.
man sense
man sense - 6 years ago
Sorry, not Asian. Looks 0% good to me.
Jacob Pascua
Jacob Pascua - 6 years ago
Ok lol im a noob
KEN Cutler
KEN Cutler - 6 years ago
Robert have you thought of taking some veterans out for some fishing and such as being a Marine vet l miss fishing
Ryan Phillips
Ryan Phillips - 6 years ago
Where is Coasta Rica?
Scott Gregg
Scott Gregg - 6 years ago
Looks Awesome! Asking because I don't know; why do you not clean them all the way to the tail?
Chris Johnson
Chris Johnson - 6 years ago
Good vid but that tuna needs to be cooked longer my guy
James Jones
James Jones - 6 years ago
No way I'm eating that raw!
victorvsalazar84 - 6 years ago
The guy @ 7:52 who didn't eat the slice of tuna in one bite.... I'm sorry guys I should not troll on deermeatfordinners channel. This is the only YouTube channel where I actually feel satisfaction after watching. I don't feel like I'm wasting my time viewing your awesome experiences. You have made an honest man out of me.
Deontrae Sam
Deontrae Sam - 6 years ago
Wat bait did you use?
Arman Amirkhanyan
Arman Amirkhanyan - 6 years ago
Fresh orange juice in a cardboard bottle...
Michael LaCombe
Michael LaCombe - 6 years ago
6:33 Oiyange juice
Marioavm73 - 6 years ago
I live in Costa Rica
The golden Amanda
The golden Amanda - 6 years ago
Random Vids
Random Vids - 6 years ago
Does anyone else think that fish is dead
BunnySnipes - 6 years ago
they all have an outline of glasses on their faces
Blade FPV
Blade FPV - 6 years ago
When you cut a fish, it’s so satisfying to cut.
Gay insults
Gay insults - 6 years ago
If you eat rare meat or rare anything you’re a white cracker and prob sleep with your pet dog. Case closed, don’t @ me
David - 6 years ago
Whats wrong with the audio its so bad
Joe Gay
Joe Gay - 6 years ago
Do a video on peacock bass and give us an honest review of taste and quality
Secret agentjay
Secret agentjay - 6 years ago
The best part of any fish is always the meat on its cheek. Ask any professional fish chef and they'll agree with me
Mike Hunt
Mike Hunt - 6 years ago
That fish is soooo tasty freshest in the world!!
Mike Hunt
Mike Hunt - 6 years ago
Freddy Guerrero
Freddy Guerrero - 6 years ago
that's how you eat tuna dude
mahamoud sayid
mahamoud sayid - 6 years ago
Good tuna
Alfred Aidoo
Alfred Aidoo - 6 years ago
I wish i had sea or fresh water near where i live
Ka Wei Ng
Ka Wei Ng - 6 years ago
I tried making it and its overrated
OKAYYYY - 6 years ago
oh my loins
Jaxen 10
Jaxen 10 - 6 years ago
It’s fish not steak lmao
Kevin Walk
Kevin Walk - 6 years ago
So check this out..... When cooking a pork tenderloin instead of tuna, make the exact same sauce, but instead of chipotle peppers, use Everglades rub. It's awesome! Makes a nice sweet and smokey sauce.
Ethan pendergrass
Ethan pendergrass - 6 years ago
The person in the light blue shirt was inside out
General Zod
General Zod - 6 years ago
I'm interested in getting into deep sea fishing for this exact reason - delicious catches and perfect home meals. Any advise for someone with virtually no experience in this field?
Mel & Dustin Huette Surprises
Mel & Dustin Huette Surprises - 6 years ago
Licked fingers that’s A Yes
Alan Lu
Alan Lu - 6 years ago
pains me to see it eaten cooked.
Strict Kryp
Strict Kryp - 6 years ago
I just watched this and it looked like he didn't like the sauce
I’m just the ordinary May!
I’m just the ordinary May! - 6 years ago
Awww poor fish...but CONGRATS for catching!!!
Cooper Gaming
Cooper Gaming - 6 years ago
I’m just the ordinary May!
I’m just the ordinary May! - 6 years ago
Now it might be illegal to catch really big fish
What freind Z
What freind Z - 6 years ago
The way he says line
Diamond Imperium
Diamond Imperium - 6 years ago
That chef does not know how to cook
Jayden Ramirez
Jayden Ramirez - 6 years ago
The knife cuts smooth
Sam North
Sam North - 6 years ago
Cooking raw shit ya wormy ridden fuckerz
Lil Sunny
Lil Sunny - 6 years ago
It’s funny I’m a vegetarian but I like to watch your videos. Would love to go hunting with u
Miguel Villeda
Miguel Villeda - 6 years ago
"Fresh" orange juice
Ron Dionne
Ron Dionne - 6 years ago
Long ago I used to catch and cook as a guide in Alaska on Alexander Creek. We did a similar thing for our guests. We had tidal salmon coming in that was ocean fresh. Then I went south to St Croix and discovered fresh yellow fin tuna at The Waves on Cane Bay. Tuna wins !!
Annalyn Benito
Annalyn Benito - 6 years ago
can you fo a shark vido
Annalyn Benito
Annalyn Benito - 6 years ago
can you do a shark vido
Ahrry depp
Ahrry depp - 6 years ago
Raw foods is the best
Jared Martin
Jared Martin - 6 years ago
Everyone in the comments probably gets their steaks well-done....
stratchic - 6 years ago
Tuna is lovely but over fished.
Helpahoe - 6 years ago
It’s fukin raw
VJ - 6 years ago
Really neat vid
joseph guidry
joseph guidry - 6 years ago
Folks that tuna is cooked perfectly...In fact it's so fresh you can eat it with out cooking it...Cooking it beyond that would just be cooking it beyond it's quality!!
Erdal Karkur
Erdal Karkur - 6 years ago
zıkkım olsun
Karim Elmahmoudi
Karim Elmahmoudi - 6 years ago
What’s better, ahi tuna or yellow fin tuna?
shinnosuke150 - 6 years ago
Bleed the tuna did you? Gamey when you eat it the same day and don't bleed it....
Uma Chan
Uma Chan - 6 years ago
Those are some mad knife skills.
Ali Keles
Ali Keles - 6 years ago
It’s god dame raw
click click
click click - 6 years ago
se descojona con la cabeza del bicho
Christophe Angexetine
Christophe Angexetine - 6 years ago
Sa sé un bon pêcheur
Dana Hamilton
Dana Hamilton - 6 years ago
Love the vids and I’m totally trying this Recipe at home
Sniper God
Sniper God - 6 years ago
He says wine instead of saying line
BB 46
BB 46 - 6 years ago
Do you ever hook the dolphins by mistake and if so what do you do then? Asking as a sportsman who has only fresh water fished basically.
Some Street Grapes
Some Street Grapes - 6 years ago
BB 46. Dolphins aren't stupid enough to get hooked
Abl Molina
Abl Molina - 6 years ago
Why is it so soft
Brooklyn Alwayslayboo
Brooklyn Alwayslayboo - 6 years ago
It was raw
PlanB 760
PlanB 760 - 6 years ago
ivanlazarevic78 - 6 years ago
Fish looks great...sauce not soo much
Backwoods Raised
Backwoods Raised - 6 years ago
Needs some Everglades and it would be top notch!!
Kevin Connors
Kevin Connors - 6 years ago
This is the way I want it live my life I’m 15 and I’m so jealous what do I have to do to
TheMixedFella - 6 years ago
What country do you live in im 15 turn 16 this year i catch bass in the GBR (great barrier reef) i live in australia
jack kelley
jack kelley - 6 years ago
Is that a cuban deckhand? Ya'll pick him up on the way out? lol
Fire Hawk
Fire Hawk - 6 years ago
It is not cooked all the way
Wici Erik
Wici Erik - 6 years ago
Dnt eat raw fish plz
Alvaro Gutierrez
Alvaro Gutierrez - 6 years ago
bitch that shit was raw
VideoRookie - 6 years ago
Moron in a mask takes a trophy picture. smh.
Zack Brown
Zack Brown - 6 years ago
i want someeee
uhavemooface - 6 years ago
Next year we are going to have everything we need for our first camping trip together in ten years of being engaged. We are getting our fishing license's and a nice grill. I can't wait I have not been fishing in at least 20 or more years. I miss it all man. That looked so good now I want some tuna.
C0C0NUTLYF3 - 6 years ago
Ok so to all whining about it being raw. It’s a popular way to cook tuna for to serve tuna. It’s in sushi and high end dishes. So please stfu about it being raw because i’m pretty sure everyone knows and sees that it’s raw
Chito Hernandez
Chito Hernandez - 6 years ago
Family Goals!! God bless you and your family my friend!! ✌ i love how you live life!
jackie gamer su
jackie gamer su - 6 years ago
It’s fresh bro they catched it from the sea it’s fresh ok jezz
v.4vendetta - 6 years ago
Shit is fucken raw, smh no wonder we having cancer because we eat parasites from the ocean. "Cook that shit to perfection men!!!
linda golanski
linda golanski - 6 years ago
What do you know about nanotechnology being put in our food and GMOs being in our food and chemtrails
Paul Bryson
Paul Bryson - 6 years ago
Ur mom gay
Raymond Tate
Raymond Tate - 6 years ago
I will love the opportunity to be on one of those trips!
The Religion Defender
The Religion Defender - 6 years ago
Is fucking RAWWW!!!.
dali aljene
dali aljene - 6 years ago
pretty sure tuna is suppoosed to stop cooking when it hints pink not dark red , kind of funny that a pro chef under-cooks tuna
assistgang #teamwork an defense
assistgang #teamwork an defense - 6 years ago
ok tuna fish is raw some of y'all it it right
Thiện Nguyễn
Thiện Nguyễn - 6 years ago
Can i have the same knife as yours? It’s extremely sharp....
kaleb - 6 years ago
That tuna was still swimming wtf
Wolfy229 - 6 years ago
Ewan Lebans
Ewan Lebans - 6 years ago
When i saw the colorization in the first loin my eyes widened!
C Da G
C Da G - 6 years ago
u might aswell bite the dam fish after u catch it if ur gonna eat it like that
zipo dipo
zipo dipo - 6 years ago
Raw meat is for animals, not humans.
Dub-step Hamster owo
Dub-step Hamster owo - 6 years ago
E. Scruggs
E. Scruggs - 6 years ago
Keep the videos coming dam that tuna looked great, along with the chipotle seasoning
BIZERKO - 6 years ago
All you guys commenting on the tuna being raw are just plain ignorant. Seared tuna is the best way to eat it. Ya'll been living under a rock or something...Jeeez!
saddyo09 - 6 years ago
plz first cook proper....its raw inside yak
jolina mesina
jolina mesina - 6 years ago
ang ganda naman
Reaper5.56 Xx
Reaper5.56 Xx - 6 years ago
kosaba11 - 6 years ago
I see a lot of people complaining about the tuna being raw (Which is the point of freshly caught, straight out of the ocean fish. If you love sushi, you'll love what was cooked in the video, since tuna is a very common fish used in sushi and sashimi). The real issue here is the fact that the cooks grilled a thing of tuna right next to what looked to be two hamburgers. That's a big taboo in the culinary world.
Judge OvyoursoulvO
Judge OvyoursoulvO - 6 years ago
Now I know how they get albacore into those tiny cans... sorry charlie :D avmelicons with zero fillet skills. ok bodie.
Judge OvyoursoulvO
Judge OvyoursoulvO - 6 years ago
Dear meat, then.
Evan Nelson
Evan Nelson - 6 years ago
Mark Z U C C
Mark Z U C C - 6 years ago
Blacky Boii
Blacky Boii - 6 years ago
M0tu paltu
Chief Papa
Chief Papa - 6 years ago
For the people who says it raw it’s post to be like that it’s called slightly grilled
get some
get some - 6 years ago
To many comments about people who know nothing about cooking and preparing tuna
Andrew /\ H-TOWN
Andrew /\ H-TOWN - 6 years ago
I like my seafood cooked lol I cannot stand raw fish
Sam F
Sam F - 5 years ago
+pbase36 in other words, cat food
Christy Ray
Christy Ray - 6 years ago
You mean to tell the whole world that you don't eat PUSSY? cuz pussy is raw.
pistol pete
pistol pete - 6 years ago
+Ernesto García Thanks
Ernesto García
Ernesto García - 6 years ago
pistol pete do you care for steak, because by saying you could care less that signifies that you care so much, you could care less amounts than you do. I’m guessing what you mean to say is I Couldn’t care less
pistol pete
pistol pete - 6 years ago
+Pac-Man Jones what??
Pac-Man Jones
Pac-Man Jones - 6 years ago
Never eat cooked tuna....unless it's out of can...your fucking it up by coming it all the way through
Nikolas Oliva
Nikolas Oliva - 6 years ago
+pistol pete so you do care for steak?
pistol pete
pistol pete - 6 years ago
+Nikolas Oliva could care less for steak
Nikolas Oliva
Nikolas Oliva - 6 years ago
+pistol pete try a rare filet mignon
pistol pete
pistol pete - 6 years ago
Yes,very weird. I don't understand the West's obsession with uncooked meat
Bennett Chodorow
Bennett Chodorow - 6 years ago
Would like this but its at 69 and I act 12
JS Fishing
JS Fishing - 6 years ago
I love raw fish
Zane Nessen
Zane Nessen - 6 years ago
No dip rere
pbase36 - 6 years ago
Had a bad allergic reaction to my first tuna sushi. It's well-cooked all the way, for me.
Matt - 6 years ago
then you've never had fresh tuna sashimi if you think that. It's VERY distinct.
Steve Wright
Steve Wright - 6 years ago
The sear is the only taste it has lol
george fetters
george fetters - 6 years ago
Why bother to sear the outside. You might as eat it raw.
JewishCoupon - 6 years ago
Fresh tuna cut right from the fish doesn't taste like fish.If you put a bit of soy sauce on it it's kinda like a really mild ham.
Queen_Of_Domination - 6 years ago
Andrew I totally agree! I don’t fcuk with that!
Harrison F
Harrison F - 6 years ago
I was the same way until about 5 years ago.
Edward Dergosits
Edward Dergosits - 6 years ago
When properly processed raw or slightly seared tuna is the best way to eat it. Do you like a well done fillet mignon?
Pack Leader Sally as a YT channel
Pack Leader Sally as a YT channel - 6 years ago
Eyyy you and I both.
dustin reid
dustin reid - 6 years ago
Awe guys. It’s raw.
Raha Tv
Raha Tv - 6 years ago
It’s not will cooked
Jorge Oliveira
Jorge Oliveira - 6 years ago
6:33 "fresh orange juice"??
Fresh out of the fridge right?
MegaDonaldmurphree - 6 years ago
Bill Davis
Bill Davis - 6 years ago
Nice video bud looks like fun serious question though is there any concern
About Fukushima contamination from traveling fish like Tuna it’s a shame what they’ve done

Semper Fidelis
David Riley
David Riley - 6 years ago
very raw
Rodney Walker
Rodney Walker - 6 years ago
They should’ve just bit the fish soon as they reeled it in
LulzSec32 - 6 years ago
white desk for fish ? :) nice one....
Yohance Benjamin
Yohance Benjamin - 6 years ago
why are you catching dolphins...... that is illegal
Haydi Segura
Haydi Segura - 6 years ago
This is my favorite video
Islandboy - 6 years ago
Sashimi for all. Love raw fish.
Shockwelle1 - 6 years ago
holy moly
Matubbar TV
Matubbar TV - 6 years ago
relay amazing & wonderful
Bearrazorhead - 6 years ago
Can you make sushi with that kind of tuna?
Javed Jaffrey
Javed Jaffrey - 6 years ago
Best channel on Youtube by far. Love and Respect to Rob and the family. Keep the vids coming
Yousaf Khan
Yousaf Khan - 6 years ago
What a sublime TUNA !
Tulu Ko
Tulu Ko - 6 years ago
I make that sauce at work everyday..
ashocy XD
ashocy XD - 6 years ago
thats a nice luaine lmao
VanLian Thang
VanLian Thang - 6 years ago
liones instead of line
Bryan Bailey
Bryan Bailey - 6 years ago
JIS Miner
JIS Miner - 6 years ago
The guy said it tasted good and got his hopes up,but when he tasted it he had never felt and tasted something so disappointing lol
Darkshadow - 6 years ago
50% bbq, 50% sushi
Najaf Agha
Najaf Agha - 6 years ago
Four loins the top loin the bottom loin.
Thomas Smith
Thomas Smith - 6 years ago
Is there any markings on the side of the fish to tell where to separate the fillets?
CortoMaltese - 6 years ago
Fist few second, stupid Murican game fisherman Murican accent. Im out....
Morning Bot
Morning Bot - 6 years ago
Its tuna no need to over cook it
James Banks
James Banks - 6 years ago
Cook the food dam
rawed__121 - 6 years ago
Im not really into fish and sea food but this looks good af!
H.P. Lovecraft Cthulhu
H.P. Lovecraft Cthulhu - 6 years ago
This video make me hungry for fish!
Its Talcer
Its Talcer - 6 years ago
It looks easy to fillet is it?
O'Deen Kay
O'Deen Kay - 6 years ago
what does it fill like to get a big fish on your line
The Beast
The Beast - 6 years ago
Gabriel Hjermstad
Gabriel Hjermstad - 6 years ago
What is a loin?
Jay McGregor
Jay McGregor - 6 years ago
I can already hear Gordan Ramsay screaming
Black Hawk
Black Hawk - 6 years ago
I always somehow find my way to this channel at 3am
EDUSA Diaz-54
EDUSA Diaz-54 - 6 years ago
Just by looking i could almost taste it!
Definition_X - 6 years ago

Ailys Saura
Ailys Saura - 6 years ago
Rajeev Raut Atheist
Rajeev Raut Atheist - 6 years ago
I really wants to taste tuna once in life
Ve Le
Ve Le - 6 years ago
Making my mouth water
Tungsten_Element74 - 6 years ago
Tuna does have a lot of mercury though...
Maria Donna Pujol
Maria Donna Pujol - 6 years ago
RenoMakeOver Sg
RenoMakeOver Sg - 6 years ago
Legendary knife! Care to share where to purchase? Thank you
Bejsj Sisjs
Bejsj Sisjs - 6 years ago
Primitive Creative Ideas
Primitive Creative Ideas - 6 years ago
How Amazing Catch!
Peter Rumley
Peter Rumley - 6 years ago
orange juice reduction lol ramsay would have a fit
CAAARRRLL - 6 years ago
Can you eat any fish raw or is tuna and salmon and some others the only exception?
Z-PANDORUM ps4 - 6 years ago
that tuna looks fantastic and delicious
Jeff Adams
Jeff Adams - 6 years ago
That's a small tuna, not even 8 years old so it didn't breed once yet. That is why they're endangered.
Jason Harrold
Jason Harrold - 6 years ago
what was the name of the charter
Cade Mason
Cade Mason - 6 years ago
Great content
Soulo Dolo
Soulo Dolo - 6 years ago
I bet you forgot about this comment until now.
Rajend pandey
Rajend pandey - 6 years ago
The fish is still raw
CeLerY StiCkZ 10462
CeLerY StiCkZ 10462 - 6 years ago
Sad. - 6 years ago
FexAtila fish is white meat so vegetarians are allowed to eat it you need to edit or delete that little comment of yours
FexAtila - 6 years ago
probably cause hes vegetarian and has no culinary taste XD
Sad. - 6 years ago
CeLerY StiCkZ 10462 and why is that?
Npurp x.v.o
Npurp x.v.o - 6 years ago
Might as well have ate it raw
Ryan Loon
Ryan Loon - 6 years ago
It's raw
t4chankamain - 6 years ago
nat bee
nat bee - 6 years ago
love ya videos keep em coming from UK
LI1NK - 7 years ago
should have told the chef to throw a little Everglades on that fish
Hana T
Hana T - 7 years ago
Do stingray catch n cook
Aaron Queaño
Aaron Queaño - 7 years ago
@ 3:54 he looks like a merman cutting himself off..
A.Z - 7 years ago
looks fucking mmmmmmmm
Jon Kiya
Jon Kiya - 7 years ago
What if they it gets eaten by a dolphin
Alaijahnae Murray
Alaijahnae Murray - 7 years ago
y9700cc - 7 years ago
Thats fucking raw
akivito yeptho
akivito yeptho - 7 years ago
To those who are complaining the fish is raw it's my suggestion to kindly watch Japanese sashimi videos. FYI seafood such as tuna can be eaten raw since the presence of harmful parasites in them is negligible.
Ivan Valencia
Ivan Valencia - 7 years ago
I am serious pl
Ivan Valencia
Ivan Valencia - 7 years ago
Please take me with you guys
Here in dunellen nj is noting like that
The Darck Feed
The Darck Feed - 7 years ago
Pescado amigos
Aneesh Roy
Aneesh Roy - 7 years ago
its RAWWWWWWWWWWWWW , just kidding tho
L Tt
L Tt - 7 years ago
web:radiation fish

100% contaminated
read: bond
Queen_Of_Domination - 7 years ago
I’m cool with everything except extremely rare tuna!
ur ez
ur ez - 7 years ago
very satisfying my mouth is watering
linda golanski
linda golanski - 7 years ago
Start Looking At What Matters GMOs kill All Things Please PLEASE WE ALL HAVE TO LOOK AT THIS AND STOP STOP STOP THIS
Hugh Boardman
Hugh Boardman - 7 years ago
I’m going to come to Florida kings tomorrow
Judge Dredd
Judge Dredd - 7 years ago
couldent you get that maimai any smaller?
Onyxoutdoors - 7 years ago
Awesome stuff right there!
Robby Galau
Robby Galau - 7 years ago
Ermmmmm. I like the Japanese way of cooking better. Doesn't matter if u reveal the technique or not. Hahaha
Author Hoper
Author Hoper - 7 years ago
gröFazz - 7 years ago
Why is there people talking in the background but there are no actual people?
MrMimlet - 7 years ago
T.C.J B - 7 years ago
Yanks are so annoying!
Jamal Harris
Jamal Harris - 7 years ago
yeah they are satisfing
TOXIC_PANDA456 - 7 years ago
That looked like a clean cutting knife man
Lilly Wilson
Lilly Wilson - 7 years ago
krideri2 - 7 years ago
Im a year late but i noticed that most videos ar fishing but his channel name is deermeatforedinner
DIMO TSALLAS - 7 years ago
Chima’s Fortnite Clips
Chima’s Fortnite Clips - 7 years ago
That shit is RAW
Martin - 7 years ago
Nathan Scheller
Nathan Scheller - 7 years ago
I thought coasta Rica was in the Atlantic oacen
Pastor Peewee
Pastor Peewee - 7 years ago
Raw Sushi grade tuna is delicious!
*66 Nobody Perfect 66*
*66 Nobody Perfect 66* - 7 years ago
Lekker hoor . Hmm
Samuel Hill
Samuel Hill - 7 years ago
I’ve cleaned a tuna before but it was smaller than the one he caught
Matthew Golaszewski
Matthew Golaszewski - 7 years ago
You should call the channel “wildlife for dinner”
Marcu Channel
Marcu Channel - 7 years ago
Cook that tuna dude.
Robert Carden
Robert Carden - 7 years ago
Tuna is still raw ewwww
Verusht MC
Verusht MC - 7 years ago
Diego Castro
Diego Castro - 7 years ago
I live in costa rica
DeathBYmonkies - 7 years ago
It sucks to think that I'll probably never be able to experience this in my life
William Keller
William Keller - 7 years ago
Looks good
fortnite br and stw
fortnite br and stw - 7 years ago
uh it half done
dwgwG Luckett
dwgwG Luckett - 7 years ago
Raw ewww
Bolshevik Mapper
Bolshevik Mapper - 7 years ago
Rip fish
jet blue
jet blue - 7 years ago
Im not eating shit raw....nothing!!! Especially when I like my good really well done....
John Himes
John Himes - 7 years ago
you know what else that sauce would be perfect on?... ANYTHING!
ESSID RAOUL - 7 years ago
Storm Rider
Storm Rider - 7 years ago
stuppid guy doesn't know how to cut
Virgo - 7 years ago
Its raw if it wasn't for that i would of ate it.
Todd P
Todd P - 7 years ago
I can't even imagine how good that fresh tuna is like that. It looks fabulous!
LunKerZ inc.
LunKerZ inc. - 7 years ago
What do you do for a day job to be able to afford all this
Ray Fletcher
Ray Fletcher - 7 years ago
7:53 the best fish he never eating
SilverSurfer - 7 years ago
Good fish crap reciepe
Christopher - 7 years ago
When you gill, bleed out and gut, before the tuna hits the ice, it is much better, Just my $.02
Justin Nguyen
Justin Nguyen - 7 years ago
The top loine
peter291997 - 7 years ago
i have a confession... ive never had tuna like that
only tuna iv experienced is out of a can
Thomas Shue's World
Thomas Shue's World - 7 years ago
The best ingredients make the best dishes
Xan - 7 years ago
You waste a lot of meat cutting like that, it’s better to just gut it and take the inedible parts out and cook it whole. You can eat the head and the meat in between the bones and everything

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