The WEIRDEST ALBINO Diamond Plated ANIMAL (Super cool one of a kind)


The WEIRDEST ALBINO Diamond Plated ANIMAL (Super cool one of a kind) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 340

Raww fishing 6 years ago 301,744 views


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Most popular comments
for The WEIRDEST ALBINO Diamond Plated ANIMAL (Super cool one of a kind)

Youtube Jesus
Youtube Jesus - 6 years ago
Snake savagely choking down mouse. *casual picnic music lol
River Stone Stables
River Stone Stables - 6 years ago
Herobrine The Real One how could you say that mice probably have more feelings than any of the fish and snakes in this video. And also the mouse population is declining if you must know.
viral video
viral video - 6 years ago
Alba one of a kind albino orang utan in the history
lps galaxy jem lps vlogs and other stuff
lps galaxy jem lps vlogs and other stuff - 6 years ago
Roasted Smores
Roasted Smores - 6 years ago
Gags poor mice.
lps galaxy jem lps vlogs and other stuff
lps galaxy jem lps vlogs and other stuff - 6 years ago
Nathan Polzin
Nathan Polzin - 6 years ago
I thought you hated snakes
Herobrine The Real One
Herobrine The Real One - 6 years ago
Well the mouse population is growing too quickly so, KILL!
lian zhang
lian zhang - 6 years ago
0riginal Lee 火
Irma Grebenkovakerpe
Irma Grebenkovakerpe - 6 years ago
0riginal Lee 9
Whitehusky88 - 6 years ago
Average Joe m
Shariq Kamran
Shariq Kamran - 6 years ago
You are osam
The Fugglers HQ
The Fugglers HQ - 6 years ago
Your a killer!
Haunted sisters!
Haunted sisters! - 6 years ago
I can’t feed my snakes live food it hurts but last time I fed my snake foxy live food he threw a fit and did his little huff and puff at me. Cutest thing ever tho.
Oparaku Kenneth
Oparaku Kenneth - 6 years ago
At the beginning Franklin looks Chinese
Nazaline Monterroso
Nazaline Monterroso - 6 years ago
I thought you didnt like snakes tho
Edlyn baja
Edlyn baja - 6 years ago
Awww cute snake
Zulkifly MUDA
Zulkifly MUDA - 6 years ago
You mean to mouse
Tif Click
Tif Click - 6 years ago
So snake what do you have for lunch a mouse

10. comment for The WEIRDEST ALBINO Diamond Plated ANIMAL (Super cool one of a kind)

Wolfie The Wolf
Wolfie The Wolf - 6 years ago
Not a hater but "We got some mouse"??
Misty Pagan
Misty Pagan - 6 years ago
Lord Falcon
Lord Falcon - 6 years ago
1 like = one prayer for those gross mice
Ruby Adams
Ruby Adams - 6 years ago
20,000,000 hours of snakes working down mice
Cathryn Hagger
Cathryn Hagger - 6 years ago
the mouse didn't even do anything
Shayla Amos
Shayla Amos - 6 years ago
WHY Y’all did not feed all of them
Nana Berry
Nana Berry - 6 years ago
I love snakes but the fact that they have to eat real mice makes me sad
Cathleen Howard
Cathleen Howard - 6 years ago
Poor mouse
deer hunter
deer hunter - 6 years ago
I have a ball python!!! Plus that first snake you held was a pie balled ball python
Daizele Corpus
Daizele Corpus - 6 years ago
I have 31 snaks i loveee them super cute and cool raw you are asom

20. comment for The WEIRDEST ALBINO Diamond Plated ANIMAL (Super cool one of a kind)

Nathan Passenger
Nathan Passenger - 6 years ago
That's just cruel to kill some mice there harmless super harmless and adorable don't kill them
Usha Rai
Usha Rai - 6 years ago
you are a killer
Deccan studio
Deccan studio - 6 years ago
He doesn't have feelings look at the mouse he was so cute I wish I would hold your leg and feed u to a lion
Andrea Perez Dorris
Andrea Perez Dorris - 6 years ago
You guys are discussed
Andrea Perez Dorris
Andrea Perez Dorris - 6 years ago
What would you do that to A mice. I did not like that how you did that
Dulce Maria
Dulce Maria - 6 years ago
Dr. Dog is a really good Savage but I think he really likes you that's why dogs lick you
Dulce Maria
Dulce Maria - 6 years ago
I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kaylana Lyons
Kaylana Lyons - 6 years ago
When he went to get the mice they were cute
waylon Matthews
waylon Matthews - 6 years ago
Your Awesome
Sarawati Zainol Abidin
Sarawati Zainol Abidin - 6 years ago
Ar you stupite

30. comment for The WEIRDEST ALBINO Diamond Plated ANIMAL (Super cool one of a kind)

ZACKDIGERRR1 - Roblox - 6 years ago
I want to have a snake but my mom doesn't want cuz she's scares at snake.
Jessica Ramsey
Jessica Ramsey - 6 years ago
I love snacks I think u should get one I love all creatures and I am your biggest fan ever you encourage me to stuff that I don't normally do
michelle quinn
michelle quinn - 6 years ago
I love you so so much I want to marry you and I am 6
Yahaira Delgado
Yahaira Delgado - 6 years ago
Great video
Rayyan Doomun
Rayyan Doomun - 6 years ago
Like u
Sahara McCabe
Sahara McCabe - 6 years ago
Jeon Jungkookie
Jeon Jungkookie - 6 years ago
Poor mouse idk why but i really love mouse because they're so cute
Merceseds conges
Merceseds conges - 6 years ago
manvik manny
manvik manny - 6 years ago
u should not celebrate some ones death
Tete Iana
Tete Iana - 6 years ago
Like I cried seeing the mice stare down at their prey...that’s terrifying
Water Droplet
Water Droplet - 6 years ago
An albino mouse
Sreecharan Saluri
Sreecharan Saluri - 6 years ago
You guys are rude
Alice Rechsteiner2007
Alice Rechsteiner2007 - 6 years ago
I love watching your videos and I love you so much and I love snakes
Susie Phillips
Susie Phillips - 6 years ago
How you doing bro?
Agnieszka Trabczynska
Agnieszka Trabczynska - 6 years ago
Agnieszka Trabczynska
Agnieszka Trabczynska - 6 years ago
PLS put sąd music
April Smith
April Smith - 6 years ago
I always wanted a pet snake and seeing one eat is cool. HOW DID IT EAT THAT WHOLE RAT!
Gaga Fran
Gaga Fran - 6 years ago
tracy korgie
tracy korgie - 6 years ago
Don’t kill poor mice
Humaira Jannah
Humaira Jannah - 6 years ago
I am surprised YouTube didn't demonetises this vid any way I love this channel

50. comment for The WEIRDEST ALBINO Diamond Plated ANIMAL (Super cool one of a kind)

Eden Green
Eden Green - 6 years ago
I love snakes
DragonKnight - 6 years ago
Noooo the poor poor mice
Hailey Gomez
Hailey Gomez - 6 years ago
Clearly he isn’t a professional snake owner because you can’t house snakes together and less it is garter snakes
Isabella Flores
Isabella Flores - 6 years ago
i thought u hated snakes
Ashlyn_Potato Games
Ashlyn_Potato Games - 6 years ago
RAWWFam: laughing

jessica hoare
jessica hoare - 6 years ago
I love your chanel
Chanthoeun Ham
Chanthoeun Ham - 6 years ago
Your friend snake is so crazy and the fish
Catherine Flores
Catherine Flores - 6 years ago
Catherine Flores
Catherine Flores - 6 years ago
Catherine Flores
Catherine Flores - 6 years ago
Catherine Flores
Catherine Flores - 6 years ago
Andrea Abigail Rodriguez
Andrea Abigail Rodriguez - 6 years ago
Andrea Abigail Rodriguez
Andrea Abigail Rodriguez - 6 years ago
oh my god I'm mad I hate this vid YOU KILLED MOUSES
olga bermejo
olga bermejo - 6 years ago
how cold you do that to a mouse. you made me cry when you poot the mouse in the tanke...
Mary Rodriguez
Mary Rodriguez - 6 years ago
Way did you kill i living mouse
Firat Hulusi
Firat Hulusi - 6 years ago
Poor mouse
neon kitty
neon kitty - 6 years ago
I kinda like mice so I'm kinda like crying
Sniper Head360
Sniper Head360 - 6 years ago
I like snakes
Rachel Hannam
Rachel Hannam - 6 years ago
Owen!!! - 6 years ago
Thats cruel to the mice man
Kyle Kraus
Kyle Kraus - 6 years ago
Poor mice
Dref Gaming
Dref Gaming - 6 years ago
I just smash tha subcribe button and nathing happend
Britany Werch
Britany Werch - 6 years ago
I couldn't watch the mice be killed I have one I just couldn't
MJ BeastModeStyle
MJ BeastModeStyle - 6 years ago
Raw family why did y’all let him do that
MJ BeastModeStyle
MJ BeastModeStyle - 6 years ago
That’s sad
why me dont subcibe
why me dont subcibe - 6 years ago
I have pet rats those poor mice
Xx_YoPsychoAshBish JaDeZ OrOeZxX
Xx_YoPsychoAshBish JaDeZ OrOeZxX - 6 years ago
Poor mouse >:c
Xx_YoPsychoAshBish JaDeZ OrOeZxX
Xx_YoPsychoAshBish JaDeZ OrOeZxX - 6 years ago
“Bro your dog is a savage!”
Korin Robarge
Korin Robarge - 6 years ago
Hey franklin that’s cool
Isabella Fuentez
Isabella Fuentez - 6 years ago
Did you see how crazy the snakes were lol OMG
Jessie Libron
Jessie Libron - 6 years ago
Rip mice
*Snow_ Wolf*
*Snow_ Wolf* - 6 years ago
I feel bad for the mice
Rona Paradero
Rona Paradero - 6 years ago
MICE : "born to DIE"
Lama Bell
Lama Bell - 6 years ago
Slither snakes
shiane acuna
shiane acuna - 6 years ago
That's albinows
Justin DeStefano
Justin DeStefano - 6 years ago
They look like ball python there some type of python
Lyla Breuer
Lyla Breuer - 6 years ago
Rip mouse see u in heaven I love u and how dare u feed snakes LIVE micr
MiniMermaidFarrah - 6 years ago
Look how cute the mouse is at 4:12
Vincent Nguyen
Vincent Nguyen - 6 years ago
those mouse were good why did you kill them :(
little Beebe Princess
little Beebe Princess - 6 years ago
Lucas Vollmer
Lucas Vollmer - 6 years ago
Poor bengey rip alien pet
why me dont subcibe
why me dont subcibe - 6 years ago
They did not have to show us them getting ate alive
Rhyle Love
Rhyle Love - 6 years ago
Poor mice
slime And pet
slime And pet - 6 years ago
Couldn't you put out a warning
Donavan Whittle
Donavan Whittle - 6 years ago
You need to stop mac video
Faten Ahmed
Faten Ahmed - 6 years ago
You sound like your sad
Patricia Warren
Patricia Warren - 6 years ago
i have a pet mouse and a snake
well 200 mice
Bryant Arriaga
Bryant Arriaga - 6 years ago
xXxDarkBladexXx173 :v
xXxDarkBladexXx173 :v - 6 years ago
ugly and awesome :P
xXxDarkBladexXx173 :v
xXxDarkBladexXx173 :v - 6 years ago
ouch  xD

100. comment for The WEIRDEST ALBINO Diamond Plated ANIMAL (Super cool one of a kind)

xXxDarkBladexXx173 :v
xXxDarkBladexXx173 :v - 6 years ago
hmm mouses killed by snakes :/    >:3
Bryan Marquebreuck
Bryan Marquebreuck - 6 years ago
Dog was exited that the raw fam was here.
h Bee
h Bee - 6 years ago
I o most crys mice are cute u monger well not monterrey please don't do it again tho please
Sunil kurian
Sunil kurian - 6 years ago
You must not kill a living mouse
Alicia Huggins
Alicia Huggins - 6 years ago
Get a bobbit worm
Alicia Huggins
Alicia Huggins - 6 years ago
Get a bobbitworm.
Frances Forbes
Frances Forbes - 6 years ago
you said you would never have a snake on your channel
Dane Zenner
Dane Zenner - 6 years ago
Poor maws
Janneth Fierro
Janneth Fierro - 6 years ago
Ruby Butcher
Ruby Butcher - 6 years ago
I feel bad for the mise they are harmless animals like if u agree
Margeaux Royals-Frey
Margeaux Royals-Frey - 6 years ago
i love you
Denise Jackson
Denise Jackson - 6 years ago
Aww pore mouse
shrihan ganta
shrihan ganta - 6 years ago
Poor Mice!!!
Mel Olsen
Mel Olsen - 6 years ago
U r mean how would u feel f u got killed by a snake your Worst anomie
Roxy Space
Roxy Space - 6 years ago
oOf I like that mouse that was grey :/ but idc there’s more
xiaolei Jiang
xiaolei Jiang - 6 years ago
Give the snake rats! Mice are too cute !
Herobrine The Real One
Herobrine The Real One - 6 years ago
And I know why snakes eats there pray by the head first it is because to make sure that there prey is dead
Herobrine The Real One
Herobrine The Real One - 6 years ago
(Even if the prey is 100% dead)
Herobrine The Real One
Herobrine The Real One - 6 years ago
5:00 It was at this moment when he knew, he fucked up. 'Bites the mouse'
Dottie Muffley
Dottie Muffley - 6 years ago
I caught a 16 inch bass once
jakobblaz alt
jakobblaz alt - 6 years ago
por mause ) ;
Nikadek Wartini
Nikadek Wartini - 6 years ago
Why would you put peaceful music when the mouse was getting eaten.
Kendall Pali
Kendall Pali - 6 years ago
I love you
Kryptonite vlogger
Kryptonite vlogger - 6 years ago
every one who is saying Franklin does not have the fastest growing channal he means he has the fastest Growing FISHING channal so stop dissing on the raww fam
The wolf pack
The wolf pack - 6 years ago
Poor mice
The wolf pack
The wolf pack - 6 years ago
Raww fam!!!
lilmommy729 - 6 years ago
Dutch happy music for a snake swallowing a mouse
TheRogueGamer06 - 6 years ago
They re mind me of banana laughy thafy
Maree Pizzino
Maree Pizzino - 6 years ago
I feel bad for the mice they were kinda cute, R.I.P MICE
jhann playz39
jhann playz39 - 6 years ago
I am jhann
Amy Harrell
Amy Harrell - 6 years ago
Love the Boston Terrier is it male or female? I breed them. I have a male and female l live in LaBelle but I have family in Davie my
snack bite extreme
snack bite extreme - 6 years ago
Poor Mouse
DanzPlays Games
DanzPlays Games - 6 years ago
Ew poor mouse soo cute but he had to die:(
Unicorn Plays
Unicorn Plays - 6 years ago
Hi I love u can u plz comment plz I subscribe and I put on post notifications I love u so much
Reem vlog
Reem vlog - 6 years ago
OMG the mice are poor don't feed these stupid snakes mice
Reem vlog
Reem vlog - 6 years ago
OMG the mice are poor don't feed these stupid snakes mice
Colby Clark
Colby Clark - 6 years ago
Just joined the raw fam I'm sorry about your beautiful fish. Love your vids
Jessica Landis
Jessica Landis - 6 years ago
got new fish you inspired me to get some fish just like you got fish they're pretty big wish I could show you a picture
Madilyn Thibodeaux
Madilyn Thibodeaux - 6 years ago
Poor mice
Lauren KALOLO LEALIIFANO - 6 years ago
i love live snake just give a frosen mouse that better then live mouse cause that sad
Olivia Marie
Olivia Marie - 6 years ago
I am sorry but its mice not Mouse
Martha Amador
Martha Amador - 6 years ago
For the ball pythons
Martha Amador
Martha Amador - 6 years ago
The cage looks a bit over crowded...
Elizabeth Duffy
Elizabeth Duffy - 6 years ago
Stop feeding alive mouse's to snakes they dizerve to be alive the mouses
Jessie Hines
Jessie Hines - 6 years ago
Cool but eww
G S - 6 years ago
This guy is always high A F!
MyNqmeIsTaken 2
MyNqmeIsTaken 2 - 6 years ago
I always wanted a snake but my parent are scared of snakes
Madisonvlogs 227
Madisonvlogs 227 - 6 years ago
Madisonvlogs 227
Madisonvlogs 227 - 6 years ago
No f you I'm fine with you feeding dead mice but alive mice no what if you were that mouse and you even recorded it
Satisfying slime Aka asmr
Satisfying slime Aka asmr - 6 years ago
U are brave
Lora Sciulli
Lora Sciulli - 6 years ago
That is sweet
haley russelburg
haley russelburg - 6 years ago
I thought that the calm music while the snakes eating the mice was hilarious XD
creeper gameing
creeper gameing - 6 years ago
That was sad stupid youtuber
Infinite Master
Infinite Master - 6 years ago
I wunt to name the snake a different name... Alex/Zachary lol Zachary
Sean Duddy
Sean Duddy - 6 years ago
The poor mice....
Ari Estrella foster
Ari Estrella foster - 6 years ago
Your awesome bro
chocolate bob
chocolate bob - 6 years ago
Very mean poor mice
chocolate bob
chocolate bob - 6 years ago
Your mean
Overwatch Mikayla
Overwatch Mikayla - 6 years ago
It must of smelled so bad because of the dead mice!
Kay George
Kay George - 6 years ago
Guadalupe Rosas
Guadalupe Rosas - 6 years ago
Your the most me nest to those mice.I would keep the mice.
Little Aizik The master
Little Aizik The master - 6 years ago
Where do red tail live
Corina Quinn
Corina Quinn - 6 years ago
I hate your Channel
pokeballboy 500
pokeballboy 500 - 6 years ago
Poor albino mouse
Kenran John
Kenran John - 6 years ago
I need A snake
hameed sayed
hameed sayed - 6 years ago
Have you ever have an anaconda
Chocolate Chip Cookie
Chocolate Chip Cookie - 6 years ago
I love animals!!!!
Neftali Ordonez
Neftali Ordonez - 6 years ago
You look like an imatator of logan paul
Caden Potgieter
Caden Potgieter - 6 years ago
Mice are cute and you feed them to snacks :( :(
Diego/take me done/Ive girl 42
Diego/take me done/Ive girl 42 - 6 years ago
That snake is cold a cow
Niuniu Wang
Niuniu Wang - 6 years ago
SO sad to see
Niuniu Wang
Niuniu Wang - 6 years ago
Troll Glitter
Troll Glitter - 6 years ago
Do not kill the mice
Perry’s Fishing
Perry’s Fishing - 6 years ago
it’s a barramundi cod
Eunice Raeanne Pagador
Eunice Raeanne Pagador - 6 years ago
your intro is like the same with Jake Paul
Krijn Harlaar
Krijn Harlaar - 6 years ago
Winter Angel Games
Winter Angel Games - 6 years ago
Is it just me or are you copping Logan Paul from the intro ??? Who agrees?
Ellie Lopez
Ellie Lopez - 6 years ago
Rip fishies. Only good memories.
potato wolf
potato wolf - 6 years ago
Don't do it its not nice to do this to mice
Vital Vetters
Vital Vetters - 6 years ago
Møre gold vi
dexter_me norabelaren23
dexter_me norabelaren23 - 6 years ago
Savage snake
Camilla Abdulhafid
Camilla Abdulhafid - 6 years ago
I used to feed mice to my uncle's snake when I was a kid.
Camilla Abdulhafid
Camilla Abdulhafid - 6 years ago
The only thing that bothered me was the shrieks of agony, fear and shock
Xico Ccc
Xico Ccc - 6 years ago
Omg that fish is so sick literaly you it probably will kill evry thing in you pound
ZOE ROBINSON - 6 years ago
Some mice
PRO GAMER - 6 years ago
im subscribed
TJ VLOGS - 6 years ago
That's one weird worm!
Wildlife YT
Wildlife YT - 6 years ago
Albino life
Nevaeh Maynes
Nevaeh Maynes - 6 years ago
I cried because the mouses were cute and maybe dont put happy music when you do that again:'( plz
David Bawi
David Bawi - 6 years ago
Savage snake there lol
Vicki Dyson
Vicki Dyson - 6 years ago
O0O poor mice they are dead cause of snakes :( i love mice and snakes BUT COMON GUYS WORK TOGETHER AND SNAKES NEVER EAT MICE AGAIN XD
gabie unicorn
gabie unicorn - 6 years ago
I wish I had that snake cuz it is so beautiful
franklin mclean
franklin mclean - 6 years ago
It's called pied
Andrea Perez Dorris
Andrea Perez Dorris - 6 years ago
Why would they play happy music as a mouse was Kiddingswallow
Calico Jack
Calico Jack - 6 years ago
from what i can tell in the comments and in the little research i did, youre a terrible fish keeper, you have no regard for any of your animals health or well being you just like keeping a bunch of fish cause you think its cool and seem to strictly do this for youtube fame and growth and not for any sort of passion for keeping fish. people are going to realize this quickly and your channel with stagnate i suggest at least acting like you care or trying something else.
Rodrigo Briozo
Rodrigo Briozo - 6 years ago
Ohh that little grouper is so cool
Hooked On Fishing
Hooked On Fishing - 6 years ago
let the snakes chase the mouse!
Tim Stevens
Tim Stevens - 6 years ago
what is that spot that is on top of one of your bass? I been wondering about that is all. awesome re-purposing of a pool.
Steve La Canne
Steve La Canne - 6 years ago
Pineapple Potato man
Pineapple Potato man - 6 years ago
So uh we caught this thing inside the wild so you go inside the wild I have so much cheesy roasts for this guy it is not even funny QUIT SAYING SAVAGE THERE IS ONE TRUE SAVAGE ITS MINU MU
Pineapple Potato man
Pineapple Potato man - 6 years ago
All this dude is dumb he feeds live mice to snakes but does not feed live fish to fish another thing change the channel name to raw boring fish tank guy and say what's Louis Vuitton and please just stop I'm cringing writing this comment
Ilias Wouters
Ilias Wouters - 6 years ago
Call the new fish zombie
Ilias Wouters
Ilias Wouters - 6 years ago
RIP mouses
Ethan Rodriguez
Ethan Rodriguez - 6 years ago
Albino pieds are $1000+
Ethan Rodriguez
Ethan Rodriguez - 6 years ago
Those are ball pythons that first one is a pastel pied 1 regular albino and a albino pied if you need help with care and everything about them hmu I use to breed them
life2hard man
life2hard man - 6 years ago
actually not all of them are albino

one is albino the other one is a piebald ball python and the other one is a piebald albino ball python (I think not positive on the third one)

P.S albino just means no pigment not white

the piebald gene makes all white snakes
and thats if you breed to piebald animals together
Kitty kat
Kitty kat - 6 years ago
Live mice will be /feed/ to snakes :/ should be fed
Syazwan Sham
Syazwan Sham - 6 years ago
sick tilapia?
Nos946 - 6 years ago
You don’t use lights for ball pythons you use ceramic lights
Mahdy Cr7
Mahdy Cr7 - 6 years ago
bro you cant vlog the camera is on your face
Mick Lawson
Mick Lawson - 6 years ago
Sorry bro but no need to show it very sad I thought you love all anamals
Bayou State Outdoors
Bayou State Outdoors - 6 years ago
JoseCruz Tellez
JoseCruz Tellez - 6 years ago
Not platinum or albino.....
Ejacul8 On me
Ejacul8 On me - 6 years ago
You just do this for views and money
Julia West
Julia West - 6 years ago
sasmkpanda - 6 years ago
Reporting your trash channel for all your abuse to animals and negligence towards them, stop doing what your doing and give the fish to place that can actually look after them.
Dylan Farrell
Dylan Farrell - 6 years ago
i love the happy music along to a snake eating a live mouse
_jakson_ pain
_jakson_ pain - 6 years ago
Next time do a warning for the live feedings
Elise Stephenson
Elise Stephenson - 6 years ago
jakson pain omfg people are you dumb he doesn’t show feeding till he’s told you like a 1000 times so just skip over it
Cassidee Vernon
Cassidee Vernon - 6 years ago
I’m sorry you have to deal with so much hate. Just ignore it. People are mean. They don’t think twice about it until someone makes a full of them.
Puking Goldfish Network
Puking Goldfish Network - 6 years ago
Epic video
Kookamongus - 6 years ago
Bro how big is that pleco you have in the pond
JUAN RYAN - 6 years ago
JUAN RYAN - 6 years ago
I love these videos
Michael Mcthorn jr
Michael Mcthorn jr - 6 years ago
Paul cuffaro is strongest fishing fam
Valente Cauevas
Valente Cauevas - 6 years ago
Every day u say that your the strongest fishing channel but your not it is catch em all fishing
Jason Barnes
Jason Barnes - 6 years ago
Valente Cauevas omg I love zack soooo much
Cassidee Vernon
Cassidee Vernon - 6 years ago
Christeen Smith I still watch all of catch em all’s videos.
Christeen Smith
Christeen Smith - 6 years ago
Catch em all fishing is getting old now cuz he keeps telling everyone to buy his merch
Valente Cauevas
Valente Cauevas - 6 years ago
Cassidee Vernon he is but catch em all fishing is the fastest one
Cassidee Vernon
Cassidee Vernon - 6 years ago
Valente Cauevas Paul cuffaro too.
Bill White
Bill White - 6 years ago
These are my favorite comments to read, most haters on YouTube.
Ramen Life-Brawl Stars
Ramen Life-Brawl Stars - 6 years ago
Bill White ikr I feel bad for him because of that and the fish killing
Hot Chocolate
Hot Chocolate - 6 years ago
That fish ain't albino. Albinos have red/pink eyes and presentation. This is just a normal white lol
Hot Chocolate
Hot Chocolate - 6 years ago
You should never feed ball pythons together
Resean Coutain
Resean Coutain - 6 years ago
I in 0

Like lot more to
Nova Spiderstorm
Nova Spiderstorm - 6 years ago
Please don’t feed your snakes live mice. It’s sad and should be illegal.
why me dont subcibe
why me dont subcibe - 6 years ago
You are right I am allomst cryed I have pet rats and mice
Elise Stephenson
Elise Stephenson - 6 years ago
Illegal?!?!?!Are you joking cause if it’s illegal than I guess snakes can’t eat in the wild either because they HAVE TO eat live and I even feed my snake live
LexRex135 - 6 years ago
Can u relese your fishes cuz u are torturing them
ChrisDaFish - 6 years ago
how many gallons is that pond/pool
Marcos Camacho
Marcos Camacho - 6 years ago
who puts a happy song when an animal is killing another
Marcos Camacho
Marcos Camacho - 6 years ago
true i like it too but at least change the song to make it more interesting :)
Troll Jones
Troll Jones - 6 years ago
Gucci: the name for a luxury Italian fashion brand. You can stop asking every time now.
Jason Barnes
Jason Barnes - 6 years ago
Troll Jones have you been living under a rock it also means good
Christeen Smith
Christeen Smith - 6 years ago
Troll Jones gucci also means good
Ryan Lynch
Ryan Lynch - 6 years ago
Your not the fastest growing channel
Madisyn Adams
Madisyn Adams - 6 years ago
Ryan Lynch WOW
eryljhon dejito
eryljhon dejito - 6 years ago
Catch em all fishin Fan
Catch em all fishin Fan - 6 years ago
Ryan Lynch thank god some one said it
Tom Sedor
Tom Sedor - 6 years ago
should never feed 2 snakes in one tank could injure another snake
Taylor lee
Taylor lee - 6 years ago
That doesn't look albino at all, albino animals have red eyes
Joseph Clouthier
Joseph Clouthier - 6 years ago
U got some mice
Pickle777 Skirt
Pickle777 Skirt - 6 years ago
Fish is lit
chase mazalewski
chase mazalewski - 6 years ago
Your such a terrible person. Why would you show us this. Will unsubscribe
Dutch gamer NL
Dutch gamer NL - 6 years ago
get a big sturgeon for your pond
John Joseph
John Joseph - 6 years ago
Dutch gamer NL sturgeon are a protected species. You'll get a HUGE fine. You aren't supposed to even take them from the water when accidentally caught. It's one of the most endangered and rare fish on the planet.
Hypeman - 6 years ago
That Fish's eyes look like tide pods...
light - 6 years ago
Mate that fish you added is so diseased it’s ridiculous, it’s lost all of its scales it’s that sick
Usamah Aboo
Usamah Aboo - 6 years ago
That is discusting
Danin Beckovic
Danin Beckovic - 6 years ago
Paul cuffaro is The fastest growing Channel on youtube
Alex Mendoza
Alex Mendoza - 6 years ago
Mathias's pets
Mathias's pets - 6 years ago
Fist you shouldn't have more than 1 snake in the same cage second you should not put a fish that you don't know about into your pond it can kill your koi
Rene Olivares
Rene Olivares - 6 years ago
I enjoy your channel I am subscribed but please don’t show a mouse being killed it’s wrong it’s really sad
Goaty Goat
Goaty Goat - 6 years ago
Jennine Rozanski true but some people don't wanna see it. I don't want people showing that either
Elise Stephenson
Elise Stephenson - 6 years ago
Rene Olivares no it’s not sad I feed my snake live and it’s the circle of life that’s how they eat in captivity and in the wild and people are saying frozen is better but not really because then they wouldn’t know how to hunt and it’s not a severe problem if you’re feeding them live because that’s how it is in the wild and people are acting like it’s a big deal and if you don’t want to see mice being eaten the skip over that part
Devlin 145
Devlin 145 - 6 years ago
Awesome love your vids
Gaurav kamath
Gaurav kamath - 6 years ago
Your content is getting very boring and now a days it's also disturbing I am not against feeding live fishes I was disturbed really be yesterday's cray fish video u just threw the cray fish in such a small tank and also had decorations and call it "dream tank"now all your videos are only about feeding your bass which is getting old and boring
Jason Barnes
Jason Barnes - 6 years ago
Gaurav Gaming people eat craw fish at the thousands all the time are you gonna go tell all those people to stop “hurting the crawfish”
Predetor Tanks
Predetor Tanks - 6 years ago
Gaurav Gaming iiiii
Predetor Tanks
Predetor Tanks - 6 years ago
Gaurav Gaming ii8ii
Predetor Tanks
Predetor Tanks - 6 years ago
Gaurav Gaming kkkk
Predetor Tanks
Predetor Tanks - 6 years ago
Marie Grace Balbuena yaya
Jeffery McCormick
Jeffery McCormick - 6 years ago
Gaurav Gaming ok gotcha. I'm just happy there's more people out there that sees though his smoke and mirror show, now I know I wasn't just imagining everything and blowing it out of production lol.
Gaurav kamath
Gaurav kamath - 6 years ago
Jeffery McCormick yes that the biggest problem everyone blindly supports him
Jeffery McCormick
Jeffery McCormick - 6 years ago
Gaurav Gaming I was saying he was irresponsible for releasing the plecos and other invasive species into the canal. He doesn't have respect for the law or the ecosystem and by doing it on camera and posting it to YouTube just proves the fact he's irresponsible.
Gaurav kamath
Gaurav kamath - 6 years ago
Jeffery McCormick I have my doubts that wheather his pond was robbed in the first place or he did it all to get views because he is willing to go to any extent to get views like releasing goldfish in the wild and other non native specied so I doubt if he only killed all his fishes so he gets views
Jeffery McCormick
Jeffery McCormick - 6 years ago
Gaurav Gaming pretty sure its safe to say after his pool was "robbed" he isn't capable of taking care of so many fish. He's really irresponsible by releasing non native fish into the canal that he was keeping at his house.
Gaurav kamath
Gaurav kamath - 6 years ago
- yes he just waste time
- - 6 years ago
BlueFilms Playz He stretches his videos to above ten minutes for more profit.
Gaurav kamath
Gaurav kamath - 6 years ago
Ant Competitors that's a request for change in content
Gaurav kamath
Gaurav kamath - 6 years ago
Ant Competitors if people comment only he will realize if no one comments it can happen again
Gaurav kamath
Gaurav kamath - 6 years ago
Ant Competitors I comment so that he does not repeat
Gaurav kamath
Gaurav kamath - 6 years ago
Ant Competitors I don't comment on all videos I comment on his videos when he does stupid things that's not called hating hating is commenting on every video
If u say cray fish are different if u have a cat and a dog is it fine to throw around the cat and kick it just because they are different?
Gaurav kamath
Gaurav kamath - 6 years ago
Ant Competitors
1- I am not hating I am a subscribers just that I keep my eyes open and question his stupidity not like u who closes your eyes and watches his videos
2- what's the difference between a cray fish and a bass ? Both are life's so it's not fair to give special attention to one and Chuck the other if u buy a fish it becomes your responsibility to take care of it
Gaurav kamath
Gaurav kamath - 6 years ago
Ant Competitors throwing a cray fish is perfectly fine with u?
Gaurav kamath
Gaurav kamath - 6 years ago
Ant Competitors learn to open your eyes once u subscribe people like u close your eyes and don't question any of his stupid acts
Gaurav kamath
Gaurav kamath - 6 years ago
BlueFilms Playz lolz people like u don't question his stupid acts
Eclipse Phantom Dan-Kun
Eclipse Phantom Dan-Kun - 6 years ago
you hatin bro just get outa here
Gaurav kamath
Gaurav kamath - 6 years ago
It's not called hating what he does is stupidity
gabie unicorn
gabie unicorn - 6 years ago
Gaurav Gaming YOU HATING!!!!!!!!!
Chronic Ex
Chronic Ex - 6 years ago
Why do you need to kill a mouse
Elise Stephenson
Elise Stephenson - 6 years ago
To feed the snakes idiot
Simon chases carp
Simon chases carp - 6 years ago
The mouse wasn't instantly killed like its stated it would have been slowly squeezed to death by the snake as it breathes out the snake tightens its grip until the mouse dies not an instant kill by any stretch of the imagination, also I thought you aren't allowed to feed live mice because of animal cruelty legislation atleast you can't feed live mice here in the UK
Palash Gomes
Palash Gomes - 6 years ago
Put more water in
Saucey Tv
Saucey Tv - 6 years ago
Icy Lupe
Icy Lupe - 6 years ago
Get snails to remove algae trust me they help
MAXXL - 6 years ago
G Tristan yea it will get rid of your algae problem but then you wpuld have pest snail problems...
Brendan C.
Brendan C. - 6 years ago
It's a pi ball python
Tim Baker
Tim Baker - 6 years ago
Dont get me wrong I love your channel but I couldnt watch you feed the snake
Ryan Wright
Ryan Wright - 6 years ago
I like how he just puts happy music over a snake killing and eating a mouse lol
Tyson Rees
Tyson Rees - 6 years ago
Isn’t that an albino Midas cichilid?
Ben wants Views
Ben wants Views - 6 years ago
What nice music over a snake eating a dead mouse
Troll Jones
Troll Jones - 6 years ago
Ben wants Views wrong. It was a live feeding.
Ch Vijay Kumar
Ch Vijay Kumar - 6 years ago
Feed walking catfish plzzz
Alex Vasquez
Alex Vasquez - 6 years ago
dzaki pramana
dzaki pramana - 6 years ago
raw i am indo iam like fish koi
Colten Lewis
Colten Lewis - 6 years ago
I used to have 3 panther groupers
Frank Nacovsky
Frank Nacovsky - 6 years ago
Paul is
catfish pro
catfish pro - 6 years ago
You suck get a snake
ski dude
ski dude - 6 years ago
Just saying I like your vids and all but thoes mouse were actually suffocated to death when the snake wrapped them up
ItAlwaysWorks - 6 years ago
how tf has your heater in the mini pond not exploded yet. shouldnt keep the glass part out of water while on guyyy
Matthew Ayala
Matthew Ayala - 6 years ago
Didn’t like the way the employee was throwing the mice in the box
Rediculos SC
Rediculos SC - 6 years ago
That fishes eye look "fishy"..
Kam Johnson
Kam Johnson - 6 years ago
You are hot
C Flynn
C Flynn - 6 years ago
Bdum tss
Spy hacker
Spy hacker - 6 years ago
Dude that snake feeding is SICK !!
Republic Reptiles
Republic Reptiles - 6 years ago
I noticed you have a walking catfish (Clarias batrachus) in your pond. I want you to know those are illegal to own in Florida without both state and federal permits. Just looking out for you bro, don't want you getting in any trouble.
Wrecked 276
Wrecked 276 - 6 years ago

If you want more veiws stop being cringy..whats Gucci? c'mon bro Don't embed consumerism into you're catch phases..Do you not have your own Merchandise? Do you have to associated with a high end brand to be relevant? Do you think the clickbait and over exaggerated mannerisms is the future of the channel? the Content is good
blake murray
blake murray - 6 years ago
Wrecked 276 Can u leave link for vid please
Wrecked 276
Wrecked 276 - 6 years ago
joshua law yeah I'll stop trolling his comments, i watched a video of a piranha school ripping apart a koi and it was like the greatest thing ive seen in my life..
joshua law
joshua law - 6 years ago
Wrecked 276 y r u getting so offende its not like hes sayin anything wrong rite
Rueben Thayalan
Rueben Thayalan - 6 years ago
Rediculos SC
Rediculos SC - 6 years ago you know the definition of Instant??? I get it, snakes need to eat too...But that is not instant.
Tilly Ward
Tilly Ward - 6 years ago
You are right I agree
- - 6 years ago
Yeah, I know snakes need to eat and all and it’s just the food chain to eat live mice but I like it better when people feed them dead mice.
Andrew Palmer
Andrew Palmer - 6 years ago
You support SeaWorld as a fishtuber? Wow sad.
Andrew Palmer
Andrew Palmer - 6 years ago
but otherwise good video
LegendaryPyro YT
LegendaryPyro YT - 6 years ago
He kept that fish in the bucket until it starved use up all its fat and all was left was its fillet
ivan rodriguez
ivan rodriguez - 6 years ago
LegendaryPyro YT lol what?
Figures.and. Flowerpots
Figures.and. Flowerpots - 6 years ago
Not meant to have more than one snake in the tank unless to breed. Smh
Cassidee Vernon
Cassidee Vernon - 6 years ago
It wasn’t his tank so... comment to the guy who owns them.
ivan rodriguez
ivan rodriguez - 6 years ago
It’s what works for me if it doesn’t for you oh well they are babies it really isn’t a big deal as long as they are healthy
soccer player 18
soccer player 18 - 6 years ago
Where do you get your fish from
Leif Towne
Leif Towne - 6 years ago
I am I subscribe I’m a Cuffaro
Boston Celtics
Boston Celtics - 6 years ago
Not albino but a pie a mixture of color
ToxicMako - 6 years ago
666th view

anonymous_bmx_and_stuntrider anonymous
anonymous_bmx_and_stuntrider anonymous - 6 years ago
So when are you getting reptiles like a lizard or snake again
Mondo Fishing
Mondo Fishing - 6 years ago
Great video what’s Gucci raw fam love it
Owen riemer
Owen riemer - 6 years ago
The one snake that yawned is my dream snake
But it is not regular albino it is a pie ball ball python
Cassidee Vernon
Cassidee Vernon - 6 years ago
Owen Riemer mine too!! They’re so gorgeous
Brooke Bryant
Brooke Bryant - 6 years ago
I'm getting 2 albino plecos in the next couple of weeks, I'm so stoked!!
Jax1099 - 6 years ago
Brooke Bryant be careful in teaching them to eat bc I have 4 albino Bristlenose in a 60 and they take some time to start eating
Mr. awsome
Mr. awsome - 6 years ago
Why do you keep the camera so close to your face
Francisco Caban
Francisco Caban - 6 years ago
Poor mouse
Chronos Gaming
Chronos Gaming - 6 years ago
Villiam Yang
Villiam Yang - 6 years ago
Awesome would like to see Cash the bass eat a mouse
Robert Clark
Robert Clark - 6 years ago
That fish was not a spotted green talapia thats a type of chilid hybrid
Jason Barnes
Jason Barnes - 6 years ago
Robert Clark yeah it looked like a river chicken
Nara Ka
Nara Ka - 6 years ago
His room looks sick
joshua law
joshua law - 6 years ago
Focus RSN i no titr
GreenHouse ExoticX
GreenHouse ExoticX - 6 years ago
Andreya M ammm you have no idea about snakes we can see pleas dont talk bullshitt
Charles_da_boi Artist
Charles_da_boi Artist - 6 years ago
Andreya M get over it
Elise Stephenson
Elise Stephenson - 6 years ago
Reptile Kids exactly
Eli Watson
Eli Watson - 6 years ago
And l should know because l am a reptile except l do that to my snakes
Eli Watson
Eli Watson - 6 years ago
Snakes need to eat to so chill out how would you like it if you were a snake and I didn’t feed you plus those mice are bread for feeding purposes
Eli Watson
Eli Watson - 6 years ago
Your salty
Elise Stephenson
Elise Stephenson - 6 years ago
It’s natural you idiot and I feed my snakes live and they do die pretty quick
Hugo Coronado
Hugo Coronado - 6 years ago
Anthony B not all snakes take frozen even if you try for years a snake won't eat frozen.. plus you know gas is how breeders kill the rats ..
Zebedee madness
Zebedee madness - 6 years ago
No neck was snapped in the making of this video. They constrict the pray to the point that the brain is starved of oxygen. you shouldn't feed live rodents if the snake is happy to feed on frozen, as live rodents can and will fight back if it gets out of the snakes grip.
Inkspec2.0 - 6 years ago
They are feeder mice.
Graham Girgenti
Graham Girgenti - 6 years ago
Andreya M it's life get over it snowflake
The Washing Machine
The Washing Machine - 6 years ago
Andreya M it is somewhat peaceful
The Washing Machine
The Washing Machine - 6 years ago
Anthony B you know what you of people I’m talkin bout
Brendan C.
Brendan C. - 6 years ago
Andreya M yet your ok with fish eating other fish. Grow up its the way of life they do that in the wild and if they didn't there would be mice and rats every where.
Tom Simpson
Tom Simpson - 6 years ago
Andreya M it’s nature yes it was kind of cruel but if the snake wasn’t feed to would also die and that is also very cruel
ski dude
ski dude - 6 years ago
Mice are peaty rodents
ski dude
ski dude - 6 years ago
Andreya M u r soft it’s the circle of life is he supposed to starve the snake
Anthony B
Anthony B - 6 years ago
Plus if you care for the animals frozen is better for the snakes safety I'm sorry but if you won't feed frozen prey because the food chain then you shouldn't be owning reptiles
Anthony B
Anthony B - 6 years ago
Accept nature? I do hints why I still keep reptiles but I don't accept bullshit and never will
Rediculos SC
Rediculos SC - 6 years ago
I'm too old to grow up. I don't have an issue with feeding the snakes...
The Washing Machine
The Washing Machine - 6 years ago
Aight i want you to accept nature and the food chain GROW THE F**K UP
Anthony B
Anthony B - 6 years ago
Doubt that snake snapped its neck I've kept snakes most my life ball pythons don't strike with enough power to do that
Rediculos SC
Rediculos SC - 6 years ago
No Franklin...we was not instant.. Do you need to look up the definition of instant?? If your going to do it at least be truthful about it.
RAWWFishing - 6 years ago
They do but they are not my animals and I promise that snake instantly snapped that mouses neck and head
Nara Ka
Nara Ka - 6 years ago
Andreya M could be worse it could be a baby chick or bunny but yeah he should teach them to eat frozen
Gavin Jeffers
Gavin Jeffers - 6 years ago
It’s platinum
Merceseds conges
Merceseds conges - 6 years ago
RAWWFishing - 6 years ago
He’s all soda funked up hahaha he’s a funky fish
Andy Galambos
Andy Galambos - 6 years ago
I love your videos but you should not feed live mice to a snake because it can cause aggression and the mouse can actually hurt the snake vary badly. also feeding snakes in their cage can cause aggression.
Graham Girgenti
Graham Girgenti - 6 years ago
RAWWFishing you the man franklin!!! Don't let the haters get you down your the best!! I enjoy you and your love for aquatic life. Thank you for making my day when I see you stop s video
Andy Galambos
Andy Galambos - 6 years ago
Alex cool!
herp keeper 3121842/
herp keeper 3121842/ - 6 years ago
Andy Galambos and I even hand feed them so they see my hands as a source of food not once have I been been bit and one of my snakes is super cage defense
Andy Galambos
Andy Galambos - 6 years ago
Alex you must be doing something seriously right then!
Andy Galambos
Andy Galambos - 6 years ago
RAWWFishing no problem! :)
herp keeper 3121842/
herp keeper 3121842/ - 6 years ago
Andy Galambos sorry to say but feeding them in their cage does not make them cage aggresive I feed all my 4snakes in their enclosure and not once have they even consider biting me
lucario just for fun
lucario just for fun - 6 years ago
Oh by the way my snake was named Titan
WolfShadow 1541
WolfShadow 1541 - 6 years ago
Mr. FlipFlops Eclipse
The Washing Machine
The Washing Machine - 6 years ago
RAWWFishing what should I name my eclipse cat?
lucario just for fun
lucario just for fun - 6 years ago
There needs to be more blood and more mass Carnage I had a snake before that like you mashup the head first the eyes always popped out
Pengu - 6 years ago
do more vids with ur gf
Farrell Lagrange
Farrell Lagrange - 6 years ago
Pengu ikr I feel like we barely know her
Fortnite Player
Fortnite Player - 6 years ago
The best channel
Jax1099 - 6 years ago
Says the dude with 666 in his name
Baljeet Alhaakbarabjullsekirito
Baljeet Alhaakbarabjullsekirito - 6 years ago
I love snakes
deer hunter
deer hunter - 6 years ago
I have a ball python
Melissa Knox
Melissa Knox - 6 years ago
DropShots ForDays you suck
Fluffy Wolf
Fluffy Wolf - 6 years ago
Actually it can be rare or used to be because it was a gene mutation kinda like blue eyes was a gene mutation
Luke Kiely
Luke Kiely - 6 years ago
First love the vids love your animals and I’m subbed your gar is getting so big it would be awesome if you could sub and give me a shoutout
Parker Dabulewicz
Parker Dabulewicz - 6 years ago
Can u get a arowanna
Parker Dabulewicz
Parker Dabulewicz - 6 years ago
In a tank
Matthew O'Brien
Matthew O'Brien - 6 years ago
Parker Dabulewicz it more then likely wouldn't survive cause. Cash and fort
Shamaren Johnson 5659
Shamaren Johnson 5659 - 6 years ago
Third but I don't care because I'm part of the rawwfam
Parker Dabulewicz
Parker Dabulewicz - 6 years ago
Gamer dan
Gamer dan - 6 years ago
Gamer dan
Gamer dan - 6 years ago
Love yo vibes
daniel snaith
daniel snaith - 6 years ago

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