The cat eating raw fish

The cat long eats mackerel

The cat eating raw fish sentiment_very_dissatisfied 21

Raww fishing 8 years ago 62,893 views

The cat long eats mackerel

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Most popular comments
for The cat eating raw fish

Adam Ahmed
Adam Ahmed - 6 years ago
Cats have been living since ages without cat food and limiting their diet. They knw hw much and what to eat that too RAW. CAT FOOD IS JUST BUSINESS
Екатерина бр
Екатерина бр - 6 years ago
Не лопнет?
Reema Albarazi
Reema Albarazi - 6 years ago
This is So cute ♥️♥️♥️
Rioeio Kha
Rioeio Kha - 6 years ago
Who puts fish on a fucking carpet?
Niki Nath
Niki Nath - 6 years ago
Atleast cut the pieces of fish.
Liudmila1956 - 6 years ago
Умничка! На коврике вкуснее!
Тата Коренева
Тата Коренева - 6 years ago
Пока разделаешь устанешь)
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 6 years ago
Зато какой простор для фантазии ))
GamersHaven - 6 years ago
this cat can eat more than me
smegma - 6 years ago
The cat can swallow bones?

10. comment for The cat eating raw fish

anees miah
anees miah - 6 years ago
Does it swallow the little bones as well???
PZr77 - 6 years ago
Fishes get stitches
Monisha Podder
Monisha Podder - 6 years ago
Poor Carpet!
I Like Mando!
I Like Mando! - 6 years ago
I want to eat raw fish
Gryff - 6 years ago
This is really satisfying to watch-
mohammed barafi
mohammed barafi - 6 years ago
good jop cat
crippling anxiety
crippling anxiety - 6 years ago
Sometimes.i feel like a bowl containing a fish getting nomed on by a cute kitty cat I feel I'm nothing important and easily discarded I know there are worse people than me liars hypocrites and many others but I know there people far more grander than I saints remembered for great deeds heroes who fight for the greater good great people who spent their lives devoted to good who deserve to be treated with honor and dignity they are above the rest in what they do
Golden Suga Kookie with Tae
Golden Suga Kookie with Tae - 6 years ago
(This don't hate comment but I'm just asking) Is it okay for the cat to eat the whole thing? Will the scales or bones get stuck in his throat?
Наталья Каба-Нова
Наталья Каба-Нова - 6 years ago
Все,Не могу это смотреть.Если сварить эту скумбрию вместе с дешевой крупой можно накормить штук 20 бездомных котят!
Madlenn330 - 6 years ago
Он всегда есть с хвоста или это случайность? у меня кот отъедал у мойвы только головки... Думаю, что потому что мясо у мойвы слишком жирное.

20. comment for The cat eating raw fish

Xan Peña
Xan Peña - 6 years ago
first minute so how tf am i gonna do this.
Анна Anna
Анна Anna - 6 years ago
Деревенские коты едят рыбу строго с головы)) видно что котейка целую рыбку не видел никогда) интересно что он с живой рыбой будет делать, хотя моралфаги задолбают потом, если снимите
Loki Mochi
Loki Mochi - 6 years ago
Welcome to riverclam
jackson andreea
jackson andreea - 6 years ago
never don t give to a cat fish uncooked , want sick that cat or what !?
Tess H
Tess H - 6 years ago
why did I laugh when the fish slapped the floor
aquaman is mah boi
aquaman is mah boi - 6 years ago
My cat(Rocky, the one in the profile pic) literally eated 10 little fishes in 5 minutes in my bathtube
Speckled Sweetie
Speckled Sweetie - 6 years ago
I’m genuinely curious is it better for cats to eat raw meat?
treesandstuff - 6 years ago
I've always wanted to give my cats whole fish!! I am scared of the fish bones though :/
Suyong Choi
Suyong Choi - 6 years ago
how do they deal with sharp bones?
Sam Steenson
Sam Steenson - 6 years ago
They digest it.
FastLaner 快車道
FastLaner 快車道 - 6 years ago
ASMR at it's finest

30. comment for The cat eating raw fish

Kevin Eldridge
Kevin Eldridge - 6 years ago
There is no fish bone left. why?
Sparklecat_5630 Channel
Sparklecat_5630 Channel - 6 years ago
Cats eat fish like us
Solo Frazier
Solo Frazier - 6 years ago
Isn't fish bad for cats?
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 6 years ago
Sometimes this is normal
canadianlattitude - 6 years ago
Do cats swallow the bones ok?
harley - 6 years ago
i love the way perseus nudges the fish with his paw and sniffs it before eating
"Gotta make sure this is 100% rAW"
UTAU53Yui - 6 years ago
When he dropped the fish on the area mat I cringed.
HH Facey
HH Facey - 6 years ago
if I could bring that fish back to life, I'll feed him, and name him Bartleby ( not to assume it's gender)
SkinVoyage - 6 years ago
Same warning with a large fish diet, especially hyperthyroid cats. Treats I think are okay in moderation, or even at once, but some cats do not know when to stop "free-deeding", while others will walk away form the plate.
Mr Pool
Mr Pool - 6 years ago
hey you stole my cat!she looks exactly like the one in the video
Fiddy k
Fiddy k - 6 years ago
Fish looks so sad :(
Eillyzza Ramos
Eillyzza Ramos - 6 years ago
Im curious. Do you keep his leftovers in the freezer to feed it to him next time or do u just throw them away?
Mike Gallant
Mike Gallant - 6 years ago
Kitty likes their sashimi with the fins on!
A Peryton Of Fun
A Peryton Of Fun - 6 years ago
eating like watching this cat eat makes eating 10 times more satisfying than it already is
Lord Hapu Okami
Lord Hapu Okami - 6 years ago
What happens if you try to feed it body parts of a dead cat?
عالم ونبيس
عالم ونبيس - 6 years ago
القطة المسكينة ما تعرف انها صارت في كل مكان
Макс Яковлев
Макс Яковлев - 6 years ago
Твой кот живет как босс))))
Omar Wall E Sevilla Wall E 2
Omar Wall E Sevilla Wall E 2 - 6 years ago
Fish100 good Food
Enderman - 6 years ago
Good cat %100% soo good
Sumaia Joty
Sumaia Joty - 6 years ago
if cat always eat raw fish can he may suffer any problem
Ashley Leon
Ashley Leon - 6 years ago
He won't suffer from any problems. In fact, feeding dogs and cats raw meat and fish is WAY HEALTHIER then kibble. In the first few weeks their poop may be little unnormal but that's just from detoxification from the kibble. So it's normal but do research to see if your dog or cat could be ready for raw foodm
Ezra F.
Ezra F. - 6 years ago
Pussy smells like fish now. Gotta give him a bath!

50. comment for The cat eating raw fish

H. Karimi
H. Karimi - 6 years ago
Marat Nugaev No it isn't...
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 6 years ago
A cat is a problem! ))))))))))
Recovering Soul
Recovering Soul - 6 years ago
wow, guts and all
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 6 years ago
??¿¿?? - 7 years ago
Watching this cat eat helps put me to sleep and it works without fail almost every time
DarkRay - 7 years ago
That’s A RiverClan Cat, Right?
Chelsie Watson
Chelsie Watson - 6 years ago
greystripe joined riverclan for a while due to his babies. and he was later captured at a construction site and adopted into a twoleg home. looks enough like greystripe lol
Chers - 6 years ago
Aha, but then why is the RiverClan warrior in a twoleg's home?
Cake Quester
Cake Quester - 7 years ago
OMG is used to read Warriors too...those were the days haha
Melissa Castro
Melissa Castro - 7 years ago
This has to be happiest cat in the world
jack g
jack g - 7 years ago
my cat wouldn't know what to do with a whole raw fish
Samantha Comfort
Samantha Comfort - 6 years ago
My is the same, I even given her some and she wasn't interested. (Tuna is different story though)
John Smith
John Smith - 6 years ago
jack g That's cause you spoil em. Start small and work your way up.
Violence Angel
Violence Angel - 6 years ago
jack g mine too
Lance Disk
Lance Disk - 7 years ago
I wasnt expecting it to obliterate it, including the bones. Wow, thank god it stopped at the carpet!
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 7 years ago
I don't like it when my cat brings food to my carpet
Joker Liamg
Joker Liamg - 7 years ago
А курицу целиком, не дадите Персею???
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 7 years ago
Он и юные годы не любил рвать большие куски, а сейчас ...
Может быть на даче летом, у него там повышенный аппетит и дикость
Linette Albarran
Linette Albarran - 7 years ago
I noticed that they say "the cat"
Mom Mommy
Mom Mommy - 7 years ago
what about the bone?
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 7 years ago
Sometimes my cat eats bones but not every time
Mom Mommy
Mom Mommy - 7 years ago
so cute
Nym - 7 years ago
:c I'm scared to feed my cat whole fish like those.. I'm afraid the bones could hurt her, so I only feed her slices with no bones in them, except sardines since the bones are soft :D
*my.creative.eye* - 6 years ago
That's okay. Cats can digest bones, they have iron stomachs and strong teeth and jaws. But I do understand your point of view! Some cats don't even like to chew bones, you'd have to see if she likes them. :D
MoonlightMo - 7 years ago
i was rooting for him the whole time
Giovani De parma
Giovani De parma - 7 years ago
Cats like ; you could of fillayed this fish for me .
My Account
My Account - 7 years ago
This is how people catch diseases and "not know how" Raw food all over your house.
Ashley Leon
Ashley Leon - 6 years ago
Dogs and cats eating raw food is healthier for them. But the people taking care of the dog/cat are not affected at all.
ss ll
ss ll - 7 years ago
hes eating it like im eating a kimbap (sushi roll)
ss ll
ss ll - 7 years ago
nooooo not the carpet!
FlyingMonkies325 - 7 years ago
He's a fast eater, he ate most of that fish in almost 9 mins lol
Christopher Stube
Christopher Stube - 7 years ago
The cat has a satisfying life when it gets so many types of food. It enriches its life and makes it more interesting.
Samiha Samosa
Samiha Samosa - 7 years ago
Great video! I wanna see more whole big fish !!
qoo77 - 7 years ago
Wow even the bones r eaten.
Paravetje - 7 years ago
Crystal Blackowl
Crystal Blackowl - 7 years ago
makes me want to get a fish and give it to my cats
Sun Set
Sun Set - 7 years ago
My bet was Perseus would only eat half.
The King
Don Cresswell
Don Cresswell - 7 years ago
I don’t know why... my cat always drag her food onto the carpet too. Maybe it’s the friction. The fish stays and doesn’t move or spins
Sarah Howard
Sarah Howard - 6 years ago
Part of it is the instinct of finding kill in the wild and dragging it away from where they found it so no one finds it again and takes it, letting them eat in peace
chiko9100 - 6 years ago
Cat: the carpet must be ruined
Rin Tin
Rin Tin - 6 years ago
That makes sense. Plus weird and loveable quite nicely sums up our puss :)
Skαnitα Καille
Skαnitα Καille - 6 years ago
Rin Tin if the fish is bigger than the bowl, or smaller than the overall width of his whiskers, he’ll take it out of the bowl. Or he just prefers to eat on the floor, cats are weird but lovable.
Rin Tin
Rin Tin - 6 years ago
Our cat takes his food out of his bowl and onto a hardwood floor. The bowl is really big, so not a space issue. I wonder why he does it?
Plus he doesn't move it far - floor inches away from his bowl.
Skαnitα Καille
Skαnitα Καille - 7 years ago
Don Cresswell
That way it’s easier for them to grab and tear into, a bowl restricts their space to move and frustrates them
lou b
lou b - 7 years ago
It's the same for my dog :D That's really interesting...
Redbones Honeypot
Redbones Honeypot - 7 years ago
The fish gave it's life honorably...
キョリュークルカーン - 7 years ago
Meanwhile in FishTube

Fallen Comrade Eaten by Feral Animal *(+18)
Rose Ogbonna
Rose Ogbonna - 6 years ago
if I was a cat....

Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 7 years ago
I will tell cat he will be angry )))
Veronica Pevneva
Veronica Pevneva - 7 years ago
Вы не возражаете против размещения видео вашего кота в группе на Facebook, посвященной натуральному кормлению кошек?
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 7 years ago
Наоборот, даже рад. Хорошая группа. Только это кот не так жаден как его описали, у него изо рта можно еду забирать, он не злится. И конечно, он предпочтет мелко порезанную рыбу, но иногда лень мне )))
Veronica Pevneva
Veronica Pevneva - 7 years ago
Thank you for this! I wasn't sure whether I should cut mackerel in pieces for my cat and now I know :)
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 7 years ago
My cat likes sliced fish. But sometimes it's good to surprise a cat
g00gle minus
g00gle minus - 7 years ago
why isnt peta involved in this, poor fish! who is protecting the fishes right to live and not get eaten!
Sir Babz
Sir Babz - 7 years ago
g00gle minus are you retarded?
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 7 years ago
And what does the fish eat?
Rochelle Johnson
Rochelle Johnson - 7 years ago
Her gotta silver dish for a queen
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 7 years ago
Brass plate for the home king
thats if you know
thats if you know - 7 years ago
raw eating
thats if you know
thats if you know - 7 years ago
I don't know what u call it the cat eats fish
Christopher Stube
Christopher Stube - 7 years ago
or a pescivore.
Sun Set
Sun Set - 7 years ago
A Pescatarian
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 7 years ago
Manda Midnight
Manda Midnight - 7 years ago
What do you do with his leftovers? Do you put it in the freezer for later or do you have to throw it away afterwards?
Mr Pool
Mr Pool - 6 years ago put food that the cat ate into the same fridge you use?i just leave it out for them and they eat it later.
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 7 years ago
The leftovers are usually put in the fridge. Cat eats in 24 hours
xweiliable - 7 years ago
you let your cat eat on your carpet? this is disgusting. the carpet smell like fish. i can't imagine what your house smells like. cat people are weird.
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 7 years ago
The cat likes to eat on the carpet. You won't believe it, but the carpet doesn't smell
Trabalhos Odonto
Trabalhos Odonto - 7 years ago
Spinosaurus,2nd food refference!
EnzoTrash - 7 years ago
What's his name?
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 7 years ago
The name of the Slavic god would have suit more ))))
EnzoTrash - 7 years ago
Oh my god that suits him so well<3
What a handsome greek god
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 7 years ago
+Enzo Perseus
X Kai
X Kai - 7 years ago
Soooo I wanted to see a cat eat raw fish. Yeeeeaaaahhhhh
Christopher Stube
Christopher Stube - 7 years ago
My cat liked to eat the goldfish out of my aquarium. It took me awhile to figure out who was making them dissapear.
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 7 years ago
Only my cat likes small fish )))
X Kai
X Kai - 7 years ago
I like you. You really like ya cat man
DogpileTV - 7 years ago
Tasty looking fish!
gaming with marix
gaming with marix - 6 years ago
DogpileTV IKR
Blue The Wolf
Blue The Wolf - 7 years ago
u could hear the cat purring at the start
AD C - 6 years ago
Watch his other videos. He always purrs in advance. He knows what pleasures await.
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 7 years ago
almost always
Greg Eun
Greg Eun - 7 years ago
I think you are giving the cat too much food Marat Nugaev
Mr Pool
Mr Pool - 6 years ago
how is it too much?it's just one fish.
Christopher Stube
Christopher Stube - 7 years ago
I didn't notice that the cat was objecting. He mostly just got down to the business of eating it.
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 7 years ago
My cat never overeats
Superkai 64
Superkai 64 - 7 years ago
Why do i like watching these?
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 7 years ago
It's a secret )))
John - 7 years ago
Rug must smell great.
FlyingMonkies325 - 7 years ago
haha i was like "oh man... not the rug..." lol
Dana Taylor
Dana Taylor - 7 years ago
I know, my first instinct "Noo, not on the rug!" But super smart kitty moving the fish to a place where it wouldn't move around.
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 7 years ago
In the summer the cat goes to the garden and the rug moves to dry cleaning )))
Muhd Hamizan
Muhd Hamizan - 7 years ago
is healthy to give a cat eat raw fresh fish or cat can food? as i know in their natural habitat their diet consist of raw fish
Stella Anon
Stella Anon - 7 years ago
FlyingMonkies325 Domestic cats are a different species entirely to big cats like lions and tigers. Felis catus is the correct name.
Their direct ancestors are the small African, Asian and European wildcats.
But yes, they should definitely be fed a raw meat diet, it is the best thing for them.
FlyingMonkies325 - 7 years ago
not just raw fish but raw meats, depending what each cat prefers but they're a sub-species of Tigers and Lions, so all cats should be eating raw fish and meat really... some breeds of cats are SO close to Tigers and Lions that Pet Food kills them but still... pet food doesn't give other cats really the energy they need and they don't build the lean muscle they should, this cat may look chubby but it's actually muscle.
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 7 years ago
Cats walk on the ground. I think that the basis of the diet of cats in the wild is small rodents and insects. Then the birds, then the fish.
elle hub
elle hub - 7 years ago
Great job, Perseus!
God Almighty
God Almighty - 7 years ago
wanna see "cat eats chopped off human hand"
Mr Pool
Mr Pool - 6 years ago
i can do that video for you.but i need you to donate one of your hands.
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 7 years ago
Not on YouTube
Nim The Goodra
Nim The Goodra - 7 years ago
Tellin all the females, "I eat ass"
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 7 years ago
The cat is a good actor ))))
Antonette Maniquis
Antonette Maniquis - 7 years ago
feeding my dog raw and my mom wants to start feeding her cat raw. is there like a computation of how much meat, organs and bones are needed?
Kiomi66 - 7 years ago
Speak to a veterinary nutritionist, they can help you balance a diet properly :)
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 7 years ago
Small chicken and fish bones, pink salmon cartilage.
All cats are different, please note.
JM Studios
JM Studios - 7 years ago
Marat Nugaev Raw chicken bones right?
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 7 years ago
Liver once every few days
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 7 years ago
My cat only eats very small chicken or fish bones
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 7 years ago
1) My cat never overeats
2) He does not eat the same food longer than three days in a row
3) In addition to meat, fish, chicken and grass, the cat eats dry food when he wants

100. comment for The cat eating raw fish

TheBIGOliveSoapCo - 7 years ago
wow you take really good care of him, he's beautiful or she. what is its name?
DerpyToes _ 24
DerpyToes _ 24 - 6 years ago
+A Jimin Stan Medusa isn't evil, she was just depressed about Athenas curse
A Jimin Stan
A Jimin Stan - 6 years ago
He likes killing snakes right? medusa
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 7 years ago
His name is Perseus III
A well-fed cat is a kind cat )))
Liquid Schwartz
Liquid Schwartz - 7 years ago
Boston mackerel?
Derekdef34 - 7 years ago
its saba mackerel i think
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 7 years ago
I do not know, I bought fish in a store in Russia ))
Red Robertify
Red Robertify - 7 years ago
I've heard that cats actually find fish addictive yet it isn't healthy for them
Christopher Stube
Christopher Stube - 7 years ago
Red Robertify, there is another species of cat in Southeast Asia that is called a fisher cat and it makes its living catching its own fish in upland streams. My Aunt befriended one when she was a three year old in Hawaii. It was about 18 inches high at the shoulder and when she held it its hind quarters touched the ground. Named Johnny.
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 7 years ago
My cat prefers medium-fat fish
Nightbre² - 7 years ago
Red Robertify

I believe it has something to do with just how fatty fish can be.
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 7 years ago
I heard the same thing. Usually, the cat eats meat or chicken. Sometimes fish.
Bobcat Squad
Bobcat Squad - 7 years ago
What is his name?
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 7 years ago
Perseus ..... Perseus III
This is my third cat)))
Juliana Fitzwilliams
Juliana Fitzwilliams - 7 years ago
I heard the cat purring in the beginning of the video as he/she saw the enormous fish.
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 7 years ago
This cat just likes to purr )))
Analog Digital
Analog Digital - 7 years ago
that is a dirty rug
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 7 years ago
Nevertheless, the cat likes to eat on the carpet
BigBlackMan - 8 years ago
hella gross bro
Ava_Likes_ Icecream
Ava_Likes_ Icecream - 8 years ago
Why on the carpet
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 8 years ago
Thank you
The cat likes to eat on the carpet. He himself dragged the fish.
Ava_Likes_ Icecream
Ava_Likes_ Icecream - 8 years ago
Also your cat is adorable
Jake OZ
Jake OZ - 8 years ago
I feel weirdly satisfied with the crunching sounds....
Cat Barlow- plays roblox- draw showing
Cat Barlow- plays roblox- draw showing - 6 years ago
[Loli] Queen
[Loli] Queen - 6 years ago
Jake OZ asmr ...
Blooper_Doop .
Blooper_Doop . - 7 years ago
Watch asmr
Lord Hapu Okami
Lord Hapu Okami - 7 years ago
OZ, I don't think the fish (or the other fish) share your feeling.
Do you have a cat? because, I don't find the crunching sound all that great!
raven dark heart
raven dark heart - 7 years ago
It satisfies me to watch them eat the fish inside and out and hear the crunching sounds.
Trabalhos Odonto
Trabalhos Odonto - 7 years ago
I too!And cat sound much with his yummy sound!
Anish-gaming YT
Anish-gaming YT - 7 years ago
Jake OZ same
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 8 years ago
Cat feels the same )))
Deepa Lall
Deepa Lall - 8 years ago
That is one spoiled kitty! Please take care of him.
Marat Nugaev
Marat Nugaev - 8 years ago
Do not worry.! The cat is in good hands.
Z ER - 8 years ago

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