The "The cat eating raw fish" video is part of the raww fishing, pond category, which contains similar videos like this one.
10. comment for The cat eating raw fish
20. comment for The cat eating raw fish
30. comment for The cat eating raw fish
"Gotta make sure this is 100% rAW"
50. comment for The cat eating raw fish
Может быть на даче летом, у него там повышенный аппетит и дикость
The King
Plus he doesn't move it far - floor inches away from his bowl.
That way it’s easier for them to grab and tear into, a bowl restricts their space to move and frustrates them
Fallen Comrade Eaten by Feral Animal *(+18)
What a handsome greek god
Their direct ancestors are the small African, Asian and European wildcats.
But yes, they should definitely be fed a raw meat diet, it is the best thing for them.
All cats are different, please note.
2) He does not eat the same food longer than three days in a row
3) In addition to meat, fish, chicken and grass, the cat eats dry food when he wants
100. comment for The cat eating raw fish
A well-fed cat is a kind cat )))
I believe it has something to do with just how fatty fish can be.
This is my third cat)))
The cat likes to eat on the carpet. He himself dragged the fish.
Do you have a cat? because, I don't find the crunching sound all that great!